




问它们盖住的面积是( )?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:53解析:边长为6的正方形面积为36.边长为5的正方形的面积为25.重叠的正方形边长为3.面积为9.36+25-9=52.边长为2的正方形里只有面积为1的小正方形没算.答案是52+1=532、四(2)班学生对英语、语文、数学三门功课中至少有一门感兴趣。



求全班( ) 人。

题型:填空题难度:正确答案:58解析:三阶容斥:单单-双双+三三=总人数(适用于每人至少参加一项时的情况)38+32+28-19-15-13+7=58人3、粮库里有860吨粮食.19辆同样的汽车5次拉走380吨.照这样计算.剩下的粮食要6次拉完.需要增加()辆同样的汽车?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:1解析: 380除以5除以19等于4吨.剩下860-380=480吨粮食.480除以4除以6等于20辆车.20-19=1辆车。

4、一次考试满分100分.5位同学平均分是90分.且各人得分是不相同的整数.已知得分最少的人得了75分.那么.第三名同学至少得了( )分?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:89解析:要使第三名得分最少.则第一名和第二名的得分尽可能的高.分别为100.99.则第三名和第四名共得450-100-99-75=176分.176=89+875、用竹篱笆围成一个面积为48平方米的长方形菜园.长方形的长和宽都是整米数.为节省材料.所用竹篱笆最短是( )米?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:28解析:积一定.两个数越接近和越小。





A.救灾方面 B.宠物 C.熊猫 D. 放生 E.敬礼男孩-朗铮2.听对话的选择题(把A。














”主要是要表明什么意思?(7分. A益有戏 B. 益无戏 C. 戏有益 D. 戏无益六、(看图)有两个沙漏。







模拟面谈5 学生版

模拟面谈5 学生版


(每小题3分)A B CD E F1.__________2.__________3.__________4__________5__________二、听对话,回答问题。

(每小题3分)1. A. Nine. B. Ten . C. Eleven.2. A. In this city. B. In a small village. C. In a small town.3. A. He likes the copy.B. He doesn’t want to buy the last copy.C. He doesn’t have enough money.4. A. To join a club. B. To stay at home. C. To visit a place.5. A. It’s good to watch TV.B. It’s a waste of time to watch TV.C. It’s bad to watch TV.三、听短文,选择正确答案。

(每题4分,共20分)( ) 1. What’s the letter about?A. A survey about the student’s health.B. A survey about the student’s studies.C. A survey about the student’s way to studies.( )2. How many students like watching TV or playing computer games?A. 30B. 25C. 20( )3. Who often helps do the housework at home?A. 8 boy students.B. 8 girl students.C. 12 girl students.( )4. Which is not a proper way to relax according to the speaker?A. Listening to musicB. Doing the housework.C. Watching TV .( )5. Why does Chen Ping think taking exercise is good?A. Because it can rest the bodies and it ’s good for the studies.B. Because it ’s popular all over the world.C. Because it ’s good for building up our legs and lungs.第二部分:综合部分(50分)1.下列古都哪个被称为“六朝古都”:( )A.洛阳B.西安C.南京D.北京2.在《水浒传》中“怒杀阎婆惜”的是() A 、林冲 B 、宋江 C 、鲁智深 D 、高俅3.“山城”是我国哪座城市的雅号?( )A.洛阳B.西安C.重庆D.福州4.著名的<<进行曲>>的作者是谁?( )A.刘天华B.阿炳C.聂耳D.冼星海5、162478×2.375-1954÷152+122854×4.75=( )。



2017年深外人机模拟测试五〔总分100分〕数学:1、用棋子摆出以下一组“口”字,按照这种方法摆下去,则摆第n个“口”字需用棋子( )A.4n枚 B.(4n-4)枚C.(4n+4)枚D.n2枚题型:单项选择题难度:正确答案:A解析:第N个有4N枚棋子2、填在下面各正方形中的四个数之间都有相同的规律,根据此规律,m 的值是〔〕A.38 B.52 C.66 D.74题型:填空题难度:正确答案:D解析:M等于另外两个对角的数相乘减去与M相对的数3、小王利用电脑设计了一个计算程序,输入和输出的数据如下表:输入…1 2 3 4 5 …输出…1/2 2/5 3/10 4/17 5/26 …那么,当输入数据是8时,输出的数据是〔〕A 8/61B 8/63C 8/65D 8/67题型:单项选择题难度:正确答案:C解析:输入的是N,分子就是N,分母是N的平方加14、根据以下图中图形的排列规律,请问右下角应该填〔〕题型:填空题难度:正确答案:D解析:三角形,圆,正方形,从上到下依次顺时针转动~所以选D5、小明前几次数学测验的平均成绩是84分,这次要考100分,才能把平均成绩提高到86分,这是他第( )几次测验.题型:填空题难度:正确答案:8或八解析:〔100-84〕÷〔86-84〕=86、一个植树小组植树:如果每人栽5棵,还剩14棵;如果每人栽7棵,就缺4棵,这个植树小组有( )人.题型:填空题难度:正确答案:9或九解析:(14+4)÷(7-5)=97、一辆汽车从A地到B地,假设以每小时10千米的速度,则提前2小时到达;假设以每小时8千米的速度,则迟到3小时,求A、B两地相距( )千米.题型:填空题难度:正确答案:200解析:(10×2+8×3)÷(10-8)=22(小时〕〔22-2〕×10=200〔千米〕语文:1、下面歇后语有误的一项是〔〕B.杨志买宝刀--哪知是计题型:单项选择题难度:正确答案:B解析:此题正确答案为B。






1. What time is it now?A. 6:40B. 7:15C. 7:452. What does the man think about the woman’s hat?A. It’s very good.B. He likes the style of it.C. It doesn’t go well with her dress.3. How did the man hear about the accident?A. From Mary.B. In the newspaper.C. On the television.4. What does the man mean?A. The woman should go away.B. He will go closer to the woman.C. He can hear the woman very well.5. What can we know from the conversation?A. The woman doesn’t like orange juice.B. The man was looking for orange juice.C. The man broke the container of the orange juice.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。





上星期天李华在红星电影院看了电影《音乐之声》.Q1:When and where did Li Hua see the film The Sound of Music?——-He saw it at the Red Star Cinema last Sunday.Q2: What did he think of it? —-—He thought it was wonderful。



Q1:How long has Mr. Smith been away from London? —--He’s been away from London for about 3months。

Q2: When will he come back? ---He’ll come back in a week。


王先生的业余爱好是集邮.自2000年以来,他已收集了3000多枚邮票.Q1:What is Mr。

Wang’s hobby?——-His hobby is collecting stamps。

Q2: How many stamps has he collected since2000?-—-He has collected more than 3000 stamps since 2000。

4. 你喜欢看电影,每个月去看一次电影。

Q1: What do you like doing?--—I like watching films.Q2:How often do you go to the cinema?—-—I go to the cinema once a month。



Q1: Where did you go shopping yesterday?--—I went shopping in the centre of the city yesterday。



深圳外国语学校人机考试第二次模拟您的姓名:身份证号:How to be a student leader? (思考2分钟回答1分钟)&#xe648;选择文件1.甲乙二人共同完成242个机器零件。

甲做一个零件要6分钟,乙做一个零件要 5分钟。

完成这批零件时,乙做了多少个零件?2.把()种颜色的球各8 个放在一个盒子里,至少取出 4 个球,可以保证取到两个颜色相同的球。

A.2B.3C.43. 参加兴趣班的学生中,最大的 12 岁,最小的6 岁,最多从中挑选()名学生,就一定能找到年龄相同的两名同学。


A.17B.9C.45. 下列加点字注音没有错误的一项是()A.商酌(zhuó)譬如(bì)迸溅(bìng)忍俊不禁(jīn)B.挑逗(tiǎo)忏悔(chàn)吞噬(shì)颠沛流离(pèi)C.涉足(shè)辜负(gū)颤抖(zhàn)血气方刚(xiě)D.炽热(zhì)轮廓(guò)烧灼(zhuó)忧心忡忡(zhǒng)6. 中华民族的摇篮是:A. 黑龙江流域B. 松花江流域C. 黄河流域D. 长江流域7.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()A.妥帖绎路徒峭悔人不倦B.遗撼矜持服侍海市唇楼C.渺小瞬息怀恋语无伦次D.凛洌闲暇稠密珊珊来迟8.下列句子没有语病的一项是()A.叶圣陶先生关于写文章要简洁的观点,对你有启发吗?B.斯科特在生命的最后一刻,给英国公众写的一封绝命书。











你将会听到五段对话,每段对话对应一个问题,选择问题的最佳答案(每小题4分)男生:whatareyougoingtodotomorrow?女生:I’mgoingtothezoointhemorningandgotovisitmyteacherintheahternoon Question:whatisthewomangoingtodointheafternoon?A、sheisgoingtothezooB、sheisgoingtovisitherfriends.C、sheisgoingtovisitherteacher.D、shewillstayathome.2、大意为:男生刚购买一套房子,女士询问可否带他参观下。






市外英语模拟选拔考试题姓名:_______________ 得分:________________第一部分:英语部分(50’)一.选择题(20’)1.–Dad, when will you be free? You agree to go to the seaside with me four daysago.I am sorry,Jean, but I think I will have a ________holiday soon.A. four-daysB. four-dayC. four daysD. four day2. ______ of the information about the show ______ downloaded from the Internet.A. Three-fourths; wereB. Three-fourths; wasC. Third-fourths; wereD. Third-fourths; was3. In winter, people usually keep flowers in their houses to ______ them against thecold.A. produceB. provideC. protectD. prevent4. Mother told me ______ in bed because it’s bad for eyes.A. don’t readB. not to readC. not readD. to not read5. It is difficult for u s to learn a lesson in life ____ we’ve actually had that lesson.A. whenB. afterC. sinceD. until6. There are only ______ new words in the passage, but I know ______ of them.A. a little; noneB. a few; noneC. little; allD. few; all7. The principal is not here, and you’d better call him _____ 3 p.m. ______ 5 p.m.tomorrow.A. between; andB. from; andC. from; toD. between; to8. —Boys and girls, please ______ your compositions after class.—Oh, my God! I ______ it at home.A. hand in; forgotB. hand in; leftC. give out; forgotD. hand out; left9. —I’m going to Sanya for my holiday. I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive there.— OK. ________A. It’s very kind of you.B. I wish you good luck.C. Have a good time.D. Thanks.10. Coal burning _________ a lot of smoke and pollutes our air.A. gives offB. gives upC. gives awayD. gives in二.完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Some countries are better than others at looking after the environment. In Europe, Germany and the northern European 31 work very hard to improve the environment. People in countries such as Germany put their garbage into 32 bags—paper in one bag, plastic in another bag, etc. The garbage is then 33 and, if possible, recycled. CFCs (chlorofluro-carbons), chemicals which are found in refrigerators and aerosol cans, are not 34 . There are laws 35 don’t allow people to burn 36 coal.In the 37 , as people learnt more about environmental problems, the ―Green‖ movement began and soon spread all over Europe. The ―Green‖ movement tries 38 governments to think 39 about the environment and how to look after it. It 40 information about how industry is damaging the environment and gives this information to newspapers.1. A. cities B. people C. countries D. leaders2. A. the same B. the big C. hard D. different3. A. brought away B. taken away C. used up D. found out4. A. forbidden B. being allowed C. allowed D. mentioned5. A. who B. in which C. that D. what6. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. a lot of7. A. 1100s B. 1970s C. 2010s D. 2020s8. A. to make B. to teach C. to have D. to get9. A. hardly B. seriously C. highly D. differently10. A. gives B. collects C. brings D. writes三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)AThe Ministry of Education reportedly plans to make school admission(许可)age more flexible. As part of the reform program, it will allow primary schools to enroll students aged under 6, the country’s present age of admission. Whi le some people applaud it, this might not necessarily be a helpful revision.Once the current six-year-old limitation is cancelled(取消), no parents will want to send their children to school at that age while other children enter school at younger age. As a result, Chinese children will have to go to school increasingly early.The earlier they are sent to school, the less freedom young children will enjoy. They will be thrown into endless examinations. While their heads become filled with knowledge, their simple happiness will decrease. This is harmful for their growth, especially when they are thrown into the rigors of a curriculum before they are five years old.In countries such as Germany and Australia, parents all hope to send their children to school at an older age when they have developed more fully physically and psychologically.The current fixed schooling age is an effective mechanism to protect children against harm brought on by early schooling. If it is broken, Chinese children might again face a more stressful childhood.1. Currently in China, children of ______ or older than _________ can go to primary school.A. 7;7B. 6;6C. 5;5D. 4;42. If the current six-year-old limitation is cancelled, ________ will send their childrenaged under 6 to primary school.A. no parentsB. perhaps all parentsC. only some parentsD. maybe a half of the parents3. The children will enjoy if they go to school earlier.A. themselvesB. more freedomC. less freedomD. less love4. If the children go to school at an older age, they will ________________.A. love their parents betterB. learn more foreign languagesC. violate the rules of the school more easilyD. develop better in body and thought5. According to the passage, the writer .A. doesn’t care how old a child goes to schoolB. doesn’t agree the children to go to school younger than 6C. suggests the Ministry of Education carry out the new programD. thinks that China should not follow the western countriesBStopping SmokingThe Shanghai Regulations on Smoking Control in Public Places(上海市公共场所控烟条例) took effect(作用) on March 1, 2010. Smoking have been banned(禁止) in the city’s kindergartens, schools, hospitals, stadiums, public service areas, shopping malls, libraries, theaters and museums, among other places, and violators will be fined.But the public and media are not optimistic(乐观) about the implementation(实施) of the regulations.To make the regulations really effective, basic power comes from passive smokers. The aim of the regulations is to protect their health rights, and passive smokers in turn, it is hoped, will take action to safeguard those rights by applying the regulations.But few non-smokers are ready to stand up to fight against smoking because they are not confident about stopping the smokers. They understand the power of individuals(个人) is limited.If they can form nongovernmental organizations, the situation will change. I believe many individuals, including non-smokers and passive smokers, will actively take part in organized fight against smoking.To this end, when legal powers do not cover all public places, nongovernmental organizations will be an effective power in fighting against smoking.6. The Shanghai Regulations on Smoking Control in Public Places ___________.A. has not taken effectB. has taken effect for nearly two monthsC. doesn’t take effect in the bookshopD. encourages people to smoke7. Many people in Shanghai think that the Regulations ________________.A. are uselessB. will not do wellC. are not reasonableD. are for rich people8. What does passive smokers mean?A. 曾经吸烟者B. 被动吸烟者C. 年老吸烟者D. 吸烟传递者9. Why do so many non-smokers not safeguard their rights?A. Because they like to smell cigarette.B. Because they don’t have the rights to stop other people smoking.C. Because they don’t know the regulations.D. Because they think the power of each person is small.10. _____________ will play an important role in fighting against smoking.A. Teachers and studentsB. Mothers and childrenC. The public and mediaD. Nongovernmental organizationsCToday I will make a speech on zoos. Many people think zoos are cruel and have no place in the modern world. It is my own opinion that zoos, although not perfect, dohave a useful function. Firstly, zoos are places of education. Zoos can help children to appreciate nature. Furthermore, research into animal behavior is done in zoos and has increased our knowledge of zoology, genetics and even psychology. Above all, zoos can protect the future of many species of animal. Many species today are in danger of extinction(灭绝), and thanks to zoos, they have a chance of survival. Opponents of zoos say that they are cruel. First of all, they argue zoos cannot recreate the environment in which animals live and because of this, animals are bored and depressed. Secondly, animals have frequent contact with human visitors, which can be stressful. However, in my opinion, most zoos have improved recently. It is now quite rare to see animals in cages, and most zoos try hard to recreate the environments in which different animals live. In conclusion, although zoos are not a perfect environment for animals, I believe that they have more advantages than disadvantages. In an ideal world, zoos would not be necessary. But as long as man hunts animals for profit and destroys their environments, zoos are essential.11. What is the most important function of zoos according to the writer?A. Educating children.B. Saving rare animals.C. Recreating an environment.D. Making a profit.12. Why are some people against zoos?A. Animals make visitors stressful.B. Animals must live their lives in cages.C. Animals can feel bored and sad.D. Animals are in danger of extinction.13. What does the writer think of zoos?A. They are still useful and necessary.B. They have more disadvantages than advantages.C. They are a perfect environment for animals.D. They are recreative places for animals.14. Many animal species can remain because _______________.A. they live in the zoosB. children help themC. they can see other animals in the zoosD. the animals are cruel15. Most zoos are ______________.A. getting worse and worseB. getting smaller and smallerC. getting better and betterD. more and more popular16. It’s ___________ to ke ep the animals live in the cages according to the passage.A. safeB. creativeC. necessaryD. cruelD阅读下面一篇文章,从每小题所给出的A、B、C、D中找出第二至第五段各段的最恰当的大意。



2017 深圳小升初英语模拟题一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。

(5 分)1.A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather2.A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter3.A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair4.A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy5.A. the B. near C. behind D. on二、词汇。

(5 分)根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。

1.--- Thank you very much! --- With p .2.W comes after Tuesday.3.What do you have for b .4.This is Peter's e life.5.F is the second month of a year.三、选词填空。

(5 分)用 at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from 填空。

1.What's the weather in Shanghai?2.A storm is coming South China Sea.3.Here's the weather report tomorrow.4.Mr. Smith has many pigs his farm.5.Father is cleaning his car the house.6.I get up six o'clock in the morning.7.We are eating dinner the table.8.It's raining. We can watch TV home.9.What can I do you?10.It's five twelve in the morning.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。



深圳外国语学校 2017 年初一新生入学能力评估人机对话综合能力试题及解析说明:1.所有试题内容由蓝天老师根据蓝天学员口述内容进行编辑,答案也是根据学生描述的内容推测得出。




A. 朗读一篇关于How to be a student leader. 的文章。

关键句:Congratulations! There are 3 steps to be a leader. (40s 准备)B. 问答:Q1. How many steps are mentioned? (3)Q2. What’s the main idea of this passage? (How to be a good student leader.)C. 口语:Q3. Do you want to be a school leader? Why or why not? Give at least 2 reasons. (45秒答题)二、听力。

听 4 段对话,回答问题。

1-9 听对话,各回答1 个问题1. 对话内容:关于考试,问感受, 与之前题相比similarM: How about the exam?W: It is similar as the exam I took before.Q: How do you feel about the exam?A. SadB. NervousC. Confident2. 对话内容:从office 到airport。

(关键信息点如下)M: How will you go to the airport?W: It will take me 30 mi nutes by airbus, but I don’t have that much time.M: You can take a taxi.W: I think I have no choice.Q: How will the woman probably go to the airport?A. By subwayB. By airport ExpressC. By taxi3. 对话内容:关键词为house, shake。




A.15,49B.16,48C.17,47题型:填空题难度:正确答案:A解析:8×2-1=15人7×7=49人2、观察以下各式:计算:3×(1×2+2×3+3×4+…+99×100)=〔〕A.97×98×99 B.98×99×100 C.99×100×101 D.100×101×102题型:单项选择题难度:正确答案:C解析:1×2+2×3+3×4+…+99×100=3×〔1×2+2×3+3×4+…+99×100〕=99×100×1013、根据以下图的规律,请问第一幅图中右下角应该画什么图形?〔〕A.aB.bC.cD.d题型:单项选择题难度:正确答案:A解析:小图形位置分别是里面、相交、外面;且小图形围绕大图形顺时针变化4、船在流水中逆水前进,途中一个救生圈不小心掉入水中,一小时后船员才发现并调头追赶。










深圳外国语学校2016—2017第一学期阶段测试初一英语试卷命题人:初二英语备课组审题人:初二英语备课组Part One: Listening Test (15%)I. Listen to the short conversation between two speakers, and choose the correct answer. The conversations will he read once only. (10*0.5=5’)1. What did Bruce use to like?A. VolleyballB. Music.C. Sports.2. Who runs fastest?A. Mike.B. Peter.C. Wang Hai.3. What do they want to be?A. Soldiers.B. Policemen.C. Doctors,4. What place might Li Mei go on a vacation?A. Harbin。

B. Beijing.C. Guangzhou.5. What's Peter going to do?A. Going to play games.B. Going to do some schoolwork.C. Going to do some housework.6. What happened to Maria at Paul’s party?A. She was ill.B. She was late.C. She was too early.7. What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first time?A. Shake hands.B. Kiss.C. Bow.8. Where are they going?A. To a museum.B. To a restaurant.C. To a hospital9. What -happened to Anna?A. She lost her backpack.B. She missed her bus.C. She was late for class.10. What’s Mr. Green’s phone number?A. 7845362.B. 7486532.C. 7846532.II. Listen to the long conversations between two speakers, and choose the correct answer. The conversations will be read twice. (5*0.5=2.5’)Conversation A11. What are they talking about?A. Places of interest.B. Plans for vacation.C. Weather in different places.12. How long is she going to stay there?A. A week.B. 21 days.C. A month.Conversation B13. Why does the girl feel nervous before going to Switzerland?A. Because she will go alone.B. Because she has never been abroad.C. Because she doesn’t know what she should do or should not do.14. What does the girl know about Switzerland?A. It’s famous for watches.B. The people are friendly.C. The food is delicious.15. What should the girl do if she visits a friend in Switzerland?A. Call first.B. Take a present with her.C. Ask other friends to go with her.III. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. The passage will be read twice. (5*0.5=2.5’).16. What does Henry do?A. A drivenB. A teacher.C. An assistant doctor.17. How old was the boy?A. Five years old.B. Four years old.C. Six years old.18. Who took the boy to the hospital?A. His mother.B. His father.C. His uncle.19. Why did the boy catch his mother’s hand?A. Because he was hungry.B. Because he felt afraid.C. Because he wanted to play with his mother.20. Was Henry successful at last in the story?A. We don't know.B. Yes, he was.C. No, he wasn't.IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the information you hear. The passage will be read twice. (5*1=5’).Part III. Multiple Choice (30*0.5=15’)i) Choose the word with the same sound as the underlined part of the given word21. name A. dance B. fan C. away D. danger22. ready A. sea B. candy C. steady D. really23. sunny A. busy B. come C. minute D. computer24. think A. tongue B. thin C. done D. bean25. boys A. makes B. coins C. helps D. classii) Choose the different sound of the underlined part.26. A. today B. collect C. ago D. shot27. A. breath B. them C. father D. without28. A. bear B. pear C. year D. care29. A. bend B. many C. Wednesday D. begin30. A. decision B. treasure C. television D. pollutioniii)31. If I’m free, I often watch a movie with my friends.A. go to the cinemasB. go to the movieC. go to the filmD. go to the movies32. The manager works very hard and always stays up late.A. gets up lateB. sleeps lateC. goes to bed lateD. works late33. When the lady saw the stranger in her house, she screamed and dropped the tore on the ground.A. fellB. throwC. let...fallD. lost34. The newly-weds found a nice quiet spot on the beach, lay down and enjoyed the beautiful stars in thesky.A. spaceB. roomC. placeD. point35. Which of the following is correct?A. France-FranchB. Spain-SpainishC. Germany-GermenD. Korea-Korean36. —How do you usually go to school, _______ bus or _______ foot?—Neither. I go to school _______ my father's car.A. by; by; byB. in; on; inC. by; on; inD. by; on; by37. —There’s a little girl _______ under the tree. She looks _______.—Poor girl! She must have lost her way。




问它们盖住的面积是( )?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:53解析:边长为6的正方形面积为36,边长为5的正方形的面积为25,重叠的正方形边长为3,面积为9,36+25-9=52,边长为2的正方形里只有面积为1的小正方形没算,答案是52+1=532、四(2)班学生对英语、语文、数学三门功课中至少有一门感兴趣。



求全班( )人。

题型:填空题难度:正确答案:58解析:三阶容斥:单单-双双+三三=总人数(适用于每人至少参加一项时的情况)38+32+28-19-15-13+7=58人3、粮库里有860吨粮食,19辆同样的汽车5次拉走380吨,照这样计算,剩下的粮食要6次拉完,需要增加()辆同样的汽车?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:1解析: 380除以5除以19等于4吨,剩下860-380=480吨粮食,480除以4除以6等于20辆车,20-19=1辆车。

4、一次考试满分100分,5位同学平均分是90分,且各人得分是不相同的整数,已知得分最少的人得了75分,那么,第三名同学至少得了( )分?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:89解析:要使第三名得分最少,则第一名和第二名的得分尽可能的高,分别为100,99,则第三名和第四名共得450-100-99-75=176分,176=89+875、用竹篱笆围成一个面积为48平方米的长方形菜园,长方形的长和宽都是整米数,为节省材料,所用竹篱笆最短是( )米?题型:填空题难度:正确答案:28解析:积一定,两个数越接近和越小。





21. ―Do you know ______ girl with long curly hair?―Yes, she is Mary. She plays ______piano very well.A. a; /B. the; /C. the; theD. a; the22. If you don’t know the ______ to the science museum,here is a map of the city.A. dateB. wayC. priceD. time23. ―Do you know the children over there?―Yes, ______ names are Mike and Jane.A. TheirsB. TheirC. HerD. His24. ―What do you think of the environment here?―Wonderful! ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.A. Two fifths; isB. Two fifth; isC. Two fifths; areD. Two fifth; are25. Simon used to be ______ , but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends.A. honestB. livelyC. activeD. quiet26. ―I want to be a teacher when I grow up.―Work hard, ______ your dream will come true.A. orB. butC. thoughD. and27. ―When shall we begin our trip?―We’ll set out ______ our head teacher arrives.A. as soon asB. ever sinceC. so thatD. even though28. In order to pass the exam, you need to work much ______ now.A. hardB. harderC. hardestD. hardly29. ―What’s the meaning of “secretary”?―Let me ______ the word in the dictionary.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look up30. We need clear air and water, so we ______ protect the environment.A. canB. mayC. mustD. might31. ―Can John play soccer with us, Mrs. Black?―One moment, please. He ______ on the phone to his cousin.A. talksB. talkedC. talkingD. is talking32. ―Aunt Li, who is the pretty girl in red in the picture?―It’s my daughter. The picture ______ 10 years ago.A. tookB. is takenC. has takenD. was taken33. ―Would you like to go swimming in the river,John?―Swim? Sorry, our teachers always tell us _____ in the river alone.A. don’t swimB. to not swimC. not swimmingD. not to swim34. ______ weather it is today!We’d better stay at home.A. What hotB. How hotC. What a hotD. How a hot35. ―______ ! Something is falling down from the tall building. ―Dear m e!It’s too dangerous.A. Look outB. Help yourselfC. What a pityD. Shut up第二节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。

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2017年深外人机模拟测试五(总分100分)数学:1、用棋子摆出下列一组“口”字,按照这种方法摆下去,则摆第n个“口”字需用棋子( )A.4n枚 B.(4n-4)枚 C.(4n+4)枚 D. n2枚题型:单选题难度:正确答案:A解析:第N个有4N枚棋子2、填在下面各正方形中的四个数之间都有相同的规律,根据此规律,m 的值是()A.38 B.52 C.66 D.74题型:填空题难度:正确答案:D解析:M等于另外两个对角的数相乘减去与M相对的数3、小王利用计算机设计了一个计算程序,输入和输出的数据如下表:输入…1 2 3 4 5 …输出…1/2 2/5 3/10 4/17 5/26 …那么,当输入数据是8时,输出的数据是()A 8/61B 8/63C 8/65D 8/67题型:单选题难度:正确答案:C解析:输入的是N,分子就是N,分母是N的平方加1 4、根据下图中图形的排列规律,请问右下角应该填()题型:填空题难度:正确答案:D解析:三角形,圆,正方形,从上到下依次顺时针转动~所以选D5、小明前几次数学测验的平均成绩是84分,这次要考100分,才能把平均成绩提高到86分,这是他第( )几次测验.题型:填空题难度:正确答案:8或八解析:(100-84)÷(86-84)=86、一个植树小组植树:如果每人栽5棵,还剩14棵;如果每人栽7棵,就缺4棵,这个植树小组有( )人.题型:填空题难度:正确答案:9或九解析:(14+4)÷(7-5)=97、一辆汽车从A地到B地,若以每小时10千米的速度,则提前2小时到达;若以每小时8千米的速度,则迟到3小时,求A、B两地相距( )千米.题型:填空题难度:正确答案:200解析:(10×2+8×3)÷(10-8)=22(小时)(22-2)×10=200(千米)语文:1、下面歇后语有误的一项是()A.悟空钻进铁扇公主肚里--心腹之患B.志买宝刀--哪知是计C.徐庶进营--一言不发D.林冲误闯白虎堂--单刀直入题型:单选题难度:正确答案:B解析:本题正确答案为B。























3、下列诗句中运用了不同修辞方法的一项是( )A.泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。






4、“城中好高髻,四方高一尺;城中好广眉,四方且半额;城中好大袖,四方全匹帛”是一首汉代流行的歌谣,下列文句,与其意义最接近的是( )A.人弃我取,人取我予B.入乡问禁,入境随俗C.风行草偃,变本加厉D.追求时髦,风尚互异题型:单选题难度:正确答案:D解析:歌谣意思是:城的女人喜欢竖起高髻(一种发型),则各地争相效仿;由于都城里时兴“广眉”,各地争先模仿,把眉毛描画得能盖住半拉脑门那么宽大!由于都城中流行“大袖”,各处都争先恐后地比着做,那衣袖就得用整匹的绸缎才能做成。








英语:1、I am on cloud nine because I passed the make-up exam.A.very surprisedB.very happyC.very confusedD.very tired题型:单选题难度:正确答案:B解析:on cloud nine的意思为非常高兴,因此选B。

2、--- Are you going to take the job?--- Certainly, though the salary is not so good. , you know.A.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB.A golden key can open any doorC.Actions speak louder than wordsD.Better late than never题型:单选题难度:正确答案:A解析:A. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过两鸟在林,比喻实际在手的东西比幻想要好的多。

B. A golden key can open any door 有钱能使鬼推磨C. Actions speak louder than words 行动比语言更有力量。

D. Better late than never 迟做总比不做好3、回答问题。

What attracts you in Shenzhen Foreign Languages School?题型:口语题难度:解析:I want to study in Shenzhen Foreign Languages School because three things attract me. First of all, it’s because I like English and the school provides me with a very good learning atmosphere. Second, it’s because of the very experienced teachers. I think the teachers in Shenzhen Foreign Languages School can help me impr ove more quickly. Third, it’s because I heard the life in the school is colorful, there are many activities and clubs I would like to try. That’s all, thank you.4、朗读句子。

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.题型:一题多问难度:解析:千里之行始于足下5、阅读理解。

One of the most famous movie prizes in the world is the Oscar. Every year in the United States, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gives Oscars to people who have done well in the movies. There is an Oscar for the best movie of the year, another for the best actor, and Oscars for doing many other things well in the movies.Oscars are very important because people want to see movies that have won them.They also want to see actors who have won Oscars. This means that movies that have won Oscars make a lot of money. The Academy first gave prizes to movies in 1927, but they were not called Oscars then. That happened four years later. Most people think that Oscar was someone famous in the movies, but he wasn’t. He was no on e important. He was someone that a woman called Margaret Herrick knew. She worked for the Academy and one day she saw the prize on a table. She said, ‘He looks like my friend, Oscar.’ From that time on the prize were called the Oscars.题型:一题多问难度:• 1.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A.Oscars may be given to a singer who sings the song in a movie.B.Movies that have won Oscars make a lot of money.C.Oscar is the name of the first actor who won the prize.D.The prizes were called the Oscars in 1931.正确答案:C解析:Most people think that Oscar was someone famous in the movies, but he wasn’t.He was no one important. He was someone that a woman called Margaret Herrick knew.6、听材料,回答问题。
