



小学英语教师教学日志多篇[日期]上午课程 - 英语口语训练- 8:30-9:00- 主题:介绍自己- 活动:学生分组两两进行互相介绍- 目标:培养学生英语口语表达能力和自我介绍能力- 9:00-9:30- 主题:家庭成员- 活动:学生展示自己家庭成员的照片,并口头介绍每个家庭成员- 目标:提高学生对家庭成员的英语词汇掌握和语句表达能力下午课程 - 英语阅读理解- 14:00-14:30- 主题:动物世界- 活动:学生阅读一段关于动物的短文,并回答相关问题- 目标:培养学生的阅读理解能力和选择题解题技巧- 14:30-15:00- 主题:节日庆祝- 活动:学生分组编写一篇关于节日庆祝活动的短文,并进行朗读- 目标:锻炼学生的写作能力和口语表达能力[日期]上午课程 - 英语听力训练- 8:30-9:00- 主题:商品购物- 活动:播放一段关于购物的对话录音,学生在听录音的同时填写相关信息- 目标:提高学生的听力理解能力和笔记技巧- 9:00-9:30- 主题:时尚潮流- 活动:学生观看时尚秀视频,并尝试用英语描述视频中的服装和造型- 目标:拓展学生的词汇量和表达能力下午课程 - 英语写作训练- 14:00-14:30- 主题:介绍自己的爱好- 活动:学生写一篇关于自己爱好的短文,并进行互相交流- 目标:提高学生的写作能力和交流技巧- 14:30-15:00- 主题:未来职业- 活动:学生展示自己对未来职业的憧憬,并描述为什么选择这个职业- 目标:培养学生的想象力和口头表达能力以上是我在小学英语教学中的部分教学日志,请根据需要和实际情况进行编写和修改。



































































低年级的学生初学英语,学字母时可以设计卡通字母秀;学家庭成员时可亲手制作family tree,不仅让学生识记了单词,又让学生在制作中体会家族亲情;如遇到节日等,指导学生制作贺卡,提供英语的节日祝语,让学生表达自己的祝福。


如抄写“There are four apples on the tree.”这个句子时,老师可把这句话的意思用简笔画演示出来。






小学老师英语教学随笔分享5篇小学英语教学随笔1毕业后我登上了讲台,成为了一名小学英语教师.每天上班都面对着热情朝气,充满期待的孩子.看着他们天真无暇的面孔,看着他们渴望求职的炙热的目光,还有那信任和敬仰的神情,我爱上了教师这个职业.我的使命感.责任感.紧迫感和自豪感一起涌来,萦绕心间,化作一股动力,激励着我不断追求着,为成为一名具有人格魅力的教师而努力.〝教书育人〞是我们教师的使命.我们既要教书,又要育人.而第斯多惠说过〝教学的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于关于激励.唤醒.鼓舞.〞我对此深有体会.乡镇的教学工作,单单去研究如何进行教学还不行,我们更多的是主动积极地去争取家庭教育和学校教育的紧密联系,家长的教育意识毕竟不如城里的家长.而对于学生,我们更多的要给予关爱,尤其是一些比较〝野〞的学生,不容忽略某一个学生,要独具慧眼地发现他们身上的潜能,鼓励他们不断主动探索,发扬民主精神.在学生中树立良好的教师形象,让学生敬畏你.这算是成功了一半.既让学生敬佩你,同时又畏惧你,可不是一件很容易的事情.前几年,由于自己是年轻一线的老师,缺乏经验,教学成绩又不是很突出,虽然工作总是兢兢业业,可是在学生心目中,我总是不能让学生像敬仰威望很高的同事那样敬仰我.去年,我所任教的三年级的英语三率都居级组第一,一下子传开后,校内校外都能看到很多信任和赞赏的目光.本学期接任了一个基础很差的班级,因为有了好的教学成绩学生都很服我,在教学中,我严格要求他们,树立自己的威性,果然期末考试中收到了我意想不到的效果.教书育人是一项长期的系统的又复杂的,不断探索求新的工作,让我们在这漫漫的教育生涯上,争取更多的进步,创造出更多的辉煌.小学英语教学随笔2〝以学生为中心〞,重视发展学生动用语言能力,已成为现代英语课堂教学改革的重要目标.这就要求在英语学习中,教师作为引导者,发挥学生的主体性,在师与生,生与生的合作互动中完成教学任务,即合作互动学习.合作互动学习是目前世界上许多国家普遍采用的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略.它重点强调教学各动态因素之间的主体互动合作,包括师生互动.生生互动.师师互动,即多维互动,当然也不否定其他形式的学习.如何搞好小学英语教学,提高课堂效率,培养学生英语兴趣成为小学英语教师重要任务,也是我们老师不断探索研究的问题.小学英语在教学中一定要注意关注每一位学生的情感,激发学生的学习兴趣.在实际教学过程中,教师应采用多样的教学手段,创造良好的教学情境并实行合理有效的评价体系.同时,我发现小组合作互动学习是英语学习中一种很有效的学习形式,它强调了小组成员之间的生生互动.我将学生分为几个学习小组(通常4-5人)指定小组长,由小组长具体负责,组员之间互相合作,实行〝一帮一〞或〝一帮二〞的学习形式,引导小组中的差生跟上教学进程,实现全体学生共同进步.当然在这个过程中要求发挥教师的主导作用.每次小组合作学习前,我都制订好目标,要求小组成员明确在一定时间内老师要求共同完成哪些任务.另外还要实施完善的评价方式.通常对合作互动较好,任务完成的小组实行累记加分,然后定期对分数进行总结,对表现好的小组全体成员进行奖励或发一个喜报或发一个小奖品.其实孩子特别容易满足,也很需要这种激励方式.在老师的激励下,每一位小老师都尽职尽责,小组成员也都怕自己给小组拖后腿,总是认真学,积极的完成任务.在小组合作互动学习时,我总是注意在教室中来回巡视观察,对小组中遇到的困难及时帮助解决,督促提醒小组按时完成任务,同时对表现不错的小组及时提出表扬,鼓励他们再接再厉.当然,班级中难免有个别学生因智力.习惯.家庭等原因使他们成为学困生,所以在小组合作中任务完成会很吃力,会影响小组成绩.毕竟是小学生,争强好胜,小组完不成任务得不到表扬奖励其他小组成员难免有怨言.注意到这点,我及时对这样的小组放低要求,并经常提出表扬,夸赞小组长负责,让他们不失去信心,保持浓厚的兴趣.只有这样才能让每个学生都能参加到课堂活动中去.时间久了,学生们在长期的小组合作互动过程中养成了互帮互助,共同进步的好习惯.英语学习成绩有了进步,取得了事半功倍的效果.作为教育战线上尤其是小学英语教学的一名新兵,我一直借鉴其他教学前辈的经验,总是希望探索到一种切实有效的教学方法.其实,实践证明,最适合学生发展的.有助于学生进步的才会是有效的.这就要求我们在借鉴别人的优点,学习别人经验的同时,在自己的教学实践中不断观察和总结.小学生刚刚接触英语,一定不能挫伤他们的积极性.因此,在教学中,我一定要对每个学生进行合理的评价.同时,我在教学过程中依据教学要求.结合教学内容有意识地充实了丰富有趣.针对性强的开放性游戏活动,使孩子们在〝乐中学.学中乐〞.比如,句型〝What time is it? 〞.〝It’s…〞是本课的教学重点及难点,我在教学中分别采用了〝漂亮钟面争抢认读〞.〝滚动时刻快速反应〞.〝模拟时钟情景问答〞等等活动,有效地提高了学习的趣味性,增强了学生的成就感.另外,在孩子们基本掌握三个句型之后,我鼓励他们自编.自导.自演对话,让所学的知识得到升华,并把升华后的知识转变成为真实交际的能力.我认为,英语课堂并不是教师一个人的舞台,并不是要求教师一味的领读,学生一遍遍跟读.教师发挥的应该是主导作用,学生才是学习的主体.我们要把舞台还给学生,要让每个学生都能积极.主动地参与课堂活动和互动学习,并在学习中体验自己的进步和收获的快乐.合作互动学习给学生提供了一个充分表现和自我发展的空间,使学生乐于参与,乐于竞争,乐于学习,为今后的学习奠定良好基础.小学英语教学随笔3小学生在上英语课时,在最初的好奇与兴趣之后,学生就为识记英语单词而发愁了.学生年龄小,好玩,不愿把更多的精力花费在记单词上,因此,几乎所有的小学生一提起英语单词,就感到很头痛,而四年级是学生积累单词量的关键性一年.如何让学生始终有兴趣去识记单词而不觉得枯燥乏味呢?在课堂中,我尝试了以下几种做法.一.直观教学法孩子年龄小,缺乏知识和经验,抽象思维不够发达,形象思维占优势.具体的直观的形象最能引起学生的注意.在教学时,我通常采用的直观情景有实物.图片.头饰.玩具.简笔画,如在教学用品pen.pencil.book.ruler等单词时,直观的实物出示尤为重要,只有通过直观的演示与比较,学生才会迅速领会掌握;如教水果类单词apple.pear.banana.watermelon等单词时,利用实物进行教学;如在教衣服类单词shirt.dress.skirt.jeans等时,也可利用简笔画进行教学,学生往往会产生一种新鲜感,注意力马上被吸引,有关的英文单词也就能很快地识记.二.词不离句教学法词汇是建房子的砖头,但光有砖头还建不出房子.李阳认为〝学习的对象不应该是孤立的发音.单词.语法,而应该是句子〞,〝因为人与人交往的最基本单位是句子〞,〝在句子中掌握的单词是有生命力的单词〞.现代英语教学法主要流派〝直接法〞和〝全身反应法〞都强调〝句本位〞.因此,把单词放入句中,能帮助学生正确理解单词的含义,还有利于培养他们的语感.如学了动物类单词,我们把单词放入句中:〝dog,dog, I can see a dog.〞〝cat, cat, this is acat.〞学习了水果类和颜色类的单词后,把它们放在一个句子中:〝Apple, apple.I can see a red apple〞,〝Red, red,I likered〞.这样,学生记忆的单位是句子,有整体感,有助于体会英语的语感.长期训练不仅让学生快速识记单词,还可以培养学生造句的能力,提高说话的能力.三.游戏教学法游戏是小学生喜闻乐见的活动,如果我们能让学生在游戏的过程中记单词,他们就不会觉得枯燥无味了,但并不是单纯为了游戏而游戏,而是能够把游戏作为一种催化剂,促进学生的学习,有效的游戏教学能集中学生的注意,指向目标,得到反馈,课堂上运用游戏最多的是单词的教学与巩固,可以说单词的教学离不开游戏.1.猜对于未知事物,人们总是充满好奇,尤其是小学生,他们急于知道答案,此时是进行教学的最佳契机,我们要在教学中多设置一些猜的活动.如巩固单词时,可以让学生采用多种途径去猜,如是玩具可以摸摸猜猜,如是水果,饮料可以闻闻猜猜.学新单词时,可以把要学的单词写在黑板上,看老师的口型猜,看老师的眼神猜,可以把单词一闪而过让学生猜,也可以出示单词图片的一部分让他们猜.2.写单词的学习离不开拼写,一味口头拼写,效果不佳,而一味抄写往往又显得太枯燥,可以让学生手.口.脑并用,联系实物来书写.学习水果类的单词时,让学生带上水果,学习apple时就在苹果上贴apple字样,学习教室内的物品时,可在课桌上贴desk……诸如此类,挖掘一切可利用的资源.还可以在同桌的手心或背上贴字条,让同桌猜猜写的是什么.总之,学生觉得这不是在学习,而是在玩,学生在愉快的学习情境中就记住了单词.Play with thewords.我们要想出种种方法和单词交朋友,与单词做游戏,让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,这样既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又让学生识记了英语单词,可谓一举两得了.小学英语教学随笔4几年的教学经验让我体会到作为一名英语教师应做到:1.. 尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,保护他们的自尊心和自信心.2. 把英语教学与情感教学有机结合起来,创设各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神.3. 特别关注性格内向的学生或学困生,尽可能多地为他们创设语言实践的机会.4. 建立融洽民主的师生交流渠道,经常和学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,互相鼓励和帮助,做到教学相长.因此,我想在今后的教学中,努力朝着尊重.实践.体会.兴趣.注意运用生动.活泼.有趣的教学方法,采取丰富多彩的教学形式,营造轻松愉快的学习气氛的目标而努力,挖掘学生的学习潜力,促使学生学好英语.小学英语教学随笔5英语的单词的教学是英语教学中的一个重头戏.从传统的方面来看,很多老师在进行单词教学时,还停留在带读几遍或学生跟着录音机读几遍,回家让学生死记硬背.时间是省了,但是学生兴趣的培养.能力的提高.创造的激励.词汇的记忆等等都无从谈起.老师总是为学生记单词发愁.学生对于学过的单词总是感到很陌生,没学过的更没有兴趣.上课听不进去,越学越跟不上,不仅学习效率低,更减慢了英语教学的步伐.因此,现在有很多教师都想出了一些单词教学的方法,既能达到教学目的,又能让学生带着兴趣去记忆那些单词.在这里我想跟大家一起来分享一下.一,在顺口溜中学习单词教师可以试着把每个单元的单词串联起来,编成一个顺口溜,便于学生记忆和朗读.比如Cat, cat, you’re so fat. Pig, you’reso big. Fly, fly, in the sky. Frog, frog, on the log. Bee, bee, don’t stingme.等等.二,在游戏中学习单词在教学中,尤其是在复习或检查环节,教师可以带学生开展各种游戏,如在学完身体部位,就可以和学生一起玩〝Touchyour……〞的游戏.做的好的学生给与鼓励,学生的学习积极性也很高.几分钟下来,学生既玩得高兴,并且将身体部位的单词已深深地记在心里.以上和大家交流的是比较常用的几种犯法,还有一些,像利用简单的实物,绘画或者歌曲都可以帮助学生更好的学习单词.我想,众多教师遇到的问题主要存在于学生怎么记忆单词,怎么能帮助学生将所学过的单词都能牢牢地记在心上.这也是我今天主哟啊想要和大家共享的.我个人的观点是,在单词教学中,渗透语音教学,采用〝音形结合〝的方法,能有效地帮助学生记忆单词.(一) 步步为营到小学高年级阶段,要求四会掌握的单词越来越多,单词也多有单音节词向多音节词转换,教师的引导更为重要.利用音节记忆,由此背出或听写单词也可以分步进行,教师边写单词边让学生读.如,在教学yesterday这个单词时,先板书yes,再写ter,然后加上day,学生就能自己拼读出这个单词.再如,教学ham+bur+ger时,我先写出nurse,purse, 让学生回忆,感受ur的发音,再板书bur-hambur-hamburger,学生很快就读出这个单词.还可以根据教师的范读试写单词(同样是分音节读),长此以往,几乎每个学生都能自己读出并写出生词,记单词的积极性就高了,记得也牢.(二)先分再合单词教学,可以通过各种方法,使学生从意思或读音方面掌握单词,这样学生才会感兴趣,不会觉得枯燥无味.例如,在教学〝football〞时,可以把它拆分为〝foot〞,与〝ball〞,用〝用脚踢的足球〞就是〝足球〞.这样学生对〝football〞的意思就会深深地印在脑海里.再比如,教学〝firefly〞时,可以把它拆分为〝fire〞,与〝fly〞(火与苍蝇),把火每天背在身上飞的苍蝇应该是什么昆虫呢?同学们一下子记住了这样的单词.这样的单词还有许多,如,basketball,watermelon, grasshopper等等.(三)练习巩固,培养能力通过教学中的潜移默化,学生们已初步形成〝听音写词〞.〝看词发音〞的习惯和能力,这时可通过大量的练习来进行强化和巩固.每次复习单词时,教师可让学生边打拍子边有节奏地一次说出单词中每个字母及字母组合的发音,如果再加上比赛的形式,学生会感觉饶有趣味,而辨音和拼词的能力又在这个过程中得到了培养和加强.每次听写单词,教师可先引导哦啊学生说出每个音,再根据音写出对应的每个字母及字母组合,这样正确率通常都会比较高.平时鼓励学生用〝音形结合〞的方法去记单词,并主动学习更多符合规律的单词;经常进行一些练习和测试,如,给学生提供大量符合规律的生词,让学生用〝音形结合〞的方法读出来;定期进行听音写生词和听音选生词的小测验等.学生对拼写较简单的单词能做到〝见词能读〝;对符合规律的单词能做到〝听音写词〞;能比较容易区分拼写相似的单词,即能〝听音选词〞;能较迅速轻松地记忆单词,听写的优良率高.实践证明,教师在教学中逐步渗透语音教学,让学生自己试读,长时间地坚持,他们有胆怯到自信,逐步掌握了英语单词的拼写规律,为进一步学习打下了良好的基础.。


要使学生具有创新意识,教师务必要有创新精神,敢于对教材进行新的探索与研究,然后而不要教材的奴隶,照本宣科。如把儿歌引入课堂,在教学数字时,请小朋友自我编数字儿歌,于是就有了One,two,three, I can read;Four,five,six, I can write; Seven,eight,nine, I can jump; Ten,leven,twelve, I can draw。这样一来,班里的“英语小博士”越来越多,学习兴趣大大增强。又如,本堂课中的儿歌,在巩固新知识的基础上又进行了拓展,使学生透过儿歌了解“What have you got?”and “What have I got ?”两句话的意思,在不忘根本的基础上又了创新。









































(十三) 2015-11-1在思源的印象最深的课是今天的是刘英老师的英语,教学对象是七年级七班的的重点班的学生。







这一堂课,一方面让我领略了思源的老师在课堂上的风采,而且从中学习到了不同的课堂管理方法和教学方法,总之是受益良多!很期待接下来能够从刘老师身上学到更多!也很期待像刘英老师在讲台上自信生辉的模样!(十四) 2015-11-2今天下午再一次听了刘老师的英语课,这一堂是给七年级二班的学生上的。









小学英语教学日志范文30篇Teaching English to young learners can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. As an elementary school English teacher, I have had the opportunity to work with students of diverse backgrounds and skill levels. Over the years, I have kept detailed teaching logs to reflect on my lessons, track student progress, and plan for future instruction. In this essay, I will share 30 sample English teaching logs that highlight the successes, challenges, and insights I have gained throughout my career.Log 1: September 5thToday was the first day of the new school year, and I welcomed a class of 25 eager third-grade students. I started the lesson by introducing myself and explaining the importance of learning English. To gauge their current proficiency, I conducted a brief assessment, asking students to introduce themselves and share one thing they enjoy doing. I was pleased to see that many students were able to respond in simple English, while others showed more hesitation. I made a note to provide additional support for the struggling learners.Log 2: September 12thThis week, I focused on teaching basic greetings and classroom instructions. I began the lesson by modeling the phrases "Hello," "Good morning," and "How are you?" and had the students practice them in pairs. They seemed to enjoy the interactive activities, and I observed a noticeable improvement in their pronunciation by the end of the class. For the second half of the lesson, I introduced common classroom commands, such as "Sit down," "Stand up," and "Raise your hand." The students responded well to these instructions and were able to follow them with minimal confusion.Log 3: September 19thToday, I introduced the alphabet and its corresponding sounds. I started by singing the alphabet song with the class, then moved on to individual letter recognition. To make the lesson more engaging, I incorporated various games and activities, such as "Letter Bingo" and "Name that Letter." The students were enthusiastic and eager to participate, and I was impressed by their ability to identify and pronounce the letters correctly.Log 4: September 26thThis week, I focused on teaching basic vocabulary related to colors, shapes, and numbers. I began the lesson by holding up various objects and asking the students to identify their colors and shapes.They seemed to grasp the concepts quickly and were able to respond accurately. For the second half of the class, I introduced numbers 1 to 10 and had the students practice counting and identifying the written forms. To reinforce the learning, I assigned a worksheet for them to complete at home.Log 5: October 3rdToday, I introduced the topic of family members. I started by showing a family tree and asking the students to identify the different family members, such as mother, father, sister, and brother. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their own families. To make the lesson more interactive, I had the students create their own family trees and present them to the class. This activity not only helped them practice their English but also fostered a sense of community within the classroom.Log 6: October 10thThis week, I focused on teaching basic conversational skills. I began the lesson by modeling simple dialogues, such as greeting someone, asking how they are, and responding accordingly. The students then had the opportunity to practice these conversations in pairs, with me monitoring and providing feedback. I was pleased to see that they were becoming more confident in their speaking abilities and were able to engage in short exchanges with their peers.Log 7: October 17thToday, I introduced the topic of daily routines. I started by sharing my own daily routine, using simple present tense verbs to describe my activities throughout the day. The students then had the chance to share their own routines, which allowed me to assess their understanding of the vocabulary and grammar concepts. To reinforce the learning, I assigned a worksheet where the students had to draw and label the different activities in their daily lives.Log 8: October 24thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the human body. I began the lesson by showing a diagram of the human body and asking the students to identify the different parts, such as head, eyes, nose, and ears. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even started using the words in simple sentences. To make the lesson more engaging, I incorporated a game where the students had to touch the corresponding body part when I called it out.Log 9: October 31stToday, I introduced the topic of emotions. I started by asking the students to share how they were feeling that day, using basic emotion words like happy, sad, and angry. We then discussed different scenarios that might elicit these emotions, and the students had the opportunity to practice expressing their feelings in shortsentences. To reinforce the learning, I assigned a worksheet where the students had to draw and label the emotions they were experiencing.Log 10: November 7thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to animals. I began the lesson by showing pictures of various animals and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared additional information about the animals, such as where they live and what they eat. To make the lesson more interactive, I had the students create their own animal puppets and use them to engage in simple dialogues.Log 11: November 14thToday, I introduced the topic of clothing. I started by showing pictures of different articles of clothing and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their own favorite outfits. To reinforce the learning, I had the students draw and label their own outfits, which they then presented to the class.Log 12: November 21stThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the weather. I began the lesson by discussing the current weather conditions and asking the students to share their observations. We then exploreddifferent types of weather, such as sunny, rainy, and snowy, and the students had the opportunity to practice using the vocabulary in short sentences. To make the lesson more engaging, I incorporated a weather-themed game where the students had to match the weather condition to the appropriate picture.Log 13: November 28thToday, I introduced the topic of food. I started by showing picturesof various food items and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their favorite foods. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "food plates" and describe the different items they had chosen.Log 14: December 5thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to transportation.I began the lesson by showing pictures of different modes of transportation, such as car, bus, and airplane, and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their own experiences with different forms of transportation. To make the lesson more interactive, I had the students create their own paper airplanes and engage in a friendly competition to see whose could fly the farthest.Log 15: December 12thToday, I introduced the topic of hobbies and interests. I started by asking the students to share their favorite activities and what they enjoy doing in their free time. They were able to express their interests using simple English, and I was impressed by the variety of hobbies they mentioned, ranging from sports to arts and crafts. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create posters showcasing their hobbies and present them to the class.Log 16: December 19thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the seasons. I began the lesson by discussing the different seasons and their characteristics, such as the weather, clothing, and outdoor activities. The students were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared their personal experiences with the various seasons. To make the lesson more engaging, I had the students create seasonal collages using magazine clippings and other craft materials.Log 17: January 9thToday, I introduced the topic of community helpers. I started by showing pictures of different community workers, such as firefighters, police officers, and doctors, and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about the roles and responsibilities of these community helpers. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "community helper" posters and present them to the class.Log 18: January 16thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the classroom environment. I began the lesson by showing various classroom objects, such as pencils, books, and desks, and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even started using the words in simple sentences. To make the lesson more interactive, I had the students go on a "classroom scavenger hunt," where they had to find and identify specific items in the classroom.Log 19: January 23rdToday, I introduced the topic of sports and outdoor activities. I started by showing pictures of different sports and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their own favorite sports and activities. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "sports cards," which included the name, a picture, and a brief description of the sport.Log 20: January 30thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the home environment. I began the lesson by showing pictures of different rooms and household items, and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even startedusing the words in simple sentences. To make the lesson more engaging, I had the students create their own "dream house" drawings and describe the different rooms and features.Log 21: February 6thToday, I introduced the topic of fruits and vegetables. I started by showing pictures of various produce items and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their favorite fruits and vegetables. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "healthy plate" collages, which included a variety of fruits and vegetables.Log 22: February 13thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the calendar and time. I began the lesson by discussing the days of the week and months of the year, and had the students practice saying and writing them. We then explored the concept of time, including hours, minutes, and the difference between AM and PM. The students were able to grasp the vocabulary and even started using it in simple sentences.Log 23: February 20thToday, I introduced the topic of holidays and celebrations. I started by discussing the major holidays celebrated in the students' homecountries and the traditions associated with them. They were able to share their own experiences and even taught me about some unfamiliar holidays. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own holiday greeting cards and present them to the class.Log 24: February 27thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the five senses. I began the lesson by discussing the different senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, and had the students identify objects and experiences associated with each one. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even started using it in short descriptions. To make the lesson more engaging, I had the students participate in a "mystery box" activity, where they had to identify various objects using their senses.Log 25: March 6thToday, I introduced the topic of musical instruments. I started by showing pictures of different instruments and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about their own musical experiences. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "instrument collages" and present them to the class.Log 26: March 13thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the human body. I began the lesson by reviewing the body parts we had covered earlier in the year and then introduced additional vocabulary, such as elbow, knee, and ankle. The students were able to recognize the new words and even started using them in simple descriptions of their own bodies. To make the lesson more interactive, I had the students play a game of "Simon Says" to practice the body part vocabulary.Log 27: March 20thToday, I introduced the topic of occupations. I started by showing pictures of different professionals, such as doctors, teachers, and firefighters, and asking the students to identify them. They were able to recognize the vocabulary and even shared information about the roles and responsibilities of these various occupations. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "career posters" and present them to the class.Log 28: March 27thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the natural world. I began the lesson by discussing the different elements of nature, such as plants, animals, and weather phenomena. The students were able to recognize the vocabulary and even started using it in short descriptions. To make the lesson more engaging, I had the students create their own "nature collages" using magazineclippings and other craft materials.Log 29: April 3rdToday, I introduced the topic of family relationships. I started by reviewing the family member vocabulary we had covered earlier in the year and then expanded on it by introducing additional terms, such as aunt, uncle, and cousin. The students were able to recognize the new words and even started using them in simple sentences about their own families. To reinforce the learning, I had the students create their own "family trees" and present them to the class.Log 30: April 10thThis week, I focused on teaching vocabulary related to the school environment. I began the lesson by discussing the various areas and objects within the school, such as the cafeteria, library, and chalkboard. The students were able to recognize the vocabulary and even started using it in short descriptions of their daily school routines. To make the lesson more interactive, I had the students participate in a "school scavenger hunt," where they had to identify and locate specific items around the classroom and school.Throughout these 30 teaching logs, I have witnessed the growth and progress of my elementary school students as they have developed their English language skills. From introducing basic vocabulary and grammar concepts to engaging them in more complex conversationsand activities, I have continuously adapted my teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of my learners. The successes and challenges documented in these logs have not only helped me reflect on my own practice but have also informed my future lesson planning and instructional approaches. As I continue on this rewarding journey of teaching English to young learners, I am committed to providing them with a solid foundation in the language and fostering their love of learning.。



第1篇Date: March 15, 2023Location: XYZ University, Language CenterSubject: English Skill Practical TeachingDuration: 2 hoursClass Size: 30 studentsObjective: To enhance students' practical English communication skills through role-playing and group activities.Materials Used:- Whiteboard and markers- Role-playing scripts- Group activity handouts- English dictionaries- TimerIntroduction (10 minutes):The class began with a brief review of the previous week's lesson on business English. I checked for understanding by asking a few questions and provided clarifications where necessary. The students seemed engaged and were ready to continue their practical learning.Warm-up Activity (15 minutes):To get the students comfortable with the English language and to loosen up, I started with a simple warm-up activity. I divided the class into two groups and asked each group to come up with a list of adjectivesthat describe a good leader. Each group had to use the adjectives in a sentence. This activity helped the students to practice their vocabulary and sentence structure in a relaxed environment.Main Activity 1: Role-Playing (30 minutes):The main objective of today's class was to improve the students'practical English communication skills. To achieve this, I introduced a role-playing activity based on a hypothetical business scenario. The scenario involved a meeting between a company representative and a potential client.I provided each student with a script and divided them into pairs. One student played the role of the company representative, and the other played the role of the client. The pair had to negotiate the terms of a business deal, including pricing, delivery, and payment methods.As the role-players began their dialogue, I circulated around the class, offering guidance and feedback. I emphasized the importance of using appropriate business language, clear communication, and active listening. The students were quite engaged in the activity and seemed to enjoy the interactive nature of the exercise.Main Activity 2: Group Discussion (30 minutes):After the role-playing activity, I transitioned to a group discussion to reinforce the learning from the earlier activity. I distributed handouts that contained a list of potential challenges that could arise in business negotiations. The students were divided into small groups and asked to discuss how they would handle these challenges using English.Each group had to come up with a solution to one of the challenges, and then present their ideas to the class. The discussions were lively, and the students demonstrated their ability to think critically and communicate effectively in English.Conclusion (15 minutes):To wrap up the class, I conducted a brief review of the key points covered during the practical teaching session. I emphasized the importance of confidence, clear communication, and active listening in business English. I also provided the students with additional resources,such as online dictionaries and pronunciation guides, to help them continue their learning outside of the classroom.Reflection:Today's practical teaching session was a success. The students were actively engaged throughout the class, and they demonstrated significant progress in their practical English communication skills. The role-playing activity was particularly effective in allowing the students to practice real-life scenarios, and the group discussions helped them to think critically and solve problems collaboratively.I believe that the combination of role-playing and group activities provided a well-rounded learning experience. However, I also noticedthat some students were hesitant to speak up during the role-playing activity. In the future, I plan to encourage more participation by creating a supportive and non-judgmental learning environment.Next Steps:- To reinforce the learning from today's class, I will assign a follow-up writing task where students have to write a business letter based on the role-playing scenario.- I will also organize a speaking competition next week to further encourage students to practice their English communication skills.- I will continue to monitor the progress of each student and provide individual feedback to help them improve their language skills.Total Hours Spent: 2 hoursOverall Assessment:Today's practical teaching session met the objectives set for the class. The students showed improvement in their practical English communication skills, and they were motivated to continue learning. I am satisfied with the outcome and look forward to seeing further progress in the coming weeks.第2篇Date: [Insert Date]Subject: English Skill Practical TeachingLocation: [Insert Location]Duration: [Insert Duration]Teacher: [Insert Name]Class: [Insert Class Name/Number]Number of Students: [Insert Number]---Introduction:Today's practical teaching session focused on enhancing the students' proficiency in English through interactive activities and real-life scenarios. The objective was to improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills while also fostering confidence and cultural awareness.---Morning Session (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM):Activity 1: Warm-Up Game - "Two Truths and a Lie"- Objective: To energize the students and encourage them to speak English in a relaxed atmosphere.- Method: Each student wrote down three statements about themselves, two being true and one being false. The class then had to guess which statement was the lie.- Outcome: The students actively participated, improving their listening skills and practicing their speaking abilities.Activity 2: Vocabulary Building - "Word of the Day"- Objective: To introduce new vocabulary relevant to the current unit.- Method: Each student was given a word related to the theme of the day and had to use it in a sentence.- Outcome: The students expanded their vocabulary and learned how to use new words in context.---Mid-Morning Break (10:30 AM - 10:45 AM):- Brief break with a healthy snack and water.---Afternoon Session (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM):Activity 3: Listening Comprehension - "Podcast Discussion"- Objective: To enhance the students' listening skills and their ability to understand spoken English.- Method: The class listened to a short podcast related to the current topic and then discussed the main points in groups.- Outcome: The students demonstrated improved listening skills and were able to articulate their thoughts effectively.Activity 4: Reading Activity - "Passage Analysis"- Objective: To improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.- Method: Students read a passage related to the theme and then answered comprehension questions as a class.- Outcome: The students showed good understanding of the passage and engaged in meaningful discussions.---Lunch Break (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM):- Students had a break for lunch, providing them with an opportunity to rest and recharge.---Afternoon Session (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM):Activity 5: Writing Exercise - "Letter Writing"- Objective: To practice writing formal and informal letters.- Method: Students were given a scenario and had to write a letter in response. They could choose between writing a formal letter to a university or an informal letter to a friend.- Outcome: The students improved their writing skills and learned the importance of proper letter format.Activity 6: Role-Playing - "Role of a Tour Guide"- Objective: To enhance speaking skills and cultural awareness.- Method: Students were divided into groups and each group was given a different city as a destination. They had to prepare a role-play as a tour guide, introducing their city to potential tourists.- Outcome: The students showed great enthusiasm and were able to use their English skills effectively to convey information about their assigned cities.---Conclusion:Today's practical teaching session was highly successful in achieving the objectives set for the students. The interactive activities not only helped them improve their language skills but also fostered a positive learning environment where they felt comfortable expressing themselves. The students' participation was exceptional, and they demonstrated significant progress in their English proficiency.Reflections:- The "Word of the Day" activity was particularly effective in expanding the students' vocabulary.- The role-playing exercise provided a fun and engaging way to practice speaking and cultural awareness.- It is important to ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate in discussions and activities to avoid any feelings of exclusion.Next Steps:- Continue to introduce new vocabulary and reinforce it through various activities.- Incorporate more real-life scenarios into the teaching methods to enhance practical application.- Regularly assess the students' progress and provide individualized feedback to support their growth.---End of Journal Entry[Signature][Teacher's Name]第3篇Date: March 15, 2023Location: Classroom 305, English Department BuildingSubject: Advanced English WritingDuration: 2 hoursObjective: To enhance students' writing skills through practical exercises and to foster critical thinking and creativity.Classroom Setup:- The classroom was well-lit and had a comfortable seating arrangementfor 30 students.- A whiteboard was available for notes and a projector was used to display resources.- All students had access to their laptops or notebooks.Teaching Materials:- Handouts on different writing styles and techniques- Writing prompts and sample essays- Grammar and vocabulary exercisesIntroduction (10 minutes):- Briefly reviewed the importance of writing in various academic and professional settings.- Discussed the objectives of the lesson: to improve coherence, cohesion, and clarity in written English.Warm-Up Activity (15 minutes):- Conducted a brief writing exercise where students were asked to write a short paragraph about their favorite book. This helped to get them warmed up and thinking about writing.Main Activity (60 minutes):1. Writing Styles and Techniques (20 minutes):- Explained different writing styles such as expository, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive.- Showed examples of each style and discussed their key characteristics.- Distributed handouts and had students read through them to deepen their understanding.2. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 minutes):- Highlighted common grammar mistakes that often occur in written English.- Provided exercises to help students practice identifying and correcting these mistakes.- Included vocabulary exercises to enrich their writing with a broader range of words.3. Writing Prompt (20 minutes):- Introduced a writing prompt: "The Impact of Social Media on Society."- Guided students through the process of brainstorming ideas and outlining their essay.- Allowed students to start writing their essays, providing individual assistance as needed.Feedback and Discussion (20 minutes):- After a brief writing period, collected some essays to provide feedback.- Conducted a class discussion on the common strengths and weaknesses observed in the essays.- Shared tips on how to improve structure, coherence, and word choice.Conclusion (5 minutes):- Summarized the key points covered during the lesson.- Encouraged students to continue practicing their writing skills outside of class.- Advised them to seek feedback from peers and teachers regularly.Reflection:Today's class was a productive session focused on enhancing students' writing skills. The variety of activities helped to cater to different learning styles and kept the students engaged throughout the lesson. The writing prompt provided a clear direction, yet allowed for creativity and personal reflection.Some students struggled with structuring their essays and ensuring a logical flow, which is a common challenge. By providing individual feedback and discussing common issues, I hope to address these concerns effectively.For future classes, I plan to incorporate more interactive elements such as peer reviews and group discussions to further develop students' critical thinking and collaborative skills. Additionally, I will provide more resources on grammar and vocabulary to support their writing endeavors.Student Feedback:- Most students reported feeling more confident about their writing skills after the lesson.- They appreciated the clear explanations and the opportunity topractice writing under guidance.- Some suggested having more time for the writing prompt to allow for more in-depth exploration of the topic.Overall, the practical teaching session was successful in achieving its objectives. The students left with a better understanding of different writing styles and techniques, as well as improved confidence in their writing abilities.。



第1篇Date: March 15, 2023Location: XYZ High School, Classroom 4Subject: English Language ArtsDuration: 1 hour and 30 minutes---Introduction:Today marks another exciting day in my journey as an English teacher. As I reflect on the session, I am reminded of the challenges and triumphs that come with teaching a diverse group of students. The objective of today's class was to introduce the concept of persuasive writing and to help students understand the importance of structuring their arguments effectively.---Lesson Overview:The lesson began with a brief recap of the previous class, where we discussed the basic elements of writing a good essay. We then delvedinto the topic of persuasive writing, which is a crucial skill for students to master as it is often required in various academic and professional settings.1. Warm-up Activity:To engage the students, I started with a simple warm-up activity. I asked them to think of a topic they were passionate about and to jot down three reasons why they believed their stance was valid. This exercise helped to activate their prior knowledge and got them thinking critically about their arguments.2. Introduction to Persuasive Writing:I began by explaining the definition of persuasive writing and its purpose. I used examples from famous speeches and essays to illustrate the effectiveness of persuasive arguments. The students were intrigued by the examples and asked insightful questions, which I encouraged by providing detailed answers.3. Understanding the Structure:Next, I introduced the structure of a persuasive essay. I explained the importance of having a clear introduction, a well-defined thesis statement, strong supporting evidence, and a compelling conclusion. I used a Venn diagram to visually represent the differences between persuasive writing and other types of writing, such as expository and narrative.4. Group Discussion:To further reinforce the concept, I divided the class into groups and asked them to brainstorm persuasive essays on a given topic. Each group had to come up with a thesis statement, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. This activity encouraged collaboration and critical thinking.5. Peer Review:After the groups had completed their essays, I asked them to exchange their work with another group for peer review. This exercise allowed the students to practice constructive criticism and to learn from eachother's strengths and weaknesses.6. Reflection and Feedback:Finally, I conducted a class-wide reflection session. I asked the students to share their experiences during the activity and to provide feedback on what they found challenging and what they enjoyed. The discussions were lively and insightful, and it was evident that the students had gained a deeper understanding of persuasive writing.---Reflections:As I reflect on today's lesson, I am pleased with the progress the students have made. The warm-up activity was a great way to activate their prior knowledge, and the group discussion helped them to apply the concepts they had learned. The peer review exercise was particularly beneficial as it allowed them to practice critical thinking and to learn from each other.However, I also recognize that there were areas that need improvement. For instance, some students struggled with formulating a clear thesis statement, and others had difficulty providing strong supporting evidence. To address this, I plan to provide more targeted support during the next lesson, such as offering a list of transitional phrases and conducting individualized writing workshops.Lessons Learned:- Encourage Active Participation: The students were more engaged when they were actively participating in the lesson, such as during the group discussions and peer reviews.- Provide Clear Expectations: By clearly explaining the structure of persuasive writing and the expectations for the group activity, the students were better equipped to complete the task.- Offer Constructive Feedback: The students appreciated the feedback they received during the peer review, as it helped them to improve their writing skills.---Conclusion:Today's lesson was a successful one, and I am confident that the students have gained valuable insights into persuasive writing. As I continue on this journey, I will continue to reflect on my teaching practices and seek opportunities to enhance the learning experience for my students. It is through these experiences that I grow as an educator and contribute to the academic success of my students.第2篇Date: October 15, 2023Class: Grade 8, EnglishSubject: Integrated SkillsDuration: 1 hour and 30 minutes---Morning Session:Today marks the first day of the new academic year, and I am eager to begin my teaching journey with the Grade 8 students. The class consists of 25 students, with a diverse range of English proficiency levels. As I enter the classroom, I can sense the mix of excitement and nervousnessin the air.I start the class with a warm-up activity to get everyone engaged. I usea simple game of "Simon Says" to practice listening and following instructions. This helps to break the ice and get the students comfortable with speaking in English.After the warm-up, I introduce the lesson for the day. The topic is "My Favorite Place," which I hope will encourage the students to express their thoughts and feelings in English. I distribute handouts with pictures of different places and ask the students to choose their favorite one. I also provide them with a list of adjectives and verbs to describe the place.The students seem to be interested in the topic, and they start sharing their thoughts. However, I notice that some of them are struggling to find the right words. To address this, I ask them to work in pairs and discuss their favorite place. This helps them to practice their speaking skills and build confidence.As the pairs present their ideas, I listen carefully and provide feedback. I encourage them to use more complex sentence structures and expand on their descriptions. Some students are able to do this well, while others still need more guidance.---Afternoon Session:The afternoon session is dedicated to grammar practice. Today's focus is on the past continuous tense. I start by explaining the structure and usage of the past continuous tense through a simple story. I use a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the concept with clear examples.After the explanation, I give the students a short worksheet to complete. The worksheet contains exercises that require them to form sentences in the past continuous tense. I walk around the classroom and assist those who are struggling.I am pleased to see that most students are able to grasp the conceptafter a few examples. However, a few students still find it challenging.I decide to spend a bit more time on this topic during the next class, providing additional practice and explanations.---Reflections:Today has been a great start to the new academic year. The students are responsive and engaged, and I am excited about the potential of the class. However, I also recognize that there is a lot of work to be done in terms of individualized support and targeted instruction.I am particularly concerned about the students who are struggling with grammar. I plan to implement a more structured grammar program, with regular quizzes and practice exercises. I also want to encourage peer tutoring, where stronger students can help their classmates.In addition, I need to work on creating a more interactive and student-centered classroom environment. I plan to incorporate more groupactivities and projects, as well as regular feedback sessions to track the progress of each student.As I conclude the day, I feel a sense of accomplishment. It is clearthat the students are eager to learn, and I am committed to providing them with the best possible educational experience.---To-Do List for Tomorrow:- Review the past continuous tense with additional examples and exercises.- Implement a group project on "My Favorite Place" to further practice speaking and listening skills.- Prepare materials for a grammar lesson on the present perfect tense.- Review and grade the worksheets from today's class.---As I close my journal for the day, I am filled with optimism. The journey of teaching English to these young minds is both challenging and rewarding, and I am ready to embrace each day with enthusiasm and dedication.第3篇Date: October 5, 2023Subject: Grade 8 EnglishClass: Class 3Objective: To enhance students' reading comprehension skills and their ability to express opinions on familiar topics.Lesson Overview:Today's lesson focused on reading comprehension and opinion expression. The students have been working on the module "My Hometown" in their English textbook. The aim was to help them understand the text better and to encourage them to share their own perspectives on their hometowns.Morning Session:9:00 AM - 10:00 AMI started the class by revisiting the previous lesson's vocabulary. I used flashcards to review words related to places, activities, andnatural features. The students were quite engaged, and we had a good discussion about their favorite places in their hometowns.10:00 AM - 10:30 AMNext, I introduced the new text. The students were given a passage about a fictional hometown called "Greenfield." I read the passage aloud and paused after each paragraph to check for understanding. I askedquestions like "What is the main idea of this paragraph?" and "What do you think the author is trying to convey?" The students responded well, and we had a lively discussion.10:30 AM - 11:00 AMTo reinforce the reading skills, I divided the class into small groups. Each group was given a different section of the text to analyze. Theyhad to identify the main idea, supporting details, and the author's tone. This activity helped the students to focus on the text more closely and to understand the structure of a narrative passage.Lunch Break:The students enjoyed their lunch break, and I took the opportunity to prepare the materials for the afternoon session.Afternoon Session:1:00 PM - 2:00 PMThe afternoon session was dedicated to opinion expression. I started by discussing the difference between facts and opinions. I gave them examples of both and asked them to differentiate between them.2:00 PM - 2:30 PMTo practice expressing opinions, I showed a short video about thebenefits of living in a small town versus a big city. After watching the video, I divided the class into two groups. One group had to argue in favor of living in a small town, while the other had to argue for living in a big city. The students were very enthusiastic and presented their arguments with confidence.2:30 PM - 3:00 PMTo consolidate their learning, I asked each student to write a short paragraph about their own hometown. They had to include a fact and an opinion about their hometown. The students worked diligently, and their paragraphs were well-written and insightful.3:00 PM - 3:30 PMFinally, I conducted a class discussion where each student shared their paragraph with the class. The students listened attentively and offered constructive feedback. This activity not only helped the students to practice their speaking skills but also to appreciate the diversity of opinions.Reflection:Today's lesson was a success. The students showed great improvement in their reading comprehension skills and their ability to express opinions. The group activities and the class discussion were particularlyeffective in engaging the students and encouraging them to think critically. I also appreciated the students' willingness to share their perspectives, which added a personal touch to the lesson.For the next class, I plan to continue working on opinion expression by introducing a debate format. I will assign topics related to their interests and have them prepare arguments for both sides. This will help them to develop their public speaking skills and to appreciate the importance of logical reasoning.Overall, today was a productive day in the classroom. I am looking forward to seeing the progress my students will make in the coming weeks.End of the Day:As the bell rang, the students left the classroom with smiles on their faces. I felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I had contributed to their learning journey. I look forward to the challenges and successes that tomorrow will bring.。



第1篇Date: March 15, 2023Location: XYZ High School, Classroom 101Subject: English Language Teaching PracticeDuration: 2 hoursClass: Grade 10, 1st PeriodStudent Count: 30---Introduction:Today marks the third week of my English teaching practice at XYZ High School. I am assigned to teach Grade 10 students, who are in their second year of high school. This class is particularly challenging as it includes students with varying English proficiency levels. My goal for today's lesson is to introduce the topic of "Healthy Lifestyles" and to encourage students to express their opinions on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.---Objective:1. To introduce new vocabulary related to healthy lifestyles.2. To engage students in a group discussion about the importance of healthy habits.3. To improve students' speaking skills through role-playing activities.---Materials Used:1. Whiteboard and markers2. Projector and laptop3. Handouts with vocabulary list4. Role-playing scenarios---Teaching Procedure:1. Warm-up (10 minutes):- Begin with a simple icebreaker activity: Ask students to share their favorite healthy food or exercise routine.- This activity helps to create a relaxed atmosphere and encourages students to speak freely.2. Introduction to New Vocabulary (15 minutes):- Use the projector to display a list of new vocabulary words related to healthy lifestyles (e.g., exercise, diet, nutrition, fitness, well-being).- Explain the meaning of each word and provide examples.- Have students repeat the words aloud to reinforce their pronunciation.3. Group Discussion (20 minutes):- Divide the class into small groups of 4-5 students.- Provide each group with a scenario that involves discussing the importance of a healthy lifestyle.- For example, "If you were the principal of your school, what would you do to promote a healthy lifestyle among students?"- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in their discussions.4. Role-playing Activity (15 minutes):- Each group selects two members to participate in a role-playingactivity based on the scenario they discussed.- The remaining students act as judges and provide feedback on the role-players' use of English and their arguments.5. Reflection and Wrap-up (10 minutes):- Gather the class back together and have each group present their role-playing activity.- Discuss the main points of the discussion and the role-players' arguments.- Encourage students to share their own opinions on the importance of a healthy lifestyle.---Observations and Reflections:Positive Aspects:- The students were very engaged in the group discussion and role-playing activities.- Most students were able to use the new vocabulary correctly during the activities.- The students showed a genuine interest in the topic of healthy lifestyles.Areas for Improvement:- Some students were hesitant to speak up in the group discussions, which could be due to their lack of confidence or fear of making mistakes.- The time management for the role-playing activity was tight, and some groups were unable to complete their presentation within the given time frame.Action Plan for Next Class:- In the next class, I plan to spend more time on building students' confidence in speaking English. This can be achieved through more frequent practice activities and positive reinforcement.- To ensure that all groups have enough time to complete their presentations, I will adjust the timing of the role-playing activity accordingly.---Conclusion:Today's English teaching practice was a valuable experience. While there were challenges, the students' enthusiasm and willingness to participate made the lesson enjoyable. I am looking forward to continuing my teaching practice and improving my skills as an English language teacher.第2篇Date: October 10, 2023Location: XYZ High School, Classroom 5Subject: English as a Second LanguageDuration: 2 hoursStudents: 30 students (Grade 10)Objective: To improve students' speaking skills through a group discussion activity.Materials Used:- Whiteboard and markers- Projector and laptop- Handouts with pictures and questionsIntroduction:Today's lesson focused on enhancing students' speaking abilities. Given that we are in the second semester of the academic year, the students have already covered a significant portion of the English curriculum. Therefore, I aimed to provide them with an interactive and engaging activity that would allow them to practice their speaking skills in a supportive environment.Preparation:Before the class, I prepared a handout containing pictures related to various topics, such as sports, food, and travel. I also prepared a set of questions to guide the group discussions. Additionally, I projected the handouts on the board to make them visible to all students.Classroom Management:The students were well-behaved, and I managed the classroom effectively.I maintained eye contact with each student, encouraged participation,and ensured that the discussion remained on topic. I also monitored the time to ensure that the activity lasted for the allocated two hours.Lesson Plan:1. Warm-up (10 minutes): I started the class with a quick warm-upactivity to get the students' minds engaged. I asked them to introduce themselves and share something interesting about their weekend. This helped to create a positive and interactive atmosphere.2. Group Discussion (60 minutes): I divided the students into groups of three or four. Each group received a handout with pictures and questions.I instructed them to discuss the pictures and answer the questions in English. I encouraged them to speak clearly and confidently, and to use new vocabulary and grammar structures they had learned in previous lessons.3. Feedback and Reflection (30 minutes): After the group discussions, I invited each group to present their findings to the class. I provided positive feedback and constructive criticism to help them improve theirspeaking skills. I also encouraged them to reflect on their performance and identify areas where they could improve.4. Homework Assignment: To reinforce the lesson, I assigned a homework assignment. The students were required to write a short essay on one of the topics discussed in class. This would help them to further develop their writing skills.Reflection:Overall, today's lesson was a success. The students activelyparticipated in the group discussions and demonstrated improvement in their speaking skills. They were able to express their thoughts clearly and use new vocabulary and grammar structures. I believe that theactivity was beneficial for them and helped them to build confidence in their English abilities.Areas for Improvement:- I noticed that some students were hesitant to speak in front of the class. To address this, I plan to implement more speaking activities in future lessons and provide them with opportunities to practice in smaller groups.- I also realized that some students were struggling with certain grammar structures. I will provide additional resources and explanations to help them understand and master these concepts.Conclusion:Today's English teaching practice was a valuable experience. I am pleased with the progress the students have made, and I am confidentthat they will continue to improve their English skills. I will continue to provide them with engaging and interactive activities to help them achieve their language goals.第3篇Date: March 15, 2023Location: XYZ High School, Classroom 101Subject: English Language ArtsClass Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutesClassroom Composition: 30 students, grades 10Objective: To enhance students' speaking and listening skills through a role-play activity based on a current event.Materials Used:- Projector and computer for PowerPoint presentation- Handouts with role-play scripts- Whiteboard and markers- StopwatchTeaching Plan:1. Warm-Up (10 minutes):- Start with a quick review of vocabulary related to the current event.- Use a PowerPoint presentation to show images and discuss the event briefly.2. Introduction to Role-Play (10 minutes):- Explain the purpose of the activity and its relevance to their speaking and listening skills.- Provide a brief overview of the roles and the expected outcome.3. Role-Play Activity (30 minutes):- Divide the class into groups of three, assigning each group a specific role (e.g., news anchor, reporter, and interviewee).- Distribute handouts with the scripts for each role.- Allow students to practice their lines individually before starting the role-play.4. Guided Practice (10 minutes):- Observe and provide feedback on the students' performance.- Encourage them to use complete sentences, proper grammar, and appropriate intonation.5. Peer Assessment (10 minutes):- Instruct students to evaluate their peers based on their fluency, grammar, and pronunciation.- Have each group present their role-play to the class.6. Reflection and Wrap-Up (10 minutes):- Facilitate a class discussion on what they learned from the activity.- Ask students to share their thoughts on the effectiveness of the role-play in improving their speaking and listening skills.Reflection:Today's class was a success, and I am pleased with the students' engagement and participation in the role-play activity. Here are some key observations and reflections:- Student Engagement: The students were highly motivated to participate in the role-play. They seemed genuinely interested in the current event and were eager to take on their assigned roles.- Speaking Skills: The students demonstrated significant improvement in their speaking skills. They were able to articulate their thoughts clearly and express themselves confidently.- Listening Skills: The activity also provided an excellent opportunity for the students to practice their listening skills. They paid closeattention to their peers and were able to follow the narratives effectively.- Group Dynamics: The group work was well-managed, and the students supported each other throughout the activity. This collaborative approach enhanced their teamwork and communication skills.- Feedback: Providing immediate feedback was crucial in helping the students improve their performance. They appreciated the constructive criticism and used it to enhance their delivery.Challenges:- Time Management: The activity took longer than anticipated, which meant we had to skip some planned activities. I need to better manage my time to ensure all lessons are covered.- Technical Issues: There were some technical difficulties with the projector, which momentarily disrupted the flow of the class. I need to have a backup plan in place for such situations.Next Steps:- Review and Reflect: At the end of the lesson, I will review the class and reflect on the strengths and areas for improvement.- Adjust Teaching Strategies: Based on the feedback and observations, I will adjust my teaching strategies to better cater to the needs of the students.- Plan for Future Classes: I will plan future classes with a more structured approach, ensuring that all activities are well-managed and time-efficient.Conclusion:Today's English teaching practice was a valuable learning experience. The role-play activity was an effective way to enhance the students' speaking and listening skills. By addressing the challenges and planning for future classes, I am confident that I will continue to improve as an English teacher.。






二、实践教学内容1. 模拟课堂教学在本次实践教学活动中,我担任了模拟课堂教学的讲师。










2. 小组讨论在小组讨论环节,我安排了两个话题,让学生分组进行讨论。



3. 角色扮演在角色扮演环节,我设置了几个生活场景,如购物、问路、就医等。


三、实践教学心得1. 教学口语表达的重要性通过本次实践教学活动,我深刻认识到教学口语表达的重要性。



2. 教学方法的选择在实践教学活动中,我尝试了多种教学方法,如模拟课堂教学、小组讨论、角色扮演等。



































































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本课中的句型This is……和I’m…..以及Nice to meet you等句型在上册课本中学生已经达到听、说要求,因此在本单元的学习中要兼顾以旧带新,巩固已学的问候语。

在此基础上重点学习的单词有:cat, bag, dad ,hand 和he, she ,student(pupil),teacher.其中cat, bag ,dad, hand 这四个单词在上册教材中已经达到听说要求,所以这册中要求听写,而he ,she ,student(pupil), teacher则只要求听说和认读,而he, she 的学习是人称代词这一语法现象的渗透,He/She is a student(pupil) /teacher .又为将来学习表达人物职业埋下伏笔。







周五我要上的是第一单元A部分的Let’s talk 及Look and say.对于这一部分的教学目标是:能听、说、认、读单词:UK ,Canada, USA, China,并知道它们代表的国家,了解各自国家具有代表性的事物;能结合四个新单词,用“I’m from …..”介绍自己或朋友来自哪里;会说唱Let’s chant ,通过Let’s chant 来巩固所学单词。

本课的教学重点是:单词UK ,Canada ,USA ,China 认读与应用。


教学难点是:单词Canada 的读音及UK ,USA 的区别。






本课第一课时是A部分的Let’s talk及Look and say。

我选取了第一课时较为重要的部分——Step1 Presentation. 新课导入是决定一节课成功是否的关键因素。

我是借用歌曲逐渐引入到新课当中,I want to be your friend, Amy wants to be your friend , too.把新学期的新朋友Amy引进来,让学生认识这个新人物,并记住她。

接着会引入Amy 来自哪个国家,便导入本课的重点句型:I ’m from the UK. 接下来多次重复练习。

然后再借用我们的老朋友Mike引入国家Canada,于是有了句型:I’m from Canada.然后再进行机械式的练习即可。



这节课我们学习Let’s talk部分。

在课件的帮助下,我带领孩子认识了本学期的新朋友Amy和Zhang peng.通过了解他们的过程中,导入了本课重点学习的内容——国家。

在导入过程中,学生较容易接受,对于国家名称,学生并没有觉得很困难;又引入重点句型I‘m from ……,把国家代入进行机械操练;同时拿出不同国家的红旗,先带领学生认识各个国家的红旗,接着让学生操练重点句型。


另外,让学生课下背诵Let’s talk 的内容。



今天这节课,我学习了Let’s learn,这一部分的教学目标是能听、说、认、读单词:UK ,Canada ,USA ,China。



2014年2月28日周一天气:晴在教学第一单元时,我把A、B部分的Let’s learn.整合起来教,我先教学“boy”和“girl”两个单词,我指着一个男学生说:“He’s Peter. He’s a boy. ”再指着另一个男学生说:“He’s Thomas. He’s a boy.”示范三四次之后,以同样的方***流指着三四个女学生说:“She’s …. She’s a girl.”然后,指着不同的男女学生说:“He’s a boy. She’s a girl.”经过反复几次的示范,一部分学生能够模仿我的话了,我又让几个优生进行示范,最后让学生进行小组口语操练。






只是变换句型为“I’m a teacher. You’re a student.”为了巩固这四个新单词,我和学生玩一个正问反答的游戏。

我向一个学生连连发问:“Are you a teacher?”学生必须根据我的发问做出与事实相反的回答:“Yes.”“Are you a boy?”“No.”当这个学生不承认自己是男孩时,其他学生都大笑起来,情绪也高涨起来,一个个学生都举起了小手说:“Let me try. Let me try.”我和三个学生示范这个游戏后,就让他们同桌之间玩。














需要改进的方面 1.教学中没有完全做到“高效课堂”的要求,离高效课堂的标准还有一定差距;2.对学生学习效果的检测和监控还不够全面,应该面向更多的学生; 3.应该在教学中适当穿插一些字母组合发音规律的内容; 4.应该逐步把注重“听、说”能力培养转移到注重“听、说、读、写。
