




这种谈判风格属于()A.软弱型模式B.进取型模式C.合作型模式D.强有力型模式9.以下各项中,不属于报价时必须遵循的原则的是()A.不问不答B.有问必答C.能言不书D.能书不言10.一般来说,谈判人员在开始时精力充沛,其持续时间约占整个谈判时间的()A.3.3%以下B.3.3%~8.3%C.8.3%~13.3%D.13.3%以上11.以下有关俄罗斯人谈判风格的描述,正确的是()A.豪放热心B.浪漫随意C.求成心切D.效率较高12.商务谈判的四种目标之间的关系是()A.最高目标>实际需求目标>可接受目标≥最低目标B.最高目标>实际需求目标≥可接受目标≥最低目标C.最高目标>可接受目标>实际需求目标≥最低目标D.最高目标>可接受目标≥实际需求目标≥最低目标13.模拟谈判一般发生在国际商务谈判基本程序中的()A.准备阶段B.开局阶段C.签约阶段D.正式谈判阶段14.以下有关谈判组织的构成原则的说法中,不正确的是()A.根据谈判对象确定组织规模B.组成谈判队伍时要贯彻节约原则C.谈判人员应层次分明、分工明确D.谈判人员不应赋予法人代表资格15.“你看给我方的折扣定为3%是否妥当?”这种发问方式属于()A.澄清式B.探索式C.协商式D.诱导式16. 对谈判进行评价的主要指标是( )A.信誉B.经济利益C.拥有信息D.稳定的交易关系17. 在国际商务谈判中,千万不能赠送酒类礼品的国家是( )A.美国B.英国C.法国D.阿拉伯18. 一般商品的交易谈判只需( )A.2~3人B.2~4人C.3~4人D.3~5人19. 符合商务谈判让步原则的做法是( )A.作同等让步B.让步幅度要大C.让步节奏要快D.在重要问题上不要轻易让步20. 德国商人在谈判中往往习惯于( )A.拖拖拉拉B.速战速决C.先礼后兵D.以势压人21. 在国际商务谈判中,首先提出含有较大虚头的开价,然后再讨价还价,直至达成交易的是( )A.西欧式报价B.东欧式报价C.北欧式报价D.日本式报价22. “贵方某某先生的问题提得很好,我曾经在某一份资料上看过有这一问题的记载,就记忆所及,大概是……”这种答复谈判对手的技巧可称为( )A.避正答偏B.推卸责任C.以问代答D.答非所问23. 十分回避“厕所”这个词,一般都使用其他暗示的方法。

国际商务谈判 复习资料

国际商务谈判 复习资料

Part zero1、definition of negotiationNegotiation is a dialogue intended to resolve disputes, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests.A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.2、business negotiation1)definition:It is a process in which the participants of business activities communicate, discuss, and adjust their views, settle differences and finally reach a mutually acceptable agreement in order to close a deal or achieve a proposed financial goal.2)Characteristics :The objective of business negotiation is to obtain financial interestThe core of business negotiation is priceIts principle is equality and mutual benefitItems of contract should keep strictly accurate and rigorous3、international business negotiation1)definition:It refers to the business negotiation that takes place between the interests groups from different countries or regions. It is an important activity frequently involved in foreign trade and other economic exchange, serving a critical approach and method for these interest groups or individuals to confer together to reach an agreement or settle the issues of their interest conflicts.2)Characteristics :In addition to the general characteristics of typical business negotiations, international business negotiation demonstrated the following features: The difficulty and the cost are greater than that of domestic businessLanguage barriersCultural differenceInternational laws and domestic laws are both in forceInternational political factors must be taken into account3)FormsClassified by forms: ①one-to-one negotiation ②multilateral negotiationClassified by negotiation site: ①Host venue ②Guest venue ③The third party’s venueClassified by attitudes of two parties:①Soft negotiation ②Hard negotiation ③Principled negotiationClassified by ways of communication: ①Oral negotiation ②Written negotiation Classified by negotiation object:①Product trade negotiation ②Technology trade negotiation ③Service trade negotiationClassified by the order of negotiators discuss problems:①Horizontal Negotiation ②Vertical negotiation4)PrinciplesEquality and mutual benefit principleKeep it flexible and fluidSincere cooperationAct in strict accordance with the lawPartⅠ4、Maslow's hierarchy of needsMaslow's hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top. Maslow’s theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire the secondary or higher levels needs.In negotiation, how to use the need theory to find, analyze and satisfy each other’s needs is very crucial for any negotiator to gain over the most possible benefits.1)Survival needs and negotiationThe survival needs are embodied in the negotiation as the negotiator’s needs or dress, food, accommodation, and traveling. As a host and negotiating organizer oneshould provide for the other party a better living condition to lighten the inconveniences, the psychological pressures and the doubtful feelings of the guest negotiators, which is helpful for creating a friendly negotiating atmosphere.2)Security needs and negotiationThe negotiator’s security needs are mainly that of personal, positional and economical benefits.The guest negotiator is not familiar with the local social situation, customs and public order and traffic. They may feel a lack of security or safety. So the host should try to give more considerations to every detail of safety issues.Status security represents that both parties will probably regard reaching an agreement as his task. The negotiator should have a correct understanding of negotiation on an equal basis and for mutual benefit. A negotiator’s work should not be evaluated by the standard of reaching an agreement.The negotiator’s superiors are likely to link the negotiation result with the negotiator’s income. Sometimes the negotiator may take the risk of seeking his personal benefit by reaching an agreement at the cost of the interests of the country or organization.3)Social needs and negotiationEvery negotiator hopes to establish friendly relationship with the other party. In addition, they also hope to have a solidary team of their own to get a successful negotiation result. Therefore negotiators should understand each other andself-surrender a bit to satisfy their own social needs.4)Ego needs and negotiationOne’s need for respect is from three different sources: He needs the respect of his colleagues back home which is fundamental to his personal satisfaction from the negotiation. He will be influenced by the respect of the other party and believe that the other party’s respect depends on his success in earning those material goods. He will also be concerned with his self-respect which will equally focus on his success in winning material goods.In a negotiation if both parties can satisfy each other’s needs for respect, then this respect will change into a power to restrict each other’s behavior and ensure a successful negotiation.5)Self-actualization needs and negotiationThe satisfaction of the self-realization needs in negotiation depends on the achievement the negotiator has made. The more benefits you obtained, the higher degree of satisfaction you’ll have of self-realization needs. To evaluate the negotiator, it is not enough to observe the benefits he strives for. Under what condition and how he strives for the benefits should also be taken into consideration.Negotiators should learn to use the Maslow Need Theory Model as a situational thermostat. Judging how the other person reacts to offers or proposals will reveal how close to making the deal too painful for the other person to accept.5、Game TheorySince both "rationally" decide to defect, each receives a lower reward than if both were to stay quiet. Traditional game theory results in both players being worse off than if each chose to lessen the sentence of his accomplice at the cost of spending more time in jail himself.We must remember the golden rule when it comes to business competition, as taught by the prisoner’s dilemma: Acting in one’s self interest does not always serve one’s self interest.By analysing the top-scoring strategies, Axelrod stated several conditions necessary for a strategy to be successful.1)NiceThe most important condition is that the strategy must be "nice", that is, it will not defect before its opponent does. Almost all of the top-scoring strategies were nice; therefore, a purely selfish strategy will not "cheat" on its opponent, for purely self-interested reasons first.2)RetaliatingHowever, the successful strategy must not be a blind optimist. It must sometimes retaliate. An example of a non-retaliating strategy is Always Cooperate. This is a very bad choice, as "nasty" strategies will ruthlessly exploit such players.3)ForgivingSuccessful strategies must also be forgiving. Though players will retaliate, they will once again fall back to cooperating if the opponent does not continue to defect. This stops long runs of revenge and counter-revenge, maximizing points.4)Non-enviousThe last quality is being non-envious, that is not striving to score more than the opponent.6、Principled negotiationPrincipled negotiation is the name given to the interest-based approach to negotiation set out in the best-known conflict resolution book, Getting to Yes. The book advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation:1) separate the people from the problem;Separating the people from the problem means separating relationship issues from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. People problems often involve difficult emotions — fear, anger, distrust and anxiety for example. These emotions get intertwined with the substantive issues in the dispute and make both harder to deal with.2) focus on interests, not positions;Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. Often, these are not the same. People tend to take extreme positions that are designed to counter their opponents’ positions. If asked why they are taking that position, it often turns out that the underlying reasons--their true interests and needs--are actually compatible, not mutually exclusive.3) invent options for mutual gain;By focusing on interests, disputing parties can more easily fulfill the third principle--invent options for mutual gain. This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose.4) introduce on objective criteria.If union and management are struggling over a contract, they can look to see what other similar companies have agreed to use as an outside objective criteria. This gives both sides more guidance as to what is "fair," and makes it hard to oppose offers in this range.The four components are interrelated with each other and should be applied to throughout the whole course of the negotiations.Part Ⅱ7、Setting up an AppointmentPersonal Styles VS Degree of AC(个性类型与谈判模式)1)Competing style of persons tends to use high pressure and they force the other party to surrender to their demands.2)Collaborating style of persons show concerns and understanding to parties’ interests, difficulties and satisfactions, trust others and offer help needed in negotiation.3)Compromising style of persons try to split the difference or find an intermediate point according to some principle.4)Avoiding style of persons is never willing to cooperate with others nor do they state their consent or objection openly.5)Accommodating style of persons habitually accept others’ desires and requests. The model clearly shows the position of each personal style in the graph and their combination of different degrees of assertiveness and cooperativeness.1)Competing style and accommodating style are at the high ends of assertiveness and cooperativeness.2)Avoiding style is neither assertive nor cooperative, thus is the least recommended style for negotiations.3)Compromising style, corresponding its middle position, is inclined to take middle way and seeks balance between different people.4)Collaborating style combines highest degree of both assertiveness and cooperativeness and should be recommended as the most suitable personal style for negotiations.By cooperating with different kinds of counterparts, you can adopt different strategies accordingly.8、Negotiation StrategiesYour case and bargaining position will determine which negotiation strategy will work best for you:Competitive, when you must have what you want;Accommodation, when you have done wrong and want to settle quickly; Compromising, when expedience matters most;Collaborative, when you want to create a bigger pie;Avoidance, when you are not yet ready to bargain.The Competitive Strategy——“I win, you lose” is the one most often used in settlement negotiation. Following are examples of some competitive tactics: 1) Alternatives to settlement.Emphasize you have better choices than settlement.2) “Anything but that”Claim your adversary’s offer is not enough, even when it is.3) Bluffing(欺骗,糊弄)Bluffing is at negotiation’s core because each side has limited information. Look for signs of uncertainty on adversary’s face or in his body language. Uses the uncertainty to create even more doubt. And doubt translates into risk, and risk into money.4) Bringing in the mediaThreaten to report some action or behavior to the media to induce concessions. (media-sensitive industries)5) Creating deadlockCreate deadlock to force your adversary into concessions to move the negotiations along.6) Diversion/DistractionIf you feel you are losing an important issue, shift the discussions to a different issue before you concede(让步).7) Done dealTake some unilateral(单边的) action and present it to other side as a “done deal”. Your adversary is thus forced to acquiesce(勉强同意) or walk out.8) Good cop/Bad copTeam an aggressive negotiator with a friendly negotiator to win concessions. The aggressive negotiator uses competitive tactics to anger and distract your adversary. The friendly negotiator steps in to smooth things over. You can strike a deal on thefriendly negotiator’s terms.9) Irrational behaviorSometimes act irrationally, not only to distract and unnerve, but also to undermine your adversary’s confidence.10) Limited authorityClaim to lack authority to settle at some amount and ask your adversary to reduce the offer to your authority limits.11) Limited timeConstrain the time limits of the negotiation.12) “Poor me”Act like you have no background or training in negotiation and ask your adversary’s help. He may sympathize with you and be more reasonable than he intended.13) SilenceVery few people can endure silence. Silence can impel your adversary to give you more information or concede more than he intended.14) Straw manDemand agreement on issue 1, which your adversary cares about most. Create deadlock and then “reluctantly” concede issue 1 to gain agreement on issue 2.15) TurnaboutAfter you have conceded an issue or otherwise acted defensively, “gain space” by coming out strong on the next issue.16) Use of powerThreaten to use your power and sometimes actually use it.●The Accommodation Strategy——An accommodating party will sublimate itsconcerns to satisfy the other party’s, at least for the present. You choose an Accommodation Strategy if you have done wrong and want to get the matter over with quickly and less expensively.1) Face-savingPrioritize the other side’s dignity. Allow the other side to make tactful retreats to avoid embarrassment.2) IdentificationAlign your interests with your adversary’s, see the facts from her perspective, and agree with her arguments. But don’t concede unnecessary issues.3 )Take the lead oarMove the negotiation forward regardless of who created the difficulty.4) Take reasonable actionsAlways be the party of reason, whether setting realistic deadlines or other conditions of the negotiation.●The Compromising Strategy——Compromisers look for an expedient, partiallysatisfactory middle ground.1) Bit-by-bitGain your concessions “bit-by-bit” rather than all at once.2) Conditional proposalsMake a proposal conditioned upon your adversary’s acceptance of issues you need favorably resolved.3) “Log-rolling”Concede on an unimportant issue to you in exchange for your adversary’s concession on an issue that does matter to you.4) “Splitting the baby”At some point offer to split the difference with the other side5) Tit-for-tat针锋相对Never make a concession without obtaining one in return.●The Collaborative Strategy——The Collaborative Strategy(win-win)seeks tocreate value for both sides. Its focus is on each side’s underlying interests and not their positions.1) FlexibilityBe flexible. Know when to mount a tactical retreat and when to press for an important point.2) Focus on processProcess often translates into improved substance.3) Identify with others in similar circumstancesArgue that the other side has already treated similarly-situated X in a particular way, and they should treat you the same way.●The Avoidance Strategy——Avoiders try to ignore the entire dispute, or somespecific issues, for at least some period of time.1) Negotiate money issues firstIf you prioritize money, insist that money be negotiated first.2) Negotiate non-money issues firstIf you wish to avoid paying money, address the non-money issues first. You can then value your none-monetary concessions and use those values to reduce the amount of money you will pay your adversary.3) Refuse to combine negotiation of related disputesIf you are litigating multiple related actions, refuse to negotiate the actions together if you determine that you are stronger in one case than another.4) Walk out of the negotiationIf you become engaged in negotiations you are not ready for, walk out.5) Withdraw an issueIf you are not yet ready to address an issue, perhaps because it is too painful or simply not ripe for discussion, remove that issue from the negotiation, for at least some period of time.6) Switching strategiesYou may decide to switch strategies if you feel you are making insufficientprogress.Part Ⅲ9、Free trade areaWTO means the World Trade OrganizationGATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services, which is part of the WTO Agreement;GATT means the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which is part of the WTO Agreement.FTA(free-trade area)is a theoretical concept where a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free-trade agreement (FTA), which eliminates tariffs, import quotas, and preferences on most (if not all) goods and services traded between them.中日韩自由贸易区CJK FTA1)General Trade and Economic Relations among the Three Countries China, Japan and Korea are major economic players in the world which recorded nearly 20% of the world’s total GDP. The share of intra-regional trade among the three countries has increased steadily. China was the largest trading partner of Japan and Korea, and the two countries were regarded as the second and third largest trading partners of China.However, intra-regional trade levels were still much lower than those of the EU and NAFTA, substantial economic integration has not yet evolved in this region. Given the region’s economic power and competitiveness, economic integration in the region will certainly bring tremendous benefits not only to the region, but also to the world.2) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on Agriculture, FisheryA possible CJK FTA will bring the three countries potential benefits, including access for consumers to a wider range of agricultural products with lower prices and improved access for exporters to the partners’ markets. However, it would raise concerns in Japan and Korea for serious impacts on domestic agriculture production. It also increase pressure for China to meet domestic demand and lost price advantage in agriculture due to the rapidly increasing labor and input cost. In pursuing a possible CJK FTA, due consideration should be given to sensitive products of each country.In the fishery sector, China is more competitive in fresh water fishery, while Japan and Korea are more competitive in marine capture fisheries. With a possible CJK FTA, trade in fish products would benefit consumers and improve the overall national welfare of the three countries. However, a decline of fishery resources, increasing cost of capturing and stronger competition from areas will attenuate the positive effect. So consideration should be given to the effect of an appropriatefishery resources management to ensure sustainable development of fishery industries.3) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on Industrial GoodsA CJK FTA will likely increase the trade volumes and enhance production networks among them. On the other hand, a CJK FTA would reveal sensitive sectors in all three countries. For China, a CJK FTA could result in further accelerated increase of imports from Japan and Korea, thus bringing bigger pressure on China’s domestic enterprises in such sensitive industries as chemicals; automobiles; electronics and ship-building, etc.In order to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industries of China, Japan and Korea, the three countries should not only reduce tariff andnon-tariff measures which have adverse effects to trade, but also deepen and strengthen economic linkages among the three countries to establish a win-win-win relationship through forming a CJK FTA, with due consideration to the sensitivities of each country in these areas.4) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on Trade in servicesBy reducing barriers and enhancing transparency, a possible CJK FTA might contribute to and enhance the momentum of mutual cooperation, MA, movement of goods, capital, persons and technology and trade facilitation. A future CJK FTA will help bring down costs and prices, increase efficiency and innovation, and broaden the range of services being offered, thus improving the quality of services through maximization of cross-border resource allocation processes. The facilitation of movement of business personnel will also promote the overall development in the services sectors.5) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on InvestmentWith a comprehensive CJK FTA, which focuses on enhancing market access by eliminating restrictions against foreign investment in an appropriate manner, more active trade and investment in Northeast Asia would ensue. Liberalization of investment would also enable investors to mobilize their resources for further development in this region, thus leading to a mutually beneficial cooperative partnership among the three countries in the future.In future negotiations on the investment chapter, more flexibility should be given to China for adaption and modification in its liberalization process.6) E-commerceWith the development of information technology, e-commerce has emerged as a dynamic form of transaction and one of the most quickly growing business industries in the world. Increasing use of e-commerce can bring economic growth and opportunity through facilitating trade in goods and introducing new services. Enterprises, including SMEs, will profit from the use of e-commerce as it improves efficiency and reduces the cost of transactions. A possible CJK FTA would provide an opportunity to enhance trilateral e-commerce cooperation and transaction.中国-东盟自由贸易区中国-新西兰自由贸易区Part Ⅳ10、Four modes of supply of the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)1) Cross-border (跨境交付)——from the territory of one Member into the territory of any other Member.Mode 1: A user in country A receives services from abroad through its telecommunications or postal infrastructure.2) Consumption abroad(境外消费)——in the territory of one Member to the service consumer of any other Member.Mode 2: Nationals of A have moved abroad as tourists, students, or patients to consume the respective services.3) Commercial Presence(商业存在)——by a service supplier of one Member, through commercial presence, in the territory of any other Member.Mode 3: The service is provided within A by a locally-established affiliate, subsidiary, or representative office of a foreign-owned and — controlled company (bank, hotel group, construction company, etc.).4) Presence of natural persons(自然人流动)——d.by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member.Mode 4: A foreign national provides a service within A as an independent supplier (e.g., consultant, health worker) or employee of a service supplier (e.g. consultancy firm, hospital, construction company).。

国际商务谈判技巧考试 选择题 51题

国际商务谈判技巧考试 选择题 51题

1.在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是建立信任的关键因素?A. 透明度B. 保密性C. 一致性D. 可靠性2. 当谈判双方的文化背景差异较大时,以下哪种策略最有效?A. 坚持己见B. 尊重对方文化C. 忽视文化差异D. 强势主导3. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的沟通技巧?A. 倾听B. 打断对方C. 清晰表达D. 非语言沟通4. 当谈判陷入僵局时,以下哪种方法可以帮助打破僵局?A. 退出谈判B. 提出新的解决方案C. 坚持原有立场D. 增加压力5. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是准备阶段的重要工作?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同6. 当谈判对手提出不合理要求时,以下哪种反应最合适?A. 立即拒绝B. 耐心解释C. 愤怒回应D. 无视要求7. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是建立良好关系的方法?A. 尊重对方B. 展示实力C. 分享信息D. 建立共同目标8. 当谈判中出现误解时,以下哪种做法最有助于澄清问题?A. 重复对方的话B. 直接指责C. 忽视误解D. 详细解释9. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的决策技巧?A. 集体决策B. 个人决策C. 数据支持D. 风险评估10. 当谈判中需要提出让步时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 突然提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝让步D. 完全让步11. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的情绪管理技巧?A. 保持冷静B. 表达愤怒C. 自我控制D. 积极态度12. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议13. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的团队合作技巧?A. 明确分工B. 个人主义C. 有效沟通D. 共同目标14. 当谈判中需要处理冲突时,以下哪种方法最有效?A. 回避冲突B. 直接对抗C. 寻求妥协D. 完全接受对方意见15. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的信息收集技巧?A. 网络搜索B. 个人猜测C. 行业报告D. 专家咨询16. 当谈判中需要提出价格谈判时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出高价B. 逐步提出价格C. 拒绝提出价格D. 完全接受对方价格17. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判策略?A. 双赢策略B. 零和策略C. 合作策略D. 竞争策略18. 当谈判中需要提出新的条款时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方条款19. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧20. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案21. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同22. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议23. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧24. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案25. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同26. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议27. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧28. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案29. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同30. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议31. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧32. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案33. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同34. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议35. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧36. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案37. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同38. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议39. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧40. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案41. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同42. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议43. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧44. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案45. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同46. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议47. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧48. 当谈判中需要提出新的解决方案时,以下哪种方式最合适?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方方案49. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判准备?A. 收集信息B. 确定目标C. 制定策略D. 签订合同50. 当谈判中需要提出新的建议时,以下哪种方式最有效?A. 直接提出B. 逐步提出C. 拒绝提出D. 完全接受对方建议51. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪项不是有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听技巧B. 打断技巧C. 表达技巧D. 非语言沟通技巧答案:1. B2. B3. B4. B5. D6. B7. B8. D9. B10. B11. B12. B13. B14. C15. B16. B17. B18. B19. B20. B21. D22. B23. B24. B25. D26. B27. B28. B29. D30. B31. B32. B33. D34. B35. B36. B37. D38. B39. B40. B41. D42. B43. B44. B45. D46. B47. B48. B49. D50. B51. B。
















国际商务谈判A 2022秋复习题提示:输入题目题干部分文字,按键盘快捷键CtrWF查找题目答案。

超越高度一、单选题(每题2分,共25道小题,总分值50分)L商务谈判中,作为摸清对方需要,掌握对方心理的手段是()(2分)A、问B、听C、看D、说正确答案:A2.为谈判过程确定基调是在(2分)A、准备阶段B、开局阶段C、正式谈判阶段D、签约阶段正确答案:B3.澳大利亚人的谈判风格一般表现为(2分)A N重视办事效率B、待人苛刻C、不愿接受款待D、不守信用正确答案:A4.既理性又富有人情味的谈判类型是(2分)A、让步型谈判B、软式谈判C、原则型谈判D、立场型谈判正确答案:C5.下列选项中,不属于非人员风险的是(2分)A、素质风险B、市场风险C、合同风险D、政治风险正确答案:A6.谈判中,双方互赠礼品时,西方人较为重视礼物的意义和()(2分)A、礼物价值B、礼物包装C、礼物类型D、感情价值正确答案:D7.在缺乏谈判经验的情况下,进行一些较为陌生的谈判,谈判人员应采取的让步方式。




国际商务试题答案一、选择题1. 在国际商务活动中,以下哪项是最重要的贸易壁垒?A. 关税壁垒B. 非关税壁垒C. 技术壁垒D. 配额制度答案:B. 非关税壁垒2. 国际贸易中的“最惠国待遇”是指:A. 给予所有国家相同的贸易优惠B. 仅给予特定国家贸易优惠C. 仅给予邻国贸易优惠D. 仅给予发达国家贸易优惠答案:A. 给予所有国家相同的贸易优惠3. 跨国公司在进行国际扩张时,通常采用的直接投资形式是:A. 出口B. 特许经营C. 合资企业D. 全资子公司答案:D. 全资子公司4. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪种策略最有助于建立长期合作关系?A. 强硬谈判B. 让步策略C. 合作策略D. 竞争策略答案:C. 合作策略5. 国际商务环境中,文化差异对商业活动的影响主要体现在哪些方面?A. 管理方式B. 沟通方式C. 决策过程D. 所有以上方面答案:D. 所有以上方面二、简答题1. 请简述国际商务中贸易保护主义的主要表现形式及其可能带来的影响。



2. 阐述国际商务中文化适应性的重要性及其对企业成功的作用。



3. 描述国际商务中汇率波动对企业的影响,并提出应对策略。






Chapter 01True / False Questions1.The shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy is referred to asglobalization.True False2. A company does not need a large size to facilitate, and benefit from, the globalization of markets.True Falsepanies hope to lower their overall cost structure or improve the quality or functionality of theirproduct offering through globalization of production. True False4.The most global markets currently are markets for consumer products. True False5.Outsourcing is a process that is limited to manufacturing enterprises. True False6.The health care sector in the U.S. cannot avail the benefits of outsourcing to lowcost producers inother nations because of the nature of the work. True False7.The World Bank has focused on policing the world trading system and making sure nation-statesadhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties. True False8.The World Bank is known as the lender of the last resort.True False9.One of the UN's central mandates is the promotion of higher standards of living, full employment,and conditions of economic and social progress and development.True False10.In 2008 and 2009, the GATT became the forum though which major nations attempted to launcha coordinated policy response to the global financial crisis, which started in America.True False11.The Uruguay Round, finalized in December 1993, reduced protection for patents, trademarks, andcopyrights.12."Beggar thy neighbor" retaliatory trade policies involved countries progressively lowering tradebarriers against each other, which contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s.True False13.Rivers Inc., a U.S. based sports apparel manufacturer, sets up a production unit in China to takeadvantage of the lower labor costs there. This is an example of foreign direct investment.True False14.World Bank gives an aid of 100 million dollars to Kenya for creating rural health care facilities. Thisis an example of foreign direct investment.True False15.The lowering of barriers to international trade enables firms to view the world, rather than a singlecountry, as their market.True False16.According to WTO data, the volume of world merchandise trade has grown faster than the worldeconomy since 1950.True False17.The expansion of world trade implies that nations are becoming less dependent on each other forimportant goods and services.True False18.Over the past 30 years the flow of FDI has accelerated faster than the growth in world trade andworld output.True False19.The globalization of markets and production and the resulting growth of world trade, foreign directinvestment, and imports all imply that firms are finding their home markets protected from foreign competitors.True False20.The cost of microprocessors continues to fall, while their power increases. This statementsupports the predictions made by Moore's Law.True FalseTrue False21.Efficiency gains associated with containerization have caused transportation costs to falldramatically.True False22.Low-cost global communications networks such as the World Wide Web are helping to createelectronic global marketplaces.True False23.Globalization of markets has resulted in greater differentiation of consumer tastesand preferences.24.In the early 1960s, the United States was by far the world's dominant industrial power. However by2009, it lost its dominant position and now, is no longer the world's largest industrial power.True False25.Non-U.S. firms increasingly began to invest across national borders because they wanted todisperse production activities to optimal locations and to build a direct presence in major foreign markets.True False26.A multinational enterprise (MNE) is any business that exports or imports products from othercountries.True False27.A current trend in international business is the decline of medium-sized and small multinationals,known as mini-multinationals.True False28.The globalization of the world economy has resulted in a relative increase in the dominance ofU.S. firms in the global marketplace.True False29.Doing business in Russia involves risks because the country has shown signs of shifting backtoward greater state involvement in economic activity and authoritarian government.True False30.Current trends indicate the world is moving toward an economic system that is more favorable forinternational business.True False31.Globalization reduces the risks of global financial contagion.True False32.Globalization critics argue that the decline in unskilled wage rates is due to the migration of low-wage manufacturing jobs offshore and a corresponding reduction in demand for unskilled workers.True False33.Evidence suggests that technological change has had a bigger impact than globalization on thedeclining share of national income enjoyed by labor. True False34.Recent evidence indicates that the solution to the problem of stagnant incomes among theunskilled is to be found in increasing government regulation of markets.True False35.According to supporters of free trade, as countries get richer they commit greater violation ofenvironmental and labor regulations.36.According to critics of globalization, today's interdependent global economy limits a nation'snational sovereignty.True False37.Critics of globalization suggest that over the last century, the gap between the rich and poornations of the world has shrunken.True False38.Supporters of debt relief argue that new democratic governments in poor nations should not beforced to honor debts incurred by corrupt and dictatorial predecessors.True False39.A firm does not have to become a multinational enterprise to engage in international business.True FalseTrue False40.Differences between countries require that an international business vary its practices country bycountry.True FalseMultiple Choice Questions41.Since the collapse of communism at the end of the 1980s, the erstwhile communist nations havetransformed their economies by globalizing their markets. This involves _____.A.regulating marketsB.privatizing state-owned enterprisesC.decreasing competitionD.reducing foreign investment42.Which of the following is a consequence of globalization?A.Decreasing interdependence between national economiesB.Increasing outsourcing of servicesC.Differentiation of material cultureD.Increase in barriers to cross-border trade43.Which of the following has enabled globalization of markets?A.Differentiation amongst national marketsB.Falling barriers to cross border tradeC.Reduced homogeneity of material culture across the worldD.Increased government ownership of factors of production44.Which of the following factors hinders globalization of consumer goods market? A. Nationaldifferences in tastes and preferencesB.Higher production costs in developed nationsC.Homogenization of material cultureD.Increasing outsourcing of goods and services45.Globalization of markets results in markets becoming _____.A.less interdependentB.less diverseC.more protectedD.less competitive46.A U.S. Investment firm, Fin-Smart, set up a customer service call center in India to take advantageof the lower labor costs. This is called _____.A.homogenizing marketsB.vertical integrationC.outsourcingD.horizontal integration47.Early outsourcing efforts were primarily confined to _____.A.health careB.service activitiesC.technological researchD.manufacturing activities48.Which of the following is NOT an impediment that makes it difficult for firms to achieve the optimaldispersion of their productive activities to locations around the globe?A.Reduced tariffs on imports of manufactured goodsernment regulationsC.Issues associated with economic and political riskD.Barriers to foreign direct investment49.The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was responsible for _____. A. protectinggovernment owned enterprisesB.policing the global marketplaceC.limiting nuclear testingD.promoting environment friendly technologyTrue False50.The ______ is primarily responsible for policing the world trading system and making sure nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties signed by member states.A.International Development AssociationB.World BankC.International Court of justiceD.World Trade Organization51.The World Trade Organization promotes _____.A.lowering of barriers to cross-border trade and investmentB.infrastructural development in poor nations through low-interest loansC.state ownership of major enterprisesD.regulation of national economies52.Which of the following is true about the International Monetary Fund? A. It is primarilyresponsible for policing the world trading system.B.It is seen as the lender of last resort to nation-states whose economies are in turmoil.C.It is responsible for establishing multinational treaties to govern the global business system.D.It was established to formulate a coordinated policy response to financial crises in developingnations.53.The _____ was established on October 24, 1945, by 51 countries committed to preservingpeace through international cooperation and collective security. A. World TradeOrganizationB.United NationsC.G20txD.World Bank54.The G20tx was originally established to _____.A.preserve peace through international cooperation and collective securityB.maintain order in the international monetary systemC.formulate a coordinated policy response to financial crises in developing nationsD.manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace55._____ occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in another country.A.International tradeB.Foreign direct investmentC.Inward investmentD.Outsourcing56.In late 2001, the WTO launched a new round of talks in Doha aimed at: A. helping memberstates to cope with financial crisis.B.further liberalization of the global trade and investment framework.C.protecting national economies from global competition.D.promoting higher standards of living in all member states.57.Which of the following is NOT included in world merchandise trade?A.Manufactured goodsB.Agricultural goodsC.ServicesD.Mining products58._____ have/has the most to gain from reductions in agricultural tariffs and subsidies that are a partof the Doha agenda.A.The world's developed nationsB.The world's poorer nationsC.European nationsD.The United States59.Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the reduction in trade barriers and restrictions onFDI since 1950?A.Firms are dispersing parts of their production process to global locations to drive downproduction costs and increase product quality.B.The economies of the world's nation states are becoming more intertwined.C.Nations are becoming more independent of each other for important goods and services.True FalseD.The world has become significantly wealthier since 1950.60.The financial crisis in the U.S. in 2009 was triggered by _____.A.the global hike in the price of crude oilB.the slowdown in U.S. importsC.the problems in the U.S. subprime mortgage lending marketD.the artificial fixing of currency rate by China61._____ predicts that the power of microprocessor technology doubles and its cost of production fallsin half every 18 months.A.Keynes's LawB.Say's LawC.Moore's LawD.Sullivan Principles62.Containerization allows:A.reduction of the time needed to get from one location to another.B.simplification of transshipment from one mode of transport to another.C.buyers and sellers to find each other easily.D.enterprises to coordinate and control a globally dispersed production system.63.The relative decline of the United States in the share of world output and world exports reflects_____.A.an increase in the barriers to foreign trade in the U.S.B.the deepening of the global financial crisisC.the reduced industrialization in developing nationsD.the growth in the economic development of the world economy64.In the 1970s, many Japanese firms invested in North America and Europe: A. to avoid a highlycompetitive domestic market.B.to exploit high domestic tariff barriers.C.as a hedge against unfavorable currency movements.D.to take advantage of low labor costs.65.What is the total cumulative value of foreign investments best referred to as? A. Accumulationof foreign sharesB.Portfolio investmentsC.Stock of foreign direct investmentsD.Stock market investments66.Throughout the 1990s, the amount of foreign direct investment directed at both developed anddeveloping nations increased dramatically. This trend reflects: A. a slowdown in global economic activity.B.the increasing share of the U.S. in the total FDI stock.C.the decline in cross-border flows of foreign direct investment.D.the increasing internationalization of business corporations.67.Which of the following countries has been the largest recipient of foreign direct investment andreceived about $60 billion to $100 billion a year in inflows in 2004-2009?A.BrazilB.RussiaC.IndiaD.China68.A multinational enterprise (MNE) is a firm that _____.A.exports its products to multiple countriesB.has production units in more than two countriesC.does most of its business on the InternetD.lists its securities on a public exchange69.Which of these statements pertaining to cross-border FDI flows is true? A. There was agrowth of FDI between 2004 and 2007.B.A slump in FDI from 1998 to 2000 was followed by a surge from 2001 to 2003.True FalseC.Among developing nations, the largest recipient of FDI has been Russia.D.The dramatic increase in FDI reflects the decreasing internationalization of businesscorporations.70.Since the 1960s, which of the following has been a notable trend in the demographics of themultinational enterprise?A.The decline of multinational companies in the manufacturing sectorB.The growth of government-owned multinational enterprisesC.The decline of non-U.S. multinationalsD.The growth of mini-multinationals71.In the last two decades, Latin American countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Chile have _____.A.embraced communist principlesB.promoted government ownership of enterprisesC.experienced increasing debt and inflationD.welcomed foreign investment72.Which of the following is a risk associated with globalization?A.Restrictions on competitionB.Global financial contagionC.Excessive market regulationD.Differentiation of markets73.Supporters of globalization maintain that the apparent decline in real wage rates of unskilledworkers:A.is due to technological changes that create greater demand for skilled workers.B.is due to the migration of low-wage manufacturing jobs offshore.C.can be checked by increasing government ownership of enterprises.D.can be checked by limiting free trade and foreign investment.74.A study published in 2011 by the OECD noted that:A.the real household income of the unskilled workers in the U.S. increased more in comparison tothat of the skilled workers.B.in almost all countries real income levels declined over the 20-year period studied.C.falling unemployment rates brought gains to low-wage workers and fairly broad-based wagegrowth.D.the gap between the poorest and richest segments of society in some OECD countries hadwidened.75.A number of econometric studies have found consistent evidence of a humpshaped relationshipbetween income levels and pollution levels. According to this, as an economy grows and income levels rise:A.initially the pollution levels remain lowB.after a while the pollution levels decreaseC.the pollution levels also rise in proportion to the economic growthD.there is increasing industrialization which leads to greater pollution76.NAFTA was passed only after:A.China agreed to establish a higher minimum wage.B.the U.S. agreed to limit the number of jobs that could be outsourced.C.Mexico committed to tougher enforcement of environmental protection regulations.D.Canada committed to establish new limits on FDI.77.Globalization is criticized because it increases the power of _____.ernments to own enterprisesB.unskilled labor to form labor unionsC.supranational organizations over nation-statesD.nation-states to regulate markets and reduce competition78.The World Trade Organization has estimated that the developed nations of the world can raiseglobal economic welfare by $128 billion by: A. removing subsidies given to their agricultural producers.B.increasing tariff barriers to trade in agriculture.C.increasing outsourcing of manufacturing processes.True FalseD.reducing defence expenditure.79.An international business, unlike a multinational enterprise, _____.A.needs to have manufacturing units in at least two foreign nationsB.needs to manufacture products or provide services that target a global marketC.need not customize its products to the requirements of national marketsD.need not invest directly in operations in other countries80.Which of the following statements is true about an international business?A.An international business needs to invest directly in operations in other countries.B.An international business needs to have homogenous practices across countries.C.An international business can be managed in the same way that a domestic business ismanaged.D.An international business must find ways to work within the limits imposed by governmentintervention.。



国际商务礼仪考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 在国际商务交往中,以下哪个行为属于礼貌举止?A. 直接使用对方的名字B. 用大声讲话吸引对方的注意力C. 张开双臂与对方拥抱D. 手动作夸张,以增强表达效果答案:A2. 在世界主要宗教国家商务活动中,以下哪个宗教不崇尚奢侈品?A. 佛教B. 伊斯兰教C. 基督教D. 印度教答案:B3. 在国际商务礼仪中,以下哪种礼物是被视为玷污?A. 红色礼物B. 白色礼物C. 绿色礼物D. 黑色礼物答案:D4. 当亚洲人与非亚洲人握手时,应该注意以下哪一点?A. 轻轻地握紧对方的手B. 用两手握住对方的手C. 轻轻地触碰对方的手,然后放开D. 先行鞠躬礼,然后握手答案:C5. 在国际商务场合,以下哪位客人应该首先开始用餐?A. 年纪最小的客人B. 公司最高层级的领导C. 女性客人D. 客人自愿答案:B6. 在国际商务交往中,以下哪个行为被视为不恰当?A. 吃完餐后将筷子插在饭碗中B. 盯着对方看,表达自己的注意力C. 大声打哈欠,显示疲劳D. 指着对方,以手势指导答案:D7. 在国际商务交往中,以下哪个行为是属于尊重对方文化的表现?A. 表示自己的文化优越性B. 了解对方国家的历史和传统C. 没有准备礼物D. 忽略对方的宗教信仰答案:B8. 在商务交往中,以下哪个信号通常被认为是愉悦和认可的?A. 张开手臂B. 摇头C. 眨眼D. 踢腿答案:A9. 在商务用餐中,以下哪种饮料不适合与对方共享?A. 水B. 茶C. 酒精类饮料D. 咖啡答案:C10. 在商务电话交流中,以下哪种行为是不礼貌的?A. 使用礼貌语言B. 不打断对方发言C. 保持适当的音量D. 多次挂断电话答案:D二、问答题(每题10分,共60分)1. 请简述国际商务礼仪的重要性及作用。





国际商务谈判一、单项选择题1 .在技术条款谈判中,起“润滑剂”作用的人员是( B )A.商务人员B. 翻译人员C.金融人员D. 法律人员2. 双方首次进行谈判时,首要任务是( C )A.创设热情洋溢的气氛B.创造严肃、凝重的气氛C.消除和淡化双方的陌生感D.营造和睦友好的气氛3. 开局阶段奠定谈判成功基础的关键是___C_____。

A.反复磋商 B.合理的报价C.良好的谈判气氛 D.确定谈判目标4. 进行较为陌生且缺少经验的谈判,宜采取( B )A.坚定让步方式B.等额让步方式C.差额让步方式 D.明确让步方式5. 谈判中的关键阶段是( A )A. 磋商阶段B.报价阶段C. 开局阶段D.成交阶段6. 能够控制谈判方向的技巧是( C )A. 听B.答C.问 D.看7. 谈判中,双方互赠礼品时,西方人较为重视礼物的意义和(D)A.礼物价值B.礼物包装C.礼物类型D.感情价值8. 谈判中,作为卖方,报价起点__ B ____。

A. 要低B. 既要高又要接近理想报价C.既要低又要接近理想报价D. 要高9. 从总体上讲,商务谈判的信息在谈判中___D _____。

A. 直接决定谈判的成败B. 间接作用C. 无作用D. 成为控制谈判过程的手段10. 谈判中讨价还价集中体现在什么行为中( C )A.问B. 叙C.辩 D.答11.僵局最为纷繁多变的谈判阶段是( C )A.准备期B.初期C.中期 D.后期12. 国际上最隆重与正式的宴请方式是( C )A.酒会B.茶会C.宴会D.冷餐招待会13. 同外商初次交往时,喜欢先进行个人直接面谈,而不喜欢通过书信结交的是( A )A. 日本人B. 美国人C.英国人D.法国人14. 在商务谈判中,要想做到说服对方,应当___C____。

A、以在必要时采取强硬手段B、使对方明白已方从谈判中获利很小C、寻找双方利益的一致性D、使对方明白其从谈判中获利很大15.在国际商务活动中,一旦发生纠纷并诉诸法律,其法律适用问题将涉及到( D ) A.买方国家 B.卖方国家C.第三方国家 D.不同国家之间16.符合谈判让步原则的做法是( C )A.作同等让步 B.让步幅度要大C.在重要问题上不要轻易让步D.让步节奏要快17.在待客时,如果自己抽烟而不向客人敬烟,有此种习俗的谈判者是(B ) A.泰国人 B.日本人C.马来西亚人 D.韩国人18. 讲究节俭,反对浪费,把浪费看成是"罪恶"的是 ___ C____。
























②思考题一、国际商务谈判的特点: 1.以经济利益为谈判的目的2.以经济利益作为谈判的主要评价指标3.以价格作为谈判的核心1.既是一部交易的商洽,也是一项涉外活动,具有较强的政策性2.应按国际惯例办事3.涉及面很广4.影响谈判的因素复杂多样5.谈判的内容广泛复杂二、分类按人数:个体谈判、集体谈判按利益主体:双方谈判、多方谈判按接触方式:口头谈判、书面谈判按地点:主场谈判、客场谈判、书面谈判按态度:让步型谈判、立场型谈判、原则性谈判按内容:投资谈判、租赁及“三来一补”谈判、货物买卖谈判、劳务买卖谈判、技术贸易谈判、损害及违约赔偿谈判。

三、基本原则1、平等互利原则2、灵活机动原则3、友好协商原则4、依法办事原则5、原则和策略相结合的原则四、基本程序1、准备阶段(谈判环境因素分析、信息的收集、目标和对象的选择、谈判方案的制定、模拟谈判)2、开局阶段3、正式谈判阶段4、签约阶段五、PRAM P:制定谈判计划R:建立关系A:达成协议M:协议的履行与关系维护第二章影响国际商务谈判的因素①名词解释公法:大陆法中包括调整宗教活动和国家机关活动的法规。



2010级国贸本科《国际商务谈判与礼仪》复习提纲1 •题型单选15题判断15题多选10题名词解释10题论述2题2.重点、1、国际商务谈判是以经济效益作为谈判的主要评级指标。



















题型:判断题(10*2) 选择题(多选)(10*2) 填空题(5*2) 简答题(3*10) 案例分析题(20)要点:第一章沟通概述1.商务沟通:指在商务组织为了顺利地经营并取得经营的成功,将有关商务经营的各种信息发送给商务组织内外的既定对象,并寻求反馈以求得商务组织内外的相互理解、支持与合作的过程。






































6. 意会最有可能成为无效的信息传递方式。




10. 说明是谈判中最艰巨、复杂和富有技巧性的工作。


12. 让步型谈判者把对方不当作敌人,而看作朋友。
















二、选择题1、下列哪个国家在国际商务谈判中倾向于采用直接谈判方式?(A)A. 美国B. 日本C. 德国D. 法国正确答案是:A. 美国。


2、下列哪一项不是文化背景对国际商务谈判的影响?(D) A. 语言沟通 B. 社交礼仪 C. 价值观 D. 产品标准正确答案是:D. 产品标准。


3、在国际商务谈判中,下列哪个因素是最不重要的?(C) A. 文化背景 B. 政治环境 C. 个人性格 D. 经济条件正确答案是:C. 个人性格。


4、下列哪个国家在国际商务谈判中倾向于采用间接谈判方式?(B)A. 美国B. 日本C. 德国D. 法国正确答案是:B. 日本。




A.贸易自由化B.世贸组织C.跨国公司D.世界银行2. 二十世纪80年代至今,国际商务发展的历程已经进入了()阶段。

A.贸易主导阶段B.全球商务阶段C.投资主导阶段D.企业国际化阶段3. 全球化发展的物质基础是()A.跨国公司的经营成果B.新技术革命提供的成果C.全球性的非管制化和市场化政策D.国际金融市场的深化与创新4.当各国消费者兴趣和偏好差异较大,而且降低成本压力不太高时,最适合的战略是?A全球标准化战略B跨国战略C国际战略D本土化战略5.目前,欧盟共有多少个成员国()A.12个B.15个C.18个D.27个6.下列哪个要素中,不属于迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)“国家竞争优势理论四因素”模型中的构成要素()A.生产要素B.需求状况C.企业战略、结构和竞争对手D.相关产业和支持产业表现E.供应商7. 最早主张自由贸易的理论是()。

A.重商主义理论B.平衡理论C.绝对优势理论D.国家垄断主义理论8. 根据要素禀赋论,下列不适宜发展资本密集型产业的国家是()。

A.美国B.日本C.澳大利亚D.朝鲜9. 第一次将比较利益动态化的理论是()A.绝对优势理论B.产品生命周期理论C.相互需求理论D.H-O理论10. 新贸易理论认为市场是()A.寡头市场B.完全竞争市场C.非完全竞争市场D.垄断市场11.第一个比较现实的将企业、产业和国家联系起来的多级理论是:()。

A.重商主义理论B.H-O贸易理论C.国家竞争优势理论D.保护贸易理论12. 最早研究对外直接投资的独立理论是()。


A.最终产品市场的不完全性B.中间产品市场的不完全性C.生产要素市场的不完全性D.金融市场的不完全性14. 下列不属于国际生产折衷理论中企业进行对外直接投资和国际生产的充要条件是()。


1. ×
2. √
3. ×
4. ×
5. √
6. ×
7. ×
8. √
9. ×
10. ×
8. C, D
9. A, B
10. A, D
11. B, C
12. B, C
13. C, D
14. A, C
15. C, D
16. A, C
17. C, D
18. A, B
19. B, C
20. B, D

国际商务谈判心理 选择题

国际商务谈判心理 选择题

国际商务谈判心理选择题一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 在国际商务谈判中,当一方表现出过于急切的心理,最可能导致的结果是()A. 对方会更加尊重自己B. 对方会利用这一点,在谈判中占据优势C. 谈判会迅速达成协议,对自己有利D. 会让对方产生敬畏感答案:B。


2. 国际商务谈判中,谈判者的自信心理主要来源于()A. 自身的经验和能力B. 背后公司的强大支持C. 对谈判对手的轻视D. 事先准备好的谈判策略答案:A。


3. 以下哪种心理状态不利于国际商务谈判?()A. 冷静理智B. 焦虑不安C. 乐观积极D. 坚韧不拔答案:B。


4. 在国际商务谈判中,如果对方突然改变谈判风格,从温和变得强硬,你的最佳心理应对是()A. 跟着变得强硬,不能示弱B. 保持冷静,分析对方改变的原因C. 马上妥协,避免冲突D. 暂停谈判,重新组织团队答案:B。


5. 国际商务谈判中,一方试图通过炫耀自己的实力来影响对方心理,这种策略针对的是对方的()心理。

A. 自卑B. 敬畏C. 好奇D. 嫉妒答案:A。


6. 当国际商务谈判陷入僵局时,谈判者应具备的心理是()A. 急躁,想尽快打破僵局B. 放弃,寻找新的谈判对象C. 耐心,寻找新的突破点D. 愤怒,指责对方导致僵局答案:C。




























国际商务谈判实务复习重点第一章P1 PAR3 LINE1 在美国,60年代初成立了全国性的谈判学会。

P2 国际商务谈判的特点(可能简答)P5 国际商务谈判的分类——按规模分大、中、小三种类型(根据谈判项目、谈判内容、谈判人员数量来划分) 大型(各方参与人员〉12人)中型(各方参与人员4-12人)小型(各方参与人员<4人)——按参加谈判的主体分双边谈判和多边谈判(双边谈判和多边谈判的概念)——按采取的策略可分为让步型、立场型和原则型让步型的概念—--—指谈判者在谈判中不以获利而以达成协议为最终目标的谈判让步型策略的适用场合(P9 PAR1 LINE4)———-一般只限于双方的合作关系相当友善且已建立起十分信赖的长期合作的业务关系的场合。

立场型谈判(P9 PAR2 LINE12)(谈判各方坚持不让步)不容易成为成功的谈判。

原则性谈判(P9 PAR3 LINE6)是一种具有理性又富有人情味的谈判,因此这种谈判方式被现代商界广泛采用。

P10 国际商务谈判的原则(了解、可能选择)P11在商务谈判中如何惯彻诚信原则(P11 PAR2)(识记、可能简答)P12 国际商务谈判的主要理论——P12需求阶梯理论的代表人物—阿伯拉罕·H·马斯洛.—-P14基本需求理论将不同需求的谈判方法分为六种类型(了解6种类型,掌握排序)—-P15实力决定论的代表人物-约翰·温克勒。

(P15 PAR3 LINE3)谈判的成功以及各种谈判技巧的运用的基础和依据是谈判者所拥有的谈判实力,谈判者在谈判过程中应设法通过言行探索彼此的力量,并采取一切措施增强己方的实力。





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判断题答案需要自己参考课文自己解答Chapter 1 Communication and CultureTrue/False1. A good definition of culture for business communication purposes is n Thefood, the costumes, dances and celebrations of a country n•2・Every culture is coherent and complete within itself.3.You are born with your culture in your genes.4.People in a culture interpret their life experiences in ways that validatethat culture.5 . Values motivate people-6- Attitudes are the same thing as values-7.Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have thesame values.8 . In order to understand a culture 1 s values, you need only to learn the "do'sand taboos n of behavior in that culture.9・ Culture shock is a sudden episode experienced by people who go to a foreign culture.10.Reverse culture shock is the term given to the adjustment following re-entry into one1s own culture after living abroad.11• The belief that everyone who encounters my culture will want to adopt it is an assumption of my culture1s superiority.12. The belief that my culture is normal and central to human experienceis called the assumption of universality.13. The belief that everyone underneath is just the same after all is helpful tobusiness communication.14• Stereotypes are not always negative.15- Behavior comes directly from the attitudes about how significant something is -----how it is valued.16. Prejudice is pre-judgment r judging before the facts are assessed.17. Communication in high-context cultures tends to rely on context tocommunicate the meaning of the message•18- Low-context culture communicators prefer to put their thoughts into words that avoid ambiguity.19. Multi-level communication is messages that go to the president, vice-presidents, managers, and finally to the mailroom.20• People1s patterns of thinking are the same regardless of culture.21 • Belief systems or religions are powerful sources of values and attitudes in cultures.Oral and Nonverbal Communication PatternsChapter 5, Test QuestionsTrue-False• Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1.Most people in the United States use the indirect method of reasoning tosolve problems.2.Making quick decisions is the sign of an effective manager in Japan while itis often viewed as impulsive in the United States.3.Paralanguage conveys emotions.4.Chronemic s is the intentional or unintentional implied meaning of a message•5 • The United States is a culture that follows the monochronic time system.6・Reading a journal during a meeting in cultures which follow a polychronic time system is considered rude.7.People of the United States tend to need less space than do those of theGreek or Latin American cultures.8.Arab cultures have a casual attitude toward time; they believe God decides when things get accomplished.9.The Chinese prefer face-to-face seating arrangements when conversing.10.In the Middle East, prolonged eye contact with women is considered inappropriate•11.In the United States, eye contact is a sign of respect mnd attentiveness.12.To maintain harmonious intercultural business relationships, it is a goodidea to adopt the hygiene practices of the country in which you are conducting business.13.Placing a hand on the back of an Asian worker 1 s chair is appropriate.14 . The use of the hands and arms are the most expressive types of body language.15.U.S. businessmen use silence as a bargaining tool when negotiating with the Japanese.16.While black symbolizes mourning in the United States, white is often worn to Japanese funerals-Global EtiquetteChapter 7, Test QuestionsTrue-False• Circle T if the statement is t rue; circle F if it is false.1 - Introductions are more formal in the United States than in Germany.2. A firm handshake is a polite way to greet someone in any culture.3.An exchange of business cards is more common in the United States than in other countries-4・ Status is associated with education in the United States.5.India has a caste system; each caste has its own status and rights.6.In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is very important.7.Negative information should not be communicated via e-mail.8 • Flaming is an e-mail term that refers to typing a message in all capital letters•9. Dining in a Japanese home requires sitting in a kneeling position on a tatami mat•10. When visiting Japan or China, be sure to tip generously cab drivers and any service personnel you may encounter.11- When giving gifts to the Japanese, avoid gifts manufactured in Asia -12. Something made of cowhide would be an appropriate gift to a businesscolleague in India.13. Proper airline travel behavior includes asking permission before reclining your seat when traveling coach.Business and Social CustomsChapter 8f Test QuestionsTrue-Felse• Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.13.While superstitions are treated casually in the United States, they are taken quite seriously in some cultures.14.U.S. hiring and firing practices are very similar to those in France-15.U.S. laws against bribery are the most restrictive in the world.1- Customs vary by country and by regions within a country.2 . People from ot her cultures often perceive U.S. persons as in sincere with their standard greeting of n Hi, how are you?"3- The British, like people of the U.S., have a firm handshake.4・Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture.5 - Such one-word U.S. expressi ons as n sure n and ,l okay H are perceived as bluntand abrupt by persons of other cultures.6 • The expression used by southern U.S. persons when bidd ing someone goodbye,11Y1 2 * * 5 6 * 8 * 10 11 12 a 11 come to see us, n is a sincere invitation to visit since southern hospitality is well known.7. People of the United States and Canada excel at small talk; people of Swedendo not•8 - When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one1s family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures.9. In low-context cultures people have definite ideas on what constitutes proper male/female behavior•10 . A stereotype of Asian women is that they are nonassertive and submissive •11 - It is widely accepted in the United States that men and women can have a work relationship which does not have a sexual component.12 . Humor is a universal human characteristic; people of most cultures find the same things humorous.。
