第十六章 国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练)

第十六章国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练)第一篇:第十六章国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练) 第十六章国际商事合同责任以及免责条款翻译(课堂讲练)教学目标:掌握有关国际商事合同责任以及免责条款的翻译方法。
课堂讲练例1、Each Party hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless the other Party against any claims, suits, losses, or costs arising out of any actual or alleged breach or failure to comply with any provisions hereof.参考译文:合同各方在此同意,如一方实际违约或被指控违约或未遵守本合同任何规定,引起任何索赔、诉讼、损失,应由该方赔偿另一方,使其免受损害。
常用表达方式:(1)、”indemnify someone against/from”: “promise to pay someone an a mount of money if he suffers any loss“,是指“保证赔偿某方可能受到的损失或伤害“。
如:The Party in breach shall indemnify the innocent Party against/from any losses or disbursement(“expense”)the innocent Party may incur arising out of the breach.(2)、” indemnify someone for”, “to pay someone an amount of money because of the damage or loss that party has suffered”,是指“赔偿某方已受到的损失或伤害,为某方受到的损失或伤害做出赔偿“。

国际商法术语中英文对照章一、国际贸易法概述国际贸易法International Trade Law国际贸易惯例International Trade Usages or Practices国际商业惯例International Business Practices联合国国际贸易法委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL)国际统一私法协会International Institute for the Unification of Private Law(UNIDROIT)国际海事组织International Maritime Organization (IMO)遵循先例Stare Decisis判决依据Ratio Decidendi章二、国际货物买卖合同制度联合国国际货物销售合同公约United Nations Convention for Contracts onInternational Sale of Goods (CISG)国际货物销售统一法公约Convention relating to a Uniform Law onthe International Sale of Goods (ULIS)国际货物销售合同成立统一法公约Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contract for the International Sale of Goods (ULF)要约邀请Invitation to offer要约Offer承诺Acceptance要约的撤回Withdrawal of offer要约的撤销Revocation of offer货物相符Conformity of the goods与通常用途相符Fitness for ordinary purpose与特定用途相符Fitness for particular purpose根本违反合同Fundamental breach of contract 预期违约Anticipatory breach of contract分批交货合同Installment contract宣告合同无效Declare the avoidance of contract 收取货物Take delivery of the goods风险转移Passing of risks损害赔偿Damages减轻损失义务Mitigation of damages免责Exemptions非能控制的障碍Impediment beyond control章三、国际贸易惯例贸易术语Trade usage贸易习惯做法Trade practice托运人Shipper交货Delivery费用Charges查对Checking检验Inspection所在地Premise清关Clearance码头作业费Terminal Handling Charges, THC章四、国际货物运输和运输保险制度海运提单Ocean Bill of Lading租船合同Charter Party海上货物运输Carriage of Goods by Sea 航空货物运输Carriage of Goods by Air 铁路货物运输Carriage of Goods by Rail 多式联运Multimodal Transportation 海牙—维斯比规则The Hague- Visby Rules 汉堡规则Hamburg Rules华沙公约Warsaw Convention海牙议定书The Hague Protocol蒙特利尔公约Montreal Convention多式联运Multimodal Transport保险单Policy实际全损Actual Total Loss推定全损Constructive Total Loss共同海损General Average单独海损Particular Average委付Abandonment代位求偿权Subrogation协会货物条款Institute Cargo Clauses章五、国际贸易支付和融资制度汇票Bills of Exchange / Draft跟单托收Documentary Collection付款交单Documentary Against Payment 承兑交单Documentary Against Acceptance 托收委托书Remittance Letter提示Presentation拒付Dishnour承兑Acceptance信托收据Trust Receipt, T / R。
国际商务英语课文电子版lesson (16)

Lesson 16 Insurance (II) Transportation insurance, like all forms of insurance, conforms to (follow遵守) certain basic principles. When firms seek cover (保险)for goods and units of carriage(运载工具)they must follow these principles. There are three main principles of insurance, two subsidiary(次要)principles and a doctrine(原理).thing insured is preserved (protected)he will derive a benefitits preservation (protection), but if it is in any way damaged or lost the assured will be adversely affected(受到不利的影响). You can insure your own car, for if it is damaged you will have to pay for it to be repaired and consequently(因此)you will suffer a loss. You cannot insure your neighbor’s car, for if it is damaged you will not suffer any loss. For this reason the insuring of anything by people who are not ―interested‖in it is held (thought被认为) to be ―againstpublic policy‖(违反公共政策). This means that crime would be encouraged.Every contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it, or otherwise it is invalid (无效的)and any claim made upon it(based on it 依据保险合同)will not be entertained(accept 接受,受理)(by the insurer). The time of an event may be crucial to the question of insurable interest. The interest passes (转移) with the documents. In cargo insurance we know who has an interest in the cargo at any particular point of time,if we know the terms of sale (price terms / terms of payment –FOB..) which have been arranged. We can work out who will suffer loss by discovering at what point the property passes from one person to another. The person who is going to suffer the loss is the one who has the insurable interest at any moment. This means that goods may be shipped at the port of origin(货物原产地港口)by a shipper or freight forwarder (consignor) under a policy(保单)taken out to cover them, and the buyer takes over the policy whichhas been issued when he takes over the ownership of the goods. If they fail to complete the voyage(旅程)(journey/transportation) undamaged, he(buyer) can claim on the insurance even though it was not in his name.Utmost good faith(最在诚信原则)is a very important principle. The people who decide what premium is fair公正的for a particular cover(某一笔保险)do (决定多少保费是公平的)so on the basis of written statements made in a proposal form投保单(by the insured). If this statement is untrue,then the premium agreed on will not be a fair one. Suppose I say that a crate板条箱contains copper, when in fact it contains platinum (铂金). The premium required to cover the cheaper metal will be an unfair premium for the more valuable cargo. The mis-statement is a fraud(欺骗), and the policy is voidable(可取消的)(can be avoided/revoked)by the party who is misled (误导)(the insurer). Even if the mis-statement was unintentional (非故意的), the underwriter would still be deceived and the policy voidable.third-hand Ford car will receive sufficient (enough) compensation to buy another third-hand Ford car, not enough to buy a brand-new (崭新的) Ford car. This principle cannot apply to life(寿险)or personal accident insurance(人身意外保险)—for of course a life, or a limb, cannot be restored.In a normal policy of insurancethe compensation payable(可支付赔偿)is sufficient only to restore the insured to the position he was in before the loss occurred—not to a better position. Cargo policies are often issued for an agreed value(商定的价值)and are therefore called ―valued‖ policies(有价保单). The idea is that the compensation payable will be at an agreed figure (商定的数值), often at invoiced cost(invoice value)plus freight (主运费) and forwarding charges (转运费)plus the insurance premium plus an agreed percentage such as 10 percent.(发票金额+主运费+转运运费+保费+10%)This (10%)represents a profit that could have been earned on the capital tied up(被占用)in the transaction.Contribution(损失分摊)is a sub-principle(under indemnity)which is associated with indemnity. It holds that a person cannot be allowed to insure twice for the same risk, and claim compensation from both insurers. To do so would amount to (be equal to相当于) restoring the insured to a better position than he was in when the loss occurred. It would be a breach(violation违背) of indemnity, and against public policy. Therefore, if two policies do cover the same event, the insurance companies contribute pro rata(按比例)to(分摊)the loss, and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position (损失发生以前的状态). This is unlikely to happen very frequently in cargo insurance.Subrogation(代位追偿), the sub-principle, also relating to indemnity, is of enormous importance in cargo insurance. The word ―subrogate‖means ―to take the place of another‖. Imagine asituation where A has insured his cargo with B and it is damaged by C’s negligence (carelessness疏忽大意). A will naturally claim against B, who will pay up for the loss suffered. However, because C was negligent, a legal action (法律诉讼) by A against C would almost certainly lead to an award (a grant made by a law court判决) of damage against C (判决C承担损害责任). A would thus be compensated twice, and this would be a breach of the principle of indemnity. To prevent this happening, B, the insurer, issubstituted for (replace替代) A, the assured, in any legal action against C. The insurer is entitled to (享有…权力或利益) the advantage (interest利益) of every right of the assured, which will diminish (reduce) the loss he (insurer) has been forced to bear.The doctrine of proximate cause (近因原则)—when an insurance policy is made out to cover a certain risk, a claim becomes payable only if that risk occurred as the proximate (closest) cause of the loss suffered. The proximate cause is the direct cause of the loss.Notes:Conform to 遵守Most people are willing to conform to the custom of society.大多数人都愿意遵循社会习俗。

国际商法专业词汇中英文对照国际商法专业词汇中英文对照A Note on the Incoterms(国际贸易术语通则解释)Absolute Advantage(亚当.斯密的绝对优势理论)Acceptanee with Modifications(对邀约做出修改、变更的承诺)Acceptance(承诺/受盘)Act of State Doctrine(国家行为主义)Act of the Parties (当事人的行为)Administrative Management (经营管理)Advising and Confirming Letters of Credit(信用证的通知和确认)Age nt for In ternatio nal Settleme nts(国际结算代理人)Agreement of the Parties(协议选择原则)Agriculture(农业协定)Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR 解决方式)An ticipatory Breach in Com mon Law (普通法上预期违约)Antidumping Authority(反倾销机构)Applicability of the CISG (CISG 的适用范围)Application of Home State Labor LawsExtraterritorially(内国劳工法律域夕卜适用)Applying for a Letter of Credit(信用证的申请)Approval of Foreign Investment Applications(夕卜国投资申请的批准)Arbitrage(套汇)Arbitration Agreeme nt and Arbitration Clauses(仲裁协议和合同中的仲裁条款)Arbitration Tribunals(仲裁机构)Artistic Property Agreements(保护文学艺术作品的协定)Artistic Property Agreements(文学艺术品产权协定)Assignment(合同权利转让)Attorney-General(法律总顾问)Automatic Dissolution (自动散伙)Average Clauses(海损条款)Avoidance(解除)Bank Deposits(银行储蓄)Bases of In come T axatio n(所得税的征税依据/基础)Battle of the Forms(形式上的分歧/冲突)Bills of Lading (提单)Branch Banking(银行的分支机构)Business Form and Registered Capital (企业形式和注册资本)Business Forms(商业组织形式)Buyer's Remedies(买方可以采取的救济措施)Carriage of Goods by Air(航空货物运输)Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo In sura nce(海上货物运输及其保险)Carrier's Duties under a Bill of Lading(在提单运输方式下承运人的责任/义务)_Carrier's Immunities(承运人责任/义务的豁免)Cartels (企业联合/卡特尔)Categories of Investment Projects (外国投资的项目类别)Charterparties (租船合同)Charterparties by Demise (光船出租合同)Chi na's Fun dame ntal Policies for En courag ing Foreig n Inv estme nts(中国大陆鼓励外国投资的基本政策)Choosing the Governing Law(准据法的选择)CIF (cost, insuranee and freight)(port ofdestination)(CIF 成本保险费加运费付至指定的目的港)Civil Law (民法法系)Clearanee and Settlement Procedures(交换和转让程序)Collection of Documentary Bills Through Banks(银行跟单托收)Commercial Arbitration (国际商事仲裁)Commodity Arrangements(初级产品/农产品安排)Com mon En terprise Liability(企业的一般责任)Com mon Law (普通法系)Com mon Procedures in Handling Bills ofExcha nge (汇票处理的一般程序)Com mon Stock (股票)Company Taxpayers(公司/法人企业纳税人)Comparative Advantage(大卫.李嘉图的比较优势理论)Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems(内国法系的比较研究)Compensation for Winding up (清算补偿)Comprehensive Agreements (综合性的协定)Compulsory Licenses(强制许可)Computation of Income(收入计算)Conformity of Goods(与合同约定相符合的货物)Consent to the Jurisdiction of the Host State(给予东道国管辖权的许可/同意)Con sideratio n in Common Law(英美法上的对价)Con temporary Intern ati onal Trade Law(当代国际贸易法)Con tract Law for the In ternatio nal Sale ofGoods(国际货物销售合同法)Con tract Liability of the Age nt (代理人的合同义务)Con tract Liability of the Prin cipal (委托人的合同义务)Con tractual Issues Excluded from the Coverageof CISG(排除在CISG 适用范围之外的合同问题)Copyrights (著作权/版权)Council for Trade-Related Aspects ofln tellectual PropertyRights(与知识产权有关的理事会)Coverage of Tax Treaties(税收条约的覆盖范围)Creation of Agency (代理创立)Creditors of Partners(合伙人的债权人)Curre ncy Crises: The Role of Mon etary Policy(金融危机:货币政策的作用与地位)Curre ncy Excha nge Obligatio ns of IMF MemberStates(国际货币基金组织成员国在外汇交易中的义务)Currency Exchange(外汇交易)Currency Support(资金/财政援助)Custom(习惯)Customs Valuation(海关估价协定)Debt Securities (债券)Decision Making within the WTO(WTO 内部决定作出机制)Deficie ncies in the GATT 1947 Dispute Process(关税及贸易总协定1947 争端解决程序的不足)Defi nite Sum of Mo ney or Mon etary Un it ofAccou nt(确定货币的总额或者计价的货币单位)Definition and Special Features(定义和特征)Delayed Bills of Lad in g(提单迟延)Denial of Justice(司法不公)Development Banks (发展银行)Direct Effect(直接效力)Direct Exporting(直接出口)Directors' and Officer's Duties to theCorporation(董事和经理/首席执行官对公司的义务)Dispute Settlement(争端的解决)Dissolution by Agreement (协议解散)Dissolution by Court Order (依法院令状散伙)Dissolution of the Partnership (散伙)Distributio n of Earnings and Recovery ofln vestme nts (收入分配和投资回收)Distribution to Shareholders (红利分配权)Doctrine of Imputability (归责原则)Documentary Formalities(文本格式要求)Double Taxation Provision(双重征税的规定)Double Taxation(双重征税)Duress (胁迫行为)Duties of Age nt and Prin cipal (代理人和委托人的义务)Duties of Age nt to Prin cipal (委托人的义务)Duties of Prin cipal to Age nt (代理人、的义务)Duty of Care in Partnership Business(对合伙事务尽心看护义务)Duty of Loyalty and Good Faith (忠诚和诚信义务)Effectiveness of an Offer(邀约/发盘的效力)Employme nt Laws in the Europea n Un io n(欧洲联盟雇佣/ 劳工法)Employme nt Sta ndards of the Orga ni zati on forEco no mic Cooperati on and Development(经济合作与发展组织雇佣/劳工标准)En forceme nt of Excha nge Con trol Regulati on sof IMF Member States(国际货币基金组织成员国对外汇交易管理规则的履行)En forceme nt of Foreig n Arbitral Awards in thePeople's Republic of Chi na(在中华人民共和国境内外国仲裁裁决的执行)Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (夕卜国法院判决的执行)En forceme nt of Part nership Rights an dLiabilities(执行合伙事务的权利和责任)En forceme nt of Securities Regulatio nsl nternatio nally(国际证券规则的执行)Environmental Regulation(环境规贝U)Escape Clause(免责条款)Euro-currency Deposits(欧洲货币储蓄)Europea n Commun ities - Regime for theImportatio n. Sale, and Distribution of Bananas(欧洲共同体对于香蕉的进口、销售和分销的管理)European Union Law on Trade in Services(欧洲联盟关于服务贸易的法律)Exceptio non Adimpleti Con tractus in CivilLaw (大陆法上履行契约之抗辩权)Exceptions(例夕卜)Exclusive Licenses(独占许可)Excuses for Non-performanee (不履行的免责)Excuses for Nonperformance(不履行合同的抗辩/借口)Exempti ons for New Members from IMF MemberState Currency Exchange Obligations(国际货币基金组织新成员国在外汇交易中义务的免除)Export Restrictions (出口限制)Exporting(出口)Expropriation(征收)Extraterritorial Applicatio n of U. S.Securities Laws(美国证券法域外的适用问题)Failure to Exhaust remedies(没有用尽法律救济)Fault and Causation(过错和因果关系)Finance Ministry(财政部)Finance of International Trade(国际贸易的结算/支付)Finan ci ng Foreig n Trade(对外贸易的价金支付)FOB (free on hoard)(port of shipment)(FOB 装运港船上交货)Force Majeure Clauses (不可抗力条款)Foreign Investment Guarantees(夕卜国投资的担保)Foreign Investment Laws and Codes(夕卜国投资法)Formal and In formal Applicatio n Process(正式和非正式申请程序)Formation of the Contract(合同的成立)Forsed Endorsements(虚假背书)Fraud Exception in Letters of CreditTransaction (信用证交易的欺诈例夕卜)Frauds on Bills of Lading(提单欺诈)Fraudulent Misrepresentation(受欺诈的误解)Free Zones(保税区/自由贸易区)Fun dame ntal Breach(根本违约)GATS Schedules of Specific Commitme nts(服务贸易总协定减让表中的特别承诺)General Agreement on Trade in Services (服务贸易总协定)Gen eral Requireme nts and Rights of the Holderi n Due Course(票据持有人的一般要求和权利)General Standards of Performance(履行的一般标准)Geographic Limitations(地区限制)Government Controls over Trade (政府对贸易的管制)Government Guarantees(政府担保)Governmental Interest(政府利益原则)Governme ntal Sources of Cap ital(官方资金)Grant Back Provisions(回授的规定)Home state Regulation of Multi natio nalE nterprises(本国对跨国企业的管理)Host State Regulation of Multi natio nalE nterprises(东道国对跨国企业的管理)川egality and In compete ncy(行为不合法性与主体不适当资格的认定)IMF "Conditionality"(国际货币基金组织的制约性)IMF Facilities(国际货币基金组织的机制)IMF Operations(国际货币基金组织的运作)IMF Quotas(国际货币基金的份额)Immun ities of States from the Jurisdicti on ofMuni cipal Courts(国家豁免于内国法院的管辖权)Import-Licensing Procedures(进口许可证程序协定)In come Categories(收入分类)In come Tax Rates(所得税税率)In come Taxes(所得税)In depe ndence Prin ciples and Rule of StrictComplia nee (信用证独立原贝U和单证严格相符规则)In direct Exporti ng(间接出口)In dustrial Property Agreeme nts (保护工业产权的协定)。

国际商务合同翻译教程Learning Basics 1国际商务合同基础知识Unit One :Basic Knowledge of International Business ContractsContracts referred to in this 1aw are agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing, altering and terminating mutual civil rights and obligations.合同和契约都是指自愿订立共同遵守的条件,合作共事。

2、德国法A不满7周岁;B处于精神错乱 C 因患精神病被宣布为禁治产者。

一、国际商法基本原则1. Autonomy of the will(意志自治)Autonomy of the will is the basic principle of international commercial law, which means that the parties to an international business transaction are free to determine the content and form of their transaction. This principle reflects the idea of freedom of contract and is essential for the development of international trade.意志自治是国际商法的基本原则,意思是国际商事交易的各方有权自由确定其交易的内容和形式。
2. Good faith(诚实信用)Good faith is another fundamental principle of international commercial law, which requires the parties to act honestly and fairly in their business dealings. This principle helps to ensure the smooth operation of international trade and promotes trust and cooperation among business partners.诚实信用是国际商法的另一个基本原则,要求各方在商业交易中诚实和公平地行事。

《国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则》(2004)第一章总则第 1.1 条(缔约自由)第 1.2 条(无形式要求第 1.3 条(合同的约束性)第 1.4 条(强制性规则)第 1.5 条(当事人排除或修改通则)第 1.6 条(《通则》的解释和补充)第 1.7 条(诚实信用和公平交易)第 1.8 条(不一致的行为)第 1.9 条(惯例和习惯做法)第 1.10 条(通知)第 1.11 条(定义)第 1.12 条(当事人规定的时间的计算)第二章合同的订立与代理权第一节合同的订立第 2.1.1 条(订立的形式)第 2.1.2 条(要约的定义)第 2.1.3 条(要约的撤回)第 2.1.4 条(要约的撤销)第 2.1.5 条(要约的拒绝)第 2.1.6 条(承诺的方式)第 2.1.7 条(承诺的时间)第 2.1.8 条(规定期限内的承诺)第 2.1.9 条(逾期承诺与传递延迟)第 2.1.10 条(承诺的撤回)第 2.1.11 条(变更的承诺)第 2.1.12 条(书面确认)第 2.1.13 条(合同的订立基于对特定事项或以特定形式达成的协议)第 2.1.14 条(特意待定的合同条款)第 2.1.15 条(恶意谈判)第 2.1.16 条(保密义务)第 2.1.17 条(合并条款)第 2.1.18 条(书面变更条款)第 2.1.19 条(按标准条款订立合同)第 2.1.20 条(意外条款)第 2.1.21 条(标准条款与非标准条款的冲突)第 2.1.22 条(格式合同之争)第二节代理人的权限第 2.2.1 条(本节的范围)第 2.2.2 条(代理权的确定及其范围)第 2.2.3 条(显名代理)第 2.2.4 条(隐名代理)第 2.2.5 条(代理人无权代理或超越代理权限的代理)第 2.2.6 条(代理人无权代理或超越代理权限行为的责任)第 2.2.7 条(利益冲突)第 2.2.8 条(转委托)第 2.2.9 条(追认)第 2.2.10 条(代理权限的终止)第三章合同的效力第 3.1 条(未涉及的事项)第 3.2 条(协议的效力)第 3.3 条(自始不能)第 3.4条(“错误”的定义)第 3.5 条(相关错误)第 3.6 条(表述或传达中的错误)第 3.7 条(对不履行的救济)第 3.8 条(欺诈)第 3.9 条(胁迫)第 3.10 条(重大失衡)第 3.11 条(第三人)第 3.12 条(确认)第 3.13 条(丧失宣告合同无效的权利)第 3.14 条(宣告合同无效的通知)第 3.15 条(时间期限)第 3.16 条(部分无效)第 3.17 条(宣告合同无效的溯及力)第 3.18 条(损害赔偿)第 3.19 条(本章规定的强制性)第 3.20 条(单方声明)第四章合同的解释第 4.1 条(当事人的意图)第 4.2 条(对陈述和其他行为的解释)第 4.3 条(相关情况)第 4.4 条(依合同或陈述的整体考虑)第 4.5 条(给予所有条款以效力)第4.6 条(对条款提议人不利规则)第 4.7 条(语言差异)第 4.8 条(补充空缺条款)第五章合同的内容第一节合同的内容第 5.1.1 条(明示和默示的义务)第 5.1.2 条(默示的义务)第 5.1.3 条(当事人之间的合作)第 5.1.4 条(获取特定结果的义务和尽最大努力的义务)第 5.1.5 条(确定所涉义务种类)第 5.1.6 条(确定履行的质量)第 5.1.7 条(价格的确定)第 5.1.8 条(未定期限的合同)第 5.1.9 条(合意免除)第二节第三人权利第 5.2.1 条(有利于第三方的合同)第5.2.2 条(可以确定的第三人)第5.2.3 条(排除和限制条款)第 5.2.4 条(抗辩)第 5.2.5 条(撤销)第 5.2.6 条(弃权)第六章合同的履行第一节一般履行第 6.1.1 条(履行时间)第 6.1.2 条(一次或分期履行)第 6.1.3 条(部分履行)第 6.1.4 条(履行顺序)第 6.1.5 条(提前履行)第 6.1.6 条(履行地)第 6.1.7 条(以支票或其他票据付款)第 6.1.8 条(转帐付款)第 6.1.9 条(付款货币)第 6.1.10 条(未规定货币)第 6.1.11 条(履行的费用)第 6.1.12 条(指定清偿)第 6.1.13 条(非金钱债务的指定清偿)第 6.1.14 条(申请公共许可)第 6.1.15 条(申请许可的程序)第 6.1.16 条(既未批准又未拒绝许可)第 6.1.17 条(拒绝许可)第节艰难情形第 6.2.1 条(遵守合同)第 6.2.2 条(艰难的定义)第 6.2.3 条(艰难的效果)第七章不履行第一节总则第 7.1.1 条(不履行的定义)第 7.1.2 条(另一方当事人的干预)第 7.1.3 条(拒绝履行)第 7.1.4 条(不履行方的补救)第 7.1.5 条(履行的额外期限)第 7.1.6 条(免责条款)第 7.1.7 条(不可抗力)第二节要求履行的权利第 7.2.1 条(金钱债务的履行)第 7.2.2 条(非金钱债务的履行)第 7.2.3 条(对瑕疵履行的修补和替代)第 7.2.4 条(法庭判决的罚金)第 7.2.5 条(救济的变更)第三节合同的终止第 7.3.1 条(终止合同的权利)第 7.3.2 条(终止通知)第 7.3.3 条(预期不履行)第 7.3.4 条(如约履行的充分保证)第 7.3.5 条(终止合同的一般效果)第7.3.6 条(恢复原状)第四节损害赔偿第 7.4.1 条(损害赔偿的权利)第 7.4.2 条(完全赔偿)第 7.4.3 条(损害的肯定性)第 7.4.4 条(损害的可预见性)第 7.4.5 条(存在替代交易时损害的证明)第 7.4.6 条(依时价确定损害的证明)第 7.4.7 条(部分归咎于受损害方当事人的损害)第 7.4.8 条(损害的减轻)第 7.4.9 条(未付金钱债务的利息)第 7.4.10 条(损害赔偿的利息)第 7.4.11 条(金钱赔偿的方式)第 7.4.12 条(估算损害赔偿金的货币)第 7.4.13 条(对不履行所约定的付款)第八章抵销第 8.1 条(抵销的条件)第 8.2 条(外国货币的抵销)第 8.3 条(以通知方式抵销)第 8.4 条(通知的内容)第 8.5 条(抵销的效力)第九章权利的转让、义务的转移与合同的转让第一节权利的转让第 9.1.1 条(定义)第 9.1.2 条(排除适用)第 9.1.3 条(非金钱债权的可转让性)第 9.1.4 条(部分转让)第 9.1.5 条(未来权利)第 9.1.6 条(不经个别指定被转让的权利)第 9.1.7 条(转让人与受让人的协议足够)第 9.1.8 条(债务人的额外费用)第 9.1.9 条(不转让条款)第 9.1.10 条(对债务人的通知)第 9.1.11 条(连续转让)第 9.1.12 条(转让的充分证据)第 9.1.13 条(抗辩权和抵销权)第 9.1.14 条(与被转让权利相关的权利)第 9.1.15 条(转让人的保证)第二节义务的转移第 9.2.1 条(转移的方式)第 9.2.2 条(排除适用)第 9.2.3 条(债权人同意转让的要求)第 9.2.4 条(债权人的预先同意)第 9.2.5 条(原债务人的义务免除)第 9.2.6 条(第三方履行)第 9.2.7 条(抗辩和抵销权)第 9.2.8 条(与被转移义务相关的权利)第三节合同的转让第 9.3.1 条(定义)第 9.3.2 条(排除适用)第 9.3.3 条(另一方的同意要求)第 9.3.4 条(另一方的预先同意)第 9.3.5 条(转让人的义务免除)第 9.3.6 条(抗辩权与抵销权)第 9.3.7 条(随合同转让的权利)第十章时效期间第 10.1 条(本章范围)第 10.2 条(时效期间)第 10.3 条(合同当事方对时效期间的更改)第 10.4 条(因承认而使时效期间重新起算)第 10.5 条(司法程序引起的时效中止)第 10.6 条(仲裁程序引起的中止)第 10.7 条(替代性争议解决方式)第 10.8 条(不可抗力,死亡或丧失行为能力引起的中止)第 10.9 条(时效期间届满的效力)第 10.10 条(时效期问届满后抵销权的行使)第 10.11 条(恢复原状)序言 PREAMBLE ( 通则的目的 )(Purpose of the Principles) 通则旨在为国际商事合同制定一般规则。

Other Special Provisions
Effective, Amendment, and Termination Terms of the Contract or Agreement
1.生效条件(Effective Conditions):
2.知识产权归属(Intellectual Property Rights):
3.争议解决(Dispute Resolution):

国际货物买卖合同免责条款英文回答:International sales contracts often include exemption clauses to limit the liability of the parties involved. These clauses are designed to protect the seller and buyer from unforeseen circumstances or events that may prevent them from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. The purpose of these clauses is to allocate the risks and responsibilities between the parties in a fair and reasonable manner.One common exemption clause in international sales contracts is the force majeure clause. This clause excusesa party from liability or performance of its obligations if there is an event beyond their control that prevents them from fulfilling their contractual obligations. Examples of force majeure events may include natural disasters, war, terrorism, strikes, or government regulations. For instance, if a seller is unable to deliver goods due to a strike atthe port, the force majeure clause would protect them from liability for the delay in delivery.Another commonly used exemption clause is thelimitation of liability clause. This clause sets a cap on the amount of damages that a party can claim in the event of a breach of contract. The purpose of this clause is to prevent excessive or disproportionate damages that may arise from a breach. For example, if a buyer discovers a defect in the goods purchased, the limitation of liability clause may limit the seller's liability to the purchase price of the goods.It is important to note that exemption clauses must be carefully drafted and clearly worded to be enforceable. They must be fair and reasonable, and their terms should not be unconscionable or contrary to public policy. Additionally, exemption clauses may be subject to the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the contract is governed. Therefore, it is crucial for parties to seek legal advice and ensure that the exemption clauses in their contracts comply with the applicable laws.中文回答:国际货物买卖合同通常包含免责条款,以限制各方的责任。

课堂讲练:一、国际商事合同中陈述与保证条款概述国际商事合同中的陈述与保证条款(Representation and Warranties),用以说明合同各当事人对保证合同得以顺利签订与履行的某些基本事实做出陈述并保证其真实性、准确性、完整性,对此陈述所做的保证在合同签订时做出,并贯穿整个合同有效期。
对于该条款中的“保证”(Warranties),指(1)、合同法中由合同一方做出的承诺或许诺,如果违反,守约方可以请求损害赔偿(a term or promise in a contract, breach of which will entitled the innocent party to damages);(2)、在保险法中被保险人做出的承诺,如果违反,保险人可以解除合同(a promise by the insured, breach of which will entitled the insurer to rescind the contract);(3)、产品制造商做出的书面承诺,保证维修、更换缺陷产品或做出赔偿,此时,与”guarantee”同义(a manufacturer’s written promise as to the extent he will repair, replace, return or otherwise compensate for defective goods)。
二、陈述与保证条款的若干表达方法与句式的翻译.例1、(the Clauses of Representation and Warranties in a facility agreement)In consideration of the Facility available under this Agreement, you hereby represent andwarrant that such representations and warranties as follows are true at the execution date hereofand will remain true throughout the term of this Agreement unless and until all the outstandingsums hereunder have been wholly repaid to us:(1)You have duly accepted, immediately upon your execution of thisAgreement,which is legally binding on and enforceable to you subject to the terms andconditions hereof;(2)You are a limited liability company duly organized and validlyexisting under the laws of the PRC, and have the power to perform any and all of yourobligations under this Agreement on the execution date hereof and at all times hereafter;(3)your execution anddelivery of any and all documents constituting the Wholesale Finance Documents, and for yourperformance of any and all of your obligations thereunder;(4)Finance Documents does not and will not constitute an event of default hereunder, a violationof any of the governing laws and/or regulations or a breach of any of the provisions of yourarticles of association, the Wholesale and Financing Master Agreement, or any other contract,agreement or arrangement to which you are a party or which is binding on you;(5)Your latest annual report and audited accounting statements aretrue and accurate in all respects, represent a true and fairview of your financial situation as ofthe date of such accounting, and have made full and complete disclosure of all debts of you asof the date on which the related statement is made and as for the time being, in accordance withthe generally accepted accounting principles.No material changes have occurred since themost recent financial statement is made, and, in particular, neither your net assets have beendeteriorated, nor have you entered into any agreement that might be materially burdensome toyou or create any collateral or other security interest on your assets;(6)You are neither engaged in any litigation, arbitration or administrationproceedings against you;例2、(in a License Agreement for the Transfer of Technology)Party A warrants to Party B that any parts or components delivered to Party B under this Agreement will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use when assembled according to Party A’s specifications.Party A’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing at the factory designated by Party A any parts or components which shall be examined by Party A and found defective.This warranty will cease fifteen(15)months after receipt of the parts or components by Party B.例3、(in a Contract for the Establishment of a Joint Venture)甲方在此向乙方做出如下陈述和保证:(1)、甲方是依照中国法律成立并有效运行的公司法人;(2)、甲方在法律上有充分的权力签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的以该方为一方的所有合同与文件,遵守并履行本合同以及该合同和文件规定的义务;(3)、甲方已经采取一切必要、适当而且合法的公司行动,授权签署和交付本合同及以本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同与文件,并授权遵守并履行本合同以及该合同和文件的条款与条件;(4)、甲方已为有效地签署和交付本合同及以本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,获得所有必要的同意、批准和授权,但本合同须经审批机构批准后方能生效。

for 110% of the invoice value . To be effected by the Buyer .
月底以前收到可接受信用证为条件,容许分批装运及转 运。 ? SHIPMENT: To be shipped on or before December 31, 2004 subject to acceptable L/C reaches SELLER before the end of October, 2004, and partial shipments allowed, transshipment allowed.
文档来源于网络,文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科学依据,请勿模 仿。文档如有不当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
? 备注 : ?买方签字: _______arks: ?Buyer's Signature: ?Seller's Signature ?Date
? 3)交货前如原料或者组件的成本增加,卖方保留调整合 同中所列价格的权利。
? 3) The Seller reserves the right to adjust the prices mentioned herein, if prior to delivery there is any substantial increase in the cost of raw material or component parts.
? (1) Names of commodity (ies) and specification(s)

5. A lawyer in common law starts with the actual case and compares it with the same or similar legal issues that have dealt with by courts in previously decided cases, and from these relevant precedents the binding legal rule is determined by means of induction.
由于国际商法具有私法性质, 由于国际商法具有私法性质,当事人自主 原则也适用国际商事交易。在某些情形下, 原则也适用国际商事交易。在某些情形下, 只有国际商事交易各方当事人自愿选择了 某条约, 某条约,该条约才能对他们之间的法律关 系具有约束力。 系具有约束力。
2. Some common-law principle proved too precious to change. For example, a long line of hard-won precedents defended the rights and liberties of citizens against the unjust use of government power. 事实证明一些普通法的原则如此弥足珍贵以 致不能更改。比如, 致不能更改。比如,一系列来之不易的先例 保护着公民的权利和自由免受政府滥用权力 的侵害。 的侵害。
法律风险来自于法律行为的不确定性和合同、 法律风险来自于法律行为的不确定性和合同、 法律、 法律、行政法规在适用性和解释上的不确定 法律风险可能引起合同的形式、 性。法律风险可能引起合同的形式、法律资 行为能力)、交易的合法性、 )、交易的合法性 格(行为能力)、交易的合法性、合同目的 落空等等诸如此类的问题, 落空等等诸如此类的问题,具体问题视组织 所处环境而定。 所处环境而定。

EXW (insert named place of delivery)GUIDANCE NOTEThis rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.It is suitable for domestic trade, while FCA is usually more appropriate for international trade.“Ex Works” means that the seller delivers when it places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or at another named place ., works, factory, warehouse, etc.). The seller does not need to load the goods on any collecting vehicle, nor does it need to clear the goods for export, where such clearance is applicable.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the named place of delivery, as the costs and risks to that point are for the account of the seller. The buyer bears all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the agreed point, if any, at the named place of delivery. EXW represents the minimum obligation for the seller. The rule should be used with care as:a) The seller has no obligation to the buyer to load the goods, even though in practice the seller maybe in a better position to do so. If the seller does load the goods, it does so at the buyer’s risk and expense. In cases where the seller is in a better position to load the goods, FCA, which obliges the seller to do so at its own risk and expense, is usually more appropriate.b) A buyer who buys from a seller on an EXW basis for export needs to be aware that the seller has anobligation to provide only such assistance as the buyer may require to effect that export: the seller is not bound to organize the export clearance. Buyers are therefore well advised not to use EXW if they cannot directly or indirectly obtain export clearance.c) The buyer has limited obligations to provide to the seller any information regarding the export ofthe goods. However, the seller may need this information for, ., taxation or reporting purposes. EXW——工厂交货(……指定地点)本条规则与(当事人)所选择的运输模式无关,即便(当事人)选择多种运输模式,亦可适用该规则。

免责条款主要包括以下几种情况:1. 不可抗力:CISG规定,如果合同履行过程中发生不可抗力事件,使得卖方无法履行合同,则卖方可以免除责任。
2. 买方原因:如果合同履行过程中,买方未按约定履行其义务,如未按时支付货款、未按约定提供货物等,卖方可以免除责任。
3. 卖方无法预见的情况:如果卖方在订立合同时无法预见某些情况,如市场行情变化、汇率波动等,导致卖方无法履行合同,则卖方可以免除责任。
二、免责条款的适用条件1. 不可抗力:卖方需证明合同履行过程中发生的不可抗力事件是不可避免的,并且卖方已经尽最大努力克服了不可抗力的影响。
2. 买方原因:卖方需证明买方未履行合同义务,且卖方已通知买方,并给予买方合理期限履行义务。
3. 卖方无法预见的情况:卖方需证明在订立合同时无法预见某些情况,且这些情况导致了卖方无法履行合同。
三、免责条款的效力1. 免责条款仅限于合同履行过程中发生的损失,对于合同订立前或合同履行完毕后的损失,卖方仍需承担赔偿责任。
2. 免责条款的效力需符合法律规定,如违反法律法规、损害国家利益、社会公共利益等,免责条款无效。
3. 免责条款的效力需得到买方的同意,否则免责条款无效。
四、免责条款的完善1. 明确免责条款的范围和条件,避免争议发生。
2. 加强合同履行过程中的沟通,确保各方了解免责条款的具体内容。
3. 在合同中明确约定免责条款的效力,确保各方权益得到保障。
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课堂讲练例1、Each Party hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless the other Party against any claims, suits, losses, or costs arising out of any actual or alleged breach or failure to comply with any provisions hereof.参考译文:合同各方在此同意,如一方实际违约或被指控违约或未遵守本合同任何规定,引起任何索赔、诉讼、损失,应由该方赔偿另一方,使其免受损害。
常用表达方式:(1)、”indemnify someone against/from”: “promise to pay someone an amount of money if he suffers any loss“,是指“保证赔偿某方可能受到的损失或伤害“。
如:The Party in breach shall indemnify the innocent Party against/from any losses or disbursement(“expense”) the innocent Party may incur arising out of the breach. (2)、” indemnify someone for”, “to pay someone an amount of money because of the damage or loss that party has suffered”,是指“赔偿某方已受到的损失或伤害,为某方受到的损失或伤害做出赔偿“。
如:The infringer shall indemnify the holder of patent right for the losses incurred by the right holder arising out of the acts of infringement on the patent.(3)、”indemnify and hold harmless someone against/from ”: 两者经常连用,与”indemnify someone against/from”意义相同,所以在汉译英时,可以省去”hold harmless”,但英译汉时,可译为“使不受或免受损失或损害“。
例2、Party A hereby indemnifies, hold harmless and defend Party B against any claims, losses, expenses, costs or damages asserted against Party B by any third party in case that the know-how delivered in the form of drawings, data or documents infringes on the right of trade secret or patent of that third party; provided that Party B shall (a) immediately notify Party A of said assertions as they come to its awareness;(b) authorize Party A to conduct the defense of said claims; and (c) follow Party A’s instruction to cease use of the know-how, which, by Party A’s judgment, is likely to constitute an infringement on that third party’s right of trade secret or patent.参考译文:甲方在此表示,如其以图纸、数据或文件形式交付的专有技术侵犯了第三方商业秘密权利或专利权,导致第三方向乙方提出索赔,要求赔偿损失、开支或损害赔偿金,甲方应赔偿乙方,使其免受损失并为其答辩,但乙方应(1)、在获悉前述主张时立即通知甲方;(2)、授权甲方进行针就前述索赔进行的答辩;(3)、遵照甲方指示,停止使用经甲方判断有可能侵犯该第三方商业秘密权或专利权的专有技术。
词语辨析:“infringement”and “tort”“infringement”,通常表示对“知识产权的侵权行为“,如”patent infringement”,”copyright infringement”, “trademark infringement”, ”infringement of/ on intellectual property”,被侵权人(infringee)可以向侵权人(infringer)提起侵权之诉(infringement litigation/action)。
如:Party A filed an action against Party B in respect of Party B’s infringement of patent right of utility models.“tort”, 泛指侵权(行为),指“私法上对人身、人格或财产权利的侵犯”(a wrongful act or omission for which damages can be obtained in a civil court by the person wronged)。
The law of tort provides protection for interests such as reputation, personal freedom, title to property, commercial interests and so on. 其针对的对象如:” tort against property”, “tort against reputation”, “tort against personal freedom”,”tort against the person”,对此,可以针对侵权行为人(tortfeasor)提起侵权之诉(tort action),其类型大致有:”tort of negligence”(过失侵权), “tort of intention”(故意侵权)等。
如:The woman filed an action against the tort affecting her reputation resulting from the defamation committed by her colleague.例3、除非法庭另做判决或发出命令,你方应在我方提出要求时,就你方未履行任何本信贷协议下义务而产生由我方承担的损失、费用(包括但不限于法律费用)、开支或责任,向我方做出赔偿,使我方免受损失。
参考译文:You shall, upon demand by us, indemnify us against any losses, fees (including but not limited to legal fees), expenses or liabilities sustained by us as a consequence of the occurrence of any non-performance by you of any of your obligations under the Credit Documents, unless otherwise judged or ordered by the court.例4、Each Party hereto release and discharge the other Party from all claims, allegations, actions and demands arising out of the Claim asserted by a third party and existing in the term of this Agreement, including but without limitation to any liability for legal costs arising out of the subject matter under the Claim.参考译文:合同双方免除和解除另一方因第三方该主张引起,并在本协议存续期间产生的全部索赔、指控、诉讼和要求而应承担的责任,包括但不限于承担因该主张涉及的标的引起的法律费用责任。
常用表达方式:“release and discharge the other Party from…”, 表示”免除某方的责任/义务“。
如:Party A hereby release and discharge Party B from any costs, charges, damages, losses incurred by Party A arising from the breach of this Sales Contract by Party B.例5、Party B hereby agrees that Party A or its employees shall not be liable to Party B for any actions, damages, claims, liabilities or losses arising out of the services performed under this Agreement for an aggregate amount exceeding the Service Fees paid by Party B to Party A for the services provided by Party A.参考译文:乙方在此同意,甲方或其雇员对因履行本协议项下的服务而引起的任何诉讼、产生的任何损害赔偿金、提起的任何索赔、应承担的任何赔偿责任或损失的累计额,不应超出乙方为甲方提供服务而向其支付的服务费用总额。