245055.1 Oracle Database 10g Enhanced wait model
OracleDatabase10g数据库安装及配置教程Oracle安装配置教程分享给⼤家供⼤家参考,具体内容如下1、安装Oracle 版本:Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (下载地址:安装设置:1)这⾥的全局数据库名即为你创建的数据库名,以后在访问数据,创建“本地Net服务名”时⽤到;2)数据库⼝令在登录和创建“本地Net服务名”等地⽅会⽤到。
2、创建“本地Net服务名”1)通过【程序】-》【Oracle - OraDb10g_home1】-》【配置和移植⼯具】-》【Net Configuration Assistant】,运⾏“⽹络配置助⼿”⼯具:2)选择“本地 Net 服务名配置”:3)这⾥的“Net 服务名”我们输⼊安装数据库时的“全局数据库名”:4)主机名我们输⼊本机的IP地址:5)测试数据库连接,⽤户名/密码为:System/数据库⼝令(安装时输⼊的“数据库⼝令”):默认的⽤户名/密码错误:更改登录,输⼊正确的⽤户名/密码:测试成功:3、PLSQL Developer 连接测试输⼊正确的⽤户名/⼝令:成功登陆:数据库4、创建表空间打开sqlplus⼯具:sqlplus /nolog连接数据库:conn /as sysdba创建表空间:create tablespace camds datafile 'D:\oracle\product\10.2.\oradata\camds\camds.dbf' size 200m autoextend on next 10m maxsize unlimited;5、创建新⽤户运⾏“P/L SQL Developer”⼯具,以DBA(⽤户名:System)的⾝份登录:1)新建“User(⽤户):2)设置⽤户名、⼝令、默认表空间(使⽤上⾯新建的表空间)和临时表空间:3)设置⾓⾊权限:4)设置”系统权限“:5)点击应⽤后,【应⽤】按钮变灰,新⽤户创建成功:6)新⽤户登录测试:输⼊新⽤户的“⽤户名/⼝令”:新⽤户“testcamds”成功登陆:6、导⼊导出数据库先运⾏cmd命令,进⼊命令⾏模式,转到下⾯的⽬录:D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN【该⽬录下有exp.exe⽂件】1)导⼊命令语法:imp userid/pwd@sid file=path/file fromuser=testcamds touser=userid命令实例:imp testcamds/123@camds file=c:\testcamds fromuser=testcamds touser=testcamds导⼊结果:2)导出:命令语法:exp userid/pwd@sid file=path/file owner=userid命令实例:exp testcamds/123@camdsora file=c:\testcamds owner=testcamds 导⼊结果://创建临时表空间create temporary tablespace zfmi_temptempfile 'D:\oracle\oradata\zfmi\zfmi_temp.dbf'size 32mautoextend onnext 32m maxsize 2048mextent management local;//tempfile参数必须有//创建数据表空间create tablespace zfmiloggingdatafile 'D:\oracle\oradata\zfmi\zfmi.dbf'size 100mautoextend onnext 32m maxsize 2048mextent management local;//datafile参数必须有//删除⽤户以及⽤户所有的对象drop user zfmi cascade;//cascade参数是级联删除该⽤户所有对象,经常遇到如⽤户有对象⽽未加此参数则⽤户删不了的问题,所以习惯性的加此参数//删除表空间前提:删除表空间之前要确认该表空间没有被其他⽤户使⽤之后再做删除drop tablespace zfmi including contents and datafiles cascade onstraints;//including contents 删除表空间中的内容,如果删除表空间之前表空间中有内容,⽽未加此参数,表空间删不掉,所以习惯性的加此参数//including datafiles 删除表空间中的数据⽂件//cascade constraints 同时删除tablespace中表的外键参照如果删除表空间之前删除了表空间⽂件,解决办法: 如果在清除表空间之前,先删除了表空间对应的数据⽂件,会造成数据库⽆法正常启动和关闭。
有关各版本之间相互对比的详细信息,请参阅Oracle数据库 10g产品系列白皮书。
主要功能汇总简化版标准版1标准版企业版CPU最大数量 1 2 4 无限制RAM 1GB 操作系统允许的最大容量操作系统允许的最大容量操作系统允许的最大容量数据库规模4GB 无限制无限制无限制WindowsLinuxUnix支持64位高可用性更多内容故障保护配置和验证Windows集群,并通过与微软集群服务器集成的高可用性软件快速、准确地自动恢复。
SQL调优顾问程序可以在OEM基于Web的新控制台接口内的很多地方启动,也可以通过 DBMS_SQLTUNE包用(AQL*Plus)命令行来进行访问。要使用SQL调优顾问程序(或任何其他顾问程序),都需要具有ADVISOR(顾问程序)权限(Oracle数据库10g版本最新提供;默认情况下,数据库管理员具有ADVISOR权限)。
除了查看主动ADDM分析的结果之外,还可以使用OEM的PL/SQL接口通过OEM或命令行手动运行 ADDM。ADDM对潜在的瓶颈进行自顶向下的分析,得出包括根本原因和带有原理阐述建议的一组分析结果。除了识别问题以外,ADDM还对每个问题对系统总体性能有多大影响及解决该问题后会得到多少好处进行报告。这种影响-好处分析有助于数据库管理员将精力集中在那些解决后能获得最大性能收益的问题上。
SQL附加信息集合。优化器会进行更广泛的分析,并汇总可以使查询运行更为理想的必要附加信息,将其存储在一个SQL附加信息集合中。SQL附加信息集合包含的信息可以使SQL编译器对特定的 SQL文本的执行计划进行优化。SQL附加信息集合在运行时使用(当优化器返回正常模式时),用于提高SQL的性能,但不改变源代码。
除了优化器的这一所谓"正常"模式外,Oracle数据库10g现在还提供一种"调优"模式(在 Oracle文献中有时称作"自动调优优化器")。正如其名称意义所示,优化器的调优模式明确地用于SQL调优对话(使用SQL调优顾问程序和SQL访问顾问程序),以生成可在运行时加速性能的附加信息。调优模式包含了正常模式的性能,同时还提供扩展功能,因此它能够在创建执行计划的过程中进行进一步的分析。
Oracle10g在金融行业得到了 广泛应用,如银行、证券、保
Oracle10g在制造业中也有着 广泛的应用,如航空、汽车、 电子等。
Oracle10g在政府机构中也有 着广泛的应用,如税务、公安 、交通等。
除了以上领域,Oracle10g还 广泛应用于医疗、教育、物流
对数据库进行功能和性能测试,确 保满足业务需求。
将事故数据导入到数据库中,并进 行数据清洗和转换。
将数据库正式上线运行,并持续监 控和维护数据库的运行状态。
Oracle10g提供了高效的事故数据存储机制,支持海 量数据的存储和检索。
采用合理的网络架构,如使用多网卡、负载均衡 等,提高网络传输效率。
根据实际需求调整网络参数设置,如TCP/IP协议 参数、网络带宽等,提高网络传输性能。
对传输数据进行压缩,减少网络传输量,提高数 据传输效率。
支持数据可视化技术,如图表、 仪表盘等,直观展示事故数据和 趋势。
根据实际情况制定合理的事故数 据备份策略,确保数据安全和可
提供多种数据恢复方法,如全量备 份、增量备份等,确保数据快速恢 复。
AWR采集与性能相关的统计数据,并从那些统计数 据中导出性能量度,以跟踪潜在的问题。与 Statspack 不同,快照由一个称为 MMON 的新的后台 进程及其从进程自动地每小时采集一次。为了节省空 间,采集的数据在 7 天后自动清除。快照频率和保 留时间都可以由用户修改。要查看当前的设置,您可 以使用下面的语句:
不是客户端安装的工具,实际上它是位于数据库服务 器上的一个 HTTP 服务器(称为 DB 控制台,参见下 图)。你可以使用任何浏览器查看 EM 界面。
DB 控制台使用的端口号可在 $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini 文件中找到。 以下是一个文件的示例(根据主机情况不一样,端口 可能不相同)
AWR 使用几个表来存储采集的统计数据,所有的 表都存储在SYSAUX 表空间中的SYS 模式下,并且以 WRM$_* 和 WRH$_* 的格式命名。前一种类型存储元 数据信息(如检查的数据库和采集的快照),后一种 类型保存实际采集的统计数据。
在这些表上构建了几种带前缀 DBA_HIST_的视图, 这些视图可以用来编写您自己的性能诊断工具。视图 的名称直接与表相关;例如,视图 DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY是在 WRH$_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY表上构建的。 AWR 历史表采集的信息比 Statspack 多许多,这 些信息包括表空间使用率、文件系统使用率、甚至操 作系统统计数据。这些表的完整的列表可以通过以下 命令从数据字典中看到:
亚信联创 曹震
Oracle 10g于2003年9月9日在旧金山发布,代 号中的G代表GRID,表示ORACLE将提供一个网格计 算体系,是自Oracle 8I提供互联网功能后的一次 重大更名,并在今年发布了可能是Oracle10g的最 后一个补丁集10.2.0.5 。 Oracle 10g可以分为4个版本,分别是: 1、Oracle Database Standard Edition One, 最基本的商业版本,包括基本的数据库功能。
oracle10g更强大的回闪数据库功能 (1)
Oracle 10g更强大的回闪数据库功能【IT168 服务器学院】用一个简单的SQL语句将一个表或者整个数据库恢复到以前的某一点。
唯一的要求是表必须具有可移动的行--或者是在创建表时设置,或者是在以后利用ALTER TABLE ACCOUNTS ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT 语句设置。
FLASHBACK TABLE语句从撤消段中(undo segment)读取该表的过去映像,并利用Oracle9i中引入的回闪查询重建表行。
ORACLE 10g 安装教程[图文]
ORACLE 10g 安装教程[图文]转载原文链接/blog/451991刚刚接触ORACLE的人来说,从那里学,如何学,有那些工具可以使用,应该执行什么操作,一定回感到无助。
所以在学习使用ORACLE之前,首先来安装一下ORACLE 10g,在来掌握其基本工具。
我们开始吧!首先将ORACLE 10g的安装光盘放入光驱,如果自动运行,一般会出现如图1安装界面:单击“开始安装”,就可以安装ORACLE 10g,一般会检查系统配置是否符合要求,然后出现“Oracle DataBase 10g安装”对话框,如图2所示:在安装Oracle DataBase 10g时可以选择“基本安装”和“高级安装”两种方法。
选择“基本安装”时,“Oracle主目录位置”用于指定Oracle DataBase 10g软件的存放位置;“安装类型”用于指定Oracle产品的安装类型(企业版、标准版和个人版)。
选择“高级安装”,单击“下一步”,会出现“指定文件对话框”,在源路径显示的是安装产品所在的磁盘路径;目标名称用于资定Oracle 主目录所对应的环境变量,目标路径用于指定安装Oracle软件的目标安装路径。
如图3:单击“下一步”,会加载Oracle产品列表,然后出现“选择安装类型”对话框;如图4:选择安装类型时一般选择“企业版”,单击“下一步”,会出现“选择数据库配置”对话框,如图5 :在“选择数据库配置”对话框中可以选择是否要创建启动数据库,如果要创建数据库还要选择建立数据库的类型。
选择“不创建启动数据库”单击“下一步”,会出现“概要”对话框,如图6所示:单击“安装”,就会开始安装Oracle DataBase 10g产品了。
Oracle Database 10g for Windows安装
Oracle Database 10g for Windows安装作者:陈拓2005 年 2月 14 日 最后修改:2006105一、操作系统l Windows Server 2003l Windows 2000 SP1l Windows XP Professionall Windows NT Server4.0二、下载软件/technology/global/cn/software/index.html三、安装1.运行setup.exe出现图 1所示的“Oracle Database 10g安装”画面。
图 1 Oracle Database 10g安装画面中网格背景寓示了 10g 的卖点 Grid Computing“网格计算”。
l选中“高级安装” ,以便为 SYS、SYSTEM设置不同的口令,并进行选择性配置。
图 2 指定文件位置l设置源“路径” 、 “名称”和目的“路径” ,见图3 所示。
n“名称”对应 ORACLE_HOME_NAME 环境变量n“路径”对应 ORACLE_HOME 环境变量“名称”和目的“路径”、图 3 设置源“路径”图 4 选择安装类型4.保持默认值,下一步,进入“Oracle Universal Installer:选择数据库 ,见图5。
配置”图 5 选择数据库配置配置选项”,见图6。
图 6 指定数据库配置选项l指定“全局数据库名”和“SID” ,对这两个参数的指定一般相同,例如:oract。
例如:l如果选择“创建带样本方案的数据库,OUI会在数据库中创建 HR、OE、SH 等范例方 案(sample schema)6.下一步,进入“Oracle Universal Installer:选择数据库管理选项” , 见图7。
图 7 选择数据库管理选项文件存储选项”,见图8。
图 8 指定数据库文件存储选项8.保持默认值,下一步,进入“Oracle Universal Installer:指定备份和 恢复选项”,见图9。
Oracle Database 10g - New Features
Database Control
Database Backup & Recovery Management Management
Space Management
Intelligent Infrastructure
Intelligent Infrastructure
Automatic Workload Repository
Basic Parameters
compatible processes sessions pga_aggregate_target nls_language nls_territory db_domain shared_servers instance_number cluster_database db_block_size sga_target control_files db_name db_recovery_file_dest remote_listener db_recovery_file_dest_size db_create_online_log_dest_n db_create_file_dest log_archive_dest_n log_archive_dest_state_n remote_login_passwordfile db_unique_name
Why is Manageability Important?
Managing IT is Managing the Business
For Customers Increase in Size & Complexity High Administration Cost Unacceptable Failure Cost For ISV Partners Increase in Deployment Complexity Increase in Development Cost High Support Cost
Oracle Database 10g产品说明书
Oracle Database 10g产品说明书简介Oracle Database 10g提供了全球首个专为企业网格计算提供动力的软件基础平台架构。
Oracle Database 10g充分利用了硬件在网格计算上的革新,让用户可以在这些标准的硬件组件上非常轻松的安装和配置数据库。
Oracle Database 10g不但是网格资源、网格服务和网格存储的使用者,而且是企业数据提供者,在其中都充分利用了网格计算的三个特性。
Oracle Database 10g把Oracle Database 使用硬件组件-包括计算资源和存储资源-的方式虚拟化,对于在企业网格环境中的不同数据库自动提供集群存储和集群计算资源。
作为一个企业数据供应者,Oracle Database 10g 提供了相关的技术,通过这些技术可以让数据库管理员为网格用户和网格应用进行资源汇总、虚拟管理和数据的供应。
Oracle Database 10g提供了很多卓越的优势来简化你对整个企业级网格的管理和操作。
Oracle Database 10g: 为网格而设计的数据库(一)在基于标准组件上配置和安装Oracle Database 10gOracle Database 10g 使您更轻松的在网格上运行数据库,此数据库运行于标准、低成本、模块化的硬件组件(存储器、刀片服务器和互联技术)上。
自动存储管理(Automatic Storage Management,ASM)自动存储管理 (ASM) 使存储虚拟化,并且提供了轻松的数据库存储供应。
此外,您现在能够使用标准、低成本、模块化的组件来存储所有的 Oracle 数据。
您可以使用单个 ASM 来为多个 Oracle 数据库管理存储。
ASM 仅要求您管理少量的磁盘组,而不是管理许多数据库文件。
一个磁盘组是一组磁盘设备的集合,ASM 将其作为单个逻辑单元来管理。
Oracle Database 10g性能调整与优化ch06
第6章 使用EXPLAIN和STORED OUTLINES(针对DBA和开发人员)查找和修补有错误的查询时在很大程度上要借助于合适的工具。
在Oracle 10g中,这些工具得到了增强,包括增加了DBMS_MONITOR程序包和TRCSESS。
TRCSESS则是一个命令行工具,开发人员和DBA 可以借助该工具将多个跟踪文件中的信息合并到一个输出文件中。
本章主要内容:●使用SQLTRACE/TKPROF的简单步骤●SQL TRACE输出部分●跟踪更复杂的查询,了解如何确定有用信息来提高性能Oracle Database 10g性能调整与优化200●DBMS_MONITOR——10g版本的新特性●TRCSESS——10g版本的新特性●使用EXPLAIN PLAN●阅读EXPLAIN PLAN:从头至尾或从尾至头●使用DBMS_XPLAN●另一种EXPLAIN PLAN方法:父/子树结构方法●开发工具中的跟踪●表PLAN_TABLE中一些重要的列●跟踪错误和未记录入档(documented)的init.ora参数●构建和运用STORED OUTLINES●使用STORED OUTLINES(PLAN STABILITY)迁移基于规则的优化器中的SQL6.1 Oracle的SQL TRACE实用程序利用Oracle的SQL TRACE实用程序可以对指定的查询、批处理进程和整个系统做时间统计。
SQL TRACE有如下的功能:● SQL TRACE运行这个查询并输出一个所执行的Oracle查询(或一系列查询)的统计信息。
Oracle 10g各版本之间的区别
Oracle 10g各版本之间的区别!Oracle 10g标准版&企业版(版本为10g最终版)Oracle10g分为4个版本,分别是:1。
Oracle Database Standard Edition One,最基本的商业版本,包括基本的数据库功能。
Oracle Database Standard Edition ,标准版,包括上面那个版本的功能和RAC,只有在10g的标准版中才开始包含RAC。
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition,企业版,虽说是最强劲的版本,但是并不是所有我们常用的功能都在这个版本中,很多东西仍然是要额外付费的,后面会说到。
Oracle Database Personal Edition,个人版,除了不支持RAC之外包含企业版的所有功能,但是注意的是,只有Windows平台上才提供个人版。
下面来看一下,在Standard Edition One和Standard Edition中不支持的功能(只是选了一些大家比较常见或者常用的功能),注意,这些功能除了RAC之外仍然包含在个人版中。
Oracle Data Guard,不支持。
一些Online操作,比如Online index maintenance,Online table redefinition等不支持3。
备份和恢复的某些操作受限,比如不支持Block级别的恢复(Block-level media recovery),不支持并行备份和恢复(Parallel backup and recovery),多重备份(Duplexed backup sets)等等4。
Flashback功能,在标准版中Flashback Table,Flashback Database,Flashback Transaction Query都是不支持的5。
ORACLE DATABASE 10G 高可用性实现方案问题1:Oracle 10g RAC 是高可用性集群还是负载均衡集群?按oracle的说得,都是!因为在一个节点down掉后,另外的节点还继续运行,所以说高可用性。
问题2:机器集群大致分为:高性能集群,高可用性集群和负载均衡集群这些集群的区别是在集群软件上吗?高性能集群需要集群软件实现,如Solaris :Sun Enterprise Cluster 3.0, Veritas Volume Manager Version 3.0.4HP :MC/ServiceGuard 11.13 OPS Edition with patch PHSS_22876 or laterTru64 Compaq :TruCluster Software 5.1, with patches GB_G01313 and GB_G01314AIX :HACMP/ES Version 4.4, or higher这些都需要是并行的cluster。
至于负载均衡集群,则一般不是由上面说得cluster软件实现,而一般由另外的软件或硬件实现,如oracle 的client + oracle listener实际上就是一个负载均衡器,另外在web上的硬件均衡器如f5,当然也有用软件实现的在web上的负载均衡,如sina,sohu的网站都采用这类软件进行负载均衡。
1.2 Oracle 10g——“网格计算”时 代的数据库解决方案
2003年9月8日,Oracle公司总裁拉里·埃 里森在旧金山Oracle用户大会上宣布了全球首 个企业网格计算中间件——Oracle数据库10g。
1.2.1 Oracle从“i”到“g”的演进
Oracle的网格计算包括4个部分 l 存储网格 l 数据库网格 l 应用服务器网格 l 网格控制 通过多台小型服务器的协作,利用低成本、标准化、
数据库是以一定的组织方式存储在一起的、能为 多个用户共享的、具有尽可能小的冗余度、与应用彼此 独立的相互关联的数据集合。
最初的Oracle 数据库
扩充后的 Oracle数据库
图1.1 数据库的物理结构图
数据库管理的对象是按一定的数据模型 在计算机系统中组织、存储和使用联系 的数据集合。这些数据具有以下特征:
数据库技术是20世纪60年代后期产生并发展起来的, 是信息技术中发展最快的领域之一。按照数据模型的 不同,可以把数据库系统划分为层次数据库、网状数 据库、关系数据库和面向对象数据库等。Oracle是关 系数据库系统的杰出代表和领跑者。Oracle数据库管
1.1.1 数据库概述
结构:指精心定义的对象,例如表、视图、索 引等。利用它们存储或访问数据库的数据。
运算:是明确定义的动作。它使用户能操纵数 据库的数据和结构。
完整性规则:是管理数据库的数据和结构所允 许的运算的规定。完整性规则保护数据库的设 计和结构。
2. 关系数据库
特点: l 有严格的理论基础; l 用户接口简单; l 允许非预期询问; l 可用于知识库、分布式数据库和并行数
自动共享内存管理的自动化数据库:Oracle数据库10g Release 2说明书
The Self-Managing Database: Automatic Shared Memory Management with Oracle Database 10g Release 2An Oracle White PaperMay 2005Release 2 Introduction (3)Current Challenges (3)Introducing Automatic Shared Memory Management (4)The SGA_TARGET Parameter (4)Automatically Managed SGA Components (4)Manually Sized SGA Components (6)Benefits (7)More Flexible and Adaptive Memory Utilization (7)Enhanced Performance (7)Ease of Use (7)Enabling Automatic Shared Memory Management (8)Dynamic Modification of SGA Parameters (10)Dynamic Modification of SGA_TARGET (10)SGA Size Advisor (11)Dynamic Modification of Parameters for Automatically Managed Components (12)Modification of Parameters for Manually Sized Components (13)Persistence of Auto Tuned Values (14)Conclusion (14)Release 2INTRODUCTIONOne of the key self-management enhancements in the Oracle Database 10g is Automatic Shared (SGA) Memory Management. This functionality automates the management of shared memory used by an Oracle Database 10g instance and frees administrators from having to manually configure the sizes of shared memory components. Besides making more effective use of available memory and thereby reducing the cost incurred of acquiring additional hardware memory resources, the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature significantly simplifies Oracle database administration by introducing a more dynamic, flexible and adaptive memory management scheme.This paper describes this functionality and illustrates its advantages.CURRENT CHALLENGESThe Shared Global Area (SGA) in Oracle comprises multiple memory components -- a component being a pool of memory used to satisfy a particular class of memory allocation requests. Examples of memory components include the shared pool (used for allocating memory for SQL and PL/SQL execution), java pool (used for java objects and other java execution memory), buffer cache (used for caching disk blocks), etc.In past releases, the Oracle administrator was required to manually set a number of parameters for specifying different SGA component sizes, such as SHARED_POOL_SIZE, DB_CACHE_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE.The task of manually adjusting the sizes of individual SGA components could pose a few challenges. It may not be easy to determine the optimal sizes of these components suitable for a given workload. Oracle9i Database alleviated this problem to a great extent by introducing advisory mechanisms that allow DBAs to determine the optimal sizes of the buffer cache and shared pool. However, these recommendations still had to be implemented by the administrator. This challenge is further compounded in situations in which the workload tends to vary with the time of the day e.g., online users during the day and batch jobs atnight. Sizing for peak load could mean memory wastage while under-sizing may cause out-of-memory errors (ORA-4031). For example if a system is configured with a big large pool to accommodate a nightly RMAN backup job, most of this memory – which could have been better utilized in the buffer cache or shared pool for OLTP activity – remains unused for the most part of the day. At the same time, the cost of failures could be prohibitive from a business point of view leaving administrators with few other options.INTRODUCING AUTOMATIC SHARED MEMORY MANAGEMENTTo resolve these challenges, Oracle Database 10g introduces Automatic Shared Memory Management. In Oracle Database 10g, DBAs can just specify the total amount of SGA memory available to an instance using the new parameterSGA_TARGET. The database server then automatically distributes the available memory among various components as required. The Automatic Shared Memory Management feature is based on a sophisticated algorithm internal to the database that continuously monitors the distribution of memory and changes it periodically as needed, according to the demands of the workload.The SGA_TARGET ParameterThe SGA_TARGET parameter reflects the total size of the SGA and includes memory for:• Fixed SGA and other internal allocations needed by the Oracle instance • Log buffer• Shared Pool• Java Pool• Buffer Cache• Keep/Recycle buffer caches (if specified)• Non standard block size buffer caches (if specified)• Streams Pool (new in Oracle Database 10g)An important point to note is that SGA_TARGET includes the entire memory for the SGA. Thus, SGA_TARGET allows the user to precisely control the size of the shared memory area allocated by Oracle.Automatically Managed SGA ComponentsWhen SGA_TARGET is set, the most commonly configured components are sized automatically. These include:1. Shared pool (for SQL and PL/SQL execution)2. Java pool for (java execution state)3. Large pool (for large allocations such as RMAN backup buffers)4. Buffer cache5. Streams poolThere is no need to set the of size any of the above components explicitly and by default the parameters for these components will appear to have values of zero. Whenever a component needs memory, it can request that it be transferred from another component via the internal auto-tuning mechanism. This will happen transparently without user-intervention.The performance of each of these components is also monitored by the Oracle instance. The instance uses internal views and statistics to determine how to optimally distribute memory among the automatically sized components. As the workload changes, memory is redistributed to ensure optimal performance with the new workload. This algorithm is never complacent and always tries to find the optimal distribution by taking into consideration long term as well as short terms trends.The administrator can still exercise some control over the sizes of the auto-tuned components by specifying minimum values for each of these components. This can be useful in cases in which the administrator knows that an application needs a minimum amount of memory in certain components to function properly. The minimum value of a component is specified by setting the corresponding parameter for the component.Here is an example configuration:SGA_TARGET = 132MSHARED_POOL_SIZE = 32MDB_CACHE_SIZE = 20MIn the above example, the shared pool and the default buffer pool will not be sized below the specified values (32M and 20M, respectively). This implies that the remaining 80M can be distributed across all the components. The actual distribution of values between the SGA components may be as follows:Actual Shared Pool Size = 92MActual buffer cache size = 20MActual java pool size = 16MActual Large Pool Size = 0MOther = 4MThe fixed view V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS displays the current size of each SGA component while the parameter values (e.g. DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE) specify the minimum values. The current sizes of the SGA components can also be obtained by looking at the Enterprise Manager memory configuration page.Fig 1: EM displays the current sizes of automatically tuned SGA componentsManually Sized SGA ComponentsThere are a few SGA components whose sizes are not automatically adjusted. The administrator needs to specify the sizes of these components explicitly, if needed by the application. Such components are:• Keep/Recycle buffer caches (controlled by DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE and DB_RECYCLE_CACHE_SIZE)• Additional buffer caches for non-standard block sizes (controlled by DB_<N>K_CACHE_SIZE, N={2,4,8,16,32})The sizes of these components is determined by the administrator-defined value of their corresponding parameters. These values can, of course, be changed any time either using Enterprise Manager or from the command-line via the ALTER SYSTEM command.The memory consumed by manually sized components reduces the amount of memory available for automatic adjustment. So for example, in the following configuration:• SGA_TARGET = 256M• DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE = 32MThe instance has only 224M (256 – 32) remaining to be distributed among the automatically sized componentsBENEFITSMore Flexible and Adaptive Memory UtilizationThe most significant benefit of using automatic SGA memory management is that the sizes of the different SGA components are flexible and will adapt to the needs of a workload without requiring user intervention.Let us illustrate this with an example. Consider a manual configuration in where 1G of memory is available for SGA and distributed as follows (for the purpose of simplicity we ignore other SGA components for now):SHARED_POOL_SIZE=128MDB_CACHE_SIZE=896MIn this case, if the application ever tries to allocate more than 128M of memory from the shared pool, it will receive an ORA-4031 indicating that available shared pool has been exhausted. Note that when this condition happens, there may be free memory in the buffer cache - but it is not accessible to the shared pool. The user will then manually have to shrink the buffer cache and grow the shared pool to work around this problem.Instead with automatic management, the DBA can simply set:SGA_TARGET = 1GIn this case, if the application needs more shared pool memory for avoiding an ORA-4031 error condition, it will simply obtain that memory by acquiring it from the buffer cache.Enhanced PerformanceBesides maximizing the use of available memory, the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature can enhance workload performance as well. With manual configuration, it is possible that compiled SQL statements will frequently age out of the shared pool because of its inadequate size. This will manifest in terms of frequent hard parses and, hence, reduced performance. However when automatic management is enabled, the internal tuning algorithm will monitor the performance of the workload and grow the shared pool if it determines that doing so will reduce the number of parses required. This is one of the most wonderful aspects of Automatic Shared Memory Management feature since it provides enhanced out-of-box performance, without requiring any additional resources or manual tuning effort.Ease of UseHaving just a single parameter to deal with greatly simplifies the job of administrators. DBAs can now just specify the amount of SGA memory an instance has its disposal and forget about the rest. They do not need to figure outthe sizes of individual components any more. In addition, they can be assured of the fact that no out of memory errors will be generated unless the system has truly run out of memory.ENABLING AUTOMATIC SHARED MEMORY MANAGEMENTThe Automatic Shared Memory Management feature can be enabled either using EM or by setting the SGA_TARGET parameter.When migrating from a manual scheme, it is best to tally the existing values of the SGA parameters and add a small amount (e.g. 16MB) to account for fixed SGA and internal overhead. At the same time the values of the automatically sized components can be removed from the parameter file.For instance, when migrating from the following configuration:SHARED_POOL_SIZE=256MDB_CACHE_SIZE=512MLARGE_POOL_SIZE=256MLOG_BUFFER=16MThe above parameters can be replaced withSGA_TARGET = 256 M + 512M + 256 M + 16M + 16 M (fixed SGA overhead) = 1056 MAutomatic Shared Memory Management may also be enabled dynamically. If you are using Enterprise Manager, you can enable SGA tuning by clicking the enable button on the SGA screen in the Memory Parameters section.Fig 2: Enabling Automatic Shared Memory Management using Enterprise Manager When enabling the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature using EM, the appropriate value for SGA_TARGET is automatically calculated according to the formula described above. In addition, EM also unsets all the parameters specifying the size of individual components in order to maximize the benefit of automatic management.If using command line interface, the steps involved in enabling Automatic Shared Memory Management are as follows:• Dynamically set SGA_TARGET to the current SGA size. The current size of the SGA can be determined from the fixed-view V$SGA via thefollowing query:select sum(value) from v$sga;• Next dynamically set each of the auto-tuned component sizes to zero so that the automatic shared memory tuning algorithm can modify the sizes as needed.If the above query for example returns the result of 536870912 (or 512M) then the steps for enabling auto SGA are as follows:alter system set sga_target=512M;alter system set db_cache_size = 0;alter system set shared_pool_size = 0;alter system set large_pool_size = 0;alter system set java_pool_size = 0;DYNAMIC MODIFICATION OF SGA PARAMETERSDynamic Modification of SGA_TARGETThe SGA_TARGET parameter is dynamic and can be increased up to the value specified by the parameter SGA_MAX_SIZE. The value of this parameter can also be reduced. In that case, one or more automatically tuned components are identified to release memory. The value of the SGA_TARGET parameter can be reduced until one or more auto-tuned components reach their minimum size. The change in the amount of physical memory consumed when SGA_TARGET is modified depends on the OS platform. On some Unix platforms that do not support dynamic shared memory, the physical memory in use by the SGA is equal to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE. On such platforms, there is no real benefit in running with a value of SGA_TARGET less than SGA_MAX_SIZE and setting SGA_MAX_SIZE on those platforms is, therefore, not recommended. On other platforms, such as Solaris and Windows, the physical memory consumed by the SGA is equal to the value of SGA_TARGET parameter.Note that when SGA_TARGET is resized, the only components to be affected are the auto-tuned components. Any manually configured components remain unaffected.For example, if we have an environment with the following configuration:SGA_MAX_SIZE=1024MSGA_TARGET = 512MDB_8K_CACHE_SIZE = 128MIn this example, the value of SGA_TARGET can be resized up to 1024M and can also be lowered until one or more of the buffer cache, shared pool, large pool, or java pool reaches its minimum size (the exact value depends on environmental factors such as the number of CPUs on the system). But the value of DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE will remain fixed at all times at 128M.Also, when SGA_TARGET is reduced, if the values for any auto-tuned component sizes have been specified to limit their minimum sizes, then those components will not shrink below their respective minimums. Therefore, if we have the following combination of parameters:SGA_MAX_SIZE=1024MSGA_TARGET = 512MDB_CACHE_SIZE = 96MDB_8K_CACHE_SIZE = 128MThe Self-Managing Database: Automatic SGA Memory Management with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 PageIn this example, in addition to the DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE being permanently fixed at 128M, the primary buffer cache will not shrink below 96M. This imposes an additional restriction on how far the value of SGA_TARGET can be reduced.SGA Size AdvisorTo determine the appropriate value for SGA_TARGET, Oracle provides the SGA Size Advisor. The SGA size advisor can be accessed from the Memory Parameters page of the EM interface.Fig 3: Accessing the SGA advisorThe advisor performs a what-if analysis to quantify the expected impact on the overall system performance for various sizes of the SGA. In the example below, the best improvement will be obtained by setting the SGA_TARGET value to 164M.Fig 4: SGA advisorAn alternative to using the EM interface is to query the$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE view.Dynamic Modification of Parameters for Automatically Managed ComponentsWhen the parameter SGA_TARGET is not set, the rules governing resize for all SGA_TARGET component parameters are the same as in earlier releases. This is because in the absence of SGA_TARGET, the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature is disabled.However, as mentioned earlier, when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabled, the manually specified size of an automatically sized component (e.g. SHARED_POOL_SIZE), serves as a lower bound for the size of that component. It is possible to modify this limit dynamically by altering the value of the corresponding parameter.If the specified lower limit for the size of a given SGA component is less than its current size, there is no immediate change in the size of that component. The value simply limits the auto-tuning algorithm to that reduced minimum size in the future.For example, if:SGA_TARGET = 512M,SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 256M(Current) Shared Pool size = 284MIn this example, dynamically resizing the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter down to 128M or lower has no effect on the current size of the shared pool. Also note that setting the size of an automatically sized component to zero disables the enforcement of any user minimum on the size of the component. As stated earlier, this is the default behavior of automatically sized components when SGA_TARGET is set.However, if the value of the parameter is raised to be greater than the current size of the component, the component will grow in response to the resize to accommodate the increased minimum. In the above example, if the value of SHARED_POOL_SIZE is resized up to 300M, then the shared pool will grow till it reaches 300M. This resize will happen at the expense of one or more auto-tuned components.It is important to note that manually limiting the minimum size of one or more automatically sized components reduces the total amount of memory available for dynamic adjustment, thereby limiting the system’s ability to adapt to workload changes. Consequently, the use of this option is not recommended barring exceptional cases. The default automatic management behavior has been designed to maximize both system performance and the use of available resources.Modification of Parameters for Manually Sized Components Parameters for manually sized components can be dynamically altered as well, the difference being that the value of the parameter always specifies the precise size of its corresponding component.Therefore, if the size of a manual component is increased, extra memory is taken away from one or more automatically sized components. If the size of a manual component is decreased, the memory that is released is given to the automatically sized components.For example:SGA_TARGET = 512MDB_8K_CACHE_SIZE=128MIn this case, increasing DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE to 144M (or by 16M) will mean that the 16M will be taken away from the automatically sized components.Likewise, shrinking DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE to 112 M (or by 16M) will mean that the 16M will be given to the automatically sized components. PERSISTENCE OF AUTO TUNED VALUESThe sizes of the automatically tuned components are remembered across shutdowns if a server parameter file (SPFILE) is used. This means that the system will not need to learn the characteristics workload from scratch each time and will pick up where it left off from the last shutdown.For this reason it is highly recommended that an SPFILE be used in conjunction with the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature.CONCLUSIONMemory is a precious system resource and administrators currently spend a significant amount of their time optimizing its use. With Automatic Shared Memory Management, they are relieved of this time consuming and often tedious exercise. The flexibility and adaptiveness of this solution will ensure the best possible utilization of existing resources and thereby help organizations reduce capital expenditure. Just another example of how the Oracle Database10g is going to let administrators play more strategic roles and allow businesses to become more profitable!The Self-Managing Database: Automatic SGA Memory Management with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 May 2005Author:Tirthankar Lahiri, Arvind NithrkashyapContributing Authors:Sushil Kumar, Brian Hirano, Kant Patel, Poojan Kumar, Herve LejeuneOracle CorporationWorld Headquarters500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065U.S.A.Worldwide Inquiries:Phone: +1.650.506.7000Fax: +1.650.506.7200Oracle Corporation provides the softwarethat powers the internet.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Variousproduct and service names referenced herein may be trademarksof Oracle Corporation. All other product and service namesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.Copyright © 2002 Oracle CorporationAll rights reserved.。
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
SQL> connect / as sysdba
[oracle@localhost bin]$ ./sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Aug 16 20:29:33 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
五、 安装JDK(我把需要安装的软件都放在/usr/local下)
# cd /usr/local
# chmod 755 jdk-1_5_0_16-linux-i586.rpm.bin
# ./ jdk-1_5_0_16-linux-i586.rpm.bin
用passwd设置 oracle 帐户的口令
由于默认情况下oracle 10g 不支持redhat as 5.0,所以我们需要手动地把redhat的版本临时给改动一下。
#su - root
#cp /etc/redhat-release /etc/redhat-release.backup
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
# echo $JAVA_HOME
Oracle Database 10g安装方法及注意问题
创建ArcSDE服务: 在ORACLE SID中输入ORACLE数据库服务名,
在出现以下 提示窗口时,先不要单击
“是”。打开“我的电脑”,找到我们安装 ArcSDE目录(默认目 C:\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\ora9iexe\etc)下,用记事 本打开dbinit.sde文件,将 “ORACLE_SID”改为“LOCAL”,保存后再来 单击提示窗口“是”按钮。
2> 添加硬件,在向导中选择“是,已经连接了此硬件”
3> “添加新的硬件设备” -> “安装我手动从列表中选择的硬 件” -> “网络适配器” -> “Microsoft Loopback Adapter”
5>添加完成后,到网络连接那里刷新,会发现新建了个“本 地连接 2”,用的就是这个假的“Microsoft Loopback Adapter此时会发现计算机右下角网络连接会显示正在获 取.单击“下一步”,继续安装,进入“Oracle Universal Installer:概 要”,如图11所示。
12.数据库创建完成时,显示“Database Configuration Assistant”窗口, 如图12所示。
*画面中网格背景寓示了10g的卖点Grid Computing“网格计算”
选中“高级安装”,以便为SYS、SYSTEM设置不同的口令,并进行选择 性配置 。
2.“下一步”进入“Oracle Universal Installer:指定文件位置”,见 图2
设置源“路径”、“名称”和目的“路径”,见图3所示。 “名称”对应ORACLE_HOME_NAME环境变量 “路径”对应ORACLE_HOME环境变量
oracle 11G新特性2
Oracle Database 11g:面向 DBA 和开发人员的重要特性数据库重放了解如何使用数据库重放(Oracle Database 11g中一个闪亮登场的全新工具)来捕获完整的数据库负载,以便您可以随意进行“重放”。
需要在数据库中进行更改时—无论是进行微小的改动(如变更初始化参数和数据库属性)还是进行不可避免的较大改动(如应用补丁集),您最关心什么?对于到 Oracle Database 11g的升级,您最关心的是什么?对我而言,我最关心的是更改是否会带来“破坏性”风险。
这并不能代表您的生产系统负载,而仅仅是运行了一小部分执行了若干次的生产负载,因此,这只是对 1% 的应用程序代码进行了测试。
如果可以,在数据库本身内记录所有数据库操作(与 DML 相关的操作及其他操作),而后按这些操作出现的真实顺序进行重放,难道不是一种更好的方法吗?数据库重放概述Oracle Database 11g将为您带来诸多好处。
新的数据库重放工具好似数据库内的 DVR。
使用这个独特的方法,可以如实地以二进制文件格式捕获 SQL 级以下的所有数据库活动,然后在同一数据库或不同数据库内进行重放(这正是在进行数据库更改之前您希望做的)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
The Value of the columns could be:
VALID:- A valid Session ID is present in the Blocking Session column
NO HOLDER:- which implies that there are no holders of this resource.
Application: These are waits caused by the way the application is designed. These include row lock waits, and table or other locks that are requested by the application either explicitly or implicitly (possibly due to DDL).
3. Break out important latch events
Before Oracle Database 10g, it is not possible to see the latch waits on a session basis. When a session is waiting it waits on the latch free event, which does not tell much. One needs to see p1, which gives address, and find out which latch is it. Also, One does not know which are the sessions and which are getting the latch and resulting in contention.
SELECT sid, blocking_session, username, blocking_session_status
FROM v$session
ORDER BY blocking_session;
2. Classification of Events
All wait events have been classified into categories like contention wait/OS service wait/DB Service ,Wait/idle wait, etc.. This will enable the user to immediately find out whether the system is performing poorly due to excessive contention or a background not performing well or whether the Operating System does not have enough resources.
WHERE = s.event
GROUP BY e.wait_class#,e.wait_class;
Classify the wait events into:
Idle Waits: Whenever an Oracle process has no work to do this is an idle wait. For most processes this is because they are waiting on the user to provide a new SQL statement to execute.
GLOBAL:- which implies that the holder is a session on another instance.
Following query would be useful to find the blocking session.
Thus, the high contention in the database are breaking out separate wait events for certain latches which have known to be points of past. Some latches events will also have different wait classes. All the event names will have prefix of “latch: “ so that users can get all latch events by writing like ‘latch: %’.
Network: All waits due to network messaging delays belong here. They are supposed to point out network congestion or latency. They should not include think or processing time, only the time spent in the networking code and hardware.
Subject: Oracle Database 10g Enhanced wait model
Doc ID: 245055.1 Type: BULLETIN
Modified Date : 26-JUN-2007 Status: PUBLISHED
Blocking Session
Classification of Events
Break out important latch events
Session and System Level Event Class Stats
Concurrency: These are waits that can not be tuned and will occur on a system with High Concurrency.
Commit: This class only has log file sync. It deserves a special class because it is a necessary event and will be high and is supposed to be high on a system doing queries.
This bulletin outlines Enhanced wait model introduced in Oracle Database 10G.
The Oracle Database 10g has many improvements for the wait reporting mechanism. These include:
User I/O Waits: All waits for Disk I/O done by User queries or even SMON, MMON
System I/O Waits: All waits for Disk I/O done by backgrnd processes like LGWR, DBWR, ARCH, RFS. But not SMON and MMON
UNKNOWN:- which implies that we could not figure out the holder.
UNIMPLEMENTED:- which implies that the callback for the event has not been implemented
Column "blocking_session" would contain the session id of the resource holder for which a session is waiting for. Else it would contain Null.
Column "blocking_session_status" would contain the status of the value of the blocking_session column.
Configuration: These are waits which occur in a badly configured system and weill be reduced dramatically as a result of proper tuning.
Administrative: These are waits imposed by a privileged users by some action.
1. Blocking Session
Two new columns blocking_session and blocking_session_status have been added to V$SESSION view.
A category has many wait events assigned to it, so the below example shown displays the total waits reported for each class. The wait event class gives an overall view of a particular area. For example, the I/O wait category contains all wait events associated with disk I/O. As a rule, the wait event categories with the highest wait times and counts become the focus of来自tuning effort.