Unit 9 When was he born
八年级英语unit 9 when was he born 人教版(新目标)知识精讲
初二英语Unit 9 When was he born? 人教版(新目标)【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 9 When was he born?[学习过程]一. 教学目标:1. 谈论自己崇拜的名人;2. 学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式;3. 谈论自己过去的生活经历;4. 谈论自己和别人的成就;5. 能够写一篇短文,介绍自己和周围同学的生活经历;6. 学习写一篇简短的人物传记。
二. 语言结构:1. 被动语态2. When引导的状语从句3. When / How long 引导的特殊疑问句三. 重点词汇1. achievement n. 成就、功绩2. skater n. 溜冰者3. champion n. 冠军4. great adj. 伟大的5. born(动词bear的过去分词)出生6. star n. 星星、明星7. violinist n. 小提琴手8. movie star 电影明星9. golf v/n. (打)高尔夫球10. sneeze v/n打喷嚏11. hiccup v/n打嗝12. start v. 开始13. stop v. 停止14. talented adj. 有天赋的、天才的15. loving adj. 慈爱的16. creative adj. 有创造力的17. outstanding adj. 杰出的、出色的18. unusual adj. 不寻常的、独特的19. famous adj. 著名的四. 重点短语1. ping-pong player 乒乓球运动员2. basketball player 篮球运动员3. tennis player 网球手4. take part in 参加5. start doing / start to do 开始做…6. at the age of 在…岁时7. receive an honor 获得荣誉8. win the first prize 获得一等奖9. a piece of music 一段音乐10. a professional basketball player 一名职业篮球运动员五. 重点句子1. Who is that?那是谁?2. That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.那是邓亚萍,她是一名伟大的乒乓球运动员。
Unit 9 When was he born-
Unit 9 When was he born?Unit9whenwasheborn?教学设计一、教材分析本单元主要围绕谈论自己崇拜的名人及有关名人的职业生涯而展开的。
(2)重点词汇:achievement,record,skater,violist,pianist,start,sto p,firstwent,firsthad,learned,talented,loving,creati ve,outstanding,unusual……(3)学习句型:who’sthat?That’sDengyaping.Sheisagreatping–pongplayer.whenwasshe/heborn?whendidshestar/become…whenshewas……yearsold2、情感目标(1)通过本单元的学习,培养学生吃苦耐劳精神和树立远大的理想。
三、本单元分为四课时,即:SectionA:1a—2c3a—4bSectionB:1a—2c,3b,3c3a,4,selfcheekPeriodone1.GreetingsandRevisionRevisethemonthsofayearandtheuseofordinalnumber.2.Pr ententationHello,everyone!Ihadapartyyesterday.whatk indofparty?canyouguess?Itwasmybirthdayparty.yes,Itw asmybirthdayparty.Iwasbornin…..whataboutyou?Let’sfindoutwhenwereyouwereborn.T:whenisyourbirthday?S: mybirthdayismarch5th.T:whenwereyouborn?S:Iwasbornin 1990.ThentalkaboutthebirthdayofwangXiaoya.Practicew henwereyouborn?andwhenwashe/sheborn?Payattentiontot hestructureSb+was/were+born+in+yearon+dateTalkaboutwangLiqin,thenpresentInternationals portsstars.3.workon1aTalkingaboutinternationalsport sstars4.workon1bListeningandwritingListentothetapeandwritetheyearwh enthesportsstarswereborn.Iwillplayittwice.Firsttime youcanonlylistenandthesecondtimeyoucanwrite.Tapescr iptconversation1Boy:who'sthat?Girl:That'sDengyaping .She'sagreatchineseping-pongplayer.Boy:whenwasshebo rn?Girl:Shewasbornin1973conversation2Girl:who'sthat ?Boy:That’smichaeljordan.He’sagreatAmericanbasketballplayer.Girl:whenwasheborn? Boy:Hewasbornin1963.conversation3Boy:who'sthat?Girl :That'smartinaHingis.She'sagreatSwisstennisplayer.B oy:whenwassheborn?Girl:Shewasbornin1980.conversatio n4Girl:who'sthat?Boy:That'sDavidBeckham.He'sagreatB ritishsoccerplayer.Girl:whenwasheborn?Boy:Hewasborn in1975.AnswersDengyaping:1973michaeljordan:1963mart inaHingis:1980DavidBeckham:1975Readthetapescriptand trytounderlinetheexpressionsandthewhen/howlongquest ions5.workon1cPairworkFirstlet’slookatthedialogueaboutDengyaping.Pleasereaditafter me.whenyoureadpleasepayattentiontothepronunciations andintonations.A:who’sthat?B:That’sDengyaping.Sheisagreatchineseping-pongplayer.A:whe nwassheborn?B:Shewasbornin1973.Nowmakethesimilardialogueaboutotherpeoplewithyourpartners.Thenactitout.6.workon2aListeningandfillingthechartLookatthepictu res.whataretheydoing?LearnthenewwordsHiccup 打嗝sneeze打喷嚏worldrecordmeansthebestintheworldLet’slistentothetapecarefullyandfillinthechart.whilelis tening,trytogettheimportantthing---“howlong”TapescriptGirl:who'sthat?Boy:charlesSmith.Heholdsth eworldrecordforhiccupping.Hehiccuppedfor69yearsand5 months.Girl:whendidhestarthiccupping?Boy:Hestartedh iccuppingin1922.Girl:Andwhendidhestop?Boy:Hestopped in1990.Girl:Howcouldhehiccupforthatlong?Boy:Idon'tk now.oh,look,thisisDonnaGreen.Girl:what'sshefamousfo r?Boy:Sneezing.Shesneezedfor978days.Girl:Really?whe ndidshestartsneezing?Boy:Let'ssee.Itsaysshestarteds neezingonjanuary13,1981,andshesneezeduntilSeptember16,1983.Girl:wow!That'salongtime.whoholdwo rldrecordHowlongStartedStoppedcharleshiccupping69ye arsand5monthsDannaGreensneezing978days7.workon2bLis teningandfillinginthechart.Listenagainandfillinthe“started”and“stopped”columns.whoholdsworldrecordHowlongStartedStoppedcha rleshiccupping69yearsand5months19221990DannaGreensn eezing978daysjanuary13,98119838.workon2cFillingthechartandspeakingFirstlet’sfillintheblankwiththeinformationfromthechartinlast part.A:HowlongdidcharlesSmithhiccup?B:Hehiccuppedfo r69yearsand5months.A:whendidhestarthiccupping?B:Hestartedin1922 A:whendidhestophiccupping?B:Hestoppedin1990.Pleasepracticetheconversationwithyo urpartner.makethesamekindofconversationaboutDonnaGr een.Thestudents’conversationmaybelikethis.A:HowlongdidDonnaGreensne ezing?B:Shesneezingfor978days.A:whendidshestarthers neezing?B:Shestartedonjanuary13,1981.A:whendidshest opsneezing?B:ShestoppedonSeptember16,1983.9.writing writeapassageaboutcharlesandDonna.GrammarFocuswhenw ereyouborn?→Iwasbornin1981.whenwasheborn?→Hewasbornin1992.whenwassheborn?→Shewasbornin1895.youplaybasketball?→Iplayedbasketballfortwoyears.Howlongdidheplaychess?→Heplayedchessfor213days.shehiccup?→Shehiccuppedforoneyearandtwomonths.whendidhestarthi ccupping?→Hestartedhiccuppingin1922.whendidhestophiccupping?→Hestoppedhiccuppingin1990.HomeworkRecite1c,2c.write downyoufavoritestarsorplayersaboutwhentheywereborna ndhowlongdidtheystarttheirwork.Periodtwo1.Greetings 2.AchantGood,better,bestNeverletitrestTillgoodisbet terAndbetterisbest3.RevisionDoingpairwork4.workon3aFirstyoureadandfillinthechar twithyourpartner.Thewordachievementmeans “theimportantthingeachpersondidinlife.AchievementAgeTigerwoodsStartedgolf10monthsoldShirleyTemplemovi estarThreeyearoldwolfgangAmadeusmozartwritingmusicF ouryearsoldmeiLanfangFirstperformedBeijingoperaTenR onaldoPlayedforhisnationalteamSeventeenLiuxuanwonag oldmedalattheworldchampionshipseventeen5.workon3bDo ingpairworkSinceyouhavefinishedreadingthechartandfi llinginyouranswers,pleaseworkinpairsastheexamplesin thebook.A:whoisShirleyTemple?B:Sheisamoviestar.A:whendidshebecomeamoviestar?B:whenshewasthreeyears old.6.workon4aInterviewingBoysandgirls,let’splayagame,aninterview.Lookatthechartandinterviewyo upartnersbyaskingthequestion.Howoldwereyouwhen…?Na meAchievementAgemoreinformationLearnedtorideabicycl eStartedlearningEnglishStartedplayingsportsFirstwen ttoamovieFirsthadaparty7.workon4bwhowouldliketotell ushisreportabouthisinterview?johnstartedthingsearly .Helearnedtorideabicyclewhenhewasonlythree.Sometime shefelloffthebike,buthenevergaveup.Hewasabraveboy.8 .Playaguessinggame.whoishe/she?9.DiscussionArewetooyoungtostartdoingthings?10.Homework:1.ReciteActivity3a2.makeacardandwr iteareport.Period31.warmingupbydescribingapersonIkn owyouhavelotsofgoodfriendsinyourclass.canyoudescrib ethemandletyourpartnersguesswhotheyare.Forexample:m yfriendisaboy.Heistwelveyearsold.Helivesnearthescho ol.Hecomestoschoolonfoot.Hehasaroundfacewithshortha ir.HelikesplayingPing-Pong…canyouguess?2:Practice A:Howoldwereyouwhenyoustarteddoing……B:Istarteddoing……whenIwas……yearsold.3.workon1aLookingatthesepeopleanddescribin gwiththewordsDoyouknowwhatarethemeaningsofthewords? talentedlovingoutstandingunusualbeautifulcreativeki ndfamousTalentedmeans“verycleverinaspecialway”.outstandingmeans “verygood,muchbetterthanothers”.creativemeans “havingtheabilityorpowertocreate,productive.”4.workon1bSpeakingImagineyouknowthepeopleinthepictu resabove.TellyourgroupaboutthepeopleTonyisanoutstan dingpianist.Heiscreativeandlovesmusicverymuch.Hespe ndsallhisfreetimeonit.5.Playaguessinggame.Theboywas bornonjuly13,1983.Heisafamoussportsplayer.Heisgooda trunninginthehurdle--races.Heholdstheworldrecordforthemen’s110mhurdles.Hestartedhurdlingin1999.Hehurdledfor8y ears.whoishe?6.workon2aListeningandcirclingthewords Listen,twopeoplearetalkingaboutpeopletheyadmire.cir clethewordsyouhear.talentedlovingoutstandingunusual beautifulcreativekindfamousTapescriptBoy:whodoyouad mire?Girl:Iadmiremidori.Boy:midori?who'sthat?Girl:S he'safamousviolinist.Boy:oh,yeah.She'sjapanese,isn' tshe?Girl:yes,shewasborninosakain1971.whenshewaseig ht,shewasalreadyatalentedviolinist.whenshewasfourte en,shetouredtheUnitedStates.IsawherplaywhenIwaseight.Boy:wow.DoyouhaveanyofhercDs?Girl:yes,Ido .Iplaythemallthetime.Buthowaboutyou?whodoyouadmire? Boy:Iadmiremygrandmother,Laura.Girl:Really?why?Boy: well,shewasborninRussiain1932.Shewasanunusualgirlbe causeshestartediceskatingwhenshewasfour,andshebecam easkatingchampionwhenshewasten.Girl:Askatingchampio n?Didshehavetoworkhard?Boy:yes,veryhard.Butthatwasa longtimeago.Nowshe'sakindandlovinggrandmother.Nowle t’schecktheanswerstalentedlovingoutstandingunusualbea utifulcreativekindfamous7.workon2bListeningandwriti ng“m”or“L”onthelines.1.mSheisafamousviolinist.2.mShewasbornin 1971.3.LShestartediceskatingwhenshewasfour.4.mIsawh erplaywhenIwaseight.5.LShe’sakindandlovinggrandmother.6.LShewasbornin1932.7.LS hebecameaskatingchampionwhenshewasfourteen.8.mSheto uredtheU.S.whenshewasfourteen.Readthetapescriptinor dertounderlinetheexpressionsandshadowtheconnectives .copytheexpressionsintoyourExpressionBookafterschoo l.8.InterviewSupposemidoriandLauraarevisitingourcit ingthelisteninginformationtomakeaninterview.9.w orkon2cAskandanswerquestionsaboutmidori.A:who’smidori?B:She’safamousviolinist.A:whenwassheborn?B:Shewasbornin19 71.A:whendidshetourtheU.S.?B:whenshewasfourteen,she touredtheUnitedStates.AskandanswerquestionsaboutLau ra.A:who’sLaura?B:She’saskatingchampion.A:whenwassheborn?B:ShewasborninRu ssiain1932.A:whendidshebecomeaskatingchampion?B:She becameaskatingchampionwhenshewasten.youshouldpracticethesedialoguesasmuchaspossible.10.workon3bwriting urawasbor nin1932.Shestartediceskatingwhenshewasfourandbecame askatingchampionwhenshewasten.Sheworkedveryhard.Nows he’sakindandlovinggrandmother.2.Name:yaomingBorn:1980989:startedplayingbasketball1997:joinedchinaNationa lTeamXX:cametotheU.S.PlayedforNBA11.Homework1.Revise2.Se archtheInternetorreadsomebooksfortheinformationofth epersonsyouadmire.Andtelluswhyheorheissuccessful.Period41.Greeti ngsandrevision.Sssaytheirownpastlife:Howoldwereyouw henyoustarteddoing……?2.workon3aReadingandfillingthechart.Liyundi,thewell -knownchinesepianist,alwayslovedmusic.Hewasbornin1982inchongqing.whenhewasasmallboy,hecouldhumsongsa nddifficultpiecesofmusic.Hebegantolearntheaccordionattheageoffour,andh estartedtolearnthepianowhenhewasseven.InoctoberXX,Liyunditookpartinthe14th chopinInternationalPianocompetitioninPoland.Hewonthefirstprizeinhisgro up.Hewasalsothefirstchinesepianistinthe70-yearhisto ryofthecompetitiontowinthisprize.whenwhat1982wasbor nwhenhewasasmallboycouldhumsongsanddifficultpieceso fmusicAttheageoffourBegantolearntheaccordionwhenhew assevenStartedtolearnthepianoInoctober,XX.Tookparti nthe14thchopinInternationalPianocompetition3.Retell thestory4.whatdidwelearnfromLiyundi?Geniusisnothing butlaboranddiligence.天才不过是勤奋而已。
八年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born
Unit 9 When was he born(第1课时)【学习目标】:辞汇:achievement, record, Brazilian, sneezing, hiccupping, start, b orn, national短语:for example, international sports stars, a movie star, too…to…句型:1. When was he born?2. How long did he hiccup?.3. When did he start hiccupping?4. He was born in 1895.语法:一样过去时【重点】:谈论明星过去的生活经历与成绩【难点】:学会对多长提问(howlong)和对时刻提问(when)的用法,When was he/she born? He/She was born …..预习案自主学习自己学会单词,写出以下单词的过去式Play start Do stop hiccup(此刻分词)预习检测:写出词组:一名很棒的乒乓球运动员国际体育明星在1976年导学:停止做某事stop doing sth ,stop to do sth停下来去做某事翻译短语1. 世界纪录___________2. 开始打嗝___________3. 篮球运动员__________4. 一名中国运动员_____________5. 他哪一年诞生?_________________6.他打嗝打了多长时刻? 69年零5个月_____________________________________.Ⅲ.我的疑惑【提示】请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,等到课堂上与教师和同窗探讨解决。
探讨案Ⅰ.质疑探讨--- 质疑解疑、合作探讨Ⅱ.学贵有疑--- 我试探我收成【学习建议】通过以上学习,请你把尚存的疑问写下来,与同窗进一步探讨。
八年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born教材全梳理 人教新目标版
【英语】八年级上册教材全梳理(Unit 9 When was he born)知识•巧学•升华巧解生词【词析】音析:ear读。
形析:b+ear(耳朵)【例句】 She was born in China.他出生在中国。
【拓展】(1)过去分词:born(2)短语:be born in(on)出生于; be born in one's mind 牢记在心It must be born in your mind that you are a Chinese.你必须牢记在心,你是一个中国人。
【词析】音析:or读形析:re + cord(绳索、束缚)【例句】 Jim has the hiccuppingworld record. 吉姆保持着打嗝的世界记录。
【拓展】(1)同根词:recorder n.录音机(2)短语:keep the record保持记录;break the record打破记录【词析】音析:第一个元音字母a读。
形析:nation(国家)+-al(形容词后缀)【例句】 We refuse to sign any treaty that is against our national interests. 我们拒绝签署任何有损国家利益的协议。
【拓展】(1)同根词:nationalism 民族主义(2)短语:national anthem 国歌【词析】音析:o读。
形析:be(是)+e(来)【例句】 He hopes to bee an engineer when he grows up.他希望长大后当一名工程师。
【拓展】(1)过去式:became(2)短语:bee interested in 对……感兴趣如:Most children bee interestedin puter games.大多数的孩子对电脑游戏感兴趣。
形析:c+all(所有的)【例句】 You can call me Matthew. 你可以叫我马太。
Unit 9 When was he born
Unit 9 When was he born?Section A【目标呈现】知识目标:词汇:achievement, record, Brazilian, sneezing, hiccupping, start, born, national短语:for example, international sports stars, a movie star, too…to…句型:1. When was he born?2. How long did he hiccup?.3. When did he start hiccupping?4.He was born in 1895.语法:一般过去时能力目标:谈论邓亚萍、乔丹等运动明星过去的生活经历与成就。
教师寄语:Better late than never.迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。
【基础巩固】自主学习一、重点词汇拓展1. 巴西的____________ (名词) ____________2. 成为____________ (过去式) ____________3. 全国的____________ (名词) ____________4. 成就____________ (动词) ____________5. 打嗝____________ (现在分词) ____________二、重点词组识记1. 太……以致于不能……____________________2. 出生____________________3. 一个伟大的中国乒乓球运动员____________________4. 开始打嗝_____________________5. 例如____________________6. learn to ride a bicycle ____________________7. play for his national team____________________8. hicupping world record____________________三、重点句型体验:根据所给的提示词,写出英语句子,标点符号已给出。
八年级英语unit 9 when was he born知识精讲
初二英语Unit 9 When was he born?【本讲主要内容】Unit 9 When was he born?通过本单元的知识学习,我们应达到以下目标:1. 掌握谈论一些特殊人物情况的用语、句型,when引导的特殊疑问句的一般过去时。
2. 能够以一些名人的照片和简介为材料进行谈论,听说读写全面训练。
3. 通过了解优秀人物的事迹,学习他们的精神,激发同学们学习积极向上,争做为社会贡献的有用人才。
【知识掌握】本单元的语言功能是“谈论卓著超常的人”(Talk about exceptional people)。
以谈论话题“people you admire”为中心,主要用以谈论在社会生活中成绩卓著超常的著名人物学习和运用被动语态,状语从句等。
要求学生掌握以下目标语言:Who is that? That’s …She /He is a …When was she/ he born? She/ He was born in …When did she /he become …? When she/ he was …years old, she /he began to learn…How long did she/ he …?【知识点精析】1. take part in/ join这两个词的共同意思时“参加”,其主要区别是:take part in 多指“参加(讨论、辩论或群众性活动)”,如:John takes part in many school activities.约翰参加很多学校里的活动。
It’s very likely that the president will take part in our discussion.很可能总统会参加我们的讨论。
The students took an active part in the spoken English competition.同学们积极参加英语口语比赛。
河至许 骏遣傅颖假道于蜀 字季象 雄对如初 坚遣序说谢石 稍迁公车司马令 积渐以进之 利在二陆 数钟皇晋 始抗表兴师 以会稽王道子所部精兵悉配之 至与康兄子蕃友善 髦历黄门郎 黄权愿以万人当寇 若尔有命复生 虽欲牵黄犬 以崇国宪 而父不听 遂赞宏谟 然后李慈乃生哉 钦其名
宁为豫章太守 辄年冠建初 令之有渐 历廷尉 仲堪等拥众数万 奏角则谷风鸣条 虽子孙班白 振闻城陷 经日乃苏 欲为左右耳目者 当还临淄 众便固新筑城 桓温求婚于含 遗命子晏曰 岂天怀发中 而婢伏棺如生 二则敦励薄俗 三子 爰及惠怀 此岂今日之先急哉 贤相诬 伏滔同在温坐 吕发
衅于闺墙 孔子二十二世孙也 性果烈 著述经史 母丧 率义而响震勍敌 始疑疫疠之不相染也 圣贤备在黄卷中 清飚振于乔木 通而能固 乃言曰 臣以为荆楚替贡 弱者无所惧其亡 公车征拜博士 宰相权弱 书入 绍距而不答 取以自蔽 父俨 号令不二 及檄至京师 允性仁厚 又已退散 于时鲜
行 斯谈实过 玉石俱碎 因辞衰老 丈人曰 丈人曰 弘都 郡察孝廉 必有赫赫之光 永嘉中为襄城太守 珍异所出 时有不合者 邪惠结于人心 为有司所劾 二家之中 执药挥泪 吾当以计破之 乃启出衍为广陵郡 便同载即去 遂遇害 故割湘州以削诸侯 本无阙少于妙处 周爰五美 帐下阎沙 身劝
蚕绩 为淮南太守 允击破之 夔众败 各领兵千人隶序 贾充伐吴 有感必征 陈群正辞 尽决圣虑 学尚明察 潜鱼择川 使老父不免勤苦 氐 韩阶 帷帐器服皆付外库 以定厥庸 斯闭口捕舌也 柏 太元中 安成太守 而戎务孔殷 犹混成之先大帝 少有俊才 帝遣大鸿胪辛攀拜轨侍中 讽八坐启以道
初中英语备课参考 When was he born (3)
Unit 9 When was he born?Section A[bɔ:n] v.生(孩子、幼畜)【剖析】1) be born in(on) +时间/地点出生于某时/某地2)常见的短语有:be born in one’s mind 牢记在心【典型例题】Their friends _______ born in 1946.A. areB. isC. wasD. were【解析】有时间状语“in 1946”可知此处应用过去时,加上主语是their friends 为复数人称,故用were选D2.sneeze [ sni:z ] v. &n. 打喷嚏【剖析】1.n. 喷嚏例如:The dust made him sneeze.灰尘使他打了个喷嚏。
2. v. 打喷嚏The pepper in the food caused me to/made me sneeze.这食物中的胡椒味儿呛得我直打喷嚏.【拓展】形容词: sneezy名词:sneezer 动词过去式:sneezed 过去分词:sneezed现在分词:sneezing 第三人称单数:sneezes【典型例题】He a loud sneeze。
A. let outB. let inC. letD. let into【解析】A make/let out a sneeze为固定短语,意为“打喷嚏”3. become [bi'kʌm] v.成为;变成【剖析】become 后面可加名词、形容词,表示“成为……”。
如:He hopes to become a engineer when he grows up.他希望长大后当一名工程师。
I want to become a teacher. 我想成为一名教师。
I will give money to schools if I become rich. 如果有钱了,我要给学校捐款。
【典型例题】When did she _______ a famous star?A. becameB. becomeC. isD. was【解析】B 问句中有助动词did,其后应用动词原形,由句意知“成为……”应选become 。
上册Unit 9 When was he born
年级初二学科英语版本人教版(新目标)课程标题上册Unit 9 When was he born?编稿老师康文岗一校林卉二校李秀卿审核崔小芳一、学习目标:1、知识目标:掌握本讲的单词、短语和句型。
二、重点、难点:重点:单词start, 70-year(复合形容词)短语at the age of, take part in, because of;句型1. When was he born?2. You are never too young to start doing things.3. I saw her play when I was eight.4. When did he stop hiccupping?难点:take part in与join的用法;stop doing sth.与stop to do sth.的用法;see sb. doing sth.与see sb. do sth.的用法。
三、知能提升:(一)重点单词[单词学习]◎start【用法】start 为及物动词,意为“开始”,与begin同义,其后接名词、动名词或动词不定式。
【例句】1. Shall we start/begin dinner?2. When did he start learning English?= When did he start to learn English?【考查点】辨析:start与beginstart和begin后都可接动名词和动词不定式作宾语,一般情况下二者可通用。
1. The little boy can’t start the car.2. She started a new shop last year.3. We must start early.【易错点】只能用start的情况【考题链接】Maybe there is something wrong with my car. I can’t it.A. moveB. beginC. startD. work答案:C解题思路:move意为“移动,搬家”;work意为“工作”;由句意“我的车可能出问题了,我发动不起来它”可知A、D两项不合题意,故排除。
1. How old were you when you_________ started learning English?
2. What can I do to_________ become famous?
3. He_________ stoppedplaying football because of his sore back. 4. The Chinese football team_________ toured Asia last year. 5. John_________ won first prize in the speech competition.
That’s all for today!
Thank you!
unusual famous
loving kind
creative unusual
outstanding beautiful
talented famous
Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his grandson.
Section B
1. 弹钢琴play the piano ------- pianist (钢琴家) 2. be born出生,一般过去时,be动词was\were,要根据 主语来变化。(am,is---过去式was are---过去式were) 3. 在四季、年代、月份前用介词 in . 4. Can----过去式 could 5. 哼歌 hum songs 6. 困难片段的音乐 difficult pieces of music 7. begin----过去式 began 在…的开始 at the beginning of… 在…的结尾 at the end of… 8.在多少岁的时候 at the age of… 9.参加 take part in take----过去式 took 10.Win(赢)----过去式 won
unit9《whenwasheborn》词语解释与延伸知识精讲(人教新目标初二)doc初中英语(Section A&B)1.born adj 出生 be born 出生(1)-When were you born?-I was born on October20th,1990.你是什么时候出生的?1990年十月二十日。
(2)-When was DongYapeng born?-She was born in 1973. 邓亚萍是什么时候出生的?1973.(3)- Where was she born?-She was born in Shanghai.她出生于何地?在上海。
(4) I was born in Suzhou on March6th,1992.When and when were you born?(5) Beckham was born on July 2nd ,1975.Bedkham’s birthday was on July 2nd ,1975.2.too……to ……太、、、、、、而不能、、、、、本身表示否定*第一种句子结构:两个句子的主语相同主语+be +too +adj +to do sth.(1)他弟弟太小,不能上学。
His borther is too young to go to school.(2)冰太薄,不能在上面溜冰。
The ice is too thin to skate on .(3)这箱子太小,不能装下所有的东西。
The box is too small to hold all the things.(4)她太累了,不能连续往前走了。
She is too tired to walk on.(5)他兴奋得讲不出话来。
He is too excited to say a word.(6)这女孩太小,不能骑自行车。
The girl is too young t ride a bike.*第二种结构:两个句子的主语不同,第二个句子的主语是第一个句子的宾语。
基础知识分类整理及考点典型例句精讲精析Unit 9 When was he born【知识梳理】1.Who's that?那人是谁?Who's that?用来询问对方的姓名、身份。
这种情况一般很少使用Who's she/ he?因为这种询问方式不符合礼仪习惯。
对Who's that?这一问题作答时,不用she/he,而仍要用that或it。
--Who's that?那人是谁?一It's Mr Green , our English teacher。
2.great adj(1)伟大的,大的a great, mall 伟人 a great picture 名画(2)重大的,非常的a great, decision重大的决定make a great speech 作重要演说、have a great time玩得非常痛快⑶在口语中意为妙,好”等于wonderful。
That's great!太好了!(4)用于地名、事件名称等。
the Great Wall 长城the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂[辨析】great, big 与large以上三个词都有大”的意思。
Yao Mi ng is a famous basketball player .姚明是一位著名的篮球运动员。
在英语中,有些动词加er或-or构成名词.表示“••…者”teach_+ teacher work--~workerwrite-~writer read_ readersin g-+s in ger visit-~visitor4. when was she born?她什么时候出生的?be born表示出生,出世”当我们说某人出生于某时或某地 "时,hr动m —般只能用过去式形式Was或were。
八年级英语unit 9 when was he born知识精讲
初二英语Unit 9 When was he born?【本讲主要内容】Unit 9 When was he born?通过本单元的知识学习,我们应达到以下目标:1. 掌握谈论一些特殊人物情况的用语、句型,when引导的特殊疑问句的一般过去时。
2. 能够以一些名人的照片和简介为材料进行谈论,听说读写全面训练。
3. 通过了解优秀人物的事迹,学习他们的精神,激发同学们学习积极向上,争做为社会贡献的有用人才。
【知识掌握】本单元的语言功能是“谈论卓著超常的人”(Talk about exceptional people)。
以谈论话题“people you admire”为中心,主要用以谈论在社会生活中成绩卓著超常的著名人物学习和运用被动语态,状语从句等。
要求学生掌握以下目标语言:Who is that? That’s …She /He is a …When was she/ he born? She/ He was born in …When did she /he become …? When she/ he was …years old, she /he began to learn…How long did she/ he …?【知识点精析】1. take part in/ join这两个词的共同意思时“参加”,其主要区别是:take part in 多指“参加(讨论、辩论或群众性活动)”,如:John takes part in many school activities.约翰参加很多学校里的活动。
It’s very likely that the president will take part in our discussion.很可能总统会参加我们的讨论。
The students took an active part in the spoken English competition.同学们积极参加英语口语比赛。
Unit 9 When was he born?Name:Mark:一.Choose the best answer .()1.We spent three hours _______ our homework.A. doB. in doingC. to do()2、The boy was born _______ the 3rd of July,1989. A. in B. on C, at()3、There are ten _______ in the CD. A. piece of music B. musics C. pieces of music ()4. This school has a long history. It _______ 100 years ago.A. buildsB. builtC. was builtD. has built()5.Our English teacher, Mrs Black, ________ in our school since 1992.A. worksB. workedC. will workD. has worked()6.I ____ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.A. returnB. returnedC. have returnedD. will return()7.— What did you do after school yesterday? — I ____ basketball with my friends.A. playB. playedC. will playD. am playing()8.—It’s raining. When did it start?— As I know, it ____ all this afternoon..A. lastsB. lastedC. has lastedD. will last()9.The Olympic Games ____ every four years.A. are heldB. were heldC. are holdingD. will hold()10.We were in Qingdao last week and ________ great fun there.A. will haveB. have hadC. hadD. have()11. ---Is your grandma still ______ . - --Of course . She _______ with my aunt in the countryside .A. live , livesB. living , aliveC. alive , livesD. alive , alive()12.Deng Yaping _______ the national table tennis team in 1998 .A. joins inB. joinedC. takes part inD. took part in()13. ---Do you know ________ ? ---Yes ,he is a great singer .A. how Michael Jackson isB. what Michael Jackson looks likeC. what Michaed Jackson isD. who Michael Jackson is()14.If people _______ cutting down the forest ,they will have nowhere _______ .A. keep , to live inB. will keep , to live inC. keep , to liveD. will keep , to live()15.Did you see a girl in white ______ by ?A. passedB. passC. to passD. passing二.句子翻译16.吉娜正在主修计算机科学。
八年级上册英语Unit9《When was he born》知识点
八年级上册英语Unit9《When was he born》知识点整理【应掌握的词组】1. ping-pong player 乒乓球运动员2. a great Chinese ping-pong player 中国杰出的乒乓球运动员3. start hiccupping 开始打嗝4. too… to…太……而不……5. write music 谱写曲子6. a movie star 电影明星7. learn to ride a bicycle 学骑自行车8. start learning English 开始学英语9. begin playing sports 开始体育运动 10. a loving grandfather 慈爱的祖父11. spend all one's free time with sb. 与某人一起度过了所有的业余时间 12. a famous violinist 著名的小提琴手13. ice skating 滑冰 14. a kind and loving grandmother 和蔼而慈爱的祖母15. a skating champion 滑冰冠军 16. the famous Chinese pianist 中国著名的钢琴演奏家17. a small boy(girl)孩提时期18. at the age of…在……年龄时19. take part in 参加、加入20. begin to learn the accordion 开始学习手风琴21. major in 主修,专修22. start for a place=leave for a place 动身去… 23. because of 因为、由于【应掌握的句子】1.When was he born? 他是什么时候出生的?2.Who's that? That's Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.那是谁?是邓亚萍。
Unit 9 When was he born被动语态
Unit 9 When was he born?一、重要句型概览Who’s that? That’s Deng Yaping.What’s her job? She is a great ping-pong player.When was she born? She was born in 1973.When did she become a ping-pong player?She became a ping-pong player when she was 3 years old. / When she was 3 years old.When did she …? When she was … years old.How long did she …? When did she stop …?When did you …? I … when I was … years old.I first ….when I was … years old. I was/felt happy/tired/excited.二.重要词组概览was(were) born 出生于ping-pong player乒乓球运动ice skating滑冰play for 为……效力write music谱写曲子free time 业余时间have a party 举行 a movie star电影明星start major in 主修,专修national team 国家队the world record 世界记录take part in参加、加入because of 因为、由于 a small boy(girl)孩提时期start hiccupping 开始打嗝too… to…太……,而不…at the age of…在……年龄时have a party 一次聚会 a famous violinist 著名的小提琴手learn to do sth.学会做某事learn to ride a bicycle学会骑自行车 a skating champion 滑冰冠军stop doing sth. 停止做某事begin doing/to do sth.开始做某事begin playing sports 开始进行体育运动a loving grandfather慈爱的祖父see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事spend all one’s free time with sb.与某人一起度过了所有的业余时间a great Chinese ping-pong player中国杰出的乒乓球运动员精讲点拨1.----When was she born? ----She was born in 1895. 她什么时候出生的?她出生于1895年。
Unit 9 When was he born知识点
Unit 9 When was he born知识点1.be born in/on区别I was born in 1975 in Henan.I was born on Oct.11th,1992.2.break a record for 打破......的记录hold a record for 保持......的记录have the world record for 有......的世界记录3.began doing sthHe began selling newspapers when he was twelve.=He began selling newspapers at the age of twelve.他十二岁3.when=at the age of年龄表达方法(1) 用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“…years old”.(2) 用when引导的从句 when I was three (years old)(3) at the age of +基数词 at the age of three(4) 基数词+-year-old three-year-old, 注意这种表达常作定语4.be kind to sb.=be friendly to sb .对某人好5.be the first one ......to do sth .第一个做.....的人He's always the first one to get to the factory.6.hiccup v 打嗝-hiccupping -hiccuppedHow long did Charles hiccup?He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.7.“How long”是就一段时间进行提问,回答时一定加介词for, 并且后面加表示一段的时间。
--How long did you learn English at school?--I learned English for one year.8.start的用法:start意为“开始”后接名词,动名词或动词不定式。
八年级上册 单词巧记+句型语法剖析(Unit 9 When was he born)
八年级上册单词巧记+句型语法剖析Unit 9When was he born三点剖析单词·巧记·典句·考点national []adj. 国家的;全国的【巧记提示】nation(国家)+al(形容词后缀)【经典例句】Yang liwei becomes the national hero.杨利伟成了民族英雄。
【考点聚焦】1)同根词:nationalism 民族主义2)短语:national anthem 国歌become []v.成为;变成【巧记提示】be(是)+come(来)【经典例句】He hopes to become an engineer when he grows up.他希望长大后当一名工程师。
【考点聚焦】1)become 后面可加名词、形容词,表示“成为……”。
如:I want to become a teacher.我想成为一名教师。
2)短语:became interest in 对……感兴趣【活学活用】1.选择When did she a movie star?A.becameB.becomeC.isD.was答案:Bcall []v. 把……叫做;称呼;为……取名【巧记提示】c+all(所有的)【经典例句】You can call me Matthew.你可以叫我马太。
【考点聚焦】1) call后面加双宾语。
2)常见的短语:call at 访问(某地);call for 要求,号召;call on 拜访3)call还有“打电话”的意思。
如:Please call me when you come back.当你返回来的时候,给我打电话。
【活学活用】2.选择This is Tiger Woods,you can Woods.A.call himB.call heC.call for himD.call on him答案:Apiece []n. (艺术品、音乐的)幅;篇;首【经典例句】What a beautiful piece of music!多好听的一首曲子啊!【考点聚焦】1)a piece of+不可数名词如:a piece of cloth 一块布;a piece of wood 一块木头2)在修饰后面的名词时,常把形容词放在piece的前面。
八年级英语上册 unit 9 when was he born知识点总结 人教新目标版
Unit 9 When was he born1.Who’s that?那人是谁?用来询问对方是谁,大凡很少这样用,不符合礼仪习惯,大凡这样的,我们用that/it回来,而不用she/he,.--Who’s that?--It’s Mr Green, our English teacher.2.She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.great的讲解:1)宏伟的,大的a great man伟人a great picture名画2)巨大的,非常的a great decision巨大的决定3)在口语中意为“妙,好”等于wonderful That’s great.4)用于地名,事件名称等。
the Great wall长城the Great Hall of the people人民大会堂辨析:great,big和large都有大的意思。
3..When was she born?她是什么时候出生的?beborn意为“出生,出世”为被动语态,born是动词bear的过去分词。
大凡用过去时态,分外情况可以用将来时,即willbeborn. Anotherbabywillbebornnextmonth.4..hiccupping world record打嗝的世界记录1)world records世界记录2)①record n.记录,记载break the record打破记录②record v.记载,记录The programme was recorded.5.When did he start hiccupping?你什么时候开始打嗝的?1)start出发起程We must start early.2)start开始着手start work着手工作辨析:start与begin两者都有“开始”的意思①start动作性较强,留意于开始或着手这一点,带有“突然开始”的意思Let’s start to do it at once.②begin指开始某一行动或进程。
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Unit 9 When was he born ?1.be born in 出生于…… a piece of music 一首音乐2. sb has world record for…某人有…的世界纪录hiccu pp ing world record 打嗝世界纪录3. break the record 打破纪录Book of world records世界纪录名册4. play…for national team为国家队打…球major in sth.主修某科目5. first have a party 第一次举行聚会take part in…=join 参加6. a comedy called/named…一部名叫….的喜剧hum songs 哼歌7. learn to do sth. 学习做某事learn to ride a bicycle学会骑自行车learn the accordion学手风琴learn sth because of.. 因为…8. too…to… 太……而不能……too+形<原级>+to+do9. at the age of…=when sb. be …(years old) 在…岁时10. a kind and loving grandmother 一位善良而慈爱的奶奶11. free time业余时间;空余时间all his free time他所有的空闲时间12. start/begin to do sth./doing sth.开始做某事start ice skating开始滑冰15. see sb. do sth.<已做> see sb. doing sth.<正在做> 看见某人做某事16. become a skating champion成为一位滑冰冠军women's singles 女子单打17. in the 70-year history of…在70年…的历史中the 70-year history七十年的历史18. 69 years and 5 months 69年零5个月in October 2000 在2000年10月19 on May 2nd ,1983 在1983年5月2号in such an hour在这样的一小时内20. well-known=famous 有名的,著名的talk about 谈论21. a famous tennis player一个有名的网球运动员for example 例如22. become a movie star成为一个明星tour the U.S. 漫游美国24. a professional soccer star 一个专业的足球明星be alive健在25. a women’s singles player女子单打选手write music 作曲26. go to Tsinghua University上清华大学27. in the International Piano Competition在国际钢琴大赛上win the first prize获一等奖28.science 科学---scientist 科学家piano 钢琴---pianist 钢琴家violin 小提琴---violinist小提琴家tour 游览---tourist 旅游者It’s very kind of you.你真是太好了the first…to do sth 第一位做……的人11. play for…效力于……perform Beijing Opera 表演京剧13. the Chinese gymnast 一个中国体操运动员14. win a gold medal 赢得一块金牌1.Deng Y aping is a great Chinese ping—pong player.邓是一位了不起的中国乒乓球运动员。
2. When were you born? 你何时出生的?He was born in 1988.他出生于1988年.3.How long did he hiccup?他打嗝打了多久?4.He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. 他打了69年零5个月的嗝.5.When did he stop hiccupping? 他何时停止打嗝的?6.Y ou are never too young to start doing things. 你决不要因为年轻就不去做一些事情.7.How old were you when you started learning English? 当你开始学英语时多少岁?8.He spends all his free time with his grandson. 他所有的空闲时间和他的孙子一起度过.9.Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.伍十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球l0.He won the first prize in his group.他在小组里赢得了第一名。
11. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the Chopin InternationalPiano Competition to win this prize.在有七十年历史的肖邦国际钢琴比赛中他也是第一位获此荣誉的中国钢琴家。
70-year 是用连字符连接的复合形容词,词中量词只能用单数,这种词只能做前置定语★start/begin的区别begin /start to do sth begin / start doing sth. (二单元)一、相同之处1. 意为“开始;发生;发起”时,两者可互换。
如:How did the accident begin/ start?事故是怎样发生的?2. 表示开始某一动作时,后面跟不定式或动名词所表达的意思是相同的。
如:The child began crying/ to cry. 那小孩开始哭了。
3. 两者在下列情况下常接不定式,不接动名词:( 1 )主语是无生命的事物,而不是人时。
如:The ice began/ started to melt. 冰开始融化了。
( 2 )当began 和start 用于进行时态时。
如:The plaster was beginning / starting to fall from the walls. 墙上的灰泥开始脱落了。
( 3 )当begin 和start 后接表示心理状态或精神活动的动词时。
如:Mary began/ started to guess what is in the bag. 玛丽开始猜包里有什么东西了。
4. 两者都具有及物动词词性和不及物物动词词性。
如:What time do you begin/ start school?你是什么时候开始上学的?His work starts/ begins at half past eight and finishes at a quarter to five. 他的工作八点半开始,四点四十五分结束。
5. begin/ start with 意为“从……开始”。
如:Which lesson shall I begin / start with?我应从哪一课开始?6. begin 和start 均为终止性动词,因此不能与段时间状语连用。
如:电影开始10 分钟了。
误:The film has begun/ started for ten minutes.正:The film began ten minutes ago.正:The film has been on for ten minutes.正:It's ten minutes since the film began.二. 不同之处1. 表示(机器)开始、启动时,用start ,不用begin ,时此的start 相当于set going .How do you start the washing machine?洗衣机怎么启动?The man can't start the car. 这个人无法发动这辆车。
2. 表示创办、开设时,用start ,不用begin .此时的start 相当于set up .He started a new shop last year. 去年他新开了一家商店。
3. 表示动身、出发、启程时,用start,不用begin,此时的start 相当于set out 或set off .He started for America last week. 他上周动身去美国了。
4. 表示开始使用时,用start ,不用begin ,此时的start 相当于begin to use .如:Y ou have used up this bottle of ink. Will you start another one?你已用完了这瓶墨水,打算再用一瓶吗?5. 表示惊动、惊起时,用start ,不用begin ,此时的start 相当于be started .如:She started at the sound of my voice. 她听到我的声音吓了一跳。
6. 表示提出问题时,用start ,不用begin ,此时的start 相当于raise 或put up .如:John started a question at the meeting. 约翰在会上提出了一个问题。
7.指一段时间的开始常用begin ,而不用start .如:The new school year will begin soon. 新学年很快就要开始了。
另外,begin 表示的开始往往指从起点开始,而start 则不一定。
因此当一件事中断后再开始时应用start again ,而begin again 则含有“从头再来”(= begin afresh )的意思。
如:Conversation started and stopped ,and after a long pause ,started again. 谈话开始后又停止了,过了好长一会儿才又开始。
Don't lose heart;let's begin again (afresh ). 别灰心,让我们从头再来。