



writing英语作文对于writing英语作文,你们现在在看吗?下面是店铺给大家整理的writing英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!writing英语作文Dear Mike,How is everyting going ?I'd like to show you two photos of our family. They were took in this spring. When our families went out to enjoy ourselves.In spring, the weather is nice. Do you think so?Look!The first one ,we went out on a picnic on the beach.My mother and father were taking care of my younger sister.I was watching the beautiful scene at the sea and drinking.The second one ,when we finished,it was rain heavily ,we came back in a hurry.we were going home with a piece of cloth in this picture.We had a good time !I'd like you enjoy them !Yours,Limingwriting英语作文:The Importance of WritingAs is known to all, writing is an important and necessary skill for all students. However, many students don’t really understand the true importance of writing, as they just consider writing as a task of exam. As far as I am concerned, writing has deeper importance in many ways.众所周知,写作对所有的学生来说是一项重要和必要的技能。


They think that Yuanmingyuan keeps the truth of history, which reminds Chinese of its shameful history when European invadors destroyed it.ຫໍສະໝຸດ 恢复工程浪费大量钱财注意事项
1.层次条理 :分段,分层,衔接过渡 2. 内容:完整充分,有理有据; 3.语法 :人称,时态;句子结构 4. 句式 表达: 长短句,简单句,复杂句相间; 高级单词,词组;引经据典,巧用谚语,格 言… 5. 书写
有关部门计划对圆明园进行修复。你班学生在主题 班会上对圆明园是否应该进行修复进行了讨论。请你 根据下面的表格汇总大家的意见,并发表你的看法。
Recently, we have discussed the question whether Tuanmingyuan should be rebuilt, and different opinions are given about it. some students are in favor of the plan, since the reconstruction will show the original beauty of Yuanmingyuan. In this way we can preserve China’s old architecture. Also its reconstruction will bring our dignity back. What’s more, it can show how prosperous we have ever been.
as far as I’m concerned, In my opinion/view, Personally speaking,



4)及时反馈 反馈应该是及时的,多样的。学生可 以自己修改,也可以互相帮助修改。总 之,让学生尽可能多的发现一些问题。 教师为学生修改作文时,应关注文章的 内容和结构,不要过多的纠缠于语法或 单词拼写。
三、写作教学中的教学策略 一)输入策略 二)指导策略 三)合作策略 四)评价策略
一)输入策略 1.以词块学习促写作(输词) 2.加强句子结构教学 (输句) 3. 听说读写相结合以阅读促写作。听读是输 入,说和写是输出。阅读是重要的输入方 式之一,有输入才有输出。我们要重视阅 读教学,以阅读促写作。(输篇)
2.教师如何帮助学生学习词块,提高写作水 平 (1)提取词块 B. 体裁框架类词块 比如针对议论文写作,我们可以指导学生 使用下列词块组织语篇结构:提出观点:I think that, I believe that, in my opinion 等;例举论据:first, then, finally, what’s more; 转移话题: as for, however, on the other hand
课标对九年级写作的要求: ●能依据写作要求,收集、准备素材; ●能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的 指导下进行修改; ●能使用常见的连词表示顺序和逻辑关系; ●能简单描述人物或事件; ●能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落 或操作说明;
一、正确把握Main task教学 1、准确把握main task 教学,培养学生的写作能 力 初中英语main task 的体裁和内容特点。 Main task主要是基于文体的写作训练,以记叙文 为主,包括写人、记事、编写故事等;另有部分 应用类文体,包含书信类,如邀请信、申请信、 推荐信、抱怨信等以及海报、网页设计、演讲稿 等。Main task的写作内容覆盖初中学生学习、生 活、和其他各个方面,涉及个人情况,家庭,朋 友与周围的人,周围的环境,日常生活,学校生 活,兴趣与爱好,饮食健康,日常生活,学校生 活,文艺体育,语言学习,自然等话题。具体内



• Dear Li Lei, • I get your e-mail and I know your problems. But don’t worry, I have some advice that may help you. • I know it isn’t easy to learn English. You said you couldn’t understand the teacher in class. First you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word. You can also improve your • listening skills by listening to English
• The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to do many meaningful things during the holiday. The first thing I do is to have a good rest and get relaxed. On schooldays, we are always busy in studying all kinds of subjects so we are very tired. I like reading, so I’d like to spend some time reading books. Reading not only is very interesting but also can make us learn more knowledge. During the holiday, I’ll help my





英语给题作文写作的写作方法--- “五步曲”第一步:审清题目,明确体裁,掌握格式学生的英语给题作文写作往往存在不讲究逻辑、文体和格式的现象,所以,学生必须了解和掌握常见的几种英语文体和格式。
















Memo To: All Staff Employees From: Ruth Crawford Date: June 24, 2007 Subject: update telephone system On account of the need of business, our company is planning to update the current telephone system. There are three communication companies having offered updating plan (see attachment). Please read it carefully and give your own opinions by the end of this month. The company will place an order at the early of next month.
4) 放假通知一般应写明放假的天数和收假日期:
Tomorrow is National Day, and there will
be no work for seven days. Work will be resumed on October8. 5)发通知的单位和日期一般写在正文的右下角。
• ③ I’m writing to complain to you about the bad quality • of…/the poor service of… 表原因的句型
• ④when we /I checked … we/I noticed/found…
• ⑤…it did not work properly.
信件类型 1. 感谢信,道歉信和慰问信应写得真切; 2.常用句型: Thank you very much for doing… You are so kind to do… I must apologize for doing… I’m really sorry for doing… I’m sorry to hear that you…



编写和写作用英语怎么说编写和写作用英语分贝应该怎么说?下面是店铺给大家整理的编写和写作用英语怎么说,供大家参阅!编写和写作用英语怎么说1.(整理现成材料写成书或文章) compile; write; compose2.writing; pen and ink; pencraft; penmanship; compose编写的英语例句1. Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera, Capriccio.施特劳斯用了1941年的大部分时间为自己的最后一部歌剧《随想曲》编写总谱。

2. The book is aimed principally at beginners.这本书主要是为初学者编写的。

3. The book was written specifically for children.这本书是特地为儿童编写的.4. He supplements his ordinary income by writing books.他以编写书籍来增加日常的收入.5. The book was announced in preparation.据预告,该书正在编写中.6. The book is intended for beginners.本书是为初学者编写的.7. Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,所以特地为她编写了一个角色。

8. Would you add in these items, please, in order that we complete the list?为完成整个目录的编写工作, 请你把这些条目加进去好吗 ?9. She had compiled pages of notes, but she had not yet gotten down to doing the actual writing.她已编写了数页注释,但还未开始真正意义上的写作。



(3)细节描述法:介绍一种事物仅用概述性的 词语是不够的,要提供一些细节,如分类,特 征,用途,制作过程等,这样就会使被描述的 对象更加形象,具体。 (4)比较法:为了突出事物鲜明的特点,我们 常把它与其他事物进行比较。比较的方法有两 种:一种是整体的对比,一种是交替对比。整 体的对比是在阐述完一件事物的特点之后,再 摆出与之相对比的另一件事物的全部特点,交 替对比是逐条比较两个人或事物的特点。
第一章 英语写作知识
写作就是通过自己语言来表达自己的思想。 这里面有两个要素:语言和思想,这两点缺 一不可。一般来说,英语有三个写作阶段, 这三个阶段不能分开。
第一阶段 英语的基本词汇和语法 第二阶段 语言和内容并举 第三阶段 主要强调内容
• 如果你发觉写出完整的句子尚有困难,这说明 你还处于第一阶段。这是你应该注意语言的积 累,留意常用词汇和句型用法。另外,适当的 做一些翻译练习也可以帮助你提高运用语言的 能力。除此之外,多做一些阅读,培养对语言 的感觉也能为提高写作能力做一些准备。因此, 你在现阶段可以从三个方面着手:积累语言素 材,多做翻译练习,多做阅读练习。随着你的 语言能力的提高,你会逐步进入第二阶段,到 时候你就不愁写不出句子了。
3.组织结构。在记叙文中,顺序是按照事件发生 的先后顺序来叙述的;倒叙是从事件中的中间甚 至结局泄气,从最重要的,最能引人入胜的事件 开始,然后回过头来追述事件的开端和经过。 4. 叙事内容。叙述一件事要在文章中交代清楚: 何时,何地,何人,何事以及发展如何,也就是 英语中的:when,where,who,what 以及how。 使叙述有因有果,有起有落。在描述过程中要力 求灵活多样,例如,在交代时间时,可用时间状 语(如:when we got there…),也可以用介词 短语(如:on a rainy morning…)等.



第三档(适当):(11-15分) 1. 基本完成了试题规定的任务。 2. 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。 3. 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。 4. 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不 影响理解。 5. 应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内 容连贯。 6. 整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。
在将来,你认为学生还是每周五天在学校上课 吗?学生与老师之间将是如何进行交流呢?还会 有考试吗?还有什么与现在不同的地方呢?请发 挥你的想象力,描述一下未来学校的样子。 词数120-150;参考词汇:压力的stressful 请根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一 篇短文,谈谈信心的作用。 Life is nothing without difficulties and frustrations. But as the saying goes, “where there is a will, there is a way.” With confidence, we can deal with difficulties we are faced with. Confidence brightens our lives. 无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示;内容必须结合学习或 生活中的事例;文中不得透露个人姓名和班级名称; 词数120左右。
第五档(很好);(21-25分) 1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 2. 覆盖所有内容要点。 3. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。 4. 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽 力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具 备较强的语言运用能力。 5. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文 结构紧凑。 6. 完全达到了预期的写作目的。



• 招领启事以 Found 作为标题放在启事上方之中。在右下角处写上写 作为标题放在启事上方之中。 招领启事的时间。启事的正文包括招领的物品、 招领启事的时间。启事的正文包括招领的物品、拾到物品的时间及丢 失者去认领的地点。启事正文的右下角写上登这一启事的单位。 失者去认领的地点。启事正文的右下角写上登这一启事的单位。
Yours, Rogers
• 备忘录 备忘录(Memorandum) 备忘录是一种非正式公文。他是在本单位内部为了联系工作, 备忘录是一种非正式公文。他是在本单位内部为了联系工作, 分管某项工作的有关人员或是下级部门至上级部门所使用 的一种简短书面交流形式。主要目的是针对某一事情提醒, 的一种简短书面交流形式。主要目的是针对某一事情提醒, 督促,通告本单位内部的相关人员。格式如下: 督促,通告本单位内部的相关人员。格式如下: Memorandum或Memo:最上端正中 或 最上端正中 To:在to 后写收阅人姓名或职务,可免写称谓。 在 后写收阅人姓名或职务,可免写称谓。 From:发文人姓名。一般免写职务,免称谓。 发文人姓名。 发文人姓名 一般免写职务,免称谓。 Date:写在信笺的右上角或左边齐头。 写在信笺的右上角或左边齐头。 写在信笺的右上角或左边齐头 Subj./ Re.:用几个字对内容进行概括。 用几个字对内容进行概括。 用几个字对内容进行概括 Body:可免称呼,免客套用语。语言简洁。 可免称呼, 可免称呼 免客套用语。语言简洁。 Reference Initials(经手人代号 撰写人姓名首字母。 经手人代号):撰写人姓名首字母 经手人代号 撰写人姓名首字母。
Wang Xiaojun

Class 6, Junior 3
遗失启事以Lost作为标题放在启事的上方正中。在Lost 的右下角处写出遗失 作为标题放在启事的上方正中。 遗失启事以 作为标题放在启事的上方正中 启事的时间。启事的正文包括遗失物品,遗失的时间、地点, 启事的时间。启事的正文包括遗失物品,遗失的时间、地点,若有人发现遗 失物品送交的人、地点。启事正文右下角写上失主的姓名, 失物品送交的人、地点。启事正文右下角写上失主的姓名,Loser 可写可不 写.




write的用法总结大全write的意思vt. vi. 写,写信,写作,作曲变形:过去式: wrote; 现在分词:writing; 过去分词:written;write用法write可以用作动词write的基本意思是“写”,指用笔大方、庄重地记录一些东西。






write用作动词的用法例句Ive been writing for three hours.我已经写了三个小时了。

Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.自然赋予他灵感,使他写出如此优美的诗句。

But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write.但直到现在,世界上有些地方的人们还不会书写。

write用法例句1、Today was really a bit of a write-off for me.今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。

2、Im going to write him in on my ballot next year.明年我要在我的选票上写上他的名字。

3、The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.这辆车报废了,但人员全部安全逃离。



以A为立足点写出的文章可能是这样: I like Beijing because it’s large and beautiful. Beijing is old so it has many historical relics. I enjoy living in Beijing without worrying too much about the city’s noise and pollution caused by developed industries, both of which are being paid much attention by the government. 以B为立足点写出的文章可能是这样: Although Beijing is an old, large and beautiful city in China, I don’t enjoy living there where it is very dirty and noisy. Because of the fast development of both industry and economy, many historical relics are being destroyed to give way to new buildings. What’s more, the environment is getting worse and worse.
告示和 通知一般公布即将发生或 已经发生之事,如宣 举行各种比赛,放映电影或录像,举办晚会,召开研 讨会等等。 告示和 通知一般应包含: 时间 地点 活动 其他细节
Basketball Match
on Playing Court #1 English Dept. vs. French Dept. Mon. June 6 5:00 p.m.



◆备忘 Memo 备忘录通常用于公司内部传递信 将实情、信息、 息,将实情、信息、观察资料等 进行传阅。 进行传阅。便函和备忘录包括如 固定格式: 下固定格式:
Date:September 12, 2001 : To: All Faculty : From:Jim B. Hardeman : Subject:Faculty Meeting :
(1)时间: 如 Feb.11, 2001 时间: 时间 (2)人名 人名 (3)事由 事由 注意月份的全拼及缩略形式。 注意月份的全拼及缩略形式。 月份的缩略形式为:Jan. Feb.
Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Wednesday, Oct. 25. Dear Mr. Brown, I beg to inform you that I shall be unable to attend classes tomorrow owing to important business in my family. I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. Xiao Mei
Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry our you plan.
资助什么样的孩子(条件 资助什么样的孩子 条件) 2-3个 条件 个 资助方式: 资助方式: 2-3个 个 brainstorm



writing的用法摘要:I.引言- 介绍writing 的用法II.writing 的基本概念- 定义writing- 描述writing 的类型和形式III.writing 的用途- 个人用途- 记录想法和感受- 提高写作技巧- 学术用途- 撰写论文和报告- 进行研究和分析- 职业用途- 编写商务邮件和报告- 制作宣传资料和广告IV.提高writing 技巧- 练习写作- 参加写作课程和工作坊- 阅读优秀的写作作品V.结论- 总结writing 的用法和重要性正文:I.引言Writing 是一种广泛使用的技能,不仅在学术和职业领域中至关重要,也在日常生活中发挥着作用。

无论您是学生、专业人士还是普通公民,了解writing 的用法并提高自己的writing 技巧都是有益的。

II.writing 的基本概念Writing 是一种通过文字表达思想、观点和信息的方式。


在不同的背景下,writing 的目的和用途也不同。

III.writing 的用途个人用途许多人使用writing 来记录自己的想法、感受和经历。

这种writing 可以是私人日记、笔记、信件或博客文章。


学术用途在学术领域,writing 被广泛用于撰写论文、研究报告和学术书籍。


职业用途在职业领域,writing 也是一种重要的沟通和表达方式。

商务人士使用writing 来撰写商务邮件、报告、提案和广告。


IV.提高writing 技巧提高writing 技巧需要不断的练习和反思。

以下是一些方法,可以帮助您提高自己的writing 技巧:练习写作练习是提高writing 技巧的关键。





































1、English Writing 英语写作; 英文写作; 英语书面表达; 写作
2、Nature Writing 自然写作; 自然书写; 自然文学; 天然文学
3、Scientific Writing 科学写作; 科学技术撰着; 科技文体
4、News Writing 消息写作; 新闻撰着; 新闻写作学
5、Letter writing 信函写作; 写信; 书信写作; 书信写法
6、writing permission 书面许可; 书面答应; 书面准许
7、Writing point 写点
8、Integrated writing 综合写作; 写作部分分为综合; 合写作; 结合写作
9、Writing Part 笔试部分; 笔试部门。



4. Practical writing 5. Literary creation Content includes: 1. Diction 2. sentence
3.Paragraph 4.Whole composition Skills includes: 1. Grammar 2. unity
themselves involved with others’ activities. We should let students know that if we happen to have mental trouble, we should not delay seeking support and advice from a psychological consultant.
But it is not impossible to build up confidence in oneself. To begin with, think of your glorious past and imagine your future success. Then, try easy thins that bring you immediate rewards. This pleasant feeling of success will gradually develop you into a confident person. Just as an old saying goes that “practice makes perfect”, and cultivates confidence as well.
There are two main reasons for such a phenomenon. To begin with, university and college students are faced with the pressure of finding a job after graduation. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to compete for the limited job posts. How can one be more competitive? More certificates will doubtlessly impress the employers, so









用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转变为介词to的宾语,其轻易宾语可以由名词当好,也可以由that 从句当好。








Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to this year’s English speech competition. __ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
1.不受时间限制,方便 1.没有声像,不够生动 2.阅读使人思考,利于智 2.信息传递速度相对较慢 力提高 3.可以随个人兴趣获取信 息
Dear editor, Recently students of our school have made a survey of “Views on Newspapers”.The people whom we interviewed have two different opinions. 45%of the people enjoy reading newspapers. First of all, as a convenient source of information, reading newspapers is not limited by time. Secondly, reading also makes people think ,which helps develop people’s intelligence. Moreover, people can select and read whatever section they are interested in. However, 55% of the people don’t turn to newspaper to get information.They hold the idea that newspapers are not very attractive because they lack the sound and video that make other sources of information more exciting than newspapers. What’s more, readers receive information from newspapers later than from the Internet and Tv.
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WritingMistake is a good teacherEveryone makes mistakes. And most of us are afraid of making mistakes, because it keeps us doing one thing smoothly, or makes us lose face and stuff like that. But on the other hand, mistake is a good teacher. Making mistakes is a good way to learn. We never realize something and make good changes unless we make mistakes.As the young, we tend to make more mistakes. We lack enough experience to help us make a right decision at times. Take my classmate Lily for example. In my memory, she used to be sensitive, moody, and a little bit stubborn. Even a small thing could be magnified by her. As a result, not many people in our class liked her at that time. And in turn, she felt hurt more easily. So she alienated herself with people around her. Then what happened later changed her a lot. Lily fell in love with a boy, named Tom. And she made up her mind to be together with him. All of us found that they were not suitable to each other. But Lily insisted on it. At last, Tom agreed to be her boyfriend. Tom don't want to hurt her. Unfortunately, they broke up this summer. Lily regretted and felt very upset. For her, her decision to be with Tom was a mistake. However, to our surprise, Lily's personality was totally different after that. After this emotional education,she became extrovert, easy-going and optimistic. She tried to get along well with us and we accepted her. When asked, she explained that she learned much from this case, smiling. She observed how immature she had been. The enlightenment she received was rewarding. We were all pleased at her change.Mistakes are inevitable. Learn from them and they become important lessons. In fact, mistake is a good teacher. They teach us how to navigate more steadily in the rest of our long life river. Making mistakes is also an important part of what we call growth.A Beautiful GardenThere was a small piece of land in front of my house, which used to bring me a lot of fun. This summer holiday I came home to find that the land was wild, full of weeds and stones. Thus I decided to change it into a beautiful garden.At first, I wiped out the weeds with a hoe. It was really a tough task to eliminate all those weeds , some of which even were measured a meter high. The second step was to collect the scattered stones. To save space, I pile them up in a corner of the land. Then I needed to loosen the hard soil. After three hours’cultivating, it turned soft and even. Next, I bought some flower seeds from the market, including chrysanthemum, lily and rose. I divided the land into three parts and each part was planted with one kind of flower. I dig a hole, put the seeds in it, covered a thin layer of soil on it, and then sprayed some water. The last procedure was to enclose the garden. I cut down several bamboos from the mountain nearby. They were later split into dozens of short onesand connected with a long string. I knocked them firmly into the soil. After all was finished, a new garden presented itself there.Looking at the nice pictures of my flourishing and colorful garden, I felt extremely joyful and satisfied.Working Part TimeNowadays working part time is becoming more and more popular among college students. Behind this phenomenon are the enormous positive effects it brings.Working part time allows college students to earn extra money. College students can get paid by working part time. Generally speaking , the pay won't be too low because of college students' comparatively high educational level. As time goes by it can become a considerable sum of income. College students are still highly dependent on their parents economically. By working part time they can release their parents' economic burden. What's more, it is a feasible way to deal with the case where their living fee runs out in advance.Working part time helps college students to gain working experience. In the process of working, college students learn how to present their own talents but also cooperate with their colleagues, learn how to show their own opinions but also submit to the team's resolution, which they can not acquire on campus. In the near future, college students will enter the work world. The basic working skills and qualities they accumulate when they work part time put them in an advantageous place in the fierce competition.Working part time teaches college students to arrange their time reasonably. Study is still the main task of college students. It is of great importance that working time should not conflict with their study time. Thus college students are forced to distribute their time in a reasonable way and make use of it effectively and efficiently. It is an utter good habit from which they can benefit from in the rest of their life.All in all, working part time promotes college students in money making, working experience acquiring and time arranging. So why not go and seek a par-time job?Two of My Favorite Pop StarsAlmost everyone has his own favorite singer. Xu Song and Hu Xia are the top two of my favorite pop singers. They are both very popular to the young, whereas their musical styles are quite different.Hu Xia is a Taiwanese, discovered in a talent show and known to the mainland for his Those Years. He has a baby-look face and always wears a pair of black grasses and a big smile, so lovely and sunny. Just like his appearance, his singing skills are stable and expressive. His voice soundslike spring water, clean, mild and hilarious, full of refreshing and cheering energy, which distinguishes him from other singers. There is a warm stream slowly flowing through my heart when listening to his music, safe and reliable.On the other hand, Xu Song is clearly different with Hu Xia. Xu Song didn’t major in art in college, while he spent his spare time learning all that skills such as writing words, composing, arranging, mixing and recording by himself. He presents himself a rounded musical talent. Xu Song is tall and handsome, with hair covering forehead. He usually appears to be calm, cold and depressed. Those sorrowful, fantastic words matching with his sentimental, heartfelt voices, tells melancholy love stories and portrays vivid cubic scenes. He sings from the bottom of his heart. Immersed in his soft, dismal voice, I am always deeply touched, about to cry. I am addicted to his music.Though Xu Song and Hu Xia are distinct, they are good friends in daily life. They show respect and appreciation to each other, and learn from each other. They both like table tennis and often play together. As a big fan of them two, I am extremely delighted to see that.Three Types of Students in NEUStudents in NEU have different focuses on life. Generally, they can be classified into three types, students devoted to study, students concentrating on social activities, and those who aim at playing.For the first type of students, study comes first, taking up most of their time. They get up early in the morning to preview lessons and stay up late to review what they have learned that day. Even in their dreams, they come out with a solution to an academic problem which has haunted them for a long time. Never do they absent from class, seldom are they dreamy in class, and usually they get high remarks in exams. Hungry for more knowledge, they show extreme respect and great enthusiasm toward study.Then come to the second type of students, who take an active part in all kinds of extracurricular social activities. Usually these people have their outstanding abilities like superb leadership, remarkable communicating skills and brilliant art gifts. Some of them are in positions of Student Union, some set up hobby-developing societies, and others are busy with participating in talent shows. For them, college is a platform where they can give a free play to their strengths and further develop their interests.However, the last type of students neither pursues academic success nor shows interest in activities. Without explicit developmental goals, they spent most of their time entertaining. It is typical of them to play computer games a whole day in dorm or watch football games till midnight. They may also hang out with friends seven times a week for fun, drinking and dancing. As a result, strange excuses are often made up by them to justify not attending class.Admittedly, every student has the right to choose his own way to live his college life. But anyway, we had better avoid being the third type. Because playing doesn't lead to a bright future.The True Joy of LifePondering on this question for a long time, I finally find that the true joy of my life is the companionship of my families, my friends, and my love.Families are people who have the most close blood ship with me in the world, without whom I can not truly feel my joy of life. They are with me no matter what happens, giving their best support, ever-lasting. When I am strayed, they lead me forward; when I am depressed, they cheer me up; and when I am happy, they laugh with me together. Family is the eternal bay for me to stay and rest. The days I spend with my families are normal but warm, being the essential part of my joy of life.Friends are a group of people who have a lot in common with me. We share our thoughts and sentiments together, and are ready to give mutual help. We sit in the same class, arguing for a math problem; we also look at a handsome boy or beautiful girl on the magazine, yelling out of excitement. My friends are just like colorful flowers blooming in the green filed of my heart, bringing me surprise and decorating my life. With their accompanying me, I never feel bored and lonely.While, as for my love, I have not encountered him yet, but I will one day. As the other half of my soul, he is destined not to be absent from my true joy of life. We will face the challenge of life together and create our future hand by hand. With him by my side, I can clearly breathe the peace and content from the bottom of my heart.With the companionship of the people I love, I grab the true joy of my life.Love from MomLove from mom widely exists in creatures, not only in men but also in animals. I observed that love from my mom and love from a mom cat were similar in form.Kitty, after being raised in my home for three years, gave birth to a baby cat for the first time. During that time she was busy feeding her baby, cleaning it and playing with it. Also, to my surprise, she less gave out aggressive shrill like before, with her eyes full of peaceful light and her tail waving cheerfully. However, the good often doesn't last long. The baby cat lost a month after its birth and never turned up again. After that, Kitty didn't eat at all for several days, staying in the corner alone and giving out melancholy, helpless call constantly.What happened later between me and my mom was just like a coincidence. That year I was13, just the time when I first left home for middle school by myself. The school was far away from home so I could only go home on weekends. To my surprise, my mom appeared extremely happy with my return on weekends. She didn't scold me as usual; instead, she often smiled and specially prepared a lot of delicious food for me. Just when I was wondering at mom's abnormal change, I suddenly realized that I hadn't left her one day before that. My five-day depart made mom cherished me more.,Through the sadness of the mom cat after losing her baby cat, I could imagine my mom's loss and despair when I wasn't home. Mothers are always worrying about their children when they are faraway from home.That’s the love from mom.。
