


目录CSS 选择器参考手册........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

CSS .class 选择器................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

CSS #id 选择器..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

CSS *选择器......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

CSS element选择器........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

CSS element,element选择器.......................... 错误!未定义书签。

CSS element element选择器........................ 错误!未定义书签。

CSS element>element 选择器........................ 错误!未定义书签。

CSS element+element选择器........................ 错误!未定义书签。

CSS element+element选择器........................ 错误!未定义书签。

CSS [attribute] 选择器....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

CSS :visited 选择器............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

CSS :active 选择器.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。




一.文本设置1、font-size: 字号参数2、font-style: 字体格式3、font-weight: 字体粗细4、颜色属性 color:参数注意使用网页安全色二、超链接设置text-decoration: 参数主要目的是在浏览器显示文本链接时更改下划线。

参数取值范围:underline:为文字加下划线overline:为文字加上划线line-through:为文字加删除线blink:使文字闪烁none:不显示上述任何效果三、背景1、背景颜色 padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: rgb(61, 70, 77); font-size: 16px; border-left: 1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128); background: rgb(238, 238, 238); box-shadow: rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.05) 0px 4px 8px 0px; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 8px; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "PingFang SC", 微软雅黑, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;">2、背景图片background-image: url(URL)URL就是背景图片的存放路径,none表示无。

3、背景图片重复 background-repeat: 参数参数取值范围:no-repeat:不重复平铺背景图片repeat-x:使图片只在水平方向上平铺repeat-y:使图片只在垂直方向上平铺如果不指定背景图像重复属性,浏览器默认水平和垂直平铺背景图像。










div {。

background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0); / 红色 /。







div {。

background-color: #ff0000; / 红色 /。







div {。

color: red; / 红色 /。






div {。

background-color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%); / 红色 /。







div {。



table b{font-size:11px}
将CSS文件分为:头部CSS 主体CSS 外部CSS
@import url(外部样式表文件地址);
<HTML标记 style="样式属性:取值;样式属性:取值;...">
<style type="text/css">



一、CSS HACK以下两种方法几乎能解决现今所有HACK.1, !important随着IE7对!important的支持, !important 方法现在只针对IE6的HACK.(注意写法.记得该声明位置需要提前.)<style>#wrapper{width: 100px!important; /* IE7+FF */width: 80px; /* IE6 */}</style>2, IE6/IE77对FireFox*+html 与*html 是IE特有的标签, firefox 暂不支持.而*+html 又为IE7特有标签.<style>#wrapper{#wrapper { width: 120px; } /* FireFox */*html #wrapper { width: 80px;} /* ie6 fixed */*+html #wrapper { width: 60px;} /* ie7 fixed, 注意顺序*/}</style>注意:*+html 对IE7的HACK 必须保证HTML顶部有如下声明:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "/TR/html4/loose.dtd">二、万能float 闭合关于clear float 的原理可参见[How To Clear Floats Without Structural Markup]将以下代码加入Global CSS 中,给需要闭合的div加上class="clearfix" 即可,屡试不爽.<style>/* Clear Fix */.clearfix:after{content:".";display:block;height:0;clear:both;visibility:hidden;}.clearfix{display:inline-block;}/* Hide from IE Mac */.clearfix {display:block;}/* End hide from IE Mac *//* end of clearfix */</style>三、其他兼容技巧1, FF下给div 设置padding 后会导致width 和height 增加, 但IE不会.(可用!important解决)2, 居中问题.1).垂直居中.将line-height 设置为当前div 相同的高度, 再通过vertical-align: middle.( 注意内容不要换行.)2).水平居中. margin: 0 auto;(当然不是万能)3, 若需给a 标签内内容加上样式, 需要设置display: block;(常见于导航标签)4, FF 和IE 对BOX 理解的差异导致相差2px 的还有设为float的div在ie下margin加倍等问题. 5, ul 标签在FF 下面默认有list-style 和padding . 最好事先声明, 以避免不必要的麻烦. (常见于导航标签和内容列表)6, 作为外部wrapper 的div 不要定死高度, 最好还加上overflow: hidden.以达到高度自适应.7, 关于手形光标. cursor: pointer. 而hand 只适用于IE.1 针对firefox ie6 ie7的css样式现在大部分都是用!important来hack,对于ie6和firefox测试可以正常显示,但是ie7对!important可以正确解释,会导致页面没按要求显示!找到一个针对IE7不错的hack方式就是使用“*+html”,现在用IE7浏览一下,应该没有问题了。




代码内容:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="/1999/xhtml"><head><title>很漂亮的蓝⾊经典CSS导航菜单代码_⽹页代码站()</title><meta http-equiv="content-Type" content="text/html;charset=gb2312"><style type="text/css">body{margin:20px 0 0 0; padding:0px; font-size:12px; font-family:""; line-height:20px; background:#fff;}div{margin:0 auto; padding:0px;}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,ul,li,dt,dl,dd,form,p{margin:0px; padding:0px; list-style-type:none;}img{border:none;}.f_l{float:left;}.f_r{float:right;}.tl{text-align:left;}.tr{text-align:right;}.tc{text-align:center;}.clearing{clear:both; height:0px; line-height:0px; overflow:hidden;}.pos{position:relative;}.dis{display:block;}.marg{margin-top:-1px;}.block{width:933px; height:auto;}.border_1{border:1px solid #999;}.blank9{height:9px; line-height:9px; clear:both; overflow:hidden;}.f1{color:#0066cc; text-decoration:underline;}.f2{color:#ff0000;}.f3{color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold;}.f4{color:#0066cc;}.f5{color:#cc6633;}.f_weight{ font-weight:bold; color:#333333; font-size:14px;}.fLink{color:#dc1a00; text-decoration:none;}#top{height:69px;}#top img{margin-left:20px;}#top .text{color:#b1b1b1; position:absolute; right:0px; bottom:12px;}#top .text a{color:#b1b1b1; text-decoration:none;}#nav{width:933px; height:30px; background:url(/images/20090920/0_navBg.gif) repeat-x lefttop;}#nav span{width:4px; height:30px; display:block; background:url(/images/20090920/0_bg.gif)no-repeat 0 0;position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;}#nav span.right{background:url(/images/20090920/0_bg.gif) no-repeat -5px 0;position:absolute; left:929px; top:0px;}#nav .navBox{background:url(/images/20090920/0_dhling.gif) no-repeat left top; padding-left:1px;}#nav a{display:block; width:99px; height:30px; line-height:30px; font-size:13px; color:#fff; font-weight:bold;background:url(/images/20090920/0_dhbg.gif) no-repeat left top; float:left; text-align:center; text-decoration:none;}#nav a:hover,#nav .cur{display:block; width:99px; height:30px; line-height:30px; font-size:13px; color:#fff;font-weight:bold;background:url(/images/20090920/0_dhbg1.gif) no-repeat left top; float:left; text-align:center; text-decoration:none;}</style></head><body><div id="nav" class="pos"><span class="right"></span><div class="navBox f_r"><a href="/" class="cur">⽹站⾸页</a><a href="/">Ajax</a><a href="/">脚本资源</a><a href="/">电⼦书籍</a><a href="/">⽅案及⽂档</a><a href="/">⼯具软件</a></div></div></body></html><br><p><a href="">⽹页代码站</a> - 最专业的代码下载⽹站 - 致⼒为中国站长提供有质量的代码!</p>。








1. 选择器选择器是CSS中最重要的部分,它用于指定需要应用样式的HTML元素。

常见的选择器有:- 元素选择器:通过HTML元素的标签名选择元素,如`p`表示所有`<p>`元素。

- 类选择器:通过HTML元素的`class`属性选择元素,如`.red`表示所有`class`为red的元素。

- ID选择器:通过HTML元素的`id`属性选择元素,如`#header`表示`id`为header的元素。

- 属性选择器:通过HTML元素的属性选择元素,如`[type="text"]`表示所有`type`属性为text的元素。

- 伪类选择器:通过HTML元素的特殊状态选择元素,如`:hover`表示鼠标悬停时的元素。

2. 声明块声明块由一对花括号`{}`包裹,每个声明由属性和值构成。


例如,下面的CSS代码将为所有`<p>`元素设置红色字体:```cssp {color: red;}```二、常用的CSS样式属性CSS提供了众多样式属性,可以用来修改HTML元素的外观和布局。

以下是常用的样式属性及其作用:1. 字体样式- `color`:用于设置文本颜色,值可以是颜色名称或RGB值。

- `font-size`:用于设置字体大小,值可以是像素、百分比或者其他单位。

- `font-family`:用于设置字体样式,值可以是字体名称或者字体族名称。

2. 边框样式- `border`:用于设置边框样式,属性值由边框宽度、边框样式和边框颜色组成。

UI SC265 CSS code详细解释

UI SC265 CSS code详细解释

SC 265 (cont)Code of safe practice for cargo stowage and securing – Annex 14MSC.1/Circ.1352 – Annex - Amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code): Annex 14 – Guidance on Providing Safe Working Conditions for Securing of Containers on Deck6 Design6.2 Provisions for safe access6.2.1 General provisions6.2.1.1. The minimum clearance for transit areas should be at least 2 m high and 600 mm wide.Interpretation - See Table, Dimensions B, J, K1.6.2.2 Lashing position design (platforms, bridges and other lashing positions) Lashing positions should be designed to eliminate the use of three high lashing bars and be positioned in close proximity to lashing equipment stowage areas. Lashing positions should be designed to provide a clear work area which is unencumbered by deck piping and other obstructions and take into consideration:.1. the need for containers to be stowed within safe reach of the personnel using the lashing position so that the horizontal operating distance from the securing point to the container does not exceed 1,100 mm and not less than 220 mm for lashing bridges and 130 mm for other positions;Interpretation - See Table, Dimensions C1, C2, C3. The width of the lashing positions should preferably be 1,000 mm, but not less than 750 mm.Interpretation - See Table, Dimensions A, GL, GT, I, K.NOTE:1. This Unified Interpretation is to be uniformly implemented by IACS Societies on or after1 January 2015 on all ships as defined in Section2 of Annex 14 of the CSS Code, towhich the administration has required the application of MSC.1/Circ.1352.SC 265 (Dec 2013)SC 265 (cont) The width of permanent lashing bridges should be:.1. 750 mm between top rails of fencing; andInterpretation - See Table, Dimension F..2. a clear minimum of 600 mm between storage racks, lashing cleats and any other obstruction.Interpretation - See Table, Dimension F1.6.4 Lighting design. A lighting plan should be developed to provide for:.1. the proper illumination of access ways, not less than 10 lux (1 foot candle) see footnote, taking into account the shadows created by containers that may be stowed in the area to be lit, for example different length containers in or over the work area;.4. the illumination intensity should take into consideration the distance to the uppermost reaches where cargo securing equipment is utilized.Interpretation - For the upper tier of a lashing bridge, lights at the port and starboard extremities are generally adequate.Container securing dimensionsSC 265 (cont)NOTESB - Measured between the centres of the lashing plates.C1 - Measured from inside of fencing.C2, C3 - Measured from centre of lashing plate to end of container. F, K - Measured to inside of fencing.GL - Measured from end of container to inside of fencing.GT - Measured to inside of fencing.I- Measured to inside of fencing.J - Measured to inside of fencing.Figure 1C3 BSC 265 (cont)Figure 2 Figure 3 K1C1C2C2C1“A”C1GLGTSC 265(cont)Figure 4C3C3。



(CSS面试知识点)CSS的命名规范与组织方式CSS的命名规范与组织方式CSS是层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets)的缩写,是一种用于描述网页外观样式的语言,具有重要的作用。



I. 命名规范在编写CSS代码时,命名规范是必不可少的,它有助于团队成员之间的协作,也方便日后的维护和更新。

下面是一些常见的CSS命名规范:1. 使用有意义的命名:选择能够准确描述元素的命名,避免使用无意义的名称,例如使用类名".box1"或者".c1"并不能清晰地表达元素的含义,可以使用".header"或者".menu"更加具有可读性。

2. 使用小写字母和连字符:为了提高代码的可读性,建议使用小写字母来书写CSS命名,并使用连字符来分隔单词,例如".main-container"。

3. 避免使用数字作为开头:在CSS命名中,应避免使用数字作为选择器的开头,因为这可能会与其他命名方式产生冲突。

4. 使用BEM命名方法:BEM(Block Element Modifier)是一种常见的CSS命名方法,它将选择器分为块(block)、元素(element)和修饰符(modifier)。


5. 避免命名继承:在CSS中,应避免使用过于具体的命名继承,例如使用".red-text"来表示红色文本样式。


常用code码 -回复

常用code码 -回复







例如,标签< p>用于定义段落,< img>用于插入图像,< a>用于创建链接等。

通过使用适当的HTML 标签和属性,开发者可以编写出精美、互动的网页。

接下来,让我们聚焦于另一个常用的code码- CSS代码。




例如,选择器"p"可以选择所有的< p>标签,属性"color"可以改变文本的颜色,而值"red"表示红色。




它可以通过操作HTML 元素、处理表单、验证输入等来增强网页的功能。






一些常用的CSS字体代码点点网模版常用字体代码..下面附录一些常用的CSS字体代码Windows自带的字体:?•新细明体:PMingLiU•细明体:MingLiU•标楷体:DFKai-SB•黑体:SimHei•宋体:SimSun•新宋体:NSimSun•仿宋:FangSong•楷体:KaiTi•仿宋_GB2312:FangSong_GB2312•楷体_GB2312:KaiTi_GB2312•微软正黑体:Microsoft JhengHei•微软雅黑体:Microsoft YaHei装Office会多出来的一些字体:•隶书:LiSu•幼圆:YouYuan•华文细黑:STXihei•华文楷体:STKaiti•华文宋体:STSong•华文中宋:STZhongsong•华文仿宋:STFangsong•方正舒体:FZShuTi•方正姚体:FZYaoti•华文彩云:STCaiyun•华文琥珀:STHupo•华文隶书:STLiti•华文行楷:STXingkai•华文新魏:STXinwei苹果电脑中的字体:•华文细黑:STHeiti Light [STXihei]•华文黑体:STHeiti•华文楷体:STKaiti•华文宋体:STSong•华文仿宋:STFangsong•丽黑 Pro:LiHei Pro Medium•丽宋 Pro:LiSong Pro Light•标楷体:BiauKai•苹果丽中黑:Apple LiGothic Medium •苹果丽细宋:Apple LiSung Light•---------------------------------------•具体格式是:font-family: Microsoft YaHei;。

MSC.1-Circ. 1353-Rev.1-货物系固手册编制指南

MSC.1-Circ. 1353-Rev.1-货物系固手册编制指南

MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.1 Annex, page 2
1.2 Preparation of the manual
This circular supersedes MSC.1/Circ.1353.
As approved by the Maritime Safety Committee at its ninety-fourth session (17 to 21 November 2014), reference to containerships means dedicated container ships and those parts of other ships for which arrangements are specifically designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers on deck.
I:\CIRC\MSC\01\135353/Rev.1 Annex, page 1
PREAMBLE 1 In accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS) chapters VI, VII and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), cargo units, including containers shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration. 2 The Cargo Securing Manual is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes. 3 The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that Cargo Securing Manuals cover all relevant aspects of cargo stowage and securing and to provide a uniform approach to the preparation of Cargo Securing Manuals, their layout and content. Administrations may continue accepting Cargo Securing Manuals drafted in accordance with Containers and cargoes (BC) – Cargo Securing Manual (MSC/Circ.385) provided that they satisfy the requirements of these guidelines. 4 If necessary, those manuals should be revised explicitly when the ship is intended to carry containers in a standardized system. 5 It is important that securing devices meet acceptable functional and strength criteria applicable to the ship and its cargo. It is also important that the officers on board are aware of the magnitude and direction of the forces involved and the correct application and limitations of the cargo securing devices. The crew and other persons employed for the securing of cargoes should be instructed in the correct application and use of the cargo securing devices on board the ship. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1.1 Definitions




CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)是一种用于描述网页样式和布局的标记语言,它可以让我们轻松地控制网页的外观和布局。



1. 文本样式。




/ 设置字体大小和颜色 /。

p {。

font-size: 16px;color: #333;}。

/ 设置文本对齐方式 /。

h1 {。

text-align: center;}。

/ 设置字体样式 /。

h2 {。

font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}。


2. 背景样式。



/ 设置背景颜色 /。

body {。

background-color: #f4f4f4;}。

/ 设置背景图片 /。

div {。

background-image: url('bg.jpg');background-repeat: no-repeat;}。

/ 设置背景大小和定位 /。

header {。

background-size: cover;background-position: center;}。


3. 盒子模型样式。




/ 设置内边距 /。

div {。

padding: 20px;}。

/ 设置边框样式 /。

img {。

border: 1px solid #ccc;}。

/ 设置外边距 /。



巴拿马型散货船装载集装箱方案的研究[摘要] 近期集装箱运输市场持续升温,越来越多的船东愿意改造散货船,以便运载集装箱,以便增加盈利。


[关键词] 散货船;集装箱;卡尔萨姆型;一、引言:近期集装箱运输市场持续升温,某船东有在巴拿马型上装载集装箱的需求。


二、散货船集装箱装载问题点2.1 如何符合规范的规定与限制;2.2 如何保证对原有设计的变更最小。

2.3 是否会对系泊缆绳破断力、系泊金物强度和缆机刹车力产生较大影响;2.4 如何在保证集装箱稳固的前提下,尽可能地简化装载固定方式,并考虑其对装载其他货物的影响;三、规范调查3.1CSS CODE ANNEX 1对散货船甲板和舱盖上的集装箱装载的规定与建议3.1.1甲板或舱盖上的集装箱最好沿纵向布置。

3.1.2 集装箱的堆放和系固应为船员的正常操作留出安全通道。

3.1.3 堆放高度为2层或2层以上,最底层箱的底部角件应固定在永久性基座上。








css 代码优化简写技巧
css 代码简写的最大好处就是能够显著减少 CSS 文件的大小,优化网站整体性能,更加容易阅读。 CSS 简写就是指将多行的 CSS 属性简写成一行,又称为 CSS 代码优化或 CSS 缩写。CSS
一、边距(margin padding) Margin----外边距: ①、第一种情况:(上 下 左 右 四个值不同的情况)代码如下:
代表的意思是 左右 2 个值相同的情况) 代码如下:
大量名纳%义税以对人上万外游以元经纳离大挂,营税于家靠2,人查征0共经1并单询管5着同营年向位分范这探为1报被2-析围一87讨主告挂流月户、之系。, 靠域实,下外列 挂人综现小户。问 靠交上合税规原调以题一人通缴治款模则查X对、(运道管X理2企.走X.2.县X车输护理6实业X等 体1访X万0为辆县业岸费施2(县级 布师合的元2全例所对是工。户方三交: 置专治方;部,有交国是程 ,案)通X与业理法我为截人通X民学. 客设监运、措.论的。.县准道至)输经9校1运计测输教施文(一任并、交考路2,运济实3范业育设0五、务对纳通户工证作对1将业的现围税以计5)高目调税业,种号者年国车税传社与收及.林提校标查.人主货:.6内辆收统会7月时征为研草出行与的户要运X(培的登政行功底段管衡究X措教了政规情数以运一训一记策业时能,.基量。.施学现管模况题增自输).单念些在执,间的1共本一高设目在理.进加1主4设位.也高被.行浅实(:前6有情所校6计标一的行:,户经计:在校(挂情谈施四X提登况高在.活些基一以但。营原.X发的一.靠况新营)。记 校实9X摘把动高本般X远据和则生行四)人和形改监鉴自的X 是现要思,校概性低统挂.针着政、治.(X征式增测定2.交X否教:想配行念分1于7计靠河、巨管水理货X管级下后世(内单通治具学小和合政析地,经为县政大理土任运情领高,纪二容位一输理备和流行高管内,税2营例共策的具保务企况导校如以)0方:、运论竞科域教动校理容提1移为浅有,变有持.业4开安行何后总法X.强业学争研.年综育统的 出交主谈交6X这提化一监)展排政加,体与化纳(习力两交日…活一学弊 加前,小通两高,定测名了,各管强随布频理税二,的项通期…动到生端国强移我流运个政大的.下专扎项理交着局.次论人).帮全一重运:县、全更,外税交分域输1中治学借,题实任的通社.能0X治.助面个要输X.交两军好并知收的局综企(心敏校鉴以X8调1工务创运会X力理下武重职6(企1通项和地在名征户管合业一任锐园意-被研作的新输履2提目,装要能目三业运重公完以教管数理,治04)务性的义挂以。作,同路业飞职19高标在自指是 )现输大安成上育工,4户企理监,和陈。靠X调为严时径的速、。,.我全己标建 帮工税.行教现基学作,X业实.测内鉴旧 人研一格, 税发…我6始队的。立县录助程款业政育役学础家的(其9施目抓别的 主名按不 收展…大0终官头本在X一工措3税治等部目之乌建三中方的、管能行关7要消照断摘管X,中量坚兵脑论行、3作施收上一队标申议)一案.河实理力政键.采建防部提要理我队阅.持的,文政项实设征的系政。,斯1建般设为践、。管词取设监队高 ?国政0读讲学共提,管目践计管坚列治新着基与(设计例执外在理:数、督的自 笔高治和话习同高对理区 .情任定工形重提二规.浅法树改模高.据坚执条身随者校指学精者努党高的8概姓 况期性作式阐出)模谈为形革式校(持法令政着带的导习神强力性校基况名通调情以和。会下述学监.小民象强已行四.全干条治社教员.了,下修行础.:过研况来思下议,了校6测.节、,警经政).面部例觉会三育2公3加积学,养政之X任),想面上高要0看二。坚扎和很管河1协,和悟的、事X安工极习我,管上职6障我上是来校有,、身持实两难理年调只各,不总业现部环参者以进理,以四通的我,行三养小份严开学管;述可有项自断也将1节加胜对一的也畜来个过纯任深政要1殖流证格展一理创职持自规觉发9在本看讲的工步基就牧的方认洁职刻管素、成域号执、做好新报续身章学展发人,党观作坚本说业学面真性以领理,1个本综:法部两当路告2发业制习和生任产性念高定概行习0看学。来会的即指高X的队项今径、展务度政进…期 3品、,度理念政值锻X,习 的质创行标8,重正快;规1、知管治步…以0 加守把负想进管2的炼仍党 主总量新政之0人要规大节举1模建构识理,来2工党加责信行理号1和然的二要书路管头一自才意化教奏措8设建水和论人的粗规强的念简令.工存十、记高径理,6;任技义建育的 、全社平约,们%履放、学精,单以作…在八强系低和同全中术,设中校 。产们省会过束认的职,严习神进概及实肉困大化,列举比县队不坚、的园 业养肉主硬部真生情我缺党,一述新.践牛难、学特讲已增牛3指足持精所师 化育牛义,队贯活况吨知乏纪强团…,发,期产和全习向话经长存导。执细学生虽为之养和才,彻方述识品反化结…布我曾业问军,各精成3栏员 的法化、日然方恩殖谐能紧执式0职占、牌腐素和实尽.经情题和提位神6以开5各为管所常X向发的基社适紧行和如6全4教带倡质施职教况,公高领5X%来发位民理得,言:地会应围党观4下县期的给动廉作领尽,5过调主安自导通,区老、工推头,一县的当绕:肉以肉我;教为中《责达的我查要现身汇过在消师服作所动,为是的深前灭路 类来牛做从育长队建的到问与表役知报政支防,务获肉同我父目刻消火线 产关养人市等期支筑完了候老思现部识如队大我人三,牛比们母标内防救、一量心殖尊的场活坚部设成省和师考在队储下和队代的民严生增个上,涵工援方、的支呈敬道环动持一计了级崇, :政备大表心的三产长无了父把,作和加1持现的理节,班防上肉生高脑 从治和3队市中思实持3愧生母发更的执.强我5出各,看使一人火4牛观的海养工 党长%务委充想专.续于动给展加需勤政市3蓬位让,我项务规基、敬中殖作,%委述近的、满得题发真党的了肉清要训治教勃老我市深工实范;地价意浮环会能出的职年思市感到展学、一我牛醒,练育的师在受场刻作求》肉县值!现节议力栏领述来想人慨进。习无课们产地才事发,实益范认来真G牛“,观向出看精 肉导廉,大一 党…,生业认能B展同际无围识抓出要提,今他神 牛报5X学端、思步 纪…听命作识更坚发0势志工穷较到。栏X求高坚天们发和任产0告一正市绪提积一政市后和为到好定展1县头们作。窄加我3肉自持受熟展习期值 做思政又高4极、纪2很血调强的正立,:中人强深9牛0身人到悉方近以达专想府回,2参发1 条受肉结化确社足但 0更的营党知6存终的民表式平来2头题作、到增年加展规启之构服.的会丰 6是加一销的栏以思利彰面落总,亿,教风市了强庆消各现,发躯、务政各富 从在一明生模执1高想益的孔后书元同育,政自了祝防项状0始、;转意治界的述养这、确最式政万标觉第“和,记,比。提协己教中政 终深一方识人饲职殖美不方难陈能头准悟一十表科占增在升,的师队治 坚受是式向士草人、好断向忘旧力和严;佳情技系长学思向童节副教2持教老、 表资:加的,、;0能格道保”,含列1习想辛年大中育为育师促 示源(0工金强更最从5繁基要德持教正量.年中境勤和会9队理人。,增衷和、秋学加需保%母本求水思师是较末,界工学上长论民今老收心悠;市九习自要障牛自准想和这低,以作生的2学服天师的久牛场月,觉感环03己。道中些;全学切在时1万讲习务参给着感的肉和,努地念6,通德小扶从年县以实教代头话,的加了力谢养产保我力按的踏过的学我度能致做育,”认宗全我点! 殖量们提照是实学纯名一述繁用到战想中真旨市们, 传5欢高科养工习洁师路1职母为线起的完。庆知以 让3统聚自学育作,性、成3报牛主民的了两成进祝识标刚教,一身发之,政名长告达,、广小各一教和准才师提堂素展恩较治正校的 到将务大学类步师灵化,成出,质观好觉确长老 理实教、学加节魂、X为了共 的而地悟对表师今X论、师中习强大。X同 要给分完、待示们年与清、学X笔了会…庆一求予别成理权热,大以实廉教、记世,祝是去我作了论力烈教地来际。育大界见第加思了各水、的给上,相牢工学一观到3强考非项平金祝最2在结固作时年的在个基问常工得钱贺受各合树者来改座教础题好作到、!尊级,立致,造重师理,的任提名向重领注科以,点节论谋务高利长的导重学节牢学。的划。,神的学日固习首学工现党努圣关习世树了先习作就性力职心效界立改,。今修做业支果观为革夯 年养一持,、人强实 的得下打人民警政二主到,牢服重治是要加我思要理认工强认想思论作,真根想功做钻基和底以研两。下业我述务职,始



支线集装箱船货舱及甲板通道设计MO Ji-hua;JIANG Wei;GENG Ji-wen;ZHENG Tian-xiang【摘要】货舱通道和甲板通道的设计是支线集装箱船舾装设计的重要内容.对支线集装箱船货舱通道和甲板通道设计中遇到的主要问题进行了总结,分析了船体结构、货舱通风系统、甲板吊机和吊臂托架对通道的影响,并给出了常用的布置方法.介绍了货舱内冷藏箱维护手孔、二甲板进入货舱的通道以及货舱盘梯的布置方案;提出了确定舱口间甲板条为满足通道布置要求所需的最小宽度的方法,为船型方案设计阶段中的货舱布置提供参考.【期刊名称】《船舶设计通讯》【年(卷),期】2018(000)002【总页数】11页(P15-25)【关键词】支线集装箱船;货舱通道;甲板通道;舱口间甲板条【作者】MO Ji-hua;JIANG Wei;GENG Ji-wen;ZHENG Tian-xiang【作者单位】;;;【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U674.13+10 前言由于节约成本和保护环境的需要,集装箱船的大型化已是不可逆转的趋势。






支线集装箱船的货舱通道和甲板通道一般都按澳大利亚海事安全当局(Australian Maritime Safety Authority,AMSA)的要求设计,需要满足IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing(CSS Code)的要求。

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E4 ALBERT EMBANKMENTLONDON SE1 7SRTelephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210Ref. T3/1.02 MSC.1/Circ.135230 June 2010AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FOR CARGO STOWAGEAND SECURING (CSS CODE)1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session (12 to 21 May 2010), approved amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), set out in the annex.2 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Amendments to the CSS Code to the attention of shipowners, ship operators, shipmasters and crews and all other parties concerned and, in particular, encourage shipowners and terminal operators to:.1 apply the annexed amendments in its entirety for containerships, the keels of which were laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on orafter 1 January 2015;.2 apply sections 4.4 (Training and familiarization), 7.1 (Introduction),7.3 (Maintenance) and section 8 (Specialized container safety design) toexisting containerships, the keels of which were laid or which are at a similarstage of construction before 1 January 2015; and.3 apply the principles of this guidance contained in sections 6 (Design) and 7.2 (Operational procedures) to existing containerships as far as practicalby the flag State Administration with the understanding that existing shipswould not be required to be enlarged or undergo other major structuralmodifications as determined.***MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 1ANNEXAMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FORCARGO STOWAGE AND SECURING (CSS CODE)1 The following new annex 14 is inserted after the existing annex 13:"ANNEX 14GUIDANCE ON PROVIDING SAFE WORKING CONDITIONSFOR SECURING OF CONTAINERS ON DECK1 A IMTo ensure that persons engaged in carrying out container securing operations on deck have safe working conditions and, in particular safe access, appropriate securing equipment and safe places of work. These guidelines should be taken into account at the design stage when securing systems are devised. These guidelines provide shipowners, ship builders, classification societies, Administrations and ship designers with guidance on producing or authorizing a Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP).2 S COPEShips which are specifically designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers on deck.3 D EFINITIONS3.1 Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the ship isentitled to fly.3.2 Fencing is a generic term for guardrails, safety rails, safety barriers and similarstructures that provide protection against the falls of persons.3.3 Lashing positions include positions:.1 in between container stows on hatch covers;.2 at the end of hatches;.3 on outboard lashing stanchions/pedestals;.4 outboard lashing positions on hatch covers; and.5 any other position where people work with container securing.3.4 SATLs are semi-automatic twistlocks.3.5 Securing includes lashing and unlashing.3.6 Stringers are the uprights or sides of a ladder.3.7 Turnbuckles and lashing rods* include similar cargo securing devices.*Refer to standard ISO 3874, Annex D Lashing rod systems and tensioning devices.MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 24 G ENERAL4.1 Introduction4.1.1 Injuries to dockworkers on board visiting ships account for the majority ofaccidents that occur within container ports, with the most common activity that involvessuch injuries being the lashing/unlashing of deck containers. Ships' crew engaged insecuring operations face similar dangers.4.1.2 During the design and construction of containerships the provision of a safeplace of work for lashing personnel is essential.4.1.3Container shipowners and designers are reminded of the dangers associatedwith container securing operations and urged to develop and use container securingsystems which are safe by design. The aim should be to eliminate or at least minimizethe need for:.1 container top work;.2 work in other equally hazardous locations; and.3 the use of heavy and difficult to handle securing equipment.4.1.4 It should be borne in mind that providing safe working conditions for securingcontainers deals with matters relating to design, operation, and maintenance, and thatthe problems on large containerships are not the same as on smaller ones.4.2Revised Recommendations on safety of personnel during containersecuring operations (MSC.1/Circ.1263)Shipowners, ship designers and Administrations should take into account the recommendations on safe design of securing arrangements contained in these guidelines, and in the Recommendations on safety of personnel during containersecuring operations (MSC.1/Circ.1263).4.3 Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP)4.3.1 The Guidelines for the preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual(MSC/Circ.745) requires ships which are specifically designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers to have an approved Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP)on board, for all areas where containers are secured.4.3.2 Stakeholders, including, but not limited to shipowners, ship designers, shipbuilders, administrations, classification societies and lashing equipment manufacturers,should be involved at an early stage in the design of securing arrangements oncontainerships and in the development of the CSAP.4.3.3 The CSAP should be developed at the design stage in accordance withchapter 5 of the annex to MSC.1/Circ.1353.4.3.4 Designers should incorporate the recommendations of this annex into theCSAP so that safe working conditions can be maintained during all anticipated configurations of container stowage.MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 3 4.4 Training and familiarization4.4.1 Personnel engaged in cargo securing operations should be trained in the lashing and unlashing of containers as necessary to carry out their duties in a safe manner. This should include the different types of lashing equipment that are expected to be used.4.4.2 Personnel engaged in cargo securing operations should be trained in the identification and handling of bad order or defective securing gear in accordance with each ship's procedures to ensure damaged gear is segregated for repair and maintenance or disposal.4.4.3 Personnel engaged in cargo securing operations should be trained to develop the knowledge and mental and physical manual handling skills that they require to do their job safely and efficiently, and to develop general safety awareness to recognize and avoid potential dangers.4.4.4 Personnel should be trained in safe systems of work. Where personnel are involved in working at heights, they should be trained in the use of relevant equipment. Where practical, the use of fall protection equipment should take precedence over fall arrest systems.4.4.5 Personnel who are required to handle thermal cables and/or connect and disconnect temperature control units should be given training in recognizing defective cables, receptacles and plugs.4.4.6 Personnel engaged in containership cargo operations should be familiarized with the ship's unique characteristics and potential hazards arising from such operations necessary to carry out their duties.5 R ESPONSIBILITIES OF INVOLVED PARTIES5.1 Administrations should ensure that:.1 lashing plans contained within the approved Cargo Securing Manual are compatible with the current design of the ship and the intendedcontainer securing method is both safe and physically possible;.2 the Cargo Securing Manual, lashing plans and the CSAP are kept up to date; and.3 lashing plans and the CSAP are compatible with the design of the vessel and the equipment available.5.2 Shipowners and operators should ensure that:.1 portable cargo securing devices are certified and assigned with a maximum securing load (MSL). The MSL should be documented inthe cargo securing manual as required by the CSS Code;.2 the operational recommendations of this annex are complied with;MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 4.3 correction, changes or amendments of the Cargo Securing Manual,lashing plans and the Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP) should bepromptly sent to the competent authority for approval; and.4 only compatible and certified equipment in safe condition is used.5.3 Designers should follow design recommendations of these guidelines.5.4 Shipbuilders should follow design recommendations of these guidelines.5.5 Containership terminal operators should ensure that the recommendations ofrelevant parts of this annex are complied with.6 D ESIGN6.1 General design considerationsassessment6.1.1 Risk6.1.1.1 Risk assessments should be performed at the design stage taking into accountthe recommendations of this annex to ensure that securing operations can be safelycarried out in all anticipated container configurations. This assessment should beconducted with a view toward developing the Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP).Hazards to be assessed should include but not be limited to:.1 slips, trips and falls;.2 falls from height;.3 injuries whilst manually handling lashing gear;.4 being struck by falling lashing gear or other objects;.5 potential damage due to container operations. High-risk areasshould be identified in order to develop appropriate protection orother methods of preventing significant damage;.6 adjacent electrical risks (temperature controlled unit cableconnections, etc.);.7 the adequacy of the access to all areas that is necessary to safelyperform container securing operations;.8 ergonomics (e.g., size and weight of equipment) of handling lashingequipment; and.9 implications of lashing 9'6" high, or higher, containers and mixedstows of 40' and 45' containers. Shipbuilders should collaborate with designers of securing equipment inconducting risk assessments and ensure that the following basic criteria are adhered towhen building containerships.MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 5 6.1.2 Ship designers should ensure that container securing operations performed in outer positions can be accomplished safely. As a minimum, a platform should be provided on which to work safely. This platform should have fencing to prevent workers falling off it.6.1.3 The space provided between the containers stows for workers to carry out lashing operations should provide:.1 a firm and level working surface;.2 a working area, excluding lashings in place, to provide a clear sight of twist lock handles and allow for the manipulation of lashing gear;.3 sufficient spaces to permit the lashing gear and other equipment to be stowed without causing a tripping hazard;.4 sufficient spaces between the fixing points of the lashing bars on deck, or on the hatch covers, to tighten the turnbuckles;.5 access in the form of ladders on hatch coamings;.6 safe access to lashing platforms;.7 protective fencing on lashing platforms; and.8 adequate lighting in line with these guidelines.6.1.4 Ship designers should aim to eliminate the need to access and work on the tops of deck stows.6.1.5 Platforms should be designed to provide a clear work area, unencumbered by deck piping and other obstructions and take into consideration:.1 containers must be capable of being stowed within safe reach of the workers using the platform; and.2 the work area size and the size of the securing components used.6.2 Provisions for safe access6.2.1 General provisions6.2.1.1 The minimum clearance for transit areas should be at least 2 m high and 600 mm wide. All relevant deck surfaces used for movement about the ship and all passageways and stairs should have non-slip surfaces. Where necessary for safety, walkways on deck should be delineated by painted lines or otherwise marked by pictorial signs. protrusions in access ways, such as cleats, ribs and brackets that may give rise to a trip hazard should be highlighted in a contrasting colour.MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 66.2.2 Lashing position design (platforms, bridges and other lashing positions) Lashing positions should be designed to eliminate the use of three high lashingbars and be positioned in close proximity to lashing equipment stowage areas. Lashingpositions should be designed to provide a clear work area which is unencumbered bydeck piping and other obstructions and take into consideration:.1 the need for containers to be stowed within safe reach of thepersonnel using the lashing position so that the horizontal operatingdistance from the securing point to the container does notexceed 1,100 mm and not less than 220 mm for lashing bridgesand 130 mm for other positions;.2 the size of the working area and the movement of lashing personnel;and.3 the length and weight of lashing gear and securing componentsused. The width of the lashing positions should preferably be 1,000 mm, but not lessthan 750 mm. The width of permanent lashing bridges should be:.1 750 mm between top rails of fencing; and.2 a clear minimum of 600 mm between storage racks, lashing cleatsand any other obstruction. Platforms on the end of hatches and outboard lashing stations shouldpreferably be at the same level as the top of the hatch covers. Toe boards (or kick plates) should be provided around the sides of elevatedlashing bridges and platforms to prevent securing equipment from falling and injuringpeople. Toe boards should preferably be 150 mm high, however, where this is notpossible they should be at least 100 mm high. Any openings in the lashing positions through which people can fall should bepossible to be closed. Lashing positions should not contain obstructions, such as storage bins orguides to reposition hatch covers. Lashing positions which contain removable sections should be capable ofbeing temporarily secured.6.2.3 Fencing design6.2.3.1 Bridges and platforms, where appropriate, should be fenced. As a minimum,fencing design should take into consideration:.1 the strength and height of the rails should be designed to preventworkers from falling;MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 7 .2 flexibility in positioning the fencing of gaps. A horizontal unfenced gap should not be greater than 300 mm;.3 provisions for locking and removal of fencing as operational situations change based on stowage anticipated for that area;.4 damage to fencing and how to prevent failure due to that damage;and.5 adequate strength of any temporary fittings. These should be capable of being safely and securely installed. top rail of fencing should be 1 m high from the base, with two intermediate rails. The opening below the lowest course of the guard rails should not exceed 230 mm. The other courses should be not more than 380 mm apart. possible fences and handrails should be highlighted with a contrasting colour to the background. Athwartships cargo securing walkways should be protected by adequate fencing if an unguarded edge exists when the hatch cover is removed.6.2.4 Ladder and manhole design6.2.4.1 Where a fixed ladder gives access to the outside of a lashing position, the stringers should be connected at their extremities to the guardrails of the lashing position, irrespective of whether the ladder is sloping or vertical. a fixed ladder gives access to a lashing position through an opening in the platform, the opening shall be protected with either a fixed grate with a lock back mechanism, which can be closed after access, or fencing. Grabrails should be provided to ensure safe access through the opening. Where a fixed ladder gives access to a lashing position from the outside of the platform, the stringers of the ladder should be opened above the platform level to give a clear width of 700 to 750 mm to enable a person to pass through the stringers. A fixed ladder should not slope at an angle greater than 25° from the vertical. Where the slope of a ladder exceeds 15° from the vertical, the ladder should be provided with suitable handrails not less than 540 mm apart, measured horizontally. A fixed vertical ladder of a height exceeding 3 m, and any fixed vertical ladder, from which a person may fall into a hold, should be fitted with guard hoops, which should be constructed in accordance with paragraphs and ladder hoops should be uniformly spaced at intervals not exceeding 900 mm and should have a clearance of 750 mm from the rung to the back of the hoop and be connected by longitudinal strips secured to the inside of the hoops, each equally spaced round the circumference of the hoop. The stringers should be carried above the floor level of the platform by at least 1 m and the ends of the stringers should be given lateral support and the top step or rung should be level with the floor of the platform unless the steps or rungs are fitted to the ends of the stringers.MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page As far as practicable, access ladders and walkways, and work platformsshould be designed so that workers do not have to climb over piping or work in areaswith permanent obstructions. There should be no unprotected openings in any part of the workplace.Access opening must be protected with handrails or access covers that can be lockedback during access. far as practicable, manholes should not be situated in transit areas,however, if they are, proper fencing should protect them. ladders and manholes should be large enough for persons to safelyenter and leave. A foothold at least 150 mm deep should be provided. should be provided at the top of the ladder to enable safeaccess to the platform to be gained. openings that may present a fall hazard should be highlighted incontrasting colour around the rim of the opening. openings at different levels of the lashing bridge should not belocated directly below one another, as far as practicable.systems6.3 Lashing6.3.1 General provisionsLashing systems, including tensioning devices, should:.1 conform to international standards*, where applicable;.2 be compatible with the planned container stowages;.3 be compatible with the physical ability of persons to safely hold,deploy and use such equipment;.4 be uniform and compatible, e.g., twistlocks and lashing rod headsshould not interfere with each other;.5 be subject to a periodic inspection and maintenance regime.Non-conforming items should be segregated for repair or disposal;and.6 be according to the CSM.6.3.2 Twistlock design6.3.2.1 Shipowners should ensure that the number of different types of twistlocksprovided for cargo securing is kept to a minimum and clear instructions are provided fortheir operation. The use of too many different types of twistlocks may lead to confusionas to whether the twistlocks are locked.*Refer to standard ISO 3874 The Handling and Securing of Type 1 Freight Containers, annex A-D.MSC.1/Circ.1352Annex, page 9 design of twistlocks should ensure the following:.1 positive locking with easy up and down side identification;.2 dislodging from corner fitting is not possible even when grazing a surface;.3 access and visibility of the unlocking device is effective in operational situations;.4 unlocked positions are easily identifiable and do not relock inadvertently due to jolting or vibration; and.5 unlocking poles are as light as possible, of a simple design for ease of use. Where it is not feasible to entirely eliminate working on the tops of container stows, the twistlock designs used should minimize the need for such working, e.g., use of SATLs, fully automatic twistlocks or similar design.6.3.3 Lashing rod design6.3.3.1 The design of containership securing systems should take into account the practical abilities of the workers to lift, reach, hold, control and connect the components called for in all situations anticipated in the cargo securing plan. The maximum length of a lashing rod should be sufficient to reach the bottom corner fitting of a container on top of two high cube containers and be used in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturers. The weight of lashing rods should be minimized as low as possible consistent with the necessary mechanical strength. head of the lashing rod that is inserted in the corner fitting should be designed with a pivot/hinge or other appropriate device so that the rod does not come out of the corner fitting accidentally. The rod's length in conjunction with the length and design of the turnbuckle should be such that the need of extensions is eliminated when lashing high cube (9'6") containers. Lightweight rods should be provided where special tools are needed to lash high cube containers.design6.3.4 Turnbuckle6.3.4.1 Turnbuckle end fittings should be designed to harmonize with the design of lashing rods. should be designed to minimize the work in operating them. Anchor points for turnbuckles should be positioned to provide safe handling and to prevent the bending of rods. To prevent hand injury during tightening or loosening motions, there should bea minimum distance of 70 mm between turnbuckles. The turnbuckle should incorporate a locking mechanism which will ensure thatthe lashing does not work loose during the voyage. The weight of turnbuckles should be minimized as low as possible consistentwith the necessary mechanical strength.6.3.5Storage bins and lashing equipment stowage design6.3.5.1 Bins or stowage places for lashing materials should be provided. All lashing gear should be stowed as close to its intended place of use aspossible. The stowage of securing devices should be arranged so they can easily beretrieved from their stowage location. Bins for faulty or damaged gear should also be provided and appropriatelymarked. Bins should be of sufficient strength. Bins and their carriers should be designed to be lifted off the vessel andrestowed.design6.4 LightingA lighting plan should be developed to provide for:.1 the proper illumination of access ways, not less than 10 lux (1 footcandle)*, taking into account the shadows created by containers thatmay be stowed in the area to be lit, for example different lengthcontainers in or over the work area;.2 a separate fixed or temporary (where necessary) lighting system foreach working space between the container bays, which is brightenough, not less than 50 lux (5 foot candle)*, for the work to be done,but minimizes glare to the deck workers;.3 such illumination should, where possible, be designed as apermanent installation and adequately guarded against breakage;and.4 the illumination intensity should take into consideration the distanceto the uppermost reaches where cargo securing equipment isutilized.*Refer to Safety and Health in Ports, ILO Code of Practice, section O PERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES7.1 Introduction7.1.1 Procedures for safe lashing and securing operations should be included in the ship's Safety Management System as part of the ISM Code documentation.7.1.2 Upon arrival of the ship, a safety assessment of the lashing positions and the access to those positions should be made before securing work commences.procedures7.2 Operational7.2.1 Container deck working7.2.1.1 Transit areas should be safe and clear of cargo and all equipment. Openings that are necessary for the operation of the ship, which are not protected by fencing, should be closed during cargo securing work. Any necessarily unprotected openings in work platforms (i.e. those with a potential fall of less than 2 m), and gaps and apertures on deck should be properly highlighted. The use of fencing is essential to prevent falls. When openings in safety barriers are necessary to allow container crane movements, particularly with derricking cranes, removable fencing should be used whenever possible. It should be taken into account that when lifting lashing bars that can weigh between 11 and 21 kg and turnbuckles between 16 and 23 kg, there may be a risk of injury and severe illness as a result of physical strain if handled above shoulder height with the arms extended. It is therefore recommended that personnel work in pairs to reduce the individual workload in securing the lashing gear. company involved with cargo operation should anticipate, identify, evaluate and control hazards and take appropriate measures to eliminate or minimize potential hazards to prevent in particular with harmful lumbar spinal damage and severe illness as a result of physical strain. Personnel engaged in containership cargo operations should wear appropriate Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) whilst carrying out lashing operations. The PPE should be provided by the company. Manual twistlocks should only be used where safe access is provided. Containers should not be stowed in spaces configured for larger sized containers unless they can be secured under safe working conditions.7.2.2Container top working7.2.2.1 When work on container tops can not be avoided, safe means of access should be provided by the container cargo operation terminal, unless the ship has appropriate means of access in accordance with the CSAP. Recommended practice involves the use of a safety cage lifted by a spreader to minimize the risk to personnel. A safe method of work should be developed and implemented to ensure the safety of lashers when on the top of container stows on deck. Where practical, the use of fall prevention equipment should take precedence over fall arrest equipment.7.2.3Failure to provide safe lashing stations on board/carry out lashing byport workers7.2.3.1Where there are lashing and unlashing locations on board ship where no fall protection, such as adequate handrails are provided, and no other safe method can be found, the containers should not be lashed or unlashed and the situation should be reported to shoreside supervisor and the master or deck officer immediately. If protective systems cannot be designed to provide safe protected access and lashing work positions, in all cargo configurations then cargo should not be stowed in that location. Neither crew nor shore workers should be subjected to hazardous working conditions in the normal course of securing cargo.7.3 Maintenance7.3.1 In line with section 2.3 (Inspection and maintenance schemes) of the Revised Guidelines for the preparation of the cargo securing manual(MSC.1/Circ.1353) all ships should maintain a record book, which should contain the procedures for accepting, maintaining and repairing or rejecting of cargo securing devices. The record book should also contain a record of inspections.7.3.2Lighting should be properly maintained.7.3.3Walkways, ladders, stairways and fencings should be subject to a periodic maintenance programme which will reduce/prevent corrosion and prevent subsequent collapse.7.3.4 Corroded walkways, ladders, stairways and fencings should be repaired or replaced as soon as practicable. The repairs should be effected immediately if the corrosion could prevent safe operations.7.3.5 It should be borne in mind that turnbuckles covered with grease are difficult to handle when tightening.7.3.6 Storage bins and their carriers should be maintained in a safe condition.8 S PECIALIZED CONTAINER SAFETY DESIGN8.1 Temperature controlled unit power outlets should provide a safe, watertight electrical connection.8.2 Temperature controlled unit power outlets should feature a heavy duty, interlocked and circuit breaker protected electrical power outlet. This should ensure the outlet can not be switched "live" until a plug is fully engaged and the actuator rod is pushed to the "On" position. Pulling the actuator rod to the "Off" position should manually de-energize the circuit.8.3 The temperature controlled unit power circuit should de-energize automatically if the plug is accidentally withdrawn while in the "On" position. Also, the interlock mechanism should break the circuit while the pin and sleeve contacts are still engaged.。
