迹冷LSV6W供应电磁阀LSV6W压力控制器 流量开关 温度控制器 压差开关.ppt



4通道A/D, 1通道D/A



无 D-F7□W(V)型
耐热型·2色显示…………………………………………………………………P.1618 宽范围检出型 ……………………………………………………………………P.1619

微调电容器磁性开关 ……………………………………………………………P.1620
订制规格 …………………………………………………………………………P.1626
一般(通用)型………………………………………………………………………P.1630 2色显示式…………………………………………………………………………P.1643 耐强磁场·2色显示式……………………………………………………………P.1646 耐热型 ……………………………………………………………………………P.1649
磁 D-A7□H/A80H型
性 D-A73C/A80C型
开 D-A79W型
关 D-A5/A6型
执行元件页码索引 (圆型数字为Best No.。)



WABCO威伯科现货供应型号齐全wabco|威伯科wabco|威伯科W ABCO代理|威伯科W ABCO电磁阀|WABCO空气处理系统:空压机,空气干燥器,四回路保护阀,贮气筒,调压阀,电子空气处理单元|WABCO传动系统:变速箱自动控制,离合器助力和控制排气制动,缓速器控制|WABCO制动器和制动气室:鼓式和盘式制动器,制动气室--因科思国际贸易有限公司wabco公司中国代理商德国WABCO|wabco气动控制阀|WABCO空气干燥器总成|WABCO瓦伯科刹车制动总泵|wabco高度控制阀|WABCO气动阀。





空气处理系统空压机空气干燥器四回路保护阀贮气筒调压阀电子空气处理单元制动器与制动器室盘式制动器复合弹簧制动气室双枪弹簧制动气室常规制动控制系统脚阀手阀挂车控制阀感载阀继动阀电子制动控制系统防抱死制动控制(ABS)电子制动系统(EBS)电子稳定控制(ESC)液压ABS空气悬挂系统电子控制空气悬挂(ECAS)电子减震器控制(ELM)高度阀电子控制系统自动温控系统(A TC)门控系统(MTS)车辆中央控制器(VEA)传动控制系统变速箱自动控制离合器助力和控制排气制动缓速器控制挂车控制系统挂车ABS挂车EBS挂车ELAS紧急继动阀挂车电子中央控制北奔传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530060离合器主缸4700530090离合器主缸5182950206H06/V3车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460037130ABSECU4460043200ABSECU5005420116NG80/H064613150080脚制动阀0014318305NG804613152650脚制动阀5184310005H06/V3福田空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100280空气干燥器1513335609006 4324100940空气干燥器1120835680050 4324101290空气干燥器1417035600070 4324150530空气干燥器1425135643004 4324159040空气干燥器1425335643002 9325000350空气处理单元15290356F0002 9325000820空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀1417035600053 9347144030四回路保护阀1525835685010车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410140250压力开关H0356F06001A0 4460043200ABSECU1417135900003 4613150770脚制动阀1417035500003 4613151090脚制动阀1418335500001 4613151580脚制动阀4613170230脚制动阀1425335500005 9617230040手制动阀1315035300005 9617231020手制动阀1417035380004 9617234290手制动阀9730024020挂车控制阀1417035600042 9730090010挂车控制阀9730090020挂车控制阀1325335622002 9730110010继动阀1612135600091 MQPS-3530001继动阀1417035600091其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀1110835600060福田奥铃空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABSECU11069368000014613150770脚制动阀4721950180电磁阀1106935600030 9617230040手制动阀广汽日野空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101430空气干燥器车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043340ABSECU89540E0040 4460043350ABSECU89540E0050 9721950450电磁阀44510E0140华菱空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324159040空气干燥器3511A6DP5-010 9325000350空气处理单元3511ADQ-010 9347140100四回路保护阀3515ADY-010车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABDECU4613150690脚制动阀4613150770脚制动阀3514FHD-010 4613170190脚制动阀3514ADY-010 4640070010高度阀4721950180电磁阀9617230040手制动阀3517ADY-010 9730090020挂车控制阀3522ADQ-010 9730110010继动阀3527ADY-020 MQPS-3530001继动阀解放空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型40225011卡钳套装3501025-A4S 40225012卡钳套装3501030-A4S’4460043200ABSECU4613180490脚制动阀4720706390电磁阀4721950180电磁阀9730110010继动阀重汽空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器WG9100368471/2 4324101470空气干燥器WG9000360521/2 4324101550空气干燥器WG9000360532/1 9125600000双杠空压机VG1560130080 9125600010双杠空压机VG1099130010/1 9125600030双杠空压机VG1246130008/1 9125600070双杠空压机VG1560130080A/1 9325000350空气处理单元WG9725360851/1 9347140100四回路保护阀WG9000360366/4 9347144030四回路保护阀WG9000360523/1车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4640046300ABSECUWG9160580501/4 4613151020脚制动阀WG9000360152/1 4613152660脚制动阀WG9000360530/1 4613152670脚制动阀WG9000360520/2 4640070010高度阀WG1642440051/1 4721950160电磁阀WG9000360515/1 4721950550电磁阀9617231020手制动阀WG9000360165/19617231430手制动阀WG9000360522/2 9730024020挂车控制阀WG9000360172/1 9730090010挂车控制阀WG9000260525/2 9730090020挂车控制阀WG9000360180/1 9730110010继动阀WG9000360524/2 MQPS-3530001继动阀WG9000260134/3传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410360030转换开关4700530240离合器主缸WG9719230023/5 9700514380离合器分泵WG9114230025/2 9700514730离合器分泵WG9725230041/2 4613150690脚制动阀W20806.02000.01W 4613170060脚制动阀W20705.04100.01W 4613170190脚制动阀W20705.01500.01W 4613170220脚制动阀W20705.01500.01W 4613180250脚制动阀W20705.03200.01W 4613180490脚制动阀W20705.03300.01W 4613180710脚制动阀W20705.04600.01W 4613186040脚制动阀W20705.04000.01W 4721734280电磁阀W20709.02900.01W 4721950180电磁阀W20709.01700.01W 4729000560电磁阀4729000570电磁阀9617230040手制动阀W20705.01400.01W 9617230380手制动阀W20705.05100.01W 9730112030继动阀W20704.02400.01W MQPS-3530001继动阀W20704.01400.01W传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸W20802.01600.01W 9700514240离合器分泵W20803.02800.01W其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀W20703.01000.01W采埃孚传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514240离合器分泵501006795 9700514350离合器分泵501007075 9700514390离合器分泵501007330丹东黄海空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100270空气干燥器4324101290空气干燥器4324159040空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4340140000单向阀4341001240溢流阀4342080270双通阀4342080280双通阀4342080540双通阀9325000350空气处理单元9347022600四回路保护阀9347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器4410140250压力开关4410328090ABS传感器4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460034130ABSECU 4460034160ABSECU 4460037130ABSECU 4460043200ABSECU 4460555060ECASECU 4613170190脚制动阀4613170230脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4613186040脚制动阀4640023300高度阀4721706060电磁阀4721737000电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4728800640电磁阀4729000560电磁阀4750103170调压阀4750103180调压阀9617230040手制动阀9730110010继动阀9730112030继动阀9730112050继动阀9735000340快放阀MQPS-3530001继动阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸9700514240离合器分泵9735000000快放阀福田空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100280空气干燥器1612135600070 4324100940空气干燥器4324101290空气干燥器4324150530空气干燥器4324159040空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4341001240溢流阀1612129610002 4342080290双通阀1417035600097 9347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410140250压力开关16121296100049347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410140250压力开关4410328090ABS传感器4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460043200ABSECU4460044160ABSECU4460360000继电器4460555060ECASECU 4613180490脚制动阀4721706060电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4729000570电磁阀8959055544ABS齿圈8959055554ABS齿圈9617230040手制动阀MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀广汽日野空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101020空气干燥器车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABSECU4613170190脚制动阀4721950180电磁阀江淮空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器3555100K147 4324101370空气干燥器59550-Y5010 4324159040空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器59550-Y54A0 4342080290双通阀59490-Y54A0 9347141100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABSECU3735910CF24QZGBA 4460044160ABSECU95670-7A500 4613180490脚制动阀4640070010高度阀64006-Y4010XZ 4721950180电磁阀3506200CF24QZGBA MQPS-3530001继动阀59510-Y30A0其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀59870-Y30A0江西凯马百路佳空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100940空气干燥器4324101020空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4341001240溢流阀4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通阀I车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070120消音器4324070600消音器4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460037130ABSECU4460043200ABSECU4460046300ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4613186040脚制动阀4721950180电磁阀4729000560电磁阀金华青年空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100270空气干燥器4324100940空气干燥器4324101020空气干燥器4324101160空气干燥器4324101370空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4341001240溢流阀4341001260溢流阀4341002440溢流阀4342080290双通阀4342080500双通阀9347140100四回路保护阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514240离合器分泵9700514360离合器分泵9700514390离合器分泵车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070120消音器4324070700消音器4333020250转向节连接4333020260转向节连接4410140190压力开关4410140210压力开关4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4460034160ABSECU 4460037130ABSECU 4460043200ABSECU 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9730110110继动阀6112KG-3514010其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀6112KG-3516010上海万象空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101520空气干燥器4340140000单向阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070070消音器4460043200ABSECU4613186040脚制动阀4721734280电磁阀4721950180电磁阀申沃空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器SWB563050055 4342080280双通阀SWB563050049 9347140100四回路保护阀SWB563050058车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070600消音器SWB563050051 4324070700消音器SWB563050056 4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460043200ABSECUSWB563050059-1 4460555060ECASECU4613170190脚制动阀SWB563050052 4613180710脚制动阀SWB563050106 4640023300高度阀SWB5630501344729000560电磁阀9617230040手制动阀9617231020手制动阀SWB563050060 MQPS-3530001继动阀SWB563050053 WM-2513701-0贮气筒总成SWB562050007传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸9700514240离合器分泵SWB563050017其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀SWB563050050苏州金龙空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器35YNA-11010 4341001240溢流阀4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通阀35K63-51020 4342080290双通阀35G42-33010 9325000350空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀9347141230四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器4410140250压力开关4410328090ABS传感器4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460037130ABSECU4460043200ABSECU4460044160ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4613150690脚制动阀4613170190脚制动阀4613170230脚制动阀4721734280电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4728800300电磁阀4729000560电磁阀4729000570电磁阀9617230040收制动阀9730110010继动阀35RB1-27010MAPS-3530001继动阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸16G42-05010 9700514240离合器分泵16MC1-04010 9700514600离合器分泵16G42-04010 9700514730离合器分泵16MC1-04010-C1其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀35G42-16010西沃空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100940空气干燥器4324101290空气干燥器4340140000单向阀2140089634 4342080280双通阀2140089633 9347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器4342050260方向控制阀2120089546 4410441020ECAS压力阀4460043200ABSECU2130089552 4613240460脚制动阀2120089542 4640023300高度阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀2140089646厦门金龙空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100070空气干燥器4324100940空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器35YNA-11010 4340140000单向阀4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通阀35K63-51020 4342080290双通阀35G42-33010 9325000030空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀35G42-15010传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514230离合器分泵9700514240离合器分泵9700514350离合器分泵9700514380离合器分泵9700514390离合器分泵9700514600离合器分泵车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070600消音器35RB1-16011 4324070700消音器35RB1-14011 4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460034030ABSECU4460037130ABSECU37WY1-24603 4460043200ABSECU37XE1-24063 4460044160ABSECU37V56-15002 4460046220ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4460650300ABSECU4461350410ABSECU4613150690脚制动阀35G42-14020 4613170190脚制动阀35KA7-14020 4613180000脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀35XA1-14020 4613180710脚制动阀35XG1-140204613186040脚制动阀17YNA-07011 4721734280电磁阀35A03-50010 4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4728800640电磁阀4729000560电磁阀8959055334ABS齿圈8959055344ABS齿圈9617230040手制动阀9617230380手制动阀9730112000继动阀35G42-27010 MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀35G42-16010厦门金旅空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100940空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通道9325000350空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514230离合器分泵9700514240离合器分泵9700514600离合器分泵车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4340280000双通阀4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460037130ABSECU 4460043200ABSECU 4460044160ABSECU4460046220ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4613170190脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4640023300高度阀4721706060电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4729000560电磁阀8959055334ABS齿圈8959055344ABS齿圈9617230040手制动阀9730110010继动阀MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型宇通空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100802干燥筒9601-07585 4324101300空气干燥器3529-00053 4324101520空气干燥器3529-00019 4324210280空气干燥器3529-00006 4324210340空气干燥器3529-00060 4341001240溢流阀3506-00173 4342080290双通阀3506-00565 9347140100四回路保护阀3515-00009 9347141230四回路保护阀3515-00042A 9347141240四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070120消音器4410140170车门压力开关4410140250压力开关3506-00442 4410500110传感器3506-00211 4410507182摆杆3506-00459 4460034160ABSECU4460037130ABSECU3550-00227 4460043200ABSECU3550-00213 4460044160ABSECU3506-005624460555060ECASECU3506-007314461900010门控ECU3601-000154461901510门控传感器3758-00017 4613150080脚制动阀3514-000534613151070脚制动阀3514-000264613170190脚制动阀3514-000054613170220脚制动阀3514-000593613170230脚制动阀3514-000584613180490脚制动阀3514-000334613180710脚制动阀3514-000464613186040脚制动阀3514-000424640023300高度阀3506-001704640023330高度阀3506-001704721734280电磁阀3506-011054721950180电磁阀3550-000174726000220车门控制阀4728800010电磁阀3506-010754728800640电磁阀3506-013164729000570电磁阀29V11-450204730170010继动阀3527-000219520030320方向控制阀9617230040手制动阀3526-00006A 9617230380手制动阀3526-000069617230500手制动阀3526-000069730110010继动阀3527-000429730112030继动阀3527-000329750010020调压阀3512-000119750020170调压阀3512-00021MQPS-3530001继动阀3527-00007传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530050离合器主缸9700514240离合器分泵1604-00213 9700514390离合器分泵1604-00210 9700514600离合器分泵1604-00252其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀3516-000074342080290双通阀3533-10-0000710米以上9347140100四回路保护阀10米以上9347141230四回路保护阀3553-10-0000210米以上车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器3555-10-000410米以上4410140250压力开关10米以上4410500110传感器2950-81-0000110米以上。



354 30.4 163.2 278.6
422 36.3 189.4 323.4
446 38.4 200 341.6
488 42.0 216.8 370
550 47.3 240.8 411
640 55.0 277.4 473.6
0-16.5….100%(16.5%为启动) DN80 DN100 DN65×2
LSLG 系列水冷螺杆式热回收冷水机组(双机型)规范表
参数 kW 10 kcal/hr 热回收量 kW 104kcal/hr 输入功率(kW) 压缩机 运转电流(A) 容量控制 水管接口尺寸(mm) 冷凝器 水流量(m /h) 水压降(kPa) 水管接口尺寸(mm) 蒸发器 水流量(m /h) 水压降(kPa) 回收器(热 水) 水流量(m /h) 长(mm) 宽(mm) 外形尺寸 高(mm) dB(A) 噪音值 整机重量 运转重量 说明: kg kg
LSLG 系列水冷螺杆低温冷水机组(-15℃)(双机型)参数表
LSLG参数 型号
60WDL 80WD L 100WD L 120WD L 140WD L 160WD L 180WD L 200WD L 220WD L 240WD L 260WD L 280WD L 320WD L 360WD L
26 45 DN80Fl g 28 52 3370 900 1440 67 1650 1900
35 45
46 46
212 76 DN200Flg
DN100Flg 38 52 3370 900 1440 68 1850 2150 50 53 3470 1100 1530 69 2300 2550
177 73 3890 1500 2270 76 7500 8050












特点:特点/选件定风量控制(CVV)双稳态控制(PEV/PSV)本机可升级控制(BEV/BSV)变风量控制(EXV/MAV)控制类型C定风量P气动B本机可升级A 或 D模拟量或数字量气流反馈信号——选件√失效保险固定件√√√出厂阀体保温(仅对送风)—√√√现场可调整气流√√√√通过反馈电路气流报警———√通过压力开关气流报警选件选件选件选件低噪声扩散结构√√√√所有的阀门都包括压力无关控制器。



V A V单元的Accel®Ⅱ阀门2技术特性:结构: ♦焊缝连续的16#的离心浇筑铝制阀体。

♦ 阀体采用不镀膜铝或者带耐腐蚀烘干酚醛涂层。

♦ 复合材料的Teflon ®轴承。

♦ 弹簧等级的不锈钢弹簧和Celanex3300滑块组件。

♦ 送风阀采用3/8”的柔性密封槽聚乙烯保温。




page 011
在线式安装,机械式流量开关,用于液体或气体介质。坚固的塑料,铝或不 锈钢外壳可选。介质推动柱塞弹簧至设定位置即可通过磁场作用于干簧管输 出无源通断信号。
极小的压力损失,良好的重复性,抗污能力.机械部分与电子部分完全隔离, 适用于小流量经济型。3倍于原FP50的活塞行程使设定精度更加精确。带有 开关设定刻度,用户无须在现场设定。LED显示开关状态。
0.6(0.1)..8(7) G1/4


**EE1- 免维护阳光电池 220V 20AhFU1FU2VT+-YB2VT+-YB3-MQ+HL2降压装置绝缘检测仪5SX5-10/2PYJV-0.6/1-2*4微机综保装置电源5SX5-10/2PYJV-0.6/1-2*4控制回路电源5SX5-10/2PYJV-0.6/1-2*4信号回路电源FU3FU4%%p220V%%p220V注:选用小型一体化智能高频开关直流操作电源装置,型号ZGD33-20/220/10Y1;充电模块型号HD22010,微机监控模块型号PSM-A3;外形尺寸:800W*600D*2260H。QK交流电源输入充\P电\P模\P块充\P电\P模\P块直\P流\P电\P压\P采\P样直\P流\P电\P流\P采\P样直\P流\P电\P流\P采\P样直\P流\P电\P压\P采\P样直\P流\P电\P压\P采\P样控制电源WC(L1)WC(L3)信号电源WS(L3)WS(L1)QF4KA ~220VKA ~220V配电箱低压电源TI2QF5KA KA KA ~220V至接地检查继电器TI1WV(L1)~100VWV(L3)电压互感器至接地检查继电器接地检查继电器375KV 91113486WV(L1)至控制电源1210SA 14电压测量WV(L2)WV(L3)PVPVPVVVV电压小母线QF1uTV QF2vQF3wFTA11K21K11K21K1TA2熔断器控制电源电笛解除音响\P中间继电器FU2WS(L3) HA1KA1KA1KA1信号电源监视音响试验\P按钮HY1KA1HW1事\P\P故\P\P信\P\P号音响解除\P按钮FU1WS(L1) WFSSB1SB2(兼值班室)出线电缆桥架低压开关柜封闭式母线槽封闭式母线槽AA5AA2AA1AA3AA4



vacon变频驱动— 举重若轻新体验Vacon凭借业内领先的变频驱动技术致力于全球起重市场的开拓。



全方位满足行业应用需求•驱动功率可达5000kW• 电压等级220VAC至690VAC• 提供空冷及水冷型功率单元• 电机参数自动识别• 丰富的行业专用驱动应用宏• 多种总线选件适配各种控制系统• 开放的编程工具充分满足客户定制化需求控制精确,响应快速• 精确的开环或闭环矢量控制• 内置PLC可实现全幅控制• 滑差控制及转矩记忆功能• 快速速度控制器循环时间1ms• 转矩控制器响应时间可达100μs• 驱动之间的高速点到点通讯• 快速监控系统可实现驱动的实时监测和状态分析预防性过载监控• 变频器可利用KTY84等元件实时检测电机温度• 变频器斜坡时间可自动调整• 可通过调整起升动作控制进线单元温度• 若温升过高,可根据需要关停系统功能完善,平稳驱动• 提供200%启动转矩• 高斩波频率,低电机噪声• 内置制动斩波器及制动电阻• 高等级EMC干扰抑制技术• 标配交流输入电抗器• 宽阔的环境温度适应范围• 提供专用的起升控制防溜车程序• 如采用再生回馈方案,则系统cosφ≈1专家驱动解决方案多年来积累的行业应用经验和现场能力,使Vacon能够为起重机械的驱动提供高效的柔性解决方案,而Vacon变频驱动产品拥有的全面实时自诊断及报警功能将成为起重设备安全运行的可靠保障,从而广泛应用于各种起重及提升机械。





Parker Hannifin Corporation 零温度方向控制阀Viking系列P2L-A、

Parker Hannifin Corporation 零温度方向控制阀Viking系列P2L-A、

Directional Control ValvesLow Temperatu re Viking SeriesP2L-A, 1/8 - 27 NPTFP2L-B, 1/4 - 18 NPTFP2L-D, 1/2 - 14 NPTFCatalog 0677!WARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.Offer of SaleThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated on the separate page of this document entitled “Offer of Sale”.© Copyright 2004, Parker Hannifin Corporation. All Rights Reserved.2Directional control valvesVikingSummary Page General information (5)Order key (6)Flow characteristics (7)Technical data............................................................................................7-8 Main data, pneumatically actuated.. (9)Dimensions, pneumatically actuated.......................................................10-11 Main data, electrically actuated, complete valves for 24 V AC/DC. (12)Main Data, electrically actuated (supplied without solenoid valves) (13)Dimensions, electrically actuated............................................................14-15 Main data, hand operated, lever 90° to ports (16)Dimensions, hand operated, lever 90° to ports........................................17-18 Main data, hand operated, lever in line with ports.. (19)Dimensions, hand operated, lever in line with ports (20)Main data, hand operated, manual locking (21)Dimensions, hand operated, manual locking (22)Solenoid valves order key (23)Solenoids 15mm NC, mobile (24)Cable plugs (25)Solenoid dimensions (26)Offer of sale (27)Conversion factors1 kg= 2.2046 lb1 N= 0.22481 lbf1 bar= 14.504 psi1 l= 0.21997 UK gallon1 l= 0.26417 US gallon1 cm3= 0.061024 in31 m= 3.2808 feet1 mm= 0.03937 in9/5 °C + 32 = °F34Directional control valvesVikingThe Viking valve range is robust, versatile and combines high performance with compact installation dimensions. Large flow capacity, short change-over times and low change-over pressure are important characteristics of this valve range.Viking valve rangeP2L-A, dimension 1/8 - 27 NPTF, P2L-B, dimension 1/4 - 18 NPTF, P2L-D, dimension 1/2 - 14 NPTFThe P2L-A, P2L-B and P2L-D have a wide range of hand, foot,pneumatic and electrically operated valves in both 5/2 and 5/3configurations.The Viking range is available in both standard and low temperature versions.5Directional control valvesVikingCompact dimensions, direct body porting and integral mounting holes are all features of the Viking range In addition to simple single installation, the Viking range may be installed in very compact blocks.Rust and corrosion resistant designs.Viking valves are made entirely of anodized aluminium, forcorrosion resistance. The smooth design, with no dirt-collecting pockets, makes the valve suitable for most environments,including applications with stringent hygiene requirements. The valve has stainless steel screws for the end covers, to withstand aggressive environments.Mobile applicationsCommission and service is facilitated by the generously sized,ergonomically designed buttons for manual operation on the P2L-B valve range, which are a standard feature. These make it very easy to see the valve spool position during fault finding.A wide range of solenoid valvesA robust anodized aluminium valve housing, standard and low-temperature versions, hand lever with built-in catch for reliable retention in position, variants designed for a special NO (normally open) mobile solenoid valve, and several varieties of specialmobile (NC) solenoid valves make the valve an excellent choice in mobile applications.High reliabilityManual override - indication on the P2L-BA number of different versions of our solenoid valves P2E with 15 mm DIN 43650 form C enclosures are available to suit justabout any application. The valve has small installation dimensions,low energy consumption, large flow diameter, large flow capacity,a robust valve body, high reliability and long service life. With or without flush locking, extended non locking manual override, with long or short arm, spring biased or indexing.Low noise levelThe exhaust air from the pilot valves is exhausted through a silencer located in the end cover or body, to give the lowest possible noise level. This is particularly important for industries where low noise levels are required. The silencers make it possible for the valves to comply with the EU Machinery Directive,Noise 1.5.8.CertificationThe solenoid valves are protection class IP65 with the standard cable plug. The cable plug with reinforced protection raises the protection standard to IP67.Several types of cable plugsCompact installation dimensions - flexible installationValves easily comply with the requirements for componentreliability in accordance with the EU Machinery Directive standards EN292-2 and EN983.In the P2L-A: few moving parts combined with short spoolmovement give a valve with high reliability and long service life. It is designed for use with, or without supplementary lubrication.In the P2L-B and P2L-D: high molecular weight plastics with self-lubricating properties make it suitable for use with, or without supplementary lubrication.MaintenanceSize A and B spare parts = new valve.With or without suppression, LED and rectifier. For connection to your own cables or with molded cable. A large selection allows you to choose cables to meet your requirements.Insensitive to dirty airThanks to large flow passage areas and the large flow diameter of 1.0 in the pilot valves, the P2L-A, P2L-B and P2L-D can be used in normal industrial or mobile environments without any problems of sticking. However, the service life of the valve depends on thecleanliness of the air. Please refer to ISO 8573.Directional control valves Viking Order key67Flow characteristicsFlow capacities in accordance with ISO6358.All pressures = effective pressureThe curves in the diagram below are typical only.P2L-AP2L-BDirectional control valvesVikingP2L-DTechnical dataP2L-ADimension1/8 - 27 NPTFOperating pressure, max 145 psi (10 bar)* Also see “Operating pressure”.Operating temperature range for directional control valves low temp. version-40 to 86 °F (–40 to +30 °C)Operating temperature range for P2E solenoid valves mobile version -40 to 158 °F (–40 to +70 °C)FlowCv=0.76(Flow acc. to ISO 6358)(C=3,0 Nl/s x bar)(b=0.3)(Qn=12.7 l/s)(Qmax=21.0 l/s)P2L-BDimension1/4 - 18 NPTFOperating pressure, max 145 psi (10 bar)* Also see “Operating pressure”.Operating temperature range for directional control valves low temp. version-40 to 86 °F (–40 to +30 °C)Operating temperature range for P2E solenoid valves mobile version -40 to 158 °F (–40 to +70 °C)FlowCv=1.0(Flow acc. to ISO 6358)(C=4.2 Nl/s x bar)(b=0.2)(Qn=17.0 l/s)(Qmax=29.4 l/s)P2L-DDimension1/2 - 14 NPTFOperating pressure, max 145 psi (10 bar)* Also see “Operating pressure”.Operating temperature range for directional control valves low temp. version-22 to 86 °F (–30 to +30 °C)Operating temperature range for P2E solenoid valves mobile version -40 to 158 °F (–40 to +70 °C)FlowCv=2.9(Flow acc. to ISO 6358)(C=12 Nl/s x bar)(b=0.2)(Qn=48.0 l/s)(Qmax=84.0 l/s)3003x1056006x1059009x105120012x105150015x105180018x105210021x105Flow [l/s][l/min][Sccm]6001200180024003000[l/min]Flow[l/s]6x10512x10518x10524x10530x105[Sccm]1200240036004800600072008400[l/min]Flow[l/s]12x10524x10536x10548x10560x10572x10584x105[Sccm]8Material specificationP2L-A ValveValve body Anodized aluminium End coversAnodized aluminium or Reinforced thermoplasticLever housing Acetal plastic Spool Aluminium + nitrile rubber Piston Acetal plastic/ Anodized aluminium U-rings, O-rings Nitrile rubber End cover sealings Nitrile rubber End cover screws Stainless steel Springs Dacromet® - processed steel,Stainless steelLever Reinforced polyamid plastic Panel mounting nut Polycarbonate plastic Gaiter Chloroprene rubber Mounting screws for solenoid Stainless steelP2L-B ValveValve body Anodized aluminium Spool Acetal plastic/ Anodized aluminiumPistonAcetal plastic /Anodized aluminiumLiningReinforced thermoplastic End covers Anodized aluminium Sliding seals Thermoplastic U-rings, O-rings Nitrile rubber End cover sealings Nitrile rubberPush button for manual changeoverAcetal plastic End cover screws Stainless steel Springs Stainless steel LeverZinc-plated steel Catch for lever Stainless steelKnob Phenolic plastic/Anodized aluminium Gaiter Chloroprene rubber Foot pedalAluminiumMounting screws for solenoidZinc-plated steelDirectional control valvesVikingP2L-D ValveValve body Anodized aluminium Spool Anodized aluminium Piston Brass LiningBrassEnd covers Anodized aluminium Sliding seals Thermoplastic U-rings, O-rings Nitrile rubber End cover sealings Nitrile rubber End cover screws Stainless steel Springs Stainless steel LeverStainless steel Catch for lever Zinc-plated steel Knob Thermoplastic GaiterNitrile rubber Distance ringThermoplasticMounting screws for solenoidZinc-plated steelDimensions* Operating pressureFrom 0 to 145 psi (10 bar) connectable in all portsThis is valid with the following exceptions:Electrically actuated valves•If supply pressure is connected to any other port than port 1 [port 1 also provides supply pressure to solenoid(s)] or if the air supply pressure is lower than minimum signal pres-sure it is necessary to use valves with external air supply to solenoid(s。

上海万迅仪表 QSTP系列智能电动引进单座调节阀 说明书

上海万迅仪表 QSTP系列智能电动引进单座调节阀 说明书

2、KV 值与行程
标准 Kv
25 16 8 16 PSL201
QSTP 系列智能电动引进单座调节阀
QSTP 系列智能电动引进单座调节阀是 QS 智能电动调节阀系列产品之一,它由 PSL 智能型电动执行器与优质 的国产阀门相组合构成,是—种高性能的调节阀,可广泛应用于电力、冶金、石油、化工、医药、锅炉、轻工等 行业的自动控制系统中。
型 式:PSL 智能型直行程执行机构 输入信号:4~20mADC 输入阻抗:250Ω 输出信号:4~20mADC 输出最大负载:<650Ω 断信号阀位置:可任意设置为保持/全开/全关/0~100%间予置的任意值 电 源:220V±10%/50Hz 推力规格:1KN、2KN、4KN、8KN、10KN、16KN、20KN、25KN 阀作用型式:任意设置正/反作用 防护等级:IP65 基本误差:≤±1.0% 死 区:≤l.0% 环境温度:-l0~+65℃
2、Kv 值与行程
公称通径 (mm)
25 32


11131412@400C30砼垫层1-1剖面图}12@4004000进口管底1431.979进口DN3004000备 注}重 量}总计}单件}材 料}序号}数量}4000 一体化泵站底座基础平面图}450021%%C2000底板1429.60C30混凝土垫层100mm500厚片石夯实垫层C30钢筋混凝土底板300mm300100122223启泵水位1431.979435192017186200789出口DN400出口管底1433.1016地面标高1434.1015104000 12@400,双层 中粗砂回填>90%}原土回填>87%300100500筒体预固定压板混凝土抗浮灌浆1}1}300 12@400,双层 100500,00厚片石夯实垫层C30混凝土垫层100mmC30钢筋混凝土底板300mm中粗砂回填>90%暂定1:0.33,以地勘为准}Ô?Í?»?Ì?>87%暂定1:0.33,以地勘为准}12400020001200400024½?¿?DN400\C3出口DN200停泵水位1430.10说明:\P1.混凝土强度等级\P2.采用HRB400,%%C12热轧带肋钢筋\P3.表层混凝土厚度500mm\P4.圆形砂砾重量体积比:全干时1.9吨/立方,水中1.0/立方\P5.浇筑混凝土时必须保证地面平实\P6.没有考虑泵站本身的重量和摩擦力,如果考虑,将会增加额外的安全余量。}17.基坑施工到达设计要求的基坑底部后,整平基坑底部。超挖部分采用1:1级配砂石分层回填,碾压密实,且每层厚度不大于250mm,回填密实度不小于97%%%,密实度应分层检验,达到地基承载力>180kpa。名称}型号/规格} 一体化泵站剖面图} 一体化泵站抗浮基础及基坑开挖图} 一体化泵站平面图}一体化污水提升泵站(860m³/d)泵站设计说明1.尺寸单位:高程以米计,其余均以毫米计;2.材料统计



B6600S-400•ApplicationStainless Steel Ball and StemType overviewTypeDN B6600S-400150Technical dataFunctional dataValve size 6" [150]Fluidchilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol Fluid Temp Range (water)0...250°F [-18...120°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class 125, standard class B Close-off pressure ∆ps 175 psiFlow characteristic equal percentage Servicing maintenance-free Flow Pattern 2-way Leakage rate0% for A – AB Controllable flow range 75°Cv400Cv Flow RatingA-port: as stated in chart B-port: 70% of A – AB CvMaterialsValve body Cast iron - GG 25Stem stainless steel Stem seal EPDM (lubricated)SeatPTFEPipe connection pattern to mate with ANSI 125 flange O-ring EPDM (lubricated)Ballstainless steel Suitable actuators Non-Spring GRB(X)Electrical fail-safeGKRB(X)Safety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to Product featuresThis valve is typically used in air handling units on heating or cooling coils, and fan coil unit heating or cooling coils. Some other common applications include Unit Ventilators, VAV box re-heat coils and bypass loops. This valve is suitable for use in a hydronic system with variable flow.B6600S-400 Flow/Mounting detailsDimensionsType DNB6600S-400150GRB, GRXA B C D E F G I Number of BoltHoles15.3" [388]12.4" [315]15.4" [391]9.5" [241]5.5" [140]5.5" [140]9.5" [241]0.9" [22]8GKRB, GKRXA B C D E F G I Number of BoltHoles15.3" [388]12.4" [315]15.8" [401]9.8" [248]5.5" [140]5.5" [140]9.5" [241]0.9" [22]8GRX, GKRXB6600S-400A B C D E F G I Number of BoltHoles19.0" [483]12.4" [315]18.5" [470]9.5" [241]5.5" [140]5.5" [140]9.5" [241]0.9" [22]8GRX, GKRXA B C D E F G I Number of BoltHoles19.0" [483]12.4" [315]18.5" [470]9.5" [241]5.5" [140]5.5" [140]9.5" [241]0.9" [22]8Modulating, Electrical Fail-Safe, 24 V, for DC2...10 V or 4...20 mA Control SignalTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzPower consumption in operation12 WPower consumption in rest position 3 WTransformer sizing21 VA (class 2 power source) / heater 21 VAElectrical Connection18 GA plenum cable, 3 ft [1 m], with 1/2"conduit connectorOverload Protection electronic thoughout 0...90° rotationFunctional data Operating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mA w/ ZG-R01 (500 Ω, 1/4 W resistor)Input Impedance100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4 (20)mA, 1500 Ω for PWM, On/Off and Floating pointOperating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 VEnd point 2.5...32 VOptions positioning signal variable (VDC, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable VDC variableBridging time (PF)2 sBridging time (PF) variable0...10 sPre-charging time 5...20 sDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with switchManual override under coverAngle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stopRunning Time (Motor)150 s / 90°Running time motor variable90...150 sRunning time fail-safe<35 sNoise level, motor52 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe61 dB(A)Position indication Mechanically, 30...65 mm strokeSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP66/67Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XAgency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and2014/35/EUQuality Standard ISO 9001FootnotesBridging timeSafety dataAmbient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Ambient temperature note -40...50°C for actuator with integrated heating Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity Max. 100% RH Servicingmaintenance-freeMaterialsHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing†Rated Impulse Voltage 800V, Type of action 1.AA, Control Pollution Degree 3Product featuresElectrical interruptions can be bridged up to a maximum of 10 s.In the event of a power failure, the actuator will remain stationary in accordance with the set bridging time. If the power failure is greater than the set bridging time, then the actuator will move into the selected fail-safe position.The bridging time set ex-works is 2 s. This can be modified on site in operation with the use of the Belimo service tool MFT-P.Settings: The rotary knob must not be set to the "PROG FAIL-SAFE" position!For retroactive adjustments of the bridging time with the Belimo service tool MFT-P or with the ZTH EU adjustment and diagnostic device only the values need to be entered.AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Gateway MP to LonWorksUK24LON Electrical accessoriesDescriptionType Feedback potentiometer 140 Ω add-on, grey P140A GR Feedback potentiometer 500 Ω add-on, grey P500A GR Feedback potentiometer 1 kΩ add-on, grey P1000A GR Feedback potentiometer 2.8 kΩ add-on, grey P2800A GR Feedback potentiometer 5 kΩ add-on, grey P5000A GR Feedback potentiometer 10 kΩ add-on, grey P10000A GR Auxiliary switch 1 x SPDT add-on S1A Auxiliary switch 2 x SPDT add-onS2A Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USService toolsDescriptionTypeConnection cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESActuators with appliance cables are numbered.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the Common connection from the actuator must be connected to the Hotconnection of the controller. Position feedback cannot be used with a triac sink controller; theactuator internal common reference is not compatible.IN4004 or IN4007 diode. (IN4007 supplied, Belimo part number 40155).Actuators are provided with a numbered screw terminal strip instead of a cable.Actuators may be controlled in parallel. Current draw and input impedance must be observed.Master-Slave wiring required for piggy-back applications. Feedback from Master to controlinput(s) of Slave(s).Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagramsOn/Off Floating PointVDC/mA Control PWM ControlOverride Control Master - SlaveNEMA 4 HeaterDimensions。

Belimo Energy Valve 特定控制阀(CCV)手册说明书

Belimo Energy Valve 特定控制阀(CCV)手册说明书

Belimo Energy Valve TM web server manual Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate and sensor-operated flow control, power control, and power and energy-monitoring functionContentsGeneral 2 Web server 3 Attachment 20Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate andsensor-operated flow control, and power and energy-monitoringGeneralVersions Information ∙This manual relates to the following listed products with a production date from 31stMarch 2017.◦ Belimo Energy Valve TM DN15 to DN50▫ EV0..R+(K)BAC(1)◦ Belimo Energy Valve TM DN65 to DN150▫ P..W..EV-(K)BAC∙Earlier versions might have different views and functions. In case of doubt, pleasecontact your Belimo Representative.Requirements ∙For a direct-access a PC with an installed web browser and a network cable (RJ45) isneeded.∙The following web browsers are supported:◦ Microsoft Internet Explorer◦ Mozilla Firefox◦ Safari on platform iOS◦ Standard web browser on platform Android:▫ Gingerbread▫ Honeycomb▫ Ice Cream Sandwich▫ Jelly Bean∙To display the trend views in the web browser, the "Adobe Flash Player" has to beinstalled. Download of the newest version: /de/products/flashplayer/∙The current version of Java has to be installed. Download:/de/download/.Access to the Energy Valve∙Connect the PC/Laptop to the Energy Valve with the RJ45 cableConnection∙Note: The Energy Valve must be supplied with voltage.EV..R+BAC / P6..W..EV-BAC Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate andsensor-operated flow control, and power and energy-monitoringAccess to the Energy Valve by means of a"Peer to Peer" connection ∙Easy access to the valve possible.∙The IP address has not to be known.∙The following conditions have to be considered:◦ Direct connection valve – PC. This access method cannot be used in a networkwith other devices.◦No static IP address is configured◦ No alternative IP address is configured◦ DHCP mode is set∙Open Internet Explorer and enter the following address: http://belimo.local:8080Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate and sensor-operated flow control, and power and energy-monitoringAccess to the Energy Valve by means of theIP address ∙As an alternative to the "Peer to Peer" connection an access by using the IP address is also possible.∙This type of connection can be used in a network with several devices.∙In case of several Energy Valves in the network different IP addresses must be assigned first.∙ is the IP address assigned at the time of delivery∙Open Internet Explorer and enter the following address: name and password∙Access to the Energy Valve is password-protected∙ 3 users have different reading and writing access∙Legend:L = Read accessS = Write access- = Page is not displayed1)= Please contact your Belimo Representative2)= Units can be writtenStartup Assistant ∙The startup assistant is opened right after the start. The Startup-Assistant helps to dothe main settings of the Belimo Energy Valve™ right at the beginning. The followingsteps appear:∙First step: If a usage is desired for the Belimo Cloud, the details can be specified in thefirst step. If the operator of the Energy Valve decides to use the Belimo Cloud, heagrees to the General Terms and Conditions. For further details see:/privacy∙Cloud account e-mail: If the user already has a Belimo Cloud account, he can enter the e-mail address here.∙Allow automatic updates: Receive software updates and allow Belimo to install them on the device. After updating, the device is automatically restarted and all settings areretained.∙Activate Cloud Services: Here you can activate the cloud services, Delta-T optimization and support via Cloud.∙Cloud services: After deactivating the cloud services, the following is no longeravailable: Delta-T optimization via the cloud, online support and remote configuration.∙Second step: The details for the valve can be filled in here, e.g. location of theinstallation, application details or the building address∙Step Four: Setting the respective bus protocolsLanguage selection ∙The language displayed on the web server is selected automatically according tothe current PC settings∙Available languageso Deutscho Englischo Spanischo Französischo Kroatischo Magyar-Englisch (Ungarn)o Italienischo Japanischo Koreanischo Mazedonischo Holländischo Polnischo Portugiesischo Russischo Slowakischo Slowenischo Serbischo Schwedischo Chinesisch (Mandarin)∙If the language is not available, English is selected as the display language∙If necessary, the display language can be selected manuallyOverview ∙I n addition to the most important values of the valve, this page shows the followingadditional values:o Statuso Control functiono Setpoint DDCo Delta temperatureo Delta-T Limiting statusSettings - Application ∙All settings can be made on this page.Settings Override∙The current control signal can be overridden with the help of the Override function.∙The following options are available:o Auto: No manual overrideo Close: Valve is closedo Open: Valve is opened completelyo Vnom: The nominal flow rate of the valve (catalogue value) is controlled1)o Vmax: The set maximum volumetric flow (100% requirement) iscontrolledo Motor stop: The actuator remains at its current positiono Pnom: The nominal power Q'nom of the valve is controlled 1)o Pmax: The set maximum power Q'max (100% requirement) is controlledo Simulated operation: In simulated operation, the energy valve is loadedwith non-real input data. For example, it is possible to display allfunctions during a customer visit.1) As Vnom/Pnom may be greater than the maximum required (set)Vmax/Pmax of the installation, achieving the nominal value is dependenton the output of the pump.∙The override function is deactivated automatically after 2 hours.The time remaining before deactivation is displayedSettings - Application ∙Installation positionThe correct setting is important forthe allocation of the consumedenergy as cooling or heating energyo Valve in return pipeo Valve in supply pipe∙MediaSelection of the medium used:o Watero Monoethylenglycolo 1.2 Polypropylenglycol∙Concentrationo Percentage concentration of the glycolo The selection is only displayed when 'Monoethylenglycol' or '1.2Polypropylenglycol' has been selected∙Cable lengtho The cable length of the sensor which is away from the valve is setted to the correct value of 3 meters (DN15…DN50) or 10 meters (DN65…150) ex works.NoteThe definition of the values Vnom, Vmax, Pnom and Pmax is provided in the Appendix to this document.The setting of the cablelength may not bechanged!The cables betweenvalve unit andtemperature sensorsmay not be eithershortened orlengthened.Settings - units∙ Setting of the value unitsTemperature Power◦ °C (*) ◦ W ◦ °F ◦ kW (*) ◦ K ◦ BTU/h Flow rate ◦ kBTU/h ◦ m 3/h ◦ Ton ◦ m 3/s Energy ◦ l/s ◦ J◦ l/min (*)◦ kWh (*) ◦ l/h ◦ M Wh ◦ gpm ◦kBTU ◦ cfm ◦ TonH ◦ MJ ◦ GJ(*) = presetting ex-worksSettings – analog feedback∙ Feedback Information: U5 corresponds toone of the following values. The units correspond to the units set in the 'User' range.o Flow: Flow rateo Power: Current consumer power o T supply: Supply temperature o T return: Return temperatureo Delta T: Differential temperature, supply and return o Valve Position: Valve opening angle [°] ∙ Feedback signal range:o 0 – 10 VDC o 0.5 – 10 VDC o 2 – 10 VDC∙ Maximum: Setting the maximum value for the feedbacksignalo 10 V = set value∙ Minimum: Setting the minimum value for the feedbacksignalo 0 V = set valueo Only displayed when 'T supply' or 'T return' has been selectedo 0 V corresponds to the value 0 with all other selectionsNoteThese settings configure the analog feedback signal U5Settings – Control Settings ∙Parameterisation of the analoguecontrol signal Yo Setpoint Source▪Analogue▪Buso Control mode▪Position control: In thissetting, the valve functions as a pressure-dependent valve, e.g. like a conventionalcharacterized control valve▪Flow control: Operation as a pressure-independent valve analogous to an EPIV▪Power control: The control signal requestsdirectly a certain power output at the exchanger.The valve works temperature- and pressure -independento Control signal range▪0.5 – 10 VDC▪ 2 – 10 VDCo Invert control signal▪no: no inversion → 0V = valve closed / 10V = valve open▪yes: inversion → 10V = valve closed / 0V = valve openo Control signal characteristics▪equal percentage: equal-percentage characteristic curve▪linear: linear characteristic curve▪This selection is not available when 'Power control' is selected. For power controlthe characteristic is always linearSettings – Delta-T- Manager ∙This function can be used in orderto prevent an increase in thevolumetric flow when levels fail toreach a set supply/returndifferential temperature.∙The valve will not be openedfurther in such cases, even with an increasing controlsignal∙Limitation functiono-: Delta-T limitation switched offo Delta-T- Manager: Simple Delta-T limitation switchedon▪dT Limiting value: No increase in the volumetricflow when levels fall below this setting valueo Delta-T-Manager-Scaling: Advanced Delta-Tlimitation switched on▪dT Limiting value: No increase in the volumetricflow when levels fall below a (dynamic) settingvalue▪dT Flow saturation value: Corresponding flowrate when achieving Delta-TThe limitation function monitors the differential temperature only when the flow rate is ≥ 30%of Vmax- In the range below 30% Vmax too low differential temperatures are not corrected- This operating behavior ensures the correct start-up of the system after a downtimeSettings – Maximum and limitation ∙ Maximum flow rate Vmaxo This value is to be set on the basis of the design data of the consumero Input as absolute value in the selected unit∙ Minimum flow Vmino In order to ensure a minimum flow at a request of 0V, it is possible to enter a Vmino The input is made as an absolute value in the selected unito The box must be selected activelyo This minimum flow becomes effective with aminimum demand of the control signal. This is depending on the analogue setting 0V, 0.5V, 2V or via Bus 0%Settings – Configuration power∙ Maximum power Pmaxo Is shown when control function 'Power' is selectedo This value is to be set on the basis of the design data of the consumero Input as absolute value in the selected unit Settings - settings Import/Export∙ I mport and export the settings, in caseseveral Energy Valves are operated with the same configuration settings ∙ It is only possible to adopt all settings ofan Energy Valve of the same nominal size.Settings - commissioning report∙ In a commissioning report, all settings andbasic data of the Energy valve are shown clearly and structured. ∙ It can be saved as a pdf fileNoteThe definition of the values Vnom and Vmax is provided in the Appendix to this document.This function can only be used with the same nominal sizeSettings - Date & Time ∙Possible settings: Date, Time and Time Zone∙Browser: Date and time of the connected PC-Browser∙Device: Date and time which is set on the Energy Valve∙Update device time: Clicking on "Update device time" causes the Date and Time settings ofthe attached PC to be adopted on the Energy Valve.∙NTP Server: As an option, time and date can be obtained from a Time Server.∙When using several Energy Valve it is possible to define one Energy Valve as the Time-Master. For this purpose, the IP address of the Time-Master must be entered at all otherEnergy Valves.Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate andsensor-operated flow control, and power and energy-monitoringSettings - IP ∙IP settings∙This settings are to be set on the basis of the instruction of the network administrator∙Static IP/Zeroconf: With this setting, the possibility is given to assign a pre-definedIP-address to the Energy Valve, as well to assign the subnet mask and gateway to it.This method can be used, if the network administrator is managing the networkaddresses without a DHCP server.∙DHCP/Zeroconf: With this setting it is possible, to assign automatically an IP-address to the Energy Valve. If a DHCP Server is available in the network, theEnergy Valve is able to receive an IP-address from it.If there is no DHCP Server in the network, the Energy Valve is able, via Zeroconfig, tocalculate an IP-address based on the ZeroConfig specification.Settings - User ∙Settings for the user managemento Users can be added, modified, or deleted..o Under "Edit selected web user" the respective password can be changedo Note: Only users with a lower or equivalent authorization can be editedEV..R+BAC / P6..W..EV-BAC Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate andsensor-operated flow control, and power and energy-monitoringSettings - BACnet/MP/Modbus ∙Selection of the communication protocolo BACnet IPo BACnet MS/TPo MPo Modbus TCPo Modbus RTUo None (only conventional control)∙Perform all relevant settings in accordance with thespecifications of the onsite equipment.Characterised control valve (CCV) with adjustable flow rate andsensor-operated flow control, and power and energy-monitoringSettings – Cloud ∙Settings for the Belimo Cloud accessCloud connection status: Here you can see whether the connection to the Belimo Cloud isestablished or not.Cloud Server: The address of the connected host serverDatalog Service: Enables data transfer between the Energy Valve and the Belimo CloudTask service: Enables automatic updating of the flow of the Energy Valve and Delta-T valuesthrough the Belimo Cloud.Update mode: Allows the software to be updated by the Belimo Cloud∙Disabled: No updates∙Device controlled: Updates are displayed on the web server, no installation.∙Cloud controlled manual: Updates are displayed on the Belimo Cloud, noinstallation required∙Cloud controlled auto: Updates are installed automaticallyCurrent owner: The person who owns the device. This is typically the name of the user whohas configured the Belimo Cloud settings and matches the email address specified during initialinstallation.Refresh current owner: Simple refresh button to explicitly request the Belimo Cloud to informBelimo of the current owner.New owner: Used when a transfer is started from a current owner (or no owner) to a newowner. To do this, press the "Transfer device" button after entering a new owner.Cloudconnection status: It is shown here whether the connection to the Belimo Cloud is establishedor not.Connection status: Executes a routine that helps troubleshoot the connection to the Belimocloud.The following three steps are performed.∙Checking the connection to the next gateway∙Checking the Internet connection∙Checking the connection to the Belimo CloudSettings - MaintenanceConfiguration Import Export∙ The settings which are selected during commissioning can be saved here as a file on the computer (Export configuration)∙If a larger number of Belimo Energy Valve ™ need to be installed with the samesettings, these settings can be exported once to be imported and applied to the other valve (Browse / Import Configuration). Only be used with the same nominal size. Update∙ It is possible to upload a software update directly and apply it on the Belimo Energy Valve™Misc∙ Reboot: After pressing this field, the device restarts. The previously made settings will be maintained∙Factory reset: The device can be reset to the factory default settings. The steps are as follows: 1. Press the "Factory reset" button and confirm with "ok". Press the gear disengagement button on the actuator. After that the actuator starts to set all settings back to default condition. All stored data will be lost.Status – Health state∙ Displays the current error messages and the error history ∙ Current status messages are displayed∙The error history can be reset with the appropriate authorizationThis function can only be used with the same nominal sizeStatus - Versions Information ∙Display of the current software and hardware versionNotePlease communicate the informationon this page to your local Belimorepresentative in the event ofmalfunction.Data - Data logging ∙Download of the csv files stored in the Energy Valve∙Short Term Storage: One file is available per day for the last 31 days. Ameasurement series is stored every 30 seconds.∙Long Term Storage: One file is available per month for the last 13 months. Ameasurement series is stored every 2 hours.∙The files on the actuator can be deleted by users with the respective authorisation.Data – Live Trend & KPI∙The LiveTrend function visualizes the system values.∙The displayed values can be selected in the lower area∙The zooming function can be used to limit the time period∙The visualization of the plant data allows a simple and fast overview of the system∙In this view the stored data of the last 8 days are automatically read in for the display∙The 'Read more data' button reads in all the data stored in the actuator∙The Delta-T values can be determined using the "coil characteristic" buttonDisplay of recorded energy consumption as well as cumulative water flow:AttachmentDefinition of Vnom ∙Is the maximum possible flow rate. Vnom represents the as-delivered condition.Definition of Vmax ∙Is the maximum flow rate which has been set with the greatest control signal, e.g.10V /100%Definition of Pnom ∙Pnom is the maximum controllable power output Qnom at the heat exchanger.Definition of Pmax ∙Pmax ist the maximum power output Qmax which has been set with the greatest controlsignal, e.g. 10V / 100%∙For control mode 'Power'.。



Valve series VOVG-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGProduct range overview2 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/05-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGPeripherals overviewIn-line valveComponent partsType Brief description Page/Internet1Inscription label MH-BZ-80X For identifying the solenoid valves192Plug socket with cable KMH For solenoid coils193Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with vertical plug connection84Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with horizontal plug connection5Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with vertical plug connection and LED6Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with horizontal plug connection and LED7Push-in fitting QS/QSM For standard O.D.tubing188Basic valves–Sub-assemblies of the solenoid valves VOVG89Silencer U For fitting on exhaust ports18Internet:/catalogue/...2008/06–Subject to change3-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGSystem overviewManifold assembly–Semi in-line valvesComponent partsType Brief description Page/Internet1Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with vertical plug connection82Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with horizontal plug connection3Pilot valve with LED–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with vertical plug connection and LED4Pilot valve with LED–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with horizontal plug connection and LED5Basic valves–Sub-assemblies of the solenoid valves VOVG6Blanking plate VABB-C7-12-W For vacant positions187Manifold rail VABM-C7-…For semi in-line valves164 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/06-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGPeripherals overviewManifold assembly–Semi in-line valves with accessories54Component partsType Brief description Page/Internet1Inscription label MH-BZ-80X For identifying the solenoid valves192Plug socket with cable KMH For solenoid coils193Push-in fitting QS/QSM For standard O.D.tubing184Blanking plug B For sealing unused ports185Silencer U For fitting on exhaust ports186Manifold rail VABM-…-P…Without port for external pilot air for valves with internal pilot air supply167Manifold rail VABM-…-G…With port for external pilot air16Internet:/catalogue/...2008/06–Subject to change5-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGSystem overviewManifold assembly–Sub-base valvesComponent partsType Brief description Page/Internet1Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with vertical plug connection82Pilot valve–Sub-assembly of the solenoid valve VOVG with horizontal plug connection3Basic valves–Sub-assemblies of the solenoid valves VOVG4Blanking plate VABB-C7-12-W For vacant positions185Manifold rail VABM-C7-…For sub-base valves176 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/06-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGPeripherals overviewManifold assembly–Sub-base valves with accessories54Component partsType Brief description Page/Internet1Inscription label MH-BZ-80X For identifying the solenoid valves192Plug socket with cable KMH For solenoid coils193Push-in fitting QS/QSM For standard O.D.tubing184Blanking plug B For sealing unused ports185Silencer U For fitting on exhaust ports186Manifold rail VABM-…-M…Without port for external pilot air for valves with internal pilot air supply177Manifold rail VABM-…-W…With port for external pilot air17Internet:/catalogue/...2008/06–Subject to change7Subject to change –2008/058 Internet:/catalogue/...Solenoid valves VOVGTechnical dataFunction-P-Voltage5,12,24V DC-L-Pressure–0.9…+8bar-Q-Temperature range –5…+50°CGeneral technical data DesignIn-line valve Semi in-line valve Sub-base valveValve function 3/25/23/25/23/25/2Memory stability SingleConstructional design Piston spool Sealing principle Soft Actuation type ElectricalReset method Pneumatic spring Type of control PilotedDirection of flow Non-reversible Exhaust function Flow controlManual override Non-detenting/detenting Non-detentingType of mounting Via through-holes On sub-base or manifold,via through-holesMounting position Any Nominal size[mm] 2.1Standard nominal flow rate [l/min]200180180Width[mm]10/122512251225Switching time on/off [ms]12/1015/1812/1015/1812/1015/18Pneumatic connectionM5Sub-baseOperating and environmental conditions Operating Filtered air unlubricated of 40µm mediumcompressed air,lubricated or unlubricated,grade filtration Operating pressure with internal pilot air supply [bar]2…8Operating pressure with external pilot air supply 1)[bar]–0.9…8Pilot pressure[bar]3…8Ambient temperature [°C]–5…+50Temperature of medium[°C]–5…+501)Vacuum operation possible with special connection method-V-New2008/05–Subject to change 9Internet:/catalogue/...Solenoid valves VOVGTechnical data Electrical data Operating voltage [V DC]5±10%,12±10%or 24±10%Type of connection Plug connection Power consumption [W]1Duty cycle[%]100Protection class to EN 60529With plug socket with cable KMHIP40Materials1Housing Aluminium–SealsFluoro elastomer,hydrogenated nitrile rubber,nitrile rubber-V-New1-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGTechnical data10 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/05-V-New Solenoid valves VOVGTechnical dataNumber of valve positions n L1L2(–0/+0.4)L325238.41336551.42647864.43959177.452610490.4657117103.4788130116.4919143129.410410156142.4117Internet:/catalogue/...2008/05–Subject to change11-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGTechnical dataNumber of valve positions n L1L2(–0/+0.4)L325238.41336551.42647864.43959177.452610490.4657117103.4788130116.4919143129.410410156142.411712 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/05-V-New Solenoid valves VOVGOrdering dataInternet:/catalogue/...2008/05–Subject to change13Subject to change –2008/0514 Internet:/catalogue/...Solenoid valves VOVG Ordering data –Modular products Mandatory data0M Options 0O Module No.Valve Valve type Size Valve function Reset method Pilot air supply 549438VOVG BSL 1012M32C M32U M52M52Q A –ZOrderexample549438VOVG –S 12–M32U –A Ordering table Condi-tionsCode Enter code 0M Module No.549438ValveSolenoid valve VOVG VOVG Valve type Sub-base valve-B yp Semi in-line valve-S In-line valve-L Size 10(200l/min)11012(200l/min)12Valve function 3/2-way valve,single solenoid,normally closed-M32C 3/2-way valve,single solenoid,normally open-M32U 5/2-way valve,single solenoid8-M525/2-way valve,single solenoid,2valve positions8-M52Q Reset method Pneumatic spring-A -A 0O Pilot air supply Internal pilot air supplypp y External pilot air supply9Z 110,D,U Not with valve type B,S 8ZNot in combination with size 109Z Not in combination with valve type L and size 12Transfer order code549438VOVG –––A-V-New2008/05–Subject to change 15Internet:/catalogue/...Solenoid valves VOVG Ordering data –Modular products0M Options 0O Mandatory data 0M 0O Manual override Pneumatic connectionExhaust Pilot exhaust Nominal operating voltage Electrical connection Display Electrical accessories H D FM5Q3Q4Q6–U –145H2H3–LW1,W2,W3,W4H–Q3U –4H3+W1Ordering table Condi-tionsCode Enter code 0M Manual overridePushing H Pushing/detenting 12D Pneumatic connection Flange/sub-base3-F Metric thread M54-M5Push-in connectors 3mm4-Q3Push-in connectors 4mm4-Q4Push-in connectors 6mm4-Q60O Exhaust DuctedSilencer15U Pilot exhaust Unducted0M Nominal operating [V DC]24-1p g voltage []5-4g 12-5Electrical connection Horizontal plugH2Vertical plugH30O Display Nonep y LED signal display7L Electrical accessories ++Connecting cable Without sheath,0.5mW1g Without sheath,1mW2Without sheath,2.5mW3Without sheath,5mW4110,D,U Not with valve type B,S 2D Not with nominal operating voltage 5V DC,12V DC 3F Not with valve type L,S 4M5,Q3,Q4,Q6Not with valve type B 5UNot with pneumatic connection F,M57L Not with nominal operating voltage 5V DC,12V DCTransfer order code––+-V-New-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGTechnical data–Manifold railOrdering data–Manifold rails for semi in-line valvesValve positions n Weight CRC Part No.Type[g]For valves with internal pilot air28421)552652VABM-C7-12P-G18-2 3105552653VABM-C7-12P-G18-3 4126552654VABM-C7-12P-G18-4 5147552655VABM-C7-12P-G18-5 6168552656VABM-C7-12P-G18-6 7189552657VABM-C7-12P-G18-7 8210552658VABM-C7-12P-G18-8 9231552659VABM-C7-12P-G18-9 10252552660VABM-C7-12P-G18-10For valves with external pilot air28421)552661VABM-C7-12G-G18-2 3105552662VABM-C7-12G-G18-3 4126552663VABM-C7-12G-G18-4 5147552664VABM-C7-12G-G18-5 6168552665VABM-C7-12G-G18-6 7189552666VABM-C7-12G-G18-7 8210552667VABM-C7-12G-G18-8 9231552668VABM-C7-12G-G18-9 10252552669VABM-C7-12G-G18-101)Corrosion resistance class2as per Festo standard940070Components subject to moderate corrosion stress.Externally visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment or media such as coolants or lubricating agents.16 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/05-V-New Solenoid valves VOVGTechnical data–Manifold railOrdering data–Manifold rails for sub-base valvesValve positions Weight CRC Part No.Type[g]For valves with internal pilot air28221)549639VABM-C7-12M-G18-2 3102549640VABM-C7-12M-G18-3 4122549641VABM-C7-12M-G18-4 5142549642VABM-C7-12M-G18-5 6162549643VABM-C7-12M-G18-6 7182549644VABM-C7-12M-G18-7 8202549645VABM-C7-12M-G18-8 9222549646VABM-C7-12M-G18-9 10242549647VABM-C7-12M-G18-10For valves with external pilot air28221)549648VABM-C7-12W-G18-2 3102549649VABM-C7-12W-G18-3 4122549650VABM-C7-12W-G18-4 5142549651VABM-C7-12W-G18-5 6162549652VABM-C7-12W-G18-6 7182549653VABM-C7-12W-G18-7 8202549654VABM-C7-12W-G18-8 9222549655VABM-C7-12W-G18-9 10242549656VABM-C7-12W-G18-101)Corrosion resistance class2as per Festo standard940070Components subject to moderate corrosion stress.Externally visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment or media such as coolants or lubricating agents.Internet:/catalogue/...2008/05–Subject to change17-V-NewSolenoid valves VOVGAccessoriesOrdering dataWeight CRC Part No.Type[g]Blanking plate for vacant positions621)552651VABB-C7-12-W1)Corrosion resistance class2as per Festo standard940070Components subject to moderate corrosion stress.Externally visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment or media such as coolants orlubricating agents.18 Internet:/catalogue/...Subject to change–2008/05-V-New Solenoid valves VOVGAccessoriesInternet:/catalogue/...2008/05–Subject to change19Product Range and Company OverviewThe Broadest Range of Automation ComponentsWith a comprehensive line of more than 30,000 automation components, Festo is capable of solving the most complex automation requirements.Supporting Advanced Automation… As No One Else Can!Festo is a leading global manufacturer of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components and controls for industrial automation,with more than 12,000 employees in 56 national headquarters serving more than 180 countries. For more than 80 years, Festo hascontinuously elevated the state of manufacturing with innovations and optimized motion control solutions that deliver higher performing,more profitable automated manufacturing and processing equipment. Our dedication to the advancement of automation extends beyond technology to the education and development of current and future automation and robotics designers with simulation tools, teaching programs, and on-site services.Quality Assurance, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 CertificationsFesto Corporation is committed to supply all Festo products and services that will meet or exceed our customers’ requirements in product quality, delivery, customer service and satisfaction.To meet this commitment, we strive to ensure a consistent, integrated, and systematic approach to management that will meet or exceed the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management and the ISO 14001 standard for Environmental Management.PLCs and I/O DevicesPLC's, operator interfaces, sensors and I/O devicesPneumaticsPneumatic linear and rotary actuators,valves, and air supply ElectromechanicalElectromechanical actuators, motors, controllers & drives A Complete Suite of Automation ServicesOur experienced engineers provide complete support at every stage of your development process, including: conceptualization, analysis, engineering, design, assembly, documentation, validation, and production.Complete SystemsShipment, stocking and storage servicesCustom Control CabinetsComprehensive engineering support and on-site servicesCustom Automation Components Complete custom engineered solutions© Copyright 2008, Festo Corporation. While every effort is made to ensure that all dimensions and specifications are correct, Festo cannot guarantee thatpublications are completely free of any error, in particular typing or printing errors. Accordingly, Festo cannot be held responsible for the same. For Liability and Warranty conditions, refer to our “Terms and Conditions of Sale”, available from your local Festo office. All rights reserved. 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Instruction and OperatingManualValve Position MonitorLSB-1000 Series< Ver. 1.0 >Power-Genex Ltd.2Table of Content1. Safety Instructions / Precautions2. Overview of Structure.3. Product Specifications / Features4. Name Plate5. Part Numbering System (order code)6. Specifications of Switch and Sensors6.1 Mechanical Switch6.2 P&F Proximity Sensors NJ2-V3-N7. Wiring8. Adjusting Switch and Cam9. Dimensions345567891031. Safety Instructions / Precautions1-1. Safety instructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger .” They are all important notes for safety regulations.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury.Warning. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results. The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined itscompatibility with the product. This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalogue information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment. The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed. 1. The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2. When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above areimplemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact POWER-GENEX beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalogue.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.41-2. Safety instructionsCaution1. The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries. If considering using the product in other industries consult POWER-GENEX beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary. If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements The product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”. Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered. Note 2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided. This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using POWER-GENEX products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalogue for the particular products.Note 2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuum pad or failure due to the Deterioration of rubber materials are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of POWER-GENEX products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of POWER-GENEX products or technology from one country to another are governed by the relevant security laws and regulations of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a POWER-GENEX product to another country, assure that all local rules governing that export are known and followed.51-3. PrecautionsOperationWarning1. Do not operate the Switch Box outside the specified range as this may cause problems. (Refer to the specifications.)2. Design the system to include a safety circuit to avoid the risk of danger should the Switch Box suffer failure.3. Be sure that exterior lead-in wiring to the terminal box is based on the guidelines for explosion-protection of manufactory electric equipment when being used as a flame proof, explosion proof construction.4. Do not remove terminal cover in a hazardous location while the power is on.5. Covers for the terminal and body should be in place while operating.6. Do not wire in a hazardous location while the power is on.Caution1. Do not touch the actuator or valve's oscillating section when supply pressure has been added, as this is dangerous.2. Make sure fingers do not get caught when mounting and aligning the cam.Cut off the pressure supply and always release the compressed air inside the Switch Box and actuator before performing this work.3. Always flush the pipe's inside before piping to ensure foreign objects such as machining chips do not enter the Switch Box.4. The actuator opening may become unstable when using the booster relay.5. Always use a ground connection to prevent noise from the input current and to prevent damage because of static electricity.6. Use the pressure reading on the supplied pressure gauge as an indication.7. The supplied pressure gauge's needle will malfunction if the pressure supply to the internalmechanism or Switch Box freezes. Ensure that the pressure gauge's internal parts do not freeze if using the pressure gauge in an operating environment with an ambient temperature of less than 0°C.For usersCaution1. Assemble, operate and maintain the Switch Boxes after reading the operation manual tho-roughly and understanding the content.61-4. PrecautionsHandlingCaution1. Avoid excessive vibration or impact to the Switch Box body and any excessive force to the armature, as these actions may cause damage to the product. Handle carefully while transporting and operating.2. If being used in a place where vibration occurs, using a binding band is recommended to prevent broken wires because of the vibration.3. When exposed to possible moisture invasion, please take the necessary measures. For example, if the Switch Box is left onsite for long periods, a plug should be put in the piping port and a body cover unit fitted to avoid water penetration.Take measures to avoid dew condensation inside the positioner if exposed to high temperature and humidity. Take enough measures against condensation especially when packing for export. 4. Keep magnetic field off the positioner, as this affects its characteristics.Operating EnvironmentCaution1. Do not operate in locations with an atmosphere of corrosive gases, chemicals, sea water, or where these substances will adhere to the regulator.2. Do not operate out of the indicated operation temperature range as this may cause damage to electronic parts and seal materials to deteriorate.3. Do not operate in locations where excessive vibration or impact occurs.72. Overview of Structure83. Product SpecificationsProduct LSB-1000Protection RateWaterproof Dustproof IP67 (Option IP68) Switch / Sensor Mechanical Switch (2) SPDT, (4) SPDTP&F Proximity Sensor (2)NJ2-V3-NAutonics Proximity Sensor (2)PSN17-5DHoneywell Mechanical Switch (2)SPDTHermetically-sealed magnetic Sensor (2)MS-20Operating Temperature -40 ~ +100℃ (-40 ~ +212℉) Electrical ConnectionsPF1/2, NPT 1/2, M20x1.5, PG13.5Body MaterialsAluminum Die-castWeight0.8kg• Non-Explosion-proof type (IP67 / IP68) Switch Box. • Made with solid Aluminum Die-Casting Material4. Nameplate- Model: LSB-1000- Switch: Shows Switch / Sensor type. - Ratings: Shows rated voltage / Current.95. Part Numbering System (order code)LSB — 1xx x — x x x x x xSwitch / Sensor MechanicalSwitch 2 x SPDT 0 4 x SPDT2 Proximity Sensor2 x NJ2-V3-N / P&F4 2 x PSN17-5D (PNP or NPN) Autonics 8Honeywell Switch2 x SPDT (Silver) J2 x SPDT (Gold)LHermeticallySealedmagnetic Sensor2 x MS-20CPosition transmitterNot IncludedProtection Rate Waterproof Dustproof IP67 7Waterproof Dustproof IP688Beacon Indicator Not IncludedN Beacon Indicator 90° (open / close) AL or T Port IndicatorDElectrical PF 1/2 C Connections NPT 1/2 DM20x1.5 EPG 13.5HNo. of Electrical Connections2 pcs2Feedback Shaft RotaryType NAMUR Shaft N Fork Lever FLinear TypeStroke 10 ~ 40mmAStroke 10 ~ 80mm B Stroke 80 ~ 150mm CStroke 80 ~ 200mmDMounting Bracket NonN 30 x 80 x 20(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2) 1 30 x 80 x 30(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2) 2 30 x 130 x 30(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2) 330 x 130 x 50(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2)4Multi-Size Bracket M106. Specifications of Switches and Sensors6.1 Mechanical Switch 6.1.1 SPDT, SZM-V16-2FA-61< SPDT Mechanical Switch>ModelNon-Inductive Override Inductive override Resistance Lamp Inductivity Motor Allowed voltage250VAC8VDC 30VDC 125VDC 250VDC16A 16A 10A 0.6A 0.3A2A 4A 4A 0.1A 0.05A10A 10A 10A 0.6A 0.3A3A 6A 4A 0.1A 0.05A<Connection Diagram>Operating Temperature-30 ~ +105 ℃6.1.2 Honeywell SPDT, V7-1C17E9-022< SPDT Mechanical Switch>ModelNon-Inductive Override / Inductive overrideAllowed Voltage125VAC250VAC 277VAC 125VDC 250VDC15.1A 1/2HP 15.1A 1/2HP 15.1A 1/2HP0.5A 0.25A<Connection Diagram>Operating Temperature-40 ~ +82 ℃6.2 P&F Proximity Sensor NJ2-V3-N<Proximity Sensor>Standard FeaturesSwitching Functioning Factor Detection Range InstallationOutput polarityCertified Detection rangeNAMUR NC 2mm Built-in NAMUR0 ~ 1.62 mm Nominal Ratings Nominal voltage Switching Frequency HysteresisPower consumptionMeasuring plate not detected Measuring plate detected8.2 VDC0 ~ 1000 Hz 0.01 ~ 0.1 mm> 3mA < 1mA<Connection Diagram>Mechanical property Connection Type Core Cross Section Housing Material Sensor Surface Protection Rate PCV Cable, 130 mm 0.14 mm PBT PBT IP67Operating Temperature-25 ~ +100 ℃117. Wirings① Supply voltage and current as mentioned in this manual. Otherwise, it may cause critical damages to the product or malfunctions.② When using the product, earth the internal and external electrical box. ③Check +, - Polarity correctly before connection.<SPDT Mechanical Switch><Autonics 3 Wire Proximity Sensor><P&F 2 Wire Proximity Sensor>GROUNDPROXIMITY SWITCHS5O P E N GROUND1423C L O S E LOAD6LOAD+-BU BNBK +-BU BNBK SWITCHOPENSWITCHCLOSEGROUNDPROXIMITY SWITCHS5O P E N GROUNDBU BN 1423C L O S E LOAD6LOADBUBN+-+-SWITCHOPENSWITCHCLOSE128. Adjusting Switch Camsa) Users can make change the default position of the Cam. b) Pull the Cam up as shown on the diagram to turn.c) Turn the Red Cam to a position where user wishes to operate limit switches and push the Cam down to adjust.d) Blue Cam can be turned by pulling downward and place it on a positioner where user wishes to operate limit switches.139. Dimensions14Power-Genex Ltd.99, Eunbong-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon Tel : (032) 812-6644 Fax : (032) 812-6645Home Page : E-Mail : *********************Subject to change without prior notice。



风冷模块式冷热水机组培训资料编制:审核:会签:批准:青岛空调电子有限公司7.07目录第一部分、产品命名方式及产品主要卖点一、行销商标二、产品特点三、产品命名方式四、产品主要卖点五、产品差异化第二部分、产品使用说明一、产品外观图二、产品基本功能介绍三、产品使用及保养四、产品技术参数五、产品的选购六、主关件明细第三部分、产品安装与维修一、机组安装注意事项二、易损件明细三、管路安装示意图四、电器原理图五、电器控制原理六、线路图七、控制器使用说明八、制冷系统及电控系统维修资料第一部分 、产品命名方式及产品主要卖点一、行销商标:二、产品特点1.全优设计,高效节能(1)双压缩机并联技术:采用两台涡旋式压缩机并联运行,主机根据出水温度来控制两台压缩机的开启,达到最大限度的节能(2)高效水侧换热器:制冷时,水侧换热器为蒸发器,制热时,水侧换热器为冷凝器,使用高效换热铜管,冷冻水在换热管外流动,制冷剂在换热管内部流动,全优化设计,结构合理,运行可靠,性能优异;耐压抗震,不易变形。







制冷机组具体要求 2017.12.18

制冷机组具体要求 2017.12.18缺损项整改完成;1.5.7制造厂商应提供各项需更换零部件的价格;1.5.7 由第三方安装设备时,厂商需提供运输、安装、调试、验收、试验等过程的现场技术指导。

1.6 厂家需要提供的文件1.6.1冷水机组总装图、安装图及基础图。





1.6.6买方认为有必要提供的其他文件和技术资料;1.7 设备调试1.7.1卖方须提供详细的、完整的设备吊装就位作业指导书以及设备调试验收规范。



1.7.3 卖方应在收到买方通知后七个工作日天内,派具有相应资质的技术人员进行调试。



1.7.4 验收时必须提供完整的竣工资料,性能测试报告。




2.2设备清单序号设备名称设备参数单位数量备注Q=3516kw(1000RT),N=581kw/1 离心式制冷机组台 4 会展使用380V/50HZQ=1434kw(400RT),N=255kw/32 螺杆式制冷机组台 1 会展使用80V/50HZ3 离心式制冷机组Q=2110kw(600RT),N=368kw/3 台 2 酒店使用80V/50HZQ=890kw(250RT),N=166kw/384 螺杆式制冷机组台 1 酒店使用0V/50HZQ=1407kw(400RT),N=245kw/35 螺杆式制冷机组台 2 办公楼使用80V/50HZ2.3 技术参数要求2.3.1 离心式冷水机组(会展使用)序号项目招标要求投标响应及说明1 设备数量台 42 形式待定3 运行环境4 额定制冷量KW/台3516kw(1000RT)5 冷冻水进出水温度℃6/136 冷冻水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 432m3/h7 蒸发器换热管壁厚8 蒸发器水侧压降9 冷却水进出水温度℃30/3510 冷却水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 716m3/h11 冷凝器换热管壁厚12 冷凝器水侧压降13 污垢系数 ARI 标准m2℃/KW14 设计工况机组输入功率KW/台58115 国标工况单位制冷量功耗各个部件承压不得16 机组承压MPa 1.0小于 1.0MPa.17 制冷剂环保冷媒——R134a5169x2426x2902(LxWxH) 以厂家具体尺寸为18 机组尺寸(长 x 宽 x 高)mm准运行重量:17522kg19 机组净重/运行重量Kg/台机组满负荷噪声标准(距主20 d B(A) /台由投标人提供具体数值机机身 1 米处)21 机组配置 MODBUS2.3.2 螺杆式制冷机组(会展使用)序号项目招标要求投标响应及说明1 设备数量台 12 额定制冷量KW/台1434kw(400RT)3 冷冻水进出水温度℃6/134 冷冻水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 175m3/h5 冷却水进出水温度℃30/356 冷却水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 293m3/h7 设计工况机组输入功率KW/台255各个部件承压不得8 机组承压MPa 1.0小于 1.0MPa.9 制冷剂环保冷媒——R134a4488x1526x2634(LxWxH) 以厂家具体尺寸为10 机组尺寸(长 x 宽 x 高)mm准11 机组净重/运行重量Kg/台运行重量:7781kg机组满负荷噪声标准(距主12 d B(A) /台由投标人提供具体数值机机身 1 米处)由投标人提供具体资料13 机组配置及机组材质及材质供招标人选择2.3.3 离心式冷水机组(酒店使用)序号项目招标要求投标响应及说明1 设备数量台 22 形式待定3 运行环境4 额定制冷量KW/台2100kw(600RT)5 冷冻水进出水温度℃7/126 冷冻水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 364m3/h7 蒸发器换热管壁厚8 蒸发器水侧压降9 冷却水进出水温度℃30/3510 冷却水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 432m3/h11 冷凝器换热管壁厚12 冷凝器水侧压降蒸发器 0.017613 污垢系数 ARI 标准m2℃/KW冷凝器 0.044014 设计工况机组输入功率KW/台36815 国标工况单位制冷量功耗16 机组承压MPa 1.617 制冷剂环保冷媒——R134a4460x2054x2207(LxWxH18 机组尺寸(长 x 宽 x 高)mm 以厂家具体尺寸为准)19 机组净重/运行重量Kg/台运行重量:9989kg机组满负荷噪声标准(距主20 d B(A) /台由投标人提供具体数值机机身 1 米处)21 机组配置 MODBUS2.3.4螺杆式冷水机组(酒店使用)序号项目招标要求投标响应及说明1 设备数量台 12 额定制冷量KW/台890kw(250RT)3 冷冻水进出水温度℃7/124 冷冻水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 153m3/h5 冷却水进出水温度℃30/356 冷却水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 182m3/h7 设计工况机组输入功率KW/台166各个部件承压不得8 机组承压MPa 1.6小于 1.6MPa.9 制冷剂环保冷媒——R134a以厂家具体尺寸为10 机组尺寸(长 x 宽 x 高)mm 4521x1015x2060(LxWxH)准11 机组净重/运行重量Kg/台运行重量:4870kg机组满负荷噪声标准(距主12d B(A) /台由投标人提供具体数值机机身 1 米处)由投标人提供具体资料13 机组配置及机组材质及材质供招标人选择2.3.5 螺杆式冷水机组(办公楼使用)序号项目招标要求投标响应及说明1 设备数量台 22 额定制冷量KW/台1407kw(400RT)3 冷冻水进出水温度℃7/124 冷冻水流量m3/(h.台)不小于 242m3/h5 冷却水进出水温度℃30/352.4.6提供机组散热量数据,将此部分额外冷量消耗考虑在投标设备中。



★ 印刷资料内的产品可能与实物有差别,购买时请参考实机。

★ 所有资料经过仔细审核,如有任何印刷错漏,麦克维尔公司不承担因此产生的后果。

★ 机型、参数、性能会因产品的改良有所改变,恕不另行通知。


CH1208-3000-T麦克维尔(McQuay )自1872年于美国明尼苏达州创建以来,一直致力于新产品、新技术的研制和开发。


MDW 系列是麦克维尔适应市场需求推出的一款新型中央空调末端空气处理机组。


说明:■ 以上参数为标准机型的参数;如有特殊要求,麦克维尔将提供特别设计;■ 名义回风供冷工况:27℃(干球)/19.5℃(湿球);名义新风供冷工况:34℃(干球)/28℃(湿球);名义供冷进出水温度:进水7℃,出水12℃;■ 名义回风供热工况:21℃(干球);名义新风供热工况:0℃(干球);名义供热进水温度:进水60℃; ■ 表中所列机组重量为机组净重量,运行重量将增加20%左右;■ 上表中( )内数值为6排管机组的电机功率;■ 电机功率对应最大的机外全压见P14;■ 全新风、全回风机组的盘管回路形式可能不同,订购时请注明进风工况代号,全回风机组为“R ”,全新风机组为“F ”,如有特殊需求,麦克维尔可提供电脑选型,具体参数详见选型结果。



25mm 厚的双壁面板,发泡聚氨脂保温,具有极佳的保温、隔音效果。

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