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Reproduction includes sexual reproduction (有性繁殖) and asexual reproduction (无性繁殖)
Responsive processes
• Organisms respond to changes within their bodies and in their surroundings in a meaningful way, called responsive processes (反应过程).
Significance of biology in your life – more?
• Avian flue (禽流感)
What is Biology?
Biology is the science that deals with life. • Biology is a scientific discipline • Dealing with living things
Flying rods – an example
• Computer simulation
Flying rods – an example
Ask questions:
UFOs? New species? Alien species?
Flying rods – an example
1.4 The science of biology
Characteristics • Metabolic processes (新陈代谢) • Generative processes (生长和繁殖过程) • Responsive processes (反应过程) • Control processes (控制过程) • A unique structural organization (独特的 组织和秩序性)
Metabolic process (新陈代谢)
• Metabolic processes involves the total of all chemical reactions and associated energy changes that take place within an organism.
Limitation of science
• Science is only a way of thinking and seeking information to solve problems • It only can be applied to questions that have factual (实际的) bases • Science is also limited by the ability of people to pry (探查) understanding from the natural world • Science is self-correcting
Challenge previous beliefs
Limitation of science
• Science cannot answer all the problems of our time. • Science does not have, nor does it attempt to provide, all the answers to the problems of human race • Science is merely one of the tools at our disposal.
• Hypothesis Flying rods = flying insect sequences on cameras?
Flying rods – an example
• Design experiments and test the hypothesis
Flying rods – an example
• 新陈代谢:在生物体内与外界不断进行 物质和能量交换。
Metabolic process (新陈代谢)
Three essential aspects: 1) Nutrient uptake 2) Nutrient processing 3) Waste elimination
Generative processes
1.1 Significance of biology in your life - Population
World population:6 billion, China population: 1.3 billion
Significance of biology in your life - Environment
1.4 The science of biology
• The ability to manipulate (利用) energy and matter is unique to living things. • Energy (能量): is the ability to do work or cause things to move • Matter (物质): is anything that has mass and takes up space
祝辰洲, 2005
Story, 2002
Scientific method
Recent Story

• The significance of biology in your life • What is science? • What is scientific method? Observation, Questioning and exploration, Constructing Hypotheses, Testing hypotheses, development of theories and laws, and communication
Responsive processes
Organized into three categories: • irritability (应激能力) • individual adaptation (个体适应) • adaptation of populations, also called evolution (进化)
1.2 Science and wk.baidu.comhe scientific method
What is science?
• Science: noun, from scientia (Latin term) meaning knowledge or knowing • Science is a process used to solve problems or develop an understanding of natural events that involves the testing possible answers.
Flying rods – an example
1. From four inches to a hundred,(or more), feet in length 2. “Appendages” along their torsos(躯干) resembling centipedes (蜈蚣) 3. Travel at extremely high velocities barely visible with the naked eye 4. Do exhibit some form of intelligence 5. Appearing everywhere. Alive!
Scientific method
Flying rods 飞棍 – an example
• Observations:
Flying rods – an example
• Observations
Baghdad, aired on April 3, 2003, 4:00pm
Flying rods – an example
Scientific method
• • • • • Observation (观察) Question formulation (提出问题) Hypothesis formation (提出假设) Test hypothesis (检验假设) Agreement or new laws (认同或提出新定 律) • Conclusion and communication ( 总结与交 流)
• Design experiments and test the hypothesis
Flying rods – an example
• Agreement or new laws
祝辰洲, 2005
Story, 2002
Flying rods – an example
• Conclusion: flying "rods" are motionblurred bugs
Concepts on Biology
Eldon D. Enger Frederick C. Ross 10th Edition
• 1.1 The significance of biology in your life • 1.2 Science and the scientific method • 1.3 Science, nonscience and Pseudoscience (self-learning) • 1.4 The science of biology
• What are Rods? Rods are cylindrical(圆柱) or cigar shaped objects that are not like the typical "cigar" shaped UFOs that have not been reported throughout history.
Significance of biology in your life - HIV and AIDS
• • • • 8,000 /year died 5 people/minute 1 million in China 30% increase each year
• 截至2010年5月31日,杭州市今年已新发 现的艾滋病感染者超过3位数;杭州市西 湖区疾控中心在所辖的三所大学结合体 检,抽查了三所大学2000名大学生,结 果发现有8名学生感染上艾滋病病毒。
Clear cutting
Significance of biology in your life - Health
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (传染 性非典型肺炎) • first reported in Asia in February 2003 • 8,098 was sick • Virus transmitted by respiratory droplet
• Are activities that result in an increase the size of an individual organism – growth (生长)or an increase in the number of individuals in a population of organisms reproduction (繁殖)
What is a scientific method?
• Scientific method is a way of gaining information (facts) about the world by forming possible solutions to questions followed by rigorous testing to determine if the proposed solutions are valid.