


第25卷第4期河南大学学报(医学版)Vol .25 No .42006年11月Journal of Henan University (M edical Science )Nov .2006HP LC ΟE LS D 法测定不同时期玉米须中βΟ谷甾醇的含量张海波,李 钦3(河南大学中药研究所,河南开封475001)摘 要:目的:测定不同时期玉米须中βΟ谷甾醇的含量。

方法:采用高效液相色谱法蒸发光散射检测器(HP LC ΟE LS D )测定玉米须中βΟ谷甾醇的含量。

色谱条件为:VP ΟODS 柱(150mm ×4.6mm ),甲醇为流动相,蒸发光散射检测器检测参数为漂移管温度37℃,载气(N 2)流速2.51L /m in 。

结果:发现了βΟ谷甾醇在玉米须生长过程中的含量变化规律,即在7月中旬达到浓度最大值(2.3256mg/g )后,就开始呈现下降趋势。


关键词:高效液相色谱;蒸发光散射检测器;玉米须;βΟ谷甾醇中图分类号:R927.3 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7606(2006)04-0053-03 收稿日期:2006-10-11 作者简介:张海波(1980-),男,河南延津人,硕士生,从事中药质量控制研究工作。


Deter m i n ati on of βΟsitosterol i n corn silk of di fferent ter m by HP LC ΟE LS DZ HANG Hai Οbo,L IQ in3(Institute of Chinese M ateria M edical,Henan university,Henan Kaifeng 475001,China )Abstract:O bjecti ve: To deter m ine the contents of βΟsit oster ol in corn silk of different ter m.M ethods: The contents ofβΟsit oster ol in corn silk has been deter m ined by the HP LC method with E LS D (evaporative light scattering detect or ).Thechr omat ographic conditi ons included VP ΟODS colu mn (150mm ×4.6mm )and the mobile phase consisted of pure methanol .The assay para meters of E LS D:te mperature of drifting tube in E LS D is 37℃;vel ocity of carrying gas (N 2)is2.51L /m in -1.Results: The contents of βΟsit oster ol in corn silk of different ter m will reach a maxi m u m of 2.3256mg/g-1in m id ΟJuly,then it will become little .Conclusi on: The method can be used for the quality contr ol of βΟsit oster ol incorn silk effectively .Key words:HP LC;E LS D;corn silk;βΟsit oster ol 玉米须为禾本科植物玉蜀黍Zea mays L.的干燥花柱和柱头。



免疫亲和柱净化-H PL C -FL D 法测定天麻药材中黄曲霉毒素的含量张玉莲宋嬿郑希望(上海上药华宇药业有限公司,上海200001)摘要:目的:建立天麻药材中黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2含量的测定方法。

方法:采用免疫亲和柱净化-高效液相色谱(HPLC )-荧光光度检测(FLD )法,测定天麻药材中黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2的含量。

结果:该检测方法具有良好的线性关系(r >0.9985),回收率在87%~108%之间,B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2的精密度分别为1.3%、0.9%、3.5%、2.9%,检出限分别为0.23μg /kg 、0.15μg /kg 、0.44μg /kg 、0.30μg /kg 。

结论:该检测方法准确可靠,可用于天麻药材中黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2含量的测定。

关键词:免疫亲和柱净化;HPLC ;FLD ;黄曲霉毒素;天麻;含量0引言黄曲霉毒素是一类化学结构类似的化合物,均为二氢呋喃香豆素的衍生物,主要是由黄曲霉(aspergillus flavus )、寄生曲霉(a.parasiticus )产生的次生代谢产物,它们存在于土壤、动植物、各种坚果中,是霉菌毒素中毒性最大、对人类健康危害极为突出的一类霉菌毒素。

1993年,黄曲霉毒素被世界卫生组织(WHO )的癌症研究机构划定为1类致癌物。

目前已发现的黄曲霉毒素有二十余种,主要的有B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2四种,其中毒性最强的为B 1。

天麻(Gastrodiae rhizome )来源于兰科植物天麻Gastrodia elata Bl.的干燥块茎,其具有息风止痉、平抑肝阳、祛风通络的功效,是名贵中药材。

研究并建立天麻药材中黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2含量的测定方法,可以为天麻药材质量的评价与控制提供依据。

本研究采用免疫亲和柱净化-高效液相色谱(HPLC )-荧光光度检测(FLD )法,测定天麻药材中黄曲霉毒素B 1、B 2、G 1、G 2的含量。


























保健品中褪黑素含量测定的HPLC-DAD法和HPLC-FLD法的比较郑秋萍(福建省产品质量检验研究院,福建福州 350002)摘 要:目的:比较高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器(High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detection,HPLC-DAD)法和高效液相色谱-荧光检测器(High Performance Liquid Chromatography Fluorescence Detection,HPLC-FLD)法测定保健品中褪黑素含量的优劣。

方法:样品经甲醇提取稀释后,采用高效液相色谱仪进行测定,色谱柱为中谱红C18(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),流动相为甲醇和0.05%三氟乙酸,DAD 检测波长为222 nm;FLD激发光波长为286 nm,发射光波长为352 nm。

结果:HPLC-DAD法在0.060~6.000 μg·mL-1线性关系良好,相关系数大于0.999,检出限为2.7 mg·kg-1,定量限为9.0 mg·kg-1,方法回收率为94.9%~108.2%,RSD小于5%;HPLC-FLD法在0.001 0~0.050 0 μg·mL-1线性关系良好,相关系数大于0.999,检出限为0.006 5 mg·kg-1,定量限为0.022 mg·kg-1,方法回收率为81.4%~96.8%,RSD小于5%。


关键词:褪黑素;高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器法;高效液相色谱-荧光检测器法Comparison the Detection Methods of HPLC-DAD andHPLC-FLD on Melatonin in Health Care ProductsZHENG Qiuping(Fujian Inspection and Research Institute for Product Quality, Fuzhou 350002, China) Abstract: Objective: To compare the advantages and disadvantages of high performance liquid chromatography diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and high performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) methods for the determination of melatonin content in health products. Method: After diluting the sample with methanol extraction, it was determined using a high-performance liquid chromatograph. The chromatographic column was medium spectrum red C18 (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm), the mobile phase was methanol and 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid, and the detection wavelength of DAD was 222 nm; the excitation wavelength of FLD is 286 nm, and the emission wavelength is 352 nm. Result: The HPLC-DAD method showed a good linear relationship between 0.060 μg·mL-1 and 6.000 μg·mL-1, with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.999, a detection limit of 2.7 mg·kg-1, and a quantitative limit of 9.0 mg·kg-1. The recovery rate of the method was 94.9% to 108.2%, and the RSD was less than 5%; the HPLC-FLD method has a good linear relationship between 0.001 0 μg·mL-1 and 0.050 0 μg·mL-1, with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.999, a detection limit of 0.006 5 mg·kg-1, and a quantitative limit of 0.022 mg·kg-1. The recovery rate of the method is 81.4% to 96.8%, and the RSD is less than 5%. Conclusion: Both methods can determine the content of melatonin in health products. The sensitivity of HPLC-FLD method is better than that of HPLC-DAD method, and it can be used as the preferred method for melatonin content determination. The accuracy of HPLC-DAD method is better than that of HPLC-FLD method, and it can be used as an alternative method for melatonin content determination.Keywords: melatonin; high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection; high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection作者简介:郑秋萍(1995—),女,福建莆田人,硕士,助理工程师。






















华西药学杂志W C JP S 2008,23(2):197~198作者简介寇彦杰(),男,四川成都,工程师,从事植物分离与分析工作。

HP LC -FLD 测定多种植物提取物中苯并(a )芘的含量寇彦杰(成都华高药业有限公司,四川成都610042)摘要:目的 建立测定植物提取物中苯并(a )芘含量的方法。

方法 采用HP LC -FLD 法,用Agilent L i Chr o s phe r PAH 色谱柱(250mm ×4.6mm),流动相为乙腈,检测器为荧光检测器(λex =365n m ,λem =470n m ),流速为1.0m l m in -1,柱温30℃,进样量10μl 。

结果 线性范围为1~25ng m l -1(r =0.9995);平均回收率为97.67%(RS D =9.85%)。

结论 所建方法重复性好、精密度高、能准确快速地测定植物提取物中苯并(a )芘的含量。

关键词:苯并(a )芘;高效液相色谱荧光检测法;植物提取物中图分类号:R917 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1006-0103(2008)02-0197-02D eterm i n a t ion of ben zo(a )pyrene i n m ult i f ar ious na tura l P .E.by HPLC -F LDK OU Yan -jie(Chengdu Wagott Pharmaceuti ca l Co .L t d .,Chengdu 610041,China )Ab stra ct:O BJ EC T IVE T o establish an HPLC -FLD me th od for t he de ter m ination of benzo (a )pyrene in natural P.E ..M ETH 2ODS Agilent LiCh r os p her PAH (250mm ×4.6mm )was used with the mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile.The detecti on wa s set a t λex 365nm and λe m 470n m with fl ow ra t e 1.0m l m i n -1and column tempe ra t ure a t 30℃and injected vol ume of 10μl .RESU L TS L inear range of the m ethod was 1-25ng m l -1(r =0.9995).The average recovery of the me t hod wa s 97.67%with RSD of 9185%(n =9).CO NCL US I O N The me th od is well rep r oduc ible and highly accurate.It can be used for the quantitative de t e r m ina tion of benzo (a )pyrene in Na tural P.E ..Key wor ds:Benz o (a)pyrene;HPLC -FLD;Na tural P.E .CL C n u m ber :R 917D ocum en t code:A  Ar t i cle I D :1006-0103(2008)02-0197-02 苯并(a )芘为强致癌物之一,属多环芳烃,又称3,4-苯并芘。



豆甾醇 (i a e 1 sg s r) tm t o 、菜油甾醇 ( m et o 和菜 e ps r a eD bs i t o r c r) s 谷甾醇及豆甾醇结 相 ,流动 相为 甲醇 : 水 ( 积 比为 10: ) 体 0 4 ,检 籽甾醇 ( as a e 1。其中 口一 测 波 长 2 5姗 ,柱 温 2 ℃ ,流 速 1 D 5 . mL/ i 构式如图 l 0 m n, 所示 :
图 1 J一谷甾醇和豆甾醇结构式 B
ga hc meh d s a pid h o tga h c c n i rp i t o swa p l .C rmao p i o d— e r
甾醇通常为具有旋光性的片状或粉末状 白色固 体 ,经溶剂结晶处理 的甾醇为 白色鳞片状或针状 晶
食 品 工 程
2O O 7年第 l 期 3 出版 月
高 效 液 相 色 谱 法 测 定 植 物 甾 醇 的 研 究
De e mia ino h t se o y HPL t r n t f yo t r l o p b C

牟德华 赵玉华
进样 量 2 iL 0t 。建立 了用超 临界 C : O 萃取技 术从 大 豆 油 脱 臭馏 出物 中提 取 的 植 物 甾 醇 的反 相 高效 液相 色谱分析 方法 。该方法准确、快速 、重现性
H H3 H3
植物 甾醇
高效液相 色谱法
脱臭馏 出物

w t t No a P k C 8 C lmn a h oi h e iI I 5/ m v - a 1 ou te sl p a ; s d s






1. 取50克猪脾组织,粉碎成细末,加入150毫升氯仿,加热回流2小时,过滤滤渣。

2. 取出上层的氯仿液,再加入100毫升浓盐酸,混合均匀。

3. 从混合液中分离出水相,将有机相中的氯仿通过蒸馏脱除。

4. 最后得到的甾醇需进行熔点测定来测定其纯度。









方法确定色谱条件为色谱柱为petruim C18柱,柱温为40℃,所用流动相为乙腈-1%的三乙胺,发射波长为546nm,激发波长为485nm。


















































【关键词】植物甾醇植物甾醇酯高效液相色谱【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-4810(2013)34-0048-02游离植物甾醇在油脂中溶解性较差,在体内很难被吸收利用,造成使用上的困难。



一仪器与试药Agilent 1100型液相色谱仪,Agilent 1100型紫外检测器;电子天平;梅特勒托利多。


二实验方法1.对照品溶液的制备称取Cognis甾醇酯(95%)对照品50mg溶于50mL流动相,配制成质量浓度为1mg/mL 的对照品溶液,摇匀,经0.45µm微孔滤膜过滤,即得对照品储备液,备用。
























中药材中黄曲霉毒素的测定方法优化及验证( HPLC-FLD)2云南白药集团股份有限公司,云南昆明 650500摘要:目的:建立一个用液相色谱法测定中药材中黄曲霉毒素含量的方法。

方法:色谱柱:Agilent XDB-C18(5μm,4.6×250mm);流动相: 甲醇-乙腈-水(30:16:54);流量: 0.8 ml/min;荧光检测波长:激发波长360nm,发射波长450nm;柱温:30 ℃。




中药的基质背景复杂,色素黏液质及中药中不同有效成分都会给AFTs检测带来不同程度的影响,检测中容易出现假阳性结果,故亟需建立适用于中药检测的特殊前处理方式及结果校正曲线等新的AFTs 检测方法研究。

1仪器与材料1.1 样品:陈皮、肉豆蔻、延胡索、地龙、僵蚕、全蝎、水蛭、蜈蚣、土鳖虫、九香虫、槟榔、莲子、胖大海、大枣、麦芽、远志、马钱子、薏苡仁、柏子仁、桃仁、酸枣仁、使君子、决明子1.2 仪器:美国Agilent液相色谱仪1260(FLD检测器)。



2方法与结果2.1色谱条件以C18键合硅胶为填充剂;以甲醇-乙腈-水(40:18:42)为流动相;采用柱后衍生法检测,光化学衍生法:光化学衍生器(254nm);检测器为FLD,λex =360nm,λem=450nm。

2.2样品处理取样品粉末15g,精密称定,置于离心管中,加氯化钠3g,精密加入75ml 70%甲醇溶液[3],11000r/min均质2分钟,离心5分钟,取上清液15ml,置50ml量瓶中加水定容,摇匀,离心,用玻璃纤维滤纸过滤[3],量取续滤液20ml,通过免疫亲合柱,用淋洗缓冲液20ml洗脱,洗脱液弃去,使柱子暴露在空气中5min,将水吹尽并用快速滤纸擦干亲和柱内壁,加1.5ml甲醇洗脱并收集于2ml量瓶中,加水稀释至刻度,摇匀,过滤,取续滤液,即得。







1. 请确保样本量大于0.2g或者0.2mL。



1. 实验步骤(中英文)。

2. 相关参数(中英文)。

3. 质谱图片。

4. 原始数据。

5. 菜油甾醇含量信息。






为了确定甾醇的含量,我们采用了以下原理和方法:1. 紫外-可见吸收光谱法:由于甾醇在一定波长的紫外-可见光中具有吸收特性,我们可通过测定其吸光度来获取甾醇溶液的浓度。

2. 标准曲线法:通过制备一系列已知浓度的甾醇溶液,并测定其吸光度,我们可以建立一条标准曲线。


实验步骤:实验准备:1. 根据实验原理所述,准备一组已知浓度的甾醇溶液。

我们选择了5个已知浓度的标准溶液,浓度分别为0.1 mg/mL、0.2mg/mL、0.3 mg/mL、0.4 mg/mL和0.5 mg/mL。

2. 使用紫外-可见光谱仪器,分别测定标准溶液的吸光度,并记录结果。

3. 在实验室条件下,制备待测甾醇溶液。


实验操作:1. 使用紫外-可见光谱仪器,测定待测甾醇溶液的吸光度。

2. 使用标准曲线法,利用已知浓度的标准溶液对待测溶液的吸光度进行计算并推算出甾醇的含量。

3. 重复以上步骤,至少进行3次独立测量,以减小误差并验证结果的可靠性。

实验结果与数据处理:根据标准曲线法所得到的结果,我们计算出了待测甾醇溶液的含量为X mg/mL。

重复测量3次得到的结果分别为Y1 mg/mL、Y2 mg/mL和Y3 mg/mL。

实验结论:1. 通过与已知浓度的标准溶液进行比较,并根据标准曲线法计算出的结果,我们确认待测甾醇溶液的含量为X mg/mL。

2. 由于实验中进行了多次独立测量,且重复测量结果的接近度较高,我们可以认为实验结果的可靠性较高。

3. 实验结果可用于确认甾醇样品的质量,并为后续实验和工业生产提供准确的数据支持。

附加说明:1. 实验中使用的仪器设备和试剂需符合实验要求,并在实验操作中保持良好的操作技巧和标准实验操作程序。



检测标准:GB/T xxx-xxxx

检测结果表明,该样品甾醇含量符合国家标准GB/T xxx-xxxx 的规定。





本次检测结果表明,该样品中的甾醇含量符合国家标准GB/T xxx-xxxx的要求,可以作为合格产品销售。

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ORIGINAL PAPERProfiling of Phytosterols,Tocopherols and Tocotrienolsin Selected Seed Oils from Botswana by GC–MS and HPLCY.C.Mitei ÆJ.C.Ngila ÆS.O.Yeboah ÆL.Wessjohann ÆJ.SchmidtReceived:10November 2008/Revised:19March 2009/Accepted:7April 2009/Published online:26April 2009ÓAOCS 2009Abstract The phytosterol,tocopherol,and tocotrienol profiles for mkukubuyo,Sterculia africana,manketti,Ricin-odendron rautanenni,mokolwane,Hyphaene petersiana,morama,Tylosema esculentum,and moretologa-kgomo,Ximenia caffra,seed oils from Botswana have been deter-mined.Normal-phase HPLC analysis of the unsaponifiable matter showed that among the selected oils,the most abundant tocopherol and tocotrienol were c -tocopherol (2232.99l g/g)and c -tocotrienol (246.19l g/g),detected in manketti and mkukubuyo,respectively.Mokolwane oil,however,con-tained the largest total tocotrienol (258.47l g/g).Total tocol contents found in manketti,mokolwane,mkukubuyo,mora-ma,and moretologa-kgomo oils were 2238.60,262.40,246.20,199.10,and 128.0l g/g,respectively.GC–MS determination of the relative percentage composition of phytosterols showed 4-desmethylsterols as the most abundant phytosterols in the oils,by occurring up to 90%in moretologa-kgomo,mkukubuyo,and manketti seed oils,with b -sitosterol being the most abundant.Mokolwane seed oil contained thelargest percentage composition of 4,4-dimethylsterols (45.93%).Besides 4-desmethylsterols (75%),morama oil also contained significant amounts of 4,4-dimethylsterols and 4-monomethylsterols (15.72%total).GC–MS determination of the absolute amounts of 4-desmethylsterols,after SPE fractionation of the unsaponifiable matter,confirmed that b -sitosterol was the most abundant phytosterol in the test seed oils,with manketti seed oil being the richest source (1326.74l g/g).The analysis showed total 4-desmethylsterols content as 1617.41,1291.88,861.47,149.15,and 109.11l g/g for manketti,mokolwane,mkukubuyo,morama,and mo-retologa-kgomo seed oils,respectively.Keywords GC–MS ÁHPLC ÁPhytosterol ÁTocopherol and tocotrienol profiles Á4-Desmethylsterols Á4,4-Dimethylsterols Á4-Monomethylsterols ÁMkukubuyo ÁManketti ÁMokolwane ÁMorama ÁMoretologa-kgomoIntroductionCharacterization of oils and fats traditionally involved determination of their bulk physicochemical properties then GC–FID or GC–MS analysis of the fatty acid composition.It soon became clear that the structure,especially the regio-chemistry,of the triacylglycerol molecules has important physiological and nutritional effects on humans [1],and that the composition of the triacylglycerols could be character-istic of individual oils and fats.Thus the detailed charac-terization of oils and fats now also includes structural and compositional studies of the triacylglycerols,often carried out by tandem techniques such as HPLC–ESI-MS,HPLC–APCI-MS,and HPLC–FAB-MS.Other more recent tech-niques include direct application of high-resolution mass spectrometric techniques,for example Fourier-transformY.C.MiteiDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry,Moi University,Eldoret,Kenya J.C.NgilaChemistry Department,University of Kwa-Zulu Natal,Durban,South AfricaS.O.Yeboah (&)Chemistry Department,University of Botswana,Gaborone,Botswanae-mail:yeboahso@mopipi.ub.bwL.Wessjohann ÁJ.SchmidtLeibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry,Halle,GermanyJ Am Oil Chem Soc (2009)86:617–625DOI 10.1007/s11746-009-1384-5ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry with electro-spray ionization(ESI-FTICR-MS)[2].Characterization of oils and fats has thus far been focussed only on the principal components,which consti-tute the saponifiable fraction that comprises over95%of oils and fats.However,it is now generally recognized that the minor components,which generally constitute the unsaponifiable matter,have important bioactive,nutri-tional,and characteristic compositional properties that affect the quality of individual oils and fats.Phytosterols and the vitamin E compounds,tocophe-rols and tocotrienols(often called‘‘tocols’’),constitute, by far,the bulk of the unsaponifiable matter.Tocophe-rols and tocotrienols are natural antioxidants made by plants for protection against oxidative spoilage of plant materials such as oils and fats,and each plant species may have a characteristic composition of these tocols. Phytosterols often occur as a mixture of different but structurally similar compounds whose composition is now recognized to be characteristic of each plant species. The unique phytosterol composition in hazelnut oil,for example,has been used to detect adulteration of virgin olive oil by hazelnut oil[3].Moreover phytosterols have now been shown to have important bioactive properties such as cancer prevention[4],lowering of plasma total cholesterol[5],and other physiological and nutritive properties.It has therefore become crucial to include profiling of their phytosterol,tocopherol and tocotrienol content in any detailed characterization of fats and oils.In our general objective of comprehensive character-ization of traditional seed oils from the sub-Sahara region of Africa,we here report the profiling of the phytosterol, tocopherol,and tocotrienol content offive seed oils from Botswana.This study is the natural extension of our earlier work on the profiling of the fatty acids and triacylglycerols in the seed oils of mkukubuyo,Sterculia africana,manketti,Ricinodendron rautanenni,mokolw-ane,Hyphaene petersiana,morama,Tylosema esculentum, and moretologa-kgomo,Ximenia caffra[6].These seed oils have much economic importance in the areas where they are grown.Morama oil,for example is used widely for food preparations and is also turned into butter in the Kalahari region,and manketti oil,also known as mong-ongo oil,is a precious skin lotion and also used in food products.The ground manketti nut is used in preparing porridge or added to meat or vegetables to prepare delicious dishes.Moretologa oil is used by the Senn people in the Kalahari region as a skin lotion and also to soften leather and to treat bowstrings(Personal communications).Tocopherols and tocotrienols have been successfully analysed as their acetates by GLC with packed columns.They have also been analysed as their trimethylsilyl derivatives using capillary GC–FID[7–9].However,in current practice analysis of tocopherols and tocotrienols is generally carried out by use of normal-phase HPLC techniques.In this study determination of the tocols was achieved by analysing the unsaponifiable matter of the test seed oils,using normal-phase HPLC withfluores-cence detection(HPLC–FLD).Determination of plant sterols in oils and fats has traditionally been carried out by GC–FID or GC–MS analysis,after preliminary TLC fractionation and pre-concentration of the sterols from the total unsaponifiable matter.Other methods,for example solid-phase extraction(SPE)have,in recent times,been applied as a quicker and more efficient method for the fractionation step[10].Indeed HPLC has been used for the fractionation step,and also as a direct method for the determination of phytosterols from the unsaponifiable matter[11].In our study a preliminary determination of the relative percentage composition of the phytosterols in the test seed oils was carried out by GC–MS analysis of the acetylated total unsaponifiable matter.Then,in order to refine this analysis by deter-mining the absolute amounts of the phytosterols in the seed oils,an SPE method was developed to fractionate the phytosterols into4-desmethylsterols and4-mono-methylsterols,followed by acetylation of the fractions prior to GC–MS analysis.Experimental ProceduresMaterialsManketti seeds,R.rautanenii,(500g),mokolwane nutsH.petersiana,(150g),morama beans,T.esculentum,(1.00kg),mkukubuyo seeds,S.africana(200g),and moretologa-kgomo seeds,X.caffra,(250g),were obtained from Botswana Forestry Association,Kumakwane Village, Botswana.Extraction:Solvents,and ReagentsAll solvents and reagents used in this work,unless other-wise stated,were of analytical grade.Solvents used for HPLC were of HPLC grade.The solvents were obtained from Rochelle Chemicals(South Africa),BDH(Merck Chemicals,UK),Riedel-de Hae¨n(Sigma Aldrich),or JT Baker Chemicals(Phillipsburg,NJ,USA).The seeds and nuts were manually dehulled and after thorough cleaning were macerated in a Waring commercial blender(Gates-head,UK).The powders were extracted with a3:1(v/v) mixture of n-hexane and2-propanol in a Soxhlet apparatus for6h.Analysis of Tocopherols and TocotrienolsSaponificationOil samples for analysis of tocopherols and tocotrienols were saponified according to the method reported by Panfili[12].Oil sample(2.0g)in an amber screw-capped bottle wasflushed with nitrogen and10M potassium hydroxide(2.0mL)was added.Absolute ethanol(2.0mL) and0.2M sodium chloride solution(2.0mL)were then added and the mixtureflushed with nitrogen again.Etha-nolic pyrogallol(0.5M, 5.0mL)wasfinally added as antioxidant and the mixture was thenflushed with nitrogen. The bottle was placed in a70°C water bath and mixed after every5min for45min,after which the bottle was cooled in ice and0.2M sodium chloride solution (15.0mL)added.The suspension was extracted twice with 9:1(v/v)n-hexane–ethyl acetate(15.0mL).The combined organic layer was evaporated to dryness.The dry residue was dissolved in n-hexane–isopropanol(99:1)and passed through a Chromabond silica SPE cartridge.Thefiltrate was dried and re-dissolved in n-hexane(10.0mL).This was then appropriately diluted prior to HPLC–FLD analysis.HPLC–FLD AnalysisA Merck(Darmstadt,Germany)HPLC system that con-sisted of a Merck–Hitachi HPLC L-7100Intelligent pump, a Rheodyne injectorfitted with a5-l L loop,and a Merck L-7480fluorescence detector was used for the tocopherol and tocotrienol analysis.The analysis was achieved by normal-phase HPLC on Nucleosil100–5column (5l m94mm925cm)from Macherey–Nagel(Du¨ren, Germany).The mobile phase was n-hexane–isopropanol (99.7:0.3v/v)at aflow rate of1.0mL/min.Fluorimetric detection of all peaks was performed at an excitation wavelength of295nm and an emission wavelength of 330nm.Tocopherol peaks were identified and quantified against authentic tocopherols used as external standards. For each extract quantitative analysis was performed in triplicate.Tocotrienol peaks were confirmed by GC–MS and quantified against the corresponding tocopherols. Analysis of PhytosterolsSaponification of Oil SamplesTo the oil sample(2.5g)in a250-mL round-bottomedflask was added0.5M ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution (25.0mL)and the mixture heated under reflux for1h. Water(100.0mL)was then added down the condenser and the mixture was extracted with diethyl ether(100mL93)in a500-mL separatory funnel.The combined ether solution was washed with water(40.0mL93),and then washed successively with0.5M aqueous potassium hydroxide (40.0mL),distilled water(40.0mL),and repeatedly with aqueous0.5M KOH(40.0mL)beforefinally washing with more40.0mL portions of distilled water until the washings were neutral to phenolphthalein indicator.The ether solu-tion was then dried under anhydrous magnesium sulfate, and the solvent evaporated by distillation on a water bath to release the unsaponifiable matter.AcetylationThe whole unsaponifiable matter(UM)was acetylated according to the method by Wilson et al.[11].The UM (2.0mg)was dissolved in2:1(v/v)pyridine–acetic anhy-dride solution(600l L)and the reaction was allowed to proceed at room temperature overnight.The excess reagents were then removed with a slight warming under a stream of nitrogen gas.The mixture was re-dissolved twice in dichloromethane and the solvent removed in a stream of nitrogen.The acetylated products were transferred into a sample vial and dissolved again in dichloromethane,flu-shed with nitrogen,and stored at4°C for GC–MS analysis.Analysis by GC–MSThe acetylated lipids in dichloromethane were analysed in a ThermoQuest Voyager GC–MS coupled to ThermoQuest Trace GC2000SERIES(San Jose,CA,USA).Xcalibur version1.3software from Thermo Fischer Scientific(San Jose,CA,USA)was used to process the data.A DB-5MS capillary GC column(0.25l m90.25mm930m)from J&W Scientific(CA,USA)was used for separation and UHP helium was used as carrier gas at aflow rate of1mL/ min.The injection temperature was220°C and the inter-face temperature was300°C.The initial temperature was 60°C held for1min and then ramped to200°C at the rate of15°/min.It was then held for1min before the second ramp at the rate of5°/min to300°C.This was then held isothermally for25min.SPE Fractionation of SterolsThe SPE method of Damirchi et al.was modified for this determination[10].A500-mg,3-mL silica solid-phase extraction(SPE)cartridge from Macherey–Nagel was used per sample.The cartridge was attached to a Macherey–Nagel vacuum manifold.Waste tubes were positioned to collect the conditioning solvent.The cartridges were con-ditioned by passing n-hexane(5.0mL)through them.After conditioning,the n-hexane was discarded and a clean test tube was positioned to collect the phytosterol fraction.TheUM(2.0mg)sample aliquots in2mL n-hexane were then loaded on to the cartridges.The UM was then washed with n-hexane–ethyl acetate(99:1v/v,10.0mL)to remove any non-sterol compounds.Vacuum was applied at5mmHg for each elution.This fraction was discarded after checking with analytical TLC that it did not contain compounds of interest.4-Methylsterols were then eluted with n-hexane–ethyl acetate(99:1v/v,10.0mL),followed by14.0mL 97:3(v/v)n-hexane–ethyl acetate.Prior to eluting pure 4-desmethylsterols,additional n-hexane–ethyl acetate (97:3v/v, 2.0mL)was used to wash the cartridges. 4-Desmethyl sterols were then eluted with n-hexane–ethyl acetate(97:3v/v,25.0mL).The fractions were dried, spiked with10l g5a-cholestane as internal standard,and acetylated prior to GC–MS analysis.The components were quantified against5a-cholestane.Data AnalysisUnless otherwise stated,experiments for determination of tocopherols,tocotrienols,and phytosterols by HPLC and GC–MS analyses were carried out in triplicate and results are expressed as mean values±SD.Results and DiscussionCurrent awareness of the important bioactive properties of the minor constituents of oils and fats has expanded our notion of oil quality to include the nutritional and health-promoting benefits of phytosterols,tocopherols,and tocotrienols.Thus today the food industry actively seeks to identify plant sources rich in these minor constituents as nutraceuticals and for incorporation in functional foods.In this study,tocopherol and tocotrienol composition was determined by normal phase-HPLC withfluorescence detection and quantified against external standards. Normal-phase HPLC was chosen for the separation of the tocols,because it is capable of resolving a and b-tocopherols and tocotrienols,unlike reversed-phase HPLC[13].In this analysis the tocopherols and tocotrienols were eluted in order of increasing polarity,starting with a and followed by the b, c,and d homologues,which corresponded to the decreasing order of methylation on the chromanol ring of the tocols. This order of elution was consistent with earlier reports[14]. The quantitative analysis was performed with calibration curves.A linearity test was carried out over the concentration ranges1–5ppm from which regression analysis of the plot of area response versus concentration for each isomer gave an excellent relationship with correlation coefficients of 0.9997for a-tocopherol,and1.0000each for b,c,and d-tocopherols.The tocopherol and tocotrienol composition of the test seed oils are given in Table1,which also shows the combined tocopherols and tocotrienols as total tocol con-tent for each of the oil samples.The most abundant single tocol detected in this study was c-tocopherol(c-T), 2232.99l g/g for manketti seed oil,which also contained a-tocopherol(a-T)at5.64l g/g as the only other tocol in its oil.This high c-tocopherol content of manketti seed oil agrees with an earlier report which gave the c-tocopherol content in manketti oil as565mg/100g,and attributed the long shelf-life of manketti oil in the hot African sun to its high c-tocopherol content[15].The other oil which con-tained c-tocopherol was morama at117.27l g/g(Table1). Morama had also a-tocopherol and b-tocopherol(b-T)at 81.43and0.36l g/g,respectively,as its remaining tocols. Moretologa-kgomo seed oil contained no tocopherols but had a-tocotrienol(a-T3)and b-tocotrienol(b-T3)at82.14 and45.90l g/g,respectively.Mkukubuyo seed oil,on the other hand,had only trace amounts of a-T and d-T,but had 246.19l g/g c-tocotrienol(c-T3),which was the highest amount of tocotrienol detected among all the test seed oils. The only tocopherol detected for mokolwane seed oil was 3.27l g/g a-T,but it had86.65and172.47l g/g of a-T3 and b-T3,respectively.Thus mokolwane had the highest total amount of tocotrienols among all the test seed oils. This tocol profile for mokolwane oil seems to be consistent with other palm species as they are known to be one of the richest sources of tocotrienols[16].It is worth noting that although no d-tocotrienol was found in any of the test seed oils,a trace of d-tocopherolTable1Tocopherol and tocotrienol content(l g/g)in selected test seed oils obtained by HPLC–FLDOil sample a-T b-T c-T d-T a-T3b-T3c-T3Total tocolMokolwane 3.27±0.72–––86.65±3.52172.47±11.00–262.40±9.8 Morama81.43±0.740.36±0.19117.27±0.50––––199.1±1.0 Moroteloga-kgomo––––82.14±2.6345.90±1.59–128.0±3.7 Mukukubuyo Trace––Trace––246.19±6.03246.2±6.0 Manketti 5.64±0.45–2232.99±42.62––––2238.6±42.3Values are averages±SD from three replicate analyses‘‘Trace’’denotes levels less than0.10l g/g of oil(d -T)was detected in the seed oil of mkukubuyo.The average total tocol content for mokolwane,mkukubuyo,and manketti seed oils was 262.40,246.20and 2,238.60l g/g,respectively,all of which fell within the typical total tocol range of 200–8,000l g/g for vegetable oils [17].The average total tocol content for morama (199.10l g/g)and moretologa-kgomo (128.0l g/g)fell below the typical range for vegetable oils.It should be noted that the results of this analysis did not show any obvious correlation between degree of unsaturation and total tocol content.Indeed it has previously been shown that total vitamin E content of a seed oil sample may not be a foolproof indicator of oil stability,because the stability of vegetable oils can be affected by natural anti-oxidants and synergists other than vitamin E [18].To the best of our knowledge this may be the first report of the tocopherol and tocotrienol composition of the seed oils of mokolwane,morama,moretologa-kgomo,and mkukubuyo.In our study analysis of the phytosterols in the test seed oils was performed at two levels.The first level involved GC–MS determination of the relative percentage compo-sition of the sterols in the acetylated total unsaponifiable fraction of each of the seed oils.The results from this analysis were contrasted with the results of the second level,which involved determination of the absolute amounts of 4-desmethylsterols obtained from SPE frac-tionation of the unsaponifiable matter from each of the seed oils before GC–MS analysis.At both levels of analysis acetate derivatives of the sterols were preferred totrimethylsilyl (TMS)derivatives,because acetylated derivatives are more stable and enable easier detection of side-chain unsaturation in the sterol molecules,and also enable easier distinction between D 5and D 7phytosterols [19].In the GC–MS determination of the relative composition of the phytosterols,the components in the region where phytosterols eluted were selected and the identification of the phytosterols was based on comparison of retention times and mass spectra with those of authentic standards.The partial total ion currents (TIC)for the acetylated unsaponifiable matter from morama seed oil is shown in Fig.1.The relative percentage composition of each sterol was calculated as a ratio of its peak area to the total area of all identifiable sterol peaks in the oil sample.Table 2shows the results of the relative percentage composition of the phytosterols in the test seed oils.Phytosterols are generally classified into three subclasses based on the degree of methyl substitution at carbon-4in the sterol molecule;these are 4-desmethylsterols,which are often the most abundant,and the minor components 4-monometh-ylsterols and 4,4-dimethylsterols.The relative composition of the phytosterols shown in Table 2indicates that 4-desmethylsterols were always the most abundant of the three subclasses of sterols.Indeed in the seed oils of moretologa-kgomo,mkukubuyo,and manketti the 4-desmethylsterols constituted about 90%of the total sterol content,with b -sitosterol being the single most abundant sterol,an observation that is consistentwithFig.1Partial TIC profiles of the acetylated unsaponifiable matter fraction in morama bean oil by GC–MS in the full-mode scan at 70eV.1,campesterol;2,stigmasterol;3,sitosterol;4,D 5-avenasterol;5,unidentified;6,unidentified;7,cycloartenol;8,22-dihydrospinasterol;9,D 7-avenasterol;10,24-methylenecycloartanol;11,citrostadienolliterature reports[20].Other4-desmethylsterols present in significant amounts were campesterol and stigmasterol. The phytosterol profile for mokolwane was quite different from those of the other test seed oils by having the 4-desmethylsterols constituting only about50%of its total sterol content,which included37.08%of b-sitosterol.In contrast,mokolwane seed oil contained the largest per-centage composition of4,4-dimethylsterols with36.9% cycloartenol and9.03%24-methylenecycloartanol.Citro-stadienol, 1.05%,was the only4-monomethylsterol detected in the mokolwane seed oil.Morama seed oil contained4-desmethylsterols to the extent of about77%, chief among which were b-sitosterol(39.74%),stigmas-terol(15.55%),campesterol(9.64%),D5-avenasterol (8.76%),and22-dihydrospinasterol(2.95%).The4,4-di-methylsterols which occurred in morama were24-methyl-enecycloartanol(8.63%)and cycloartenol(4.61%). Morama was one of three of the test seed oils that con-tained the4-monomethylsterol,citrostadienol(2.48%). Morama also contained significant amounts of unidentified sterols(6.86%).The phytosterol profile for moretologa-kgomo seed oil consisted of about60%4-desmethylsterols and about 40%4,4-dimethylsterols.The4-desmethylsterols included b-sitosterol(46.49%),the most abundant;campesterol (9.14%),and D5-avenasterol(4.41%).The4,4-dimethyls-terol content included substantial amounts of b-amyrin (25.41%),24-methylenecycloartanol(5.98%),and lupeol (5.21%),which was detected only in moretologa-kgomo seed oil.The phytosterol profile of mkukubuyo seed oil consisted exclusively of4-desmethysterols(100%),made up of b-sitosterol(63.28%),stigmasterol(23.67%),cam-pesterol(10.00%),and D5-avenasterol(3.04%).Manketti seed oil,on the other hand,had a sterol profile that con-sisted of about98.92%4-desmethylsterols,which included 78.46%b-sitosterol as the dominant sterol,followed by D5-avenasterol(7.65%),campesterol(5.86%),stigmasterol (3.33%),22-dihydrospinasterol(2.19%),and D7-avenas-terol(1.43%).In addition,manketti seed oil also contained the4-monomethylsterol,citrostadienol(1.06%),as the only other sterol.It is worth noting that among the test seed oils cholesterol was detected in trace amount(0.91%)in mokolwane seed oil only.This observation tends to uphold the general view that cholesterol is generally prominent mainly in animal sources.Determination of the relative composition of the phy-tosterols is a quick and useful technique to reveal the overall sterol profile of oils,but it does not determine the absolute amount of each phytosterol in the seed oil.Thus,in order to refine the data,an SPE method was developed to fractionate the sterols into two main fractions—4-desmethylsterols and 4-monomethylsterols.As described in the experimental section,Damirchi’s SPE method was modified by using n-hexane–ethyl acetate mixtures for gradient elution and employing a vacuum pressure of5mmHg to elute the fractions[10].However,because of a lack of authentic standards for the4-monomethylsterols,only the4-des-methylsterol fraction was acetylated and analysed by GC–MS,using5a-cholestane as the internal standard.The partial total-ion current(chromatogram)for the acetylated 4-desmethylsterols in the morama seed oil is shown in Fig.2, which looks cleaner than that for the full unsaponifiableTable2Relative percentage composition of phytosterols in the test oil samples,determined by capillary GC–MSPhytosterol Mokolwane Morama Moretologa-kgomo Mkukubuyo MankettiCholesterol0.91±0.02––––Campesterol 3.59±0.129.64±0.669.14±0.1010.00±0.10 5.86±0.72 Campestanol–––––Stigmasterol 3.87±0.0315.55±0.19–23.67±0.12 3.33±0.22 Stigmastanol0.51±0.01––––Sitosterol37.08±0.139.74±0.5246.49±0.9163.28±0.0678.46±0.71 b-Amyrin––25.41±1.12––D5-Avenasterol–8.76±0.31 4.41±0.23 3.04±0.127.65±0.12 Sitostanol/D5-avenasterol 6.31±0.04––––Cycloartenol36.9±0.21 4.61±0.13–––Lupeol–– 5.21±0.16––22-Dihydrospinasterol– 2.95±0.07–– 2.19±0.12 D7-Avenasterol–0.78±0.03–– 1.43±0.02 24-Methylene-cycloartanol9.03±0.048.63±0.09 5.98±0.16––Citrostadienol 1.05±0.05 2.48±0.03–– 1.06±0.17 Others0.55±0.02 6.86±0.22 1.87±0.08––Values are averages±SD from three replicate analysesmatter shown in Fig.1.The absolute amount of each iden-tifiable 4-desmethylsterol was calculated as l g/g of the seed oil by using the relationship,4-desmethylsterol =(A z 9m is )/(A is 9m ),where A z =start peak area,A is =internal standard peak area,m is =mass (l g)of internal standard,and m =mass of oil in g weighed for the analysis [19].The results obtained from the analysis are shown in Table 3,and agree very closely with the results shown in Table 2for the general phytosterol profiles of the test seed oils.Both Tables 2and 3agree that b -sitosterol was the most abundant phytosterol in all the test seed oils.Table 3shows that only D 5-phytosterols were present in the seed oil of mokolwane,with b -sitosterol (987.08l g/g)as the dominant sterol followed by D 5-avenasterol (129.95l g/g)and campesterol (81.43l g/g),making a total of 1291.88l g/g 4-desmethylsterols.This level of phytosterol content of mo-kolwane seed oil is higher than that reported for palm kernel but is in the range for groundnut oil [21].Manketti seed oil showed the presence of both D 5and D 7-4-desmethylsterols,as was also detected earlier (Table 2).As expected b -sitosterol (1326.74l g/g)was the dominant sterol,followed by D 5-avenasterol (111.89l g/g),campesterol (93.53l g/g),stigmasterol (36.24l g/g),22-dihydrospinasterol (28.31l g/g),and D 7-avenasterol (20.70l g/g),making a total of 1617.41l g/g 4-desmethylsterols in the manketti seed oil,which compares very favourably with the phytosterol con-tent of groundnut oil (900–2884l g/g)[22].Mkukubuyo seed oil showed the third highest total content of 4-desmethylsterols (861.47l g/g),which fell in the range reported for coconut oil (470–1140l g/g).The 4-desmethylsterols present were the same phytosterols found in the earlier analysis in about the same order of abundance:b -sitosterol (560.80l g/g),stigmasterol (177.32l g/g),campesterol (92.92l g/g),and D 5-avenasterol (30.54l g/g)(Table 3).Morama bean oil contained the second lowest total content of 4-desmethylsterols among the test seed oils,at 149.15l g/g,which is comparable with the phytosterol content of olive oil (100l g/g).It is interesting to note that morama seed oil and olive oil have similar fatty acid com-positions,with oleic acid being the dominant fatty acid [6].Morama seed oil phytosterols consisted of b -sitosterol (84.50l g/g),stigmasterol (32.07l g/g),campesterol (21.92l g/g),22-dihydrospinasterol (5.26l g/g),D 5-ave-nasterol (4.45l g/g),and D 7-avenasterol (1.58l g/g).This phytosterol profile very distinctly distinguishes morama oil from olive oil,whose phytosterol profile is reported as:b -sitosterol (75–80l g/g),D 5-avenasterol (4–14l g/g),stigmasterol (0–4.0l g/g),campesterol (0–4.0l g/g),D 7-stigmasterol (0–0.5l g/g),cholesterol (0–0.5l g/g),and brassicasterol (0–0.1l g/g)[23].The lowest total content of 4-desmethylsterols was found in the moretologa-kgomo seed oil,at a level of 109.11l g/g,which was made up of b -sitosterol (61.27l g/g),campesterol (38.76l g/g),D 5-avenasterol (4.96l g/g),stigmasterol (2.41l g/g),and cholesterol (1.71l g/g),all of which,except cholesterol,were found in the earlier analysis (Table 2).As far as we are aware this may be the first report of the phy-tosterol profiles for the seed oils of mkukubuyo,SterculiaFig.2Total-ion chromatogram of the acetylated 4-desmethylsterols in morama bean oil.IS ,internal standard (5a -cholestane);1,campesterol;2,stigmasterol;3,sitosterol;4,D 5-avenasterol;8,22-dihydrospinasterol;9,D 7-avenasterol。
