配置MeterLink的FLIR T33为菲亚特工厂的热检测工作提速 - 美国菲力尔FLIR红外热像仪
911 GT3 with Touring PackageYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRZCXW48Visit the following link to view your build: https://con.guratormporschemco-/porscheYcode/PRZCXW48SummaryBour 911 GT3 with Touring Package Con.guration $ase Price218,09EE Price for qDuip-ent2E Helivery0 Processing and Fandling 6ee2105zE Gas Guxxler Ta7210*EE Total PriceA21850,zEAjll infor-ation is subNect to change without noticem Ieither Porsche Cars Iorth j-erica0 Oncm nor the -anufacturer can accept liability arising fro- the use of any infor-ation contained hereinm Mnly an actual invoice issued by PCIj at the ti-e a vehicle is sold to an authorixed Porsche Center -ay be used as an oScial indication of eDuip-ent and pricingm The Total (anufacturers )uggested Retail Price U()RP! shown e7cludes ta7es0 title0 registration0 other optional or regionally reDuired eDuip-ent0 and dealer chargesm The price and availability of Ondividually Co--issioned qDuip-ent UCXX! can be deter-ined only aQer review and analysis by the -anufacturerm jctual selling prices are set by dealers and -ay varymThe Porsche 6inancial )ervices0 Oncm pay-ent esti-ator tool helps you esti-ate the pay-ent for .nance or lease transactions for new vehicles based on the variables you enter into the toolm Pay-ent sa-ples are illustrative onlym This is not an o"er of sale or lease0 e7tension of credit or a co--it-ent to o"er .nancingm qsti-ates -ay include certain ta7 credits or rebatesm jctual .nance or lease pricing will be based on the .nal negotiated price and ter-s agreed upon by you and your •m)m authorixed Porsche Centerm Ter-s o"ered by Porsche 6inancial )ervices change freDuently and the ter-s you enter -ay not be available at the ti-e you .nance or lease your Porsche vehiclem 6inancing and leasing rates will vary based on creditworthiness0 and not all applicants will Dualifym The sa-ple esti-ates e7clude any title0 ta7es0 registration0 license fees0 insurance0 e7cess -ileage charges0 TeDuip-ent accessories0 -aintenance and/or dealer feesm Io security deposit is reDuiredm Please see your •m)m authorixed Porsche Center to help you deter-ine the selling price0 your actual pay-ent0 ter-s and any special o"ersmOnfor-ation for our custo-ers:While we strive for accurate con.gurator visualixations0 there are so-e options that -ay not be rendering accurately at this ti-em We are working on this0 but in the -eanti-e0 we reco--end consulting with your Porsche Center for the .nal detailsm Thank youL911 GT3 with Touring PackageExterior Colors & WheelsCategory Mption Mption code Price Exterior Color White E®2EWheels,E³/,1³ 911 GT3 Wheels C,®)tandard qDuip-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory Mption Mption code Price Interior Color)tandard Onterior in $lack with 6abric )eat Centers1,2E ArraySeats)port )eats Plus U4Yway!®4®)tandard qDuip-entExterior OptionsCategory Mption Mption code Price ArrayPerformance5Yspeed GT )port (anual Trans-ission GEW)tandard qDuip-entOthersCategory Mption Mption code Price Others Oncluded 6irst Bear / 1E0EEE (ile (aintenance Z1)2E911 GT3 with Touring PackageStandard EquipmentWheels°,E³/,1³ 911 GT3 WheelsWheel Accessories°Wheels Painted in )ilver°Tire Pressure (onitoring )yste- UTP()!°Tire )ealing Co-pound and jir Co-pressorSeats°Feated )eats U6ront!°Rear )eat Helete°)port )eats Plus U4Yway!Packages°Touring Package in )ilverExterior°)ide )kirts in $lack°q7terior (irror •pper Tri- in q7terior Color and ower Tri- and $ase in $lack°Window Tri- in )ilver°Rear id Grille Vertical )lat Onlays°Rear Hi"usorRoof and Transport Systems°RoofExterior Decals and Logos°Heletion of (odel Hesignation on RearPerformance°4mEY iter Iaturally jspirated $o7er 5°RearYWheel Hrive°Pj)( )port )uspension U owered ,E--!° ightweight )tainless )teel )port q7haust )yste- with Two Central Tailpipes in Figh Gloss )ilver°Power )teering Plus°Rear j7le )teering with )port )etup°$rakes with Calipers in Red°15m9 Gallon 6uel Tank° ightweight $attery i6ePM4°5Yspeed GT )port (anual Trans-ission911 GT3 with Touring Package Lights and Vision° qH Feadlights with Ontegrated 4YPoint Hayti-e Running ights°³PMR)CFq³ ogo on Rear 6ascia in Figh Gloss )ilver°³PMR)CFq³ ogo on Rear in Figh Gloss )ilver°(anually Hi--ing Onterior (irror°q7terior (irrors°Windshield with Grey Top Tint° ightweight and Ioise Onsulated GlassInterior Packages and Trim°Onterior Tri- Onlays in $lack $rushed jlu-inu-Seat Belts and Seat Design°Porsche Crest on Feadrests U6ront!Steering Wheel and Gearshiv Le/erMSelector°)teering Wheel and Gear ever in $lack eather°)teering Wheel Colu-n with (anual jdNust-ents°GTY)peci.c (anual Gear ever in $lack eather with $oot in $lack eatherInterior°Roof ining in 6abric°HoorY)ill Guards in $lack $rushed jlu-inu-°6loor (atsAssistance Systems°Reversing Ca-era°Cruise ControlInterior Comfort°Fo-e ink°,YZone juto-atic Cli-ate Control°Particle/Pollen 6ilter with jctive Carbon 6ilter°IonY)-oking PackageAudio and Communication°Iavigation (odule for Porsche Co--unication (anage-ent UPC(!°Voice Control°)ound Package Plus°)-artphone Ontegration°•)$YC PortsOthers911 GT3 with Touring Package °Tire Valve in )ilver911 GT3 with Touring PackageTechnical DataFotor$ore1E,mE --)troke81mz --Hisplace-ent30995 cc(a7m power zE, hp(a7m power at rp-804EE rp-(a7m engine speed90EEE rp-(a7m torDue345 lbYQ(a7m torDue at rp-501EE rp-(a7m power per liter1,zmz hp/luel ConsumptionqPj Hisclai-er qPj esti-ates not yet availablemBodyength18EmE inWidth w/ -irrors folded*,m9 inWidth*9m8 inFeight zEm4 inWheelbase95m* inTurning circle dia-eter34m1 QCurb weight30,,3 lbGross Vehicle Weight Rating UGVWR!30834 lb(a7i-u- load511 lb911 GT3 with Touring PackageCapacities6ront luggage co-part-ent volu-e4m5 Q6uel tank15m9 galPerformanceTop track speed Uwith su--er tires!199 -phE Y 5E -ph3m* sTerrain eaturesjpproach / departure angle Usteel suspension!5m3 Y 9m4Ra-p breakYover angle Usteel suspension!1Em5(a7m ground clearance Usteel suspension!3m9 inSer/ice and Warrantyi-ited vehicle warranty 4 years/zE0EEE -iles Uwhichever co-es .rst! including ,4Yhour roadside assistance progra-(ain service interval Porsche Cars Iorth j-erica o"ers service and -aintenance packages in a variety of ter-sto -atch your intended usagem Please see your authorixed Porsche Healer for details andavailabilitymi-ited paint warranty 4 years/zE0EEE -iles Uwhichever co-es .rst!i-ited corrosion warranty1, years/unli-ited -iles911 GT3 with Touring Package911 GT3 with Touring Package911 GT3 with Touring Package。
1.4 1.5 1.6 127 日 2013 年 4 月 23 日
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第一部分 一般信息
4 门车型
5 门车型
前桥: 后桥: 短臂多连杆式 麦弗逊式
ESP(电子稳定辅助系统),部分市场仅配置 ABS(防抱死制动系统) EPS (电子动力转向)
1.6L Duratec 16V Ti-VCT (Sigma) 缸内直喷式-改进型 2.0L Duratec-HE – MI4 5 速手动变速器(B5A 和 MTX-75) 6 速自动变速器(6DCT250)
2.0L Duratec-HE-GDi (MI4)发动机配备模块控制的低压燃油系统和高压燃油缸内直................................................................................. 100
车载网络系统 ........................................................................................................................................... 100 车身电子控制模块(BCM) .............................................................................................................. 102 组合仪表 ..................................................................................................................................................... 109 信息和娱乐系统 ....................................................................................................................................... 114 SYNC 系统 ................................................................................................................................................. 121 中控锁系统 ................................................................................................................................................ 129 免钥匙系统 ................................................................................................................................................ 132 PATS(被动防盗系统)...................................................................................................................... 138 空调系统 ..................................................................................................................................................... 146 充电系统 ..................................................................................................................................................... 150 灯光系统 ..................................................................................................................................................... 152 散热器百叶窗控制系统 ........................................................................................................................ 155 后视镜系统 ................................................................................................................................................ 160 雨刮系统 ..................................................................................................................................................... 161 低速安全系统 ........................................................................................................................................... 163 安全气囊系统 ........................................................................................................................................... 166 玻璃升降系统 ........................................................................................................................................... 168 附录一:SYNC 用户手册 .................................................................................................................... 169 附录二:带键盘的多媒体接口测试仪(MIT).......................................................................... 177
BLUETOOTH® HANDSFREELINK®Learn how to operate the vehicle’s hands-free calling system.Basic HFL OperationMake and receive phone calls using the vehicle’s audio system, without handling your phone. Visit /handsfreelink/ (U.S.) or phone (888) 528-7876 (Canada) to check phone compatibility.To reduce the potential for driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.n HFL Displays and ControlsUse the controls to enter information and make selections.Models with Display Audion Talk Button TipsWhen using the Talk button, wait for the beep before saying a command.The system recognizes only the commands listed in the Voice CommandIndex.•Aim the vents away from the ceiling and close the windows, as noisecoming from them may interfere with the microphone.•Press and release the talk button when you want to call a number using a stored voice tag. Speak clearly and naturally after a beep.•If the microphone picks up voices other than yours, the command may be misinterpreted.•To change the volume level, use the audio system's volume knob or theremote audio controls*1 on the steering wheel.Pairing a PhoneTo use hands-free phone and streaming audio functions, you must first pair your phone to the system. This can only be done when the vehicle is stopped. Use the selector knob or the Display Audio to make and enter selections*1 - If equipped Applicable laws may prohibit the operation of handheld electronic devices while operating avehicle.n Pairing the First PhoneModels with Display Audio1.From the Home screen, selectSettings.2.Select Phone.3.Select Bluetooth Device List.4.Select Add Bluetooth Device.5.Make sure your phone is indiscovery mode. Select Continue.6.The system searches for yourphone. Select your phone when itappears on the list.If your phone does not appear:Select Phone Not Found and searchfor HandsFreeLink from your phone.Connect to HFL.7.The system gives you a pairing code. Compare it to the code thatappears on your phone. Connect to HFL from your phone.8.The system asks if you want toenable options: HondaLink Assist:Select On to enable emergencycollision notification (see HondaLinkAssist).Phone Synchronization: Select On toautomatically import contacts andcall history from your phone.9.Press BACK to exit the menu.n Pairing an Additional Phone1.Press the Phone button to go to thePhone screen. If a prompt appearsasking to connect to a phone, selectNo.2.Select Phone Setup.3.Select Bluetooth Setup.4.Select Add New Device.5.Select Add New.6.Make sure your phone is indiscovery mode. Select OK.7.The system searches for yourphone. Select it when it appears onthe list.8.If your phone does not appear:Select Phone Not Found?, andsearch for HandsFreeLink from yourphone. Connect to HFL.9.The system gives you a pairingcode. Enter it on your phone whenprompted.Making a CallYou can make calls using several methods.n Dialing a NumberApplicable laws may prohibit the operation of handheld electronic devices while operating avehicle.Models with Display Audio SystemEnter a 10-digit phone number to call.Using voice commands1.Press the Talk button before you say each command.2.Say "Dial by number."3.Say the phone number: For example, "3-1-0-5-5-5-1-2-3-4"4.The system begins to dial.Using the touchscreenManual operation is limited while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.1.From the Home screen, selectPhone.2.Select Menu.3.Select Dial.4.Enter the phone number. Select thegreen phone icon to call.n Using the PhonebookModels with Display AudioWhen your phone is paired, its entire phonebook can be automatically imported to the system. Phone synchronization must be turned on.Using voice commands1.Press the talk button before you say each command.2.Say "Dial by name."3.Say the phonebook name and phone type. For example, "John Smithmobile."Using the touchscreenManual operation is limited while the vehicle is moving.Voice commands are always available.1.From the Home screen, selectPhone.2.Select MENU.3.Select Phonebook.4.Scroll through the list to find thename and number you want to call,and select it to call.。
惠丰变频器说明书通过ISO9001质量体系认证惠丰变频器F1000-G系列0.4~110KW使用手册·A·个性设计超值服务·B··A ··A ··A · (5)2.4参数设置……………………………… (5)2.5功能码区内与区间的切换……………………………… (5)2.6面板显示内容……………………………… (6)三安装接线 (6)3.1变频器安·A· (7)3.2接线 (7)3.3推荐配线 (8)3.4总体接线与“三线制” (8)四操作使用 (9)4.1控制端子功·B· (9)4.2 拨码开关 (10)4.3 主要功能简介 (10)五基本参数 (12)六运行控制 (15)6.1 参数设·C··D. (15)6.2 基本调速方式 (18)七 段速控制 (19)7.1 参数设置………………………………………………………20 7.2 多段速度调速及组合调速方式………………………………20 八 端子定2020 232324 24 25 (23)8.1 可定义输入端子 (23)8.2 可定义输出端子 (24)8.3 特殊输出端子 (24)九V/F控制与保护 (25)9.1 V/F控 (25)9.2 定时控制 (28)9.3 可设定保护功能 (28)十模拟输入与频率输出 (31)附录1常见故障处理 (32)附录2功能码速查 (33)附录 3 产品一览表及结构形式一览表 (40)图1-3 塑壳结构外形4 5 67 8 技术规范1-1 F1000–G 系列变频器技术规范目内 额定电压范围三相380V ±15%;单相额定频率 50/60Hz额定电压范围三相0~380V ;三相频率范围 0.50~400.0Hz控制方式 线性V/F 控制;空间分辨率最高0.01Hz ,允许可调1 2 3 4 57 89 10 6 图1-4 金属壳结构外形F1000-G系列变频器通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证。
FLIR高速红外热像仪为汽车产业监控粗钢质量 - 菲力尔FLIR红外热像仪在自动化行业的应用案例
为了改善目前的非创伤性钢坯检测方法,南非技术专家H.Rohloff (Pty) Limited公司开发出了Billet InspectIR,一款全自动高速钢坯钢管在线检测系统。
Billet InspectIR使用四台FLIR红外热像仪。
H.Rohloff (Pty) Limited公司成立于1949年,现在已经成长为南非100强技术公司之一。
Rohloff™通过了ISO 9001:2008认证,是高质量,高科技材料检测设备,系统和解决方案的代名词。
“一家钢厂客户想用某种设备替代目前的人工肉眼检测系统,”Louie van der Walt, H. Rohloff公司的技术总监说:“现有的方法很费时而且没有可追溯性。
作为有着多年热成像经验的公司,H. Rohloff知道热成像技术是成功的关键。
热成像无疑在现在的制造工艺领域大有用武之地,因为它完全符合无创伤性检测(NDT)的原则,”Louie Van der Walt评价说。
用户操作说明书目录1.使用说明 (1)1.1设定操作键盘 (1)1.1.1设定值输入键的功能与说明 (1)1.1.2设定值输入键盘的类型 (2)1.1.3设定按钮及设定值的有效性 (2)1.2基本运行设定流程图 (3)1.3启动画面 (4)1.4主画面 (4)1.4.1主画面功能 (4)1.4.2状态灯功能说明 (5)1.5运转显示画面 (6)1.5.1程式停止画面 (6)1.5.2程式运转画面 (7)1.5.3监视曲线画面及其属性设定画面 (9)1.6运转设定画面 (11)1.6.1运转模式选择设定 (11)1.6.2预约功能的设定画面 (12)1.6.3试验终了的设定画面 (12)1.7程式设定画面 (13)1.8除霜设定画面 (14)1.8.1除霜设定画面 (14)1.8.2自动除霜设定画面 (14)1.9辅助设定画面 (15)1.10报警历史画面 (15)1.11文档管理画面 (16)1.12制造商资料画面 (18)2.内部参数设置说明 (19)2.1系统设定画面 (19)2.2传感器温度设定画面 (20)2.2.1高温箱温度输入设定 (20)2.2.2温度可设定范围设定 (21)2.2.3冷端温度偏差补偿设定 (21)2.3继电器输出设定画面 (22)2.3.1继电器输出设定 (22)2.3.2SSR输出设定 (24)2.4压缩机设定画面 (25)2.5预热区排风设定画面 (27)2.6待机和除霜设定画面 (27)2.7N2GAS和防汗设定画面 (28)2.8PID设定画面 (29)2.8.1PID范围设定 (29)2.8.2PID自动整定 (29)2.8.3PID GROUP(PID1~PID6)设定 (31)2.9图片管理画面 (32)2.9.1图片管理设定 (32)2.9.2图片使用对象设定 (32)2.10异常设定画面 (33)2.10.1入力异常功能设定 (33)2.10.2压缩机保护异常设定 (34)2.11制造商资料设定画面 (36)2.12授权设定画面 (37)2.13其他设定画面 (38)2.13.1系统密码设定和积算通电时间 (38)2.13.2状态显示灯设定画面 (39)1.使用说明1.1设定操作键盘▶本产品采用触摸屏操作方式,是一款用户使用操作非常方便的恒温恒湿可编程控制器。
波士加斯特汽车 Taycan 4 跨国科技说明书
Individual optionsTechnical dataStandard optionsVehicle pictures Vehicle informationS-GO 802EP o r s c h e T a y c a n4C r o s s T u r i s m oI m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o nA l t h o u g h t h i s i m a g e i s i n t e n d e d t o r e f l e c t y o u r a c t u a l v e h i c l e c o n f i g u r a t i o n,t h e r e m a y b e s o m e v a r i a t i o n b e t w e e n t h i s p i c t u r e a n d t h e a c t u a l v e h i c l e.S o m e i t e m s s h o w n a r e E u r o p e a n s p e c i f i c a t i o n s.T e c h n i c a l d a t aS i n g l e -S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e F r o n t A x l e , 2-S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e R e a r A x l eP o w e r u n i tP o w e r u p t o (k W )280 kW P o w e r u p t o (P S )380 PS P o w e r u p t o (H P ) (o n l y f o r N A R )375 hpO v e r b o o s t P o w e r w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l u p t o (k W )350 kW O v e r b o o s t P o w e r w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l u p t o (P S )476 PS O v e r b o o s t P o w e r w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l u p t o (H P ) (o n l y f o r N A R )469 hpM a x . t o r q u e w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l500 NmC o n s u m p t i o n /E m i s s i o n sE l e c t r i c i t y c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d28.1 kWh/100 kmC o n s u m p t i o n /E m i s s i o n s W L T PE l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n l o w (W L T P )21.9 - 19.1 kWh/100 km E l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n m e d i u m (W L T P )21.4 - 18.4 kWh/100 km E l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n h i g h (W L T P )22.4 - 18.9 kWh/100 km E l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n e x t r a -h i g h (W L T P )28.4 - 24.0 kWh/100 km E l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d (W L T P )26.4 - 22.4 kWh/100 km E l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n C i t y (W L T P )21.6 - 18.7 kWh/100 km C O 2-e m i s s i o n c o m b i n e d (W L T P )0 - 0 g/kmR a n g eR a n g e c o m b i n e d (W L T P )389 - 456 km R a n g e C i t y (W L T P )463 - 541 km L o n g -d i s t a n c e r a n g e360 kmC h a r g i n gG r o s s b a t t e r y c a p a c i t y 93.4 kWh N e t b a t t e r y c a p a c i t y83.7 kWh M a x i m u m c h a r g i n g p o w e r w i t h d i r e c t c u r r e n t (D C )270 kW C h a r g i n g t i m e f o r a l t e r n a t i n g c u r r e n t (A C ) w i t h 9.6k W (0 t o u p t o 100%)10.5 h C h a r g i n g t i m e f o r a l t e r n a t i n g c u r r e n t (A C ) w i t h 11k W (0 t o u p t o 100%)9.0 h C h a r g i n g t i m e f o r a l t e r n a t i n g c u r r e n t (A C ) w i t h 22k W (0 t o u p t o 100%)5.0 h C h a r g i n g t i m e f o r d i r e c t c u r r e n t (D C ) w i t h 50k W f o r u p t o 100k m (W L T P )28.5 min C h a r g i n g t i m e f o r d i r e c t c u r r e n t (D C ) w i t h 50k W (5 t o u p t o 80%)93.0 minT e c h n i c a l d a t a (c o n t i n u e d )S i n g l e -S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e F r o n t A x l e , 2-S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e R e a r A x l eC h a r g i n g t i m e f o r d i r e c t c u r r e n t (D C ) w i t h m a x i m u m c h a r g i n g p o w e r f o r u p t o 100k m (W L T P )5.25 min C h a r g i n g t i m e f o r d i r e c t c u r r e n t (D C ) w i t h m a x i m u m c h a r g i n g p o w e r (5 t o u p t o 80%)22.5 minB o d yL e n g t h4,974 mm W i d t h1,967 mm W i d t h (w i t h m i r r o r s )2,144 mm H e i g h t 1,409 mm W h e e l b a s e2,904 mm F r o n t t r a c k 1,718 mm R e a r t r a c k1,698 mm U n l a d e n w e i g h t (D I N )2,245 kg U n l a d e n w e i g h t (E U )2,320 kg P e r m i s s i b l e g r o s s w e i g h t 2,885 kg M a x i m u m l o a d640 kg M a x i m u m p e r m i s s i b l e r o o f l o a d w i t h P o r s c h e r o o f t r a n s p o r t s y s t e m75 kgC a p a c i t i e sL u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t v o l u m e , f r o n t84 lO p e n l u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t v o l u m e (u p t o t h e u p p e r e d g e o f t h e r e a r s e a t s )446 l L a r g e s t l u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t v o l u m e (b e h i n d f r o n t s e a t s ,u p t o r o o f )1,212 lP e r f o r m a n c eT o p s p e e d220 km/h A c c e l e r a t i o n 0 - 60 m p h w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l4.8 s A c c e l e r a t i o n 0 - 100 k m /h w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l5.1 sA c c e l e r a t i o n 0 - 160 k m /h w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l 10.1 s A c c e l e r a t i o n 0 - 200 k m /h w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l 15.6 s A c c e l e r a t i o n (80-120k m /h ) (50-75 m p h )2.6 sS t a n d a r d o p t i o n sP o w e r u n i t• Porsche E-Performance Powertrain with a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor on the Front and Rear Axle • Single-Speed Transmission on the Front Axle• Performance Battery Plus• 2-Speed Transmission on the Rear Axle• Porsche Traction Management (PTM)• Porsche Recuperation Management (PRM)• Sport Mode for the Activation of dynamic Performance Settings including Launch Control• Range Mode for the Activation of efficiency-oriented Settings• Gravel Mode for the Activation of Settings with increased Bad Road CapabilitiesC h a s s i s• Aluminium Double Wishbone Front Axle• Aluminium Multi-Link Rear Axle• Vehicle Stability System Porsche Stability Management (PSM) with ABS and extended Brake Functions • Integrated Porsche 4D Chassis Control• Adaptive Air Suspension including Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) and Smart Lift• Increased Ground Clearance in Comparison to Taycan Limousine (+20 mm)• Power SteeringW h e e l s• 19-Inch Taycan Aero Wheels• Wheel Centres with monochrome Porsche Crest• Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM)B r a k e s• 6-Piston Aluminium Monobloc fixed Brake Calipers at Front• 4-Piston Aluminium Monobloc fixed Brake Calipers at Rear• Brake Discs internally vented with 360 mm Diameter at Front and 358 mm Diameter at Rear• Brake Calipers painted in Black• Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)• Electric Parking Brake• Brake Pad Wear Indicator• Auto Hold Function• Multi-Collision BrakeB o d y• Fully galvanised Steel-Aluminium-Hybrid lightweight Bodyshell• Bonnet, Tailgate, Doors, Side Sections and front Wings in Aluminium• Roof in Aluminium, contoured Design (with dynamic Recess Profile)S t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)• Full-surface aerodynamic Underbody Panelling• Upper Valance with vertical Air Intakes (Air Curtain)• Auto-deploying Door Handles• Side Window Trims in Black• Door Sill Guards in Black• Exterior Mirror Lower Trims including Mirror Base in Black• ‘PORSCHE' Logo in Glass Look integrated into Light Strip• Model Designation on Tailgate in Silver• Wheel Arch Cover in Black• Porsche Active Aerodynamics (PAA) with active Air Intake Flaps• Roof Spoiler painted in Black (high-gloss)• Cross Turismo specific Lower Valance with Inlay painted in Brilliant Silver• Cross Turismo specific Sideskirts in Black with Inlays painted in Brilliant Silver• Cross Turismo specific Rear Diffusor in Louvered Design with Inlay painted in Brilliant SilverL i g h t s a n d v i s i o n• LED headlights• Four-Point LED Daytime Running Lights• Automatic Headlight Activation including ‘Welcome Home’ lighting• Light Strip• Third Brake Light• LED-Innenraumbeleuchtungskonzept: Abschaltverzögerung, Innenleuchte (Dachkonsole) vorne mit Lesespots rechts und links, Auflicht in der Dachkonsole, beleuchteter Make-up-Spiegel in den Sonnenblenden (Fahrer- undBeifahrerseite), Leseleuchten hinten links und rechts, Auflicht in den Leseleuchten, Fußraumleuchte vorne und hinten, Gepäckraumleuchten vorne und hinten, Handschuhkastenleuchte, Türfachbeleuchtung• Automatically dimming Interieur and Exterior Mirrors• Illuminated Vanity Mirror for Driver and Front Passenger• Electrically adjustable and heatable Exterior Mirrors, aspherical on Driver’s Side• Front Wiper System including Rain Sensor and Washer Jets• Rear Wiper including Washer Jet• Heated Rear Screen with "Auto-Off" FunctionA i r c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d g l a z i n g• Advanced Climate Control (2 Zone) with separate Temperature Settings and Air Volume Control for Driver and Front Passenger, automatic Air-Recirculation Mode including Air Quality Sensor as well as comfortable Control of the Airflow via PCM• Parking Pre-Climatisation including Pre-Conditioning of the Battery• Thermally insulated Glass all round• Particle/pollen filter with active carbon filter, traps particles, pollen and odours and thoroughly filters fine dust out of the outside airS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)S e a t s• Comfort seats in front (8-way, electric) with electric adjustment of seat height, squab and backrest angle and Fore/Aft position• Integrated Headrests front• Rear Seats with 2 Seats in Single-Seat Look, fold-out Centre Armrest and split-folding Backrests (60:40)S a f e t y a n d s e c u r i t y• Active Bonnet System Note: only in markets with legal requirements• 4 Doors with integrated Side Impact Protection• Bumpers comprising high-strength Cross Members and two Deformation Elements each with two threaded Fixture Points for Towing Eye contained in on-board Tool Kit• Full-size Airbags for Driver and Front Passenger• Knee Airbags for Driver and Front Passenger• Side Airbags in front• Curtain Airbags along entire Roof Frame and Side Windows from the A-Pillar to the C-Pillar• Rollover Detection for Activation of Curtain Airbags and Seat Belt Pretensioners• Three-Point automatic Seat Belts with Pretensioners (front and outer rear Seats) and Force Limiters• Manual Adjustment of Seat Belt Height for Driver and Front Passenger Seats• Seat Belt Warning System for Driver, Front Passenger and Rear Seat System• Immobiliser with Remote Central Locking, Alarm System with radar-based Interior Surveillance• ISOFIX Mounting System for Child Seats on outer Rear SeatsA s s i s t a n c e s y s t e m s• Lane Keeping Assist including Traffic Sign Recognition• Cruise Control including adaptive Speed Limiter• Warn and Brake Assist incl. Pedestrian protection Detects the area ahead of the vehicle. Within the system limitations, an impending frontal collision with other vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists can be detected both in the urban and extra-urban speed range. The system warns the driver visually, acoustically and if necessary through a braking jolt. Where required, the system can support the driver's braking or initiate partial or full deceleration in order to reduce the collision speed or prevent the collision in some circumstances.• ParkAssist (front and rear) with visual and audible Warning• Keyless Drive• Driver Personalisation for Ergonomic, Comfort, Infotainment and Lighting Functions as well as Assistance and Display Systems Note: Country-specific availability• Distance warning If the system detects a safety hazard due to following too close, the system can warn the driver in a vehicle speed range from approx. 65 – 250 km/h (40 – 156 mph) by displaying the symbol on the instrument clusterI n s t r u m e n t s• 16.8-Inch Curved Display - contains up to five different and freely configurable views, depending on the equipment -including external touchscreen control panels for controlling the light and chassis functions• Centre Console with Direct Touch Control - climate settings - opening and closing of the charge port doors - battery level indicator - handwriting panelS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)I n t e r i o r• Partial Leather Interior• 'Taycan' Badge in the Centre Console• Accent Package Black• Storage Package Additional storage compartments in vehicle interior: - storage tray below the ascending centre console in front - storage tray on the middle tunnel in rear - net and bag hook in rear luggage compartment• Fabric roof lining• Multifunction Sports Steering Wheel Leather• Centre Console Armrest front with integrated Storage Compartment• Floor Mats• Sun Visors for Driver and Front PassengerA u d i o a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n• Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including Online Navigation¹ - high-resolution 10.9-Inch touchscreen display in full HD resolution - multi-touch gesture control: for example, you can control the size of the map view with two fingers using the PCM touchscreen display or Direct Touch Control in the handwriting input field in the centre console -mobile phone preparation with Bluetooth® interface for telephone and music - two USB-C connectivity and charge ports in the storage compartment in the centre console, for example for connecting various iPod® and iPhone®models², as well as two USB-C charge ports in the rear - radio with RDS twin-tuner and Diversity for optimum reception - control of vehicle and comfort functions such as charging timers and climate settings - central display of notifications from the vehicle and connected external devices - voice control with natural speech interaction, activation via “Hey Porsche” and multimodal map operation Online navigation¹ with: - maps for most European countries - 3D map display and 3D navigation map supporting city³ and terrain models with satellite image overlay - dynamic route calculation with online real-time traffic and route monitor for a clear overview of charging stops and traffic conditions Note: ¹ requires Porsche Connect ² for information on compatibility with the latest iPod® and iPhone® models, please contact your Porsche Centre ³ not available in all cities• LTE Communication Module with embedded SIM Card, Internet Access and Smartphone Compartment including Inductive Charging (Qi Standard)• Porsche Connect with Apple® CarPlay - online navigation (see Porsche Communication Management) - musicstreaming and online radio - Remote Services - E-mobility services including charge management, control of vehicle parking pre-climatisation or range management - a wide range of other Porsche Connect Services Note: Porsche Connect includes a free subscription period of 36 months. The full range of Porsche Connect services or individual services thereof may not be available in some countries. An integrated LTE-enabled SIM card with data allowance for use of selected Porsche Connect services will be included in some countries. For use of the WiFi hotspot via the integrated, LTE-enabled SIM card, in some of these countries a data package is available to purchase from thePorsche Connect Store. For further information on free subscription periods, follow-on costs and availability ofindividual services in your country, please visit /connect or consult your Porsche Centre.• 2 USB-C Connectivity and Charge Ports in the Storage Compartment in the Centre Console• 2 USB-C Charge Ports in the Rear• Sound Package Plus with 10 Speakers and a total Output of 150 Watts• Digital Radio Note: Standard EU 28S t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)L u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t• Luggage Compartment front and rear• Automatic Tailgate• Tailgate Button• Storage Compartments - glove compartment - storage compartment in the front centre console - storage tray below the ascending centre console in front - storage tray between the rear seats - storage tray on the middle tunnel in rear -storage compartments in the doors front and rear - storage compartments in the sides of the rear luggage compartment and luggage compartment recess - net and two fastener straps in rear luggage compartment - bag hooks in rear luggage compartment• 12 V Electrical Socket in Storage Compartment in the Centre Console• 12 V Electrical Socket in Luggage Compartment rear• Two integrated Cupholders front and rear• Clothes Hook at B-Pillars on Driver's and Passenger's Side• Functional Luggage Compartment Cover, foldableC o l o u r s• Solid Paint Exterior Colours - White (0Q) - Black (A1)E-P e r f o r m a n c e• Charge Port on Driver and Front Passenger Side• On-Board AC-Charger with 11 kW for Alternating Current (AC)• On-Board DC-Charger with up to 150 kW for Direct Current (DC) at public Charging Stations with a Voltage of 400 V • Charging with Direct Current (DC) at public Charging Stations with a Voltage of 800 V• Mobile Charger Plus (11 kW) for charging at household and industrial electrical outlets. Compatible with the Home Energy Manager. 4.5 m cable• Supply Cable for Domestic Electrical Socket• Supply Cable for Red Industrial Electrical Outlet (400 V, 32 A, 5 Pin)I n d i v i d u a l o p t i o n sO r d e r n o.M o d e l y e a r V e h i c l eY1BBD12021Taycan 4 Cross TurismoI n d i v i d u a l i s a t i o nC a t e g o r y O r d e r n o.I n d i v i d u a l e q u i p m e n tExterior Colour1I Frozenberry MetallicInterior Colour QD Two-Tone Leather Interior, Smooth-Finish Leather, Bramble/Slate Grey Equipment Packages2J0Offroad Design PackageExterior3S2Roof Rails in Black Aluminium6XV Electric folding Exterior MirrorsQJ4Side Window Trims in Black (high-gloss)NG1Preliminary Setup for Rear Bike Carrier Drive train / Chassis G1X Single-Speed Transmission on the FrontAxle, 2-Speed Transmission on the RearAxleGM3Porsche Electric Sport Sound8LC Sport Chrono Package includingCompass Display on Dashboard1N3Power Steering PlusWheels F5320-Inch Offroad Design Wheels Wheel Accessories1G8Tyre Sealing Compound and Electric AirCompressorLights and vision8IS LED Main Headlights including PorscheDynamic Light System Plus (PDLS Plus)4L6Automatically Dimming Interieur andExterior Mirrors3FG Panoramic Roof, fixedVW6Thermally and Noise insulated Glassincluding Privacy GlassComfort and assistance systems KS1Head-Up DisplayKA6ParkAssist including Surround ViewP4W Active Parking Support4F2Comfort AccessInterior KH5Advanced Climate Control (4-Zone)5KA4+1 Seats2V4IoniserQQ1Ambient LightingQ2J Comfort Seats in Front (14-Way, Electric)with Memory Package4A3Seat Heating (front)4X4Side Airbags in Rear CompartmentGT5Accent Package DarksilverFX1Seat Belts Bramble Porsche ExclusiveManufakturI n d i v i d u a l i s a t i o n(c o n t i n u e d)C a t e g o r y O r d e r n o.I n d i v i d u a l e q u i p m e n t3X1Ski BagInterior Aluminium5MD Aluminium Rhombus Interior Package7M9Door Sill Guards brushed Aluminium inSilverAudio / Comm.JH1Passenger DisplayE-Performance2W9Electric Charging CoverKB4On-Board AC-Charger with 22 kW9M3Heat PumpQW5Porsche Intelligent Range ManagerNW2Mobile Charger ConnectEH2Cable Connection between Control Unitand Vehicle: 7.5m76H Charging Cable (Mode 3)Y o u r P o r s c h e C o d e /PML7C558I m p o r t a n t i n f o r m a t i o nThe models illustrated show equipment for the Federal Republic of Germany. For example they also include special equipment which is not supplied as standard and is only obtainable for an additional charge. Not all models are available in every country as there may be regulations and orders which are country-specific. Please obtain information about the models available through your Porsche dealer or importer. We reserve the right to change design, equipment and delivery specifications as well as vary colours.。
2021 KTM 300 EXC TPI 极端尾气吸引力说明书
THE KING OF HARD ENDUROThe KTM 300 EXC TPI has been at the forefront of the insane development in the highest levels of extreme enduro performance. This nimble, lightweight, all-terrain master fears no obstacle and with the advent of TPI technology, has risen to ridiculous new heights. The refined bodywork and ergonomics make moving around a bliss, while the frame allows the rider to select a line with instant precision. An innovative and strong 3D stamped exhaust pipe, as well as the impressive coolingand suspension, all help to make the 2021 KTM 300 EXC TPI ready for the most extreme enduro challenges.ULTRA-LIGHT EXTREME ENDURO04ENGINE KTM’s EXC 2-stroke engines are designed to satisfy even the most advanced enduro riders. They feature a sophisticated power valve system, providing smooth and controllable power characteristics. Refined for 2020, they are again the center of each model’s power arch for 2021.TPI The Transfer Port Injection (TPI) system features two fuel injectors which spray the optimal amount of fuel down into the rear transfer ports. This downstream injection guarantees excellent atomization of the fuel with the upstreaming air, resulting in highly efficient combustion and significantly reduced losses of unburned fuel. An additional ambient pressure sensor guarantees even faster adaption of the system to different altitudes, while two selectable engine maps allow riders to get the most out of their machines.CUTTING-EDGE TWO-STROKES KTM’s 2021 EXC range includes the most potent and capable 2-stroke enduro weapons available on the market. Refined through years of valuable KTM factory rider feedback, these extreme machines are a result of KTM’s unwavering commitment to constant progression. Apart from a dynamic handling chassis, all 2-strokes feature revolutionary TPI (Transfer Port Injection) technology, delivering unrivaled power throughout the entire rev range no matter what the conditions. T HE COMPLETE PACKAGE HIGH PERFORMANCE, FUEL INJECTED T ECHNOLOGY EXHAUSTThe latest exhaust pipes play a key role in the improved power delivery and performance of the 2021 KTM EXC range. Designed to conquer the most extreme of trails, the KTM 250 EXC TPI and KTM 300 EXC TPI feature a HD (Heavy Duty) pipe with stiff outer shell, minimal width, and plenty of ground clearance.0706BODYWORKThe KTM Factory Riders were involved in shaping the bodywork and the goal of complete harmony between rider and bike was achieved. The plastics provide perfect contact points for the rider, maximum freedom of movement, and improved overall handling.SUSPENSION Providing optimal suspension characteristics, the WP XPLOR front fork has received minor updates for 2021. Offering race-proven performance in the most extreme enduro conditions, it now comes with an additional preload adjuster that allows for easy setting changes for varying track or trail conditions.FRAME The latest spec frames feature ideal longitudinal and torsional stiffness, providing optimal feedback to the rider, agile handling, and exceptional stability.READY FOR MORE EXTREME ACTION The 2021 EXC models feature several significant highlights that raise the bar of enduro performance to extreme levels. The entire range combines class-leading performance with precise handling and easy maneuverability. The impressive dynamic of the 2021 KTM EXC models is how well all the features work together to create race-winning machines of the highest caliber.GRAPHICSNew, high-quality inlay graphics add some fierce style to the sharp bodywork of the new EXC range, with contrasting grey and black decals complementing the striking KTM orange.CHAMPIONSHIP- WINNING CHASSIS 0809PERFECT BALANCE OF POWER AND HANDLINGThe KTM 350 EXC-F has become thebest-selling 4-stroke competition model ever, due to its 250-like agility and 450-like power. Following years of development, this trail master has continued to gain in performance, torque, handling, and agility, delivering more power than ever, while advancing even closer to the lightweight maneuverability of a 250. The basic idea of this bike is easy to see, and continues to be a recipe for success for those who want a proven race winner.RACE-PROVEN PERFORMANCE11CUTTING-EDGE 4-STROKES KTM refuses to knock down a gear in its mission to make the EXC-F models the most competitive 4-stroke machines on the market today. Low weight, unbeatable torque, efficient engine management, sensitive delivery, and even more reliability have been KTM development priorities over recent years. Developed for riders of any skill range, the 2021 KTM EXC-F models are race-winning machines across all offroad racing disciplines.OFFROAD POWERHOUSE CLASS-LEADING T ORQUE AND POWER ENGINE Compact dimensions with class-leading power output, KTM’s fuel-injected 4-stroke engines are the most refined and powerful on the market. They feature enduro-specific exhaust systems, latest-technology electronic fuel-injection, and several internal components that all help deliver efficient power throughout the rev range. These Euro IV homologated engines are the lightest and most competitive yet, with an unrivaled power-to-weight ratio.12S P E C I A L E D I T I O N E N D U R O M O D E L S D e v e l o p e d f o r t h e g n a r l i e s t t r a i l s o n t h e p l a n e t , t h e f l a g s h i p K T M E X C S I X D A Y S m o d e l s a n d t h e e x c l u s i v e K T M 300 E X C T P I E R Z B E R G R O D E O a r e h e r e t o m a k e t h e t o u g h e s t e v e n t o u g h e r . B o a s t i n g t h e v e r y l a te s t i n i n n o v a t i o n , t h e s e s p e c i a l e d i t i o n K T M m a c h i n e s a r e t h e m o s t R E A D Y T O R A C E e n d u r o b i k e s a v a i l a b l e o n t h e m a r k e t t o d a y . C e l e b r a t i n g t h e s p o r t of e n d u r o , t h e y a r e r e a d y t o t a c k l e e v e n t h e m o s t e x t r e m e a n d m o s t d e m a n d i ng r a c e s a r o u n d th e g l o b e .R E A D Y F O R T H E U L T I M A T E E X T R E M E SKTM EXC SIX DAYS 2021No chain is stronger than its weakest link, so when facing the ultimate challenge, every element needs to be as tough as the rest. KTM knows what it takes to get the job done and has developed a race-winning package built as tough as they come. Featuring an impressive list of components including the latest-spec WP XPLOR forks, CNC machined triple clamps, a map select switch, and an exclusive design, these models not only look the part, but are ready for the hardest tests.BUILT FOR THE TOUGHEST CHALLENGESPECIAL FEATURES> SILENCERS WITH NEW SIX DAYS LOGO> RIMS WITH NEW SIX DAYS LOGO> ENGINE GUARD> FRONT AXLE PULLER> STEALTH REAR SPROCKET>R ADIATOR FAN FOR ALL 4-STROKES> HANDLEBAR WITH NEW SIX DAYS LOGO> SOLID REAR BRAKE DISC>F LOATING FRONT BRAKE DISC> ORANGE FRAME> ORANGE CNC TRIPLE CLAMPS> ORANGE CHAIN GUIDE> SIX DAYS SEATand many more …18KTM 300 EXC TPI ERZBERGRODEO 2021The ErzbergRodeo Red Bull HareScramble in Austria is known to be one of the toughest extreme enduro races on the planet. A truly limited-edition machine, the KTM 300 EXC TPI ERZBERGRODEO features a long list of special parts thatAS EXTREME AS IT GETSACOMP LIGHT HELMETAdvanced, lightweight offroad helmet with removable, moisture-wicking inner lining and cheek pads.B HUSTLE MX GOGGLESAdvanced performance MX goggles with three-layer fleece foam lining and LEXAN ® glass.CRACETECH SHIRTRobust quality and lightweight with breathable mesh panels for optimum ventilation, along with raglan-style sleeves for added comfort.DRACETECH GLOVESLightweight offroad gloves with silicone print for better grip, touchscreen functionality, and LYCRA ® finger sidewalls.ERACETECH PANTSDurable, lightweight offroad pants with perforated ventilation zones, heatproof and abrasion-resistant leather knee reinforcement.FTECH 7 EXC BOOTSMade exclusively for enduro riding, with a non-slip two-component sole and a stainless steel heel and toe protection.01LED HEADLIGHTIntense and extremely robust 1,500 Lumen headlight, specifically developed for the KTM Enduro range.02SKID PLATEMade from special high-strength plastic, the skid plate has been developed to provide the maximum level of protection at the lowest possible weight.03FACTORY FRONT WHEELAnodized D.I.D DirtStar rim, developed to produce the ideal compromise between rigidity and flexibility.04WAVE SEATFreedom of movement and perfect grip thanks to the “wave surface”, which acts as a stepped seat – even though it isn’t one.05FACTORY TRIPLE CLAMPManufactured from the highest-grade aluminum and tuned to produce perfect steering stem stiffness and flexibility – adapted precisely to the WP fork.06AKRAPOVIČ “SLIP-ON LINE”Akrapovič slip-on silencer offers more power and torque, uncompromising factory racing looks, and substantial weight savings.> V ISIT TO VIEW THE ENTIREKTM POWERPARTS & KTM POWERWEAR RANGEKTM PowerWear and KTM PowerParts have been developed to deliver the highest levels of performance, protection, and agility for both the rider and their motorcycle.MADEFOR EXTREMES01020506TECHNICAL DATAKTM 150 EXC TPIKTM 250 EXC TPIKTM 300 EXC TPIENGINE (LIQUID COOLED)ENGINE TYPESingle-cylinder, 2-stroke, Exhaust control Single-cylinder, 2-stroke, Exhaust control Single-cylinder, 2-stroke, Exhaust control ENGINE MANAGEMENT Continental TPI System Continental TPI System Continental TPI System DISPLACEMENT 143.99 cc 249 cc293.2 cc BORE X STROKE 58 mm x 54.5 mm 66.4 mm x 72 mm 72 mm x 72 mm COMPRESSION RATIO ---STARTER / BATTERY E-starter & kick-starter system / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah FUEL SYSTEMDellorto throttle body Ø 39 mmDellorto throttle body Ø 39 mmDellorto throttle body Ø 39 mmTRANSMISSIONCLUTCH Wet multi-disc DS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics LUBRICATION Electronically regulated oil pump Electronically regulated oil pump Electronically regulated oil pump GEARBOX 6 gears6 gears6 gearsGEAR RATIOS12:33 15:31 17:28 19:26 21:25 20:2014:32 16:26 20:25 22:23 25:22 26:2014:32 16:26 20:25 22:23 25:22 26:20PRIMARY RATIO / FINAL DRIVE 23:73 / 13:48 (13:50)26:73 / 14:50 (13:50)26:73 / 14:50 (13:50)CHAINX-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"CHASSIS & BRAKESFRAME Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4SUBFRAME AluminumAluminumAluminumHANDLEBARNEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm STEERING HEAD ANGLE 63.5°63.5°63.5°TRIPLE CLAMP OFSET 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm MUFFLERAluminumAluminumAluminumFRONT SUSPENSION WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm REAR SUSPENSIONWP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS SUSPENSION TRAVEL FRONT / REAR 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm WHEELBASE 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm RIMS FRONT / REAR 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant TIRES FRONT / REAR 80 / 100-21"; 140 / 80-18"80 / 100-21"; 140 / 80-18"80 / 100-21"; 140 / 80-18"BRAKE FRONT / REARDisc brake Ø 260 / 220 mmDisc brake Ø 260 / 220 mmDisc brake Ø 260 / 220 mmDIMENSIONS & WEIGHTSEAT HEIGHT / GROUND CLEARANCE 960 mm / 370 mm 960 mm / 370 mm 960 mm / 370 mm TANK CAPACITY approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters DRY WEIGHTapprox. 96.8 kgapprox. 103.4 kgapprox. 103.4 kgKTM 250 EXC-FKTM 350 EXC-FKTM 450 EXC-FKTM 500 EXC-FSingle-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / DOHC with finger followers Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / DOHC with finger followers Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / OHC with rocker arms Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 4V / OHC with rocker arms Keihin EMS Keihin EMS Keihin EMS Keihin EMS 249.91 cc 349.7 cc449.9 cc510.9 cc 78 mm x 52.3 mm 88 mm x 57.5 mm 95 mm x 63.4 mm 95 mm x 72 mm 12.8:112.3:112.75:112.75:1E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah E-starter / Lithium Ion 12V / 2Ah Keihin throttle body Ø 42 mmKeihin throttle body Ø 42 mmKeihin throttle body Ø 42 mmKeihin throttle body Ø 42 mmWet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Wet multi-disc DDS clutch, Brembo hydraulics Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps Pressure lubrication with 2 oil pumps 6 gears6 gears6 gears6 gears13:32 16:30 16:24 23:28 23:23 26:2014:32 16:26 20:25 22:23 25:22 26:2014:36 17:32 19:28 22:26 23:24 26:2114:36 17:32 19:28 22:26 23:24 26:2124:73 / 14:52 (13:52)24:73 / 14:52 (13:52)31:76 / 14:52 (13:52)31:76 / 14:50 (13:50)X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"X-Ring 5/8 x 1/4"Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4Central double-cradle-type 25CrMo4AluminumAluminumAluminumAluminumNEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28 / 22 mm NEKEN, Aluminum Ø 28/22 mm 63.5°63.5°63.5°63.5°22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm AluminumAluminumAluminumAluminumWP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR USD fork, Ø 48 mm WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS WP XPLOR shock absorber with PDS 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 300 mm / 310 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1,482 mm ± 10 mm 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 1.60 x 21"; 2.15 x 18" Giant 80 / 100-21"; 140 / 80-18"80 / 100-21"; 140 / 80-18"80 / 100-21"; 140 / 80-18"80/100-21"; 140/80-18"Disc brake Ø 260 / 220 mmDisc brake Ø 260 / 220 mmDisc brake Ø 260 / 220 mmDisc brake Ø 260 / 220 mm960 mm / 355 mm 960 mm / 355 mm 960 mm / 355 mm 960 mm / 355 mm approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters approx. 9 liters approx. 103 kgapprox. 103.8 kgapprox. 105.5 kgapprox. 105.6 kgSIX DAYS & ERZBERGRODEO EDITIONS AVAILABLESIX DAYS EDITION AVAILABLE SIX DAYS EDITION AVAILABLE SIX DAYS EDITION AVAILABLE SIX DAYS EDITION AVAILABLE SIX DAYS EDITION AVAILABLE2425。
718 BoxsterYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PREP1ZD1Visit the following link to view your conagurption: htt/s:..conagurptorm/orschemco-./orscheYcode.PREP1ZD1Summary£our 718 Boxster Conagurption Bpse Price53,08SSmSS6u- of selected o/tions59T3mSS*otpl Price453A0AT3mSS4including Vb* Y Plepse note the i-pges dis/lpyed here -py not Fe p co-/lete pnd pccurpte re/resentption of your chosen s/eciacption pnd so they should not Fe relied onm qor further infor-ption on the p//eprpnce of colour0 eOui/-ent0 pnd other o/tions0 /lepse contpct your Porsche Centrem718 BoxsterExterior Colours & WheelsCptegory G/tion G/tion code Price Exterior colours bgpte Mrey Netpllic®S59T3mSSConvertiFle to/ in Flpck AV5SmSSWheels18Yinch Boxster wheels,T36tpndprd EOui/-entInterior Colours & SeatsCptegory G/tion G/tion code Price Interior colours & materials Blpck blcpntprp( pnd leptherette septs bD5SmSS ArraySeats6/orts septs )twoYwpy0 electric2PS86tpndprd EOui/-entExterior OptionsCptegory G/tion G/tion code Price Powertrain & chassis9Ys/eed -pnupl trpns-ission with duplY-pss •ywheel A8S6tpndprd EOui/-ent718 BoxsterStandard EquipmentWheelsW18Yinch Boxster wheelsW18Yinch Boxster wheels with z,3.A3 ZR 18 tyres pt front pnd z93.A3 ZR 18 tyres pt reprW bntiYtheL wheel FoltsW*yre Pressure Nonitoring 6yste- )*PN2W*yre re/pir kitSeatsW6/orts septs )twoYwpy0 electric2Powertrain & chassisW9Ys/eed -pnupl trpns-ission with duplY-pss •ywheelW AYcylinder horiIontplly o//osed turFo chprged engine0 dis/lpce-ent: zmS litres0 -pxi-u- /ower out/ut: zzS kj ),SS P620 -pxi-u- torOue: ,8S ®-W jpterYcooled engine with ther-pl -pnpge-entW*urFochprger with intercoolerW3AYlitre fuel tpnkW9Ys/eed -pnupl trpns-ission with duplY-pss •ywheelW Kightweight s/ringYstrut pxle front pnd reprW qourY/iston plu-iniu- -onoFloc axed Frpke cpli/ers pt front pnd repr0 Frpke discs dip-eter ,,S -- pt front zTT -- pt repr0 internplly vented pnd crossYdrilledm Brpke cpli/ers with Flpck anishW Electricplly controlled /prking FrpkeW Electro-echpnicpl direct steering with vpripFle steering rptio pnd steering /ulse generptorW ReprYwheel driveW Porsche 6tpFility Npnpge-ent )P6N2 inclm bB6 with extended Frpke functionsW buto stprt.sto/ functionW VprioCp- Plus vpripFle vplve ti-ing pnd liLW‘ntegrpted dryYsu-/ luFricption with pn onYde-pnd controlled oil /u-/W Direct quel ‘nHection )Dq‘2W,Ywpy cptplytic converter pnd onYFoprd dipgnostics for -onitoring e-ission control syste-0 copted gpsoline /prticulpte alterW*winYtrpct exhpust syste- with centrpl tpil/i/e in stpinless steelW6PGR* Futton to pctivpte driving dynp-ic settings for engine )pnd geprFox in conHunction with PD’2W Cruise ControlExteriorW‘ntelligent lightweight construction in plu-iniu- pnd steel co-/ositeW butoYde/loying repr wingW6ide pir intpkes with two grilles in BlpckW&PGR6C;EX logo on pccent stri/ pnd -odel designption on repr p/ron in high gloss silver colourW qpFric hood Y qully puto-ptic fpFric hood0 electricplly o/erpted with heptpFle rigid glpss repr window0 o/erpFle u/ to p//roxm ,1 -/h pnd convenient o/erption Fy key re-oteW jind de•ector netW Pprkbssist front 'p-/+ reprLights & vision718 BoxsterW BiY³enon hepdlights with integrpted KED dpyti-e running lightW6e/prpte puxilipry lights in the front end with KED indicptors pnd /osition lightsW KED tpillights pnd integrpl AY/oint Frpke lights pnd reversing lightsW buto-ptic hepdlight pctivption including &jelco-e ;o-eX lightingW KED repding lights0 orientption0 ignition lockm bdditionplly luggpge co-/prt-ent pnd glove co-/prt-ent lightingW Electricplly pdHustpFle hepted exterior -irrors on door wpist rpils0 ps/hericpl on driverUs sideW jindscreen wpsher syste- with two wi/er s/eeds pnd wpsher HetsW jindscreen with dprker grey tint pt the to/ to reduce glpreW buto-pticplly di--ing interior pnd exterior -irrorsW Rpin sensing puto-ptic windscreen wi/ersInterior designW6tpndprd ‘nterior . RpceY*ex in Blpck.bgpte Mrey Y 6-oothYanish lepther in interior colour: steering wheel ri-0 inlpy door hpndles pnd gepr lever.PD’ gepr selectorm ‘n RpceY*ex: sept centres W bir conditioning syste- with integrpted pctive cprFon alterW qullYsiIe pirFpgs for driver pnd front /pssengerW6/orts septs )twoYwpy0 electric2 with electric Fpckrest pdHust-ent pnd -pnupl height.fore.pL pdHust-entW‘nstru-ent cluster with centrpl rev counter pnd highYresolution Am9Yinch colour dis/lpyW Kuggpge Co-/prt-ent front pnd reprW Porsche 6ide ‘-/pct Protection )PG6‘P2W Electric window liLs with oneYtouch o/erption pnd door sepl /rotectionW6ept centres in RpceY*ex0 6ide Folsters0 hepdrests pnd repr leptheretteW‘nstru-ent dipls pnd rev counter in BlpckW6torpge co-/prt-ent in epch doorW718U logo on gepr leverW bdHustpFle fpn with pir recirculption pnd defroster functionsW‘--oFiliser with re-ote centrpl lockingW Digitpl dis/lpys for vehicle s/eed0 chosen gepr0 odo-eter0 tri/ -eter pnd ti-eW6/orts steering wheel with ,73 -- dip-eter0 ri- in s-oothYanish lepther0 -pnupl fore.pL pnd height pdHust-entm ‘n conHunction with PD’0 feptures geprshiL /pddles for -pnupl geprshiL controlW MreenYtinted heptYinsulpting glpssW*wo individupl cu/holders )/pssenger side integrpl to dpshFoprd tri- stri/2W bscending centre console with pn uncovered storpge co-/prt-ent pnd p closed storpge co-/prt-entW Door sill guprds with -odel designptionW DpshFoprd tri- stri/s pnd centre console tri- in 6ilver colour )highYgloss2W Clothes hooks on sept FpckrestsW;epted septsW blpr- syste-W qloor -ptsW RollYover Fprs )axed2W Dpshcp- /re/prption )co-/ptiFle with Porsche *eOui/-ent dpshcp-s2InfotainmentW Porsche Co--unicption Npnpge-ent )PCN2 inclm ®pvigption Nodule0 -oFile /hone /re/prption0 pudio interfpces pnd voice control syste-W®pvigption including Porsche Connect0 b//le CprPlpy(0 AM.K*E tele/hone -odule pnd wireless internet pccess0 ps well ps Porsche Cpr Connect including Cprander0 Re-ote Vehicle 6tptus0 Re-ote 6ervices pnd Porsche Vehicle *rpcking 6yste- )PV*6 20 )suFscri/tion reOuired2mW6ound Ppckpge Plus: sound syste- with 9 louds/epkers pnd p totpl out/ut of 11S wptts0 with integrpl p-/liaer pnd digitpl signpl /rocessingW Digitpl rpdioW1zYvolt sockets in /pssenger footwell pnd in centre console storpge co-/prt-ent718 BoxsterTechnical Data Power unitConagurption . nu-Fer of cylinders ABore T1mS --6troke79mA --Dis/lpce-ent10T88 c- Power )kj2zzS kjPower )P62,SS P6Npxi-u- /ower pt RPN903SS 1.-in Npxm torOue )®-2,8S ®-Npxi-u- torOue pt RPN rpnge z013S Y A03SS 1.-inConsumption (WLTP)quel consu-/tion co-Fined4 )-odel rpnge2zTm1 Y ,Sm1 -/g CGzYe-issions co-Fined z1z g.k-E-ission stpndprd Eu9dYqCNY‘6C quel consu-/tion co-Fined,Sm1 -/gCGz e-issions co-Fined4 )-odel rpnge2zzS Y z1z g.k-Body dimensions and weightsKength A0,7T --jidth )-irrors folded2108S1 --jidth )including -irrors210TTA --;eight10z81 --jheelFpse z0A73 --nlpden weight )D‘®210,,3 kg718 Boxsternlpden weight )EC210A1S kgPer-issiFle gross weight10933 kgNpxi-u- /pylopd,zS kgCapacitiesKuggpge co-/prt-ent volu-e )front213S litresKuggpge co-/prt-ent volu-e0 repr1zz lquel tpnk3A litresPerformance*o/ s/eed17S -/h bccelerption SY9z -/h )SY1SS k-.h23m1 secs bccelerption SYTT -/h )SY19S k-.h211m, secsqlexiFility ATY7A -/h )8SY1zS k-.h2 in 3th gepr3m9 secs‘nYgepr pccelerption ATY7A -/h )8SY1zS k-.h2,mz secsService and Warrantyjprrpnty /eriod, yeprsNpin service intervpl every z £eprs . zS0SSS -iles Ppint wprrpnty /eriod, yeprsCorrosion wprrpnty1z yeprs718 Boxster718 Boxster718 Boxster。
F-TM ServoDrive SIMATIC ET 200SP F-TM ServoDrive 设
SIMATICET 200SPF-TM ServoDrive 设备手册Siemens AG Division Digital Factory Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG A5E47579551-ABⓅ 04/2020 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2020.保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
按规定使用 Siemens 产品请注意下列说明:警告Siemens产品只允许用于目录和相关技术文件中规定的使用情况。
商标所有带有标记符号 ® 的都是 Siemens AG的注册商标。
3 技术指标
表 1:主要技术指标表 型 号 项 目 输入电压 输出额定值 电压调节范围 输出限流范围 稳压精度 稳流精度 纹波系数 功率因数 转换效率 输出短路回缩 输出过压保护 输入欠压保护 输入过压保护 过温保护 冷却方式 外形尺寸 模块净重 GF22010-10 GF22007-10 参数指标 GF22005-10 GF11020-10 GF11010-10 380VAC(-15%~+25%)/415VAC((-20%~+15%) 10A/230V 7A/230V 5A/230V 20A/115V 10A/115V 198~286V 98~143V 10%~110%额定电流 ≤0.5% ≤0.5% ≤0.5% / ≥94% 110%最大限流点
2 主要特点
● 输入电压工作范围宽:323VAC~480VAC; ● 采用先进的 LLC 谐振高频软开关技术,效率高,功率密度高; ● 完善的 EMC 设计,满足相关标准要求; ● 内置短路回缩保护,即使模块输出长期处于短路状态也不致损坏; ● 采用 LED 显示,可查询模块的电压、电流、地址及故障信息; ● 完善的保护及告警功能,包括输入过/欠压、输出过压、过温、过流等; ● 风机采用温度联合电流控制调速,噪音小,可靠性高; ● 内置可拆卸式防尘网罩,方便维护; ● 内置防反接保护,支持带电热拔插。
4 外形结构与接口
4.1 外形结构
图 1:模块外形图
4.2 输入输出的接口
图 2:航空组件定义图 表 2:整流模块插座定义表 信号名称 交流输入 引脚号 1 2 3 7 8 11 12 15 直流输出 16 18 直流输出正 直流输出负 大地 PE 保护地,请可靠连接。 信号定义 交流输入 A 相 交流输入 B 相 交流输入 C 相 RS485 说 明
1200 2000 600 1099 1896 7187.755
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1000 2000 600 899 1896 7187.596
2 7187.803 2916.200 2917.200
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1200 2000 600 1099 1896 7187.750
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Petroval将FLIR Systems制冷式和非制冷式红外热像仪用于技术审核 - 美国菲力尔FLIR红外热像仪
Pretroval项目主管Jean-Francois Tournieux解释道:“在引进红外热像仪之前,我们找不到一个彻底的方法在设备运行时检测故障。
” 这家总部位于法国诺曼底的公司成立于1990年,归道达尔石油公司和Eurecat集团所有。
制冷式红外热像仪是FLIR Agema 550,FLIR红外热像仪揭露起火原因Petroval将FLIR Systems制冷式和非制冷式红外热像仪用于技术审核众多行业的制造工艺都依赖于熔炉和锅炉,但熔炉和锅炉设备容易出现各种机械故障,包括堵塞管道内部,阻碍产品流动的焦化现象、管道外部炉渣积聚、炉渣造成的损害、加热不足和过热、因燃烧器放置不当而对管道造成的火焰冲刷,以及产品泄漏引发火灾,对设备造成严重伤害。
两台非制冷式红外热像仪分别是同样配备火焰过滤器的FLIR ThermaCAM P50F,以及主要用于设备外部隔热检测的FLIR P640。
TL-AP452C-PoE V1.0、TL-AP302C-PoE V1.0用户手册1.0.0
当AP工作在FAT AP模式时,用户可以登录AP的Web管理界面对AP进行管理,该AP的Web管 理界面分为四个模块:首页、无线、安全和系统。
2.1.1 首页
图 2.1 首页界面
无线吸顶式 AP
图 2.2 首页界面-设备信息区域
图 2.4 首页界面-无线服务区域
在此区域,可以查看无线服务,也可以对已有无线服务进行编辑。无线服务可设置参数包含 以下几项:无线网络名称、网络类型和无线密码等。无线服务设无线客户端区域
无线吸顶式 AP
1.1 1.2 1.3
产品介绍 .......................................................................... 1
产品描述 .......................................................................................... 1 产品特性 .......................................................................................... 1 产品外观 .......................................................................................... 2
特殊图标约定 图标 含义
简介 -4 安全事项-4 概述 -5 控制功能-8 组装 -9 拆箱 -9 外部连接-9 2.2.1 RS232 至 T31P 的连接-9 2.2.2 AC 电源至 T31P 的连接 -9 2.2.3 电池-10 内部连接-10 2.3.1 打开外壳-10 2.3.2 秤体到仪表的连接 -11 T31P 基座定向-11 墙式安装-12 使用场地选择. -12
3. 设置 -13 3.1 菜单结构-13 3.2 菜单导航-14 3.3 标定菜单-14 3.3.1 满量程标定-15 3.3.2 线性标定. -15 3.3.3 地理位置调节因子-16 3.3.4 退出标定菜单. -16 3.4 设置菜单-16 3.4.1 复位-16 3.4.2 计量法规. -16 3.4.3 秤称量范围-16 3.4.4 分度值-17 3.4.5 开机单位. -17 3.4.6 零点范围. -17 3.4.7 退出设置菜单. -17 3.5 读数菜单-17 3.5.1 复位-17 3.5.2 滤波-18 3.5.3 零点跟踪范围. -18 3.5.4 背光-18 3.5.5 自动关机定时器-18 3.5.6 退出读数菜单. -18
Defender 3000 系列电子台秤 秤 目录
1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
菲亚特汽车Bluetooth HandsFreeLink用户指南说明书
FeaturesBluetooth ® HandsFreeLink ® (HFL) allows you to place and receive phone calls using your vehicle’s audio system, without handling your cell phone.Using HFL■HFL Buttons1Bluetooth ® HandsFreeLink ®Place your phone where you can get good reception.To use HFL, you need a Bluetooth -compatible cell phone. For a list of compatible phones, pairing procedures, and special feature capabilities:•U.S.: Visit /handsfreelink/,or call 1-888-528-7876.•Canada: For more information on smartphone compatibility, call 1-855-490-7351.To use the system, the Bluetooth setting must be ON .Voice control tips•Aim the vents away from the ceiling and close thewindows, as noise coming from them may interfere with the microphones.•Press the button when you want to call a number using a phonebook name or a number.Speak clearly and naturally after a beep.•If the microphone picks up voices other than yours,the command may be misinterpreted.•To change the volume level, select the audio system’s VOL (Volume) or use the remote audio controls on the steering wheel.If there is no Favorite Contact entry in the system, the pop-up notification appears on the screen.(Talk) Button Microphone(Hang-up) Button (Pick-up) Button(Back) Buttonuu Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®u Using HFLFeatures(Pick-up) button: Press to go directly to the phone menu on the driverinformation interface, or to answer an incoming call.(Hang-up) button: Press to end a call.(Back) button: Press to go back to the previous screen, or cancel a command.(Talk) button: Press to access Voice Portal.Left Selector Wheel: Press the (home) button, then roll up or down to selectPhone on the driver information interface, and then press the left selector wheel.(home) button: Press to go back to the home screen of the driver informationinterface.To go to the phone screen of the driver information interface:1.Press the (home) button on the steering wheel.2.Select Phone.u You can select Favorite Contacts or Recent Calls.1Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®Bluetooth® Wireless TechnologyThe Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and anyuse of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is underlicense. Other trademarks and trade names are thoseof their respective owners.HFL LimitationsAn incoming call on HFL will interrupt the audiosystem when it is playing. It will resume when the callis ended.uu Bluetooth ® HandsFreeLink ®u Using HFLFeaturesThe audio/information screen notifies you when there is an incoming call.Certain manual functions are disabled or inoperable while the vehicle is in motion. You cannot select a grayed-out option until the vehicle is stopped.Only previously stored phonebook names or numbers can be called using voice commands while the vehicle is in motion.■HFL Status Display1HFL Status DisplayThe information that appears on the audio/information screen varies between phone models.■Limitations for Manual Operation **Not available on all modelsuu Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®u Using H FLFeatures■Bluetooth® setupYou can turn Bluetooth® function on and off.1.Press the button.2.Select Settings.3.Select Connections.4.Select Bluetooth.5.Select Options.6.Select Bluetooth, then ON.■Phone Setupuu Bluetooth ® HandsFreeLink ®u Using H FLFeatures■To pair a cell phone (when there is nophone paired to the system)1.Press the button.2.Select Phone .3.Select Connect Phone .4.Make sure your phone is in search ordiscoverable mode, then select + Connect New Device .u HFL automatically searches for a Bluetooth ® device.5.Select your phone when it appears on the list.u If your phone still does not appear,search for Bluetoot h ® devices using your phone.From your phone, search for HandsFreeLink .6.The system gives you a pairing code on the audio/information screen.u Confirm if the pairing code on the screen and your phone match.This may vary by phone.7.Select desired functions and then select Save .1Phone SetupYour Bluetooth -compatible phone must be paired to the system before you can make and receive hands-free calls.Phone Pairing Tips:•You cannot pair your phone while the vehicle is moving.•Up to six phones can be paired.•Your phone’s battery may drain faster when it is paired to the system.Once you have paired a phone, you can see itdisplayed on the screen with one or more icons on the right side.: The phone is compatible with Bluetooth ® Audio.: The phone can be used with HFL.If there is an active connection to Apple CarPlay pairing of additional Bluetooth compatible devices is unavailable.uu Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®u Using H FLFeatures ■To change the currently paired phone1.Go to the phone settings screen.2.Select Change Devices.3.Select a phone to connect.u HFL disconnects the connected phoneand starts searching for another pairedphone.4.or .5..■To delete a paired phone1.Go to the phone settings screen.2.Select Change Devices.3.Select a phone you want to delete.4.Select Delete.5.A confirmation message appears on thescreen. Select Yes.1To change the currently paired phoneIf no other phones are found or paired when trying toswitch to another phone, HFL will inform you that theoriginal phone is connected again.To pair other phones, select + Connect New Devicefrom the Bluetooth screen.。
伯斯奇718 Cayman GT4 RS 说明书
INDISPENSABLE, ESPECIALLY IN TIGHT BENDS: SIMPLICITY. INTERIOR AND INFOTAINMENTPAINT TO SAMPLEChoose from an extended range of solid and metallic colours with a number of historic Porsche and classic colours.PAINT TO SAMPLE PLUSHighlight the individuality of your Porsche with a colour developed for you, based on your sample.Black with decorative stitching in contrasting colour Deep Sea BlueBlack with decorative stitching in contrasting colour Arctic GreyInterior Weissach packagewith extended leather/Race-Tex trims.Black with decorative stitching in contrasting colour Deep Sea BlueBlack with decorative stitching in contrasting colour Arctic GreyInteriorwith extended leather/Race-Tex trims.Black with decorative stitching in contrasting colour Arctic GreyInnenausstattung mit Umfängen in Leder/Race-Tex.Shark BlueArctic GreyGT Silver MetallicGentian Blue MetallicCarrara White MetallicSpecial exterior colours.Racing Yellow Guards Red Black White Serienfarben Exterieur.COLOURS.P ORSCHE E XCLUSIV E M ANUFAKTUR.We offer a wide range of personalisation options. Visually and technically. For the interior and exterior. From a single alteration to extensive modifications. Your inspiration is our passion.Be inspired by our examples on the following pages and visit /exclusive-manufaktur to learn everything you need to know about configuring these extraordinary vehicles.None of this would be possible without originality, enthusiasm and attention to detail, beginning as early as the consultation stage. That’s because we keep in mind one thing above all else: your particular wishes and requirements, turning ‘a’ Porsche into ‘your’ Porsche.And how do we turn your dreams into reality? With composure and meticulous care, by means of precision handcrafting and the use of exquisite materials such as leather and carbon. Added value is achieved through dedication and finesse. Or to put it another way: the intersecting of sporty performance, comfort, design and your personal taste. A Porsche with your signature touch.Our wealth of experience goes back a long way. Since the very beginning, we at Porsche have been dedicated torealising customer wishes. Known until 1986 as the Porsche ‘Sonderwunschprogramm’, then ‘Porsche Exclusive’ - and today we call it Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur.We love what we do. We love our work. Every seam, every square inch of leather, and every single other fine detail receives the same devotion. We transfer our experience and passion together with your inspiration to the car – and that’s how we bring dreams to life. Directly from the factory.P orsche E xclusive M anufaktur | Persona lisa tion571Accent package logos in Racing Yellow2 20-inch GT4 RS wheels painted in satin black withrim painted in Racing Yellow, Porsche CeramicComposite Brake (PCCB) with brake calipers painted in black (high-gloss)3 Personalised floor mats with leather edging,door sill guards in carbon, illuminated (yellow)4 3D printed bodyform full bucket seat (medium hardness),interior trim package with decorative stitching and embroidery in contrasting colour (Racing Yellow),dashboard and door panel trim package in leather/Race-Tex, seat belts in Racing Yellow, door pull loops in Racing Yellow, ‘PORSCHE’ logo on storage compartment lid in Race-Tex, steering column casing in leather withdecorative stitching in contrasting colour, rev counter dial and Sport Chrono stopwatch in white, sun visors in Race-TexA configuration example from the Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur.59Technical data 58TECHNICAL DATA.1) Weight is calculated in accordance with the relevant EC Directives and is valid for vehicles with standard specification only. Optional equipment increases this figure. The figure given includes 75kg for the driver.2) The stated consumption and emission values were determined according to the legally prescribed measurement procedures. Since 1 September 2018, the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) has replaced the new European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Due to the more realistic test conditions, the values for fuel/electricity consumption and CO₂ emissions determined according to WLTP are in many cases higher than those determined according to NEDC. Currently, the NEDC values must be communicated irrespective of the typing procedure used. If WLTP values are also stated, this is done voluntarily. All new vehicles offered by Porsche are type-approved according to WLTP, which is why the NEDC values stated were derived from the WLTP values. Where the values are given as ranges, they do not relate to a single, individual vehicle and do not form part of the offer. They serve solely for comparison purposes between the different vehicle types. Additional equipment and accessories (add-on parts, tyre format, etc.) can change relevant vehicle parameters such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics and, in addition to weather and traffic conditions as well as individual driving behaviour, influence the fuel/electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions, range and driving performance values of a vehicle. For more information on the differences between WLTP and NEDC, please visit /wltp. Furtherinformation on the official fuel consumption and the official specific CO₂ emissions of new passenger cars can be found in the “Guide on fuel consumption, CO₂ emissions and electricity consumption of new passenger cars”, which is available free of charge at all sales outlets and from DAT. Status: 10/2021Fuel consumption/emissions (WLTP)²⁾PDK Fuel consumption low, l/100km 22,1Fuel consumption medium, l/100km 12,3Fuel consumption high, l/100km 11,2Fuel consumption extra-high, l/100km 12,1Fuel consumption combined, l/100km 13,2CO₂ emissions combined 299 g/km Particulate filter YesEmissions standardEuro 6d-FCM-ISCEngine PDKDesignAluminium naturally aspirated horizontally opposed engine Number of cylinders 6Displacement 3,996cm³Max. power (DIN) at rpm 368kW (500PS) 8,400Max. torque at rpm450Nm 6,750Maximum engine speed 9,000rpm Transmission Drive RearTransmission 7-speed Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK)ChassisFront axleMcPherson front axle with lightweight springs (including helper springs), anti-roll bar, all suspension mountings ball-jointed Rear axleMcPherson rear axle with lightweight springs (including helper springs), anti-roll bar, all suspension mountings ball-jointedSteeringElectromechanical power-assisted steering with variable steering ratio and speed-sensitive steering force adjustmentBrakesSix-piston aluminium monobloc fixed brake calipers at the front and four-piston units at the rear, composite brake discs with brake chambers made of aluminium, discs internally vented and lowered, brake calipers in red Brake disc diameter 408mm at the front and 380mm at the rear WheelsFront: 8.5 J × 20 ET 61 Rear: 11.0 J × 20 ET 50Tyres (sports tyres)Front: 245/35 ZR 20 Rear: 295/30 ZR 20Performance PDK Top speed196mph Acceleration 0–62mph 3.4secs Acceleration 0–99mph 7.1secs Acceleration 0–124mph10.9secs Overtaking acceleration (50–75mph) 1.9secs Unladen weight DIN 1,415kg (EC)¹⁾1,490kg Permissible total weight 1,771kg Dimensions/drag coefficient Length4,456mmWidth (including exterior mirrors)1,822mm (1,994mm)Height 1,267mm Wheelbase2,482mm Luggage compartment volume front/rear 125 litres/136 litres Tank capacity (refill volume)64 litres (optional 90 litres)Drag coefficient0.35。
菲亚特Porsche Macan S配置说明书
Macan SYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRZ1QVN8Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheYcode.PRZ1QVN8SummaryBour Macan S Conpguration$ase /rice7,850EEPrice for qDui/-ent7E2estination Charge7x580EqFcise taF on air conditioners71EEqsti-ated MaFi-u- 2ealer Tee7x5,0Eqsti-ated MaFi-u- Provincial 3ire Recycling Tee7L0qsti-ated *uFury 3aF7Eqsti-ated 3otal Price478b5xL043he qsti-ated 3otal Price is calculated on the Gase vehicle and eDui/-ent /rices5 destination charge5 esti-ated luFury ite- taF and other chargesm 3he other charges include the qFcise taFes5 (reen *evy taF )if a//licaGleA5 the -aFi-u- /rovincial tire recycling fee )Gased on 0 tires and the highest /rovincial feeA and an esti-ation of the -aFi-u- dealer ad-inistrative and /reYdelivery feesm 3he Octual /rice will vary Gased on the pnal /rice and ter-s agreed u/on with the Porsche Centrem 3he Octual /rice will not eFceed the qsti-ated 3otal Pricem 3he qsti-ated 3otal Price eFcludes s/ecipc duty on sales taFes5 a//licaGle license5 insurance5 and registration costsmPlease note the i-ages dis/layed -ay include features and o/tions not availaGle in Canadam j/tion availaGility and /ricing suGWect to changem Tor full details regarding a//earance5 colour5 eDui/-ent5 and other o/tions availaGle in Canada5 /lease contact your Porsche CentremMacan SExterior Colours & WheelsCategory j/tion j/tion code3otal qsti-ated Price Exterior Colour"hite EQ7E Wheels xEH Macan S "heels in Iighly Polished 2ark 3itaniu-003Standard qDui/-entInterior Colours & SeatsCategory j/tion j/tion code3otal qsti-ated Price Interior Colour Standard Knterior in $lack OT7E ArraySeats Power Seats )8YwayA in front Q1(Standard qDui/-entExterior OptionsCategory j/tion j/tion code3otal qsti-ated Price ArrayPerformance,Ys/eed Porsche 2o//elku//lung )P2•A(12Standard qDui/-entMacan SStandard Equipment Wheels'xEH Macan S "heels in Iighly Polished 2ark 3itaniu-Wheel Accessories'Su--er 3ires for xEH "heels'18++ Colla/siGle S/are "heel'"heel centre set with twoYcolour Porsche Crest'3ire Pressure Monitoring Syste- )3PMA'3ire Sealing Co-/ound and qlectric Oir Co-/ressorSeats'Power Seats )8YwayA in front'Rear xX1 Seats'Ieated Seats )TrontA'KSjTKU Child Seat Mounts )RearAExterior'z//er "ing in Iigh (loss $lack'Side Skirts'Tront Tascia Painted in qFterior Colour'S/ort2esign qFterior Mirrors in qFterior Colour'"indow 3ri- in Silver'Side Glades in *ava $lack'2oor handles /ainted in eFterior colour'Rear 2i9usor in *ouvered 2esign'Tully galvani6ed Gody'Tront fascia -oulding with integral cooling air intakes'Side Glades with new L2 structure5 /ainted in *ava $lack'Side window tri- in Silver'Roof s/oiler in Iigh (loss $lack'2ual twinYtuGe tail/i/es pnished Matte Silver'HPjRSCIqH logo integrated into rear light stri/ and -odel designation on rear hatch in Iigh (loss Silver 'S/ort2esign eFterior -irrors /ainted in the eFterior colour'Tront fascia -iddle section /ainted in eFterior colour'Privacy glass for rear windows'Power tailgate with fully auto-atic o/en.close functionality and height adWustaGility'qlectrically adWustaGle5 heataGle5 and foldaGle eFterior -irrors )also via key re-oteA'Rear wi/er with inter-ittent wi/e and washer Wet'"indshield wi/ers with two s/eeds5 inter-ittent wi/e5 rain sensor5 and washer Wets'Power windows with oneYtouch o/en.close and antiYtra/ /rotection'Ieated rear window with OutoYj9 functionRoof and Transport SystemsMacan S 'Roof in Olu-inu-Exterior Foil'Model 2esignation in Iigh (loss SilverPerformance'xm®Y*itre 3winY3urGocharged V&'Steel S/ring Sus/ension with Porsche Octive Sus/ension Manage-ent )POSMA'Onalogue Clock on 2ashGoard'qFhaust Syste- inclm 3ail/i/es in Silver'Power Steering'Power Steering Plus',0 *itre Tuel 3ank',Ys/eed Porsche 2o//elku//lung )P2•ALights and vision'*q2 Ieadlights inclm Porsche 2yna-ic *ight Syste- )P2*SA'OutoY2i--ing Mirrors'qFterior Mirrors'Privacy (lassInterior Packages & Decors/Materials'Knterior 3ri- in Iigh (loss $lack'Storage PackageSteering wheel, gearshiB/selector lever'Ieated Steering "heel'Steering "heel with Manual OdWust-ent'(ear Selector in *eatherInterior'Rev Counter 2ial in Silver'Roof *ining in TaGric'Side OirGags )Tront and RearA'2oorYSill (uards in $rushed Olu-inu-'Tloor MatsAssistance Systems'ParkOssist )front and rearA'ParkOssist )front and rearA including reversing ca-era'Oda/tive Cruise Control )OCCA'Cruise control inclm s/eed li-iter'*ane de/arture warningComfort and Assistance SystemsMacan S 'Co-fort lighting /ackage'Io-e*ink;'Porsche qntry a-/ 2rive'2river Me-ory Package'LYZone Cli-ate Control'Particle.Pollen Tilter with Octive CarGon Tilter'NonYs-oking /ackageAudio and Communications'Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent )PCMA inclm MoGile Phone Pre/aration and Oudio Knterfaces 'Navigation Module for Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent )PCMA'S-art/hone Co-/art-ent'Voice Control'Sound Package Plus'O//le; CarPlay with Siri; voice recognition'zS$YC Ports'SiriusUM; Satellite Radio )with LY-onth trialA and I2 Radio ReceiverSteering Codes'Production Steering Code for Rallye 2esign Package Stone (uardOthers'3ire Valve in $lackMacan STechnical Data Power unit$ore8bm0 --Stroke8&mE --2is/lace-ent xm® l Power )k"A x8E k" Power )h/A L,0 h/ MaFi-u- engine s/eed&58EE r.-in MaFm torDue L8L lGYConsumption/EmissionsCity )*.1EE k-A1Lm8 l.1EE k-Iighway )*.1EE k-A1Em1 l.1EE k-Co-Gined )*.1EE k-A1xmx l.1EE k-)zrGanA1Lm8 l.1EE k-)NonYurGanA1Em1 l.1EE k-)Co-GinedA1xmx l.1EE k-1ody*ength b5,x& --"idth )not inclm -irrorsA15®x, --"idth )without -irrors foldedA x5E®, --Ieight15&x1 --"heelGase x58E, --3urning circle1xmE -znladen weight )2KNA15®LE kgMacan SPer-issiGle gross weight x508E kgMaFi-u- load&0E kgMaFm towing load )Graked.unYGrakedA x5bEE kgMaFi-u- /er-issiGle roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort syste-,0 kgPerformance3o/ track s/eed with su--er tires1x0® k-.hOcceleration fro- E Y 1EE k-.h bm8 sOcceleration E Y 1EE k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package bm& sOcceleration fro- E Y 1&E k-.h11mx sKnYgear acceleration )8EY1xE k-.hA Lmx sService and Warranty"arranty /eriod bYyear.8E5EEEYkilo-eter )whichever co-es prstA li-ited warranty and Roadside Ossistance Main service interval10 EEE k- . 1 year )whichever co-es prstAPaint warranty /eriod b years . 8E5EEE k- )whichever co-es prstAPerforation "arranty1x years )unli-ited -ileageA1mPerfor-ance1m1Kf your vehicle is delivered with all season or winter tires5 to/ track s/eeds will Ge reducedmMacan SMacan SMacan S。
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意大利汽车制造商菲亚特公司由意大利著名的企业家Giovanni Agnelli于1899年创建。
及时探测这些故障的任务 由R A I T E C H Industrial Technologies Srl完成,该公司是一家从事工业设备技术支持的企业。
RAITECH作为Raichim Srl的一个部门于2010年成立,专门服务于工业领域。
配置MeterLink的FLIR T335为菲亚特工厂的热检测工作提速
自FIAT 124车型当选1967年度最佳汽车以来,先后又有8款其它车型相继获此殊荣,其中包括菲亚特目前最受青睐的一款车型:FIAT 500;该车型于2008年斩获年度最佳汽车大奖。
带Extech EX845钳型表的FLIR T335热像仪
RAITECH公司热成像专家Aldo Alliata 介绍,采用FLIR Systems的红外热像仪在RAITECH热成像检测维护工具单上的地位变得越来越重要。
FLIR MeterLink技术增值添彩
最近,Alliata通过FLIR的Meterlink 连接解决方案在菲亚特梅尔菲工厂热成像检测中获得了更大的价值。
在FLIR红外热像仪与Extech EX845钳型表之间采用蓝牙连接的方案即为Meterlink。
FLIR红外热像仪众多系列都可以使用FLIR Meterlink连接功能,其中包括在菲亚特梅尔菲工厂使用的FLIR T335红外热像仪。
对于Alliata来说,配置Meterlink连接功能的FLIR T335红外热像仪是一款绝佳的工具。
“FLIR T335红外热像仪的菜单系统直观、易用,它还配有许多分析工具,能够根据工作需要进行配置使用。
Meterlink能够让红外热像仪自动接收来自Extech EX845钳型表的数据,该功能的简便操作超乎我预想。
入到对应的辐射热图像中,”Alliata 解释道。
已保存的测量数据在FLIR分析与报告软件FLIR Reporter中可全面访问,而且也便于加入结果表中。