Accelerated Testing



MIL-HDBK-338B Accelerated testing attempts to get more reliability information from a given test time using a test environment that is more severe than that experienced during normal equipment use. 加速试验是一种采用较产品正常状态下更加严酷的试验条件来搜集更 多可靠性信息的试验方法
加速试验相对起步较晚,类型众多,目前国际上还没有统一的加 速试验的定义
Wayne Nelson:
Accelerated testing consists of a variety of test methods for shortening the life of products or hastening the degradation of their performance. 加速试验包括各类缩短产品寿命或加速产品性能退化的试验方法
第一章 绪论
试验的发展 早在大约公元前400年,古希腊哲学家苏格拉底、柏拉图和 亚里斯多德就指出了采用有理推理或逻辑演绎获得理论知识 的重要性 亚里斯多德强调实际观察和归纳的重要性,这给托勒密、哥 白尼等后来的科学家带来了很多的启发,奠定了旨在得到精 确观测结果的经验归纳方法的基础 17世纪早期,弗朗西斯·培根在其最重要的著作《新工具》中 引入了术语试验(Experiment) 伽利略从天文观测转而开始对物理现象进行试验研究,并创 立了把试验方法与数学方法、逻辑论证相结合的科学研究方 法



What We DoHALT – Highly Accelerated Life TestHASS – Highly Accelerated Stress Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3An Advanced System For Accelerated Testing . . . . . . . . . . 3How We Do ItThe Elements of a SuccessfulAccelerated Stress Test (AST) Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Goals, Budgets, and ROI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Testing and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Knowledge Support for AST Program Success . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Solutions GroupESPEC Solutions Group (ASK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Fixture Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Testing Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Hobbs Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5OverviewThe QFusion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6The Typhoon Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6The Inferno System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6HawQ (Patent Pending) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6The OVTT Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Mechanical Halt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6HALT/HASS Reliability Testing SystemsQFusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Typhoon 8.0+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Typhoon 4.0+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Typhoon 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Typhoon 2.5+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Typhoon 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Typhoon 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13HawQ™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Typhoon 4.0+ Inferno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Typhoon 2.5+ Inferno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15OVTT18 and OVTT24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Mechanical Halt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17World’s Largest HALT/HASS ProviderESPEC North America is the largest manufacturer of AST (Accelerated Stress Testing)equipment worldwide. The Qualmark brand HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen) testing technology has been recognized as one of the fastest and most e ective disciplines for design reliability testing and production screening for electronics and electromechanical devices.Innovative System TechnologyThe Qualmark brand pioneered accelerated stress test technology in the early 1990s and has since consistently led the market in technology innovation. In 2009 thebrand introduced the next generation vibration table – the xLF2™. The xLF2 provides the rst and only “ eld maintainable” PSD (Power Spectral Density) table, allowing for simple maintenance procedure to restore the table to Factory PSD.Accelerated Testing Knowledge LeaderThe Qualmark brand o ers a wide range of Applications support, Skills, and Knowledge (ASK) speci cally designed so that best practices are applied to HALT/ HASS system use for maximum returns. The ESPEC Solutions Group adds to the value derived from accelerated testing by customizing services to target customer speci c program optimization. The educational value of the ESPEC Solutions Group can dramatically improve reliability program outcomes and deliver faster product pro tability. It’s never too early or late to “ASK” the ESPEC Solutions Group for the expert support you need.LN 2 InfrastructureLN 2 Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Qualmark L N 2 Eciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Vacuum Jacketed (VJ) Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19LN 2 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Typhoon MVIP TM Dewar KitTyphoon — 2.5/3.0 3 Position MVIP Dewar Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Modular Vacuum Insulated Pipe MVIP — Superiority Through Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21VJ Manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21System Con guration OptionsTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Certi ed European (CE) Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Additional Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Safety Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23L iquid Nitrogen Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23AccessoriesData Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Analyzers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Monitor And Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Fixturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Spares Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25UpgradesPLC Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25xLF2 Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Service ProgramsAnnual Technical Support Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Extended Parts Warranty Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Preventative Maintenance & Calibration Services Program . . . 26 Annual Maintenance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Tech Enhancement and Maintenance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272Table of Contents1HALT – Highly Accelerated Life TestHASS – Highly Accelerated Stress ScreenHALT and HASS, collectively referred to as AcceleratedStress Testing (AST), subject a product to a series of stresses, e ectively forcing product weak links to emerge by accel-erating fatigue. Unlike traditional single axis vibration test methods or thermal only methods, an AST program requires specialized HALT/HASS equipment to render the required stresses – random six-degree-of-freedom vibration and rapid thermal change rates – in the combined environment necessary to drive out latent failure modes.In HALT and HASS, stresses are applied in a controlled, in-cremental fashion while the unit under test is continuously monitored for failures. Once the weaknesses of the product are uncovered and corrective actions taken, the limits of the product are clearly understood and the operating margins have been extended as far as possible. The result? A more mature product can be introduced much more quickly with a higher degree of reliability.ESPEC – Accelerating Product ReliabilityBecause we focus on the way rapid shock technology can be utilized to support business goals, ESPEC forms strategic partnerships, provides expert services, and o ers profession-al programs designed to deliver maximum value delivery.Starting with client needs, ESPEC envisions the entire prod-uct testing life cycle and then o ers a solution to deliver maximum tangible return on investment (ROI). ESPEC’s product design and process management solutions help increase productivity, stimulate growth and build com-petitive advantages – measurable business values for your enterprise.Qualmark Testing Technology –An Advanced System For Accelerated TestingQualmark testing technology is speci cally engineered to reduce the total cost of developing and supporting product throughout its lifecycle – from prototype testing, through production, and during warranty. Since pioneering thetechnology, the Qualmark brand has been the market leader in delivering accelerated stress test technology for perform-ing HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Tests) and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screens) that:• Shorten (DVT) Design Veri cation Time and expense • Remove costly manufacturing defects • Boost product reliability • Reduce warranty costs• Increase brand quality recognitionQualkmark Brand accelerated stress test systems, with their powerful thermal performance and six-degree-of-freedom (6DoF) repetitive-shock vibration, drives out design aws fast while conserving energy consumption. Our vibration system delivers low frequency energy for penetrating complex products, while retaining the high frequency en-ergy that is so e ective at exposing weak solder joints and surface mount weaknesses. The advanced engineering that goes into the Qualmark Typhoon series leads the industry in ful lling the complex task of providing e ective excitation of high and low frequency modes while simultaneouslydelivering rotation (roll, pitch and yaw) around three axes (X, Y and Z) vibration. The system’s air ow technology delivers superior rapid temperature cycling – reaching set points faster and delivering stability during cold/hot dwells and ramps that out-perform other systems.Advanced Technology . . . Faster TestingQualmark Brand ProvidesFaster Time to Market • Shorter DVT and expense Increase Revenues• Beat competition to market Reduced Product Failures • More rugged designReduced Costs• Fewer service & warranty claims Improved Customer Satisfaction • Dependable productProtect Brand Value •A recent study showed that 32% of failure modes would have been missed without the combined stresses of Qualmark’saccelerated reliability testing technology.Eliminate 32% of your product’s failure modes andrecalculate your product’s protability!Graph and data proprietary to ESPEC North America. No portion may be copied,modied, distributed, or published without the express written permission of ESPEC.Failures Found by Stress Type2008 Failures by Stress TypeClick Here For Full White Paper3What We DoHALTHASSProof of ScreenA n n u al M a int e n a n c e P r o g r a m W a r r a n t y – S ys t e m &C o m p o n e n t sA p p l i c a t i on T r a in i ng O p e r a t or T r a i n i ngVisit the ESPEC website to learn more about Accelerated Stress Testing (AST) Programs, and howthey can help you complete testing in 1/5 th the time!Hobbs Engineering KnowledgeHobbs Engineering is an independent Knowledge and accelerated testing by tailoring services to deliver customer-speci c program optimization. The educational value of the ESPEC Solutions Group can dramatically improve reliability program outcomes that will quickly drive increases in product pro tability.accelerated testing by tailoring servPart Number: 971-7000 Standard Features High Rate, High FlowPart Number: 971-4008 Standard FeaturesPart Number: 971-4006 Standard FeaturesHigh Rate, High Flow Typhoon Thermal System xLF2 Vibration Table with PSD Management Vacuum Jacketed ManifoldPart Number: 971-4030 Standard FeaturesHigh Rate, High Flow Typhoon Thermal System xLF2 Vibration Table with PSD Management Vacuum Jacketed ManifoldPart Number: 971-4020 (Single Phase) 971-4022 (3 Phase) Standard FeaturesHigh Rate, High FlowTyphoon Thermal SystemxLF2 Vibration Table withPSD ManagementReview Con guration Options and available Accessories with your ESPEC representativePart Number: 971-4250Part Number: 971-4300OVTT18 — Part Number: 971-5001 OVTT24 — Part Number: 971-5200 Standard FeaturesOVTT18 and 24 Base AssemblyWork Space Outer DimensionsOVTT 18OVTT 24Part Number: EQGNZ2.5-Rxx Standard FeaturesRefrigerationESPEC Cascade refrigerationBoost LN2 injection - optional Controls:ESPEC integrated P-300controller with color touch screen xLF2 Vibration TableSafety Features for Battery Testing:Contact FactorySee Con guration Options on page 22 and Accessories on page 26) storage timum HALT/HASS system performance and test results,LN 2 Pipe Outer Pipe Non-Conductive Spacers Vacuum Cavity Microbulk Solution – Cost E ective AlternativeYou must order two (2) VJ Clamps and two (2) O-rings whenordering the kit. These two items are sold separately.750-0303 Clamp, VJ, 1/2”, MVIP Bayonet 760-0273 O-Ring, VJ, 1/2”, MVIP Bayonetst order two (2) VJ Clamps and two (2) O-rings when TO DEWAR TANKSTO TOP OF CHAMBERex Hose (P/N 442-0034)Categories Pro1. Easy – Use the online Modulator to con gure, price and deliver your VIP modulesTop Three Bene tsand accessories.2. Reliable – Long-term maintenance-free reliability that will not degrade, drip or leakMAWP*Installation ConsiderationReusabilityBellows to allow for up to 400°Finternal / external di erentialDesign PlatformMaterialVacuum gauge and retention testprior to shipment* MAWP = Maximum Allowable Working PressureVJ ManifoldVJ Manifold – Part Number: 410-0131• Standard on all chambers except Typhoon 1.5 and 2.0.*• Supports patented dissimilar metal (Invar 36), provides superior seal• Supports dual seats, provides secondary sealingMVIP INLET18”* Optional Vacuum Jacketed Manifold for Typhoon 1.5 and Typhoon 2.0Part number:785-3171 factory installed785-3206 eld retro tElevation StandRaises system 11¾” o oorTyphoons 2.5+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-3005 Typhoons 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-1590 Safety EnhancementsAir Purge KitThe Qualmark air purge system safeguards operators from invisible nitrogen by providing su cient air purge and oxygen normalization before automatically trigger-ing the pneumatic door interlocks allowing the system doors to be opened.Typhoon 4.0+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-2090 Typhoon 4.0+ Inferno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-2119 Typhoon 8.0+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-1763 Air Purge Door Lock KitThe Qualmark air purge door lock system safeguards operators from invisible nitrogen by establishing oxygen normalization before automatically triggering the pneu-matic door interlocks and allowing the system doors to be opened.Typhoon 2.5+/3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-1668 QFusion 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-2672 Door Lock Kit (Typhoons 2.0 &1.5)The Qualmark door interlock system safeguards opera-tors from being able to open the Typhoon door while the system is in operation.Typhoons 2.0, 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-1689 Door Override Typhoon 4.0+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-2418 SSR Thermal Monitoring AlarmAvailable on all Typhoon models, the thermal alarm monitors the electrical panel and displays a warning light should temperature reach +60ºC and shuts down the system and provides an audible alarm at +80ºC. Thermal Monitor Alarm . . Contact ESPEC for Ordering Liquid Nitrogen DeliveryLiquid Nitrogen (LN2) is intrinsic to optimal HALT/HASS system performance. This section lists the options you should consider ordering as a part of your system for LN2 management. The discussion on liquid nitrogen infra-structure on the following pages will assist you in making decisions regarding your complete LN2needsBayonet Adapto rMVIP LN2Bayonet Adaptor minimizes energy losses and provides a robust connection between the LN2piping supply to the chamber’s inlet VJ Manifold. One Adaptor is needed for every chamber installation.Male Bayonet Adaptor ¾” NPT . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-0132VJ Line Intricate Male Adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-0133 Keepfull Vacuum Insulated Liquid Level SystemThe Keepfull System allows the venting of vapor while maintaining the liquid level in vacuum insulated piping systems and containers. This fully mechanical system re-quires no electrical or pressure assistance and is designedto be installed in liquid nitrogen systems for a moree cient interface. The pipe inlet is designed for easy installation on liquid nitrogen systems. This is necessaryto provide reliable cold steps and ramps.LN2Keepfull System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-0077E-stop SystemThe E-stop system is an independent control systemfor extra safety and peace of mind. The LN2E-Stop Sys-tem will automatically close an actuated valve on theliquid nitrogen supply system in the event of an oxygen monitor alarm or the triggering of the chamber’s E-stop button.E-stop System . . . . . . . Contact ESPEC for Ordering23and analysis capabilities. QDaq provides up to 32 thermal channels and up to 12 vibration channels of data acquisi-tion in a single, modular design that can accommodate portability between all Qualmark systems. QDaq’s com-pact chassis comes with an integrated signal conditionerboth time and frequency domains. The user interfaceo ers intuitive menus for managing functions and data capture. User selection vibration averaging and one-click data capture can be saved as speci ed in user de ned custom con gurations. Package includes PCIe Daq card, permits the single userlicense to connect via USB with a laptop for more conve-nient transport between Typhoon and QFusion systems. The System supports Windows 7 and features easy setupfrequency domains. The user interfaceSAE Halt Fixture Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750-0116Metric Halt Fixture Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750-0163SAE Halt Fixture Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750-0169Metric Halt Fixture Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750-0170With Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-1162Without Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-1148Metric PCA Quick Release Fixture:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750-0116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-1162*Terms and conditions apply to the various Post Warranty and Service Programs. Contact ESPEC for detailed information.ESPEC has the widest selection of test chambers。



品质用语解说1.Accelerated Test(加速试验):缩短试验时间为目的的比基准条件苛刻的条件的做的试验2.Accelerated Life Test(ALT,加速寿命试验):产品寿命及长使用一般寿命试验做比较困难,在比产品的实际使用条件更为恶劣的条件下做寿命试验在较短的时间内得到故障数据,利用此资料推论产品在实际使用条件下的寿命分布的寿命试验方法3.A-Cost(Appraisal Cost,评价费用):对于为看评价是否维持规定品质的试验,检查,调查的费用4.ALT(Accelerated Life Cost,加速寿命试验)5.ANSL(American National Standards Institute,美国国家标准协会)6.AOQL(Average Outgoing Quality Limit,平均检出品质界限):选择性抽样检查,连续抽样检查等检查后平均Lot品质的最差值7.APPEAL(魅力品质指数):评价魅力度的(主要为感性方面)→越高越好(1000分满)8.AQL(Acceptable Quality Level,合格品质水准,需用品质水准):在抽样检查中合格好工程平均现象的值./产品按批量大小进行抽样方法以及LOT判定基准9.ASQ(American Society for Quality,美国品质协会)10.Assignable Cause(异常原因):品质特征值的原因中除了偶然原因以外要与引起的设备异常,未熟练作业者的投入,或者不良资材的使用等,不是慢性存在以散发的方式发生的工程管理状态脱离的原因11.attribute data/discrete value(计数值):与不良品的数,缺点数等相同数取得的品质特征值12.BB(Back to the Basic,基本准守,BB运用)13.BOM(Bill of Materials):相应型号的部品list14.Brainstorming(头脑风暴):对于一个主题,相关人员集中在一起提高组织效率,对方法引起连锁反映自由奔放的提出好方法的办法15.cause and effect diagram(特性要因图):将特定结果与原因关系系统的表现的图16.CAR(Corrective Action Request,改善邀请书)17.CE(Chief Engineer)18.Certification Body/Registrar(or Accreditation Body)(认证机关):-品质管理系统认证,为了试验所认证等的认证机关/登录机关与赋予认证相同机关权限的组织-QS-9000品质系统的认证机关/登录机关是在制定范围内根据QS-9000执行审查并可使组织登录的被国家认证机关赋予认证资格的机关19.CFR(Chance Failure Period/Random Failure Period,突发故障期,突发故障期间):装备的故障率可看为几乎一致的期间20.Champion Review:Champion阶段别(课题决定→成果验证)管理进行现况,做出意识决定的会议体21.Chance Cause(偶然原因):工程严格管理的状态下也会发生的某种程度无法避免的变动的原因22.CL(Control Limit,管理限度,管理限度线):为了判断工程的安定性最基础使用的管理图上的一根线或两根线脱离管理界限的变动是证明有特别原因对工程产生了影响23.CMR(Consumer Magazine Report):公认机关对于销售中的产品的评价顺序pany Standard(社内标准):会社,工厂等为了适应材料,部品,产品及组织与采购,制造,检查,管理为目的定的标准25.Contractor(协议者):协议情况下的供给者为协议者的话协议者有时也叫做“事业第1者(当事人)”26.Control Chart(管理图):根据时间变化的特性值的Performance变动以Graph表现出来的27.COPQ(Cost of Poor Quality):低品质引起的总Cost28.Cp/Cpk(Process Capability index,工程能力指数):公差以六西格玛的工程能力除的值工程在管理状态时那个工程的产生的产品品质变动是什么程度以量的方法定量化的值29.Cr(Critical Defect,致命缺点):使用其产品或维持或保管的人身上导致危险,或预想会引起不安全的状况的缺点30.CSI(Customer Satisfaction Index,顾客满足度指数)31.CTQ(Critical to Quality):顾客的观点上定义,顾客的立场上致命的产品,Service或Process的特征值32.CTP(Critical to Process)33.CWQC(Company-wide Quality Control,全社性品质管理)34.defect(缺点):检查单位与规格,示方,图面等的要求事项脱离了的个体35.Defection Rate of the Incoming Inspection(入库检查试料不良率):抽查检查试料中无法满足规格或样式成为不良品的部品数与全试料数的比例(单位:%或PPM)36.Defection Rate of Samples of the Delivery Inspection(出库检查试料不良率):出库Lot开始发觉得试料,规定的规格满足不了被判断为不良品的试料数作为全体检查试料数的比率(单位:%或PPM)37.Defection Rate of the individual process(个别工程不良率):产品别在事业厂区分管理可能的最小单位工程的不良率(单位:%或PPM)38.Defection Rate of the Process(工程不良率):个别工程不良的和,包含完了检查不良率(单位:%或PPM)39.Design FMEA(设计FEMA):潜在故障状态及他们之间的关联原因/考虑为了保证指定机械化的范围为止的手段设计负责人/根据Team使用的分析技法40.DGMS(Design Guidance Management System):为了防止再发及提前防止的水平开发新型号开发时根据新规/变更事项的未赠品品质问题预测,对策及预先防止验证实施的system41.dpmo(defect per million opportunities(ppm)):百万机会当事故数42.DPU(defect per unit,单位当缺点数):一个Unit存在的defect的数43.DR(Design Review,设计审查):产品的设计品质及为了体现计划的制造,运输,设置,使用,保管等的系统要客观的收集各范围iede知识给予评价44.DV(Design Validation,设计开始):以前的名称E/S/(Engineering Sample)45.EA(European Accreditation,欧盟认定认证机构)46.Early Morning Market(早市场)47.ECN(Engineering Change Notice):对于重要变更事项Buyer要求承认的report48.ELT(Early Life Test,初期寿命试验)49.EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility,传播规格)50.EMI(Electromagnetic Interference,传播规格)51.Environmental Test(环境试验):对于系统,仪器,部品等的环境影响的调查试验52.ETA(Estimated time to Arrival,预想到达日期)53.Failure Rate(λ,瞬间故障率/故障函数):以某种产品在t时间内无故障事件为前提,在t时间点发生故障的瞬间故障率54.Failure Rate Function/Hazard Function(λ(T),瞬间故障率)(=1/MTBF):很小的时间,dt发生故障的几率55.FAST(Function Analysis System Technique)56.FBD(Function Block Diagram,职能数据块图):System与对于连接要素职能的函数图形态构成图57.F-Cost(Failure Cost,失败费用):因无法满足品质要求的产品或SVCD引起的费用58.FDA(Food& Drug Association,美国食品医药局)59.FMEA(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,故障样式分析,故障样式影响图解释):为了找出设计的不完全或潜在的缺陷,构成要素的故障样式与对其上位部品的影响分析的技法60.Final Inspection(最终检查):判定完成的产品是否满足要求条件的检查61.FOC(Free of Charge):对于销售分配的SVC用1% spare parts供给62.F/P(Fool Proof,失误防止)63.FPI(First Product Inspection):为了确认开发阶段中通过认证试验确保的开发品质是否维持到量产,抽样最初量产品2台再做认证试验保证量产品质64.FSE(Foreign Support Engineer):派遣到海外的职员65.f(t)(Failure Density Function,故障密度函数):指表示每年单位时间当以多少比率发生故障的函数66.F(t)(Cumulative Failure Rate,累计故障率):表示到某个点t为止,全体的百分之几出现故障的概率67.FTA(Fault Tree Analysis,缺点数分析):信赖性或者安全性方面引起的,对不正当的思想,使用伦理记号,根据其发生经过展开表格图解释发生经过及发生原因,发生概率的记法68.Gage R&R(gage repeatability& reproducibility, gage R&R):gage反复性和再现性检测测定系统本身对工程的变动价有多少影响的方法69.GQA(Global Quality Award)70.HALT(Highly Accelerated Life Test,加速寿命试验)71.HASS(Highly Accelerated Stress Screen)72.HAST(Highly Accelerated Stress Test)73.hypothesis test(假设认证):对某集团的某数,设定一个假设,以标本情报为基础判断这个假设的真伪过程74.IAF(International Accreditation Froum,国际认定机关协力机构)75.IATCA(International Auditor and Training Certification Association,国际审查员及研修机关认定协会):全世界国家审查员的登录机关协会代表一直开发审查员标准的管理基准的机关76.IFR(Wear-out Failure Period,磨损故障机,磨损故障时间):项目的故障率急剧增大的期间77.Inspection(检查):物品用某种方法测定的结果,跟判定基准比较决定,个个物品的良好,不良或者LOT的合格,不合格的判定78.Inspection Level(检查水准):指在Sampling检查中抽样方法,LOT的大小和样品大小的关系。



生物制药中英文词汇Aabsolute lethal dose; LD100绝对致死剂量absorption rate constant吸收速率常数accelerated testing加速试验acetylcholinesterase乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylcholine乙酰胆碱acrylic acid resin丙烯酸树酯activation激活作用activator激活剂active targeting preparation主动靶向制剂acute toxicity test急性毒性实验additive effect累加效应additive附加剂adenosine phosphate腺苷磷酸adhersive strength粘附力adhesion粘附性adhesives粘合剂adjuvant佐剂adrenergic nerve肾上腺素能神经adrenergic receptor肾上腺素能受体adverse reaction不良反应aerogel气凝胶aerosil微粉硅胶aerosol of micropowders for inspiration 吸入粉雾剂aethylis oleas油酸乙酯agglomerate聚结物aggregation聚集air suspension空气悬浮法albumin microballoons白蛋白微球制剂alkaloid生物碱alkalosis;alkali-poisoning碱中毒allergy; allergic reaction变态反应allotted date of drug quality ensuring by manufacturer药品负责期all-trans全反式alterntae addition method两相交替加入法amebocyte lysate变形细胞溶解物amorphous forms无定型anaphylactic drug reaction过敏性药物反应anaphylatoxin过敏毒素anatoxin;toxoid类毒素angle of repose休止角antagonism拮抗作用antiadherent抗粘剂antibacterial spectrum抗菌谱antibody抗体antigen抗原antioxidants抗氧剂antipode对映体antisepesis防腐antiserum抗血清antitoxin抗毒素apparent solubility表现溶解度aprotinin抑酞酶aromatic compound芳族化合物aromatic waters芳香水剂Arrhenius 方程阿仑尼乌斯方程artificial antigen人工合成抗原artificial immunization人工免疫aseptic technique无菌操作法astringent收敛药autoimmunity自身免疫Bbactericidal activity杀菌活性bactericidal effect杀菌作用bacteriophage噬菌体bacteriostatic activity抑菌活性bactriostasis抑菌作用ball mill球磨机base adsorption基质吸附率bases基质beeswax蜂蜡bending弯曲力bioavailability生物利用度bioavailability生物利用度biochemical approach生物学方法biochemistry生物化学biogenic amine生物胺biological half life生物半衰期biological product生物制品biometrics;biometry生物统计学biopharmacy生物药剂学blood coagulation血液凝固blood concentration血药浓度blood products血液制品blood volume expander血容量扩充剂blood-cerebral barrier血脑屏障body fluid体液body surface area体表面积bound water结合水分breakage (Bk)脆碎度broad-spectrum antibiotic广谱抗生素bulk density松密度、堆密度burst effect突释效应Ccaking结饼capillary state毛细管状capsules胶囊剂carcinogenic test致癌实验carcinogen致癌物carrier载体catecholamine儿茶酚胺CD圆二色谱法cellular immunity细胞免疫cellulose acetate (CA)醋酸纤维素chelating agent螯合剂chemical analysis化学分析chemical disinfection化学消毒法chemical physics化学物理学chemotherapy化学药物治疗chewable tablets咀嚼片chiral drug手性药物Chitosan壳聚糖chlinical pharmacy临床药学cholinesterase胆碱酯酶chronaxia;chronaxy时值chronic toxicity test; long term toxicity test慢性毒性实验chronopathology时辰病理学chronopharmacology时辰药理学chronosusceptability时间感受性chronotherapy时间治疗cipher prescription协定处方Clausius-Clapeyron方程克劳修斯-克拉珀龙方程clinical pharmaceutics临床药剂学clinical pharmacology临床药理学cloud point对聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂CMC-Na羧甲基纤维素纳CMS-Na羧甲基淀粉钠coagulation聚沉coated tablets包衣片coating material表材cocoa butter可可豆脂coefficient of diffusion扩散系数coenzyme辅酶cohesion凝聚性、粘着性cohesive strength聚力cold compression method汽压法cold-homogenization冷却一匀化法cold-storage冷藏colon-targeted capsules结肠靶向胶囊剂compactibility成形性complement system补体系统complement补体complete antigen完全抗原complex coacervation复凝聚法complex solubilizer助溶剂compliance顺应性compressed tablets普通片compressibility压缩度compressibility压缩性compression压缩力compressive work压缩功concentration浓度cone and plate viscometer圆椎平板粘度计consistency curve稠度曲线content uniformity含量均匀度controllability可控性controlled release preparation控释制剂controlled release tablets控释片controlled-release preparation 控释制剂convective mixing对流混合convective transport传递透过coordination number配位数core material表心物cosolvency潜溶cosolvent潜溶剂coulter counter method库尔特计数法count basis个数基准covalent bond共价键cracemization外消旋作用critical relative humidity(CRH)临界相对湿度critical velocity临界速度crude drugs; natural drugs天然药物crude drugs生药crushing粉碎crystal form晶型crystal habit晶态、晶癖、结晶习性cumulative size distribution 累积分布cumulative urinary excretion curves累积尿排泄曲线cutting剪切力cyclodextrin (CYD)环糊精cylinder model圆栓体模型cytotoxic hexitols己糖醇细胞毒剂cytotoxicity细胞素Ddecoction汤剂degree of circularity圆形度degree of sphericility球形度delipidization角质层去脂质化desiccant; drying agent干燥剂detoxication解毒作用dextrin糊精dextrorotatory form右旋体dextrose右旋糖dialysis cell method渗析池法dicetyl phosphate磷酸二鲸蜡脂dielectric constant介电常数differential scanning calorimetry DSC差示扫描显热法Differential thermal analysis DTA差示热分析法diffusion扩散diffusive mixing扩散混合dilatant flow胀性流动diluents稀释剂、填充剂dimethicone (silicones)二甲基硅油、硅油、硅酮directed pharmaceutical preparations定向药物制剂discontinuous sterilization间歇灭菌法disinfection消毒disintegrants崩解剂disintegration崩解度disk assemble method圆盘法dispensing pharmacy调剂学disperse medium分散介质disperse phase分散相disperse system分散体系dispersed phase分散相、相、非连续相dispersible tablets分散片displacement value (DV)置换价dissolution; dissolving溶解distilled water蒸馏水DLVO理论引力势能与斥力势能DME二甲醚DMSO二甲基亚矾dosage form剂型dosage regimen or dose rate给药方案或给药速度dosage; dose剂量dose or concentration dependency剂量或浓度的依存性dosing interval给药间隔double-blind technique双盲法drop dentifrices滴牙剂drug absorption药物吸收drug accumulation药物蓄积drug administration law药品管理法drug batch number药品批号drug carrier药物载体drug combination合并用药drug distribution药物分布drug elimination药物消除drug excretion药物排泄drug interaction药物相互作用drug metablic enzyme药物代酶drug metabolism药物代drug reaction药物反应drug sensitive test药敏试验Drug Standard of Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China中华人民国卫生部药品标准drug standard药品质量标准drug tolerance耐药性drug-induced diseases药源性疾病drug-loading rate载药量drug-time curve药—时曲线dry bulb temperature干球温度dumping effect突释效应Eear drops滴耳剂effective concentration有效浓度effective halt有效半衰期effective rate有效率effectiveness有效性effector效应器effector效应物effect效应effervescent disintegrants泡腾崩解剂effervescent tablets泡腾片elastic deformation弹性变形elastic recovery (E R)弹性复原率elastic work弹性功elasticity弹性electrolyte电解质electrolyzation电解electroporesis电致孔法electuary煎膏剂elimination rate constant消除速率常数emulsifer in water method 水中乳化剂法、湿胶法emulsifier in oil method油中乳化剂法、干胶法emulsions乳剂emulsion普通乳enamine烯胺endocytosis呑endotoxin毒素enteric coated tablets肠溶衣片enteric coating肠溶衣enteric controlled release tablets肠溶控释片enterohepatic circulation肠肝循环entrapment rate包封率environmental pharmacology环境药理学epidermis表皮epimerization差向异构作用equilibrium solubility平衡溶解度equilibrium water平分essential aminoacid必需氨基酸essential drugs基本药物essential fatty acid必需脂肪酸ethical (prescription) drug处方药ethnopharmacology人种药理学ethycellulose (EC)乙基纤维素etiological treatment对因治疗evaporation蒸发excipients辅料excitability兴奋性exotoxin外毒素expiry date; date of expiration药品有效期external phase分散介质、外相、连续相extracts浸膏剂extravascular administration血管外给药eye drop滴眼剂eye ointments眼膏剂Ffactorial design析因设计fatal dose; lethal dose致死量fatty oils脂肪油fermentation发酵fillers填充剂film coated tablets薄膜衣片film dispersion method薄分散法film-coating薄膜衣films膜剂filter aid助滤剂filtration过滤first pass effect of hepar肝首过效应first-pass effect首过效应fliud extracts流浸膏剂flocculation value絮凝度flocculation絮凝flow curve流动曲线flow velocity流出速度flowability流动性fluid-energy mills流能磨、气流式粉碎机fluidity buffer流动性缓冲剂fluidized bed coating流化床包衣法free water自由水分freely movable liquid自由流动液体freezing; refrigeration冷冻frequency size distribution 频率分布funicular state索带状fusion融合Ggas analysis气体分析gas permeability method气体透过法GCP药物临床试验管理规gelatin glycerin甘油胫胶gelatinization糊化gelatin明胶general acid-base catalysis广义酸碱催化Geneva nomenclature日瓦命名法geometric diameter几何学粒子径geometric isomerization几何异构ghost cell影细胞glidants助流剂GLP药物非临床研究管理规gluconeogenesis糖异生作用glycerins甘油剂glyceryl monostearate硬脂酸、甘油酯glycolic acid羟基乙酸glycolysis酵解GMP药品生产质量管理规granule density颗粒密度granules颗粒剂growth curve生长曲线guest molecules客分子Hhalf lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50半数致死剂量half-life period; half life time半衰期halogenide卤化物haptene半抗原hard capsules硬胶囊剂hardness硬度hemolysis溶血histamine组胺holonzyme and prosthetic group全酶与辅基hormone激素host molecules主分子humidity湿度humoral immunity体液免疫hydration of stratum corneum 角质层的水化作用hydrogel水性凝胶hydrolysis水解(作用)hydrophile-lipophile balance 亲水亲油平衡值hydrotropy agent助溶剂hydrotropy助溶hydroxypropyl methylcellulose羟丙甲纤维素hygroscopicity吸湿性hyperreactivity高敏性hypodermic tablets皮下注射用片IIDDS植入给药系统IEC离子交换色谱法IEF等电点聚焦immobile liquid不可流动液体immunoenhancement免疫增强剂immunogenicity免疫原性immunosuppressant;immuno inhibitor免疫抑制剂impact mill冲击式粉碎机impact冲击力implant tablets植入片implants埋植剂inclusion compound包含物incomplete antigen不完全抗原indirect carcinogenesis间接致癌individual differences; individual variation个体差异性industrial pharmacy工业药剂学infusion solution输液inhalation吸入法injection注射液in-liquid drying液中干燥法(乳化-溶剂挥发法)innocuity test method安全试验法interface polycondensation 界面缩聚法intermediate中间体intoxication; poisoning中毒intra-arterial route动脉注射intracorporal process of drugs药物的体过程intradermal (ID) route皮注射intramuscular (IM) route肌肉注射intrathecal injection鞘注射intravascular administration血管给药intravenous (IV) route静脉注射intrinsic dissolution rate特性溶出速率inverse targeting反向靶向iontophoresis离子渗透法IR红外光谱isoclectric focusingIEF等电点聚焦isomerase异构酶isoosmotic solution等渗溶液isotonic solution等溶液isotope同位素Llag time时滞large unilamellar vesicles大单室脂质体least significant difference最小显著差数length basis长度基准levorotatory form左旋体levulose左旋糖light quantum光量子limit date of using a drug after its production药品使用期Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay for endotoxin 毒素鲎试剂测定法limulus lysate test鲎试验法linear correlation直线相关liniments搽剂liposome脂质体liquid immersion method 液浸法liquid injection无针液体注射器liquid paraffin液体石碏long term toxicity test长期毒性实验long-circulating liposomes 长循环脂质体long-term testing长期试验lotions洗剂low density lipoprotein低密度脂蛋白lubricants润滑剂lysozyme溶菌酶Mmacromolecule大分子magnetic controlled release dosage form磁性控释制剂magnetic medicinal preparations磁性药物制剂martin diameter定方向等分径mass basis质量基准matrix type骨架型maxial noneffective dose; EDO最大无作用剂量maximal tolerable dose; LDO最大耐受剂量maximum additive concentration MAC最大增溶浓度mechanical interlocking bonds 粒子间机械镶嵌mediator; transmitter; medium介质medical colloidal solution胶体溶液型药剂medicinal liquor酒剂melt-homogenization熔融-匀化法membrane wall表膜壁壳membrane-moderated type TTS 膜控释型TTS mesomer消旋体methyl acrylate-methacrylate co 甲基丙烯酸-丙烯酸甲酯micellar emulsion胶团乳micelle胶束microcapsules微表microemulsion微乳microencapsulation微型包表术、微表化micromeritics粉体学microreservoir-type TTS微贮库型microscropic method显微镜法microsomal enzyme微粒体酶Microspheres微球microstreaming超微束minimal effective dose最小有效量minimal lethal dose;MLD最小致死剂量minitablet小片mixture合剂moistening agent润湿剂moisture absorption吸湿性mol fraction concentration摩尔分数浓度molar volume;mole volume摩尔分子体积molarity摩尔浓度molecular biology分子生物学molecular capsules分子囊molecular disease分子病molecular pharmacology分子药理学molecular solution分子溶液mole摩尔monoclonal antibody单克隆抗体multifunctional enzyme多功能酶multilamellar vesicles多宝脂质体multilayer tablets多层片multiorfice-centrifugal process多孔离心法multiple dose administration多剂量给药mutation突变Nnacent soap method新生皂法nanocapsules纳米囊nanoemulsion纳米乳nanoliposomes纳米脂质体nanospheres纳米球naonparticle纳米粒nasal drops滴鼻剂natural antibody天然抗体natural antigen天然抗原natural immunity天然免疫neurotoxin神经毒素newtonian equation牛顿粘度定律newtonian fluid牛顿流体niosomes类脂质体,泡囊nitrite poisoning亚硝酸盐中毒nonbound water非结合水分nondepolarizer非去极化型肌松药non-essential amino acid非必需氨基酸nonionic surfactant vesicles 非离子表面活性剂囊泡non-Newtonian fluid非牛顿流体nonprescription drug非处方药nucleation theory成核作用理论nucleotide核苷酸nutrient营养素Oocular inserts眼用膜剂official formula法定处方ointments软膏剂oligosaccharides低聚糖opitical isomerization光学异构oral administration口腔给药ORD旋光色散orthologonal design区交设计osmotic pressure渗透压OSSDDS口服定位释药系统over the counter (OTC)非处方药oversize distribution筛上分布Ppacking fraction充填章paints涂剂paints涂膜剂pan coating锅包衣法paraffin石蜡particle size distribution粒度分布partition coefficient (P)分配系数parts per billion concentration PPB浓度parts per hundred concentration PPH浓度parts per hundred million concentration pphm 浓度parts per million concentration ppm浓度passive immunity被动免疫passive targeting preparation 被动靶向制剂passive transport被动转运peak concentration of drug药峰浓度peak time of drug药峰时间pendular state钟摆状penetration enhancers穿透促进剂penetration enhancers经皮吸收促进剂percentage concentration百分浓度phagocytosis吞噬作用pharmaceutical analysis药物分析pharmaceutical chemistry制药化学pharmaceutical engineering 制剂学pharmaceutical equivalence药剂等效性pharmaceutical manufacturing制剂pharmaceutical preparation 药物制剂pharmaceutics药剂学pharmacia淀粉微球pharmacodynamics药效动力学pharmacogenetics药物遗传学pharmacokinetics model药物动力学模型pharmacokinetics药物动力学pharmacological availability 药理利用度pharmacology药理学phase inversion critical point 转相临界点phase separation相分离法(物理化学法)phase transition temperature 相转变湿度phase volume ratio相比phonophoresis超声波法photodegradation光化降解physical dependence身体依赖性physical pharmaceutics物理药剂学pill滴丸剂placebo安慰剂plasma protein binding ratio血浆蛋白结合率plasma substitute血浆代用液plasma血浆plaster硬膏剂plastic deformation塑性变形plastic viscosity塑性粘度plastisity塑性polymerization聚合polymers in pharmaceutics 药用高分子材料学polymorphism多晶型polyose多糖polypeptide多肽porosity空隙率potency unit效价单位potency效价potency效价强度powder injection无针粉未注射器powders散剂powerful drug剧药preformulation处方前工作pregelatinized starch淀粉、预胶化淀粉、可压性淀粉preparation制剂prescription;recipe处方preservative防腐剂pressure sensitive adhersive 压敏胶pressure-sensitive tape council剥离实验prickle cell layer棘层primary particle一级粒子prodrug前体药物proenzyme酶原prohormone激素原prolonged action preparation长效制剂propellents抛射剂propylene glycol丙二醇prosthetic group辅基pseudo steady state伪稳态pseudoplastic flow假塑性流动psychic dependence精神依赖性pulsed/pulsatile release脉冲释药pycnometer比重瓶pyrogen热原Qquantum pharmacology量子药理学quasi-viscous flow假粘性流动Rraceme外消旋体racemization外消旋化作用radiopharmaceutics放射药剂学radiotoxicology放射毒理学raman拉曼random floc不规则絮凝物rate of shear剪切速度、切速率、速度梯度receptor antagonist受体拮抗剂receptor stimulant受体激动剂receptor感受器receptor受体rectal administration直肠给药relative dosage interval相对给药间隔relative humidity (RH)相对湿度resistance to drugs抗药性response surface methodology效应面优化法restrictive holagogue限制性剧药retardants阻滞剂reverse osmosis反渗透rheology流变学ribonucleic acid; RNA核糖核酸rolling ball tack test滚球试验RP-HPLC反相高效液相色潽法rubbing研磨力Ssafety coefficient安全系统safety range安全围safety安全性safflower藏红花油saponins皂甙saturated solution饱和溶液second particle二级粒子sedimentation method沉降法sedimentation rate沉降容积比selectivity选择性self-adjusted system自调式释药系统semi-logarithmic curve of drug-time药—时半对数曲线semisynthetic antibiotics半合成抗生素SEM扫描电镜sensitivity敏感性sensitization test致敏试验sensitization敏化作用sensitization致敏作用sequential design序贯设计serum血清settling velocity diameter 有效径shape factor形状系数shear mixing剪切混合shearing force剪切应力、剪切力、切力short term carcinogenic test短期致癌实验side effect副作用sieving diameterDa,筛分径sieving method筛分法simple coacervation单凝聚法simplex method单纯形优化法single unilamellar vesicles 小单室脂质体sink condition漏槽skin and mucocutaneous administration皮肤、粘膜表面给药slow pathway慢通道soft capsules软胶囊剂soft paraffin软石蜡solid bridges粒子间固体桥solid lipid nanospheres (SLN) 固体脂质纳米粒solubility parameter溶解度参数solubility溶解度solubilization增溶solubilizer增溶剂solute溶质solution tablets溶液片solutions溶液剂solvent; dissolvent溶剂solvent-nonsolvent溶剂-非溶剂法soybean-derived sterol大豆甾醇specific acid-base catalysis 专属酸碱催化specific surface area method 地表面积法specific surface area地表面积specific volume松比客spermaceti鲸蜡spirits醑剂spongia, spongc海绵剂spray congealing喷雾凝结法spray drying喷雾干燥法State food and drug administration SFDA国家食品药品管理局steady state plasma concentration稳态血药浓度sterility无菌sterilization灭菌steroid withdrawal syndrome类固醇停药综合征sticky powder粘性粉体stress relaxation应力缓和stress testing影响因素试验、强化试验striping of stratum corneum 去除角质层subacute intoxication;subacute poisoning亚急性中毒subcutaneous (SC) route皮下注射sublingual tablets舌下片subnanoemulsion亚纳米乳sugar coated tablets糖衣片supercritical Fluid (SCF)超临界流体(萃取)superinfection二重感染superoxide过氧化物suppositories栓剂surface activity表面活性surface basis面积基准surface tension表面力suspending agents助悬剂suspending agent助悬剂Suspensions混悬剂suspension悬浮液Sustained release tablets缓释片Sustained-release preparation 缓释制剂symptomatic treatment对症治疗synergism协同作用synergists协同剂synthesis of bioconvertible Prod 生物转化前体药物的合成synthesis of lipophilic analogs 脂质类物质的合成Synthesis of prodrugs前体药物的合成synthetic drugs合成药物syrups糖浆剂Ttablet hardness片剂硬度tablets片剂tachyphylaxis快速耐受tacking strength快粘力talc滑石粉tap density振实密度target cell靶细胞targetable drug delivery向靶给药targeting drug system (TDS) 靶向给药系统TDDS经皮传递系统technology of pharmaceutics制剂学TEM透射电镜tensile strength (Ts)抗强度teratogenic test致畸试验teratogen致畸物the Merck index默克索引the technique of sterilization 灭菌技术theory of depletion stabilization 空缺稳定理论therapeutic action治疗作用therapeutic dose治疗量therapeutic drug monitoring; TDM治疗药物临测therapeutic equivalence治疗等效(值)therapeutic index TI治疗指数thermal energy温热热能法threshold dose阈剂量thumb tack test拇指实验time clock定时钟time controlled explosive system 时控-突释系统time-effect relationship时效关系tincture酊剂tincture酊剂titer抗体滴度titration curve滴定曲线titration滴定tolerance耐受性topochemical reactions局部化学反应toroches口含片toxic response; toxic reaction毒性反应toxicology毒理学trace element微量元素transdermal therapeutic system 反向靶向transfersome传递体transmitter递质tricarboxylic acid cycle三羧酸循环true density真密度TTS经皮治疗制剂tween聚氧乙烯失水山梨醇脂肪酸酯Uunder distribution筛下分布uniform design均匀设计Vvaginal tablets阴道片vander walls 华力vaselin凡士林vertebra caval route脊椎腔注射viscoelasticity粘弹性viscosity coefficient粘度系数viscosity curve粘度曲线viscosity粘度viscosity粘性void ratio空隙比volume basis体积基准volume by volume concentration体积比浓度Wwet bulb temperature湿球温度Wet granulation湿法制粒wetting润湿性wool fat anhydrous无水羊毛脂wool fat羊毛脂World Health Organization; WHO世界卫生组织。

accelerated life test 高加速寿命试验标准

accelerated life test 高加速寿命试验标准

高加速寿命试验(Highly Accelerated Life T esting, HALT)是一种旨在快速暴露产品设计缺陷和弱点的测试方法。

以下是一些常见的HALT高加速寿命试验标准和步骤:1. 试验目的:确定产品的极限工作条件。



2. 试验阶段:温度步进:产品在逐步增加或减少的温度条件下进行测试,以确定其热耐受极限。




3. 试验程序:应力筛选:通过逐步增加应力水平直到产品达到其破坏点或临界故障状态。




4. 试验设备:高低温箱:用于实现快速和精确的温度控制。



5. 试验标准和规范:虽然HALT本身可能没有一个统一的国际标准,但相关的环境试验和可靠性测试通常遵循以下标准:IEC 60068-2系列:环境试验MIL-STD-810系列:环境工程考虑和实验室测试JEDEC JESD22系列:微电子设备的环境Stress Aids for Reliable Product Development6. 安全和注意事项:在进行HALT试验时,必须确保操作人员的安全,并遵守所有适用的健康和安全规定。





Accelerated testing 加速实验 Acceptor 受主 Acceptor atom 受主原子Accumulation 积累、堆积Accumulating contact 积累接触Accumulation region 积累区Accumulation layer 积累层Acoustic Surface Wave 声表面波Active region 有源区Active component 有源元Active device 有源器件Activation 激活Activation energy 激活能Active region 有源(放大)区A/D conversion 模拟-数字转换Adhesives 粘接剂Admittance 导纳Aging 老化Airborne 空载Allowed band 允带 半导体微电子专业词汇中英文对照 、、、allowance 容限,公差Alloy-junction device 合金结器件Aluminum(Aluminum) 铝Aluminum -oxide 铝氧化物Aluminum Nitride 氮化铝Aluminum p assivation 铝钝化Ambipolar双极的Ambient temperature 环境温度A M light振幅调制光,调幅光amp litude limiter 限幅器Amorphous无定形的,非Amplifier功放放大器Analogue(Analog) comparator 模拟比较器Angstrom 埃Anneal退火Anisotropic 各向异性的Anode阳极Antenna 天线Aperture 孑L径Arsenide (As)石申Array阵列Atomic原子的Atom Clock原子钟Attenuation 衰减Audio声频Auger俄歇Automatic 自动的Automotive 汽车的Availability 实用性Avalanche 雪崩Avalanche breakdown 雪崩击穿Avalanche excitation 雪崩激发Background carrier 本底载流子Background doping 本底掺杂Backward 反向Backward bias反向偏置Ball bond球形键合Band能带Band gap能带间隙Bandwidth 带宽Bar巴条发光条Barrier 势垒Barrier layer 势垒层Barrier width势垒宽度Base基极Base contact基区接触Base stretching基区扩展效应Base transit time基区渡越时间Base trans port efficiency 基区输运系数Base-width modulation 基区宽度调制Batch批次Battery 电池Beam束光束电子束Bench工作台Bias偏置Bilateral switch 双向开关Binary code二进制代码Binary compound semiconductor 二元化合物半导体Bipolar双极性的Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)双极晶体管Bit位比特Blocking band 阻带Body - centered 体心立方Body-centred cubic structure 体立心结构Boltzmann波尔兹曼Bond键、键合Bonding electron 价电子Bonding pad 键合点Boron 硼Borosilicate glass 硼硅玻璃Bottom-up由下而上的Boundary condition 边界条件Bound electron 束缚电子Bragg effect布拉格效应Breadboard模拟板、实验板Break down 击穿Break over 转折Brillouin 布里渊 FBrillouin zone 布里渊区Buffer缓冲器Built-in 内建的Build-in electric field 内建电场Bulk体/体内Bulk absorption 体吸收Bulk generation 体产生Bulk recombination 体复合Burn-in 老化Burn out 烧毁Buried channel 埋沟Buried diffusion region 隐埋扩散区Bus总线Calibration校准,检定,定标、刻度,分度Capacitance 电容Cap ture cross section 俘获截面Capture carrier俘获载流子Carbon dioxide (CO2)二氧化碳Carrier载流子、载波Carry bit进位位Cascade 级联Case管壳Cathode 阴极Cavity腔体Center 中心Ceramic陶瓷(的)Channel 沟道Channel breakdown 沟道击穿Channel current 沟道电流Channel doping 沟道掺杂Channel shortening 沟道缩短Channel width沟道宽度Characteristic imp edance 特征阻抗Charge电荷、充电Charge-compensation effects 电荷补偿效应Charge conservation 电荷守恒Charge drive/exchange/sharing/transfer/storage 电荷驱动/交换/共享/转移/存储Chemical etching化学腐蚀法Chemically-Polish 化学抛光Chemically-Mechanically P olish (C MP) 化学机械抛光Chemical vapor depo sition (cvd)化学汽相淀积Chip芯片Chip yield芯片成品率Circuit 电路Cla mped 箝位Clamping diode 箝位二极管Cleavage pl ane 解理面Clean清洗Clock rate时钟频率Clock generator时钟发生器Clock flip-flo p 时钟触发器Close-loop gain 闭环增益Coating涂覆涂层Coefficient of thermal exp ansion 热膨胀系数Coherency相干性Collector集电极Collision 碰撞Compensated OP-AMP 补偿运放Common-base/collector/emitter connection 共基极/集电极/发射极连接Common-gate/drain/source connection 共栅/漏/源连接Common-mode gain 共模增益Common-mode input 共模输入Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比Communication 通信Comp act致密的Com patibility 兼容性Comp ensation 补偿Compensated impurities 补偿杂质Compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体Comp lementary Darlington circuit 互补达林顿电路CompI ementary Metal-Oxide-SemiconductorField-Effect-Transistor(CMOS) 互补金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管Comp uter-aided design (CAD)/test(CAT)/manufacture(CAM)计算机辅助设计/测试/制造Component 元件Compound Semiconductor 化合物半导体Conductance 电导Conduction band (edge)导带(底)Conduction level/state 导带态Conductor 导体Conductivity 电导率Configuration 结构Conlomb 库仑Constants物理常数Constant energy surface 等能面Constant-source diffusion 恒定源扩散Contact 接触Continuous wave 连续波Continuity equation 连续性方程Contact hole 接触孔Contact potential 接触电势Controlled 受控的Converter转换器Conveyer传输器Cooling 冷却Copper interconnection system 铜互连系统Corrosion 腐蚀Coupling 耦合Covalent共阶的Crossover 交叉Critical临界的Cross-section 横断面Crucible 坩埚Cryogenic cooling system 冷去卩系统Crystal defect/face/orientation/lattice 晶体缺陷/晶面/晶向/晶Cubic crystal system 立方晶系Current density 电流密度Curvature 曲率Current drift/drive/sharing 电流漂移/驱动/共享Current Sense电流取样Curve曲线Custom integrated circuit 定制集成电路Cut off截止Cylindrical 柱面的Czochralshicrystal 直立单晶Czochralski technique切克劳斯基技术(Cz法直拉晶体J))Dangling bonds 悬挂键Dark current 暗电流Dead time空载时间Decade 进制Decibel (dB)分贝Decode解码Deep acceptor level 深受主能级Deep donor level深施主能级Deep energy level 深能级Deep impurity level深度杂质能级Deep trap深陷阱Defeat缺陷Degenerate semiconductor 简并半导体Degeneracy 简并度Degradation 退化Degree Celsius(centigrade) /Kelvin 摄氏/ 开氏温度Delay延迟Density 密度Density of states 态密度Depletion 耗尽Depl etion app roximation 耗尽近似Depletion contact 耗尽接触Depletion depth 耗尽深度Depletion effect 耗尽效应Depletion layer 耗尽层Depletion MOS 耗尽MOSDepletion region 耗尽区Deposited film 淀积薄膜Deposition process 淀积工艺Design rules设计规贝UDetector探测器Developer 显影齐HDiamond金刚石Die芯片(复数dice)Diode二极管Dielectric Constant 介电常数Dielectric isolation 介质隔离Difference-mode input 差模输入Differential amp lifier 差分放大器Differential capacitance 微分电容Diffraction 衍射Diffusion 扩散Diffusion coefficient 扩散系数Diffusion constant 扩散常数Diffusivity 扩散率Diffusion capacitance/barrier/current/furnace 扩散电容/势垒/ 电流/炉Digital circuit 数字电路Dimension⑴尺寸⑵量钢⑶维,度Diode二极管Di pole domain 偶极畴Dip ole layer 偶极层Direct-co up ling 直接耦合Direct-gap semiconductor 直接带隙半导体Direct transition 直接跃迁Directional antenna 定向天线Discharge 放电Discrete component 分立元件Disorder无序的Dis play显示器Diss ip ation 耗散Dissolution 溶解Distribution 分布Distributed capacitance 分布电容Distributed model 分布模型DispIacement 位移Dislocation 位错Domain 畴Donor施主Donor exhaustion 施主耗尽Dopant掺杂剂Doped semiconductor 掺杂半导体Doping concentration 掺杂浓度Dose剂量Double-diffusive MOS(DMOS)双扩散MOS Drift漂移Drift field 漂移电场Drift mobility 迁移率Dry etching干法腐蚀Dry/wet oxidation 干/ 湿法氧化Dose剂量Dual-polarization双偏振,双极化Duty cycle工作周期Dual-in-line package (DIP)双列直插式圭寸装Dynamics 动态Dynamic characteristics 动态属性Dynamic imp edance 动态阻抗Early effect厄利效应Early failure早期失效Effect效应Effective mass 有效质量Electric Erase P rogrammable Read Only Memory(E2 PROM) 电可擦除只读存储器Electrode 电极Electromigration 电迁移Electron affinity 电子亲和势Electron-beam 电子束Electroluminescence 电致发光Electron gas 电子气Electron trapping center 电子俘获中心Electron Volt (eV)电子伏Electro-optical 光电的Electrostatic 静电的Element元素/元件/配件Elemental semiconductor 元素半导体Ellipse 椭圆Emitter发射极Emitter-coupled logic 发射极耦合逻辑Emitter-coupled pair 发射极耦合对Emitter follower 射随器Empty band 空带Emitter crowding effect 发射极集边(拥挤)效应Endurance test =life test 寿命测试Energy state 能态Energy momentum diagram 能量-动量(E-K)图Enhancement mode增强型模式Enhancement MOS 增强性MOSEnteric (低)共溶的Environmental test 环境测试Epitaxial外延的Epitaxial layer 夕卜延层Epitaxial slice 夕卜延片Epoxy环氧的Equivalent circuit 等效电路Equilibrium majority /minority carriers 平衡多数/少数载流子Equi pm ent 设备Erasable Programmable ROM (EPROM)可搽取(编程)存储Erbium laser掺铒激光器Error function compiement 余误差函数Etch刻蚀Etchant刻蚀剂Etching mask抗蚀剂掩模Excess carrier过剩载流子Excitation energy 激发能Excited state 激发态Exciton 激子Exponential 指数的Extrapolation 夕卜推法Extrinsic非本征的Extrinsic semiconductor 杂质半导体Fabry-Perot amplifier法布里-珀罗放大器Face - centered 面心立方Fall time下降时间Fan-in扇入Fan-out 扇出Fast recovery 快恢复Fast surface states 快表面态Feedback 反馈Fermi level 费米能级Femi potential 费米势Fiber op tic 光纤Field effect transistor 场效应晶体管Field oxide场氧化层Figure of merit 品质因数Filter滤波器Filled band 满带Film薄膜Fine pitch细节距Flash memory闪存存储器Flat band 平带Flat pack扁平封装Flatness平整度Flexible柔性的Flicker noise闪烁(变)噪声Flip-chip倒装芯片Fli p- flop toggle 触发器翻转Floating gate 浮栅Fluoride etch氟化氢刻蚀Focal plane 焦平面Forbidden band 禁带Formulation 歹U式,表达Forward bias正向偏置Forward blocking /conducting 正向阻断/导通Free electron自由电子Frequency deviation noise 频率漂移噪声Frequency respo nse 频率响应Function 函数Gain增益Gallium-Arsenide(GaAs)砷化镓Gallium Nitride 氮化镓Gate n、栅、控制极Gate oxide栅氧化层Gate width 栅宽Gauss(ian)高斯Gaussian distribution p rofile 高斯掺杂分布Generation-recombination 产生-复合Geometries几何尺寸Germanium(Ge) 锗Gold 金Graded缓变的Graded (gradual) channel 缓变沟道Graded junction 缓变结Grain 晶粒Gradient 梯度Grap hene石墨烯Grating 光栅Green laser绿光激光器Ground接地Grown junction 生长结Guard ring保护环Guide wave导波波导Gunn - effect狄氏效应Gyroscope陀螺仪Hardened device辐射加固器件Harmonics 谐波Heat diffusion 热扩散Heat sink散热器、热沉Heavy/light hole band 重/轻空穴带Hell - effect霍尔效应Hertz赫兹Heterojunction 异质结Heterojunction structure 异质结结构Heterojunction Bi polar Transistor ( HBT )异质结双极型晶体High field property 高场特性High-performance MOS(H-MOS)高性能MOS 器件High power 大功率Hole空穴Homojunction 同质结Horizontal epitaxial reactor 卧式外延反应器Hot carrier热载流子Hybrid integration 混合集成Illumination⑴照明⑵照明学Image - force 镜象力Imp act ionization 碰撞电离Imp edance 阻抗Imperfect structure 不完整结构Implantation dose 注入齐J量Implanted ion 注入离子Impurity 杂质Imp urity scattering 杂志散射Inch英寸Incremental resistance电阻增量(微分电阻)In-contact mask接触式掩模Index of refraction 折射率Indium 铟Indium tin oxide (ITO) 铟锡氧化物Inductance 电感Induced channel 感应沟道Infrared红外的Injection 注入Input power 输入功率Insertion loss 插入损耗Insulator绝缘体Insulated Gate FET(IGFET)绝缘栅FET Integrated injection logic 集成注入逻辑Integration 集成、积分Integrated Circuit 集成电路Interconnection 互连Interconnection time delay 互连延时Interdigitated structure 交互式结构In terface 界面Interferenee 干涉International system of unions 国际单位制Internally scattering 谷间散射Interpolation 内插法Intrinsic本征的Intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体Inverse op eration 反向工作In vers ion 反型Inverter倒相器Ion离子Ion beam离子束Ion etching离子刻蚀Ion implantation 离子注入Ionization 电离Ionization energy 电离能Irradiation 辐照Isolation land 隔离岛Isotropic各向同性Junction FET(JFET)结型场效应管Junction isolation 结隔离Junction sp acing 结间距Junction side-wall 结侧壁Laser激光器Laser diode激光二极管Latch up 闭锁Lateral横向的Lattice 晶格Layout版图Lattice binding/cell/constant/defect/distortion 晶格结合力/晶胞/晶格/晶格常熟/晶格缺陷/晶格畸变Lead 铅Leakage current (泄)漏电流Life time 寿命linearity线性度Linked bond 共价键Liquid Nitrogen 液氮Liquid —phase epitaxial growth technique 液相外延生长技术Lithography 光刻Light Emitting Diode(LED)发光二极管Linearity线性化Liquid液体Lock in 锁定Longitudinal 纵向的Long life 长寿命Lumped model集总模型Magnetic 磁的Majority carrier多数载流子Mask掩膜板,光刻板Mask level掩模序号Mask set掩模组Mass - action law 质量守恒定律Matching 匹配Material 材料Maxwell麦克斯韦Mean free path平均自由程Mean time before failure (MTBF) 平均工作时间Mechanical 机械的Membrane (1)薄腊,膜片⑵隔膜Megeto - resistance 磁阻Mesa台面MESFET-Metal Semiconductor 金属半导体FETMetalorganic Chemical Vapor Dep osition MOCVD 金属氧化物化学汽相淀积Metallization 金属化Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS)金属氧化物半导体MeV兆电子伏Microelectronic technique 微电子技术Microelectronics 微电子学Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) 微电子机械系统Microwave 微波Millimeterwave 毫米波Minority carrier 少数载流子Misfit 失配Mismatching 失配Mobility 迁移率Module 模块Modulate 调制Molecular crystal 分子晶体Monolithic IC 单片MOSFET 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 Mount 安装Multi plication 倍增Modulator 调制Multi-chip IC 多芯片 ICMultilayer 多层Mult ip lication coefficientMult ip lexer 复用器Multi plier 倍增器Nanometer 纳米Nanotechnology 纳米技术Negative feedback 负反馈Negative resistance 负阻Multi-chi p module(MCM)多芯片模块Naked chip 未封装的芯片(裸片)倍增因子Negative-temperature-coefficient 负温度系数Nesting 套刻Noise figure噪声系数Nonequilibrium 非平衡Nonvolatile非挥发(易失)性Normally off/on 常闭/ 开Nuclear 核Numerical analysis 数值分析Occupied band 满带Offset偏移、失调On standby待命状态Ohmic contact欧姆接触Open circuit 开路Op erating po int 工作点Ope rating bias 工作偏置Operational amplifier (OPAMP)运算放大器Optical photon 光子Optical quenching 光猝灭Optical transition 光跃迁Optical-coupled isolator 光耦合隔离器Organic semiconductor 有机半导体Orientation 晶向、定向Oscillator 振荡器Outline 外形Out-of-contact mask非接触式掩模Out put characteristic 输出特性Out put po wer输出功率Out put voltage swing 输出电压摆幅Overco mp ensation 过补偿Over-current protection 过流保护Over shoot 过冲Over-voltage protection 过压保护Overlap 交迭Overload 过载Oscillator 振荡器Oxide氧化物Oxidation 氧化Oxide passivation 氧化层钝化P ackage圭寸装Pad压焊点P arameter 参数Parasitic effect 寄生效应Parasitic oscillation 寄生振荡P ass band 通带Passivation 钝化Passive compo nent 无源元件Passive device 无源器件Passive surface 钝化界面Parasitic transistor 寄生晶体管Pattern 图形Payload有效载荷Peak-point voltage 峰点电压Peak voltage峰值电压Permanent-storage circuit 永久存储电路Period周期P ermeable - base可渗透基区Phase-lock loop 锁相环Phase drift 相移P honon sp ectra 声子谱Photo conduction 光电导Photo diode光电二极管Photoelectric cell 光电池Photoelectric effect 光电效应Photonic devices 光子器件Photolithographic process 光刻工艺Photoluminescence 光致发光Photo resist (光敏)抗腐蚀剂Photo mask光掩模Piezoelectric effect 压电效应Pin管脚Pinch off 夹断Pinning of Fermi level费米能级的钉扎(效应)PI anar p rocess 平面工艺Planar transistor 平面晶体管Plasma等离子体Plane平面的Plasma等离子体Plate板电路板P-N junction pn 结Po isson equation 泊松方程Point contact 点接触Polarity 极性Polycrystal 多晶Polymer semiconductor 聚合物半导体Poly-silicon 多晶硅Positive 正的Potential (电)势Potential barrier 势垒Potential well 势阱Power electronic devices 电力电子器件Po wer diss ip ation 功耗Power transistor功率晶体管Preamplifier 前置放大器Primary flat 主平面Print-circuit board( PCB)印制电路板Probability 几率Probe探针P rocedure 工艺P rocess 工艺Projector投影仪Propagation delay 传输延时Proto n质子Proximity effect 邻近效应Pseudo po tential method 贋势法Pump泵浦Pu nch through 穿通Pulse triggering/modulating 脉冲触发/调制Pulse Widen Modulator( PWM) 脉冲宽度调制Punchthrough 穿通Push-pull stage 推挽级Quality factor 品质因子Quantization 量子化Quantum 量子Quantum efficiency 量子效应Quantum mechanics 量子力学Quasi -Fermi —level 准费米能级Quartz石英Radar雷达Radiation conductivity 辐射电导率Radiation damage 辐射损伤Radiation flux density 辐射通量密度Radiation hardening 辐射加固Radiation protection 辐射保护Radiative - recombination 辐照复合Radio无线电射电射频Radio-frequency RF 射频Raman拉曼Random随机Range测距Radio比率系数Ray射线Reactive sputtering source 反应溅射源Real time 实时Receiver接收机Recombination 复合Recovery diode 恢复二极管Record记录Recovery time恢复时间Rectifier整流器(管)Rectifying contact 整流接触Red light 红光Reference基准点基准参考点Refractive index 折射率Register寄存器Regulate控制调整Relative相对的Relaxation 驰豫Relaxation lifetime 驰豫时间Relay中继Reliability 可靠性Remote远程Rep eatability 可重复性Reproduction重复制造Residual current 剩余电流Resonance 谐振Resin树脂Resistance 电阻Resistor 电阻器Resistivity 电阻率Regulator稳压管(器)Resolution 分辨率Respo nse time响应时间Return signal回波信号Reverse反向的Reverse bias反向偏置Ribbon光纤带Ridge waveguide 脊形波导Ring laser环形激光器Rotary wave 旋转波Run运行Samp ling circuit 取样电路Sapp hire 蓝宝石(AI2O3)Satellite valley 卫星谷Saturated current range 电流饱和区Scan扫描Scaled down按比例缩小Scattering 散射Schematic layout 示意图,简图Schottky肖特基Schottky barrier肖特基势垒Schottky contact肖特基接触Scree n筛选Scribing grid 划片格Secondary flat 次平面Seed crystal 籽晶Segregation 分凝Selectivity 选择性Self aligned自对准的Self diffusion 自扩散Semiconductor 半导体Semiconductor laser 半仝导体激光器Semiconductor-controlled rectifier 半导体可控硅Sensitivity 灵敏度Sensor传感器Serial串行/串联Series inductance 串联电感Settle time建立时间Sheet resistance 薄层电阻Sha ping 成型Shield屏蔽Shifter移相器Short circuit 短路Shot noise散粒噪声Shunt分流Sidewall capacitance 边墙电容Signal信号Silica glass石英玻璃Silicon 硅Silicon carbide 碳化硅Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 二氧化硅Silicon Nitride(Si3N4)氮化硅Silicon On Insulator 绝缘体上硅Silver whiskers 银须Simple cubic 简立方Simulation 模拟Single crystal 单晶Sink热沉Sinter烧结Skin effect趋肤效应Slot槽隙Slow wave 慢波Smooth光滑的Subthreshold亚阈值的Solar battery/cell 太阳能电池Solid circuit固体电路Solid Solubility 固溶度Solution 溶液Sonband 子带Source源极Source follower 源随器Sp ace charge空间电荷Sp ace Craft宇宙飞行器Spacing 间距Sp ecific heat (PT)比热Sp ectral 光谱Spectrum光谱(复数)Speed-power product速度功耗乘积Spherical球面的Spin自旋Split分裂Spontaneous emission 自发发射Spot斑点Spray喷涂Sp reading resistance 扩展电阻Sputter 溅射Square root 平方根Stability稳定性Stacking fault 层错Standard标准的Standing wave 驻波State-of-the-art 最新技术Static characteristic 静态特性Statistical analysis 统计分析Steady state 稳态Step motor步进式电动机Stimulated emission 受激发射Stimulated recombination 受激复合Stop band 阻带Storage time存储时间Stress应力Strip line带状线Subband次能带Sublimation 升华Submillimeter 亚毫米波Substrate 衬底Substitutional 替位式的Supe「conductor 超导(电)体Superlattice 超晶格Supply电源Surface mound 表面安装Surge cap acity 浪涌能力Switching time 开关时间Switch开关Synchronizer 同步器,同步装置Synthetic-aperture 合成孑L径System系统Technical技术的,工艺的Telecommunication 远距通信,电信Telesc ope望远镜Terahertz太赫兹Terminal 终端Tem pl ate 模板Temp erature 温度Tensor张量Test测试试验Thermal activation 热激发Thermal conductivity 热导率Thermal equilibrium 热平衡Thermal Oxidation 热氧化Thermal resistance 热阻Thermal sink 热沉Thermal velocity 热运动Thick- film technique 厚膜技术Thin- film hybrid IC 薄膜混合集成电路Thin-Film Transistor(TFT)薄膜晶体Three dimension 三维Threshold 阈值Through Silicon Via 硅通孔Thyistor晶闸管Time resolution 时间分辨率Tolerance 公差T/R module发射/接收模块Transconductance 跨导Transfer characteristic 转移特性Transfer electron 转移电子Transfer function 传输函数Transient瞬态的Transistor aging(stress)晶体管老化Transit time渡越时间Transition 跃迁Transition-metal silica 过度金属硅化物Transition p robability 跃迁几率Transition region 过渡区Transmissivity 透射率Transmitter 发射机Transceiver 收发机Trans port 输运Transverse 横向的Trap陷阱Trapping 俘获Trapped charge 陷阱电荷Travelling wave 行波Trigger 触发Trim调配调整Triple diffusion 三重扩散Tolerance 容差Tube管子电子管Tuner调节器Tunnel(ing)隧道(穿)Tunnel current 隧道电流Turn - off time 关断时间Ultraviolet 紫外的Ultrabright 超亮的Ultrasonic 超声的Underfilling 下填充Undo ped无掺杂Unijunction 单结的Uni polar单极的Unit cell 原(元)胞Unity- gain frequency 单位增益频率Unilateral-switch 单向开关Vacancy 空位Vacuum真空Valence(value) band 价带Value band edge 价带顶Valence bond 价键Vapour p hase 汽相Varactor变容管Variable可变的Vector矢量Vertical垂直的Vibration 振动Visible light 可见光Voltage 电压Volt伏特Wafer晶片Watt 瓦Wave guide 波导Wavelength 波长Wave-particle duality 波粒二相性Wear-out 烧毁Wetting 浸润。



半导体微电子专业词汇中英文对照Accelerated testing 加速实验Acceptor 受主Acceptor atom 受主原子Accumulation 积累、堆积Accumulating contact 积累接触Accumulation region 积累区Accumulation layer 积累层Acoustic Surface Wave 声表面波Active region 有源区Active component 有源元Active device 有源器件Activation 激活Activation energy 激活能Active region 有源(放大)区A/D conversion 模拟-数字转换Adhesives 粘接剂Admittance 导纳Aging 老化Airborne 空载Allowed band 允带allowance 容限,公差Alloy-junction device合金结器件Aluminum(Aluminum) 铝Aluminum – oxide 铝氧化物Aluminum Nitride 氮化铝Aluminum passivation 铝钝化Ambipolar 双极的Ambient temperature 环境温度A M light 振幅调制光,调幅光amplitude limiter 限幅器Amorphous 无定形的,非晶体的Amplifier 功放放大器Analogue(Analog) comparator 模拟比较器Angstrom 埃Anneal 退火Anisotropic 各向异性的Anode 阳极Antenna 天线Aperture 孔径Arsenide (As) 砷Array 阵列Atomic 原子的Atom Clock 原子钟Attenuation 衰减Audio 声频Auger 俄歇Automatic 自动的Automotive 汽车的Availability 实用性Avalanche 雪崩Avalanche breakdown 雪崩击穿Avalanche excitation雪崩激发Background carrier 本底载流子Background doping 本底掺杂Backward 反向Backward bias 反向偏置Ball bond 球形键合Band 能带Band gap 能带间隙Bandwidth 带宽Bar 巴条发光条Barrier 势垒Barrier layer 势垒层Barrier width 势垒宽度Base 基极Base contact 基区接触Base stretching 基区扩展效应Base transit time 基区渡越时间Base transport efficiency基区输运系数Base-width modulation基区宽度调制Batch 批次Battery 电池Beam 束光束电子束Bench 工作台Bias 偏置Bilateral switch 双向开关Binary code 二进制代码Binary compound semiconductor 二元化合物半导体Bipolar 双极性的Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)双极晶体管Bit 位比特Blocking band 阻带Body - centered 体心立方Body-centred cubic structure 体立心结构Boltzmann 波尔兹曼Bond 键、键合Bonding electron 价电子Bonding pad 键合点Boron 硼Borosilicate glass 硼硅玻璃Bottom-up 由下而上的Boundary condition 边界条件Bound electron 束缚电子Bragg effect 布拉格效应Breadboard 模拟板、实验板Break down 击穿Break over 转折Brillouin 布里渊 FBrillouin zone 布里渊区Buffer 缓冲器Built-in 内建的Build-in electric field 内建电场Bulk 体/体内Bulk absorption 体吸收Bulk generation 体产生Bulk recombination 体复合Burn-in 老化Burn out 烧毁Buried channel 埋沟Buried diffusion region 隐埋扩散区Bus 总线Calibration 校准,检定,定标、刻度,分度Capacitance 电容Capture cross section 俘获截面Capture carrier 俘获载流子Carbon dioxide (CO2) 二氧化碳Carrier 载流子、载波Carry bit 进位位Cascade 级联Case 管壳Cathode 阴极Cavity 腔体Center 中心Ceramic 陶瓷(的)Channel 沟道Channel breakdown 沟道击穿Channel current 沟道电流Channel doping 沟道掺杂Channel shortening 沟道缩短Channel width 沟道宽度Characteristic impedance 特征阻抗Charge 电荷、充电Charge-compensation effects 电荷补偿效应Charge conservation 电荷守恒Charge drive/exchange/sharing/transfer/storage 电荷驱动/交换/共享/转移/存储Chemical etching 化学腐蚀法Chemically-Polish 化学抛光Chemically-Mechanically Polish (CMP) 化学机械抛光Chemical vapor deposition (cvd)化学汽相淀积Chip 芯片Chip yield 芯片成品率Circuit 电路Clamped 箝位Clamping diode 箝位二极管Cleavage plane 解理面Clean 清洗Clock rate 时钟频率Clock generator 时钟发生器Clock flip-flop 时钟触发器Close-loop gain 闭环增益Coating 涂覆涂层Coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数Coherency 相干性Collector 集电极Collision 碰撞Compensated OP-AMP 补偿运放Common-base/collector/emitter connection 共基极/集电极/发射极连接Common-gate/drain/source connection 共栅/漏/源连接Common-mode gain 共模增益Common-mode input 共模输入Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比Communication 通信Compact 致密的Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensated impurities 补偿杂质Compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体Complementary Darlington circuit 互补达林顿电路Complementary Metal-Oxide-SemiconductorField-Effect-Transistor(CMOS) 互补金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管Computer-aided design(CAD)/test(CAT)/manufacture(CAM) 计算机辅助设计/ 测试 /制造Component 元件Compound Semiconductor 化合物半导体Conductance 电导Conduction band (edge) 导带(底)Conduction level/state 导带态Conductor 导体Conductivity 电导率Configuration 结构Conlomb 库仑Constants 物理常数Constant energy surface 等能面Constant-source diffusion恒定源扩散Contact 接触Continuous wave 连续波Continuity equation 连续性方程Contact hole 接触孔Contact potential 接触电势Controlled 受控的Converter 转换器Conveyer 传输器Cooling 冷却Copper interconnection system 铜互连系统Corrosion 腐蚀Coupling 耦合Covalent 共阶的Crossover 交叉Critical 临界的Cross-section 横断面Crucible坩埚Cryogenic cooling system 冷却系统Crystal defect/face/orientation/lattice 晶体缺陷/晶面/晶向/晶格Cubic crystal system 立方晶系Current density 电流密度Curvature 曲率Current drift/drive/sharing 电流漂移/驱动/共享Current Sense 电流取样Curve 曲线Custom integrated circuit 定制集成电路Cut off 截止Cylindrical 柱面的Czochralshicrystal 直立单晶Czochralski technique 切克劳斯基技术(Cz法直拉晶体J))Dangling bonds 悬挂键Dark current 暗电流Dead time 空载时间Decade 十进制Decibel (dB) 分贝Decode 解码Deep acceptor level 深受主能级Deep donor level 深施主能级Deep energy level 深能级Deep impurity level 深度杂质能级Deep trap 深陷阱Defeat 缺陷Degenerate semiconductor 简并半导体Degeneracy 简并度Degradation 退化Degree Celsius(centigrade) /Kelvin 摄氏/开氏温度Delay 延迟Density 密度Density of states 态密度Depletion 耗尽Depletion approximation 耗尽近似Depletion contact 耗尽接触Depletion depth 耗尽深度Depletion effect 耗尽效应Depletion layer 耗尽层Depletion MOS 耗尽MOS Depletion region 耗尽区Deposited film 淀积薄膜Deposition process 淀积工艺Design rules 设计规则Detector 探测器Developer 显影剂Diamond 金刚石Die 芯片(复数dice)Diode 二极管Dielectric Constant 介电常数Dielectric isolation 介质隔离Difference-mode input 差模输入Differential amplifier 差分放大器Differential capacitance 微分电容Diffraction 衍射Diffusion 扩散Diffusion coefficient 扩散系数Diffusion constant 扩散常数Diffusivity 扩散率Diffusion capacitance/barrier/current/furnace 扩散电容/势垒/电流/炉Digital circuit 数字电路Dimension (1)尺寸(2)量钢(3)维,度Diode 二极管Dipole domain 偶极畴Dipole layer 偶极层Direct-coupling 直接耦合Direct-gap semiconductor 直接带隙半导体Direct transition 直接跃迁Directional antenna 定向天线Discharge 放电Discrete component 分立元件Disorder 无序的Display 显示器Dissipation 耗散Dissolution 溶解Distribution 分布Distributed capacitance 分布电容Distributed model 分布模型Displacement 位移Dislocation 位错Domain 畴Donor 施主Donor exhaustion 施主耗尽Dopant 掺杂剂Doped semiconductor 掺杂半导体Doping concentration 掺杂浓度Dose 剂量Double-diffusive MOS(DMOS)双扩散MOS Drift 漂移Drift field 漂移电场Drift mobility 迁移率Dry etching 干法腐蚀Dry/wet oxidation 干/湿法氧化Dose 剂量Dual-polarization 双偏振,双极化Duty cycle 工作周期Dual-in-line package (DIP)双列直插式封装Dynamics 动态Dynamic characteristics 动态属性Dynamic impedance 动态阻抗Early effect 厄利效应Early failure 早期失效Effect 效应Effective mass 有效质量Electric Erase Programmable Read Only Memory(E2PROM) 电可擦除只读存储器Electrode 电极Electromigration 电迁移Electron affinity 电子亲和势Electron-beam 电子束Electroluminescence 电致发光Electron gas 电子气Electron trapping center 电子俘获中心Electron Volt (eV) 电子伏Electro-optical 光电的Electrostatic 静电的Element 元素/元件/配件Elemental semiconductor 元素半导体Ellipse 椭圆Emitter 发射极Emitter-coupled logic 发射极耦合逻辑Emitter-coupled pair 发射极耦合对Emitter follower 射随器Empty band 空带Emitter crowding effect 发射极集边(拥挤)效应Endurance test =life test 寿命测试Energy state 能态Energy momentum diagram 能量-动量(E-K)图Enhancement mode 增强型模式Enhancement MOS 增强性MOSEnteric (低)共溶的Environmental test 环境测试Epitaxial 外延的Epitaxial layer 外延层Epitaxial slice 外延片Epoxy 环氧的Equivalent circuit 等效电路Equilibrium majority /minority carriers 平衡多数/少数载流子Equipment 设备Erasable Programmable ROM (EPROM)可搽取(编程)存储器Erbium laser 掺铒激光器Error function complement 余误差函数Etch 刻蚀Etchant 刻蚀剂Etching mask 抗蚀剂掩模Excess carrier 过剩载流子Excitation energy 激发能Excited state 激发态Exciton 激子Exponential 指数的Extrapolation 外推法Extrinsic 非本征的Extrinsic semiconductor 杂质半导体Fabry-Perot amplifier 法布里-珀罗放大器Face - centered 面心立方Fall time 下降时间Fan-in 扇入Fan-out 扇出Fast recovery 快恢复Fast surface states 快表面态Feedback 反馈Fermi level 费米能级Femi potential 费米势Fiber optic 光纤Field effect transistor 场效应晶体管Field oxide 场氧化层Figure of merit 品质因数Filter 滤波器Filled band 满带Film 薄膜Fine pitch 细节距Flash memory 闪存存储器Flat band 平带Flat pack 扁平封装Flatness 平整度Flexible 柔性的Flicker noise 闪烁(变)噪声Flip-chip 倒装芯片Flip- flop toggle 触发器翻转Floating gate 浮栅Fluoride etch 氟化氢刻蚀Focal plane 焦平面Forbidden band 禁带Formulation 列式,表达Forward bias 正向偏置Forward blocking /conducting 正向阻断/导通Free electron 自由电子Frequency deviation noise 频率漂移噪声Frequency response 频率响应Function 函数Gain 增益Gallium-Arsenide(GaAs) 砷化镓Gallium Nitride 氮化镓Gate 门、栅、控制极Gate oxide 栅氧化层Gate width 栅宽Gauss(ian)高斯Gaussian distribution profile 高斯掺杂分布Generation-recombination 产生-复合Geometries 几何尺寸Germanium(Ge) 锗Gold 金Graded 缓变的Graded (gradual) channel 缓变沟道Graded junction 缓变结Grain 晶粒Gradient 梯度Graphene 石墨烯Grating 光栅Green laser 绿光激光器Ground 接地Grown junction 生长结Guard ring 保护环Guide wave 导波波导Gunn - effect 狄氏效应Gyroscope 陀螺仪Hardened device 辐射加固器件Harmonics 谐波Heat diffusion 热扩散Heat sink 散热器、热沉Heavy/light hole band 重/轻空穴带Hell - effect 霍尔效应Hertz 赫兹Heterojunction 异质结Heterojunction structure 异质结结构Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor(HBT)异质结双极型晶体High field property 高场特性High-performance MOS(H-MOS)高性能MOS器件High power 大功率Hole 空穴Homojunction 同质结Horizontal epitaxial reactor 卧式外延反应器Hot carrier 热载流子Hybrid integration 混合集成Illumination (1)照明(2)照明学Image - force 镜象力Impact ionization 碰撞电离Impedance 阻抗Imperfect structure 不完整结构Implantation dose 注入剂量Implanted ion 注入离子Impurity 杂质Impurity scattering 杂志散射Inch 英寸Incremental resistance 电阻增量(微分电阻)In-contact mask 接触式掩模Index of refraction 折射率Indium 铟Indium tin oxide (ITO) 铟锡氧化物Inductance 电感Induced channel 感应沟道Infrared 红外的Injection 注入Input power 输入功率Insertion loss 插入损耗Insulator 绝缘体Insulated Gate FET(IGFET) 绝缘栅FET Integrated injection logic 集成注入逻辑Integration 集成、积分Integrated Circuit 集成电路Interconnection 互连Interconnection time delay 互连延时Interdigitated structure 交互式结构Interface 界面Interference 干涉International system of unions 国际单位制Internally scattering 谷间散射Interpolation 内插法Intrinsic 本征的Intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体Inverse operation 反向工作Inversion 反型Inverter 倒相器Ion 离子Ion beam 离子束Ion etching 离子刻蚀Ion implantation 离子注入Ionization 电离Ionization energy 电离能Irradiation 辐照Isolation land 隔离岛Isotropic 各向同性Junction FET(JFET) 结型场效应管Junction isolation 结隔离Junction spacing 结间距Junction side-wall 结侧壁Laser 激光器Laser diode 激光二极管Latch up 闭锁Lateral 横向的Lattice 晶格Layout 版图Lattice binding/cell/constant/defect/distortion 晶格结合力/晶胞/晶格/晶格常熟/晶格缺陷/晶格畸变Lead 铅Leakage current (泄)漏电流Life time 寿命linearity 线性度Linked bond 共价键Liquid Nitrogen 液氮Liquid-phase epitaxial growth technique 液相外延生长技术Lithography 光刻Light Emitting Diode(LED) 发光二极管Linearity 线性化Liquid 液体Lock in 锁定Longitudinal 纵向的Long life 长寿命Lumped model 集总模型Magnetic 磁的Majority carrier 多数载流子Mask 掩膜板,光刻板Mask level 掩模序号Mask set 掩模组Mass - action law 质量守恒定律Master-slave D flip-flop 主从D 触发器Matching 匹配Material 材料Maxwell 麦克斯韦Mean free path 平均自由程Mean time before failure (MTBF) 平均工作时间Mechanical 机械的Membrane (1)薄腊,膜片(2)隔膜Megeto - resistance 磁阻Mesa 台面MESFET-Metal Semiconductor 金属半导体FET Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition MOCVD 金属氧化物化学汽相淀积Metallization 金属化Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS)金属氧化物半导体MeV 兆电子伏Microelectronic technique 微电子技术Microelectronics 微电子学Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) 微电子机械系统Microwave 微波Millimeterwave 毫米波Minority carrier 少数载流子Misfit 失配Mismatching 失配Mobility 迁移率Module 模块Modulate 调制Molecular crystal 分子晶体Monolithic IC 单片MOSFET 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管Mount 安装Multiplication 倍增Modulator 调制Multi-chip IC 多芯片ICMulti-chip module(MCM) 多芯片模块Multilayer 多层Multiplication coefficient 倍增因子Multiplexer 复用器Multiplier 倍增器Naked chip 未封装的芯片(裸片)Nanometer 纳米Nanotechnology 纳米技术Negative feedback 负反馈Negative resistance 负阻Negative-temperature-coefficient负温度系数Nesting 套刻Noise figure 噪声系数Nonequilibrium 非平衡Nonvolatile 非挥发(易失)性Normally off/on 常闭/开Nuclear 核Numerical analysis 数值分析Occupied band 满带Offset 偏移、失调On standby 待命状态Ohmic contact 欧姆接触Open circuit 开路Operating point 工作点Operating bias 工作偏置Operational amplifier (OPAMP)运算放大器Optical photon 光子Optical quenching 光猝灭Optical transition 光跃迁Optical-coupled isolator 光耦合隔离器Organic semiconductor 有机半导体Orientation 晶向、定向Oscillator 振荡器Outline 外形Out-of-contact mask 非接触式掩模Output characteristic 输出特性Output power 输出功率Output voltage swing 输出电压摆幅Overcompensation 过补偿Over-current protection 过流保护Over shoot 过冲Over-voltage protection 过压保护Overlap 交迭Overload 过载Oscillator 振荡器Oxide 氧化物Oxidation 氧化Oxide passivation 氧化层钝化Package 封装Pad 压焊点Parameter 参数Parasitic effect 寄生效应Parasitic oscillation 寄生振荡Pass band 通带Passivation 钝化Passive component 无源元件Passive device 无源器件Passive surface 钝化界面Parasitic transistor 寄生晶体管Pattern 图形Payload 有效载荷Peak-point voltage 峰点电压Peak voltage 峰值电压Permanent-storage circuit 永久存储电路Period 周期Permeable - base 可渗透基区Phase-lock loop 锁相环Phase drift 相移Phonon spectra 声子谱Photo conduction 光电导Photo diode 光电二极管Photoelectric cell 光电池Photoelectric effect 光电效应Photonic devices 光子器件Photolithographic process 光刻工艺Photoluminescence 光致发光Photo resist (光敏)抗腐蚀剂Photo mask 光掩模Piezoelectric effect 压电效应Pin 管脚Pinch off 夹断Pinning of Fermi level 费米能级的钉扎(效应)Planar process 平面工艺Planar transistor 平面晶体管Plasma 等离子体Plane 平面的Plasma 等离子体Plate 板电路板P-N junction pn结Poisson equation 泊松方程Point contact 点接触Polarity 极性Polycrystal 多晶Polymer semiconductor 聚合物半导体Poly-silicon 多晶硅Positive 正的Potential (电)势Potential barrier 势垒Potential well 势阱Power electronic devices电力电子器件Power dissipation 功耗Power transistor 功率晶体管Preamplifier 前置放大器Primary flat 主平面Print-circuit board(PCB) 印制电路板Probability 几率Probe 探针Procedure 工艺Process 工艺Projector 投影仪Propagation delay 传输延时Proton 质子Proximity effect 邻近效应Pseudopotential method 赝势法Pump 泵浦Punch through 穿通Pulse triggering/modulating 脉冲触发/调制Pulse Widen Modulator(PWM) 脉冲宽度调制Punchthrough 穿通Push-pull stage 推挽级Q Q值Quality factor 品质因子Quantization 量子化Quantum 量子Quantum efficiency 量子效应Quantum mechanics 量子力学Quasi – Fermi-level 准费米能级Quartz 石英Radar 雷达Radiation conductivity 辐射电导率Radiation damage 辐射损伤Radiation flux density 辐射通量密度Radiation hardening 辐射加固Radiation protection 辐射保护Radiative - recombination 辐照复合Radio 无线电射电射频Radio-frequency RF 射频Raman 拉曼Random 随机Range 测距Radio 比率系数Ray 射线Reactive sputtering source 反应溅射源Real time 实时Receiver 接收机Recombination 复合Recovery diode 恢复二极管Record 记录Recovery time 恢复时间Rectifier 整流器(管)Rectifying contact 整流接触Red light 红光Reference 基准点基准参考点Refractive index 折射率Register 寄存器Regulate 控制调整Relative 相对的Relaxation 驰豫Relaxation lifetime 驰豫时间Relay 中继Reliability 可靠性Remote 远程Repeatability 可重复性Reproduction 重复制造Residual current 剩余电流Resonance 谐振Resin 树脂Resistance 电阻Resistor 电阻器Resistivity 电阻率Regulator 稳压管(器)Resolution 分辨率Response time 响应时间Return signal 回波信号Reverse 反向的Reverse bias 反向偏置Ribbon 光纤带Ridge waveguide 脊形波导Ring laser 环形激光器Rotary wave 旋转波Run 运行Sampling circuit 取样电路Sapphire 蓝宝石(Al2O3)Satellite valley 卫星谷Saturated current range 电流饱和区Scan 扫描Scaled down 按比例缩小Scattering 散射Schematic layout 示意图,简图Schottky 肖特基Schottky barrier 肖特基势垒Schottky contact 肖特基接触Screen 筛选Scribing grid 划片格Secondary flat 次平面Seed crystal 籽晶Segregation 分凝Selectivity 选择性Self aligned 自对准的Self diffusion 自扩散Semiconductor 半导体Semiconductor laser半导体激光器Semiconductor-controlled rectifier 半导体可控硅Sensitivity 灵敏度Sensor 传感器Serial 串行/串联Series inductance 串联电感Settle time 建立时间Sheet resistance 薄层电阻Shaping 成型Shield 屏蔽Shifter 移相器Short circuit 短路Shot noise 散粒噪声Shunt 分流Sidewall capacitance 边墙电容Signal 信号Silica glass 石英玻璃Silicon 硅Silicon carbide 碳化硅Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 二氧化硅Silicon Nitride(Si3N4) 氮化硅Silicon On Insulator 绝缘体上硅Silver whiskers 银须Simple cubic 简立方Simulation 模拟Single crystal 单晶Sink 热沉Sinter 烧结Skin effect 趋肤效应Slot 槽隙Slow wave 慢波Smooth 光滑的Subthreshold 亚阈值的Solar battery/cell 太阳能电池Solid circuit 固体电路Solid Solubility 固溶度Solution 溶液Sonband 子带Source 源极Source follower 源随器Space charge 空间电荷Space Craft 宇宙飞行器Spacing 间距Specific heat(PT) 比热Spectral 光谱Spectrum 光谱(复数)Speed-power product 速度功耗乘积Spherical 球面的Spin 自旋Split 分裂Spontaneous emission 自发发射Spot 斑点Spray 喷涂Spreading resistance 扩展电阻Sputter 溅射Square root 平方根Stability 稳定性Stacking fault 层错Standard 标准的Standing wave 驻波State-of-the-art 最新技术Static characteristic 静态特性Statistical analysis 统计分析Steady state 稳态Step motor 步进式电动机Stimulated emission 受激发射Stimulated recombination 受激复合Stopband 阻带Storage time 存储时间Stress 应力Stripline 带状线Subband 次能带Sublimation 升华Submillimeter 亚毫米波Substrate 衬底Substitutional 替位式的Superconductor 超导(电)体Superlattice 超晶格Supply 电源Surface mound表面安装Surge capacity 浪涌能力Switching time 开关时间Switch 开关Synchronizer 同步器,同步装置Synthetic-aperture 合成孔径System 系统Technical 技术的,工艺的Telecommunication 远距通信,电信Telescope 望远镜Terahertz 太赫兹Terminal 终端Template 模板Temperature 温度Tensor 张量Test 测试试验Thermal activation 热激发Thermal conductivity 热导率Thermal equilibrium 热平衡Thermal Oxidation 热氧化Thermal resistance 热阻Thermal sink 热沉Thermal velocity 热运动Thick- film technique 厚膜技术Thin- film hybrid IC 薄膜混合集成电路Thin-Film Transistor(TFT) 薄膜晶体Three dimension 三维Threshold 阈值Through Silicon Via 硅通孔Thyistor 晶闸管Time resolution 时间分辨率Tolerance 公差T/R module 发射/接收模块Transconductance 跨导Transfer characteristic 转移特性Transfer electron 转移电子Transfer function 传输函数Transient 瞬态的Transistor aging(stress) 晶体管老化Transit time 渡越时间Transition 跃迁Transition-metal silica 过度金属硅化物Transition probability 跃迁几率Transition region 过渡区Transmissivity 透射率Transmitter 发射机Transceiver 收发机Transport 输运Transverse 横向的Trap 陷阱Trapping 俘获Trapped charge 陷阱电荷Travelling wave 行波Trigger 触发Trim 调配调整Triple diffusion 三重扩散Tolerance 容差Tube 管子电子管Tuner 调节器Tunnel(ing) 隧道(穿)Tunnel current 隧道电流Turn - off time 关断时间Ultraviolet 紫外的Ultrabright 超亮的Ultrasonic 超声的Underfilling 下填充Undoped 无掺杂Unijunction 单结的Unipolar 单极的Unit cell 原(元)胞Unity- gain frequency 单位增益频率Unilateral-switch 单向开关Vacancy 空位Vacuum 真空Valence(value) band 价带Value band edge 价带顶Valence bond 价键Vapour phase 汽相Varactor 变容管Variable 可变的Vector 矢量Vertical 垂直的Vibration 振动Visible light 可见光Voltage 电压Volt 伏特Wafer 晶片Watt 瓦Wave guide 波导Wavelength 波长Wave-particle duality 波粒二相性Wear-out 烧毁Wetting 浸润Wideband 宽禁带Wire 引线Wire routing 布线Work function 功函数Worst-case device 最坏情况器件X-ray X射线Yield 成品率Zinc 锌欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。



定义:HALT 是“高加速寿命测试”(Highly Accelerated Life Testing)的英文缩写,其是一种利用阶梯应力加诸于试品,并在早期发现产品缺陷、操作设计边际及结构强度极限的方法。

试品通过HALT 所暴露的缺陷,涉及线路设计、工艺、元部件和结构等方面。




它将原需花费6个月甚至1年的新产品可靠性试验缩短至一周,且在这一周中所发现的产品问题几乎与客户应用后所发现的问题一致,故HALT 的试验方式已成为新产品上市前所必需通过的验证。




工作(操作)极限包括:工作(操作)极限上限值(Upper Operating Limit--- UOL)工作(操作)极限下限值(Lower Operating Limit---LOL)对于振动实验只有上限。




hast失效机理HAST (Highly Accelerated Stress Testing)失效机理HAST (Highly Accelerated Stress Testing) 是一种基于恶劣环境条件下的高加速应力测试方法,用于测试封装器件在高温高湿环境下的可靠性。



1. HAST测试条件HAST测试通常在高温高湿环境下进行。




2. HAST失效机理HAST测试中的高温高湿环境以及施加的过电压和过电流可能导致以下几种常见的失效模式。

2.1 金属腐蚀高温高湿环境中,金属元件暴露于湿气中,容易发生腐蚀。




2.2 导线断裂高温高湿环境中,导线容易发生断裂。



2.3 焊点失效焊点是封装器件中的重要结构,连接器件的引线和电路板上的焊盘。




2.4 绝缘层失效高温高湿环境以及施加的过电压和过电流可能导致绝缘层失效。




高加速寿命试验(Highly Accelerated Life Test-HALT-HASA-HASS)

高加速寿命试验(Highly Accelerated Life Test-HALT-HASA-HASS)

高加速寿命试验(Highly Accelerated Life Test-HALT/HASA/HASS) 加速应力试验源由(Accelerated Stress Test:简称AST/ALT),源起于1960年代美国因应太空计划对高可靠度的需求而被发展出来。






目前有航空电子、汽车及信息等高科技产业皆已投入HALT 领域之测试,并且已有相当成效。

基本概念:1)HALT :Highly AcceleratedLife Testing(高加速寿命测试)2)HASS:Highly AcceleratedStress Screen(高加速应力筛选)3)HASA:Highly AcceleratedStress Audit(高加速应力稽核)关于HALT:1)测试目的:在设计初期对已有的原型机或者工程样机进行应力测试并至失效,对于发现的失效进行分析改善,例如更换部件等方法,使得产品的设计更加强健,可靠性更高。




制药专业英语Accelerated testing 加速试验Reproducibility 重复性Climatic zones 气候带Detection limit 检测限Commitment batches 承诺批次Quantitation limit 定量限Container closure system 包装容器Linearity 线性Drug substance 原料药Range 范围Excipient 赋型剂Robustness 耐用性Expiration date 有效日期Chemical development studies 化学开发研究Formal stability studies 正式稳定性研究Enantiomeric impurity 异构体杂质Intermediate testing 中间试验Extraneous contaminant 外源性污染Long term testing 长期试验Identified impurity 鉴定的杂质New molecular entity 新分子实体Identified threshold 鉴定阙值(鉴定限)Primary batch 申报批次Impurity 杂质Production batch 大生产批次Impurity profile 杂质概况Re-test date 复检日期Intermediate 中间体Re-test period 复检期New drug substance 新原料药Specification 质量标准Precision 精密度Stress testing (drug substance) 强降解试验Repeatability 重复性Analytical procedure 分析方法Intermediate precision 中间精密度Accuracy 准确度Polymorphic form 多晶型Potential impurity 潜在杂质Combination product 复方制剂Qualification threshold 界定阙值(界定限)Chiral 手性Reagent 试剂Degradation product 降解产物Reporting threshold 报告阙值(报告限)Enantiomer 异构体Solvent 溶剂Identified impurity 鉴定杂质Specified impurity 特定杂质In-process tests 过程中检测Starting material 起始物料Polymorphism 多晶型Unidentified impurity 未鉴定杂质New drug substance 新原料药Acceptance criteria 可接受标准Racemate 外消旋体Permitted daily exposure 每日可接受药物中残留溶剂的最大摄入量Quality 质量Universal test 常规检测Specification 质量标准Acceptance criteria 可接受标准Solvent 溶剂Active pharmaceutical ingredient 药物活性组分(原料药)Specific test 专属性试验API starting material API起始物料 Specified impurity 特定杂质Batch 批Unidentified impurity 未鉴定杂质Batch number 批号Contract manufacturer 合同制造商Calibration 校验Critical 关键Computer system 计算机系统Cross-contamination 交叉污染Computerized system 计算机化系统Deviation 偏差Contamination 污染Expiry date 失效日期Lot 批In-process control 生产过程控制Lot number 批号Mother liquor 母液Packaging material 包装材料Reprocessing 再处理Material 物料Retest date 复测期Procedure 规程Reworking 返工Process aids 工艺辅助材料Signature(signed) 签名Process control 工艺控制Validation 验证Qualification 确认Validation protocol 验证方案Quality assurance 质量保证Yield, Expected 预期产量Quality control 质量控制Yield, Theoretical 理论产量Quality unit 质量部Design space 设计空间Production 生产Formal experimental design 正式实验设计Reference standard, primary 一级标准品Quarantine 待验Reference standard, secondary 二级标准品Raw material 原辅料Risk 风险Corrective action 纠正措施Risk management 风险管理Enabler 支持者Risk reduction 风险降低Key performance indicators 关键性能指标Decision maker 决策制定者Innovation 创新Detectability 检测能力Knowledge management 知识管理Product lifecycle 产品生命周期Pharmaceutical quality system 药品质量体系Quality risk management 质量风险管理Outsourced activities 外包活动Quality system 质量系统Preventive action 预防措施Requirements 要求Production realisation 产品实现Risk acceptance 风险认可Quality manual 质量手册Risk analysis 风险分析Quality planning 质量计划Risk assessment 风险评估Quality policy 质量方针Risk communication 风险通报Quality risk management 质量风险管理Risk control 风险控制Senior management 最高管理Risk evaluation 风险评价State of control 控制状态Risk identification 风险鉴定Change management 变更管理Risk review 风险回顾Trend 趋势Severity 严重性Continual improvement 持续改进Stakeholder 利益相关者Control strategy 控制策略Air lock 气锁 D value D值Alert level 警戒标准Dynamic 动态的Action level 纠偏标准Endotoxin 内毒素Aseptic manufacturing area 无菌生产区Gowning qualification 更衣确认Aseptic processing facility 无菌生产厂房HEPA filter 高效过滤器Aseptic processing room 无菌操作间HVAC 空调净化系统Asepsis 无菌(状态)Intervention 干预Bioburden 含氧菌(生物负荷)Isolator 隔离操作器Barrier 屏障Laminar flow 层流Biological indicator BI 生物指示剂Operator 操作人员Clean area 洁净区Overkill sterilization process 过度杀灭灭菌程序Component 组分Pyrogen 热原Colony Forming Unit(CFU) 菌落形成单位(菌落数)Sterile product 无菌产品Critical surface 关键区域Sterilizing filter 除菌过滤器Decontamination 去污染Quality control unit 质量部门Disinfection 消毒Unidirectional flow单向流Depyrogenation 去热原Terminal sterilization 最终灭菌Validation 验证ULPA filter 超低穿透过滤器Worse case 最差条件Vessel 管道Reaction 反应Vent排气口Tank 桶罐Tare 皮重Flush 冲洗Purified water 纯化水Gross weight 毛重Dry 干燥Unload 缷料centrifuge 离心机crystallize 结晶Rinse 漂洗Filtrate 过滤Precipitation 沉淀Separate 分离Adjust pH to 调节pH至Solvent 溶剂Transport container 周转桶Intermediate 中间体Organic layer 有机层Aqueous layer 水层Extraction 萃取Cleaning agent 清洁剂Vacuum distill 减压蒸馏Contamination 污染Hydrolyze 水解Residual 残留Time complete 终止时间G.L.R 搪玻璃反应器Time started 起始时间The stainless steel reactor 不锈钢反应器Condenser 冷凝器Reactor 反应釜Reflux 回流batch number 批号Heat 加热Preparation 制备Temperature 温度Charge 投料Net weight 净重Stir 搅拌Jacket 夹套Take a sample 取样Bottom valve 底阀Suck 吸入Sample retention 留样Recrystallization 重结晶Pressure 压力Spin dry 旋转干燥Purification 精制,提纯Monitor 监测Blending 混合Sponsor 主办者(指负责并着手临床研究者)Labeled amount 标示量Agency 审理部门(指FDA)Identity 真伪;鉴别;特性NF (美国)国家药品集USP 美国药典INN 国际非专有名称Protocol 方案Established name 确定的名称Adverse effect 副作用Preparing and submitting 起草和申报Benefit 受益Animal trial 动物试验Accelerated approval 加速批准Batch production record 生产批号记录POST-OR PRE- MARKET SURVEILLANCE 销售前或销售后监督Batch production 批量生产DMF holder DMF 持有者CFR (美国)联邦法规Panel 专家小组ANDA 简化新药申请DMF 药物主文件FDA (美国)食品药品管理局NDA 新药申请Adapter 接液管Air condenser 空气冷凝管Beaker 烧杯Crucible tongs 坩埚钳Boiling flask 烧瓶Condenser-Allihn type 球型冷凝管boiling flask-3-neck 三口烧瓶Condenser-west tube 直型冷凝管Burette clamp 滴定管夹Claisen distilling head 减压蒸馏头Burette stand 滴定架台Busher funnel 布氏漏斗Crucible with cover 带盖的坩埚Distilling head 蒸馏头Distilling tube 蒸馏管Erlenmeyer flask 锥型瓶Evaporating dish (porcelain) 瓷蒸发皿Filter flask(suction flask) 抽滤瓶Florence flask 平底烧瓶Fractionating column 分馏柱Geiser burette (stopcock) 酸氏滴定管graduated cylinder 量筒Hirsch funnel 赫氏漏斗Long-stem funnel 长颈漏斗Medicine dropper 滴管Mohr burette for use with pinchcock 碱氏滴定管Mohr measuring pipette 量液管Mortar 研钵Pestle 研杵Pinch clamp 弹簧节流夹Plastic squeeze bottle 塑料洗瓶Rubber pipette bulb 吸耳球Wide-mouth bottle 广口瓶Tripod 三角架Transfer pipette 移液管Watch glass 表皿volumetric flask 容量瓶Thiele melting point tube 提勒熔点管Test tube 试管Test tube holde 试管夹Separatory funnel 分液漏斗Stemless funnel 无颈漏斗Validation 验证Qualification/Verification 验证Stability 稳定性In compliance with 符合Active ingredients 主药Excipient 辅料Buffering agent 缓冲剂Towards lower limit 偏低限pH value 酸碱度Formulated amount 处方量。




两种可靠性加速测试方法及失效率评估与预测Two Reliability Accelerated Testing Methods and Evaluation and Prediction of Failure Rate雷春霞(昕诺飞灯具(上海)有限公司,上海200233)Lei Chun-xia (Signify luminaire (Shang Hai)pany,Shanghai 200233)摘要:可靠性测试项目种类有很多,如何选择,用较少的样品数及较少的测试时间来最大化的发现产品的失效率和失效模式,从而进一步提高产品的可靠性,这个是电子行业内普遍比较感兴趣的课题。


关键词:可靠性加速测试;双85测试;高低温冲击测试;加速因子;卡方分布;失效率;平均失效时间(MTTF);使用寿命中图分类号:TN406文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-0107(2020)11-0044-04Abstract:There are many types of reliability test items.How to choose to use less sample size and less test time to maximize find the failure rate and failure mode of the product,so as to further improve the reliability of the product.This topic is the one electronics industry general interested in.Based on the author's years of experience in R&D and reliability in the field of electronic products,this article recommends two reliability accelerated test methods:Wet High temperature operating test (double 85test)and thermal shock test,and focuses on the acceleration factor calculation of the two test methods;Presents a calculation method of prediction the failure rate of a product by using the chi-square distribution.Finally,based on an actual electronic product,this article shows how to design the test time and the number of test samples for the double 85test according to the expected failure rate of the product,and how to design the test conditions and the number of test cycles of thermal shock test according to the products service life.Key words:Reliability accelerated test;Wet High Temperature Operating test (double 85test);Thermal shock test;Acceleration factor;Chi-square distribution;Failure rate;Mean time to failure (MTTF);Service life CLC number:TN406Document code:AArticle ID :1003-0107(2020)11-0044-040引言随着可靠性设计与可靠性测试方法的普及,当前在电子产品的开发设计阶段,可靠性测试已成为电子产品批量上市前必要的验证方法。



微电子专业英语词汇Abrupt junction 突变结Accelerated testing 加速实验Acceptor 受主Acceptor atom 受主原子Accumulation 积累、堆积Accumulating contact 积累接触Accumulation region 积累区Accumulation layer 积累层Active region 有源区Active component 有源元Active device 有源器件Activation 激活Activation energy 激活能Active region 有源(放大)区Admittance 导纳Allowed band 允带Alloy-junction device合金结器件Aluminum(Aluminum) 铝Aluminum oxide 铝氧化物Aluminum passivation 铝钝化Ambipolar 双极的Ambient temperature 环境温度Amorphous 无定形的,非晶体的Amplifier 功放扩音器放大器Analogue(Analog) comparator 模拟比较器Angstrom 埃Anneal 退火Anisotropic 各向异性的Anode 阳极Arsenic (AS) 砷Auger 俄歇Auger process 俄歇过程Avalanche 雪崩Avalanche breakdown 雪崩击穿Avalanche excitation雪崩激发Background carrier 本底载流子Background doping 本底掺杂Backward 反向Backward bias 反向偏置Ballasting resistor 整流电阻Ball bond 球形键合Band 能带Band gap 能带间隙Barrier 势垒Barrier layer 势垒层Barrier width 势垒宽度Base 基极Base contact 基区接触Base stretching 基区扩展效应Base transit time 基区渡越时间Base transport efficiency基区输运系数Base-width modulation基区宽度调制Basis vector 基矢Bias 偏置Bilateral switch 双向开关Binary code 二进制代码Binary compound semiconductor 二元化合物半导体Bipolar 双极性的Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)双极晶体管Bloch 布洛赫Blocking band 阻挡能带Blocking contact 阻挡接触Body - centered 体心立方Body-centered cubic structure 体立心结构Boltzmann 波尔兹漫Bond 键、键合Bonding electron 价电子Bonding pad 键合点Bootstrap circuit 自举电路Bootstrapped emitter follower 自举发射跟随器Boron 硼Borosilicate glass 硼硅酸玻璃Boundary condition 边界条件Bound electron 束缚电子Breadboard 模拟板、实验板Break down 击穿Break over 转折Brillouin 布里渊Brillouin zone 布里渊区Built-in 内建的Build-in electric field 内建电场Bulk 体/体内Bulk absorption 体吸收Bulk generation 体产生Bulk recombination 体复合Burn - in 老化Burn out 烧毁Buried channel 埋沟Buried diffusion region 隐埋扩散区Can 外壳Capacitance 电容Capture cross section 俘获截面Capture carrier 俘获载流子Carrier 载流子、载波Carry bit 进位Carry-in bit 进位输入Carry-out bit 进位输出Cascade 级联Case 管壳Cathode 阴极Center 中心Ceramic 陶瓷(的)Channel 沟道Channel breakdown 沟道击穿Channel current 沟道电流Channel doping 沟道掺杂Channel shortening 沟道缩短Channel width 沟道宽度Characteristic impedance 特征阻抗Charge 电荷、充电Charge-compensation effects 电荷补偿效应Charge conservation 电荷守恒Charge neutrality condition 电中性条件Charge drive/exchange/sharing/transfer/storage 电荷驱动/交换/共享/转移/存储Chemical etching 化学腐蚀法Chemically-Polish 化学抛光Chemically-Mechanically Polish (CMP) 化学机械抛光Chip 芯片Chip yield 芯片成品率Clamped 箝位Clamping diode 箝位二极管Cleavage plane 解理面Clock rate 时钟频率Clock generator 时钟发生器Clock flip-flop 时钟触发器Close-packed structure 密堆积结构Close-loop gain 闭环增益Collector 集电极Collision 碰撞Compensated OP-AMP 补偿运放Common-base/collector/emitter connection 共基极/集电极/发射极连接Common-gate/drain/source connection 共栅/漏/源连接Common-mode gain 共模增益Common-mode input 共模输入Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensated impurities 补偿杂质Compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体Complementary Darlington circuit 互补达林顿电路Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor(CMOS)补金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管Complementary error function 余误差函数Computer-aided design (CAD)/test(CAT)/manufacture(CAM) 计算机辅助设计/ 测试/制造Compound Semiconductor 化合物半导体Conductance 电导Conduction band (edge) 导带(底)Conduction level/state 导带态Conductor 导体Conductivity 电导率Configuration 组态Coulomb 库仑Coupled Configuration Devices 结构组态Constants 物理常数Constant energy surface 等能面Constant-source diffusion恒定源扩散Contact 接触Contamination 治污Continuity equation 连续性方程Contact hole 接触孔Contact potential 接触电势Continuity condition 连续性条件Contra doping 反掺杂Controlled 受控的Converter 转换器Conveyer 传输器Copper interconnection system 铜互连系统Coupling 耦合Covalent 共阶的Crossover 跨交Critical 临界的Crossunder 穿交Crucible坩埚Crystal defect/face/orientation/lattice 晶体缺陷/晶面/晶向/晶格Current density 电流密度Curvature 曲率Cut off 截止Current drift/drive/sharing 电流漂移/驱动/共享Current Sense 电流取样Curvature 弯曲Custom integrated circuit 定制集成电路Cylindrical 柱面的Czochralshicrystal 直立单晶Czochralski technique 切克劳斯基技术Cz法直拉晶体J)Dangling bonds 悬挂键Dark current 暗电流Dead time 空载时间Debye length 德拜长度De.broglie 德布罗意Decelerate 减速Decibel (dB) 分贝Decode 译码Deep acceptor level 深受主能级Deep donor level 深施主能级Deep impurity level 深度杂质能级Deep trap 深陷阱Defeat 缺陷Degenerate semiconductor 简并半导体Degeneracy 简并度Degradation 退化Degree Celsius(centigrade) /Kelvin 摄氏/开氏温度Delay 延迟Density 密度Density of states 态密度Depletion 耗尽Depletion approximation 耗尽近似Depletion contact 耗尽接触Depletion depth 耗尽深度Depletion effect 耗尽效应Depletion layer 耗尽层Depletion MOS 耗尽MOSDepletion region 耗尽区Deposited film 淀积薄膜Deposition process 淀积工艺Design rules 设计规则Die 芯片(复数dice)Diode 二极管Dielectric 电介质,绝缘体Dielectric isolation 介质隔离Difference-mode input 差模输入Differential amplifier 差分放大器Differential capacitance 微分电容Diffused junction 扩散结Diffusion 扩散Diffusion coefficient 扩散系数Diffusion constant 扩散常数Diffusivity 扩散率Diffusion capacitance/barrier/current/furnace 扩散电容/势垒/电流/炉Digital circuit 数字电路Dipole domain 偶极畴Dipole layer 偶极层Direct-coupling 直接耦合Direct-gap semiconductor 直接带隙半导体Direct transition 直接跃迁Discharge 放电Discrete component 分立元件Dissipation 耗散Distribution 分布Distributed capacitance 分布电容Distributed model 分布模型Displacement 位移Dislocation 位错Domain 畴Donor 施主Donor exhaustion 施主耗尽Dopant 掺杂剂Doped semiconductor 掺杂半导体Doping concentration 掺杂浓度Double-diffusive MOS(DMOS)双扩散MOS.Drift 漂移Drift field 漂移电场Drift mobility 迁移率Dry etching 干法腐蚀Dry/wet oxidation 干/湿法氧化Dose 剂量Duty cycle 工作周期Dual-in-line package (DIP)双列直插式封装Dynamics 动态Dynamic characteristics 动态属性Dynamic impedance 动态阻抗Early effect 厄利效应Early failure 早期失效Effective mass 有效质量Einstein relation(ship) 爱因斯坦关系Electric Erase Programmable Read Only Memory(E2PROM) 一次性电可擦除只读存储器Electrode 电极Electro migrate 电迁移Electron affinity 电子亲和势Electronic -grade 电子能Electron-beam photo-resist exposure 光致抗蚀剂的电子束曝光Electron gas 电子气Electron-grade water 电子级纯水Electron trapping center 电子俘获中心Electron Volt (eV) 电子伏Electrostatic 静电的Element 元素/元件/配件Elemental semiconductor 元素半导体Ellipse 椭圆Ellipsoid 椭球Emitter 发射极Emitter-coupled logic 发射极耦合逻辑Emitter-coupled pair 发射极耦合对Emitter follower 射随器Empty band 空带Emitter crowding effect 发射极集边(拥挤)效应Endurance test =life test 寿命测试Energy state 能态Energy momentum diagram 能量-动量(E-K)图Enhancement mode 增强型模式Enhancement MOS 增强性MOSEnteric (低)共熔的Environmental test 环境测试Epitaxial 外延的Epitaxial layer 外延层Epitaxial slice 外延片Epitaxy 外延Equivalent circuit 等效电路Equilibrium majority /minority carriers 平衡多数/少数载流子Erasable Programmable ROM (EPROM)可搽取(编程)存储器Error function complement 余误差函数Etch 刻蚀Etchant 刻蚀剂Etching mask 抗蚀剂掩模Excess carrier 过剩载流子Excitation energy 激发能Excited state 激发态Exciton 激子Extrapolation 外推法Extrinsic 非本征的Extrinsic semiconductor 杂质半导体Face - centered 面心立方Fall time 下降时间Fan-in 扇入Fan-out 扇出Fast recovery 快恢复Fast surface states 快界面态Feedback 反馈Fermi level 费米能级Fermi-Dirac Distribution 费米-狄拉克分布Femi potential 费米势Fick equation 菲克方程(扩散)Field effect transistor 场效应晶体管Field oxide 场氧化层Filled band 满带Film 薄膜Flash memory 闪烁存储器Flat band 平带Flat pack 扁平封装Flicker noise 闪烁(变)噪声Flip-flop toggle 触发器翻转Floating gate 浮栅Fluoride etch 氟化氢刻蚀Forbidden band 禁带Forward bias 正向偏置Forward blocking /conducting正向阻断/导通Frequency deviation noise频率漂移噪声Frequency response 频率响应Function 函数Gain 增益Gallium-Arsenide(GaAs) 砷化钾Gamy ray r 射线Gate 门、栅、控制极Gate oxide 栅氧化层Gauss(ian)高斯Gaussian distribution profile 高斯掺杂分布Generation-recombination 产生-复合Geometries 几何尺寸Germanium(Ge) 锗Graded 缓变的Graded (gradual) channel 缓变沟道Graded junction 缓变结Grain 晶粒Gradient 梯度Grown junction 生长结Guard ring 保护环Gummel-Poom model 葛谋-潘模型Gunn - effect 狄氏效应Hardened device 辐射加固器件Heat of formation 形成热Heat sink 散热器、热沉Heavy/light hole band 重/轻空穴带Heavy saturation 重掺杂Hell - effect 霍尔效应Heterojunction 异质结Heterojunction structure 异质结结构Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor(HBT)异质结双极型晶体High field property 高场特性High-performance MOS.( H-MOS)高性能MOS. Normalized 归一化Horizontal epitaxial reactor 卧式外延反应器Hot carrion 热载流子Hybrid integration 混合集成Image - force 镜象力Impact ionization 碰撞电离Impedance 阻抗Imperfect structure 不完整结构Implantation dose 注入剂量Implanted ion 注入离子Impurity 杂质Impurity scattering 杂志散射Incremental resistance 电阻增量(微分电阻)In-contact mask 接触式掩模Indium tin oxide (ITO) 铟锡氧化物Induced channel 感应沟道Infrared 红外的Injection 注入Input offset voltage 输入失调电压Insulator 绝缘体Insulated Gate FET(IGFET)绝缘栅FET Integrated injection logic集成注入逻辑Integration 集成、积分Interconnection 互连Interconnection time delay 互连延时Interdigitated structure 交互式结构Interface 界面Interference 干涉International system of unions国际单位制Internally scattering 谷间散射Interpolation 内插法Intrinsic 本征的Intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体Inverse operation 反向工作Inversion 反型Inverter 倒相器Ion 离子Ion beam 离子束Ion etching 离子刻蚀Ion implantation 离子注入Ionization 电离Ionization energy 电离能Irradiation 辐照Isolation land 隔离岛Isotropic 各向同性Junction FET(JFET) 结型场效应管Junction isolation 结隔离Junction spacing 结间距Junction side-wall 结侧壁Latch up 闭锁Lateral 横向的Lattice 晶格Layout 版图Lattice binding/cell/constant/defect/distortion 晶格结合力/晶胞/晶格/晶格常熟/晶格缺陷/晶格畸变Leakage current (泄)漏电流Level shifting 电平移动Life time 寿命linearity 线性度Linked bond 共价键Liquid Nitrogen 液氮Liquid-phase epitaxial growth technique 液相外延生长技术Lithography 光刻Light Emitting Diode(LED) 发光二极管Load line or Variable 负载线Locating and Wiring 布局布线Longitudinal 纵向的Logic swing 逻辑摆幅Lorentz 洛沦兹Lumped model 集总模型Majority carrier 多数载流子Mask 掩膜板,光刻板Mask level 掩模序号Mask set 掩模组Mass - action law质量守恒定律Master-slave D flip-flop主从D触发器Matching 匹配Maxwell 麦克斯韦Mean free path 平均自由程Meandered emitter junction梳状发射极结Mean time before failure (MTBF) 平均工作时间Megeto- resistance磁阻Mesa 台面MESFET-Metal Semiconductor金属半导体FETMetallization 金属化Microelectronic technique 微电子技术Microelectronics 微电子学Millen indices 密勒指数Minority carrier 少数载流子Misfit 失配Mismatching 失配Mobile ions 可动离子Mobility 迁移率Module 模块Modulate 调制Molecular crystal分子晶体Monolithic IC 单片IC MOSFET金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管Mos. Transistor (MOST) MOS. 晶体管Multiplication 倍增Modulator 调制Multi-chip IC 多芯片ICMulti-chip module(MCM) 多芯片模块Multiplication coefficient倍增因子Naked chip 未封装的芯片(裸片)Negative feedback 负反馈Negative resistance 负阻Nesting 套刻Negative-temperature-coefficient 负温度系数Noise margin 噪声容限Nonequilibrium 非平衡Nonvolatile 非挥发(易失)性Normally off/on 常闭/开Numerical analysis 数值分析Occupied band 满带Efficiency 功率Offset 偏移、失调On standby 待命状态Ohmic contact 欧姆接触Open circuit 开路Operating point 工作点Operating bias 工作偏置Operational amplifier (OPAMP)运算放大器Optical photon =photon 光子Optical quenching光猝灭Optical transition 光跃迁Optical-coupled isolator光耦合隔离器Organic semiconductor有机半导体Orientation 晶向、定向Outline 外形Out-of-contact mask非接触式掩模Output characteristic 输出特性Output voltage swing 输出电压摆幅Overcompensation 过补偿Over-current protection 过流保护Over shoot 过冲Over-voltage protection 过压保护Overlap 交迭Overload 过载Oscillator 振荡器Oxide 氧化物Oxidation 氧化Oxide passivation 氧化层钝化Package 封装Pad 压焊点Parameter 参数Parasitic effect 寄生效应Parasitic oscillation 寄生振荡Passivation 钝化Passive component 无源元件Passive device 无源器件Passive surface 钝化界面Parasitic transistor 寄生晶体管Peak-point voltage 峰点电压Peak voltage 峰值电压Permanent-storage circuit 永久存储电路Period 周期Periodic table 周期表Permeable - base 可渗透基区Phase-lock loop 锁相环Phase drift 相移Phonon spectra 声子谱Photo conduction 光电导Photo diode 光电二极管Photoelectric cell 光电池Photoelectric effect 光电效应Photonic devices 光子器件Photolithographic process 光刻工艺(photo) resist (光敏)抗腐蚀剂Pin 管脚Pinch off 夹断Pinning of Fermi level 费米能级的钉扎(效应)Planar process 平面工艺Planar transistor 平面晶体管Plasma 等离子体Piezoelectric effect 压电效应Poisson equation 泊松方程Point contact 点接触Polarity 极性Polycrystal 多晶Polymer semiconductor聚合物半导体Poly-silicon 多晶硅Potential (电)势Potential barrier 势垒Potential well 势阱Power dissipation 功耗Power transistor 功率晶体管Preamplifier 前置放大器Primary flat 主平面Principal axes 主轴Print-circuit board(PCB) 印制电路板Probability 几率Probe 探针Process 工艺Propagation delay 传输延时Pseudo potential method 膺势发Punch through 穿通Pulse triggering/modulating 脉冲触发/调制Pulse Widen Modulator(PWM) 脉冲宽度调制Punch through 穿通Push-pull stage 推挽级Quality factor 品质因子Quantization 量子化Quantum 量子Quantum efficiency量子效应Quantum mechanics 量子力学Quasi? Fermi-level准费米能级Quartz 石英Radiation conductivity 辐射电导率Radiation damage 辐射损伤Radiation flux density 辐射通量密度Radiation hardening 辐射加固Radiation protection 辐射保护Radioactive - recombination辐照复合Radioactive 放射性Reach through 穿通Reactive sputtering source 反应溅射源Read diode 里德二极管Recombination 复合Recovery diode 恢复二极管Reciprocal lattice 倒核子Recovery time 恢复时间Rectifier 整流器(管)Rectifying contact 整流接触Reference 基准点基准参考点Refractive index 折射率Register 寄存器Registration 对准Regulate 控制调整Relaxation lifetim驰豫时间Reliability 可靠性Resonance 谐振Resistance 电阻Resistor 电阻器Resistivity 电阻率Regulator 稳压管(器)Relaxation 驰豫Resonant frequency共射频率Response time 响应时间Reverse 反向的Reverse bias 反向偏置Sampling circuit 取样电路Sapphire 蓝宝石(Al2O3)Satellite valley 卫星谷Saturated current range电流饱和区Saturation region 饱和区Saturation 饱和的Scaled down 按比例缩小Scattering 散射Schockley diode 肖克莱二极管Schottky 肖特基Schottky barrier 肖特基势垒Schottky contact 肖特基接触Schrodingen 薛定谔Scribing grid 划片格Secondary flat 次平面Seed crystal 籽晶Segregation 分凝Selectivity 选择性Self aligned 自对准的Self diffusion 自扩散Semiconductor 半导体Semiconductor-controlled rectifier 可控硅Sensitivity 灵敏度Serial 串行/串联Series inductance 串联电感Settle time 建立时间Sheet resistance 薄层电阻Shield 屏蔽Short circuit 短路Shot noise 散粒噪声Shunt 分流Sidewall capacitance 边墙电容Signal 信号Silica glass 石英玻璃Silicon 硅Silicon carbide 碳化硅Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 二氧化硅Silicon Nitride(Si3N4) 氮化硅Silicon On Insulator 绝缘硅Silver whiskers 银须Simple cubic 简立方Single crystal 单晶Sink 沉Skin effect 趋肤效应Snap time 急变时间Sneak path 潜行通路Sulethreshold 亚阈的Solar battery/cell 太阳能电池Solid circuit 固体电路Solid Solubility 固溶度Son band 子带Source 源极Source follower 源随器Space charge 空间电荷Specific heat(PT) 热Speed-power product 速度功耗乘积Spherical 球面的Spin 自旋Split 分裂Spontaneous emission 自发发射Spreading resistance扩展电阻Sputter 溅射Stacking fault 层错Static characteristic 静态特性Stimulated emission 受激发射Stimulated recombination 受激复合Storage time 存储时间Stress 应力Straggle 偏差Sublimation 升华Substrate 衬底Substitutional替位式的Super lattice 超晶格Supply 电源Surface 表面Surge capacity 浪涌能力Subscript 下标Switching time 开关时间Switch 开关Tailing 扩展Terminal 终端Tensor 张量Tonsorial 张量的Thermal activation 热激发Thermal conductivity 热导率Thermal equilibrium 热平衡Thermal Oxidation 热氧化Thermal resistance 热阻Thermal sink 热沉Thermal velocity 热运动Thermoelectric power 温差电动势率Thick-film technique 厚膜技术Thin-film hybrid IC薄膜混合集成电路Thin-Film Transistor(TFT) 薄膜晶体Threshold 阈值Thyistor 晶闸管Transconductance 跨导Transfer characteristic 转移特性Transfer electron 转移电子Transfer function 传输函数Transient 瞬态的Transistor aging(stress) 晶体管老化Transit time 渡越时间Transition 跃迁Transition-metal silica 过度金属硅化物Transition probability 跃迁几率Transition region 过渡区Transport 输运Transverse 横向的Trap 陷阱Trapping 俘获Trapped charge 陷阱电荷Triangle generator 三角波发生器Triboelectricity 摩擦电Trigger 触发Trim 调配调整Triple diffusion 三重扩散Truth table 真值表Tolerance 容差Tunnel(ing) 隧道(穿)Tunnel current 隧道电流Turn over 转折Turn - off time 关断时间Ultraviolet 紫外的Unijunction 单结的Unipolar 单极的Unit cell 原(元)胞Unity-gain frequency 单位增益频率Unilateral-switch单向开关Vacancy 空位Vacuum 真空Valence(value) band 价带Value band edge 价带顶Valence bond 价键Vapor phase 汽相Varactor 变容管Varistor 变阻器Vibration 振动Voltage 电压Wafer 晶片Wave equation 波动方程Wave guide 波导Wave number 波数Wave-particle duality 波粒二相性Wear-out 烧毁Wire routing 布线Work function 功函数Worst-case device 最坏情况器件Yield 成品率Zener breakdown 齐纳击穿Zone melting 区熔法中国在2007 年成为了世界第一光伏电池生产国,但中国光伏产业的现状是:只做躯体,头和脚两端在外,即生产的太阳能电池绝大部分硅原料都是从外国进口的,而生产出来之后,绝大部分都出口到外国。



hast测试判定标准HAST(Highly Accelerated Stress Testing)是一种用于加速测试产品可靠性的方法。




常见的可靠性指标包括寿命(Life)、失效率(Failure Rate)、故障模式(Failure Mode)等。


对于寿命指标,通常使用可靠性指数(Reliability Index)来评估产品的寿命。

可靠性指数表示产品在一定时间内能够正常运行的概率,通常用MTBF(Mean Time Between Failures)来表示。













ham试验的原理和应用1. 原理1.1 ham试验的定义HAM(Highly Accelerated Life Testing),即高度加速寿命试验,是一种通过加速产品寿命测试的方法。

1.2 加速因素的选择HAM试验中,加速因素的选择是非常关键的一步。


1.3 加速因素的影响加速因素的改变会引起产品寿命的缩短或延长。


1.4 基本原理HAM试验的基本原理是通过对产品在加速环境下进行测试,推断在正常使用环境下的寿命。

2. 应用2.1 产品寿命预测HAM试验可以通过缩短测试时间,快速预测产品在实际使用环境下的寿命。


2.2 质量控制通过HAM试验,可以对产品在不同加速因素下的寿命进行比较,从而选择更优质的材料和工艺,提高产品的质量。

2.3 产品改进通过对产品的加速寿命测试,可以发现产品的潜在问题,进而进行改进和优化,提升产品的可靠性和持久性。

2.4 客户满意度HAM试验可以帮助企业提前发现产品的问题,并采取措施加以改进,提高产品的可靠性和性能,提升客户的满意度。

2.5 产品比较通过对竞争产品进行HAM试验,可以对比不同产品的寿命表现,从而做出更明智的选购决策。

3. HAM试验的步骤1.确定加速因素:根据实际需求选择合适的加速因素,如温度、湿度、振动等。





4. HAM试验的优势和限制4.1 优势•快速预测产品寿命•提高产品质量•帮助产品改进•提升客户满意度4.2 限制•加速因素的选择和调整需要经验和专业知识•测试结果只能作为参考,可能存在误差•测试设备和条件的要求较高,成本较高5. 结论HAM试验作为一种加速寿命测试方法,能够快速预测产品的使用寿命,提高产品质量和客户满意度。

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Breakdown Times in Minutes of a Mylar-Polyurethane Insulating Structure (from Kalkanis and Rosso 1989)
104 •••• 103 ••
• ••• •••
• ••• ••
• ••

Accelerated Testing Obtaining Reliability Information Quickly
William Q. Meeker Department of Statistics and Center for Nondestructive Evaluation
Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011
• Thus the 200◦C test was started later than the others.
New-Technology Integrated Circuit Device ALT Data
107 106 105 104 103 102
Interval ALT Data for a New-Technology IC Device
• Tests run at 150, 175, 200, 250, and 300◦C.
• Developers interested in estimating activation energy of the suspected failure mode and the long-life reliability.
• Use elevated temperature or humidity to increase rate of failure-causing chemical/physical process.
• Increase stress (e.g., voltage or pressure) to make degrading units fail more quickly. Use a physical/chemical (preferable) or empirical model relating degradation or lifetime at use conditions.
Proportion Failing
.99 .98
.95 .9
.8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2
.1 .05
.02 .01
0 10
219.0 157.1 122.4 100.3
50 kV/mm
Plot of Inverse Power Relationship-Lognormal Model Fitted to the Mylar-Polyurethane Data (also Showing
the New-Technology IC Device.
107 106 105 104 103 102
x x x
Degrees C on Arrhenius scale
x x x 50%
10% 1%
300 350
Lognormal Probability Plot Showing the Arrhenius-Lognormal Model ML Estimation Results for
− tempU K temp K
• When temp > tempU , AF (temp, tempU , Ea) > 1.
Arrhenius Plot Showing ALT Data and the Arrhenius-Lognormal Model ML Estimation Results for
characteristics of the product or material being tested.
• The reaction rate Acceleration Factor is
AF (temp, tempU , Ea)
R(temp) R(tempU )
11605 11605
exp Ea
250 300 350
Degrees C
Elevated Temperature Acceleration of Chemical Reaction Rates
• The Arrhenius model Reaction Rate, R(temp), is
R(temp) = γ0 exp
−Ea kB(temp ◦C + 273.15)
the New-Technology IC Device with Given Ea = .8
Proportion Failing
.95 .9
.8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2
.1 .05
.02 .01 .005 .002
300 Deg C 250
361.4kV Data Omitted from the ML Estimation)
105 104 103 102 101 100 10-1
•••• ••
• •••••

• ••••


50% 10%

Methods of Acceleration
• Failures had been found only at the two higher temperatures.
• After early failures at 250 and 300◦C, there was some concern that no failures would be observed at 175◦C before decision time.
What is Reliability?
• R(t) = 1 − F (t) • The probability that a system, vehicle, machine, device, and
so on, will perform its intended function under encountered operating conditions, for a specified period of time. • Quality over time • A powerful marketing tool • An engineering discipline requiring support from
• Implies increased need for up-front testing of materials, components and systems.
• Accelerated tests provide timely information for product design and development.

100Βιβλιοθήκη •• •••10-1

250 300 350 400
Inverse Power Relationship-Lognormal Model
The inverse power relationship-lognormal model is
Pr[T ≤ t; volt] = Φnor log(t) − µ σ
• µ = β0 + β1x, and • x = log(Voltage Stress).
• σ assumed to be constant.
Lognormal Probability Plot of the Inverse Power Relationship-Lognormal Model Fitted to the Mylar-Polyurethane Data
• Users must be aware of potential pitfalls
• Different kinds of accelerated tests • Example 1—Evaluation of an insulating structure • Example 2—New-technology microelectronic logic device • Accelerated Degradation Tests • Importance of physics of failure and physical/chemical mod-
level (HALT and STRIFE tests). • Screening (100% or audit) testing of manufactured product
(e.g. ESS and burn-in).
Accelerated Testing Background
• Today’s manufacturers face strong pressure to: Improve productivity, product field reliability, and overall quality using new technology. Develop newer, higher technology products in record time.