

士兰微电子 SGT15T60QD1F 说明书 15A、600V绝缘栅双极型晶体管

士兰微电子 SGT15T60QD1F 说明书 15A、600V绝缘栅双极型晶体管

15A、600V绝缘栅双极型晶体管描述SGT15T60QD1F绝缘栅双极型晶体管采用场截止(Field Stop)工艺制作,具有较低的导通损耗和开关损耗,该产品可应用于UPS,SMPS以及PFC等领域。

特点♦15A,600V,V CE(sat)(典型值)=1.9V@I C=15A♦低导通损耗♦快开关速度♦高输入阻抗命名规则SGT 15 T 60 □□□ FIGBT系列电流规格,15表示15AN : N ChannelNE : N沟平面栅带ESDT : N沟槽栅电压规格 : 60表示600V D : 封装快恢复二极管的器件R : 集成续流二极管的器件封装形式,如F表示TO-220F封装形式1,2,3… : 版本号L : 低饱和压降器件S : 标准器件Q : 快速器件F : 高速器件UF : 超高速器件产品规格分类产 品 名 称 封装形式 打印名称 材料 包装 SGT15T60QD1F TO-220F-3L 15T60QD 无铅料管极限参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25°C)参数符号参数范围单位集电极-射极电压V CE600 V 栅极-射极电压V GE±20 V集电极电流T C=25°CI C30A T C=100°C 15集电极脉冲电流I CM45 A 短路维持时间(V GE=15V, V CC=300V) Tsc 10 us 耗散功率(T C=25°C)P D33 W 工作结温范围T J-55~+150 °C 贮存温度范围T stg-55~+150 °C热阻特性参数符号参数范围单位芯片对管壳热阻(IGBT)RθJC 3.78 °C/W 芯片对管壳热阻(FRD)RθJC 6.1 °C/W IGBT电性参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25°C)参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位集射击穿电压BV CE V GE=0V, I C=250uA 600 -- -- V 集射漏电流I CES V CE=600V, V GE=0V -- -- 200 uA 栅射漏电流I GES V GE=20V, V CE=0V -- -- ±400 nA 栅极开启电压V GE(th)I C=250uA, V CE=V GE 4.0 5.0 6.5 V饱和压降V CE(sat)I C=15A,V GE=15V -- 1.9 2.4 V I C=15A,V GE=15VT C=125°C-- 2.2 -- V输入电容C ies VCE=30VV GE=0Vf=1MHz -- 1140 --pF输出电容C oes-- 42 -- 反向传输电容C res-- 32 --开启延迟时间T d(on)V CE=400VI C=15AR g=10ΩV GE=15V感性负载-- 14 --ns开启上升时间T r-- 38 --关断延迟时间T d(off)-- 78 --关断下降时间T f-- 132 --导通损耗E on-- 0.73 --mJ 关断损耗E off-- 0.19 --开关损耗E st-- 0.92 --栅电荷Q gV CE = 400V, I C=15A, V GE = 15V -- 77.1 --nC发射极栅电荷Q ge-- 6.19 --集电极栅电荷Q gc-- 47.8 --FRD电性参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25°C)参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位二极管正向压降V FM I F=8A, T C=25°C -- 1.7 2.4V I F=8A, T C=125°C -- 1.4 --二极管反向恢复时间T rr I ES=8A, dI ES/dt=200A/μs-- 22 -- ns 二极管反向恢复电荷Q rr I ES=8A, dI ES/dt=200A/μs-- 36 -- nC典型特性曲线图 1. 典型输出特性集电极电流– I C (A )020600136集电极-发射极电压 – V CE (V)集电极电流 – I C (A )集电极-发射机电压 – V CE (V)图2. 典型饱和压降特性30104043060012640205043集电极电流 – I C (A )栅极-发射极电压 – V GE (V)图3. 传输特性154502030105图4. 饱和压降 vs. V GE集电极-发射极电压 – V C E (V )0515481220栅极-发射极电压 – V GE (V)10图5. 饱和压降 vs. V GE集电极-发射极电压– V C E (V )05154820栅极-发射极电压– V GE (V)10122壳温 – T C (°C)图6. 饱和电压 vs. 温度1.02.04.025751252.5100501.5集电极-发射极电压– V C E (V )5051051516163.03.5典型特性曲线(续)图7. 电容特性电容 (p F )0800200011035集电极-发射极电压 – V CE (V)开关时间 (n s )栅极电阻 - R G (Ω)图9.导通特性 vs. 栅极电阻1200400160011010050图8. 栅极电荷特性栅极-发射极电压 - V G E (V )06152040100栅极电荷 – Q g (nC)9380开关时间 (n s )栅极电阻 - R G (Ω)图10. 关断特性 vs. 栅极电阻10100010100506010开关损耗 (μJ )栅极电阻 - R G (Ω)图11. 开关损耗 vs. 栅极电阻10020000501000开关时间 (n s )集电极电流 - I C (A)图12. 导通特性 vs. 集电极电流1000101103020020304002030404030201010012典型特性曲线(续)开关损耗 (μJ )集电极电流 - I C (A)图14. 开关损耗 vs. 集电极电流10100000100102030开关时间 (n s )图13. 关断特性vs. 集电极电流1000100集电极电流 - I C (A)010103020正向电压 - V FM (V)图15. 正向特性11000.52.5101.51.02.0正向电流 - I F M (A )图16. 反向恢复时间vs.正向电流反向恢复时间 - T r r (n s )正向电流 -I F (A)153025205201510图17. 反向恢复电荷vs.正向电流反向恢复电荷 - Q r r (n C )正向电流 -I F (A)1545252035520151030401000封装外形图声明:♦士兰保留说明书的更改权,恕不另行通知!客户在下单前应获取最新版本资料,并验证相关信息是否完整和最新。


SMAJ5.0(C)A - SMAJ170(C)A
· · · · · · · 400W Peak Pulse Power Dissipation 5.0V - 170V Standoff Voltages Glass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response Time Plastic Material: UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 Case: SMA, Transfer Molded Epoxy Terminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity Indicator: Cathode Band (Note: Bi-directional devices have no polarity indicator.) Marking: Date Code and Marking Code See Page 3 Weight: 0.064 grams (approx.)
(A) 43.5 38.8 35.7 33.3 31.0 29.4 27.7 26.0 23.5 22.0 20.1 18.6 17.2 16.4 15.3 14.5 13.7 12.3 11.2 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.3 7.5 6.9 6.2 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4



SMBJ SERIESSURFACE MOUNT TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORSPART NUMBER REVERSE BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN TEST MAXIMUM PEAK REVERSE MARKING ADD C FOR BI- STAND-OFF VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CURRENT CLAMPING PULSE LEAKAGE CODE DIRECTIONAL VOLTAGE VBR (V) VBR (V) IT VOLTAGE CURRENT @ VRWMSee Note 1 VRWM (V) MIN. @IT MAX. @IT (mA) @Ipp Vc (V) Ipp (A) IR(A) UNI BI µSMBJ5.0(C) 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 62.5 800 KD AD SMBJ54(C) 54 60.0 76.00 1 96.3 6.2 5 ND DD SMBJ48(C) 48 53.3 67.50 1 85.5 7.0 5 MW CWSMBJ43(C) 43 47.8 60.50 1 76.7 7.8 5 MS CS SMBJ36(C) 36 40.0 50.70 1 64.3 9.3 5 MN CN SMBJ30(C) 30 33.3 42.20 1 53.5 11.2 5 MH CH SMBJ26(C) 26 28.9 36.60 1 46.6 12.4 5 MD CD SMBJ22(C) 22 24.4 30.90 1 39.4 15.2 5 LW BWSMBJ18(C) 18 20.0 25.30 1 32.2 18.6 5 LS BS SMBJ16(C) 16 17.8 22.60 1 28.8 20.8 5 LN BN SMBJ14(C) 14 15.6 19.80 1 25.8 23.3 5 LH BH SMBJ12(C) 12 13.3 16.90 1 22.0 27.3 5 LD BD SMBJ10(C) 10 11.1 14.10 1 18.8 31.9 5 KW AW SMBJ8.5(C) 8.5 9.44 11.92 1 15.9 37.7 10 KS AS SMBJ7.5(C) 7.5 8.33 10.67 1 14.3 42.0 100 KN ANSMBJ6.5(C) 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 48.7 500 KH AH SMBJ5.0(C)A 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 65.2 800 KE AE SMBJ54(C)A 54 60.0 69.00 1 87.1 6.9 5 NE DE SMBJ48(C)A 48 53.3 61.30 1 77.4 7.7 5 MX CX SMBJ43(C)A 43 47.8 54.90 1 69.4 8.6 5 MT CT SMBJ36(C)A 36 40.0 46.00 1 58.1 10.3 5 MP CP SMBJ30(C)A 30 33.3 38.30 1 48.4 12.4 5 MK CK SMBJ26(C)A 26 28.9 33.20 1 42.1 14.2 5 ME CE SMBJ22(C)A 22 24.4 28.00 1 35.5 16.9 5 LX BX SMBJ18(C)A 18 20.0 23.30 1 29.2 20.5 5 LT BT SMBJ16(C)A 16 17.8 20.50 1 26.0 23.1 5 LP BP SMBJ14(C)A 14 15.6 17.90 1 23.2 25.8 5 LK BK SMBJ12(C)A 12 13.3 15.30 1 19.9 30.2 5 LE BE SMBJ10(C)A 10 11.1 12.80 1 17.0 35.3 5 KX AX SMBJ8.5(C)A 8.5 9.44 10.82 1 14.4 41.7 10 KT AT SMBJ5.0(C)A 7.5 8.33 9.58 1 12.9 46.5 100 KP AP SMBJ6.5(C)A 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 53.6 500 KK AK SMBJ6.0(C)A 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 58.3 800 KG AD SMBJ58(C)A 58 64.4 74.10 1 93.6 6.4 5 NG DGSMBJ51(C)A 51 56.7 65.20 1 82.4 7.3 5 MZ CZ SMBJ45(C)A 45 50.0 57.50 1 72.7 8.3 5 MV CV SMBJ40(C)A 40 44.4 51.10 1 64.5 9.3 5 MR CR SMBJ33(C)A 33 36.7 42.20 1 53.3 11.3 5 MM CM SMBJ28(C)A 28 31.1 35.80 1 45.4 13.2 5 MG CG SMBJ24(C)A 24 26.7 30.70 1 38.9 15.4 5 LZ BZ SMBJ20(C)A 20 22.2 25.50 1 32.4 18.5 5 LV BV SMBJ17(C)A 17 18.9 21.70 1 27.6 21.7 5 LR BR SMBJ15(C)A 15 16.7 19.20 1 24.4 24.0 5 LM BM SMBJ13(C)A 13 14.4 16.50 1 21.5 27.9 5 LG BG SMBJ11(C)A 11 12.2 14.00 1 18.2 33.0 5 KZ AZ SMBJ9.0(C)A 9.0 10.0 11.50 1 15.4 39.0 5 KV AV SMBJ8.0(C)A 8.0 8.89 10.23 1 13.6 44.1 50 KR AR SMBJ7.0(C)A 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 50.0 200 KM AM SMBJ6.0(C) 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 52.6 800 KF AF SMBJ58(C) 58 64.4 81.60 1 103 5.8 5 NF DF SMBJ51(C) 51 56.7 71.80 1 91.1 6.6 5 MY CY SMBJ45(C) 45 50.0 63.30 1 80.3 7.5 5 MU CU SMBJ40(C) 40 44.4 56.30 1 71.4 8.4 5 MQ CQ SMBJ33(C) 33 36.7 46.50 1 59.0 10.2 5 ML CL SMBJ28(C) 28 31.1 39.40 1 50.0 12.0 5 MF CF SMBJ24(C) 24 26.7 33.80 1 43.0 14.0 5 LY BY SMBJ20(C) 20 22.2 28.10 1 35.8 16.7 5 LU BU SMBJ17(C) 17 18.9 23.90 1 30.5 19.7 5 LQ BQ SMBJ15(C) 15 16.7 21.10 1 26.9 22.3 5 LL BL SMBJ13(C) 13 14.4 18.20 1 23.8 25.2 5 LF BF SMBJ11(C) 11 12.2 15.40 1 20.1 29.9 5 KY AY SMBJ9.0(C) 9.0 10.0 12.60 1 16.9 35.5 5 KU AU SMBJ8.0(C) 8.0 8.89 11.30 1 15.0 40.0 50 KQ AQ SMBJ7.0(C) 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 45.1 200 KL ALPART NUMBER REVERSE BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN TEST MAXIMUM PEAK REVERSE MARKING ADD C FOR BI- STAND-OFF VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CURRENT CLAMPING PULSE LEAKAGE CODE DIRECTIONAL VOLTAGE VBR (V) VBR (V) IT VOLTAGE CURRENT @ VRWMSee Note 1 VRWM (V) MIN. @IT MAX. @IT (mA) @Ipp Vc (V) Ipp (A) IR(A) UNI BI µSMBJ60(C) 60 66.7 84.5 1 107 5.6 5 NH DH SMBJ160(C) 160 178 226.0 1 287 2.1 5 PN EN SMBJ130(C) 130 144 182.5 1 231 2.6 5 PH EHSMBJ110(C) 110 154.5 1 196 3.0 5 PD ED 122 SMBJ90(C) 90 100 126.5 1 160 3.8 5 NW DW SMBJ78(C) 78 86.7 109.8 1 139 4.3 5 NS DSSMBJ70(C) 70 77.8 98.6 1 125 4.8 5 NN DN SMBJ60(C)A 60 66.7 76.7 1 96.8 6.2 5 NK DK SMBJ160(C)A 160 178 205.0 1 259 2.3 5 PP EP SMBJ130(C)A 130 144 165.5 1 209 2.9 5 PK EK SMBJ110(C)A 110 122 140.5 1 177 3.4 5 PE EE SMBJ90(C)A 90 100 115.5 1 146 4.1 5 NX DX SMBJ78(C)A 78 86.7 99.7 1 126 4.7 5 NT DT SMBJ70(C)A 70 77.8 89.5 1 113 5.3 5 NP DP SMBJ64(C)A 64 71.1 81.8 1 103 5.8 5 NM DM SMBJ170(C)A 170 189 217.5 1 275 2.2 5 PR ERSMBJ150(C)A 150 167 192.5 1 243 2.5 5 PM EM SMBJ120(C)A 120 133 153.0 1 193 3.1 5 PG EG SMBJ100(C)A 100 111 128.0 1 162 3.7 5 NZ DZ SMBJ85(C)A 85 94.4 108.2 1 137 4.4 5 NV DV SMBJ75(C)A 75 83.3 95.8 1 121 4.9 5 NR DR SMBJ64(C) 64 71.1 90.1 1 114 5.3 5 NL DL SMBJ170(C) 160 189 239.5 1 304 2.0 5 PQ EQSMBJ150(C) 150 167 211.5 1 268 2.2 5 PL ELSMBJ120(C) 120 169.0 1 214 2.8 5 PF EF 133 SMBJ100(C) 100 111 141.0 1 179 3.4 5 NY DY SMBJ85(C) 85 94.4 119.2 1 151 3.9 5 NU DU SMBJ75(C) 75 83.3 105.7 1 134 4.5 5 NQ DQ。


额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认他们符合装置的额定参数。
印刷电路板 在装置带电时,不允许插入或拔出印刷电路板,否则可能导致装置不正确动作。
外部回路 当把装置输出的接点连接到外部回路时,须仔细检查所用的外部电源电压,以防止所连接的回
路过热。 连接电缆
购买产品,请联系: 电话:025-87178911 传真:025-52100511、025-52100512
版本:R1.01 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司
PCS-915A-DA(FA)-G 母线保护装置
1.1 应用范围 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 保护配置 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 性能特征 ....................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 订货须知 ....................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 产品执行标准................................................................................................................ 2 第 2 章 技术参数 ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 电气参数 ....................................................................................................................... 3



(Note 1)
minimum 1500 see table 200 -55 to +150 -55 to +150
W A A °C °C
*These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired.
Max Reverse Leakage VRWM IR (uA)*



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当您选择 Actassi 系列作为您的结构化布线方案时,您便开始在智能科技的“蓝色海洋”中自由遨游了。


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SMBJ5.0 --- SMBJ440CA
Electrical Specification @ Tamb 25°C
Type Number (Uni) SMBJ5.0 SMBJ5.0A SMBJ6.0 SMBJ6.0A SMBJ6.5 SMBJ6.5A SMBJ7.0 SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.5 SMBJ7.5A SMBJ8.0 SMBJ8.0A SMBJ8.5 SMBJ8.5A SMBJ9.0 SMBJ9.0A SMBJ10 SMBJ10A SMBJ11 SMBJ11A SMBJ12 SMBJ12A SMBJ13 SMBJ13A SMBJ14 SMBJ14A SMBJ15 SMBJ15A SMBJ16 SMBJ16A SMBJ17 SMBJ17A SMBJ18 SMBJ18A SMBJ20 SMBJ20A (Bi) SMBJ5.0C SMBJ5.0CA SMBJ6.0C SMBJ6.0CA SMBJ6.5C SMBJ6.5CA SMBJ7.0C SMBJ7.0CA SMBJ7.5C SMBJ7.5CA SMBJ8.0C SMBJ8.0CA SMBJ8.5C SMBJ8.5CA SMBJ9.0C SMBJ9.0CA SMBJ10C SMBJ10CA SMBJ11C SMBJ11CA SMBJ12C SMBJ12CA SMBJ13C SMBJ13CA SMBJ14C SMBJ14CA SMBJ15C SMBJ15CA SMBJ16C SMBJ16CA SMBJ17C SMBJ17CA SMBJ18C SMBJ18CA SMBJ20C SMBJ20CA Marking (Uni) KD KE KF KG KH KK KL KM KN KP KQ KR KS KT KU KV KW KX KY KZ LD LE LF LG LH LK LL LM LN LP LQ LR LS LT LU LV (Bi) AD AE AF AG AH AK AL AM AN AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BD BE BF BG BH BK BL BM BN BP BQ BR BS BT BU BV Reverse Stand-Off Voltage VRMW(V) 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.0 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 20 20 Breakdown Voltage Min. @IT VBR MIN(V) 6.40 6.40 6.67 6.67 7.22 7.22 7.78 7.78 8.33 8.33 8.89 8.89 9.44 9.44 10.0 10.0 11.1 11.1 12.2 12.2 13.3 13.3 14.4 14.4 15.6 15.6 16.7 16.7 17.8 17.8 18.9 18.9 20.0 20.0 22.2 22.2 Breakdown Voltage Max. @ IT VBR MAX(V) 7.55 7.25 8.45 7.67 9.14 8.30 9.86 8.95 10.67 9.58 11.3 10.23 11.92 10.82 12.6 11.5 14.1 12.8 15.4 14.0 16.9 15.3 18.2 16.5 19.8 17.9 21.1 19.2 22.6 20.5 23.9 21.7 25.3 23.3 28.1 25.5 Test Current IT (mA) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Maximum Clamping Voltage @IPP VC(V) 9.6 9.2 11.4 10.3 12.3 11.2 13.3 12.0 14.3 12.9 15.0 13.6 15.9 14.4 16.9 15.4 18.8 17.0 20.1 18.2 22.0 19.9 23.8 21.5 25.8 23.2 26.9 24.4 28.8 26.0 30.5 27.6 32.2 29.2 35.8 32.4 Peak Pulse Current IPP(A) 62.5 65.2 52.6 58.3 48.8 53.6 45.1 50.0 42.0 46.5 40.0 44.1 37.7 41.7 35.5 39.0 31.9 35.3 29.9 33.0 27.3 30.2 25.2 27.9 23.3 25.9 22.3 24.6 20.8 23.1 19.7 21.7 18.6 20.5 16.8 18.5 Reverse Leakage @VRMW IR(uA) 800.0 800.0 800.0 800.0 500.0 500.0 200.0 200.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0


@ TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified Symbol PPK IFSM VF Tj, TSTG Value 600 100 3.5 5.0 -55 to +150 Unit W A V V °C
Dim A
SMB Min 3.30 4.06 1.91 0.15 5.00 0.10 0.76 2.00 Max 3.94 4.70 2.21 0.31 5.59 0.20 1.52 2.62
Tj = 25°C
Non Repetitive Pulse Waveform Shown in Fig. 4
tr = 10ms Peak Value Ipp
Half Value Ipp/2
Tj = 25°C f = 1.0 MHz Vsig = 50 mV p-p
STANDOFF VOLTAGE (V) Fig. 2 Typical Junction Capacitance
SMBJ5.0(C)A - SMBJ170(C)A
· · · · · · · 600W Peak Pulse Power Dissipation 5.0V - 170V Standoff Voltages Glass Passivated Die Construction Uni- and Bi-Directional Versions Available Excellent Clamping Capability Fast Response Time Plastic Material - UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 Case: SMB, Transfer Molded Epoxy Terminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Polarity Indicator: Cathode Band (Note: Bi-directional devices have no polarity indicator.) Marking: Date Code and Marking Code See Page 3 Weight: 0.1 grams (approx.) Ordering Info: See Page 3



SMBJ5.0A-TR,CA-TR SMBJ188A-TR,CA-TRTRANSIL TM®PEAK PULSE POWER :600W (10/1000µs)STAND OFF VOLTAGE RANGE :From 5V to 188V.UNI AND BIDIRECTIONAL TYPES LOW CLAMPING FACTOR FAST RESPONSE TIMEJEDEC REGISTERED PACKAGE OUTLINE FEATURESSMB(JEDEC DO-214AA)Symbol ParameterValue Unit P PP Peak pulse power dissipation (see note 1)Tj initial =T amb 600W P Power dissipation on infinite heatsink T amb =50°C 5W I FSM Non repetitive surge peak forward current for unidirectional types tp =10msTj initial =T amb100A T stg T j Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature-65to +175150°C °C T LMaximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s.260°CNote 1:For a surge greater than the maximum values,the diode will fail in short-circuit.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb =25°C)DESCRIPTIONThe SMBJ series are TRANSIL TM diodesdesigned specifically for protecting sensitive equipment against transient overvoltages.Transil diodes provide high overvoltage protection by clamping action.Their instantaneous response to transient overvoltages makes them particularly suited to protect voltage sensitive devices such as MOS Technology and low voltage supplied IC’s.January 1998Ed:3Symbol ParameterValue Unit R th (j-l)Junction to leads20°C/W R th (j-a)Junction to ambient on printedcircuit on recommendedpad layout100°C/WTHERMAL RESISTANCES 1/6II F V F V CLV BRV RMI PPI RMVSymbol ParameterV RM Stand-off voltage V BR Breakdown voltage V CL Clamping voltage I RM Leakage current @V RM I PPPeak pulse currentαTVoltage temperature coefficient V FForward voltage dropELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb =25°C)TypesI RM @V RM V BR @I RV CL @I PPV CL @I PP αT C max.min.max.max.max.typ.note210/1000µs 8/20µs note3note4Unidirectional Mark.Bidirectional Mark.µA V V mA V A V A 10-4/°C pF SMBJ5.0A-TR BUZ SMBJ5.0CA-TR BBZ 800 5.0 6.4109.26813.4298 5.74000SMBJ6.0A-TR BUA SMBJ6.0CA-TR BBA 800 6.0 6.71010.36113.7290 5.93850SMBJ6.5A-TR BUB SMBJ6.5CA-TR BBB 500 6.57.21011.25614.5276 6.13700SMBJ8.5A-TR BUC SMBJ8.5CA-TR BBC 58.59.4114.441.719.52057.32800SMBJ10A-TR BUD SMBJ10CA-TR BBD 51011.11173721.71847.82300SMBJ12A-TR BUE SMBJ12CA-TR BBE 51213.3119.93125.31578.32025SMBJ13A-TR BUF SMBJ13AC-TR BBF 11314.4121.52927.21478.41900SMBJ15A-TR BUG SMBJ15CA-TR BBG 11516.7124.425.132.51238.81600SMBJ18A-TR BUH SMBJ18CA-TR BBH 11820129.221.539.31029.21350SMBJ20A-TR BUI SMBJ20CA-TR BBI 12022.2132.419.442.8939.41250SMBJ22A-TR BVA SMBJ22CA-TR CBH 12224.4135.517.748.3839.61150SMBJ24A-TR BUJ SMBJ24CA-TR BBJ 12426.7138.91650809.61112SMBJ26A-TR BUK SMBJ26CA-TR BBK 12628.9142.114.953.5759.71075SMBJ28A-TR BUL SMBJ28CA-TR BBL 12831.1145.413.859689.81000SMBJ30A-TR BUM SMBJ30CA-TR BBM 13033.3148.41364.3629.9950SMBJ33A-TR BUN SMBJ33CA-TR BBN 13336.7153.311.869.75710.0900SMBJ40A-TR CUJ SMBJ40CA-TR CBJ 14044.4164.59.7844810.1800SMBJ48A-TR BUW SMBJ48CA-TR BBW 14853.3177.48.11004010.3700SMBJ58A-TR BUO SMBJ58CA-TR BBO 15864.4193.6 6.71213310.4625SMBJ70A-TR CUM SMBJ70CA-TR CBM 17077.81113 5.51462710.5550SMBJ85A-TR BUQ SMBJ85CA-TR BBQ 18594.41137 4.617822.510.6500SMBJ100A-TR CUQ SMBJ100CA-TR CBQ 11001111162 3.82121910.7450SMBJ130A-TR BUS SMBJ130CA-TR BBS 1130144120932651510.8400SMBJ154A-TR BUT SMBJ154CA-TR BBT 11541711246 2.431712.610.8360SMBJ170A-TR BUU SMBJ170CA-TR BBU 11701891275 2.235311.310.8350SMBJ188A-TRBUV SMBJ188CA-TR BBV 11882091328238810.310.8330Note 2:Pulse test :t p <50ms.Note 3:∆V BR =αT *(T amb -25)*V BR (25°C).Note 4:V R =0V,F =1MHz.For bidirectional types,capacitance value is divided by 2.10s1000s%I PP 50tPULSE WAVEFORM 10/1000s100SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR2/6SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR Fig.1:Peak pulse power dissipation versus initialjunction temperature(printed circuit board).Fig.2:Peak pulse power versus exponentialpulse duration.3/6SMBJ188A SMBJ130A SMBJ58A SMBJ33A SMBJ18ASMBJ8.5A SMBJ5.0AFig.3:Clamping voltage versus peak pulse current.Exponentialwaveform t p =20µs ________t p =1ms -------------t p =10ms ...............Note :The curves of the figure 3are specified for a junction temperature of 25°C before surge.The given results may be extrapolated for other junction temperaturesby using the following formula :∆V BR = αT *[T amb -25]*V BR (25°C)For intermediate voltages,extrapolate the given results.C (pF)11010010100100010000S M B J 5.0A13A58A 188A V (V)R F=1MHz500S M B J S M B J S M B J S M B J 26A Tj =25°C Fig.4b :Capacitance versus reverse applied voltage for bidirectional types (typical values).C (pF)110100101001000100005.0A13A26A58A188AV (V)R Tj =25°C F=1MHz500S M B J S M B J S M B J S M B J S M B J Fig.4a :Capacitance versus reverse applied voltage for unidirectional types (typical values).SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR4/6Fig.6:Transient thermal impedance junction-ambient versus pulse duration.Mounting on FR4PC Board with Recommended pad layout.Fig.5:Peak forward voltage drop versus peak forward current (typical values for unidirectional types).Fig.7:Relative variation of leakage current versus junction temperature.ORDER CODEBIDIRECTIONALNo suffix :UnidirectionalSURFACE MOUNTSTAND OFF VOLTAGE600WATTSSM BJ 85C A -TRTAPE &REEL SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR5/6REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A1 1.90 2.15 2.450.0750.0850.096A20. 1.95 2.200.0770.087c 0.150.410.0060.016E 5.10 5.40 5.600.2010.2130.220E1 4.05 4.30 4.600.1590.1690.181D 3.30 3.60 3.950.1300.1420.156L0.751.151.600.0300.0450.063Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in lifesupport devices or systems withoutexpress written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.©1998SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics -Printed in Italy -All rights reserved.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia -Brazil -Canada -China -France -Germany -Italy -Japan -Korea -Malaysia -Malta -Morocco The Netherlands -Singapore -Spain -Sweden -Switzerland -Taiwan -Thailand -United Kingdom -U.S.A.Packaging :standard packaging is in tape and reel.PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SMB (Plastic)DEE1cA1A2bLMARKING :Logo,Date Code,Type Code,Cathode Band (for unidirectional types only).FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (Millimeter)SMD Plastic.1.522.75 2.31.52Weight :0.12gSMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR6/6。



SMBJ5.0(C)A-SMBJ440(C)A600WSurfaceMountTransientVoltageSuppressorFeatures600WPeakPulsePowerDissipation5.0V-440VStandoffVoltagesGlassPassivatedDieConstructionUni-andBi-DirectionalVersionsAvailableExcellentClampingCapabilityFastResponseTimePlasticMaterial-ULFlammabilityClassificationRating94V-0 MechanicalDataCase:SMB,TransferMoldedEpoxyTerminals:SolderableperMIL-STD-202,Method208PolarityIndicator:CathodeBand(Note:Bi-directionaldeviceshavenopolarityindicator.)Marking:DateCodeandMarkingCodeSeePage2Weight:0.1grams(approx.) MAXIMUMRATINGSRatingatTa=25?Cambienttemperatureunlessotherwisespecified.DO-214AA(SMB)0.083(2.11) 0.155(3.94) 0.075(1.91) 0.130(3.30)0.185(4.70)0.160(4.06)0.012(0.31)0.006(0.15) 0.096(2.44)0.083(2.13)0.050(1.27) 0.008(0.203)0.030(0.76) MAX.0.220(5.59)0.200(5.08)Dimensionsininchesand(millimeters)Rating Symbol Value UnitsPeakPulsePowerDissipationon10/1000μs(1)waveform(Notes1,2,Fig.3) P PPM Minimum600 Watts PeakPulseCurrenton10/1000μswaveform(Note1,Fig.5) I PPM SeeTable Amps PeakforwardSurgeCurrent8.3mssinglehalfsine-wavesuperimposedonratedload(JEDECMethod)(Notes2,3)MaximumInstantaneousForwardVoltageat50A V FM SeeNote3,4 VoltsOperatingJunctionandStorageTemperatureRange T J,T STG -65to+150 ?C Note:(1)Non-repetitiveCurrentpulse,perFig.5andderatedaboveTa=25?CperFig.1(2)Mountedon5.0mm2(0.013mmthick)landareas.(3)Measuredon8.3ms.Singlehalfsine-waveorequivalentsquarewave,dutycycle=4pulsesperminutesmaximum.SMBJ15CATYPE MarkingReverse Breakdown Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Min.@I T BreakdownVoltage TestMax.@I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V(V) V(V) V(V) I T(mA) V(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ5.0 SMBJ5.0C KD AD 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 62.5 800.0 SMBJ5.0A SMBJ5.0CA KE AE 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 65.2 800.0 SMBJ6.0 SMBJ6.0C KF AF 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 52.6 800.0 SMBJ6.0A SMBJ6.0CA KG AG 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 58.3 800.0 SMBJ6.5 SMBJ6.5C KH AH 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 48.8 500.0 SMBJ6.5A SMBJ6.5CA KK AK 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 53.6 500.0 SMBJ7.0 SMBJ7.0C KL AL 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 45.1 200.0 SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0CA KM AM 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 50.0 200.0 SMBJ7.5 SMBJ7.5C KN AN 7.5 8.33 10.67 1.0 14.3 42.0 100.0 SMBJ7.5A SMBJ7.5CA KP AP 7.5 8.33 9.58 1.0 12.9 46.5 100.0 SMBJ8.0 SMBJ8.0C KQ AQ 8.0 8.89 11.3 1.0 15.0 40.0 50.0 SMBJ8.0A SMBJ8.0CA KR AR 8.0 8.89 10.23 1.0 13.6 44.1 50.0 SMBJ8.5 SMBJ8.5C KS AS 8.5 9.44 11.92 1.0 15.9 37.7 20.0 SMBJ8.5A SMBJ8.5CA KT AT 8.5 9.44 10.82 1.0 14.4 41.7 20.0 SMBJ9.0 SMBJ9.0C KU AU 9.0 10.0 12.6 1.0 16.9 35.5 10.0 SMBJ9.0A SMBJ9.0CA KV AV 9.0 10.0 11.5 1.0 15.4 39.0 10.0 SMBJ10 SMBJ10C KW AW 10 11.1 14.1 1.0 18.8 31.9 5.0 SMBJ10A SMBJ10CA KX AX 10 11.1 12.8 1.0 17.0 35.3 5.0 SMBJ11 SMBJ11C KY AY 11 12.2 15.4 1.0 20.1 29.9 5.0 SMBJ11A SMBJ11CA KZ AZ 11 12.2 14.0 1.0 18.2 33.0 5.0 SMBJ12 SMBJ12C LD BD 12 13.3 16.9 1.0 22.0 27.3 5.0 SMBJ12A SMBJ12CA LE BE 12 13.3 15.3 1.0 19.9 30.2 5.0 SMBJ13 SMBJ13C LF BF 13 14.4 18.2 1.0 23.8 25.2 5.0 SMBJ13A SMBJ13CA LG BG 13 14.4 16.5 1.0 21.5 27.9 5.0 SMBJ14 SMBJ14C LH BH 14 15.6 19.8 1.0 25.8 23.3 5.0 SMBJ14A SMBJ14CA LK BK 14 15.6 17.9 1.0 23.2 25.9 5.0 SMBJ15 SMBJ15C LL BL 15 16.7 21.1 1.0 26.9 22.3 5.0 SMBJ15A SMBJ15CA LM BM 15 16.7 19.2 1.0 24.4 24.6 5.0 SMBJ16 SMBJ16C LN BN 16 17.8 22.6 1.0 28.8 20.8 5.0 SMBJ16A SMBJ16CA LP BP 16 17.8 20.5 1.0 26.0 23.1 5.0 SMBJ17 SMBJ17C LQ BQ 17 18.9 23.9 1.0 30.5 19.7 5.0 SMBJ17A SMBJ17CA LR BR 17 18.9 21.7 1.0 27.6 21.7 5.0 SMBJ18 SMBJ18C LS BS 18 20.0 25.3 1.0 32.2 18.6 5.0 SMBJ18A SMBJ18CA LT BT 18 20.0 23.3 1.0 29.2 20.5 5.0 SMBJ20 SMBJ20C LU BU 20 22.2 28.1 1.0 35.8 16.8 5.0 SMBJ20A SMBJ20CA LV BV 20 22.2 25.5 1.0 32.4 18.5 5.0 SMBJ22 SMBJ22C LW BW 22 24.4 30.9 1.0 39.4 15.2 5.0 SMBJ22A SMBJ22CA LX BX 22 24.4 28.0 1.0 35.5 16.9 5.0 SMBJ24 SMBJ24C LY BY 24 26.7 33.8 1.0 43.0 14.0 5.0 SMBJ24A SMBJ24CA LZ BZ 24 26.7 30.7 1.0 38.9 15.4 5.0 SMBJ26 SMBJ26C MD CD 26 28.9 36.6 1.0 46.6 12.9 5.0 SMBJ26A SMBJ26CA ME CE 26 28.9 33.2 1.0 42.1 14.3 5.0 SMBJ28 SMBJ28C MF CF 28 31.1 39.4 1.0 50.0 12.0 5.0 SMBJ28A SMBJ28CA MG CG 28 31.1 35.8 1.0 45.4 13.2 5.0 Note:(1)VmeasuredafterIappliedfor300 s.,I=squarewavepulseorequivalent.(2)SurgeCurrentWaveformperFigure5andDerateperFigure1(3)ATransientsuppressorisnormallyselectedaccordingtothereverse"Stand-offVoltage"(V)whichshouldbeequaltoorgreaterthentheD.C.orcontinuouspeakoperatingvoltagelevel.SMBJ15CAReverse Breakdown Breakdown Maximum Peak Reverse TYPE Marking Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Test Clamping Pulse LeakageVoltage Min.@I T Max.@I T Current Voltage@I Current @V RMW (Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V(V) V(V) V(V) I T(mA) V(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ30 SMBJ30C MH CH 30 33.3 42.2 1.0 53.5 11.2 5.0 SMBJ30A SMBJ30CA MK CK 30 33.3 38.3 1.0 48.4 12.4 5.0 SMBJ33 SMBJ33C ML CL 33 36.7 46.5 1.0 59.0 10.2 5.0 SMBJ33A SMBJ33CA MM CM 33 36.7 42.2 1.0 53.3 11.3 5.0 SMBJ36 SMBJ36C MN CN 36 40.0 50.7 1.0 64.3 9.3 5.0 SMBJ36A SMBJ36CA MP CP 36 40.0 46.0 1.0 58.1 10.3 5.0 SMBJ40 SMBJ40C MQ CQ 40 44.4 56.3 1.0 71.4 8.4 5.0 SMBJ40A SMBJ40CA MR CR 40 44.4 51.1 1.0 64.5 9.3 5.0 SMBJ43A SMBJ43CA MT CT 43 47.8 54.9 1.0 69.4 8.6 5.0 SMBJ45 SMBJ45C MU CU 45 50.0 63.3 1.0 80.3 7.5 5.0 SMBJ45A SMBJ45CA MV CV 45 50.0 57.5 1.0 72.7 8.3 5.0 SMBJ48 SMBJ48C MW CW 48 53.3 67.5 1.0 85.5 7.0 5.0 SMBJ48A SMBJ48CA MX CX 48 53.3 61.3 1.0 77.4 7.8 5.0 SMBJ51 SMBJ51C MY CY 51 56.7 71.8 1.0 91.1 6.6 5.0 SMBJ51A SMBJ51CA MZ CZ 51 56.7 65.2 1.0 82.4 7.3 5.0 SMBJ54 SMBJ54C ND DD 54 60.0 76.0 1.0 96.3 6.2 5.0 SMBJ54A SMBJ54CA NE DE 54 60.0 69.0 1.0 87.1 6.9 5.0 SMBJ58 SMBJ58C NF DF 58 64.4 81.6 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ58A SMBJ58CA NG DG 58 64.4 74.1 1.0 93.6 6.4 5.0 SMBJ60 SMBJ60C NH DH 60 66.7 84.5 1.0 107 5.6 5.0 SMBJ60A SMBJ60CA NK DK 60 66.7 76.7 1.0 96.8 6.2 5.0 SMBJ64 SMBJ64C NL DL 64 71.1 90.1 1.0 114 5.3 5.0 SMBJ64A SMBJ64CA NM DM 64 71.1 81.8 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ70 SMBJ70C NN DN 70 77.8 98.6 1.0 125 4.8 5.0 SMBJ70A SMBJ70CA NP DP 70 77.8 89.5 1.0 113 5.3 5.0 SMBJ75 SMBJ75C NQ DQ 75 83.0 105.7 1.0 134 4.5 5.0 SMBJ75A SMBJ75CA NR DR 75 83.0 95.8 1.0 121 5.0 5.0 SMBJ90 SMBJ90C NW DW 90 100 126.5 1.0 160 3.8 5.0 SMBJ90A SMBJ90CA NX DX 90 100 115.5 1.0 146 4.1 5.0 SMBJ100 SMBJ100C NY DY 100 111 141.0 1.0 179 3.4 5.0 SMBJ100A SMBJ100CA NZ DZ 100 111 128.0 1.0 162 3.7 5.0 SMBJ110 SMBJ110C PD ED 110 122 154.5 1.0 196 3.1 5.0 SMBJ110A SMBJ110CA PE EE 100 122 140.5 1.0 177 3.4 5.0 SMBJ120 SMBJ120C PF EF 120 133 169.0 1.0 214 2.8 5.0 SMBJ120A SMBJ120CA PG EG 120 133 153.0 1.0 193 3.1 5.0 SMBJ130 SMBJ130C PH EH 130 144 182.5 1.0 231 2.6 5.0 SMBJ130A SMBJ130CA PK EK 130 144 165.5 1.0 209 2.9 5.0 SMBJ150 SMBJ150C PL EL 150 167 211.5 1.0 268 2.2 5.0 SMBJ150A SMBJ150CA PM EM 150 167 192.5 1.0 243 2.5 5.0 SMBJ160 SMBJ160C PN EN 160 178 226.0 1.0 287 2.1 5.0 SMBJ160A SMBJ160CA PP EP 160 178 205.0 1.0 259 2.3 5.0 Note:(1)VmeasuredafterIappliedfor300 s.,I=squarewavepulseorequivalent.(2)SurgeCurrentWaveformperFigure5andDerateperFigure1(3)ATransientsuppressorisnormallyselectedaccordingtothereverse"Stand-offVoltage"(V)whichshouldbeequaltoorgreaterthentheD.C.orcontinuouspeakoperatingvoltagelevel.SMBJ15CATYPE MarkingReverse Breakdown Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Min.@I T BreakdownVoltage TestMax.@I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V(V) V(V) V(V) I T(mA) V(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ170 SMBJ170C PQ EQ 170 189 239.5 1.0 304 2.0 5.0 SMBJ170A SMBJ170CA PR ER 170 189 217.5 1.0 275 2.2 5.0 SMBJ180 SMBJ180C PS ES 180 200 253.8 1.0 321 1.9 5.0 SMBJ180A SMBJ180CA PT ET 180 200 230.4 1.0 290 2.1 5.0 SMBJ190 SMBJ190C PU EU 190 211 267.9 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ190A SMBJ190CA PV EV 190 211 243.2 1.0 306 2.0 5.0 SMBJ200 SMBJ200C PW EW 200 222 282.0 1.0 356 1.7 5.0 SMBJ200A SMBJ200CA PX EX 200 222 256.0 1.0 322 1.9 5.0 SMBJ210 SMBJ210C PY EY 210 233 296.1 1.0 375 1.6 5.0 SMBJ210A SMBJ210CA PZ EZ 210 233 268.8 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ220 SMBJ220C QD FD 220 244 310.2 1.0 392 1.5 5.0 SMBJ220A SMBJ220CA QE FE 220 244 281.6 1.0 355 1.7 5.0 SMBJ250 SMBJ250C QF FF 250 278 342.5 1.0 447 1.3 5.0 SMBJ250A SMBJ250CA QG FG 250 278 309.0 1.0 403 1.5 5.0 SMBJ300 SMBJ300C QH FH 300 333 411.0 1.0 535 1.1 5.0 SMBJ300A SMBJ300CA QK FK 300 333 371.0 1.0 484 1.2 5.0 SMBJ350 SMBJ350C QL FL 350 389 479.5 1.0 624 1.0 5.0 SMBJ350A SMBJ350CA QM FM 350 389 432.0 1.0 565 1.1 5.0 SMBJ400 SMBJ400C QN FN 400 444 548.0 1.0 687 0.9 5.0 SMBJ400A SMBJ400CA QP FP 400 444 494.0 1.0 645 0.9 5.0 SMBJ440 SMBJ440C QQ FQ 440 489 602.8 1.0 786 0.8 5.0 SMBJ440A SMBJ440CA QR FR 440 489 543.0 1.0 710 0.8 5.0SMBJ15CARatingsandCharacteristicCurvesT A=25癈unlessotherwisenotedSMBJ15CA。



SMBJ5.0(C)A - SMBJ440(C)A600W Surface Mount Transient Voltage SuppressorFeatures600W Peak Pulse Power Dissipation5.0V - 440V Standoff VoltagesGlass Passivated Die ConstructionUni- and Bi-Directional Versions AvailableExcellent Clamping CapabilityFast Response TimePlastic Material - UL FlammabilityClassification Rating 94V-0Mechanical DataCase: SMB, Transfer Molded EpoxyTerminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202,Method 208Polarity Indicator: Cathode Band(Note: Bi-directional devices have no polarityindicator.)Marking: Date Code and Marking CodeSee Page 2Weight: 0.1 grams (approx.)MAXIMUM RATINGSRating at T a = 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.DO-214AA (SMB)0.083(2.11) 0.155(3.94) 0.075(1.91) 0.130(3.30)0.185(4.70)0.160(4.06)0.012(0.31)0.006(0.15) 0.096(2.44)0.083(2.13)0.050(1.27) 0.008(0.203)0.030(0.76) MAX.0.220(5.59)0.200(5.08)Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)Rating Symbol Value Units Peak Pulse Power Dissipation on 10/1000μs (1)waveform (Notes 1, 2, Fig. 3) P PPM Minimum 600 Watts Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000μswaveform (Note 1, Fig. 5) I PPM See T able Amps Peak forward Surge Current8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed onrated load ( JEDEC Method )(Notes 2, 3)Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 50A V FM See Note 3, 4 Volts Operating Junction and Storage T emperature Range T J, T STG - 65 to + 150 CNote :(1) Non-repetitive Current pulse, per Fig. 5 and derated above Ta = 25 C per Fig. 1(2) Mounted on 5.0mm2 (0.013mm thick) land areas.(3) Measured on 8.3ms. Single half sine-wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.SMBJ12ATYPE MarkingReverse BreakdownStand-Off VoltageVoltage Min. @I TBreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ5.0 SMBJ5.0C KD AD 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 62.5 800.0 SMBJ5.0A SMBJ5.0CA KE AE 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 65.2 800.0 SMBJ6.0 SMBJ6.0C KF AF 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 52.6 800.0 SMBJ6.0A SMBJ6.0CA KG AG 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 58.3 800.0 SMBJ6.5 SMBJ6.5C KH AH 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 48.8 500.0 SMBJ6.5A SMBJ6.5CA KK AK 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 53.6 500.0 SMBJ7.0 SMBJ7.0C KL AL 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 45.1 200.0 SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0CA KM AM 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 50.0 200.0 SMBJ7.5 SMBJ7.5C KN AN 7.5 8.33 10.67 1.0 14.3 42.0 100.0 SMBJ7.5A SMBJ7.5CA KP AP 7.5 8.33 9.58 1.0 12.9 46.5 100.0 SMBJ8.0 SMBJ8.0C KQ AQ 8.0 8.89 11.3 1.0 15.0 40.0 50.0 SMBJ8.0A SMBJ8.0CA KR AR 8.0 8.89 10.23 1.0 13.6 44.1 50.0 SMBJ8.5 SMBJ8.5C KS AS 8.5 9.44 11.92 1.0 15.9 37.7 20.0 SMBJ8.5A SMBJ8.5CA KT AT 8.5 9.44 10.82 1.0 14.4 41.7 20.0 SMBJ9.0 SMBJ9.0C KU AU 9.0 10.0 12.6 1.0 16.9 35.5 10.0 SMBJ9.0A SMBJ9.0CA KV AV 9.0 10.0 11.5 1.0 15.4 39.0 10.0 SMBJ10 SMBJ10C KW AW 10 11.1 14.1 1.0 18.8 31.9 5.0 SMBJ10A SMBJ10CA KX AX 10 11.1 12.8 1.0 17.0 35.3 5.0 SMBJ11 SMBJ11C KY AY 11 12.2 15.4 1.0 20.1 29.9 5.0 SMBJ11A SMBJ11CA KZ AZ 11 12.2 14.0 1.0 18.2 33.0 5.0 SMBJ12 SMBJ12C LD BD 12 13.3 16.9 1.0 22.0 27.3 5.0 SMBJ12A SMBJ12CA LE BE 12 13.3 15.3 1.0 19.9 30.2 5.0 SMBJ13 SMBJ13C LF BF 13 14.4 18.2 1.0 23.8 25.2 5.0 SMBJ13A SMBJ13CA LG BG 13 14.4 16.5 1.0 21.5 27.9 5.0 SMBJ14 SMBJ14C LH BH 14 15.6 19.8 1.0 25.8 23.3 5.0 SMBJ14A SMBJ14CA LK BK 14 15.6 17.9 1.0 23.2 25.9 5.0 SMBJ15 SMBJ15C LL BL 15 16.7 21.1 1.0 26.9 22.3 5.0 SMBJ15A SMBJ15CA LM BM 15 16.7 19.2 1.0 24.4 24.6 5.0 SMBJ16 SMBJ16C LN BN 16 17.8 22.6 1.0 28.8 20.8 5.0 SMBJ16A SMBJ16CA LP BP 16 17.8 20.5 1.0 26.0 23.1 5.0 SMBJ17 SMBJ17C LQ BQ 17 18.9 23.9 1.0 30.5 19.7 5.0 SMBJ17A SMBJ17CA LR BR 17 18.9 21.7 1.0 27.6 21.7 5.0 SMBJ18 SMBJ18C LS BS 18 20.0 25.3 1.0 32.2 18.6 5.0 SMBJ18A SMBJ18CA LT BT 18 20.0 23.3 1.0 29.2 20.5 5.0 SMBJ20 SMBJ20C LU BU 20 22.2 28.1 1.0 35.8 16.8 5.0 SMBJ20A SMBJ20CA LV BV 20 22.2 25.5 1.0 32.4 18.5 5.0 SMBJ22 SMBJ22C LW BW 22 24.4 30.9 1.0 39.4 15.2 5.0 SMBJ22A SMBJ22CA LX BX 22 24.4 28.0 1.0 35.5 16.9 5.0 SMBJ24 SMBJ24C LY BY 24 26.7 33.8 1.0 43.0 14.0 5.0 SMBJ24A SMBJ24CA LZ BZ 24 26.7 30.7 1.0 38.9 15.4 5.0 SMBJ26 SMBJ26C MD CD 26 28.9 36.6 1.0 46.6 12.9 5.0 SMBJ26A SMBJ26CA ME CE 26 28.9 33.2 1.0 42.1 14.3 5.0 SMBJ28 SMBJ28C MF CF 28 31.1 39.4 1.0 50.0 12.0 5.0 SMBJ28A SMBJ28CA MG CG 28 31.1 35.8 1.0 45.4 13.2 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V BR measured after I T applied for 300 s., I T = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V WM) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.SMBJ12AReverse Breakdown Breakdown Maximum Peak Reverse TYPE Marking Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Test Clamping Pulse LeakageVoltage Min. @I T Max. @ I T Current Voltage @I PP Current @V RMW (Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ30 SMBJ30C MH CH 30 33.3 42.2 1.0 53.5 11.2 5.0 SMBJ30A SMBJ30CA MK CK 30 33.3 38.3 1.0 48.4 12.4 5.0 SMBJ33 SMBJ33C ML CL 33 36.7 46.5 1.0 59.0 10.2 5.0 SMBJ33A SMBJ33CA MM CM 33 36.7 42.2 1.0 53.3 11.3 5.0 SMBJ36 SMBJ36C MN CN 36 40.0 50.7 1.0 64.3 9.3 5.0 SMBJ36A SMBJ36CA MP CP 36 40.0 46.0 1.0 58.1 10.3 5.0 SMBJ40 SMBJ40C MQ CQ 40 44.4 56.3 1.0 71.4 8.4 5.0 SMBJ40A SMBJ40CA MR CR 40 44.4 51.1 1.0 64.5 9.3 5.0 SMBJ43A SMBJ43CA MT CT 43 47.8 54.9 1.0 69.4 8.6 5.0 SMBJ45 SMBJ45C MU CU 45 50.0 63.3 1.0 80.3 7.5 5.0 SMBJ45A SMBJ45CA MV CV 45 50.0 57.5 1.0 72.7 8.3 5.0 SMBJ48 SMBJ48C MW CW 48 53.3 67.5 1.0 85.5 7.0 5.0 SMBJ48A SMBJ48CA MX CX 48 53.3 61.3 1.0 77.4 7.8 5.0 SMBJ51 SMBJ51C MY CY 51 56.7 71.8 1.0 91.1 6.6 5.0 SMBJ51A SMBJ51CA MZ CZ 51 56.7 65.2 1.0 82.4 7.3 5.0 SMBJ54 SMBJ54C ND DD 54 60.0 76.0 1.0 96.3 6.2 5.0 SMBJ54A SMBJ54CA NE DE 54 60.0 69.0 1.0 87.1 6.9 5.0 SMBJ58 SMBJ58C NF DF 58 64.4 81.6 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ58A SMBJ58CA NG DG 58 64.4 74.1 1.0 93.6 6.4 5.0 SMBJ60 SMBJ60C NH DH 60 66.7 84.5 1.0 107 5.6 5.0 SMBJ60A SMBJ60CA NK DK 60 66.7 76.7 1.0 96.8 6.2 5.0 SMBJ64 SMBJ64C NL DL 64 71.1 90.1 1.0 114 5.3 5.0 SMBJ64A SMBJ64CA NM DM 64 71.1 81.8 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ70 SMBJ70C NN DN 70 77.8 98.6 1.0 125 4.8 5.0 SMBJ70A SMBJ70CA NP DP 70 77.8 89.5 1.0 113 5.3 5.0 SMBJ75 SMBJ75C NQ DQ 75 83.0 105.7 1.0 134 4.5 5.0 SMBJ75A SMBJ75CA NR DR 75 83.0 95.8 1.0 121 5.0 5.0 SMBJ90 SMBJ90C NW DW 90 100 126.5 1.0 160 3.8 5.0 SMBJ90A SMBJ90CA NX DX 90 100 115.5 1.0 146 4.1 5.0 SMBJ100 SMBJ100C NY DY 100 111 141.0 1.0 179 3.4 5.0 SMBJ100A SMBJ100CA NZ DZ 100 111 128.0 1.0 162 3.7 5.0 SMBJ110 SMBJ110C PD ED 110 122 154.5 1.0 196 3.1 5.0 SMBJ110A SMBJ110CA PE EE 100 122 140.5 1.0 177 3.4 5.0 SMBJ120 SMBJ120C PF EF 120 133 169.0 1.0 214 2.8 5.0 SMBJ120A SMBJ120CA PG EG 120 133 153.0 1.0 193 3.1 5.0 SMBJ130 SMBJ130C PH EH 130 144 182.5 1.0 231 2.6 5.0 SMBJ130A SMBJ130CA PK EK 130 144 165.5 1.0 209 2.9 5.0 SMBJ150 SMBJ150C PL EL 150 167 211.5 1.0 268 2.2 5.0 SMBJ150A SMBJ150CA PM EM 150 167 192.5 1.0 243 2.5 5.0 SMBJ160 SMBJ160C PN EN 160 178 226.0 1.0 287 2.1 5.0 SMBJ160A SMBJ160CA PP EP 160 178 205.0 1.0 259 2.3 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V BR measured after I T applied for 300 s., I T = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V WM) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.SMBJ12ATYPE MarkingReverse BreakdownStand-Off VoltageVoltage Min. @I TBreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ170 SMBJ170C PQ EQ 170 189 239.5 1.0 304 2.0 5.0 SMBJ170A SMBJ170CA PR ER 170 189 217.5 1.0 275 2.2 5.0 SMBJ180 SMBJ180C PS ES 180 200 253.8 1.0 321 1.9 5.0 SMBJ180A SMBJ180CA PT ET 180 200 230.4 1.0 290 2.1 5.0 SMBJ190 SMBJ190C PU EU 190 211 267.9 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ190A SMBJ190CA PV EV 190 211 243.2 1.0 306 2.0 5.0 SMBJ200 SMBJ200C PW EW 200 222 282.0 1.0 356 1.7 5.0 SMBJ200A SMBJ200CA PX EX 200 222 256.0 1.0 322 1.9 5.0 SMBJ210 SMBJ210C PY EY 210 233 296.1 1.0 375 1.6 5.0 SMBJ210A SMBJ210CA PZ EZ 210 233 268.8 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ220 SMBJ220C QD FD 220 244 310.2 1.0 392 1.5 5.0 SMBJ220A SMBJ220CA QE FE 220 244 281.6 1.0 355 1.7 5.0 SMBJ250 SMBJ250C QF FF 250 278 342.5 1.0 447 1.3 5.0 SMBJ250A SMBJ250CA QG FG 250 278 309.0 1.0 403 1.5 5.0 SMBJ300 SMBJ300C QH FH 300 333 411.0 1.0 535 1.1 5.0 SMBJ300A SMBJ300CA QK FK 300 333 371.0 1.0 484 1.2 5.0 SMBJ350 SMBJ350C QL FL 350 389 479.5 1.0 624 1.0 5.0 SMBJ350A SMBJ350CA QM FM 350 389 432.0 1.0 565 1.1 5.0 SMBJ400 SMBJ400C QN FN 400 444 548.0 1.0 687 0.9 5.0 SMBJ400A SMBJ400CA QP FP 400 444 494.0 1.0 645 0.9 5.0 SMBJ440 SMBJ440C QQ FQ 440 489 602.8 1.0 786 0.8 5.0 SMBJ440A SMBJ440CA QR FR 440 489 543.0 1.0 710 0.8 5.0SMBJ12ARatings and Characteristic Curves T A =25癈 unless otherwise notedSMBJ12A。




TVS⼆极管,是⼀种宽泛的称法,⽬前业内,名称叫法⽐较多有:贴⽚TVS管、轴向引线型TVS管、双向TVS管、单向TVS管、⼤功率TVS 管、⼩功率TVS管、汽车级TVS管、⾼压TVS管、低电容TVS管等等。





那么,问题来了,贴⽚TVS管,有哪些系列呢?近⽇,很多客户直奔主题,询问贴⽚TVS管有关的物料!贴⽚瞬态抑制TVS⼆极管型号如此多,该如何正确选型为电路安全保驾护航呢?贴⽚TVS管,有哪些?贴⽚TVS瞬态抑制⼆极管,种类繁多,型号齐全,具体有系列和常⽤型号有:1)SM8S series,功率6600W,DO-218AB封装,⼯作电压10V-43V,常⽤型号有:SM8S18A、SM8S24A 、SM8S26CA、SM8S30A、SM8S33A……2)SMF series,功率200W,SOD-123封装,⼯作电压5.0V-350V,常⽤型号有:SMF3.3A、SMF33CA、SMF36CA、SMF36A、SMF5.0CA、SMF10CA……3)SMBJ series,功率600W,SMB/DO-214AA封装,⼯作电压5.0V-440V,常⽤型号有: SMBJ5.0CA、SMBJ6.5CA、SMBJ8.0CA、SMBJ15CA、SMBJ22CA、SMBJ24CA、SMBJ26CA、SMBJ30CA、SMBJ36CA、SMBJ440CA……4)SMAJ series,功率400W,SMA/DO-214AC封装,⼯作电压5.0V-440V,常⽤型号有: SMAJ5.0CA、SMAJ15CA、SMAJ36CA、SMAJ440A、SMAJ440CA……5) SMCJ series,功率1500W,SMC/DO-214AB封装,⼯作电压5.0V-440V,常⽤型号有:SMCJ18A、SMCJ24A、SMCJ24CA、SMCJ30CA、SMCJ33CA、SMCJ33A、SMCJ36A、SMCJ36CA、SMCJ48A、SMCJ48CA、SMCJ58A、SMCJ64CA……6)SMDJ series,功率3000W,SMC/DO-214AB封装,⼯作电压5.0V-440V,常⽤型号有:SMDJ24A、SMDJ24CA、SMDJ33CA……7) 5.0SMDJ series,功率5000W,SMC/DO-214AB封装,⼯作电压11V-440V,常⽤型号有:5.0SMDJ18A、5.0SMDJ18CA、5.0SMDJ24A、5.0SMDJ24CA、5.0SMDJ36A、5.0SMDJ36CA、5.0SMDJ64A、5.0SMDJ70A……8)TPSMAJ series,功率400W,SMA/DO-214AC封装,⼯作电压10V-85V:TPSMAJ10CA、TPSMAJ33A、TPSMAJ85CA……9)TPSMBJ series,功率600W,SMB/DO-214AA封装,⼯作电压11V-170V,常⽤型号有:TPSMBJ11A、TPSMBJ130CA、TPSMBJ170CA、TPSMBJ85A……10)TPSMCJ series,功率1500W,SMC/DO-214AB封装,⼯作电压10V-78V,常⽤型号有:TPSMCJ33CA、TPSMCJ64CA、TPSMCJ78A……11)TPSMDJ series,功率3000W,SMC/DO-214AB封装,⼯作电压10V-43V,常⽤型号有:TPSMDJ11CA、TPSMDJ36CA、TPSMDJ43CA、TPSMDJ30A……12)TP5.0SMDJ series,功率5000W,SMC/DO-214AB封装,⼯作电压11V-440V,常⽤型号有:TP5.0SMDJ11CA、TP5.0SMDJ28CA、TP5.0SMDJ51A、TP5.0SMDJ58A……13)SM5S series,功率3600W,DO-218AB封装,⼯作电压10V-43V,常⽤型号有:SM5S13A、SM5S22A、SM5S33A、SM5S43A……14)SM6S series,功率4600W,DO-218AB封装,⼯作电压10V-43V,常⽤型号有:SM6S15A、SM6S28A、SM6S36A……15)SM8T series,功率6600W,DO-218AB封装,⼯作电压16V-43V,常⽤型号有:SM8T16A、SM8T20A、SM8T24A、SM8T43A……以上列举的是⽐较常⽤的贴⽚TVS瞬态抑制⼆极管。



SMBJ5.0(C)A - SMBJ440(C)A600W Surface Mount Transient Voltage SuppressorFeatures600W Peak Pulse Power Dissipation5.0V - 440V Standoff VoltagesGlass Passivated Die ConstructionUni- and Bi-Directional Versions AvailableExcellent Clamping CapabilityFast Response TimePlastic Material - UL FlammabilityClassification Rating 94V-0Mechanical DataCase: SMB, Transfer Molded EpoxyTerminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202,Method 208Polarity Indicator: Cathode Band(Note: Bi-directional devices have no polarityindicator.)Marking: Date Code and Marking CodeSee Page 2Weight: 0.1 grams (approx.)MAXIMUM RATINGSRating at T a = 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.DO-214AA (SMB)0.083(2.11) 0.155(3.94) 0.075(1.91) 0.130(3.30)0.185(4.70)0.160(4.06)0.012(0.31)0.006(0.15) 0.096(2.44)0.083(2.13)0.050(1.27) 0.008(0.203)0.030(0.76) MAX.0.220(5.59)0.200(5.08)Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)Rating Symbol Value Units Peak Pulse Power Dissipation on 10/1000μs (1)waveform (Notes 1, 2, Fig. 3) P PPM Minimum 600 Watts Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000μswaveform (Note 1, Fig. 5) I PPM See T able Amps Peak forward Surge Current8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed onrated load ( JEDEC Method )(Notes 2, 3)Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 50A V FM See Note 3, 4 Volts Operating Junction and Storage T emperature Range T J, T STG - 65 to + 150 CNote :(1) Non-repetitive Current pulse, per Fig. 5 and derated above Ta = 25 C per Fig. 1(2) Mounted on 5.0mm2 (0.013mm thick) land areas.(3) Measured on 8.3ms. Single half sine-wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.A2TYPE MarkingReverse BreakdownStand-Off VoltageVoltage Min. @I TBreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ5.0 SMBJ5.0C KD AD 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 62.5 800.0 SMBJ5.0A SMBJ5.0CA KE AE 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 65.2 800.0 SMBJ6.0 SMBJ6.0C KF AF 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 52.6 800.0 SMBJ6.0A SMBJ6.0CA KG AG 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 58.3 800.0 SMBJ6.5 SMBJ6.5C KH AH 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 48.8 500.0 SMBJ6.5A SMBJ6.5CA KK AK 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 53.6 500.0 SMBJ7.0 SMBJ7.0C KL AL 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 45.1 200.0 SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0CA KM AM 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 50.0 200.0 SMBJ7.5 SMBJ7.5C KN AN 7.5 8.33 10.67 1.0 14.3 42.0 100.0 SMBJ7.5A SMBJ7.5CA KP AP 7.5 8.33 9.58 1.0 12.9 46.5 100.0 SMBJ8.0 SMBJ8.0C KQ AQ 8.0 8.89 11.3 1.0 15.0 40.0 50.0 SMBJ8.0A SMBJ8.0CA KR AR 8.0 8.89 10.23 1.0 13.6 44.1 50.0 SMBJ8.5 SMBJ8.5C KS AS 8.5 9.44 11.92 1.0 15.9 37.7 20.0 SMBJ8.5A SMBJ8.5CA KT AT 8.5 9.44 10.82 1.0 14.4 41.7 20.0 SMBJ9.0 SMBJ9.0C KU AU 9.0 10.0 12.6 1.0 16.9 35.5 10.0 SMBJ9.0A SMBJ9.0CA KV AV 9.0 10.0 11.5 1.0 15.4 39.0 10.0 SMBJ10 SMBJ10C KW AW 10 11.1 14.1 1.0 18.8 31.9 5.0 SMBJ10A SMBJ10CA KX AX 10 11.1 12.8 1.0 17.0 35.3 5.0 SMBJ11 SMBJ11C KY AY 11 12.2 15.4 1.0 20.1 29.9 5.0 SMBJ11A SMBJ11CA KZ AZ 11 12.2 14.0 1.0 18.2 33.0 5.0 SMBJ12 SMBJ12C LD BD 12 13.3 16.9 1.0 22.0 27.3 5.0 SMBJ12A SMBJ12CA LE BE 12 13.3 15.3 1.0 19.9 30.2 5.0 SMBJ13 SMBJ13C LF BF 13 14.4 18.2 1.0 23.8 25.2 5.0 SMBJ13A SMBJ13CA LG BG 13 14.4 16.5 1.0 21.5 27.9 5.0 SMBJ14 SMBJ14C LH BH 14 15.6 19.8 1.0 25.8 23.3 5.0 SMBJ14A SMBJ14CA LK BK 14 15.6 17.9 1.0 23.2 25.9 5.0 SMBJ15 SMBJ15C LL BL 15 16.7 21.1 1.0 26.9 22.3 5.0 SMBJ15A SMBJ15CA LM BM 15 16.7 19.2 1.0 24.4 24.6 5.0 SMBJ16 SMBJ16C LN BN 16 17.8 22.6 1.0 28.8 20.8 5.0 SMBJ16A SMBJ16CA LP BP 16 17.8 20.5 1.0 26.0 23.1 5.0 SMBJ17 SMBJ17C LQ BQ 17 18.9 23.9 1.0 30.5 19.7 5.0 SMBJ17A SMBJ17CA LR BR 17 18.9 21.7 1.0 27.6 21.7 5.0 SMBJ18 SMBJ18C LS BS 18 20.0 25.3 1.0 32.2 18.6 5.0 SMBJ18A SMBJ18CA LT BT 18 20.0 23.3 1.0 29.2 20.5 5.0 SMBJ20 SMBJ20C LU BU 20 22.2 28.1 1.0 35.8 16.8 5.0 SMBJ20A SMBJ20CA LV BV 20 22.2 25.5 1.0 32.4 18.5 5.0 SMBJ22 SMBJ22C LW BW 22 24.4 30.9 1.0 39.4 15.2 5.0 SMBJ22A SMBJ22CA LX BX 22 24.4 28.0 1.0 35.5 16.9 5.0 SMBJ24 SMBJ24C LY BY 24 26.7 33.8 1.0 43.0 14.0 5.0 SMBJ24A SMBJ24CA LZ BZ 24 26.7 30.7 1.0 38.9 15.4 5.0 SMBJ26 SMBJ26C MD CD 26 28.9 36.6 1.0 46.6 12.9 5.0 SMBJ26A SMBJ26CA ME CE 26 28.9 33.2 1.0 42.1 14.3 5.0 SMBJ28 SMBJ28C MF CF 28 31.1 39.4 1.0 50.0 12.0 5.0 SMBJ28A SMBJ28CA MG CG 28 31.1 35.8 1.0 45.4 13.2 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V BR measured after I T applied for 300 s., I T = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V WM) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.2 of 5Reverse Breakdown Breakdown Maximum Peak Reverse TYPE Marking Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Test Clamping Pulse LeakageVoltage Min. @I T Max. @ I T Current Voltage @I PP Current @V RMW (Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ30 SMBJ30C MH CH 30 33.3 42.2 1.0 53.5 11.2 5.0 SMBJ30A SMBJ30CA MK CK 30 33.3 38.3 1.0 48.4 12.4 5.0 SMBJ33 SMBJ33C ML CL 33 36.7 46.5 1.0 59.0 10.2 5.0 SMBJ33A SMBJ33CA MM CM 33 36.7 42.2 1.0 53.3 11.3 5.0 SMBJ36 SMBJ36C MN CN 36 40.0 50.7 1.0 64.3 9.3 5.0 SMBJ36A SMBJ36CA MP CP 36 40.0 46.0 1.0 58.1 10.3 5.0 SMBJ40 SMBJ40C MQ CQ 40 44.4 56.3 1.0 71.4 8.4 5.0 SMBJ40A SMBJ40CA MR CR 40 44.4 51.1 1.0 64.5 9.3 5.0 SMBJ43A SMBJ43CA MT CT 43 47.8 54.9 1.0 69.4 8.6 5.0 SMBJ45 SMBJ45C MU CU 45 50.0 63.3 1.0 80.3 7.5 5.0 SMBJ45A SMBJ45CA MV CV 45 50.0 57.5 1.0 72.7 8.3 5.0 SMBJ48 SMBJ48C MW CW 48 53.3 67.5 1.0 85.5 7.0 5.0 SMBJ48A SMBJ48CA MX CX 48 53.3 61.3 1.0 77.4 7.8 5.0 SMBJ51 SMBJ51C MY CY 51 56.7 71.8 1.0 91.1 6.6 5.0 SMBJ51A SMBJ51CA MZ CZ 51 56.7 65.2 1.0 82.4 7.3 5.0 SMBJ54 SMBJ54C ND DD 54 60.0 76.0 1.0 96.3 6.2 5.0 SMBJ54A SMBJ54CA NE DE 54 60.0 69.0 1.0 87.1 6.9 5.0 SMBJ58 SMBJ58C NF DF 58 64.4 81.6 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ58A SMBJ58CA NG DG 58 64.4 74.1 1.0 93.6 6.4 5.0 SMBJ60 SMBJ60C NH DH 60 66.7 84.5 1.0 107 5.6 5.0 SMBJ60A SMBJ60CA NK DK 60 66.7 76.7 1.0 96.8 6.2 5.0 SMBJ64 SMBJ64C NL DL 64 71.1 90.1 1.0 114 5.3 5.0 SMBJ64A SMBJ64CA NM DM 64 71.1 81.8 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ70 SMBJ70C NN DN 70 77.8 98.6 1.0 125 4.8 5.0 SMBJ70A SMBJ70CA NP DP 70 77.8 89.5 1.0 113 5.3 5.0 SMBJ75 SMBJ75C NQ DQ 75 83.0 105.7 1.0 134 4.5 5.0 SMBJ75A SMBJ75CA NR DR 75 83.0 95.8 1.0 121 5.0 5.0 SMBJ90 SMBJ90C NW DW 90 100 126.5 1.0 160 3.8 5.0 SMBJ90A SMBJ90CA NX DX 90 100 115.5 1.0 146 4.1 5.0 SMBJ100 SMBJ100C NY DY 100 111 141.0 1.0 179 3.4 5.0 SMBJ100A SMBJ100CA NZ DZ 100 111 128.0 1.0 162 3.7 5.0 SMBJ110 SMBJ110C PD ED 110 122 154.5 1.0 196 3.1 5.0 SMBJ110A SMBJ110CA PE EE 100 122 140.5 1.0 177 3.4 5.0 SMBJ120 SMBJ120C PF EF 120 133 169.0 1.0 214 2.8 5.0 SMBJ120A SMBJ120CA PG EG 120 133 153.0 1.0 193 3.1 5.0 SMBJ130 SMBJ130C PH EH 130 144 182.5 1.0 231 2.6 5.0 SMBJ130A SMBJ130CA PK EK 130 144 165.5 1.0 209 2.9 5.0 SMBJ150 SMBJ150C PL EL 150 167 211.5 1.0 268 2.2 5.0 SMBJ150A SMBJ150CA PM EM 150 167 192.5 1.0 243 2.5 5.0 SMBJ160 SMBJ160C PN EN 160 178 226.0 1.0 287 2.1 5.0 SMBJ160A SMBJ160CA PP EP 160 178 205.0 1.0 259 2.3 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V BR measured after I T applied for 300 s., I T = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V WM) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.A3TYPE MarkingReverse BreakdownStand-Off VoltageVoltage Min. @I TBreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ170 SMBJ170C PQ EQ 170 189 239.5 1.0 304 2.0 5.0 SMBJ170A SMBJ170CA PR ER 170 189 217.5 1.0 275 2.2 5.0 SMBJ180 SMBJ180C PS ES 180 200 253.8 1.0 321 1.9 5.0 SMBJ180A SMBJ180CA PT ET 180 200 230.4 1.0 290 2.1 5.0 SMBJ190 SMBJ190C PU EU 190 211 267.9 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ190A SMBJ190CA PV EV 190 211 243.2 1.0 306 2.0 5.0 SMBJ200 SMBJ200C PW EW 200 222 282.0 1.0 356 1.7 5.0 SMBJ200A SMBJ200CA PX EX 200 222 256.0 1.0 322 1.9 5.0 SMBJ210 SMBJ210C PY EY 210 233 296.1 1.0 375 1.6 5.0 SMBJ210A SMBJ210CA PZ EZ 210 233 268.8 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ220 SMBJ220C QD FD 220 244 310.2 1.0 392 1.5 5.0 SMBJ220A SMBJ220CA QE FE 220 244 281.6 1.0 355 1.7 5.0 SMBJ250 SMBJ250C QF FF 250 278 342.5 1.0 447 1.3 5.0 SMBJ250A SMBJ250CA QG FG 250 278 309.0 1.0 403 1.5 5.0 SMBJ300 SMBJ300C QH FH 300 333 411.0 1.0 535 1.1 5.0 SMBJ300A SMBJ300CA QK FK 300 333 371.0 1.0 484 1.2 5.0 SMBJ350 SMBJ350C QL FL 350 389 479.5 1.0 624 1.0 5.0 SMBJ350A SMBJ350CA QM FM 350 389 432.0 1.0 565 1.1 5.0 SMBJ400 SMBJ400C QN FN 400 444 548.0 1.0 687 0.9 5.0 SMBJ400A SMBJ400CA QP FP 400 444 494.0 1.0 645 0.9 5.0 SMBJ440 SMBJ440C QQ FQ 440 489 602.8 1.0 786 0.8 5.0 SMBJ440A SMBJ440CA QR FR 440 489 543.0 1.0 710 0.8 5.0A4Ratings and Characteristic Curves T A =25癈 unless otherwise notedA5。



SMCJ5.0A-TR,CA-TR SMCJ188A-TR,CA-TRTRANSIL TM®PEAK PULSE POWER : 1500 W (10/1000µs)STAND OFF VOLTAGE RANGE :From 5V to 188V.UNI AND BIDIRECTIONAL TYPES LOW CLAMPING FACTOR FAST RESPONSE TIMEFEATURESSMC(JEDEC DO-214AB)Symbol ParameterValue Unit P PP Peak pulse power dissipation (see note 1)Tj initial = T amb 1500W P Power dissipation on infinite heatsink T amb = 50°C 6.5W I FSM Non repetitive surge peak forward current for unidirectional types tp = 10msTj initial = T amb200A T stg T j Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature- 65 to + 175150°C °C T LMaximum lead temperature for soldering during 10 s.260°CNote 1 : For a surge greater than the maximum values, the diode will fail in short-circuit.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25°C)DESCRIPTIONThe SMCJ series are TRANSIL TM diodes designed specifically for protecting sensitive equipment against transient overvoltages.Transil diodes provide high overvoltage protection by clamping action. Their instantaneous response to transient overvoltages makes them particularly suited to protect voltage sensitive devices such as MOS Technology and low voltage supplied IC’s.August 1999 - Ed: 5A Symbol ParameterValue Unit R th (j-l)Junction to leads15°C/W R th (j-a)Junction to ambient on printed circuit on recommended pad layout75°C/WTHERMAL RESISTANCES 1/5II F V F V CLV BRV RMI PPI RMVSymbol ParameterV RM Stand-off voltage V BR Breakdown voltage V CL Clamping voltage I RM Leakage current @ V RM I PPPeak pulse currentαTVoltage temperature coefficient V FForward voltage dropELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C)TypesI RM @ V RM V BR @ I R V CL @ I PP V CL @ I PP αT C maxmin maxmax maxtyp note210/1000µs 8/20µs note3note4Unidirectional Mark.Bidirectional Mark.µA V V mA V A V A 10-4/°C pF SMCJ5.0A-TR FUA SMCJ5.0CA-TR FBA 800 5.0 6.4109.217113.4746 5.79500SMCJ6.0A-TR FUB SMCJ6.0CA-TR FBB 800 6.0 6.71010.315213.7730 5.99000SMCJ6.5A-TR FUC SMCJ6.5CA-TR FBC 500 6.57.21011.214014.5690 6.18500SMCJ8.5A-TR FUD SMCJ8.5CA-TR FBD 58.59.4114.410519.55127.37000SMC10A-TR FUF SMCJ10CA-TR FBF 51011.11179221.74617.86000SMCJ12A-TR FUH SMCJ12CA-TR FBH 51213.3119.97925.33948.35250SMCJ13A-TR FUI SMCJ13CA-TR FBI 11314.4121.57327.23688.45000SMCJ15A-TR FUJ SMCJ15CA-TR FBJ 11516.7124.46432.53088.84300SMCJ18A-TR FUL SMCJ18CA-TR FBL 11820129.25339.32549.23700SMCJ20A-TR FUM SMCJ20CA-TR FBM 12022.2132.44842.82349.43500SMCJ22A-TR FUN SMCJ22CA-TR FBN 12224.4135.54448.32079.63200SMCJ24A-TR FUO SMCJ24CA-TR FBO 12426.7138.940502009.63050SMCJ26A-TR FUP SMCJ26CA-TR FBP 12628.9142.13753.51879.72900SMCJ28A-TR FUQ SMCJ28CA-TR FBQ 12831.1145.434591699.82700SMCJ30A-TR FUR SMCJ30CA-TR FBR 13033.3148.43264.31569.92500SMCJ33A-TR FUS SMCJ33CA-TR FBS 13336.7153.32969.714310.02400SMCJ40A-TR FUU SMCJ40CA-TR FBU 14044.4164.5248411910.12050SMCJ48A-TR FUW SMCJ48CA-TR FBW 14853.3177.42010010010.31800SMCJ58A-TR FUZ SMCJ58CA-TR FBZ 15864.4193.6161218310.41550SMCJ60A-TR GUA SMCJ60CA-TR GBA 16066.5196.615.71258110.51520SMCJ70A-TR GUB SMCJ70CA-TR GBB 17077.8111313.91466910.51350SMCJ85A-TR GUE SMCJ85CA-TR GBE 18594.4113711.51785610.61150SMCJ100A-TR GUG SMCJ100CA-TR GBG 110011111629.72124710.71000SMCJ130A-TR GUI SMCJ130CA-TR GBI 113014412097.52653810.8850SMCJ154A-TR GUL SMCJ154CA-TR GBL 11541711246 6.131731.510.8725SMCJ170A-TR GUM SMCJ170CA-TR GBM 11701891275 5.73532810.8675SMCJ188A-TRGUNSMCJ188CA-TR GBN 11882091328 4.63882610.8625Note 2 : Pulse test : t p < 50 ms.Note 3 : ∆V BR = αT * (T amb - 25) * V BR (25°C).Note 4 : V R = 0 V, F = 1 MHz. For bidirectional types,capacitance value is divided by 2.10s1000s%I PP 50tPULSE WAVEFORM 10/1000s100SMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR2/5ORDER CODEBIDIRECTIONALNo suffix : UnidirectionalSURFACE MOUNTSTAND OFF VOLTAGE1500 WATTSSM C J 85 C A - TRTAPE & REEL 02550751001251501750. initial(°C)Ppp[Tj initial]/Ppp[Tj initial=25°C]Fig. 1: Peak power dissipation versus initial junc-tion temperature. 3: Peak pulse power versus exponential pulse duration (Tj initial=25°C).025507510012515012345678Tamb(°C)P(W)Rth(j-a)=Rth(j-l)Rth(j-a)=75°C/W Fig. 2: Continous power dissipation versus initial junction temperature.11010010001E-11E+01E+11E+21E+3Vcl(V)Ipp(A)tp=20µstp=1msSMCJ5.0A,CASMCJ58A,CASMCJ33A,CASMCJ18A,CASMCJ8.5A,CASMCJ130A,CASMCJ188A,CAFig. 4: Clamping voltage versus peak pulse cur-rent (Tj initial=25°C).Exponential waveform tp=20µs & tp=1ms.SMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR3/51101002000.010.101.0010.00VR(V)C(nF)F=1MHzSMCJ5.0ASMCJ188ASMCJ58ASMCJ33ASMCJ18AFig. 5-1: Capacitance versus reverse applied volt-age (typical values) (SMCJxxA serie).0.51.0 1.52.0 2.53.0°CTj=125°CFig. 6: Peak forward voltage drop versus peak for-ward current (typical values).12345405060708090100S(cm²)Rth(j-a) (°C/W)Fig. 8: Thermal resistance junction to ambient ver-sus copper surface under each lead (Printed circuit board FR4, e(Cu)=35µm)1101002000.010.101.0010.00VR(V)C(nF)F=1MHzSMCJ5.0CASMCJ188CASMCJ58CASMCJ33CASMCJ18CAFig. 5-2: Capacitance versus reverse applied volt-age (typical values) (SMCJxxCA serie).1E-21E-11E+01E+11E+25E+ 7: Relative variation of thermal impedance junction to ambient versus pulse duration.(Printed circuit board FR4, S(Cu)=1cm 2).02550751001251501E-11E+01E+11E+21E+32E+3Tj(°C)IR[Tj] / IR [Tj=25°C]VBR<8.5VVBR upper or equal to 8.5VFig. 9: Relative variation of leakage current versus junction temperature.SMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR4/5REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Max.Min.Max.A1 1.90 2.450.0750.096A20.050.200.0020.008b2.903.20.1140.126c0.150.410.0060.016E 7.758.150.3050.321E1 6.607.150.2600.281E2 4.40 4.700.1730.185D 5.55 6.250.2180.246L0.751.600.0300.063Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written ap-proval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 1999 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved.STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - MalaysiaMalta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A.Packaging : standard packaging is in tape and reel.PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SMC (Plastic)ECLE2E1DA1A2bMARKING : Logo, Date Code, Type Code, Cathode Band (for unidirectional types only).FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (Millimeter)SMC Plastic.2.0 4.2 2.03.3Weight : 0.25 gSMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR5/5。



SMBJ5.0(C)A - SMBJ440(C)A600W Surface Mount Transient Voltage SuppressorFeatures600W Peak Pulse Power Dissipation5.0V - 440V Standoff VoltagesGlass Passivated Die ConstructionUni- and Bi-Directional Versions AvailableExcellent Clamping CapabilityFast Response TimePlastic Material - UL FlammabilityClassification Rating 94V-0Mechanical DataCase: SMB, Transfer Molded EpoxyTerminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202,Method 208Polarity Indicator: Cathode Band(Note: Bi-directional devices have no polarityindicator.)Marking: Date Code and Marking CodeSee Page 2Weight: 0.1 grams (approx.)MAXIMUM RATINGSRating at T a = 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.DO-214AA (SMB)0.083(2.11) 0.155(3.94) 0.075(1.91) 0.130(3.30)0.185(4.70)0.160(4.06)0.012(0.31)0.006(0.15) 0.096(2.44)0.083(2.13)0.050(1.27) 0.008(0.203)0.030(0.76) MAX.0.220(5.59)0.200(5.08)Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)Rating Symbol Value Units Peak Pulse Power Dissipation on 10/1000μs (1)waveform (Notes 1, 2, Fig. 3) P PPM Minimum 600 Watts Peak Pulse Current on 10/1000μswaveform (Note 1, Fig. 5) I PPM See T able Amps Peak forward Surge Current8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed onrated load ( JEDEC Method )(Notes 2, 3)Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 50A V FM See Note 3, 4 Volts Operating Junction and Storage T emperature Range T J, T STG - 65 to + 150 CNote :(1) Non-repetitive Current pulse, per Fig. 5 and derated above Ta = 25 C per Fig. 1(2) Mounted on 5.0mm2 (0.013mm thick) land areas.(3) Measured on 8.3ms. Single half sine-wave or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.SMBJ15ATYPE MarkingReverse BreakdownStand-Off VoltageVoltage Min. @I TBreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ5.0 SMBJ5.0C KD AD 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 62.5 800.0 SMBJ5.0A SMBJ5.0CA KE AE 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 65.2 800.0 SMBJ6.0 SMBJ6.0C KF AF 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 52.6 800.0 SMBJ6.0A SMBJ6.0CA KG AG 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 58.3 800.0 SMBJ6.5 SMBJ6.5C KH AH 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 48.8 500.0 SMBJ6.5A SMBJ6.5CA KK AK 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 53.6 500.0 SMBJ7.0 SMBJ7.0C KL AL 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 45.1 200.0 SMBJ7.0A SMBJ7.0CA KM AM 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 50.0 200.0 SMBJ7.5 SMBJ7.5C KN AN 7.5 8.33 10.67 1.0 14.3 42.0 100.0 SMBJ7.5A SMBJ7.5CA KP AP 7.5 8.33 9.58 1.0 12.9 46.5 100.0 SMBJ8.0 SMBJ8.0C KQ AQ 8.0 8.89 11.3 1.0 15.0 40.0 50.0 SMBJ8.0A SMBJ8.0CA KR AR 8.0 8.89 10.23 1.0 13.6 44.1 50.0 SMBJ8.5 SMBJ8.5C KS AS 8.5 9.44 11.92 1.0 15.9 37.7 20.0 SMBJ8.5A SMBJ8.5CA KT AT 8.5 9.44 10.82 1.0 14.4 41.7 20.0 SMBJ9.0 SMBJ9.0C KU AU 9.0 10.0 12.6 1.0 16.9 35.5 10.0 SMBJ9.0A SMBJ9.0CA KV AV 9.0 10.0 11.5 1.0 15.4 39.0 10.0 SMBJ10 SMBJ10C KW AW 10 11.1 14.1 1.0 18.8 31.9 5.0 SMBJ10A SMBJ10CA KX AX 10 11.1 12.8 1.0 17.0 35.3 5.0 SMBJ11 SMBJ11C KY AY 11 12.2 15.4 1.0 20.1 29.9 5.0 SMBJ11A SMBJ11CA KZ AZ 11 12.2 14.0 1.0 18.2 33.0 5.0 SMBJ12 SMBJ12C LD BD 12 13.3 16.9 1.0 22.0 27.3 5.0 SMBJ12A SMBJ12CA LE BE 12 13.3 15.3 1.0 19.9 30.2 5.0 SMBJ13 SMBJ13C LF BF 13 14.4 18.2 1.0 23.8 25.2 5.0 SMBJ13A SMBJ13CA LG BG 13 14.4 16.5 1.0 21.5 27.9 5.0 SMBJ14 SMBJ14C LH BH 14 15.6 19.8 1.0 25.8 23.3 5.0 SMBJ14A SMBJ14CA LK BK 14 15.6 17.9 1.0 23.2 25.9 5.0 SMBJ15 SMBJ15C LL BL 15 16.7 21.1 1.0 26.9 22.3 5.0 SMBJ15A SMBJ15CA LM BM 15 16.7 19.2 1.0 24.4 24.6 5.0 SMBJ16 SMBJ16C LN BN 16 17.8 22.6 1.0 28.8 20.8 5.0 SMBJ16A SMBJ16CA LP BP 16 17.8 20.5 1.0 26.0 23.1 5.0 SMBJ17 SMBJ17C LQ BQ 17 18.9 23.9 1.0 30.5 19.7 5.0 SMBJ17A SMBJ17CA LR BR 17 18.9 21.7 1.0 27.6 21.7 5.0 SMBJ18 SMBJ18C LS BS 18 20.0 25.3 1.0 32.2 18.6 5.0 SMBJ18A SMBJ18CA LT BT 18 20.0 23.3 1.0 29.2 20.5 5.0 SMBJ20 SMBJ20C LU BU 20 22.2 28.1 1.0 35.8 16.8 5.0 SMBJ20A SMBJ20CA LV BV 20 22.2 25.5 1.0 32.4 18.5 5.0 SMBJ22 SMBJ22C LW BW 22 24.4 30.9 1.0 39.4 15.2 5.0 SMBJ22A SMBJ22CA LX BX 22 24.4 28.0 1.0 35.5 16.9 5.0 SMBJ24 SMBJ24C LY BY 24 26.7 33.8 1.0 43.0 14.0 5.0 SMBJ24A SMBJ24CA LZ BZ 24 26.7 30.7 1.0 38.9 15.4 5.0 SMBJ26 SMBJ26C MD CD 26 28.9 36.6 1.0 46.6 12.9 5.0 SMBJ26A SMBJ26CA ME CE 26 28.9 33.2 1.0 42.1 14.3 5.0 SMBJ28 SMBJ28C MF CF 28 31.1 39.4 1.0 50.0 12.0 5.0 SMBJ28A SMBJ28CA MG CG 28 31.1 35.8 1.0 45.4 13.2 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V BR measured after I T applied for 300 s., I T = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V WM) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.SMBJ15AReverse Breakdown Breakdown Maximum Peak Reverse TYPE Marking Stand-Off Voltage Voltage Test Clamping Pulse LeakageVoltage Min. @I T Max. @ I T Current Voltage @I PP Current @V RMW (Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ30 SMBJ30C MH CH 30 33.3 42.2 1.0 53.5 11.2 5.0 SMBJ30A SMBJ30CA MK CK 30 33.3 38.3 1.0 48.4 12.4 5.0 SMBJ33 SMBJ33C ML CL 33 36.7 46.5 1.0 59.0 10.2 5.0 SMBJ33A SMBJ33CA MM CM 33 36.7 42.2 1.0 53.3 11.3 5.0 SMBJ36 SMBJ36C MN CN 36 40.0 50.7 1.0 64.3 9.3 5.0 SMBJ36A SMBJ36CA MP CP 36 40.0 46.0 1.0 58.1 10.3 5.0 SMBJ40 SMBJ40C MQ CQ 40 44.4 56.3 1.0 71.4 8.4 5.0 SMBJ40A SMBJ40CA MR CR 40 44.4 51.1 1.0 64.5 9.3 5.0 SMBJ43A SMBJ43CA MT CT 43 47.8 54.9 1.0 69.4 8.6 5.0 SMBJ45 SMBJ45C MU CU 45 50.0 63.3 1.0 80.3 7.5 5.0 SMBJ45A SMBJ45CA MV CV 45 50.0 57.5 1.0 72.7 8.3 5.0 SMBJ48 SMBJ48C MW CW 48 53.3 67.5 1.0 85.5 7.0 5.0 SMBJ48A SMBJ48CA MX CX 48 53.3 61.3 1.0 77.4 7.8 5.0 SMBJ51 SMBJ51C MY CY 51 56.7 71.8 1.0 91.1 6.6 5.0 SMBJ51A SMBJ51CA MZ CZ 51 56.7 65.2 1.0 82.4 7.3 5.0 SMBJ54 SMBJ54C ND DD 54 60.0 76.0 1.0 96.3 6.2 5.0 SMBJ54A SMBJ54CA NE DE 54 60.0 69.0 1.0 87.1 6.9 5.0 SMBJ58 SMBJ58C NF DF 58 64.4 81.6 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ58A SMBJ58CA NG DG 58 64.4 74.1 1.0 93.6 6.4 5.0 SMBJ60 SMBJ60C NH DH 60 66.7 84.5 1.0 107 5.6 5.0 SMBJ60A SMBJ60CA NK DK 60 66.7 76.7 1.0 96.8 6.2 5.0 SMBJ64 SMBJ64C NL DL 64 71.1 90.1 1.0 114 5.3 5.0 SMBJ64A SMBJ64CA NM DM 64 71.1 81.8 1.0 103 5.8 5.0 SMBJ70 SMBJ70C NN DN 70 77.8 98.6 1.0 125 4.8 5.0 SMBJ70A SMBJ70CA NP DP 70 77.8 89.5 1.0 113 5.3 5.0 SMBJ75 SMBJ75C NQ DQ 75 83.0 105.7 1.0 134 4.5 5.0 SMBJ75A SMBJ75CA NR DR 75 83.0 95.8 1.0 121 5.0 5.0 SMBJ90 SMBJ90C NW DW 90 100 126.5 1.0 160 3.8 5.0 SMBJ90A SMBJ90CA NX DX 90 100 115.5 1.0 146 4.1 5.0 SMBJ100 SMBJ100C NY DY 100 111 141.0 1.0 179 3.4 5.0 SMBJ100A SMBJ100CA NZ DZ 100 111 128.0 1.0 162 3.7 5.0 SMBJ110 SMBJ110C PD ED 110 122 154.5 1.0 196 3.1 5.0 SMBJ110A SMBJ110CA PE EE 100 122 140.5 1.0 177 3.4 5.0 SMBJ120 SMBJ120C PF EF 120 133 169.0 1.0 214 2.8 5.0 SMBJ120A SMBJ120CA PG EG 120 133 153.0 1.0 193 3.1 5.0 SMBJ130 SMBJ130C PH EH 130 144 182.5 1.0 231 2.6 5.0 SMBJ130A SMBJ130CA PK EK 130 144 165.5 1.0 209 2.9 5.0 SMBJ150 SMBJ150C PL EL 150 167 211.5 1.0 268 2.2 5.0 SMBJ150A SMBJ150CA PM EM 150 167 192.5 1.0 243 2.5 5.0 SMBJ160 SMBJ160C PN EN 160 178 226.0 1.0 287 2.1 5.0 SMBJ160A SMBJ160CA PP EP 160 178 205.0 1.0 259 2.3 5.0 Note:( 1 ) V BR measured after I T applied for 300 s., I T = square wave pulse or equivalent. ( 2 )Surge Current Waveform per Figure 5 and Derate per Figure 1( 3 ) A Transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse " Stand-off Voltage " (V WM) which should beequal to or greater then the D.C. or continuous peak operating voltage level.SMBJ15ATYPE MarkingReverse BreakdownStand-Off VoltageVoltage Min. @I TBreakdownVoltage TestMax. @ I T CurrentMaximumClampingVoltage@I PPPeak ReversePulse LeakageCurrent @V RMW(Uni) (BI) (Uni) (Bi) V RMW (V) V BR MIN(V) V BR MAX(V) I T (mA) V C(V) I PP(A) I R(uA) SMBJ170 SMBJ170C PQ EQ 170 189 239.5 1.0 304 2.0 5.0 SMBJ170A SMBJ170CA PR ER 170 189 217.5 1.0 275 2.2 5.0 SMBJ180 SMBJ180C PS ES 180 200 253.8 1.0 321 1.9 5.0 SMBJ180A SMBJ180CA PT ET 180 200 230.4 1.0 290 2.1 5.0 SMBJ190 SMBJ190C PU EU 190 211 267.9 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ190A SMBJ190CA PV EV 190 211 243.2 1.0 306 2.0 5.0 SMBJ200 SMBJ200C PW EW 200 222 282.0 1.0 356 1.7 5.0 SMBJ200A SMBJ200CA PX EX 200 222 256.0 1.0 322 1.9 5.0 SMBJ210 SMBJ210C PY EY 210 233 296.1 1.0 375 1.6 5.0 SMBJ210A SMBJ210CA PZ EZ 210 233 268.8 1.0 339 1.8 5.0 SMBJ220 SMBJ220C QD FD 220 244 310.2 1.0 392 1.5 5.0 SMBJ220A SMBJ220CA QE FE 220 244 281.6 1.0 355 1.7 5.0 SMBJ250 SMBJ250C QF FF 250 278 342.5 1.0 447 1.3 5.0 SMBJ250A SMBJ250CA QG FG 250 278 309.0 1.0 403 1.5 5.0 SMBJ300 SMBJ300C QH FH 300 333 411.0 1.0 535 1.1 5.0 SMBJ300A SMBJ300CA QK FK 300 333 371.0 1.0 484 1.2 5.0 SMBJ350 SMBJ350C QL FL 350 389 479.5 1.0 624 1.0 5.0 SMBJ350A SMBJ350CA QM FM 350 389 432.0 1.0 565 1.1 5.0 SMBJ400 SMBJ400C QN FN 400 444 548.0 1.0 687 0.9 5.0 SMBJ400A SMBJ400CA QP FP 400 444 494.0 1.0 645 0.9 5.0 SMBJ440 SMBJ440C QQ FQ 440 489 602.8 1.0 786 0.8 5.0 SMBJ440A SMBJ440CA QR FR 440 489 543.0 1.0 710 0.8 5.0SMBJ15ARatings and Characteristic Curves T A =25癈 unless otherwise notedSMBJ15A。



SMBJ5V0(C)A - SMBJ170(C)ADISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY , FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORTDEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices orsystems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant intothe body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whosefailure to perform when properly used in accordancewith instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationPreliminaryNo Identification Needed Obsolete This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.This datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.Formative or In Design First ProductionFull ProductionNot In ProductionImpliedDisconnect ISOPLANARLittleFETMicroFETMicroPakMICROWIREMSXMSXProOCXOCXProOPTOLOGIC âOPTOPLANARFACT FACT Quiet Series FAST âFASTr FRFET GlobalOptoisolator GTO HiSeCI 2CRev. I2ACEx ActiveArray Bottomless CoolFET CROSSVOLT DOME EcoSPARK E 2CMOS TM EnSigna TMPACMANPOP Power247 PowerTrench âQFET QS QT Optoelectronics Quiet Series RapidConfigure RapidConnect SILENT SWITCHER âSMART START SPMStealthSuperSOT -3SuperSOT -6SuperSOT -8SyncFET TinyLogic âTruTranslation UHC UltraFET âVCXAcross the board. Around the world. The Power FranchiseProgrammable Active Droop。



11、典型的最大温度系数△Vbr=0.1%x Vbr@25°C x△T
16、晶须测试是基于JEDEC JESD201A每个表4a及4c进行的




P6SMB11CAT3 Series600 Watt Peak Power Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors Bidirectional*The SMB series is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high energy transients. They have excellent clamping capability, high surge capability, low zener impedance and fast response time. The SMB series is supplied in ON Semiconductor’s exclusive, cost-effective, highly reliable Surmetic t package and is ideally suited for use in communication systems, automotive, numerical controls, process controls, medical equipment, business machines, power supplies and many other industrial/consumer applications.Features•Working Peak Reverse V oltage Range − 9.4 to 77.8 V •Standard Zener Breakdown V oltage Range − 11 to 91 V •Peak Power − 600 W @ 1 ms•ESD Rating of Class 3 (>16 KV) per Human Body Model •Maximum Clamp V oltage @ Peak Pulse Current•Low Leakage < 5 m A Above 10 V•UL 497B for Isolated Loop Circuit Protection •Response Time is Typically < 1 ns•Pb−Free Packages are AvailableMechanical Characteristics:CASE:V oid-Free, Transfer-Molded, Thermosetting Plastic FINISH:All External Surfaces are Corrosion Resistant and Leads are Readily SolderableMAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 260°C for 10 SecondsLEADS:Modified L−Bend Providing More Contact Area to Bond Pads POLARITY:Polarity Band Will Not be IndicatedMOUNTING POSITION:AnyMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit Peak Power Dissipation (Note 1) @ T L = 25°C,Pulse Width = 1 msP PK600WDC Power Dissipation @ T L = 75°C Measured Zero Lead Length (Note 2) Derate Above 75°CThermal Resistance, Junction−to−LeadP DR q JL3.04025WmW/°C°C/WDC Power Dissipation (Note 3) @ T A = 25°C Derate Above 25°CThermal Resistance, Junction−to−AmbientP DR q JA0.554.4226WmW/°C°C/WOperating and Storage Temperature Range T J, Tstg−65 to+150°CStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.1.10 X 1000 m s, non−repetitive2.1″ square copper pad, FR−4 board3.FR−4 board, using ON Semiconductor minimum recommended footprint, asshown in 403A case outline dimensions spec.*Please see P6SMB6.8AT3 to P6SMB200AT3 for Unidirectional devices.Devices listed in bold, italic are ON Semiconductor Preferred devices. Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value.Device Package Shipping†ORDERING INFORMATIONP6SMBxxCAT3SMB2500/T ape & ReelP6SMBxxCAT3G SMB(Pb−Free)2500/T ape & Reel†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our T ape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.The “T3” suffix refers to a 13 inch reel.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Symbol ParameterI PP Maximum Reverse Peak Pulse CurrentV C Clamping Voltage @ I PPV RWM Working Peak Reverse VoltageI R Maximum Reverse Leakage Current @ V RWMV BR Breakdown Voltage @ I TI T Test CurrentQ V BR Maximum Temperature Coefficient of V BRELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Devices listed in bold, italic are ON Semiconductor Preferred devices.)Device*DeviceMarkingV RWM(Note 4)I R@V RWMBreakdown Voltage V C @ I PP(Note 6)Q V BRC typ(Note 7)V BR Volts (Note 5)@ I T V C I PPVolts m A Min Nom Max mA Volts Amps%/°C pFP6SMB11CAT3, G P6SMB12CAT3, G P6SMB13CAT3, G 11C12C13C9.410.211.155510.511.412.411.051213.0511.612.613.711115.616.718.23836330.0750.0780.081865800740P6SMB15CAT3, G P6SMB16CAT3, G P6SMB18CAT3, G P6SMB20CAT3, G 15C16C18C20C12.813.615.317.1555514.315.217.11915.0516182015.816.818.921111121.222.525.227.7282724220.0840.0860.0880.09645610545490P6SMB22CAT3, G P6SMB24CAT3, G P6SMB27CAT3, G P6SMB30CAT3, G 22C24C27C30C18.820.523.125.6555520.922.825.728.5222427.053023.125.228.431.5111130.633.237.541.420181614.40.090.0940.0960.097450415370335P6SMB33CAT3, G P6SMB36CAT3, G P6SMB39CAT3, G P6SMB43CAT3, G 33C36C39C43C28.230.833.336.8555531.434.237.140.933.053639.0543.0534.737.84145.2111145.749.953.959.313.21211.210.10.0980.0990.10.101305280260240P6SMB47CAT3, G P6SMB51CAT3, G P6SMB56CAT3, G P6SMB62CAT3, G 47C51C56C62C40.243.647.853555544.748.553.258.947.0551.05566249.453.658.865.1111164.870.177859., G P6SMB75CAT3, G P6SMB82CAT3, G P6SMB91CAT3, G 68C75C82C91C58. A transient suppressor is normally selected according to the working peak reverse voltage (V RWM), which should be equal to or greater thanthe DC or continuous peak operating voltage level.5.V BR measured at pulse test current I T at an ambient temperature of 25°C.6.Surge current waveform per Figure 2 and derate per Figure 3 of the General Data − 600 Watt at the beginning of this group.7.Bias Voltage = 0 V, F = 1 MHz, T J = 25°C*The “G’’ suffix indicates Pb−Free package available. Please refer back to Ordering Information on front page.P , P E A K P O W E R (k W )P 1101000.1t, TIME (ms)Figure 2. Pulse WaveformTYPICAL PROTECTION CIRCUITFigure 3. Pulse Derating CurveP E A K P U L S E D E R A T I N G I N % O F P E A K P O W E R O R C U R R E N T @ T A = 25C°T A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 4. Typical Junction Capacitance vs. BiasVoltageBIAS VOLTAGE (VOLTS)110100C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )APPLICATION NOTESRESPONSE TIMEIn most applications, the transient suppressor device is placed in parallel with the equipment or component to be protected. In this situation, there is a time delay associated with the capacitance of the device and an overshoot condition associated with the inductance of the device and the inductance of the connection method. The capacitive effect is of minor importance in the parallel protection scheme because it only produces a time delay in the transition from the operating voltage to the clamp voltage as shown in Figure 4.The inductive effects in the device are due to actual turn-on time (time required for the device to go from zero current to full current) and lead inductance. This inductive effect produces an overshoot in the voltage across the equipment or component being protected as shown in Figure 5. Minimizing this overshoot is very important in the application, since the main purpose for adding a transient suppressor is to clamp voltage spikes. The SMB series have a very good response time, typically < 1 ns and negligible inductance. However, external inductive effects could produce unacceptable overshoot. Proper circuit layout, minimum lead lengths and placing the suppressor device as close as possible to the equipment or components to be protected will minimize this overshoot. Some input impedance represented by Z in is essential to prevent overstress of the protection device. This impedance should be as high as possible, without restricting the circuit operation.DUTY CYCLE DERATINGThe data of Figure 1 applies for non-repetitive conditions and at a lead temperature of 25°C. If the duty cycle increases, the peak power must be reduced as indicated by the curves of Figure 6. A verage power must be derated as the lead or ambient temperature rises above 25°C. The average power derating curve normally given on data sheets may be normalized and used for this purpose.At first glance the derating curves of Figure 6 appear to be in error as the 10 ms pulse has a higher derating factor than the 10 m s pulse. However, when the derating factor for a given pulse of Figure 6 is multiplied by the peak power value of Figure 1 for the same pulse, the results follow the expected trend.VFigure 5. Figure 6.Figure 7. Typical Derating Factor for Duty CycleD E R A T I N GF A C T O R10., DUTY CYCLE (%)UL RECOGNITIONThe entire series has Underwriters Laboratory Recognition for the classification of protectors (QVGV2)under the UL standard for safety 497B and File #116110.Many competitors only have one or two devices recognized or have recognition in a non-protective category. Some competitors have no recognition at all. With the UL497B recognition, our parts successfully passed several testsincluding Strike V oltage Breakdown test, Endurance Conditioning, Temperature test, Dielectric V oltage-Withstand test, Discharge test and several more.Whereas, some competitors have only passed a flammability test for the package material, we have been recognized for much more to be included in their Protector category.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSMBDO−214AACASE 403A−03ISSUE F*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering andMounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SURMETIC is a trademark of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC.ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。

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SMBJ5.0A-TR,CA-TR SMBJ188A-TR,CA-TRTRANSIL TM®PEAK PULSE POWER :600W (10/1000µs)STAND OFF VOLTAGE RANGE :From 5V to 188V.UNI AND BIDIRECTIONAL TYPES LOW CLAMPING FACTOR FAST RESPONSE TIMEJEDEC REGISTERED PACKAGE OUTLINE FEATURESSMB(JEDEC DO-214AA)Symbol ParameterValue Unit P PP Peak pulse power dissipation (see note 1)Tj initial =T amb 600W P Power dissipation on infinite heatsink T amb =50°C 5W I FSM Non repetitive surge peak forward current for unidirectional types tp =10msTj initial =T amb100A T stg T j Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature-65to +175150°C °C T LMaximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s.260°CNote 1:For a surge greater than the maximum values,the diode will fail in short-circuit.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb =25°C)DESCRIPTIONThe SMBJ series are TRANSIL TM diodesdesigned specifically for protecting sensitive equipment against transient overvoltages.Transil diodes provide high overvoltage protection by clamping action.Their instantaneous response to transient overvoltages makes them particularly suited to protect voltage sensitive devices such as MOS Technology and low voltage supplied IC’s.January 1998Ed:3Symbol ParameterValue Unit R th (j-l)Junction to leads20°C/W R th (j-a)Junction to ambient on printedcircuit on recommendedpad layout100°C/WTHERMAL RESISTANCES 1/6II F V F V CLV BRV RMI PPI RMVSymbol ParameterV RM Stand-off voltage V BR Breakdown voltage V CL Clamping voltage I RM Leakage current @V RM I PPPeak pulse currentαTVoltage temperature coefficient V FForward voltage dropELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb =25°C)TypesI RM @V RM V BR @I RV CL @I PPV CL @I PP αT C max.min.max.max.max.typ.note210/1000µs 8/20µs note3note4Unidirectional Mark.Bidirectional Mark.µA V V mA V A V A 10-4/°C pF SMBJ5.0A-TR BUZ SMBJ5.0CA-TR BBZ 800 5.0 6.4109.26813.4298 5.74000SMBJ6.0A-TR BUA SMBJ6.0CA-TR BBA 800 6.0 6.71010.36113.7290 5.93850SMBJ6.5A-TR BUB SMBJ6.5CA-TR BBB 500 6.57.21011.25614.5276 6.13700SMBJ8.5A-TR BUC SMBJ8.5CA-TR BBC 58.59.4114.441.719.52057.32800SMBJ10A-TR BUD SMBJ10CA-TR BBD 51011.11173721.71847.82300SMBJ12A-TR BUE SMBJ12CA-TR BBE 51213.3119.93125.31578.32025SMBJ13A-TR BUF SMBJ13AC-TR BBF 11314.4121.52927.21478.41900SMBJ15A-TR BUG SMBJ15CA-TR BBG 11516.7124.425.132.51238.81600SMBJ18A-TR BUH SMBJ18CA-TR BBH 11820129.221.539.31029.21350SMBJ20A-TR BUI SMBJ20CA-TR BBI 12022.2132.419.442.8939.41250SMBJ22A-TR BVA SMBJ22CA-TR CBH 12224.4135.517.748.3839.61150SMBJ24A-TR BUJ SMBJ24CA-TR BBJ 12426.7138.91650809.61112SMBJ26A-TR BUK SMBJ26CA-TR BBK 12628.9142.114.953.5759.71075SMBJ28A-TR BUL SMBJ28CA-TR BBL 12831.1145.413.859689.81000SMBJ30A-TR BUM SMBJ30CA-TR BBM 13033.3148.41364.3629.9950SMBJ33A-TR BUN SMBJ33CA-TR BBN 13336.7153.311.869.75710.0900SMBJ40A-TR CUJ SMBJ40CA-TR CBJ 14044.4164.59.7844810.1800SMBJ48A-TR BUW SMBJ48CA-TR BBW 14853.3177.48.11004010.3700SMBJ58A-TR BUO SMBJ58CA-TR BBO 15864.4193.6 6.71213310.4625SMBJ70A-TR CUM SMBJ70CA-TR CBM 17077.81113 5.51462710.5550SMBJ85A-TR BUQ SMBJ85CA-TR BBQ 18594.41137 4.617822.510.6500SMBJ100A-TR CUQ SMBJ100CA-TR CBQ 11001111162 3.82121910.7450SMBJ130A-TR BUS SMBJ130CA-TR BBS 1130144120932651510.8400SMBJ154A-TR BUT SMBJ154CA-TR BBT 11541711246 2.431712.610.8360SMBJ170A-TR BUU SMBJ170CA-TR BBU 11701891275 2.235311.310.8350SMBJ188A-TRBUV SMBJ188CA-TR BBV 11882091328238810.310.8330Note 2:Pulse test :t p <50ms.Note 3:∆V BR =αT *(T amb -25)*V BR (25°C).Note 4:V R =0V,F =1MHz.For bidirectional types,capacitance value is divided by 2.10s1000s%I PP 50tPULSE WAVEFORM 10/1000s100SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR2/6SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR Fig.1:Peak pulse power dissipation versus initialjunction temperature(printed circuit board).Fig.2:Peak pulse power versus exponentialpulse duration.3/6SMBJ188A SMBJ130A SMBJ58A SMBJ33A SMBJ18ASMBJ8.5A SMBJ5.0AFig.3:Clamping voltage versus peak pulse current.Exponentialwaveform t p =20µs ________t p =1ms -------------t p =10ms ...............Note :The curves of the figure 3are specified for a junction temperature of 25°C before surge.The given results may be extrapolated for other junction temperaturesby using the following formula :∆V BR = αT *[T amb -25]*V BR (25°C)For intermediate voltages,extrapolate the given results.C (pF)11010010100100010000S M B J 5.0A13A58A 188A V (V)R F=1MHz500S M B J S M B J S M B J S M B J 26A Tj =25°C Fig.4b :Capacitance versus reverse applied voltage for bidirectional types (typical values).C (pF)110100101001000100005.0A13A26A58A188AV (V)R Tj =25°C F=1MHz500S M B J S M B J S M B J S M B J S M B J Fig.4a :Capacitance versus reverse applied voltage for unidirectional types (typical values).SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR4/6Fig.6:Transient thermal impedance junction-ambient versus pulse duration.Mounting on FR4PC Board with Recommended pad layout.Fig.5:Peak forward voltage drop versus peak forward current (typical values for unidirectional types).Fig.7:Relative variation of leakage current versus junction temperature.ORDER CODEBIDIRECTIONALNo suffix :UnidirectionalSURFACE MOUNTSTAND OFF VOLTAGE600WATTSSM BJ 85C A -TRTAPE &REEL SMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR5/6REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A1 1.90 2.15 2.450.0750.0850.096A20. 1.95 2.200.0770.087c 0.150.410.0060.016E 5.10 5.40 5.600.2010.2130.220E1 4.05 4.30 4.600.1590.1690.181D 3.30 3.60 3.950.1300.1420.156L0.751.151.600.0300.0450.063Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in lifesupport devices or systems withoutexpress written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.©1998SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics -Printed in Italy -All rights reserved.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia -Brazil -Canada -China -France -Germany -Italy -Japan -Korea -Malaysia -Malta -Morocco The Netherlands -Singapore -Spain -Sweden -Switzerland -Taiwan -Thailand -United Kingdom -U.S.A.Packaging :standard packaging is in tape and reel.PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SMB (Plastic)DEE1cA1A2bLMARKING :Logo,Date Code,Type Code,Cathode Band (for unidirectional types only).FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (Millimeter)SMD Plastic.1.522.75 2.31.52Weight :0.12gSMBJxxxA-TR,CA-TR6/6。
