Let Lbea1-sortedstructure.
built-in method sort of list object -回复
built-in method sort of list object -回复【内置方法sort()的用法和作用】引言:在Python中,列表(List)是一种常用的数据结构,它可以存储多个数据,并且支持多种操作。
sort()方法的语法如下:list.sort(key=None, reverse=False)其中,key是一个可选的参数,用于指定排序的依据。
1. 使用sort()进行默认排序如果列表中的元素是数字或字符串,可以直接使用sort()方法进行默认排序。
示例代码1:numbers = [5, 2, 8, 1, 9]numbers.sort()print(numbers)运行结果1:[1, 2, 5, 8, 9]示例代码2:names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Cathy", "David"]names.sort()print(names)运行结果2:['Alice', 'Bob', 'Cathy', 'David']2. 使用sort()进行自定义排序如果列表中的元素不是数字或字符串,或者想要按照自定义的排序规则进行排序,可以通过传递一个key函数给sort()方法来实现。
structure的常用短语:用作动词 (v.)structure for (v.+prep.)为…组织structure的用法例句:1. The theatre is a futuristic steel and glass structure.这家剧院是钢筋和玻璃结构的未来派建筑。
2. Torn muscles retract, and lose strength, structure, and tightness.撕裂的肌肉会收缩,丧失原来的力量、结构和紧实度。
3. My grumble is with the structure and organisation of the material.我所不满的是素材的结构和组织。
4. The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。
5. The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual.这个特殊分子的化学结构很不寻常。
6. The Congress voted down a motion to change the union's structure.国会投票否决了改变工会结构的动议。
7. Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure.通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。
TrБайду номын сангаасbon M3 Structure基本操作指南
3、在“结构”中新建部件: Structure Part→ New
此菜单下各命令主要用来对“结构”中多个“部件” 进行移动、复制、删除、镜像等操作。
Tribon M3 Structure基本操作指南
六、新建一个Structure: 1、打开新建Structure框: Structure→New 出现
Tribon M3 Structure基本操作指南
Structure主要用于船舶舾装上,包括舾 装模型的建立、更改、材料用量的估算、出 图等。
Tribon M3 Structure基本操作指南
1、在打开Structure之前,需进行工程项的选择。 方法为::开始>程序>Tribon M3>Project Selection
Tribon M3 Structure基本操作指南
2、打开Structure: 开始→程序→Tribon M3 →Outfitting →Structure Modelling
Tribon M3 Structure基本操作指南
sorted中cmp,key的用法举例 -回复
sorted中cmp,key的用法举例-回复sorted() 是Python 中的一个内置函数,它可以用于对序列进行排序。
在sorted() 函数中,可以通过使用cmp 和key 参数来自定义排序的规则。
本文将详细介绍sorted() 函数中的cmp 和key 参数的用法,并通过实例来解释具体的使用方法和场景。
一、sorted() 函数的基础用法sorted() 函数的基础用法非常简单,其语法如下:sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)其中,- iterable:代表一个可迭代的序列,如列表、元组、字符串等。
- key:用于指定排序的规则,即自定义排序的函数。
- reverse:用于设置是否进行逆序排序。
在没有指定key 和reverse 参数时,sorted() 函数会默认按照元素的大小进行升序排序。
下面,我们通过一个示例来说明sorted() 函数:pythonlst = [3, 1, 4, 2, 5]sorted_lst = sorted(lst)print(sorted_lst) # 输出:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]在上述示例中,我们定义了一个包含5 个整数的列表lst,然后通过sorted() 函数对其进行排序,保存结果到变量sorted_lst 中,并最后打印输出。
由于没有指定排序规则和是否逆序排序,sorted() 函数会默认按照升序排列列表元素。
二、使用cmp 参数进行排序在Python 2 中,sorted() 函数允许使用cmp 参数来指定排序规则。
cmp 参数需要传递一个比较函数,该函数接收两个参数,并根据自定义的排序规则返回一个比较结果。
下面,我们通过一个示例来说明cmp 参数的使用方法:pythondef compare_length(str1, str2):if len(str1) < len(str2):return -1elif len(str1) > len(str2):return 1else:return 0lst = ['apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'orange']sorted_lst = sorted(lst, cmp=compare_length)print(sorted_lst) # 输出:['pear', 'apple', 'banana', 'orange']在上述示例中,我们定义了一个compare_length() 函数,该函数用于比较两个字符串的长度,根据长度的大小返回不同的比较结果。
函数原型:```cpptemplate <class ForwardIterator>bool is_sorted (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);```参数说明:- ForwardIterator first: 范围的开始位置- ForwardIterator last: 范围的结束位置返回值:- 如果范围[first, last)按升序排序,则返回true;否则返回false。
示例代码:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>int main() {std::vector<int> v {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};if (std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end())) {std::cout << 'The vector is sorted in ascending order.' << std::endl;} else {std::cout << 'The vector is not sorted in ascending order.' << std::endl;}return 0;}```输出结果:```The vector is sorted in ascending order.```注意事项:- is_sorted函数只能用于升序排序,如果需要检查降序排序,则需要使用is_sorted函数的重载版本。
```cpptemplate <class ForwardIterator, class Compare>bool is_sorted (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Compare comp);```其中,Compare是一个可调用对象,用于指定元素的比较方式。
C++ 中 removeat 用法C++ 是一种广泛应用的编程语言,它具有强大的功能和灵活的语法,可以用于开发各种类型的应用程序。
在 C++ 中,removeat 是一个很有用的函数,它可以用来从容器中移除指定位置的元素。
在本文中,我们将深入探讨 C++ 中 removeat 函数的使用方法,以便更好地理解和掌握这个功能。
1. removeat 函数的基本用法在 C++ 中,removeat 函数通常用于移除容器(如向量、链表等)中指定位置的元素。
其基本的使用方式如下:```cppcontainer.erase(container.begin() + index);```其中,container 表示要操作的容器,index 表示要移除元素的位置。
2. 深入了解 removeat 的实现原理在了解 removeat 函数的基本用法之后,我们可以进一步深入了解其实现原理。
实际上,removeat 函数并不是一个单独的函数,而是通过结合 erase 和迭代器来实现的。
具体来说,removeat 的实现原理大致如下:- 通过容器的 begin() 函数获取到容器的起始位置,并利用迭代器进行偏移,找到要移除的元素的位置;- 利用 erase 函数将找到的元素从容器中移除。
通过这种方式,removeat 函数可以实现对容器中指定位置元素的高效移除,从而满足对容器进行动态管理的需求。
3. removeat 的使用技巧和注意事项在使用 removeat 函数时,我们需要注意一些技巧和注意事项,以确保其正确性和高效性。
具体来说,以下是一些使用 removeat 函数的技巧和注意事项:- 在使用 removeat 函数时,应该确保指定的位置是有效的,即不越界,否则可能会出现错误。
- 在移除元素后,应该及时更新容器的大小和相关的索引信息,以确保容器的一致性和正确性。
sortable 原理
sortable 原理Sortable 原理解析1. 什么是 Sortable•Sortable 是一款可以实现拖拽排序的 JavaScript 库。
2. 基本原理•Sortable 的基本原理是利用 HTML5 的 Drag and Drop (拖拽和放置) API。
•拖拽元素其实是一个 DOM 元素,当你触发拖拽事件时,它会创建一个相同的拖拽投影(dragging projection)来跟随鼠标移动。
•在 Sortable 库中,使用了draggable属性来启用元素的可拖拽功能,并通过 JavaScript 来实现拖拽投影的创建和位置更新,以及排序操作的处理。
引入 Sortable•首先,在 HTML 文件中引入 Sortable 库的 JavaScript 文件,如:<script src=""></script>HTML 结构•在需要进行拖拽排序的容器内,按照一定的 HTML 结构嵌套方式,创建待排序的元素列表。
•一般情况下,这些待排序的元素通常是一个有序列表(<ol>或<ul>标签),如:<ol class="sortable"><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li><li>Item 3</li>...</ol>启用 Sortable•在 JavaScript 文件中,使用如下方式启用 Sortable:(('sortable'));•这样,就可以将指定的容器内的元素变得可拖拽并进行排序了。
自定义排序方式•Sortable 还提供了丰富的选项,可以让你自定义排序的行为。
StopIteration用法简介在P yt ho n中,`St op I te ra ti on`是一个异常类,用于在迭代器(I te ra to r)已经达到最后一个元素时抛出。
当我们使用迭代器遍历一个可迭代对象时,如果没有更多的元素可以返回,就会引发`S to pI te ra ti on`异常。
本文将介绍`S t op It er at io n`的用法以及如何处理这个异常。
迭代器和可迭代对象在深入了解`St op Ite r at io n`之前,我们首先需要了解迭代器和可迭代对象的概念。
-可迭代对象(I te ra b le):实现`__i te r__()`方法的对象,它可以被迭代。
-迭代器(I te ra to r):实现`__i te r__()`和`__n ex t__()`方法的对象,它用于遍历可迭代对象中的元素。
迭代器通过`__ne xt__()`方法返回下一个元素,如果没有元素可返回,则抛出`S to pI te r at io n`异常。
使用StopIt eration当我们使用内置函数`i te r()`获取一个可迭代对象的迭代器时,如果迭代器到达最后一个元素,再次调用`nex t()`方法就会触发`S to pI te ra ti on`异常。
下面是一个简单的例子:n u mb er s=[1,2,3]i t er_n um be rs=i ter(nu mb er s)输出:1输出:2输出:3StopIteration异常处理StopIt eratio n异常在实际的编程中,我们经常需要处理`Sto p It er at io n`异常,以便在到达最后一个元素后执行特定操作。
下面是一些处理该异常的常用方法:方法一:使用t r y e xc e p t语句我们可以使用`t ry-e x ce pt`语句来捕获`S to pI te ra ti on`异常,然后在异常处理块中执行相应的操作。
stopiteration用法 -回复
二、StopIteration的应用场景1. 自定义迭代器自定义迭代器是StopIteration最常见的应用场景。
pythonclass Counter:def __init__(self, max_value):self.max_value = max_valueself.current = 0def __iter__(self):return selfdef __next__(self):if self.current >= self.max_value:raise StopIterationelse:self.current += 1return self.current - 12. 在生成器函数中使用生成器函数是一种特殊的函数,它可以返回一个生成器对象,而不需要显式地创建迭代器类。
stopiteration用法 -回复
stopiteration用法 -回复StopIteration是Python中的一个内置异常类,用于标识迭代器对象已经达到了迭代的末尾。
下面我们将详细介绍StopIteration 的用法及相关要点。
1. for循环迭代pythonnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]for number in numbers:print(number)2. while循环迭代pythonnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]iterator = iter(numbers)while True:try:number = next(iterator)print(number)except StopIteration:break3. 手动调用iter()和next()函数进行迭代pythonnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]iterator = iter(numbers)print(next(iterator))print(next(iterator))print(next(iterator))print(next(iterator))print(next(iterator))二、StopIteration异常的引发时机和处理方式在使用迭代器进行遍历时,当迭代器已经到达可迭代对象的末尾时,再次对其进行迭代操作就会引发StopIteration异常。
built-in method sort of list object -回复
built-in method sort of list object -回复列表对象的sort() 方法是Python内置的一种用于对列表元素进行排序的功能。
它的一般语法为:list.sort(key=None, reverse=False)其中,key 和reverse 均为可选参数。
key 参数用于指定一个自定义的排序规则,reverse 参数用于指定是否按照降序进行排序。
接下来,我们将逐步回答以下问题,以更好地理解sort()方法的内部实现和使用方法:1. 为什么要使用sort() 方法?2. sort() 方法是如何工作的?3. sort() 方法对不同类型的元素如何排序?4. 如何使用key 参数自定义排序规则?5. 如何使用reverse 参数改变排序顺序?6. sort() 方法的时间复杂度是多少?7. sort() 方法的注意事项和使用技巧。
1. 为什么要使用sort() 方法?排序是计算机编程中常见的操作之一。
sort() 方法提供了一种快捷且高效的方式来对列表元素进行排序,使得程序开发者可以轻松地处理各种排序需求。
2. sort() 方法是如何工作的?sort() 方法采用的是一种称为“比较排序”的算法,即通过比较元素的大小来确定它们的相对位置。
具体说,sort() 方法会将列表中的元素两两进行比较,并根据比较结果进行交换,直到整个列表中的元素达到有序状态。
3. sort() 方法对不同类型的元素如何排序?sort() 方法对不同类型的元素使用的排序规则是不同的。
mustache和python中template -回复
mustache和python中template -回复Mustache和Python中的模板引言:在编程中,模板是一种用于生成动态内容的工具。
它由Chris Wanstrath在2010年创建,现已成为许多编程语言的常用模板引擎。
下面是一些常用的Mustache占位符:1. 双大括号({{}}):用于包装变量名。
示例:{{name}}2. 三大括号({{{}}}):用于将变量作为未经转义的HTML输出。
示例:{{{content}}}3. 双大括号和井号({{#}}):表示条件语句的开始。
示例:{{#is_logged_in}}欢迎回来!{{/is_logged_in}}4. 双大括号和反斜杠({{/}}):表示条件语句的结束。
示例:{{#is_logged_in}}欢迎回来!{{/is_logged_in}}5. 双大括号和反问号({{?}}):表示将显示内容或块只有在数据存在时。
在Python中,我们可以使用`pystache`库来处理Mustache 模板。
二、sorted方法的使用方式sorted方法的基本语法如下所示:sorted(iterable[, key][, reverse])参数说明: - iterable:表示需要排序的可迭代对象,一般为列表。
- key(可选):用于指定排序规则的函数,可以是内置函数或自定义函数。
- reverse(可选):用于指定排序顺序的参数,可取True或False。
1. 对整数列表进行排序首先,我们创建一个包含一些整数的列表,然后使用sorted方法对其进行排序。
numbers = [5, 2, 9, 1, 3]sorted_numbers = sorted(numbers)print(sorted_numbers) # 输出:[1, 2, 3, 5, 9]在上述示例中,我们创建了一个包含5个整数的列表numbers,然后使用sorted方法对其进行排序。
2. 对字符串列表进行排序除了对整数列表进行排序,sorted方法也可以对字符串列表进行排序。
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape']sorted_fruits = sorted(fruits)print(sorted_fruits) # 输出:['apple', 'banana', 'grape', 'orange']在上述示例中,我们创建了一个包含4个字符串的列表fruits,然后使用sorted 方法对其进行排序。
一、sorted函数的用法1、sorted函数的基本用法sorted函数的基本用法是对特定的序列进行排序:a = [3, 4, 1, 5, 2]b = [7, 4, 8, 9, 6]a_sorted = sorted(a) # a_sorted = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]b_sorted = sorted(b) # b_sorted = [4, 6, 7, 8, 9] 可以看到,sorted函数可以自动对列表中的元素进行排序,返回一个新的有序序列。
2、指定排序的关键字除了最基本的排序外,sorted函数还支持指定排序的关键字,这对对数据进行排序尤为重要,具体可以使用以下命令排序:#照列表中元素的绝对值大小排序b_sorted_by_abs = sorted(b, key=abs) # b_sorted_by_abs = [4, 6, 7, 8, 9]#照列表中元素的倒序排序b_sorted_by_desc = sorted(b, reverse=True) #b_sorted_by_desc = [9, 8, 7, 6, 4]可以看到,sorted函数可以指定排序的关键字,实现更加精确的排序。
kotlin sorted方法原理
kotlin sorted方法原理
cibesort原理 -回复
Cibesort算法的核心思想是分解与合并(Divide and Merge)。
1. 返回包含所有子元素的列表
2. 返回指定数量的子元素
3. 返回指定条件下的子元素
常见的条件有: - 大于(>) - 小于(<) - 等于(==) - 不等于(!=)
4. 返回指定元素的索引
5. 返回指定元素的出现次数
6. 返回子元素中的最大值和最小值
s_itr指令用法 -回复
它的一般形式如下:cpps_itr(first, last, [predicate]);其中,first和last是容器中的两个迭代器,用于指定要迭代和遍历的元素的范围。
在s_itr执行时,它会sequentially 对[first, last)范围内的元素执行某些操作。
1. 使用s_itr迭代器访问容器元素首先,让我们考虑一个简单的示例:如何使用s_itr来迭代和访问容器中的元素。
下面是一个使用s_itr的简单示例:cpp#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>int main() {std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};std::for_each(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), [](int num){ std::cout << num << " ";});return 0;}在上面的示例中,我们使用了for_each函数,并传递了一个lambda函数作为参数。
2. 使用s_itr进行条件过滤s_itr还可以配合谓词函数使用,用于根据条件对容器中的元素进行过滤。
示例如下:```python# 示例1:对包含元组的列表进行稳定排序data = [("a", 3), ("b", 1), ("c", 2)]sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[1]) # 不稳定排序stable_data = stable_sort(data, key=lambda x: x[1]) # 稳定排序print(stable_data) # 输出: [("b", 1), ("c", 2), ("a", 3)]# 示例2:对包含复杂数据结构的列表进行稳定排序class Person:def __init__(self, name, age): = nameself.age = agedata = [Person("alice", 30), Person("bob", 25), Person("carol", 25)] sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x.age) # 不稳定排序stable_data = stable_sort(data, key=lambda x: x.age) # 稳定排序print(stable_data) # 输出: [Person(name=alice, age=30), Person(name=bob, age=25), Person(name=carol, age=25)] ```需要注意的是,stable_sort()方法只能对列表进行排序,如果需要对其他数据结构(如元组、字典等)进行稳定排序,需要先将这些数据结构转换为列表,然后再使用stable_sort()方法进行排序。
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FORMALIZED MATHEMATICSVolume6,Number2,1997University of BiałystokAuxiliary and Approximating Relations1Adam GrabowskiWarsaw UniversityBiałystokSummary.The aim of this paper is to formalize the second part of Chap-ter I Section1(1.9–1.19)in[12].Definitions of Scott’s auxiliary and approxima-ting relations are introduced in this work.We showed that in a meet-continuouslattice,the way-below relation is the intersection of all approximating auxiliaryrelations(proposition(40)—compare1.13in[12,pp.43–47]).By(41)a con-tinuous lattice is a complete lattice in which≪is the smallest approximatingauxiliary relation.The notions of the strong interpolation property and the in-terpolation property are also introduced.MML Identifier:WAYBEL1This work was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-95-1-1336.179c 1997University of BiałystokISSN1426–2630180adam grabowski(Def.3) L=the internal relation of L.Let L be a relational structure and let R be a binary relation on L.We say that R is auxiliary(i)if and only if:(Def.4)For all elements x,y of L such that x,y ∈R holds x y.We say that R is auxiliary(ii)if and only if:(Def.5)For all elements x,y,z,u of L such that u x and x,y ∈R and y z holds u,z ∈R.Let L be a non empty relational structure and let R be a binary relation on L.We say that R is auxiliary(iii)if and only if:(Def.6)For all elements x,y,z of L such that x,z ∈R and y,z ∈R holds x⊔y,z ∈R.We say that R is auxiliary(iv)if and only if:(Def.7)For every element x of L holds ⊥L,x ∈R.Let L be a non empty relational structure and let R be a binary relation on L.We say that R is auxiliary if and only if:(Def.8)R is auxiliary(i),auxiliary(ii),auxiliary(iii),and auxiliary(iv).Let L be a non empty relational structure.Note that every binary relation on L which is auxiliary is also auxiliary(i),auxiliary(ii),auxiliary(iii),and au-xiliary(iv)and every binary relation on L which is auxiliary(i),auxiliary(ii), auxiliary(iii),and auxiliary(iv)is also auxiliary.Let L be a lower-bounded transitive antisymmetric relational structure with l.u.b.’s.Note that there exists a binary relation on L which is auxiliary.Next we state the proposition(1)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice,A1be an auxiliary binaryrelation on L,and x,y,z,u be elements of L.If x,z ∈A1and y,u ∈A1,then x⊔y,z⊔u ∈A1.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Observe that every binary relation on L which is auxiliary is also transitive.Let L be a relational structure.Note that L is auxiliary(i).Let L be a transitive relational structure.One can verify that L is auxi-liary(ii).Let L be an antisymmetric relational structure with l.u.b.’s.One can check that L is auxiliary(iii).Let L be a lower-bounded antisymmetric non empty relational structure.Note that L is auxiliary(iv).In the sequel a will denote a set.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.The functor Aux(L)is defined as follows:(Def.9)a∈Aux(L)iffa is an auxiliary binary relation on L.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Note that Aux(L)is non empty.The following two propositions are true:auxiliary and approximating relations181(2)For every lower-bounded sup-semilattice L and for every auxiliary binaryrelation A1on L holds A1⊆ L.(3)For every lower-bounded sup-semilattice L holds⊤ Aux(L),⊆ = L.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Note that Aux(L),⊆ is upper-bounded.Let L be a non empty relational structure.The functor AuxBottom(L)yieldsa binary relation on L and is defined as follows:(Def.10)For all elements x,y of L holds x,y ∈AuxBottom(L)iffx=⊥L.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Observe that AuxBottom(L)is auxiliary.The following propositions are true:(4)For every lower-bounded sup-semilattice L and for every auxiliary binaryrelation A1on L holds AuxBottom(L)⊆A1.(5)For every lower-bounded sup-semilattice L and for every auxiliary binaryrelation A1on L holds⊥ Aux(L),⊆ =AuxBottom(L).Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.One can verify that Aux(L),⊆ is lower-bounded.The following two propositions are true:(6)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice and a,b be auxiliary binaryrelations on L.Then a∩b is an auxiliary binary relation on L.(7)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice and X be a non empty subsetof Aux(L),⊆ .Then X is an auxiliary binary relation on L.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Note that Aux(L),⊆ has g.l.b.’s.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Observe that Aux(L),⊆ is com-plete.Let L be a non empty relational structure,let x be an element of L,andlet A1be a binary relation on L.The functor↓A1x yields a subset of L and isdefined by:(Def.11)↓A1x={y,y ranges over elements of L: y,x ∈A1}.The functor↑A1x yielding a subset of L is defined by:(Def.12)↑A1x={y,y ranges over elements of L: x,y ∈A1}.One can prove the following proposition(8)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice,x be an element of L,and A1be an auxiliary(i)binary relation on L.Then↓A1x⊆↓x.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice,let x be an element of L,and let A1be an auxiliary(ii)auxiliary(iii)auxiliary(iv)binary relation on L.Observethat↓A1x is directed lower and non empty.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice and let A1be an auxiliary(ii) auxiliary(iii)auxiliary(iv)binary relation on L.The functor↓A1yields a map from L into Ids(L),⊆ and is defined by:(Def.13)For every element x of L holds(↓A1)(x)=↓A1x.We now state three propositions:182adam grabowski(9)Let L be a non empty relational structure,A1be a binary relation onL,a be a set,and y be an element of L.Then a∈↓A1y if and only if a,y ∈A1.(10)Let L be a sup-semilattice,A1be a binary relation on L,and y be anelement of L.Then a∈↑A1y if and only if y,a ∈A1.(11)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice,A1be an auxiliary binaryrelation on L,and x be an element of L.If A1=the internal relation ofL,then↓A1x=↓x.Let L be a non empty poset.The functor MonSet(L)yields a strict relational structure and is defined by the conditions(Def.14).(Def.14)(i)a∈the carrier of MonSet(L)iffthere exists a map s from L into Ids(L),⊆ such that a=s and s is monotone and for every element x ofL holds s(x)⊆↓x,and(ii)for all sets c,d holds c,d ∈the internal relation of MonSet(L)iffthere exist maps f,g from L into Ids(L),⊆ such that c=f and d=gand c∈the carrier of MonSet(L)and d∈the carrier of MonSet(L)andf g.One can prove the following propositions:(12)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Then MonSet(L)is a fullrelational substructure of( Ids(L),⊆ )the carrier of L.(13)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice,A1be an auxiliary binaryrelation on L,and x,y be elements of L.If x y,then↓A1x⊆↓A1y.Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice and let A1be an auxiliary binary relation on L.Note that↓A1is monotone.Next we state the proposition(14)Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice and A1be an auxiliary binaryrelation on L.Then↓A1∈the carrier of MonSet(L).Let L be a lower-bounded sup-semilattice.Observe that MonSet(L)is non empty.Next we state several propositions:(15)For every lower-bounded sup-semilattice L holds IdsMap(L)∈the car-rier of MonSet(L).(16)For every lower-bounded sup-semilattice L and for every auxiliary binaryrelation A1on L holds↓A1 IdsMap(L).(17)For every lower-bounded non empty poset L and for every ideal I of Lholds⊥L∈I.(18)For every upper-bounded non empty poset L and for everyfilter F of Lholds⊤L∈F.(19)For every lower-bounded non empty poset L holds↓(⊥L)={⊥L}.(20)For every upper-bounded non empty poset L holds↑(⊤L)={⊤L}.In the sequel L is a lower-bounded sup-semilattice,A1is an auxiliary binary relation on L,and x is an element of L.auxiliary and approximating relations183The following propositions are true:(21)The carrier of L−→{⊥L}is a map from L into Ids(L),⊆ .(22)The carrier of L−→{⊥L}∈the carrier of MonSet(L).(23) the carrier of L−→{⊥L},↓A1 ∈the internal relation of MonSet(L).Let us consider L.Note that MonSet(L)is upper-bounded.Let us consider L.The functor Rel2Map(L)yields a map from Aux(L),⊆ into MonSet(L)and is defined by:(Def.15)For every A1holds(Rel2Map(L))(A1)=↓A1.The following propositions are true:(24)For all auxiliary binary relations R1,R2on L such that R1⊆R2holds↓R1 ↓R2.(25)For all auxiliary binary relations R1,R2on L such that R1⊆R2holds↓R1x⊆↓R2x.Let us consider L.One can verify that Rel2Map(L)is monotone.Let us consider L.The functor Map2Rel(L)yields a map from MonSet(L) into Aux(L),⊆ and is defined by the condition(Def.16).(Def.16)Let s be a set.Suppose s∈the carrier of MonSet(L).Then there exists an auxiliary binary relation A1on L such that(i)A1=(Map2Rel(L))(s),and(ii)for all sets x,y holds x,y ∈A1iffthere exist elements x′,y′of L and there exists a map s′from L into Ids(L),⊆ such that x′=x and y′=yand s′=s and x′∈s′(y′).Let us consider L.One can check that Map2Rel(L)is monotone.We now state two propositions:(26)Map2Rel(L)·Rel2Map(L)=id dom Rel2Map(L).(27)Rel2Map(L)·Map2Rel(L)=id the carrier of MonSet(L).Let us consider L.Observe that Rel2Map(L)is one-to-one.The following three propositions are true:(28)(Rel2Map(L))−1=Map2Rel(L).(29)Rel2Map(L)is isomorphic.(30)For every complete lattice L and for every element x of L holds {I,Iranges over ideals of L:x sup I}=↓x.The scheme LambdaC’concerns a non empty relational structure A,a unary functor F yielding a set,a unary functor G yielding a set,and a unary predicate P,and states that:There exists a function f such that dom f=the carrier of A andfor every element x of A holds if P[x],then f(x)=F(x)and ifnot P[x],then f(x)=G(x)for all values of the parameters.Let L be a semilattice and let I be an ideal of L.The functor DownMap(I) yields a map from L into Ids(L),⊆ and is defined by:184adam grabowski(Def.17)For every element x of L holds if x sup I,then(DownMap(I))(x)=↓x∩I and if x sup I,then(DownMap(I))(x)=↓x.One can prove the following two propositions:(31)For every semilattice L and for every ideal I of L holds DownMap(I)∈the carrier of MonSet(L).(32)Let L be an antisymmetric reflexive relational structure with g.l.b.’s,x be an element of L,and D be a non empty lower subset of L.Then{x}⊓D=↓x∩D.2.Approximating RelationsLet L be a non empty relational structure and let A1be a binary relation on L.We say that A1is approximating if and only if:(Def.18)For every element x of L holds x=sup↓A1x.Let L be a non empty poset and let m1be a map from L into Ids(L),⊆ .We say that m1is approximating if and only if:(Def.19)For every element x of L there exists a subset i1of L such that i1=m1(x) and x=sup i1.Next we state two propositions:(33)For every lower-bounded meet-continuous semilattice L and for everyideal I of L holds DownMap(I)is approximating.(34)Every lower-bounded continuous lattice is meet-continuous.Let us mention that every lower-bounded lattice which is continuous is also meet-continuous.The following proposition is true(35)For every lower-bounded continuous lattice L and for every ideal I of Lholds DownMap(I)is approximating.Let L be a non empty reflexive antisymmetric relational structure.Observe that≪L is auxiliary(i).Let L be a non empty reflexive transitive relational structure.One can check that≪L is auxiliary(ii).Let L be a poset with l.u.b.’s.One can verify that≪L is auxiliary(iii).Let L be an inf-complete non empty poset.Note that≪L is auxiliary(iii).Let L be a lower-bounded antisymmetric reflexive non empty relational structure.Observe that≪L is auxiliary(iv).Next we state two propositions:(36)For every complete lattice L and for every element x of L holds↓≪L x=↓x.(37)For every lattice L holds L is approximating.Let L be a lower-bounded continuous lattice.One can verify that≪L is approximating.auxiliary and approximating relations185 Let L be a complete lattice.Observe that there exists an auxiliary binary relation on L which is approximating.Let L be a complete lattice.The functor App(L)is defined as follows: (Def.20)a∈App(L)iffa is an approximating auxiliary binary relation on L.Let L be a complete lattice.Note that App(L)is non empty.Next we state three propositions:(38)Let L be a complete lattice and m1be a map from L into Ids(L),⊆ .Suppose m1is approximating and m1∈the carrier of MonSet(L).Thenthere exists an approximating auxiliary binary relation A1on L such thatA1=(Map2Rel(L))(m1).(39)For every complete lattice L and for every element x of L holds{(DownMap(I))(x):I ranges over ideals of L}=↓x.(40)Let L be a lower-bounded meet-continuous lattice and x be an elementof L.Then {↓↓A1x,A1ranges over auxiliary binary relations on L:A1∈App(L)}=↓x.In the sequel L denotes a complete lattice.Next we state two propositions:(41)L is continuous if and only if for every approximating auxiliary binaryrelation R on L holds≪L⊆R and≪L is approximating.(42)L is continuous if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:(i)L is meet-continuous,and(ii)there exists an approximating auxiliary binary relation R on L such that for every approximating auxiliary binary relation R′on L holds R⊆R′.Let L be a non empty relational structure and let A1be a binary relation on L.We say that A1satisfies strong interpolation property if and only if: (Def.21)For all elements x,z of L such that x,z ∈A1and x=z there exists an element y of L such that x,y ∈A1and y,z ∈A1and x=y.Let L be a non empty relational structure and let A1be a binary relation on L.We say that A1satisfies interpolation property if and only if:(Def.22)For all elements x,z of L such that x,z ∈A1there exists an element y of L such that x,y ∈A1and y,z ∈A1.Next we state two propositions:(43)Let L be a non empty relational structure,A1be a binary relation onL,and x,z be elements of L.If x,z ∈A1and x=z,then there existsan element y of L such that x,y ∈A1and y,z ∈A1.(44)Let L be a non empty relational structure and A1be a binary relationon L.Suppose A1satisfies strong interpolation property.Then A1satisfiesinterpolation property.Let L be a non empty relational structure.Observe that every binary relation on L which satisfies strong interpolation property satisfies also interpolation property.186adam grabowskiIn the sequel A1is an auxiliary binary relation on L and x,y,z are elements of L.The following four propositions are true:(45)Let A1be an approximating auxiliary binary relation on L.If x y,then there exists an element u of L such that u,x ∈A1and u y.(46)Let R be an approximating auxiliary binary relation on L.If x,z ∈Rand x=z,then there exists y such that x y and y,z ∈R and x=y.(47)Let R be an approximating auxiliary binary relation on L.Suppose x≪z and x=z.Then there exists an element y of L such that x,y ∈Rand y,z ∈R and x=y.(48)For every lower-bounded continuous lattice L holds≪L satisfies stronginterpolation property.Let L be a lower-bounded continuous lattice.Observe that≪L satisfies strong interpolation property.Next we state two propositions:(49)Let L be a lower-bounded continuous lattice and x,y be elements of L.Ifx≪y,then there exists an element x′of L such that x≪x′and x′≪y.(50)Let L be a lower-bounded continuous lattice and x,y be elements of L.Then x≪y if and only if for every non empty directed subset D of Lsuch that y sup D there exists an element d of L such that d∈D andx≪d.3.ExercisesLet L be a relational structure,let X be a subset of L,and let R be a binary relation on the carrier of L.We say that X is directed w.r.t.R if and only if: (Def.23)For all elements x,y of L such that x∈X and y∈X there exists an element z of L such that z∈X and x,z ∈R and y,z ∈R.We now state the proposition(51)Let L be a relational structure and X be a subset of L.Suppose X isdirected w.r.t.the internal relation of L.Then X is directed.Let L be a relational structure,let X be a set,let x be an element of L,and let R be a binary relation on the carrier of L.We say that x is maximal w.r.t.X,R if and only if:(Def.24)x∈X and it is not true that there exists an element y of L such that y∈X and y=x and x,y ∈R.Let L be a relational structure,let X be a set,and let x be an element of L.We say that x is maximal in X if and only if:(Def.25)x is maximal w.r.t.X,the internal relation of L.One can prove the following propositionauxiliary and approximating relations187(52)Let L be a relational structure,X be a set,and x be an element of L.Then x is maximal in X if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:(i)x∈X,and(ii)it is not true that there exists an element y of L such that y∈X and x<y.Let L be a relational structure,let X be a set,let x be an element of L,and let R be a binary relation on the carrier of L.We say that x is minimal w.r.t.X,R if and only if:(Def.26)x∈X and it is not true that there exists an element y of L such that y∈X and y=x and y,x ∈R.Let L be a relational structure,let X be a set,and let x be an element of L.We say that x is minimal in X if and only if:(Def.27)x is minimal w.r.t.X,the internal relation of L.We now state several propositions:(53)Let L be a relational structure,X be a set,and x be an element of L.Then x is minimal in X if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:(i)x∈X,and(ii)it is not true that there exists an element y of L such that y∈X and x>y.(54)If A1satisfies strong interpolation property,then for every x such thatthere exists y which is maximal w.r.t.↓A1x,A1holds x,x ∈A1.(55)If for every x such that there exists y which is maximal w.r.t.↓A1x,A1holds x,x ∈A1,then A1satisfies strong interpolation property.(56)If A1satisfies interpolation property,then for every x holds↓A1x isdirected w.r.t.A1.(57)If for every x holds↓A1x is directed w.r.t.A1,then A1satisfies interpo-lation property.(58)Let R be an approximating auxiliary binary relation on L.Suppose Rsatisfies interpolation property.Then R satisfies strong interpolation pro-perty.Let us consider L.One can verify that every approximating auxiliary bi-nary relation on L which satisfies interpolation property satisfies also strong interpolation property.References[1]Grzegorz Bancerek.K¨o nig’s theorem.Formalized Mathematics,1(3):589–593,1990.[2]Grzegorz Bancerek.The well ordering relations.Formalized 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