



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.The novel theory is not that Americans spend too much, but that foreigners save too much.The Chinese have piled up so much excess savings that they lend money to the United States at low rates, underwriting American consumption. [Para 2]2.In Washington, China was treated as a threat by some people, mostly because it lured awaymanufacturing jobs. Others argued that China’s heavy lending to this country was riskyb ecause Chinese leaders could decide to withdraw money at a moment’s notice, creating apanicky run on the dollar. [Para 15]3.It refers to the tight financial and trade embrace between the United States and China. [Para36]4.China’s fortunes remain tethered to those of the United States. And the reverse is equally true.[Para 57]Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupChoose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences.1. C2. B3. C4. C5. A6. D7. C8. B9. C 10. C11. B 12. D 13. AII.Translation PracticeTranslate the following paragraph into Chinese.事后,不少经济学家发表高见,他们说美国应该意识到从国外借钱来垫付国内消费和赤字开销原本就不是什么经济发展的成功之道。



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.He said that the ties between the two powers were “as important as any bilateral relationshipin the world”. [Para.1]2.They sought a “positive, constructive, and comprehensive relationship”. [Para.5]3.The new dialogue is to be held every year in alternate capitals, that is, in Beijing orWashington by turns. [Para.7]4.It means “confirmation”.5.His words indicate that China is playing a more and more important role on the world stage.6.According to President Obama, the relationship between the United States and China willshape the 21st century, which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world.That really must underpin these two countries’ partne rship, and that is the responsibility that together they bear. [Para.28]Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupFill in the blanks with the proper form of words in the following passages.1. exercised2. barriers3. chiefly4. developed5. but6. aiming7. subject 8. license 9. that 10. overII. Business Terms1.Give the Chinese equivalents of the following business terms and expressions whichwould be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). 双边关系2). 核扩散3). 美国国务院4). 人权状况5). 美国财政部长6). 美国国债7). 尼克松中心智囊机构8). 冷战9). 多哈回合谈判10). 核不扩散条约2.Give the English Equivalents of the following Business terms and expressions whichwould be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). Chinese foreign ministry2). pay tribute to3). Chinese Americans4). the state councilor5). raise domestic consumption6). sticking points 7). shared interests8). look to the future9). economic recovery10). greenhouse gases11). narrow our divisionsIII. Text ComprehensionAnswer the following questions according to the text.1.He insisted closer co-operation on a range of challenges from lifting the global economy tonuclear proliferation and climate change.[Para 4]2.Mr Obama made only brief reference to China's poor human rights record, which used toloom much larger in discussions and bracketed his criticism with acknowledgement of China's great "ancient culture" and the vibrant contribution of Chinese Americans to the US.[Paras11-13]3.He means that both China and the US are suffering the economic and other crisis.4.The strongest message was that Americans are leaning to save more and spend less, meaningChina cannot rely on exports to the US for its growth and will have to raise domestic consumption. [Para.16]5.The Berlin Wall symbolized a decades-long symbol of division, that is, the Iron Curtainbetween Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc as well as the cold war between western capitalist countries and the eastern socialist ones, and the tearing down of the Wall indicated that conflicts can be solved and globalization was on the way. [Para 25]6.The questions are as follows: Will growth be stalled by events like our current financial crisis,or will we cooperate to create balanced and sustainable growth, lifting more people out of poverty and creating a broader prosperity around the world? Will the need for energy breed competition and climate change, or will we build partnerships to produce clean power and to protect our planet? Will nuclear weapons spread unchecked, or will we forge a new consensus to use this power for only peaceful purposes? Will extremists be able to stir conflict and division, or will we unite on behalf of our shared security? Will nations and peoples define themselves solely by their differences, or can we find common ground necessary to meet our common challenges, and to respect the dignity of every human being?[Para 27]7.He wanted to emphasize his point that both the US and China benefit from engagement that isgrounded in mutual interest and mutual respect. [Para 29]8.The US and China’s ability to partner with each other is a prerequisite for progress on manyof the most pressing global challenges. [Para 31]9.According to President Obama, we can promote financial stability through greatertransparency and regulatory reform. We can pursue trade that is free and fair, and seek to conclude an ambitious and balanced Doha Round agreement. We can update international institutions so that growing economies like China play a greater role that matches their greater responsibility. And as Americans save more and Chinese are able to spend more, we can put growth on a more sustainable foundation -- because just as China has benefited from substantial investment and profitable exports, China can also be an enormous market for American goods. [Para 33]10.According to President Obama, the US and China can cooperate to advance their mutualbenefits in the following four respects: 1. in a lasting economic recovery; 2. in a clean, secure, and prosperous energy future; 3. in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; 4. in confronting transnational threats. [Paras 33-38]11.The United States respects the progress that China has made by lifting hundreds of millions ofpeople out of poverty, and it also respects China's ancient and remarkable culture, its remarkable achievements, and the vibrant contribution of Chinese Americans to the US. [Para41]12.According to President Obama, China has its own distinct story that shapes its ownworldview. And Americans know the richness of China's history because it helped to shape the world and it helped to shape America. Americans know the talent of the Chinese people because they have helped to create this great country. President Obama’s own Cabinet contains two Chinese Americans. And they know that despite our differences, America is enriched through deeper ties with a country of 1.3 billion people that is at once ancient and dynamic -- ties that can be forged through increased exchanges among their people, and constructive bilateral relations between these two governments. That is how they will narrow their divisions. [Para 43]13.Mr. Obama says that he believes in a future where China is a strong, prosperous andsuccessful member of the community of nations; a future when their nations are partners out of necessity, but also out of opportunity. This future is not fixed, but it is a destination that can be reached if they pursue a sustained dialogue like the one that they will commence today, and act on what they hear and what they learn. [Para 44]14.He mentioned their words to emphasize the importance of cooperation and dialogue betweenthe US and China. [Para 22, Para 45]15.The talks are expected to be dominated by the global economic crisis and efforts to reach adeal on how to confront global warming.Obama urged China to begin boosting domestic demand and shift away from a dependence on exports. The US has been concerned that China is saving too much as the economic downturn has prompted a sharp decrease in consumer consumption around the world.Obama also said China and the US must be united in their efforts to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of Iran and to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.Obama also urged China to further open up its society, improve human rights, and protect minorities and the place of other religions.IV. Interactive BrainstormingDiscuss with your partners the following questions based on your understanding of the text as well as on your own knowledge and ideas. (Omitted)。



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.Jim Carter [Para 2]2.Brzezinski attracted worldwide attention by elaborating his G-2 idea with an article in theFinancial Times entitled "The Group of Two that could change the world".[Para 7]3.He thinks that Barack Obama is a conciliator at heart. [Para 16]4.For the idea of G-2 to work, the US has to adjust fundamentally foreign policy it has followedsince the end of Word War II, away from neo-imperialism toward Wilsonian/FDR liberalism, and give up its aim of peaceful evolution of Chinese society towards market capitalism. A G-2 would have to be a leading force in building a new world order of social justice and economic equity. [Para 27]5.Mao's vision of US-China relations transcends fleeting geopolitical tactics of balance ofpower, towards a long-range peaceful coexistence of two of the world's largest nations. [Para 30]Section B: ExercisesI. Detailed ExaminationIdentify whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F) according to your understanding of the text details.1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F6. T7. F8. T9. T 10. TII. Business T erms1.Give the Chinese equivalents of the following business terms and expressions whichwould be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). 外交关系2). 别具风格地,时髦地3). (外交)关系的正常化4). 生机勃勃的国内市场5). 外贸结算6). 和谐世界7). 联合国维和部队8). 维持全球主导地位9). 放任自由的市场经济10). 专属经济区11). 韬光养晦12). 和谐共生的伙伴2.Give the English Equivalents of the following Business terms and expressions whichwould be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). top executives2). China's core interests3). sovereign credit4). export sector5). China's 'peaceful rising' 6). decision-maker7). in-depth discussion8). unipolar world order9). win-win symbiosis10). peaceful evolution11). run counter to 12). mutual benefitIII. Text ComprehensionAnswer the following questions according to the text.1.Because there was no official counterpart observation in the US. [Para 3]2.Brzezinski thinks China could help the US find solutions to the problems like the globalfinancial crisis, the challenges of climate change, North Korea and Iran nuclear ambitions, India and Pakistan tension and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [Para 6]3.According to Brzezinski, it precipitated almost from the start security co-operation that hasbeen of genuine benefit both to the US and China. The effect was to change the Cold War's global chessboard - to the disadvantage of the Soviet Union. Indirectly, the normalization facilitated Chairman Deng Xiaoping's decision to undertake a comprehensive economic reform. China's growth would have been much harder without the expansion in US-Chinese trade and financial relations that followed normalization." [Para 8]4.It describes the relationship as one of "complex interdependence", in which both sidesevaluate each other in pragmatic and moderate terms and in which "the two sides can compete and consult within existing international rules". Yet the reality of US-China relations is one of unending US provocation and hostility on a compliant China. [Para 9]5.China should adopt a full employment objective and an income policy financed by sovereigncredit in order to develop a vibrant domestic market that would absorb the sharp shrinkage of its export sector resulting from the global financial crisis. The way for China to use sovereign credit to finance domestic economic development is to free China from dollar hegemony by demanding settlement of its export trade to be denominated in yuan. [Para 10]6.According to Brzezinski, if both sides at all times keep in mind the centrality of theirinterdependence, they will be able to cope with other contentious issues.7.They are mainly about listing Brzezinski’s ideas on forming G2. Specifically, Para 11 is aboutChina’s revisionist power and “the US-China’s common perspectives” which are helpful in forming G2; Para 12 analyses the Chinese own view or stand toward the idea of revisionist power. Para 13-16 are about his views on the fields in which the US and China can cooperate. national interests globally would be better served by a strategy of making friends withChina by sharing power globally because eventually the US will need the support of the world's most populous country to preserve and shore up its own global dominance. By contrast, conflicts with China will drain US capacity to maintain its global dominance. [Para 18]9.Brzezinski, the grand master of geopolitical chess, plots his strategy several moves ahead ofthe game. Geopolitical pluralism must first be promoted to defuse challenges to US superpower, followed by encouraging compatible key partners to cooperate under US leadership, and finally the pragmatic sharing of global geopolitical responsibility can be rewarded with a sharing of power. The twin poles of this strategy are a united Europe in the West and strong China in the East; with the problematic central regions stabilized within a new balance of power. [Para 20]10.The US, in view of the self-inflicted damage to its freewheeling market economy that can beexpected to leave the country in a protracted depression, will need a trade partner with high growth potential to absorb its overcapacity. China emerges in the 21st century as the idealcandidate for the new ally with a special relationship with the US. From the US security perspective, an alliance with China will spare the US from again involving itself directly in a war in Asia, a role the US alliance with Japan had repeatedly failed to accomplish. From the US economic perspective, US-China economic interdependence has the potential of a win-win symbiosis. Brzezinski anticipates that a G-2 would be more effective in dealing with multilateral global issues than the G-5 (France, Germany, Italy, UK, US) or G-6 (G5+Japan) or G-7 (G6+Canada) or G8 (G7+ Russia) or even the G-20 (G7+developing countries including China). [Para 21-22]11.The author uses examples and illustrations to tell us that Brzezinski's vision is not shared byall in US.12.notwithstanding Brzezinski's assertion, China is not a "revisionist" power, but anon-expansionist revolutionary state aiming at restoring its natural historical status as it was before the arrival of Western imperialism in Asia. China is not interested in bringing back a pre-World War II world order of imperialist exploitative expansion. China is not Japan, which as a defeated nation has been willing to play the role of a submissive ally with a benevolent victor.13.The author thinks that a G-2 regime would inflict on China the side-effects of rising anti-USsentiments from around the world at a time when US power is declining from self-inflicted wounds. [Para 32]By being a member of the proposed G-2, China would be necessarily saddled with the burdens of being a special ally of a superpower without the benefits or even the need of being a superpower itself. [Para 33] A G-2 will create unavoidable geopolitical problems for China in Asia, and also relating to the US global war on terrorism. It will exacerbate China's problem with Islamic separatists. [Para 34]The reason is thata.China is not likely to play Brzezinski's new Great Game.b.China is not a "revisionist" power, but a non-expansionist revolutionary state aiming atrestoring its natural historical status as it was before the arrival of Western imperialism in Asia.c.China is not interested in bringing back a pre-World War II world order of imperialistexploitative expansion.d.China is not Japan, which as a defeated nation has been willing to play the role of asubmissive ally with a benevolent victor. [Para 28]e.The foreign policy of the People's Republic since its founding in 1949 has a long legacyof nonalignment. [Para 29]f.China views itself is a natural member of developing countries, but does not see itself asthe group's leader either by design or by default. [Para 31]g.Brzezinski's G2 strategy runs counter to Deng Xiaoping's strategy of "hide capacity, bidetime"[Para 31]h.China's first priority should be to secure her position as the leading protector of Asianinterests against neo-imperialism from the G-5. A strong China needs also a strong, independent Asia free from undue manipulation by external forces.i.China should tilt towards Japan as a friendly neighbor and not fantasize about unrealisticUS friendship with a socialist China.j.Chinese policymakers will be disappointed if they are not realistic about deep-rooted US hostility toward China. China must avoid open conflict with the US, but Chinesepolicymakers must understand that the US will never be China's friend as long as the communist party is in control of China.k.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's overture of peace and cooperation to China is merely an emergency measure in response to a collapsed economy and exhaustion from undeclared foreign wars.14.China now needs to carefully consider any disingenuous invitation to join and save theprecarious US-constructed and dominated world system at a time when conditions around the world are making the prospect of a new, just world order on the horizon a welcome possibility.[Para 40]IV. Interactive BrainstormingDiscuss with your partners the following questions based on your understanding of the text as well as on your own knowledge and ideas. (Omitted)被删去标题图片:。



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A:Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.According to the author, most obviously, the Chinese interest in the region is pragmatic ratherthan ideological. The goal is to further economic growth at home by opening new markets andguaranteeing a supply of necessary inputs. [Para1.3]2.The main tool Beijing is deploying in the region is China Development Bank's massive pile ofU.S. dollar reserves. [Para1.7]1.8]4.It shows, in the United States some Americans worry that China’s growing economic weightposes a political threat. [Para2.6]5.Brazil, Chile and Peru, etc. have gained. [Para2.12]6.Chinese officials insist that their closer relations with Latin America are driven by two things:ashareddiplomaticinterestinamultipolarworld,andmutuallybeneficialeconomican dbusiness ties. “We’re not seek ing special influence. We have reiterated [to the UnitedStates]thatourrelationswithLatinAmericaaren’tathreattoanyone,”saysQiuXiaoqi,China ’sambassador in Brasília. [Para2.21]Section B:ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupFill in the blanks of the following passage with the appropriate words or phrases listed in thetable. Change the form where necessary:1. focused2. ignoring3. worst4. higher6. borrowing7. farming8. producers9. suffering10. facingII. Business Terms1. Give the Chinese equivalents of the following business terms and expressions which wouldbe found in the given paragraphs of the text.1).股权7).特权阶级;既得利益2).新兴市场8).国有控股石油公司3).负责,掌管9).互惠外汇信贷4).非最大的;非高峰的,非峰值的10).缺钱的,缺乏现金的5).自由市场11).以牙还牙;针锋相对6).主权财富基金12).对客户贷款的最高限额2. Give the English Equivalents of the following Business terms and expressions which wouldbe found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). trade deficit7). debt default2). trading partner8). economic stability3). market prices9). labour-intensive manufacturing industry4). stock prices10). two-way trade5). antidumping suits11). free-trade agreementIII. Text ComprehensionAnswer the following questions according to the text.1.5]The truth is that the developing trade between China and Latin American countries representsan opportunity—if the U.S. plays its cards right. [Para1.2]1.8]1.9] The author also lists some examples of China’smisguided investments in the near past, for example, China’s investmentin Blackstone andMorgan Stanley in1.12]1.14]2.5]5.Many Latin Americans prefer to see China’s expanding ties to their region as an opportunity.Theregion,withBrazilinthelead,isforging“south-south”allianceswithChina,India,Russia and South Africa to push for changes in what they all see as an unjust world economicorder. [Para2.6]2.7]2.12]2.12-2.13]2.13]10.No. While trade has boomed, Chinese investment in Latin America has hitherto amounted toless than meets the eye. [Para2.14]2.20]2.14,2.15]2.20]13.Venezuela under Mr Chávez has sought closer ties not just with China but also with styearDmitryMedvedevbec amethefirstRussianpresident since those days to visit Latin America. Russia also sent a small naval flotilla to theCaribbean for joint exercises with Venezuela and Cuba. [Para2.23]Mr.ChávezhasalsogoneoutofhiswaytocourthisIraniancounterpart,MahmoudAhm adinejad. Mr Ahmadinejad has made two visits to Latin America, taking in Nicaragua,EcuadorandBolivia,aswellasVenezuelaonbothoccasions.Underaninvestmen tprogramme sponsored by the two governments, Iranian firms are making tractors and cars inVenezuela, and building housing for the poor. [Para2.25]IV. Interactive Brainstorming (Omitted)Discuss with your partners the following questions based on your understanding of the textas well as your own knowledge and ideas.被删图片:。



第 2课中国吸收外国直接投资The Curtain Goes up 竹幕卷起一、课文翻译中国政府允许外国在沿海投资― 从而差生了不同的法则并引起困惑。

1. 满怀信心的中国卷起大部分竹幕,向世界宣布“对外开放”,几乎所有的城市都张挂起邀请外商来投资作正当生意的招牌。

2. 广东省和福建省的4个经济特区、14个沿海开放城市(都是以前的通商口岸)和海南岛(总共十九个“开放”区)为外国投资者制定了税收和其他方面的鼓励政策。


3. 所有这一切的基础是从1979年中期国务院决定在南方建立4个经济特区开始,尔后逐步形成的。



4. 尽管商人们努力与拥有10亿人口的潜在市场做生意而与官僚主义作斗争,但中国领导人对于深圳----这个经济特区的典范----前进的步伐变得越来越不耐烦了。

5. 1984年4月,在中国高层领导人访问了深圳、珠海和厦门经济特区之后,国务院宣布沿整个海岸的14个城市再加上海南岛对外开放投资,从此把真正的竞争因素引入中国经济发展的计划中。


6. 对于外商来说,进入拥有10亿消费者市场的前景不再是白日梦。



7. 最近,中国沿海城市经济技术开发集团---19个“开发区域”政策制定和协调机构领导人、国务委员谷牧宣布整个沿海对外开放投资。





西方报刊经贸文章选读(第四版)(网络版)史天陆编著蒿青编著助理对外经济贸易大学出版社(二)经贸文章专业词语和常用词语认知练习参考答案Lesson 1Text合资企业joint venture企业家精神entrepreneurship增长growth衰退slump迅速发展to boom崛起to emerge通货紧缩deflation亚洲开发银行the Asian Development Bank猛增to jump贸易逆差trade deficit衰退recession移动电话mobile phone个人电脑personal computer破产的bankrupt购买力平价purchasing power parity跨国公司multinational供应链supply chain贸易环境trading environment Supplementary Reading[货币]升值revaluation提高生产率to lift productivity[货币]增值appreciation利润margin电子产品electronics消除to erase利润幅度profit margin竞争力competitiveness双边经济关系bilateral economic ties[经济]部门sector品种更多的商品 a wider range of goods定价能力pricing power支配地位dominance电讯telecommunications贸易顺差trade surplus“钉住”peg冲击impact企业businessLesson 2Text现场on the spot样品间show room创新产品innovative goods增长销售额to boost the sales研究和开发research and development智囊团think tank劳动密集型的labour-intensive品牌brand倾销to dump猛增to soar便携式电脑laptop computer出口才干export prowess管理和经营的专门知识技能managerial and operational expertise生产能力production capacity亚洲金融危机the Asian Financial Crisis规模效益economies of scale逐步停止生产to phase out production王牌the ace in the hole调查to survey相当多的利润 a decent profit放松贸易限制to loosen trade restrictions最高管理层top management达到设计和质量的标准to be up to the standards in design and quality Supplementary Reading黑洞black hole世界工厂the “world’s workshop”扩大生产to expand production增加产量to boost the output给予享用……的权利[机会]to give somebody access to something收购acquisition合并consolidation使……并入to merge... into...[大宗的]收入revenue咨询公司consultancy向海外转移生产to shift production overseas高端产品high-end product加入世贸组织the accession to the WTO服饰产品apparel采办to procureLesson 3Text推动经济增长to boost economies复苏recovery新兴国家emerging nation (country)去掉了通货膨胀因素地adjusted for inflation解除经济管制economic deregulation推动消费需求to power consumer demand免税商店duty-free shop购买能力buying capacity零售retail消费品consumer goods衡量标准yardstick按实际购买力估值的国内生产总值real gross domestic product工业化国家industrialized nation (country)触发贸易保护主义情绪to trigger protectionist sentiment 急剧上升的价格zooming price初级产品commodity生活水平living standards财富的转移 a transfer of wealth标准·普尔500家股票价格指数Standard & Poor’s 500 index经纪公司brokerage股票市场stock market提高短期利率to raise short-term interest rate 抵消to offset达到50年最高点to hit a fifty-year high均匀地分布to distribute evenly超过50% to top 50%国有化to nationalize对中国商品征收新的关税to slap new tariff on Chinese goods 暴跌to tumble联邦储备银行(美国)the Federal Reserve紧缩信贷to tighten credit依靠出口的发展中国家export-dependent country需求下降 a drop in demandSupplementary Reading欧元区the Euro-zone尚可的经济增长率 a respectable growth rate经济呆滞——不景气economic slack金融状况monetary conditions成为……的牺牲品to fall victim to...脆弱的vulnerable资本逃离capital flightLesson 4Text萧条的sluggish替罪羊scapegoat竞争优势competitive advantage国际收支balance of payments购买力purchasing power降低通货膨胀率to hold down the inflation rate日益趋疲的美元 a weakening dollar美国国库券U.S. Treasuries子公司subsidiary外部采办——外包outsourcing基础设施infrastructure资本设备capital equipment估值过低的货币undervalued currency操纵to manipulateSupplementary Reading有活力的dynamic不断急剧下降to spiral downwards缺乏活力的sluggish赤字deficit/red ink律师事务所law firm积极进取的aggressive占领市场to capture a market贸易壁垒trade barrier以出口为导向的增长export-led growth比较优势comparative advantage国际劳动分工international division of labourLesson 5Text经济和政治一体化economic and political integration 欧洲联盟the European Union金融资产financial assets停滞的stagnant资本开支capital spending经济状况(形势)economic conditions革新innovation财政政策fiscal policy货币政策monetary policy结构性改革—经济体制的改革structural reform信息技术information technology加速pickup新公司startup竞争强度competition intensity加强竞争to intensify competition Supplementary Reading推行改革to introduce a reform放宽规章制度to relax regulations减少公共开支to reduce public expenditures降低工资to lower wages加速to accelerate改组经济to shake up economy自由化liberalizationLesson 6Text建筑工地construction site兴旺发达的工业booming industry转移制造to shift manufacturing电子元件electronic component数码显示digital display精巧的装置gadget品牌形象brand image转折点turning point日经225种股票指数Nikkei 225 stock index在速度上超过to outpace...增加出口 a surge in exports增值产品value-added product数码相机digital camera液晶显示电视liquid crystal display TV急剧增长growth spurt生产场地production site资本支出capital expenditure当代最先进的技术top-of-the-time technology摄像机video camera突破breakthrough削减售价10% to shave 10 percent off the sale price利用技术优势to take advantage of one’s technological edge 借助复苏的势头to ride the momentum of the recovery经济好转to pick upSupplementary Reading缺乏现金的cash-strapped十分畅销的商品big seller日本货物的廉价代用品the cheap alternative to Japanese goods销售比……多to outsell...最新型的手机state-of-the-art mobile phone handset无限期地延长贷款期限to renew bank loans indefinitely给……补贴to subsidize...价格骤然下跌to plummet提供贷款to extend a loan联合大企业[多种经营公司]conglomerate解雇职工to lay off...论资排辈的提升制度seniority system基于业绩的提升制度merit-based system风险资本venture capital筹集资本to raise capital拆除壁垒to dismantle barriers国内市场home marketLesson 7Text全球贸易谈判global trade talk生计livelihood经济减速economic slowdown市场力量market forces利益的分配distribution of benefits调和世界贸易国家的不同利益to reconcile the divergent interests of the world’s trading nations成交to strike a deal服务业市场services market反倾销antidumping不公平的贸易补偿unfair trade remedies市场准入market access后继谈判follow-on negotiation取缔工业产品的配额to ban quotas on industrial products既得利益vested interests敏感的问题sensitive issue大量补助to subsidize somebody heavily[条约]终止to expire (vi.)拖延谈判to prolong a negotiation食品安全food safety伪装了的贸易保护主义disguised protectionism反倾销调查antidumping investigation减少关税和配额the reduction of tariff and quotas履行承诺取消进口配额to fulfill one’s commitment to eliminate import quotas 北美自由贸易协定the North American Free Trade Agreement降低对进口商品的壁垒to lower barriers on imports优惠的税率favorable tariff rates代价高昂的costly知识产权intellectual property决策decision-making先决条件preconditionSupplementary Reading关税和贸易总协定the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 世贸组织总干事the WTO director-general处理国际贸易制度中不平衡的问题 to tackle the imbalances in the internationaltrading system强硬的立场hard line关税壁垒tariff barrier强劲的增长strong growthLesson 8Text时尚意识fashion consciousness纺织品textiles服装garments二十年连续地for two decades in a row不断加剧的贸易保护主义mounting trade protectionism额外的关税extra tariff原产地控制place-of-origin control非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers撤销定额to lift a quota提高工资wage hike人工成本labor cost重新安置生产to relocate production中国制造的纺织机械China-made textile machinery日落工业sunset industry赢利很高的产业cash cow两位数的增长double-digit growth绿色壁垒green barrier环境友好型产品environmental friendly product污染环境to pollute the environment造成危及人类健康的风险to pose risks to human health外资公司foreign-invested company使产品达到国际健康和质量标准to bring a product up to international health andquality standardsSupplementary Reading外包订单to outsource an order合资协议joint venture deal提高生产率和技术to boost productivity and skill中国进入世贸组织China’s entry into the WTO统治地位dominance传统的惯常做法traditional practices对东南亚国家的优势an advantage over Southeast Asian countries 一体化的供应链an integrated supply chain暴跌的价格tumbling price迫使价格下降to drive down a price高技术工人high-skilled worker半自动化to semi-automate电脑化系统 a computerized system提高工人的技术to upgrade the skills of the workers断电blackout港口拥堵port congestion企业经常的经营管理费用overhead分散风险to spread the riskLesson 9Text游说to lobby能源安全energy security[石油]提炼厂refinery管道pipeline恐怖主义分子的攻击terrorist attack燃料和电fuels and electricity负担得起的价格affordable price天然气natural gas享用电和液体燃料的机会access to electricity and liquid fuels地缘政治学的主题geopolitical theme维护开发油田的权利to protect one’s access to oil-fields世界上剩余的石油the world’s remaining oil全世界的石油产量the worldwide oil production Supplementary Reading (1)周期性回升cyclical recovery走强的价格strong price[价格]暴涨price boom[经济]增长放慢slowdown多头bull需求的增长the increase in demand需求的下降the decline in demand美国经济的扩张与收缩the expansion and contraction in the U.S.economy[价格]反弹to rebound2007年的前景the 2007 outlook原油期货[价格]达到空前的高点Crude futures strike a record high. 把……作为目标to target something供求状况supply and demand conditions供不应求的市场 a tight market[价格]表现最为强劲的商品the strongest performer低水平的库存the low level of inventories[库存]恢复到2004年4月曾经达到的水平 to be back at levels last seen in April 2004Supplementary Reading (2)[价格]同升同降to rise and fall in unison[价格]涨落不定volatile (adj.)天气波动weather fluctuation迫使[价格]上升to drive up (a price)生物燃料bio-fuel把原材料增加了的成本转嫁给顾客to pass on the higher costs of raw commoditiesto consumers承受能力affordability总体的价格overall prices正在增长on the increase食品价格的飞涨food price inflation现货价格spot price未加工的牛奶raw milk主食staple food联合国贸易和发展会议The United Nations Conference on Trade andDevelopment人均收入per capita income城市人口urban population核心消费品涨价core consumer inflation价格持续的上升 a sustained rise in price运输费用transportation cost削减援助to cut back on aid给食品公司的股票价格降级to downgrade the share prices of foodcompanies降低……的股票评级to lower one’s equity rating on (a company) [价格]像火箭一样地上涨to go up like rocket提高价格以弥补成本的增加to raise prices to recover the cost increase 提高价格to put up a price猖獗的通货膨胀rampant inflation二、补充阅读文章的参考译文Lesson 1提高工业生产率,转向高附加值产品,中国出口利润增加在人民币升值后的18个月里,中国的出口商品获得了更高的利润,这是由于中国出口行业提高了生产率,并生产越来越多的更高附加值产品。



2023年自考专业(国贸)《外刊经贸知识选读》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】Where was __________ you met with the famous scientist?A.it thatB.itC.the placeD.there2.【单选题】—Shall we go outing this weekend?—Oh, with all this work ______ ____,I don ’ t know if I ’ ll have time to go out.A.to doB. doingC.doneD. do3.【单选题】The number of tall buildings __________ greatly in Tianjin in the last few years.A.is increasingB.has increasedC.are increasedD. have increased4.【单选题】When Bob woke up he found himself in hospital, but he didn t__________.A.came aboutB. came outC. came alongD.came across5.【单选题】At this moment the bell rang, ________ the end of class.A.announcedB.. having announcedC.announcingD.to announce6.【单选题】His backache is only _________ for not watering the flowers.A.a reasonB.a causeC.an excuseD.reasons7.【单选题】We are living a_____A.stillB.quietC.calmD.silent8.【单选题】The cost of the various repairs amounts __________ total to just over a hundred pounds.A. toB.inC.byD.for9.【单选题】The speech is strongly impressed ________ my memory.A.toB.overC.byD.on10.【单选题】__________ twenty-fifth of December is __________Christmas Day.A.The; /B.The; theC.The; aD.A; the11.【单选题】The boy bought a new dictionary__________ he turned for help.A.from whichB. into whichC. whichD. to which12.【单选题】For some reason, it __________ all day over the two weeks.A.rainedB.rainsC.was rainingD.has been raining13.【单选题】I _________when I was a young girl.A.kept a diaryB.wrote a diaryC.made diariesD.kept diaries14.【单选题】Mary ’ s pronunciation is much better than __________ in her class.A.anyone ’sB.anyone ’ s elseC.anyone else ’sD.anyone else15.【单选题】We ________in the neighborhood.A. happened beingB. happened beC.happened to beD.are happened to be16.【单选题】Wood is often _________ paper.ed to makinged to makeed to be madeed making17.【单选题】You should try to write __________ eve n when you ’ re busy. As you know, practice makes perfect.A.now and thenB.more or lessC.sooner or laterD.here and there18.【单选题】One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain __________ good knowledge of basic word formation.A./B.theC.aD.one19.【单选题】I don ’ t want to buy the sweater because I don ’ t like the color.__________, it is too expensive.A.ExceptB.Except forC.HoweverD.Besides20.【单选题】You __________ put your computer in your bedroom.A.don ’ t needB.had not betterC.had better notD.ought not第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】His whole school education ________ only 2 years because of his illness.A.added upB.added up inC. added up toD.was added up2.【单选题】The world ’ s smallest baby, a __________ girl weighed just 24 grams when she was born .A.three monthsB.three-month-oldC.three months oldD.three-months-old3.【单选题】John said he would pay __________ second visit to China __________ next month.A.the; /B. the; theC.a; theD.a; /4.【单选题】Will you _________ playing basketball?A.join us inB. join toC. join us toD. to join us5.【单选题】Our teachers made us ________a lot of homework after school.A.to doB.doingC.doD.to have done until seven o clock.6.【单选题】This is the first time that I_________ at the meeting.A. had spokenB. have spokenC.amD. was7.【单选题】The shop _________ until 7 o ’ clock.A. stays openedB.continues openC. stays openD. continues opened8.【单选题】It's seven thirty. I_________ go to school.A.have gotB.have got toC.got toD.had got to9.【单选题】He came into the classroom_________.A.very upsetB.being upsetC.to upsetD.to be upset10.【单选题】Mr White ________ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn ’ t show up.A.should have arrivedB.should arriveC.should be arrivingD.arrived11.【单选题】I __________ the movie, but now I hardly remember it. Can you remind me of its name?A.may seeB. can seeC. may have seenD. can ’ t have seen12.【单选题】I don't know_________.A.how can I finish my homework on timeB.how I could finish my homework on timeC.I can how finish my homework on the timeD.how I can finish my homework on time13.【单选题】Are you _________ your classmates well?A.getting alongB.get long withC.getting long withD.getting along with life in the country.14.【单选题】No one _________of it.A.dared to speakingB.dared speakC. can dared speakD.dare speaking15.【单选题】She would rather have a room __________ than sleep with her sister.A.on her ownB.of her ownC.of hersD. for her16.【单选题】— It ’ s a warm day, isn —’ Yes, t it? it ’ s __________ cold. I just wear a jacket.A.not a bitB.a bitC.a littleD. not a little17.【单选题】An A4 sized panel ( 太阳能板) put onto the back of a jacket costs__________ US$15. It could __________ a cellphone during a summer walk.A.at most; workB.at least; controlC.at least; fuelD.at most; charge18.【单选题】America is an __________ country. You can hear __________ everywhere.A.English-spoken; English speakingB.English-speaking; English spokenC.speaking-English; English spokenD.spoken-English; English speaking19.【单选题】Our teacher __________ us to practise our spoken English as often as possible.A.hopesB.suggestsC.advisesD.lets20.【单选题】The storm died away at last with the golden waves __________ the shore in peace.A.beatB.to beatC.beatingD. beaten第1卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:A2.正确答案:A3.正确答案:B4.正确答案:A5.正确答案:C6.正确答案:C7.正确答案:B8.正确答案:B9.正确答案:D10.正确答案:A11.正确答案:D12.正确答案:D13.正确答案:A14.正确答案:C15.正确答案:C16.正确答案:B17.正确答案:A18.正确答案:C19.正确答案:D20.正确答案:C第2卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:C2.正确答案:B3.正确答案:C4.正确答案:A5.正确答案:C6.正确答案:B7.正确答案:B8.正确答案:B9.正确答案:A10.正确答案:A11.正确答案:C12.正确答案:D13.正确答案:D14.正确答案:B15.正确答案:B16.正确答案:A17.正确答案:D18.正确答案:B19.正确答案:C20.正确答案:C。

西方报刊经贸文章选读 史天陆 第五版 unit 1

西方报刊经贸文章选读 史天陆  第五版 unit 1


利: 有利于商品进口。当币种升值时,由于进口 商可从汇率升值中得到额外利润,而额外利润提 供了调低进口品在国内市场上价格的可能空间, 如进口汽车及其他进口商品价格则会下降,从而 可以增加对进口商品的需求,从而增加进口数量。 弊:不利于商品出口。比如原本中国100元人民 币的商品,卖到美国去只要12美元多一点点,现 在同样的一件商品卖到美国去就要将近13美元。 显然人民币的升值对我国的出口贸易很不利。
6. What is the prospect of the Chinese market? (Read Paragraph 10.) China still has many industries, particularly in services like insurance and finance, which are only now beginning to open to world trade. And the RMB is to appreciate gradually and gives a substantial boost to import-buying power.
Lesson 1

Байду номын сангаас
1. Why was China regarded as “an important pole” for the economic growth of Asia and the world by the authoritative analysts? (Read Paragraph 2.) Her economy had continued to boom in the recent years and grew at the rate of nearly 10 percent annually. It was already by some key measures the world’s second largest economy. 2. Is China a so-called “threat” or an economic driver to other countries with her becoming “the factory to the world”? Why? (Read Paragraph 3-4.) While China’s exports grow fast all the way, very often her imports grow still faster (than the exports) as demand in China is booming. It’s a driver to the world economy, especially the East Asia.



三、课后问题:1、What’s the meaning of “the pattern of China’s foreign trade”?“The pattern of China’s foreign trade” refers chiefly(主要的) to thecommodity structure of China’s foreign trade and her trade partnership with theworld.2、What kind of clause is introduced by “when” in the sentence of the thirdparagraph, section 1? An adverbial (状语) clause or an attributive (定语)one?An attributive clause3、“Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role inmodernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain (过度负担)on the nationaleconomy.”(中国政府认识到,国外技术对本国经济现代化作用重大,这使1978年中国的进口额增长了50%以上,结果国民经济背上了沉重的负担。

) Why did the more than 50% rise in imports of 1978 place undue strain on China’s national economy?More foreign exchanges(外汇) is required for more imports. All sections of China’s national economy would have to work harder and better to export andearn more for the imports increased.4、What’s “a net grain exporter(粮食净出口国)”? Does it mean one who hasnever done any imports?“A net grain exporter” should be one who has done both imports and exportsof the item, but finally exported more than imported within a period of time.5、“The strong increase in imports last year is attributed to buoyant economicactivity as well as to the success of the Government’s trade and foreigninvestment policies.”(去年进口额的大大增加不仅是由于政府贸易政策与对外投资政策的成功,而且是由于趋于上升的经济。



《外刊经贸知识选读》习题集I. INTERNA TIONAL TRADE一、翻译-中译英1. 一个国家贸易规模的相对大小经常通过该国的出口金额占其国内生产总值的比例来衡量。

2. 最重要的海运单据是提单。


3. 典型的信用证可能要求以下单证:发票、提单、海运保险单、装箱单、磅码单、检验证书及产地证。

4. 国际贸易是一个国家所生产的商品和服务和另一个国家所生产的商品和服务之间的交换。

5. 海关同中央银行紧密地合作,以确保货物只能按照现行的管理条例进口或出口。

二、翻译-英译中1. The issuing bank examines the draft and documents upon receipt, to ensure that the documents conform to the letter of credit. If anything is wrong, the discrepancies are subject to acceptance by the buyer.2. Consular invoices are declarations made at the consulate of the importing country. They confirm the ex works cost of a consignment.3. “Ex works” means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named p lace not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle.4. “Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place.5. “Cost, Insurance and Freight” means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.6. “Delivered Ex Ship” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship not cleared for import at the named port of destination.三、阅读-归纳Passage 1Chinese trade officials remain alarmed at the extent of the abuse of trade compensatory measures against China, although the number of anti-dumping investigations involving China has actually dropped. China remains the world’s largest vic tim of the abuse of anti-dumping measures with 27 investigations having been started into its exports in the latter half of last year, according to latest data from the World Trade Organization (WTO). The large number was partly because China’s exports grew extraordinarily quickly last year against the backdrop of gloomy world economic outlook, said Chinese trade officials. The abuse of anti-dumping measures against China has started to fall as the number was down from 29 investigations into Chinese exports in the latter of 2001, indicated WTO data. Chinese trade officials said China’s WTO membership helped deter foreign countries from discriminatory actions against China. The decrease was also a result of the hard work of the Fair Trade Bureau for Import and Export under the Ministry of Commerce, they said. The bureau, set up immediately after China’s WTO entry in late 2001, has done a lot inhelping domestic companies respond to foreign anti-dumping charges and refraining from vicious price competitions in international market. Officials with the bureau had expected the number of anti-dumping cases involving China would rapidly increase this year, with regard to big growth in Chinese exports last year and reviving international trade protectionism.1. Make a brief summary on the present situation of anti-dumping measures against China.2. Make a brief summary on the reasons which cause the large number of anti-dumping measures against China.3. Make a brief summary on the reasons which lead to the decreased number of anti-dumping measures against China.4. Make a brief summary on the function of Fair Trade Bureau for Import and Export in respond to risk of exportation.Passage 2In January, the United States imported more than $1.2 billion in textiles and apparel from China, up from about $701 million a year ago. Imports of major apparel products from China jumped 546 percent. Last January, for example, China shipped 941,000 cotton knit shirts, which were limited by quotas; this January, it shipped 18.2 million, a 1,836 percent increase. Imports of cotton knit trousers were up 1,332 percent from a year ago. These figures may be understated because China ships a large part of its goods through Hong Kong, and those shipments are not included. Fears that China is going to flood the world market with cheap textile exports have already inflamed tensions between Washington and Beijing because of worries about American manufacturing plants being closed and thousands of jobs being lost. Already, in January, the first month after global quotas were lifted, 12,200 jobs were lost in the United States apparel and textile industries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some analysts have predicted that China could capture as much as 70 percent of the American market in the next two years. Before the end of quotas, about 16 percent of apparel sold in the United States came from China. Last year, the United States trade deficit with China set a record of $162 billion, making it the largest trade imbalance ever recorded by the United States with a single country. To be sure, some textile importers say this phenomenon may be a one-time surge. Companies, for instance, may have put off shipping goods at the end of last year to avoid the quotas.5. Make a brief summary on the development of textiles imports to the United States from China after the end of quota.6. Make a brief summary on the connection between the end of quota and unemployment in the United States.7. Make a brief summary on the impact of the end of quota on the economy and society of United States.Passage 3International trade is, in principle, not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade do not change fundamentally regardless of whether trade is across a border or not. The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly than domestic trade. The reason is that a border typically imposes additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system or culture. Another difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of production such as capital and labor are typically more mobile within a country than across countries. Thus international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services, and only to alesser extent to trade in capital, labor or other factors of production. Trade in goods and services can serve as a substitute for trade in factors of production. Instead of importing a factor of production, a country can import goods that make intensive use of that factor of production and thus embody it. An example is the import of labor-intensive goods by the United States from China. Instead of importing Chinese labor, the United States imports goods that were produced with Chinese labor. One report in 2010 suggested that international trade was increased when a country hosted a network of immigrants, but the trade effect was weakened when the immigrants became assimilated into their new country.8. Make a brief summary on the definition of international trade.9. Make a brief summary on the difference between international trade and domestic trade.10. Make a brief summary on the reason that the United States imports labor-intensive goodsfrom China.四、阅读-答问A standard, commercial letter of credit (LC) is a document issued mostly by a financial institution, used primarily in trade finance, which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking.The letter of credit can also be payment for a transaction, meaning that redeeming the letter of credit pays an exporter. Letters of credit are used primarily in international trade transactions of significant value, for deals between a supplier in one country and a customer in another. In such cases, the International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits applies (UCP 600 being the latest version).The parties to a letter of credit are usually a beneficiary who is to receive the money, the issuing bank of whom the applicant is a client, and the advising bank of whom the beneficiary is a client. Almost all letters of credit are irrevocable, i.e., cannot be amended or canceled without prior agreement of the beneficiary, the issuing bank and the confirming bank, if any. In executing a transaction, letters of credit incorporate functions common to giros and Traveler's cheques. Typically, the documents a beneficiary has to present in order to receive payment include a commercial invoice, bill of lading, and documents proving the shipment was insured against loss or damage in transit.Letters of credit (LC) deal in documents, not goods. An LC can be irrevocable or revocable. An irrevocable LC cannot be changed unless both buyer and seller agree. With a revoca ble LC, changes can be made without the consent of the beneficiary.A sight LC means that payment is made immediately to the beneficiary/seller/exporter upon presentation of the correct documents in the required time frame. A time or date LC will specify when payment will be made at a future date and upon presentation of the required documents. Negotiation means the giving of value for draft(s) and/or document(s) by the bank authorized to negotiate, viz the nominated bank. Mere examination of the documents and forwarding the same to the letter of credit issuing bank for reimbursement, without giving of value / agreed to give, does not constitute a negotiation.To receive payment, an exporter or shipper must present the documents required by the letter of credit. Typically, the payee presents a document proving the goods were sent instead of showing the actual goods. The Original Bill of Lading (OBL) is normally the document accepted by banks as proof that goods have been shipped. However, the list and form of documents is open to imagination and negotiation and might contain requirements to present documents issued by a neutral third party evidencing the quality of the goods shipped, or their place of origin or place.One of the primary peculiarities of the documentary credit is that the payment obligation is abstract and independent from the underlying contract of sale or any other contract in the transaction. Thus the bank’s obligation is defined by the terms of the credit alone, and the sale contract is irre levant. The defensive of the buyer arising out of the sale contract do not concern the bank and in no way affect its liability. Article 4(a) UCP states this principle clearly. Article 5 the UCP further states that banks deal with documents only, they are not concerned with the goods (facts). Accordingly, if the documents tendered by the beneficiary, or his or her agent, appear to be in order, then in general the bank is obliged to pay without further qualifications.All the charges for issuance of Letter of Credit, negotiation of documents, reimbursements and other charges like courier are to the account of applicant or as per the terms and conditions of the Letter of credit. If the letter of credit is silent on charges, then they are to the account of the Applicant. The description of charges and who would be bearing them would be indicated in the field 71B in the Letter of Credit.1. What is the major function of letter of credit in international trade?2. What does UCP stand for?3. Which institution is the one that issued UCP 600?4. How should the exporter and the importer be called as parties of a letter of credit?5. What is the major function of issuing bank in a letter of credit business?6. What is the connection between the advising bank and the beneficiary?7. What is the major feature of an irrevocable LC?8. Under which circumstance can an irrevocable LC be amended?9. Which kind of LC does the exporter prefer to use, the revocable ones or irrevocable ones?10. As far as the time of payment is concerned, what are the two types of LC?11. Under which circumstances will the bank pay to the exporter?12. Which document is a title document?13. How to understand “the bank’s obligation is independent from sales contract”?14. Will the banks inspect the goods before making payment? Why?15. Usually, who is responsible for the charges for issuance of Letter of Credit?II. INTERNA TIONAL ECONOMIC RELA TIONS AND COOPERA TION一、翻译-中译英1. 工业化或发达国家是指那些除具有先进的农业和原料采掘技术外,还具有相当水平的制造业和服务业的国家。



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.From the local people’s words [Para 1: "Thank you, God," he says, "for theChinese."], we can see that they are happy about Chinese investments in their local places [Para 1].2.The most immediate priority for China's leadership is less how to project itselfinternationally than how to maintain stability in a society that is going through the sort of social and economic change that, in the past, has led to chaos and violence [Para 6].3.Assuming a bigger global presence has forced Beijing to learn the art ofinternational diplomacy [Para 14].4.No, they don’t. They only think that China has been more helpful in some areasthan others. Especially when China's perception of its own national interest matches what the U.S. and other international powers seek, that help can be significant [Para 16].5.Absorbed by the arc of crisis spreading from the Middle East, the . is simplyless visible in Southeast Asia than it once was, and China is stepping into the vacuum [Para 19].6.They point to two factors: the modernization of China's defense forces and therisk of war over Taiwan [Para 23].Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupChoose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C andD for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences.1. A2. B3. D4. D5. C6. A7. C8. D9. C 10. BII. Business Terms1.Give the Chinese equivalents of the following business terms and expressionswhich would be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). 飞速发展的出口贸易2). 开办纺织厂3). 对原材料的需求4). 政治实力5). 谈判中的关键一方6). 劳动市场7). 干涉内政8). 卫生保健和农业部门9). 联合国安理会常任理事国10). 石油康采恩11). 初级商品12). 国防白皮书2.Give the English Equivalents of the following Business terms and expressionswhich would be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). GDP (Gross Domestic Product)2). pension system3). the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit4). developing economy5). responsible stakeholder6). intellectual-property rights 7). sign a $16 billion contract with8). bid jointly for global oil projects9). foreign-exchange reserves10). leverage over China11). brutal competition for energy12). tap renewable sources of energyIII. Translation PracticeTranslate the following paragraph into Chinese.……但中国现在在全球经济中的地位是那么重要,以至于在中国改变它的路线之前一直观望等待这样的选择是不切实际的。






1. Whenever there is shortage of any specific goods,we'll replace by other goods with equivalent value.A. sameB. extraC. highD. low2. The slump in consumer confidence has created panic in the stock market.A. slow-downB. go-aheadC. drop-offD. speed-up3. The progress in European integration provides a solid underpinning for Europe's future development.A. theoryB. criticC. explanationD. basis4. Our country will achieve a state of law and order that we all aspire to.A. learn fromB. long forC. start upD. cope with5. If those systems are of high quality,your business will have an edge on the competitors.A. advantageB. pressureC. threatD. border6. Our economic relationship with China adds $2,400 per annum to every household through exports and investment.A. forevery shareB. for every yearC. for everyoneD. for every country7. We drew lessons from other countries about risk management in the wake of the financial crisis last year.A. betweenB. afterC. beforeD. during8. The American goverment avoided a direct confrontation with China on the currency issue.A. negotiationB. contactC. compromiseD. fight9. During the process of globalization,the enterprises should take measures to reduce the pollical risks.A. accountB. sizesC. actionsD. care10. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is supporting the efforts of some U.S. lawmakers to end the trade embargo on Cuba.A. relationB. freedomC. prohibitionD. dispute11. Some politicians accuse the U.S. of deliberately wrecking such agreement.A. supportingB. destroyingC. opposingD. pushing12. Officials in China are urging eligible couples to have two children because of concerns over an ageing population.A. qualifiedB. urbanC. powerfulD. wealthy13. China's average tariff level has dropped to 5% now as the country fulfills its commitments to the WTO.A. outputB. employmentC. salaryD. tax14. For the past ten years,Japan has been virtually at a standstill while a number of countries promoted bilateral economic partnerships.A. prosperityB. stagnationC. deteriorationD. stability15. We believe the reduction should be easily offset by the unexpected increase in investment growth.A. increasedB. cutC. maintainedD. compensated二、判断题:本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。

西方报刊经贸文章选读 史天陆 第五版 unit 2

西方报刊经贸文章选读 史天陆  第五版 unit 2

is the theme of this article?
is this article organized?
The Spread of China Inc.
Lead-in : one example of Chinese Multinational--Haier in U.S. The China boom Multinationals staring to make a mark on the world 2ways: Exports& overseas investment Pressure China’s putting on the regional economy Challenges & opportunities Chinese firms faced and how they coped with them Conclusion :China Inc. are becoming international players, but still have a long way to go
3. What are Chinese firms learning from their foreign partners? (Read Para. 10) Chinese firms are learning how to make some fairly sophisticated products. They can learn how to build and promote a local brand.
中国经济现实使企业国际化成为必要和可能 中国经济发展的现状使企业走出去跨国经营成为必要选择



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.The WTO ruled that China had violated international rules by limiting imports of books,songs and movies and gave the United States a victory. [Para 1.1]2.The ruling means that the W.T.O supports demands that the United States entertainmentproducts be allowed to sell directly to the Chinese market, instead of first going through the censorship in China. [Para 1.6]3.The ruling goes to the heart of the trade issues: whether intellectual property should deservethe protection from discriminatory trade practices as manufactured goods. [Para 1.11]4.The WTO ruled that China had violated international rules by limiting imports of intellectualproducts; China, under the pressure of the global corporate outcry, gave up charges against Rio Tinto; The Beijing administration decided to move away the plan to install censorship software on all new computers sold there. [Para 2.1]5.In those matters, business won. In terms of events involving global commercial profits,politics has to take these pressures into consideration and retreat to some extent. [Para 2.3]Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupChoose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences.1. B2. C3. A4. D5. B6. CII. Translation PracticeTranslate the following paragraph into Chinese.在上述的事件中,政治和商业利益(或曰经济利益)产生冲突,商业胜利了。



KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.The risks to the global financial system have moderated from the extreme levels identified inthe April 2009 Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). However, overall financial conditions remain tight. Severe recession risks have eased in response to concerted fiscal and monetary policy stimulus measures. [Paras 1-3]2.Because on both sides of the Atlantic, it is proving difficult to effectively implement measuresthat fully address the problem of impaired assets on banks' balance sheets, leaving banks vulnerable to a further deterioration in the quality of these assets if the global downturn is deeper, and more prolonged, than projected. [Para 4]3.Corporate bond markets have reopened,and are functioning more normally, but bank creditgrowth is still slowing. [Para 5]4.Because emerging markets are recovering, and emerging market assets have benefited fromthe recovery of commodity prices and improved growth prospects, especially in Asia.Emerging market equities have rebounded 30 to 60 percent since end-February, matching or outpacing mature market equities. [Para 8]5.Because continued policy efforts are needed to stave off the chance that some of the recentgains could yet be reversed. More work is needed to fix banks and markets. [Paras 11-12]Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupChoose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences.1. C2. B3. D4. D5. C6. B7. B8. D9. C 10. A11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. BII. Translation PracticeTranslate the following paragraphs into Chinese.然而,总体金融状况依然不容乐观。



1 KEY TO EXERCISES Section A: Text Comprehension I. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions: 1. US president Barack Obama and other leaders come to the Excel C entre on Tuesday for the oncoming oncoming Group Group Group of of of 20 20 20 summit, summit, summit, they they they assemble assemble assemble in in in an an an effort effort effort to to to rescue rescue rescue a a a shipwrecked shipwrecked shipwrecked world world economy (Para 1). 2. To handle handle the the the current current current crisis, crisis, crisis, policymakers policymakers policymakers and and and regulators regulators regulators agree agree agree to to to take take take some some some financial financial regulation to prevent the current crisis from recurring (Para2-5). 3. Yes. One particular difficulty is that governments will have to decide how public money will be deployed in future when it is necessary to save complex, cross-border financial institutions. If If politicians politicians politicians fail fail fail to to to address address address that that that head-on, head-on, head-on, large large large banks with banks with operations operations in in in multiple multiple multiple countries countries may soon be a distant memory (Para 9). 4. The The author author author thinks thinks thinks that that that such such such co-operation co-operation co-operation between between between regulators regulators regulators does does does not not not work work work because because because they they cannot come to an agreement on who should pay the bill (Para18). 5. The author concludes the report in Para 27-31. The conclusion is that global financial system forged by deregulation underpinned by a belief in free markets failed, and the task now is to prove it can be set running again with better brakes and steering.Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary Buildup Choose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C5.5. B B6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B II. Business Terms 1. Give Give the the the Chinese Chinese Chinese equivalents equivalents equivalents of of of the the the following following following business business business terms terms terms and and and expressions expressions expressions which which would be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). 金融监管金融监管 2). 安全系统安全系统 3). 监管范围监管范围 4). 具有自我调控能力的理性市场具有自我调控能力的理性市场 5). 金融机构金融机构 6). 业务种类业务种类7). 小额银行(存放)业务小额银行(存放)业务8). 财务主管财务主管9). 流动资产流动资产10). 独立分公司独立分公司2. Give Give the the the English English English Equivalents Equivalents Equivalents of of of the the the following following following Business Business Business terms terms terms and and and expressions expressions expressions which which would be found in the given paragraphs of the text.1). political agenda 2). ratings agencies 3). central clearing and settlement 4). financial innovation 5). risk management 6). financial services 7). failing banks 8). pay the bill 9). finance ministers 10). national pools of liquidity III. Text ComprehensionAnswer the following questions according to the text.1. Central Central to to to the the the Group Group Group of of of 20 20 20 summit summit summit of of of industrialised industrialised industrialised and and and developing developing developing countries countries countries will will will be be be the the question question of of of whether whether whether the the the chaotic chaotic chaotic system system system of of of finance finance finance that that that swept swept swept the the the globe globe globe over over over the the the past past past two two decades can be controlled . [Para 2]. 2. Both simile and metonymy are used in this paragraph. Metaphor: whether the chaotic system of finance that swept the globe over the past two decades can be controlled. Simile: It is the equivalent of installing seatbelts, airbags and anti-lock brakes on cars that have just been involved in a head-on collision. Metaphor: If they succeed, driving should become safer. Metaphor: But some motorists may forsake the highway for slower country lanes. [Para 2]3. Recent reports from the Working Group on Financial Reform led by Paul V olcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman; the group chaired by Jacques de Larosière, former governor of the Banque de France; and the report fr om Lord Turner, chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority, display a remarkable consensus on the areas most in need of an overhaul. [Para 5].4. The The authors authors authors here here here refer refer refer to to to the the the authors authors authors of of of the the the recent recent recent reports reports reports from from from the the the Working Working Working Group Group Group on on Financial Reform and Lord Turner who made another report [Para 5& 7].5. Because the regulators realize that the market cannot be counted on to limit excess, just as Lord Turner says, “The financial crisis has challenged the intellectual assumptions on which previous regulatory approaches were largely built, and in particular the theory of rational and self-self-correcting markets” correcting markets” [Para 7]. [Para 7]. 6. In an effort to minimise the cost of future bail-outs, regulators are seeking far-reaching powers to close failing banks in an orderly way. [Para 14]. 7. The lesson they learn is that as a financial regulator, a government c ould afford a bail-out of such scale. So across the rest of the developed world, policymakers are urgently discussing how how they they they would would would respond respond respond if if if a a a large large large institution institution institution that that that happens happens happens to to to be be headquartered headquartered somewhere somewhere else got into trouble [Para 16]. 8. Because Because such such such cross-border cross-border cross-border co-operation co-operation co-operation between between between regulators regulators regulators is is is incomplete incomplete incomplete without without without some some agreement on who should pay the bill [Para 18-19].9. No, it is not practical, for it is almost impossible to get elected governments to sign up to such a commitment in advance [Para 21].10. The most likely outcome is that decades of global financial integration begin to unravel [Para 22]. 11. Far from worrying that banks have become “too big to fail”, governments in the US and UK have encouraged groups such as Bank of America and Lloyds TSB to take over failing institutions, which infected the purchasers with the same disease, forcing even larger banks into state arms. In addition, the demand for powers to wind down large financial institutions is at odds with promises by ministers that they will not allow another big bank to fail. 12. Because Because by by by the the the end end end of of of the the the week, week, week, the the the world world world will will will find find find answer answer answer from from from the the the G20 G20 G20 Summit. Summit. Summit. [Para [Para 29-30]. IV IV.. Interactive BrainstormingDiscuss with your partners the following questions based on your understanding of the text as well as on your own knowledge and ideas. (Omitted)。



外刊经贸知识选读重点词汇与课后答案Lesson 1 China’s Foreign Trade(中国的对外贸易) 重点词组:1、link 连接(这里为往来2、pattern 模式、结构*3、substantially 相当大的、重大的*4、in return for 作为…地交换5、manufactured goods 工业产品6、capital equipment 资本设备7、industrialization programme 工业项目8、heavy industry 重工业9、produced gains in 从… 中获利*10、economic imbalances 经济失衡11、national income 国民收入12、contract 收缩、下降13、aid 援助14、shift away form …towards 从…转移到…*15、consistent theme 一贯的主题16、strong emphasis placed on 强调、重视17、trade relating 贸易往来18、fell sharply 急剧下降(下滑)19、grown rapidly 迅速增长*20、sign in 签订21、in the wake of 在…之后22、normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化23、come into force 生效*24、most-favored nation treatment最惠国待遇25、accounted for 占……*26、category 种类*27、item 项目28、US dollar value of 以美元计算的29、increased at an average rate of 平均以……比率增长 *30、per annum 每年31、visible trade surplus 有形贸易余额32、rise sharply 迅速上升、猛增*33、play a major role 起重要作用*34、undue strain 沉重负担35、a net grain exporter 粮食净出口国*36、pattern 模式*37、reverse 逆转,相反38、jump 暴涨*39、visible trade account 有形贸易收支40、in deficit 赤字、逆差*41、buoyant 趋于上升*42、attribute to 归因于……43、re-reported 再出口*44、leading 最主要的*45、decline 下降、减少*46、supplier 供应者*47、industrial country 工业化国家48、expect 期望*49、boost 推动、提高*50、recovered strongly 很大恢复*51、introducing advanced technology of 向…引进先进技术*52、sophistication 精密、尖端53、invisible account 无形贸易收支54、balance of payments 国际收支55、earnings 收益、收入*56、current account 经常项目57、in surplus 处于顺差、有盈余*58、reserves 储备、储量*59、the balance 收支平衡*余额60、specializes in 专门从事*61、balance 平衡*62、earnings and requirements 收入和需求63、run-down 减少、缩减*64、as a means of 作为65、international economic co-operation 国际经济合作66、mount 举行、进行67、trade fairs 商品展销会68、practice 惯例69、compensation trade 补偿贸易70、raw materials 原材料71、in return 作为报答72、barter 易货贸易73、counter-trade 反向贸易74、a series of 一系列75、designed to 旨在76、joint venture 合资企业77、The China International Trust Investment Corporation(CITIC)中国国际信托投资公司78、transfer 转让*79、for the time being 目前、暂时80、direct investment 直接投资81、access 接近的机会、享用权*82、the international capital markets 国际资本市场83、commercial terms 商业条件84、compile 收集、汇集85、OECD 经济合作和发展组织86、Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银行87、bulk 绝大部分、主体88、in the short-term 从短期来看89、over the longer term 从长期来看90、representative offices 办事处三、课后问题:1、What’s the meaning of “the pattern of China’s foreign trade”?“The pattern of China’s foreign trade” refers chiefly(主要的) to the commodity structure of China’s foreign trade and her trade partnership with the world.2、What kind of clause is introduced by “when” in the sentence of the third paragraph, section 1? An adverbial (状语) clause or an attributive (定语) one?An attributive clause3、“Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain (过度负担)on the nat ional economy.”(中国政府认识到,国外技术对本国经济现代化作用重大,这使1978年中国的进口额增长了50%以上,结果国民经济背上了沉重的负担。



美英报刊文章阅读第四版课后练习题含答案第一篇文章题目:“Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy”作者认为什么是人们在使用屏幕时感到不愉快的主要原因?答案:作者认为,人们在使用屏幕时感到不愉快的主要原因是因为屏幕的使用会干扰人类的自然生活方式和社交联系。

第二篇文章题目:在《Starbucks Didn’t Fix Racism at Its Stores. It Just Invited Us to Talk About It》这篇文章中,作者提到了什么措施可以改善种族歧视问题?答案:《Starbucks Didn’t Fix Racism at Its Stores. It Just Invited Us to Talk About It》这篇文章中,作者提到了在Starbucks店内进行种族平等培训是改善种族歧视的一种措施,同时也提到了在社交媒体上与大众交流和讨论种族平等问题的重要性。

第三篇文章题目:《In a Small Arizona City, Trump’s Border Wall Is Already Dividing People》这篇文章中,作者讨论了哪些社会问题?答案:《In a Small Arizona City, Trump’s Border Wall Is Already Dividing People》这篇文章中,作者讨论了墨西哥边境上正在建造的特朗普的边境墙带来的社会问题,包括对当地社区和环境的影响,以及墙带来的政治分歧。

第四篇文章题目:《The Hottest Restaurants in Charleston, S.C.》这篇文章主要介绍了什么?答案:《The Hottest Restaurants in Charleston, S.C.》这篇文章主要介绍了位于美国南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿市的一些最受欢迎的餐厅和美食文化。

第五篇文章题目:《When Mental Illness Comes for Our Children》这篇文章主要讨论了什么问题?答案:《When Mental Illness Comes for Our Children》这篇文章主要讨论了青少年精神疾病的问题,包括如何注意症状、如何寻求帮助以及如何应对这些问题。

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KEY TO EXERCISESSection A: Text ComprehensionI. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions:1.The risks to the global financial system have moderated from the extreme levels identified inthe April 2009 Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). However, overall financial conditions remain tight. Severe recession risks have eased in response to concerted fiscal and monetary policy stimulus measures. [Paras 1-3]2.Because on both sides of the Atlantic, it is proving difficult to effectively implement measuresthat fully address the problem of impaired assets on banks' balance sheets, leaving banks vulnerable to a further deterioration in the quality of these assets if the global downturn is deeper, and more prolonged, than projected. [Para 4]3.Corporate bond markets have reopened,and are functioning more normally, but bank creditgrowth is still slowing. [Para 5]4.Because emerging markets are recovering, and emerging market assets have benefited fromthe recovery of commodity prices and improved growth prospects, especially in Asia.Emerging market equities have rebounded 30 to 60 percent since end-February, matching or outpacing mature market equities. [Para 8]5.Because continued policy efforts are needed to stave off the chance that some of the recentgains could yet be reversed. More work is needed to fix banks and markets. [Paras 11-12]Section B: ExercisesI. Vocabulary BuildupChoose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences.1. C2. B3. D4. D5. C6. B7. B8. D9. C 10. A11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. BII. Translation PracticeTranslate the following paragraphs into Chinese.然而,总体金融状况依然不容乐观。



[Para.2] 鉴于对金融系统稳定造成的威胁在加剧,信贷紧缩在恶化,2009年4月《全球金融稳定报告》指出了迫在眉睫的政策挑战,强调采取一系列金融政策缓解下行风险。






[Para.16]Ⅲ. Text ComprehensionAnswer the following questions according to the text.1.Unprecedented policy actions undertaken by central banks and governments worldwide havesucceeded in stabilizing the financial condition of banks, reducing funding pressures and counterparty risk concerns, and supporting aggregate demand. These interventions have reduced the tail risk of another systemic failure similar to the collapse of Lehman Brothers.Bank debt and interbank markets have resumed functioning, albeit with massive public sector support. Concerns regarding liquidity and counterparty risks in the banking sector have declined. [Para 1]2.Because overall financial conditions remain tight. Growth in bank credit to the private sectorcontinues to slow in mature economies, securitization markets outside those supported by the public sector remain impaired, and lower-quality borrowers have little access to capital market funding. Furthermore, the public sector interventions that have underpinned the reduction in private sector risks have resulted in a concomitant increase in public sector risks and a mounting burden on fiscal sustainability. [Para 2]3.The evidences given by the report are the narrower spreads and lower projected default rates,and the recovery of commodity prices and the resumption of portfolio inflows and rising asset prices. [Para 3]4.April 2009 GFSR highlighted three main areas of risk: (i) that weaknesses inadvanced-economy banking sectors could act as a greater drag on credit growth and economic recovery; (ii) that emerging markets remain vulnerable to a slowing or cessation of capital inflows; and (iii) that yields on sovereign debt may rise significantly and private borrowers may be crowded out if the burden on public sector balance sheets is not managed in a credible way. [Para 4].5.The better-than-expected earnings results, a successful stress-testing exercise, thecommitment by the U.S. government to stand behind the 19 largest banks, and a series of bank capital-raisings. [Para 5]6.The evidence is that overall bank credit growth continues to diminish, as deleveragingpressures persist. [Para 7]7.This reflects in part improved recovery prospects and reduced risks of deflation. [Para 9]8.Since then, the unprecedented policy actions have been taken and, as a result, have reducedthe likelihood of major failures, an important step toward restoring confidence. [Para 10]9.Concerning banks, the needed work is in some cases to implement measures already taken,and, in others, to adopt new measures. Concerning market, the needed work is to find ways to reopen the securitization market by placing it on a sounder footing. [Para 12]10.Stress tests, which, if accompanied by credible measures to address any shortfalls in capital,can be an effective tool in rebuilding bank balance sheet strength. The U.S. experience and recent European initiatives to organize coordinated stress tests are a welcome step forward.[Para 14]IV. Interactive Brainstorming (Omitted)Discuss with your partners the following questions based on your understanding of the text as well as your own knowledge and ideas.。
