Monitoring Utilization in an NT Workstation Lab
Monitoring and Configuration in a Smart Transducer Network
Monitoring and Configurationin a Smart Transducer NetworkRoman Obermaisser,Member,IEEE,Philipp Peti,Wilfried Elmenreich,Thomas LosertAbstract–There is a strong necessity for monitor-ing,runtime configuration,and maintenance of smart transducer networks.This paper describes tools for establishing these tasks in distributed real-time sys-tems.A time-triggered architecture is presented,that accomplishes deterministic,reproducible monitoring of a smart transducer network without probe effects.This architecture allows access to the relevant node internal information to render all conditions observable,which cause a specific system behavior.Timeliness during dynamic reconfiguration and maintenance is preserved, which allows evolutionary changes and maintenance of the system during real-time operation.The architec-ture comprises both a local application and a CORBA client/server communication.We present a case study providing insight into a concrete implementation of this architecture based on thefieldbus protocol TTP/A. Index Terms—Smart Sensor,Runtime Configuration, Time-Triggered Architecture,Interface Design,Moni-toring,CORBA,Distributed Real-Time Systems1IntroductionIn1982Wen H.Ko and Clifford D.Fung introduced the term“intelligent transducer”[1].An intelligent or smart transducer is the integration of an analog or dig-ital sensor or actuator element and a local microcon-troller that contains the interface circuitry,a proces-sor,memory,and a network controller in a single unit. The smart sensor transforms the raw sensor signal to a standardized digital representation,checks and cali-brates the signal,and transmits this digital signal via a standardized communication protocol to its users[2]. Smart transducer technology implicates the develop-ment of transducer networks,that allow monitoring, plug-and-play configuration and the communication of digitized transducer data.Such a smart transducer net-work provides a framework that helps to reduce the complexity and cost of large distributed real-time sys-tems.Monitoring and debugging of distributed embedded real-time systems differ significantly from debugging and testing programs for desktop computers,because only few interfaces to the outside world are present[3]. In addition,a distributed system contains multiple lo-cations of control and therefore conventional break-point techniques result in an undesired modification of the timing behavior.This indeterministic effect is All four authors are with the Real-Time Systems Group of the Insitut f¨u r Technische Informatik at the Vienna University of Technology.called the“Probe Effect”[4],[5]or the“Heisenberg Uncertainty”[6]applied to software.Therefore a vital property of a convenient monitoring environment is the absence of disturbances or intrusions on the system ers expect tools to avoid the probe effect and to incorporate a deterministic and reproducible behav-ior.Much research has focused on monitoring,debugging, configuration,and maintenance of distributed real-time systems.However,existing tool sets generally neglect a subset of the major monitoring qualities like repro-ducibility,determinism and the elimination of the probe effect.The tool sets presented in Section2.4restrict observations to the bus contents,although determin-ism involves the ability to observe all conditions,which cause a specific system behavior.These solutions elimi-nate the probe effect by renouncing deterministic mon-itoring as defined in[7].They also lack mechanisms for preserving timeliness during dynamic reconfiguration and maintenance.This fact makes these approaches unsuited for online reconfiguration and maintenance in a hard real-time environment,i.e.modifications to the system require a system shut down.We have developed a tool set for hard real-time environments,which integrates the above mentioned functions while exploiting the properties of the time-triggered protocol TTP/A to establish the major mon-itoring qualities.In contrast to existing tools relevant node internal information is accessible while preventing any modification to the behavior in either the temporal or value domain.On-the-fly configuration and mainte-nance can be performed while preserving the timeliness in the exchange of real-time data.Therefore,evolution-ary changes of the system can occur during real-time operation.This paper describes tools and architectures to ac-complish this task and is structured as follows.In Sec-tion2related work in thefield of monitoring of dis-tributed real-time systems is presented.Section3gives an overview of smart transducer interfaces.Section4 describes the Time-Triggered Architecture with Inter-net tool support.In Section5the implementation of monitoring tools as a case study is described.Section6 gives an outlook to future work and Section7concludes the paper.2An Overview on Monitoring Monitoring is the process of gathering information about a program’s execution that cannot be obtained by static analysis of the source code.2.1Purposes of MonitoringOne function of monitoring is the collection of run-time information of a real-time system for testing and debugging.Monitoring is often an effective procedure for locating incorrect system behavior and serves the purpose of a debugging tool[5].In a critical real-time system it can provide additional confidence for the va-lidity of a static analysis.In non-critical real-time sys-tem software dynamic debugging and testing may be preferred due to lower cost and complexity. Distributed real-time systems require the possibility for on-the-fly configuration and maintenance without a system shut down[8].This allows the accommo-dation of evolutionary changes of the system,which is especially important for networks with a long ex-pected lifetime.Configuration is aided by electronic data-sheets that contain all relevant information of a transducer[9].This information is located on the chip in persistent memory and may not be separated from the chip.Hence human errors associated with entering sensor parameters manually are completely eliminated. Losing transducer paper data sheets is no longer a con-cern.Enhanced capabilities like plug and play are pos-sible[10].Monitoring also aids in the automatic detection and handling of anomalous system states.If erroneous con-ditions described by monitoring constraints occur,a monitoring application can initiate corrective actions.2.2Monitoring RequirementsUseful monitoring tools must satisfy certain quali-ties[11],[7].Elimination of the Probe Effect:The act of observing a distributed real-time system can change its behavior. Existing errors can be hidden and new errors can be introduced.Due to multiple locations of control,the halting of a single control path introduces a temporal distortion.Therefore a vital property of a convenient monitoring environment is the absence of disturbances or intrusions on the system behavior.Deterministic Monitoring:Deterministic monitoring means that all conditions are observed,which cause a specific system behavior.For deterministic monitoring all entities must be observed with respect to contents, order and timing.Reproducible Monitoring:Reproducible monitoring is advantageous for debugging,since erroneous conditions can be deterministically reproduced.For sustaining re-producibility in a conventional sequential program,it is sufficient to start at the same initial state and to provide the same inputs.In a real-time system,there is the additional requirement for a reproducible timing behavior.Therefore,the inputs have to be reproduced with respect to contents,order and timing.Tasks have to be executed in the same order and the probe effect must be eliminated.2.3Monitoring ApproachesVarious monitoring mechanisms are available and categorized into three types:hardware,software,and hybrid monitors.These monitoring mechanisms can be distinguished in terms of cost,reusability and the elim-ination of the probe effect.Hardware Monitoring:Separate hardware objects ob-serve the distributed system.Tsai et al.[12]use phys-ical probes that are connected to the processors and memory ports.The main advantage of this approach is its non-intrusive nature.Since information is read from busses and processor ports only,processor internal data is invisible to hardware monitoring.Software Monitoring:Resources are shared with the monitored system.Software probes are inserted into the code to gather information.The main disadvantage of this approach is the problem of predicting the per-turbations caused by the additional code.However this approach offersflexibility,portability,lower cost,and easier design than hardware monitors.A tradeoffbe-tween predictability and cost exists in thefinal system. If the code pieces for software monitoring are removed from the target system after testing,the probe effect may occur.On the other hand remaining of monitoring code results in increased usage of hardware resources. An example for software monitoring is presented in[13]. Hybrid Monitoring Hybrid monitors are designed to overcome the shortcomings of the above mentioned ap-proaches.Typically hybrid systems consist of an inde-pendent hardware device that receives monitoring infor-mation generated by software probes.Software probes are inserted into the monitored software objects[12].So called“Triggers”,which are implemented in software, assist the dedicated hardware on recording important events.The code used for monitoring must also be re-source adequate in order to avoid the probe effect.This way the level of abstraction is increased and the amount of the recorded information is decreased[3].Functional limitations of hardware monitoring are eliminated and the internal state of the target system and intermedi-ate results of computations are accessible.Neverthe-less,disadvantages of increased cost and usability for a specific target system only remain.2.4Related WorkA network configuration and monitoring tool suite developed for thefieldbus protocol LIN is described in[14],[15].A hardware monitoring tool records the contents and the points of time of occurrence of LIN frames.This bus traffic is stored in log-files for later analysis.The internal state of nodes remains hidden. For configuration purposes a tool chain allows the gen-eration of a target image out of a specification of com-munication requirements.This target image is loaded into the nodes during service mode.In contrast to the monitoring solution described in this paper no online maintenance and reconfiguration is supported.For CAN bus systems the CANalyzer tool[16]is available.It allows observing and analyzing of bus traf-fic.During passive mode no probe effect can occur.Theinternal state of the nodes remains hidden,if it is not transmitted on the network.Determinism and repro-ducibility are limited,since conditions contributing to a specific system behavior are not necessarily broadcast on the bus.A hardware monitoring tool developed for the time-triggeredfieldbus TTP/A is described in[17],[18].It records and stores all data on the real-time bus for later analysis.Trigger conditions are employed forfiltering purposes, reduce the amount of recorded data. Due to the fact that only information transmitted on the bus is accessible,node internal data values cannot be inspected.Table1summarizes the capabilities of the described tool sets and compares them to the properties of the monitoring solution presented in this paper.Bus Relevant Dynamic Tool Contents Internals Config.Observ.Observ.Support CANalyzer yes no no LINspector yes no noTTP/A HW yes no noTTP/A Hybrid yes yes yes Table1:Comparison of Monitoring and Configuration Tools3System Architecture with Internet ToolSupportFigure1depicts the system architecture of our ap-proach.We identified4levels above each other,with a well-defined interface between each two levels.Thefirst level is thefieldbus level.It comprises trans-ducers(sensors and actuators)which are interconnected by a digitalfieldbus.The transducers consist of a physi-cal sensor or actuator integrated with a microcontroller unit and a communication interface.The microcon-troller contains the“intelligence”to transform the raw sensor signal to a standardized digital representation respectively transform a digital control value to an ap-propriate actuator signal.All smart transducers are accessible via a standard-ized smart transducer interface.In order to support complexity management and composability,it is use-ful to specify distinct interfaces for functional different services[19].Three types of interfaces can be distin-guished:The Real-time Service interface(RS)provides the timely real-time services to the component during the operation of the system.The Diagnostic and Main-tenance interface(DM)opens a communication chan-nel to the internals of a component.It is used to set parameters and to retrieve information about the in-ternals of a component,e.g.,for the purpose of fault diagnosis.This interface is available during system op-eration without disturbing the real-time service.The Configuration and Planning interface(CP)is necessarySmart Sensors and ActuatorsFigure1:System Architectureto access configuration properties of a node.It is used for initial configuration and for system reconfiguration. The second level is the gateway level.Thefieldbus gateway node is connected to thefieldbus and contains the software and hardware to establish a connection via a standard PC interface.We used an RS232serial con-nection.Other possible connections are RS485,USB, IEEE1394,or a wireless connection with IrDA or ra-dio signals.The used protocol for this connection shall guarantee real-time behavior.The next level hosts a PC running a communication module and local tools for monitoring and configuration and a server module.Because the timing behavior of the communication from the local tools into thefield-bus network provides a deterministic timing behavior, the local tools can support deterministic real-time mon-itoring.However,compared to access atfieldbus level data is accessible at a lower bandwidth.The communication module running on the PC will be a CORBA(Common Object Request Broker Archi-tecture)ORB server.The OMG(Object Management Group),the largest standardization group for CORBA services,currently examines a standard for smart trans-ducer interfaces[20].Our interface will conform to this future standard.The CORBA system enables the transparent Internet access of remote service applications(level four)to the fieldbus network.This interface is independent of the employed protocols and physical layers atfieldbus level.4Case StudyThe goal was to develop a set of tools allowing rapid development,monitoring and dynamic reconfiguration of TTP/A networks.This task was accomplished by devising a hybrid monitoring solution combining mon-itoring hardware with instrumentation code.The tools were designed according to the presented system archi-tecture with Internet tool support.Emphasis was set on the realization of the monitoring qualities described in section2.2,namely reproducibility,determinism and the elimination of the probe effect.The tools were im-plemented as part of the development of smart TTP/A transducer networks.These networks controlled an au-tonomous mobile robot and a demonstrator with an arm prosthesis[17],[18],[21].4.1Fieldbus Level-TTP/A BusTTP/A is a time-triggered master/slave communi-cation protocol forfieldbus applications that uses a time division multiple access(TDMA)bus arbitration scheme[22].It is possible to address up to255nodes on a bus.One single node is the active master.This master provides the time base for the slave nodes.The communication is organized into rounds.Bus access conflicts are avoided by a strict TDMA schedule for each round.A round consists of several slots.A slot is a unit for transmission of one byte of data.Data bytes are transmitted in a standard UART format.Each commu-nication round is started by the master with a so-called fireworks byte.Thefireworks byte defines the type of round.DataByte sent either by master or slaveFigure2:A TTP/A RoundA TTP/A round(see Figure2)consists of a con-figuration dependent number of slots and an assigned sender node for each slot.The configuration of a round is defined in the RODL(ROund Descriptor List).The RODL defines which node transmits in a certain slot, the semantics of each individual slot,and the receiv-ing nodes of a slot.RODLs must be configured in the slave nodes prior to the execution of the corresponding multipartner round.A master/slave round is a special round with afixed layout that establishes a connection between the master and a particular slave for reading/writing monitoring or configuration data,e.g.the RODL information.In a master/slave round the master addresses a data record in the IFS format and specifies an action like reading, writing or executing on that record.The master/slave rounds establish the CP and DM interface to the transducer nodes.Master/slave rounds are intendedto be scheduled periodically between mul-tipartner rounds as depicted in Figure3.Figure3:Recommended TTP/A ScheduleThe TTP/A protocol[22]offers a unique addressing scheme for all relevant data of a node like communi-cation schedules,calibration data,and I/O properties. This addressing scheme is called Interface File System (IFS)[2].The IFS provides a universal interface to the TTP/A network for configuration and maintenance tools as well as for applications running local on a node. The IFS is structured in a record-oriented format.The smallest addressable unit is a record of4bytes.All nodes contain severalfiles with a number of records that can contain information for automatic configura-tion,similar to the idea of Transducer Electronic Data Sheets in the IEEE1451.2standard[23].4.2Gateway Level-TTP/A Gateway Component The TTP/A gateway component represents the in-terface between the workstation level and thefieldbus level.It performs the task of thefieldbus gateway node described in section3.The gateway node is designed to support the TTP/A master by shifting load from it. Requests for accessing the IFS are queued at the gate-way component and forwarded to the master at points in time determined by the master.Since the TTP/A master controls the rate at which information is ex-changed with the gateway component,no violation of timing constraints with respect to the TTP/A commu-nication can occur.Probe effects are avoided,because timely execution of the protocol code in the master can be ensured despite monitoring activities.The gateway component also performs the prioritization of the re-quests for IFS accesses according to the different types of interfaces introduced in Section3.Time critical op-erations of the RS interface are forwarded prior to the operations of the DM and CP interfaces.As a consequence of the preprocessing and queuing performed by the gateway component the additional in-structions needed for monitoring take less than15µs in the master implementation on the Microchip PIC16F84 microcontroller unit(clocked at8MHz).These are 2.2%of the processing time of the microcontroller unit during a time slot of677µs(communication at 19200Baud).The cost for the additional hardware is minimized,since commercial offthe shelf components (COTS)are utilized.An Atmel AT90S2313microcon-troller unit was used as gateway component.4.3Workstation LevelThe workstation level consists of both a local moni-toring application and a CORBA server module repre-senting the interface to remote monitoring clients.The local monitoring application allows real-time monitor-ing,maintenance and dynamic configuration without indeterministic delays caused by the Internet.Remote client applications performing monitoring,diagnosis orconfiguration tasks access the Interface File System of thefieldbus level by sending requests to the CORBA Server Module(see Figure4).Figure4:Workstation Interacting with other Levels Records accessed through the Real-Time Service In-terface(RS)are placed in a shared memory called the “Partially Mirrored IFS”.Data elements stored in this data structure are updated at a constant bandwidth. Thereby the age of the data elements is bounded by the update period.The maximum age is independent of the user’s access rate.The contents of the“Partially Mirrored IFS”are ob-servations.An observation is any property of a relevant state variable that is observed by a smart transducer (ST).An observation records the state of a state vari-able at a particular instant,the point of observation. An observation can be expressed by the atomic triple <name of the observed state variable,observed value, time of observation>.An observation is stored in a record of the IFS within an ST and is normally peri-odically updated by internal encapsulated processes of the ST.The observed value is contained in the record and the time of observation is the time of updating the record by the internal process of the ST.CORBA Server Module:The CORBA Server estab-lishes a connection to the remote clients.Client ap-plication automatically benefit of the properties of the CORBA concept.Among the advantages are scala-bility,maintenability,fault tolerance,independence of the physical layer,language independence and trans-parency of the network layer[24].In our architecture the maximum age of data elements gained at thefieldbus level is known up to the CORBA server.In conjunction with real-time CORBA it is pos-sible to additionally achieve end-to-end predictability, i.e.the temporal behaviour of all transmission activi-ties are deterministic.This results in knowledge about the maximum data element age at the clients.Due to the nature of the Internet,the timing of the master/slave access is indeterministic at this point.The timing unpredictability is caused by the bursty network traffic of the Internet.This lack of temporal certainty is non-critical because access to the configuration inter-face of the cluster nodes is not a time critical task(see Section3).Local Monitoring Module:The local monitoring mod-ule is superior to remote monitoring applications in terms of temporal predictability.The values of the in-terfacefile system are presented to the user in a graph-ical representation.The tool also offers configuration capabilities.The local monitoring application serves the purpose of visualization of the real-time data.This visualization takes place with a scalable window of the information space.This approach to adjust the proper level of detail is called“Pan and Zoom approach”[25]. Operators are aided in the comprehension of events on the network.The monitoring functions of testing, debugging,configuration,maintenance and electronic datasheet extraction are enabled.Configuration and maintenance are achieved by establishing the possibil-ity to write directly into the interfacefile system of a master node.Figure5:Dynamic Configuration Example:Plug’n’Play Figure5illustrates the concept of using the IFS for dynamic configuration purposes.The user can initi-ate a scan for new nodes followed by a configuration of newly connected nodes according to their transducer electronic datasheets.This approach is based upon the work presented in[26].As a consequence of the user command the master scans for recently added nodes and automatically assigns a unique node iden-tifier(alias)to each found node without affecting thereal-time services.In addition to the series and serial number(assigned by the hardware manufacturer)the alias of the newly connected node is stored in a record of the IFS providing feedback for the user.As soon as the alias is assigned the node can be configured according to its electronic datasheet using master/slave accesses. The alias is necessary for addressing a particular node during a master/slave access(see Section4.1).Figure6:User Interface of the Monitoring Application Figure6shows the user interface of the local monitoring application.Most of the window space is consumed by the visualization of the status information(IFS).The electronic datasheet of the master node and details of the monitoring process are also displayed.Both elec-tronic datasheets andfile system entries of other nodes can be queried.4.4Establishment of the Monitoring Requirements The probe effect was eliminated by executing the monitoring code in TTP/A nodes only during idle times.As a consequence no modification of the tem-poral behavior could occur.The determination of the necessary resources for allowing both time critical real-time operations and monitoring during peak load sce-narios was possible by the a-priori knowledge of the processing time required for the execution of the mon-itoring code.Determinism was established by mapping all relevant data elements into the interfacefile system(see Sec-tion4.1).This eases the monitoring task significantly. The IFS provides a fully specified interface in both the value and time domain between the application and the protocol code of the node.Reading this IFS periodi-cally enables the system developer to gain insight of the node’s behavior.By the provision of a global time in all TTP/A nodes events can be time stamped.Therefore all conditions causing a certain system behavior are ob-servable with respect to their values and the point in time of monitoring.In contrast to the monitoring solu-tions presented in Section2.4the internal state of nodes need not be broadcast on the bus to be observable. Reproducibility was ensured by the properties of the TTP/A protocol.The time-triggered architec-ture results in a predefined execution order of tasks and no need for explicit synchronizing constructs (e.g.semaphores).5OutlookBecause the Internet interface opens a wide gap for security threats like data interception and manipula-tion,the connection to the cluster interface will be pro-tected by strong encryption.The performance of the local server respective the client workstation will suf-fice for the encryption algorithms.On the other hand the access to the cluster should be very comfortable.To support this we plan to implement an authentification service with different access levels.As a further improvement the server module may be implemented on a single board computer running the CORBA-Object Request Broker on embedded Linux–thus reducing cost by replacing the workstation.6ConclusionIt can be stated that monitoring,configuration and maintenance tools are essential development compo-nents.We have devised a tool set for hard real-time en-vironments,which integrates monitoring,maintenance and configuration functions while exploiting the prop-erties of the time-triggered protocol TTP/A to estab-lish the major monitoring qualities.In contrary to ex-isting tools relevant node internal information can be accessed while preventing any modification to the be-havior in either the temporal or value domain.Con-figuration and maintenance of the running system can be performed,thus evolutionary changes of the sys-tem can occur during real-time operation.The time-triggered architecture is well suited for the implementa-tion of monitoring,online reconfiguration and mainte-nance because protocol mechanisms(e.g.master/slave access)ensure hard real-time constraints despite moni-toring.To gain reproduciblity explicit synchronization is avoided.In TTP/A implicit synchronization is estab-lished by a static temporal control structure ensuring mutual exclusion and precedence requirements without any further need for explicit synchronization.A container for the significant part of the information space is formed by the IFS.The IFS is the key data-structure for our TTP/A tool implementation,because it makes the node data for monitoring,configuration and maintenance accessible in a uniform manner.In order to provide remote CORBA clients with informa-tion about the age of an IFS record,the time of the corresponding observation is transmitted in addition to the record data.Therefore,the age of a record is known at remote clients despite indeterministic delays caused by the internet.。
NVIDIA Maximus Technology for ANSYS Mechanical 详解说
DU-06Use6467-001_v01 |er GuideSeptember 20112DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORYDU-06467-001_v01Version Date Authors Description of Change01 August 3, 2012 Initial release02 September 10, 2012 EK, SP Minor edits, clarity regarding solver optimizationsTABLE OF CONTENTS Maximus Technology for ANSYS Mechanical (4)Prerequisite Skills (4)What This Document Contains (5)Benefits of Maximus Technology (5)OEMs for Maximus Technology (5)NVIDIA Maximus Technology (6)Maximus Computing Advantage (6)Elements of Maximus Technology (6)Basic Maximus Configuration (8)Maximus for ANSYS Mechanical (9)Enabling ANSYS Mechanical for Maximus (9)Monitoring GPU Activity with Maximus Configuration Utility (11)Supported Solver Types (12)Model Considerations (12)Troubleshooting (13)References (13)This document describes the basic settings, configuration, and monitoring of an NVIDIA® Maximus‐enabled workstation for ANSYS Mechanical solvers.This document does not replace any documentation provided by ANSYS for softwareofferings specific to CAE software. Refer to the documentation provided by ANSYS forANSYS software configurations.This document does not explain the fundamentals of ANSYS usage or the discipline ofCAE.PREREQUISITE SKILLSThis document is intended for persons responsible for optimizing a Maximus‐enabled workstation for ANSYS Mechanical. It is assumed the audience is familiar with, or has skilled experience with the following:④ANSYS Mechanical CAE Software④Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)④Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) functionality④Modern workstation terminology④Hardware connectivity④Physical system building skills④Thermal and electrical workstation system internals④Microsoft Windows configurationMaximus Technology for ANSYS MechanicalWHAT THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINSThis document provides an introduction to NVIDIA Maximus technology and how to enable your workstation and ANSYS Mechanical to use Maximus.④NVIDIA Maximus Technology starting on page 6 describes the benefits of NVIDIAMaximus technology, its key elements, and the basic system requirements forenabling Maximus on your workstation.④Maximus for ANSYS Mechanical starting on page 9 focuses on using Maximus withANSYS Mechanical. It explains how to enable Maximus for ANSYS Mechanical and monitor GPU activity. It identifies the solvers that are enabled for Maximus, describes model considerations, and troubleshooting tips when a solver workload does not perform to your expectations.④References on page 13 provides useful references to related documentation.BENEFITS OF MAXIMUS TECHNOLOGYFor a comprehensive overview of Maximus technology, its benefits, and how it is being used, go to /maximus.OEMS FOR MAXIMUS TECHNOLOGYA list of OEMs that carry Maximus platforms are listed at/maximus.This section describes the benefits of Maximus‐enabled workstations and applications, the key elements of Maximus technology, and the basic configuration for a Maximus‐enabled workstation.MAXIMUS COMPUTING ADVANTAGEIn the past, workstation architectures forced professionals to do graphics‐intensive and compute‐intensive work serially; often offline. NVIDIA Maximus technology represents a revolution for these professionals by enabling both tasks to be performed concurrently without experiencing any drop in performance.For example; a designer can work on design iteration B while running a simulation on design iteration A. Because these tasks are performed concurrently, it is possible to explore ideas faster and converge more quickly on the best possible answers. ELEMENTS OF MAXIMUS TECHNOLOGYMaximus is an enabling technology that brings together the professional 3D graphics capability of NVIDIA Quadro® GPUs with the massive parallel computing capabilities of the NVIDIA Tesla™ C2075 companion processors. Figure 1 illustrates the advantages of the Tesla processor.F F M QFFigure 1. igure 2 show Maximus ‐ena Quadro cardsFigure 2. Tesla Pe ws the perfor abled works s in the perfoSolidWor rformance rmance imp tation. The M ormance sca rks Scalingeprovements p Maximus co aling chart pg Chart possible with nfiguration lus oneTesl h ANSYS M can consist la card.Mechanical on of any ofthe n a eBASIC MAXIMUS CONFIGURATIONThis section describes hardware and software requirements for a Maximus‐enabled workstation running ANSYS Mechanical. Only the basic requirements are covered in this document. For further details about upgrading an eligible workstation to a Maximus configuration, refer to the NVI DIA Maximus System Builders’ Guide for Microsoft Windows 7‐64 document.Check that your system satisfies the following software and hardware requirements:④Microsoft Windows 7 – 64 bit operating system.④ANSYS Mechanical 14 with HPC License Pack. At the release date of this document,one HPC pack enables eight CPU cores and one entire GPU.④One NVIDIA Quadro card installed in the first x16 (x16 electrical) PCIe slot of thehost computer.④One NVIDIA Tesla card installed in the second x16 (x16 electrical) PCIe slot of thehost computerAfter ANSYS Mechanical becomes multi-GPU aware and if it is physically possible, youcan have more than one Tesla processor in your system. At the release date of thisdocument, ANSYS Mechanical is still single-GPU aware. Follow future announcementsfrom ANSYS and NVIDIA regarding multi-GPU awareness.At the release date of this document, Tesla C2075 is the only supported compute cardfor ANSYS Mechanical.NVIDIA recommends that no display device be connected to the Tesla C2075 DVI displayoutput.④NVIDIA Quadro/Tesla Driver 275.89, or newer ANSYS‐certified driver, correctlyinstalled. Refer to for a list of drivers for download④Correct installation and cabling with power connectors (as needed) of all NVIDIAgraphics cards. If you purchased your system from an OEM with the NVIDIA cards pre‐installed, no action is needed.No NVIDIA SLI (Scalable Link Interface) ribbon cable is necessary or required for aMaximus configuration.T ac n so E U 1.2.This section e ctivity. The s eed to be co olver worklo ENABLIN Use the follow . Select Tool . Select Solve explains how solvers that nsidered are oad that doe NG ANS wing proced s from the m e Process Set w to enable M can use Max e identified. es not perfor SYS MEC dure to enabl main menuttings… to dis Maximus for ximus are lis The section rm to your ex CHANIC le Maximus splay the Solv r ANSYS Me sted and cha also contain xpectations.AL FOR for ANSYS ve Process Se echanical an aracteristics ns trouble ‐shR MAXIM Mechanical ettings menund monitor G of models th hooting tips MUS :u .GPU hat for a3. Check that . Click Adva . 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If this text or non-DOD ***************EASE= 13.0CP= 0Maximus dr he Tesla GPU or ANSYS Mech ossible) enabled. string is not D ** * ******** UP201.811riverU. This settin hanical.t 101012 ngM UTumTcoFInerreMonitoriUtilityNVIDIA Mworkstatis accessQuadro dThe NVIDIAtility that prmemory andTypically, MCorrectly. FigFigure 3.n typical ANrror correctieduced by 13ng GPUMaximus Configtions only. Dowsible from in tdrivers.Maximus Crovides convutilization mCU is used ture 3 showsNVIDIA MNSYS Mechanon) off. Note3 percent.Activityguration Utilitwnload the MChe NVIDIA ConConfigurationvenient GPUmonitors foro ensure thas the MCU mMaximus Conical workfle that wheny with Mty (MCU) is suCU from http:ntrol Panel stan Utility (MCU processingr all supporteat ANSYS Mmenu page.onfiguratiolows, you haECC is on, aMaximuspported for M//www.nvidiaarting with thCU) is a sepcontrols. Thed GPUs inMechanical ison Utilityave the optioavailable meConfiguMaximus-enabl/maxime 304 releasearate graphihe MCU proa Maximus‐s using the syon to turn ECemory on thurationledmus. The MCUof theical softwareovides GPUenabled sysystem GPUsCC (memorye Tesla boarestem.syrd isThe MCU provides simple controls to enable or disable computational processing on an installed Quadro GPU. Use this feature to better tune the system for a particular workflow need.Supported Solver TypesANSYS Mechanical uses a companion Tesla GPU with a single job per GPU. The following ANSYS Mechanical solvers are Maximus‐enabled:④Direct sparse solver for SMP and distributed ANSYS④PCG and JCG iterative solvers for SMP and distributed ANSYSModel ConsiderationsSimulation models exist in a wide variety of sizes normally measured in degrees of freedom (DOF). Though all models may exhibit some level of GPU acceleration benefit, consideration should be given to the following factors to achieve maximum acceleration in ANSYS Mechanical:④Models that deploy the direct sparse solver:●Models with approximately 500 thousand to 8 million DOF typically yield the mostaccelerated performance.●All model sizes are supported, but for very large models beyond 8 million DOF,some work might exceed the 6GB GPU memory and therefore stay on the CPU.●Models should always run in‐core (system memory) to eliminate I/O.④Models that deploy the iterative PCG or JCG solver:●Models with approximately 500 thousand to 5 million DOF typically yield the mostaccelerated performance.●Model size must not exceed the 6GB memory or they will not run, and will need tobe restarted on CPUs‐only (ANSYS Mechanical will provide a message in this case).●The is no out‐of‐core option (models always runs in‐core for iterative solvers)●The MSAV option should be turned off, otherwise the GPU is deactivated. ANSYSWorkbench will automatically set MSAVE for models over 100,000 nodes.Solid structures always provide better performance than shell structures.TROUBLESHOOTINGThere may be times when a solver workload does not perform to your expectations. Following is a list of common items that typically hinder optimal performance of asolver on a Maximus‐enabled workstation:④The Tesla C2075 is not set to handle compute tasks.④ECC is turned ON for the Tesla C2075, or the Quadro 6000, or both. While enablingECC improves accuracy, it slows down performance.④The disk subsystem I/O rate is too slow or bandwidth is constrained.④There is not enough scratch disk space in the system.④The job unexpectedly runs out of core memory.④There is not enough memory in the system.④The ANSYS license does not provide support for Maximus.④The simulation job is too small. See “Model Considerations” on page 10.④MSAV option is set to ON.④Shell structure models are being used.④More CPUs are being used than necessary for the simulation job. More CPUs do notnecessarily add linearly to overall wall clock time performance.REFERENCES④ANSYS Support Documentation: Refer to /Support/Documentation ④NVIDIA Maximus Configuration Guide: Refer to NVIDIA Maximus System Builders’Guide for Microsoft Windows 7‐64NALDOWEXAInreriganwCoexHHDHDRNVcainThandeonprOOpTNVCoreC©oticeLL NVIDIA DESIGNOCUMENTS (TOGWARRANTIES, EXPXPRESSLY DISCLAPARTICULAR PUformation furnisesponsibility forghts of third parny patent rightsithout notice. 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LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROJECT IN THE ERONGO REGIONINTRODUCTION:The introduction of the ICZM project in the Erongo Region has been one of the Namibian Governments efforts to ensure wise utilization of natural resources of the coastal zone by Namibians and visitors. This was because the Government of Namibia realized the fragile conditions of the coastal zone and the need to preserve it from destruction.However, what the Government didn’t rea lize is, first the magnitude of the work involved in the actual implementation of the project, and the success thereof; secondly, the commitment by the Ministry of Regional Local Government and Housing to assign some of the staff at Regional level to participate in the project on adhoc basis, was a mere oversight on the Government site. For reason that, the newly established Regional Councils are still in the process to find their feet (i.e. shortage of staff), and therefore could hardly meet the required expectation.Despite the limitations encountered, the Erongo Regional Council welcomed the implementation of the project with open arms. Furthermore, the Central Namib is the most accessible portion of the Namibian coastline with established roads rail links and other infrastructure. The coastal portion of the Erongo region comprised the National West Coast Recreation Area and the Municipalities of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and the Peri-urban area of Wlotzkasbaken. Interspersed along the 250-kilometre stretch of beach are tourism camps run by Namibia Wildlife Resorts and the Cape Cross Seal Reserve managed as from June 2000 by the Directorate of Resource Management. An increase in tourism activities especially those with significant environmental impact together with mining, aquaculture and increase industrial and human population growth has led to a concern for the continued environmental integrity of the region. Attempts were made in the past to develop a plan that was called “Guidelines for the Development of the Central Namib”. All the relevant stakeholders were invited to give their input during the workshops and in the production of the final report in 1987.This was the first attempt at getting diverse disciplines together to think in an integrated fashion. However, the MET believe that it was a little premature as many line Ministries, local authorities and other stakeholders were not yet prepared to share. It however made the implementation of the ICZMP more acceptable when it was firstintroduced the years later. Indeed the first Logical Framework Analysis workshops held during the project preparation phase in Walvis Bay in 1995, the rift between the various stakeholders became obvious and the need for the project more apparent.This discussion will focus on the lessons learned from the two major stakeholders, the Erongo Regional Council and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.Lessons Learned from the Erongo Regional Council:1.Environmental protection in Namibia mainly focussed onanimal protection and fishing of protected species, thus, coastalzone management was a new phenomenon by the majority ofNamibians since the coastal activities were mainly associatedwith tourist and the non-white Namibians. However, with theimplementation of the ICZM project in Erongo Region, it becameclear to Regional Council (predominantly black) that a needexist to protect and control activities on the coast frompermanent damage.2.That there is an urgent need to re-direct and council some sportactivities already in place between Walvis Bay andSwakopmund and between Swakopmund and Henties Bay.Also to carefully scrutinize applications for sport relatedactivities on the coast.3.It is important that he present measures to control themovement of tourist vehicles along the coast especially betweenWalvis Bay and Swakopmund be kept in check from destruction.Also monitoring must be increased so that the offenders can bebrought to book.4.Research has shown that the law is not on the side of thoseinstitutions set up by Government to protect environment – as aresult, officials assigned to carry out protection cannotapprehend culprits. Thus, Government’s commitment does notend at the signing of agreements, but also to commit itself to bespeedy implementation of decentralization process to theregions. This process will certainly enable regions to embarkupon introducing laws /by laws to punish the culprits.5.Research has also shown, the injustice done by the colonialGovernment in data collection in Namibia –thus, the need isthere for the Government of the day to update statistics on theneed of housing, population, etc for proper record keeping. Alsoenvironmental studies need to be included in school curriculumto stress the importance of the subject awareness at a veryyoung age.6.Tourism being one of the major earners of foreign exchange, itshigh times that environmental protection and control is realized.The creation of a Environmental Protection Unit composed of 2 –4 specialized persons will certainly be needed to keep the environmental matter in check at the West Coast of Erongo Region.Lessons Learned from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism:Publication and Preparation of Coastal Profile:This was one of the most beneficial outcomes of the project as it forced all stakeholders to update the position of activities in the region. Meetings were held and technical committees formed to put the chapters of the profile together. The workshops held in this regard led to the creation of an integrated approach to management of resources. The document itself has and is becoming a very useful tool for decision-makers both in central government and locally. In some respects it also doubles as a state of the environment report.Inter-Sectoral Information Sources Linked:The installation of computers and Internet connections in the two main offices and the creation of a “homepage” have done much to fast track key stakeholders into the information age. With the improvement of communicat ion skills through the project’s capacity building module links between various stakeholders has been much improved.Email in particular has proved to be an excellent, economically affordable tool to communicate over long distances. What is needed is tra ining in updating the information on the “homepage”. All organizations are dynamic and information can become outdated very quickly.Co-ordination related to CZM improved:Without co-ordination fragmentation occurs. Co-ordination existed with an outside project leader who the stakeholders could trust. As soon as the project leader leaves the system only partially works with those who have established a working relationship. I can say that good co-operation exists with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources however the same does not fit easily with all Ministries. The situation is still vastly improved from before the project started. Government is still perceived to be a top down institution with little or no feed from our head offices in Windhoek on may issues. Local lines Ministries are often not consulted on decisions made in Windhoek, which normally involves hidden agendas and the realm of bio politics.The Governor of our region tries to bring government stakeholders andpolitical councillors together monthly to discuss issues pertaining to the region. Political issues once again over-rule environmentalconsiderations often.A lot more work is needed in this area to ensure ongoing teamwork among all stakeholders. The people working on the ground all seem willing enough however they become distrustful if any one institution take the lead. It is becoming more acceptable for the Government to call on people to gather for a meeting on any subject, however then people fear a political decision.Overall co-ordination related to CZM has been improved, as thedecentralization process gradually becomes acceptable.Policy and Legislation reviewed and EIA produced:This part of the project was very useful and has set forth many changes for the better. Unfortunately those people responsible for assisting in environmental protection (the magistrates in courts) did not attend and seemed to show little interest or they had no time.The Environmental Management Plan produced for the dune area between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay was an excellent baseline study on which to build future plans on. Most of the guidelines produced are being followed, and decisions are being made on a consultative basis generally, although on some occasions people fail to get all the authorities to approve their ventures and events emerge which do not have the blessing of all the stakeholders. This often turns out to be a hidden agenda issue, which involves the possibility of corruption in some areas.Enforcement System Reviewed and Enhanced:This output together with the awareness output is supposed to improve environmental behaviour in the region. It is a debatable matter and I would like to say that things have improved. The types of transgressions we are dealing with on the coast have also changed and our enforcement capabilities need to be dynamic. What is really needed is the support of the prosecutors, magistrates and the justice system. The legislation needs to be updated and the fines increased, it is being worked on.Overall this output was valuable and having a Danish counterpart to compare notes was very productive.Existing W aste Disposal Evaluated:The existing systems are not acceptable and Walvis Bay is in the process of upgrading their system. An improvement is also necessary at our waste disposal sites. The recommendations in the report need to be followed.Public Awareness on CZM improved:Certainly this has been a successful exercise. The public has become more aware of the activities related to the protection of sensitive areas and the environmental aspects of their activities.This output is still in the process of being completed. The problem with this output is that no consultation regarding who should do the information signs was done with local counterparts. The result was that an incompetent person was chosen to do the work and it was paid for before we could see the results. The signs took two years to have put up because they had to be sent back for mistakes that any word processor should have picked up. The mistakes did not end here as the same company also got posters printed with mistakes.Stakeholders trained in areas related to CZM:The capacity of the people in our office has most certainly been improved as a result of the training sponsored by the project. The computer literacy is still being taught (MS Word and MS Excel).One of our staff members of the MET was sent on a study tour to Cape Town and Denmark to broaden the outlook on environmental management. Generally the staff have obtained a broader environmental outlook through the training received.Possibilities for sustainable financing:Levies were suggested however because of the lack of decentralization nothing has been achieved. Walvis Bay may be able, through the Municipality and the A21 Project to introduce a “By-law” to obtain revenue from the quad bikes that are busy churning up the environment.Possible future DANCED support suggested:Due to slow pace of decentralisation the project has come to an unfortunate end and future DANCED money will be channelled into Walvis Bay and the A21 project.Fortunately with the extension of the project time other coastal regions have been brought in thus strengthening the political resolve.CONCLUSION:It is time that when the project was first introduced, the terminology was new to us, but as time went on, the need for the project became much clearer. Research has also shown that different departments were operating separately on environmental protection, which is not a bad idea, but there is a need for co-ordination.The inclusion of the three regions namely, the Kunene, Hardap and Karas and the subsequent birth of the National Coastal Zone Management Committee is one of the achievement by the ICZM aimed at the protection of environmental destruction i.e. protection of:▪Bird breeding areas especially the Damara Turn and Flamingo’s▪Legium fields especially between Swakopmund and Henties Bay▪Sand dunes especially the damage caused by quake bikes▪Off track driving on the beach with the 4x4 vehicles. EtcThe staff of the two main stakeholder institutions could not be relieved of their normal duties, which created a serious time constraint to the project. In future this aspect must be resolved from the start. Another weakness was the poor people involvement.Generally it was a good time to implement the project and people are now more willing than ever to accept an integrated approach to CZM. People involvement in the processes has improved and the willingness and enthusiasm has been exceptional.。
Common NIDS Pitfalls
• Deployed where it does not have access to all network traffic
• Output and/or alerts are ignored • Inadequate incident response planning • Administrators become overwhelmed by an
uses • Correlation, Analysis, Alerting, Reporting • IDS and IPS adds to defense in depth
More Information
For additional references on IDS/IPS, see:
/ /rr/papers/30/1028.pdf /texts.php?op=display&id=117 /
un-tuned system • Limitations of IDS/IPS are not well
understood (updates, zero-day attacks, IDS blinding and evasion techniques)
Types of Protection
Network Resets
administrators – Data is useful in forensic investigations – Issues include false positives and negatives, large
amounts of data, requires full-time monitoring, signature updates, encrypted traffic
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The typical Android phone is geared more for consumer applications and multimedia rather than hard-core business apps out-of-the box.正考虑离婚的人士如今可以通过一款应用软件来得到法律建议,但有批评人士指责这让离婚变得太容易。
A new app offering legal advice to those contemplating divorce could make the process too easy, say critics.现在您将创建一个只含有一个单向源和一个单向目标portlet的简单JSR168Faces portlet应用软件。
Now you'll create a simple JSR168 Faces portlet application that has a single-source portlet and a single-target portlet.应用软件质量对商业价值的影响与日俱增,推动了更佳评价方法的发展。
The demand for better measurement is being driven by the growing impact of application software quality on the business.你的内存太小,无法运行这个应用软件。
Management Functions
Management Functions
Management Functions (cont’d)
A process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
Conceptual Skills
The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations
Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities (Luthans)
1. Traditional Management
E X H I B I T 1–1 (cont’d)
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (cont’d)
Source: Adapted from The Nature of Managerial Work by H. Mintzberg. Copyright © 1973 by H. Mintzberg. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education.
Management Functions (cont’d)
Determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made
AdventNet1. IntroductionAdventNet Inc. is a global provider of network management software and services. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Pleasanton, California. AdventNet offers a wide range of products and solutions for network monitoring, network troubleshooting, device management, and more. In this document, we will explore the various offerings of AdventNet and discuss its features and benefits.2. Products and Solutions2.1 Network MonitoringAdventNet provides a comprehensive network monitoring solution that enables businesses to monitor the health and performance of their network infrastructure. The network monitoring software offered by AdventNet allows users to monitor network devices, servers, applications, and services in real-time. It provides detailed insights into network traffic, bandwidth utilization, device health, and more. With this solution, businesses can proactively identify and address any network issues before they impact their operations.2.2 Network TroubleshootingAdventNet offers a powerful network troubleshooting solution that helps businesses quickly identify and resolve network issues. The network troubleshooting softwareprovided by AdventNet allows users to trace network paths, diagnose network congestion, and identify faulty network components. It offers detailed reports and visualizations to simplify the troubleshooting process and reduce downtime.2.3 Device ManagementAdventNet’s device management solution enables businesses to effectively manage and control their network devices. With this software, users can automate device configuration, monitor device health, and perform firmware upgrades remotely. It supports a wide range of network devices, including routers, switches, firewalls, and access points. This solution helps businesses streamline their device management process and improve overall network performance.2.4 Application Performance MonitoringAdventNet offers a comprehensive application performance monitoring solution that allows businesses to monitor the performance of their critical applications. With this software, users can track key performance metrics, identify performance bottlenecks, and troubleshoot application issues. It provides real-time alerts and notifications to ensure prompt action can be taken to resolve any performance degradation.3. Features and Benefits3.1 Centralized MonitoringAdventNet’s products provide a centralized monitoring platform that allows businesses to monitor their entirenetwork infrastructure from a single interface. This ensures easy access to real-time data, simplifies troubleshooting, and improves overall network management efficiency.3.2 Customizable DashboardsAdventNet’s solutions offer customizable dashboards that allow users to create personalized views of their network data. This enables businesses to focus on the most critical metrics and quickly identify any anomalies or issues.3.3 Automation and AlertsAdventNet’s software solutions support automation and offer real-time alerts and notifications. This ensures that businesses can proactively address any network issues and minimize downtime. Users can set up automated actions based on predefined triggers to ensure timely and efficient problem resolution.3.4 Scalability and FlexibilityAdvent Net’s products are designed to be highly scalable and flexible, allowing businesses to easily accommodate future growth and changing network requirements. The solutions can be deployed in both small and large environments, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes.3.5 Cost-Effective SolutionsAdventNet offers cost-effective solutions that provide excellent value for money. The company’s products arecompetitively priced and offer a wide range of features and capabilities. This makes them an attractive choice for businesses looking to optimize their network management without breaking the bank.4. ConclusionAdventNet is a leading provider of network management software and services. With its comprehensive range of products and solutions, businesses can effectively monitor, troubleshoot, and manage their network infrastructure. The centralized monitoring, customizable dashboards, automation, scalability, and cost-effectiveness offered by AdventNet’s solutions make them a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes. Implementing AdventNet’s software can greatly enhance network performance, reduce downtime, and improve overall productivity.。
Belimo 空气控制系统技术文档说明书
T e c h .D o c - 01/20 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .Input/Output SpecificationsType Name Description Electrical Specifi cation Input RSupply HotAC 24 V, ± 20%, 50/60HzInputG/OCCFan Signal (occupied)On/Off, AC 24 V, ± 20%, 50/60Hz Input C Supply Common CommonInput Y1Cooling requirement Stage 1On/Off, AC 24 V, ± 20%, 50/60Hz Input Y2Cooling requirementStage 2On/Off, AC 24 V, ± 20%, 50/60Hz Input W1/O/B Heating requirement Stage 1On/Off, AC 24 V, ± 20%, 50/60Hz Input SAT ±Supply Air TemperatureSensorType: 10K NTC (Type II thermistor)Input OAT ±Outdoor Air Temperature Type: 10K NTC (Type II thermistor)InputOAH ±Outdoor Air HumidityDC 0...10 VAuto Detection: Sensor present if voltage 0.5...10 VInput RAT ±Return Air Temperature Type: 10K NTC (Type II thermistor)Input RAH ±Return Air Humidity DC 0...10 VAuto Detection: Sensor present if voltage 0.5 (10V)Output CC1Compressor 1RTU Stage 1Mechanical Cooling Circuitry 100'000 cycles @ inrush currentof 3A, normal current 1.5A Impedance for Auto detection @ 24 V:<60O Ω @ 60Hz <80O Ω @ 50HzOutputCC2Compressor 2RTU Stage 2Mechanical CoolingCircuitry100'000 cycles @ inrush currentof 3A, normal current 1.5A Impedance for Auto detection @ 24 V:<60O Ω @ 60Hz <80O Ω @ 50HzOutput Act 1Actuator supply common Common Output Act 2Actuator supply hot AC 24 V, 50/60Hz Output Act 3Actuator control output DC 2...10 V Input Act 5Actuator feedback signalDC 2...10 VInstallationYou can mount the ZIP Economizer in any orientation; it is recommended that you mount it in a position that will allow full utilization of the LCD and key pad and proper clearance for installation, servicing, wiring, and removal.Take the overall dimensions of 6.63" [168.5] x 7.12" [181] x 2" [50.8] and mount in the interior of the RTU in a convenient location that you can access. Secure the ZIP utilizing #8 self-tapping screws (included). A minumum of two tabs need to be secured, one which is a top tab. Ideally secure all four tabs. Wire the electrical connection using ¼” female insulated spade connectors to prevent corrosion.Technical DataPower supplyAC 24 V ± 20%, 50/60 Hz; Class 2 power source Power consumption rating*4 VA base control (ECON-ZIP-BASE)5.5 VA base control with Energy Module (ECON-ZIP-BASE + ECON-ZIP-EM)5 VA base control with Communication Module (ECON-ZIP-BASE + ECON-ZIP-COM)6.5 VA base with Energy Module andCommunication Module. (ECON-ZIP-BASE + ECON-ZIP-EM + ECON-ZIP-COM)Rated impulse voltage 330 VConnectors ¼” male spade connectors Environmental RoHS, conformally coated Software classA Control pollution degree 3Temperature input signal NTC 10k Ω, Type IIHumidity5 to 95% RH non-condensingHumidity input signal DC 0...10 V; corresponds to 0...100%HousingNEMA 1Housing materialUL94-5VAAmbient temperature range -40...+158°F [-40...+70°C]Storage temperature range -40...+176°F [-40...+80°C]Display2x16 character LCD; LED backlight; transflectiveDisplay op. range**-22...+176°F [-30...+80°C]Agency listing cULus acc. to UL873, CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 24-93Energy code compliantASHRAE 90.1, CA Title 24, NECBDimensions (Inches [mm])7.12 [181]2.42 [61.6]0.18 [4.6]6.04 [153.4]5.5 [140]6.63 [168.5]2 [50.8]0.16 [4.1]ECON-ZIP-BASEZIP Economizer™ Base Module* The power consumption is for the control only and does not include connected loads such as actuator, compressors, fans, and sensors. For transfomer sizing, the power consumption of these attached components must be included.** At low temperature the display has decreased response time. Below -22°F [-30°C] it will not function.T e c h .D o c - 01/20 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .ECON-ZIP-BASEZIP Economizer™ Base Module Wiring DiagramsR CG OCC W1O/B Y1Y2ACT1ACT2ACT3ACT5R C R CG/OCC W1/O/B Y1Y2CC1CC2OAT+OAT-OAH+OAH-SAT+SAT-RAT+RAT-RAH+RAH--SR1 -Common2 + Hot3 Y Input, 2 to 10V 5 U Output, 2 to 10VACT 1ACT 2ACT 3ACT 5R CY1Y2ECON-ZIP-10K Supply Air TempSAT +SAT -OAT + OAT -CC1CC2OCC W1RTU Stage 1 Mechanical CoolingCircuitryRTU Stage 2 Mechanical CoolingCircuitryECON-ZIP-10K Outside Air TempTHERMOSTATRTU TERMINALECON-ZIP-BASE575251535659R CG OCCW1O/B Y1Y2ACT1ACT2ACT3ACT5R C R CG/OCC W1/O/B Y1Y2CC1CC2OAT+OAT-OAH+OAH-SAT+SAT-RAT+RAT-RAH+RAH--SR1 -Common2 + Hot3 Y Input, 2 to 10V 5 U Output, 2 to 10VACT 1ACT 2ACT 3ACT 5R CY1Y2ECON-ZIP-10K Supply Air Temp SAT +SAT -CC1CC2OCC W1RTU Stage 1 Mechanical CoolingCircuitry RTU Stage 2 Mechanical CoolingCircuitryECON-ZIP-TH Outside Air EnthalpyT (+)T (-)24 V (R)RH (+)RH (-)OAT + OAT -OAH + OAH - RECON-ZIP-BASETHERMOSTATRTU TERMINAL57505251535659When the thermostat is not equipped with occupancy control, "Fan On" output "G" shall be wired to the ECON-ZIP-BASE.W1 must be wired for Heat Pump operation if conventional thermostat is used in conjunction with Defrost Board. If Thermostat and RTU use O/B control reversing valve position, O/B must be wired to W1 on ECON-ZIP-BASE.Existing refrigeration safety devices may exist, consult RTU wiring diagram515253If RTU is not a Heat Pump using a conventional thermostat and it is desired to record heating operation hours, connect W1 to ECON-ZIP-BASE.56Actuators can be mounted in parallel with the ACT3 output from the ZIP Economizer. The ACT5 feedback input should be wired to the Outside Air damper actuator feedback wire.57Iso relay may be required with certain RTU manufacturers.59Power source should be the same as ECON-ZIP-BASE.50When the thermostat is not equipped with occupancy control, "Fan On" output "G" shall be wired to the ECON-ZIP-BASE.Existing refrigeration safety devices may exist, consult RTU wiring diagram5153If RTU is not a Heat Pump using a conventional thermostat and it is desired to record heating operation hours, connect W1 to ECON-ZIP-BASE.56W1 must be wired for Heat Pump operation if conventional thermostat is used in conjunction with Defrost Board. If Thermostat and RTU use O/B control reversing valve position, O/B must be wired to W1 on ECON-ZIP-BASE.52Actuators can be mounted in parallel with the ACT3 output from the ZIP Economizer. The ACT5 feedback input should be wired to the Outside Air damper actuator feedback wire.57Thermostat with two (2) stages of cooling required. Thermostats with mercury switches are not compatible with the ZIP Economizer.58Iso relay may be required with certain RTU manufacturers.59T e c h .D o c - 01/20 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .R CG/OCCW1/O/BY1Y2ACT1ACT2ACT3ACT5R C R CG/OCC W1/O/B Y1Y2CC1CC2OAT+OAT-OAH+OAH-SAT+SAT-RAT+RAT-RAH+RAH--SR1 -Common2 + Hot3 Y Input, 2 to 10V 5 U Output, 2 to 10VACT 1ACT 2ACT 3ACT 5R CY1Y2ECON-ZIP-10K Supply Air Temp SAT +SAT -OAT + OAT -CC1CC2G/OCC W1/O/BRTU Stage 1 Mechanical CoolingCircuitry RTU Stage 2 Mechanical CoolingCircuitryECON-ZIP-TH Outside Air EnthalpyECON-ZIP-THRAT+T (+)T (-)24 V (R)RH (+)RH (-)RAT-RAH+RAH-RT (+)T (-)24 V (R)RH (+)RH (-)OAH + OAH - RECON-ZIP-BASETHERMOSTATRTU TERMINAL5859R CG/OCC W1/O/BY1Y2ACT1ACT2ACT3ACT5R C R CG/OCC W1/O/B Y1Y2CC1CC2OAT+OAT-OAH+OAH-SAT+SAT-RAT+RAT-RAH+RAH--SR1 -Common2 + Hot3 Y Input, 2 to 10V 5 U Output, 2 to 10VACT 1ACT 2ACT 3ACT 5R CY1Y2ECON-ZIP-10K Supply Air TempSAT +SAT -OAT + OAT -THERMOSTATRTU TERMINALCC1CC2G/OCC W1/O/BRTU Stage 1 Mechanical CoolingCircuitry RTU Stage 2 Mechanical CoolingCircuitryECON-ZIP-10K Outside Air TempECON-ZIP-10K Return Air TempRAT+ECON-ZIP-BASE57RAT-59Power source should be the same as ECON-ZIP-BASE.50When the thermostat is not equipped with occupancy control, "Fan On" output "G" shall be wired to the ECON-ZIP-BASE.Existing refrigeration safety devices may exist, consult RTU wiring diagram5153If RTU is not a Heat Pump using a conventional thermostat and it is desired to record heating operation hours, connect W1 to ECON-ZIP-BASE.56W1 must be wired for Heat Pump operation if conventional thermostat is used in conjunction with Defrost Board. If Thermostat and RTU use O/B control reversing valve position, O/B must be wired to W1 on ECON-ZIP-BASE.52Actuators can be mounted in parallel with the ACT3 output from the ZIP Economizer. The ACT5 feedback input should be wired to the Outside Air damper actuator feedback wire.57Thermostat with two (2) stages of cooling required. Thermostats with mercury switches are not compatible with the ZIP Economizer.58Iso relay may be required with certain RTU manufacturers.59Power source should be the same as ECON-ZIP-BASE.50When the thermostat is not equipped with occupancy control, "Fan On" output "G" shall be wired to the ECON-ZIP-BASE.Existing refrigeration safety devices may exist, consult RTU wiring diagram5153If RTU is not a Heat Pump using a conventional thermostat and it is desired to record heating operation hours, connect W1 to ECON-ZIP-BASE.56W1 must be wired for Heat Pump operation if conventional thermostat is used in conjunction with Defrost Board. If Thermostat and RTU use O/B control reversing valve position, O/B must be wired to W1 on ECON-ZIP-BASE.52Actuators can be mounted in parallel with the ACT3 output from the ZIP Economizer. The ACT5 feedback input should be wired to the Outside Air damper actuator feedback wire.57Thermostat with two (2) stages of cooling required. Thermostats with mercury switches are not compatible with the ZIP Economizer.58Iso relay may be required with certain RTU manufacturers.59ECON-ZIP-BASEZIP Economizer™ Base Module Wiring DiagramsT e c h .D o c - 01/20 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .ZIP EconomizerQuick SetupMoves up through the menu on the same level. Will increase values by one increment at a time. When setting values holding key down willfast scrollMoves down through the menu on the same level. Will decrease values by one increment at a time. When setting values holding key down will fast scroll. Enter sub menu level. Start editing a setting. Store an entered value. esc Escape sub menu tonext higher level.Cancel current actions.iShow additional information on thecurrent menu Itemwhen “i” appears inlower right of display.Moves down through the menu on the same level.Will decrease values by one increment at a time. When setting values holding key down will fast scroll.Enter sub menu level.Start editing a setting. Store an entered value. esc Escape sub menu to next higher level.Cancel current actions.iShow additional information on the current menu Item when “i” appears in lower right of display.Functions1. “Monitor Live Conditions” is used to display settings and live values.2. “Settings” is used to parameterize the ZIP Economizer. (Note: Devices 1 is for CC1, CC2, EF, IF; Devices 2 is for OAH, RAH)3. “Present Devices” is used to verify that the ZIP Economizer's Auto Detected connections are terminated properly. If connected device is not shown, verify wiring. If wiring has continuity and device is verifi ed operational re-enter “Settings” and enable missing device by changing from “Auto” to “Available” or “Installed”.4. “Alarms” is used to view current and historical alarms and delete inadvertently caused alarms.5. “Service and Commissioning” submenu is used to operate the RTU in “Manual Mode” or to perform “Acceptance Test”. “Settings” must to be completed to access.6. “Status” is a display of the current operating mode. It can beaccessed by pressing ”esc”. The action of pressing any key will drop the user down from Status to the next level, so repeatedly pressing “esc” will toggle the display between Status and Monitor Live Conditions. (Note: If status “Setup incomplete” is displayed the RTU cooling operation will be disabled and additional parameters must be set to achieve “Setup complete”.)1. Shut off power to RTU before beginning installation.2. Note orientation, opening rotation, and spring return rotation of damper assembly. Mount Actuator to Outside Air and Return Damper assembly. To ensure tight outside air shutoff; while tightening actuator clamp push damper closed.3. Terminate required Inputs and Outputs(I/O): For the ZIPEconomizer to function correctly, the following I/O, at a minimum, are required to be terminated, wired, and functioning (R, C, Y1, Y2, G, CC1, OAT, SAT, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ACT5). See wiring diagrams.4. Sensor confi guation: The ZIP Economizer automatically detects sensors attached and automatically confi gures for single dry bulb, single enthalpy, differential dry bulb and differential enthalpy.“Settings” is the menu displayed when the ZIP Economizer is fi rstpowered. Press “OK” to parameterize required settings. Reference above Keypad Key defi nition instructions and navigate as needed.WARNING Live Electrical Components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. H ave a qualifi ed licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these t asks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.T e c h .D o c - 01/20 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .1. ZIP Code US or Canada (sets the free cooling changeover high limit and temperature units F/C)a. When the Zip Code submenu is displayed enter “OK” to begin “US” Zip Code parameterization. If “Canada” Postal Code is desired press the up/down arrow to access.i. Press OK to access digit 1 (flashing) then use the up/down arrow to parameterize; enter OK when complete. Repeat until all digits are complete. If a mistake is made press “esc” andrepeat from beginning.ii. When all Zip Code or Postal Code digits are entered press “esc” to move up a level then press the up/down arrow to access next settings parameter.2. Vent Min Pos (Outdoor Air Damper Ventilation Minimum Position)a. When the “Vent Min Pos” submenu is displayed press “OK” toparameterize (flashing).b. Use the up/down arrow to parameterize, press “OK” whencomplete. The actuator will immediately drive the damper to the minimum position.3. Additional Parameters may require setting. The ZIP Economizer will auto-detect added Devices such as a CO2 sensor etc. When the ZIP Economizer detects a new device, it will prompt the user in the Status level; navigate to Settings and parameterize blank fi elds. If the devices are connected upon fi rst start up their settings will require parameterization then.4. When all parameters have been set, the ZIP Economizer will show “Setup Complete” if there are still parameters to set, there will be no action. You can verify by pushing esc until status level is reached and it will display “Setup Incomplete”. If this is the case, re-enter settings menu and use up down arrows to fi nd the parameter with blank fi elds and parameterize as described above. Note: you may enter parameters in any order - eg: Vent min Pos before ZIP Code - If the RTU is a heat pump or uses a 2 speed indoor fan, these paramaters should be enabled fi rst, otherwise the logic may go to Setup Complete prematurely.The ZIP Economizer has built in commissioning processes found in Acceptance Test.1. Economizer Test. Use “Economizer Test” to verify RTU Integrated Economizer operation. Navigate to the “Service and Commissioning” menu, press “OK”; press the down arrow to access “Acceptance Test”. Press OK again when “Economizer Test” appears. Press “OK” again to confi rm running test. Follow prompts during test. This test will open damper to 100%, enable power exhaust fan (if connected), enable 1st stage of Mechanical Cooling, reverse this process and then drive to Vent Min Position. When used with a Belimo actuator, the actuator will speed up to reduce test time.2. Manual Mode is used to override outputs after entering a “Timeout” duration.3. Damper Scaling. The test will re-scale the control signal range to maximum resolution (0...100%) over the calibrated (reduced) angle. When using a Belimo actuator, the actuator will speed up to reduce test time.Note: Failure to identify obstructions or improper setup of damper assembly may result in an improper scaling and operation of the damper.)Additional testing can be found later in this document.1. When all entries have been completed, the ZIP Economizer will switch to Status display and show “Setup Complete”, and will immediately show a “Damper scaling starts in 10secs” and will countdown to 0 (be aware, at 0 the damper will start to move at high speed ). A message will scroll saying “Damper scaling for better operation if obstruction is present rescale damper in commissioning menu”. (For detailed instructions on this – please see the section “Service and Commissioning” below. This will open damper to 100% (re-scale control signal if needed). (Note: failure to identify obstructions or improper setup of damper assembly may result in an improper scaling and operation of the damper.)Once scaling is complete, a message will appear saying “Damper scaling successful”. The ZIP will then show “maximum at80° = 100%” That message will show maximum rotation of the damper. This process ensures the damper is always operating and displayed from 0...100%.2. Once the message has appeared, the actuator immediately closes the damper and a countdown begins, until the unit starts to operate in Automatic Mode (be aware, when countdown complete, the RTU will respond to thermostat calls which may enable mechanical cooling).ZIP EconomizerQuick Setup。
Chapter-11. What are the advantages of using formal project management?Answer: Using project management provides advantages, such as:a) Better control of financial, physical, and human resourcesb) Improved customer relationsc) Shorter development timesd) Lower costse) Higher quality and increased reliabilityf) Higher profit marginsg) Improved productivityh) Better internal coordinationi) Higher worker morale2. What are the triple constraints of project management?Answer: The three constraints of project management are Scope, Time, Cost.Scope: What work will be done?Time: How long should it take to complete? [Schedule]Cost: What should it cost? [Budget]In order to meet the high Quality, the project manager should balance these three often-competing goals.3. What is Project Management?Answer: Project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirement.”4. Define Project stakeholders?Answer:Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities.Stakeholders include:●Project sponsor●Project manager●Project team●Support staff●Customers●Users●Suppliers●Opponents to the project5. Explain the Nine Project Management Knowledge Areas?Answer:●Project scope management to identify and manage the successfulcompletion of the project have to do all the work。
Benefits→ End user translationsThis enables a better user experience, service experience and more precise communication between stakeholders. → Back end translationsThis functionality removes the language barriers and increases efficiency, pace of service delivery and improves service quality.→ Platform translation assistantThe translation assistant helps to reduce the manual effort needed in translating the system.→ Translation for 3rd partyThe Translation for 3rd party module exposes the translation capabili-ties to vendors or collaboration partners to break down interlinguistic barriers.→ Security translation logTranslateNow breaks with the existing non-logging paradigm ofbrowser based translations and offers a full security log of all informa-tion exchanged via TranslateNow. The translation log can also be used for future training of machine learning capabilities and insight to user behavior.→ Administration and reportingThe administration module provides easy access to a user-friendly set up. The buildt-in reporting functionality enables the usage insight, which provides administrators the ability to monitor usage and user behavior along with intelligence about user interaction, which can be utilized for further improvement of the user interface.TranslateNow suite is a set of translation applications for ServiceNow. It provides a range of modules to support interlinguistic stakeholder interaction and usage of the system. TranslateNow utilizes the cutting-edge machine learning capabili-ties to provide a state of the art user experience.Translate NowInterlinguistic applica-tions for ServiceNowContactFUJITSU ServiceNowAddress: Karenslyst allé 2, 0278 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 23292300E-mail:**********************.com Website: /servicenow 05-2018© Copyright 2018 Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, [other Fujit-su trademarks /registered trademarks] are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan andModulesEnd user translationTranslateNow provides a front-end interface where the end users are assisted by TranslateNow in communicating with the service providers. In the communication on service tickets, the end user can translate all communication coming from the support office and TranslateNow makes it possible for them to answer in their own language.Back end translationThe TranslateNow backend translation assists the backend user in fast and accurate understanding of existing text in free text fields and allows the user to write in his/her own language, translate and then paste in the translated version. The TranslateNow back endtranslation is a core platform functionality, which can be applied across all forms in ServiceNow.Platform Translation assistantPlatform translation assistant is aiding the ServiceNow administrator in translating the platform. It utilizes the TranslateNow translation engine, with integration to an external translation service and then adds an additional quality filter. The quality filter works by translating from several languages into the same target language and the correlate how many times the same translation occurred. The one with the most occurrences must be the right one. This helps the translation to be even more accurate. ServiceNow holds many stand-alone words and the translation engine becomes more accurate when a word is seen in a context. The platform translation assistant is not a fully accurate translation but is to be considered a supporting tool for minimizing the manual translation effort.Translation for 3rd partyThe Translation for 3rd party module is a plugin to existing process in-tegrations. The translations are automatically included in the integra-tion to e.g. a vendor or collaboration partner through an extension of the API integration.Security translation logTranslateNow provides a full log of all translations executed by the system. This enables both the security and future qualityimprovement aspects an insight to the usage of the modules. The translation log is exposed to the administrators. As information security is of vital inter-est t’o all companies, it is of vital importance to control, audit and be able to backtrack all information, which has been sent to external par-ties. This log contains date and time, information sent and received and to who it has been initiated. By logging all usage of Translate-Now, it allows the company future training of translation engines in company specific linguistics and deriving hidden intelligence from translation and usage pattern.other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Technical data subject to modi-fication and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.Further information for our ServiceNow products and services:Customer care: +47 23292300E-Mail:**********************.com /servicenowAdministration and reportingThe administration can by non-coding configuration choose the tables and fields to which TranslateNow should apply, if the log should be enabled and which languages the end users should be able to trans-late to. The administrators can thereby set up and adjust the reach of TranslateNow on the ServiceNow platform on an ongoing basis, and adhere the user needs. The administration interface also provides shortcuts to all technical rules and scripts utilized by TranslateNow. All this is presented in the administration menu application as a set of re-ports for the administrator.Machine learning algorithmsThe translation algorithms from both external translation services have core traits, which makes it suitable for the TranslateNow use cases:1.It is a learning machine, which means the quality of translationsimproves without changing the TranslateNow modules2.It utilizes semantic translation instead of classical dictionary look-up, which would improve translation quality of sentences3.(For Google) The semantic translation resulted Google Translatecreating an interlingua. The translation works by doing a seman-tic translation from original language to the interlingua, where the meaning of the word/sentence is coded. It translates from the interlingua to the target language. By having the interlingua as a middle station, it enables translation between languages where there has never been a translation before.TranslateNow comes with a user friendly administration interface, which enables the administrator easily to apply the translation service to the entire platform.TranslateNow supports integration to several translations servicessuch as Google Translate and Microsoft Translator Hub.。
Abbindeband tying strap,strap 捆扎带abbinden banding, tying 扎紧,捆扎,装配Abbindestation tying station 捆扎区abbrechen (Anlage) dismantle (installation) 拆除(设备,装置)abdichten seal 密封Abdichtrolle seal roll 密封辊Abdichtung seal 密封,密封件Abdichtungsmasse sealing material 密封材料Abfall (Rückstände) waste,garbage, rubbish 废料,废物,下脚料,残渣Abfertigung dispatch, despatch 发送Abgas flue gas, off-gas, exhaust gas 废气Abhaspel decoil, pay-off reel 开卷机abhaspeln decoiler, pay-off reel 开卷Abkühlhaube cooling hood, cooling bell,冷却罩cooling coverAbkühlkurve cooling curve 冷却曲线abkuppeln disengage 分离,松开,切断abladen discharge 卸料,卸载ablassen discharge 排出,放出Ablaufdiagramm flow sheet 工艺流程图,操作程序图Ablaufhaspel decoiler, pay-off reel 开卷机,Ablaufsteuerung sequence control system 程序控制系统Abmessungsbereich size range 粒度范围,粒度上下限Abnahme (Lieferung) acceptance, reception验收(交货,供应)(delivery, supply)Abnahme je Stich reduction per pass 每个道次的压下量abnehmen(Lieferung) receive(dilivery,supply) 验收(交货,供应)Abnutzung abrasion 磨损,磨耗Abquetschrolle squeeze roll 挤压辊,挤干辊Abrieb abrasion 磨损,磨耗Abrufanalyse sub analysis 数据选择分析Abschiebeplatte stripper plate 卸卷器(板)Abschiebeschild pusher plate 推板abschrauben unscrew 旋开,拧开,卸螺丝absenden dispatch(=despatch) 发出,运出Absperrhahn stop-cock 闭塞栓Absperrschieber shut-off valve 截止阀abspulen wind off 开卷Abstrahlung radiation 放射,反射Abstreifer stripper 卸料机Abstreifmeißel peeler 拨皮机Abstreifrolle wiper roll (带钢卷取时除油用)擦拭辊,刮油辊abwärts downwards 向下Abwasser discharge water, effluent 废水,污水Abweiser diverter 障碍栅,转向器abwerten devaluate 减价,降低的价值Abwickelgruppe uncoiler group 开卷机组abwickeln pay-off, wind off, unwind 展开,绕开abwickeln von oben(coil) over-payoff 从上面展开abwickeln von unten (coil) under-payoff 从下面展开Abzugskanal culvert 阴沟,排水管Achse arbor, axis, shaft 轴,轴线,转轴,心轴Adjustage finishing department 校准,调准,调整adjustieren finishing 校准,调准,调整alkalische Salzschmelze alkaline salt bath 碱性盐溶液allgem.Verschleißteile sundry wear bath 一般易损件altern ageing 时效,老化Alterung ageing 时效,老化Altsäurelager used acid store 废酸存储,废酸储罐Aluminium (AI) aluminium 铝Amperemeter ammerer 安培表,电流表Andrückrolle pinch roll, snubber roll, bold夹紧辊,缓冲辊,压紧辊down rollAnfahrkurve learning curve 起动曲线angelernt semi skilled 半熟练的Angelernt learning curve 起动曲线anheften fix 固定Anion anion 阴离子,负离子Anker (elektr) armature 电枢Ankerschalter armature switch 电枢开关Anlagedaten plant data 设备参数(数据)Anlagengeschwindigkeit line speed 作业线速度Anlagenüberwachung plant monitoring 设备监视(监控)Anlassen temper 退火,回火Anlauffarbe annealing colour 退火色Anlieferungszustand as-received condition 交货状态Anode anode 阴极,正极Anschlag end stop 挡板,挡块,挡铁anschließen connect 连接,接头,接线Anschluss connection 连接,接头,接线Ansicht (Zeichnung) view,elevation 正视图anstecken execution for first pass 执行第一个轧制道次,轧制Anstelldruck screwdown pressure 压下力Anstellvorrichtung screwdown mechanism 压下机械装置antippen jogging 点动Antrebsleistung drive capacity 传动功率,驱动功率Antrieb drive 驱动,传动装置Antriebsseite drive side 驱动侧Anwalzen initial rolling, first stage rolling 初轧,开轧Anweisung instruction 说明书,指示.规定,规程,说明Anzeige display 指示,显示anzünden ignite 点火,起爆Apfelsinenhaut orange peel 桔皮表面(出晶粒金属加工时出现的板材带钢表面粗糙现象)Arbeiter operator, worker 操作工,技师,工人Arbeitsablauf sequence of operations 工序,工艺过程Arbeitsablauf-zeitdiagram operation flow chart 工艺流程图,工作进度Arbeitsanzeiger operation time table 工作时间表Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit working speed 工作速度Arbeitsplan operating schedule 工作计划Arbeitsplatzbedingungen working conditions 岗位情况Arbeitsreihe process route 作业次序Arbeitsverfahren operating method 工艺过程,工作过程,操作方法Arbeitswalze work roll 工作辊Argon(Ar) argon 氩Armaturen accessories 配件,附件Arsen(As) arsenic 砷Asbest asbestos 石棉Atemschutzgerät respirator 防毒面罩Atomgewicht atomic weight 原子量Attest certificate 执照,证书,合格证书,认证ätzend finishing 有腐蚀性的Ätzend sundry wear bath 各种易损件Aufarbiten refurbish 重新磨光(擦亮),再刷新,整修Aufbau assembly,set-up 部件,组件装置/配置,构造Aufbauen assemble,set-up,mount 部件,组装装置/安装架座aufbinden untie 解开,松开auffüllen refill 填满,装满,回填Aufgabe der Kontrolle task of chenking 检查任务Aufhangevorrichtung lifting gear 悬挂装置,悬挂设备Aufhaspel coiler, recoiler 卷曲机,重卷机Auflagefläche face, binding face 支撑面,接触面aufräumen tidy-up 整理,收拾Aufschälmeißel peeler 坯料剥皮机,坯料清理机Aufspannorrichtung jig 夹具Aufstellung assembly 安装, 编制, 提供Auftraggeber purchaser 买方, 购买人Auftragsvorschrift order regulation 定货条例Aufwätrs upwards 向上Aufwickelhaspel coiler, recoiler, winder 卷取机,重卷机,张力卷取机aufwickeln wind, spool 缠绕, 卷取Aufzug elevator 提升机,起重机,电梯Ausbauchung camber 降起,镰刀弯ausbauen(Teile aus V orrichtung) disassemble 拆卸,拆开Ausbildung (berufliche) vocational training 职业培训ausbringen yield 产量,收得率,屈服(点) auseinandernehmen disassemble, dismantle 分开,拆开Ausfall breakdown, dismantle 击穿故障,初轧/停止,停机Ausfallrate outage rate 停机率,故障率ausfluchten align 定线,选线,检查直度Aushleichpapier stuffing paper 衬纸auskuppeln disengage 解开,分离Auslass outlet 出口,引线Auslastungsgrad rate of utilization 负荷率,利用率Auslauf exit 出口,通道Auslaufbereich exit section 出口区,出口段Auslaufseite exit side 出口侧,出料侧Auslegerkran jib crane 悬臂起重机ausrichten align 校直,调整ausschalten switch off 脱离,切断,断路,关闭,断开Ausscheidungshärtung precipitation hardening 沉淀硬化,时效硬化Aussendurchmesser outer diameter(o.d) 外径Aussenzwischenwalze (angetrieben/geschleppt) second intermediate roll(driven/idle)(二十辊轧机)第二层中间辊(传动辊/被动辊)Aussparung clearance 余隙,间隙Aussparungsplan recess drawing 空隙平面,退刀槽扩径,予留图Ausstoßoutput 产量,排出物,推出ausstoßen discharge 推料,抛料,插销Austenit austenite 奥氏体Austenite austenitice 奥氏体Austenitischer stahl austenitic steel guade 奥氏体化钢等级austragen discharge 卸载,卸料,排出Auswerferring (Spaltanlage) stripper ring(slitting line) 剪切线auswerten evaluate 统计分析评价Ayskayfförderer run out conveyor 外送输送机Azetylen(C2H2 ) acetylene 乙炔,电石Backe jaw 颚爪,夹片,钳口,抱闸Balkenplan bar chart 棒图(统计表示法) ballig convex 凸的球状的Ballig-und hohlschiff concave and convex cambering 凹凸磨辊设计Balligkeit corown 鼓形,凸度Bananenrolle bowed roll 弯辊Band band,strip 带,带钢Band(Z.Abbinden) strap,hoop 捆扎带/打包钢带Band, nicht entzundertes black band, black strip 黑带钢,热轧带钢Bandabmessung strip dimension 带钢尺寸Banddicke strip gauge 带钢厚度Banddickenmessung strip thickness gauge 带钢测厚仪Banddickentoleranz strip gauge tolerance 带钢厚度公差Bandeinlaufführung strip entry guide 带钢入口导向装置Bandende strip tail, strip end, trailing end 带钢尾部,带尾Bandführung strip guide 带钢导向装置bandgeometrie strip geometry 带钢几何尺寸Bandgeschwindigkeit strip speed 带钢速度Bandkante strip edge 带钢棱角,带钢边缘Bandkantenausführung strip edge configuration 带钢边部结构Bandkantenführungseinrichtung strip edge control equipment (带钢因耳子造成的)折叠(缺陷)(薄板)拆印(缺陷) Bandkneifer pincher roll 带钢压紧辊Bandlauf strip travel 带钢移动行程Bandprofil strip shape 带钢板形Bandreinigung strip cleaning 带钢清洗Bandrichten strip straightening 带钢矫直Bandschleiflinie coil grinding line(cgl) 带钢修磨线Bandspannungsmessung strip tension measuring 带钢张力测量Bandspeicher strip accunulator 带钢贮料塔带钢活套Bandtrocknungsanlage strip drying facility 带钢干燥设备Bandübergang strip transition 带钢运输Bandzug strip tension 带钢张力Bandzugmeßrolle tensiometer roll 带钢张力测量辊Bandzugmessung und-regelung strip tension measuring and control 带钢张力测量与控制Base(chem) base 碱Bauart design 结构,结构图Bauausführungszeichnung final construction drawing 最终构造图Bauentwurfszeichnung preliminary construction drawing 参考构造图Baugruppe assembly construction unit 组件,部件Beanspruchung stress 应力Beanstandung complaint 申诉,意见bedienefreundlich user-friendly 易于操作的Bediener operator 操作人员,管理者Bedienungspult control desk, control pulpit 控制台Bedienungsseite operator side 操作侧Beeinflußung des Bandlaufes influencing the strip travel 带钢移动干扰befestigen fasten, fix 固紧,固定,定位begehbar accessible 方便的Behandlung treatment 加工,处理Behandlungsteil treatment section 加工段Beizbarkeit amenability to picking 可控制性酸洗Beizbehälter pickling tank 酸洗槽beizen pickle 酸洗,酸蚀,酸浸Beizen pickling 酸洗Beizflüßigkeit pickling liquor, pickle liquor 酸洗液Beizlinie pickling line, pickle line 酸洗机组,酸洗线Beizmittel pickling agent 酸洗剂bekleben pasting-up 涂抹焊料Belastung (zulässig,tatsächlich) load ( permissible, actual) 负荷(容许负荷,实际负荷) Belegschaft work force 职工(总称)berührungslose Dickenmessung contactless gauge measuring 非接触式测厚besäumen trim 修边,切边Besäumschere trimming shear 切边剪Besäumschrott trimmings, trimming scrap 边角料Besäumschrottwickler scrap coiler for trimmings 废钢边卷取机beschichten coat 涂层,镀层,套Beschichtung coating 涂层镀层beschleunigen accelerate 加速Beschleunigung acceleration 加速,加速度Besen broom 帚,路帚(刷) Bestandsaufnahme stock-taking 存货能力Bestellung order 定货Bestseite best side 最佳侧betätigen actuate 开动,驱动,操作,控制Beton concrete 混凝土Betriebsanleitung operating instructions 操作说明书Betriebsausflug staff outing 全体员工郊游betriebsbereit ready for operation 操作准备就绪Betriebsbereitschaft operational availability 操作准备情况Betriebsdaten operation data 运行参数Betriebshandbuch operating manual 操作手册Betriebsmittel consumables 生产用设施Betriebsrat works council 企业工会Betriebsstoff expendables 生产原料,生产燃料Betriebsstörung breakdown 生产故障Betriebsweise mode of operation 操作方式Betriebszahl operation figures 生产指标Betriebszeit production time, operating time 运行时间Beule bulge 凸起,隆起bewerten evaluate 评价,估价Beziehung relationship 关系,联系,观点biegen bend 弯曲Biegeprobe bending test 弯曲实验Biegeversuch bending test 弯曲实验Bieter contractor 承包人,承包商Bi-Metall Streifen bi-metak strip 双金属片Blankglühlinie bright annealing line(bal) 光亮退火线Blankglühofen bright annealing furnace 光亮退火炉Blase blister 凸泡,气泡Blatt blade 刀Blech plate, sheet 板,板材,钢板Blei lead 铅blinder Stich dummy pass 空轧道次Blindflansch blind flange 盲法兰Blindscheibe blink flange 盲板,管口凸缘(法兰),盲法兰bohren bore, drill 钻孔,穿孔,钻Bohrer driller 钻工,打眼工,钻机,钻头Bohrmaschine drilling machine 钻机,钻床Bohröl solubke oil 切削油,钻机油Bohrung bore, bore hole 内径, 孔径Bolzen bolt 螺栓Bombierung crown 凸起, 隆起Bor boron 硼Brammenadjustage slab edge 板坯修整,调整Brammenkante slab dressing 板坯棱边缘圆角Brechstange pinch bar, crow bar, breaker bar 夹紧辊,橇滚棍(单辊)破碎机条Breitbandstraße wide strip mill 宽带钢轧机Breitstreckrolle bowed roll, smoothed roll,variobow roll弓形辊/平滑辊/可变辊Breitung width-spread (rolling) 宽展(轧制)bremsen slow down 制动,闸Bremsgerüst braking stand,ba、yjision unlt, backtension stand 制动架/后张力设备/后张力架Brett board 架,板bröckelig brittle 易碎的,脆薄的Bronze bronze 青铜,古铜brüchig brittie 脆的,易碎的brutto gross 毛重,总重Buchse bush 轴衬,轴套,衬里Bühne platform 工作台,平台Bundanschlagplatte coil positioning plate 钢卷定位板(盘〉Bund-Aufschälmeißel coil peeler 钢卷剥皮机Bundbildelinie coil build-up line 钢卷(端头)焊接作业线,拼卷作业Bundgewicht coil weight 钢卷重量Bundkarte coil card,quality card 钢卷等级卡Bundkippstuhl coil upender 翻卷机(把外卷翻成立放)Bundvorbereitungslinie coil preparation line (cpl〉钢卷准备作业线Bundwagen coil car,coil truck 钢卷小车,钢卷万能装卸车(自动装卸车) Bundzange coil tongs 钢卷夹钳Bürstmaschine scrap-brush machine 刷光机床,钢刷机,清刷机C-Haken c-hook C型换辊钩Chemie chemistry 化学Chrom chromium 铬Cr Chromatreduktion chromate reduction 铬酸盐还原Coilablage coil cradle 开卷机的钢卷座Coil-Bogigkeit coil set 钢卷座Coilhaken coil hook 钢卷吊钩Coil-Staplel coil pile 钢卷堆垛Coil-Wendehaken coil turnover hook 钢卷翻卷吊钩Coil-Wendezange coil turnover grab 钢卷翻卷夹钳Coil-Wicklung coil lap 钢卷推放Coilzange coil grab 钢卷吊钩(吊钢卷专用吊具〉Containergehänge spreader for container 集装箱吊具Dampf vapor 蒸汽Dampfdruck vapor pressure 蒸汽压力Darstellung display,representation 表示,显示,图示Daten data 数据参数Datenerfassung data acquisition 数据采集Dauerschmierung permanent lubrication 连续润滑defekt breakdown 缺陷,故障dehnen strain 伸展,延伸Dehnung elongation 延伸,延伸率Dehnungsmesser tensionmeter,extensionmeter,strain应力计,拉力计gaugeDelta Ferrit delta ferrite 铁(1394℃-1538℃〉demontieren disassemble 拆卸,拆除,解体Dendrit dendrite 枝状态晶,树枝状结晶体Dendritenstruktur dendritic structure 枝状结构Dessin pattern 图,图形,花格Dessin pattern 图,样品, 晶格,图案dessinieren pattern rolling 加标签Dessomoren patternDiagramm graph 图,图表Diatomeen-Filtererde diatomaceous filter earth 过滤用硅燥土Dichte density 密度比重,浓度Dichtung joint,packing,seal 密封Dichtungsring gasket,packing ring 密封圈,密封环垫圈Dicke gauge,thickness 厚度,浓度Dickenabweichung thickness deviation 厚度偏差Dickenanzeige thickness indicator 测厚指示器,厚度显示器Dimension dimension 大小,尺度,量钢Diode diode 二极管direktwalzen direct rolling (无需退火和酸洗的)直接轧制dissoziieren dissociate 离解,分解Distickstoffoxid nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮Doppelbundbildung forming double coils 形成双卷Doppelschere double-cut shear 双边剪,复式剪切机Doppelsteuerungsrolle double steering roller 双重控制辊Dorn mandrel,dabor 芯棒,顶头Draht wire 线材,钢丝Drahtbürste wire brush 钢丝刷Drehbank lathe 车床Drehkreuz capstan 绞盘,十安接头,绕杆Drehmoment torque 转矩,扭矩Drehmomentschlüssel torque wrench,torque spanner 转矩(力矩)扳手dressieren skin-pass rolling,flattening 平整,矫直,矫平Dressiergerüst skin-pass stand 平整机Dressierwalzwerk skin-pass mill (spm〉平整机Drossel throttle 节流阀Druck pressure 压力,压强Druckmesser pressure gauge 压力计,压强计Druckreduzierventil pressure release valve 减压阀Druckring thrust washer 夹持环,止推环Druckrolle hold-down roll 压紧辊,支撑辊,Druckschmierung forced lubrication 加压润滑,强制润滑Dunkelkammer dark room 暗房,暗室,暗箱Dünnschlamm slurry 泥浆,料浆Duo-Gerüst 2·high stand 双辊机架Duplexstahl duplex steel 双相钢Durchbiegung deflection 弯曲,挠曲,挠度Durchflußmengenmessung flow measurement 流量测量Durchflußrate flow rate 流量计Durchlauf-Chromatreduktion continuous chromate reduction 连续铬酸盐还原Durchmesser diameter (outer,inner〉直径〈外径,内径〉Durchsatz throughput 渗透,扩散Durchsatzgeschwindigkeit processing speed, throughput speed 生产速度Durchsatzzeit throughput time 生产时间Durchwärmezeit soaking time 均热时间,保温时间Durchziehnaht pull-through weld,transport weld 空劳焊接JDüse nozzle,jet 喷嘴,风口Ebebheit flatness 平面度,平整度,光滑度eichen calibrate 检定,校正einbauen fit in 安装,装配einbetten embed 安置,埋入,嵌入Eindruck dents 烙痕,压入Einfädelgeschwindigkeit threading speed 穿带速度einfädeln thread 穿带,穿入Einfädelvorrichtung threading unit 穿带设备Einfahren d.1. Walzstiches execution of first pass 执行第一道轧制道次einfetten grease 涂脂,上油,润滑einführen thread 输入,引入,穿带Einführtisch threading table 引料台,穿带台Einhausung enclosure 套,箱,围绕,转入Einheit unit 单元,单位Einlaßinlet 入口,进口,进入Einlauf entry 入口Einlaufbereich entry section 入口段einpassen set 配合适应调整Einrichtung set-up 装置,设置,调整Einsatzmaterial feedstock-input material 原料,进料einschalten switch on 接通,合闸Einschlußzeile inclusion line, skin lamination 条状态杂物/表皮分层(热轧板表面缺陷)einseitig (Bandlauf) lopsided 单向的,单侧的einspannen fix, clamp 后紧,固定,安装Einspannende clamping end 夹紧端Einspannmechanismus gripper = mechanism 夹紧机构Einspannschlitz clamping slot 夹紧缝(卷筒上的) einstellen set 调整,校准,标定Einstellschraube set-screw 定位螺钉eintauchen dip 浸没,浸入Eintauchtiefe depth of immersion 浸没深度Eintauchtiefe (Messer) cutting gap 剪切间隙,切割间隙Einziehtreiber feed bridle 进料辊式张拉装置Einziehtreiberrolle feed pinch roll 进料夹送辊Einzugrichtmaschine feed leveller 进料平整机,矫直机Eisen iron 铁Eisen (II)-sulfat-Ansatz iron(ll) – sulphate preparation 硫酸铁配制Elefantenhaut elephant hide 拆皱,粒状态表面Elefantenhaut elephant bideElektrolyt electrolyte 电解质Elektromotorische Kraft electromotive force(emf) 电动势Elektron electron 电子Elektronenmikroskop electron microscope 电子显微镜Emulsion emulsion 乳胶,乳状液Emulsionsabstreifensystem emulsion wiping system 乳胶擦拭系统Emulsionsöl solube oil 溶性油,乳化油Endschalter limit switch 极限开关,限位开关Energie energy 能量Energieeinsparung energy saving 节省能源,节能Entfettung degreasing 脱脂,除油entflammbar flammable 可燃的,易燃的entgraten deburr 去毛刺entlüften vent 排气Entlüftungsloch (Gasleitung) vent 排气孔(煤气管) Entsorgung disposal 处理,配制,排列entspreizen release 放出,分离entspreizter Dorn collapsed mandrel (卷曲机的)收缩状态卷筒Entstaubungsvorrichtung dust collecting equipment 集尘设备,除尘设备Entwurf outline 方案,图纸,草图,系统图entzundern descale 除鳞,除氧化铁皮Entzundern descaling 除鳞,除氧化铁皮Entzunderungsvorrichtung descaling unit 除鳞装置entzündlich flammable 可燃的Erdgas natural gas 石油气,天然气Erdschutz earth-fault protection, ground-fault接地故障保护protectionErgonomie ergonomics 人机工程学,人与机械控制Erholungsglühen recovery annealing 消除应力退火Ersatz stand-by 备用Ersatzteil spare part 备件,备品Erste Hilfe first aid 急救,急救站erste Wahl prime, first choice, first quality 优质,一级Erzeugnisse in Fertigung work in progress 正在进行的工作Experiment experiment 实验,试验Explosionsgrenze explosion hazard limit 爆炸极限Exzenter eccentric 偏心轮,凸轮Fahren des ersten Walzstiches execution of first pass 执行第一个轧制道次Falte buckle, fold 折痕,折叠,合拢Farbkennzeichnung color coding 颜色标志,涂色标志Farbmarkierung color marking 颜色标志Fassung socket 灯头,管座Feder spring 弹簧Fehlabmessung off-gauge 不均匀厚度,超差Fehler fault, flaw 误差,缺陷fehlerfrei flawless 无误差的,无缺陷的Fehlstelle fault, flaw 有缺点部分,缺陷处,位错Ferrit ferrite 纯铁体Ferrite ferritics (含)铁素体的ferritischer Stahl ferritic steel grade 铁素体钢等Ferritzahl ferrite factor 铁素体系数ferromagnetisch ferromagnetic 铁磁的,铁磁体的Fertigdicke finish gauge 最终厚度,成品厚度fertigglühen finish annealing 最终退火fertigwalzen finish rolling 终轧Festdorn solid mandrel 整体(实体)心轴,整体(实体Festigkeit strength 强度,稳定性,任性festmachen fasten, fix 凝固,硬化Festplatte hard disk 硬盘Feststellschraube set-screw 定位螺栓,固定螺栓Fett grease 油脂,润滑油Feuchtigkeit humidity 潮气,湿度,水分feuerfest refractory 耐火的,耐热的Feuerlöscheinrichtung fire extinguishing facility 消防器材Feuerlöscher fire extinguisher 灭火器Feuermelder fire detector 火警检测器Filter filter 过滤装置,滤波器Filteranlage filter plant 过滤器,滤波器Filterhilfsmittel filtering aid 过滤辅助设备Filterkuchen residue sludge 滤饼,滤渣filtern filter 过滤,滤波Filtertuch filter cloth 滤布Filz felt 毛粘,粘矿泥fixieren fix 定影,定位Fixpunkt set point 固定点,支点flach flat, shallow 扁平的,平面的Flachbeize shallow bath type picking facility 浅熔池型酸洗设备flächenzentriert face-centered 面心的Flachprodukt flat products, flats 扁平轧材Flachzange pliers 扁钳Flammpunkt flash point 闪点,着火点Flaschenzug pulley 滑轮组(带式运输机的拖轮,滑轮)Fleck stain, flaw 斑点,污点fließend fluid 流动的,连续的Fließfigur stretcher strain 拉伸应变力(薄板表面缺陷)Fließkraft centrifugal force 离心力Flourwasserstoffsäure fluoric acid, hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸Fluor fluor 氟Flussäure fluoric acid, hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸Flußdiagramm flow sheet 工艺流程图flüssig fluid 液体,流体,流动性Flüssigkeit fluid 液态的,液体的fluten flood 浇注Fortbildung,Weiterbildung advanced training 高级培训Fotozelle photoelectric cell 光电池,光电管freier Durchgang clearance 间隙,余隙,许可Freigabe release 通路,开通,松开(交货供应)freigeben release 通路开通Freileitung overhead power line 架空输电线Fremdbelüftung forced ventilation 强制通风Fühler probe 探测器,探头Füllgrad fill ratio 装填系数Fundamentbelastungsplan foundation load plan 地基负线设计图fünfwertig pentavalent 五价的Funke spark 火花,电火花Futter fixture 炉衬,衬垫Gabelstapler fork lifter, fork truck 叉式装卸机Garantie guarantee, warrant 保证,担保,保障garantieren guarantee, warranty 保证,担保,保障Garantiestichplan guarantee pass schedule 确保轧制(程序)表Garantiewert garranted value 保证值,Garnitur set 一套,一组,配件gasdicht gas-tight 不漏气的Gasflasche gas cylinder 煤气瓶,气瓶Gasmaske gas mask 防毒面具Gebäude edifice 建筑物体系Gebläse fan 通风机,风机Gebläserad impeller 推进器,刀盘(破碎机的) Gebrauchsanweisung instruction manual 使用说明,使用手册Gefälle gradient 坡度,斜度Gefrierpunkt freezing point 冰点,冻点,凝固点Gefüge micro-structure 构造.结构Gefügeausbildung micro-structure 结构组织,组织形成gegenläufiges Schnieden upcut shearing 下切或剪切Gegenstrom counter current 逆流,对流geglättet smoothed 平滑处理过Gehalt salary 薪金Gehänge suspension gear, lifting gear 吊杆,吊钩,吊具Gehäuse cabubet 外客,机体,机箱Gehäusebohrung housing bore 外壳内孔,轴套内径Gehörschutz ear protection 吊耳保护Geländer handrail 扶栏gelernt skilled 熟练的Gemisch mixture 混合物,混合剂Gerät hardware 设备,硬件Gerüstständer stand 轮机的牌坊,机架Geschwindigkeit speed, velocity 速度gespreitzte Dorn expanded mandrel (卷曲机)张力状态的卷筒Gestaltung design 设计,结构(结构,体系组织) Getriebe gear unit 传动齿轮箱Getriebkasten gear box 齿轮箱,传动箱gewährleisten guarantee, warranty 保障,保障Gewährleistung guarantee, warranty 保证Gewinde thread 螺纹,绕线Gift poison 毒药,毒物giftig poisonous, toxic 有毒的Glanz brightness, gloss 光泽,磨光glanzlos mat, dull 不光的,钝的,不敏感的Glanzmeßgerät brightness meter 亮度测量仪Glaskolben flask 玻璃泡,玻璃瓶Glättrolle anticrimping roll 平整轧辊Gleichgewicht equilibrium 平衡,等同Gleichlaufvorrichtung synchronizing mechanism 同步机构gleichsetzen equate 使…相等,平均Gleichstrom direct current(do) 直流,平行流Gleichung equation 方程式,等式globularkristall equiaxec crystal 等轴晶体Glüh- und Beizlinie annealing and pickling line. anneal退火和酸洗线and pick line (apl)Glühgutsockel work base 退火炉台Glühofen annealing furnace 退火炉Glykol glycol 已二醇Grad grade 度,程序,等级graphische Darstellung graph 图表(象),(曲)线图Gräser grassGrat burr 毛边,毛刺Gratbrecher burr masher 磨毛刺机grau gray 灰色Grenze-0.2 0.2 proof stress 屈服应力Grenzwert limiting value 极限值,最大值Griff handle 把手,手柄,工步Grobkorn coarse grain 粗晶,粗颗粒Grundriss plan 平面设计,大纲,图Gültigkeitsprüfung validity check 有效性检查Gummi rubber 橡皮,橡胶gummibeschichtete Rolle rubberized roller 贴橡胶轧辊gummierter Auswerfring rubber-coated ejector ring 橡胶衬里的推钢机, 环箍轮圈Haltbarkeit durability, life 耐久性,耐用性haltevortichtung fixture 支持器架,支持装置Haltezeit holding time, soaking保持时间,停留时间time(furnace)Handbetrieb manual mode 手动操作, 手动操作方式Handbuch manual 指南,手册Handschere nibbler,nibbling shear 手剪Hardware hardware 金属构件,硬部件,硬设备Härte hardness 硬度, 强度Härteprüfung hardness test 硬度检验,硬度实验Härtmeßgerät hardness tester 硬度指标检测仪器装置Harz resin 树脂,松香Haspel reel, coiler 卷取机Haspeldorn coiler mandrel 卷取机卷筒Haspelkratzer mandrel scratch 卷筒划痕擦伤Haspelwelle mandrel shaft 卷筒转轴Haubenglühanlage batch annealing plant, box罩式退火设备annealing plant, stack annealingplanthaubenglühen batch annealing, box annealing罩式退火stack annealingHaubenglühofen batch annealing furnace, bell-type罩式退式炉annealing furnacebox annealingfurnace, stack annealing furnaceHäufigkeitsverteilung frequency distribution 频率分布Hauptachse centre line 主轴/中心线Hauptschalter master switch 总开关, 中央控制台Hebeband lifting sling 起重吊索,起重装置Hebezeug lifting appliance, lifting gear 起重设备,塞棒升降器Heizhaube heating bell, heating hood, lift-off加热罩furnaceHeizöl fuel oil 液体燃料,燃料油Heizwert calorific value 加热值,热值Helium helium 氦herausziehen withdraw 检取,取出Herdsockel hearth base 炉座,炉台Hilfsmittel auxiliary material 辅助剂Hilfsstoff indirect materials 辅助材料,助剂Hilfstreiber auxiliary bridle 助动辊, 助拉装置hitzebeständig heat resistant 耐热性,热阻Hitzestreifen heat streak 烧伤,灼伤Hochfahrkurve curve 加速曲线Hochglanz mirror brightness, mirror finish 高光泽镜面Hochleistungsrichtmaschine heavy-duty leveler 高功率矫直机Hochleistungsschalter heavy-duty circuit breaker 高功率断路器开关hochreflektierend highly reflective 高反射Höckerschiene hump fail 钢卷托架(托座)Höhe Hüttenflur mill floor level 轧钢地面标高hohl concave 空的,中空的,凹的Holz timber, wood 木材Hubbalken walking beam 步进梁Hubbalkenofen walking beam furnace 步进式加热炉Hubherd walking hearth 升底式Hubherdofen walking hearth furnace 升底式加热炉Hubtisch lifting table 升降台Hülse sleeve 套筒,轴套Hüttenflur mill floor 轧钢厂房地坪(标高) Inbetriebnahme commissioning 试运行Inbusschlüssel socket spanner, socket wrench 套筒扳手Inbusschraube socket-head cap screw 内六角螺钉Industriegas industrial gas 工业煤气Inertgas inert gas 惰性气体Innendurchmesser inner diameter(i.d) 内径Inspektionsstand checking station, inspection stand 检查站Instandhaltung maintenance, upkeep 维护,维修Instrument instrument 工具,仪表interkristallische Korrosion intergranular corrosion 晶间腐蚀,晶间侵蚀Investition investment 投资Ion ion (anion cation ) 离子(阴离子,阳离子) Isolierung isolation 绝缘(电) Isolierung insulation 绝热(热)Isotop isotope 同位素Joch yoke 轭,环,圈Joch-Arm yoke arm 环臂Justierschraube set-screw 调节螺钉,校正螺钉Kabel cable, wire 电缆,钢索,绳索Kabelkanal cable tunnel 电缆沟Kabine cubicle 室,间,研究室Kaliber groove 孔型,轧槽Kaliberrand groove collar (轧辊)辊环kalibrieren calibrate 定径, 校准Kalium potassium 钾Kalk lime 石灰Kalkanlage lime plant 石灰设备, 石灰车间Kalkmilch lime milk 石灰乳Kaltband cold strip, cold band 冷轧带钢Kaltbandwalzwerk cold strip mill 带钢冷轧机Kaltverfestigung strain hardening 应变硬化,冷化硬化Kaltverformung cold reduction, cold rolling 冷变形,冷成形kaltwalzen cold reduction, cold rolling 冷轧Kaltwalzwerk cold rolling mill(crm) 冷轧机Kalzium calcium 钙Kammwalze pinion 齿轮, 传动齿轮Kanal duct 管道, 输送管Kante edge 棱, 边Kantenausbildung edge condition 边界条件Kantenführung edge guide 侧导板kantengerade straight edged 直边Kantenregelung edge guide control 侧导板控制Kantenrißedge crack 边裂Kantenschutz edge protection 边部(突沿) 保护Kantenwelligkeit edge waviness 棱边皱纹Kapazität capacity 功率,容量Karbid carbide 碳化物,电石Karo squares 方材,方钢Karton paperboard, cardboard粘贴板/卡纸板pasteboardKatalysator catalyze 催化剂Katalyse catalysis 催化作用Kathode cathode 阴极,负极Kation cation 阳离子Käufer purchaser, buyer 买方,购买单位Kegelrad bevel gear 锥齿轮,伞齿轮Keil wedge 销,键,栓Keilnut key way 键槽Kennwert characteristic value 特性值,参数Kennzahl classification figure, distinctive特性数值,已知数numberKennzeichnen earnark 标记, 特性keramische Faser ceramic fibre 陶瓷纤维Kerosin kerosene 煤油Kerosin- Abstreifer kerosene wiper 煤油擦拭器Kerzenanschwemmfilter pre-coated multiple tube filter 预涂助滤剂的多管式过滤器Kettenantrieb chain drive 链条传动klanke fold (绳子)扭结,重叠折痕Klappdorn collapsible mandrel 可拆卸卷器Klappdornhaspel collapsible type winder 涨缩卷筒式卷取机Klappenventil gate valve 闸阀,滑门阀Klebeband adhesive tape 粘合带Klemmschlitz slot 缝,隙,槽Klemmvorrichtung clamping device 夹具,琐紧装置Klinge blade 刀刃,刀片Kneifzange pincers, pliers 平钳,手钳Knickbildung folding 折叠,折皱(作用)Kniff wrinkle 折叠,折皱Koeffizient coefficient 系数Koerzivitätkraft coercive force 矫顽磁力Kohlenstoff carbon 碳Kohlenstoffdioxyd carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Kohlenstoffmonoxyd carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Kombi-Zerteil-und Spaltanlage combined cut-to-length and slitting 定尺剪切及纵切联合作业线lineKommissionierung allocation 分配,配置Konstruktion design 结构,体系,设计Konstruktionsfehler design flaw 结构缺陷,瑕疵Kontermutter lock nut. jam nut 琐紧螺帽,防松螺帽Kontrolleur-Stand checking station, inspection stand 检查站Konus taper cone 锥,锥体Konuskurve cone curve 锥形曲线/曲线板Konusverstellung cone adjustment 锥度调节,锥度校准Konuswalze conical roll, first intermediate roll 锥形辊(二十辊轧机),第一层中间辊konuswellen quarter buckles 锥形辊Konvektion convection 对流Konvektorplatte convector plate 对流平台Korbgeflecht wickerwork 柳条,编织物Körner centre punch, punch 细粒,金属粒Körnerspitze lathe centre (机床)尾架顶尖,中心孔尖部Korngrenze grain boundary 晶(粒边)界Korngröße grain size, particle size 粒度,晶体大小Korrosionsbeständigkeit corrosion resistance 耐蚀性,抗腐蚀性Korrosionsschutz corrosion prevention 腐蚀保护,防腐,防锈Kraft force 力,动力Kraftmeßdose load cell 压力计,侧压计Kran crane 吊车Krankenhaus hospital 医院krankenwagen ambulance 救护车Kratzer scratch 刮痕,刮刀Kreis circle 磁路,电路,回路盘Kristallbildung crystallization 结晶,晶化Kristallisation crystallization 结晶,晶化kritische Temperatur critical temperature 临界温度,临界点Kubisch-flächenzentriertes Gitter face-centered cubic lattice 面心立方体的晶格,点震Kubisch-raumzentriertes Gitter body-centered cubic lattice 体心立方体的晶格,点震Kufe skid 活动滑道Kugellager ball bearing 滚珠轴承Kühlanlage refrigeration facility 冷却设备,制冷设备Kühlhaube cooling hood, cooling bell, cooling冷却罩/冷却料卷/冷却套coverKühlstrecke cooling section 冷却段Kühlwasser(schleif)konzentrat cooling water concentrate 冷却水浓缩物Kunde client, customer 客户Kundendienst customer service 客户服务Kupfer copper 铜Kupplung coupling 联结,耦合,结合器,连轴结Kurbel handerank 曲柄,手柄Kurvenlineal guidebar 曲线板(磨床)。
Best Power BestLink SNMP WEB Adapter 用户手册说明书
the next building,or the next state...with no additionaloverhead on any server.These dedicated adapters provide the essential network connection and pathway between UPS and any industry-standard network management platform or popular Web browser.BestLink also controls automatic shutdown of protected computer systems with the use of NetWatch client software.Expanded Network CommunicationBy utilizing the supplied MIB (Management Information Base)for UPSs,real-time monitoring and control of powerprotection across your LAN or WAN is achievable by using third-party network management software.The same network management software used to manage your other SNMP-com-patible devices such as SunNet Manager,Novell Manage Wise,HP-OpenView,NetView 6000,and others,may be used to manage the UPS.And even if your protected device goes down,the UPS can still communicate with you via theBestLink SNMP/WEB Adapter.Y ou may even be able to use the UPS to reboot the device.Y ou can also remotely change UPS-related parameters,tailoring them to your specificrequirements,as well as display 176 MIB variables such as line voltage and frequency,battery voltage,UPS load,and various alarms.Easier Network ManagementBest Power’s BestLink SNMP/WEB Adapters expand your control and visibility throughout the network,and allow you to track power-related problems anywhere on the network.Along with managing the servers,routers,hubs,and other network devices,the UPS can also be monitored andcontrolled.BestLink’s HTTP compatibility means that you can simplify your management process by using a web browser such as Netscape ®or Internet Explorer ®.>FERRUPS ®Network Management Of:BestLink TMSNMP/ WEB AdapterHardware for remote management.The Best Solution ™BestLink TMSNMP/ WEBAdapterModel BestLink™ SNMP/WEB Adapter SNMP-3Part No.IPK-0318IPK-0319IPK-0320IPK-0033Description Provides both SNMP and HTTP compatibility to single-phase UPS applications.Supporting UPS-to-EthernetExternal Unit Internal integration for three-phaseCard UPS applications.Network Connections Ethernet 10BaseT One Ethernet 10BaseT,one 10Base2.The Best Solution™An Invensys Company LTP-0267RL ©2000,Best Power.All rights reserved.00-001 2/00。
monitor的作文英文回答:Monitoring is an essential part of our daily lives. It helps us keep track of various activities and ensures that everything is running smoothly. There are different types of monitors that we use in different aspects of life.One common type of monitor is the computer monitor. It allows us to see what is happening on our computer screen. Without a monitor, we wouldn't be able to browse the internet, watch videos, or even write an essay like I am doing right now. It is like our window into the digital world.Another important monitor is the security monitor. It helps us keep our homes and workplaces safe. For example, surveillance cameras are used to monitor the surroundings and detect any suspicious activities. This gives us peace of mind knowing that our property is being watched over.In addition, there are health monitors that help us keep track of our well-being. For instance, a heart rate monitor can be worn during exercise to ensure that we are not pushing ourselves too hard. It can also alert us if there are any irregularities in our heart rhythm. This is especially important for athletes or individuals with heart conditions.Furthermore, there are environmental monitors that help us keep track of the quality of our surroundings. For instance, air quality monitors can detect pollutants in the air and alert us if the air is unhealthy to breathe. Thisis particularly useful for individuals with respiratory issues or those living in areas with high pollution levels.Overall, monitors play a crucial role in our lives by helping us stay informed and ensuring our safety and well-being. They provide us with valuable information and allow us to make informed decisions. Without monitors, we would be left in the dark about many things.中文回答:监控是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。
monitor英语作文Alright, here's an essay on the topic of "monitor" inan informal and conversational style, with each paragraph maintaining its independence and uniqueness in language expression:Man, having a monitor for your computer is essential these days. It's like having a window to your digital world. You can see everything so clearly, from the smallestdetails to the big picture. It's just like looking out a window and admiring the view.I remember when I first got my monitor. It was a big upgrade from my tiny laptop screen. It was like steppinginto a whole new world. Colors were brighter, images were sharper. It made working on my projects so much easier and more enjoyable.Oh, and don't forget about gaming! A good monitor can take your gaming experience to the next level. You can seeevery single detail in the game, like you're really there. It's almost like having a window to a different reality.But monitors aren't just for work and play. They're also great for watching movies or TV shows. The big screen and high resolution make it feel like you're in a movie theater. You can even hook up your console and play your favorite video games on the big screen.And let's not forget the adjustable features. You can tilt it, rotate it,。
nt authority system
nt authority systemnt authority system is a built-in system account in Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is a privileged account with extensive permissions and is used by the operating system itself to perform critical system functions. In this document, we will explore the concept of nt authority system, its role in the Windows operating system, and the importance of managing it effectively.1. Introduction to nt authority systemThe nt authority system account is a special account that is created during the installation of Windows operating systems. It is a part of the Windows security model and represents the operating system itself. The nt authority system account has full control over the system and can perform actions that are beyond the capabilities of regular user accounts.2. Role of nt authority systemThe nt authority system account is used by Windows for various critical functions. Some of the key roles performed by nt authority system include:System processes: The nt authority system account is responsible for running essential system processes and services. These processes include system startup, shutdown, and management of system files.Windows services: Many Windows services are executed under the context of the nt authority system account. These services include the Windows Installer service, Windows Update service, and many others. Running these services under the nt authority system account ensures that they have the necessary privileges to perform their tasks.Security context: The nt authority system account is used by the Windows security subsystem to enforce security policies and access controls. It has the ability to access secure resources and perform actions on behalf of other user accounts.3. Managing nt authority systemDue to the critical nature of the nt authority system account, it is important to manage it effectively to ensure the security and stability of the Windows operating system. Here are some key points to consider while managing nt authority system:Password policy: It is recommended to set a strong and unique password for the nt authority system account. This helps in preventing unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized personnel can perform administrative tasks using this account.Least privilege principle: Follow the principle of least privilege while assigning permissions to the nt authority system account. Only assign the necessary privileges required for the account to perform its designated tasks. This reduces the risk of unauthorized actions and potential misuse of the account.Monitoring and auditing: Monitor the activities performed by the nt authority system account through comprehensive logging and auditing mechanisms. This helps in identifying any suspicious or unauthorized actions performed using this account.4. Security considerationsThe nt authority system account holds extensive privileges and is a potential target for attackers. It is important to take certain security considerations into account to mitigate the risks associated with this account:Regular patching: Keep the Windows operating system up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This helps in addressing any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.Securing administrator accounts: It is important to secure all administrative accounts, including the nt authority system account. Implement strong password policies, limit remote access, and use multi-factor authentication to protect administrative accounts from unauthorized access.Privilege separation: Implement privilege separation to limit the capabilities of the nt authority system account. Separate administrative tasks into different accounts with limited privileges to minimize the potential impact of a compromise.5. ConclusionThe nt authority system account is a critical component of the Windows operating system. Understanding its role and effectively managing it is essential for maintaining the security and stability of the system. By following best practices, such as strong password policies, least privilege principle, and regular monitoring, organizations can ensure that the nt authority system account is properly managed and secure.。
监控技术的利弊英语作文The Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveillance TechnologyWith the rapid development of science and technology, surveillance technology has been widely used in our daily life. It can help us to pay attention to the safety of ourselves and our family, but also has some disadvantages.On the one hand, surveillance technology can provide convenience to people's life. It enables us to monitor our home, workplace, or business even when we are not there in person. With surveillance technology, we can get the information we need at any time. For example, the camera can monitor the site 24 hours a day, and if there are any suspicious persons or activities, we can easily capture the information in time and take corresponding preventive measures.On the other hand, surveillance technology also has its disadvantages. On one hand, it involves a lot of personal privacy issue, for example, it is easy for someone to invade other people's privacy through monitoring technology, or use surveillance to discriminate against certain groups or individuals. On the other hand, it is easy for hackers to invade surveillance systems and obtain private information, which will bring huge potential danger.In conclusion, the development of surveillance technology is not only beneficial but also has potential risks. We should make good use of this technology to promote social progress, but at the same time, we need to strengthen the management of surveillance technology to prevent it from infringing on personal privacy and security.。
ABB Ability Marine Advisory System - OCTOPUS项目货运船舶
—ABB MARINE & PORTS | DIGITAL SERVICESABB Ability™ Marine Advisory System – OCTOPUSProject Cargo vessels2B U M A R I N E & P O R T SIncreasing profitability and safety in shipping The OCTOPUS suite offers a broad variety of modular functionality that helps to increase the efficiency, safety and workability of a singlevessel or entire fleet. OCTOPUS based technology has been installed on hundreds of ships.“With OCTOPUS, we can understand what to expect on any given course, even two and three days ahead, and select the one that is the safest and most efficient for us. The system works, and you feel more confident. Our entire heavy lift fleet is equipped with OCTOPUS and this has raised the overall reliability. When using the OCTOPUS fleet portal, we can track ship motions to make sure they stay within the limitations of the vessel.” – Jan de Jonge, Senior Marine Engi-neer, Boskalis.Motion monitoring & forecastingFor vessels involved in the transportation ofproject cargo, ABB has now developed a tailored cost efficient OCTOPUS solution that increases the safety and efficiency of these vessels.—OCTOPUS SuiteProject Cargo vesselsThe OCTOPUS system increases the overall efficiency of ship operations at sea, leading to cost savings up to 10%. Its performance management solution consists of a modular and comprehensive decision support tool kit to optimize the workability and safety of aship and to minimize the overall fuel and energy costs for the whole fleet.The OCTOPUS system takes the vessel responses into account when planning the route of the vessel. The system will have a vessel specificforecast of motions, velocities and accelerations for the Center of Gravity (COG) of the vessel. This means that a master has a far more accurateinsight of the impact of the weather on the vessel and her cargo and therefore has the possibility to make decisions in a far earlier stage, leading to savings on fuel and ETA. The one sensor motion set-up which is installed on the bridge of the vessel, allows accurate insight in roll & pitchmotions, velocities and accelerations. Alarms are given when thresholds are exceeded.All information is available without the need to preconfigure the system for each new project. This way ship-owners with limited in-house engineering capabilities have a cost-effective alternative, whilst having access to a high quality motion forecast.Speed OptimizationRPM/ Speed Optimization minimizes fluctuations in propeller RPM. A customer study shows that the propulsion energy consumption can be reduced by 3,7%. The optimum speed/RPM profile is calculated by using intended route, required ETA, weather forecast and vessel characteristics.D I G ITA L SE RV I CE S3Energy diagramThis module helps to minimize overall energy costs. It compares and analyzes the historical and current operational data of the vessel, then provides decision support on where to focus energy efficiency efforts. The solution consists of onboard & onshore modules for energy monitoring and optimization.A SEEMP Compliant fuel monitoring solution With daily fuel costs taking in a huge portion of the daily operational costs of a vessel and new SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficient Management Plan) regulations within the shipping industry, having an insight in fuel consumption KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) becomes increasingly important for shipping companies. ABB’s SEEMP solution is capable of measuring and displaying important vessel fuel consumption KPI’s and making this data available as well on the vessel as on the onshore operations department. OCTOPUS MRV SoftwareABB’s MRV software has been certified by Verifavia as a tool to monitor all parameters required to comply with within the EU’s Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) regulation requirements. The system is in compliance with the requirements of the Regulation (EU) N° 2015/757, the associated Delegated and Implementing Acts and the ISO IEC 25051 standard on software engineering. The MRV web-portal can be accessed from any internet browser for both manual input of the data and report generation.SFOCThe SFOC Monitoring module gives a dynamic view to the performance of diesel generators. The performance is evaluated by calculating how much fuel the engine uses to produce certain amount of energy in g/kWh (SFOC). The performance is visualized with three SFOC curves; manufacturer, baseline after maintenance and current state. Reduced performance of the diesel generator can be noticed as lower engine performance index. It is also visible as growing difference between current and baseline curves. Emission monitoringThe OCTOPUS suite supports automatic Emission monitoring, allowing onboard visualization and shore side reporting. This assists owners and operators alike with compliance of upcoming air pollution regulations globally and within Emission Control Areas.ABB AbilityTM Marine Fleet Portal:Easy access to vital informationFuel & performance kpi’s for individual vessels and benchmarking within the fleet.-Clean hull module estimates hull and propel-ler fouling based on an advanced datamodel of the vessel.-This helps shore staff to coordinate thecleaning schedule and calculation of returnon investment.-Measured and forecasted vessel motionsand accelerations.-Sailed routes and location.-Alarms and notifications in case of sensortime outs or failures.Authorized users can access their own part of the protected website to retrieve the latest information. After the voyage, the recorded data is evaluated and the impact on the Merchant can be analyzed. The database can be made accessible for all parties required. It can be used to tune motion calculation (specifically roll motion) and for various other purposes, such as fatigue analysis.Advanced analyticsABB offers a broad range of analytics and consulting services:-Energy Analytics-Operation Modes & Movement Analytics-Customer training-Feasibility studies-Sea-keeping and wave analysis-Remote support, data health checks andtroubleshooting.Our holistic approachThe total offering from ABB’s digital portfolio is the most comprehensive suite available within the maritime industry and provides seamless exchange of data, full integration of sensors, automation, ship software and cloud solutions. Important elements within the suite are decision support software for safety and comfort and energy efficient operations, and remote diagnostics technology that preventatively and continuously monitors critical equipment onboard of a ship. Furthermore, ABB has invested heavily in shore side expertise, analytics firepower and engineering availability to provide 24 /7 support from our ABB AbilityTM Collaborative Operations Centers that support troubleshooting, mai ntenance planning, benchmarking and interventions based onpredictive diagnostics.—ABB B.V.Digital ServicesMarine & PortsGoldkampstraat 33BNL-7722RN Dalfsen, The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)529 436876ABB AbilityTM Collaborative Operations CentersEmail:**********************Tel: +47 916 17 373/marineAdditional informationWe reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall pre-vail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility what-soever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any repro-duc-tion, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.© Copyright 2018 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.。
核电英语词汇(3)通讯设备抗震鉴定、电⽓设备抗震鉴定、核电设备抗震鉴定、建筑结构抗震鉴定Iidentification识别,标记ignition 点燃,触发illuminated pushbutton带灯按钮illuminated switch带灯开关illumination照明impedance voltage(transformer)短路电压,阻抗电压(变压器)impedance阻抗impurity杂质inaccessible equipment不可接近的设备incandescent lamp⽩炽灯incident of moderate frequency中等频率事故inclined positioning welding倾斜焊inclusion夹杂物incoming breaker进线开关Inconel 718 alloy因科镍718合⾦Inconel alloy因科镍合⾦in-core instrumentation room堆芯仪表室in-core instrumentation thimble堆芯测量管in-core instrumentation堆芯测量in-core neutron flux monitoring system堆芯中⼦通量测量系统in-core neutron flux monitoring system堆芯中⼦通量测量系统in-core temperature monitoring system堆芯温度测量系统in-core堆芯independence from cost and schedule不受经费和进度的约束independent review独⽴检查index file索引⽂件indicating lamp, indicator lamp(indicator)指⽰灯,指⽰仪indication of inspection status检查状态标识individual dosimetry and management device个⼈剂量监测和管理装置induced radioactivity感⽣放射性inductance电感,感应industrial wastewater⼯业废⽔inelastic scattering⾮弹性散射infinite lattice⽆限栅格infinite medium multiplication factor⽆限介质增殖因⼦infrequent incident稀有事故initial power初始功率inlet nozzle insulation进⼝接管保温层inlet temperature进⼝温度inner strap(格架内)条带in-pile densification堆内密实in-plate area radiation monitoring system区域辐射监测系统input device输⼊设备input isolator module输⼊隔离组件input/output(I/O)输⼊/输出insertion of reactivity反应性引⼊in-service inspection在役检查in-site controlled area environment radiation monitoring system⼚区环境辐射监测系统inspection at delivery point交接检查inspection of work⼯作检查inspection plan检查计划inspection program检查⼤纲inspection record检查记录inspection检查inspector检查员installation安装instantaneous relay瞬时继电器instruction sheet指令单instruction说明(书),细则instrument room仪表室instrumental joint仪表接头instrumentation (stop) valve仪表(截⽌)阀instrumentation metering valve仪表计量阀instrumentation tube测量管insulation level绝缘强度insulator隔热⽚(块)intact loop完好环路intake structure取⽔构筑物intake取⽔⼝,摄⼊量integrated flux积分通量integrated worth积分价值intelligent智能intensity of back washing返洗强度interaction交互作⽤interactive mode交互⽅式interbedding互层intercept valve再热调节阀intercom network内部通信⽹intercom system调度电话系统interface drawing接⼝图interface接⼝intergranular corrosion晶间腐蚀intergranular stress corrosion cracking晶间应⼒腐蚀开裂interlock联锁intermediate range中间量程intermittent welding断续焊internal contamination内污染internal exposure内照射internal interface内部接⼝internal pressure内压internals lifting support stand堆内构件存放台International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)国际原⼦能机构International Electrotechnical Commission国际电⼯委员会International Organization for Standardization(ISO)国际标准化组织International Standardization Association(ISO)国际标准化协会interpass temperature层间温度interpreter解释程序interrupting capacity遮断容量interrupt中断intervention level⼲预⽔平intrinsically safe equipment固有安全设备inverter逆变装置investigating level调查⽔平iodine cartridge碘吸附盒iodine removal efficiency除碘效率iodine-131 monitor碘-131监测仪ion chromatograph离⼦⾊谱ion exchange resin离⼦交换树脂ion exchange离⼦交换器ionization chamber电离室irradiated fuel已辐照燃料irradiation damage辐照损伤irradiation embrittlement辐照脆化irradiation induced growth辐照感⽣⽣长irradiation surveillance capsule辐照监督管irradiation辐照isokinetic sampling nozzle for stack烟囱等速取样头isolating amplifier隔离放⼤器isolating switch隔离开关isolating valve隔离阀isolation damper隔离(风)阀isolator绝缘⼦,绝缘体,隔离器isoseismic等震线isoseisms等震线isotopic abundance同位素丰度isotopic stripping fraction同位素萃取份额item important to safety安全重要物项item物项J 、K 、Ljib crane悬臂式起重机jumper打接线junction接管,接头,接点Kkeeper保管员Kerma⽐释功能key plan索引图keyboard键盘key-locked switch带钥匙开关key键,销knife corrosion⼑⼝腐蚀knob-and--tube wiring穿墙布线knob旋钮knot节(测量航海速度的单位- 1。
Structural Health Monitoring
Structural Health Monitoring Structural health monitoring is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety and longevity of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. It involves the use of various technologies and techniques to continuously monitor the health of a structure and detect any potential issues before they become major problems. In this response, I will discuss the requirements for effective structural health monitoring, including the importance of accurate data collection, the need for advanced analytics and machine learning, and the role of human expertise in interpreting and acting on monitoring data.One of the most important requirements for effective structural health monitoring is accurate data collection. This involves the use of sensors and other monitoring technologies to continuously collect data on a variety of factors, including temperature, humidity, strain, and vibration. The data must be collected in real-time and stored in a central database that can be accessed and analyzed by engineers and other experts. The accuracy and reliability of the data is critical, as any errors or inconsistencies can lead to false alarms or missed warning signs.Another key requirement for effective structural health monitoring is advanced analytics and machine learning. With the vast amounts of data generated by monitoring systems, it is essential to have sophisticated algorithms and analytics tools that can identify patterns and anomalies in the data. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize specific patterns and predict future behavior, allowing engineers to take proactive measures to prevent damage or failure. Advanced analytics can also help to identify potential sources of stress or damage, such as excessive traffic or environmental factors, allowing engineers to make informed decisions about maintenance and repairs.Despite the importance of advanced analytics and machine learning, it is important to remember that human expertise is still essential in interpreting and acting on monitoring data. While algorithms can identify patterns and predict future behavior, it is up to engineers and other experts to make decisions about maintenance and repairs based on this information. This requires a deep understanding of the underlying physics and mechanics of the structure, as well as the ability to interpret complex data and make informed decisions under pressure.Another important requirement for effective structural health monitoring is the ability to communicate monitoring data to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner. This includes not only engineers and other technical experts, but also building owners, government officials, and the general public. Effective communication is critical for building trust and ensuring that everyone involved in the monitoring process understands the risks and potential consequences of structural damage or failure.Finally, it is important to recognize that structural health monitoring is not a one-time process, but rather an ongoing effort that requires constant attention and maintenance. This includes regular calibration and maintenance of monitoring equipment, as well as periodic inspections and assessments to identify potential issues before they become major problems. It also requires a commitment to ongoing research and development, as new technologies and techniques are constantly being developed to improve the accuracy and reliability of monitoring systems.In conclusion, effective structural health monitoring requires accurate data collection, advanced analytics and machine learning, human expertise in interpreting and acting on monitoring data, clear and concise communication with stakeholders, and a commitment to ongoing maintenance and research. By meeting these requirements, we can ensure the safety and longevity of our infrastructure and protect the health and well-being of the people who use it.。
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The following paper was originally published in theProceedings of the Large Installation System Administration of Windows NT ConferenceSeattle, Washington, August 5–8, 1998Monitoring Utilization in an NT Workstation LabPaul KranenburgErasmus University RotterdamFor more information about USENIX Association contact:1. Phone: 510 528-86492. FAX: 510 548-57383. Email: office@4. WWW URL:/Monitoring Utilization in an NT Workstation LabPaul KranenburgErasmus University Rotterdame-mail: kranenburg@few.eur.nlAbstractThis paper describes a set of tools used to monitor and maintain NT workstations at the faculty of Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. These tools have been employed in different shapes and on a vari-ety of systems since 1992. In particular, the data gath-ered on usage patterns of workstations in the faculty’s public student labs has proved to be valuable for long-term planning of lab capacity and resource allocation. The collected data is also made available for live monitoring of workstation status and utilization. This is helpful both to tutors giving classes and to lab as-sistants while troubleshooting. Since mid-1997, all lab machines run Windows NT and the monitoring and maintenance system has been updated to take advantage of features that NT offers.0. IntroductionAs heirs from a predominantly do-it-your-self style of operation, contemporary PC desktop systems still present some challenges to any system administration group setting out to efficiently manage them as a uni-form collection of computing resources. Only re-cently, with the arrival of Windows NT as a main-stream desktop operating system, a reasonably bal-anced platform has emerged that allows a decent form of system administration to take shape in this area. This paper addresses two issues which we consider to be of prime importance to sustaining smooth opera-tion of our installed base of desktop workstations: (1) maintaining information on utilization and operational status of individual systems at a central location, and (2) the ability of making any necessary adjustments to the system configuration swiftly and with minimal disruption.The tools presented here share a common design strategy, which in general takes the form of a small policy-less stub on each workstation that communi-cates with one or more counterparts running on a server. Such a scheme facilitates the concentration of all system configuration policies at a central location and also allows for easy processing and consultation of system status data collected on all desktop work-stations.1. The early stagesThe control and monitoring features described herehave their roots in the early 1990’s, at which time weprepared to integrate a lab of DOS-based machinesinto an existing network environment consisting ofUnix servers and workstations. Noteworthy charac-teristics of the lab environment include: (1) supportfor a large number (˜10000) of users, demanding adocile authentication system; (2) all machines aredirectly connected to the Internet, also requiringproper authentication; (3) major changes can be madeonly once a year (during the summer break); (4) classschedules require a high degree of availability androbustness.To compensate for the lack of any access controlmechanisms both in the PC firmware and in DOS, wedeveloped a set of utilities that ran as a front-end to DOS and which implemented authentication and ac-cess control by accessing (through a simple networkprotocol) a server-resident account database. Once inplace this framework was easily extended to includethe information to accurately track logon and logoffactivity on the lab stations.Note that the goal of this effort was to offer a rea-sonably stable environment where helpdesk operatorsand tutors can turn their attention to assisting the us-ers, instead of needlessly worrying about basic systemintegrity. It was not designed to cover any deliberateattempt to circumvent the access control features.A cost-effective method of low-level access control isachieved by plugging a PROM on the PC's networkcontroller board. The PROM hooks into the systemboot-strap process, allowing the default boot sequenceto be replaced by one that effects an authenticationtransaction with a central accounts database imple-mented on a Unix server.The PROM itself merely contains the necessary driver and networking code to retrieve a second-stage boot program (referred to here as the PC monitor program, analogous to what is commonly found built-in on pro-fessional workstations) using the TFTP protocol. This PC monitor program then implements the policies for authentication and access control by consulting a service running on a Unix host.A simple UDP-based protocol is used to communicate with the server. All necessary network parameters that the PC monitor program needs are retrieved using the BOOTP protocol, including the address of the server running the authentication service which is implemented as a BOOTP ‘vendor extension’.The PC monitor program collects the user credentials and presents these to the server for authentication. If authentication is successful, the monitor program re-ceives a set of capabilities based on the user-id, which are used to determine how the boot process can con-tinue.Normally, the only way to progress is to boot from the local disk holding the regular operating system. However, administrative accounts may receive the capability to boot the machine from, for example, a diskette station or a maintenance partition on the local disk. In any case, the monitor program reports its ac-tions to another service process for the purpose of maintaining login session statistics. As soon as the monitor program is loaded a ‘boot’ event is generated that marks the time of a machine start. A ‘login’ event is generated when a user is successfully authenticated and has selected a valid device or partition to boot from. These events allow the server to maintain a history of login activity on all lab stations, similar to the UTMP records that can be found on Unix systems. This history of login sessions can be effectively used to generate both instantaneous and long-term usage statistics.2. Transition to NT workstationEarly 1997 we began to prepare for the installation of Windows NT Workstation on all lab stations.It was deemed desirable to continue to operate in some form the UTMP system that had already proved to be a useful tool in the pre-NT era. Indeed, the sys-tem’s multi-tasking features open the prospect of ex-tending its abilities by continually monitoring and reporting on the system status instead of being active only as a front-end to the operating system.Though before undertaking the porting job, several other constraints were to be taken into consideration. Whereas the time of introduction of NT (driven by class timetables) in the student labs was set for the summer of 1997, our network server configuration remained locked into supporting existing PCs at other departments for some time to come, precluding any radical changes in our network server setup. The net-work servers all run Novell’s NetWare 4 operating system and account management is based on the NetWare Directory Services (NDS).Thus, the Windows NT installation must co-operate with the existing server network installation using Novell’s network client software for Windows NT, including automatic local user account management based on the NDS database.It follows that the envisioned port of the UTMP session logging mechanism had to fit into this hybrid envi-ronment. Fortunately, implementing UTMP on top of NT’s audit-event capabilities, as explained in the next section, nicely de-couples it from the lower-level authentication packages employed by NT.Another important consideration is the organization of workstation software maintenance. Our goal is to avoid any manual intervention to install or upgrade software components. In particular, there should be no need for anyone to be logged on to the console for these installations or upgrades to be accomplished. In addition, any mechanism deployed for this purpose must be able to strictly separate machine-specific and user-specific parts of the installation process.Since none of the commercial solutions we explored in early 1997 (e.g. McAfee Brightworks and Micro-soft SMS v1.1) met the demands posed by the hybrid environment as sketched above, we decided to de-velop our own. The results of this project are dis-cussed in section 5.3. The NT utmp serviceSince NT offers a mature operating system environ-ment on the lab stations, many functions of the origi-nal PC monitor program became obsolete. For in-stance, access to the local machine is now controlled by NT’s security subsystem, assisted by a NetWare component that is responsible for authentication using the NetWare directory services; obviating the home-grown authentication mechanism developed for DOS-based installations.The monitor program is still retained however to control the boot process. As before, it only allows booting from the device holding the default operating system unless proper credentials are presented that enable other bootable media for maintenance pur-poses.Since the PC monitor program is no longer in a posi-tion to obtain the information to generate UTMP rec-ords, this functionality has been moved into an NT service program. The operation of this service relies on the system’s built-in auditing features. Several groups of security-related facilities can be independ-ently enabled to generate security audit events. These events are collected by the system in the Security Event Log, and can be examined by a properly privi-leged process. A description of the general framework for event logging can be found in the NT Resource kit[1]; programmatic details on accessing the system event logs are given in the MSDN documentation[2]. The UTMP service uses the LOGON/LOGOFF category of auditing events that are generated by the so called Authentication Packages, such as the Graphical Iden-tification and Authentication modules (GINA s) and SMB network connection authenticator (showing up in the event logs as the K sec DD module).Within a given category each event is uniquely identi-fied by its event-id. The UTMP service looks for just two types of events in the Logon/Logoff category: SUCCESSFUL LOGON and SUCCESSFUL LOGOFF. Asso-ciated with each event type is a collection of addi-tional data, the interpretation of which is specific to the event-id.The LOGON event carries the following event-specific data:1•the user name,•the domain name to which the user belongs,• a logon id, which is a unique identifier for each logon session,•logon type (e.g. interactive, batch, service, etc.),• a logon process,•the name of the authentication package,•the name of the remote machine (if any) where the session originates.1 This additional data can be easily viewed using the EventViewer utility that comes with Windows NT.The LOGOFF event carries these additional data:•user name,•the domain name to which the user belongs,•the logon id, the unique identifier for the logon session,•the logon type.The UTMP service program utilizes this data to keep track of logon sessions on the machine. In particular, it uses the <logon id> that is passed along with each LOGON and LOGOFF audit event to pair the events that mark the start and end of logon sessions.In addition to the audit events in the LOGON/LOGOFF category, the NT system events CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT and CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, which are generated when a logon session on the console is terminated, are also monitored. This is done to safeguard against la-tencies in the generation of the LOGOFF audit eventsas a result of inadequate behaviour of some NT authentication packages2.A useful bonus of the fact that the UTMP service tracks logon sessions, is the ability to run an arbitrary program in the context of the local system account atthe start or end of a user logon session. This feature allows us to apply and cleanup user-specific modifi-cations to the local machine configuration in support2 Apparently, the system generates a LOGOFF audit event onlywhen the last reference to a process in a logon session goes away. Hence, neglecting to close, say, a process or thread handle to anyof the user processes postpones the LOGOFF event even though the console may long be vacated. This behaviour was exhibited by an early version of the NetWare logon module (NWGINA). It was also observed in the telnet service that comes with the Windows NT4.0 resource kit.Figure 1: available capacity vs. usage spanning three academic seasonsT rÃ($IÃ($E hÃ(%H hÃ(%H hÃ(%EyÃ(%T rÃ(%IÃ(%E hÃ(&H hÃ(&H hÃ(&EyÃ(&T rÃ(&IÃ(&E hÃ('H hÃ('H hÃ('EyÃ('Q8ÃCof a number of ignorant applications without having to relax standard security levels.4. Displaying session dataThe data collected by the UTMP daemon enables us to produce both long-term and short-term overviews of the usage of all stations in the labs. Long-term over-views provide valuable information to spot growing capacity problems well in advance. The figures illus-trate aggregated usage data collected over a three-yearperiod.Figure 1 shows lab capacity utilization during three academic seasons based on weekly averages. Lab capacity is expressed in PC hours which is the com-bined login session time available on all machines -i.e. the product of the number of lab stations and lab opening hours. The actual capacity in a given week may vary due to holidays and scheduled maintenance.The bold line shows the measured utilization from the UTMP data. The shaded areas represented the mid-summer holiday breaks.Figure 2 illustrates the relative utilization for three academic seasons. It shows that the degree of utiliza-tion during each period remains the same despite a marked increase in capacity realized in November 1996. From this observation one may conclude that “demand” for lab capacity still exceeds the “supply”.It should be noted that - in our experience - a weekly average utilization degree exceeding 70% actually means “a very busy period”.Lab station usage is also converted in real-time to a set of HTML pages that can then be viewed on any workstation running an HTML browser. The informa-tion plotted in these pages includes details about alllab stations known to the UTMP daemon, including the currently logged-on username and the duration of the logon session.An example of a real-time view can be seen in figure 3. The map layout reflects the actual locations of the workstations in the lab rooms. Color codes are used to give an indication of each station's disposition, for example `idle', `in use' or `not responding', making it easy for support personnel to spot signs of trouble at the earliest opportunity. The data is also displayed on a kiosk monitor which arriving students can use to quickly locate an available workstation in one of the lab rooms.5. The Autoadm serviceThe development of the mechanism to automatically distribute software and system patches quickly turned into an exercise in glueing together various existing and readily available tools. Things are set in motion at the workstation by an NT service program calledautoadm 3.Its sole purpose is to periodically set up a network connection to a central repository containing the full set of tools and data that define the distribution of software in units called packages . A package can be anything, ranging from the complete installation of MS Office to adjusting the size of the system’s swap file. Note that this service neither places any restric-tions on nor offers assistance with the construction of the package contents. However, a simple interface for passing status information and error messages is de-fined, which all package installation scripts must ad-here to. A frequently used tool at our site for actually constructing package installation procedures suitable for unattended installation is McAfee Wincompare.At the heart of the distribution mechanism is a Perl[3]script, that is started once the network connection to the repository has been set up successfully. This script consults a package configuration file, that defines the packages that are to be installed on the workstation.The package configuration file allows various control parameters to be specified that determine where and when a particular package should be installed. For example, an arbitrary collection of machines can be named as a group that can be used as optional per-package target parameter in the configuration file.3The installation of this service is integrated with the initial in-stallation of NT, so its services are available right away without further operator intervention.8VD J H Figure 2: relative utilization in three successive seasons.The results of an attempt to install a package are re-corded in two locations: locally in the machine’s sys-tem registry and remotely by opening a network con-nection to a service process designed to assist the NT package installation procedure.This service process controls the package installation in several ways:(1)Establishing the workstation’s identity by re-questing its unique installation key and verifying it by engaging in a simple challenge/reply using a pair of cryptographic keys assigned to each workstation4.(2)Offering a load-balancing option to control thepace when installing large numbers of machines concurrently.(3)Maintaining a centralized logging facility throughwhich it is easy to monitor the progression of package installations on all workstations.(4)Providing a secure channel on which auxiliary(presumably sensitive) package installation pa-rameters can be transported, deploying the same cryptographic keys that are used in the authenti-cation step in (1). For instance, we use this facil-ity to periodically change the local Administrator password on all NT machines. The central repository is located on a Unix host run-ning Samba[4], which makes it easy to connect to using NT's native SMB protocol. Thus, the service is functional immediately after the initial NT installation is complete and will automatically extend the operat-ing system installation by processing the packages prepared on the distribution repository.So far, the description of the automatic package dis-tribution mechanism pertains to packages targeted at machines. While most packages are machine-specific and indeed are scheduled to run at a point of time when no one is logged on to the machine, it is some-times necessary to effect accompanying changes in the user's context. A completely analogous method is used to distribute and administer such user-specific packages. In fact, the same package configuration file format and perl script is used to accomplish the in-stallation of user-specific packages. The distinction between user and machine packages is entirely the 4 Assignment of the unique identifier and the cryptographic keys are also part of the initial installation procedure.result of the different environment in which the pack-age distribution tools operate, which can be summa-rized thus: (1) the package update script runs as part of the user's login script; (2) a different - user acces-sible - package repository is used to hold the package data; (3) package installations are registered in the user portion of the NT registry; (4) the results are logged in a separate log file on the server.6. The futureThe package installation mechanism was born out of necessity to fit the parameters of our environment. It shows that combining the strengths of several proven and readily available tools can achieve a marked im-provement in tractability of a large desktop network.A weakness of the current system can be found in the handling of the ever-increasing amount of logged data. Obviously, employing a mature database system would help out in that area. Hence, we’ll continue to look at off-the-shelf solutions as they arrive at the marketplace.Likewise, the data generated by the UTMP service is also in need of a more sophisticated data management system. The accumulation of login session data span-ning several years is starting to stretch the capability of the currently used tools to process the collected information efficiently. This topic will be addressed in a future revision.7. References1.Windows NT workstation 4.0 Resource kit; Mi-crosoft Press.2.Microsoft Developer Network Library; MicrosoftCorporationrry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Randal L.Schwartz, Programming Perl; O'Reilly 19964.SAMBA;.au/samba/samba.htmlFigure 3: browser view snapshot of real-time utilization。