化学成分含量修约方法-ASTM A751-11



ASTM G36-94
ASTM G41-90(94)
ASTM G44-99
ASTM G46-94
ASTM A480/A480M-03
ASTM A484/A484M-03
ASTM A450/A450M-04
ASTM A511-04
ASTM G48-03
ASTM G78-95
ASTM G85-02
ASTM E309-95
ASTM E340-00
ASTM E381-98
ASTM E384-99
ASTM E407-99
ASTM A967-01

ASTM A751-2014a-中文版

ASTM A751-2014a-中文版

目录序言 (1)1. 范围 (1)2. 引用文件 (2)3. 术语 (3)4. 关于化学成分要求的标准 (4)5. 铸造或熔炼分析 (4)6. 成品分析要求 (5)7. 非规定元素(注4) (5)8. 取样 (5)9. 试验方法 (6)10. 参考材料 (8)11. 有效位数 (8)12. 圆整方法 (8)13. 报告 (9)14. 关键词 (9)附录(非强制性资料) (10)变更一览表 (11)钢制品化学分析标准试验方法、实验操作和术语1本标准是以固定代号A751发布的。








1. 范围1.1这些试验方法、试验操作和术语包括钢、不锈钢和合金的化学分析的定义、参考办法、规程和指导方针,包括湿式化学分析和仪器分析技术。




1.5当对于实验室评估标准方面的信息有所要求时,可参见条例ISO/IEC 17025。




化学分析方案硫酸镍样品的测定配制溶液:1、20%HCl溶液设原盐酸含量 X% ,需配制L mL目标20%的溶液则取纯盐酸(L×0.2)mL取浓盐酸(L×0.2)/X%加水量 L-(L×0.2/X%)例:原盐酸浓度36.5%,现需配制100mL20%的盐酸溶液,则取浓盐酸:54.80mL;加水量:45.2mL。


2、配制10% 氨水配制 V2 mL10% 氨水,原溶液取V1 mL,含量X%;则V1=V2×10%/X% V水= V2-V1例:配制100mL 10%的氨水,取V1 mL 25%氨水的体积V1=100×10%/25%=40mLV水=(100-40)mL=60mL步骤类似盐酸,操作时要带上口罩,氨水具有强挥发、刺激性。

3、配制NH3-NH4Cl缓冲溶液取NH4Cl ,加水20mL,加浓氨水35mL,用水稀释至100mL,储存于塑料试剂瓶。

4、配制铬黑T指示剂 5g/L称取铬黑T,加10mL三乙醇胺和90mL乙醇,配制溶液不宜久放,配置好的所有溶液需贴上标签,写上日期,学号,班级。



























压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-20/SA-20M(与ASTM标准A20/A20M-04完全等同)1 适用范围1.1 本标准包括一组通用要求,除专用材料标准中另有规定外,这些要求应适用于下列各项ASTM压力容器用轧制钢板标准:1.1.1 本标准还包括一组补充要求,适用于上列若干个标准中本身已指明的场合。


1.2 附录X1叙述了制造压力容器钢板用卷材的生产及一些特性。

1.3 附录X2提供了关于压力容器用钢板拉伸性能变化性的资料。

1.4 附录X3提供了关于压力容器用钢板夏比V型缺口冲击试验性能变化的材料。

1.5 附录X4提供了包括冷弯时建议的最小内弯曲半径在内的有关钢板冷弯的资料。

1.6 这些材料仅适于熔焊,熔焊时应采用适合于该钢种级别及使用条件的焊接工艺。

1.7 如本标准与专用材料标准的要求不一致,则以专用材料标准的要求为准。

1.8 买方可以规定不否定本标准或专用材料标准任何条款的附加要求。


1.9 为了确定供应材料是否与标准及材料标准的规定极限值相一致,各数值右面的有效位数应按E29推荐的圆整方法进行圆整。

1.10 以英寸-磅单位或SI单位表示的数值均可作为标准值。



1.11 本标准及所引用的材料标准均采用英寸-磅和SI两种单位,但除非订货单中规定采用“M”标志(SI单位),材料将以英寸-磅单位供货。

2 引用标准3 术语3.1 本标准专用术语说明:3.1.1 封顶钢---因受早期压盖过程而使沸腾作用受到限制的沸腾钢。


3.1.2 卷板—以卷材形式加工为成品钢板的热轧钢。



钢制品化学分析方法、实验操作和术语试验室和机构所用准则的实用规程序言E29 为确定与标准的一致性,试验数据中取有 本标准的制订意在回答需要有一份获取和报告钢、不锈钢和相关合金的化学分析,包括其各个方面的惟一文件。



效位数的实用规程E30钢、铸铁、平炉铁和熟铁的化学分析方法 E50 金属化学分析用仪器、试剂和安全预防措 施的实用规程E59测定化学成分用钢和铁的取样方法本标准打算包含对于测定钢、不锈钢和相关合金的化学成分的所有要求,从而产品标准将只需要包括特殊的修正和例外。

E60 金属化学分析用光度和分光光度测量方法 的实用规程E212 用杆对杆技术做碳钢和低合金钢光谱分 析的试验方法E293 采用溶解技术测定低合金钢中酸溶铝的1适用范围光谱测定试验方法 1.1本标准,包括钢、不锈钢和同类合金化学分析有关的定义、参考方法、实验操作和指南,也包括湿法化学分析和仪器分析技术。

E322 低合金钢和铸铁的x射线发射光谱分析 的试验方法E327用点对面技术做18—8型不锈钢光发射光1.2对处理化学成分要求、产品分析、剩余元素和参考标准,并对化学分析数据的处理和报告都提供了指导。


铁的化学分析方法E352 工具钢和其他类似中高合金钢的化学分1.4在有争议的情况下,产品标准的要求优先于本标准的要求。

析方法E353 不锈钢、耐热钢、马氏体时效钢和其他类1.5当需要评定试验室的准则资料时,请参阅实用规程A880。




A M中文版公制碳钢和合金钢螺母性能等级规定

A M中文版公制碳钢和合金钢螺母性能等级规定

ASTM A563M-公制碳钢和合金钢螺母性能等级规定1 前言1.1本规范包括常用的与螺丝、螺栓以及其它外螺纹紧固件配合的8个性能等级的碳钢以及合金钢的六角螺母和六角法兰螺母的机械及化学成分要求。

(备注1 –本规范中所称得等级皆是指性能等级。

备注2 – 5,9,10,12级的性能等级要求等同ISO898-2.8S和10S的等级要求等同ISO 4775高强度结构栓接用宽对边六角螺母.产品等级B.性能类别8和10,的要求。

8S3和10S3在ISO 规范中无相应规定)1.2 8S3和10S3等级的螺母必须遵从ASTM A588/A588M做防锈处理1.3 每一等级适用的螺母尺寸范围详见机械性能要求表格1.4 附录X1是一个给设计师及采购选择合适等级的指南1.5 附录X2是关于六角开槽螺母和六角锁紧螺母相关性能的数据。

(备注3 –本规范为ASTM A 563的公制指南)1.6 除另有说明外,本规范中所列出的项目均遵从ASTM F 1789对其定义的解说。

2 参考数据2.1 ASTM标准A 153/A153M 钢铁零件热浸镀锌规范A 325M 热处理后抗拉强度在830Mpa以上的结构螺栓(公制)规范A 394标准热镀锌电力铁塔螺栓A 490M结构钢连接用10.9和10.9.3级高强度钢螺栓(米制)标准规范A 588/A 588M 4英寸(100mm)厚屈服点最小为50ksi(345MPa)的高强度低合金结构钢标准规范A 751钢制品化学分析的试验方法、操作和术语B 695 钢铁表面的锌机械沉积镀层标准规范D 3951商业用包装规范F 568M: 碳素和合金钢外螺纹米制紧固件标准规范F 606M: 测定外螺纹及内螺纹紧固件、垫圈及铆钉机械特性的标准试验方法(米制)F 812/F 812M: 英制和米制系列螺母的表面不均匀性F789:F16机械紧固件标准术语G101:低合金钢耐大气腐蚀估价2.2 ANSI标准B1.13M M型米制螺纹B18.2.4.1M 公制六角螺母,1型B18.2.4.2M 公制六角螺母,2 型B18.2.4.3M 公制开槽六角螺母B18.2.4.4M 公制六角法兰螺母B18.2.4.5M 公制六角锁紧螺母B18.2.4.6M 公制重型六角螺母2.3 ISO 标准ISO 898-2 紧固件机械性能规范,第二部分,螺母及标准负荷要求ISO 4775高强度结构栓接用宽对边六角螺母.产品等级B.性能类别8和103 订单要求3.1如要采购本规范下所定义的螺母,则订单应包括以下信息:3.1.1 数量(所需螺母数量)3.1.2 公称通径和螺距3.1.3 关于所需螺母的类型的基本描述(比如,六角,六角法兰等)3.1.4 螺母性能等级3.1.5 镀锌-对镀锌的加工要求,热浸,机械沉积或是不需要(具体见4.7的要求)3.1.6 其它表面处理-如有需要的其它防护处理3.1.7 ASTM标准的名称,出版年份,以及3.1.8 其它特殊要求3.2 如对螺母的抗拉强度有要求,则任一等级的螺母都可用相同对边宽的高等级螺母替代。

ASTM标准 A751-2011英文版

ASTM标准 A751-2011英文版

Designation:A751–11Standard Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A751;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.INTRODUCTIONThese test methods,practices,and terminology were prepared to answer the need for a single document that would include all aspects of obtaining and reporting the chemical analysis of steel, stainless steel,and related alloys.Such subjects as definitions of terms and product(check)analysis variations(tolerances)required clarification.Requirements for sampling,meeting specified limits,and treatment of data usually were not clearly established in product specifications.It is intended that these test methods,practices,and terminology will contain all requirements for the determination of chemical composition of steel,stainless steel,or related alloys so that product specifications will need contain only special modifications and exceptions.1.Scope*1.1These test methods,practices,and terminology cover definitions,reference methods,practices,and guides relating to the chemical analysis of steel,stainless steel,and related alloys.It includes both wet chemical and instrumental tech-niques.1.2Directions are provided for handling chemical require-ments,product analyses,residual elements,and reference standards,and for the treatment and reporting of chemical analysis data.1.3These test methods,practices,and terminology apply only to those product standards which include these test methods,practices,and terminology,or parts thereof,as a requirement.1.4In cases of conflict,the product specification require-ments shall take precedence over the requirements of these test methods,practices,and terminology.1.5Attention is directed to ISO/IEC17025when there may be a need for information on criteria for evaluation of testing laboratories.1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with SpecificationsE30Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Steel,Cast Iron,Open-Hearth Iron,and Wrought Iron3E50Practices for Apparatus,Reagents,and Safety Consid-erations for Chemical Analysis of Metals,Ores,and Related MaterialsE60Practice for Analysis of Metals,Ores,and Related Materials by SpectrophotometryE212Test Method for Spectrographic Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel by the Rod-To-Rod Technique3E293Test Method for Spectrographic Determination of Acid-Soluble Aluminum in Low-Alloy Steel by the Solu-tion Technique3E322Test Method for X-Ray Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Low-Alloy Steels and Cast IronsE327Test Method for Optical Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Stainless Type18-8Steels by the Point-To-Plane Technique3E350Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel, Low-Alloy Steel,Silicon Electrical Steel,Ingot Iron,and Wrought IronE352Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium-and High-Alloy Steels1These test methods,practices,and terminology are under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.13on Mechanical and Chemical Testing and Processing Methods of Steel Products and Processes.Current edition approved Nov.1,2011.Published November2011.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2007as A751–08.DOI: 10.1520/A0751-11.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Withdrawn.The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on .*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---E353Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless,Heat-Resisting,Maraging,and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-Iron AlloysE354Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature,Electrical,Magnetic,and Other Similar Iron,Nickel,and Cobalt AlloysE404Test Method for Spectrographic Determination of Boron In Carbon and LowAlloy Steel by the Point-To-Plane Technique 3E415Test Method for Atomic Emission Vacuum Spectro-metric Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy SteelE421Test Method for Spectrographic Determination of Silicon and Aluminum in High-Purity Iron 3E485Test Method for Optical Emission Vacuum Spectro-metric Analysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the Point-to-Plane Technique 3E548Guide for General Criteria Used for Evaluating Labo-ratory Competence 3E572Test Method for Analysis of Stainless and Alloy Steels by X-ray Fluorescence SpectrometryE663Practice for Flame Atomic Absorption Analysis 3E743Guide for Spectrochemical Laboratory Quality Assur-ance 3E851Practice for Evaluation of Spectrochemical laborato-ries 3E882Guide for Accountability and Quality Control in the Chemical Analysis LaboratoryE1019Test Methods for Determination of Carbon,Sulfur,Nitrogen,and Oxygen in Steel,Iron,Nickel,and Cobalt Alloys by Various Combustion and Fusion Techniques E1024Guide for Chemical Analysis of Metals and Metal Bearing Ores by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectropho-tometry 3E1063Test Method for X-Ray Emission Spectrometric Determination of Cerium and Lanthanum in Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel 3E1085Test Method for Analysis of Low-Alloy Steels by X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometryE1086Test Method for Atomic Emission Vacuum Spectro-metric Analysis of Stainless Steel by Point-to-Plane Exci-tation TechniqueE1097Guide for Direct Current Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry AnalysisE1184Practice for Determination of Elements by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption SpectrometryE1282Guide for Specifying the Chemical Compositions and Selecting Sampling Practices and Quantitative Analy-sis Methods for Metals,Ores,and Related MaterialsE1329Practice for Verification and Use of Control Charts in Spectrochemical AnalysisE1806Practice for Sampling Steel and Iron for Determina-tion of Chemical Composition 2.2ISO Standards:4ISO/IEC 17025General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories3.Terminology 3.1Definitions:3.1.1Pertaining to Analyses : or heat (formerly ladle)analysis —applies to chemical analyses representative of a heat of steel as reported to the purchaser and determined by analyzing a test sample,preferably obtained during the pouring of the steel,for the elements designated in a specification.,check or verification analysis —a chemical analysis of the semifinished or finished product,usually for the purpose of determining conformance to the specification re-quirements.The range of the specified composition applicable to product analysis is normally greater than that applicable to heat analysis in order to take into account deviations associated with analytical reproducibility (Note 1)and the heterogeneity of the steel.N OTE 1—All of the chemical analysis procedures referenced in this document include precision statements with reproducibility data with the exception of Test Methods E50. analysis tolerances (Note 2)—a permissible variation over the maximum limit or under the minimum limit of a specified element and applicable only to product analyses,not cast or heat analyses.N OTE 2—The term “analysis tolerance”is often misunderstood.It does not apply to cast or heat analyses determined to show conformance to specified chemical limits.It applies only to product analysis and becomes meaningful only when the heat analysis of an element falls close to one of the specified limits.For example,stainless steel UNS 30400limits for chromium are 18.00to 20.00%.A heat that the producer reported as 18.01%chromium may be found to show 17.80%chromium by a user performing a product analysis.If the product analysis tolerance for such a chromium level is 0.20%,the product analysis of 17.80%chromium would be acceptable.A product analysis of 17.79%would not be acceptable. analytical method —a non-standard ana-lytical method,not published by ASTM,utilizing reference standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)(when available)or other sources refer-enced in Section analysis —performed using ASTM methods listed in 9.1.1and NIST reference standards or methods and reference standards agreed upon between parties.The selection of a laboratory to perform the referee analysis shall be a matter of agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. reference material —a specimen of material specially prepared,analyzed,and certified for chemical content under the jurisdiction of a recognized standardizing agency or group,such as the National Institute of Standards and Tech-nology,for use by analytical laboratories as an accurate basis for comparison.Reference samples should bear sufficient resemblance to the material to be analyzed so that no signifi-cant differences are required in procedures or corrections (for example,for interferences or inter-element effects). reference materials —reference materials used for routine analytical control and traceable to NIST standards and other recognized standards when appropriate standards are available.3.1.2Pertaining to Elements :4Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI),25W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,. added unspecified element—an ele-ment added in controlled amounts at the option of the producer to obtain desirable characteristics. element—a specified or unspecified ele-ment,not intentionally added,originating in raw materials, refractories,or air. element—an element controlled to a speci-fied range,maximum or minimum,in accordance with the requirements of the product specification. element—a residual element that may occur in very low concentrations,generally less than0.01%.4.Concerning the Specification of Chemical CompositionRequirements4.1It is recommended that Guide E1282be consulted as a guide for specifying the chemical compositions for steels. 4.2The recommended practice for specifying chemical composition limits is to limit the number of significantfigures for each element so that the number offigures to the right of the decimal point conforms to the following:Chemical Concentration Maximum Number of Figures to the Right of the Decimal PointUp to0.010%,incl.—0.XXXX or may be expressed as ppmOver0.010%to0.10%,incl.—0.XXXOver0.10%to3.0%,incl.—0.XXOver3.0%—0.X4.3For those cases in which the composition range spans either0.10%or3.0%,the number offigures to the right of the decimal is to be determined by that indicated by the upper limit.4.4Technical considerations may dictate the employment of less than the number offigures to the right of the decimal as previously recommended.N OTE3—The recommendations should be employed to reduce the number of significantfigures,such as from18.00%to18.0%,but a significantfigure should never be added unless there is a technical reason for so doing.5.Cast or Heat Analysis5.1The producer shall perform analyses for those elements specified in the material specification.The results of such analyses shall conform to the requirements specified in the material specification.5.1.1For multiple heats,either individual heat or cast analysis or an average heat or cast analysis shall be reported.If significant variations in heat or cast size are involved,a weighted average heat or cast analysis,based on the relative quantity of metal in each heat or cast,shall be reported.5.1.2For consumable electrode remelted material,a heat is defined as all the ingots remelted by the same process from a primary heat.The heat analysis shall be obtained from one remelted ingot,or the product of one remelted ingot,from each primary melt.If this heat analysis does not meet the heat analysis requirements of the specification,one sample from the product of each remelted ingot shall be analyzed,and the analyses shall meet the heat analysis requirements.5.2If the test samples taken for the heat analysis are lost, inadequate,or not representative of the heat,a product analysis of the semifinished orfinished product may be used to establish the heat analysis.5.2.1If a product analysis is made to establish the heat analysis,the product analysis shall meet the specified limits for heat analysis and the product analysis tolerances described in Section6do not apply.6.Product Analysis Requirements6.1For product analysis,the range of the specified chemical composition is normally greater(designated product analysis tolerances)than that applicable to heat analyses to take into account deviations associated with analytical reproducibility and the heterogeneity of the steel.If several determinations of any element in the heat are made,they may not vary both above and below the specified range.6.2Product analysis tolerances may not be used to deter-mine conformance to the specified heat or cast analysis unless permitted by the individual material specification.6.3Product analysis tolerances,where available,are given in the individual material specifications or in the general requirement specifications.7.Unspecified Elements(Note4)7.1Reporting analyses of unspecified elements is permitted. N OTE4—All commercial metals contain small amounts of various elements in addition to those which are specified.It is neither practical nor necessary to specify limits for every unspecified element that might be present,despite the fact that the presence of many of these elements is often routinely determined by the producer.7.2Analysis limits shall be established for specific elements rather than groups of elements such as“all others,”“rare earths,”and“balance.”8.Sampling8.1Cast or Heat Analyses:8.1.1Samples shall be taken,insofar as possible,during the casting of a heat,at a time which,in the producer’s judgment, best represents the composition of the cast.8.1.2In case the heat analysis samples or analyses are lost or inadequate,or when it is evident that the sample does not truly represent the heat,representative samples may be taken from the semifinished orfinished product,in which case such samples may be analyzed to satisfy the specified requirements. The analysis shall meet the specified limits for heat analysis.8.2Check,Product,or Verification Analyses—Unless oth-erwise specified,the latest revision of Practice E1806shall be used as a guide for sampling.9.Test Methods9.1This section lists some test methods that have been found acceptable for chemical analysis of steels.9.1.1The following ASTM wet chemical test methods have been found acceptable as referee test methods and as a base for standardizing instrumental analysis techniques:TestMethods GeneralDescription --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---E30—antecedent to Test Methods E350through E354E350—the basic wet chemical procedure for steelsE352—wet chemical procedure for tool steelsE353—wet chemical procedure for stainless steelsE354—wet chemical procedure for high nickel steelsE1019—determination of carbon,sulfur,nitrogen,oxygen,and hy-drogen,in steel and in iron,nickel,and cobalt alloys9.1.2The following ASTM instrumental test methods,prac-tices,and guides may be employed for chemical analysis of steels or may be useful as a guide in the calibration and standardization of instrumental equipment for routine sampling and analysis of steels:Standard General DescriptionE50—apparatus,reagents,and safetyE60—photometric and spectrophotometric workE212—spectrographic analysis of steels(rod-to-rod technique)E293—spectrographic analysis of acid-soluble aluminumE322—x-rayfluorescence for steelsE327—spectrometric analysis of stainless steelsE404—spectrographic determination of steels for boron(point-to-plane technique)E415—vacuum spectrometric analysis of steelsE421—spectrographic determination of silicon and aluminum inhigh-purity ironE485—optical emission vacuum spectrometric analysis of blastfurnace iron by the point-to plane techniqueE572—x-ray emission spectrometric analysis of stainless steelsE663—flame atomic absorptionE882—accountability and quality controlE1019—determination of carbon,sulfur,nitrogen,oxygen,and hy-drogen in steel and in iron,nickel,and cobalt alloysE1024—flame atomic absorptionE1063—x-ray emission spectrometric determination of cerium andlathanum in carbon and low-alloy steelsE1085—x-ray emission spectrometric analysis of low alloy steelsE1086—optical emission vacuum spectrometric analysis of stain-less steel by the point-to plane excitation techniqueE1097—direct current plasma spectroscopyE1184—graphite furnace atomic absorptionE1282—selecting sampling practices and analysis methodsE1329—verification and use of control chartsE1806—sampling9.2The following are some of the commonly accepted techniques employed for routine chemical analysis of steels. These routine analyses are the basis for the producers’quality control/assurance programs.Proprietary methods are permis-sible provided the results are equivalent to those obtained from standard methods when applicable.9.2.1Analysis of stainless steels using x-rayfluorescence spectroscopy(XRF).See Table1for normal elements and ranges for stainless steels.9.2.2Analysis of stainless steels using spark emission spectroscopy(OES).See Table2for normal elements and ranges for stainless steels.9.2.3Analysis of solutions using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.9.2.4Analysis of solutions using an inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer.9.2.5Determination of carbon or sulfur,or both,by com-bustion(in oxygen)and measurement of CO2or SO2,or both, by thermal conductivity or infrared detectors.Element Ranges%Element Ranges%C0.002–5.0S0.0005– of nitrogen and oxygen by fusion(in a helium atmosphere)and measurement of N2by thermal con-ductivity and oxygen by measurement of CO by infrared or thermal conductivity detectors.Element Ranges%N20.0005–0.3O20.0008– of solutions using inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy(ICP)or direct plasma emission spectroscopy(DCP).Normal elements and ranges for stainless steels are as follows:Element Ranges%B0.0002–0.01Ca0.0002–0.01Mg0.0002–0.01Ce0.001–0.2Zr0.001–0.1Ta0.005–0.5La0.001–0.019.3There are additional common techniques often used for chemical analysis of standards for instrument analysis such as: polarographic analysis,ion exchange separations,radioactiva-tion,and mass spectrometry.10.Reference Materials10.1For referee analyses,reference standards of a recog-nized standardizing agency shall be employed with preference given to NIST standard reference materials when applicable. (NIST does not produce reference standards suitable for all elements or all alloys.5)10.1.1When standard reference materials for certain alloys are not available from NIST,reference materials may be produced by employing ASTM standard procedures and NIST standard reference materials to the extent that such procedures and reference standards are available.Several independent 5Some sources of reference materials are listed in ASTM Data Series Publication No.DS2,issued1963.TABLE1Normal Elements and Ranges for Stainless Steels Using X-Ray Fluorescence SpectroscopyTABLE2Normal Elements and Ranges for Stainless Steels Using Spark Emission SpectroscopyC0.004–5.0V0.005–2.0S0.0005–0.1Ti0.005–2.5N20.0020–0.3Co0.005–4.0MN0.005–15.0Sn0.001–0.20P0.001–1.5W0.005–3.0Si0.005–5.0Pb0.002–0.05Cr0.01–26.0B0.0005–0.05Ni0.01–36.0Ca0.0002–0.01Al0.001–5.5Mg0.001–0.01Mo0.005–8.0Ce0.001–0.2Cu0.005–4.0Zr0.001–0.1Cb0.005–3.0Ta0.005–0.5laboratories should be used for certification of these standards and their results statistically reviewed and merged.10.1.2Methods not published by ASTM such as a definitive analytical method may be used when the method is validated by analyzing certified reference materials along with the candidate reference material.Examples of definitive analytical methods include gravimetric,coulometry,titrimetric based on normality,and mass spectrometry.10.2Working reference materials may be used for routine analytical control.11.Significant Numbers11.1Laboratories shall report each element to the same number of significant numbers as used in the pertinent material specifications.11.2When a chemical determination yields a greater num-ber of significant numbers than is specified for an element,the result shall be rounded in accordance with Section12.12.Rounding Procedure12.1To determine conformance with the specification re-quirements,an observed value or calculated value shall be rounded in accordance with Practice E29to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of values listed in the table of chemical requirements.12.2In the special case of rounding the number“5”when no additional numbers other than“0”follow the“5”,rounding shall be done in the direction of the specification analysis limits if following Practice E29would cause rejection of material.13.Records13.1In addition to the test data requested,the test records shall contain the following information as appropriate:13.1.1Description of the material tested,for example,heat number,grade of material,product specification.13.1.2Test method(s)or unambiguous description of the nonstandard method(s)used.14.Keywords14.1cast analysis;chemical analysis;heat analysis;product analysis;reference materialsAPPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR V ALIDITY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTSX1.1The requirements embodied in Guide E548,ISO/ IEC17025,and E851provide generic requirements for pro-duction of valid chemical-analysis results.X1.2Additional pertinent standards for improving the competency of chemical analysis laboratories are included in Guides E743and E882.X1.3Keys to improving validity of chemical analytical results are as follows:X1.3.1Replication of sampling and testing to improve the precision of results;X1.3.2Use of reference materials is crucial to accurate results;X1.3.3Instrumentation that is appropriate and properly maintained;andX1.3.4Personnel who are properly trained,ethical chemists or technicians and who work with properly documented, currentstandards. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee A01has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue(A751–08) that may impact the use of this standard.(Approved November1,2011.)(1)Added Practice E1806to Section2and9.1.2.(2)Replaced Practice E59with Practice E1806in8.2.(3)Removed Practice E59,Method E403,and Practice E1087from Section2,as well as Method E403and Practice E1087 from9.1.2.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website(/COPYRIGHT/).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。

ASTM SA 751-2010

ASTM SA 751-2010






1、范围1.1 本标准包括钢、不锈钢和同类合金化学分析有关的定义、参考方法、实验操作和指南,也包括湿法化学分析和仪器分析技术。

1.2 对处理化学成分要求、产品分析、剩余元素和参考标准,并对化学分析数据的处理和报告都提供了指导。

1.3 本标准只适用于那些把本标准或其一部分作为要求的产品标准。

1.4 在有争议的情况下,产品标准的要求优先于本标准的要求。

1.5 当需要评定实验室的准则资料时,请参阅使用规程A880。

1.6 本标准无意论述与使用本标准有关的所有安全问题。


2、引用标准2.1 ASTM标准A 880 评定检验和检查钢、不锈钢和同类合金的实验室和机构所用准则的实用规程E 29 为确定与标准的一致性,实验数据中取有效位数的实用规程E 30 钢、铸铁、平炉铁和熟铁的化学分析方法E 50 金属化学分析用仪器、试剂和安全预防措施的实用规程E 59 测定化学成分用钢和铁的取样方法E 60 金属化学分析用光度和分光光度测量方法的实用规程1E 212 用杆对杆技术作碳钢和低合金钢光谱分析的试验方法E 293 采用溶解技术测定低合金钢中酸溶铝的光谱测定试验方法E 322 低合金钢和铸铁的X射线发射光谱分析的试验方法E 327 用点对面技术作18-8型不锈钢光发射光谱分析的试验方法E 350 碳钢、低合金钢、硅电工钢、工业纯铁和熟铁的化学分析方法E 352 工具钢和其他类似中高合金钢的化学分析方法E 353 不锈钢、耐热钢、马氏体时效钢和其他类似铬-镍-铁合金的化学分析方法E 354 高温、电工、磁性和其他类似用途的铁、镍和钴合金的化学分析方法E 403 用点对面技术作碳钢和低合金钢光发射光谱分析的试验方法E 404 用点对面技术作碳钢和低合金钢中硼的光谱测定用试验方法E 415 碳钢和低合金钢真空光发射光谱分析方法E 421 高纯铁中硅和铝的光谱测定用试验方法E 485 用点对面技术作高炉生铁真空光发射光谱分析的试验方法E 548 评定实验室技能用的通用准则指南E 572 不锈钢X射线发射光谱分析方法E 663 火焰原子吸收分析用的使用规程E 743 光谱化学实验室质量保证用导则E 851 评定光谱化学实验室实用规程E 882 化学分析实验室的责任和质量控制导则E 1019 测定钢、铁、镍和钴合金中碳、硫、氮、氧和氢的方法E 1024 用火焰原子吸收分光光度技术作金属和金属载体矿物化学分析导则E 1063 以X射线发射光谱测定碳钢和低合金钢中铈和镧的试验方法E 1086 用点对面激发技术作不锈钢真空光发射光谱分析的试验方法E 1087 为制备作发射光谱化学分析用试样用浸没取样器从钢包中取熔化钢水样品的实用规程E 1097 直流等离子体发射光谱分析导则E 1184 电热(石墨炉)原子吸收分析的实用规程E 1282 规定金属和合金的化学成分、选取试样操作和定量分析方法的导则2E 1329 光谱化学分析控制图表的验证及其使用的实用规程3、术语3.1 定义3.1.1 与分析有关的: 浇铸或熔炼(以前称包样)分析——向采购方提供的代表一炉钢化学成分的报告并通过分析试样测定,对于标准中指定的元素最好在浇铸过程中取样。

API 5L引用标准清单

API 5L引用标准清单

API 5L引用标准序号标准号标准名称1ISO148-1《金属材料-夏比摆锤冲击试验-第1部分:试验方法》2ISO404《钢和钢产品-一般交货技术条件》3ISO2566-1《钢-伸长率换算-第1部分:碳钢和低合金钢》4ISO4885《钢铁产品-热处理-词汇》5ISO5173第3版《金属材料焊缝破坏性试验-弯曲试验》6ISO6506《(全部)金属材料-布氏硬度试验》7ISO6507《(全部)金属材料-维氏硬度试验》8ISO6508《(金属材料)- 洛氏硬度试验》9ISO6892-1《金属材料-拉伸试验-第1部分:室温试验方法》10ISO6929《钢产品-定义和分类》11ISO7438《金属材料-弯曲试验》12ISO7539-2《金属和合金腐蚀-应力腐蚀试验-第2部分:弯梁试样制备和使用》13ISO8491《金属材料-管(全截面)-弯曲试验》14ISO8492《金属材料-管-压扁试验》15ISO8501-1《涂覆涂料前钢板表面处理 表面清洁度的目视评定 第1部分:未涂覆过的钢材表面和全部清除原有涂层后的钢材表面的锈蚀等级和处理等级》16ISO9712《无损检测-人员资质和评定》17ISO/TR9769《钢和铁-现有分析方法评价》18ISO/TR10400(APITR5C3)《石油天然气工业-套管、油管、钻杆和用作套管和油管的管线管性能公式和计算》19ISO10474:1991《钢和钢产品-检验文件》20ISO10893-2《钢管无损检测-第2部分:无缝钢管和焊接(埋弧焊除外)钢管缺欠的自动涡流检测》21ISO10893-3《钢管无损检测-第3部分:无缝铁磁钢管和焊接(埋弧焊除外)铁磁钢管纵向缺欠和/或横向缺欠的自动全周向漏磁检测》22ISO10893-4《钢管无损检测-第4部分:焊接钢管焊缝表面缺欠的液体渗透检验》23ISO10893-5《钢管无损检测-第5部分:无缝钢管和焊接钢管表面缺欠的磁粉检验》24ISO10893-6《钢管无损检测-第6部分:焊接钢管焊缝缺欠的射线检验》25ISO10893-7《钢管无损检测-第7部分:焊接钢管焊缝缺欠的射线数字检验》26ISO10893-8《钢管无损检测-第8部分:无缝钢管和焊接钢管分层缺欠的自动超声检测》27ISO10893-9《钢管无损检测-第9部分:焊接钢管制造用钢带/钢板分层缺欠的自动超声检测 》28ISO10893-10《钢管无损检测-第10部分:无缝钢管和焊接(埋弧焊除外)钢管纵向和/或横向缺欠的自动全周向超声检测》29ISO10893-11《钢管无损检测-第11部分:焊接钢管焊缝纵向和/或横向缺欠的自动超声检测》30ISO10893-12《钢管无损检测-第12部分:无缝钢管和焊接(埋弧焊除外)钢管的自动全周向超声壁厚检测》31ISO11484《钢产品-无损检验(NDT)人员的雇主评定体系》32ISO11699-1:2008《无损检测-工业射线检验胶片-第1部分:工业射线检验胶片系统分类》33ISO12135《金属材料-准静态断裂韧度的统一试验方法》34ISO13678《石油和天然气工业-套管、油管和管线钢管螺纹脂的评估和试验》35ISO14284《钢和铁-化学成分试验试样的取样和制备》36ISO19232-1:2004《无损检测 射线照相底片像质 第1部分:线型像质计 像质指数的测定》37ISO80000-1:2009/COR1:2001《量和单位-第1部分:总则》38API SPEC 5B《套管、油管和管线管螺纹的加工、测量和检验规范(美国惯用单位制)》39API RP 5A3《套管、油管和管线钢管用螺纹脂的推荐作法》40API RP 5L3《管线钢管落锤撕裂试验推荐作法》41API TR 5T1《缺欠术语》42ASNT SNT -TC-1A《SNT-TC-1A推荐作法-无损检测》43ASTM A370《钢产品力学性能试验的标准试验方法和定义》44ASTM A435《钢板直射法超声检验规范》45ASTM A578《特殊用途用普通钢板和复合钢板直射法超声检验标准规范》46ASTM A751《钢产品化学分析用标准试验方法、作法和术语》47ASTM A941《钢、不锈钢、合金和铁合金术语》48ASTM A956《钢产品里氏硬度标准试验方法》49ASTM A1038《超声波接触阻抗法便携式硬度仪测试硬度的标准作法》50ASTM E18《金属材料洛氏硬度和洛氏表面硬度标准试验方法》51ASTM E94《射线检验标准指南》52ASTM E110《便携式硬度仪测试金属材料压痕硬度的标准方法》53ASTM E114《接触式超声脉冲回波直射法检验的标准作法》54ASTM E164《焊接件的接触式超声检测标准作法》55ASTM E165《液体渗透标准试验方法》56ASTM E213《金属管超声检验标准作法》57ASTM E273《焊管焊接区域超声检测标准作法》58ASTM E309《钢管产品磁饱和涡流检验标准作法》59ASTM E384《金属材料努氏硬度和维氏硬度标准试验方法》60ASTM E570《铁磁性钢管产品漏磁检验标准作法》61ASTM E587《接触式超声斜射法检测标准作法》62ASTM E709《磁粉检验标准指南》63ASTM E747《射线检验用线型像质计(IQI)的设计、制造和材料组分类标准作法》64ASTM E1290《裂纹尖端张开位移(CTOD)断裂韧性测量的标准试验方法》65ASTM E1806《钢铁化学成分检验用试样的取样方法》66ASTM E1815-08《工业射线检验胶片系统分类的标准试验方法》67ASTM E2033《计算机射线检测标准作法(光敏发光法)》68ASTM E2698《用数字检测器阵列进行射线检测的标准作法》69ASTM G39《弯曲梁应力腐蚀试验试样制备和使用的标准方法》70BS 7448-1《断裂韧性试验-确定金属材料KIc、临界CTOD、临界J值的方法》71EN 10168《钢产品-检验文件-信息和描述表》72EN 10204:2004《金属产品-检查文件类型》73NACE TM0177:2005《金属在H2S环境中抗硫化物应力开裂和应力腐蚀开裂的实验室试验》74NACE TM0284:2003《标准试验方法-管线钢和压力容器钢抗氢致开裂评估》。

ASTM A490标准

ASTM A490标准

ASTM A490-93拉伸强度150 KSi以上结构用钢制热处理螺栓标准规范本标准以固定称号A490来发行;而紧跟在该称号后面之号码表示最初通过之年份,倘若有修正,则表示为最后修订之年份。





这些螺栓乃是用在结构上的联结,而被结构性联结工程基金会制定于ASTM A325或A490规范内。






看章节 6.3,这些没有镀层的钢材适当地在暴露大气下可做多方面之应用。




这些六角头螺帽对于每一种螺栓之类型及表面加工度如以下要求:螺栓类型和加工度螺帽等级和加工度1和2,表面(未被覆)A563-DH,DH3,素面A194-2H,素面3,素面A563-DH3,素面1.5除非有其它特别规定,否则使用于螺栓上之所有垫圈必须要符合规范F436要求,而且对每一种类型螺栓之表面加工度如以下要求:螺栓类型和加工度垫圈加工度1和2,素面(未被覆) 素面(未被覆)A192-2H,素面3,素面耐候钢,素面1.6这规范只针对重六角结构用螺栓供应做说明,若是其它尺寸的需求就必须订定在采购契约和订单上规定。

ASME II A篇 铁基材料(2004中文版)2005增补

ASME II A篇 铁基材料(2004中文版)2005增补

材料类别 倒数第 2 在 SA-961 标准下,新增加:

SA-985/ SA-985M 承压零件用熔模铸造钢铸件通用要求
第 7 行 SA-240/ SA-240M 压力容器和一般用途用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、
倒数第 13 标准名称,修改为:

SA-240/ SA-240M 压力容器和一般用途用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄
第 13 行
标准名称,修改为: SA-662/ SA-662M 中低温压力容器用碳锰硅钢板
第 14 行 SA-985/ SA-985M 承压零件用熔模铸造钢铸件通用要求
7.1.3 熔炼分析须符合产品标准对适用级别、类别及型式的熔炼分析 要求。此外,对列在表 1 中但不是产品标准对适用级别、类别及型式所 规定或限制的元素,其熔炼分析须符合表 1 给出的适用熔炼分析极限。 条文改为: 7.2 成品分析
7.2.1 化学分析的取样和分析方法应根据 A751“试验方法,操作及 术语”标准规定进行。
原 3.1.10
原 3.1.11
原 3.1.12 原 3.1.13-
3.1.14 4.1.3
条文改为: 3.1.7 钢厂(材料制造厂)--- 对把钢锭或钢坯通过轧制加工转化 成为轧制钢板或卷材进行直接控制的组织;以及,对从轧制钢板生产 出成品钢板所涉及到的一个或多个最终加工工序进行直接控制或负责 的组织。这样的完工工序,包括展平、切割到尺寸、试验、检查、整 修、热处理(如果适用)、包装、标志、发货装运以及合格证书。 讨论--- 完工工序不需要由对钢板进行热轧的组织来完成。对 于由卷材生产的钢板,另见。 条序号改为:


胜利油田胜利勘察设计 研究院有限公司 工程设计证书:A137004927 A237004924 工程勘察证书:150004-kj 专业 材料
关中环线天然气储气调峰管道工程 直缝埋弧焊钢管(L360M)
项目号:DD10804-2 文件号:SPE-0000MA02-01 CADD 号:SPE-0000MA02-01-0.DOC 设计阶段:施工图 日期:2012,09,15 第 1 页 共 23 页 0版
Standard Test Methods, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Matericals Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel Test Methods for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Matericals
ASTM E112-1996(2004)Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size ASTM E309 Standard Practice for Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using Magnetic Saturation ASTM E407-2007 ASTM E436-2003 ASTM E1268 Standard Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys Standard Test Method for Drop-Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels Standard Practice for Assessing the Degree of Banding or Orientation of Microstructures 2.2 优先顺序 2.2.1 应遵照下列优先次序执行: 技术规格书 相关的标准和规范 2.2.2.若技术规格书、图纸以及相关标准和规范出现矛盾时,应按最为严格的要求执行。 3 供货商要求 3.1 供货商应通过 ISO9000 质量体系认证或与之等效的质量体系及 HSE 体系认证, 证书必须在 有效期内。 3.2 供货商应持有国家或相应部门颁发的生产许可证。 3.3 供货商应有近年来在国内外为至少两个输气管道工程的直缝埋弧焊钢管供货业绩,或其他 相关领域中的直缝埋弧焊钢管供货业绩。供货商应提供近五年来不小于本项目直径和钢级的产 品在国内输气管道项目服务过 1 年以上的合同或业绩证明,并证明其所提供的产品能够长期地 和安全地运行。 3.4 供货商若有与第 2 章所提及的文件不一致的地方,应在其投标书中予以说明,若没有说明,

astm d7111 金属元素 标样

astm d7111 金属元素 标样

astm d7111 金属元素标样ASTM D7111是一个关于金属元素标样的标准规范。





ASTM D7111规范了金属元素标样的要求,包括元素纯度、含量范围、成分组成等。


ASTM D7111还规定了金属元素标样的测试程序,要求按照特定的步骤和条件进行金属元素的测定。


在质量控制方面,ASTM D7111规定了金属元素标样的使用期限、存储条件和检验要求。



ASTM D7111是金属元素标样制备和分析的重要参考标准,它确保了金属元素标样的质量和性能符合国际和行业标准。


总之,ASTM D7111规范了金属元素标样的要求、制备方法、测试程序和质量控制的相关要求。


通过严格遵守ASTM D7111中的要求,可以确保金属元素标样的质量和性能符合国际和行业标准,为科学研究和工业生产提供可靠数据支持。


S 0.00102 0.0010
为将强对实验室的基础管理,规范的实验室的数据,钢铁产品化学成分的分析结果应根据ASTM A751-11的规定保留有效位数并进行数值修约,具体见表1,修约标准执行GB/T 8170-2008。
表1 化学成分的有效位数
<0.010% 0.XXXX
0.010~0.10% 0.XXX
0.10~3.0% 0.XX
>3.0% 0.X
表2 数值修约实例
测量元素实测化学成分含量(wt%)数值修约结果(wt%)Mn 1.714 1.71
C 0.0725 0.072

ASTM A751-08钢产品化学分析的试验方法、准则和术语标准

ASTM A751-08钢产品化学分析的试验方法、准则和术语标准

钢产品化学分析的试验方法、准则和术语标准(ASTM A751-08)1、范围1.1 本试验方法、准则和术语包括钢、不锈钢和合金的化学分析的定义、参考办法、条例和指导方针,包括湿式化学分析和仪器分析技术。

1.2 为掌握化学要求、产品分析、残留物元素和参考标准并为化学分析数据处理和汇报提供指引。

1.3 本试验方法、准则和术语作为一项要求,只应用于包括本标准或零部件在内的产品规范。

1.4 如果遇到标准冲突,产品规范要求相对于本试验方法、准则和术语要求来说,应先执行前者。

1.5 当对于实验室评估标准方面的信息有所要求时,可参见条例ISO/IEC 17025.1.6 本标准并不包含所有的安全条例,如果有的话,也要与其使用相结合。


2、参考文件2.1 ASTM标准E29 是使用试验数据中的有效数字来确定是否和规范相符合的条例。

E30 是对钢、铸铁、平炉生铁和熟铁的化学分析的试验方法。

E50 是对金属、矿石和相关材料的化学分析时,考虑仪器、溶剂和安全措施的条例。

E59 是对取样钢和铁的化学成分的确定的条例。

E60 是通过分子吸收光谱测定法对金属、矿石和相关材料的分析条例。

E212 是通过杆对杆技术,对碳和低合金钢的光谱分析的试验方法条例。

E293 是采用溶液技术对在低合金钢中的酸溶铝的光谱确定的试验方法条例。

E322 是低合金钢和铸铁的X射线发射的光谱分析的方法。

E327 是通过点到面技术对不锈钢型号18-8的发光谱摄普分析的试验方法。

E350 是对碳钢、低合金钢、硅电钢、锭铁和熟铁的化学分析试验方法。

E352 是对工具钢和其他相同的中高合金钢的化学分析的试验方法。

E353 是对不锈钢、耐热、高强度热处理的和其他相同的铬镍铁合金的化学分析的试验方法。

E354 是对高温、电、磁和其他相同的铁、镍和钴合金的化学分析试验方法。

E403 是通过点到面技术对碳和低合金钢的发光摄普分析的试验方法。



标准名称 奥氏体不锈钢晶间浸蚀敏感性的检测 钢制品机械测试的试验方法与定义 设备和系统和经清洗和除锈处理的不锈钢零件 钢制品化学分析的实验方法﹑规程和术语 铁素体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性检测 测定锻件奥氏体﹑铁素体不锈钢不稳定金属间标准试 验方法 不锈钢化学钝化处理标准规范 石油产品中硫含量试验方法(氧弹法) 新的和使用过的石油产品中氯的测定方法 商业用包装 金相试样的制备 金属材料拉伸试验方法 金属材料的布氏硬度测试方法 金属材料的高温抗拉试验方法 金属材料的凹口试杆冲击试验的方法 使用试验数据中重要数字以确定对规范的适应性 钢的内含物的测定 非铁素体金属的和合金锻件化学成分分析的取样方法 金属材料维氏硬度试验方法
普通设备 用无缝 与焊接 铁素体 /奥 氏体不 锈钢管 件
增值反应 堆堆芯 部件用 奥氏体 和铁素 体不锈 钢导管
专门用途的不锈钢和合金钢钢管的一般要求 铁素体和奥氏体合金管通用要求 UNS N08904 UNS N08925 UNS N08926 无缝钢 管 镍和镍合金无缝管一般标准 锻配件﹐承插焊接和车螺纹 管端要求 焊接和无缝精密钢管
41 ASTM G46-94 42 ASTM G48-03
ASTM G78-95 43
标准名称 测定平均晶对度的试验方法 液体渗透剂的检测方法 金属管件的声检测 纵向焊接管的超声检测 用磁刨和法做管状钢产品的涡流检验 金属和合金宏观腐蚀的测试方法 钢制品(包括棒﹑方钢坯﹑大方坯和锻件)的宏观腐蚀测试 检查和评定 材料显微硬度的试验方法 微观腐蚀金属的合金的测试方法 奥氏体不锈钢及类似合金钢制无缝管形制品和焊接管形制 品的电磁(过电流)检验规程 金属及合金编号规定 铁磁钢管制品的磁力泄漏检验 镍和镍合金管材的电磁涡流检测方法 与腐蚀和腐蚀试验相关的专门术语 用统计作腐蚀数据分析的一般规定 制作和使用 U 形弯曲应力腐蚀试样的一般规定 金属的实验室浸蚀试验的一般方法



美国石油学会标准钻杆规范钻杆规范l 范围1.1 概述1.1.1 本规范包括下列第1组和第3组的钻杆。



表l API钻杆表①①本规范可适用有特殊加工端部的钻杆,见9.11.1.2 在本规范的尺寸表中,管子是以外径尺寸命名的。


1.2 记录保存本规范要求保存记录的试验和检验项目见表2。


表2 保存的记录1.3 测量装置如本规范对试验或测量装置的校准或校验有要求,而装置经受异常或严重情况会使其精度产生问题时,应在进一步使用之前进行重新校准或重新校验。

1.4 特殊工艺特殊工艺是管子制造过程中的最后工序,它会影响本规范要求的性能(除化学成分和尺寸要求外)。


1.5 合格证书1.5.1 如果买方有要求,制造厂商应向买方提供一份产品合格证书,说明产品已按本规范要求制造、取样、试验和检验,并且符合要求。

1.5.2 由电子数据传输系统(ED1)打印或以电子媒体形式提供的材料试验报告、合格证书及类似文件与发证机构打印的副本具有同样的效力。


1.5.3 如果需要其他资料(包括机械性能试验结果),应在订货单上明确指定SRl5。

2 引用标准2.1 总则本规范全部或部分地参考了下列其他API标准、工业标准和政府标准。

2.2 要求本规范中作为引用标准的其它标准技术要求对产品的可靠性和互换性是必不可少的。

2.3 等效标准其它国家标准和国际标准在作为等效标准使用前应提交给API批准后方可列人本规范内。

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