全国2011年01月高等教育自学考试合同法试题及答案一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1.无效合同的无效始于( A )A.合同成立之日B.人民法院判决之日C.仲裁机构裁决之日D.当事人主张之日2.下列合同属于无效合同的是( C )A.因重大误解而订立的合同B.以欺诈手段而订立的损害农民利益的合同C.以欺诈手段而订立的损害国家利益的合同D.订立时显失公平的合同3.无权处分合同经权利人追认为有效,其效力产生始于( B )A.权利人追认时B.合同订立时C.经权利人和无权处分人协商确定时D.人民法院裁定时4.债权人行使撤销权的方式是( B )A.只能向债务人提出B.只能向人民法院起诉C.既可以向债务人提出,也可以向人民法院起诉D.可以向仲裁机构提出申请5.下列关于债权人的撤销权的说法不正确...的是( D )A.债权人的撤销权兼具请求权和形成权特点B.债权人的撤销权是附属于债权的实体权利C.债权人的撤销权不能与债权分离而进行处分D.债权人的撤销权是约定的权利6.在债务人下列行为中,债权人可行使撤销权的是( B )A.债务人放弃继承权B.债务人将其汽车无偿转让给其弟弟C.债务人拒绝接受赠予D.债务人将其手表丢弃7.在债权人行使撤销权诉讼时,受益人或受让人的诉讼地位是( B )页脚内容1A.被告B.第三人C.由人民法院确定D.由债权人确定8.下列合同中能够依法变更的是( D )A.以胁迫方式订立的损害国家利益的合同B.因乘人之危订立而被当事人撤销的合同C.无权处分而又未获权利人追认的效力未定合同D.依法生效的合同9.下列关于债权让与的说法正确的是( C )A.甲将火车票出售给同学,必须通知铁路部门B.乙将丙公司的公司债券通过证券交易所出售,需要经过丙公司同意C.甲与乙签订债权转让合同,并通知债务人D.戊将其家装电话使用权与房子一起出售给买家,都需要办理过户手续10.合同转让是指( B )A.合同的标的发生变化B.合同的主体发生变化C.合同标的物的品质发生变化D.合同的价款发生变化合同的转让包括合同权利的转让、合同义务的转让、合同权利义务的概括转让。
2011年1月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试教育经济学试卷(课程代码 00451)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.从学科的发展历史上考虑,教育经济学研究著作的大量出现是在【】A.学科萌芽阶段 B.学科形成阶段C.学科发展阶段 D.学科繁荣阶段2.在马克思主义理论中.认为生产劳动是可直接生产使用价值的生产劳动,其对生产劳动考察的角度是【】A.扩大了的概念角度 B.简单生产劳动角度C.社会关系角度 D.人员结构角度3.人力资本就是【】A.人口交流投资 B.人口教育投资C.人口保健投资 D.人口质量投资4.教育供给和发展的物质基础是【】A.教师供给 B.教育资源配置C.教育单位成本 D.社会对教育的认识5.在传统经济增长理论所遵循的三个原理中,其核心是【】A.人员素质理论 B.物质稀缺原理C.收益递减原量 D.集合生产函数理论6.市场经济是没有边界的,这反映了市场经济所具有的特征是【】A.服务经济 B.网络经济 C.开发经济 D.动态经济7.客观事物和社会现象各系统的排列组合以及物质结合的方式是【】A.系统 B.结构 C.类别 D.顺序8.用于教育、训练后备劳动力和专门人才,以及提高现有劳动力智力水平的人力和物力的货币表现被称为【】A.教育效益 B.教育效率 C.教育投资 D.教育规模9.人口密度稀疏、分散.平均每个学生所需要的教育投资比例就会【】A.缩小 B.增大 C.守衡 D.消失10.能够反映基础建设在整个教育事业中的地位的教育投资比例是【】A.国家财政用于教育支出占国民收入的比例B.国家财政用于教育支出与国民收入固定资产积累额的比例C.初等教育事业费占整个教育事业费的比例D.初等教育生均事业费与人均国民生产总值的比例11.在计量大学生社会直接成本的方法中.常用于对生均教育事业费进行计算的方法是【】A.估算法 B.余算法 C.实算法 D.匡算法12.经济学上将投入和产出之比称作【】A.效益 B.效率 C.效度 D.投资13.规模经济问题的提出者是英国人马克西和【】A.丹尼森 B.布鲁姆 C.西尔伯斯 D.李嘉图14.对一定时期内由于新增加的教育成本而增加的教育收益进行计算.其公式是【】 A.劳动简化比计算公式 B.教育边际收益计算公式C.教育平均收益计算公式 D.教育报酬计算公式15.“十年树木,百年树人”反映了教师劳动的【】A.复杂性 B.主导性 C.迟效性 D.长效性16.世界上第一篇教育经济学沦文发表于【】A.1921年 B.1922年 C.1923年 D.1924年l7.西方经济学发展过程中。
Java 语言程序设计(一)试题课程代码:04747一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.在Java 语言中,int 类型数据的长度是( )A.1个字节B.2个字节C.4个字节D.8个字节2.在switch 语句中,switch 后面括号内的表达式的类型不能..是( ) A.byteB.longC.charD.int3.以下关于接口的叙述中,正确的是( )A.所有的接口都是公共接口,可被所有的类和接口使用B.一个类通过使用关键字interface 声明自己使用一个或多个接口C.接口中所有的变量都默认为public abstract 属性D.接口体中不提供方法的实现4.以下代码段的输出结果是( )String s="JavaWorld"; .print(s.indexOf("a",4));☑ 上市公司 实力雄厚 品牌保证 ☑ 权威师资阵容 强大教学团队☑ 历次学员极高考试通过率 辅导效果有保证 ☑ 辅导紧跟命题 考点一网打尽☑ 辅导名师亲自编写习题与模拟试题 直击考试精髓 ☑ 专家24小时在线答疑 疑难问题迎刃而解☑ 资讯、辅导、资料、答疑 全程一站式服务 ☑ 随报随学 反复听课 足不出户尽享优质服务开设班次:(请点击相应班次查看班次介绍)基础班串讲班 精品班 套餐班 实验班 习题班 高等数学预备班 英语零起点班网校推荐课程: 思想道德修养与法律基础 马克思主义基本原理概论 大学语文中国近现代史纲要 经济法概论(财经类)英语(一) 英语(二) 线性代数(经管类) 高等数学(工专)高等数学(一) 线性代数 政治经济学(财经类) 概率论与数理统计(经管类) 计算机应用基础 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论更多辅导专业及课程>> 课程试听>> 我要报名>>A.-1B.OC.1D.45.以下不属于...AWT库中定义的类是( )ponentB.ContainerC.ImagesD.Graphics6.鼠标单击列表中某个选项事件的相关接口是( )A.ListActionListenerB.ListSelectionListenerC.ActionListenerD.SelectionListener7.Java语言规定,程序绘图区域的坐标原点位于整个区域的( )A.左上角B.右上角C.左下角D.右下角8.以下关于线程互斥和同步的叙述中,正确的是( )A.多线程互斥使用各自资源的程序段,在操作系统中称为临界段B.临界段的作用是使某线程能够使用其它线程的资源C.可以使用notify()方法通知等待线程结束等待D.线程的互斥和同步可以很好地解决死锁问题9.当用户关闭文件对话框时,有可能返回的整数常量是( )A._OPTIONB.VE_OPTIONC._OPTIOND._OPTION10.获取InetAddress对象的域名所用到的方法是( )A.getByName()B.getHostAddress()C.getLocalHost()D.getHostName()二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
1.领导科学产生的土壤和源泉是()A.领导工作实践B.领导活动规律C.社会实践活动D.管理实践2.现代领导活动的矛盾、特点及其规律,领导的各个要素相互结合、相互作用的规律就是领导科学的(A.研究目的 B.研究对象C.研究方法D.研究范围3.能够使别人服从或能改变他人思想、行为的力量称为()A.职位B.强制力C.影响力D.品德4.从性质上说,领导者与被领导者的关系是()A.公仆与主人的关系B.服务与对象的关系C.创新与源泉的关系D.对立统一关系5.在领导的一般职能中,引导的核心是()A.正确地制定政策B.正确地规划目标C.正确地部署工作D.正确地提出任务6.社会主义新时期领导活动的中心环节是()A.决策B.用人C.思想政治工作D.分配7.关于领导观念和领导行为之间的关系,下列说法中错误..的是()A.领导观念和领导行为之间是一种对立统一关系B.领导观念产生于一定时代的领导实践C.领导观念和领导行为之间是辩证的关系D.领导观念制约着领导行为的结果8.现代领导活动从根本上说就是()A.发号施令的活动B.创造性的活动第 1 页)C.传达上级指示的活动D.协调矛盾的活动9.当原有决策方案实施后,主客观情况发生了重大变化,原有的决策目标无法实现时,要对原决策目标或方案进行根本性的修正,这就是()A.战术决策B.战略决策C.追踪决策D.经验决策10.在现代决策体制中,构成决策中枢系统的是()A.广大群众B.基层领导者C.中层领导者D.高层领导者11.领导者或领导机关在选拔人才的过程中必须遵循的程序和规章被称为()A.人才选拔制度B.人才规划目标C.人才判断标准D.人才使用原则12.与“终身制”对称的人才使用制度是()A.交流制度B.回避制度C.任期制度D.退休制度13.用来调整人与人之间以及个人与集体之间、个人与社会之间关系的行为规范的总和的是(A.习俗 B.价值观C.法律D.道德14.中国共产党在领导实践和思想政治工作中被广泛地采用的一种思想政治工作方法是(A.说理教育法 B.榜样示范法C.个别引导法D.情感交流法15.呈现为从上到下的“金字塔”形的领导组织结构是()A.直线型领导结构B.职能型领导结构C.矩阵型领导结构D.混合型领导结构16.根据领导机关中最高决策人的多少来划分,领导体制可分为()A.集权制与分权制B.一体制与分离制C.一长制与委员会制D.层次制与职能制17.在领导系统中,高层领导者的主要职责之一是()A.协调各部门之间的关系B.确定战术策略C.执行战略战术D.解决具体问题18.领导集体内部各成员的素质及各种因素在一定时间和条件下的排列组合方式被称为(A.领导性格气质组合 B.领导集体素质结构C.领导集体的知识结构D.领导集体的智能结构19.领导者为达到一定领导目标,按照领导活动的客观规律性采取的领导方式和手段被称为(第 2 页))))A.领导目标C.领导方法 B.领导职能D.领导艺术20.人们可以从已知事物的发展过程及结果,推测另一个相似事物未来的发展变化过程及结果,这属于科学预测原理中的()A.连续性原理C.因果性原理 B.可靠性原理D.相似性原理21.领导者从领导实践中获得的各种感性知识被称为()A.领导经验C.领导风格 B.领导科学D.领导观念22.领导者将自己不愿也不必处理,甚至本人也不知道如何处理的繁杂事务交由下属去处理,这种授权类型是()A.刚性授权C.柔性授权23.领导作风的内在基础是()A.领导者的态度C.领导者的心理24.社会主义思想道德的原则是()A.为人民服务C.集体主义 B.坚持共产党的领导D.坚持社会主义道路 B.领导者的学历 D.领导者的素质修养 B.惰性授权 D.模糊授权25.在领导工作中,始终被摆在首位的问题是()A.领导目标方向C.领导效益 B.领导效率D.领导能力二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
ERP原理与应用 201101
… .. · .. · 1分
....·..·1 分
........1 分
3 1. 答 : (1 ) 实 验 中 的 业 务 内 容在 " 销 售 管 理子 系 统 " 中 实 现 。
(2) 需要 实 现 的 业 务 内 容 有 :
30. 采 用 标 准 成本 体
四、应用题(共 2 0分,每小题 1 0分}
3 1. 实 验 资 料 : 2007-2 一27 销 售 人 员 蔡 春 查 看 " 订 单 预 计 出 货 表 " , 销 售 订 单 "DD一20070205001" 在 预 计 出 货 , 于 是 通 知 仓 库 人 员 备 好 该 订 单150 台 办 公 椅 准 备 出 货。 2 0 0 7 一2 -2 8仓库人员刘争正式办理销售出库,办公椅库存减少 1 5 0台。 问题:描述上述业务背景在易飞 ERP系统中涉及的子系统及需要实现的业务内容 F并简
试卷代号 : 2 5 2 0
中央广播电视大学 20 1 0一2 0 11学年度第一学期"开放专科"期末考试
ERP 原 理 与 应 用
2011 年1 月
|分数 I
一 、 单项 选择 蛐 题 { 每 小题 2 分 , 共 3t 切
ERP 原 理 与 应 用
试题答 案 及评 分标 准
2011年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试管理类专业学位联考综合能力模拟试题一、 问题求解(每小题只有一个正确答案,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑,本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分) 1.=+++++++-+++++++)2011131211)(201013121()201113121)(2010131211( ( )(A) 1 (B)21 (C) 31 (D )20101 (E )201112. 设a,b 满足=+=+-+-+22,085437b a b a b a 则 ( )(A )22 (B )25 (C )27 (D )29 (E )323. 所得税是工资加奖金总和的20%,如果一个人的所得税为3100元,奖金为2300元,则他的工资为 ( )(A )12100元 (B )12800元 (C )13200元(D )13800元 (E )14100元4. 甲、乙、丙三辆模型车参加比赛,同时从起点出发,匀速完成200米的赛程.当甲到达终点时,乙在甲后20米,丙在甲后29米,则当乙到达终点时,丙在乙后 ( )(A )10米 (B )9米 (C )8米 (D )7米 (E )6米5. 一枚匀称的骰子连续掷两次,得到的点数分别是a 和b,点M (a,b )落入圆2222=+y x 内的概率是 ( )(A )3611 (B )31 (C )3613 (D )187 (E )125 6. 多项式823+++bx ax x 的两个因式是21-+x x 和,则其第三个因式为 ( )(A)4-x (B)4+x (C)2+x (D)8-x (E)8+x7. 下列通项公式表示的数列为等差数列的是 ( )(A )nn a n 21+= (B )25-=n a n (C )12+=n a n (D )n n n a )2(3-+= (E )n n a n -+=18. 如果数据n x x x ,,2,1 的算术平均数为a ,方差为2b ,则数据34,,34,3421+++n x x x的算术平均数和方差分别为 ( )(A )2,b a (B )2,34b a + (C )34,342++b a(D )28,34b a + (E )216,34b a +9. 把4封信投入三个信箱中的两个信箱,不同的投法有 ( )(A )60种 (B )42种 (C )36种 (D )24种 (E )18种10. 有一个角是30 的直角三角形的小边长为a ,它的内切圆的半径为 ( )(A )a 21(B )a 23(C )a (D )a 213+ (E )a 213-11. 在等比数列{}n a 中,前n 项和为n s ,且23,233423+=+=s a s a ,则=4a () (A )128 (B )124 (C )64 (D )62 (E )3212. 设),25lg(125)(2x x x x f -⋅+-=则)(x f 的定义域是 () (A )55≤≤-x (B )55<<-x (C )0<25<x(D )05<≤x (E )50≤<x13. 已知方程0242523=+--x x x 的根为,,,3321x x x =则=+3211x x ()(A )61(B )-61 (C) 41 (D)41- (E)2114. 若点M (6,2)和N (1,7),直线7-=kx y 与线段MN 交点P ,分有向线段为MP :PN=3:2 .则k 的值为 ( )(A )4 (B )2 (C )41 (D )32- (E)23- 15. 体积相等的正方体,等边圆柱和球,它们的表面积分别为321,,S S S ,则有 ( )(A )213S S S << (B )231S S S << (C )132S S S <<(D )321S S S << (E )123S S S <<二、条件充分性判断(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)解题说明:本大题要求判断所给出的条件能否充分支持题干中陈述的结论。
九年级物理1月月考测评试卷班级 姓名 分数一、选择题:(2分*12=24分)1、在国际单位中,电功的单位是 ( )A .JB .KwC .wD .kw •h 2、测量电功的仪表是( )A 电流表B 电压表C 电能表D 电表3、家用电器正常工作时电功率为300w ,则它可能是( )A 空调B 白炽灯C 洗衣机D 计算器 4、下列说法中正确的是 ( ) A.电功率是表示电流做功多少的物理量 B.电功率是表示电流做功快慢的物理量 C.电功的单位有焦和千瓦。
D. 1J=1V ·A 5、如图所示电路中,当滑动变阻器滑片P 向右移动时,电压表V 与电流表A 的读数将是A .V 表读数减小,A 表读数增大 ( )B .V 表读数增大,A 表读数也增大C .V 表读数增大,A 表读数减小D .V 表读数减小,A 表读数也减小6、R 1、R 2两电阻并联后接入电路,若R 1<R 2,在相同时间内消耗的电能分别为W 1和W 2,则 ( ) A .W 1>W 2。
B .W 1<W 2。
C .W 1=W 2D .无法判定 7、两个电阻R 1、R 2串联在电路里,已知R 1∶R 2=3∶5,则电流通过这两个电阻的电功率的比是 ( ) A .25∶9 B .3∶5 C . 5∶3 D .9∶258、如下图所示,两盏相同的灯泡在电路闭合后都能正常发光。
过一会儿,两盏灯都熄灭了,此时电路中的电流表没有示数,但电压表有示数,那么电路发生故障可能是( )A .灯泡L 1灯丝断了 B.灯泡L 2灯丝断了 C 、灯泡L 1短路 D 、灯泡L 2短路9、一个电阻为R ,当把它接入电压为U 的电路中,电功率为P ,若把它接入电压为12U 的电路中,则它的功率为( )A.12P B.14P C.18P D.2P10、把标有“220V、40W”和“220V、60W”的灯泡串联接在电压为220V 的电源上,比较它们的亮度 ()A .“220V、40W”的亮B .“220V、60W”的亮C .一样亮D 无法判断11、将“3V ,3W ”和“2V,4W ”的两灯串联后,在不损坏两灯的前提下,电路可以接入的最大电源电压是( ) A 、4V B. 5V C.8V D.6V12. 如图所示电源电压不变,灯的电阻不随温度变化,当开关S 1S 2都闭合时,灯L 正常发光,R 1消耗的功率为36W ,当S 1S 2都断开时,灯的功率为其额定功率的14,R 2消耗的功率为2W 。
PART I 听力Section A (1 point each)Directions: in this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. Theconversations and the questions well be read only once. Choose the best answerfrom the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a singlebar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring answer sheet.1. A. he was beaten by a fellow workerB. he was laughed at by a fellow workerC. he was fired from his workD. he was replaced by his co-worker2. A. he did it like everyone elseB. he was not speeding basicallyC. he would like to pay the fineD. the policeman was unfair to him3. A. talk about their fishing experiencesB. drive the woman’s dad to the station togetherC. put off their fishing plan for the next weekendD. go fishing after the woman sees her dad off4. A. she thought the man’s project had been finishedB. she didn’t know the man’s project was urgentC. she thinks the man shouldn’t be so stressedD. she thinks the man has exaggerated about his project5. A. he knows psychology very wellB. psychology is beyond his comprehensionC. psychology is his majorD. he has forgotten the theory of psychology6. A. it’s a pleasant surpriseB. it’s really unexpectedC. it’s very sadD. it’s a pity7. A. he was disappointed with the serviceB. he was satisfied with the serviceC. he finally got what he wantedD. he would like to try it again8. A. he didn’t finish his finals weekB. he failed most of his examinationsC. he couldn’t remember what he had prepared in the examsD. he couldn’t concentrate during the exams9. A. not enjoyableB. just so soC. it’s his favoriteD. he likes itSection B(1 point each)Directions: in this section, you will hear two mini-talks. At the end of talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions well be read only once. After eachquestion, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must choose the bestanswer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with asingle bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring answer sheet. Mini-talk one10. A. to start up her own businessB. to gain experienceC. to save for her tuitionD. to help her family11. A. because he could have more spare creditsB. because the 15-credit-plan was more cost-efficientC. because he had to make up 15 creditsD. because the 15-credit-plan was easier12. A. to become an internB. to challenge traditionsC. to start up her own businessD. to get a full time jobMini-talk two13. A. The United States has declared its independenceB. Lady Liberty is a gift from the people of FranceC. American people have shaken off the oppressionD. The United States has broken off its relations with UK14. A. Lady LibertyB. Liberty LadyC. The Statue of LibertyD. Liberty Enlightening the World15. A. By busB. By boatC. By carD. By subwaySection C (1 point each)听力填空16. Mental health experts also include other disorders like ______ (4words) that affect millions of people.17. Mental health problems are most severe in poor countries that ______ (3words) to deal with them.18. About half of all mental health problems first appear before ______ (4words).19. According to WHO, how many people suffered form depression in 2009? (4words).20. The disability caused by mental disorders can have a big impact on ______ (3words).PART II 词汇选择(10 minutes, 10 points)Section A (0.5 point each)21. It was fascinating to watch my husband as he literally became president before my eyes.A. liberallyB. wiselyC. actuallyD. theoretically22. The rights that the citizens of those countries enjoy can all be incorporated in the laws of those individual countries.A. embodiedB. excludedC. immersedD. interpreted23. These are the men and women who run the house and tend to the special needs of its residents.A. take toB. amount toC. attend toD. object to24. These women hoped that cease-fire would continue and that the violence would end once and for all.A. quicklyB. conclusivelyC. universallyD. temporarily25. There is some excitement on the horizon, but I can’t tell you about it.A. in the distanceB.soon to happenC. without a questionD.at first sight26. Low interest rates created easy credit conditions, fueling a housing construction boomand encouraging consumption.A. contaminatingB. ectinguishingC. stimulatingD.transporting27. War involves inflicting the greatest amount of damage in the briefest space of time.A. imposingB. avoidingC. compensatingD.fabricating28. Inflation can destroy the fabric of society by adversely affecting fixed income groups.A. stabilityB. perplexityC. evolutionD.structure29. The participants of the meeting were astonished by the discrepancy between the mayor’s words and his actions.A. differenceB. correlationC.conformityD.separation30.The English writing of college students in China is generally redundant for lack of specific words.A. ambiguousB. wordyC. unconvincingD.stereotypedSection B (0.5 point each)31. Without mutual trust, willingness to engage _____ in the learning process is hindred.A. deliberatelyB. collaborativelyC. destructivelyD. individually32.Humans have to settle the problems with food, clothes and _____ before they can survive.A. cabinB. mansionC. shedD. shelter33.How did it _____ that in English the correlation between spelling and pronuciation is not very close?A. come aboute one toD. come by34. While the test-oriented approach to teaching is _____ desirable, it is widely used in China.A. other thanB. not onlyC. nothing butD. far from35. In january 1995, George W. Bush was _____ as the new governor of Texas.A. turned inB. taken inC. sworn inD. put it36. The latest data showed that global ozone _____ had dropped several percent over the last decade.A. penetrationsB. concentrationsC. dimensionsD. extensions37. Scientists have been trying to _____ what factors can cause aging.A. find outB. turn outC. set outD. carry out38. Ten years _____ her career as a lawyer, she decided to start her own firm in Chicago.A.withinB. duringC. intoD. amid39. The tower of the World Trade Center _____ after it was hit by the plane.A. dissipatedB. paddledC. hedgedD. collapsed40. I could speak their language and _____ with their problems because I have been there myself.A. collideB. coincideC.identifyD. associatePART III 完形填空(10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)Early in January 2009, the temperature in Tanana Alaska, fell to 55 below zero F. It was so cold that when the airport runway lights stopped working, crews were __41__ from goingoutside to fix them.So it was a real concern whe Vicky Aldridge, a nurse practitioner at the village health center, realized that 61-year-old Winkler Bifelt was bleeding __42__ and needed medical treatment at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, __43__ 150 miles away. The sun was already down when Aldridge made the __44__ telephone call to Frontier Service in Fairbanks.“We told them the only way we could fly was if they could find enough vehicles to __45__ the runway with headlights so we could land,” said Bob Hajdukovich, the company’s president. Aldridge’s next calls went to airport and town officials, who, __46__, called villagers. Forty five minutes later, enough cars, trucks, minivans and snowmobiles had lined up so that the runway was __47__.Pilots Nate Thompson and David Fowler landed without __48__, and then took off again, with Bifelt.“There is this wonderful caring __49__ in the village,” Aldridge said, “ if anyone needs anything, all I have to do is call one or two people and everything will get __50__”41. A. objected B. obstructed C. obliged D. observed42. A.intimately B. integrally C. intentionally D. internally43. A. less B. some C. but D.even44. A. eagerness B. pressure C. emergency D. hurry45. A. line B. cross C. span D. park46. A. by turns B. in turn C. in order D. in return47. A. lightened B. illustrated C. cleared D. widened48. A. reason B. support C. hesitation D. atmosphere49. A. status B. occasion C. surrounding D. atmosphere50. A. into control B. out of danger C. done well with D. taken care ofPART IV 阅读理解(45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each)Passage oneNovember 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This day was recognized by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1999 with a view to raising public awareness of violations of the right of women. Why was this step necessary?In many cultures women are viewed and treated as inferior or as second class citizens. Prejudices against them are deep rooted. Gender base violence in all its forms is an ongoing problem, even in the so-called developed world. According to former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan,”violence against women is global in reach, and takes place in all societies and cultures. It affects women no matter what their race, social origin, birth or other status may be.”Radhika Coomaraswamy, UN expert of the Commission on Human Rights on violence against women, says in his report that for the vast majority of women, violence against women is “a taboo issue, invisible in society and a shameful fact of life.” Statistics issued by a victim study institution in Holland indicate that 23 percent of women in one SouthAmercian country, or about 1in 4, suffer some form of domestic violence. Likewise, the Council of Europe estimates that 1 in 4 European women suffer domestic violence during their lifetime. According to the British Home Office in England and Wales in one recent year, an average of two women each week were killed by current or former partners. The magazine India Today International reported that “for women across India, fear is constant companion and rape is the stranger they may have to confront at every corner, on any road, in any public place at any hour”. UN experts described violence against women and girl as “today’s most serious human rights challenge.”51. This passage is intended to __________.A. point out the root of violence against womenB. find solutions to violence against womenC. criticize the governments’ inaction about violence against womenD. make people better aware of violence against women52. The word “gender” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “__________”.A. raceB. societyC. cultureD. sex53. According to former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, violence against women could be widely found __________.A. in South American countriesB. in rich countriesC. in developing countriesD. across the world54. By “violence against women is a taboo issue”, Radhika Coomaraswamy means that the vast majority of women __________.A. turn a blind eye to the problemB. don’t want to talk about the problemC. turn a deaf ear to the problemD. have been accustomed to the problem55. According to the last paragraph, violence against women is __________.A. more serious in South American countriesB. more serious in European countriesC. equally serious in South American and European countriesD. less serious in developed countries56. According to the passage, women in India __________.A. often live in the fear of violence against themB. suffer more serious domestic violenceC. must have their companions everywhereD. are facing most serious human rights challengesPassage TwoWhen you think of monkeys, you probably think of the Tropics. Few species of monkeys venture into temperate lands. Nevertheless, there are one or two notable exceptions.In the high Atlas Mountains of North Africa, where snowfall is common during the winter, small groups of Barbary apes roam through forests of cedar and oak. One isolated group of these monkeys can be found 200 miles to the north, living on the Rock of Gibraltar, at the southern most tip of Europe.How do naturalists explain this mystery? Some believe that the monkeys colonized other areas of Europe in the distant past and that those of Gibraltar are the only surviving group. Others think that Arabic or British colonizers brought them to the Rock. Legend has it that the monkeys crossed the narrow straits dividing Europe from Africa by means of a long-lost underground tunnel. Whatever their origin, they are now the only free range monkeys. The Barbary apes inhabit the pine woods that cover the upper part of the Rock. Although they number only a hundred or so, they have become “the peninsula’s most famous resdents,” according to the International Primate Protection League.Since seven million tourists visit Gibraltar every year, the mischievous monkeys have an ample food supply. Although they feed on wild plants, they have become skilled at begging and occasionally stealing food from visitors. Local authorities also provide the monkeys with fruit and vegetables.Apart from feeding, the monkeys spend 20 percent of their day grooming each other. Both male and females monkeys care for and play with the young ones. They live in close knit groups, where stress sometimes leads to confrontation. While the older monkeys use threats and screams to chase away the younger ones, they also have an unusual tooth-chattering behavior that seems to calm them down.Their arrival on Gibraltar may remain a mystery; still, these sociable monkeys add a special charm to the limestone headland that guards the entrance to the Mediterranean sea. Gibraltar would not be the same without them.57. The monkeys on the Rock of Gibraltar are special because __________.A. they live in tropic areasB. they inhabit temperate landsC. they live in forestsD. they came from North Africa58. Which of the following is NOT the possible origin of the Gibraltar monkey?A. They may be the surviving group of European.B. they may have been brought ot Gibraltar by colonizers.C. they may have come from Africa through the long- lost tunnel.D. they may have swum across the narrow straits from Africa.59. The population of “the peninsula’s most famous residents” __________.A. is growing rapidlyB. outnumbers the local peopleC. is threatened by too many visitorsD. is about five scores60. We canlearn from the 5th paragraph that Gibraltar monkeys __________.A. mainly feed on food from visitorsB. often threaten local touristsC. are very naughtyD. are raised by the local authorities61. The word “grooming” in the 6th paragraph is closest in meaning to “__________”.A. cleaningB. bitingC. fightingD. isolating62. According to the passage, __________.A. Gibraltar would be better without the monkeysB. the monkeys heve added beauty to the Rock of GibraltarC. Gibraltar monkeys and those in the high Atlas Mountains are of different speciesD. the older Gibraltar monkeys are very fierce to the younger onesPassage threeWhich would you give up: TV, Cell, or Web? From November 6 to December 3, a 1-question online poll was placed on high-traffic websites in 15 countries(Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Gndia, Italy, N etherlands, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States). A total of 150 respondents in each country participated in the poll. In this global survey, 11 of 15 countriessay they’d turn off the TV berfore they’d silence their cell phone or log off the Internet. Women,especially, will give up their favorite shows, voting to do so by a greater percentage than men in all but four countries. “I work 50-plus hours a week, and more importantly, the programs I watch on TV are free on the web.” Paula Kress of Georgia explains why she’d give up on TV.Younger respondents are more likely to take a pass on television, but older folks don’t necessarily stay stay away from the online experience. In Singapore, not a single person over 45 voted to stop surfing. “I’m not much for sitting in front of the screens, but I need the Internet to keep in touch with friends and family.” Hanna Larna explains why she’d keep the web and ditch TV.In the United States, people vited to give up TV, yet Americans sit in front of the flat screen for an average of four hours, 37minutes a day. But if the decision had been made by respondents over 45, the cell phone would have gotten the boot instead.In Canada people voted to give up the cell. The cost effect analysis shows that people there pay some of the highest rates for their cell phone plans, which may be why they have the lowest number of cell users among the western countries polled. “I don’t want to be reachable at every moment.”is another logical explanation.Why was Brazil the only country to pick the Internet (and by such a huge margin)? Brazil has some of the lowest rates of Internet use worldwide, with just 35 users per 100 people.(The U.S. and U.K. both have 72.) Brazil’s cost to hook up is also high, about $26a month, compared with $7.4in Germany.63. what is the most important reason for Paula Kress to give up TV?A. she doesn’t have time to watch TV.B. she doesn’t like sitting in front of screens.C. she can watch TV programs on the web.D. she finds online programs more interesting.64. Survey results in Singapore show that __________.A. women watch TV programs for a longer period of time than menB. men depend as much on cell phones as women doC. younger people use cell phones more than older peopleD. older people enjoy the Internet just like the younger ones65. Which of the following phrases is closest in meaning to “get the boot”(Para. 3)?A. be dismissedB. catch onC. be favoredD. become dominant66. It is implied that among the Americans polled, there were more __________.A. menB. womenC. younger peopleD. older people67. How many countries picked the cell phone in the survey?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 568. In the last paragraph, the author mainly __________.A. describes the findings in the Brazilian surveyB. discusses the gap between Brazil and the western worldC. presents the reasons behind the Brazilian decisionD. analyzes the development of the Internet in BrazilPassage fourToday, world leaders are discussing climates change and what—if anything—can be done to combat global warming. Extreme weather conditions have brought home the fact that our climate is changing—and changing fast. It may be easy to be fatalistic about it, but the truth is that although we humans have caused the problem, we also have the solution. “Think global and act local,”said Friends of the Earth founder David Bower. In many small but important ways we can make a difference. Here are my top tips for how to begin: Count your food miles. What you eat and where you buy it affects global emissions. Pollution from transport is the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissions, so it is madness to fly out-of-season vegetables across the world to supermarkets. We should lobby supermarkets for a system of classifying food according to the distance travelled: 0 for local food, 1 for British, 2 for Europe, and 3 for intercontinental.Turn off anything that winks at you. A video recorder on standby uses almost as much electricity as one playing a tape. Turning down the thermostat by one degree, not leaving TV and music centres on standby, turning off lights,putting lids on cooking pots, and only half-filling kettles can cut energy consumption by 30%, saving your money as well as saving the planet.Just stop using petrol. Yes you can, and the cr industry may help you. Hydrogen-powered cars are loved by car designers and could become a reality in about 10 years. Meanwhile, consider converting to liquefied petroleum gas(LPG). You won’t be alone: a new pump for this is opening every day. Meanwhile, you can cut down on conventional petrol use just by changing driving habits—no rapid acceleration, lower speeds, keeping tires at the right pressure.Well, you can always walk. Or cycle. The majority of car journeys are less than five miles and, honestly, once you’ve stepped out, you’ll find it’s really not that bad. The onlyenergy used is your own and that’s healthy. You only have th look at the collective strength of the people’s fuel lobby to know this maked sense.These changes will save you money which you should invest in an ethical saving account. They are profitable and they put the pressure on business to clean up its act.69. In the first paragraph, the author tries to emphasize __________.A. his concern over climate changeB. his optimism in finding a way outC. the necessary of global actionsD. the difficulty in reaching an agreement70. Which conclusion can be drawn from paragraph 2 ?A. Centralized distribution of food is highly efficient and cost-effective.B. Organic food from abroad is better than food produced locally.C. Supermarkets do a great job of offering a wide selection of goods.D. It’s better for us consumers to shop in local farmers’ markets.71. In Paragraph 3 the author tries to convey the message that __________.A. small changes in small habits can make big differencesB. it is not easy for us to reduce energy consumption at homeC. the present way of using energy leaves much to be desiredD. we individuals may not help much in fighting global warming72. At presen, to replace petrol-driven cars, people may choose cars driven by _______. A, electricity B. LPG C. hydrogen D. biofuel73. For most of the car journeys, walking or cycling __________.A. is a waste of timeB. is undesirableC. is a feasible optionD. is what people prefer74. The passage is focused on __________.A. the passage of climate change on people’s livesB. the importance of individuals improving the environmentC. the benefits of cutting energy consumptionD. the small ways that can help fight global warmingPassage fiveSome years ago, thumping, jumping noises routinely issued from the apartment upstairs as if baby elephants were competing in the 50-year dash. I went up one day to politely inquire. “No, nobady’s making noise here” the husband and wife both insisted. It must be coming from elsewhere in the building.”Two children about five years old, each holding soccer balls, stood right beside their parents. “Could the thumping be your kids running around, perhaps playing soccer?”, I asked. “Oh no, we never let the kids play in the house.”For monhs, the pattern continued: the thumping and jumping above, our delicate check-in, the denial. It got so that every time I saw the couple, I glared without a word of greeting. When they moved out of the building, the thumping stopped.I suppose I could have forgiven my neighbors and spared them the glare. After all,forgiveness is in, a trend advocated by best-selling books, foundations and research institutes. The notion has gone well beyond spiritual leaders advising that forgiveness is good for the soul and that hard feelings will turn us bitter and hostile. Now the medical community cites studies showing that forgiveness can prevent heart attacks, lower blood pressure and even ease depression.I may be outnumbered, but I still believe in the healing power of the grudge(不满). I’ve deployed grudges with an equal-opportunity sense of fairness—against teachers and classmates,bosses and colleagues, family and friends. I’ve chosen to stop speaking to certain people permanently and occasionally even spoken ill of them—but more with disbelief than a sense of revenge. I’m neither proud nor ashamed. But I’ve discovered that nothing feels quitea as satisfying as a grudge well nursed.I’m not against forgiveness itself, I have forgiven people for rudeness as well as for deep misunderstandings and have done so without holding on to hard feelings. What I deplore is the propaganda about forgiveness. No longer an option, forgivensess is an official order. Forgiving so democratically cheapens the very act.A long standing grudge suggests that we hold certain standards, that we respect ourselves enough to reject bad behavior. Failure to forgive can be just as righteous, just as honorable as forgiveness itself.75. The author would probably describe the neighbors as __________.A. carelessB. dishonestC. ignorantD. immodest76. Paragraph 3 is focused on __________.A. how forgiveness is good for us spiritually and physicallyB. how forgiveness has become a fashionable conceptC. what has changed people’s understanding of forgivenessD. what is the true meaning and virtue of forgiveness77. By “I may be outnumbered”(Para. 4), the author means that most people in her situation would probably __________.A. tell people how bad the neighbors areB. refuse to speak to the neighborsC. try to practice forgiveness to the neighborsD. ask the neighbors for an explanation78. The author seems _________ what she always does with grudges.A. ashamed ofB. proud ofC. satisfied withD. disappointed with79. It can be learned that the author __________.A. has great difficulty forgiving peopleB. regrets failing to practice forgivenessC. wants to learn how to forgive peopleD. opposes “forgiveness without principle”80. The best title for the passage is __________.A. To Forgive is GodB. The Right Not to ForgiveC. Forgiveness in, Grudge outD. The Power of ForgivenessPART V 翻译(30 minutes, 20 points)Section A (15 minutes, 10 points)一、英译汉Job stress comes in different forms and affects your mind and body in different ways. Small thing can make you feel stressed, such as a copy machine that never seems to work when you need it or phones that won’t quit ringing. Major stress comes from having too much or not enough work or doing work that doesn’t satisfy you. Conflicts with your boss, coworkers, or customers are other major causes of stress.Section B (15 minutes, 10 points)二、汉译英几年来,北京部分地区的房价翻了两番,使许多年轻人买不起理想小区中的房子。
1.公文写作人员应具有修养的首要标准是( )A.政治素质好B.政策理论水平好C.文字功底好D.熟悉业务情况好2.公文写作要求实事求是,在业务处理上必须符合( )A.领导指示B.逻辑表述C.载体材料D.客观规律3.公文的文体、构成要素及其在格式上的安排称之为公文的( )A.稿本B.程序C.体式D.文体4.公文写作中最常用、最主要的表达方式是( )A.叙述B.说明C.议论D.描写5.下列机关中属于领导与被领导关系的是( )A.省教育厅与市政府B.省政府与市政府C.省政府与市人大D.省财政厅与市政协6.为避免打乱正常的领导隶属关系和工作业务联系,党政机关要严格控制( )A.联合行文B.发文数量C.抄送机关D.越级行文7.下列机关中有权发布命令的是( )A.县政府B.县委C.乡政府D.市人大8.用于经会议讨论通过的重要决策事项的文种是( )A.意见B.决议C.会议纪要D.会议记录9.国家统计局发布全国人口普查结果应用的文种是( )A.公告B.公报C.通告D.通报10.省政府将国务院文件转发给省所辖的地(市)、县政府及直属单位,要求他们贯彻执行的文种应是( )A.决定B.命令C.通告D.通知11.大会开始时,由主要领导人向大会宣读会议宗旨、说明会议议程、向与会代表提出希望的书面文稿是( )A.欢迎词B.答谢词C.开幕词D.闭幕词12.简报版面突出特点是有一个独特的( )A.报头B.报尾C.标题D.正文13.就一所大学来说,它的行政公文处理工作的负责人应是( )A.校长B.党委书记C.校办主任D.秘书科长14.既是整个公文处理工作的关键环节,又是发文办理的第一个环节是( )A.签收B.拟稿C.审核D.拟办15.涉密文件的正确传阅方式是( )A.复印给领导一人一份B.领导人之间自行横传C.以文书人员为中心传递D.只交主要领导人阅办16.在一个组织机构(单位)里,确立一个具体负责立卷的人员最好是( )A.办公室主任B.秘书科长C.文字秘书D.文书人员17.报告的主要特点是( )A.重议论B.重指导C.重陈述D.重知照18.××大学为办理助学基金制定了规章制度,起草该公文的文种应是( )A.办法B.规定C.守则D.章程19.写好调查报告的前提是( )A.深入细致、客观公正地调查B.围绕问题进行深入地研究C.展示重要的、典型的材料D.合理安排调查报告的结构20.2000年国家档案局颁布的《归档文件整理规则》中,提出的新公文整理(立卷)方法是( )A.以“件”为单位B.以“类目”为单位C.以“案卷”为单位D.以“全宗”为单位二、多项选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
全国2011年1月自学考试高等数学(一)试题(总分:100.00,做题时间:150分钟)一、课程代码:00020 (总题数:5,分数:10.00)(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) (总题数:10,分数:30.00)(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:1)解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:0)解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________解析:三、计算题(一)(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分)(总题数:5,分数:25.00)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:20.(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:四、计算题(二)(本大题共3小题,每小题7分,共21分)(总题数:3,分数:21.00)(分数:7.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:(分数:7.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:(分数:7.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:五、应用题(本题9分)(总题数:1,分数:9.00)(分数:9.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:六、证明题(本题5分)(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案: )解析:。