bill gates
比尔盖茨的个人资料及简介英文_Bill Gates profile and profile 2篇
比尔盖茨的个人资料及简介英文_Bill Gatesprofile and profile 2篇导读:关于”比尔盖茨的个人资料及简介“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Bill Gates profile and profile。
关于”比尔盖茨的个人资料及简介“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Bill Gates profile and profile。
高分英语作文1:Bill Gates profile and profileWilliam Henry Gates III, KBE 3. Bill Gates, commonly known as Bill Gates in October, is a famous American entrepreneur, investor, software engineer and philanthropist. He founded Microsoft together with Paul Allen.He is the chairman, chief executive officer and chief software designer of Microsoft. He owns more common stock than the company. Bill Gates has been ranked as the richest person in the world for several consecutive years on the Forbes Global list of billionaires He left Microsoft in June and donated $100 million of personal property to bill.The Melinda Gates Foundation named Bill Gates the richest person in the United States by Forbes magazine. In January this year, gates, the CEO with a fortune of $100 million, resigned as CEO of Microsoft. He remained as chairman and created a new position for himself in June, The chief softwarearchitect.Gates announced that he would change his full-time job to a part-time job at Microsoft, and gradually change his duty to resign as chairman of Microsoft. In February this year, Microsoft continued to serve as a technical consultant to assist the new CEO, Satia NADELLA in, to be elected kbewilliam Henry Gates III -Bill gateochief, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in November.中文翻译:威廉·亨利·盖茨三世,KBE(英文:William Henry Gates III,xx 月俗称比尔·盖茨),是著名的企业家、投资者、软件工程师、慈善家,他与保罗·艾伦一起创立了微软,他是微软的董事长、首席执行官和首席软件设计师,他拥有超过公司的普通股比尔·盖茨是福布斯全球亿万富翁排行榜上连续几年蝉联全球最富有的亿万富翁,他于xx月离开微软,并向比尔捐赠了亿美元的个人财产,梅琳达·盖茨基金会《福布斯》杂志将比尔盖茨评为最富有的人今年xx月,身家亿美元的首席执行官盖茨辞去了微软首席执行官的职务,他仍然担任董事长,并在xx月为自己创造了一个新的职位,即首席软件架构师。
----- 盖茨巴菲特慈善晚宴图片
middle-aged Bill
---- 1997年,盖茨与老对手史蒂夫史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve.Jobs) “一笑泯恩仇”,并结束了与苹果长时间的争执。
• 1979年1月1日,盖茨把微软总部迁往华盛顿州贝莱佛 (Bellevue)市。
• 1980年8月28日,盖茨与IBM签订合同,同意为IBM的PC机开 发操作系统。随后他以5万美元价格购买了一款名QDOS的操 作系统,对其稍加改进后,将该产品更名为DOS,然后将其 授权给IBM使用。
• 1982年,在上市销售的第一年期间,盖茨向50家硬件制造商 授权使用MS-DOS操作系统。
Treat kindly a dull person, you may make for a dull artificial.
The senior high school graduation don't hope to own too many.
Young Bill
他小学时期就读电 脑着了迷,十三岁 时就自修电脑程式 设计。他在电脑领 域的天赋好像是与 生俱来的。
------- 九岁时的比尔盖茨
Young Bill
• 1955年12月28日,出生于美国西海岸华盛顿州的西雅图市。
• 父亲是当地的著名律师,他过世的母亲是华盛顿大学董事,银行系统的董事以及国际联合劝募协 会(United Way International)的主席,他的外祖父J. W. 麦克斯韦尔(J. W. Maxwell)曾任 国家银行行长。比尔和两个姐姐一块长大。
比尔 盖茨传记
比尔盖茨传记比尔·盖茨传记比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世(William Henry Gates III),生于1955年10月28日,是美国著名的企业家、慈善家和计算机科学家。
特别值得一提的是,盖茨与妻子梅琳达在2010年加入了“捐献誓言”(Giving Pledge)运动,承诺将大部分财富捐献给慈善事业。
比尔盖茨微软公司的创始人和慈善家比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),是美国著名企业家、计算机软件工程师,也是全球最为成功的商业人物之一。
Bill Gates简介
Bill Gates (1955–)Cofounder and chairman, Microsoft CorporationBorn: October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington.Education: Attended Harvard University, 1973–1975.Family: Son of William Henry Gates II (attorney) and Mary Maxwell (teacher); married Melinda French (Microsoft manager), January 1, 1994; children: three.Career: Lakeside Programming Group, 1968–1969, founder; Traf-O-Data, 1970–1973, founder; Microsoft Corporation, 1975–, founder and chairman; 1975–2000, CEO;1992–1998, president.Awards: U.S. National Medal of Technology, 1993; Chief Executive of the Year, Chief Executive, 1994; President's Medal of Leadership Award, New York Institute of Technology, 1995; Louis Braille Gold Medal, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, 2002; Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, 2004.Publications: The Road Ahead (with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson), 1995; Business @ the Speed of Thought, 1999.Address: Microsoft Corporation, 1 Microsoft Way, Building 8, North O, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399; .William Henry Gates III cofounded the Microsoft Corporation in 1975, built his software company into the one of the most successful businesses in the world, and established himself in the process as the world's richest man. Although Bill Gates started Microsoft as a small business based on a single innovative software program that he had helped to develop, his real genius was his business acumen. As the long-time CEO of Microsoft, Gates was able to borrow and integrate other computer programmers' innovations and sell them to a new and rapidly expanding home computer market. In 1985, 10 years after Microsoft was founded, it had $140 million in revenue, which grew to $28 billion by 2002. One of the pioneers of home computing, Gates proved himself to be a technological visionary and software applications guru. According to industry analysts, he also demonstrated that he was a shrewd marketing strategist as well as an aggressive corporate leader.A Precocious PioneerGates grew up in a prosperous area of Seattle, Washington, with his parents and two sisters. The son of a lawyer and a schoolteacher, Gates attended a public grade schooland then the Lakeside School, a private college preparatory institution. It was at Lakeside that he first became interested in the relatively new field of computer programming, met his friend and future business partner Paul Allen, and developed his first computer software program at the age of 13.In 1968 the Lakeside School was still purchasing computer time on a machine owned by General Electric, as computers were extremely expensive in the late 1960s. Gates and his friends from Lakeside became fascinated with the machines and formed the Lakeside Programmers Group to try to make money in the computer field. The Programmers Group primarily earned its founders free computing time on machines owned by a company in Seattle. Gates and Allen then formed a company that they called Traf-O-Data. They put together a small computer for measuring traffic flow and made about $20,000. The company remained in business until Gates and Allen graduated from high school. Although Gates was interested in computers, he enrolled at Harvard University with the intention of becoming a lawyer like his father. By the time he was a sophomore in 1975, however, Gates was more interested in computers and electronics than in his pre-law studies.What became the Microsoft Corporation grew out of two college undergraduates' bluff and bravado. Gates's old friend Allen showed him an advertisement for a kit to build a home computer. The two called the computer's manufacturer, MITS, saying that Gates had taken a primary computer language called BASIC and adapted it for the machine. When MITS expressed interest, Gates and Allen ignored their studies and spent the next four weeks frantically working on turning their boast into reality. In an interview in Money, Gates later recalled, "One little mistake would have meant the program wouldn't have run. The first time we tried it was at MITS, and it came home without a glitch" (July 1986).Having written the first computer language for a personal computer, Gates and Allen established the Microsoft Corporation in 1975. The name "Microsoft" was formed from the words "microcomputer" and "software." Gates then dropped out of Harvard in 1976 and focused on building the new business. He believed that there was a market for computer software and that the market was going to expand rapidly as affordable computers were developed for home use.Right Place—right TimeAlthough Gates rightfully earned credit for building one of the fastest-growing and most profitable companies ever established, Microsoft started out on a shaky foundation. Gates and Allen had sold their first commercially developed software for $3,000 and royalties. Before long, however, Microsoft found itself unable to cover its overhead. Even though Gates and Allen received royalties, their software was also pirated by computer hackers. This piracy led Gates to write an "Open Letter to Hobbyists," which said that computersoftware should not be copied by the then relatively small computer community without the developer's permission. Gates also recognized at this point in time that the future of computer software lay in owning a standard software package to be used on most computers.By the late 1970s the computing giant IBM had plans for marketing a personal computer for home use. They approached Microsoft to develop the standard operating system for their home computer models. Gates and Allen then went out and purchased for $50,000 an operating system called Q-Dos, which had been developed by Seattle Computer.Q-Dos was compatible with the Intel processor that IBM intended to use. The two then adapted the Q-Dos system and presented it to IBM. Money magazine quoted Gates as recalling, "We bet all our resources on that system" (July 1986).Gates had learned well his early lessons in the software business. He insisted that IBM make Microsoft the exclusive software licensee for their home computers, meaning that all IBM products would have Microsoft operating systems. Furthermore, Gates negotiated a contract that allowed Microsoft to retain the right to manufacture and license the software, which he and Allen had named MS-DOS, to other manufacturers. Because there were three other operating systems for microprocessors at that time, Gates didn't own the sole industry standard. But he was well on his way. He and Allen made MS-DOS the most attractive system to computer manufacturers because Microsoft offered a flat-fee license rather than a per-unit contract. Gates and Allen also encouraged software developers to create programs that would broaden their system's capabilities. Their strategy was a huge success because manufacturers initially saved money. In addition, the software developers had an easier job designing such single applications as word processing for use on computers made by other manufacturers.These negotiations demonstrated that Gates was willing to defer immediate earnings for much greater future profits. His plan was based on building a mass of users for Microsoft products, which would mean the company would own the industry standard. Once Gates's company owned the standard, it could then revert to selling its software at per-unit prices rather than general licenses.While the contract with IBM placed Microsoft on its way to legendary business growth, it also established a precedent for what some considered Gates's unsavory business practices. When he and Allen had approached Seattle Computer, the software's original developer, they omitted to mention that they were in negotiations with IBM to develop their operating system. Seattle Computer later sued Microsoft on the grounds that it had hidden its relationship with IBM in order to purchase Seattle's system at what turned out to be a bargain-basement price. The two companies came to an out-of-court settlement without Gates or Microsoft admitting to any guilt or duplicity in the original purchase.Marketing Trumps ChallengersPaul Allen, who had been serving as Microsoft's head of research and new product development, left the company in 1982 after being diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. The following year, Gates faced a major challenge to Microsoft's domination of operating systems for home computers when a company called VisiCorp developed a mouse-driven computer system with a user interface based on graphics rather than the keyboard-based and text-driven system of MS-DOS. Gates quickly recognized that VisiCorp's system would be the wave of the future because it was much easier for technologically unsophisticated people to use. Even though Microsoft did not have such a system in the works at that point, Gates started an advertising campaign with an announcement at the Plaza Hotel in New York City that a new Microsoft operating system with graphical user interface (GUI) would soon be marketed. This next-generation system was to be called "Windows."Gates's announcement was a bluff; the truth was that Microsoft was nowhere near developing such a system. But the marketing ploy worked because people preferred to wait for a system designed to be compatible with their existing Microsoft products rather than undergo the trouble and expense of installing an entirely new operating system. Furthermore, Windows allowed users to avoid buying new software applications to replace the DOS-compatible programs they currently owned. Windows 1.0 was finally released in 1985. That same year Microsoft reported $140 million in revenue, including $46.6 million from overseas users.Microsoft's growth continued to be relatively smooth in spite of several challenges, in part because the fiscally conservative Gates had financed most of the company's expansion entirely from its earnings. This cautious approach to financing, however, did not reflect an unwillingness to take risks. In January 1986 Gates launched an ambitious long-term project to develop a new data storage system based on a compact disk, or CD-ROM, that could hold any type of computer file, including music and visual files. In March of that same year, he took the company public. His 40 percent ownership of Microsoft shares made his net worth $390 million by June 1986.Gates had effectively cornered the market for operating software for the vast majority of personal computers (PCs) as well as developing a wide range of other popular programs. He effectively became a billionaire in March 1987, when his company's stock rose to $90.75 per share, up from $21.50 per share when the company went public. Brian O'Reilly commented a few months later in Fortune, "[Gates] apparently has made more money than anyone else his age, ever, in any business" (October 12, 1987).Gates Switches GearsIndustry analysts had praised Gates for guiding his company on a path of growth that saw its revenue stream increasing by more than 50 percent per year in a extremely competitive, even cutthroat, market. They credited much of this success to Gates's ability to capitalize early and effectively on industry trends and his willingness to take risks on such fledgling technologies as Microsoft's CD-ROM-based software packages, which became industry standards. Furthermore, Gates had organized the company's structure so that it worked concurrently on all phases of a software product's business cycle from development to distribution. Larry Michels, an early software developer, told Mary Jo Foley of Electronic Business, "Other software vendors have modeled themselves after the hardware business. Microsoft created its own model of how to do business" (August 15, 1988).Although Gates had established himself as a visionary, he did not always hit the mark. For years he had paid little attention to the business potential of the Internet, which led him to say later that he regretted not having focused more closely on Microsoft's capabilities for e-mail and networking. In 1995, however, he did an about-face and began to redirect the company's efforts in this area. His success was measured by the fact that Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser had become the industry leader by 2000. Gates's success in developing a competitive Internet browser, as well as coming out on top of the desktop-database and office-suite wars of the 1990s, proved that he had formed a company nimble enough to jump into a market that others were developing and take the lead away from the competition.In 1998 Gates announced a new phase in Microsoft's expansion that would allow him to concentrate his energies on strategy and product development. At the same time the company funneled larger amounts of money into improving customer support and feedback. Gates planned to direct the company's work in such areas as intelligent telephones and television, as well as the integration of such new computer input techniques as speech, vision, and handwriting. Although Windows had already gone through several upgrades, Gates wanted to continue improving its ease of use and reliability. To free himself up for this work, he stepped down as president, a position he had held since 1992, but remained Microsoft's chairman and CEO.Showdown With the GovernmentMicrosoft earned $19.75 billion in revenue during the fiscal year 1999. Bill Gates had become an icon not only in the computer and business worlds but also in the eyes of the general public. His ghostwritten book The Road Ahead, which outlined his vision of the future, topped many best-seller lists for more than three months. In spite of Gates's financial and literary success, however, he found himself facing his biggest challenge yet as the 1990s came to an end.The challenge came this time from the United States government rather than from Microsoft's competitors. Gates and Microsoft had come under increasing scrutiny for unfair business practices from the time of the court case that followed Microsoft's purchase of the Q-Dos operating system from Seattle Computer in 1980. In 1993 the U.S. Justice Department began an investigation into Microsoft's contracts with other computer manufacturers that led to an agreement from Gates in 1994 to eliminate some of Microsoft's restrictions on the use of its products by other software makers. In 1997, however, the Justice Department sued Microsoft for forcing computer makers to sell its Internet browser as a condition of using the Windows system—a de facto violation of the 1994 consent decree. In December 1997 a U.S. district judge issued a preliminary injunction forcing Microsoft to temporarily stop requiring manufactures who sold Windows 95 "or any successor [program]" to install its Internet Explorer.Microsoft appealed the injunction, but the following year the Justice Department and 20 state attorneys general sued Microsoft, charging that it illegally thwarted competition to protect and extend its software monopoly. Although Microsoft won its initial appeal in 1998 to reverse the 1997 decision, Gates soon found himself being questioned for 30 hours over a three-day period in a videotaped deposition for the upcoming antitrust trial. The government finally rested its case on January 13, 1999, and the Microsoft defense team ended its case on February 26. The final oral arguments from each side were presented on September 21, 1999.After the judge presented his findings of fact on the case on November 5, Gates issued a response disagreeing with many of the findings that went against Microsoft. In a statement released to the press as reported by Court TV Online, Gates noted, "Microsoft competes vigorously and fairly. Microsoft is committed to resolving this case in a fair and a factual manner, while ensuring that the principles of consumer benefits and innovation are protected" (November 6, 1999).U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled in June 2000 that Microsoft was a monopoly which had illegally exploited the dominance of Windows, at that point installed on over 95 percent of the world's personal computers. Judge Jackson then ordered Microsoft to be broken up into several smaller companies. It was the most severe antitrust ruling since the breakup of AT&T in 1984. Jackson's decision was reversed on appeal, however, and the company received a far less severe punishment directed toward restricting some of its business practices. In spite of this relatively favorable outcome, however, Gates continued to battle competitors in American courtrooms over Microsoft's business practices. In addition, he found himself subjected to litigation in Europe, where Microsoft was once again accused of exploiting its monopoly of Windows to control other computer-related industries, including media-player and server software companies.Despite the controversy over whether Gates had created a company that used its dominance of the desktop computer system to obtain unfair control of newercomputer-related markets, Microsoft continued to prosper. Gates stepped down as CEO in 2000 but kept his position as chairman of Microsoft as well as its chief software architect. In 2004 he doubled the company's research and development budget to $6.8 billion and began pushing a new Windows personal computer operating systemcode-named Longhorn.Management Style: WorkaholicAlthough Gates was long known as a "boy wonder" in the computer and business worlds, his management style was anything but immature. As was noted in a BBC News article, "Gates has come to be known for his aggressive business tactics and confrontational style of management" (January 26, 2004). Although he was considered a charismatic leader within his own company, he was also extremely tough—he fired Microsoft's first company president after only 11 months on the job.An intense businessman who typically put in 16-hour days and took only two three-day vacations in the first five years after establishing the corporation, Gates was demanding and strong-willed about implementing his vision. Coworkers, clients, and industry analysts also remarked, however, that he did not surround himself with yes-sayers but was more than willing to change his mind if someone convinced him of a better alternative. Analysts also observed that one of the keys to Gates's success was his ability to focus on the fundamentals of the business while keeping office politics or his own ego from getting in the way. "Most of what I do is leading," Gates once said in Electronic Business. "Managing applies to the people who work directly for me" (August 15, 1988).Gates was known from the beginning of his career as the epitome of a hard-driving businessman respected by his allies and feared by his competitors. It was his vision that guided Microsoft's immense success. In addition, Gates had an uncanny ability to tackle both the managerial and technical sides of Microsoft's operations. He was especially noted for his success as a marketing strategist who priced his products for the mass market rather than computer specialists. In 1999 the Journal of Business Strategy listed Gates among a handful of people who had the greatest influence on business strategy over the last century.Gates also had his fair share of critics. In addition to accusations of predatory and possibly illegal business practices, some analysts remarked that Gates did not really foster in-house product innovation but tended to focus his attention instead on blocking advances by other companies.。
真诚待人获得成功的例子(一)真诚待人获得成功的例子1. Bill Gates•背景信息: Bill Gates是微软公司的创始人之一,也是世界上最富有的人之一。
•例子解析:在业界广泛认可的一个事实是,Bill Gates非常真诚待人。
通过与他人真诚相待,Bill Gates在业界赢得了信任和尊重,为他的人生和事业打下了坚实的基础。
2. Oprah Winfrey•背景信息: Oprah Winfrey是一位著名的美国电视主持人和企业家,被誉为“最有影响力的女人”。
•例子解析: Oprah Winfrey以真诚而闻名,她在与观众和嘉宾交流时表现出真实的情感和同理心。
3. Elon Musk•背景信息: Elon Musk是特斯拉和SpaceX等多个知名公司的创始人之一,被誉为现代科技行业的奇才。
•例子解析: Elon Musk以其真诚和直率而闻名。
4. Warren Buffett•背景信息: Warren Buffett是世界上最成功的投资者之一,也是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的董事长兼首席执行官。
•例子解析: Warren Buffett以其真诚和谦逊而备受赞誉。
5. Indra Nooyi•背景信息: Indra Nooyi是百事公司的前首席执行官,也是一位知名的企业家和女性领导者。
Bill Gates比尔盖茨"When I was 19, I caught sight of the future and based my career on what I saw. I turned out to have been right."—Bill Gates“我19岁看到了未来,并将我的所见当作我事业的基点,结果证明我是对的。
”──比尔·盖茨He's the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world—worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world. The self-described "hacker" has dominated the personal computing revolution and modernized the whole world in the process. Indeed, his classification into any other rank than this would seriously understate his impact on the world.他是当今世上最著名的商人、最有钱的富豪──1997年他的资产预计为400亿美元。
《比尔盖茨BillGates》英语作文《比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)》英语作文(通用15篇)《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇1Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. He is famous for his software for personal computers.Bill was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle in the USA. His father, William Gates, was a lawyer, while his mother ,Mary Gates,was a teacher.Bill Gates began his career in PC software at the age of 13. In 1973, he went to Harvard University, and there he developed the programming language BASIC. In 1975, he left Harvard and opened his own company Microsoft with his friend. He believed that PC are useful in the office and in every family. and he was successful at last.Bill Gates married Melinda in 1994, and now he has two children.He likes playing golf and bridge.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇2In the world of detective novels, Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly the most famous one. But for me, the greatest detective in novels is Hercule Poirot, a little Belgian who always uses his little grey cells to find the truth.I really appreciate him for various reasons, such as his having an insight into other people's psychology, his understanding on hunman nature and his being merciful. But most improtant thing is that he looks more like a real human being, compared with Holmes or other legend detectives. He has such a funny appearance, an egg-shaped head and exaggerated moustache . He enjoys delicious cuisine and focuses on his own dressing. He is always humor and likes to mock himself. he prefers to stay withyoung peole for being attracted by their vigor and energy. And there are still so many lovely features of him I can list.Anyway, I like him and appreciate him. I always get touched by the philosophy of life in his storys. Hercule Poirot is indeed my favourite detective.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇3Should Students Follow FashionsYoung university students are sensible to fashions. Some are keen on following fashions: they use mobile phones of the latest style; they wear stylish clothes; they enjoy popular music.Some people are not happy with this phenomenon. They argue that university students should focus on studies rather than on fashions. They say fashions cost so much that university students cannot afford them. Some students follow fashions crazily, for fear of losing face. Fashions have caused much trouble on campus.However, others may hold different opinions. They say fashions can drive students to work harder for a better life and broaden their horizons, which is essential for their future development.I understand those students who follow fashions, but they must be responsible and not go to extremes. If their family is poor, there is no need for them to have such luxurious hobbies.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇4Why is it so important to learn English?Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can't get?Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can't communicate with?Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth?Make big jumps in your career,leaving others miles behind?You can get all these if you speak Englishwell.English language is the international language meaning 60% of the worlds population are speaking in english.This means that we can communicate well if we do know how to speak the language.It will help you gain friends not just locally but internationally.Also it will open some doors for you to venture on other countries like UK.,USA,and the likes to spend either vacation or for studying purposes.Moreover the instructions given in some appliances,gadgets,equipments,food labels and etc were mostly written in English.So you will get better understanding of what is going on.And finally,English is one of the most frequently used languages in the world.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇5My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takesgood care of her children and keeps them all at school.I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. Shegives us every comfort.We all love her and she loves us also.My mother has too much to do in bringing us up.As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to dovery much work.She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day.She works hard, yet without complaining.She is also a thrifty, andindustrious woman.She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order.As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than shereally is.Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hardas ever.Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play.If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society." Whatpiece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in ourmind.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇6Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.I have a lot of dreams too. When I was a young girl I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future. However I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal. After graduating from college I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching I never gave up my goal.I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead but I have climbed the first rung anyway.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇7With the approach of Shanghai World Expo,what has caused the public concern is whether the local government should follow Beijing to take strict measures to restrict the use of private cars during the Olympics to solve the serious trafficproblems.Shanghai experts have voiced different opinions about it,I hold that current traffic situation should be improved.First,as more and more private cars flood into cities,city services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point.Shanghai,the host city of the Expo,has been exposed not only to the problem of increasing population,but to the problem of the overcrowded traffic.A second problem is the physical environment.The growing number of private cars,whose exhaust sends huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,makes the air of cities unbreathable.All the action the committee will adopt just reflects the theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo"Better cities,better lives".So,what’s your choice?《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇8By the light of the setting sun, without any word, Tom and I were sitting by the lake that shone like glass. Because our hearts filled with sadness, the birds seemed not to want to sing.The last three years have seen the deep friendship between Tom and me. Thinking about the days when we studied and grew up together, we couldn’t help hugging.At first, I got to know T om through playing basketball. He was fond of basketball, which left an impression on me.Unluckily, I got injured in one basketball match, which made me want to give up playing basketball. Tom encouraged me not to give up my dream of becoming a famous basketball player.He taught me how to protect myself in games, so I gradually rebuilt confidence. Finally, friendship was built in our hearts deeply.However, the three-year life at junior middle school wasgoing to be at an end. Now, we must be apart. By the light of setting sun, sadness spread in our hearts.The thing which we could do is what we would like to do. I still keep the friendship as a treasure in my mind.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇9Never think you will never be detected, when you want to tell a lie. The chances are, sooner or later, your lie witt be found out and it will then expose you to shame. Telling a lie is morally wrong. Besides, there are many disadvantages lying in the way of a liar. First, he has to have a good memory, lest he contradicts at one time what he said in another.Second, he is always annoyed by his conscience, because he is in constant fear that his falsehood may be found out. Third, a liar is never trusted and respected by others. The result may be that his words, even when he speaks the truth, are not believed. Fourth and the last, once a person has told a lie, he cannot help telling another in order to conceal the first, and then a third and a fourth, until lying becomes ahabit. After that, he may say something untrue even when he wishes to speak the truth. The disadvantages resulting from telling a lie are too many to be listed. The above are just some of the obvious ones.If you want to be free from these annoyances, if you want to be a trustworthy person, never tell a lie.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇10Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relaxafter a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. What's more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇11As we all know , honesty is of vital importance in people’s eyes .Honesty is considered to be a good virtue and dishonesty is regard as an evil.In modern society , there is a phenomenon that some teenagers take delight in telling lies、breaking the appointments each other even cheating in the exams and so on . Personally , I think dishonesty as an evil that should be looked upon.However , as a student , we are supposed to be a honest people from in all directions in diary life .Firstly , don’t speak the lies on purpose. Because of telling lies , people will never believe you even if you speak the truth as the story “the wolf is coming ” . And a liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by other people who are around you .Secondly , firmly keep yours’ word . If you make an appointment with friends , for example you will go to cinema , you should get there on time . B ut if you exactly couldn’t get there on time ,you might say sorry to them to express yours’ honesty .It is said that : Honesty is the best policy . So we should learn how to be a honesty people .《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇12“Growing Pains” seems full of know ledge and experience. So it does because all of us have growing pains and also growing gains in our lives.Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means I have to work hard in studying and in family.There’s always so much homework given by teachers an d so many arguments between the parents and me. The time is fair, but it seems it gives pains three quarters and only one quarter to gains.But gains give me power and confidence. Successes and friendship make me happy and enjoyable. We played with snow in the winter that seldom snows,we flew kites in the night that usually belongs to homework, we ate several ice creams that almost made us cold. We picked up leaven that no longer high up!《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇13Do you have any friends, class? My friend is a gardener who water over twenty small flowers every day. She is kind to us, she teaches us to be careful in our knowledge. She asked us to be honest, she see we are in trouble, don't know what to do, she always tells us: "learn self-confidence, strong and brave." This is my most trusted friend. Because my father and mother are not around, there are a lot of times I would like to talk to her, ask her for help when she is in trouble, and ask her for guidance when she has a difficult problem. Remember one time, I wrote math problem, met a difficult problem, how do I write all write not So, I went to ask her, and she taught me patiently until I learned it.This semester I as a learning committee member, it is a strange work, for I will not do, is she taught me how to do a qualified class cadres, how to do a good job in the class what is a good student, in didn't care about the class, how to serve students, how to help the students.This is my best friend, my best friend.《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇14Snow floated down, sprinkled on the earth. Fuzzy throughout the world. What a beautiful little snowflake! As sacred to give people gifts on here on earth. Warm everyone's heart. And like the noble white swan, jitter white wings, landed on earth. Light snow flowers larger, dense, sprinkled on the flowers, trees, issued a "rustling" sound, like a beautiful, beautiful song in the snow.Light snow flower more the more thick, like the countless white petals fall down and fly in the earth. Later, under the snow, the greater the light snow flower in the air you pull me pull, you hug me, I hold you tight, how close! The whole world into a white, very beautiful. As snow, gently stroking the earth, glowing through the every corner of the earth, the earth on the silver plating. This charming snowflakes, like white castle danced in the air. And as they have shed the petals, flying. The goose feather snow, warm everyone's winter, warm everyone's heart, make this better world is becoming more perfect...《比尔盖茨Bill Gates》英语作文篇15After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by Mr. Guo Jing. Write an email to express your thanks.Exactly one month ago, I was hit by a car while I was riding my bicycle along the third ring road in Beijing.Although I don’t remember what happene d due to headinjuries that occurred that day, I am told that you came to my assistance, called an ambulance, and went along to the hospital with me to make sure that I was OK. In addition to the memory loss of the day, I also had a broken rib, a broken leg, and a few broken teeth.Thanks to your kindness and bravery, the doctors were able to treat my injuries and are hopeful that I will recover fully in no time. Without your help, I may not be here today. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude.。
比尔盖茨简介英语作文Bill Gates, born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, is a renowned entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a key figure in the technology industry. He is best known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest personal computer software company.Gates' journey began with a passion for computer programming at a young age. He attended Harvard University but dropped out to pursue his dream of starting a software company with his childhood friend, Paul Allen. Their venture, Microsoft, was founded in 1975 and went on to develop the Windows operating system, which became the cornerstone of the company's success.Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft expanded its reach globally, and he became the world's youngest self-made billionaire at the age of 31. His business acumen and strategic vision transformed the way we use computers and software.However, Gates is not just a business magnate; he is also deeply committed to philanthropy. Along with his then-wife, Melinda Gates, he established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. The foundation focuses on improving global health, education, and reducing poverty, and it is one of the largest private foundations in the world.In 2008, Gates announced that he would be transitioning out of his day-to-day role at Microsoft to dedicate more time to philanthropic efforts. Since then, he has become aninfluential voice in global health and development, advocating for the importance of vaccination, sanitation, and education.Despite stepping down as Microsoft's CEO, Gates remains a technology advisor for the company. His legacy extends beyond the tech world, as he continues to inspire people with his innovative spirit and dedication to making the world a better place.In conclusion, Bill Gates is a multifaceted personality whose impact on technology, business, and philanthropy has been profound. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and those who believe in the power of technology to change the world for the better.。
bill gates的英文过去式作文
bill gates的英文过去式作文Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, revolutionizedthe tech industry with his innovative ideas andentrepreneurial spirit. He started his journey in the worldof technology at a young age, developing his first computer program at just 13 years old. As he grew older, Gates continued to pursue his passion for technology and soon co-founded Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen.Together, Gates and Allen built Microsoft into one of the largest and most successful technology companies in the world. They were responsible for creating groundbreaking software such as Windows and Office, which became essential tools for businesses and individuals around the globe.In the early days of Microsoft, Gates faced many challenges and setbacks. However, his determination and perseverance allowed him to overcome these obstacles andcontinue to grow his company. As Microsoft became more successful, Gates also became one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, with a net worth that reached billions of dollars.Throughout his career, Gates has been known for his philanthropic efforts, particularly through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has donated vast amounts of money to various causes, including global health, education, and poverty alleviation. Gates has used his wealth and influence to make a positive impact on the world, striving to improve the lives of people in need.In conclusion, Bill Gates' legacy as a tech pioneer and philanthropist is undeniable. His contributions to the tech industry have had a lasting impact on society, and his charitable work has inspired others to give back. Gates' story serves as a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and a passion for innovation, anything is possible.。
Bill Gates
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨(William Henry Gates,1955 年10月28日-),美国微软公司的前任董事长。首屈一指科技尖才,大慈善家、环保人、 与保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)创办微软公司,曾任微软首席执行官和首席软件设计师,持 有公司超过8%的普通股,是公司最大的个人股东。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全球亿万 富翁排行榜中,比尔·盖茨连续13年蝉联世界首富。2008年6月27日正式退休,但仍作微软 董事长保证公司的运营,并把580亿美元个人财产捐到比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会。2012年 9月19日,《福布斯》2012年美国富豪排行榜发布,比尔·盖茨第19次蝉联美国首富桂冠。 2009年,比尔·盖茨超越沃伦·巴菲特成为世界首富,是在2008年之后首次夺回了世界首 富宝座。而在2010年至2013年,均被墨西哥富豪卡洛斯·斯利姆·埃卢超越,让其成为蝉 联3年的世界首富。至今为止,比尔-盖茨以720亿美元的净资产连续第20年蝉联美国首富宝 座。
中文名 别名
威廉· 亨利· 盖茨三世 比尔· 盖茨(Bill Gates)
外文名 出生地
William Henry Gates 美国 华盛顿州 西雅图
职业 信仰
微软公司技术顾问 不可知论/无神论
出生日期 1955年10月28日
毕业院校 哈佛大学(中途退学) 代表作品 视窗软件,Windows 绰号 电脑神童、左撇子
• • • 盖茨曾就读于在西雅图的私公立小学。他发现了他在软件方面的兴趣并且在 那刻苦钻研,在13岁时开始了计算机编程一直持续了15年。 高中毕业时,获 得美国高中毕业生的最高荣誉“美国优秀学生奖学金”。 1973年,盖茨考进了哈佛大学。在哈佛的时候,盖茨和史蒂夫·鲍尔默为第 一台微型计算机–MITS Altair开发了BASIC编程语言的一个版本。 他是一个天才,13岁开始编程,并预言自己将在30岁成为百万富翁;他是一 个商业奇才,独特的眼光使他总是能准确看到IT业的未来,独特的管理手段, 使得不断壮大的微软能够保持活力;他的财富更是一个神话,39岁便成为世 界首富,并连续13年登上福布斯榜首的位置,这个神话就像夜空中耀眼的烟 花,刺痛了亿万人的眼睛。他是微软公司主席和首席软件设计师。微软公司 是为个人计算机和商业计算机提供软件、服务和Internet技术的世界范围内 的领导者。在截止于2008年,微软公司收入近620亿美元,在78个国家与地区 的雇员总数超过了91000人。
下面是小编给大家整理的比尔盖茨的英文简介,供大家参阅!比尔盖茨简介Bill Gates (Bill Gates), full name William Henry Gates III, referred to as Bill or Gates. October 28, 1955 was born in Seattle, Washington, USA, entrepreneur, software engineer, philanthropist, founder of Microsoft. Former Microsoft Chairman, CEO and Chief Software Designer.Bill Gates 13-year-old computer programming, 18-year-old Harvard University, a year later dropped out from Harvard, 1975 and friends Paul Allen founded Microsoft, Bill Gates as Microsoft's chairman, CEO and Chief software designer.Bill Gates 1995 - 20xx for 13 consecutive years to become "Forbes" global wealthy top richest, for 20 consecutive years to become "Forbes" US rich richest leader.In 20xx, Bill Gates set up Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 20xx Bill Gates announced the $ 58 billion in personal property donated to the charitable foundation, 20xx Bill Gates resigned as chairman of the post and hit Back Carlos Slim back to the world's richest man.20xx US local time on September 29, "Forbes" released the US richest 400 list shows that Microsoft founder Gates with 76 billion US dollars of net assets, the first 22 consecutive years topped the listMarch 1, 20xx, Forbes announced the latest issue of the global richest list, although Bill Gates's personal wealth than 20xx less $ 4.2 billion, but he was 75 billion US dollars of personalwealth for three consecutive years ranked Top of the list. In October 20xx, "Forbes" released "the United States 400 Rich List", Bill Gates with assets of 81 billion US dollars, the first 23 years topped the list.比尔盖茨人物经历Childhood9-year-old Bill Gates (1965) December 28, 1955, William Henry Gates III (William Henry Gates III), that is, Bill Gates's official name, was born on the west coast of Washington, Seattle, Washington The Gates grandmother to give him a small name for "Trey (Trey)", that is, playing cards in the "three" meaning. His father, William Henry Gates, is a well-known lawyer, and his dead mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, is a director of the University of Washington, a director of the banking system, and a joint international association Way International), his grandfather JW Maxwell (JW Maxwell) served as president of the National Bank. Bill and two sisters grew up together. In 1967, Gates was on sixth grade, is a student who does not want to communicate with people.Bill Gates and Allen School), this is a private school, he was the youngest student in the class, but wearing 13 yards of shoes. In 1968, Gates and his lakeside secondary school student Paul Allen (Paul Allen) using a guide to start learning Basic programming. At that time the school had a PDP-10 computer, the use of its annual budget of $ 3,000. Just a few weeks, Gates and Allen spent the budget. Soon after, the two boys signed an agreement with Computer Center (CCC). The agreement stipulates that Gates and Allen report to the CCC about the software vulnerabilities that exist in PDP-10; in return, CCC provides free time to both of them. In 1971, Gates wrote aprogram for Lakeside Middle School, which included a schedule of software. In 1972, Gates sold his first computer programming work - a timetable system, the buyer was his high school, the price was $ 4,200.18-year-old Bill Gates graduation at Lakeside Middle School In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University, Gates scored 1590 (out of 1600) in the SAT (American college entrance exam) standardized test, his academic performance is not how is it. Although Gates memory is good, but he has a lot of "smelly": often skipping, do not love bathing, in programming or playing cards when eating pizza and soda water. And with the hostel of Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) become close friends. At Harvard, Gates developed a version of the BASIC programming language for the first microcomputer, MITS Altair. In January 1975, in an issue of the popular Journal of Popular Electronics published in the month, an article from MITS introduced its Altair 8800 computer was published. Allen showed this picture of the machine to Gates. A few days later, Gates called MITS president Ed Roberts (Ed Roberts) and said that since Microsoft founder Alan (left) and Bill Gates and Alan has developed for this machine BASIC program. In fact, they did not write a line of code. On February 1, 1975, after the day and night work, Gates and Allen prepared a program that could run on the Altair 8800, sold to MITS for $ 3,000, but the corresponding royalty was $ 180,000.Founder of Microsoft November 26, 1976, Gates and Allen registered a "Microsoft" (Microsoft) trademark. They once considered the name of the company as "Allen & Gates Inc." (but Allen & Gates Inc.), but later decided to "Micro-Soft" (Note: "micro-software" English abbreviation), and the The name of the middle of the English hyphen removed. At that time Alan 23 yearsold, Gates 21 years old.Bill Gates signed January 1977, Gates dropped out of Harvard University, and then to the United States New Mexico City Albuquerque (Albuquerque) city. There he found a job for the preparation of the work for Roberts, the wage is $ 10 per hour. MITS is headquartered in Albuquerque, where Gates is also headquartered in Microsoft.28-year-old Bill Gates In 1977, Gates secretary to enter the Microsoft office building, often found that Gates himself lying on the floor to sleep. He still likes to eat pizza at the same time, while the request is very strict, and often intense debate with colleagues. "This is the most stupid idea I've ever heard of in life." On January 1, 1979, Gates moved Microsoft's headquarters to Bellevue, Washington. August 28, 1980, Gates signed a contract with IBM, agreed to IBM's PC development operating system. Then he bought the QDOS operating system for $ 50,000, renamed the product to DOS, and then authorized it to IBM. In 1982, during the first year of listing sales, Gates authorized the use of the MS-DOS operating system to 50 hardware manufacturers. November 10, 1983, Windows operating system debut debut. The product is an evolutionary version of the MS-DOS operating system and provides a graphical user interface.30-year-old Bill Gates In 1987, at a news conference in Microsoft's New York City, Manhattan, Gates met Melinda French. May 13, 1990, the day for the United States Mother's Day (Mother's Day), Gates proposed Microsoft executives retirement schedule. In 1994, under the advice of his father William Gates, Gates took out $ 94 million and founded the William Gates Foundation. April 11, 1993, in Florida to Seattle City charter, Gates to Melinda to marry him. Gates also arranged for the plane tostay in Omaha, Nebraska, and with Melinda and his friend Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett) to go shopping. January 1, 1994, Gates and Melinda wedding, wedding scene in Hawaii Lanai (Lanai) island. Gates booked all the hotel rooms on the island and all helicopters in Hawaii to prevent the outside world from disturbing their wedding.Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. April 1994, Gates for the first time to become a "connection" magazine cover characters. November 11, 1994, Gates to 30.8 million US dollars to buy Da Vinci's "Hammer manuscript" (Codex Hammer). The document is Da Vinci handwritten 72 pages of scientific manuscripts. Gates agreed to make the document public. Became the richest man July 17, 1995, Gates topped the "Forbes" global billionaire list, personal wealth of 12.9 billion US dollars, Gates was 39 years old. Microsoft's annual sales of 5.9 billion US dollars, the amount of 17,801 employees. In June 1996, Gates became the second "cover" magazine cover. The picture is Gates wrapped in bathrobes, but the picture has been processed by Photoshop software.In December 1996, Microsoft shares hit a new high, up 88%. From the book revenue, Gates annual income of up to 30 million US dollars, October 23, 20xx, according to "Forbes" magazine released real-time richest list, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, wealth of $ 73.4 billion return to the global rich T op position. February 24, 20xx, Hulun Research Institute released "20xx Hurun Global Rich List", Bill Gates wealth of 520 billion yuan reelected the world's richest man. March 21, 20xx, Forbes released data, Gates fourth year reelected the global richest list of the first (20xx), total wealth of $ 86.8 billion. Founding the Fund In 1999, Gates and his wife changed the William H. Gates Foundation to the Bill andMelinda Gates Foundation and stated that the Foundation's mission was to reduce global inequality. In November 20xx, Gates became the third "cover" magazine cover. In this issue, the "connection" revealed the Microsoft antitrust lawsuit behind the many little-known story. March 2, 20xx, Gates in Buckingham Palace, England received the Queen of England awarded the Knights of the Medal of Honor, after Rudy Giuliani (Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor) and others have received this award. Since then, Gates is eligible to add the letter "KBE" (English Empire Jazz Order) after his name. September 14, 20xx, Gates produced a "big man Napoleon" hoax video, and in a software developer conference show. In the video, Gates back to the university campus, and wearing a round neck shirt, which says "support Ballmer" words.In December 20xx, the Gates couple, Irish U2 band singer Bono (Bono) was elected as the "Time" magazine 20xx people. June 15, 20xx, Gates announced that the next two years will withdraw from Microsoft's day-to-day management. On June 26, 20xx, the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation has doubled its funding and has become the world's largest charitable foundation after receiving $ 25 billion in donations from friends Buffett. April 20, 20xx, Bill Gates was awarded the honorary title of Peking University, Peking University Guanghua School of Management also awarded him honorary title. June 7, 20xx, 50-year-old Harvard graduates Gates received Harvard University honorary doctorate 50-year-old Gates received Dr. Harvard In March 20xx, in the "Forbes" month released the global billionaire list, cover Ranking third, personal wealth of 58 billion US dollars. The first two were friends Buffett and Mexican telecommunications king Carlos Slim Helu (Carlos Slim Helu). Retirement June 27, 20xx, BillGates officially retired, but still as Microsoft's chairman to ensure the operation of the company, and 58 billion US dollars of personal property donated to Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation In his will, he announced that he had come up with 98% of the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation", which he founded with his wife and his wife, the money for the study of AIDS and malaria vaccines and for the world Poor countries to provide assistance. November 4, 20xx Bill Gates and his entourage visited China's national nuclear power technology company headquarters, the following day met with the National Energy Board, China Atomic Energy Research Institute, Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and other units responsible person, and visited the Chinese experimental fast reactor. May 16, 20xx, according to Bloomberg News billionaire index, Gates wealth of $ 72.7 billion, more than the former richest man Mexican Carlos Slim more than 550 million US dollars, to regain the world's richest title. In September 20xx, Forbes magazine published Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates for 72 billion US dollars in net assets for the 20th consecutive year reelection of the richest man in the United States.Bill Gates Challenge February 4, 20xx, Bill Gates no longer served as chairman of Microsoft, the new position for technical advisers, John Thompson took over as chairman of the post, while Microsoft appointed internal executives Satia Na Dela is the next CEO. February 26, 20xx, Hurun released the 20xx global richest list, Bill Gates to 450 billion yuan topped the list, to regain the title of the world's richest man. In April 20xx, Bill Gates called on the Chinese rich to do charity, that China lacks a systematic charity, and said the government should consider the policy of encouraging charity, such as tax relief. In June 20xx, Bill Gates metwith Vice Minister of Environmental Protection Li Ganjie in Beijing as Chairman of the US Terra Energy Company. The two sides exchanged views on nuclear safety and future development of nuclear power technology. On August 18, 20xx, Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, accepted the ice bucket challenge from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who made a clever device and used it Own head down the ice water. September 19, 20xx, Microsoft founder Bill Gates is sponsoring businesses and inventors newly developed thin, like a skin condom. September 29, 20xx (US local time), "Forbes" released the US tycoon 400 list shows that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to 81 billion US dollars of wealth, for the first 21 consecutive reelection of the US richest man, the United States Regal Bill Gates, the first-place Bill, has increased its net worth by $ 9 billion over last year, largely due to the increase in the value of Microsoft's stock and the value of investments in other areas. In September 20xx, the US political news network reported that Bill Gates with ten dollars worth of watches to see the time. January 5, 20xx, Bill Gates announced a video, the video he introduced a new machine, this machine can filter the human excrement after purification into drinking water, Gates drink also praised the water is good drink. The device will be put into trial operation in the African countries of Senegal to help the local poor people drink clean water.Bill Gates and Li Keqiang Ziguangge met with Bill Gates. March 24, 20xx, Peking University Honorary Manager, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Chairman Bill Gates and his entourage visited Peking University, opened the "The Gates to Success 2.0" and Peking University students face to face exchange tour The 比尔盖茨社会活动In 20xx, Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft Corp., announcedthat he would donate $ 3.35 billion to his charitable foundation. At this point, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has assets of $ 27 billion, plus the $ 3.3 billion donation, the total assets of the Foundation will be more than 30 billion US dollars, becoming the largest charitable foundation in the United States.In 20xx, the world's richest man, Bill Gates, celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England, announced that he would not be in politics, tens of billions of dollars of huge wealth will be donated to the community, will not be left as a legacy. In the same year, Microsoft founder Bill Gates on Wednesday in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace by Queen Elizabeth II awarded the honor jazz medal, this medal is mainly used to recognize Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries of poverty, Improve the health of the local people to make efforts.In 20xx, Berkshire Hathaway, an investment firm based in Buffett, announced that it would donate $ 30 billion worth of shares to Microsoft's chairman Bill Gates and his wife's charity foundation. Buffett has decided to pay most of the donations to the Charity Foundation for the Gates.In 20xx, Microsoft founder Gates accepted the British BBC television program "Newsnight" visit, said he will own 58 billion US dollars (452.4 billion Hong Kong dollars) of the property all donated to the charity fund Bill and Melinda Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation, will not leave their children.In January 20xx, Bill and Melinda Gates said at the Davos Forum media conference that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will provide vaccines for the world's poorest areas over the next decade Research, development and application support.。
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gate
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世(William Henry Gates III),简称比尔或盖茨。
他们的父亲,William H. Gates II,是西雅图的律师。
他的继母,Mary Gates,是学校教师,华盛顿大学的董事以及United Way International的主席。
比尔盖茨事迹英语作文英文:Bill Gates is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world. He co-founded Microsoft Corporation, which is now one of the largest software companies in the world. His success story is an inspiration to many people around the world.One of the things that I admire about Bill Gates is his determination and hard work. He dropped out of Harvard University to start Microsoft, and he worked tirelessly to make it successful. He had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve, and he never gave up until he achieved it.Another thing that I admire about Bill Gates is his philanthropy. He has donated billions of dollars to various charities and causes, including education and healthcare. He has also established the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is one of the largest charitableorganizations in the world.Overall, Bill Gates is a great example of what can be achieved through hard work, determination, and philanthropy. He has inspired many people around the world to pursuetheir dreams and make a positive impact on the world.中文:比尔盖茨是世界上最成功的企业家之一。
比尔盖茨的英文简介Bill Gates, born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington, is an American business magnate, software developer, philanthropist, and one of the most influential figures in the technology industry. He is most famously known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest personal computer software company.From an early age, Gates displayed a keen interest in computer programming. His parents recognized his talent and enrolled him in the Lakeside School, a private institution that had a computer terminal. Gates, along with his childhood friend Paul Allen, started exploring computer programming opportunities and eventually launched their first venture, Traf-O-Data, a company that created a computerized system to analyze traffic data.In 1973, Gates enrolled at Harvard University but dropped out after two years to pursue his entrepreneurial ambitions. Alongside Allen, he co-founded Microsoft in 1975, with a vision to create and sell software for personal computers. Gates had a sharp business acumen and was dedicated to developing user-friendly software that would appeal to average consumers. Their big break came in 1980 when Microsoft secured a contract to create an operating system for IBM's first personal computer.Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft flourished, becoming a dominant force in the software industry. He played a pivotal role in the development and marketing of the company's flagship product, the Microsoft Windows operating system. Windows became immensely popular, providing users with a graphical user interfacethat revolutionized the way people interacted with computers.Gates was not only a visionary but also a skilled negotiator, evident from his ability to secure strategic partnerships and acquisitions throughout his career. In 1986, Microsoft went public, making Gates an instant billionaire at the young age of 31. This financial success allowed him to focus on philanthropy and make a significant impact in various global issues.In 2000, Gates and his wife Melinda Gates established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a charitable organization aimed at improving healthcare, reducing poverty, and expanding educational opportunities around the world. The foundation has made substantial contributions to global health initiatives, including the eradication of polio, and has committed billions of dollars to support research and development in various fields.In addition to his philanthropic work, Gates is also known for his strong advocacy for public health and education. He has been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of vaccinations and has been actively involved in initiatives to improve education systems.Despite stepping down as Microsoft's CEO in 2000, Gates remains one of the world's wealthiest individuals and continues to contribute to the development of technology and society. He devotes much of his time to the Gates Foundation, working towards achieving its ambitious goals.Bill Gates' impact on the technology industry cannot beunderstated. His entrepreneurial spirit, technical innovations, and commitment to philanthropy have positioned him as one of the most influential figures of our time. With his remarkable achievements and dedication to improving the lives of others, Gates' legacy will continue to inspire future generations.另外,比尔·盖茨在技术行业的影响力不仅仅局限于创立Microsoft这一点。
比尔盖茨微软的创业故事与全球科技产业的变革比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)是世界知名的企业家和慈善家,他的创业故事影响了全球科技产业的变革。
初中英语课文比尔盖茨Bill Gates is a well-known American entrepreneur, businessman, and philanthropist. He co-founded Microsoft, one of the world's largest technology companies. Gates is recognized for his contribution to the personal computer revolution and his entrepreneurial skills.Born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, Bill Gates developed an early interest in computer programming during his school days. Along with his childhood friend Paul Allen, he started a company called Traf-O-Data, which analyzed traffic data using computer technology. This experience laid the foundation for Gates' future endeavors.In 1975, Gates and Allen began developing software for personal computers, which led to the creation of Microsoft. Their breakthrough came in 1980 when they secured a contract to develop an operating system for IBM's new line of personalcomputers. This operating system, called MS-DOS, became a great success and laid the groundwork for Microsoft's dominance in the software industry.Microsoft continued to innovate and release new products. In 1985, they launched Windows, a graphical operating system that revolutionized the computer industry. It became the most widely used operating system in the world, providing a user-friendly interface for millions of users.With the success of Microsoft, Bill Gates became one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. However, he decided to dedicate his time and resources to philanthropy. In 2000, Gates and his then-wife, Melinda, established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aimed at enhancing healthcare and reducing poverty globally.The foundation has made significant contributions to education, public health, and access to technology in developing countries. It focuses on improving globalhealthcare, eradicating diseases like polio, and supporting initiatives for sustainable development.Bill Gates is also known for his interest in climate change. Through the Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund, he invests in clean energy technologies to combat environmental challenges.In conclusion, Bill Gates is a prominent figure in the technology industry. His entrepreneurial spirit and innovation have shaped the way we use computers today. Moreover, his commitment to philanthropy and global issues showcases his dedication to making a positive impact on the world.。
盖茨的成功英语作文Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world. Heis known for his innovative ideas, business acumen, and philanthropy. His journey to success is an inspiration for millions of people around the world.Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955. He showed his interest in computers from an early age and started programming at the age of 13. In 1973, he enrolled at Harvard University, but he dropped out after two years to start his own company. In 1975, he founded Microsoft Corporation with his childhood friend, Paul Allen. They started by developing software for personal computers, and their first product was the Altair BASIC.In the early days, the company faced many challenges, but Gates was determined to succeed. He worked long hours and was constantly looking for new opportunities. He was a visionary who saw the potential of personal computers longbefore others did. He believed that computers would become an integral part of our lives, and he was right.Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft became the dominant player in the computer industry. The company's operating system, Windows, became the standard for personal computers, and its software products, such as Word and Excel, became household names. Gates' ability to anticipate market trends and his willingness to take risks were key factors in the company's success.Gates' success did not come without criticism.Microsoft faced antitrust lawsuits, and Gates was accusedof using his dominant position in the industry to stifle competition. However, Gates remained focused on his vision and continued to innovate. He stepped down as CEO of Microsoft in 2000 to focus on his philanthropic work.Gates is also known for his philanthropy. He and his wife, Melinda, founded the Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation in 2000, which is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world. The foundation focuses onimproving global health and reducing poverty, and it has donated billions of dollars to various causes.In conclusion, Bill Gates is a true inspiration for entrepreneurs and innovators around the world. His vision, determination, and willingness to take risks have made him one of the most successful businessmen in history. His philanthropic work is also a testament to his commitment to making the world a better place.。
初二英文比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)英语作文
比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)英语作文BillGatesisoneoftherichestpeopleintheworld。
1973年他进了哈弗大学,在那里他设计了Basic 程序语言。
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• Television is NOT real life. In real life people
actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
• .If you mess up, it‘s not your parents’ fault, so
Bill Gates (1955–) Cofounder and chairman, Microsoft Corporation
Born: October 28, 1955, in Seattle,ion: Attended Harvard University, 1973–1975.
personage introduction ——Bill Gates
制作人:机本123班 徐兵,许江,杜金刚, 刘蓬飞,刘显骥,沈文俊
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's wealthiest men.
生活不分学期。你并没有暑假可以休息,也没有几位雇主乐于帮你发现自我。 自己找时间做吧。
Thank you
don‘t whine about our mistakes, learn from them.
如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取 教训。
• .Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get
summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.
Gates grew up in a prosperous area of Seattle, Washington, with his parents and two sisters. It was at Lakeside that he first became interested in the relatively new field of computer programming, met his friend and future business partner Paul Allen, and developed his first computer software program at the age of 13.
William Henry Gates III cofounded the Microsoft Corporation in 1975, built his software company into
the one of the most
successful businesses in the world, and established himself in the process as the world's richest man.
• Life is not fair, get used to it.
• If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you
get a boss. He doesn‘t have tenure.