


盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩 子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而
Cover 茨 house
Bill the ·cover 茨 famous saying
Cover 茨 , January 1st and Melinda French Gates got married in 1994, they had a kid Jennifer Katharine Gates, being born in
1996.Cover the 茨 is a studying fan, and likes to play the golf and game of bridge very much.
(8)You of the school may not divide excellent grade to living to living with inferior grade, but this and reality the life have no likeness of place;
. This world will not care you before you have results to show of self-respect
of calculator language in the Dartmouth college development. 1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级,在那里他与Steve Ballmer住在同一楼层,后者 目前是微软公司总裁。在哈佛期间,盖茨为第一台微型计算机-MITSAltair开发了

Bill Gates英语教学

Bill Gates英语教学


身高:183cm 体重:78kg 绰号:电脑神童 左撇子 爱好:乒乓球、围棋

观念:二十一世纪,电脑和因特网 会使各地财富和权利分配更加平均。


管理:“螺旋桨头脑”和“达尔文 式管理”是运作微软最有效的手段。 数椐神经系统是未来管理的必然模 式。 电子邮箱:askbill@


赵宁 身份:非常在线 CEO
简介:1983年生,曾签约 为 和 的特约撰稿人, 2000年注册 ,网站 正式命名:中关村男孩。 2003年休学创业。
上榜理由:成立非常在线, 做IT专业硬件。2004年, 实现单月盈利。目前,身 价上亿。
About Bill Gates William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington) is an American entrepreneur and the co-founder, chairman, former chief software architect, and former chief executive officer of Microsoft, the world's leading software company.

李想 身份:泡泡网CEO
简介:1981年生,河北石家 庄人,高中学历。 1999 年创 业,首席执行 官 上榜理由:从最初的个人网 站到成立PCPOP,李想只用 了两年。从最初几千元的进 账到一亿以上的身价,也不 过短短四年。如今,泡泡网 年营收入近两千万,利润一 千万。取20倍的市盈率,市 场价值2亿。



I Believe I can fly
1生活是不公平的,要去适应它。命运 掌握在自己手中。 2高中毕业别指望拥有太多。成功不会 自动降临,成功来自积极的努力,要分 解目标,循序渐进,坚持到底。 3你的学校可能不分优劣,但是这与现 实生活没有任何相似之处。机遇是一种 巨大的财富,机遇往往就那么一次,也 许你没有机会但可以创造。
2013-6-21 20
早在创立自己的基金会之前,盖茨就 非常喜欢旅行,图为1995年他访问中国的情景。
1996年盖茨与美国前总统克林顿在一起, 微软在个人电脑市场占据优势地位后, 盖茨成了科技界明星人物。
2013-6-21 22
1997年,盖茨与老对手史蒂夫· 乔布斯(Steve Jobs)“一笑泯恩仇”,并结束了与苹果长时间的争 执。
2013-6-21 29
2013-6-21 30
2013-6-21 31
微软董事长比尔· 盖茨(Bill Gates), 净资产400亿美元(2008年底统计)
2013-6-21 32
微软董事长比尔· 盖茨(Bill Gates), 净资产400亿美元(2008年底统计)
今天他是我们的榜样,是我们纷纷 效仿的楷模. 而小时侯的他是一名调皮的天才, 他梦想统治软件业~~~~~ 他就是
Bill Gates
2013-6-21 1
比尔· 盖茨
受金融危机的影响,2009年度上榜的亿万富 豪人数从上年的1125名下降至793名,这是 自2003年以来上榜富豪人数首次出现下降。 上榜亿万富豪们的财富总额也出现大幅缩水, 比尔· 盖茨因为财富缩水较少,以400亿美元 身价重登全球富豪榜榜首。

Bill GatesPPT优选课件

Bill GatesPPT优选课件
Lesson Ninety
Wujin Yuncun Middle School
Who is faster?
56×65 = 3640
What makes it easier to work out the maths problem?
Who makes it easier for people to use computers?
• a book called … • solve business problems • in new ways • one of the best-sellers • marry sb. = get married with… • enjoy reading • enjoy playing golf and bridge
for the first microcomputer • in his third year • work for a company (called
Microsoft ) • a very important tool • improve the software • make it easier for sb. to do
• In 1975:__l_ef_t_H__a_rv_a_r_d__, _b_eg_a_n__a_c_o_m__p_a_n_y_c_a_ll_e_d_M__i_cr_o_soft.
Speed of Thought
Read and Answer:
1. What did Bill Gates want to be when he was a boy?

Bill Gates英语课件

Bill Gates英语课件

• 2、stem from 源于,来自
• 例句: • Their hatred stem from envy. • 他们的仇恨来自妒忌。
• 3、in high gear 全力以赴
• 例句 • It's on season and my business is in high gear. • 旺季来了,我的生意正在全力进行。
3、punctual 准时的 、
• 例句: 例句:
• A clerk who worked very hard and was usually very punctual arrived at his office • 一天上午,一位工作非常努力、总是准时 一天上午,一位工作非常努力、 上班的职员到达办公室。 上班的职员到达办公室。
• 4、on the subject of 谈到 关于
• 例句: • On the subject of society he is a different animal. • 但在社会问题上他是一个持不同观点的人
• 5、bat out 匆匆作出;草草作完
• 例句:I have to bat out a term paper before class. • 我必须在上课前匆匆写出一篇学期论文。
7 8
A psychogist
9 10 11 12
Phrases and Expressions
• 1、without doubt:无疑的 • 例句:
• Now without doubt this is a dubious theory of classical anthropology. • 现在毫无疑问这是一个关于古典人类学的可疑学说。



<< BILL GATES>> 说课材料张奕一.说教材1.教材的地位和作用BILL GATES是Unit 14 famous People 的第二课,为阅读新授课。

它上承接对话课中表达Make an appointment 约见医生的日常交际用语,下呈现语法课里结果状语从句的感知材料,是完成听说读写综合训练的载体。

和前一个单SUCCESS 材料可以紧密结合,是其主题上的延续,内容上的提升。

通过学习本课让学生了解BILL GATES 这位成功人士的经历,激发学生的学习动力,并正确引导培养学生正确的人生观,价值观和金钱观。


深入钻研《高中英语新课程标准》和《新教材编写指导思想》,侧重培养阅读能力在本单元以及高一起始阶段乃至整个高中英语教学中都十分重要, 所以本课在整体英语教学中起了重要作用。

2.教学的重点和难点根据《新课程标准》和《英语基本版》指导思想和本课在教材中所处的地位和作用,确定如下重点,难点:(1)重点:帮助学生学会主动获取有效的语言信息,加强对篇章整体理解并掌握BILL GATES 一文基本结构,通过学习提高用英语获取信息,处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而进一步提高学生英语思维能力。


(2)难点:在掌握BILL GATES 一文的主题和脉络之后,如何开展有效的拓展式的主题讨论,积极开展任务型的各种语言实践活动。






4.世界首富 4.世界首富
2007年 月份的《福布斯》 2007年3月份的《福布斯》杂志再次将比尔盖茨评 为全球最富有的人,这是他连续13年获得这一称号。 13年获得这一称号 为全球最富有的人,这是他连续13年获得这一称号。
比尔·盖茨 比尔 盖茨
• 社交:不愿主动与人接触,但在压 社交:不愿主动与人接触, 抑状态下极易高谈阔论 • 情绪:突发性的惊慌愤怒 情绪: • 观念:二十一世纪,电脑和因特网 观念:二十一世纪, 会使各地财富和权利分配更 加平均。 加平均。 • 管理:“螺旋桨头脑”和“达尔文式管 管理: 螺旋桨头脑” 是运作微软最有效的手段, 理”是运作微软最有效的手段, 数椐神经系统是未来管理的必 然模式。 然模式。
微软董事长比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates), 微软董事长比尔 盖茨(Bill Gates),净资 盖茨 400亿美元 2008年底统计 亿美元( 年底统计) 产400亿美元(2008年底统计)
2011-12-22 2011-12-22 46 46
2..巨大影响 2..巨大影响
在IT软件行业流传着这样一句告戒:“永 远不要去做微软想做的事情”。可见,微软的 巨大潜力已经渗透到了软件界的方方面面, 简直是无孔不入,而且是所向披靡。
1986年 微软正式上市。 1986年3月3日,微软正式上市。从左至右分别为微 CFO弗兰克 高迪特、谢利、高盛的麦尔克·罗姆及 弗兰克·高迪特 软CFO弗兰克 高迪特、谢利、高盛的麦尔克 罗姆及 盖茨。 盖茨。



《BILL GATES比尔盖茨》与“男子汉教育”崇明县大同中学王俊书【案例背景】当前初级中学的男、女生之间的能力差距已经越来越大了,培养优秀的男生,缩小男女生之间的能力的差距,已经迫在眉捷。


在进行《BILL GATES》这一课的课文教学时,我终于找到了机会。

在经过认真构思和反复酝酿后,我是这样开展我的德育融入教学的.【教育过程】在教学《BILL GATES》这一课的课文时,有这样一句话,as a junior high school student ,Bill always took care of his two sisters instead of his father. 教学中我首先把这个问题抛给男生来回答,3个男生回答同一个意思,Bill和他姐姐们的关系很好,他很会关心人等。












Bill Gates was born in the west coast of the U.S. state of Washington Seattle a family, who had enrolled in public elementary School in Seattle and private lake high School (Lakeside School). The lake in middle school gates met than his high two grade Paul Allen, he found his interest in software and at that assiduously, in the age of 13 began computer programming lasts for 15 years. When I graduated from high school, high school graduates to get the highest honor the "American excellent students scholarship". In 1973, got into the gates at Harvard University. At harvard, he is not the teacher that good students, since, he had put their energy on the computer. He is in the eyes of students "weirdo", and finally the gates for the first computer-MITS Altair developed the BASIC programming language a version. In the university three grade, gates left harvard and all his energies to his childhood friends with Paul Allen in 1975 created in Microsoft. After hard efforts, 39, he finally become the richest man in the world, and for 13 years on Forbes first place, he is Microsoft chairman and chief software architect. Microsoft is for a personal computer and business computer software,services and provide Internet technology in the scope of world leaders.What makes he has now wealth?Bill Gates was born in October 28th in 1955. He was interested in software when he was only 13 years old. He entered Harvard University in 1973. But in accordance with his teachers, he was not a positive student because he was always sleeping in class. He didn’t care what others think about him. He just worked on computer assiduously and finally, at the age of 19, he and his friend, Paul Allen wrote an interpreter for the programming language used by MITS Altair, the first commercially available personal computer. At that time, H Edward Roberts, the PC Pioneer, invited Gates to his own company, while Gates was still studying in Harvard University. However, Gates began to think about his future. He must consider that he went on his school work that he didn’t like in Harvard University or gave up his studies to devote himself to his favorite computer. At last, even though he was under pressure from his parents and teachers, he still decided to drop out.In my opinion, the most essential thing that made him success is his courage. Getting the diploma of Harvard University is the dream that every student all over the world has. However, Gates chose to give it up and confronted the challenges that would appear in the future. How brave he is! In daily life, how many people have dreams in their hearts, but because of their timidness, they prefer to give up? In fact, they also want their dreams can come true with their effort. However, they are afraid of failing. As far as they are concerned, if they are failed, people around them will laugh at them and they will have no courage to stand up. So they prefer to keep a simple life as before rather than accept the challenges. But Gates didn’t think so. He had the courage to face the difficult in his life. If he gave up his computer and continued his school work in Harvard University, he would just be a lawyer and earn a little money every month. But now he is the most famous businessman and the richest man inworld---worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. Thus, his courage made his success. Without his courage, he wouldn’t be famous like nowadays.He was the chairman and CEO of the software company Microsoft before 2006. Now he has already retired and devotes himself to charities. He said that he would like to contribute all his property to a charitable institution named “Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation”. He wanted to help China with his property and planed to attend the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. He donated all his money, about 58 billion, in June 22nd, 2008. In 2010, he also declared that he would like to donate $10 billion to provide the vaccine’s research.In my opinion, Bill Gates is not only a successful businessman, but also a warm-hearted philanthropist. He uses his courage to light this world.。

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Instead, he will contribute most of his property to building more schools and doing other useful things. • 相反,他将会贡献出大多数的财产去建造更多的 学校和做一些其他意义的事情。
• contribute… to 贡献…给… 贡献…去做 • 中国为世界文明贡献了四大发明。 • China contributed four inventions to the world civilization. • 他贡献了很多钱去帮助穷孩子。 • He contributed a lot of money to helping poor children.
2. Complete the following sentences according the Chinese meaning.
• 1. 从那时起,他变成了我的好朋友。 • _____________, From then on he became my good friend. • 2. 是你做出最后的决定的时候了。 make the final decision • It is the time for you to_____________________. • 3. 在这次活动中,你应该起带头作用。 • You should____________ take the lead in this activity. • 4. 我父母对我很严格。 are very strict with me. • My parents__________________
• 他将自己的一生奉献给了促进(promote)世界和平。 • He devoted his whole life to (promoting) world peace.
However, he is still the richest man in the world, and many people show great interest in his story. • 然而,他仍然是世界上最富有的人,并且很多人 对他的故事表现出很大的兴趣。 • show interest in 对…表现出兴趣
5. 我们都应该为我们的人生确立一个目标。 set a goal for our life. We all should__________ 6. 请注意我所将要说的内容。 pay attention to what I will say. Please_______________ 7. 他们加快了生产速度。 speeded up production. They have__________ 8. 孩子们累了所以他们落后了。 lagged behind Children are tired so they_______________.
• • • • • • be interested in 对…感兴趣 小明对(学习)英语感兴趣。 Xiao Ming is interested in (learning) English. give up 放弃 他让座给一位老人。 He gave up his seat to an old man.
1. Guess the meaning of the following words • 1. legend n. 传奇人物 传奇 • 2. position n. 工作职位,位置 n. 基础 • 3. foundation n. 事业 职业 • 4. career n. 决定 • 5. decision vt. 是专心 使陷入 • 6. immerse • 7. grant vt. 承认某事为真 adj. 严厉的, 严格的,严密的 • 8. strict vt.宣布 • 9. announce n 改进 提高 • 10. improvement
1. Read the passage again Find out some detail massage to do the following true or false questions. 2. Think about the general meaning of each paragraph.
• 5. Bill Gates lead a very comfortable and luxurious life, his clothes and car are famous brand. F • 6. Bill Gates will leave all his money to himself. F • 7. It is said that in college, 70% of the students take Bill Gates as their idol. Many of them set the same goal—to be the Chinese Bill Gates! T • 8. As the richest man in the world, Bill Gates paid more attention to wealth than knowledge. F
• 小明对(学习)英语表现出兴趣。 • Xiao Ming shows interest in ( learning) English.
But one year later, he was so interested in computer that he made a big decision— giving up college study. • 但是一年以后,他对计算机是如此的感兴趣以自 娱他做出来一个重大决定——放弃大学学习。
What can we learn from Bill Gates?
1.Be strict with yourself. 2. Attitude to money. 3. Attitude to Knowledge.
What kind of people can be our idols?
• 1. He/ she may be famous or common, successful or normal but must be harmful to society. • 2. His/ her something is worth learning from. And you can learn from.
As a very rich man, it is often taken for granted that he must lead a very comfortable and luxurious life. • 作为一个富有的人,人们理所应当的认为他一定 过着一种舒服奢华的生活。 • take … for granted 认为真实;视为当然 • 我理所当然的认为她结婚了。 • I just took it for granted that you were married. • live a … life 过着…的生活 • 这对老夫妇过着简单的生活。 • This old couple are living a simple life.
1. Do translation B on your Exercises book. 2. Talk about your idol to us.
It is said that in college, 70% of the students take Bill Gates as their idol. • 据说在大学里,70%的学生把比尔盖茨作 为他们的偶像。 • take sb./sth. as idol= Make an idol of…把… 作为偶像 • 许多男孩子把姚明作为自己的偶像。 • Many boys take Yao Ming as their idol. • 不要崇拜金钱。 • Don’t make an idol of money.
• 1. Bill Gates is still in the position of Microsoft chairman, and has no time to care new study of software. F • 2. Bill was born in a family with a rich history in business, politics, and community service. T • 3. Bill Gates began his college life in Harvard and he finish his college study. F • 4. At the beginning, Bill and his friends make software for other company. T
Unit 1
Text A
What do you know about Bill Gates?
very rich
chairman of Microsoft
computer wizard Harvard University didn't finish
Listen and read
•Listen carefully and pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and stress.
1. Bill Gates’ present condition. 2. Bill’s family and childhood. 3. Bill’s history of success. 4. Bill’s attitude about wealth. 5. Bill Gates and China. 6. Bill’ attitude about knowledge.
Fast Reading
Find out the following expressions in the passage.