

2017-2018学年上海交大附中高一(下)期末化学试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年上海交大附中高一(下)期末化学试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年上海交大附中高一(下)期末化学试卷一、单选题(每小题只有一个正确答案)1.下列物质中,属于电解质的是()A.Cl2B.NaNO3C.SO2D.硫酸溶液2.区分强弱电解质的标准是()A.在水中的溶解度B.溶液的导电能力C.在水中的电离程度D.化学键的类型3.下列属于氮的固定的是()A.N2和H2在Pt作用下反应生成NH3B.NH4Cl和Ca(OH)2反应生成NH3C.NO2和水制硝酸D.由NH3制氮肥4.在25℃水中加入下列物质,不会使水的电离平衡发生移动的是()A.KI B.浓氨水C.冰醋酸D.热水5.下列反应既利用了浓硫酸的强氧化性,又利用了浓硫酸的酸性的是()A.碳与浓硫酸加热B.浓硫酸与NaCl固体加热C.浓硫酸中加入铜片D.蔗糖与浓硫酸混合后炭化发黑6.在2L密闭容器中,发生如下反应:3A(g)+B(g)→C(g)+D(g),若开始时加入的A和B 都是4mol,在前10s内A的平均速率为0.12mol/(L•s),则10s时容器内B的物质的量为()A.3.2mol B.2.4mol C.0.8mol D.0.4mol7.有一可逆反应为A(g)⇌B(g),下列各项中,能证明已达到平衡的是()A.c(A)=c(B)B.压强不再发生变化C.A与B的体积分数不再发生变化D.A的消耗速率等于B的生成速率8.25℃时,在浓度均为1mol/L的(NH4)2SO4、(NH4)2CO3、(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2、三种溶液中,若测得其中c(NH4+)分别为a、b、c(单位为mol/L),则下列判断正确的是()A.a=b=c B.b>a>c C.c>a>b D.a>c>b9.在无色透明的强酸性溶液中,能大量共存的离子组是()A.K+、Na+、NO3﹣、MnO4﹣B.Mg2+、Na+、Cl﹣、SO42﹣C.K+、Cu2+、Br﹣、S2﹣D.NH4+、Al3+、I﹣、NO3﹣10.如图是电解CuCl2溶液的装置,其中c、d为石墨电极.则下列有关判断正确的是()A.a为正极、b为负极B.d为阳极,c为阴极C.电解过程中,氯离子浓度不变D.电解过程中,d电极质量增加11.在一定条件下,将70ml硫化氢气体和90ml氧气混合,点燃并使其反应,再恢复到原来的条件,则生成的SO2气体的体积为()A.70mL B.60mL C.50mL D.55mL12.使用单质铜制取硝酸铜,最适宜的方法是:()A.Cu+稀HNO3B.Cu CuO Cu(NO3)2C.Cu+浓HNO3D.Cu CuCl2Cu(NO3)213.可逆反应aX(g)+b Y(g)⇌cZ(g)在一定温度下的一密闭容器内达到平衡后,t0时改变某一外界条件,化学反应速率(u)一时间(t)图象如图.则下列说法中正确的是()A.若a+b=c,则t0时只能是增大了容器的压强B.若a+b=c,则t0时只能是加入了催化剂C.若a+b≠c,则t0时只能是增大了容器的压强D.若a+b≠c,则t0时只能是加入了催化剂14.下列各组数据关系中,前者比后者的大是()A.纯水100℃和25℃的pH值B.Na2CO3溶液中HCO3﹣和OH﹣数目C.100mL0.1mol/L的CH3COOH溶液与10mL1.0mol/L的CH3COOH溶液中H+数目D.同温下pH=11的KOH与pH=3的CH3COOH溶液中由水电离出的OH﹣离子浓度15.在工业生产硫酸的过程中,发生如下反应:2SO2(g)+O2(g)⇌2SO3(g)+Q,下列叙述中,不正确的是()A.矿石粉碎的目的是使原料充分利用,并增大接触面使反应速率加快B.接触室中采用常压的主要原因是常压下SO2的转化率已经很高C.沸腾炉中出来的混合气需要洗涤,目的是防止催化剂中毒D.接触室采用450℃的温度是使催化剂活性最佳,提高平衡混和气中SO3的含量16.实验室可用如图装置(启普发生器)制取氢气.欲使得到氢气的速率加快,下列措施可行的是()A.将稀硫酸改用浓硫酸B.向稀硫酸中加入少量浓H2SO4C.向稀硫酸中加入Cu(NO3)2溶液D.给装置中发生反应的部分加热17.室温下xL pH=a的盐酸溶液和yL pH=b的电离度为α的氨水恰好完全中和,则的值为()A.1 B.C.D.二、多选题(每小题有1~2个正确答案)18.对气体反应:mA(g)+nB(g)⇌eC(g)温度(T)、压强(P)、时间(t)与生成物的体积百分数C%的关系图,下列结论正确的是:()A.正反应是吸热反应B.m+n<eC.逆反应是放热反应D.m+n>e19.下列离子方程式中正确的是()A.少量SO2通入NaOH溶液中:OH﹣+SO2→HSO3﹣B.H2S通入氯水中:S2﹣+Cl2→S↓+2Cl﹣C.二氧化氮溶于水:3NO2+H2O→2H++2NO3﹣+NO↑D.少量NaHSO4与过量Ba(OH)2溶液反应:2H++SO42﹣+Ba2++2OH﹣→BaSO4↓+2H2O20.pH值等于2的两种酸溶液A和B,分别加水稀释1000倍,其pH值与所加水的体积变化趋势示意图如图所示,则下列结论正确的是:()A.等体积pH=2的两种酸中和NaOH的能力酸A比酸B强B.A为弱酸,B为强酸C.酸B的摩尔浓度比酸A大D.A比B易电离21.用惰性电极电解下列溶液,电解一段时间后,电解质溶液的pH上升的是()A.饱和NaCl溶液 B.AgNO3C.CuCl2D.饱和NaOH溶液22.常温下,某CH3COONa与CH3COOH的混合溶液的pH=7,则下列离子浓度之间的关系错误的是()A.c(Na+)>c(CH3COO﹣)B.c(Na+)+c(H+)=c(OH﹣)+c(CH3COO﹣)C.c(Na+)<c(CH3COO﹣)D.c(Na+)<c(CH3COO﹣)+c(OH﹣)三、填空题23.NH4+、NO3﹣、HSO4﹣、HCO3﹣、CO32﹣、HCl等微粒中,在水溶液里能电离而不能水解的有;能水解而不能电离的有;既能水解又能电离的有;既不能水解又不能电离的有.写出其中既能水解又能电离的微粒的电离方程式及水解方程式,.24.有三溶液:a.Ba(OH)2,b.NaOH,c.NH3•H2O(1)pH值相等时,三种溶液浓度由大到小的顺序为(2)物质的量浓度相等时,pH值由大到小的顺序为(3)pH=11时,各100mL与同浓度的HCl中和,消耗HCl体积由多到少的顺序为(4)浓度相等时,各100mL与同浓度HCl中和,消耗HCl体积由多到少的顺序为.25.在一容积为2L的密闭容器中,高温下发生下列反应:C(s)+H2O(g)CO(g)+H2(g),其中H2O、CO的物质的量(mol)随时间(min)的变化曲线如图所示:(1)该反应的化学平衡常数表述式为(2)计算1min内υ(CO)=(3)反应处于平衡状态的时间区间是(4)若反应进行到2min时,改变了温度,使曲线发生如右图所示的变化,则温度为(选填“升高”或“降低”)逆反应是(选填“吸”或“放”)热反应.(5)反应至5min时,若也只改变了某一个条件,使曲线发生如图所示变化,该条件可能是下述中的.A.增加了C B.增加了水蒸气C.降低了温度D.增加了压强.四、实验题26.实验室配制500mL 0.1mol/L Na2CO3溶液,回答下列问题:(1)应用托盘天平称取石碱晶体(十水碳酸钠)g;(2)配制Na2CO3溶液时需要使用的主要仪器有托盘天平、烧杯、钥匙、、、(3)若实验遇到下列情况,溶液的浓度是偏高,偏低还是不变?①加水时超过刻度线,再用滴管吸出直至刻度线;②忘记将洗涤液加入容量瓶;偏低③容量瓶内壁附有水珠而未干燥处理;④定容后摇匀,液面低于刻度线.27.资料显示:“氨气可在纯氧中安静燃烧…“,某校化学小组学生设计如下装置(图中铁夹等夹持装置已略去)进行氨气与氧气在不同条件下反应的实验.(1)用装置A制取纯净、干燥的氨气,大试管内碳酸盐的化学式是;碱石灰的作用是.(2)将产生的氨气与过量的氧气通到装置B(催化剂为铂石棉)中,用酒精喷灯加热:①氨催化氧化的化学方程式是,试管内气体变为红棕色,该反应的化学方程式是②停止反应后,立即关闭B中两个活塞.一段时间后,将试管浸入冰水中.试管内气体颜色变浅,请结合化学方程式说明原因(3)将过量的氧气与A产生的氨气分别从a、b两管进气口通人到装置C中,并在b管上端点燃氨气,两气体通入的先后顺序是,其理由是.五、计算题28.含有SiO2的黄铁矿(FeS2)试样1 克,在O2中充分灼烧后残余固体为0.76 克,则该黄铁矿的纯度为%(SiO2不反应);(2)用这种黄铁矿100 吨可制得98%的浓硫酸吨.(设工业生产中有2%的硫损失)不要求计算过程.29.有一硫酸和硝酸的混合溶液,取出20mL,加入足量BaCl2溶液,经过滤、洗涤、烘干后得沉淀9.32g;滤液与4mol/L的苛性钠溶液35mL恰好完全中和.试求:(1)原混合溶液中硫酸和硝酸的物质的量浓度.(2)另取10mL原溶液,加入0.96g铜粉共热,生成一氧化氮的体积为多少?(S.T.P.)(3)另取10mL原溶液,加入1.92g铜粉共热,生成一氧化氮的体积为多少?(S.T.P.)(4)向(3)反应后的溶液中加入多少毫升1mol/L硫酸就能将1.92g铜恰好完全溶解?2017-2018学年上海交大附中高一(下)期末化学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、单选题(每小题只有一个正确答案)1.下列物质中,属于电解质的是()A.Cl2B.NaNO3C.SO2D.硫酸溶液考点:电解质与非电解质.专题:电离平衡与溶液的pH专题.分析:电解质是在水溶液中或熔融状态下能导电的化合物,非电解质是在水溶液中和熔融状态下都不能导电的化合物,无论电解质还是非电解质都必须是化合物.解答:解:A、氯气是单质不是化合物,所以氯气既不属于电解质也不属于非电解质,故A错误;B、NaNO3是在水溶液中或熔融状态下均能导电的化合物,属于电解质,故B正确;C、二氧化硫和水反应生成亚硫酸,亚硫酸能电离出自由移动的阴阳离子,所以二氧化硫的水溶液导电,但电离出离子的物质是亚硫酸不是二氧化硫,所以二氧化硫是非电解质,故C错误;D、硫酸溶液是混合物不是化合物,所以不是电解质,故D错误;故选B.点评:本题考查了电解质的概念,难度不大,注意电解质本身不一定导电,导电的不一定是电解质.2.区分强弱电解质的标准是()A.在水中的溶解度B.溶液的导电能力C.在水中的电离程度D.化学键的类型考点:强电解质和弱电解质的概念.分析:电解质必须是化合物,强电解质是在水溶液中或熔融状态下,能完全电离的电解质.包括强酸、强碱、活泼金属氧化物和大部分盐,弱电解质是在水溶液中不能完全电离的电解质,包括弱酸、弱碱、水等;根据定义即可解答.解答:解:A.强电解质和弱电解质的区分与溶解度无关,如:乙酸是化合物,在水中与水以任意比互溶,在水中只有部分电离,属于弱电解质,硫酸钡属于强电解质,但在水中难溶,而氯化钠属于强电解质,但在水中易溶,故A错误;B.水溶液的导电能力与溶液中的离子浓度有关,离子浓度大导电能力强,与电解质的强弱无关,如硫酸钡属于强电解质,但在水溶液中很难溶解,其溶液导电能力弱,而氯化氢是强电解质,其水溶液导电能力强,故B错误;C.强电解质是指:在水溶液中或熔融状态下,能够完全电离的化合物.即溶于水的部分或者熔融状态时,可以完全变成阴阳离子的化合物,故C正确;D.电解质强弱与化学键类型无关,故D错误,故选C.点评:本题考查了强弱电解质的判断,注意强弱电解质与导电能力、溶解度之间的关系,难度不大,抓住强电解质的定义中的关键词“完全电离”是解题的关键.3.下列属于氮的固定的是()A.N2和H2在Pt作用下反应生成NH3B.NH4Cl和Ca(OH)2反应生成NH3C.NO2和水制硝酸D.由NH3制氮肥考点:氮的固定.分析:氮的固定是指:将空气中游离态的氮转化为含氮化合物的过程.游离态是指氮气单质.氮的固定有:人工固氮和天然固氮.人工固氮最典型事例是工业合成氨.天然固氮包括自然固氮和生物固氮.自然固氮典型事例是闪电能使空气里的氮气转化为一氧化氮.生物固氮典型事例是豆科植物中寄生有根瘤菌,它含有氮酶,能使空气里的氮气转化为氨.解答:解:氮的固定是将空气中游离态的氮转化为含氮化合物的过程.A.N2和H2在Pt作用下反应生成NH3,N2+3H2⇌2NH3,属于工业固氮,故A正确;B.NH4Cl和Ca(OH)2反应生成NH3,属于化合物间的转化,不符合单质转化为化合物的特点,所以不属于氮的固定,故B错误;C.NO2和水制硝酸,NO2为氮的氧化物,硝酸为含氮的酸,属于化合物间的转化,不符合单质转化为化合物的特点,所以不属于氮的固定,故C错误;D.由NH3制氮肥,它们间的相互转化,属于化合物间的转化,不符合单质转化为化合物的特点,所以不属于氮的固定,故D错误;故选A.点评:本题主要考查氮的固定,依据氮的固定是将空气中游离态的氮转化为含氮化合物的过程即可解答,题目难度不大.4.在25℃水中加入下列物质,不会使水的电离平衡发生移动的是()A.KI B.浓氨水C.冰醋酸D.热水考点:水的电离.分析:水为弱电解质,溶液中存在电离平衡:H2O⇌H++OH﹣,加入酸或碱会抑制水的电离,加入能水解的盐促进水的电离;水的电离为吸热反应,升高温度会促进水的电离,据此分析解答.解答:解:A.KI是强酸强碱盐,KI不水解,所以不影响水电离,故A选;B.一水合氨是弱电解质,在水溶液中电离出氢氧根离子而抑制水电离,故B不选;C.冰醋酸是酸,在水溶液中电离出氢离子而抑制水电离,故C不选;D.水的电离是吸热反应,升高温度促进水电离,所以影响水电离,故D不选.故选A.点评:本题考查水电离影响因素,明确水电离特点是解本题关键,知道酸溶液和碱溶液抑制了水的电离,能够水解的盐促进了水的电离,题目难度不大.5.下列反应既利用了浓硫酸的强氧化性,又利用了浓硫酸的酸性的是()A.碳与浓硫酸加热B.浓硫酸与NaCl固体加热C.浓硫酸中加入铜片D.蔗糖与浓硫酸混合后炭化发黑考点:浓硫酸的性质.分析:硫酸既能表现出酸性又表现出氧化性,在反应中应生成硫酸盐,且硫酸被还原生成二氧化硫等物质,据此解答.解答:解:A.碳与浓硫酸加热生成二氧化碳和二氧化硫,硫元素化合价都降低,浓硫酸只表现氧化性,故A不选;B.浓硫酸与NaCl固体加热生成氯化氢和硫酸氢钠,反应中硫元素化合价不变,表现浓硫酸的难挥发性和酸性,不表现氧化性,故B不选;C.铜与浓硫酸反应生成硫酸铜、二氧化硫和水,硫酸既表现出了强氧化性又表现了酸性,故C选;D.蔗糖与浓硫酸混合后炭化发黑,表现浓硫酸脱水性和强氧化性,不表现酸性,故D不选;故选:C.点评:本题考查了元素化合物知识,熟悉硫酸的强氧化性、酸性是解题关键,题目难度不大.6.在2L密闭容器中,发生如下反应:3A(g)+B(g)→C(g)+D(g),若开始时加入的A和B 都是4mol,在前10s内A的平均速率为0.12mol/(L•s),则10s时容器内B的物质的量为()A.3.2mol B.2.4mol C.0.8mol D.0.4mol考点:反应速率的定量表示方法.专题:化学反应速率专题.分析:前10s A的平均反应速率为0.12mol/(L•s),由反应速率之比等于化学计量数之比可计算B的速率,再结合v=解答.解答:解:前10s A的平均反应速率为0.12mol/(L•s),由反应速率之比等于化学计量数之比可知,B的反应速率为0.12mol/(L•s)×=0.04mol/(L•s),所以转化的B为0.04mol/(L•s)×10s×2L=0.8mol,则10s时,容器中B的物质的量为4mol﹣0.8mol=3.2mol,故选A.点评:本题考查化学反应速率的计算,明确反应速率的计算公式和反应速率与化学计量数的关系即可解答,题目难度不大.7.有一可逆反应为A(g)⇌B(g),下列各项中,能证明已达到平衡的是()A.c(A)=c(B)B.压强不再发生变化C.A与B的体积分数不再发生变化D.A的消耗速率等于B的生成速率考点:化学平衡状态的判断.专题:化学平衡专题.分析:A、平衡状态是正逆反应速率相同,各组分浓度不变,A、B的浓度相同不能证明反应达到平衡;B、反应前后气体体积不变,反应过程中压强不变;C、AB的体积分数不变是判断平衡的依据;D、A的消耗速率等于B的生成速率,只能证明反应正向进行;解答:解:A、化学平衡状态是正逆反应速率相同,各组分浓度不变,A、B的浓度相同不能证明反应达到平衡,故A错误;B、反应前后气体体积不变,反应过程中压强不变,压强不再发生变化不能证明反应达到平衡,故B 错误;C、A与B的体积分数不再发生变化是化学平衡的标志,能证明反应达到平衡,故C正确;D、A的消耗速率等于B的消耗速率才能证明反应达到平衡,故D错误;故选C.点评:本题考查化学平衡状态的判断依据和条件分析,掌握平衡状态的判断依据分析是解题关键,题目难度中等.8.25℃时,在浓度均为1mol/L的(NH4)2SO4、(NH4)2CO3、(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2、三种溶液中,若测得其中c(NH4+)分别为a、b、c(单位为mol/L),则下列判断正确的是()A.a=b=c B.b>a>c C.c>a>b D.a>c>b考点:盐类水解的应用.专题:盐类的水解专题.分析:如果不考虑其他离子的影响,每摩尔物质都含有2 molNH4+,但溶液中CO32﹣的水解促进NH4+的水解,Fe2+的水解抑制NH4+的水解,以此解答该题.解答:解:溶液中CO32﹣的水解促进NH4+的水解,Fe2+的水解抑制NH4+的水解,则等浓度时,c (NH4+)大小顺序应为c>a>b,故选C.点评:本题考查盐类水解的应用,侧重于盐类水解因素的考查,题目难度不大,注意把握影响因素,能正确判断水解平衡的移动方向.9.在无色透明的强酸性溶液中,能大量共存的离子组是()A.K+、Na+、NO3﹣、MnO4﹣B.Mg2+、Na+、Cl﹣、SO42﹣C.K+、Cu2+、Br﹣、S2﹣D.NH4+、Al3+、I﹣、NO3﹣考点:离子共存问题.专题:离子反应专题.分析:无色溶液中可排除Cu2+、Fe2+、Fe3+、MnO4﹣等有色离子的存在,强酸溶液中存在大量氢离子,A.MnO4﹣为有色离子,不满足溶液无色的条件;B.Mg2+、Na+、Cl﹣、SO42﹣之间不发生反应,都不与氢离子反应,且为无色溶液;C.Cu2+为有色离子,铜离子、氢离子与硫离子发生反应;D.硝酸根离子在酸性溶液中具有强氧化性,能够氧化碘离子.解答:解:溶液无色,不会存在Cu2+、Fe2+、Fe3+、MnO4﹣等有色离子的存在,强酸溶液中存在大量H+,A.MnO4﹣为有色离子,不满足溶液无色的要求,故A错误;B.Mg2+、Na+、Cl﹣、SO42﹣之间不反应,都不与H+反应,且为无色溶液,在溶液中能够大量共存,故B正确;C.Cu2+、S2﹣反应生成硫化铜沉淀,Cu2+为有色离子,S2﹣与强酸反应,在溶液中不能大量共存,故C错误;D.强酸性溶液中,NO3﹣离子具有强氧化性,能够氧化I﹣,在溶液中不能大量共存,故D错误;故选B.点评:本题考查离子共存的正误判断,为中等难度的试题,注意明确离子不能大量共存的一般情况:能发生复分解反应的离子之间;能发生氧化还原反应的离子之间;能发生络合反应的离子之间(如Fe3+和SCN﹣)等;解决离子共存问题时还应该注意题目所隐含的条件,如:溶液的酸碱性,据此来判断溶液中是否有大量的H+或OH﹣;溶液的颜色,如无色时可排除Cu2+、Fe2+、Fe3+、MnO4﹣等有色离子的存在.10.如图是电解CuCl2溶液的装置,其中c、d为石墨电极.则下列有关判断正确的是()A.a为正极、b为负极B.d为阳极,c为阴极C.电解过程中,氯离子浓度不变D.电解过程中,d电极质量增加考点:电解原理.专题:电化学专题.分析:在电解池中,电流的流向和电子的移动方向相反,电流是从正极流向阳极,所以c是阳极,d 是阴极,a是正极,b是负极,以此来解答.解答:解:在电解池中,电流的流向和电子的移动方向相反,电流是从正极流向阳极,所以c是阳极,d是阴极,a是正极,b是负极.A.a是正极,b是负极,故A正确;B.电解池中,电流是从正极流向阳极,所以c是阳极,d是阴极,故B错误;C.电解过程中,氯离子在阳极上失电子产生氯气,氯离子浓度减小,故C错误;D.电解过程中,d电极是阴极,该电极上铜离子得电子析出金属铜,电极质量增加,故D正确;故选AD.点评:本题考查电解池的工作原理,难度不大,会根据电子流向和电流流向判断电源的正负极,从而确定电极的阴阳极,再根据所学知识进行回答.11.在一定条件下,将70ml硫化氢气体和90ml氧气混合,点燃并使其反应,再恢复到原来的条件,则生成的SO2气体的体积为()A.70mL B.60mL C.50mL D.55mL考点:硫化氢;化学方程式的有关计算.专题:氧族元素.分析:根据O2过量有:2H2S+3O22SO2+2H2O,O2不足有:2H2S+O22S↓+2H2O判断该反应介于两者之间,所以可以设反应方程式为:7H2S+9O2=xS↓+ySO2+zH2O通过方程式组来求解.解答:解:设反应方程式为:7H2S+9O2=xS↓+ySO2+zH2O,那么有x+y=7z=72y+z=18所以x=1.5,y=5.5,z=7所以SO2气体体积就是5.5*10=55ml,故选:D;点评:本题主要考查了反应的过量判断以及质量守恒的运用,难度中等.12.使用单质铜制取硝酸铜,最适宜的方法是:()A.Cu+稀HNO3B.Cu CuO Cu(NO3)2C.Cu+浓HNO3D.Cu CuCl2Cu(NO3)2考点:化学实验方案的评价.分析:制备硝酸铜,要符合绿色化学的要求方案,应杜绝生成污染性气体,且实验步骤少,消耗原料较少,以此解答该题.解答:解:A.会生成氮的氧化物,不符合绿色化学的要求,故A错误;B.生成的氧化铜与硝酸反应生成硝酸铜和水,绿色环保,符合绿色化学的要求,故B正确;C.会生成氮的氧化物,不符合绿色化学的要求,故C错误;D.氯气有毒,且不廉价,故D错误.故选B.点评:本题考查化学实验方案的评价,为高频考点,侧重绿色化学和实验原理的考查,注意装置的作用及实验的操作性、评价性分析,题目难度不大.13.可逆反应aX(g)+b Y(g)⇌cZ(g)在一定温度下的一密闭容器内达到平衡后,t0时改变某一外界条件,化学反应速率(u)一时间(t)图象如图.则下列说法中正确的是()A.若a+b=c,则t0时只能是增大了容器的压强B.若a+b=c,则t0时只能是加入了催化剂C.若a+b≠c,则t0时只能是增大了容器的压强D.若a+b≠c,则t0时只能是加入了催化剂考点:化学反应速率变化曲线及其应用;化学平衡的影响因素.专题:化学平衡专题.分析:根据图象知,改变条件时正逆反应速率相等,且大于原来平衡速率,说明改变条件时能同等程度的增大正逆反应速率,但平衡不移动,据此分析解答.解答:解:根据图象知,改变条件时正逆反应速率相等,且大于原来平衡速率,说明改变条件时能同等程度的增大正逆反应速率,但平衡不移动,如果a+b=c,改变的条件可能是增大压强或加入催化剂,如果a+b≠c,则改变的条件只能是加入催化剂,故选D.点评:本题考查化学反应速率图象分析,根据改变条件时正逆反应速率相对大小确定平衡是否移动,再结合反应特点分析解答,为易错题.14.下列各组数据关系中,前者比后者的大是()A.纯水100℃和25℃的pH值B.Na2CO3溶液中HCO3﹣和OH﹣数目C.100mL0.1mol/L的CH3COOH溶液与10mL1.0mol/L的CH3COOH溶液中H+数目D.同温下pH=11的KOH与pH=3的CH3COOH溶液中由水电离出的OH﹣离子浓度考点:弱电解质在水溶液中的电离平衡;水的电离;盐类水解的原理.分析:A.水的电离是吸热反应,升高温度促进水电离,根据溶液中氢离子浓度大小判断;B.碳酸钠水解分两步进行,第一步水解生成碳酸氢钠和氢氧化钠,第二步水解生成碳酸和氢氧化钠,据此分析两种离子浓度大小;C.相同温度相同溶质的弱电解质溶液中,溶液越稀,电解质的电离程度越大;D.根据水的电离程度分析,酸或碱抑制水电离,酸中氢离子、碱溶液中氢氧根离子浓度越大,抑制程度越大.解答:解:A.水的电离是吸热反应,温度越高,水的电离程度越大,则其pH越小,故A错误;B.碳酸根离子的两步水解中都产生氢氧根离子,只有碳酸根离子的第一步水解中生成碳酸氢根离子,所以碳酸氢根离子数目小于氢氧根离子数目,故B错误;C.相同温度相同溶质的弱电解质溶液中,溶液越稀,电解质的电离程度越大,所以0.01mol/L的CH3COOH大于1 0.1mol/L的CH3COOH的电离程度,且二者的物质的量相等,所以100mL0.01mol/L 的CH3COOH溶液大于10mL 0.1mol/L的CH3COOH溶液的H+数目,故C正确;D.同温下pH=11的KOH溶液中氢氧根离子浓度为0.001mol/L,氢氧化钾溶液中的氢离子是水电离的,水电离的氢氧根离子为:1×10﹣11mol/L,pH=3的CH3COOH溶液中氢离子浓度为0.001mol/L,醋酸中氢氧根离子是水电离的,则水电离的氢氧根离子浓度为1×10﹣11mol/L,所以两溶液中水电离的氢氧根离子浓度相等,故D错误;故选C.点评:本题考查了弱电解质的电离平衡及其影响,题目难度中等,明确盐的水解原理、弱电解质的电离平衡的影响因素为解答关键,试题培养了学生的分析、理解能力灵活应用能力.15.在工业生产硫酸的过程中,发生如下反应:2SO2(g)+O2(g)⇌2SO3(g)+Q,下列叙述中,不正确的是()A.矿石粉碎的目的是使原料充分利用,并增大接触面使反应速率加快B.接触室中采用常压的主要原因是常压下SO2的转化率已经很高C.沸腾炉中出来的混合气需要洗涤,目的是防止催化剂中毒D.接触室采用450℃的温度是使催化剂活性最佳,提高平衡混和气中SO3的含量考点:化学平衡的影响因素;化学平衡的调控作用.分析:A、增大接触面积能够加快化学反应速率;B、在二氧化硫的催化氧化中,常压下二氧化硫的转化率很高;C、沸腾炉中出来的混合气中含有很多杂质,能够引起催化剂中毒;D、二氧化硫的催化氧化是放热反应.解答:解:A、矿石粉碎增大了反应物的接触面积,反应速率加快,故A正确;B、在二氧化硫的催化氧化中,常压下二氧化硫的转化率很高,增大压强会增加成本,故B正确;C、沸腾炉中出来的混合气中含有很多杂质,能够引起催化剂中毒,洗涤的目的是防止催化剂中毒,故C正确;D、二氧化硫的催化氧化是放热反应,接触室采用450℃的温度不能提高平衡混和气中SO3的含量,故D错误;故选D.点评:本题考查工业制取硫酸中的二氧化硫的催化氧化原理,题目难度不大,注意工业生产在环保、安全的基础上以经济效益为中心.16.实验室可用如图装置(启普发生器)制取氢气.欲使得到氢气的速率加快,下列措施可行的是()A.将稀硫酸改用浓硫酸B.向稀硫酸中加入少量浓H2SO4C.向稀硫酸中加入Cu(NO3)2溶液D.给装置中发生反应的部分加热考点:常见气体制备原理及装置选择.专题:化学实验基本操作.分析:A.一般增大反应物的浓度增大,反应速率增大,但浓硫酸溶于水放热,且具有强氧化性与锌无氢气产生;B.向稀硫酸中加入少量浓H2SO4 ,增大了氢离子浓度加快了反应;C.向稀硫酸中加入Cu(NO3)2溶液,相当于稀硝酸,稀硝酸具有强氧化性,和锌无氢气生成;D.启普发生器制备的气体反应为不能放出大量的热,更不能加热.解答:解:A.浓硫酸溶于水放热,启普发生器不能承受明显温度升高的反应,浓硫酸具有强氧化性,锌与浓硫酸反应生成二氧化硫而不生成氢气,故A错误;B.锌和硫酸反应的本质为:2H++Zn=Zn2++H2↑,加入少量浓H2SO4 ,增加了溶液中氢离子的浓度,能使得到氢气的速率加快,故B正确;C.向稀硫酸中加入Cu(NO3)2溶液,锌置换出铜,形成原电池反应,反应速率增大,但引入硝酸根离子相当于稀硝酸,有一氧化氮气体生成,制取氢气不纯,故C错误;D.启普发生器是利用块状固体与液体无须加热反应装置,制备的气体反应为不能放出大量的热,更不能加热,故D错误;故选B.点评:本题考查影响化学反应速率的常见因素,应熟悉温度、浓度、构成原电池、增大接触面等对化学反应速率的影响,掌握浓硫酸、稀硝酸与金属反应的性质是解答的关键,C注意加入硝酸铜后形成原电池,但有硝酸的存在是解答的易错点,题目难度中等.。

上海交通大学附属中学 2017-2018 学年度第二学期(含答案解析)

上海交通大学附属中学 2017-2018 学年度第二学期(含答案解析)
D. Patients usually cannot offer a fair evaluation.
4. A. Take the man to the station. B. Look after the man’s things.
C. Find out when the next bus leaves. D. Show the man the way to the station.
C. He needs to talk to Harry soon. D. Harry doesn’t have a telephone.
3. A. The new doctor lacks experience.
B. She disagrees with what the man said.
C. The man had better talk with the patients first.
D. The famous writers of self-study books.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. The reasons railroad regulations in the U.S.A were changed.
D. Its business is kept in a traditional way.
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
17. A. To earn money for her tuition.
B. To make her dream come true.



物理(满分100分,90分钟完成.答案一律写在答题纸上.)命题:刘启龙审核:王晓敏考生注意:1.全卷共5页,共21题.2.第18、19、20、21题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分,有数字计算的问题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.一.填空题(20分).本大题共5小题,每小题4分.答案请写在答题纸上相应横线上的空白处,不要求写出演算过程.1.如图任选其中两位科学家,简要写出他们在物理学上的主要贡献,.2.现有大小分别为4N、8N、10N的三个共点力,则这三个共点力合力的最大值为 N,最小值为 N.3.某物体作匀加速直线运动,若第3s内通过的位移是8.5m,第4s内通过的位移是9.5m,则此物体运动的加速度为__________m/s2,初速度为__________m/s .4.重力为G的小球,放在两个光滑的木板之间静止,一板竖直放置,另一板和竖直方向成θ角,如图所示,此时,小球对竖直板的压力为,对斜板的压力为.5.升降机地板上放一个木箱,质量为5kg,当升降机以加速度的大小为2 m/s2减速下降时,木箱对地板的压力大小为 N,这种现象称为现象.g取10m/s2.二.单项选择题(20分).本大题共5小题,每小题4分.每小题给出的四个答案中,只有一个是正确的,把正确的答案选出来,并将正确答案前面的字母填写在答题纸上表格中相应的位置,每一小题选对的得4分;有选错或不答的,得0分.6.如图所示,天花板上固定一根细绳,绳系一小球,则下列说法中正确的是A.小球对绳的拉力使小球发生形变.B.绳子形变后对小球产生拉力.C.小球对绳的拉力的方向竖直向上.D.小球对绳拉力就是绳对天花板的拉力.7.一个物体静止在水平桌面上,下列说法中正确的是 A.物体对桌面的压力就是物体的重力.B.物体所受的重力的反作用力就是它对桌面的压力.C.物体对桌面的压力和桌面对物体的支持力是一对作用力与反作用力.D.物体所受重力和桌面对物体的支持力是一对作用力与反作用力.8.物体A 的质量为lkg ,置于水平地面上,物体与地面间的动摩擦因数μ=0.2,从t=0开始物体以一定初速度v 0向右滑行的同时,受到一个水平向左的恒力F 1=1N 的作用,则反映物体受到的摩擦力随时间变化的图像是(取向左为正方向,g 取10m/s 2.)9.如图所示,停在水平地面的小车内,用轻绳AB 和BC 拴住一重球,绳BC 呈水平状态,此时绳AB 对球的拉力为T 1,绳BC 对球的拉力为T 2.小车从静止开始向左作加速运动,但重球相对小车的位置不发生变化,则两绳对球拉力的变化情况是:A.T 1变大,T 2变大.B.T 1变大,T 2变小.C.T 1不变,T 2变小.D.T 1变大,T 2不变. 10.如图所示,光滑水平面上放置质量分别为m 和2m的四个木块,其中两个质量为m 的木块间用一不可伸长的轻绳相连,木块间的最大静摩擦力是μmg.现用水平拉力F 拉其中一个质量为2m 的木块,使四个木块以同一加速度运动,则轻绳对m 的最大拉力为A.5mg 3μ B.4mg 3μ C.2mg3μ D.mg 3μ 三.多项选择题(20分).本大题共4小题,每小题5分.每小题给出的四个答案中,至少有两个是正确的,把正确的答案全选出来,并将正确答案前面的字母填写在答题纸上表格中相应的位置,每一小题全选对的得5分;选对但不全的,得部分分;有选错或不答的,得0分.11. 一个做变速直线运动的物体,加速度逐渐减小直至为零,那么该物体的运动状况可能是:A.速度不断增大,加速度为零时速度最大.B.速度不断减小,加速度为零时速度最小.C.速度不断增大,而且运动过程中速度方向能改变.D.运动过程中,速度方向可能反过来.12.两辆游戏赛车a 、b 在两条平行的直车道上行驶.0=t 时两车都在同一计时线处,此时比赛开始.它们在四次比赛中的t v -图如图所示.哪些图对应的比赛中,有一辆赛车追上了另一辆13. 如图所示,A 、B 两条直线是在A 、B 两地分别用竖直向上的F 拉质量分别为m A 和m B的两个物体得出的加速度a 与力F 之间的关系图线,分析图线可知A.比较两物体的质量,有m A <m BB.比较两地的重力加速度,有g A >g BC.比较两地的重力加速度,有g A =g BD.比较两物体的质量,有m A >m B14. 某物体以30m/s 的初速度竖直上抛,不计空气阻力,g 取10m/s 2.5s 内物体的 A.路程为65m.B.速度改变量的大小为10m/s.C.位移大小为25m ,方向向上.D.平均速度大小为13m/s ,方向向上.四.作图、实验题(12分).本大题共3小题,每题4分. 15.如图所示,物体A 放在的物体B 上,物体B 放在光滑的水平地面上.在物体A 和物体B 之间用一根不计质量的、通过定滑轮的细绳相连,且此时细绳刚好处于水平位置.当用另一根细绳水平拉着物体A ,使物体A 、B 均作匀速运动时,试画出物体B 的受力图.16.图(a )是用DIS 测定小车刹车时加速度的实验装置.(1)信号发射部分和信号接收部分组成_________传感器,A 应是信号_________部分. (2)图(b )是根据实验数据得到的速度图像,根据图像中数据可求出小车加速度的大小a=_______m/s 2, 方向与初速度方向_______.17. 在“测定动摩擦因数”的实验中,甲同学设计了一个方案,如图 (a)所示,用弹簧秤拉木块,在水平固定木板上向右匀速运动.乙同学设计了另一个V 0t/sab方案,如图 (b)所示,用弹簧秤拉住木块不动,用外力拉木板向左运动,比较两种方案,你认为 同学设计的方案较合理,用此方案测定动摩擦因数,需要测定的物理量有 、 ,动摩擦因数的表达式μ= .五.计算题(28分).本大题共4小题.要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分,有数字计算的问题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.18. 质量为2t 的汽车在水平公路上作匀加速直线运动,5s 内速度从36km/h 增加到54km/h.如果汽车在前进中遇到的阻力是汽车重力的0.02倍,求汽车的加速度和牵引力. 取重力加速度g =10m/s 2.19.固定光滑细杆与地面成一定倾角,在杆上套有一个光滑小环,小环在沿杆方向的拉力F 作用下向上运动,拉力F 与小环速度v 随时间变化规律如图所示,取重力加速度g =10m/s 2.求:(1)小环的质量m ; (2)细杆与地面间的倾角α20.如图,一弹簧台秤的秤盘和弹簧的质量都不计,盘内放一物体P 处于静止状态,P 的质量为10kg,弹簧的劲度系数为500N/m ,现给P 施加一个竖直向上的力F ,使P 由静止开始向上作匀加速直线运动,已知在最初0.2s内F 是变力,在0.2s 后是恒力,取重力加速度g =10m/s 2.求F 的最小值和最大值.21. 当物体从高空下落时,空气阻力会随物体的速度增大而增大,因此经过下落一段距离后将匀速下落,这个速度称为此物体下落的终极速度。



上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第二学期高一数学期末考试试卷(满分150分,120分钟完成. 答案一律写在答题纸上)命题:刘亚丽 审核:杨逸峰一、 填空题(本大题共12题,1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分,满分54分) 1、已知12lim()13n an n n→∞-+=,则____________a = 答案:12、一个等差数列的前4项是1,,,2x a x ,则x 等于________ 答案:23、关于x 、y 的二元线性方程组25,32x my nx y +=⎧⎨-=⎩的增广矩阵经过变换,最后得到的矩阵为⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛110301,则x y += 答案:44、函数sin y x =和tan y x =的图像在[2,2]ππ-上的交点个数是_______ 答案:55、在数列}{n a 中,1a =2,)(1*1N n a a n n ∈=++,设n S 为数列}{n a 的前n 项和,则2019201820172S S S -+的值为答案:3 解:法-当n 为偶数时,114321=+==+=+-n n a a a a a a Λ,故2n S n =当n 奇数时,21=a ,115432=+==+=+-n n a a a a a a Λ,故23212+=-+=n n S n 故201920182017210112100910103S S S -+=-⨯+= 法二由1a =2,)(1*1N n a a n n ∈=++,可得()()21n n a n ⎧⎪=⎨-⎪⎩为奇数为偶数故2019201820172019201820182017201920182()3S S S S S S S a a -+=---=-=6、把函数22sin 2cos )(+-=x x x f 的图象沿x 轴向左平移m 个单位(m>0),所得函数的图象关于直线π817=x 对称,则m 的最小值为 答案:4π7、给出下列等式:π2cos 4=,π2cos 8=,π2cos 16=, ……请从中归纳出第n ()n ∈*N2n 个答案:12cos n +π28、等差数列{a n }中,a 1=-5,它的前11项的平均值是5,若从中抽取1项,余下10项的平均值是4,则抽取的是第 项.答案:设抽取的是第n 项.∵S 11=55,S 11-a n =40,∴a n =15,又∵S 11=11a 6 a 6=5.由a 1=-5,得d =21616=--a a ,令15=-5+(n -1)×2,∴n =119、ABC ∆中,a b c 、、分别为A B C 、、对边,已知,2a c ==,且sin sin 0020cos 01C B b c A -=,则ABC ∆的面积= 。



上海交大附中2017-2018学年第二学期高三数学摸底考试卷一、填空题(第1题至第6题,每题4分;第7题至12题,每题5分,共54分)1. 已知a 是实数,i 是虚数单位,若21(1)z a a i =-++是纯虚数,则a =____________.2. 已知二元一次方程组111222a x b y c a x b y c ì+=ïïíï+=ïî的增广矩阵是111113骣-÷ç÷ç÷ç÷桫,则此方程组的解是____________.3. 为了普及环保知识,增强环保意识,某大学随机抽取30名学生参加环保知识测试,得分(10分制)的频数分布统计图如图所示,如果得分值的中位数为a ,众数为b ,平均数为c ,则a 、b 、c 中的最大者是____________.4. 命题:“若a 、b 、c 成等比数列,则2b ac =”及其逆命题、否命题、逆否命题(这四个命题)中正确的个数是____________.5. 已知正数a 、b 满足430a b +=,使得14a b+取最小值的实数对(,)a b 是____________. 6. 不等式10x x ->的解集为____________.7. 已知2(1)(1)(1)f x x x +=-?,则1(1)f x -+=____________.8. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,以Ox 正半轴为始边的钝角a 的终边与圆22:4O x y +=交于点11(,)P x y ,点P 沿圆顺时针移动23p个单位弧长后到达点22(,)Q x y ,则12y y +的取值范围是____________.9. 已知三棱锥V ABC -,底面是边长为2的正三角形,VA ^底面ABC V ,2VA =,D 是VB 中点,则异面直线VC 、AD 所成角的大小为____________.(用反三角函数表示) 10. 如表给出一个“等差数阵”:其中每行、每列都是等差数列,ij a 表示位于第i 行第j 列的数,则112在这“等差数阵”中出现的次数为____________.11. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,设(1,1)A -,,B C 是函数1(0)y x x=>图像上的两点,且ABC V 为正三角形,则ABC V 的高为____________.12. 如图,平面上两点(0,1),(3,6)P Q ,在直线y x =上取两点,M N 使MN =,且使PM MN NQ ++的值取最小,则N 的坐标为____________.二、选择题(每题5分,共20分)13. 某电商设计了一种红色,打开每个红包都会获得三种福卡(“和谐”、“爱国”、“敬业”)中的一种,若集齐三种卡片可获得奖励,小明现在有4个此类红包,则它获奖的概率为( )A.38B.58C.49D.7914. 设,,l m n 表示三条直线,,,a b g 表示三个平面,给出下列四个命题: ①若,l m a a ^^,则//l m ;②若m b Ì,n 是l 在b 内的射影,m l ^,则m n ^; ③若,//m m n a Ì,则//n a ;④若,a g b g ^^,则//a b ,其中真命题为( ) A. ①②B. ①②③C. ②③④D. ①③④15. 在平面内,定点,,,A B C O 满足2OA OB OC ===uu r uu u r uuu r ,AC AB BC BA OB AC AB BC BA骣骣鼢珑鼢珑鼢珑-=?鼢珑鼢珑鼢鼢珑桫桫uuu r uu u r uu u r uu r uu u r uuu r uu u r uu u r uu r 0=,动点P 满足1,AP PM MC ==uu u r uuu r uuu r ,则2BM uuu r 的最大值是( )A.434B.494C.374D.37216. 设等差数列{}n a 满足:22223535317cos cos sin sin cos 2sin()a a a a a a a --=+,4,2k a k Z p 刮且公差(1,0)d ?,若当且仅当8n =时,数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 取得最大值,则首项1a 的取值范围是( )A. 3,22pp 轾犏犏臌B. 3,22pp 骣÷ç÷ç÷ç桫C. 7,24pp 轾犏犏臌D. 7,24pp 骣÷ç÷ç÷ç桫三、解答题17. (本题满分14分)已知函数221()cos sin ,(0,)2f x x x x p =-+?. (1)求()f x 的单调递增区间;(2)设ABC V 为钝角三角形,角A所对边a =角B 所对边5b =,若()0f A =,求ABCV 的面积.18. (本题满分14分,第1小题6分,第2 小题8分)如图1,在高为2的梯形ABCD 中,//,2,5AB CD AB CD ==,过A 、B 分别作,AE CD BF CD ^^,垂足分别为E 、F ,已知1DE =,将梯形ABCD 沿AE 、BF 同侧折起,使得,//AF BD DE CF ^,得空间几何体ADE BCF -,如图2. (1)证明://BE 面ACD ;(2)求三棱锥B ACD -的体积.19. (本题满分14分)某小区有一块三角形空地,如图ABC V ,其中180AC =米,90BC =米,90C ?o ,开发商计划在这片空地上进行绿化和修建运动场所,在ABC V 内的点P 处有一服务站(其大小可忽略不计),开发商打算在AC 边上选一点D ,,然后过点P 和点D 画一分界线与边AB 相交于点E ,在ADE V 区域内绿化,在四边形BCDE 区域内修建运动场所,现已知点P 处的服务站与AC 距离为10米,与BC 距离为100米,设DC d =米,试问d 取何值时,运动场所面积最大?20. (本题满分16分,第1小题4分,第2小题6分,第3小题6分)已知O 为坐标原点,圆22:(1)16M x y ++=,定点(1,0)F ,点N 是圆M 上一动点,线段NF 的垂直平分线交圆M 的半径MN 于点O ,点Q 的轨迹为E . (1)求曲线E 的方程;(2)已知点P 是曲线E 上但不在坐标轴上的任意一点,曲线E 与y 轴的交点分别为1B 、2B ,某直线1B P 和2B P 分别与x 轴交于C 、D 两点,请问线段之积OC OD ×是否为定值?如果是请求出定值,如果不是请说明理由;(3)在(2)的条件下,若点C 坐标为(1,0)-,过点C 的直线l 与曲线E 相交于A 、B 两点,求ABD V 面积的最大值.21. (本题满分18分,第1小题4分,第2小题6分,第3小题8分)设()f x 是定义在[,]a b 上的函数,若存在(,)x a b Î,使得()f x 在[,]a x 单调递增,在[,]x b 上单调递减,则称()f x 为[,]a b 上的单峰函数,x 为峰点,包含峰点的区间称为含峰区间,其含峰区间的长度为:b a -.(1)判断下列函数中,哪些是“[0,1]上的单峰函数”?若是,指出峰点;若不是,说出原因;2123241()2,()121,()log ,()sin 42f x x x f x x f x x f x x 骣÷ç=-=--=+=÷ç÷ç桫; (2)若函数3()(0)f x ax x a =+<是[1,2]上的单峰函数,求实数a 的取值范围; (3)若函数()f x 是区间[0,1]上的单峰函数,证明:对于任意的1212,(0,1),x x x x ?,若12()()f x f x ³,则2(0,)x 为含峰区间;若12()()f x f x £,则1(,1)x 为含峰区间;试问当12,x x 满足何种条件时,所确定的含峰区间的长度不大于0.6.参考答案一、填空题 1. 12. 21x y ì=ïïíï=ïî3. c4. 2个5. 15,154骣÷ç÷ç÷ç桫 6. (0,1)(1,)+?U7. )2[0,)x -??8.9. 1arccos410. 711. 212. 99,44骣÷ç÷ç÷ç桫二、选择题 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. D三、解答题17. (1),2pp 轹÷ê÷÷êøë; (2)4 18. (1)证明略; (2)2319. 6020. (1)22143x y +=; (2)定值为4; (3)9221. (1)①21()2f x x x =-是[0,1]上的单峰函数,峰点为14; ②2()121f x x =--不是[0,1]上的单峰函数; ③321()log 2f x x 骣÷ç=+÷ç÷ç桫不是[0,1]上的单峰函数; ④4()sin 4f x x =是[0,1]上的单峰函数,峰点为8p(2)11,312a 骣÷ç?-÷ç÷ç桫 (3)证明略;120.40.6x x ì=ïïíï=ïî。



上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年第二学期高三英语摸底考(满分140分,考试时间120分钟,答案一律写在网上阅卷答题纸上)第I卷I. Listening ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In the kitchen. B. At home. C.In a fashion shop. D. In a net bar.2. A. 500 yen. B. 1500 yen. C.2500 yen. D. 5000 yen.3. A. He will pay for the lunch. B.Sue likes Spanish food very much.C. He doesn’t like Spanish food at all.D. Both of them should treat Sue wellat dinner.4. A. Boss and employee. B. Doctor and patient.C. Teacher and student.D.Interviewer and interviewee.5. A. She doesn’t have time to find a new flat.B. She has paid three months, rent in advance.C. She is unlikely to find such a satisfactory flat.D. She doesn’t like the idea of decorating an empty flat.6. A. Mike. B. Sandy. C. An unexpected friend. D. A handyman.7. A. Make a recovery plan. B. Find a full-time job.C. Drop out of school.D. Resign from her present job.8. A. The woman was fully absorbed in the music.B. The woman couldn’t understand the music very well.C. The woman lost her way to the conceit that evening.D. The concert was no better than what the woman imagined.9. A. Extreme sports. B. Travel insurance.C. Travel arrangements.D. Courage and safety.10. A. She is talkative. B. She is quiet. C. She is active. D. She is sociable.Part B PassagesDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passage and the conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. 28 billion copies. B. 567 million copies.C. 1953 million copies.D. 2015 million copies.12. A. Interviewed the vice-president of the Commercial Press in China.B. Completed data investigation, collection and examination for the records.C. Compared the sales volumes of the Secret Garden and Harry Potter series.D. Delivered enough copies of Xinhua Dictionary to the presentation ceremony.13. A. It contains colorful cultures of many countries.B. It is the world’s most popular dictionary.C. It is a useful tool for learners of the Chinese language.D. It has influenced several generations of Chinese people.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Over a billion people do not have enough safe drinking water.B. Diseases and 6acteria in the water kill millions of people every day.C. People in developed countries take their clean drinking water for granted.D. Clean,bottled water is expensive to transport to poor rural villages.15. A. It is a plastic straw.B. It uses batteries or electricity.C. It can be used for one year.D. It’s portable and cheap.16. A. Appeal to the government to supply clean water for everyone.B. Provide easy access to clean water to destroy the bacteria.C. Offer the WaterTube free to people in. developing countries.D. Sell the WaterTube to every person who needs one.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. A little restaurant. B. A private organization.C. An ice cream shop.D. A snack bar.18. A. More flexible working time.B. Less conflicts with consumers.C. Closer relationship with customers.D. More freedom to make financial decisions.19. A. A program of the Small Business Administration.B. A grant from a private organization.C. Savings in his own bank account.D. Loans from the bank.20. A. He found owing his own business is rewarding.B. He didn’t recommend others to have their own business.C. He chose the location to compete with bigger businesses.D. He found managing a small business is high risky.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Talking with—Not Just to—Kids Powers How They Learn Language Children from the poorer families begin life not only with material disadvantages but cognitive ones. Decades of research (21)____________(confirm) this, including a famous 1995 finding by psychologistsBetty Hart and Todd Risley: By age four children raised in poverty have heard 30 million fewer words, on average, than their peers from wealthier families. That gap has been linked to shakier language skills at the start of school, (22)____________, in turn, predicts weaker academic performance.But just the quantity of words a toddler hears is not the most significant influence on language acquisition. Growing evidence has led researchers to conclude quality matters more than quantity, and (23)____________(valuable) quality seems to be back-and-forth communication—what researchers call conversational turns.A paper (24)____________(publish) last week in Psychological Science brings a new kind of support to this idea, offering the first evidence that these exchanges play a vital role in the development of Broca’s area, the brain region most closely associated with producing speech. Further, the amount of conversational turns a child experiences daily outweighs socioeconomic status in predicting (25)____________ activity in Broca’s area and the child’s language skills.The researchers confirmed the classic 1995 finding that, overall, kids from wealthier families hear more words. And small (26)____________ their sample was, they even confirmed the 30-million-word gap between the poorest and richest children. But they found that “by far the biggest driver for brain development was not the number of words spoken (27)____________ the conversations,” Gabrieli sa ys.The researchers calculated that a child’s verbal ability score increased (28)____________ one point for every additional 11 conversational exchanges per hour.The study is a “very, very important” addition (29)____________ a growing body of work, says developmental psychologist Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, director of the Infant Language Laboratory at Temple University. “We have known for quite a while that conversational turns—or (30)____________ in my work we call conversational duets—are very important for building a foundation for language and maybe for learning general ly. What hadn’t been done is to link it where we knew it had to be linked—to changes in the brain.”Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. obedienceB. adaptedC. conflictD. receivedE. willF. strandedG. supervision H. harmony I. interpreted J. exception K. pursuitLord of the FliesLord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning British author William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British boys (31)__________ on an uninhabited islandand their disastrous attempt to govern themselves.The novel has been critically well (32)__________. It was named in theModern Library 100 Best Novels, reaching number 41 on the editor's list, and25 on the reader's list. In 2005 Time magazine named it as one of the 100 bestEnglish-language novels from 1923 to 2005.Published in 1954, Lord of the Flies was Golding's first novel. Although it was not a great success at the time, it soon went on to become a best-seller. It has been (33)__________ for film twice in English, in 1963 by Peter Brook and 1990 by Harry Hook.The book takes place in the middle of an unspecified nuclear war.A plane carrying a group of British schoolboys is shot down over the Pacific. The pilot of the plane is killed, but many of the boys survive the crash and find themselves deserted on an island, where they are alone without adult (34)__________. Some of them arrive as a musical choir(合唱队) under an established leader , while others are ordinary students. With the (35)__________ of the choirboys, some children like Sam and Eric, appear never to have encountered each other before. The book portrays their gradually becomingextremely cruel and violent. Left to themselves on a heavenly island, far from modern civilization, the well-educated children return to a primitive state.Golding wrote his book as a counterpoint(对照) to R.M. Ballantyne's youth novel The Coral Island (1858), and included specific references to it, such as the rescuing naval officer's description of thechildren's (36)__________ of Ralph, one of the kid leaders on island, as "a jolly(pleasant) good show, like the Coral Island". Golding's three central characters—Ralph, Piggy and Jack—have been (37)__________ as exaggerated versions of Ballantyne's Coral Island leading characters.At an allegorical(比喻的) level, the central theme is the (38)__________ ofhuman desirefor civilization and social organization—living by rules, peacefully—and for the (39)__________ to power. Several themes are revealed in the book, including the tensionbetween groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, between (40)__________and aggression, and between morality and immorality. How these play out, and how different people feel the influences of these form a major subtext of Lord of the Flies.III. Reading Comprehension (15’+30’)Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The picture of miseries and sufferings of the Black woman in America may appear, perhaps darker and more depressing than Dante’s(但丁) description of Hell because in the history of human race, the Black woman in America has suffered the most. A close and critical (41)_______ of the history of the Black woman’s life and condition since her arrival in a strange land will unfold very well the long story of her pain and sorrow (42)_______ her mutilated(被切断的) soul. Since her arrival on the foreign shore, the Black woman has been facing the worst kind of(43)_______ and oppression. As a Black she has had to endure all the horrors of slavery andhas been the (44)_______ of continually inhumane treatmentin all kinds of work, (45)_______ the lowest place on the wage scale and restricted to the lowest-status and the most uncreative jobs. Since times of slavery, Black womanhood has been destroyed, twisted and abused with racial and inhuman (46)_______ by black men and white men and women. In the process, they have lost their genuine "self", and have developed a(n)(47)_______ in themselves—though as black women, they see themselves with the eyes of white men and women and black men. This has ultimately been responsible for the destruction of their self-confidence and the feeling of being human. They (48)_______ themselves as master s’ belongings.As a mother she has seen her children sold into slavery. She has seen them left at home without attentionwhile she (49)_______ to the needs of the children of the ruling class. She has seen her children suffer fromdrug addiction, the (50)_______ of decent education and experience attacks by a racist society, and (51)_______ the prisons of this nation. In addition, besides suffering the common fate of all oppressed people, the African-American women continue to (52)_______ the oppression of woman by men, which existed for long. In the home she becomes “the slave of a slave”. Men may be cruelly treated and subjected to all sorts of dehumanizing treatmenton the part of the ruling class.(53)_______, at least they can take out their frustration on someone else, their women.Thus feminism in America means much more than what it stands for in other European countries, chiefly because it has different role and meaning(54)_______ the Black women. If a feminist is commonly defined as one who is involved in transforming and (55)_______ familiar realities, then Black women are innate(天生的) feminists. Black women writing exhibits and constructs a Black women’s literary tradition that is inherently feminist. Barbara Smith, an influential Black feminist critic, states that the ability of Black women to survive in the face of White America exhibits an innate feminist potential.41. A. respect B. reference C. account D. expression42. A. associated with B. completed with C. involved in D. joined by43. A. exploration B. exhaustion C. exploitation D. explosion44. A. article B. item C. substance D. object45. A. including B. occupying C. containing D. striking46. A. procedures B. processes C. descriptions D. practices47. A. complexity B. anxiety C. simplicity D. gravity48. A. look to B. look upon C. look over D. look through49. A. took B. kept C. attended D. appealed50. A. richness B. lack C. variety D. possibility51. A. populating B. emphasizing C. charging D. criticizing52. A. undertake B. underline C. undervalue D. undergo53. A. Therefore B. Anyway C. However D. Moreover54. A. with respect to B. in line with C. in addition to D. in parallel with55. A. reappointing B. representing C. reconsidering D. reinterpretingSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I was at the funeral of my dearest friend--my mother. She finally had lost her long battle with cancer. The hurt was so intense; I found it hard to breathe at times. Always supportive, Mother clapped loudest at my school plays, held the box of tissues while listening to my first heartbreak, comforted me at my father's death, and prayed for me my entire life.When mother's illness was diagnosed, my sister had a new baby and my brother had recently married his childhood sweetheart, so it fell on me, the 27-year-old middle child, to take care of her. I counted it an honor.My place had been with our mother, preparing her meals, taking her to the doctor, reading the Bible together. Now she was in heaven.My work was finished, but I was alone.Deep in sorrow, suddenly, I heard a door open and slam shut at the back of the church. Quick footsteps hurried along the carpeted floor. Ayoung man looked around briefly and then sat next to me. He folded his hands and placed them on his lap. His eyes started to be filled with tears."I'm late," he explained, though no explanation was necessary.After several eulogies, he leaned over and commented, "Why do they keep calling Mary by the name of Margaret?''"Because, that was her name, Margaret. Never Mary." I whispered, wondering who the stranger was anyway."Isn't this the Lutheran church?""No, the Lutheran church is across the street.""Oh...""I believe you're at the wrong funeral, Sir."The solemness(庄重) of the occasion mixed with the realization of the man's mistake bubbled up inside me and came out as laughter. Sharp looks from other mourners(哀悼者) only made the situation seem more stupid. I peeked at the confused, misguided man seated beside me. He was laughing too, as he glanced around, deciding it was too late for an uneventful exit.I imagined Mother laughing.At the final 'Amen,' we rushed out a door and into the parking lot. "I do believe we'll be the talk of thetown. By the way, my name is Rick." he smiled.That afternoon began a lifelong journey for me with this man who attended the wrong funeral, but was in the right place. A year after our meeting, we were married at a country church. This time we both arrived at the same church, right on time.In my time of sorrow, God gave me laughter. In place of loneliness, God gave me love. This past June, we celebrated our twenty-second wedding anniversary. Whenever anyone asks us how we met, Rick tells them, 'Her mother and my Aunt Mary introduced us, and it's truly a match made in heaven.'56. Only author could take care of her mom mainly because ________.A. she was the only child in the familyB. a lovely baby came into her brother’s familyC. she was the only child without a new family’s burdenD. her mom loved her much more than other children57. What can we infer from the passage?A. The author and Rick met 22 years ago for the first time.B. The author was supposed to have been in Lutheran Church.C. Margaret should be the name of Rick’s aunt.D. The mourners considered the author’s joy improper.58. What could be the best title of the passage?A. Hope Remaining at the FuneralB. A Heavenly EncounterC. Two Funerals at One TimeD. Seeking God’s Everlasting Love(B)59. You and your friend just watched the eruption of Old Faithful at 12:26 p.m., at what time is it possible for you to enjoy the next one?A. 13:10B. 15:06C. 14:06D. 13:1660. Which one of the following statement about Old Faithful is true?A. The geyser’s name gives people an indication that it always erupts regularly, about 20 times each day, once every 74 minutes.B. When it is erupting, people should keep a safe distance from that due to the huge amount of water it expels as well as its freezing coldness.C. Old Faithful is a well-known geyser which can expel at least 3700 gallons water each time and it’s located in the world’s largest national park.D. If visitors want to check the eruption time, they may refer to the posted timetables, on which the predictions are calculated by the naturalists.61. Where does the article most probably appear?A. The Yellowstone official website.B. Local travel pamphlets introducing Yellowstone.C. A recently-issued guide book on Yellowstone.D. A travel magazine column about Yellowstone.(C)Science advances fastest when data and conclusions are shared as quickly as possible. Yet it is common practice for medical researchers to conceal results for months or years until research is published in an academic journal. Even then, the data supporting a study are often not revealed.The motive to withhold findings is powerful. Journal papers are the key measure of a scientist’s productivity. To win research money and get promoted, scientists need to increase an impressive list ofpublications. Yet the delays in spreading knowledge have the capacity to do real harm. Nor are elite journals the guardians of quality that they often claim to be. The number of papers so flawed that they need to be retracted has risen sharply in the past two decades. Studies in elite journals (such as Nature and Science) are no statistically stronger than those in lesser journals.Science should not, and need not, be restrained by journal publication. Three sensible reforms would ensure that researchers’ results could be commu nicated to more people more quickly, without any decline in quality. Step one is for the organizations that finance research to demand that scientists put their academic papers, along with their experimental data, in publicly accessible “databases” before they are sent to a journal. That would allow other researchers to make use of the findings without delay. Those opposing such “preprints” argue that they allow work of poor quality to grow wildly because it has not yet been peer-reviewed. That may surprise physicists and mathematicians, who have been posting work to arXiv, a preprint database, for more than 25 years with no ill effects.Step two is to improve the process of peer review itself. Journals currently administer a system of organizing anonymous peer reviewers to pass judgment on new research—a fact they use, in part, to justify their sky-high subscription prices. But this process tends to be abused. At its worst, groups of researchers are suspected of guaranteeing favorable reviews for each other’s work. Better that reviewers are named and that the reviews are published. The Gates foundation has announced its support for an online database where such open peer review of papers takes place. The database was launched last year by the Wellcome Trust, meaning that the world’s two largest medical charities have thrown their weight behind it. Others should follow.Finally, science needs to stop relying so much on journal publication as the only recognized credential for researchers and the only path to career progression. Tools exist that report how often a preprint has been viewed, for example, or whether a clinical data set has been cited in guidelines for doctors. A handful of firms are using artificial intelligence to assess the scientific importance of research, disregarding how it has been spread. Such approaches need encouragement. Journals may lose out, but science itself will benefit.62. The passage primarily argues ________.A. why scientists should timely make public their information with other peersB. how a reliable system that promotes fast sharing of academic outcomes can be establishedC. how the scientific circle ensures the quality of those research papers published in journalsD. what the difference is between the studies posted to preprint databases and the elite journals63. Which of the following is NOT the reason why scientists hold back their findings?A. They want to climb up the career ladders.B. They want to show their capacity of yielding great researches.C. They want to ensure the scientific validity before releasing them.D. They want to get funded for their study.64. What does the underlined word “anonymous” probably mean?A. showing strong abilityB. identified by many peopleC. unknown by nameD. having great authority65. What can help reduce academics’dependence on journal publication?A. Using tools to report the frequency of a preprint being viewed.B. Firms using advanced technology to produce a research.C. Citing doctors’ guideline in processing a clinical data.D. Finding methods to assess the way those studies are shared or spread.66. Which one of the following statements will the author most probably agree with?A. Full trust can be put in elite journals like Science and Nature.B. The prospect of scientific journals undoubtedly outweighs that of science.C. The popularity of preprint will inevitably bring about a careless academic world.D. Organizations ought to employ an open measure to conduct the peer review.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there is one sentence more than you need.Gun laws in America are already so weak, it must be tough to find ways to make them even looser. But you have to give gun lobbyists(游说者) credit. They've come up with some new ideas and found friends in Congress to promote them, even as the nation is in deep sadnessdue to the 58 people killed at a music festival in Las Vegas.At the top of the wish list: a push to make it easier to buy gun silencers. (67)__________. At worst, they would put innocent people and police officers in graver danger.The changes are tucked(塞) into a measure called the Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act. The seemingly harmless title tries to hide its most controversial content. The proposal getting the most attention is a move to make it easier to buy silencers. (68)__________. But when opponents argue that silencers will make it harder to hear gunshots, those same supporters insist it isn't so. Sorry, but they can't have it both ways.Silencers have been available to hunters and others under the current law since 1934. But the National Rifle Association thinks it takes too much trouble to buy one. Buyers must pass a criminal background check, turn over their fingerprints to the government, and pay a $200 fee. Silencers are registered, and transfers are tracked. (69)__________.Two days after the Las Vegas massacre(屠杀), a group of House Democrats called on House Speaker Paul Ryanto ensure that the SHARE measure won’t be taken up by the House. But the best Ryan could know was, “I don’t know when it’s going to be scheduled.”Ryan and other Republicans who have opposed every previous effort to pass gun measures said this week they'd consider banning "bump stocks," anextra piece of equipment the Las Vegas shooter used to make his semi-automatic weapon even more dangerous. Also, the NRA talked favorably about "additional regulations" but not a new law. (70)__________.Controlling gun violence should be at the top of Congress' agenda. Instead, according to the gun lobby's demand, it is looking at weakening existing restrictions. That is pathetic.Section DDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Virginia is killing its U.S. history testsAs a history exam supporter, I have seen so many people appealing to the government to cancel it. Many students scored poorly in it and complained about hard work. In 2014, the Virginia legislature(立法) ordered a cut in the number of tests taken by the state’s children, and specifically eliminated the fifth grade and middle school U.S. history tests. The U.S. and Virginia history exam in high school is also about to disappear. Politicians seem to think the best way to reduce testing pressure is to abandon tests, no matter how important.I met Steve Constantino, now chief academic officer of the Virginia Education Department, and he told me, “even without tests, the course, requirements, standards, etc., are all still very much required and schools are accountable to ensure that students master the content. I believe what this does is move the course toward more of a deeper learning experience, like IB.”But when I met him the first time in the late 1990s, he was then the brilliant principal of Stonewall Jackson High School. He turned that school into a model for the demanding International Baccalaureate(IB) program.One of the reasons his IB program at Stonewall Jackson High School worked so well was that his IB students had to take the nation’s most difficult final exams, some of them five hours long.My suggestion is that Virginia replace its state history tests with IB exams. You can learn a great deal preparing for one of those even if you fail.But that’s not going to happen. Constantino’s dream of deeper learning without challenging tests has never been achieved in American schools. So we will muddle along, not learning much history, since despite what we say, we really don’t think we need it.第II卷V. Translation(3’+3’+4’+5’)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 没有什么比网游更容易浪费你的时间了。

上海交通大学附属中学2018-2019学年第二学期高一化学摸底测试 Word版

上海交通大学附属中学2018-2019学年第二学期高一化学摸底测试  Word版

上海交通大学附属中学2018-2019学年第二学期高一化学摸底测试 Word 版- + +上海交通大学附属中学 2018-2019 学年度第二学期高一化学摸底测试相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 S-32 Cl-35.5 K-39 Br-80 一、选择题(每小题只有 1 个正确答案)(2*20 分) 1. 下列物质可以实施人工降雨的是( )A. AgFB. AgClC. AgBrD. AgI2. 下列各组中两种微粒所含电子数不相等的是( ) A. H 3O +和OH - B. CO 和 N 2 C. HNO 2 和 NO 2 D. CH 3 和 NH 43. 分类是化学研究的重要方法,下列物质分类错误的是( ) A. 化合物:干冰、明矾、石碱 B. 同素异形体:石墨、C60、金刚石 C. 非电解质:乙醇、四氯化碳、氯气D. 混合物:漂白粉、纯净矿泉水、碱石灰4. 氢元素与其他元素形成二元化合物称为氢化物,有关氢化物的叙述正确的是( )A. HF 的电子式B. H 2S 的空间构型为直线型C. NH 3 的结构式D. CH 4 是含非极性键的非极性分子5. 在“HI(s)→HI(g)→H 2 和 I 2”的变化过程中,被破坏的作用力依次是( ) A. 范德华力、范德华力 B. 范德华力、共价键 C. 共价键、离子键D. 共价键、共价键6. 能够产生如右图实验现象的液体是( ) A. CS 2B. CCl 4C. H 2OD. 苯7. 用漂粉精漂白时,对提高漂粉精漂白作用无明显效果的是( ) A. 食盐B. CO 2 和水蒸气C. NaHSO 4 固体D. 食醋8. 将氯气持续通入紫色石蕊试液中,溶液颜色呈现如下变化:关于溶液中导致变色的微粒Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的判断正确的是( )A. H +、ClO -、Cl 2B. H +、ClO -、Cl -C. HCl 、ClO -、Cl -D. H +、HClO 、Cl 29. 海带中含有碘元素,有人设计如下步骤来提取碘:①通适量氯气;②将海带烧成灰,向灰中加水搅拌; ③加 CCl 4 振荡;④过滤;⑤用分液漏斗分液。



2017-2018学年上海交大附中高一(下)期中物理试卷试题数:22.满分:1001.(单选题.3分)下列说法正确的是()A.匀速圆周运动是一种匀速运动B.匀速圆周运动是一种匀变速运动C.物体做圆周运动.合外力一定沿半径指向圆心D.匀速圆周运动是一种变加速运动2.(单选题.3分)如图所示.O为弹簧振子平衡位置.将振子拉至A处后放手.振子可沿水平光滑杆在A、B间作简谐振动.则振子()A.从B→O回复力不断减小.速度不断减小B.在O处速度最大C.从B→O回复力不断增大.速度不断增大D.在B处速度最大3.(单选题.3分)计算机中的硬磁盘磁道如图所示.硬盘绕磁道的圆心0转动.A、B两点位于不同的磁道上.线速度分别为v A和v B.向心加速度为a A和a B.则它们大小关系正确的是()A.v A<vB.a A<a BB.v A>v B.a A<a BC.v A<v B .a A>a BD.v A>v B .a A>a B4.(单选题.3分)有一列沿x轴负方向传播的横波.某时刻波的图象如图所示.P质点此时的运动方向是()A.y轴正方向B.y轴负方向C.x轴正方向D.沿曲线向左上方5.(单选题.3分)如图所示.空心球壳半径为R.绕过竖直直径的OO’轴以角速度ω匀速转动时.物块A恰好静止在内壁上。




上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第二学期高一英语摸底考试卷I. Listening Comprehension(略)II. Grammar and VocabularySection A: Multiple Choices 19/1501.It was for her rare charm and inner beauty ______ British movie star Audrey Hepburn was named the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. why2.This newly released film, Vincent Van Gogh, which is made of over twenty thousand ______ oil painting, is the first one of the type.A. handcraftedB. being handcraftedC. to be handcraftedD. having handcrafted3.When ______ the French and German versions of the Mozart musical, students concluded that the French one is more colorfully displayed and goes on more light-spiritedly.A. compareB. to compareC. comparedD. comparing4.No sooner ______ than the wedding ceremony was announced to begin.A. had the limousine carrying the best actress arrived.B. had the limousine carried the best actress arrivedC. had arrived the limousine carried the best actressD. had arrived the limousine carrying the best actress5.The visiting minister of culture expressed his satisfaction with the treatment he received, ______ that he had enjoyed his stay here and promised to bring more quality cultural exchange programs to China in the coming year of Dog.A. addingB. addedC. having addedD. to add6.When stopped by the police at the roadside, the drunken movie star confessed that he remembered ______ at the party; but not ______.A. to arrive, leavingB. to arrive, to leaveC. arriving, leavingD. arriving, to leave7.The recent strike in the field of education ______ for a week, without any signs indicating the possible compromise between Russell universities and their professors.A. went onB. had gone onC. has gone onD. has been going on8.Such an informative lecture ______ many of the students wanted to tape it.A. that it wasB. was it thatC. it was thatD. that was it9.--Mom, my toy car has been crushed down.--You ______ on it. I’ve told you so and it’s dangerous too!A. mustn’t have riddenB. shouldn’t have riddenC. needn’t have riddenD. couldn’t have ridden10.If you are tired of books on happiness and success, you ______ need a book about laissez faire, an idea or state involving no purposeful interference.A. mustB. dareC. mayD. should11. A good story unnecessarily ______ have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left unsatisfied.A. shouldB. canC. mustD. has to12.--Do you know if Tony went to an opera this weekend at the Grand Theatre?--Tony? Impossible! He ______ all the musicals and operas.A. hatesB. has hatedC. will hateD. hated13.I thought BAO would at least bring us some candies about his happy big event, but he ______ it.A. doesn’t mentionB. hadn’t mentionedC. didn’t mentionD. hasn’t mentioned14.During last month’s domestic unrest in Maldives, warnings to stop any travelling ______ to all Chinese citizens from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.A. had been issuedB. were issuedC. have been issuedD. issued15.Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians ______ an artistic work combining text and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.A. performB. displayC. exhibitD. conduct16.In class, whether students are attentive or not can be easily told by checking their focused or ______ eyes.A. wanderedB. wonderedC. pointedD. lifted17.Harvard’s sizable university fund has enabled her to hold to her humanity tradition in ______ with her pursuit of frontier science and engineering.A. approvalB. parallelC. applicationD. identity18.Classic Greek drama, typical of classic literature, was written in verse, usually in a(n) ______ and formal style.A. acceleratedB. elevatedC. stimulatedD. ascended19.I have great confidence that our economy will ______ this difficult period, because I have great confidence in the boundless, innovative spirit of our people.A. pull offB. pull outC. pull throughD. pull upSection B: Blank filling(Grammar) 6/150There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. Many artists, however, would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the distinct areas of human activity. For example, in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were especially close. Artists __40__ (invite) to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, but sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired by the work of contemporary painters. __41__ the musical compositions that were considered as responses to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist Victor Hartmann.__42__ their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s unexpected death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasuv, who decided to hold an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested that Mussorgsky __43__ (try) to relieve his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that made up Pictures at anExhibition are intended __44__ symbols rather than representations of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade(舞曲中的行进), with the composer __45__ (walk) from one painting to another. The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Through a range of surprising contrasts, Mussorgsky manages to convey the spirit of the artist and his work.Section C: Blank filling (Vocabulary) 10/15046.The little girl felt sorry about her ______ (perform) in the play and cried when she left the stage.47.I am going to watch a famous ______ (piano) play at the Shanghai Grand Concert Hall tonight.48.Dance music is music composed, played, or both, specifically to ______ (company) social dancing.49.Folk music is music by and of the people. It arises, and best survives, in societies not yet affected by mass ______ (communicate) and the commercialization of culture.50.Heavy metal is a form of music characterized by aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars, with its peak ______ (popular) in the 1980s.51.The term rhythm and blues (R&B) was used in the U.S. in the 1940s to designate upbeat popular music performed by African American ______ (art) that combine jazz and blues.52.Opera refers to a ______ (drama) art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music.53. A symphony is an extended piece of music usually for orchestra and comprised of several ______ (move).54.______ (compete) spirits can help athletes to fight against their opponents, but it is not the case with orchestra or chorus.55.It was his good memory, energy, strict attitude, and ______ (loyal) to the composer’s intention that made him outstanding.The film was inspired by the evacuation of nearly 600 Chinese citizens in Yemens port of Aden during Yemen’s civil war in 2015.The Chinese Navy’s Jiaolong Assault Team is sent on a mission to rescue hostages(人质) that eventually takes them on a quest to stop terrorists __1__ possession of nuclear materials.Similar to the Chris Nolans Dimir, this film Operation Red Sea sacrifices plot and character development for action, and fortunately it __2__. The film editing, sound editing sound mixing, visual effects, action, original score and production design are just __3__.Having borrowed ideas from several Hollywood blockbusters, Operation Red Sea is __4__ every great, good and decent war movie rolled into one amazing spectacle. It’s hard to think of a more ambitious and versatile action war movie that does it anywhere close to this level.What’s most amazing about the film is how quickly it can shift gears(排挡,齿轮). It kicks off with a Navy Seals like rescue mission before turning to a Black Hawk Down city under siege(围攻) effort. The next scene __5__ into a Tears of the Sun type protect the innocents endeavor then nervedamaging shootouts like American Sniper. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, the action __6__ towards a fury-style tank battle.While __7__ over the top, Lam doesn’t treat the soldiers as superheroes. Few emerge completely unscratched while others suffer some terrible deaths.Lam shows the ugliness of warfare without making it too unnecessary. The sight of car bomb and heavy gun attack victims still twitching __8__ the desired effect and doesn’t come off like an excuse to show burnt and separated bodies.The mission was similar in Wolf Warrior 2, but the real inspiration here seems to be Black Hawk Down. Lam’s sense of scale and logistics are outstanding, with scenes __9__ across a war-destructed city cross-cut with tense desert showdowns.Individual stunts are __10__. And despite some obvious effects. The crashes and explosions are far more ferocious than Hollywood offerings.III. Reading ComprehensionSection AJane Austen was born in the English countryside more than 200 years ago. She lived a simple life. She __1__ travelled. She never married and she died from illness when she was only 41.However, people all over the world remember her. Why?It is because Jane Austen is the __2__ of some of the best-loved novels in the English language. These novels include Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.Jane completed her __3__ novel Persuasion in 1816, but it was not published until after her death. Persuasion is __4__ based on Jane’s naval brother.Anne, the daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, falls in love with Captain Wentworth, a person of a __5__ social position. But she breaks off the __6__ when persuaded by her friend Lady Russell that such a match is __7__. The breakup produces in Anne a deep and long-lasting __8__. Eight years later, Wentworth returns from sea a rich and successful __9__. He finds Anne’s family on the edge of financial ruin. Anne and the captain rediscover their love and get married.Jane Austen once compared her writing to painting on a little bit of __10__, two inches square. Readers of Persuasion will see that neither her skill of __11__, ironic(讽刺的) observations on social custom, love, and marriage nor her ability to apply a sharp focus to English __12__ and morals has abandoned her in her final finished work.Persuasion has produced three film __13__: a 1995 version starring Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds, a 2007 TV miniseries with Sally Hawkins and Rupert Penry-Jones, and a 1971 miniseries with Ann Firbank and Bryan Marshall.People who are interested in Jane Austen can still visit many of the places she visited and lived. These places include the village of Steventon, __14__ her family house is now gone. Many of the places Jane visited in Bath are still there. You can visit Jane Austen’s home in Chawton, where she did her best __15__, and Winchester, where she died.1. A. frequently B. seldom C. never D. remotely2. A. artist B. composer C. conductor D. author3. A. first B. best C. last D. bestselling4. A. partly B. purely C. distantly D. completely5. A. higher B. inferior C. lower D. superior6. A. appointment B. engagement C. runaway D. promise7. A. useless B. priceless C. unworthy D. pointless8. A. hatred B. bravery C. regret D. memory9. A. businessman B. captain C. general D. officer10. A. desk B. floor C. peanut D. ivory11. A. humorous B. complicated C. impressive D. delicate12. A. manners B. conversations C. sufferings D. scenes13. A. adaptions B. copies C. volumes D. actions14. A. because B. although C. as if D. whether15. A. singing B. writing C. creating D. shootingSection B(A)A theatrical company was once performing a well-known thriller on the outskirts of London. This company had been assembled by a wealthy woman who had no experience of the stage, but whose fortune allowed her to indulge herself. The final act of this play included a small, but vital part—that of the detective. He was supposed to land by helicopter, enter through the French windows and question everyone on the stage about the murder which had taken place. When the actor cast as the detective failed to show up for rehearsals the stage carpenter volunteered to take his place. He assured his wealthy patron that he had wide experience of comedy and that this part would be easy for him. She believed him. The rest of the company were not so sure. For some reason the carpenter only rehearsed the part once. Even so the ‘manager’ felt totally confident about him.On the opening night all went well until the moment when the helicopter was supposed to land. The terrible noise from the room above, which should have set the chandelier swinging wildly and at which one of the actors was supposed to say, ‘What is that awful noise?’ never happened. Since the next part of the play was concerned with the noise, the actors had to do the best they could and make up the lines. This went on for several minutes, with the cast becoming increasingly desperate when, suddenly, the chandelier began swinging violently, but in total silence. Finally the sound of the approaching helicopter was heard and the cast turned with relief to greet the detective as he entered through the French windows. The sight that met their eyes left them speechless. There stood the carpenter, dressed in a policeman’s uniform but wearing enough make-up for a circus clown. He had two bright red spots on his cheeks and his lips were a vivid pink. His eyes were ringed with enormous bright blue circles, with a blob of black mascara on the end of each lash.After delivering his first line, he then completely forgot the rest of his part. So, striding to the center of the stage, he took off his helmet, in which he had hidden a dirty piece of paper on which he had written his lines. He started reading these like a commentator giving the racing results. When he came to turn over the page, he lost his place, fumbled hopelessly, and when he’d found it, bowed to the audience, saying ‘Pardon me,’ before carrying on. He stuck to carpentry after that.1.The owner of the theatrical company _____________.A. was too rich to be an actressB. had enough money to put on playsC. was rich enough to be able to actD. put all her money into the company2.Why did the wealthy ‘manager’ believe the carpenter could play the part of the detective?A. He said he’d had wide experience in that kind of role.B. He assured her that he found all acting very easy.C. She hadn’t enough experience to know any better.D. She was experienced enough to recognize a good actor.3.Why did the cast ‘become speechless’?A. They couldn’t remember their lines.B. They were so amazed at the carpenter’s appearance.C. They were surprised the carpenter was wearing a uniform.D. They had no breath left after making up lines.(B)1.The above information is mainly intended for _______.A. international tourists in AustraliaB. potential travelers of the steam trainsC. local residents in Dandenong RangesD. volunteers on the Puffing Billy Railway2.People are not permitted to bring ______ onto the excursion trains.A. pramsB. guide dogsC. wheelchairsD. alcohol3.What can be learned from the above information?A. Taking photos is forbidden on most excursion trains.B. Toilets for the disabled are not available at all stations.C. Foreign visitors to Australia can also get concession fares.D. One can get tickets at a lower price as long as he books in advance.(C)The American screen has long been a smoky place, at least since 1942s Now, V oyager, in which Bette Davis and Paul Henreid showed how to make and seal a romantic deal over a pair of cigarettes that were smoldering as much as the stars. Today cigarettes are more common on screen than at any other time since mid-century: 75% of all Hollywood films—including 36% of those rated G or PG—show tobacco use, according to a 2006 survey by the University of California, San Francisco.Audiences, especially kids, are taking notice. Two recent studies, published in Lancet and Pediatrics, have found that among children as young as 10, those exposed to the most screen smoking are up to 2.7 times as likely as others to pick up the habit. Worse, it’s the ones from nonsmoking homes who are hit the hardest. Now the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) the folks behind the designated-driver campaign—are pushing to get the smokes off the screen. “Some movies show kids up to 14 incidents of smoking per hour”, says Barry Bloom, HSPH’s dean. “We’re in the business of preventing disease, and cigarettes are the No. 1 preventable cause”.Harvard long believed that getting cigarettes out of movies could have as powerful an effect, but it wouldn’t be easy. Cigarette makers had a history of striking product-placement deals with Hollywood, and while the 1998 tobacco settlement prevents that, nothing stops directors from incorporating smoking into scenes on their own. In 1999 Harvard began holding one-on-one meetings with studio execs trying to change that, and last year the Motion Picture Association of America flung the door open, inviting Bloom to make a presentation in February to all the studios. Harvard’s advice was direct: Get the butts entirely out, or at least make smoking unappealing.A few films provide a glimpse of what a no-smoking or low-smoking Hollywood would be like. Producer Lindsay Doran, who once helped persuade director John Hughes to keep Ferris Bueller smoke-free in the 1980s hit, wanted to do the same for the leads of her 2006 movie Stranger Than Fiction. When a writer convinced her that the character played by Emma Thompson had to smoke, Doran relented, but from the way Thompson hacks her way through the film and snuffs out her cigarettes in a palmful of spit, it’s clear the glamour’s gone. And remember all the smoking in The Devil Wears Prada? No? That’s because the producers of that film kept it out entirely—even in a story that travels from the US fashion world to Paris, two of the most tobacco-happy places on earth. “No one smoked in that movie”, says Doran, “and no one noticed”. Such movies are hardly the rule, but the pressure is growing. Like smokers, studios may conclude that quitting the habit is not just a lot healthier but also a lot smarter.1.Why the author mentioned Now, V oyager?A. Smoke on screen can make romance.B. To show American screen was full of cigarette smoke.C. To explain why cigarettes are easier to get than past.D. The romantic Hollywood movie is a typical example of smoky screen.2.It’s hard to get cigarettes out of Hollywood because ________.A. Harvard believed that it is not easy to get cigarettes out of moviesB. directors are reluctant to do soC. Hollywood needs smoke incident to attract audiencesD. the relation between cigarette makers and Hollywood is complex3.Which of the following statements is true according to the author?A. Mosbfilms provide a glimpse of a no-smoking or low-smoking HollywoodB. Feris Bueller didn’t smoke in the 1980s hit.C. Doran will let Emma Thompson smoke continuously next filmsD. No one noticed the tobacco in The Devil Wears Prada4.What’s the author’s attitude toward getting cigarettes out of screen?A. supportive.B. OptimisticC. IndifferentD. Skeptical(D)Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified by the cover of some of the old pulp magazines: the Bug-eyed Monster, embodying every trait and feature that most people find repulsive, is about grab, and presumably ravish, a sweet, blonde, curvaceous, scantily-clad Earth girl. This is unfortunate because it demeans and degrades a worthwhile and even important literary endeavor. In contrast to this unwarranted stereotype, science fiction rarely emphasizes sex, and when it does, it is more discreet than other contemporary fiction. Instead, the basic interest of science fiction lies in the relation between man and his technology and between man and the universe. Science fiction is a literature of change and a literature of the future, and while it would be foolish to claim that science fiction is a major literary genre at this time, the aspects of human life that it considers make it well worth reading and studying for no other literary form does quite the same things. The question is: what is science fiction? And the answer must be, unfortunately, that there have been few attempts to consider this question at any length or with much seriousness; it may well be that science fictionwill resist any comprehensive definition of its characteristics. To say this, however, does not mean that there are no ways of defining it nor that various facets of its totality cannot be clarified.To begin with, the following definition should be helpful: science fiction is a literary sub-genre which postulates a change (for human beings from conditions as we know them and follows the implications of these changes to a conclusion. Although this definition will necessarily be modified and expanded, and probably changed, in the course of this exploration, it covers much of the basic groundwork and provides a point of departure. The first point that science fiction is a literary sub-genre is a very important one, but one which is often overlooked or ignored in most discussions of science fiction. Specifically, science fiction is either a short story or a novel. There are only a few dramas which could be called science fiction, with Karel Capek’s RUR(Rossum’s Universal Robots) being the only one that is well known; the body of poetry that might be labeled science fiction is only slightly larger. To say that science fiction is a sub-genre of prose fiction is to say that it has all the basic characteristics and serves the same basic functions in much the same way as prose fiction in general, that is, it shares a great deal with all other novels and short stories.Everything that can be said about prose fiction, in general, applies to science fiction. Every piece of science fiction whether short story or novel, must have a narrator, a story, a plot, a setting characters, language, and theme. And like any prose, the themes of science fiction are concerned with interpreting mans nature and experience in relation to the world around him. Themes in science fiction are constructed and presented in exactly the same ways that themes are dealt with in any other kind of fiction. They are the result of a particular combination of narrator, story, plot, character, setting, and language. In short, the reasons for reading and enjoying science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it, are basically the same as they would be for any other story or novel.1.The view of science fiction encouraged by pulp magazines, while wrong, is nevertheless _________.A. popularB. ElegantC. fashionableD. accurate2.Science fiction is called a literary sub-genre because _______.A. it is not important enough to be a literary genreB. it can not be made into a dramatic presentationC. it has its limitsD. it shares characteristics with other types of prose fiction3.Which of the following does NOT usually contribute to the theme in a piece of science fiction _____.A. characterB. rhymeC. plotD. setting4.The authors definition suggests that all science fiction deals with _________.A. monstersB. the same topics addressed by novels and short storiesC. the unfamiliar or unusualD. the conflict between science and fiction5.One implication of the final sentence in the passage is that __________.A. those who can read and analyze fiction can also do so with science fictionB. there is no reason for any reader not to like science fictionC. all fiction consists of six basic elementsD. there are reasons for enjoying science fictionIV. Translation 19/1501.观众热烈的掌声盖过了演员的歌唱。

2018-2019 学年上海交通大学附属中学第一学期 高一化学摸底考试卷(解析版)

2018-2019 学年上海交通大学附属中学第一学期 高一化学摸底考试卷(解析版)

.2018-2019 学年上海交通大学附属中学第一学期高一化学摸底考试卷相对质量:H斗,C-12 ,N-14 ,0 -16,Na-23 ,S-32,Cl-35.5,K-39,Ca-40一、选择题(只有一个正确答案)1.下列资源的利用过程中发生了化学变化的是A . 铁矿炼铁B. 干冰制冷 C . 海水晒盐 D. 风能发电【答案】A【解析】略2. 氨气密度比空气小,极易溶于水,以下收集氨气的方法正确的是【答案】B【解析】氨气在常温下是一种极易溶与水的气体,所以不能用排水法收集,它的密度比空气小可以用向下排空气法收集.3. 下列实验操作、现象与结论对应关系不正确的是【答案】A【解析】A、醋酸和氢氧化钠溶液反应生成醋酸钠和水,反应无明显现象,但二者之间发生了反应,故A错误;B、活性炭具有吸附性,能吸附色素和异味,所以向红墨水中加入活性炭,过滤,看到的现象是红墨水变为无色,从而证明活性炭具有吸附性,故B正确;C、黄铜是铜的合金,合金的硬度大,所以用黄铜片在铜上刻划,铜片上有划痕,故C正确;D 、电解水实验中可观察到电极上有气泡产生,这是因为电解水生成氢气和氧气,故D 正确.由于本题选择不正确的,故选:A .4. KCl 与 KN03 在不同温度的溶解度数据如右表。

则下列说法正确的是A. KN03 比KCl 的溶解度大B. 两物质的溶解度相等的温度在 20-30℃间C. 在 200C 时, 10g 水中加入 5gKCl 可得到 33.3% 的 KCl 溶液D. 在 50℃时,两物质各 5g 分别加入 10g 水中,充分溶解,均有固体剩余 【答案】B【解析】A 、没有指明温度无法比较溶解度的大小,故A 错误;B 、分析图表,KNO3和NaCl 的溶解度曲线在20℃~30℃温度范围内有相同的时候,所以两种物质的溶解度曲线在此范围内相交,故B 正确;C 、20℃时KCl 的溶解度是33g ,相当于100g 溶液最多溶解氯化钾33g ;10g 水中加入5gKCl ,溶解3gKCl ,溶液中溶质的质量分数为3g ,3g+10g ×100%=23%,故C 错误;D 、50℃时KCl 溶解度是41g ,相当于100g 溶液最多溶解氯化钾41g ,10g 水中最多溶解氯化钾4.1g ,有固体剩余;50℃时硝酸钾溶解度是88g ,相当于100g 溶液最多溶解硝酸钾88g ,10g 水中最多溶解硝酸钾8.8g ,无固体剩余,故D 错误.故选:B .5. 取四朵用石蕊熔液染成的紫色干燥纸花进行以下实验,下列分析错误的是 A. ①说明酸溶液可以使石恋变红B. ①④对比说明④中产生了与盐酸性质相似的物质C. ②④对比说明水在石蕊变色过程中不发挥任何作用D. ②③④对比说明二氧化碳能和水反应【答案】A【解析】:A、喷洒稀盐酸纸花变红说明了酸溶液可以使石蕊变红,故A说法正确B、纸花喷水后放入CO2中,纸花变红说明了纸花喷水后生成了与盐酸性质相似的物质,故B说法正确;C、喷洒水纸花不变色、喷水后放入CO2中纸花变红不能说明水在石蕊变色过程中不发挥任何作用,故C说法错误;D、喷洒水纸花不变色、放入干燥二氧化碳中纸花不变色、喷水后放CO2中纸花变红说了二氧化碳能和水反应,故D说法正确.故选C.6. 向不饱和的 KN03熔液中,逐渐加 KN03晶体,下列图象中符合溶被中溶质质量变化规律的是【答案】C【解析】A、不饱和KNO3溶液中含有一定量的溶质硝酸钾,所以加入硝酸钾之前,不饱和的硝酸钾溶质的质量不为0,故选项错误;B、向一定量不饱和KNO3溶液中逐渐加入KNO3固体时,硝酸钾能够继续溶解,直到达到饱和状态.故选项错误;C、向一定量不饱和KNO3溶液中逐渐加入KNO3固体时,硝酸钾能够继续溶解,达到饱和状态时不再溶解.故选项正确;D、在一定温度下,在一定量的溶剂里,KNO3不能无限溶解.故选项错误.故选C.7.类推是常用的思维方法,以下类推成立的是A . 单质由同种元素组成,所以由同种元素组成的物质一定是单质B. 分子可以构成物质,所以物质一定由分子构成C. 燃烧有发光、发热,所以发光、发热变化一定是化学变化D. 常温下,酸溶液的 pH 小于 7,所以醋酸溶液的pH 一定小于 7【答案】D【解析】A、由同种元素组成的纯净物是单质,故A错;B、构成物质的基本微粒有分子、原子、离子,故B错;C、灯泡发光放热,属于物理变化,故C错;D、醋酸溶液属于酸,因为常温下,酸溶液的pH小于7,所以醋酸溶液的pH一定小于7,故D正确.8. 将一定量的乙醇 (C2H5OH)和氧气置于一个封闭的容器中引燃,测得反应前后各物质的质量如下表:下列判断正确的是A. 无论如何改变氧气的起始量,均有 X 生成B. X 一定是该反应的催化剂C. X 可能含有氢元素D. 表中 a 的值为 5.6【答案】C【解析】略9. 在隔绝空气情况下,用木炭还原氧化铜.下列叙述正确的是A. 反应前后固体的质量不变B. 反应后固体减轻的质量等于氧化铜中氧元素的质量C. 反应前后固体中铜元素的质量保持不变D. 反应中消耗的氧化铜与木炭的物质的量一定相等【答案】C【解析】利用质量守恒定律解答10. 下列四个图像能正确反映其对应实验操作的是A :①高温般烧一定质量的石灰石B ②用等质量、等浓度的双氧水分别制取氧气C. ③向一定体积的稀盐酸中逐滴加入氢氧化钠溶液D ④某温度下,向一定量饱和硝酸钾溶液中加入硝酸钾固体【答案】C【解析】A、石灰石开始具有一定的质量,高温煅烧后,会分解放出二氧化碳和氧化钙,二氧化碳逸到空气中,使固体质量减少,石灰石分解完后,固体质量不再减少,图象应该从纵轴的某个部位开始逐渐的减少,然后转成水平,故A 错误B、催化剂只会改变反应的速率,不会改变氧气量的多少,加催化剂和不加催化剂放出的氧气量相同,只是反应时间的不同,水平线应该重合,故B错误C、锌的活动性比铁强,锌与稀硫酸反应比铁剧烈;等质量两金属完全反应后,根据反应的化学方程式可知,铁产生氢气质量大于锌;故C正确D、温度一定,饱和溶液中的溶质质量分数就不变,所以图象应该是从y轴的某点开始的一条水平线,故D错误11.右图是 R 原子结构示意图和磷元素的相关信息,下列说法错误的是A,X=8B,磷元素的相对原子质量为15C,两种元素可以形成化学式为P2R 5D,磷可以在R的单质中剧烈燃烧【答案】B【解析】A、X=2+6=8,是氧元素,故A正确;B、磷元素的相对原子质量是30.97,故B错误;C、R原子的最外层电子数是6,在化学反应中易得到两个电子,表现出的化合价是-2,磷元素的化合价是+5,故能形成的化合物的化学式是P2O5,故C正确;D、R是氧元素,形成的单质是氧气,磷能在氧气中燃烧,故D正确.12.参阅下列有关元素E两种同位素的资料同位素同位素的相对原子质量丰度103E 103 20%105E 105 80%元素E的相对平均原子量的是A.103.4B. 103.6 C 104.0 D 104.6 【答案】D【解析】略13. 氯元素的天然同位素有3517Cl 和3717Cl,氯元素的相对原子质量为 35.5.则天然氯元素中,3517Cl 和3717Cl 的原子数目之比约为A. 3 : 1B. 1 : 3C. 3: 2D. 4: 1 【答案】A【解析】氯元素的相对原子质量35.5是质量数分别为3537的核素的平均值,可以采用十字交叉法计算其原子个数比;,3717Cl和3517Cl的原子个数之比为0.5:1.5=1:314. X 元素组成三种气态单质都是双原子分子它们的相对分子质量分别是 32、34、36现有这三种单质的混合气体,分子数之比为 15 :4: 1,下列说法正确的是A. 若该容器中的 X2全部转化成同素异形体元,则 X3的分子有 21 种B. 质量数为 16 的同位素的丰度为 85%C. 该元素的相对原子质量为 17D. 该元素所含三种同位素的原子数之比为 15:4 : 1 【答案】B【解析】略15. 一个12C 原子的质量为 a kg,一个12C I602分子的质量为 bkg ,若以12C I602中的一个氧原子质量的 1/16 作为相对原子质量标准,则12C I602的相对分子质量为【答案】A【解析】由题意可知:12CO2分子中的1个氧原子质量为:(b-a)/2 kg根据相对原子质量的求法可知12CO2的相对分子质量= bkg/ (b-a)/2 kg× 1/16 = 32b /b-a ;16. X、Y、Z和R分别代表四种元素,如果a X m+、b Y n+、c Z n- d R m- 四种离子的电子层结构相同,则下列关系式正确的是A . a-c=m-n B. a-b=n-m C. c+d=m+n D. b-d=n+m【答案】D【解析】四种离子的电子层结构相同即离子核外电子总数相同,所以正确选项为D;17. 己知某种元素的一种原子的核内质子数是m ,中子数是n ,下列说法正确的是A . 该元素的相对原子质量是m+nB. 该元素的质量数是m+nC. m+n均可写在元素符号的左下角D. 若C-12 的质量是wg ,则该原子的质量是(m+n)w/ 12 g【答案】D【解析】考查相对原子质量概念辨析。



上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第二学期高一英语摸底考试卷I. Listening Comprehension(略)II. Grammar and VocabularySection A: Multiple Choices 19/1501. It was for her rare charm and inner beauty ______ British movie star Audrey Hepburn was named the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. why2. This newly released film, Vincent Van Gogh, which is made of over twenty thousand ______ oil painting, is the first one of the type.A. handcraftedB. being handcraftedC. to be handcraftedD. having handcrafted3. When ______ the French and German versions of the Mozart musical, students concluded that the French one is more colorfully displayed and goes on more light-spiritedly.A. compareB. to compareC. comparedD. comparing4. No sooner ______ than the wedding ceremony was announced to begin.A. had the limousine carrying the best actress arrived.B. had the limousine carried the best actress arrivedC. had arrived the limousine carried the best actressD. had arrived the limousine carrying the best actress5. The visiting minister of culture expressed his satisfaction with the treatment he received, ______ that he had enjoyed his stay here and promised to bring more quality cultural exchange programs to China in the coming year of Dog.A. addingB. addedC. having addedD. to add6. When stopped by the police at the roadside, the drunken movie star confessed that he remembered ______ at the party; but not ______.A. to arrive, leavingB. to arrive, to leaveC. arriving, leavingD. arriving, to leave7. The recent strike in the field of education ______ for a week, without any signs indicating the possible compromise between Russell universities and their professors.A. went onB. had gone onC. has gone onD. has been going on8. Such an informative lecture ______ many of the students wanted to tape it.A. that it wasB. was it thatC. it was thatD. that was it9. --Mom, my toy car has been crushed down.--You ______ on it. I’ve told you so and it’s dangerous too!A. mustn’t have riddenB. shouldn’t have riddenC. needn’t have riddenD. couldn’t have ridden10. If you are tired of books on happiness and success, you ______ need a book about laissez faire, an idea or state involving no purposeful interference.A. mustB. dareC. mayD. should11. A good story unnecessarily ______ have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left unsatisfied.A. shouldB. canC. mustD. has to12. --Do you know if Tony went to an opera this weekend at the Grand Theatre?--Tony? Impossible! He ______ all the musicals and operas.A. hatesB. has hatedC. will hateD. hated13. I thought BAO would at least bring us some candies about his happy big event, but he ______ it.A. doesn’t mentionB. hadn’t mentionedC. didn’t mentionD. hasn’t mentioned14. During last month’s domestic unrest in Maldives, warnings to stop any travelling ______ to all Chinese citizens from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.A. had been issuedB. were issuedC. have been issuedD. issued15. Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians ______ an artistic work combining text and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.A. performB. displayC. exhibitD. conduct16. In class, whether students are attentive or not can be easily told by checking their focused or ______ eyes.A. wanderedB. wonderedC. pointedD. lifted17. Harvard’s sizable university fund has enabled her to hold to her humanity tradition in ______ with her pursuit of frontier science and engineering.A. approvalB. parallelC. applicationD. identity18. Classic Greek drama, typical of classic literature, was written in verse, usually in a(n) ______ and formal style.A. acceleratedB. elevatedC. stimulatedD. ascended19. I have great confidence that our economy will ______ this difficult period, because I have great confidence in the boundless, innovative spirit of our people.A. pull offB. pull outC. pull throughD. pull upSection B: Blank filling(Grammar) 6/150There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. Many artists, however, would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the distinct areas of human activity. For example, in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were especially close. Artists __40__ (invite) to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, but sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired by the work of contemporary painters. __41__ the musical compositions that were considered as responses to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist Victor Hartmann.__42__ their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s unexpected death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasuv, who decided to hold an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested that Mussorgsky __43__ (try) to relieve his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that made up Pictures at anExhibition are intended __44__ symbols rather than representations of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade(舞曲中的行进), with the composer __45__ (walk) from one painting to another. The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Through a range of surprising contrasts, Mussorgsky manages to convey the spirit of the artist and his work.Section C: Blank filling (Vocabulary) 10/15046. The little girl felt sorry about her ______ (perform) in the play and cried when she left the stage.47. I am going to watch a famous ______ (piano) play at the Shanghai Grand Concert Hall tonight.48. Dance music is music composed, played, or both, specifically to ______ (company) social dancing.49. Folk music is music by and of the people. It arises, and best survives, in societies not yet affected by mass ______ (communicate) and the commercialization of culture.50. Heavy metal is a form of music characterized by aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars, with its peak ______ (popular) in the 1980s.51. The term rhythm and blues (R&B) was used in the U.S. in the 1940s to designate upbeat popular music performed by African American ______ (art) that combine jazz and blues.52. Opera refers to a ______ (drama) art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music.53. A symphony is an extended piece of music usually for orchestra and comprised of several ______ (move).54. ______ (compete) spirits can help athletes to fight against their opponents, but it is not the case with orchestra or chorus.55. It was his good memory, energy, strict attitude, and ______ (loyal) to the composer’s intention that made him outstanding.The film was inspired by the evacuation of nearly 600 Chinese citizens in Yemens port of Aden during Yemen’s civil war in 2015.The Chinese Navy’s Jiaolong Assault T eam is sent on a mission to rescue hostages(人质) that eventually takes them on a quest to stop terrorists __1__ possession of nuclear materials.Similar to the Chris NolansDimir, this film Operation Red Sea sacrifices plot and character development for action, and fortunately it __2__. The film editing, sound editing sound mixing, visual effects, action, original score and production design are just __3__.Having borrowed ideas from several Hollywood blockbusters, Operation Red Sea is __4__ every great, good and decent war movie rolled into one amazing spectacle. It’s hard to think of a more ambitious and versatile action war movie that does it anywhere close to this level.What’s most amazing about the film is how quickly it can shift gears(排挡,齿轮). It kicks off with a Navy Seals like rescue mission before turning to a Black Hawk Down city under siege(围攻) effort. The next scene __5__ into a Tears of the Sun type protect the innocents endeavor then nerve damaging shootouts like American Sniper. And just whe n you think you’ve seen it all, the action __6__ towards a fury-style tank battle.While __7__ over the top, Lam doesn’t treat the soldiers as superheroes. Few emerge completely unscratched while others suffer some terrible deaths.Lam shows the ugliness of warfare without making it too unnecessary. The sight of car bomb and heavy gun attack victims still twitching __8__ the desired effect and doesn’t come off like an excuse to show burnt and separated bodies.The mission was similar in Wolf Warrior 2, but the real inspiration here seems to be Black Hawk Down. Lam’s sense of scale and logistics are outstanding, with scenes __9__ across a war-destructed city cross-cut with tense desert showdowns.Individual stunts are __10__. And despite some obvious effects. The crashes and explosions are far more ferocious than Hollywood offerings.III. Reading ComprehensionSection AJane Austen was born in the English countryside more than 200 years ago. She lived a simple life. She __1__ travelled. She never married and she died from illness when she was only 41.However, people all over the world remember her. Why?It is because Jane Austen is the __2__ of some of the best-loved novels in the English language. These novels include Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.Jane completed her __3__ novel Persuasion in 1816, but it was not published until after her death. Persuasion is __4__ based on Jane’s naval brother.Anne, the daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, falls in love with Captain Wentworth, a person of a __5__ social position. But she breaks off the __6__ when persuaded by her friend Lady Russell that such a match is __7__. The breakup produces in Anne a deep and long-lasting __8__. Eight years later, Wentworth returns from sea a rich and su ccessful __9__. He finds Anne’s family on the edge of financial ruin. Anne and the captain rediscover their love and get married.Jane Austen once compared her writing to painting on a little bit of __10__, two inches square. Readers of Persuasion will see that neither her skill of __11__, ironic(讽刺的) observations on social custom, love, and marriage nor her ability to apply a sharp focus to English __12__ and morals has abandoned her in her final finished work.Persuasion has produced three film __13__: a 1995 version starring Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds, a 2007 TV miniseries with Sally Hawkins and Rupert Penry-Jones, and a 1971 miniseries with Ann Firbank and Bryan Marshall.People who are interested in Jane Austen can still visit many of the places she visited and lived. These places include the village of Steventon, __14__ her family house is now gone. Many of the places Jane visited in Bath are still there. You can visit Jane Austen’s home in Chawton, where she did her best __15__, and Winchester, where she died.1. A. frequently B. seldom C. never D. remotely2. A. artist B. composer C. conductor D. author3. A. first B. best C. last D. bestselling4. A. partly B. purely C. distantly D. completely5. A. higher B. inferior C. lower D. superior6. A. appointment B. engagement C. runaway D. promise7. A. useless B. priceless C. unworthy D. pointless8. A. hatred B. bravery C. regret D. memory9. A. businessman B. captain C. general D. officer10. A. desk B. floor C. peanut D. ivory11. A. humorous B. complicated C. impressive D. delicate12. A. manners B. conversations C. sufferings D. scenes13. A. adaptions B. copies C. volumes D. actions14. A. because B. although C. as if D. whether15. A. singing B. writing C. creating D. shootingSection B(A)A theatrical company was once performing a well-known thriller on the outskirts of London. This company had been assembled by a wealthy woman who had no experience of the stage, but whose fortune allowed her to indulge herself. The final act of this play included a small, but vital part—that of the detective. He was supposed to land by helicopter, enter through the French windows and question everyone on the stage about the murder which had taken place. When the actor cast as the detective failed to show up for rehearsals the stage carpenter volunteered to take his place. He assured his wealthy patron that he had wide experience of comedy and that this part would be easy for him. She believed him. The rest of the company were not so sure. For some reason the carpenter only rehearsed the part once. Even so the ‘manager’ felt totally confident about him.On the opening night all went well until the moment when the helicopter was supposed to land. The terrible noise from the room above, which should have set the chandelier swinging wildly and at which one of the actors was supposed to say, ‘What is that awful noise?’ never happened. Since the next part of the play was concerned with the noise, the actors had to do the best they could and make up the lines. This went on for several minutes, with the cast becoming increasingly desperate when, suddenly, the chandelier began swinging violently, but in total silence. Finally the sound of the approaching helicopter was heard and the cast turned with relief to greet the detective as he entered through the French windows. The sight that met their eyes left them speechless. There stood the carpenter, dressed in a policeman’s u niform but wearing enough make-up for a circus clown. He had two bright red spots on his cheeks and his lips were a vivid pink. His eyes were ringed with enormous bright blue circles, with a blob of black mascara on the end of each lash.After delivering his first line, he then completely forgot the rest of his part. So, striding to the center of the stage, he took off his helmet, in which he had hidden a dirty piece of paper on which he had written his lines. He started reading these like a commentator giving the racing results. When he came to turn over the page, he lost his place, fumbled hopelessly, and when he’d found it, bowed to the audience, saying ‘Pardon me,’ before carrying on. He stuck to carpentry after that.1. The owner of the theatrical company _____________.A. was too rich to be an actressB. had enough money to put on playsC. was rich enough to be able to actD. put all her money into the company2. Why did the wealthy ‘manager’ believe the carpenter could play the part of the det ective?A. He said he’d had wide experience in that kind of role.B. He assured her that he found all acting very easy.C. She hadn’t enough experience to know any better.D. She was experienced enough to recognize a good actor.3. Why did the cast ‘become speechless’?A. They couldn’t remember their lines.B. They were so amazed at the carpenter’s appearance.C. They were surprised the carpenter was wearing a uniform.D. They had no breath left after making up lines.(B)1. The above information is mainly intended for _______.A. international tourists in AustraliaB. potential travelers of the steam trainsC. local residents in Dandenong RangesD. volunteers on the Puffing Billy Railway2. People are not permitted to bring ______ onto the excursion trains.A. pramsB. guide dogsC. wheelchairsD. alcohol3. What can be learned from the above information?A. Taking photos is forbidden on most excursion trains.B. Toilets for the disabled are not available at all stations.C. Foreign visitors to Australia can also get concession fares.D. One can get tickets at a lower price as long as he books in advance.(C)The American screen has long been a smoky place, at least since 1942s Now, Voyager, in which Bette Davis and Paul Henreid showed how to make and seal a romantic deal over a pair of cigarettes that were smoldering as much as the stars. Today cigarettes are more common on screen than at any other time since mid-century: 75% of all Hollywood films—including 36% of those rated G or PG—show tobacco use, according to a 2006 survey by the University of California, San Francisco.Audiences, especially kids, are taking notice. Two recent studies, published in Lancet and Pediatrics, have found that among children as young as 10, those exposed to the most screen smoking are up to 2.7 times as likely as others to pick up the habit. Worse, it’s the ones from nonsmoking homes who are hit the hardest. Now the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) the folks behind the designated-driver campaign—are pushing to get the smokes off the screen. “Some movies show kids up to 14 incidents of smoking per hour”, says Barry Bloom, HSPH’s dean. “We’re in the business of preventing disease, and cigarettes are the No. 1 pr eventable cause”.Harvard long believed that getting cigarettes out of movies could have as powerful an effect, but it wouldn’t be easy. Cigarette makers had a history of striking product-placement deals withHollywood, and while the 1998 tobacco settlement prevents that, nothing stops directors from incorporating smoking into scenes on their own. In 1999 Harvard began holding one-on-one meetings with studio execs trying to change that, and last year the Motion Picture Association of America flung the door open, inviting Bloom to make a presentation in February to all the studios. Harvard’s advice was direct: Get the butts entirely out, or at least make smoking unappealing.A few films provide a glimpse of what a no-smoking or low-smoking Hollywood would be like. Producer Lindsay Doran, who once helped persuade director John Hughes to keep Ferris Bueller smoke-free in the 1980s hit, wanted to do the same for the leads of her 2006 movie Stranger Than Fiction. When a writer convinced her that the character played by Emma Thompson had to smoke, Doran relented, but from the way Thompson hacks her way through the film and snuffs out her cigarettes in a palmful of spit, it’s clear the glamour’s gone. And remember all the smoking in The Devil Wears Prada? No? That’s because the producers of that film kept it out entirely—even in a story that travels from the US fashion world to Paris, two of the most tobacco-happy places on earth. “No one smoked in that movie”, says Doran, “and no one noticed”. Such movies are hardly the rule, but the pressure is growing. Like smokers, studios may conclude that quitting the habit is not just a lot healthier but also a lot smarter.1. Why the author mentioned Now, V oyager?A. Smoke on screen can make romance.B. To show American screen was full of cigarette smoke.C. To explain why cigarettes are easier to get than past.D. The romantic Hollywood movie is a typical example of smoky screen.2. It’s hard to get cigarettes out of Hollywood because ________.A. Harvard believed that it is not easy to get cigarettes out of moviesB. directors are reluctant to do soC. Hollywood needs smoke incident to attract audiencesD. the relation between cigarette makers and Hollywood is complex3. Which of the following statements is true according to the author?A. Mosbfilms provide a glimpse of a no-smoking or low-smoking HollywoodB. Feris Bueller didn’t smoke in the 1980s hit.C. Doran will let Emma Thompson smoke continuously next filmsD. No one noticed the tobacco in The Devil Wears Prada4. What’s the author’s attitude toward getting cigarettes out of screen?A. supportive.B. OptimisticC. IndifferentD. Skeptical(D)Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified by the cover of some of the old pulp magazines: the Bug-eyed Monster, embodying every trait and feature that most people find repulsive, is about grab, and presumably ravish, a sweet, blonde, curvaceous, scantily-clad Earth girl. This is unfortunate because it demeans and degrades a worthwhile and even important literary endeavor. In contrast to this unwarranted stereotype, science fiction rarely emphasizes sex, and when it does, it is more discreet than other contemporary fiction. Instead, the basic interest of science fiction lies in the relation between man and his technology and between man and theuniverse. Science fiction is a literature of change and a literature of the future, and while it would be foolish to claim that science fiction is a major literary genre at this time, the aspects of human life that it considers make it well worth reading and studying for no other literary form does quite the same things. The question is: what is science fiction? And the answer must be, unfortunately, that there have been few attempts to consider this question at any length or with much seriousness; it may well be that science fiction will resist any comprehensive definition of its characteristics. To say this, however, does not mean that there are no ways of defining it nor that various facets of its totality cannot be clarified.To begin with, the following definition should be helpful: science fiction is a literary sub-genre which postulates a change (for human beings from conditions as we know them and follows the implications of these changes to a conclusion. Although this definition will necessarily be modified and expanded, and probably changed, in the course of this exploration, it covers much of the basic groundwork and provides a point of departure. The first point that science fiction is a literary sub-genre is a very important one, but one which is often overlooked or ignored in most discussions of science fiction. Specifically, science fiction is either a short story or a novel. There are only a few dramas which could be called science fiction, with Karel Capek’s RUR(Rossum’s Universal Robots) being the only one that is well known; the body of poetry that might be labeled science fiction is only slightly larger. To say that science fiction is a sub-genre of prose fiction is to say that it has all the basic characteristics and serves the same basic functions in much the same way as prose fiction in general, that is, it shares a great deal with all other novels and short stories.Everything that can be said about prose fiction, in general, applies to science fiction. Every piece of science fiction whether short story or novel, must have a narrator, a story, a plot, a setting characters, language, and theme. And like any prose, the themes of science fiction are concerned with interpreting mans nature and experience in relation to the world around him. Themes in science fiction are constructed and presented in exactly the same ways that themes are dealt with in any other kind of fiction. They are the result of a particular combination of narrator, story, plot, character, setting, and language. In short, the reasons for reading and enjoying science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it, are basically the same as they would be for any other story or novel.1. The view of science fiction encouraged by pulp magazines, while wrong, is nevertheless _________.A. popularB. ElegantC. fashionableD. accurate2. Science fiction is called a literary sub-genre because _______.A. it is not important enough to be a literary genreB. it can not be made into a dramatic presentationC. it has its limitsD. it shares characteristics with other types of prose fiction3. Which of the following does NOT usually contribute to the theme in a piece of science fiction _____.A. characterB. rhymeC. plotD. setting4. The authors definition suggests that all science fiction deals with _________.A. monstersB. the same topics addressed by novels and short storiesC. the unfamiliar or unusualD. the conflict between science and fiction5. One implication of the final sentence in the passage is that __________.A. those who can read and analyze fiction can also do so with science fictionB. there is no reason for any reader not to like science fictionC. all fiction consists of six basic elementsD. there are reasons for enjoying science fictionIV. Translation 19/1501. 观众热烈的掌声盖过了演员的歌唱。



上海交通大学附属中学2018-2019学年度第二学期高一数学摸底考试卷(满分150分,120分钟完成,允许使用计算器,答案一律写在答题纸上)一、填空题(满分54分)(本大题共12小题,前6题每题4分,后6题每题5分)1. 2018°是第 象限角【答案】 三2. 已知扇形的半径与面积都是2,则这个扇形的圆心角的弧度数是【答案】 13. 已知x log 16=4,则x=【答案】 24. 若tan θ,且-0θπ∈(,),则θ= 【答案】 -56π5. 已知cos =-3+25πθ() ,则sin =θ 【答案】356. 化简4222sin sin +cos +cos αααα的结果是【答案】 17、已知a a a <2,(其中a >0,且1≠a ),则a 的取值范围是_________【答案】()()∞+⋃,21,0 8、函数()D x x x f ∈=,2的值域是{}9,4,1且函数()x f 存在反函数,这样的()x f 共有___个 【答案】89、方程()()223log 59log 22+-=-x x 的解为__________【答案】1=x10、已知关于x 的函数()()()()1312-+-+-=m x m x m x f 的图像与x 轴只有一个公共点,则所有符合条件的m 的取值构成的集合的非空真子集有___个【答案】611、若关于x 的函数()m mx x x f ++-=21在区间[]2,1上递增,则实数m 的取值范围是__ 【答案】⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡3421, 12、已知集合[][]A t t t t A ∉++⋃+=0,9,41,存在正数λ使得对任意A a ∈,都有aλ∈A,则实数t 的值是_______【答案】-3或1三、选择题(满分20分)(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,均为单选题)13. 设,,R b a ∈则2>+b a 是1>a 且1>b 的 ( )(A )充分非必要条件 (B )必要非充分条件(B )充分必要条件 (D )既非充分又非必要条件【答案】 B14. 已知函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤=)0(log )0(3)(2x x x x f x ,那么))41((f f 的值为 ( ) (A) 91 (B)9 (C) -9 (D) 91-B 【答案】A15. 已知0>a 且1≠a ,则关于x 函数x a y =与)1(log x y a -=的图像可能是( )【答案】B16. 若存在R t ∈与证书m ,使得)()(m t F m t F +=-成立,则称函数)(x F 在t x =处存在距离为2m 的对称点,设)0()(2>+=x xx x f λ,若对于任意)6,2(∈t ,总存在正数m ,使得函数)(x F 在t x =处存在距离为2m 的对称点,则实数λ的取值范围是( )(A )(]20, (B)(]21, (C )[]21, (D )[]41, 【答案】A三、解答题(满分76分)(本大题共5题,解答下列各题必须写出必要的步骤)17. 【本题满分14分】已知βα、是关于χ的一元二次方程02442=++-m mx x 的两个实数根,当实数m 为何值时,222++++βαβα有最小值?并求出 最小值。



2018年上海交大附中分校高一物理下学期期末试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 图示1中,A、B都是装在绝缘柄上的导体,A带正电后靠近B,发生静电感应。

若取地球电势为零,则()A、导体B上任意一点电势都为零B、导体B上任意一点电势都为正C、导体B上任意一点电势都为负D、导体B上右边电势为正,左边电势为负参考答案:2. (单选)关于速度与加速度,下列说法中正确的是A.物体有加速度,速度就增加B.物体的速度变化越快,加速度就越大C.物体的速度变化量△v越大,加速度就越大D.若物体的加速度不为零,则物体的速率一定变化参考答案:B加速度和速度不存在必然的联系,加速度和速度变化的快慢有关;A、物体有加速度只能说明物体的速度必然发生变化,速度也有可能减小,故A错误;B、加速度是表示物体速度变化快慢的物理量,故B正确;C、物体的速度变化量与所用时间的比值才等于加速度,故C错误;D、加速度不为零,物体的速度必然变化,但是也可能是方向发生变化,故D错误。

3. 如图所示,小球以速度v0水平抛出,经过时间t下落的高度为h,正好垂直撞在倾角为θ的斜面上.若不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g,则小球将要撞击斜面时的速度大小为()A.B.C.v0+gt D.参考答案:BD4. (多选)如图所示,物体A、B用绕过光滑滑轮的轻绳连接,A放在水平桌面上被水平细绳拉着处于静止状态,A、B的质量分别为M、m,A与水平面之间的摩擦因数为μ(μ<1)则下列说法正确的是()解:A、首先A受向右的绳子拉力,根据平衡条件则A受向左的静摩擦力,根据牛顿第三定律则A对桌子的摩擦力向右,故A正确;B、同一根绳子上的拉力是处处相等的,故绳子对A的拉力等于绳子对B的拉力;C、以B为研究对象,根据平衡条件:T=mg,即绳子对B的拉力为mg,由于故绳子对A 的拉力等于绳子对B的拉力,故绳子对A的拉力等于B的重力大小,C正确;D、根据平衡条件:mg=μMgμ<1故m<M故选:ACD.5. (单选)关于曲线运动,下面叙述正确的是()A.物体做曲线运动时,所受的合外力可能与速度方向在同一条直线上B.物体做曲线运动时,所受的合外力一定是变力C.变速运动一定是曲线运动D.曲线运动一定是变速运动参考答案:D二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 右图为某汽车直线运动的速度时间图像。

上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第一学期 高一数学月考二试卷

上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第一学期 高一数学月考二试卷

上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第一学期高一数学月考二试卷上海交通大学附属中学2019-2019学年度第一学期高一数学月考二试卷一、填空题1. 已知集合{}1,1,2,4A =-,{}1,0,2B =-,则A B ⋂=____________2. 函数2y x =-____________3. 已知()1f x x x =-()1g x x =-()()f x g x ⋅=____________ 4. 函数11,,22y x x x ⎛⎤=+∈ ⎥⎝⎦的值域为____________ 5. 若抛物线23y x ax =--恒在直线4y x =-上方,则实数a 的取值范围为____________6. 不等式21x x a +-<的解集为∅,则实数a 的取值范围是____________7. 若()2133f x x x -=-,则满足()0f x >的x 的取值范围____________ 8. 已知函数()3f x x x a =-+-,()31g x x=+,若()y f g x =⎡⎤⎣⎦的图象关于y 轴对称,则a =____________ 9. 若函数2x b y x -=+在()(),62a a b +<-上的值域为()2,+∞,则a b +=____________10. 密码学是一种密写技术,即把信息写成代码的技术。


凯撒(Julius Caesar 公元前100~前44年)曾使用过一种密码系统,现称为凯撒暗码。

按照这种系统的规划,的非零实数1x 总存在唯一的非零实数()212x x x ≠,使得()()12f x f x =成立,则实数k 的取值范围是____________二、选择题 13. 小明在期中考后,对混合验血问题非常感兴趣,于是他来到数学组办公室,寻找出卷的鲍老师。



2017-2018学年交大附中高一下英语期中考试试卷命题人:高一备课组审题人:朱雪艳(满分150分,120分钟完成.答案一律写在答题纸上)I. Listening Comprehension (25’)Section ADirection:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the questions about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. They admire the courage of space explorers.B. They were going to watch a wonderful movie.C. They enjoyed the movie on space exploration.D. They like doing scientific exploration very much.2. A. Customer and waiter. B. Husband and wife.C. Manager and employee.D. Salesman and customer.3. A. 500 meters. B. 25 meters.C. 250 meters.D. 20 meters.4. A. He is better at interior designing than his sister-in-law.B. The furniture in the study needs repainting.C. His sister-in-law might help with the redecoration.D. Redecorating the study can be hard and expensive.5. A. At a tailo r’s. B. At Mary’s.C. In a clothes store.D. In a theatre.6. A. Report the result of a discussion.B. Revise an environmental report.C. Submit an important document.D. Raise some environmental issues.7. A. He is going to have a trip to Okinawa.B. He is on bad terms with his parents.C. He can’t afford to go traveling yet.D. His parents wouldn’t support his trip.8. A. The woman is too proud of winning the prize.B. The woman has won a prize with an added bonus.C. The woman is modest about her achievement.D. The woman has her booked published with help of the man.9. A. She regrets having taken the history course.B. She finds little interest in the history books.C. She has difficulty writing the weekly book report.D. She has trouble finishing his reading assignments.10. A. He used to work in the Hopkins Hospital.B. He obtained a medical license two years ago.C. He declined a job offer from the hospital.D. He missed the job for lack of a medical license.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear several short passages and longer conversations, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Less people show sincere laughter in response to humor.B. People are more likely to laugh in a group than when they are alone.C. Most Researchers oppose sudden emotional outburst like laughter.D. People laugh only to ease the joke teller’s embarrassment.12. A. Women cause more laughter than men.B. Men tend to laugh at women more.C. Women tend to laugh more than men.D. Men’s laughter tends to be more social.13. A. What leads to laughter.B. Who will laugh at you.C. How to make people laugh.D. Laughter and its social function.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Settlers nearby. B. Residents of Delhi.C. Poor citizens.D. Film fans.15. A. They make common people feel uncommon.B.They warm cold-hearted people up in cold weather.C. They make ordinary people feel warm in a hustle and bustle world.D. They happen in over-populated cities with many poor citizens.16. A. They lacked poetic creativity to put their feelings into words.B. They lived under such heavy pressure that they d idn’t feel like writing at all.C. The idea of writing poems frightened them and made them lose themselves.D. They didn’t have a chance to confidently bring their poetic talent into play.Questions17-18 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Because the way they choose classes is much like shopping in the market.B. Because they buy classes in the first week like doing shopping.C. Because they decorate campus like a shopping mall to attract students.D. Because many daily necessities have to be bought in the first week.18. A. The professor will be offended and won’t let him arrange his own classes.B. The professor will deprive the student of his right to choose other courses.C. The professor will talk the student back to his class and ask him to sit quietly.D. The professor won’t take it to heart since it’s the student’s right to do so.Questions 19-20 are based on the following conversation.19. A. Because it is well protected by central government.B. Because its contemporaries were destroyed in Civil War.C. Because it can make the town of Cambridge more defensible.D. Because its special name can attract many tourists.20. A. Because students who failed to be enrolled into Cambridge University would sigh upon it.B. Because it’s a pity that Cambridge University’s rules are frequently broken by students.C. Because the bridge has its parallel in Venice which got its name from depressed prisoners.D. Because Lord Byron’s lover committed suicide on it and Byron felt heartbroken.II. Grammar and VocabularySection A: Multiple Choices (19’)Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. This is all _______we need to learn to do with ourselves: to be a little less panicked and not so disturbed by our occasional mistakes.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. but22. Latin’s greatest advantage may lie _______ the English language fails us in an age _______thoughts becomecompressed into 140 or280 characters.A. in which...in whichB. in which…whenC. where…whenD. where…that23. The research also suggested that those ______ are highly innovative often have a super brain—more nerveconnections between the left and right brain.A. thatB. /C. whichD. who24. She constantly recalled her youthful days _________she spent outdoors playing under the weeping willows in the front yard.A. when.B. whileC. whichD. though25. It was not until shortly before his death in 1832 that Johnann Wolfgang von Goethe finally completed the work _______ he is best remembered—Faust, a tragic play.A. for whichB. for thatC. by whichD. by that26. ________ is often the case with collections of lectures by different authors, the book as a whole isdisconnected, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves.A. WhatB. WhichC. AsD. That27. It has been clearly stated _________can solve the problem first shall be entitled thegreat honour--- “Talent of the School”.A. whoB. whoeverC. that whoD. that whoever28. “Lion mom”, opposite to “ Tiger mom”, is among the growing number of parents ____ feel that the educationsystem has lost its way _____ their kids are not really learning the things they need to know to become confident and emotionally mature young men and women.A. who… thatB. that… whichC. who…and thatD. that…in that29. Tests to check whether eight and nine-year-olds know their times tables will be trialed in some primaryschools in England this month before _______ nationally.A. are carried outB. carried outC. being carried outD. to be carried out30. ______ more than 900 years ago, Windsor Castle is the oldest occupied one in the world and the place______ Queen Elizabeth II _______ most of her weekends.A. Building… that… spentB. Built… which… has spentC. Being built…where…spendD. Built…where…spends31. While self-driving cars _____ be the way of the future, it will probably be many years before all the problemsare solved. And the biggest problem will be whether people will accept a machine ______ has so much control ___ it can make life and death decisions.A. must… that…whichB. can… which…asC. may… that…thatD. shall… which…that32. A series of experiments on over 300 people from the United States and South Korea found that ______ in asecond language ______ deep-seated, misleading biases.A. to think…reduceB. thinking…will reduceC. to be thinking…reducesD. thinking…reduced33. Kobe Bryant, the _______ star, can now add “ Academy Award-winner” to his list of already lengthyaccolades (荣誉),though winning an Oscar was not something ____ he had ever expected to do.A. retired… whichB. retiring…thatC. retired…thatD. retiring…which34. According to some experts, people _____ focus on the goal of becoming the best at something because veryfew people are actually the best.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. won’t35. Her marriage allowed her to_______ friendships with the Paris literary elite.A. cultivateB. spotC. demandD. conduct36.If anyone can _______ a couple of hours a week to help out, it would be much appreciated.A. spendB. extendC. devoteD. spare37.If you have difficulty ________ a particular book, please ask one of the librarians for assistance.A. determiningB. approachingC. recallingD. locating38.The government is considering a ________ on alcohol and tobacco advertising in most public places and ontransport.A. passageB. banC. shortcutD. direction39.The course places the history of medicine in a social and cultural ______.A. contentB. contrastC. contractD. contextSection B: Blank filling (Grammar) (8’)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.The Sydney Harbour Bridge is one of Australia's most well-known and ___40___ (photograph) landmarks. It is the world's largest (but not the longest) steel arch bridge with the top of the bridge ___41___ (stand) 134 metres above the harbour. It is fondly known by the locals as the 'Coathanger' because of its arch-based design.The Sydney Harbour Bridge construction started in 1924 and took 1,400 men eight years ___42___ (build) at a cost of 4.2 million. Six million hand driven rivets(铆钉)and 53,000 tonnes of steel ___43___ (use) in its construction. It now carries eight traffic lanes and two rail lines, one ___44___ each direction, but at the time of its construction the two eastern lanes were tram tracks. They were converted to road traffic when Sydney closed down its tram system in the 1950s.BridgeClimb started in 1998 and attracts tourists and locals alike to climb the monument. After ___45___ (climb) through catwalks and up ladders and stairs, people will find the view absolutely breathtaking. There are day, twilight and night climbs and a group of twelve will leave for a climb every ten minutes. The safety precautions taken include a blood alcohol reading and a Climb Simulator(模拟器), ___46___ shows climbers the climbing conditions that might be experienced on the Bridge.By all reports, BridgeClimb is fantastic and one of the 'must dos' while on a trip to Sydney, with royals andcelebrities such as Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark, Matt Damon, Hugo Weaving, Sarah Ferguson, Cathy Freeman, Kylie Minogue and KostyaTszyu all ___47___ (do)the Climb.Section C: Blank filling (Vocabulary) (8’)Directions: Fill in the blanks with proper form of the words.48.We should carry out the policy of integrating unified planning with the principle of ___________ to localconditions.(adapt)49.Trying to continue with a ___________ career and manage a child or two is an impossible jugglingact.(demand)50.Where a less __________ man might have given up, he persisted and finally succeeded.(determine)51.__________ continues to be placed on promoting students 'judgment and critical thinking.(emphasize)52.It is a matter of fact that excessive ___________to the sun's rays, especially in fair-skinned people, can causeskin cancer. (expose)53.The _________ package appears to be concentrated on large infrastructure projects, although some Chinesemedia are predicting a further injection of funds for public services.(exist)54.Athletic talents mean the talents who __________ in sports training and participate in sports matches in thesports domain.(special)55.Since the novel contains rich modern factors, such as liberty, equality and__________, it, to some extent,transcends its era, which is its real value in the history of Chinese literature.(depend)Section D: Vocabulary (10’)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.One of the techniques of writing successfully in an academic environment is to be able to combine the important points of what you have read with your own writing. To do this, you must have a clear picture of what you have read, and this in itself will 56 active and focused reading. With academic reading, it is necessary to focus constantly on what the author is saying. Yet many academic texts are 57 written in unfamiliar ways, which makes them much more difficult to manage than, for example, a novel or a magazine article.Although sometimes there may be reasons why you need to skim-read an article or book, this is likely to be only to get the general idea of what is being said, as a way of deciding whether it is 58 reading material or not. In general, skim-reading is not a particularly useful strategy for a student, but you may well be used to doing this in other contexts, for example, skimming through a newspaper article or surfing the web. Instead of skim-reading, you will be developing ways of concentrating on quite dense texts and making 59 of them.Even though you may only be reading for short 60 of time, it is likely that you will have to concentrate far more intensely on academic reading material than, for example, when reading for pleasure. You don’t necessarily have to work in the library, but you will need to decide what type of location and atmosphere suits you best, and establish conditions that are 61 to effective study.The 62 difficulty that most students face is choosing of their reading. The first thing to do is to 63 the reading list you have been given for books and articles that seem relevant to your particular assignment. Doing a library search, by key words or subject, is also useful if the 64 on your reading list are already on loan from the library. Your tutor should also be able to advise you as to which are the most relevant 65 or websites.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A (15’)Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Too much eye contact is instinctively felt to be rude, and in a business context, it may also be regarded as a deliberate intention to make “the other” feel at a disadvantage. So unless you have in mind doing one of those things, it’s better to ___66___ too much eye contact.Too little, ___67___, can make you appear uneasy, unprepared, and insincere. In its analysis of patients’ ___68___, for example, one large county hospital found, that 9-out-of-10 letters included mention of poor doctor-patient eye contact, a failure which was generally interpreted as “___69___ of caring.”“Just the right” amount of eye contact –the amount that produces a feeling of mutual ___70___ and trustworthiness –will vary with situations, settings, personality types, gender and cultural differences. As a general rule, though, direct eye contact ranging from 30% to 60% of the time during a conversation – more when you are listening, less when you are ___71___ – should make for a comfortable productive atmosphere.And did you know these other facts about eye contact?• We reduce eye contact when we are talking about something shameful or ___72___, when we are sad or depressed, and when we are accessing internal thoughts or emotions.• We increase eye contact when dealing wit h people we like, ___73___, or who have power over us. In more intense or private conversations we naturally look at each other more often and hold that gaze for ___74___ periods of time. In fact, we ___75___ relationships by the amount of eye contact exchanged: the greater the eye contact, the closer the relationship.• We avoid eye contact in elevators, subways, crowded buses or trains –in elevators we face the door, in the others we stare at our Smartphones – because it helps us ___76___ the insecurity of having our personal space invaded.• The biggest body language myth(错误观念)about liars is that they avoid eye contact. While some liars (most often, children) find it difficult to lie while looking ___77___ at you, many liars actually try to “prove” tha t they are not lying by making too much eye contact and holding it too long.Eye contact is so powerful a force because it is connected with humans’ earliest ___78___ patterns. Children who could attract and maintain eye contact, and therefore increase ___79___, had the best chance of being fed and cared for. Today, newborns instinctively lock eyes with their caregivers, and the power of that infantile eye contact still has its impact on the adult mind. Whether it’s shifty-eyed guilt or wide-eyed innocence, we ___80___ assign enormous trust to the signals we give and get when we look into each other in the eyes.66. A. create B. avoid C. block D. occupy67. A. in the mean time B. in an instantC. on the other handD. without doubt68. A. complaints B. instructions C. questions D. expectations69. A. intention B. shift C. lack D. implication70. A. efficiency B. awareness C. reaction D. appreciation71. A. speaking B. writing C. reading D. learning72. A. mysterious B. embarrassing C. offensive D. dishonest73. A. admire B. imitate C. imagine D. attract74. A. later B. briefer C. longer D. fuller75. A. create B. improve C. treat D. judge76. A. protect B. convey C. master D. manage77. A. simply B. constantly C. directly D. attentively78. A. behavior B. survival C. working D. eating79. A. attention B. safety C. importance D. exposure80. A. similarly B. automatically C. fiercely D. fairlySection B (30’)Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AHow many things can you see in the night sky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the Moon, some planets, and thousands of sparkling stars.You can see even more with a telescope. You might see stars where before you only saw dark space. You might see that many stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes you can see more and more objects in the sky. And you can see those objects in more and more detail.But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see. We won’t see them with the biggest telescope in the world, on the clearest night of the year.That’s because they’re invisible. They’re the mysterious dead stars called black holes.You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our Sun is a star. Year after year we see it up in the sky, burning brightly, giving us heat and light. The Sun certainly doesn’t seem to be getting old or weak. But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.As a star’s gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins to die.As the star cools, the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center. The star squashes into a smaller and smaller ball. If the star was very small, the star ends up as a cold, dark ball called a black dwarf. If the star was very big, it keeps squashing inward until it’s packed together tighter than anything in the universe.Imagine if the Earth were crushed until it was the size of a tiny marble. That’s how tightly this dead star, a black hole, is packed. What pulls the star in toward its center with such power? It’s the same force that pulls you down when you jump –the force called gravity. A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everything –even light. The light from a black hole can never come back to your eyes. That’s why you see nothing but blackness.So the next time you stare up at the night sky, remember: there’s more in the sky than meets the eye! Scattered in the silent darkness are black holes – the great mystery of space.81. According to the article, what causes a star to die?A. As it gets hotter and hotter, it explodes.B. It collides with other stars.C. It can only live for about a million years.D. As its gases run out, it cools down.82. Which of the following statements is NOT a fact?A. Black holes are dead stars.B. There is nothing as mysterious as a black hole.C. Black holes are invisible.D. Black holes have gravity.83. What happens after a star dies?A. It burns up all of its gases.B. It falls to Earth.C. It becomes invisible.D. It becomes brighter and easier to see.84. Why can’t you see light when you look at a black hole?A. For most black holes are so far away.B. As the star’s gases burn, it stops giving off heat and light.C. As a star cools, its outer layers pull in toward its center.D. The gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks the light inward.BTravel Without a HitchIt's an added bonus when the destination we’re visiting happens to be home to several cultures. Below, check out the list of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities-where a multitude of ethic and cultural background are represented-in no particular order.New York, where the world-famous twin towers of theWorld Trade Centre were once located, is known as a cityof skyscrapers. There are parks, great museums, artgalleries, grand theatres and cinemas for visitors as well.However, like many other cities in the world, New Yorkalso has its own problems---noise, air pollution, crimes,traffic jams, and slums. Still, the fast, exciting pace of lifein New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinatemore and more people. The five boroughs that make up New York shelter one of the biggestmelting pots in the world. More than one-third of the city’s residents were born outside of theU.S. This blend of backgrounds is evident in the wide-ranging cuisines offered throughoutthe city, the languages (more than 800 are spoken here) and cultural festivals.London, the capital and most populous city of England and theUnited Kingdom, offers a glimpse into the world, by the way ofits ethnic diversity. Bangladeshi, Chinese, Germans, Ghanaians,Greeks, Jamaicans, Indians and other non-indigenous groupsare presented here. This gives way to plenty of different typesof cuisines to try and neighbourhood gems to discover. Andalthough English is the official language spoken here, thestreets are murmuring with hundreds of dialects-more than 300to be exact.As a city with a long history, London has also gone through many changes. However,London has kept its heart. People can still enjoy themselves with a cup of tea in ConventGarden. Some of the narrow roads that lead to churches are still there, taking people back toLondon’s old days. Although there are such concerns as heavy traffic, crowded shops anddirty streets in some areas, to many people, London remains the most interesting andwonderful city in the world.Singapore is a thriving cosmopolitan city with a historydeeply rooted in trade and commerce. Although a longfavourite destination for the more affluent of travellers, theLion City’s roar is beginning to be heard by the ma sses. Anabundance of world-class, affordable attractions arespringing up on a regular basis, whilst the differentrestaurants and nightlife options cater for everybody, frombudget backpackers to high rolling billionaires! This tinyisland-state is also remarkably culturally varied. The Southeast Asian destination boasts fourofficial languages-English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil- and approximately 40 percent of itspopulation was born abroad.85.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.All the 3 cities have a long history.B.English is their only official language.C.They are 3 cities full of diversity.D.There are more people from abroad than domestic in the 3 cities.86.If you travel in London, you can do things except_______A.visiting churches C. enjoying afternoon teaB.meeting foreigners D. visiting the twin tower87.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.New York makes a features of fast, exciting pace of life.B.Singapore has got a nickname called Lion City.C.Singapore is more suitable destination for rich people.D.There exist over 800 languages in New York.CLondon’s Abbey Road Studios has hosted a storied list of musical stars since opening in 1931. But the man sitting at the keyboard where John Lennon may have finessed (巧妙处理) A Day in the Life isn’t one of them. He is Siavash Mahdavi, CEO of AI Music, a British tech startup exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and music.His company is one of two AI firms currently taking part in Abbey Road Red, a startup incubator (孵化器) run by the studios that aims to form links between new tech companies a nd the music industry. It’s not alone: other companies in the field include Jukedeck in London, Melodrive in Berlin, Humtap in San Francisco and Groov. AI in Google’s home town, Mountain View.“I’ve always been fascinated by the concept that we could auto mate, or intelligently do, what humans think is only theirs to do. We always look at creativity as the last bastion of humanity,” says Mahdavi. However, he quickly decided not to pursue his first idea: “Could you press a button and write a symphony?” Why not? “It’s very difficult to do, and I don’t know how useful it is,” he says.The button already exists, in fact. Visit Jukedeck’s website, and you can have a song created for you simply by telling it what genre, mood, tempo, instruments and track length y ou want. “A couple of years ago, AI wasn’t at the stage where it could write a piece of music good enough for anyone. Now it’s good enough for some use cases,” says Ed Newton-Rex, Judedeck’s CEO.Not every AI music startup is targeting production music. AI Music (the company) is working on a tool that will “shape-change” existing songs to match the context they are being listened to in. This can range from a slightadjustment of its tempo to match someone’s walking pace through to what are essentially auto mated remixes created on the fly.Many of the current debates about AI are framed around its threat to humans, from driverless trucks and taxi putting millions of people out of work, to Tesla boss Elon Musk warning that if not properly regulated, AI could be “a fundamental risk to the existence of civilization”.AI music companies are keen to tell a more positive story. AI Music hopes its technology will help fans fall in love with songs because those songs adapt to their context, while Melodriver think AI could become a creative assistant for musicians.Jon Eades, who runs the Abbey Road Red incubator, suggests that AI will be a double-edged sword, much like the last technology to shake up the music industry and its creative community.“I think there may be some damage, just like the Internet. It created huge opportunity, and completely adjusted the landscape. But depending on where you sat in the pre-Internet ecosystem, you either called it an opportunity or a threat,” he says.88. By “we always look at creativity as the last bastion of humanity”, Mahdavi means it isbelieved that ____________.A. creativity can be picked upB. only human beings are creativeC. machines are trained to be creativeD. creativity is now what humans are short of89. What is the difference between the work of Jukedeck and that of AI Music?A. The former hopes to produce best music while the latter hopes to relax listeners.B. The former thinks a listener’s context is important while the latter doesn’t.C. The former creates music while the latter adjusts music that there is.D. The former takes tempo into account while the latter doesn’t.90. It can be inferred from the passage that AI _________.A. is now considered to bring more harm than good.B. will have a positive effect on humans thanks to music.C. has warned people of the destiny of the present civilization.D. will help people enjoy their life without worrying too much.91. Which of the following statements is Jon Eades most likely to agree with?A. Pre-AI ecosystem hasn’t been in existence so far.B. How AI will work varies from company to company.C. The Internet has caused great damage to the music industry.D. It is now necessary to shape-change the landscape of music.DIt's possible to admire Oprah Winfrey and still wish Harvard hadn'tawarded her an honorary doctor of law degree and thecommencement(毕业典礼)speaker spot at yesterday's graduation.There's no question Oprah's achievements place her in the temple ofAmerican success stories.Talent, charisma, and a prodigious work ethichave rarely catapulted anyone as far as they have this former abusedteenage mother from rural Mississippi who became one of the world’smost successful entertainment moguls and the first African American。

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上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第二学期高一英语摸底考试卷II. Grammar and VocabularySection A: Multiple Choices 19/1501. It was for her rare charm and inner beauty ______ British movie star Audrey Hepburn was named the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. why2. This newly released film, Vincent Van Gogh, which is made of over twenty thousand ______ oil painting, is the first one of the type.A. handcraftedB. being handcraftedC. to be handcraftedD. having handcrafted3. When ______ the French and German versions of the Mozart musical, students concluded that the French one is more colorfully displayed and goes on more light-spiritedly.A. compareB. to compareC. comparedD. comparing4. No sooner ______ than the wedding ceremony was announced to begin.A. had the limousine carrying the best actress arrived.B. had the limousine carried the best actress arrivedC. had arrived the limousine carried the best actressD. had arrived the limousine carrying the best actress5. The visiting minister of culture expressed his satisfaction with the treatment he received, ______ that he had enjoyed his stay here and promised to bring more quality cultural exchange programs to China in the coming year of Dog.A. addingB. addedC. having addedD. to add6. When stopped by the police at the roadside, the drunken movie star confessed that he remembered ______ at the party; but not ______.A. to arrive, leavingB. to arrive, to leaveC. arriving, leavingD. arriving, to leave7. The recent strike in the field of education ______ for a week, without any signs indicating the possible compromise between Russell universities and their professors.A. went onB. had gone onC. has gone onD. has been going on8. Such an informative lecture ______ many of the students wanted to tape it.A. that it wasB. was it thatC. it was thatD. that was it9. --Mom, my toy car has been crushed down.--You ______ on it. I’ve told you so and it’s dangerous too!A. mustn’t have riddenB. shouldn’t have riddenC. needn’t have riddenD. couldn’t have ridden10. If you are tired of books on happiness and success, you ______ need a book about laissez faire, an idea or state involving no purposeful interference.A. mustB. dareC. mayD. should11. A good story unnecessarily ______ have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left unsatisfied.A. shouldB. canC. mustD. has to12. --Do you know if Tony went to an opera this weekend at the Grand Theatre?--Tony? Impossible! He ______ all the musicals and operas.A. hatesB. has hatedC. will hateD. hated13. I thought BAO would at least bring us some candies about his happy big event, but he ______ it.A. doesn’t mentionB. hadn’t mentionedC. didn’t mentionD. hasn’t mentioned14. During last month’s domestic unrest in Maldives, warnings to stop any travelling ______ to all Chinese citizens from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.A. had been issuedB. were issuedC. have been issuedD. issued15. Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians ______ an artistic work combining text and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.A. performB. displayC. exhibitD. conduct16. In class, whether students are attentive or not can be easily told by checking their focused or ______ eyes.A. wanderedB. wonderedC. pointedD. lifted17. Harvard’s sizable university fund has enabled her to hold to her humanity tradition in ______ with her pursuit of frontier science and engineering.A. approvalB. parallelC. applicationD. identity18. Classic Greek drama, typical of classic literature, was written in verse, usually in a(n) ______ and formal style.A. acceleratedB. elevatedC. stimulatedD. ascended19. I have great confidence that our economy will ______ this difficult period, because I have great confidence in the boundless, innovative spirit of our people.A. pull offB. pull outC. pull throughD. pull upSection B: Blank filling(Grammar) 6/150There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. Many artists, however, would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the distinct areas of human activity. For example, in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were especially close. Artists __40__ (invite) to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, but sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired by the work of contemporary painters. __41__ the musical compositions that were considered as responses to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist Victor Hartmann.__42__ their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s unexpected death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasuv, who decided to hold an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested that Mussorgsky __43__ (try) to relieve his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that made up Pictures at an Exhibition are intended __44__ symbols rather than representations of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade(舞曲中的行进), with the composer __45__ (walk) fromone painting to another. The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Through a range of surprising contrasts, Mussorgsky manages to convey the spirit of the artist and his work.Section C: Blank filling (Vocabulary) 10/15046. The little girl felt sorry about her ______ (perform) in the play and cried when she left the stage.47. I am going to watch a famous ______ (piano) play at the Shanghai Grand Concert Hall tonight.48. Dance music is music composed, played, or both, specifically to ______ (company) social dancing.49. Folk music is music by and of the people. It arises, and best survives, in societies not yet affected by mass ______ (communicate) and the commercialization of culture.50. Heavy metal is a form of music characterized by aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars, with its peak ______ (popular) in the 1980s.51. The term rhythm and blues (R&B) was used in the U.S. in the 1940s to designate upbeat popular music performed by African American ______ (art) that combine jazz and blues.52. Opera refers to a ______ (drama) art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music.53. A symphony is an extended piece of music usually for orchestra and comprised of several ______ (move).54. ______ (compete) spirits can help athletes to fight against their opponents, but it is not the case with orchestra or chorus.55. It was his good memory, energy, strict attitude, and ______ (loyal) to the composer’s intention that made him outstanding.The film was inspired by the evacuation of nearly 600 Chinese citizens in Yemens port of Aden during Yemen’s civil war in 2015.The Chinese Navy’s Jiaolong Assault Team is sent on a mission to rescue hostages(人质) that eventually takes them on a quest to stop terrorists __1__ possession of nuclear materials.Similar to the Chris NolansDimir, this film Operation Red Sea sacrifices plot and character development for action, and fortunately it __2__. The film editing, sound editing sound mixing, visual effects, action, original score and production design are just __3__.Having borrowed ideas from several Hollywood blockbusters, Operation Red Sea is __4__ every great, goo d and decent war movie rolled into one amazing spectacle. It’s hard to think of a more ambitious and versatile action war movie that does it anywhere close to this level.What’s most amazing about the film is how quickly it can shift gears(排挡,齿轮). It kicks off with a Navy Seals like rescue mission before turning to a Black Hawk Down city under siege(围攻) effort. The next scene __5__ into a Tears of the Sun type protect the innocents endeavor then nerve damaging shootouts like American Sniper. And just when y ou think you’ve seen it all, theaction __6__ towards a fury-style tank battle.While __7__ over the top, Lam doesn’t treat the soldiers as superheroes. Few emerge completely unscratched while others suffer some terrible deaths.Lam shows the ugliness of warfare without making it too unnecessary. The sight of car bomb and heavy gun attack victims still twitching __8__ the desired effect and doesn’t come off like an excuse to show burnt and separated bodies.The mission was similar in Wolf Warrior 2, but the real inspiration here seems to be Black Hawk Down. Lam’s sense of scale and logistics are outstanding, with scenes __9__ across a war-destructed city cross-cut with tense desert showdowns.Individual stunts are __10__. And despite some obvious effects. The crashes and explosions are far more ferocious than Hollywood offerings.III. Reading ComprehensionSection AJane Austen was born in the English countryside more than 200 years ago. She lived a simple life. She __1__ travelled. She never married and she died from illness when she was only 41.However, people all over the world remember her. Why?It is because Jane Austen is the __2__ of some of the best-loved novels in the English language. These novels include Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.Jane completed her __3__ novel Persuasion in 1816, but it was not published until after her death. Persuasion is __4__ based on Jane’s naval brother.Anne, the daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, falls in love with Captain Wentworth, a person of a __5__ social position. But she breaks off the __6__ when persuaded by her friend Lady Russell that such a match is __7__. The breakup produces in Anne a deep and long-lasting __8__. Eight years later, Wentworth returns from sea a rich and succe ssful __9__. He finds Anne’s family on the edge of financial ruin. Anne and the captain rediscover their love and get married.Jane Austen once compared her writing to painting on a little bit of __10__, two inches square. Readers of Persuasion will see that neither her skill of __11__, ironic(讽刺的) observations on social custom, love, and marriage nor her ability to apply a sharp focus to English __12__ and morals has abandoned her in her final finished work.Persuasion has produced three film __13__: a 1995 version starring Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds, a 2007 TV miniseries with Sally Hawkins and Rupert Penry-Jones, and a 1971 miniseries with Ann Firbank and Bryan Marshall.People who are interested in Jane Austen can still visit many of the places she visited and lived. These places include the village of Steventon, __14__ her family house is now gone. Many of the places Jane visited in Bath are still there. You can visit Jane Austen’s home in Chawton, where she did her best __15__, and Winchester, where she died.1. A. frequently B. seldom C. never D. remotely2. A. artist B. composer C. conductor D. author3. A. first B. best C. last D. bestselling4. A. partly B. purely C. distantly D. completely5. A. higher B. inferior C. lower D. superior6. A. appointment B. engagement C. runaway D. promise7. A. useless B. priceless C. unworthy D. pointless8. A. hatred B. bravery C. regret D. memory9. A. businessman B. captain C. general D. officer10. A. desk B. floor C. peanut D. ivory11. A. humorous B. complicated C. impressive D. delicate12. A. manners B. conversations C. sufferings D. scenes13. A. adaptions B. copies C. volumes D. actions14. A. because B. although C. as if D. whether15. A. singing B. writing C. creating D. shootingSection B(A)A theatrical company was once performing a well-known thriller on the outskirts of London. This company had been assembled by a wealthy woman who had no experience of the stage, but whose fortune allowed her to indulge herself. The final act of this play included a small, but vital part—that of the detective. He was supposed to land by helicopter, enter through the French windows and question everyone on the stage about the murder which had taken place. When the actor cast as the detective failed to show up for rehearsals the stage carpenter volunteered to take his place. He assured his wealthy patron that he had wide experience of comedy and that this part would be easy for him. She believed him. The rest of the company were not so sure. For some reason the carpenter only rehearsed the part once. Even so the ‘manager’ felt totally confident about him.On the opening night all went well until the moment when the helicopter was supposed to land. The terrible noise from the room above, which should have set the chandelier swinging wildly and at which one of the actors was supposed to say, ‘What is that awful noise?’ never happened. Since the next part of the play was concerned with the noise, the actors had to do the best they could and make up the lines. This went on for several minutes, with the cast becoming increasingly desperate when, suddenly, the chandelier began swinging violently, but in total silence. Finally the sound of the approaching helicopter was heard and the cast turned with relief to greet the detective as he entered through the French windows. The sight that met their eyes left them speechless. There stood the carpenter, dressed in a polic eman’s uniform but wearing enough make-up for a circus clown. He had two bright red spots on his cheeks and his lips were a vivid pink. His eyes were ringed with enormous bright blue circles, with a blob of black mascara on the end of each lash.After delivering his first line, he then completely forgot the rest of his part. So, striding to the center of the stage, he took off his helmet, in which he had hidden a dirty piece of paper on which he had written his lines. He started reading these like a commentator giving the racing results. When he came to turn over the page, he lost his place, fumbled hopelessly, and when he’d found it, bowed to the audience, saying ‘Pardon me,’ before carrying on. He stuck to carpentry after that.1. The owner of the theatrical company _____________.A. was too rich to be an actressB. had enough money to put on playsC. was rich enough to be able to actD. put all her money into the company2. Why did the wealthy ‘manager’ believe the carpenter could play the part of the detective?A. He said he’d had wide experience in that kind of role.B. He assured her that he found all acting very easy.C. She hadn’t enough experience to know any better.D. She was experienced enough to recognize a good actor.3. Why did the cast ‘become speechless’?A. They couldn’t remember their lines.B. They were so amazed at the carpenter’s appearance.C. They were surprised the carpenter was wearing a uniform.D. They had no breath left after making up lines.(B)The Puffing Billy Railway, located about 40km east of Mclbourne, was constructed in the early 1900s1. The above information is mainly intended for _______.A. international tourists in AustraliaB. potential travelers of the steam trainsC. local residents in Dandenong RangesD. volunteers on the Puffing Billy Railway2. People are not permitted to bring ______ onto the excursion trains.A. pramsB. guide dogsC. wheelchairsD. alcohol3. What can be learned from the above information?A. Taking photos is forbidden on most excursion trains.B. Toilets for the disabled are not available at all stations.C. Foreign visitors to Australia can also get concession fares.D. One can get tickets at a lower price as long as he books in advance.(C)The American screen has long been a smoky place, at least since 1942s Now, Voyager, in which Bette Davis and Paul Henreid showed how to make and seal a romantic deal over a pair of cigarettes that were smoldering as much as the stars. Today cigarettes are more common on screen than at any other time since mid-century: 75% of all Hollywood films—including 36% of those rated G or PG—show tobacco use, according to a 2006 survey by the University of California, San Francisco.Audiences, especially kids, are taking notice. Two recent studies, published in Lancet and Pediatrics, have found that among children as young as 10, those exposed to the most screen smoking are up to 2.7 times as likely as others to pick up the habit. Worse, it’s the ones from nonsmoking homes who are hit the hardest. Now the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) the folks behind the designated-driver campaign—are pushing to get the smokes off the screen. “Some movies show kids up to 14 incidents of smoking per hour”, says Barry Bloom, HSPH’s dean. “We’re in the business of preventing disease, and cigarettes are the No. 1 preventable cause”.Harvard long believed that getting cigarettes out of movies could have as powerful an effect, but it wouldn’t be easy. Cigarette makers had a history of striking product-placement deals with Hollywood, and while the 1998 tobacco settlement prevents that, nothing stops directors fromincorporating smoking into scenes on their own. In 1999 Harvard began holding one-on-one meetings with studio execs trying to change that, and last year the Motion Picture Association of America flung the door open, inviting Bloom to make a presentation in February to all the studios. Harvard’s advice was direct: Get the butts entirely out, or at least make smoking unappealing.A few films provide a glimpse of what a no-smoking or low-smoking Hollywood would be like. Producer Lindsay Doran, who once helped persuade director John Hughes to keep Ferris Bueller smoke-free in the 1980s hit, wanted to do the same for the leads of her 2006 movie Stranger Than Fiction. When a writer convinced her that the character played by Emma Thompson had to smoke, Doran relented, but from the way Thompson hacks her way through the film and snuffs out her cigarettes in a palmful of spit, it’s clear the glamour’s gone. And remember all the smoking in The Devil Wears Prada? No? That’s because the producers of that film kept it out entirely—even in a story that travels from the US fashion world to Paris, two of the most tobacco-happy places on earth. “No one smoked in that movie”, says Doran, “and no one noticed”. Such movies are hardly the rule, but the pressure is growing. Like smokers, studios may conclude that quitting the habit is not just a lot healthier but also a lot smarter.1. Why the author mentioned Now, V oyager?A. Smoke on screen can make romance.B. To show American screen was full of cigarette smoke.C. To explain why cigarettes are easier to get than past.D. The romantic Hollywood movie is a typical example of smoky screen.2. It’s hard to get cigarettes out of Hollywood because ________.A. Harvard believed that it is not easy to get cigarettes out of moviesB. directors are reluctant to do soC. Hollywood needs smoke incident to attract audiencesD. the relation between cigarette makers and Hollywood is complex3. Which of the following statements is true according to the author?A. Mosbfilms provide a glimpse of a no-smoking or low-smoking HollywoodB. Feris Bueller didn’t smoke in the 1980s hit.C. Doran will let Emma Thompson smoke continuously next filmsD. No one noticed the tobacco in The Devil Wears Prada4. What’s the author’s attitude toward getting cigarettes out of screen?A. supportive.B. OptimisticC. IndifferentD. Skeptical(D)Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified by the cover of some of the old pulp magazines: the Bug-eyed Monster, embodying every trait and feature that most people find repulsive, is about grab, and presumably ravish, a sweet, blonde, curvaceous, scantily-clad Earth girl. This is unfortunate because it demeans and degrades a worthwhile and even important literary endeavor. In contrast to this unwarranted stereotype, science fiction rarely emphasizes sex, and when it does, it is more discreet than other contemporary fiction. Instead, the basic interest of science fiction lies in the relation between man and his technology and between man and the universe. Science fiction is a literature of change and a literature of the future, and while it wouldbe foolish to claim that science fiction is a major literary genre at this time, the aspects of human life that it considers make it well worth reading and studying for no other literary form does quite the same things. The question is: what is science fiction? And the answer must be, unfortunately, that there have been few attempts to consider this question at any length or with much seriousness; it may well be that science fiction will resist any comprehensive definition of its characteristics. To say this, however, does not mean that there are no ways of defining it nor that various facets of its totality cannot be clarified.To begin with, the following definition should be helpful: science fiction is a literary sub-genre which postulates a change (for human beings from conditions as we know them and follows the implications of these changes to a conclusion. Although this definition will necessarily be modified and expanded, and probably changed, in the course of this exploration, it covers much of the basic groundwork and provides a point of departure. The first point that science fiction is a literary sub-genre is a very important one, but one which is often overlooked or ignored in most discussions of science fiction. Specifically, science fiction is either a short story or a novel. There are only a few dramas which could be called science fictio n, with Karel Capek’s RUR(Rossum’s Universal Robots) being the only one that is well known; the body of poetry that might be labeled science fiction is only slightly larger. To say that science fiction is a sub-genre of prose fiction is to say that it has all the basic characteristics and serves the same basic functions in much the same way as prose fiction in general, that is, it shares a great deal with all other novels and short stories.Everything that can be said about prose fiction, in general, applies to science fiction. Every piece of science fiction whether short story or novel, must have a narrator, a story, a plot, a setting characters, language, and theme. And like any prose, the themes of science fiction are concerned with interpreting mans nature and experience in relation to the world around him. Themes in science fiction are constructed and presented in exactly the same ways that themes are dealt with in any other kind of fiction. They are the result of a particular combination of narrator, story, plot, character, setting, and language. In short, the reasons for reading and enjoying science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it, are basically the same as they would be for any other story or novel.1. The view of science fiction encouraged by pulp magazines, while wrong, is nevertheless _________.A. popularB. ElegantC. fashionableD. accurate2. Science fiction is called a literary sub-genre because _______.A. it is not important enough to be a literary genreB. it can not be made into a dramatic presentationC. it has its limitsD. it shares characteristics with other types of prose fiction3. Which of the following does NOT usually contribute to the theme in a piece of science fiction _____.A. characterB. rhymeC. plotD. setting4. The authors definition suggests that all science fiction deals with _________.A. monstersB. the same topics addressed by novels and short storiesC. the unfamiliar or unusualD. the conflict between science and fiction5. One implication of the final sentence in the passage is that __________.A. those who can read and analyze fiction can also do so with science fictionB. there is no reason for any reader not to like science fictionC. all fiction consists of six basic elementsD. there are reasons for enjoying science fictionIV. Translation 19/1501. 观众热烈的掌声盖过了演员的歌唱。
