

c)附属钢结构按类别检查,对同类钢结构抽查5处,每处检查面积为50~100 cm2。


3.ASTM D 4752Measuring MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc rich primers by solvent rub.
4.ASTM D4541Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers.
d. MANUFATURER:Shall mean a Firm/Fabricator Company who is awarded the contract by CONTRACTOR to supply Project Permanent Material.
The following references apply into this procedure. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition shall be applied.
a. Report for Surface Preparation record (shop blasting)
b. Report for Primer Paint Record (shop Painting
c. Report for Intermediate Paint Record (Shop Painting)
1. SSPC-SP 1Surface Preparation Specification No.1 Solvent Cleaning.
2. SSPC-SP 2Surface Preparation Specification No.2 Hand Tool Cleaning.



静电粉末涂料 高固体份环氧聚酰胺煤焦油沥青漆 环氧异氰酸酯底漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 环氧异氰酸酯底漆 煤焦油环氧聚酰胺漆(耐磨、耐化学品) 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 高膜厚磷酸锌环氧底漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 高膜厚磷酸锌环氧底漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆
无机富锌底漆 煤焦油环氧聚酰胺漆(耐磨、耐化学品) 环氧异氰酸酯底漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 高容忍度高固含量环氧漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 高膜厚磷酸锌环氧底漆 高)漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 环氧底漆(预涂) 聚氨酯漆(预涂)
无机富锌底漆 环氧聚酰胺铁红(过渡)漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 环氧异氰酸酯底漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 煤焦油环氧聚酰胺漆(耐磨、耐化学品) 高固体份环氧聚酰胺煤焦油沥青漆 环氧异氰酸酯底漆 脂肪族丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆 环氧聚酰胺铁红(过渡)漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 高膜厚磷酸锌环氧底漆 高固体份环氧聚酰胺漆 无机富锌底漆 环氧聚酰胺铁红(过渡)漆 环氧聚酰胺漆 环氧异氰酸酯底漆 环氧聚酰胺漆 静电粉末涂料
EP-11 EP-12 EP-13
1 1
2 3 1
2 1 1 2 1
EP-21 EP-22
2 3
1 2 3 4 1 EP-25 2 3 EP-26 1 2 1 EP-27 2 3 EP-28 1 2 1 2
Zinc ethyl-silicate paint Epoxy-polyamidecoal tar paint with high chemicao resistance Epoxy isocyanate paint Polyurethane acrylic aliphatic paint Surface tolerant high build epoxy paint High build epoxy-polyamide paint Polyurethane acrylic aliphatic paint Zinc phosphate high build epoxy-polyamide paint High build polyurethane acrylic aliphatic paint Hot elastomeric auto vulcanising paint Alkyd paint Elastomeric acrylic paint Epoxy-polyamide iron oxide (tie coat) paint High build epoxy-polyamide paint Epoxy primer (pre-painted) Polyester paint (pre-painted)



"C o m p l e t e A i r C o n t r o l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n S o l u t i o n s."w w w.n a i l o r.c omspecifications and performance requirements for color retention, chalk resistance, gloss retention, erosion,corrosion and chemical resistance as well as dry film thickness and hardness. Our state-of-the-art powder coat system provides an environment friendly finishing solution with more uniform coverage and coating thickness. The result is an exceptional finish that better resists scratching, fading and general wear. Additional liquid coat facilities for special requirements complete our ability to provide unmatched beauty and durability for any application.Custom color matching is also available upon request. Contact your local Nailor representative.Houston Las Vegas Toronto Calgary Thetford, U.K."C o m p l e t e A i r C o n t r o l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n S o l u t i o n s."w w w.n a i l o r.c o m Fluoropolymer Powder CoatAAMA 2605-Superior Finish(AKA: Powdura ®5000,Coraflon ®Powder,Interpon ®D3000-Fluoromax)A vailable Finishes"Ultimate" − A next generation hyper durable powder coating, based on FEVE fluoropolymer resins and ceramic pigmentation that the industry has acknowledged as the foundation for superior performance coatings.They provide a hard surface that is resistant to scratching and scuffing,with superior color and gloss retention, when applied to a variety ofexterior architectural applications. This technology represents the “ultimate” in environmentally friendly finishes, with Zero-VOC emissions.A new alternative to traditional 70% Kynar 500®/ Hylar 500®PVDF fluoropolymer liquid coatings.10 years (Consult Nailor for availability of extended warranty)High Performance Powder Coat AAMA 2604 − High Performance Finish (AKA: Powdura ®4000,Envirocron ®Ultra DurablePowder, Dynadure ™400,Interpon ®D2000)"Better" − A high performance polyester powder coating, based on “super durable” resins that utilize infrared reflective pigments, which provides excellent resistance to outdoor weathering. A harder and more environmentally friendly coating than other liquid paint counterparts and with Zero-VOC emissions.A good alternative to 50% Kynar 500®/ Hylar 5000®liquid coatings. 5 yearsDurable Powder Coat AAMA 2603 −Pigmented Organic Coatings (AKA: Powdura ®3000,Envirocron ®Durable Powder,Dynadure ™300, Interpon ®D1000)"Good" − A durable powder coat based on thermosetting polyester resintechnology.Provides a good economical combination of physical and chemical resistance properties. Environmentally superior to liquid spray paints and Zero – VOC emissions. 1 year Clear Anodize 215-R1AA-M10C22A41(0.7 mil. min.)Architectural Class I. Clear, colorless and hard oxide aluminum coating that resists weathering and chemical attack. Recommended for severely corrosive and abrasive atmospheric exposure. 5 years Color AnodizeAA-M10C22A44(0.7 mil. min.)Architectural Class I. "Two-step" aluminum coating process. Following a standard anodizing procedure, a second electrolytic process deposits colored metallic pigments which penetrate the aluminum oxide pores,producing a corrosion resistant, colorfast finish. Available in light,medium, dark bronze and black.5 years Prime Coat Prime coat provides a stable base for painting of louvers in the field.Surface pretreatment includes degreasing and a chemical cleaning before an epoxy prime coat is applied. Finish coat should be field applied as soon as possible for best adhesion, after a thorough cleaning for dust etc.that can contaminate the final finish and cause premature flaking or peeling.N/AClear Anodize 204-R1AA-M10C22A31(0.4 − 0.7 mil.)Architectural Class II. Clear, colorless and hard oxide aluminum coating that resists weathering and chemical attack. Recommended for normal weather exposure. 1 year Paint finish warranties are not applicable to steel products.Powdura ®is a registered trademark of The Sherwin-Williams Company.Coraflon ®and Envirocron ®are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.Interpon ®is a registered trademark of Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings Ltd.Kynar 500®is a registered trademark of Arkema, Inc.Hylar 5000®is a registered trademark of Solvay Solexis, Inc.11/13/09。



涂料专业术语中英文对照AAccelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂,粘合剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂,气溶胶喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂BBaking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆(色漆)--primer, undercoating Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶CCafé咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Cold color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度DDark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化EEgg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆FFading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finishing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Flat lacquer 哑光漆Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶GGelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Gum 树胶,胶树HHardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色IIlluminant color 光源色JJelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度LLac 虫胶Lac varnish 光漆Lacquer 漆Latex 乳胶Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛MMake up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醇Multi-color 多彩漆NNatural clear lacquer 清漆N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆OOff- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料PPaint 涂料,油漆Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Poly ester 聚酯Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Procuring 预固化Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Putty 腻子,油灰,灰泥Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆QQuick drying paint 速干漆RReady mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷SSample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂A氨基树脂——Amino Resin螯合助剂――Chelating agent配位助剂――Complexing agent鳄裂――AlligatoringB搬运干燥――Dry to handle半光涂料――Satin finish剥落――Peeling保护助剂――Protecting agent保湿剂――Humectant保水助剂――Water-retention agent 边缘润湿――Wet edge表干――Tack free表面调整助剂――Surface container 表面改性剂――Surface modifier表面调整剂――Surface container 表面活性剂――Surfactant表面活性助剂――Surface active agent表面流动――Surface flow表面张力――Surface tension界面张力――Interfacial tension丙烯酸乳液――Acrylic latex丙烯酸树脂――Acrylic resin玻璃化温度――Glass transition temperature 不挥发组分――Non-volatile固体含量――Percent Solids不可燃――Nonflammable不相容性――Incompatibility相容性――Compatibility不粘干燥――Dry to tack freeC层间污损――Intercoat contamination层间粘合――Intercoat adhesion层间附着――Interlayer adhesion沉淀――Sedimentation成膜辅助剂――Film forming aid成膜助剂――Coalescing agent成膜工艺――Film forming process成膜物质――Binder成膜助剂――Coalescing agent斥水性――Hydrophobic斥水性助剂――Water repellent除味剂――De odorant除油剂――Degreaser储存寿命――Shelf Life活化寿命――Pot life触变性――Thixotropy触变流动――Thixotropic flow behavior触变助剂――Thixotropic agent醇酸树脂――Alkyd resin磁漆――Enamel次催干剂――Secondary drier辅助催干剂――Auxiliary driers。



概要:Additive mixture 加色混合 Additive 添加剂 Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adhesive 胶粘剂 Adjacent color 类似色 Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂 After image 残象 Air drying 常温干燥Ai ...Additive mixture 加色混合 Additive 添加剂 Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adhesive 胶粘剂 Adjacent color 类似色 Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂 After image 残象 Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂 Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂 Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂 Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂 Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料 Antifouling paint 防污涂料 Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂Baking finish 烤漆喷涂 base boat 底漆 Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化 Body varnish 磨光漆 Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing mark/streak 刷痕 Brushing 刷涂 Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶 Caf 咖啡色 Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂 Chalking 粉化 Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落 Chromatic color 有彩色 Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆 Chromaticity 色度 Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆 Clear paint 透明涂料 Clssing 补漆Coarse particle 粗粒 Coating 涂料 Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色 Col color 寒色,冷色 Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping treatment 变色Dipping 浸渍涂层Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆Fading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶Gelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Gum 树胶,胶树Hardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色Illuminant color 光源色Jelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度Lac varnish 光漆Lac 虫胶Lacquer 漆Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Latex 乳胶Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛Make up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆Natural clear lacquer 清漆Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Paint 涂料,油漆Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly ester 聚酯Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Procuring 预固化Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆Quick drying paint 速干漆Ready mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷Sample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂Accelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive mixture 加色混合Additive 添加剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adhesive 胶粘剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂Baking finish 烤漆喷涂base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Brushing 刷涂Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶Caf 咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Chromaticity 色度Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Clssing 补漆Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Col color 寒色,冷色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping treatment 变色Dipping 浸渍涂层Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆Fading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶Gelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Gum 树胶,胶树Hardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色Illuminant color 光源色Jelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度Lac varnish 光漆Lac 虫胶Lacquer 漆Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Latex 乳胶Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛Make up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆Natural clear lacquer 清漆Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Paint 涂料,油漆Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly ester 聚酯Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Procuring 预固化Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆Quick drying paint 速干漆Ready mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷Sample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂。

ISO 12944-1 防腐

ISO 12944-1 防腐
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems
Part 1: General introduction (ISO 12944-1 : 1998) English version of DIN EN ISO 12944-1
National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/TC 139 to adopt, without alteration, International Standard ISO 12944-1 as a European Standard.
Beschichtungsstoffe – Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch Beschichtungssysteme – Teil 1: Allgemeine Einleitung (ISO 12944-1 : 1998)



中英文互译Detail design 详细设计Design document 设计文件Design note 设计注译Engineering specification 工程规定Design specification summary sheet【DSSS】设计规定汇总表Documentation 资料,文件Appendix 附件Technical specification 技术说明Index 目录Approved for construction 【AFC】批准用于施工Detail design issue 【DDI】详细设计Reference drawing 参考图Standard drawing 标准图Engineering drawing 工程图As built drawing 竣工图Drawing number 图号Discipline 专业Client ;customer 顾客Contraction 承包商Subcontractor 分包商Owner 业主Unit 单位Meter 米Millimeter 毫米Foot 【ft】英尺Inch 【in】英寸Radian【rad】弧度Degree 度Celsius 摄氏Fahrenheit 华氏Kilogram 千克Newton 牛顿Ton 吨Square meter 平方米Cubic meter 立方米Liter ;litre 升Hour 小时Minute 分钟Second 秒NS 国家标准Plan 平面Detail 详图View ”X“ X视图Section “A--A” A—A剖视Legend 图例Symbol 符号Absolute elevation 绝对标高Over –sea mean level 【OSL】海平面标高Top of concrete 混凝土顶面Top of steel 钢结构顶面Top of beam 【TOB】梁顶面Top of pipe 【TOP】管顶Bottom of pipe 【BOP】管底Bottom of trench 沟底Coordinate 坐标Diameter 【D】【DIA】直径Radius 【R】半径Inside Diameter 【ID】内径Dimension 尺寸Height 高度Thickness 【THK】厚度Length 长度Width 宽度Depth 深度Slope 坡度Maximum【Max】最大Minimum 【Min】最小Line number 管线号Insulation break 隔热分界Insulation 隔热材料Code 代码,编号P.W.T.H 焊后热处理Process flow diagram 【PFD】工艺流程图Piping and instrument flow diagram 【PID】管道及仪表流程图Utility flow diagram【UFD】公用工程流程图Nomenclature 管道表File 文件Quantity【QYT】数量ACT-QTY 实际数量CONTINGENCY 裕量ORDER 订单INCREASE / DECREASE 增加 / 减少REMARK 备注ITEM 材料名称ITEM CODE 型号规格PIPE SPEC 钢管规格SIZE 通径UNIT 单位ASTM 美标component description 构件描述Flange【FLG】法兰Gasket 【GSKT】垫片elbow【ELL】弯头concentric reducer; transition pipe ; ecc reducer 大小头Socket 【SW 】承插Nominal pressure;Class 【CL】公称压力test pressure 试验压力Valve 阀门Gate Valve 闸阀Globe Valve 截止阀Ball Valve 球阀Butterfly Valve 蝶阀Check Valve 止回阀Steam trap 蒸汽疏水阀Bolt 螺栓Flex hose 挠性软管External 外部,表面as per technical data sheet 按技术数据表pipe 管道Stainless steel pipe 不锈钢管Carbon steel pipe 【CS】碳钢管LTCS 低温碳钢Alloy steel pipe 合金钢管Cast iron pipe 铸铁管Welded steel pipe 焊接钢管Spiral welded steel pipe 焊接螺旋钢管Galvanized steel pipe 镀锌钢管Galv 镀锌Super 特级Duplex SS 双相不锈钢HS 耐高酸TP 管材Coupling 管箍Plastic pipe 塑料管Glass tube 玻璃管Seamless 【SMLS】 tube pipe 无缝钢管Tee 三通Reducing tee 异径三通Straight tee 等径三通Lateral 斜三通Cross 四通Cap 管帽Filter 过滤器Gauze strainer 丝网粗滤器Eye washer and shower 洗眼器及淋浴Flame arrester 阻火器Silencer 消声器Expansion joint 膨胀节Reinforcement pad 补强板Funnel 漏斗Spectacle blind ; Figure 8 blind 8字盲板Self tapping screw 自攻螺钉Expansion bolt 膨胀螺栓Nut 螺母Washer 垫圈Rivet 铆钉Beveled end 【BE】坡口端Plain end 【PE】平口端Threaded end 【TE】螺纹端Aluminum 铝Copper 铜,紫铜Brass 黄铜Bronze 青铜Lead 铅Polyethylene 【PE】聚乙烯Polyvinyl chloride 【PVC】聚氯乙烯Polypropylene 【PP】聚丙烯Polytetrafluoroethylene【PTFE】聚四氟乙烯Adhesive 胶粘剂Resin 树脂Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂Polyester Resin 聚酯树脂Polyester fibers 聚酯纤维Acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂Furan resin 呋喃树脂Synthetic rubber 合成橡胶Nitrile butadiene rubber 丁腈橡胶Neoprene 氯丁橡胶Ethylene propylene rubber【EPR】乙丙橡胶Fire brick 耐火砖Ceramic 陶瓷Shaped steel ;section steel ;swage 型钢Angle steel 角钢Channel 槽钢I-beam 工字钢Wide flanged beam H型钢T-bar T型钢Square bar 方钢Flat bar 扁钢Round bar ;Rod 圆钢Strap steel 钢带Plate 钢板Checkered Plate 花纹钢板Web 腹板Wing 翼缘Packing 填料Asbestos rope ; Asbestos crod 石棉绳Piping class; Piping classification 管道等级Nominal diameter【DN】公称直径Low pressure 【L.P.】低压medium pressure【M.P.】中压High pressure【H.P.】高压Atmosphere【ATM】大气压Vacuum 真空Operating pressure ;working pressure 工作压力Design pressure 设计压力Operating temperature 工作温度Design temperature 设计温度Ambient temperature 环境温度Wall thickness 【WT】壁厚Summary sheet 汇总表Bill of material【BM】材料表Consolidated Piping material summary sheet【CPMSS】综合管道材料表Code number 代码Itemized 编位号的Net weight 净重gross weight 毛重equipment name 设备名称vessel 容器tower ; column 塔reactor 反应器gas-holder 气柜drum 罐flare 火炬heat exchanger 换热器air cooler 空冷器water cooler 水冷却器preheater 预热器heater 加热器furnace 炉子boiler 锅炉stack 烟囱soot blower 吹灰器centrifugal pump 离心泵helical screw compressor 螺杆空压机refrigerator 冷冻机steam turbine 汽轮机motor 电动机generator 发电机roots blower 罗茨鼓风机bridge crane 桥式起重机belt conveyor 皮带输送机substation 配电室control room 控制室piping layout 管道布置isometric drawing 轴测图tank yard 罐区air separation facility 空分装置equipment item number 设备位号future area 预留区yard 场地area 面积,区域volume 体积,容积piping design 管道设计under ground piping 地下管道pipe rack 管廊drain 排液vent 放空bare line 裸管tracing pipe 伴热管steam tracing 蒸汽伴热hot-water tracing 热水伴热electrical tracing 电伴热instrument air 仪表空气low pressure steam 低压蒸汽medium pressure steam 中压蒸汽high pressure steam 高压蒸汽tracing steam 伴热蒸汽oxygen 氧气hydrogen 氢气nitrogen 氮气fuel gas 燃料气natural gas 天然气flare gas 火炬气liquefied petroleum gas 【LPG】液化石油气ammonia gas 氨气circulating water 循环水boiler feed water 锅炉给水steam condensate 蒸汽冷凝水chemical sewage 化学污水density 密度specific gravity 比重concentration 浓度toxic 有毒的flammable 易燃的steaming out 蒸汽吹扫blow down 排污steel structure 钢结构reinforced concrete construction 钢筋混凝土结构platform【PF】平台ground level 地面handrail 栏杆stair; stair way 楼梯ladder 直梯column; post; stanchion 柱foundation; footing 基础beam 梁bracing 支撑,斜撑girder 主梁member 构件wall 墙erection opening 吊装孔window 窗door 门fire door 防火门floor drain 地漏fire-proofing 防火层general plot plan 总图level gauge 液位计gage glass 玻璃液位计flow meter 流量计cable tray (channel);cable rack 电缆槽(架)fixed saddle 固定鞍座sliding saddle 滑动鞍座nozzle 管口manhole【MH】人孔inspection hole 检查孔part number 件号reinforcing ring 加强圈accessory 附件,附属设备itemized equipment 设备位号potable water 饮用水cooling water supply 循环冷却给水cooling water return 循环冷却回水demineralized water 脱盐水sanitary sewer 生活污水industrial waste water 工业废水fire water 消防水shoe 管托clamp 管卡clevis U型卡cradle 托架gusset 连接板rib 筋stiffener 加强板base plate 底板top plate 顶板embedded part ;inserted plate 预埋件tie plate 连接板skirt 裙座resting type spring support 弹簧托架spring hanger 弹簧吊架cantilever support 悬臂架triangular support 三角架leg 支腿node 节点glass wool 玻璃棉rock wool 岩棉polyurethane 聚氨酯foam glass; cellular glass 泡沫玻璃asphalt 沥青galvanized wire mesh 镀锌铁丝网asbestos cloth 石棉布shell 管壳blanket 棉毡calcium silicate 硅酸钙aluminosilicate fiber 硅酸铝纤维perlite 珍珠岩insulation block 保温块cellular polystyrene ;foam polystyrene 泡沫聚苯乙烯mastic weatherproof coating 玛蹄脂保护层finishing cement 水泥抹面clad ;metal jacketing; cladding metal 金属保护层glass(fiber)cloth 玻璃布galvanized (sheet) iron; galvanized plain sheet 镀锌铁皮aluminium sheet 铝板foaming 发泡thermal conductivity factor 导热系数hot insulation 保温cold insulation 保冷support ring 支撑环steel ring 钢环painting 涂漆primary coat ;bottom coat 底漆finishing coat 面漆bituminous paint 沥青漆polyurethane paint 聚氨酯漆organic silicon paint 有机硅漆epoxy resin paint 环氧树脂漆ethylene perchloride paint 过氯乙烯漆inorganic zinc-rich paint 无机富锌漆heat-proof paint 耐热漆light 淡色的dark 深色的red 红色的blue 蓝色yellow 黄色green 绿色grey(gray)灰色surface preparation 表面处理corrosion 腐蚀。

Painting instruction_油漆颜色说明

Painting instruction_油漆颜色说明

1. GrundsätzePrincipals 原则Alle Flächen aus Stahl (außer Edelstahl) von Maschinen- bzw. Stahlbauteilen, sind mit einerFarbbeschichtung zu versehen. Ausgenommen sind Kontaktflächen und Funktionsflächen, diese sind zu konservieren.Alle Teile aus nichtrostenden und säurebeständigen Stahl werden weder beschichtet noch konserviert.All steel faces (except for special steel) of machine parts and structural steel elements are to be coated with paint. Contact surfaces to other components and functional surfaces are exempted, they shall be preserved.机器零件和结构钢单元的所有表面(不包括特钢)都将油漆。


Parts of stainless and acid-resisting steel are neither coated nor preserved.不锈钢和耐酸钢零件既不会被油漆也不会被保护。

Rohrleitungen aus nichtrostendem und säurebeständigem Stahl, gefertigt aus Rohren nach DIN EN ISO 1127 werden zur Beseitigung von evtl. entstandenen Zunderschichten oder Anlauffarben gebeizt, gestrahlt oder gebürstet und sind endseitig durch Kappen zu verschließen.Pipelines of stainless and acid-resisting steel manufactured from pipes as per DIN EN ISO 1127 are pickled, abrasive-blasted or brushed to remove any layers of scale or tempering colour that may have been generated. The pipe ends are to be closed with caps.不锈钢和耐酸钢制成的管线将按照DIN EN ISO 1127要求酸洗,在此之前用喷砂或钢丝刷以清除氧化皮或回火色。



目录1、概述------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12、设计原则------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13、工程主要原始资料------------------------------------------------------------------ 24、防腐材料性能------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65、现场施工技术要求---------------------------------------------------------------- 76、防腐材料汇总表---------------------------------------------------------------- 71. 概述1.1 目的本规范用于大唐阳城发电有限责任公司#7、#8机组烟气脱硫系统增容提效改造工程烟气脱硫设备、管道、裙座、支座、支架、吊架等附件的防腐。

1.2 范围本规范仅适用于表示在该工程工艺仪表流程图(P&ID)和公用工程流程图上的设备、管道及其附件,设计温度50~150 ℃。

1.3 规范和标准如果没有特别说明,所采用的标准应该是最新版的。

DL/T 5072 《火力发电厂保温油漆设计规程》HGJ 229 《工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范》GB/T 3181 《漆膜颜色标准样本》GB/T 8923 《涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级》GB 7231 《工业管路的基本识别色和识别符号》GB 50235 《工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范》SY/T 0447 《埋地钢制管道环氧煤沥青防腐层技术标准》2. 设计原则具有下列情况之一的设备、管道及其附件必须按不同要求予以防腐:2.1 原烟道(见防腐图纸)2.2 净烟道(吸收塔出口净烟气的烟道内表面及内撑杆外表面);2.3 与90℃以下烟气接触的烟道内表面及内撑杆外表面;2.4 与石膏浆液、石灰石浆液及废水介质接触的箱罐、设备、管道的内表面等;(包括吸收塔、石灰石浆液箱等设备)3.工程主要原始资料3.1 环境条件根据2001版《中国地震动参数区划图》,本地区地震动峰值加速度为0.05g(相当Ⅵ度区),地震动反应谱特征周期为0.45s。



最高/max 60
典型/model 50
Physical characteristics 颜色 Color 体积固体份(%)* Volume solid content(%) 闪点 Flash point 黏度 Viscosity 挥发性有机物含量
浅铝色、白色、铝色 Pale aluminum/ white/ aluminum 40±2
氟含量 (%):≧25
Fluorine contnt 所有待涂装表面应当清洁、干燥且无污染,表面应当按照国际标准 ISO 8504 进行评估和处理。 All surfaces readying for coating should be clean, dry and free from contamination; surface should be treated and assessed according to standard: ISO 8504. 涂有油漆的表面 The surface with coating 只能涂在清洁、干燥和完好的可兼容底漆上面。如需详情,请咨询当地的佐敦公司。 Only primer with clean, dry and perfectly compatibility can be applied. Detail, please to consult the local JOTUN.
Product's Technical Parameters 氟碳铝色面漆 F10 Hardtop F10 Alu
Product introduction 氟碳铝色面漆 F10(Hardtop F10 Alu)是一种具有优异保光色性能的双组分氟碳树脂面漆,符 合铁路钢桥保护涂装标准 TB/T 1527-2004 以及交联型氟树脂涂料标准 HG/T 3792-2005 的要求。 Hardtop F10 Alu is a kind of two-component fluorocarbon resin paint with excellent light color performance; it conforms to Railway Steel Bridge Protection Coating Standard TB/T 1527-2004 and Cross-linkable Fluoro Contained Resin Coating Standard HG/T 3792-2005.



201 防锈油201 anti-rust oil本产品采用深度精制基础油,加入黄酸钡、黄酸钠、羊毛脂等多种添加产品执行国家标准。

The product is using depth of refined base oils and with baryta yellow, POTA IUM AMYLIC X, lanoline and other various additive products, and is executing GB standard.典型数据typical data分析项目analyze project 分析结果Analysisresults试验方法test method运动粘度kenematicviscosity28.53 GB17265闪点(开口)flash point 170 GB173536凝点solidifying point -10 GB173535酸值acid number(加添加剂前)(before additiveproducts)0.025 GB1712581机械杂质mechanicalimpurity0.02 GB17511水份moisture 痕迹vestige GB17260水溶性酸或碱watersoluble acid or alkali中性neutral人汗置换性sweatsubstitution 45号钢片45# steel 72 hours合格pass盐水浸渍试验salt waterimmersion test45#steel 100hours1 GB175096湿热试验damp heattest 45# steel 96 hours 1用途:application本产品适用于机械设备,机械零部件等金属表面,有良好的防锈作用。

This product is applicable to mechanical equipment, machinery parts and other metal surface, have good anti-rust effect.注意事项:considerations使用及储运过程中要防止异物污染以及水混入,不要与其他油品混用,防止性能变差。

ISO12944-8-2017 中文译稿 第8部分 新建和维修防腐技术规格书的制订

ISO12944-8-2017 中文译稿 第8部分 新建和维修防腐技术规格书的制订
有很多种不同的方式可以保护钢结构免遭腐蚀。ISO12944 针对的是采用涂层体系 和涂覆层来保护。该标准的各部分内容,都是为了获得适当的、成功的钢结构防腐蚀保 护效果。其它的一些防腐蚀措施可能也可能是有效的,但需要各相关方达成一致意见。
为了确保钢结构防腐蚀措施的有效性,业主、设计人员、咨询顾问、防腐蚀施工承 包商、涂料制造商、涂装检查员都应以简明的方式陈述他们关于涂层体系防腐蚀保护方 面的最新最先进的技术进展,这些信息应尽可能完善、清晰和易于理解,以免在实际履 行防腐蚀工作时各相关方之间产生误解和偏差。
本文档中使用的任何商业名称都是为了方便用户而提供的信息,而不是构成背书。 关于标准的自愿性质、ISO 特定术语的含义以及与符合性评估有关的表达的含义, 以及关于 ISO 在技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)中遵守世界贸易组织(WTO)原则的信息,请参见 以下内容。URL:/iso/foreword.html。 这个国际标准是由 ISO/TC35 技术委员会.色漆和清漆-钢结构防腐蚀涂料体 系.SC14 分委会制订的。 第二版已经过技术修订并取代了第一版(ISO12944-8: 1998),与前版相比主要的 变化如下: —“参考的标准规范”已更新; —“术语和定义”已更新; —表格 1 中添加了水溶性污染物和灰尘,作为关于表面和表面处理的特殊要求; —附录 E 中相关的腐蚀性级别已更新; —附录 I 中相关的表面处理已更新; —更新了参考文献; —前文经过编辑修改。
本文件的制订和进一步修订程序在 ISO/IEC 指令中第 1 部分中有描述,须特别注 意针对不同类型的 ISO 文件,有不同的审批标准。本文件的起草符合 ISO/IEC 指令中 第 2 部分的相关规则(见 see /directives)。
请注意本文件有些部分可能涉及专利权。ISO 不对识别这些专利权负责。关于制订 该文件所涉专利权的细节,在 ISO 专利声明清单上有介绍(见 /patent)。



涂装中英文对照涂料常用词汇表South china华南Coating 涂装Special coating 特涂Paint 涂料Anti-corrosive paint 防腐漆Rust preventive paint 防锈漆Anti-fouling paint 防污漆Boot topping paint 水线漆Acid resistance paint 耐酸漆Rust inhibitive oil 防锈油Aluminum paint 铝粉漆High-buit type 厚膜型Non-slip type 防滑型Water soluble type 水溶性涂料Paint for galvanized parts 镀锌件底漆Non-bleed type 非渗色型Shop primer 车间底漆Conventional paint 常规涂料Bituminous paint 沥青系涂料Chlorinated rubber paint 氯化橡胶系涂料Pure epoxy paint 纯环氧涂料Coal tar epoxy paint 环氧沥青系涂料Vinyl tar paint 乙烯沥青系涂料Polyurethane paint 聚氨酯涂料Inorganic zinc silicate paint 无机硅酸锌涂料Self polishing copolymer 自抛光涂料Bleached type tar epoxy paint 漂白型环氧沥青Temperature 温度humidity 湿度entry 进口exit出口Adhesion 附着力Aerial work高空作业Air pressure 空气压力Anti-fire plug 防火涂料Antirust engineering 防锈工程Anti-corrosive agent 防腐剂Area 面积Area of explosion proof 防爆面积Artificial environment 人工环境Asbestos 石棉Artificial lighting 人工照明Elevator 电梯Bid 投标Personnel 员工Colored varnish 透明漆Solvent based coating 溶剂型涂料Water based paint 水性涂料Powder coating 粉末涂料Two component coating 双组分涂料Film former 成膜物质Resin 树脂Natural resin 天然树脂Synthetic resin合成树脂Co solvent 助溶剂Thinner 稀释剂Drier 催干剂Substrate 底材Intermediate coat 中间涂层Check 检查Climate 气候Compression 压缩Connection 连接Contract 合同Contractor承包商Crane 吊车Cutting 切割Data 数据Density 密度Depth 深度Diesel engine 柴油机Environmental noise 环境噪音Environmental pollution 环境污染Fork lift truck 叉车Grade 等级Heat insulation 隔热Hoisting 起吊Living area 生活区Maintenance 维修Material bill材料表Material cost 材料费Crew change 换班Meeting room会议室Mixing machine 搅拌机Natural ventilation 自然通风Nut 螺母Zinc-rich paint 富锌漆Cleaning of tools 工具清洗剂The middle coat 中间漆Surface preparation 表面预处理Vacuum吸尘Organic coating 有机涂料Inorganic coating 无机涂料Paint 色漆Paste paint 厚漆Ready-mixed paint 调和漆Putty 腻子Primer 底漆Surfacer 二道底漆Varnish 清漆Grind with sand paper 用砂纸磨De-rusting除砂Spray 喷涂Airless spraying 无气喷涂Coat with brush 刷涂Roller coat 辊涂Strike coat 预涂装Touch up 执补Mix the paint 搅拌油漆Thickness meter 膜厚计Roughness meter表面粗糙度计Humidity meter 湿度计Airless sprayer 无气喷枪Nozzle 枪嘴Dry film 干膜Wet film湿膜Sagging 不重流挂Tear 轻微流挂Pinhole 针孔Spray dust 漆雾Sebonding 剥离Orange peel皱皮Even color 颜色均匀Re-coat interval 重涂间隔Roughness表面粗糙度Flash point 闪点Dry to touch表干Fully cured 实干Oxide 氧化皮Working plane 工作面Working life 使用寿命Wire mesh 钢丝网Wire cutter 钢丝钳Welding 焊接Welded seam 焊缝V olume 容积Typhoon 台风Topside paint 干舷漆Deck paint 甲板漆Finish paint 面漆Under coat 底漆或中间漆Binder coat 过渡层漆Hold paint 货舱漆Heat resistance paint耐热漆Oil resistance paint 耐油漆Platform 平台Oil石油Foreman 领班Supervisor 监督Safety 安全员Air compressor 空压机H.P water jetting 高压水清洗机Blasting equipment 喷砂设备Distributor 配电箱After cooler 后冷却器Board 跳板Steel tube 钢管Safety helmet 安全帽Safety belt 安全带Oxygen tube 氧气管Spray gun 喷枪Basket 吊篮Tool box 工具箱Grinder 磨机Needle gun 针枪Fork wrenches 开口扳手Shifting spanner 活动扳手Chain 链条Life jacket 救生衣Shackle 卸扣Scissors 剪刀Transformer 变压器Technical class 技术等级Technical code 技术规范Technical data 技术数据T echnical design 技术设计T echnical specification 技术规范T echnical handbook技术手册Structure 结构Steel brush 钢丝刷。



概要:Additive mixture 加色混合 Additive 添加剂 Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adhesive 胶粘剂 Adjacent color 类似色 Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂 After image 残象 Air drying 常温干燥Ai ...Additive mixture 加色混合 Additive 添加剂 Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adhesive 胶粘剂 Adjacent color 类似色 Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂 After image 残象 Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂 Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂 Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂 Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂 Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料 Antifouling paint 防污涂料 Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂Baking finish 烤漆喷涂 base boat 底漆 Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化 Body varnish 磨光漆 Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing mark/streak 刷痕 Brushing 刷涂 Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶 Caf 咖啡色 Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂 Chalking 粉化 Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落 Chromatic color 有彩色 Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆 Chromaticity 色度 Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆 Clear paint 透明涂料 Clssing 补漆Coarse particle 粗粒 Coating 涂料 Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色 Col color 寒色,冷色 Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping treatment 变色Dipping 浸渍涂层Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆Fading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶Gelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Gum 树胶,胶树Hardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色Illuminant color 光源色Jelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度Lac varnish 光漆Lac 虫胶Lacquer 漆Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Latex 乳胶Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛Make up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆Natural clear lacquer 清漆Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Paint 涂料,油漆Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly ester 聚酯Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Procuring 预固化Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆Quick drying paint 速干漆Ready mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷Sample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂Accelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive mixture 加色混合Additive 添加剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adhesive 胶粘剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂Baking finish 烤漆喷涂base boat 底漆Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Brushing 刷涂Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶Caf 咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Chromaticity 色度Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Clssing 补漆Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Col color 寒色,冷色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度Dark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping treatment 变色Dipping 浸渍涂层Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化Egg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆Fading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finshing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶Gelatin 明胶,凝胶Glare 眩目Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Gum 树胶,胶树Hardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色Illuminant color 光源色Jelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度Lac varnish 光漆Lac 虫胶Lacquer 漆Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Latex 乳胶Leveling agent 均化剂Light 光亮的Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛Make up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醛Multi-color 多彩漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆Natural clear lacquer 清漆Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆Off- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Paint 涂料,油漆Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly ester 聚酯Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Procuring 预固化Putty 腻子Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆Quick drying paint 速干漆Ready mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷Sample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂。



The sealer must be removed by diamond-grinding or a X through the coating and down to theX and press firmly.the taped area is removed with the tape, the originalwell, the floor should not be coated with ROKREZ well bonded, scuff sand the surface after cleaning tounless all loose material and dust is removed, and MOISTURE IN THE CONCRETEIf your concrete has the tendency to always look wet or dark in certain areas, then there is a chance that moisture could be the reason.1. Apply a 2’ x 2’ sheet of plastic (such as a heavy-duty garbage bag) to an areaof the garage floor.2. Tape down the edges with duct tape and allow to set for 24 hours, if waterdroplets appear on the inside of the plastic or if concrete appears wet (darker in color), moisture is trapped in the concrete and the floor should not be painted unless you use the SIMIRON Moisture Vapor Barrier (MVB ) coating to stop moisture from coming through the concrete.CRACKS IN CONCRETEAny crack thicker or wider than your nail must be repaired before applying coating or it will show through finished product.To resolve, use ROKREZ Concrete Crack Filler to patch any cracks or pits in concrete.*Be sure to follow all patch product instructions.1.Check Concrete for any of the following issuesIn-Depth Instruction GuideIMPORTANTREAD COMPLETE IN-DEPTH INS TALLATION GUIDE BEFORE OPENING OR USING PRODUCT.P LEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY TO ENSURE P ROP ER APPLICATION FOR LONG-LASTING RESULTS.For additional application tips, and productdemonstration videos visit Be sure to read safety data sheet at before using plete All-IN-One Kit Includes RokRez Solid Activator RokRez Solid Base RokRez Decorative Chip RokRez Slip Resistant Additive Concentrated Cleaner Application Instructions Stir Stick 9” Roller Cover Brush**Repeat as necessary until completely clean.one packet of Concentrated Cleaner to 2 gallons of water.be used to eliminate excess water and Be sure there are no white stained areas on the concrete where Concentratedresidue could still be left over. Rub area with a black towel, if there is any white residue on the towel, wash that area again with fresh water. (This can typically happen in areas where water can seep under drywall areas.)Allow the floor to dry completely for 24 hours. Cooler temperatures may need31710’ x 10’ sections8Surface Preparation.2.Cleaning the bare concreteCAUTIONDo not use muriatic acid. — If product will be used on a basement floor, do not use Concentrated Cleaner. Instead, prepare floor with TSP solution or substitute.If the floor is not thoroughly cleaned and completely rinsed, the coating may not adhere properly to the surface. If Concentrated Cleaner solution is not completely rinsed, the concrete will have white residue areas that will need to be rinsed again.34Mixing RokRez Epoxy Garage Kit.3.Before We Begin — Application tipsFor best results have two people to perform this application process together, itis however possible with one person.Prepare tools (roller cover, brush) and prepare black bucket by thoroughlycleaning.garage door trackseam, then shut garage door to ensure the door is resting on top of the tape. You doPour Base material in clean, empty, black ROKREZ kit bucket.(TIP : Roll packet like a tube of toothpaste to ensure all contents are emptied into bucket.)Next, pour all of the Activator into the black ROKREZ kit bucket.Mix the Base and Activator contents in black ROKREZ kit bucket thoroughlywith Paddle Mixer tool on a drill for 3 minutes .(TIP : Don’t forget to have your gloves and safety goggles on. Do not splash contents while mixing.)Move drill around while mixing. Occasionally scrape sides using a paint stickto ensure material is thoroughly mixed. Be sure to mix for 3 minutes .If adding optional Slip Resistant Additive, Continue to Mixing Slip Resistant Additive to Mixed Base & ActivatorOccasionally stir material during use if working out of the bucket to maintain ( o ptional )34CAUTION AFTER MIXING, PRODUCT IS NOW ACTIVATED. — USE PRODUCT IMMEDIATELY REFER TO POT-LIFE & Drying Times CHART (on pg. 2) AND APPLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR ALLOTTED TIME. Mixing RokRez Epoxy Garage Kit.3.4.Continued — Mixing kitRolling — Main AreasSIMIRON PRODUCT SUPPORTQuestions or comments, call the toll-free Product Support line between 8:00am – 5:00pm EST.STARTING NEW SECTIONS: Continue following the steps until the entire garage is coated.QUESTIONS?866.515.8775403232 09/1932700 I N D U S T R I A L D R I V E M A D I S O N H E I G H T S , M I 48071 | 866.515.8775 | S I M I R O N.C O MApplying RokRez Epoxy Garage Kit.4.Step 3. Decorative Chip Additive — Drying Times —Starting new Section-SetsBroadcast Decorative Chip Additive section completed before continuing. If you choose not to include Decorative Chip Additive, disregard and repeat all steps from “Rolling (Main remaining coating sections. Not applying Decorative Chip Additive will not affect coating performance.1. Tear small corner of Decorative Chip Additive bag and pour a small amountof Decorative Chip into a small bucket for easier use.2. Toss high in the air onto wet coated section. 3. Throw evenly to create a consistent appearance.4. Next to the uncoated concrete leave 6”–12” section of wet film withoutDecorative Chip. This section will be rolled into when coating the next 4’ x 4’ area.(Note: Fresh paint can be applied over the loose chips that lay outside the previously painted area.)Step 2. Rolling Main Areas for the remaining 4’x4’ sections Applying ROKREZ Epoxy Garage Kit: Before We Begin - Overview (pg.3) for more : remember to apply evenly throughout surface area to have adequate amount Once you have used all the coating from your first ROKREZ Epoxy Garage kit to cover the allotted area, you can now open your next ROKREZ Epoxy Garage kit and follow the same steps to coat the next area, beginning at Mixing ROKREZ Epoxy Garage Kit (pg. 3).Once the entire floor is completed continue to Clean Up & Dry Times , below.Each clear poly-bag contains:1-RokRez Activator Pouch 1-RokRez Base Pouch 1-Slip Resistant Additive 1-Concentrated Clean Pouch 1-Decorative Chip Pouchcontents ofonly one poly-bag at a time.RokRez Epoxy Garage Floor Coating 2½ Car Kit Multiple Kit Application.Clear Poly-Bags.Clean Up & Dry Times.5.6.Clean tools with Acetone or Xylene. Follow solvent manufactures safety data sheets.Allow products to fully cure and throw away.For uncured product see your local government for disposal instructions.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLYFor additional application tips, and product demonstration videos visit 34。


Properly prepared surface should feel like fine sand paper when finished.
The pool must be allowed to dry thoroughly for a minimum of 24 hours after cleaning prior to the application of pool paint. Surfaces may be damp when applying paint (A damp surface is when no free water appears on the palm of the hand after pressing on the pool surface).
Do not fill pool before paint has cured. Provide fans and power ventilation while drying. In good drying conditions, an outdoor pool requires 7 days of good weather before refilling the pool. For every day of rainy weather, add one more day to the 7 days. Indoor pools require 2 weeks due to the reduced ventilation and circulation inherent with indoor pools.
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CONTENTS目录1.SCOPE范围.............................................................................................................................1.1.SupplementedStandards补充标准..................................................................................... 2REFERENCE引用...................................................................................................................2.1.××××HSERIESSTANDARDSANDMODIFICATIONS............................................................××××H系列标准和修改.............................................................................................2.2.IndustryCodesandStandards工业码和标准......................................................................3.CONTRACTORSRESPONSIBILITY承包商责任.......................................................................3.1.ExtentofSupply供应的范围............................................................................................4.QUALITYREQUIREMENTS质量要求...................................................................................4.1.GeneralRequirements通用要求....................................................................................5.SURFACESTOBECOATED防腐前的表面处理.......................................................................5.1.General通用......................................................................................................................6.SURFACESNOTTOBECOATED无需防腐的表面............................................................6.1.General通用.......................................................................................................................7.PROTECTIONOFSURFACES保护的面...................................................................................7.1.TemporaryCoverings临时的覆盖........................................................................................8.COATINGSYSTEMSANDMATERIALS防腐系统和材料.......................................................8.1.General通用.........................................................................................................................9.COATINGSCHEDULE防腐计划表............................................................................................10.COLOR颜色...........................................................................................................................10.1.ColorCode颜色代码..........................................................................................................10.2.PipingIdentificationColorCode管道识别颜色编码.........................................................11.SURFACEPREPARATION表面准备...................................................................................... 11.1.AbrasiveMaterials研磨用的材料.........................................................................................11.2.Pre-BlastCheck预吹扫检查..............................................................................................11.3.Cleaning清扫....................................................................................................................11.4.Equipment设备...................................................................................................................12.COATINGAPPLICATION防腐程序步骤..................................................................................13.INSPECTION检查....................................................................................................................14.FIELD-ERECTEDEQUIPMENT现场立式设备..........................................................................15.FIELDREPAIROFCOATEDSURFACES现场油漆表面修复..................................................16.GALVANIZING电镀..............................................................................................................17.REPAIROFGALVANIZEDSURFACES修复的镀锌面........................................................ AppendixA:CoatingSystem附录一:防腐系统.....................................................................1.SCOPE范围1.1.SupplementedStandards补充标准ThisProjectSpecificationsupplementsthecoatingrequirementsof××××××××公司EngineeringStandards×××××××001,CoatingSelection&ApplicationRequirementsforIndustrialPlants&Equipmentand××××××××××,Internal&ExternalCoatingsforSteelPipelines&Piping.沙特××××××公司为本工程补充了防腐详细说明,×××××××001工业厂房和设备的防腐选择及步骤要求,××××××××××管线和管道的内防腐和外防腐2.REFERENCE引用Thefollowingreferencesarepartofthisspecification.下列参考文献是这份详细说明的一部分.2.1.××××HSERIESSTANDARDSANDMODIFICATIONS×××××××001CoatingsSelection&ApplicationRequirementsforIndu strialPlants&Equipment-21February2010.为工业厂房和设备进行防腐选择及程序要求××××H系列标准和改版的×××××××001,2010年2月21.××××××××××Approved××××××××公司DataSheets-19April2009.××××××××××××××××××公司审批单,2009年4月19日××××××××××InternalandExternalCoatingsforSteelPipelinesandSteelPipelinesandPiping-1June2010.××××××××××钢制管线和钢制管道的内防腐和外防腐,2010年6月1日.××××××××××VApproved××××××××公司DataSheets-30May2009.××××××××××V××××××××公司审批单,2009年5月30日.××××××××××ProtectiveCoatingSelection&ApplicationRequirementsforOffshoreStructureandFacilities.××××××××××离岸结构和设施的防腐蚀防护选择及程序步骤要求.××××××××××SafetyIdentificationandSafetyColors-17February2010.××××××××××安全识别和安全颜色,2010年二月17日.×××××××006FireproofingforPlants×××××××006工厂消防2.2.IndustryCodesandStandards工业识别码和标准PIPCTSE1000Applicationofexternalcoating-February2005.PIPCTSE1000外防腐的程序步骤,2005年2月.×××××SteelStructuresPaintingCouncil-Thirdedition.×××××第三版的钢结构油漆评议SIS05-5900PictorialSurfacePreparationStandardforPaintingSteelSurfaces-1988.SIS05-5900防腐前钢表面预处理图片1988.ISO8501-1PreparationofSteelSubstratebeforeApplicationofPaintsandRelatedProducts-VisualAssessmentofSurfaceCl eanliness-Edition3.ISO8501-1进行油漆及相关产品前的钢材表面预处理——表面清洁度的视觉评估版本3 ASTMAmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials.ASTM美国测试和材料协会.ASTMA123StandardSpecificationforZinc(Hot-DipGalvanized)CoatingsonIronandSteelProducts.ASTMA123在钢铁和钢构件上进行锌粉(热电镀-镀锌)防腐的标准说明NACERP0198-2×××TheControlofCorrosionUnderThermalInsulationandFireproofingMaterials-ASystemsApproachNACERP0198-2×××在有热保温和耐火材料时的防腐蚀:一系列步骤3.CONTRACTORSRESPONSIBILITY承包商责任3.1.ExtentofSupply供应的范围plet ecoatingshallmeanallsurfacepreparationhasbeenperformedandallcoatsofpainthavebeenproperlyappliedasspecified in×××××××001or××××××××××,fortheapplicablecoatingsystem,andtheapplicable09-×××××seriesspecifications.Galvani zingshouldbecompletelygalvanizedinaccordancewithASTMA123StandardSpecificationforZinc(Hot-DipGalvanized)C oatingonIronandSteelProducts.所有被描述为需要防腐和镀锌的项目将被承包商完全防腐或电镀.完整的防腐将意味执行完所有的表面预处理,及所有油漆防腐是按照×××××××001或××××××××××的指定油漆系统说明恰当的实施,并适用于09-×××××的系列详细说明。
