提单(bill of lading)中英文简介

简介提单(Bill of Lading,B/L)是由船长或承运人或承运人的代理人签发,证明收到特定货物,允许将货物运至特定目的地并交付于收货人的凭证。
一、提单的作用1. 提单是运输合同的证明2. 提单是货物收据3.提单是物权凭证分类二、提单的分类1. 按货物是否已装船区分1 已装船提单(Shipped B/L or on Board B/L)。
2 收货待运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)。
2.按提单抬头区分1 记名提单(Straight B/L),又称收货人抬头提单。
2 指示提单(Order B/L)。
3 不记名提单(Blank B/L or Open B/L)。
3.按无影响结汇的批注区分1 清洁提单(Clean B/L)。
2 不清洁提单(Foul B/L)。
4.按收费方式区分1 运费预付提单(Freight Prepaid B/L)。
2 运费到付提单(Freight Collect B/L)。
5.按船舶的经营方式区分1 班轮提单(Liner B/L)。
2 租船提单(Charter Parth B/L)。
三、提单的缮制与签发1.托运人(Shipper)2.收货人(Consignee)3.通知人(Notify Party)4.前段运输(Pre-Carriage by)5.收货地点(Place of Receipt)6.海运船舶及航次(Ocean Vesse) 7.装货港(Port of Loading)8.卸货港(Port of Discharge) 9.交货地点(Place of Delivery)10. 唛头和号码、集装箱箱号和铅封号(Marks & Nos.、Container.Seal No.)11.集装箱数或件数(No of Container or P kgs)12.包装种类、货物名称(Kind of Packages、Description of Goods)13.毛重(Gross Weight kgs)14.体积(Measurement)15.运费和费用、付款地点及付款方式(Freight & Charges、Prepaid at、Payable at、Pre-paid、Collect)16.提单号和正本提单份数(B/L No.、No.of Original B(s)/L)17.签单地点和日期(Place and Date of Issue)18.代表承运人签字(Signed for the Carrier)区别四、B/L与D/O的区别B/L:BILL OF LADING提单,是货物的物权凭证。

货运用语中英文对照货物: goods /freight / cargo运输: transportation / transit / conveyance运送: to transport / to carry / to convey运输业: transportation business / forwarding business / carrying trade运输代理人: a forwarding agent承运人: a freight agent / a carrier船务代理人: a shipping agent陆上运输: transportation by land海上运输: transportation by sea货物运输: goods traffic / freight traffic / carriage of freights / carriage of goods 货轮: cargo boat / freighter / cargo steamer / cargo carrier火车: goods-train / freight-train卡车: goods-van / goods wagon / freight car / truck货运办公室: goods-office / freight-department运费率: freight / freight rates / goods rate运费: carriage charges / shipping expenses / express charges车费: cartage | | portage运费预付: carriage prepaid | | carriage paid运费到付: carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除/免费: carriage free协定运费: conference freight | | freight rate运费清单: freight account托运单:way-bill | | invoice运送契约: contract for carriage装运: shipment | | loading装上货轮: to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship 装运费: shipping charges | | shipping commission 装运单/载货单shipping invoice装运单据:shipping documents大副收据: mates receipt装船单: shipping order提货单: delivery order装船通知: shipping advice包裹收据: parcel receipt准装货单shipping permit租船契约charter party租船人charterer程租船||航次租赁voyage charter期租船time charter允许装卸时间lay days | | laying days工作日working days连续天数running days | | consecutive days滞期费demurrage滞期日数demurrage days速遣费despatch money空舱费dead freight退关short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载loading卸货unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量landing weight压舱ballasting压舱货in ballast舱单manifest船泊登记证书ships certificate of registry航海日记ships log船员名册muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health光票clean bill不清洁提单foul bill有疑问提单suspected bill。

提单中英文对照(全)1] Reference number (提单号):2] Name of vessel / Voyage number (船名/航次):3] E T A (预计到港日):4] Load Port (起运港):5] Tranship Port (if any) (中转港):6] Discharge Port (卸货港):7] Term of this shipment.( CY/CY ) :8] Proper shipping name under IMDG code (运输品名):9] Proper chemical name ( If applicable ) (化学品名):10]Quantity and type of inner and outer package(内外包装类型及数量):11]Gross weight (KGS)(货物毛重):12]Nett weight (KGS) (货物净重):13]Number, size and type of container (箱型,箱数):14]Class / UN number (危险品类别/国际编码):15]Label, subsidiary risk label (危标):16]Packing group (包装类别):17]Flash point in unit deg.C ( If applicable )(闪点):18]MPA group :19]EMS ( Emergency schedule ) :20]Marine pollutant ( Yes / No ) (海洋污染):船公司SO文件的英文简单解释Booking number:订舱号码Vessel:船名Voyage:航次CY Closing DATE:截柜日期,截关日closing Date/Time:截柜日期SI CUT OFF date/time:截提单补料日期/时间Expiry date:有效期限,到期日期Sailing date:航行日期/ 船离开港口的日期ETA(ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL):预计到达时间,到港日(船到目的港日期)ETD (ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日(起运港船离港日期)ETC(ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日Port of loading(POL):装货港Full Delivery Pickup Terminal: 提重柜码头Empty Cntainer Depot:交空柜场站Loading port:装货港From City:起运地EXP(export):出口Final destination:目的港,最终目的地Place of Delivery(POD)或To City:目的地,交货地Port of discharge:卸货港Discharge port:卸货港Load Port:卸货港Dry:干的/不含液体或湿气cargo type:货物种类container number:集装箱号码container:集装箱specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱Number of container:货柜数量container Size:货柜尺寸CU.FT:立方英尺Cont Status:货柜状况seal number:封条号码seal No:封条号码seal type:封条类型weight:重量Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重)Net Weight:净重Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量Laden:重柜remarks:备注remarks for Terminal:堆场/码头备注piace of receipt:收货地Commodity:货物品名intended:预期ETD:预计开船日期Booking NO: SO号码/订仓号码Shipper:发货人Container No(Number):集装箱号码Equipment Number:货柜号码Reefer Tetails:冷柜参数contact:联络人,联系方式contact person:联络人intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF:指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止intended shipping instruction CUT-OFF:指定的文件结关时间,航运指示截止DOC CUT-OFF:文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定,按船公司一般的规律) 像上面都是有特指的)Cargo nature:货物种类service contract NO:服务合同编号,SI CUT:截提单补料或截关BKG Staff: BKG是Booking 的简写,那就是订舱人员Regional BKG#:预订区域,Sales Rep:销售代表BILL of Lading#:提单号,提单方案Empty Pick up CY:提空柜地点Empty Pick up Date:提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier:预载Est.Arrival Date:EIS 到达时间CY CUT:结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间)CY open:整柜开仓时间Port of delivery:交货港口Receive Term:接收期限Delivery Term:交货期限Ocean Route Type:海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型EQ Type/Q’ty:集装箱数量,类型EQ是Equipment 的简写Address:地址Special cargo information:特别货物信息Please see attached,if exists:如果有,请见附档/如果存在,请参阅附件Shipper’own container:托运人自己的集装箱Dangerous:危险或危险品/危险标志Internal:中心的,内部的[ft=,+0,]Released:释放,放行MT 就是指吨,英文叫METRE TONECustomer:客户FCL full container load:整柜FCL:整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier:承运人Trucker:拖车公司/运输公司Tractor NO:车牌号码Depot:提柜地点Pickup Location:提柜地点Stuffing:装货地点Terminal:还柜地点Return Location:交柜地点Full Container Address:还重柜地点revised:修改后,已经校正,已经修订Size/Type:柜型尺寸尺寸/种类Discharge Port:卸货港Destination:目的地Special Type:特殊柜型S/O No:订舱号Shipping Order No. :托运单号码Temp:温度Vent:通风Humidity:湿度PTI:检测Genset:发电机Instruction:装货说明Special Requirement:特殊要求GWT:(货物毛重)限重/柜,一般是柜和货物的总重量SOC:货主的集装箱Feeder Vessel/Lighter:驳船航次WT(weight):重量G.W.(gross weight):毛重N.W.(net weight):净重MAX (maximum):最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum):最小的,最低限度M或MED (medium):中等,中级的P/L (packing list):装箱单、明细表THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。

CombinedTransportBill ofLading
12.NOS.& KINDSOF PKGS(包装种类和数量)
14. G.W.(KG)
15. MEAS(M3)
COБайду номын сангаасLECT
提单(bill of lading)中英文简介

简介提单(Bill of Lading,B/L)是由船长或承运人或承运人的代理人签发,证明收到特定货物,允许将货物运至特定目的地并交付于收货人的凭证。
一、提单的作用1. 提单是运输合同的证明2. 提单是货物收据3.提单是物权凭证分类二、提单的分类1. 按货物是否已装船区分1 已装船提单(Shipped B/L or on Board B/L)。
2 收货待运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)。
2.按提单抬头区分1 记名提单(Straight B/L),又称收货人抬头提单。
2 指示提单(Order B/L)。
3 不记名提单(Blank B/L or Open B/L)。
3.按无影响结汇的批注区分1 清洁提单(Clean B/L)。
2 不清洁提单(Foul B/L)。
4.按收费方式区分1 运费预付提单(Freight Prepaid B/L)。
2 运费到付提单(Freight Collect B/L)。
5.按船舶的经营方式区分1 班轮提单(Liner B/L)。
2 租船提单(Charter Parth B/L)。
三、提单的缮制与签发1.托运人(Shipper)2.收货人(Consignee)3.通知人(Notify Party)4.前段运输(Pre-Carriage by)5.收货地点(Place of Receipt)6.海运船舶及航次(Ocean Vesse) 7.装货港(Port of Loading)8.卸货港(Port of Discharge) 9.交货地点(Place of Delivery)10. 唛头和号码、集装箱箱号和铅封号(Marks & Nos.、Container.Seal No.)11.集装箱数或件数(No of Container or P kgs)12.包装种类、货物名称(Kind of Packages、Description of Goods)13.毛重(Gross Weight kgs)14.体积(Measurement)15.运费和费用、付款地点及付款方式(Freight & Charges、Prepaid at、Payable at、Pre-paid、Collect)16.提单号和正本提单份数(B/L No.、No.of Original B(s)/L)17.签单地点和日期(Place and Date of Issue)18.代表承运人签字(Signed for the Carrier)区别四、B/L与D/O的区别B/L:BILL OF LADING提单,是货物的物权凭证。

航运业务英语中英文对照及缩略语*提单专题货运用语中英文对照货物goods | | freight | | cargo运输transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人a forwarding agent承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人a shipping agent陆上运输transportation by land海上运输transportation by sea货物运输goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods 货轮cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车goods-train | | freight-train卡车goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室goods-office | | freight-department运费率freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费cartage | | portage运费预付carriage prepaid | | carriage paid运费到付carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费carriage free协定运费conference freight | | freight rate运费清单freight account托运单way-bill | | invoice运送契约contract for carriage装运shipment | | loading装上货轮to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship装运费shipping charges | | shipping commission装运单||载货单shipping invoice装运单据shipping documents大副收据mate's receipt装船单shipping order提货单delivery order装船通知shipping advice包裹收据parcel receipt准装货单shipping permit租船契约charter party租船人charterer程租船||航次租赁voyage charter期租船time charter允许装卸时间lay days | | laying days工作日working days连续天数running days | | consecutive days滞期费demurrage滞期日数demurrage days速遣费despatch money空舱费dead freight退关short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载loading卸货unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量landing weight压舱ballasting压舱货in ballast舱单manifest船泊登记证书ship's certificate of registry航海日记ship's log船员名册muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health光票clean bill不清洁提单foul bill有疑问提单suspected bill航运业务英语缩略语缩写全称FCA Free CarrierFAS Free Alongside ShipFOB Free On BoardCFR Cost and FreightCIF Cost,Insurance and FreightCPT Carriage Paid ToCIP Carriage and insurance Paid ToDAF Delivered At FrontierDES Delivered Ex ShipDEQ Delivered Ex QuayDDU Delivered Duty UnpaidDDP Delivered Duty PaidANF Arrival Notification FormCABAF Currency and bunker adjustment factorCAF Currency and bunker adjustment factorC/B Container BaseC&E Customs and ExciseC&F Cost and FreightCFR Cost and FreightCFS Container Freight Station,also DepotCHIEF Customs Handling of Import and Exports FreightCIF Cost,Insurance and FreightCIM Internation Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Rail CMI Comite Martime InternationalCMR International Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Road COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act,U.K.COT Customer's Own TransportCOU Clip on UniteCPT Carriage Paid ToCRN Custom Register NumberCSC Container Safety ConventionCT Combined TransportCTD Combined Transprotion DocumentCY Container Yard<<提单专题>>运输提单种类之中英对照transport document 运输单据Combined Transport Documents (CTD) 联合运输单据shipping documents装船单据Bill of lading (B/L) 提单On board B/L已装船提单Shipped B/L 已装船提单received for Shipment B/L 备运提单Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L联运提单Clean B/L 清洁提单Unclean B/L 或Foul B/L 不清洁提单Straight B/L记名提单Open B/L不记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L指示提单Long Form B/L全式提单Short Form B/L简式提单On Deck B/L 舱面提单Stale B/L过期提单Ante Dated B/L倒签提单Advanced B/L预借提单Freight at Destination B/L运费到付提单Freight prepaid B/L运费预付提单各类提单名词解释1)提单BILL OF LADING是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。

关于提单上的中英文对照1] Reference number (提单号):2] Name of vessel / Voyage number (船名/航次):3] E T A (预计到港日):4] Load Port (起运港):5] Tranship Port (if any) (中转港) :6] Discharge Port (卸货港):7] Term of this shipment.( CY/CY ) :8] Proper shipping name under IMDG code (运输品名):9] Proper chemical name ( If applicable ) (化学品名):10]Quantity and type of inner and outer package(内外包装类型及数量) :11]Gross weight (KGS)(货物毛重) :12]Nett weight (KGS) (货物净重):13]Number, size and type of container (箱型,箱数):14]Class / UN number (危险品类别/国际编码):15]Label, subsidiary risk label (危标):16]Packing group (包装类别):17]Flash point in unit deg.C ( If applicable )(闪点) :18]MPA group :19]EMS ( Emergency schedule ) :20]Marine pollutant ( Yes / No ) (海洋污染):船公司SO文件的英文简单解释Booking number:订舱号码Vessel:船名Voyage:航次CY Closing DATE:截柜日期,截关日closing Date/Time:截柜日期SI CUT OFF date/time:截提单补料日期/时间Expiry date:有效期限,到期日期Sailing date:航行日期 / 船离开港口的日期ETA(ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL):预计到达时间,到港日(船到目的港日期)ETD(ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日(起运港船离港日期)ETC(ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日Port of loading(POL):装货港Full Delivery Pickup Terminal: 提重柜码头Empty Cntainer Depot:交空柜场站Loading port:装货港From City:起运地EXP(export):出口Final destination:目的港,最终目的地Place of Delivery(POD)或To City:目的地,交货地Port of discharge:卸货港Discharge port:卸货港Load Port:卸货港Dry:干的/不含液体或湿气Quantity:数量cargo type:货物种类container number:集装箱号码container:集装箱specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱Number of container:货柜数量container Size:货柜尺寸CU.FT:立方英尺Cont Status:货柜状况seal number:封条号码seal No:封条号码seal type:封条类型weight:重量Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重)Net Weight:净重Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量Laden:重柜remarks:备注remarks for Terminal:堆场/码头备注piace of receipt:收货地Commodity:货物品名intended:预期ETD:预计开船日期Booking NO: SO号码/订仓号码Shipper:发货人Container No(Number):集装箱号码Equipment Number:货柜号码Reefer Tetails:冷柜参数contact:联络人,联系方式contact person:联络人intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF:指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止intended shipping instruction CUT-OFF:指定的文件结关时间,航运指示截止DOC CUT-OFF:文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定,按船公司一般的规律)像上面都是有特指的)Cargo nature:货物种类service contract NO:服务合同编号,SI CUT:截提单补料或截关BKG Staff: BKG是Booking的简写,那就是订舱人员Regional BKG#:预订区域,Sales Rep:销售代表BILL of Lading#:提单号,提单方案Empty Pick up CY:提空柜地点Empty Pick up Date:提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier:预载Est.Arrival Date:EIS到达时间CY CUT:结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间)CY open:整柜开仓时间Port of delivery:交货港口Receive Term:接收期限Delivery Term:交货期限Ocean Route Type:海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型EQ Type/Q'ty:集装箱数量,类型 EQ是Equipment的简写Address:地址Special cargo information:特别货物信息Please see attached,if exists:如果有,请见附档/如果存在,请参阅附件Shipper'own container:托运人自己的集装箱Dangerous:危险或危险品 /危险标志Internal:中心的,内部的[ft=,+0,]Released:释放,放行MT就是指吨,英文叫METRE TONECustomer:客户FCL full container load:整柜FCL:整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier:承运人Trucker:拖车公司/运输公司Tractor NO:车牌号码Depot:提柜地点Pickup Location:提柜地点Stuffing:装货地点Terminal:还柜地点Return Location:交柜地点Full Container Address:还重柜地点revised:修改后,已经校正,已经修订Size/Type:柜型尺寸尺寸/种类Discharge Port:卸货港Destination:目的地Special Type:特殊柜型S/O No:订舱号Shipping Order No. :托运单号码Temp:温度Vent:通风Humidity:湿度PTI:检测Genset:发电机Instruction:装货说明Special Requirement:特殊要求GWT:(货物毛重)限重/柜,一般是柜和货物的总重量SOC:货主的集装箱Feeder Vessel/Lighter:驳船航次WT(weight):重量[ft=,+0,]G.W.(gross weight):毛重[ft=,+0,]N.W.(net weight):净重MAX (maximum):最大的、最大限度的[ft=,+0,]MIN (minimum):最小的,最低限度[ft=,+0,]M或MED (medium):中等,中级的P/L (packing list):装箱单、明细表船公司的集装箱箱门上英文表示:1.GROSS WT 71,650 LB. 32,500 KG总重/ 表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重是71650磅或32500千克2.PAYLOAD 60,850 LB. 27600 KG有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,27600千克但是并不表示进口的货物就能够装那么重3.TARE WT. 10,800 LB 4,900 KG车身重量的扣除 / 表示该柜的自身重量 4900千克4.CUBE 3,040 CU.FT. 86.0 CU.M立方 /表示该柜可以的内容积,也就是可以装货的最大体积是 3040立方英尺祸6立方米5.MAX.G.W. 30.480 KGS 67.200 LBS总重/ 表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重 30480千克6.TARE 4.850 KGS 10.690 LBS车身重量的扣除 / 表示该柜的自身重量 4850千克7.MAX.C.W 25.630 KGS 56.510 LBS有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量, 25630千克但是并不表示进口的货物就能够装那么重8.CU.CAP. 86.0 CU.M 3,040 CU.FT.立方 /表示该柜可以的内容积,也就是可以装货的最大体积 86立方米9. MGW. 32,500 KGS 71.650 LBS总重/ 表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重 32500千克. 28,600 KGS 63.050 LBS净重 / 有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,28600千克但是并不表示进口的货物就能够装那么重HAFFA: 香港货运物流业协会 HONGKONG ASSOCIATION FREIGHT FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS LTD.H/C: HANDLING CHARGE 手续费HQ: HIGH CUBE 高柜IPI: INTERIOR POINT INTERMODAL 美国内陆公共运输点IA: INDEPENDENT ACTION 运费同盟会员采取的一致措施.IATA: INT’L AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION 国际航空运输协会LCL: LESS THAN CONTAINER CARGO LOAD 拼箱货L/L: LOADING LIST 装船清单L/C: LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证NVOCC: NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIER 无船承运人MLB: MINI LAND BRIDGE 美国大陆桥MANIFEST: 舱单MATE’S RECEIPT: 大副签收单O/F: OCEAN FREIGHT 海运费ORC: ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGE 原产地收货费OCEAN B/L: 海运提单OUT PORT CHARGE: 非基本港附加费ON BOARD DATE: 装船日PARTIAL SHIPMENT: 分批装运PSS: PEAK SEASON SURCHARGE 旺季附加费PCC/PCS: PANAMA CANEL CHARGE/SURCHARGE 巴拿马运河费PCF: PORT CONSTRUCTION FEE 港口建设费P/P: FREIGHT PREPAID 运费预付PNW: PACIFIC NORTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋北部地区之航线简称PSW: PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋南部地区之航线简称PORT SURCHARGE: 港口附加费POA: PLACE OF ACCEPTANCE 收货地POL: PLACE OF LOADING 装货地、起运港POD: PLACE OF DISCHARGE 卸货地PTI: PRE-TRIP INSPECTION 冻柜检测参数RIPI-REVERSE IPI : 由大西洋港口进入内陆R/T: REVENUE TON 计费单位RRS:RATE RESTORATION SURCHARGE 运价调整SOC: SHIPPER’S OWNED CONTAINER 自备箱S/O: SHIPPING ORDER 订舱单SEAL NO.: 铅封号SEAWAY BILL: 随船提单STORAGE: 仓储费STUFFING: 装柜SHIPPING ADVICE: 装船通知书S/C: SERVICE CONTRACT 运送契约TEU: TWENTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 20尺柜简称THC: TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 码头费USWC: UNITED STATE WEST COAST 美国太平洋西岸之港口USEC: UNITED STATE EAST COAST 美国太平洋东岸之港口VSL/VOY: VESSEL/VOYAGE船名航次YAS: YEN ADJUSTMENT SURCHARGE 日元贬值附加费ACI:ADVANCE COMMERCIAL INFORMATIONDEMURRANGE/STORAGE:仓租DETENTION:柜租D/O:DELIVERY ORDER 到货通知L/C:LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证C/O: CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 原产地证明书,证明货物产或制造地的证件FORM A:普惠制产地证某些国家给予我国一些优惠政策作为进口海关减免关税的依据,如:英、美、德、瑞士、瑞典、芬兰等。

航运业务英语中英文对照及缩略语*提单专题货运用语中英文对照货物goods | | freight | | cargo运输transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人a forwarding agent承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人a shipping agent陆上运输transportation by land海上运输transportation by sea货物运输goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods 货轮cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车goods-train | | freight-train卡车goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室goods-office | | freight-department运费率freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费cartage | | portage运费预付carriage prepaid | | carriage paid运费到付carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费carriage free协定运费conference freight | | freight rate运费清单freight account托运单way-bill | | invoice运送契约contract for carriage装运shipment | | loading装上货轮to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship装运费shipping charges | | shipping commission装运单||载货单shipping invoice装运单据shipping documents大副收据mate's receipt装船单shipping order提货单delivery order装船通知shipping advice包裹收据parcel receipt准装货单shipping permit租船契约charter party租船人charterer程租船||航次租赁voyage charter期租船time charter允许装卸时间lay days | | laying days工作日working days连续天数running days | | consecutive days滞期费demurrage滞期日数demurrage days速遣费despatch money空舱费dead freight退关short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载loading卸货unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量landing weight压舱ballasting压舱货in ballast舱单manifest船泊登记证书ship's certificate of registry航海日记ship's log船员名册muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health光票clean bill不清洁提单foul bill有疑问提单suspected bill航运业务英语缩略语缩写全称FCA Free CarrierFAS Free Alongside ShipFOB Free On BoardCFR Cost and FreightCIF Cost,Insurance and FreightCPT Carriage Paid ToCIP Carriage and insurance Paid ToDAF Delivered At FrontierDES Delivered Ex ShipDEQ Delivered Ex QuayDDU Delivered Duty UnpaidDDP Delivered Duty PaidANF Arrival Notification FormCABAF Currency and bunker adjustment factorCAF Currency and bunker adjustment factorC/B Container BaseC&E Customs and ExciseC&F Cost and FreightCFR Cost and FreightCFS Container Freight Station,also DepotCHIEF Customs Handling of Import and Exports FreightCIF Cost,Insurance and FreightCIM Internation Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Rail CMI Comite Martime InternationalCMR International Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Road COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act,U.K.COT Customer's Own TransportCOU Clip on UniteCPT Carriage Paid ToCRN Custom Register NumberCSC Container Safety ConventionCT Combined TransportCTD Combined Transprotion DocumentCY Container Yard<<提单专题>>运输提单种类之中英对照transport document 运输单据Combined Transport Documents (CTD) 联合运输单据shipping documents装船单据Bill of lading (B/L) 提单On board B/L已装船提单Shipped B/L 已装船提单received for Shipment B/L 备运提单Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L联运提单Clean B/L 清洁提单Unclean B/L 或Foul B/L 不清洁提单Straight B/L记名提单Open B/L不记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L指示提单Long Form B/L全式提单Short Form B/L简式提单On Deck B/L 舱面提单Stale B/L过期提单Ante Dated B/L倒签提单Advanced B/L预借提单Freight at Destination B/L运费到付提单Freight prepaid B/L运费预付提单各类提单名词解释1)提单BILL OF LADING是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。

SHIPPER---发货人... CONSIGNEE--收货人... 货代常用英文(一)船代Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理Cargo Canvassing 揽货FFF:Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书PIC:Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员The said party 所涉及的一方On Board B/L:On Board提单A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。
Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱(三)港口BP Base Port 基本港Prompt release 即时放行Transit time 航程时间/ 中转时间Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船In transit 中转Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车Tractor 牵引车/拖头Low-bed 低平板车Trailer 拖车Transporter 拖车Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷Toll Gate 收费口(五)保税Bonded Area 保税区Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物Bonded Warehouse 保税库Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管Fork Lift 叉车Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期 A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班A fortnight sailing 双周班A bi-weekly sailing 周双班A monthly sailing 每月班On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间ETB:Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。

海运提单中英文对照版本海运提单(Bill of Lading)是国际贸易中常见的运输文件,用于确认货物的出货和交接。
下面是海运提单的中英文对照版本:海运提单(Bill of Lading)1. 提单编号:____________________Bill of Lading No: ____________________2. 船名/航次:_____________________Vessel/Voyage: ____________________3. 发货人:________________________Shipper: ________________________4. 收货人:________________________Consignee: ______________________5. 通知人:________________________Notify Party: ____________________6. 装货港:________________________Port of Loading: ___________________7. 卸货港:________________________Port of Discharge: __________________8. 船公司:________________________Shipping Line: ___________________9. 起运日期:______________________Date of Shipment: __________________10. 提单签发日期:___________________Date of Issuance: __________________11. 货物描述:______________________Description of Goods: _____________ 12. 运费付款方式:___________________ Freight Payment Method: ___________ 13. 货物数量:______________________ Quantity of Goods: ________________ 14. 货物重量:______________________ Weight of Goods: __________________ 15. 货物体积:______________________ Volume of Goods: __________________ 16. 货物包装:______________________ Packaging of Goods: _______________ 17. 货物状态:______________________ Condition of Goods: _______________ 18. 货物价值:______________________ Value of Goods: __________________ 19. 货物保险:______________________ Insurance of Goods: _______________ 20. 提单签署人:____________________ Signatory of Bill of Lading: _______。

有关海运物流外贸英语中英文对照charterer租船(机)人claimindemnity索赔conferencerates公会费率consignee收货人consigner发货人container集装箱,货柜clearanceofgoods报关clearanceB/L运费后付提单combinedtransportbilloflading联合货运提单delayedshipment装船延期deliveredweight卸货时的重量deliveryex-warehouse仓库交货deliveryorder提货单deliverypoint交货地点destinationport目的地港口deviationfromvoyageroute改变航线differentshipment装船差异dischargeofgoods卸货dockreceipt收货单documentsagainstpayment付款交单,付款后交付货物fullcontainerload集装箱整装或整交grosslandedweighthatch卸货毛重hatch船舱landtransportation陆运instalmentshipment分批装船interiortransportation国内运输internationalrailwaythroughtransport国际铁路联运laydays装卸时间letterofindemnity赔偿保证书orderbilloflading不记名提单,装货人抬头提单partorwholeofspace部分或全部舱位partialshipment分批装船shippingdocument(invoice)货运单据(发票) shippingnotice装运通知单shippingport输出口港shippingspace载位shortdelivery短交shortshipment装载不足spotdelivery现场交货。

1) undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of the entire transportfrom the place at which the goods are takes in charge to the place designated for delivery in this document ,and
Consignee or order
Notify address
Pre-carriage by
Place of receipt
Ocean vessel
Port of loading
Port of discharge
Place of delivery

CombinedTransportBill ofLading
Place and date of issue
Signed for or on behalf of the Carrier
as Agents
Freight and charges
IN WITNESS whereof the number of original Bills of Lading stated above have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the other(s) to be void.

提单中英文对照(全)11] Gross weight (KGS ) (货物毛重)12] Nett weight (KGS ) (货物净重) :13] Number, size and type of container (箱型,箱数)14] Class / UN number (危险品类别 / 国际编码) :15] Label, subsidiary risk label (危标) :16] Packing group (包装类别) :17] Flash point in unit deg.C ( Ifapplicable ) (闪点)18] MPA group :19] EMS ( Emergency schedule ) :20] Marine pollutant ( Yes / No ) (海洋污染) 1] Reference number (提单号) :2] Name of vessel / Voyage number 3] E T A ( 预计到港日 ):4] Load Port (起运港) :5] Tranship Port (if any ) (中转港)6] Discharge Port (卸货港) :7] Term of this shipment.( CY/CY ) :8] Proper shipping name under IMDG code 9] Proper chemical name ( Ifapplicable )船名 / 航次)10]Quantity and type of inner and outer package (运输品名) :化学品名) :(内外包装类型及数量)船公司 SO 文件的英文简单解释ETD Final destination目的港,最终目的地Place of Delivery POD )或 To City :目的地,交货地Booking number :订舱号码Vessel :船名Voyage :航次CY Closing DATE :截柜日期,截关日closing Date/Time :截柜日期SI CUT OFF date/time :截提单补料日期 / 时间Expiry date :有效期限,到期日期Sailing date :航行日期 / 船离开港口的日期ETA ( ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL ):预计到达时间, 到港日(船到目的港日期)(ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY ):开船日 (起运港船离港日期)ETC ( ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING ):截关日Port of loading (POL ):装货港Full Delivery Pickup Terminal: 提重柜码头Empty Cntainer Depot: 交空柜场站Loading port :装货港From City: 起运地EXP ( export ) :出口Port of discharge :卸货港Discharge port :卸货港Load Port: 卸货港Dry :干的 / 不含液体或湿气cargo type :货物种类container number :集装箱号码container :集装箱specific cargo container: 特种货物集装箱Number of container :货柜数量container Size :货柜尺寸CU.FT :立方英尺Cont Status: 货柜状况seal number :封条号码seal No :封条号码seal type :封条类型weight :重量Gross weight :总重(一般是含柜重和货重)Net Weight :净重Actual weight: 实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量Laden :重柜remarks :备注remarks for Terminal :堆场 / 码头备注piace of receipt :收货地Commodity :货物品名intended :预期 ETD: 预计开船日期Booking NO: SO 号码 / 订仓号码Shipper: 发货人Container No ( Number ) :集装箱号码Equipment Number :货柜号码Reefer Tetails: 冷柜参数contact :联络人 ,联系方式contact person :联络人intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF :指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止 intended shipping instruction CUT-OFF :指定的文件结关时间,航运指示截止DOC CUT-OFF :文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定 ,按船公司一般的规律)像上面都是有特指的)Cargo nature :货物种类service contract NO :服务合同编号,SI CUT:截提单补料或截关BKG Staff: BKG 是 Booking 的简写,那就是订舱人员Regional BKG#: 预订区域,Sales Rep: 销售代表BILL of Lading#: 提单号,提单方案Empty Pick up CY: 提空柜地点Empty Pick up Date: 提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier: 预载Est.Arrival Date:EIS 到达时间CY CUT: 结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间)CY open: 整柜开仓时间Port of delivery :交货港口Receive Term: 接收期限Delivery Term: 交货期限Ocean Route Type: 海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型EQ Type/Q ' ty: 集装箱数量,类型EQ 是 Equipment 的简写Address: 地址Special cargo information: 特别货物信息Please see attached,if exists: 如果有 ,请见附档 / 如果存在,请参阅附件 Shipper 'own container: 托运人自己的集装箱Dangerous: 危险或危险品 / 危险标志Internal :中心的,内部的 [ft=,+0,]Released: 释放,放行 MT 就是指吨,英文叫 METRE TONECustomer: 客户FCL full container load :整柜FCL :整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier :承运人Trucker: 拖车公司 / 运输公司Tractor NO :车牌号码Depot: 提柜地点Pickup Location :提柜地点Stuffing: 装货地点Terminal: 还柜地点Return Location :交柜地点Full Container Address: 还重柜地点revised: 修改后,已经校正,已经修订Size/Type: 柜型尺寸尺寸 / 种类Discharge Port: 卸货港Destination: 目的地Special Type: 特殊柜型S/O No: 订舱号Shipping Order No. : 托运单号码Temp: 温度Vent: 通风Humidity: 湿度PTI:检测Genset: 发电机Instruction: 装货说明Special Requirement: 特殊要求GWT :(货物毛重)限重 / 柜,一般是柜和货物的总重量SOC :货主的集装箱Feeder Vessel/Lighter :驳船航次WT(weight) :重量G.W.(gross weight) :毛重N.W.(net weight) :净重MAX (maximum) :最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum) :最小的,最低限度M 或 MED (medium) :中等,中级的P/L (packinglist) :装箱单、明细表学习课件等等 THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,打造全网一站式需求。

提单中英文对照(全)1] Reference number (提单号):2] Name of vessel / Voyage number (船名/航次):3] E T A (预计到港日):4] Load Port (起运港):5] Tranship Port (if any) (中转港) :6] Discharge Port (卸货港):7] Term of this shipment.( CY/CY ) :8] Proper shipping name under IMDG code (运输品名):9] Proper chemical name ( If applicable ) (化学品名):10]Quantity and type of inner and outer package(内外包装类型及数量) :11]Gross weight (KGS)(货物毛重) :12]Nett weight (KGS) (货物净重):13]Number, size and type of container (箱型,箱数):14]Class / UN number (危险品类别/国际编码):15]Label, subsidiary risk label (危标):16]Packing group (包装类别):17]Flash point in unit deg.C ( If applicable )(闪点) :18]MPA group :19]EMS ( Emergency schedule ) :20]Marine pollutant ( Yes / No ) (海洋污染):船公司SO文件的英文简单解释Booking number:订舱号码Vessel:船名Voyage:航次CY Closing DATE:截柜日期,截关日closing Date/Time:截柜日期SI CUT OFF date/time:截提单补料日期/时间Expiry date:有效期限,到期日期Sailing date:航行日期 / 船离开港口的日期ETA(ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL):预计到达时间,到港日(船到目的港日期) ETD (ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日(起运港船离港日期)ETC(ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日Port of loading(POL):装货港Full Delivery Pickup Terminal: 提重柜码头Empty Cntainer Depot:交空柜场站Loading port:装货港From City:起运地EXP(export):出口Final destination:目的港,最终目的地Place of Delivery(POD)或To City:目的地,交货地Port of discharge:卸货港Discharge port:卸货港Load Port:卸货港Dry:干的/不含液体或湿气cargo type:货物种类container number:集装箱号码container:集装箱specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱Number of container:货柜数量container Size:货柜尺寸CU.FT:立方英尺Cont Status:货柜状况seal number:封条号码seal No:封条号码seal type:封条类型weight:重量Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重)Net Weight:净重Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量Laden:重柜remarks:备注remarks for Terminal:堆场/码头备注piace of receipt:收货地Commodity:货物品名intended:预期 ETD:预计开船日期Booking NO: SO号码/订仓号码Shipper:发货人Container No(Number):集装箱号码Equipment Number:货柜号码Reefer Tetails:冷柜参数contact:联络人,联系方式contact person:联络人intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF:指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止intended shipping instruction CUT-OFF:指定的文件结关时间,航运指示截止DOC CUT-OFF:文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定,按船公司一般的规律) 像上面都是有特指的)Cargo nature:货物种类service contract NO:服务合同编号,SI CUT:截提单补料或截关BKG Staff: BKG是Booking 的简写,那就是订舱人员Regional BKG#:预订区域,Sales Rep:销售代表BILL of Lading#:提单号,提单方案Empty Pick up CY:提空柜地点Empty Pick up Date:提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier:预载Est.Arrival Date:EIS 到达时间CY CUT:结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间)CY open:整柜开仓时间Port of delivery:交货港口Receive Term:接收期限Delivery Term:交货期限Ocean Route Type:海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型EQ Type/Q’ty:集装箱数量,类型 EQ是Equipment 的简写Address:地址Special cargo information:特别货物信息Please see attached,if exists:如果有,请见附档/如果存在,请参阅附件Shipper’own container:托运人自己的集装箱Dangerous:危险或危险品 /危险标志Internal:中心的,内部的 [ft=,+0,]Released:释放,放行 MT 就是指吨,英文叫METRE TONECustomer:客户FCL full container load:整柜FCL:整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier:承运人Trucker:拖车公司/运输公司Tractor NO:车牌号码Depot:提柜地点Pickup Location:提柜地点Stuffing:装货地点Terminal:还柜地点Return Location:交柜地点Full Container Address:还重柜地点revised:修改后,已经校正,已经修订Size/Type:柜型尺寸尺寸/种类Discharge Port:卸货港Destination:目的地Special Type:特殊柜型S/O No:订舱号Shipping Order No. :托运单号码Temp:温度Vent:通风Humidity:湿度PTI:检测Genset:发电机Instruction:装货说明Special Requirement:特殊要求GWT:(货物毛重)限重/柜,一般是柜和货物的总重量SOC:货主的集装箱Feeder Vessel/Lighter:驳船航次WT(weight):重量G.W.(gross weight):毛重N.W.(net weight):净重MAX (maximum):最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum):最小的,最低限度M或MED (medium):中等,中级的P/L (packing list):装箱单、明细表。

简介提单(Bill of Lading,B/L)是由船长或承运人或承运人的代理人签发,证明收到特定货物,允许将货物运至特定目的地并交付于收货人的凭证。
一、提单的作用1. 提单是运输合同的证明2. 提单是货物收据3.提单是物权凭证分类二、提单的分类1. 按货物是否已装船区分1 已装船提单(Shipped B/L or on Board B/L)。
2 收货待运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)。
2.按提单抬头区分1 记名提单(Straight B/L),又称收货人抬头提单。
2 指示提单(Order B/L)。
3 不记名提单(Blank B/L or Open B/L)。
3.按无影响结汇的批注区分1 清洁提单(Clean B/L)。
2 不清洁提单(Foul B/L)。
4.按收费方式区分1 运费预付提单(Freight Prepaid B/L)。
2 运费到付提单(Freight Collect B/L)。
5.按船舶的经营方式区分1 班轮提单(Liner B/L)。
2 租船提单(Charter Parth B/L)。
三、提单的缮制与签发1.托运人(Shipper)2.收货人(Consignee)3.通知人(Notify Party)4.前段运输(Pre-Carriage by)5.收货地点(Place of Receipt)6.海运船舶及航次(Ocean Vesse) 7.装货港(Port of Loading)8.卸货港(Port of Discharge) 9.交货地点(Place of Delivery)10. 唛头和号码、集装箱箱号和铅封号(Marks & Nos.、Container.Seal No.)11.集装箱数或件数(No of Container or P kgs)12.包装种类、货物名称(Kind of Packages、Description of Goods)13.毛重(Gross Weight kgs)14.体积(Measurement)15.运费和费用、付款地点及付款方式(Freight & Charges、Prepaid at、Payable at、Pre-paid、Collect)16.提单号和正本提单份数(B/L No.、No.of Original B(s)/L)17.签单地点和日期(Place and Date of Issue)18.代表承运人签字(Signed for the Carrier)区别四、B/L与D/O的区别B/L:BILL OF LADING提单,是货物的物权凭证。

货运词汇中英文互译:货物 goods | | freight | | cargo运输 transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送 to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业 transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人 a forwarding agent承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人 a shipping agent陆上运输 transportation by land海上运输 transportation by sea货物运输 goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods货轮 cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车 goods-train | | freight-train卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室 goods-office | | freight-department运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费 carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费 cartage | | portage运费预付 carriage prepaid | | carriage paid运费到付 carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费 carriage free协定运费 conference freight | | freight rate运费清单 freight account托运单 way-bill | | invoice运送契约 contract for carriage装运 shipment | | loading装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship 装运费 shipping charges | | shipping commission装运单||载货单 shipping invoice装运单据 shipping documents大副收据 mate's receipt装船单 shipping order提货单 delivery order装船通知 shipping advice包裹收据 parcel receipt准装货单 shipping permit租船契约 charter party租船人 charterer程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter期租船 time charter允许装卸时间 lay days | | laying days工作日 working days连续天数 running days | | consecutive days滞期费 demurrage滞期日数 demurrage days速遣费 despatch money空舱费 dead freight退关 short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs赔偿保证书信托收据 letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载 loading卸货 unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量 shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量 landing weight压舱 ballasting压舱货 in ballast舱单 manifest船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry航海日记 ship's log船员名册 muster-roll船员,乘客健康证明 bill of health光票 clean bill不清洁提单 foul bill有疑问提单 suspected bill感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我关于提单上的中英文对照1] Reference number (提单号) :2] Name of vessel / Voyage number(船名/航次):3] ETA( 预计到港日 ):4] Load Port (起运港) :5] Tranship Port (if any) (中转港) :6] Discharge Port(卸货港):7] Term of this shipment.( CY/CY ) :8] Proper shipping name under IMDG code (运输品名) :9] Proper chemical name ( If applicable ) (化学品名) :10]Quantity and type of inner and outer package (内外包装类型及数量) :11]Gross weight (KGS)(货物毛重):12]Nett weight (KGS)(货物净重):13]Number, size and type of container(箱型,箱数):14]Class / UN number(危险品类别/国际编码):15]Label, subsidiary risk label(危标):16]Packing group(包装类别):17]Flash point in unit ( If applicable )(闪点):18]MPA group :19]EMS ( Emergency schedule ) :20]Marine pollutant ( Yes / No )(海洋污染):船公司 SO 文件的英文简单解释Booking number:订舱号码Vessel :船名Voyage :航次CY Closing DATE:截柜日期,截关日百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我SI CUT OFF date/time:截提单补料日期/时间Expiry date :有效期限,到期日期Sailing date :航行日期/ 船离开港口的日期ETA ( ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL):预计到达时间,到港日(船到目的港日期)ETD ( ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日(起运港船离港日期)ETC ( ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日Port of loading(POL):装货港Full Delivery Pickup Terminal:提重柜码头Empty Cntainer Depot:交空柜场站Loading port :装货港From City: 起运地EXP ( export) :出口Final destination:目的港,最终目的地Place of Delivery(POD)或To City:目的地,交货地Port of discharge:卸货港Discharge port:卸货港Load Port: 卸货港Dry :干的 /不含液体或湿气Quantity :数量cargo type :货物种类container number:集装箱号码container :集装箱specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱Number of container:货柜数量container Size:货柜尺寸:立方英尺Cont Status: 货柜状况seal number :封条号码seal No :封条号码seal type :封条类型weight :重量Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重)Net Weight :净重Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量Laden :重柜remarks :备注remarks for Terminal:堆场/码头备注piace of receipt:收货地Commodity :货物品名intended :预期ETD: 预计开船日期Booking NO: SO号码/订仓号码Shipper: 发货人Container No ( Number ) :集装箱号码Equipment Number:货柜号码Reefer Tetails:冷柜参数contact :联络人 ,联系方式contact person:联络人intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF:指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我DOC CUT-OFF :文件结关时间 (可能没有额外指定 ,按船公司一般的规律 ) 像上面都是有特指的)Cargo nature :货物种类service contract NO :服务合同编号,SI CUT: 截提单补料或截关BKG Staff: BKG 是 Booking 的简写,那就是订舱人员Regional BKG#: 预订区域,Sales Rep: 销售代表BILL of Lading#: 提单号,提单方案Empty Pick up CY: 提空柜地点Empty Pick up Date: 提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier: 预载Date:EIS 到达时间CY CUT: 结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间)CY open: 整柜开仓时间Port of delivery :交货港口Receive Term: 接收期限Delivery Term: 交货期限Ocean Route Type: 海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型EQ Type/Q ' ty: 集装箱数量,类型EQ 是 Equipment 的简写Address: 地址Special cargo information: 特别货物信息Please see attached,if exists: 如果有 ,请见附档 /如果存在,请参阅附件Shipper ' own container: 托运人自己的集装箱Dangerous: 危险或危险品/危险标志Internal :中心的,内部的[ft=,+0,]Released: 释放,放行MT 就是指吨,英文叫METRE TONECustomer: 客户FCL full container load :整柜FCL :整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier :承运人Trucker: 拖车公司 /运输公司Tractor NO :车牌号码Depot: 提柜地点Pickup Location :提柜地点Stuffing: 装货地点Terminal: 还柜地点Return Location :交柜地点Full Container Address: 还重柜地点revised: 修改后,已经校正,已经修订Size/Type: 柜型尺寸尺寸 /种类Discharge Port: 卸货港Destination: 目的地Special Type: 特殊柜型S/O No: 订舱号Shipping Order No. :托运单号码Temp: 温度百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我Humidity: 湿度PTI: 检测Genset: 发电机Instruction: 装货说明Special Requirement: 特殊要求GWT :(货物毛重)限重 /柜,一般是柜和货物的总重量SOC :货主的集装箱Feeder Vessel/Lighter :驳船航次WT(weight) :重量[ft=,+0,].(gross weight) :毛重[ft=,+0,].(net weight) :净重MAX (maximum) :最大的、最大限度的[ft=,+0,]MIN (minimum) :最小的,最低限度[ft=,+0,]M 或 MED (medium) :中等,中级的P/L (packing list) :装箱单、明细表船公司的集装箱箱门上英文表示:WT 71 , 650 LB. 32 , 500 KG总重 / 表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重是 71650 磅或 32500 千克60 , 850 LB. 27600 KG有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,27600 千克但是并不表示进口的货物就能够装那么重WT. 10 , 800 LB 4 ,900 KG车身重量的扣除/ 表示该柜的自身重量4900 千克3 ,040.立方/表示该柜可以的内容积,也就是可以装货的最大体积是3040 立方英尺祸 6 立方米KGS 67.200 LBS总重 / 表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重30480 千克KGS 10.690 LBS车身重量的扣除/ 表示该柜的自身重量4850 千克KGS 56.510 LBS有效载荷 /表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,25630 千克但是并不表示进口的货物就能够装那么重3 ,040 .立方/表示该柜可以的内容积,也就是可以装货的最大体积86 立方米9. MGW. 32 , 500 KGS 71.650 LBS总重 / 表示该柜的柜重和可以装载货物重量之和的总重32500 千克. 28 , 600 KGS 63.050 LBS净重 / 有效载荷 / 表示该柜容许装载的最大货物重量,28600 千克但是并不表示进口的货物就能够装那么重HAFFA: 香港货运物流业协会 HONGKONG ASSOCIATION FREIGHT FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS LTD.H/C: HANDLING CHARGE手续费HQ: HIGH CUBE 高柜IPI: INTERIOR POINT INTERMODAL美国内陆公共运输点IA: INDEPENDENT ACTION运费同盟会员采取的一致措施.IATA: INT ’ L AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION 国际航空运输协会LCL: LESS THAN CONTAINER CARGO LOAD拼箱货L/L: LOADING LIST装船清单L/C: LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证NVOCC: NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIER无船承运人MLB: MINI LAND BRIDGE美国大陆桥MANIFEST: 舱单MATE’ S RECEIPT: 大副签收单O/F: OCEAN FREIGHT 海运费ORC: ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGE原产地收货费OCEAN B/L: 海运提单OUT PORT CHARGE: 非基本港附加费ON BOARD DATE: 装船日PARTIAL SHIPMENT:分批装运PSS: PEAK SEASON SURCHARGE 旺季附加费PCC/PCS: PANAMA CANEL CHARGE/SURCHARGE巴拿马运河费PCF: PORT CONSTRUCTION FEE 港口建设费P/P: FREIGHT PREPAID 运费预付PNW: PACIFIC NORTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋北部地区之航线简称PSW: PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 远东至北美太平洋南部地区之航线简称PORT SURCHARGE: 港口附加费POA: PLACE OF ACCEPTANCE 收货地POL: PLACE OF LOADING 装货地、起运港POD: PLACE OF DISCHARGE 卸货地PTI: PRE-TRIP INSPECTION 冻柜检测参数RIPI-REVERSE IPI : 由大西洋港口进入内陆R/T: REVENUE TON 计费单位RRS:RATE RESTORATION SURCHARGE 运价调整SOC: SHIPPER’ S OWNED CONTAINER 自备箱S/O: SHIPPING ORDER 订舱单SEAL NO.: 铅封号SEAWAY BILL:随船提单STORAGE: 仓储费STUFFING: 装柜SHIPPING ADVICE: 装船通知书S/C: SERVICE CONTRACT 运送契约TEU: TWENTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 20尺柜简称THC: TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE码头费USWC: UNITED STATE WEST COAST美国太平洋西岸之港口USEC: UNITED STATE EAST COAST 美国太平洋东岸之港口VSL/VOY: VESSEL/VOYAGE船名航次YAS: YEN ADJUSTMENT SURCHARGE日元贬值附加费ACI:ADVANCE COMMERCIAL INFORMATIONDEMURRANGE/STORAGE :仓租DETENTION :柜租D/O:DELIVERY ORDER到货通知L/C: LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证C/O: CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 原产地证明书,证明货物产或制造地的证件某些国家给予我国一些优惠政策作为进口海关减免关税的依据,如:英、美、德、瑞士、瑞典、芬兰等。

Company Letter Head公司信头Date: June 10,2009日期: 2009-06-10To: CWT Commodities (China) Pte Ltd寄:CWT 商品(中国)私营有限公司Attn: Edward Wan and/or Irene Chow收件人:爱德华.王和艾琳.周Cc: CWT Commodities Shanghai Warehousing Mgt. Co. LtdCWT 商品上海仓储管理有限公司Attn: Daisy feng / Lizzy Zheng收件人:黛西丰/丽兹郑Re: Warehouse Receipt Re-Issuance Instruction –回复:仓库收据补发声明For storage of NMT Copper Cathodes (ex. WR no.), kindly re-issue X set of warehouse receipts as below:关于NMT电解铜(如:WR no.)的储存,请补发X组仓库的收据如下:Cargo Details:货物明细WR no.:Commodity: 商品Brand: 品牌Origin: 产地Number of packages/units: 包裹数/单位数Gross Weight: 毛重Net Weight: 净重Kindly issue warehouse receipt for above mentioned cargo “To order of / for account of ”请发行上述货物时,以...为顺序/参照…Please courier original warehouse receipt to below add:请信使把原始库存收据寄至以下地址:Company: 公司Add: 地址Contact person: 联系人Tel: 电话For all payment of charges, kindly issue your invoice in the name of : 付款的发票抬头请开为:Regards, 致意_______________________Authorised Signatory授权人签署________________Name姓名。

Company Letter Head公司信头FINAL RELEASE INSTRUCTION最终放行说明Date: June 10,2009日期: 2009-06-10To: CWT Commodities (China) Pte Ltd寄:CWT 商品(中国)私营有限公司Attn: Edward Wan and/or Irene Chow收件人:爱德华.王和艾琳.周Cc: CWT Commodities Shanghai Warehousing Mgt. Co. LtdCWT 商品上海仓储管理有限公司Attn: Daisy feng / Lizzy Zheng收件人:黛西丰/丽兹郑Cargo Details: –货物明细:WR No.:Commodity: 商品Brand:品牌Origin: 产地B/L No.: 提单号码Vessel Name: 船名Number of packages/units: 包裹数/单位数Gross Weight: 毛重Net Weight: 净重With reference to the above mentioned cargo, we hereby authorized CWT Commodities to effect cargo release on basis “In-warehouse” with effect on November 20th, 2009 to the order of:参照上述货物,我们特此授权CWT商品给仓库的货物放行,顺序从2009年11月20日到Company Name: 公司名称For all payment of charges, kindly issue your invoice in the name of :付款的发票抬头请开为:Regards,致意_______________________ Authorised Signatory授权人签署________________Name姓名。
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Company Letter Head
Date: June 10,2009
日期: 2009-06-10
To: CWT Commodities (China) Pte Ltd
寄:CWT 商品(中国)私营有限公司
Attn: Edward Wan and/or Irene Chow
Cc: CWT Commodities Shanghai Warehousing Mgt. Co. Ltd
CWT 商品上海仓储管理有限公司
Attn: Daisy feng / Lizzy Zheng
Cargo Details: –
WR No.:
Commodity: 商品
Origin: 产地
B/L No.: 提单号码
Vessel Name: 船名
Number of packages/units: 包裹数/单位数
Gross Weight: 毛重
Net Weight: 净重
With reference to the above mentioned cargo, we hereby authorized CWT Commodities to effect cargo release on basis “In-warehouse” with effect on November 20th, 2009 to the order of:
Company Name: 公司名称
For all payment of charges, kindly issue your invoice in the name of :
_______________________ Authorised Signatory