RAZ分级阅读LEVEL E Carlos's First Halloween
057. Shadows 058. Sherman Sure Is Shy 059. Snow Falls
060. Purple 061. Rain on Fairyland 062. Rainforest Animals 063. Red 064. The School 065. Seven 066. Show Some Love 067. Six 068. Spring 069. The Street 070. The Subway 071. Summer 072. Summer Camp 073. Summer Picnics 074. The Supermarket 075. Ten 076. These Birds 077. This Kitchen 078. Three 079. Too Many Sweets 080. Toys 081. The Trip 082. Twelve 083. Two 084. Under 085. Valentine's Day Gifts 086. Water 087. We Build 088. We Go Camping 089. White
042. Mongo Cutie
043. Lazy Lulu
043. The Moon
044. Light and
044. More Baby
045. Maria and Her 045. My Clothes Are
Too Small
046. My Body
001. All Kinds of Buttons 002. All Kinds of Faces 003. Athletes
RAZ Kids英语分级阅读RAZkids 英语分级阅读最大的特点点就是按难度层次分了 27 个阅读等级从 AA 级、A 级、B 级到 Z 级,适合每一个学习英语孩子。
RAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -cityRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -go go goRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -inRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -it is fallRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -onRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -outRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -petsRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -springRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -baby animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -baby animals(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -bird goes homeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -bird goes home(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -going placesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -going places( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -in outRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -in out( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -Maria goes to schoolRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my dogRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级-Maria goes to school(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my dog( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my hairRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my hair( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -up and downRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -up and down(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -animal soundsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -animal sounds(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -bananas sometimesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -bananas sometimes(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -go animals goRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -go animals go(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -how many legsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -how many legs( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -I read a bookRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -I read a book(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -paint it purpleRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -paint it purple(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -playful puppyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -playful puppy(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -we make cookiesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -we make cookies( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -busy at schoolRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -busy at school(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -get inRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -get in( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -making salsaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -making salsa(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -open and closeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -open and close( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -the woodsy band jamRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -the woodsy band jam(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -what amimals eatRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -what animals eat( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -who who whoRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -who who who(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -yammy yammy( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -yummy yummyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -community helpersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -community helpers(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -getting around the cityRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -getting around the city( 测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -maria's halloweenRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -maria's halloween(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -sensesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -senses( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the mittenRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the mitten( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the sky is fallingRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the sky is falling( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -to the storeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -to the store( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -whatRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -what( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -a week with grandpaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级-a week with grandpa(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -bear and kangarooRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -bear and kangaroo(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -beark angarooRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city animals(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city places( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city placesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -hugsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -hugs( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -stormRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -storm( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -time for bedRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -time for bed(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-a clown faceRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-a clown face(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-glass blowingRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-glass blowing(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-Josh gets classesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-Josh gets classes(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-our camping tripRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-our camping trip(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-scaredy crowRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-scaredy crow(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-the food chainRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-the food chain( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-where is cubRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-where is cub( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -gordon finds his wayRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -gordon finds his way(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -long ago and todayRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -long ago and today(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -places people liveRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -places people live(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the chaseRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the chase( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the food we eatRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -whose eggs are theseRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the food we eat( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -whose eggs are these( 测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -animals animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -animals animals( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -friends around the world RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -friends around theworld( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级-how the mice beat the men RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -how the mice beat themen( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -I'd like to be( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -I'd like to beRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -ships and boatsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -ships and boats(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -spring is hereRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -spring is here( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-birdsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-birds( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级 -childhood stories of George WashingtonRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级 -childhood stories of George Washington( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-healthy meRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-healthy me( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-hippo's toothacheRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-hippo's toothache( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-life at the pondRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-life at the pond(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-why robins hopRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-why robins hop(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-animal skeletonsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-animal skeletons( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-changesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-changes( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-firefightersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-firefighters( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-leopard ram and jackalRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-leopard ram and jackal(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 J 级 -ocean animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 J 级 -ocean animals( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-riding with rosa parksRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级 -riding with rosa parks(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-where we get energyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -anna and the magic coat RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-where we get energy(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -anna and the magiccoat( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -how zebras got theirstripesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -how zebras got theirstripes( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -leapRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -leap( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -ratty rats( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -ratty ratsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -slithery and slimyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -slithery and slimy( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -strange plantsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -strange plants(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-ancient egyptRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-ancient egypt( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-crocs and catorsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-crocs and cators(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-insect life cycleRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-insect life cycle(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-jessica loves soccerRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-jessica loves soccer( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-sign language and handtalkRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-sign language and handtalk( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-smelly clydeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-smelly clyde( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-aesop's fablesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-aesop's fables(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-art around us(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-art around usRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-keb needs a homeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-keb needs a home( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-marcus loses patchesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-marcus loses patches(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-mighty glaciersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-mighty glaciers(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-the story of jeansRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-the story of jeans( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -buffalo huntRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -buffalo hunt( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -coral reefsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -coral reefs( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -foods around the worldRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -foods around the world(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -making riceRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -making rice( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -pupets( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -puppetsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -totem polesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -totem poles( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -anansi and the talking watermelonRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -anansi and the talking watermelon( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -batsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -bats( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -jenny loves yogaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -jenny loves yoga(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -sally rideRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -sally ride( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -the beekeeperRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -the beekeeper( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -whalesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -whales( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -a golden tragedyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -a golden tragedy(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -breeds of dogsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -breeds of dogs(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -magnetismRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -magnetism( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -manateesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -manatees( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -musical instrumentsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -musical instruments(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -seals sea lions and walrusesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -seals sea lions and walruses( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -chinaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -china( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -plight of the polar bearRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -plight of the polar bear(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sharks( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sharksRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sweet potato challengeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sweet potato challenge(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-bessie colemanRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-bessie coleman( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-inventionsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-inventions( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-robin stole fireRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-robin stole fire(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-storm chasers(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-storm chasersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-we're in businessRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-we're in business(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -bites & stingsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -bites & stings(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -harriet tubmanRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -harriet tubman(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -the trouble with englishRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -the trouble with english(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -what's in a nameRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -what's in a name(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-holidaysRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-holidays( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-lance armstrongRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-lance armstrong(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-the titanicRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-the titanic( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-T-shirtRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-T-shirt( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -musclesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -muscles( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the great gallardo's books RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the great gallardo'sbooks( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the world of nascarRAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the world of nascar(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -carsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -cars( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -catching airRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -catching air( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -female sports starsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -female sports stars(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -robotsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -robots( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -the internetRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -the internet( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -energy sourcesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -energy sources( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -hurricanesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -hurricanes(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -joe kittingerRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -joe kittinger(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -mcrobesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -microbes(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -mysteries of flightRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -mysteries of flight(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -body artRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -body art( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 1RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 1(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 2RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 2(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级-histiric peacemakers(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -in FLUenzaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -in FLUenza(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -money in the usaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -money in the usa(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -threats to our atmosphere RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -threats to ouratmosphere( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -what makes youRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -what makes you( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -american sports legends RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -american sportslegends( 测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -believe it or notRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -believe it or not(测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -special effectsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -special effects(测验 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the art of photographyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the art of photography(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the life of cesar chavezRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the life of cesar chavez(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 z 级 -histiric peacemakersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 z 级-histiric peacemakers( 测验 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 z 级 -satellites。
今天要写的分级读物有:牛津阅读树RAZ红火箭海尼曼I can read 系列My first reading library (图书馆系列)培生幼儿英语大猫1. 牛津阅读树适合年龄:3岁--12岁难易程度:★★★,不适合完全零基础娃趣味等级:★★★★★牛津树一直是我的最爱,所以写分级读物,一定是把牛津树放第一。
在权威度和普及度上,牛津树有“the nation's favourite reading scheme”的美誉。
但是本文,我们只讲两个现在国内主流的两个系列:1. 家庭版2. 校园版01. 家庭版家庭版引进自牛津树的Read at Home系列,它的标志是左上角的Biff, Chip & Kipper。
Read at Home 系列一共有9级,它不是在英国学校用的主教材,而是让父母和孩子在家一起用的课外阅读延伸教材,所以我们也叫做家庭版。
L1-3为33本,L4-6为25本,包含Phonics和first story。
一半是拼读内容,first story都选自牛津树Biff,Chip and Kipper stories。
02. 牛津树校园版牛津树的学校版,又称之为主教材,引进自牛津树的Richer Reading系列,就是我们提到的80%的学校都在用的那一套《Biff,Chip and Kipper》系列。
它主要围绕着 Biff, Chip, Kipper和小狗Floppy, 以及爸爸妈妈来展开的。
042. Maria Counts 042. The Kids Built
036. Lucy Did It 037. Machines at Home 038. Making Salsa! 039. Many Kinds of D04in0o. sMauasrsh the P04o1ta. tMoeosms Do So M 04u2c.hMongo and
050. Pairs
051. Pick Me! 052. A Place Called Home 053. Quiet or Loud
054. Nice, Not Nice 054. On the Farm 054. Road Trip
055. Picking Apples 055. Now We Bake 055. Our Show
017. Counting Bugs 017. For Mom
017. Bridges
017. Fall
018. Counting Letters 018. The Forest
019. Eight
019. Fruit
018. Carlos and His T01ea9c. hCeleran Is Not for Me!
001. Abby and Zots 002. All About E0a0r3t.hAwlloArmbos ut P00en4.gAulilnAs bout Spiders 005. Allie and Ollie 006. Animals That S0t0i7n.gThe Animals of Canada 008. Apple Tree
067. Snake Colors 068. Spring W 06e9a. tShperring and Fall 070. Sundae Time
raz英语分级听读和评测Raz-Kids: A Comprehensive English Language Learning Platform.Raz-Kids is an innovative online platform that provides students with a comprehensive and engaging English language learning experience. It offers a wide range of interactive activities, assessments, and resources designed to cater to the diverse needs of learners from Pre-K to Grade 5.Interactive Reading Experiences.At the heart of Raz-Kids lies its vast library of leveled e-books. These e-books are carefully graded based on their vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, enabling students to select texts that align with their reading level and interests. Each e-book is accompanied by interactive features such as audio narration, highlighting tools, and comprehension quizzes that enhance understanding and retention.Personalized Learning.Raz-Kids employs a personalized learning approach that tailors the content and activities to each student's individual needs. Upon creating an account, students take a placement test that determines their reading level. Based on this assessment, the platform recommends appropriate e-books and activities that challenge them without overwhelming them. As students progress, Raz-Kids automatically adjusts the difficulty of the materials, ensuring continuous growth.Engaging Activities.In addition to reading, Raz-Kids offers a multitude of interactive activities that reinforce language skills and foster a love of learning. These activities include:Phonics and Vocabulary Games: Students can play interactive games that teach letter sounds, word recognition, and vocabulary development.Grammar Practice: Quizzes and exercises help students master grammar concepts such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation.Writing Prompts: Guided writing activities encourage students to develop their creative and critical thinking skills.Interactive Animations: Animated characters and videos provide engaging visual aids that enhance comprehension and make learning more enjoyable.Assessment and Reporting.Raz-Kids places great emphasis on assessment and progress tracking. Throughout the learning journey, students take quizzes and complete assignments that provide real-time feedback on their understanding. The platform generates detailed reports that track students' progress over time, identify areas of strength and weakness, and help educators tailor instruction accordingly.Teacher Support.Educators play a crucial role in the Raz-Kids learning experience. The platform provides teachers with a robust suite of tools and resources to support their instructional practices. These include:Class Management: Teachers can create classes, assign e-books and activities, and monitor student progress.Progress Reports: Detailed reports provide insights into each student's performance, enabling teachers to differentiate instruction and provide targeted support.Professional Development: Raz-Kids offers online professional development courses and webinars that empower teachers with best practices in English language teaching and technology integration.Integration with Other Platforms.Raz-Kids seamlessly integrates with other popular educational platforms such as Google Classroom, Clever, and ClassLink. This integration enables teachers to easily assign Raz-Kids activities and track student progresswithin their existing learning management systems.Benefits of Raz-Kids.Personalized Learning: Tailored to each student's individual needs and pace.Engaging Content: Interactive e-books, games, and activities keep students motivated and engaged.Skill Development: Builds strong reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills.Assessment and Reporting: Real-time feedback and detailed progress reports inform instruction and identify areas for improvement.Teacher Support: Empowering educators with tools andresources to enhance their teaching practices.Conclusion.Raz-Kids is a transformative English language learning platform that empowers students to achieve their full potential. Through its personalized learning approach, engaging activities, assessment capabilities, and teacher support, Raz-Kids fosters a lifelong love of reading and sets students on a path to academic success.。
RAZ Kids英语分级阅读RAZkids 英语分级阅读最大的特色点就是按难度层次分了 27 个阅读等级从 AA 级、A 级、B 级到 Z 级,合适每一个学习英语孩子。
RAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -cityRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -go go goRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -inRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -it is fallRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -onRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -outRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -petsRAZ Kids English分级阅读aa 级 -springRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -baby animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -baby animals(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -bird goes homeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -bird goes home(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -going placesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -going places( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -in outRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -in out( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -Maria goes to schoolRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my dogRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级-Maria goes to school(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my dog( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my hairRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -my hair( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -up and downRAZ Kids English分级阅读 a 级 -up and down(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -animal soundsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -animal sounds(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -bananas sometimesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -bananas sometimes(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -go animals goRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -go animals go(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -how many legsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -how many legs( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -I read a bookRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -I read a book(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -paint it purpleRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -paint it purple(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -playful puppyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -playful puppy(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -we make cookiesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 b 级 -we make cookies( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -busy at schoolRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -busy at school(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -get inRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -get in( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -making salsaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -making salsa(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -open and closeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -open and close( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -the woodsy band jamRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -the woodsy band jam(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -what amimals eatRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -what animals eat( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -who who whoRAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -who who who(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -yammy yammy( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 c 级 -yummy yummyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -community helpersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -community helpers(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -getting around the cityRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -getting around the city( 测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -maria's halloweenRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -maria's halloween(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -sensesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -senses( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the mittenRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the mitten( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the sky is fallingRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -the sky is falling( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -to the storeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -to the store( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -whatRAZ Kids English分级阅读 d 级 -what( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -a week with grandpaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级-a week with grandpa(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -bear and kangarooRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -bear and kangaroo(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -beark angarooRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city animals(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city places( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -city placesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -hugsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -hugs( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -stormRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -storm( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -time for bedRAZ Kids English分级阅读 e 级 -time for bed(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-a clown faceRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-a clown face(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-glass blowingRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-glass blowing(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-Josh gets classesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-Josh gets classes(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-our camping tripRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-our camping trip(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-scaredy crowRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-scaredy crow(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-the food chainRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-the food chain( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-where is cubRAZ Kids English分级阅读 f 级-where is cub( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -gordon finds his wayRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -gordon finds his way(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -long ago and todayRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -long ago and today(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -places people liveRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -places people live(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the chaseRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the chase( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the food we eatRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -whose eggs are theseRAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -the food we eat( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 g 级 -whose eggs are these( 测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -animals animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -animals animals( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -friends around the world RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -friends around theworld( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级-how the mice beat the men RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -how the mice beat themen( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -I'd like to be( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -I'd like to beRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -ships and boatsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -ships and boats(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -spring is hereRAZ Kids English分级阅读 h 级 -spring is here( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-birdsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-birds( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级 -childhood stories of George WashingtonRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级 -childhood stories of George Washington( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-healthy meRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-healthy me( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-hippo's toothacheRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-hippo's toothache( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-life at the pondRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-life at the pond(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-why robins hopRAZ Kids English分级阅读 i 级-why robins hop(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-animal skeletonsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-animal skeletons( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-changesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-changes( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-firefightersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-firefighters( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-leopard ram and jackalRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-leopard ram and jackal(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 J 级 -ocean animalsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 J 级 -ocean animals( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-riding with rosa parksRAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级 -riding with rosa parks(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-where we get energyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -anna and the magic coat RAZ Kids English分级阅读 j 级-where we get energy(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -anna and the magiccoat( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -how zebras got theirstripesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -how zebras got theirstripes( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -leapRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -leap( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -ratty rats( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -ratty ratsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -slithery and slimyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -slithery and slimy( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -strange plantsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 k 级 -strange plants(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-ancient egyptRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-ancient egypt( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-crocs and catorsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-crocs and cators(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-insect life cycleRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-insect life cycle(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-jessica loves soccerRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-jessica loves soccer( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-sign language and handtalkRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-sign language and handtalk( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-smelly clydeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 l 级-smelly clyde( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-aesop's fablesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-aesop's fables(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-art around us(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-art around usRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-keb needs a homeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-keb needs a home( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-marcus loses patchesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-marcus loses patches(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-mighty glaciersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-mighty glaciers(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-the story of jeansRAZ Kids English分级阅读 m 级-the story of jeans( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -buffalo huntRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -buffalo hunt( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -coral reefsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -coral reefs( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -foods around the worldRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -foods around the world(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -making riceRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -making rice( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -pupets( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -puppetsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -totem polesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 n 级 -totem poles( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -anansi and the talking watermelonRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -anansi and the talking watermelon( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -batsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -bats( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -jenny loves yogaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -jenny loves yoga(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -sally rideRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -sally ride( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -the beekeeperRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -the beekeeper( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -whalesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 o 级 -whales( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -a golden tragedyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -a golden tragedy(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -breeds of dogsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -breeds of dogs(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -magnetismRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -magnetism( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -manateesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -manatees( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -musical instrumentsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -musical instruments(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -seals sea lions and walrusesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 p 级 -seals sea lions and walruses( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -chinaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -china( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -plight of the polar bearRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -plight of the polar bear(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sharks( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sharksRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sweet potato challengeRAZ Kids English分级阅读 q 级 -sweet potato challenge(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-bessie colemanRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-bessie coleman( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-inventionsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-inventions( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-robin stole fireRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-robin stole fire(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-storm chasers(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-storm chasersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-we're in businessRAZ Kids English分级阅读 r 级-we're in business(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -bites & stingsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -bites & stings(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -harriet tubmanRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -harriet tubman(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -the trouble with englishRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -the trouble with english(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -what's in a nameRAZ Kids English分级阅读 s 级 -what's in a name(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-holidaysRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-holidays( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-lance armstrongRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-lance armstrong(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-the titanicRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-the titanic( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-T-shirtRAZ Kids English分级阅读 t 级-T-shirt( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -musclesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -muscles( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the great gallardo's books RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the great gallardo'sbooks( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the world of nascarRAZ Kids English分级阅读 u 级 -the world of nascar(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -carsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -cars( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -catching airRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -catching air( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -female sports starsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -female sports stars(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -robotsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -robots( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -the internetRAZ Kids English分级阅读 v 级 -the internet( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -energy sourcesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -energy sources( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -hurricanesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -hurricanes(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -joe kittingerRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -joe kittinger(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -mcrobesRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -microbes(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -mysteries of flightRAZ Kids English分级阅读 w 级 -mysteries of flight(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -body artRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -body art( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 1RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 1(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 2RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -forensics 2(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级-histiric peacemakers(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -in FLUenzaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -in FLUenza(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -money in the usaRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -money in the usa(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -threats to our atmosphere RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -threats to ouratmosphere( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -what makes youRAZ Kids English分级阅读 x 级 -what makes you( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -american sports legends RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -american sportslegends( 测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -believe it or notRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -believe it or not(测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -special effectsRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -special effects(测试 )RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the art of photographyRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the art of photography(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the life of cesar chavezRAZ Kids English分级阅读 y 级 -the life of cesar chavez(测验)RAZ Kids English分级阅读 z 级 -histiric peacemakersRAZ Kids English分级阅读 z 级-histiric peacemakers( 测试 ) RAZ Kids English分级阅读 z 级 -satellites。
raz分级阅读中英文对照k全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Favorite Book - Raz Reading Level KHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my favorite book from Raz Reading Level K. It's called "The Big Blue Sea" and it's super cool!The book is all about a little fish named Fin who lives in the big blue sea. He has a lot of fishy friends like Sandy the seahorse and Bob the octopus. One day, Fin goes on an adventure to explore a sunken ship at the bottom of the sea. He meets a shiny treasure chest full of jewels and pearls! But uh-oh, there's a big, scary shark guarding the treasure!Fin has to use his smarts and quick swimming skills to outsmart the shark and escape with the treasure. With the help of his friends, they all work together to outwit the shark and make it back home safely.I love this book because it's so exciting and fun to read. The pictures are colorful and the story keeps me on the edge of myseat. I also like how Fin and his friends work together to solve problems and help each other out. It's a great lesson in teamwork and friendship.I recommend "The Big Blue Sea" to all my friends. It's a great book to read if you love adventure and sea creatures. I can't wait to read more books from Raz Reading Level K and see what other fun stories are waiting for me!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my book review. Happy reading!篇2Title: My Favorite Book - Raz Kids Reading Level KHey guys, it's me again! Today, I want to talk to you about my favorite book on Raz Kids, Reading Level K. It's called "The Big Race" and it's super cool!The story is about three friends, Ben, Sam, and Max, who decide to have a race in the park. Each of them has a different way of moving – Ben rides a bike, Sam skates on a skateboard, and Max zooms around on his scooter. They all think their way is the fastest, so they start the race to find out who is the speediest of them all.During the race, they encounter obstacles like rocks, puddles, and even a wiggly snake! But they don't give up and keep going, trying to be the first one to reach the finish line. It's so exciting to see who will win in the end!I love this book because it teaches me about friendship and teamwork. Even though the friends are competing against each other, they still support and encourage one another along the way. It's important to remember that it's not always about winning, but about having fun and enjoying the journey together.I also enjoy the colorful illustrations in the book. They make the story come to life and help me imagine myself racing alongside Ben, Sam, and Max. The pictures really capture the excitement and energy of the race.After reading "The Big Race", I feel inspired to go outside and play with my friends. Maybe we can have our own race and see who is the fastest among us! I can't wait to have some fun and make memories, just like Ben, Sam, and Max did in the story.In conclusion, "The Big Race" is my favorite book on Raz Kids at Reading Level K. It's fun, engaging, and teaches me important lessons about friendship. I highly recommend it to all of you wholove adventure and competition. Let's read together and have a blast!篇3Title: My Day at RAZ Reading CenterHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my fun day at the RAZ Reading Center. It was super exciting and I can't wait to share all the cool things I did!First, when I got to the reading center, I saw lots of books everywhere. There were so many to choose from! I saw books about animals, adventures, and even some funny stories. It was hard to decide which one to read first, but I finally picked a book about a superhero cat. It was awesome!Then, I met my reading teacher, Miss Sarah. She was really nice and helped me practice reading out loud. I felt a little nervous at first, but Miss Sarah cheered me on and I did a great job! Reading out loud was so much fun, I can't wait to do it again.After reading with Miss Sarah, I got to play some reading games on the computer. There were games where I had to match words with pictures, and games where I had to fill in the missingletters. It was like playing and learning at the same time! I felt like a reading super star.Before I left the reading center, Miss Sarah gave me a sticker for doing such a good job. I was really proud of myself and couldn't wait to tell my friends about all the fun I had at RAZ Reading Center.I can't wait to go back and read more books and play more games. Reading is so much fun and I know I'm going to get even better with practice. Thanks for listening to my adventure at the RAZ Reading Center. I hope you all have a super reading day too! Bye!篇4Title: My Favorite Book - Raz Kids in English and ChineseHi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about my favorite book on Raz Kids called "The Adventure of Billy and the Magic Tree". It's a really cool book that I enjoy reading over and over again.The story is about a boy named Billy who discovers a magic tree in his backyard. The tree can transport him to different places and times with just a touch of its leaves. Billy goes onexciting adventures to ancient Egypt, the Wild West, and even outer space! Along the way, he meets interesting characters and learns valuable lessons.I love this book because it's so exciting and fun to imagine all the places Billy visits. The illustrations are colorful and beautiful, which helps me understand the story better. I also like how Billy is brave and curious, just like me!Reading books on Raz Kids is great because I can hear the stories read out loud, which helps me with my English listening skills. I can also read along and practice my pronunciation. Plus, there are quizzes at the end of each book to test my comprehension.I highly recommend "The Adventure of Billy and the Magic Tree" to all my friends. It's a fantastic book that will take you on a magical journey full of surprises and wonder. If you haven't read it yet, you should definitely check it out on Raz Kids!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my book recommendation. Happy reading, everyone! Bye-bye!篇5Title: My Favorite Book - The Adventures of Tom SawyerHi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about my favorite book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It’s a super cool book written by Mark Twain. Let me tell you all about it!The story is about a boy named Tom Sawyer who lives in a small town in America. He’s always getting into trouble and going on crazy adventures with his friends. One day, Tom and his friends witness a murder and they have to swear to keep it a secret. But keeping a secret is really hard, especially for a mischievous kid like Tom!Tom also falls in love with a girl named Becky and he tries to impress her by doing brave things. He convinces Becky to get engaged to him by sharing a special kiss! It’s so romantic!One of the best parts of the book is when Tom and his friend Huck Finn go on a treasure hunt. They find a treasure chest full of gold coins hidden in a spooky old house. They become rich and famous in the town!But things take a scary turn when Tom and Becky get lost in a cave. They are trapped inside for days and have to find a way out before they run out of food and water. It’s a real a dventure with lots of twists and turns!In the end, Tom becomes a hero in the town and everyone loves him. He learns important lessons about friendship, bravery, and honesty. I love this book because it’s so exciting and fun to read. I hope you all get a chance to read it too!That’s all for now. Thanks for listening, my friends!Bye-bye!篇6Title: My Experience with Raz ReadingHey guys, I want to share with you my experience with Raz Reading. Have you heard of it before? It's a really cool app that helps us improve our reading skills. Let me tell you all about it!Raz Reading has different levels, like A-Z, and each level has lots of books to choose from. The books are super fun to read and they have cool pictures too. I love reading the stories and learning new words.I started with level A and it was easy peasy lemon squeezy. The stories were short and simple, perfect for beginners like me. As I kept reading, I moved up to higher levels like D and E. The stories got longer and more challenging, but I didn't give up. I tried my best and kept practicing.One thing I really like about Raz Reading is the quiz at the end of each book. It helps me remember what I read and test my comprehension skills. Sometimes, I even get to earn points and badges for doing well in the quizzes. It's like a game and I love it!I also get to listen to the stories being read out loud. It's great for when I get stuck on a word or need help with pronunciation. I just click on the speaker button and the story comes to life with sound effects and everything.My favorite part of Raz Reading is the rewards. When I finish a book or reach a milestone, I get to collect stars and trophies. It makes me feel proud of myself and motivates me to keep reading more.In conclusion, Raz Reading has helped me become a better reader. I feel more confident and excited about reading now. I can't wait to explore more levels and discover new stories. If you haven't tried Raz Reading yet, I highly recommend it. It's super fun and educational at the same time. Happy reading, everyone!。
cambium reader形成层的读者written by写作是illustrated by插图作者是1 carlos counts kittens卡洛斯有小猫carlos has one kitten卡洛斯有一只小猫carlos has two kittens卡洛斯有两只小猫carlos has three kittens卡洛斯有三只小猫carlos has four kittens卡洛斯有四只小猫carlos has five kittens卡洛斯有五只小猫carlos has six kittens卡洛斯有六只小猫carlos has seven kittens卡洛斯有七只小猫carlos has too many kittens卡洛斯有太多的小猫2 my dog 我的狗my dog can jump我的狗能跳my dog can run我的狗能跑my dog can swim我的狗会游泳my dog can dig我的狗可以挖my dog can climb我的狗可以爬my dog can sit我的狗可以坐my dog can roll over我的狗可以翻身my dog can hug我的狗可以拥抱3 baa baa black sheep咩miē咩黑羊baa ,baa, black sheep咩,咩,黑羊Have you any wool? 你有羊毛吗?yes,sir,yes,sir. 是的,先生,是的,先生。
Three bags full. 慢慢的3袋。
One for my master一袋给我的主人One for my dame一袋给我的夫人and one for the little boy还有一袋给小男孩4 bird goes home鸟飞回家the bird goes over the tree鸟飞越过了树the bird goes over the farm鸟飞越过了农场the bird goes over the city鸟飞越过了城市the bird goes over the street鸟飞越过了街道the bird goes over the tables鸟飞越过桌子the bird goes over the cars鸟飞越过了汽车the bird goes over the mountains鸟飞越过了高山the bird goes home鸟飞回家了。
动物 Animal
18 All about Earthworms
动物 Animal
C 20 Animals That Sting
动物 Animal
The Woodsy Band Jam
动物 Animal
48 I Can Be
动物 Animal
59 Wonder
动物 Animal
add,apples,applesauce, cinnamon,cook,cut,green mashred,yellow
apples,basket,cheese,chips, cookies,mouse,picnic,puts sandwiches,soda pop
sandwich,make,bread,butter lettuce,tomato,meat,bite yummy
candy cane,North,pole,polar oear,reindeer,Santa,taken
alligator,eat,fly,hunt,owl, play,read,sing hunt,jump,movies,purr scratch,stretch bees,favorite,feed,help,job, without carefully,docks,spot,surface, tricky,whales
96 l Want to Be a Cat
动物 Animal
2 Bees Feed Me
动物 Animal
3 Whale Watching