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a broken cup 一只打破的杯子(被动)the risen sun 已升起的太阳(完成)the fallen leaves 落叶(在地上)spoken English 口语

(2)有些过去分词不能单独作前置修饰语,但可以借助某些前缀或副词来作前置定语。例如:uninvited guests 没有被邀请的客人

unheard- of stories没有听说过的故事

an unexpected happening 意想不到的事

badly-built house 建得很差的房子newly-born baby 新出生的婴儿

highly-developed industry 高速发展的工业


a retired worker (a worker who has retired )一个退休工人

an escaped prisoner (a prisoner who has escaped)一个逃犯

fallen leaves (leaves that have fallen)落叶

the risen sun (the sun that has just risen)升起了的太阳

a returned student (a student who has returned)回归的学生

a grown man (a person who has grown to a man's size )一个成年人


well-behaved children 表现好的孩子

a widely-travelled business man 游历广泛的商人newly-arrived visitors 刚来的参观者

(5)过去分词作后置定语时,相当于省略了(that/which be )的定语从句。

例如:The bridge, built in 1950, broke down yesterday.

这座建于1950 年的桥昨天塌了。

(built in 1950 相当于一个定语从句,which was built in 1950) Things seen are mightier than things heard. 眼见为实,耳听为虚。

(相当于:Things which are seen are mightier than things which are heard )2.过去分词作主语补语或宾语补语用作主语补语或宾语补语的过去分词大都来自及物动词。凡是已经形容词化了的大

-ed 分词,都可以既作名词修饰语即定语,也可作主语补语或宾语补语。例如:The door remains

locked (主补)I found the door locked (宾补)I found a locked door (定语)可引

导复合宾语的动词常用的有:find /get / have / want / leave / make / see/ hear/notice/ watch / observe/ feel/ keep / order /wish 等。这些词后面的宾语如果与后面的宾语补足语是被动关系,即用过去分词。例如:

I found my house broken into after I returned. 当我回来时,我发现房子被人破门而入了。

You should get the bike repaired as soon as possible. 你应该尽快地把自行车给修理一下。

I want to have my hair cut. 我想理发。

I want the plan (to be) carried out next year. 我希望此计划明年可被执行。

He ran out and left his food untouched. 他跑出去了,食物一点都没动。

You should make yourself heard when speaking. 说话时,你应该让别人能听得见你。

I heard the song sung in English. 我听过用英文唱的这首歌。

He ordered the job to be done at once. 他命令马上完成这项工作。Everybody thought the battle lost. 每个人都认为战斗失败了。

We found her greatly changed. 我们发现她变了很多。

I felt my shoulder touched by somebody. 我觉得有人在拍我的肩膀。

I saw her tied to a tree. 我发现她被困在一个树上。

Please keep us informed of the latest development. 请随时让我们知道最近的发展动态。


(1) “have+宾语+过去分词”这一结构有三种不同意义。

We had the problem solved. 我们解决了这个问题( “致使”,一种有意的行为)

She had her leg broken in an accident. 在一次事故中,她摔断了腿。 (表示“遭受” ,一种无意的行为) I have not any money left.


( 2) like, want, wish, order, expect 等表示“希望、要求、命令”等意义的动词后面可用be+

to 过去分词作宾补,to be也可被省略,例如:

I don't want any of you (to be) involved in the scandal. 我不希望你们当中的任何人陷入这桩丑闻。He won't like such questions (to be) discussed at the meeting. 他并不希望在会上讨论这样的问题。3.过去分词作状语过去分词作状语,在意义上相当于一个状语从句。如:

( 1 ) United, we stand; divided, we fall. 如果团结起来,我们就能成功,如果分裂,我们就会失败。

(相当于If(When) we are united ,we stand; if (when) we are divided, we fall )

( 2) Moved by the story, he decided to study harder. 由于被这个故事感动,他决定更加努力学习。

(相当于Because he was moved, .)

( 3) Having been shown around the library, we came to the classroom building. 我们参观了图书馆后,我们来到了教学楼前。

(相当于After we were shown around , )
