
第一章语言和语言学1. 为什么语言和种族没有必然联系?答:语言能力和生理因素、心理因素有关,但语言不是一种生理现象,也不是一种心理现象,不是遗传的,而是一种社会现象。
2. 简答语言符号的特点。
3. 组合关系和聚合关系的关系。
4. 解释“符号”答:符号指根据社会的约定俗成使用某种特定的物质实体来表示某种特定的意义而形成的实体和意义的结合体。
5. 解释“语言”答:语言是言语活动中同一社会群体共同掌握的,有规律可循而又成系统的那一部分,语言是均质的,是言语活动中的社会部分。
6. 口语和书面语的关系。


ⅲ隐语(⿊话) 5.语的分类: 1)专⽤名词 2)惯⽤语 3)谚语 4)成语 5)歇后语 6)简缩词语 备注 ㈠专有名词定义:指⽤复杂词组形式表达的事物名称。
分类:国名地名书名机构组织 ㈡惯⽤语定义:表达习惯性⽐喻含义的固定词组。
分类:动词性(背⿊锅开倒车踢⽪球)名词性(墙头草马后炮)⽐况语(⼀板⼀眼三三两两拼死拼活你⼀⾔我⼀语) ㈢谚语定义:指在民间流传的通俗语句 分类:反映⽣产⽣活经验,有深刻寓意的(瑞雪照丰年纸⾥包不住⽕) 俗语(俗话):情⼈眼⾥出西施眉头⼀皱计上⼼来 ㈣成语定义:汉语特有的⽽且量使⽤的熟语形式,⼀般是四个字的。
分类:历史成语(⽑遂⾃荐完璧归赵)寓⾔成语(守株待兔愚公移⼭) 名⾔名句(学⽽不厌殚精竭虑)⼝头⽤语(七⼿⼋脚欢天喜地) 流⾏语(⾃⼒更⽣舍⼰救⼈百花齐放) ㈤歇后语定义:汉语的⼀种特殊熟语形式,指⼀种短⼩风趣,⽣动形象的语句。
分类:谐⾳双关 ㈥简缩词语定义:简缩⽐较长的专有名词或⼀般的词组,概括⼤意。
北⼤(北京⼤学)环保(环境保护)三包(包修包退包换) 第三节语汇的构造形式 1、语素是最⼩的⾳义结合的语⾔单位。
3、语素的分类(类别系统):(P109) 1)成词语素和不成词语素 2)⾃由语素和黏着语素(不⾃由语素) 3)定位语素和不定位语素 4)实义语素和虚义语素 备注:(⼀)成词语素和不成词语素 ①成词语素指在某些情形下可以直接形成为词,即可以单⽤的语素。
(如:AB类) ②不成词语素指不能单独成词,即不能单⽤的语素。
(如CD类) (⼆)⾃由语素和黏着语素 ①⾃由语素指某种语素既可以单独形成词,有时⼜可以单独说出来。
(如A类) ②黏着语素(不⾃由语素)指永远不能单独说出来,根本不能形成词。



第三章语汇 第⼀节语汇的性质 1.语汇是语⾔的建筑材料。
5.语汇的性质和特点: 1)语汇在产⽣时既有任意性,⼜有理据性。
7.传统的语⾔学把语⾔结构系统分为:语⾳语汇和语法三要素 8.现代的语⾔学把语⾔结构系统分为:语⾳语法和语义三要素 第⼆节语汇的类聚系统 1.词和语的共同特点: ①都是最基本的语⾔单位; ②都具有意义凝固,形式固定的特点。
2.词的特点: ①既是语汇单位,⼜是语法单位。
3.语的特点: ①只是语汇单位,不是语法单位。

语言学概论详细笔记(总27页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--语言学概论目录目录 ................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
导言.................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
一、语言学的对象和任务 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
二、语言学的分类和分支学科................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
三、语言学的功用 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一章语言的社会功能................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一节语言的社会功能 ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
一、语言和说话的关系 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

语言学概论详细笔记-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN语言学概论目录目录 ................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
导言.................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
一、语言学的对象和任务 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
二、语言学的分类和分支学科................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
三、语言学的功用 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一章语言的社会功能................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一节语言的社会功能 ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
一、语言和说话的关系 .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

备注: ㈠表意⽂字;全部字符都是意符的⽂字。
5 .应该如何看待⼀些表⽰⽐较复杂意思的图画以及夹杂⼀部分字符的图画跟⽂字的关系:因为⽂字是语⾔的书写符号系统,所以关键是要看某种图形是不是跟确定的语⾔单位相结合。
第⼆节⽂字和语⾔ 1.语⾔的特点对⽂字的特点是有影响的,但不能把这种影响绝对化: ①⽂字是书写语⾔的符号系统,⽂字是再语⾔的基础上产⽣的,因此⽂字的特点和语⾔的特点是由⼀定的联系的。
(列举的事实见250页) ②但这种影响不能绝对化,绝对化的观点⽬前还缺少证据。
(列举的事实见251页) 2.⽂字也会影响语⾔,但⽆限夸⼤⽂字对语⾔的影响是没有根据的: ①⽂字对语⾔的影响主要是帮助语⾔克服了时间和空间的局限性,使语⾔的功能⼤⼤加强和扩展了。
3.为什么说⽂字和语⾔关系密切,但⼆者⼜不能画等号: ①⽂字是语⾔的书写符号系统,⽂字是在语⾔的基础上产⽣的,是记录语⾔的⼯具,⽽不是语⾔本⾝。
②⽂字⾄少包括三个不同的义项: (1)书写或记录语⾔的符号,也说“字”或“字母”。

第⼀节语法的性质 1、组词造句必须符合⼀定的规则。
3、语法规则的性质和特点: ①语法规则具有⾼度的抽象性 ②语法规则具有强⼤的递归性 ③语法规则具有严密的系统性 ④语法规则具有相对的稳定性 备注(⼀)⾼度的抽象性 ①所谓“抽象”指的是对具体东西进⾏类的概括。
(⼆)强⼤的递归性 ①所谓“递归”指的是相同的规则可以在⼀个结构⾥重复使⽤。
(三)严密的系统性 ①所谓“系统”指的是语法规则具有推导性和解释性。
(四)相对的稳定性 ①所谓“稳定”指的是语法规则与语⾳、语汇这样⼀些与地域差异、社会发展关系⼗分紧密的语⾔要素⽐较起来,变化现象⽐较少,变化过程也⼗分缓慢。

(丢脸、悦⽿) Ⅳ。
(道路、教学) Ⅴ。
补充式复合词(汉语所特有)(改善纠正打动) ②附加构词:词根语素加上词缀语素构成⼀个新词。
(派⽣词) 三⼩类 Ⅰ。
前缀式派⽣词:(⽼-虎、阿-姨、第-⼀、可-怜等) Ⅱ。
后缀式派⽣词:(⽊-头、花-⼉、锤-⼦等) Ⅲ。
中缀式派⽣词:(古⾥古怪、糊⾥糊涂等) ③重叠构词:词根语素通过重叠形式⽽构成⼀个新词。
(重叠词) ⼏种情况 Ⅰ。
名词性重叠词:(姐姐、娃娃) Ⅱ。
副词性重叠词:(刚刚、常常) Ⅲ。
多重重叠词:(骂骂咧咧、婆婆妈妈) ④复杂的合成词可以是多个词根语素的组合,也可以是多个词根语素和词缀语素的组合。
(四)语法构词(构形) Ⅰ。
狭义:附着在词上的词尾变化形式(-s -ed -ing ) Ⅱ。
⼴义:可以包括表⽰词类特征的后缀形式(-tion -ful) (五)①语素的组合与语素义的组合并不完全对应。
(六)重叠词与叠⾳式单纯词和重叠式词组区别(举例) ①意义不能再分解,本⾝只是⼀个语素就是叠⾳式单纯词(猩猩蛐蛐) ②“看看个个次次”为重叠式词组 7. 语的构造特点: ①语的总体的结构特点是结构的固定性和整体性 结构的固定性指语的结构是⼀种特定的组合形式 Ⅰ。
⼀般不能颠倒原有成分阶段(朝思暮想≠暮想朝思) Ⅱ。
⼀般也不能插⼊其他成分(远见卓识≠远见和卓识) Ⅲ。
⼀般不能替换原有成分(拍案叫绝≠拍桌叫绝) 个例:Ⅰ。
因为有了某种不同解释(难兄难弟) Ⅱ。
因为创造性运⽤的结果(知难⽽退-知难⽽进) Ⅲ。
原来的词⽐较⽣僻或不能⽤了(揠苗助长-拔苗助长) Ⅳ。
经过⼀定的简缩(前车之覆,后车之鉴-前车之鉴) 结构的整体性:语表达的意义不⼀定就是词语的搭配结果,⼤多不能简单地像词组那样根据组成成分来分析整体的意义,否则即使解释后的意思能够成⽴也不再是语的意义了。


㈢根据语法研究的理论意义区分 ①普遍语法:对⼈类语⾔的语法共性的研究,其意义在于发现⼈类语⾔中共同的语法机制。
3、语法现象的分类: (⼀)传统语法学把语法分成两个部分: ①词法部分(形态学):描字词的形态特征和变化规则。
(⼆)结构语法学把语法分成两种规则: ①组合规则:从线性的不同位置看都是相互如何搭配的关系。
(三)现代形式语法学把语法分成两个层⾯: ①核⼼语法层⾯:句法结构规则 ②外围语法层⾯:包括与语法有关的词语知识、语义知识和语⾳知识 4、语法单位通常分成四级或四种:(五级或五种) ①语素:最⼩的⾳义结合的语⾔单位。
④句⼦:由若⼲个词或词组按照⼀定的规则组合成的,能表达相对完整的意义,前后 有较⼤的停顿并带有⼀定的语⽓和句调。
⑤句组(句群、语段和篇章):由多个句⼦组合⽽成,表达相互关联的⽐较复杂的意义, 书⾯上表现为⼀组句⼦、⼀个段落或⼀篇⽂章的语⾔单位。
5、各个语法单位相互之间实际上具有不同的关系: ①量变关系:即语法单位之间只是所含成分数量的增减,但性质和作⽤不变。
6、同级语法单位之间的差别是数量性的(量变关系也可以叫做组成关系) ①语素组⼀定包含多个语素,词组⼀定包含多个词,句组⼀定包含多个句⼦。
不同级语法单位之间的差别是功能性的(质变关系也可以叫形成关系) ②语素和语素组获得造句功能就成为词,词和词组获得表达功能就成为句⼦。
第三节语法形式和语法意义 1、语法: ①关于语⾔形式的规则(语法管的形式不是指语⾔中所有的形式,⽽只是能体现语法意义的那些形式) ②关于语⾔意义的规则(语法管的意义也不是指语⾔中所有的意义,⽽只是语法形式所体现的那些意义。



LinguisticsChapter 1 Introduction: Language and Linguistics●What is language?⏹Different definitions of language◆Language is a system whose parts can and must be considered in theirsynchronic solidarity. (de Saussure, 1916)◆[Language is] a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in lengthand constructed out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky, 1957)◆Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method ofcommunicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarilyproduced symbols.⏹Each of the definitions above has pointed out some aspects of the essence oflanguage, but all of them have left out something. We must see themulti-faceted nature of language.⏹As is agreed by linguists in broad terms, language can be defined as asystem of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.●Features of human language⏹Creativity◆Language provides opportunities for sending messages that have neverbeen sent before and for understanding brand new messages.◆The grammar rules and the words are finite, but the sentences areinfinite. Every speaker uses language creatively.⏹Duality◆Language contains two subsystems, one of sounds and the other ofmeanings.◆Certain sounds or sequences of sounds stand for certain meanings.◆Certain meanings are conveyed by certain speech sounds or sequencesof speech sounds.⏹Arbitrariness◆The relationship between the two subsystems of language is arbitrary.◆There is no logical connection between sound and meaning.⏹Displacement◆There is no limit in time or space for language.◆Language can be used to refer to things real or imagined, past, present orfuture.⏹Cultural transmission◆Culture cannot be genetically transmitted. Instead, it must be learned.◆Language is a way of transmitting culture.⏹Interchangeability◆All members of a speech community can send and receive messages.⏹Reflexivity◆Human languages can be used to describe themselves.◆The language used to talk about language is called meta-language.●Functions of language – three meta-functions⏹The ideational function◆To identify things, to think, or to record information.⏹The interpersonal function◆To get along in a community.⏹The textual function◆To form a text.●Types of language⏹Genetic classification⏹Typological classification◆Analytic language –no inflections or formal changes, grammaticalrelationships are shown through word order, such as Chinese andVietnamese◆Synthetic language –grammatical relationships are expressed bychanging the internal structure of the words, typically by changing theinflectional endings, such as English and German◆Agglutinating language – words are built out of a long sequence of units,with each unit expressing a particular grammatical meaning, such asJapanese and Turkish●The myth of language – language origin⏹The Biblical account◆Language was God’s gift to human beings.⏹The bow-wow theory◆Language was an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries ofanimals, like quack, cuckoo.⏹The pooh-pooh theory◆Language arose from instinctive emotional cries, expressive of pain orjoy.⏹The yo-he-ho theory◆Language arose from the noises made by a group of people engaged injoint labour or effort – lifting a huge hunted game, moving a rock, etc.⏹The evolution theory◆Language originated in the process of labour and answered the call ofsocial need.●What is linguistics?⏹Linguistics is the scientific study of language.◆Observing & questioning◆Formulating hypotheses◆Verifying the hypotheses◆Proposing a theory⏹Branches of linguistics◆Internal branches: intra-disciplinary divisions●Phonetics●Phonology●Morphology●Syntax●Semantics◆External branches: inter-disciplinary divisions●Pragmatics●Psycholinguistics●Sociolinguistics●Applied linguistics●Computational linguistics●Neurolinguistics⏹Features of linguistics◆Descriptive◆Dealing with spoken language◆SynchronicChapter 2 Phonetics●What is phonetics?⏹Phonetics is termed as the study of speech sounds.⏹Sub-branches of phonetics◆Articulatory phonetics – the production of speech sounds◆Acoustic phonetics – the physical properties of speech sounds◆Auditory phonetics – the perceptive mechanism of speech sounds●The speech organs⏹Where does the air stream come from?◆From the lung⏹What is the function of vocal cords?◆Controlling the air stream⏹What are the cavities?◆Oral cavity◆Pharyngeal cavity◆Nasal cavity●Transcription of speech sounds⏹Units of representation◆Segments (the individual sounds)⏹Phonetic symbols◆The widely used symbols for phonetic transcription of speech sounds isthe International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).◆The IPA attempts to represent each sound of human speech with a singlesymbol and the symbols are enclosed in brackets [ ] to distinguishphonetic transcriptions from the spelling system of a language.◆In more detailed transcription (narrow transcription) a sound may betranscribed with a symbol to which a smaller is added in order to markthe finer distinctions.●Description of speech sounds⏹Description of English consonants◆General feature: obstruction◆Criteria of consonant description●Places of articulation●Manners of articulation●V oicing of articulation◆Places of articulation●This refers to each point at which the air stream can be modified toproduce a sound.⏹Bilabial: [p] [b] [m] [w]⏹Labiodental: [f] [v]⏹Interdental: [ ] [❆]⏹Alveolar: [t] [d] [s] [z] [l] [n] [r]⏹Palatal: [☞] [✞] [t☞] [d✞] [j]⏹Velar: [k] [g] [☠]⏹Glottal: [h]◆Manners of articulation●This refers to how the air stream is modified, whether it iscompletely blocked or partially obstructed.⏹Stops: [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]⏹Fricatives: [s] [z] [☞] [✞] [f] [v] [ ] [❆] [h]⏹Affricates: [t☞] [d✞]⏹Liquids: [l] [r]⏹Glides: [w] [j]⏹Nasals: [m] [n] [☠]◆V oicing of articulation●This refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds areproduced.⏹V oiced sounds⏹V oiceless sounds⏹Description of English vowels◆General feature: without obstruction◆Criteria of vowel description●Part of the tongue that is raised⏹Front⏹Central⏹Back●Extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate⏹High⏹Mid⏹Low●Kind of opening made at the lips●Position of the soft palate◆Single vowels (monophthongs) and diphthongs●Phonetic features and natural classes⏹Classes of sounds that share a feature or features are called natural classes.⏹Major class features can specify segments across the consonant-vowelboundary.⏹Classification of segments by features is the basis on which variations ofsounds can be analyzed.Chapter 3 Phonology●What is phonology?⏹Phonology is the study of sound systems and patterns.⏹Phonology and phonetics are two studies different in perspectives, which areconcerned with the study of speech sounds.⏹Phonology focuses on three fundamental questions.◆What sounds make up the list of sounds that can distinguish meaning ina particular language?◆What sounds vary in what ways in what context?◆What sounds can appear together in a sequence in a particular language?●Phonemes and allophones⏹ A phoneme is a distinctive, abstract sound unit with a distinctive feature.⏹The variants of a phoneme are termed allophones.⏹We use allophones to realize phonemes.●Discovering phonemes⏹Contrastive distribution – phonemes◆If sounds appear in the same environment, they are said to be incontrastive distribution.◆Typical contrastive distribution of sounds is found in minimal pairs andminimal sets.● A minimal pair consists of two words that differ by only one soundin the same position.●Minimal sets are more than two words that are distinguished by onesegment in the same position.◆The overwhelming majority of the consonants and vowels representedby the English phonetic alphabet are in contrastive distribution.◆Some sounds can hardly be found in contrastive distribution in English.However, these sounds are distinctive in terms of phonetic features.Therefore, they are separate phonemes.⏹Complementary distribution – allophones◆Sounds that are not found in the same position are said to be incomplementary distribution.◆If segments are in complementary distribution and share a number offeatures, they are allophones of the same phoneme.⏹Free variation◆If segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution doesnot result in change of meaning, they are said to be in free variation.●Distinctive and non-distinctive features⏹Features that distinguish meaning are called distinctive features, and featuresdo not, non-distinctive features.⏹Distinctive features in one language may be non-distinctive in another.●Phonological rules⏹Phonemes are abstract sound units stored in the mind, while allophones arethe actual pronunciations in speech.⏹What phoneme is realized by what allophones in what specific context isanother major question in phonology.⏹The regularities that what sounds vary in what ways in what context aregeneralized and stated in phonology as rules.⏹There are many phonological rules in English. Take the following ones asexamples.●[+voiced +consonant] – [-voiced]/[-voiced +consonant]_●[-voiced +bilabial +stop] – unaspirated/[-voiced +alveolar +fricative]_●Syllable structure⏹ A syllable is a phonological unit that is composed of one or more phonemes.⏹Every syllable has a nucleus, which is usually a vowel.⏹The nucleus may be preceded by one or more consonants called the onsetand followed by one or more consonants called the coda.●Sequence of phonemes⏹Native speakers of any language intuitively know what sounds can be puttogether.⏹Some sequences are not possible in English. The impossible sequences arecalled systematic gaps.⏹Sequences that are possible but do not occur yet are called accidental gaps.⏹When new words are coined, they may fill some accidental gaps but theywill never fill systematic gaps.●Suprasegmental features⏹Features that are found over a segment or a sequence of two or moresegments are called suprasegmental features.⏹These features are distinctive features.⏹Stress◆Stress is the perceived prominence of one or more syllabic elements overothers in a word.◆Stress is a relative notion. Only words that are composed of two or moresyllables have stress.◆If a word has three or more syllables, there is a primary stress and asecondary stress.◆In some languages word stress is fixed, i.e. on a certain syllable. InEnglish, word stress is unpredictable.⏹Intonation◆When we speak, we change the pitch of our voice to express ideas.◆Intonation is the variation of pitch to distinguish utterance meaning.◆The same sentence uttered with different intonation may expressdifferent attitude of the speaker.◆In English, there are three basic intonation patterns: fall, rise, fall-rise.⏹Tone◆Tone is the variation of pitch to distinguish words.◆The same sequence of segments can be different words if uttered withdifferent tones.◆Chinese is a typical tone language.Chapter 4 Morphology●What is morphology?⏹The total number of words stored in the brain is called the lexicon.⏹Words are the smallest free units of language that unite sounds withmeaning.⏹Morphology is defined as t he study of the internal structure and theformation of words.●Morphemes and allomorphs⏹The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a morpheme.⏹ A morpheme may be represented by different forms, called allomorphs.⏹“zero” form of a morpheme and suppletives◆Some countable nouns do not change form to express plurality. Similarly,some regular verbs do not change form to indicate past tense. In thesetwo cases, the noun or verb contains two morphemes, among whichther e is one “zero form” of a morpheme.◆Some verbs have irregular changes when they are in past tense. In thiscase, the verbs also have two morphemes. Words which are not relatedin form to indicate grammatical contrast with their roots are calledsuppletives.●Free and bound morphemes⏹Some morphemes constitute words by themselves. These morphemes arecalled free morphemes.⏹Other morphemes are never used independently in speech and writing. Theyare always attached to free morphemes to form new words. Thesemorphemes are called bound morphemes.⏹The distinction between a free morphemes and a bound morpheme iswhether it can be used independently in speech or writing.⏹Free morphemes are the roots of words, while bound morphemes are theaffixes (prefixes and suffixes).●Inflexional and derivational morphemes⏹Inflexional morphemes in modern English indicate case and number ofnouns, tense and aspect of verbs, and degree of adjectives and adverbs.⏹Derivational morphemes are bound morphemes added to existing forms toconstruct new words.◆English affixes are divided into prefixes and suffixes.◆Some languages have infixes, bound morphemes which are inserted intoother morphemes.◆The process of putting affixes to existing forms to create new words iscalled derivation. Words thus formed are called derivatives.●Conclusion: classification of morphemes⏹Morphemes◆Free morphemes◆Bound morphemes●Inflexional●Derivational: affixes⏹Prefixes: -s, -’s, -er, -est, -ing, -ed, -s⏹Suffixes●Formation of new words⏹Derivation◆Derivation forms a word by adding an affix to a free morpheme.◆Since derivation can apply more than once, it is possible to create aderived word with a number of affixes. For example, if we add affixes tothe word friend, we can form befriend, friendly, unfriendly, friendliness,unfriendliness, etc. This process of adding more than one affix to a freemorpheme is termed complex derivation.◆Derivation does not apply freely to any word of a given category.Generally speaking, affixes cannot be added to morphemes of a differentlanguage origin.◆Derivation is also constrained by phonological factors.◆Some English suffixes also change the word stress.⏹Compounding◆Compounding is another common way to form words. It is thecombination of free morphemes.◆The majority of English compounds are the combination of words fromthe three classes – nouns, verbs and adjectives – and fall into the threeclasses.◆In compounds, the rightmost morpheme determines the part of speech ofthe word.◆The meaning of compounds is not always the sum of meaning of thecomponents.⏹Conversion◆Conversion is the process putting an existing word of one class intoanother class.◆Conversion is usually found in words containing one morpheme.⏹Clipping◆Clipping is a process that shortens a polysyllabic word by deleting oneor more syllables.◆Clipped words are initially used in spoken English on informaloccasions.◆Some clipped words have become widely accepted, and are used even informal styles. For example, the words bus (omnibus), vet (veterinarian),gym (gymnasium), fridge (refrigerator)and fax (facsimile)are rarelyused in their complete form.⏹Blending◆Blending is a process that creates new words by putting togethernon-morphemic parts of existing words. For example, smog(smoke +frog), brunch (a meal in the middle of morning, replacing both breakfastand lunch), motel (motor + hotel). There is also an interesting word inthe textbook for junior middle school students –“plike” (a kind ofmachine that is like both a plane and a bike).⏹Back-formation◆Back-formation is the process that creates a new word by dropping a realor supposed suffix. For example, the word televise is back-formed fromtelevision. Originally, the word television is formed by putting the prefixtele- (far) to the root vision (viewing). At the same time, there is a suffix–sion in English indicating nouns. Then people consider the –sion in theword television as that suffix and drop it to form the verb televise.⏹Acronyms and abbreviations◆Acronyms and abbreviations are formed by putting together the initialletters of all words in a phrase or title.◆Acronyms can be read as a word and are usually longer thanabbreviations, which are read letter by letter.◆This type of word formation is common in names of organizations andscientific terminology.⏹Eponyms◆Eponyms are words that originate from proper names of individuals orplaces. For example, the word sandwich is a common noun originatingfrom the fourth Earl of Sandwich, who put his food between two slicesof bread so that he could eat while gambling.⏹Coinage◆Coinage is a process of inventing words not based on existingmorphemes.◆This way of word formation is especially common in cases whereindustry requires a word for a new product. For example, Kodak andCoca-cola.Chapter 5 Syntax●What is syntax?⏹The term syntax is from the ancient Greek word syntaxis, which literallymeans “arrangement” or “setting out together”.⏹Traditionally, it refers to the branch of grammar dealing with the ways inwhich words, with or without appropriate inflexions, are arranged to showconnexions of meaning within the sentence.⏹Syntax is a branch of linguistics that analyzes the structure of sentences.●What is a sentence?⏹Syntax is the analysis of sentence structure. A sentence is a sequence ofwords arranged in a certain order in accordance with grammatical rules.⏹ A sequence can be either well-formed or ill-formed. Native speakers of alanguage know intuitively what strings of words are grammatical and whatare ungrammatical.●Knowledge of sentence structure⏹Structural ambiguity◆Structural ambiguity is one or more string(s) of words has/have morethan one meaning. For example, the sentence Tom said he would comeyesterday can be interpreted in different ways.⏹Word order◆Different arrangements of the same words have different meanings. Forexample, with the words Tom, love and Mary, we may say Tom lovesMary or Mary loves Tom.⏹Grammatical relations◆Native speakers know what element relates to what other elementdirectly or indirectly. For example, in The boats are not big enough andWe don’t have enough boats, the word enough is related to differentwords in the two sentences.⏹Recursion◆The same rule can be used repeatedly to create infinite sentences. Forexample, I know that you are happy. He knows that I know that you arehappy. She knows that he knows that I know that you are happy.⏹Sentence relatedness◆Sentences may be structurally variant but semantically related.⏹Syntactic categories◆ A syntactic category is a class of words or phrases that can substitute forone another without loss of grammaticality. For example, consider thefollowing sentences:●The child found the knife.● A policeman found the knife.●The man who just left here found the knife.●He found the knife.◆All the italicized parts belong to the same syntactic category called nounphrase (NP). The noun phrases in these sentences function as subject.The knife, also a noun phrase, functions as object.●Traditional grammar⏹In traditional grammar, a sentence is considered a sequence of words whichare classified into parts of speech.⏹Sentences are analyzed in terms of grammatical functions of words: subjects,objects, verbs (predicates), predicatives, …⏹Compulsory elements of a sentence: subject, verb, object, complement,adverbial…⏹Nou ns: number, case, gender…⏹Verbs: tense, aspect, voice…⏹Adjectives and adverbs: comparative and superlative degrees⏹Agreement in number/person/gender⏹Parsing: trying to make detailed analysis in structure●Structural grammar⏹Structural grammar arose out of an attempt to deviate from traditionalgrammar. It deals with the inter-relationships of different grammatical units.In the concern of structural grammar, words are not just independentgrammatical units, but are inter-related to one another.⏹Form class◆Form class is a wider concept than part of speech in traditional grammar.◆Linguistic units which can appear in the same slot are said to be in thesame form class. For example, a(n), the, my, that, every,etc. can beplaced before nouns in English sentences. These words fall into oneform class.◆These linguistic units are observed to have the same distribution.⏹Immediate constituent (IC) analysis◆Structural grammar is characterized by a top-down process of analysis.◆ A sentence is seen as a constituent structure. All the components of thesentences are its constituents. A sentence can be cut into sections. Eachsection is its immediate constituent. Then each section can be further cutinto constituents. This on-going cutting is termed immediate constituentanalysis.◆Examples:●Old men and women: old | men and women, old || men | and women●The ||| little || girl | speaks || French.◆In this way, sentence structure is analyzed not only horizontally but alsovertically. In other words, IC analysis can account for the linearity andthe hierarchy of sentence structure.●I will suggest | that this || in itself reflects ||| a particular ideology|||| about gender ||||| that deserves to be re-examined.◆Two advantages of IC analysis:●It can analyze some ambiguities.●It shows linearity and hierarchy of one sentence.●Transformational-generative (TG) grammar⏹Background and the goal of TG grammar◆Chomsky (1957) – grammar is the knowledge of native speakers.●Adequacy of observation●Adequacy of description●Adequacy of explanation◆Writing a TG grammar means working out two sets of rules –phrasestructure rules and transformation rules –which are followed byspeakers of the language.◆TG grammar must account for all and only grammatical sentences.⏹Syntactic categories◆Noun Phrase (NP)◆Verb Phrase (VP)◆Sentence (S)◆Determiner (Det)◆Adjective (Adj)◆Pronoun (Pro)◆Verb (V)◆Auxiliary Verb (Aux)◆Prepositional Phrase (PP)◆Adverb (Adv)⏹Phrase structure (PS) rules◆S → NP VP(Det) (Adj) N◆NP →{Pro◆VP → (Aux) V (NP) (PP)◆PP → P NP⏹Tree diagrams (omit)⏹Recursion and the infinitude of language◆S contains NP and VP and that S may be a constituent of NP and VP. NPand PP can be mutually inclusive. If phrasal categories appear on bothsides of the arrow in phrase structure rules, the rules are recursive.Recursive rules can be applied again and again, and the phrase structurecan grow endlessly.⏹Sub-categorization of the lexicon.◆The process of putting words of the same lexical category into smallerclasses according to their syntactic characteristics is calledsub-categorization.⏹Transformational rules (T-rules)◆Particle movement T-rule●John turned the machine off. John turned off the machine.◆Replacement T-rule●John beat Tom. He beat Tom.●The house needs repairing (to be repaired).◆Insertion T-rule● A fish is swimming in the pond. There is a fish swimming in thepond.◆Deletion T-rule●They came in and (they) sat down.◆Copying T-rule●He is coming, isn’t he?●He has finished his homework, hasn’t he?◆Reflexivization T-rule●I wash me (myself).⏹TG grammar accounts for the mental process of our speaking.●Systematic-functional grammar⏹Background and the goal of systemic-functional grammar◆M. A. K. Halliday●Language is a system of meaning potential and a network ofmeaning as choices.●Meaning determines form, not vice versa. Meaning is realizedthrough forms.●The goal of systemic-functional grammar is to see how function andmeaning are realized through forms.●The three meta-functions of language⏹Ideational function⏹Interpersonal function⏹Textual function⏹The transitivity system of language◆Elements●Process●Participants●Circumstances◆Categorization of reality●Doing – material process⏹Processes involving physical actions: walking, running,throwing, kicking, wrapping, etc.⏹Actor, goal and circumstance●Being – relational process⏹Processes representing a relation being set up between twoseparate entities.⏹Be (identifying), have (attributive)⏹Carrier/possessor and attribute/possessed●Sensing – mental process⏹Processes of sensing, including feeling, thinking, perceiving,imagining, wanting, liking, etc.⏹Senser and phenomenon●Less central types of linguistic process⏹Verbal processes – saying something◆Sayer and receiver⏹Behavioural processes – active conscious processes◆Behaver and range⏹Existential processes – existence of an entity◆Existent⏹Mood and modality◆Mood expresses the speaker’s attitude and serves for interpersonalfunction. It is a syntactic constituent made up of the subject and thefinite.◆Modality is the degree of certainty or frequency expressed by thegrammatical forms of finite. It can be categorized by modalization andmodulation.⏹Theme and rheme◆Theme is the given information, while rheme is the new information.◆Examples:●John | is my friend.●He | should have replied to my letter.Chapter 6 Semantics●What is semantics?⏹Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the onlylinguistic discipline that studies meaning.⏹Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In otherwords, it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences outof context.●Reference and sense⏹Linguistic expressions stand in a relation to the world. There are two aspectsof meaning.⏹Reference is the relation by which a word picks out or identifies an entity inthe world. But the referential theory fails to account for certain kinds oflinguistic expression.◆Some words are meaningful, but they identify no entities in the realworld, such as the words dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and mermaid.◆It is not possible for some words to find referent in the world, such asthe words but, and, of, however, the, etc.◆Speakers of English understand the meaning of a round trianglealthough there is no such graph.⏹Sense is the relation by which words stand in human mind. It is mentalre presentation, the association with something in the speaker’s or hearer’smind. The study of meaning from the perspective of sense is called therepresentational approach.●Classification of lexical meanings⏹Referential meaning (denotative meaning) – central meaning of words, stable,universal⏹Associative meaning –meaning that hinges on referential meaning, lessstable, more culture-specific◆Connotative meaning – the communicative value an expression has byvirtue of what it refers to, embraces the properties of the referent,。

备注:(⼀)等义词: ①定义:包括理性意义和⾮理性意义(附加⾊彩)在内的词义完全相同的两个或两个以上的词。
②⼀般来说,等义词在语⾔中⼤多不能长期存在! ㈡近义词 ①定义:指理性意义相同或基本相同,但⼜有细微差别的两个或两个以上的词。
14.反义词 1)定义:⼀种语⾔或⽅⾔中意义相反的两个词。
2)分类:① “绝对反义词”②“相对反义词”。
㈣反义词的作⽤: ①利⽤反义词可以帮助我们在编纂词典时确定多义词的义项,可以帮助我们辨析近义词之间的细微差别。

分类:“⼝语⾊彩”和“书⾯语⾊彩” C是形象⾊彩。
义素分析通常三个步骤: ①确定对⽐的范围。
10.义素分析的要求: ①⼒求做到准确。
11.义素分析的作⽤: ①义素分析可以清楚、简洁地说明词义的结构,便于⽐较词义之间的异同,便于揭⽰近义词、反义词等词义关系,有利于词义的研究、学习和掌握。
12.义素分析存在的问题: ①义素分析尚未有客观的分析标准和依据,带有⼀定的主观随意性 ②随着社会的发展,义素的数量也发⽣变化,不是预先设定的。
第三节词义的聚合 1.单义词:⼀个词的意义可概括反映⼀类对象,也就是只有⼀个义项,这类词叫“单义词”。
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Chapter 1 IntroductionⅠ.What is language?1. Different definitions of language(1) Language is a system whose parts can and must be considered in theirsynchronic solidarity. (de Saussure, 1916)(2) [Language is] a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length andconstructed out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky, 1957)(3) Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicatingideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols.2. Each of the definitions above has pointed out some aspects of the essence oflanguage, but all of them have left out something. We must see the multi-faceted nature of language.3. As is agreed by linguists in broad terms, language can be defined as a system ofarbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Ⅱ.Features of human language1. Creativity(1) Language provides opportunities for sending messages that have neverbeen sent before and for understanding brand new messages.(2) The grammar rules and the words are finite, but the sentences are infinite.Every speaker uses language creatively.2. Duality(1) Language contains two subsystems, one of sounds and the other ofmeanings.(2) Certain sounds or sequences of sounds stand for certain meanings.(3) Certain meanings are conveyed by certain speech sounds or sequencesof speech sounds.3. Arbitrariness(1) The relationship between the two subsystems of language is arbitrary.(2) There is no logical connection between sound and meaning.4. Displacement(1) There is no limit in time or space for language.(2) Language can be used to refer to things real or imagined, past, present orfuture.5. Cultural transmission(1) Culture cannot be genetically transmitted. Instead, it must be learned.(2) Language is a way of transmitting culture.6. InterchangeabilityAll members of a speech community can send and receive messages.7. Reflexivity(1) Human languages can be used to describe themselves.(2) The language used to talk about language is called meta-language.Ⅲ.Functions of language – three meta-functions1. The ideational functionTo identify things, to think, or to record information.2. The interpersonal functionTo get along in a community.3. The textual functionTo form a text.Ⅳ.Types of language1. Genetic classification2. Typological classification(1) Analytic language –no inflections or formal changes, grammaticalrelationships are shown through word order, such as Chinese andVietnamese(2) Synthetic language – grammatical relationships are expressed by changingthe internal structure of the words, typically by changing the inflectionalendings, such as English and German(3) Agglutinating language – words are built out of a long sequence of units,with each unit expressing a particular grammatical meaning, such asJapanese and TurkishⅤ.The myth of language – language origin1. The Biblical accountLanguage was God’s gift to human beings.2. The bow-wow theoryLanguage was an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries of animals, like quack, cuckoo.3. The pooh-pooh theoryLanguage arose from instinctive emotional cries, expressive of pain or joy.4. The yo-he-ho theoryLanguage arose from the noises made by a group of people engaged in joint labour or effort – lifting a huge hunted game, moving a rock, etc.5. The evolution theoryLanguage originated in the process of labour and answered the call of social need.Ⅵ.What is linguistics?1. Linguistics is the scientific study of language.(1) Observing & questioning(2) Formulating hypotheses(3) Verifying the hypotheses(4) Proposing a theory2. Branches of linguistics(1) Internal branches: intra-disciplinary divisions⏹Phonetics⏹Phonology⏹Morphology⏹Syntax⏹Semantics(2) External branches: inter-disciplinary divisions⏹Pragmatics⏹Psycholinguistics⏹Sociolinguistics⏹Applied linguistics⏹Computational linguistics⏹Neurolinguistics3. Features of linguistics(1) Descriptive(2) Dealing with spoken language(3) SynchronicChapter 2 PhoneticsⅠ.What is phonetics?1. Phonetics is termed as the study of speech sounds.2. Sub-branches of phonetics(1) Articulatory phonetics – the production of speech sounds(2) Acoustic phonetics – the physical properties of speech sounds(3) Auditory phonetics – the perceptive mechanism of speech soundsⅡ.The speech organs1. Where does the air stream come from?From the lung2. What is the function of vocal cords?Controlling the air stream3. What are the cavities?(1) Oral cavity(2) Pharyngeal cavity(3) Nasal cavityⅢ.Transcription of speech sounds1. Units of representationSegments (the individual sounds)2. Phonetic symbols(1) The widely used symbols for phonetic transcription of speech sounds is theInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).(2) The IPA attempts to represent each sound of human speech with a singlesymbol and the symbols are enclosed in brackets to distinguishphonetic transcriptions from the spelling system of a language.(3) In more detailed transcription (narrow transcription) a sound may betranscribed with a symbol to which a smaller is added in order to markthe finer distinctions.Ⅳ.Description of speech sounds1. Description of English consonants(1) General feature: obstruction(2) Criteria of consonant description⏹Places of articulation⏹Manners of articulation⏹V oicing of articulation(3) Places of articulationThis refers to each point at which the air stream can be modified toproduce a sound.⏹Bilabial: [p] [b] [m] [w]⏹Labiodental: [f] [v]⏹Interdental: [] []⏹Alveolar: [t] [d] [s] [z] [l] [n] [r]⏹Palatal: [] [] [t] [d] [j]⏹Velar: [k] [g] []⏹Glottal: [h](4) Manners of articulationThis refers to how the air stream is modified, whether it is completely blocked or partially obstructed.⏹Stops: [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]⏹Fricatives: [s] [z] [] [] [f] [v] [] [] [h]⏹Affricates: [t] [d]⏹Liquids: [l] [r]⏹Glides: [w] [j]⏹Nasals: [m] [n] [](5) V oicing of articulationThis refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds areproduced.⏹V oiced sounds⏹V oiceless sounds2. Description of English vowels(1) General feature: without obstruction(2) Criteria of vowel descriptionA. Part of the tongue that is raised⏹Front⏹Central⏹BackB. Extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate⏹High⏹MidLowC. Kind of opening made at the lipsD. Position of the soft palate(3) Single vowels (monophthongs) and diphthongs1. Classes of sounds that share a feature or features are called natural classes.2. Major class features can specify segments across the consonant-vowelboundary.3. Classification of segments by features is the basis on which variations of sounds canbe analyzed.Chapter 3 PhonologyⅠ.What is phonology?1. Phonology is the study of sound systems and patterns.2. Phonology and phonetics are two studies different in perspectives, which areconcerned with the study of speech sounds.3. Phonology focuses on three fundamental questions.(1) What sounds make up the list of sounds that can distinguish meaning ina particular language?(2) What sounds vary in what ways in what context?(3) What sounds can appear together in a sequence in a particular language Ⅱ.Phonemes and allophones1. A phoneme is a distinctive, abstract sound unit with a distinctive feature.2. The variants of a phoneme are termed allophones.3. We use allophones to realize phonemes.Ⅲ.Discovering phonemes1. Contrastive distribution – phonemes(1) If sounds appear in the same environment, they are said to be in contrastivedistribution.(2) Typical contrastive distribution of sounds is found in minimal pairs andminimal sets.A. A minimal pair consists of two words that differ by only one sound inthe same position.B. Minimal sets are more than two words that are distinguished by onesegment in the same position.(3) The overwhelming majority of the consonants and vowels represented bythe English phonetic alphabet are in contrastive distribution.(4) Some sounds can hardly be found in contrastive distribution in English.However, these sounds are distinctive in terms of phonetic features.Therefore, they are separate phonemes.2. Complementary distribution – allophones(1) Sounds that are not found in the same position are said to be incomplementary distribution.(2) If segments are in complementary distribution and share a number offeatures, they are allophones of the same phoneme.3. Free variationIf segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does not result in change of meaning, they are said to be in free variation.Ⅳ.Distinctive and non-distinctive features1. Features that distinguish meaning are called distinctive features, and features donot, non-distinctive features.2. Distinctive features in one language may be non-distinctive in another.Ⅴ.Phonological rules1. Phonemes are abstract sound units stored in the mind, while allophones are theactual pronunciations in speech.2. What phoneme is realized by what allophones in what specific context isanother major question in phonology.3. The regularities that what sounds vary in what ways in what context aregeneralized and stated in phonology as rules.4. There are many phonological rules in English. Take the following ones asexamples.A. [+voiced +consonant] – [-voiced]/[-voiced +consonant]_B. [-voiced +bilabial +stop] – unaspirated/[-voiced +alveolar +fricative]_ Ⅵ.Syllable structure1. A syllable is a phonological unit that is composed of one or more phonemes.2. Every syllable has a nucleus, which is usually a vowel.3. The nucleus may be preceded by one or more consonants called the onset andfollowed by one or more consonants called the coda.Ⅶ.Sequence of phonemes1. Native speakers of any language intuitively know what sounds can be puttogether.2. Some sequences are not possible in English. The impossible sequences arecalled systematic gaps.3. Sequences that are possible but do not occur yet are called accidental gaps.4. When new words are coined, they may fill some accidental gaps but they will never fill systematic gaps.Ⅷ. Suprasegmental features1. Features that are found over a segment or a sequence of two or more segmentsare called suprasegmental features.2. These features are distinctive features.3. Stress(1) Stress is the perceived prominence of one or more syllabic elementsover others in a word.(2) Stress is a relative notion. Only words that are composed of two or moresyllables have stress.(3) If a word has three or more syllables, there is a primary stress and asecondary stress.(4) In some languages word stress is fixed, i.e. on a certain syllable. InEnglish, word stress is unpredictable.4. Intonation(1) When we speak, we change the pitch of our voice to express ideas.(2) Intonation is the variation of pitch to distinguish utterance meaning.(3) The same sentence uttered with different intonation may expressdifferent attitude of the speaker.(4) In English, there are three basic intonation patterns: fall, rise, fall-rise.5. Tone(1) Tone is the variation of pitch to distinguish words.(2) The same sequence of segments can be different words if uttered withdifferent tones.(3) Chinese is a typical tone language.Chapter 4 MorphologyⅠ.What is morphology?1. The total number of words stored in the brain is called the lexicon.2. Words are the smallest free units of language that unite sounds with meaning.3. Morphology is defined as the study of the internal structure and theformation of words.Ⅱ.Morphemes and allomorphs1. The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a morpheme.2. A morpheme may be represented by different forms, called allomorphs.3. “zero” form of a morpheme and suppletives(1) Some countable nouns do not change form to express plurality. Similarly,some regular verbs do not change form to indicate past tense. In thesetwo cases, the noun or verb contains two morphemes, among which thereis one “zero form” of a morpheme.(2) Some verbs have irregular changes when they are in past tense. In this case,the verbs also have two morphemes. Words which are not related in formto indicate grammatical contrast with their roots are called suppletives. Ⅲ.Free and bound morphemes1. Some morphemes constitute words by themselves. These morphemes are calledfree morphemes.2. Other morphemes are never used independently in speech and writing. They arealways attached to free morphemes to form new words. These morphemes are called bound morphemes.3. The distinction between a free morphemes and a bound morpheme is whether itcan be used independently in speech or writing.4. Free morphemes are the roots of words, while bound morphemes are the affixes1. Inflexional morphemes in modern English indicate case and number of nouns,tense and aspect of verbs, and degree of adjectives and adverbs.2. Derivational morphemes are bound morphemes added to existing forms toconstruct new words.(1) English affixes are divided into prefixes and suffixes.(2) Some languages have infixes, bound morphemes which are inserted intoother morphemes.(3) The process of putting affixes to existing forms to create new words iscalled derivation. Words thus formed are called derivatives.Morphemes(1) Free morphemes(2) Bound morphemesA. InflexionalB. Derivational: affixes⏹Prefixes: -s, -’s, -er, -est, -ing, -ed, -s⏹Suffixes⏹Ⅵ.Formation of new words1. Derivation(1) Derivation forms a word by adding an affix to a free morpheme.(2) Since derivation can apply more than once, it is possible to create a derivedword with a number of affixes. For example, if we add affixes to theword friend, we can form befriend, friendly, unfriendly, friendliness,unfriendliness, etc. This process of adding more than one affix to a freemorpheme is termed complex derivation.(3) Derivation does not apply freely to any word of a given category.Generally speaking, affixes cannot be added to morphemes of a differentlanguage origin.(4) Derivation is also constrained by phonological factors.(5) Some English suffixes also change the word stress.2. Compounding(1) Compounding is another common way to form words. It is the combinationof free morphemes.(2) The majority of English compounds are the combination of words from thethree classes –nouns, verbs and adjectives –and fall into the threeclasses.(3) In compounds, the rightmost morpheme determines the part of speech ofthe word.(4) The meaning of compounds is not always the sum of meaning of thecomponents.3. Conversion(1) Conversion is the process putting an existing word of one class into anotherclass.(2) Conversion is usually found in words containing one morpheme.4. Clipping(1) Clipping is a process that shortens a polysyllabic word by deleting one ormore syllables.(2) Clipped words are initially used in spoken English on informal occasions.(3) Some clipped words have become widely accepted, and are used even informal styles. For example, the words bus (omnibus), vet (veterinarian),gym (gymnasium), fridge (refrigerator)and fax (facsimile)are rarely usedin their complete form.5. BlendingBlending is a process that creates new words by putting together non-morphemic parts of existing words. For example, smog(smoke + frog), brunch (a meal in the middle of morning, replacing both breakfast and lunch), motel(motor + hotel). There is also an interesting word in the textbook for junior middle school students –“plike” (a kind of machine that is like both a plane and a bike).6. Back-formationBack-formation is the process that creates a new word by dropping a real or supposed suffix. For example, the word televise is back-formed from television. Originally, the word television is formed by putting the prefix tele-(far) to the root vision (viewing). At the same time, there is a suffix -sion in English indicating nouns. Then people consider the -sion in the word television as that suffix and drop it to form the verb televise.7. Acronyms and abbreviations(1) Acronyms and abbreviations are formed by putting together the initialletters of all words in a phrase or title.(2) Acronyms can be read as a word and are usually longer than abbreviations,which are read letter by letter.(3) This type of word formation is common in names of organizations andscientific terminology.8. EponymsEponyms are words that originate from proper names of individuals or places. For example, the word sandwich is a common noun originating from the fourth Earl of Sandwich, who put his food between two slices of bread so that he could eat while gambling.9. Coinage(1) Coinage is a process of inventing words not based on existing morphemes.(2) This way of word formation is especially common in cases where industryrequires a word for a new product. For example, Kodak and Coca-cola.Chapter 5 SyntaxⅠ.What is syntax?1. The term syntax is from the ancient Greek word syntaxis, which literally means“arrangement” or “setting out together”.2. Traditionally, it refers to the branch of grammar dealing with the ways in whichwords, with or without appropriate inflexions, are arranged to show connexions of meaning within the sentence.3. Syntax is a branch of linguistics that analyzes the structure of sentences. Ⅱ.What is a sentence?1. Syntax is the analysis of sentence structure. A sentence is a sequence of wordsarranged in a certain order in accordance with grammatical rules.2. A sequence can be either well-formed or ill-formed. Native speakers of alanguage know intuitively what strings of words are grammatical and what are ungrammatical.Ⅲ.Knowledge of sentence structure1. Structural ambiguityStructural ambiguity is one or more string(s) of words has/have more than one meaning. For example, the sentence Tom said he would come yesterday can be interpreted in different ways.2. Word orderDifferent arrangements of the same words have different meanings. For example, with the words Tom, love and Mary, we may say Tom loves Mary or Mary loves Tom.3. Grammatical relationsNative speakers know what element relates to what other element directly or indirectly. For example, in The boats are not big enough and We don’t have enough boats, the word enough is related to different words in the two sentences.4. RecursionThe same rule can be used repeatedly to create infinite sentences. For example, I know that you are happy. He knows that I know that you are happy.She knows that he knows that I know that you are happy.5. Sentence relatednessSentences may be structurally variant but semantically related.6. Syntactic categories(1) A syntactic category is a class of words or phrases that can substitute forone another without loss of grammaticality. For example, consider thefollowing sentences:◆The child found the knife.◆ A policeman found the knife.◆The man who just left here found the knife.◆He found the knife.(2) All the italicized parts belong to the same syntactic category called nounphrase (NP). The noun phrases in these sentences function as subject. Theknife, also a noun phrase, functions as object.Ⅳ.Traditional grammar1. In traditional grammar, a sentence is considered a sequence of words which areclassified into parts of speech.2. Sentences are analyzed in terms of grammatical functions of words: subjects,objects, verbs (predicates), predicatives, ....3. Compulsory elements of a sentence: subject, verb, object, complement,adverbial...4. Nouns: number, case, gender...5. Verbs: tense, aspect, voice...6. Adjectives and adverbs: comparative and superlative degrees7. Agreement in number/person/gender8. Parsing: trying to make detailed analysis in structureⅤ.Structural grammar1. Structural grammar arose out of an attempt to deviate from traditional grammar.It deals with the inter-relationships of different grammatical units. In the concern of structural grammar, words are not just independent grammatical units, but are inter-related to one another.2. Form class(1) Form class is a wider concept than part of speech in traditional grammar.(2) Linguistic units which can appear in the same slot are said to be in thesame form class. For example, a(n), the, my, that, every, etc. can beplaced before nouns in English sentences. These words fall into one formclass.(3) These linguistic units are observed to have the same distribution.3. Immediate constituent (IC) analysis(1) Structural grammar is characterized by a top-down process of analysis.(2) A sentence is seen as a constituent structure. All the components of thesentences are its constituents. A sentence can be cut into sections. Eachsection is its immediate constituent. Then each section can be further cutinto constituents. This on-going cutting is termed immediate constituentanalysis.(3) Examples:⏹Old men and women: old | men and women, old || men | and women.⏹The ||| little || girl | speaks || French.(4) In this way, sentence structure is analyzed not only horizontally but alsovertically. In other words, IC analysis can account for the linearity andthe hierarchy of sentence structure.⏹I will suggest | that this || in itself reflects ||| a particular ideology|||| about gender ||||| that deserves to be re-examined.(5) Two advantages of IC analysis:A. It can analyze some ambiguities.B. It shows linearity and hierarchy of one sentence.Ⅵ.Transformational-generative (TG) grammar1. Background and the goal of TG grammar(1) Chomsky (1957) – grammar is the knowledge of native speakers.⏹Adequacy of observation⏹Adequacy of description⏹Adequacy of explanation(2) Writing a TG grammar means working out two sets of rules –phrasestructure rules and transformation rules – which are followed by speakersof the language.(3) TG grammar must account for all and only grammatical sentences.2. Syntactic categories⏹Noun Phrase (NP) ⏹Verb Phrase (VP) ⏹Sentence (S)⏹Determiner (Det) ⏹Adjective (Adj) ⏹Pronoun (Pro)⏹Verb (V)⏹Auxiliary Verb (Aux)⏹Prepositional Phrase (PP) ⏹Adverb (Adv)3. Phrase structure (PS) rules◆S → NP VP(Det) (Adj) N◆N P →Pro◆VP → (Aux) V (NP) (PP)◆PP → P NP4. Tree diagrams (omit)5. Recursion and the infinitude of languageS contains NP and VP and that S may be a constituent of NP and VP. NP and PP can be mutually inclusive. If phrasal categories appear on both sides of the arrow in phrase structure rules, the rules are recursive. Recursive rules can be applied again and again, and the phrase structure can grow endlessly.6. Sub-categorization of the lexicon.The process of putting words of the same lexical category into smaller classes according to their syntactic characteristics is called sub-categorization.7. Transformational rules (T-rules)(1) Particle movement T-ruleJohn turned the machine off. John turned off the machine.(2) Replacement T-ruleJohn beat Tom. He beat Tom.The house needs repairing (to be repaired).(3) Insertion T-ruleA fish is swimming in the pond. There is a fish swimming in the pond.(4) Deletion T-ruleThey came in and (they) sat down.(5) Copying T-ruleHe is coming, isn’t he?He has finished his homework, hasn’t he?(6) Reflexivization T-ruleI wash me (myself).8. TG grammar accounts for the mental process of our speaking.Ⅶ.Systematic-functional grammar1. Background and the goal of systemic-functional grammar⏹M. A. K. Halliday(1) Language is a system of meaning potential and a network of meaningas choices.(2) Meaning determines form, not vice versa. Meaning is realized throughforms.(3) The goal of systemic-functional grammar is to see how function andmeaning are realized through forms.(4) The three meta-functions of languageA. Ideational functionB. Interpersonal functionC. Textual function2. The transitivity system of language(1) Elements⏹Process⏹Participants⏹Circumstances(2) Categorization of realityA. Doing – material process⏹Processes involving physical actions: walking, running,throwing, kicking, wrapping, etc.⏹Actor, goal and circumstanceB. Being – relational process⏹Processes representing a relation being set up between twoseparate entities.⏹Be (identifying), have (attributive)⏹Carrier/possessor and attribute/possessedC. Sensing – mental process⏹Processes of sensing, including feeling, thinking, perceiving,imagining, wanting, liking, etc.⏹Senser and phenomenonD. Less central types of linguistic process⏹Verbal processes – saying somethingSayer and receiver⏹Behavioural processes – active conscious processesBehaver and range⏹Existential processes – existence of an entityExistent3. Mood and modality(1) Mood expresses the speaker’s attitude and serves for interpersonal function.It is a syntactic constituent made up of the subject and the finite.(2) Modality is the degree of certainty or frequency expressed by thegrammatical forms of finite. It can be categorized by modalization and modulation.4. Theme and rheme(1) Theme is the given information, while rheme is the new information.(2) Examples:⏹John | is my friend.⏹He | should have replied to my letter.Chapter 6 SemanticsⅠ.What is semantics?1. Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the onlylinguistic discipline that studies meaning.2. Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In other words,it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences out of context.Ⅱ.Reference and sense1. Linguistic expressions stand in a relation to the world. There are two aspects of meaning.2. Reference is the relation by which a word picks out or identifies an entity in theworld. But the referential theory fails to account for certain kinds of linguistic expression.(1) Some words are meaningful, but they identify no entities in the real world,such as the words dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and mermaid.(2) It is not possible for some words to find referent in the world, such as thewords but, and, of, however, the, etc.(3) Speakers of English understand the meaning of a round triangle althoughthere is no such graph.3. Sense is the relation by which words stand in human mind. It is mentalrepresentation, the association with something in the speaker’s or hearer’s mind.The study of meaning from the perspective of sense is called the1. Referential meaning (denotative meaning) – central meaning of words, stable, universal2. Associative meaning – meaning that hinges on referential meaning, less stable, more culture-specific(1) Connotative meaning –the communicative value an expression has byvirtue of what it refers to, embraces the properties of the referent,peripheral(2) Social meaning (stylistic meaning) –what is conveyed about the socialcircumstances of the use of a linguistic expression(3) Affective meaning – what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of thespeaker/writer towards what is referred to(4) Reflected meaning –what is communicated through association withanother sense of the same expression⏹Taboos(5) Collocative meaning – the associated meaning a word acquires in line withthe meaning of words which tend to co-occur with it。