金融行业oracle 解决方案




【摘要】@@ 目前,大多数银行不断采用新的技术,扩充新的业务品种,力争突出经营特色,吸引更多的客户,但大部分业务系统是独立建设的,数据和信息的传递、共享必须依靠复杂的应用程序才能完成.如何建立有效的数据集成管理机制,如何充分利用银行积累的大量数据为其科学化管理决策和发展新的业务而服务,是目前银行急需解决的问题.此外,由于中国加入WTO的步伐日益加快,我国金融业面临着新的机遇与挑战,同时也为金融电子化的发展提供了新的动力和契机.
1.Oracle数据仓库解决方案应用技术的研究 [J], 李苹
2.Oracle数据仓库解决方案应用技术探析 [J], 易明中
3.Oracle数据仓库解决方案概述 [J], 郭琳;陈志军;周玉华;杨林;刘宇宏;李环
4.Oracle金融行业解决方案获中国客户青睐 [J], 赵毅
5.采用Oracle数据仓库解决方案构建图书馆数据仓库 [J], 吴隆基

oracle 数据解决方案

oracle 数据解决方案

oracle 数据解决方案
《Oracle 数据解决方案》
Oracle 数据解决方案是一种全面的数据管理解决方案,可以帮助企业有效地管理其数据资产。

作为世界领先的数据库软件和技术供应商,Oracle 提供了许多高度可扩展、高性能的数据库解决方案,适用于各种规模和类型的企业。

Oracle 数据解决方案包括了数据库管理、数据集成、数据安全和分析等多方面的功能。

通过Oracle 数据解决方案,企业可

在数据管理方面,Oracle 数据解决方案可以帮助企业建立起健壮的数据存储和管理机制,确保数据的完整性和安全性。

同时,Oracle 数据解决方案还可以帮助企业实现数据的高效集成和处理,从而促进数据的流通和共享。

在数据安全方面,Oracle 数据解决方案提供了全面的数据安全功能,包括数据加密、访问控制、审计和监控等,可以保障数据不被非法访问和泄露。

在数据分析方面,Oracle 数据解决方案为企业提供了强大的数据分析和报告工具,可以帮助企业实时地监控数据动态、发现数据关联和趋势,并对数据进行深入分析和挖掘。

总的来说,Oracle 数据解决方案是一种综合性的数据管理解决

无论是大型企业还是中小型企业,都可以通过部署Oracle 数据解决方案,实现数据的高效管理和价值最大化。



Document Management System Interface User Guide Oracle Banking Trade Finance Release No. F50591-01November 2021Document Management System InterfaceUser Guide Oracle Financial ServicesSoftware LimitedOracle ParkOff Western ExpressHighway Goregaon(East)Mumbai, Maharashtra400 063 IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax: +91 22 6718 3001https:///industries/financial-services/index.html Copyright © 2020, 2021, Oracle and/orits affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software”pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on useand disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.ContentsContents1.Preface (1)1.2Audience (1)1.3Documentation Accessibility (1)1.4Organization (1)1.5Acronyms and Abbreviations (1)1.6Organization (1)1.7Glossary of Icons (2)1.8Related Documents (2)2.Oracle Banking Trade Finance - DMS Integration (2)2.1Oracle Banking Trade Finance and external DMS (2)2.1.1Integrating Oracle Banking Trade Finance with external DMS (2)2.1.2Adding a Document to DMS (2)2.1.3Viewing the Document Indexed in the DMS (3)2.1.4Deleting a Document Indexed in DMS (4)1. Preface 1.1 IntroductionThis manual is designed to help acquaint you with the integration of Oracle Banking Trade Finance and Oracle FLEXCUBE Document Management System Interface.1.2 AudienceThis manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:1.3 Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle AccessibilityProgram website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.1.4 OrganizationThis manual is organized as follows:1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations1.6 OrganizationThis document talks about the required maintenance and further processing of data transfer between Oracle Banking Trade Finance and DMS.1.7 Glossary of IconsThis User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.1.8 Related DocumentsYou can refer to the following documents:Procedures User Manual2. Oracle Banking Trade Finance - DMSIntegrationOracle IPM is an external Document Management System with which Oracle Banking TradeFinance integrates for document processes. Oracle IPM provides image scanning andbusiness process management capabilities for enterprise applications. Oracle IPM isintegrated with Oracle Banking Trade Finance to support the existing Oracle FLEXCUBEDMS.The integration between Oracle Banking Trade Finance and Document ManagementSystems occurs only in process flows. Therefore, not all modules of Oracle Banking TradeFinance are utilizing the services offered by the integration. The user interface in OBTF makesstandard request to the underlying infrastructure and Oracle Banking Trade Financeinfrastructure would interact with the DMS and supply the result to user interface in samemanner.This chapter includes the following section:●Section 2.1, "Oracle Banking Trade Finance and external DMS"2.1 Oracle Banking Trade Finance and external DMSThis section contains the following topics:●Section 2.1.1, "Integrating Oracle Banking Trade Finance with external DMS"●Section 2.1.2, "Adding a Document to DMS"●Section 2.1.3, "Viewing the Document Indexed in the DMS"●Section 2.1.4, "Deleting a Document Indexed in DMS"2.1.1 Integrating Oracle Banking Trade Finance with external DMSYou can integrate Oracle Banking Trade Finance with Oracle IPM. OBTF willintergrate/interact with one DMS provider at a given time and currently it is integrated withOracle IPM only. Adapters are kind of service provider which provides the operations asper the Oracle Banking Trade Finance infrastructure.Oracle Banking Trade Finance supports a set of operations that are common to the DMSsolutions supported. The set of operations that would be supported by the integrationare:●Add a document to a DMS●View a document indexed in the DMS●Delete a document indexed in the DMS2.1.2 Adding a Document to DMSIn this operation you can upload a document to a DMS. The paper documents should bescanned into a digital format, which can be uploaded to the DMS. To upload the digitaldocument, you must choose the file using the browse dialog and click upload button to indexthe document in the DMS. The DMS would register the document and provide a document IDto identify this document for later usage. This document ID can be used to locate thedocument, for other operations.Oracle Banking Trade Finance stores this document ID to maintain a linkage between thedocuments stored in the DMS, and the documents pertaining to any transaction. Hence, thedocuments indexed in the DMS by Oracle Banking Trade Finance, can be opened and viewedat a later stage.If Oracle IPM is the DMS of choice, then the document ID is stored as an attribute of thedocument.The ID can be utilized for searching and locating the document via the search features offeredby Oracle IPM.2.1.3 Viewing the Document Indexed in the DMSOracle Banking Trade Finance allows you to view documents stored in a DMS that arereferenced by transactions created in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. To view the documentcaptured in DMS, select the document and click View button.If Oracle IPM is your DMS, you must login to Oracle IPM and you can view the document inthe ‘Oracle IPM: ImageViewerTool’ screen.Documents stored in Oracle IPM are viewed via the Oracle IPM Viewer which providesadditional functionality to annotate the document.NoteIf Oracle IPM Viewer is not installed on your machine you can use the plain Image Viewerto view the documents.2.1.4 Deleting a Document Indexed in DMSDocuments stored in the DMS can be deleted from Oracle Banking Trade Finance if thetransaction stores the link to the document. To delete the document captured in the DMS,select the document and click ‘Delete’ button to delete the record from the set of documentrecords.After the deletion of a document the corresponding Oracle Banking Trade Finance transactionwould not have references to the document. If the document does not get deleted from theDMS, the record would still be removed from the Oracle Banking Trade Finance transaction,so that a failure in the DMS would not prevent further transactions.To delete multiple documents at a time, you have to select the multiple records correspondingto the document and click the delete button. The system displays the message as” Theselected documents have been deleted from the Document Manager System.”。






金融行业oracle 解决方案

金融行业oracle 解决方案

<Insert Picture Here>金融行业高性能最佳实践李宪文 高级技术顾问最为开放 完整和领先的架构 Grid+SOA低成本、高性能、易伸缩、高可用、安全、集中管理数据中心 A交换设备 负载均衡设备应用网格用户 内部互连 交换设备 Oracle网格控制数据中心 BOracle应用服务器 TimesTen Coherence数据库网格Oracle数据库 真正应用集群 分区 异地容灾 数据卫士 镜像内部互连 连接 (光纤或IP)存储网格ASM2真实世界可伸缩性的领导者• Winter TopTen™- 世界上最大的和负载最高的数据库调查 • 世界上最大的商业数据库• Yahoo @ 100TB• 世界上最大的Linux数据仓库• @ 24.7TB• 世界上最大的Linux OLTP数据库• @ 4TB• 世界上最大的科学计算数据库• Max Planck @ 222TB• 世界上最大的Unix OLTP数据库• US Patent & Trademark Office @ 16.4TB• Oracle运行着十大中的九个最大的Unix OLTP数据库 • Oracle运行着十大中的十个最大的Linux DSS和OLTP数据库3Source: WinterCorp 2005 TopTen™ Program, 即将到来的里程碑• 出现Petabyte (1000 TB)的数据库• 现在最大的是300TB • LOB数据快速的增长• 出现1000核的数据库• 现在最大的是100 到 300 核• 出现 Terabyte 缓存区• 在基准测试中已经使用了这么大的缓存区4Oracle已经为伸缩性做好准备- 25年的投入• 可伸缩的执行• Scale-up在大型SMPs • Scale-out在集群服务器 • 并行操作• 可伸缩的可用性• • • • • • RAC Flashback Data Guard RMAN 在线表重定义 只读表空间• Query, DML, DDL, Loads, Unloads, Recovery• 行级锁 • 读一致性• 可伸缩的存储• • • • •5• 可伸缩的管理• • • • 网格控制 自动优化 数据库资源管理器 自动工作负载库表分区 自动存储管理 Bigfile表空间 可传输表空间 9种索引类型SMP纵向扩展• 非常成熟• 20年的经验• 许多用户使用大型的SMPs• 64 到 128 CPUs • Sun E25K, HP Superdome, IBM Regatta• 单一系统映像• 易于管理 • 易于编写应用• 工作的很好,但是成本很高 • 处理能力有上限 • 需要一台备机实现高可用性6真正应用集群(RAC)高可用、高性能、易伸缩网络 集中的管理控制台用户互连高速的交换或互连集群的数据库服务器区 共用的缓冲存储区域网集线器或交换机镜像的磁盘子系统7真正应用集群架构共用缓冲区/磁盘架构公用网络VIP1VIP2VIP3节点1数据库实例1 ASM实例1 集群件 操作系统集群互连节点2数据库实例2 ASM实例2 集群件 操作系统共用存储 集群互连节点3数据库实例3 ASM实例3 集群件 操作系统...ASM管理所有实例的重做日志 数据库文件 控制文件 Oracle集群配置库和投票盘8RAC: 伸缩性消息传递成本和集群大小无关Instance A3Instance BUpdate Block 101Current 225Instance C2请求者200GCS持有者协调者9真正应用集群(RAC)低成本、高性能1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0TPM-C ( 每分钟事务数)1,184,893 1,008,144$8.33 /tpmC$5.52 /tpmC1x64相同的1.5 GHz安腾2 CPUs16x410Source: TPC, as of January 1, 2004: Oracle Database 10g with Real Application Clusters, 16 nodes of 4-way HP Integrity rx5670, 1,184,893 tpmC, $5.52/tpmC, available 4/30/2004. Oracle Database 10g on 64-way HP Integrity Superdome, 1,008,144 tpmC, $8.33/tpmC, available 4/14/2004.案例:澳大利亚银行无与伦比的成本与性能优势• 最近将其5+ TB 集团数据 仓库从SMP 43cpu Sun E10k 迁移到运行Oracle 10g的基于Intel的服务器 集群上 • 在他们的生产机和新的 Oracle集群上,他们运行 了查询测试 • 结果对于他们,证明了 Oracle的性能和成本优势 • Sun E10k = $1M USD+ • 4 x Intel servers = $150k USD成本 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6Performance Comparison: 43CPU Sun E10K vs. 16CPU (4 Server) RAC Cluster6:00:00 4:48:00 3:36:00 2:24:00 1:12:00 0:00:00 Te st 1 Test 2 Te st 3 Test 4 Te st 5 Te st 6硬件成本 缩减6倍!!!性能至少 提高80%GDW Production: 43CPU Sun E10K US$1M+ 00:55:00 06:00:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 04:20:00 00:30:00POC: 16CPUs – 4x4 Server Itanium Grid US$150K 00:05:30 00:38:55 00:13:55 00:58:17 00:28:34 00:02:30时差Performance Improvement w. Grid / RAC00:49:30 05:21:05 01:06:32 00:31:43 03:51:26 00:27:3089.6% 89.1% 82.9% 64.3% 88.9% 91.0%11充分验证的可伸缩性RAC 8+节点的用户• • • • • • • • • • • • Citigroup Burlington Coat Factory J2 Global Communications Genworth Financial MSDS Mercado Libre Yahoo! Overture Babcock Engineering Ordnance Survey Dell Yahoo! • • • • • • • • • • • • SAIC Fairmont Hotels ADESLAS Quelle AG Telstra Gas Natural MyTravel Thompson AOL Vivo Sagawa Kyubin12自动存储管理ASMASM Disk ASM Disk ASM Disk ASM Disk ASM Disk• 是推荐的和最好的Oracle数据库存储 管理方式• 比文件系统易于管理 • 相当于裸卷的性能 • 内置在Oracle数据库 • 所有数据库的共享存储池• 免费, 广泛使用• > 65%的10g RAC部署在ASM • > 25%的10g用户在使用ASM • 许多VLDB超过10TB13自动存储管理LANOracle DB ASMOracle DB ASMOracle DB ASMStorage Area NetworkEntry level RAID SATA SAS High end RAID Volumes & RAW Partitions NASJBOD14使用ASM降低数据管理成本8 78 7 6Nbr Steps7 6 6 65 4 2 2 0Install Add Storage Remove Storage Migrate Storage Tune I/O5 4 3 2 1 00Manage SpaceTraditional ASM“节省成本的最好方法是减少复杂性”15为何要数据分区(Data Partitioning)• 表与索引数据的爆炸性增长• 在大型数据库系统中 表数据量通常 >> 10GB • 现在表的数据量比以前中等规模的数据库还大 !!• 超大规模表与索引的要求• 部分数据区失败不会对其他数据区造成影响 • 数据管理操作可在固定的维护窗口下运行 • 数据大量增长的情况下,保持执行效率• 解决方案 : Data Partitioning• 分而治之16Oracle 分区(Partitioning)高性能、高可用、易管理ORDERS ORDERS ORDERS Europe USA Jan 大表 难于管理 Feb Jan Feb分区(范围、哈希、 列表) 分而治之 易于管理 提高性能组合分区(范围-哈 希,范围-列表) 更高性能 更灵活的适合业务需 求17分区裁剪• 减少读取数据的内部机制• 只有相关的分区会被访问• 对应用透明• 自动分析SQL语句• 两种分区裁剪方式• 静态裁剪 • 动态裁剪静态分区裁剪select sum(amount_sold) from sales where times_id between ‘01-MAR-2004’ and ‘31-MAY-2004’; • 相关的分区在解析时知道• Look for actual values in PSTART/PSTOP columns in the plan• 优化器对SQL语句有准确的信息04-Jan04-Feb04-Mar04-Apr04-May04-Jun19动态分区裁剪04-Jan• •复杂查询的高级裁剪机制• E.g. beneficial for Star schemas Look for the word ‘KEY’ in PSTART/PSTOP columns in the Plan04-Feb循环语句在运行时评估相关的分区•04-Mar04-Apr04-MayTime04-Junselect sum(amount_sold) from sales s, times t where t.time_id = s.time_id and t.month in (‘05-Mar’, ‘05-Apr’, ‘05-May’);Sales20完全分区智能的连接x相同分区的表会智能的处理– –Partitions containing the same Subset of data are joined Joins returning no data are suppressed right away Common improvement of 15 – 30%Orders97-Apr Sub-1 Sub-2 Sub-3x透明的性能提高–LineitemSub-1 Sub-2 Sub-3LineitemSub-1Orders97-Apr Sub-1 Sub-2Sub-2Sub-3Sub-321部分分区智能的连接• If Lineitem table is partitioned by the join key, then Orders table can be re-distributed to enable partition-wise joinLineitemSub-1OrdersLineitemSub-1OrdersSub-1Sub-2Sub-2Sub-2Sub-3Sub-3Sub-322OLTP索引热点消除• 数据以单向增长的方式插入• • • • 唯一键值索引 在打包应用中常见 数据插入到多个分区中 消除热点• 全局哈希分区索引23Weblogic Enterprise Edition构建可靠的Web应用集群硬件负载均衡设备Weblogic EEWeblogic EEWeblogic EEWeblogic EEWEB 应用服务器1WEB 应用服务器2WEB 应用服务器3WEB 应用服务器4Weblogic Cluster• 通过硬件设备提供可靠的负载均衡 • 通过Weblogic集群提供应用的高可用性24TimesTen和Coherence数据库功能完整的SQL支持 和BI查询在中间层管理数据的最好的方案 Oracle TimesTen提供: •高吞吐量 •数据可靠性 •高可用性SQL操作检索和汇总Oracle Coherence扩展性一个节点 (SMP) 集群 (N-节点) 网格 (NNN-节点)25Oracle TimesTen内存数据库针对物理内存而优化的应用层数据库,可以获得极高的响 应速度并实现实时数据缓存呈现层“针对性能要求高的 系统的应用层数据 管理解决方案”应用层数据库层26TimesTen内存数据库• 内存中的RDBMSNetworkApplicationTimesTen Client lib ClientServerApplication Application Application TimesTen TimesTen Libraries TimesTen Libraries Libraries Direct-linked• 全部数据库在内存中 • 标准的访问接口ODBC/JDBC, SQL 92 • 与Oracle数据库兼容• 极高的性能• 极快的响应时间 • 高吞吐量 • 支持嵌入式In-Memory Database• 持续性和持久性• 数据库存放在磁盘上 • 支持事务的ACID属性Transaction Logs Checkpoint files• 实时的服务• 在线的非阻塞的操作 • 实时的数据库变更通知• 几乎不需要管理27内存数据库与磁盘数据库的比较数据库特性 目标应用 数据模型 优化 典型部署方式 架构 响应时间 数据容量 可扩展性 Oracle 10g 关键业务应用 关系型 - SQL Database Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database 关键业务应用 关系型 - SQL磁盘为中心 数据库层 客户机/服务器 毫秒到秒级TB到PB级 Cluster (RAC) & SMP内存为中心 应用层 嵌入式(直接数据访问) 微秒到毫秒级GB级 SMP2829极快的响应速度Average Response Time TimesTen In-Memory Database30Microseconds2030millionths of a second100 Update a recordMillionths of a second11Read a recordOracle TimesTen In-Memory Database 7.0, 4-CPU, 3 GHz x86 Xeon, 32-bit RHLinuxCache Connect to OracleApplicationNetworkApplicationTimesTen Client lib ClientServer• 从Oracle数据库缓存表 • 用户配置的缓存组• 缓存独立的表或有关联的表 • 缓存行和列的全集或子集TimesTen Libraries Direct-linked• 只读的或可更新的Cache Tables• 想常规的数据库表一样访问缓存表Tx Logs Checkpoints• 自动的数据同步• 从TimesTen到Oracle • 从Oracle到TimesTenCache Agent31从Oracle数据库缓存数据Cache Group—描述缓存在TimesTen内存数据库中的Oracle 数据,支持SQL WHERE语句TimesTen Cache GroupsRoot Table Child Table Child Table例子:缓存多于500个购买订单的 重要客户的名字和地址CREATE CACHE GROUP PremierUsers FROM CUSTOMER ( NAME VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, ADDR VARCHAR2(100) ) WHERE CUSTOMER.ORDER > 500;Child Table32案例:ODS 项目TimesTen 用于§ 解决数据库服务器性能处理瓶颈 § 提升BO报表展现的性能Client性能指标§ 展现速度提高在3倍以上配置§ § § § § 4-CPU server AIX 平台 v5.0, 7856MB TimesTen6.0.2 Oracle DB 9i BO Server 为 BosinessObject XIODBCServerTimesTen的价值§ 提高展现速度 § 移植工作量较少33什么是Coherence• Tangosol,领先的可靠内存数据网格软件供应商 • 支持极速的事务处理(XTP) • 标准的Java Archive “JAR”,标准的动态链接库“DLL” for .NET • 使用于应用层 • 比应用服务器更强的数据管理 • 比应用服务器更好的伸缩性能 “最复杂java.util.Map实现”34Oracle Coherence数据网格分布式内存数据管理数据虚拟化Enterprise Applications Real Time Clients Web ServicesData ServicesOracle Coherence Data Grid• 通过一个单一的一致的数据视图 提供一个可靠的数据层 • 提供动态数据能力包括容错和负 载均衡 • 保证数据能力和处理能力同步扩 展DatabasesMainframesWeb Services35分布式数据管理36数据网格使用场景缓存应用从数据网格请求数据,而不是后台数据源分析应用从数据网格运行查询和场景建模事务数据网格作为一个记录事物系统,存放数据和业务逻辑事件基于事件自动的处理37案例:FedEx提高在线跟踪性能• 公司介绍 • 领先的运输、电子商务和商业服务供应 商 • 运营4个业务:FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, 和 FedEx Kinko's • 行业:货物空运服务 • • • • • 结果 • 部署了Oracle Coherence在中间层的 内存中虚拟化数据, 使包裹的状态信息 可以在线立即得到 • 平均减少了68%的页面刷新时间 • 在6个月提高了38%的客户满意度 • 通过扩展在线服务选项减少了客户服 务成本和提高了客户满意度 挑战 • 通过为数据网格动态增加低成本服务 器应对季节性业务高峰 扩展在线包裹跟踪系统,处理增长的运 送量和每个包裹的跟踪数据 由于系统性能,客户满意度下降了24% 管理和季节性相关的运输成本• 解决方案 • Oracle Coherence • Oracle数据库38真正应用测试• 价值• 技术的快速采用 • 更高的测试质量部署 测试• 业务受益• 成本更低 • 风险更低更改• 特性• 数据库重放 • SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA)纠正通过高级测试实现业务灵活性39数据库重放测试生产级的系统更改捕获 负载重放生产环境40测试环境使用数据库重放的真正应用测试• • • 在测试环境中重放生产负载 在对生产环境进行更改前识别、分析和修复潜在的不稳定因素 在生产环境中捕获负载• • 使用实际负载、时限和并行特性捕获完整生产负载 将捕获的负载移到测试系统 在测试系统中做出需要的更改 使用完整生产特性重放负载 执行提交排序 错误 数据差异 性能差异•在测试环境中重放负载• • ••分析和报告• • •分析和报告41LoadRunner 与数据库重放对比电子商务套件测试8080 60 40 20 0 安装 和 设置 识 别关 键事 务 运 行测 试需时(天)24 4 020 020 5 2 5LoadRunner 数 据库 重放总测试时间 数据库重放:½ 个月 LoadRunner:7 ½ 个月42数据库重放对比ü只有 Oracle 才能构建的技术第三方 负载测试工具 负载 人工模拟负载 Oracle 数据库重放 实际应用程序负载测试范围1-5% 的工作流•简单应用程序:数周 •复杂应用程序:数月100% 的工作流•简单应用程序:数天 •复杂应用程序:数天测试工作量43SQL Performance Analyzer• • • • 测试更改对 SQL 查询性能的影响 在生产环境中捕获 SQL 负载(包括统计信息和绑定变量) 在测试环境中重新执行 SQL 查询 分析性能更改 — 提升和降低客户 端客户 端…客户 端生产环境 测试环境 重新执行 SQL 查询中间层捕获 SQLOracle DB……使用 SQL Tuning Advisor 调整性 能降低存储44SPA 报告45SQL Performance Analyzer 优点从:手动创建负载 综合负载 耗时数月的手动分析 部分负载 高风险到:自动的负载捕获 生产负载 耗时数分钟的自动分析 完整负载 低风险46最为开放 完整和领先的架构 Grid+SOA低成本、高性能、易伸缩、高可用、安全、集中管理数据中心 A交换设备 负载均衡设备应用网格用户 内部互连 交换设备 Oracle网格控制数据中心 BOracle应用服务器 TimesTen Coherence数据库网格Oracle数据库 真正应用集群 分区 异地容灾 数据卫士 镜像内部互连 连接 (光纤或IP)存储网格ASM4748。


Customer Interaction Across All Channels
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Margin Pressure
Industry Transformation
Today Tomorrow
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Standardize and Streamline Internal Business Operations
Foundation: Oracle Technology
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Support World-Class, Scalable Solutions
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Build Flexible, Customer-Centric Systems with Partners
• Scale to Meet Any Volume • Modularize Core Systems • Connect Externally Facing
Enable you to:
Provide Scalable, Flexible Technology Infrastructure Drive Customer to Personalized, Profitable Offering Improve Performance Mgmt, Reporting and Compliance


CRM客户信息零散分布…… 核心
- 客户基本信息 - 详细的存款、贷款信息 - 帐户交易明细
DW 数据仓库
存款详细信息 贷款详细信息 信用卡详细信息 …
Analyze the Past, Monitor Present and Take Action for the Future
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• 银行业总体发展趋势 • 银行业云计算应用场景
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• •
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关键词金融企业;oracle数据库;性能;优化中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671—7597(2013)041-032-02金融企业在运营过程中会产生大量的数据信息,应用这些信息金融企业可以获得所需的分析结果或者对历史记录进行查看。




1 oracle数据库的特点Oracle数据库具有以下特点。







2 数据库性能的评价标准可以从以下几个标准对数据库性能进行评价:单位时间内数据库软件可以完成的SQL语句数量叫做系统吞吐量,该指标主要用于衡量相同资源环境下软件的工作效率。








为满足企业和组织对于高效数据存储和分析的需求,Oracle公司提出了oracledsg(Oracle Data Solutions Group)方案。


I. oracledsg方案简介oracledsg方案是Oracle公司设计的一套全面的数据存储和管理解决方案。


oracledsg方案包括以下几个关键组成部分:1. 数据库管理系统(DBMS):oracledsg方案基于Oracle数据库,具备强大的数据处理和管理能力。


2. 数据仓库(Data Warehouse):oracledsg方案提供了完善的数据仓库解决方案,能够对企业的海量数据进行存储、清洗、集成和分析。


3. 数据集成和ETL(Extract, Transform, Load)工具:oracledsg方案提供了强大的数据集成和ETL工具,能够将来自不同数据源和系统的数据整合到一个统一的数据库中,并进行规范化、清洗和转换。

4. 数据安全和备份:oracledsg方案具备高级的数据安全和备份功能,能够保护企业的重要数据免受损害和丢失。


II. oracledsg方案的优势oracledsg方案具有以下几个显著的优势,使其成为企业和组织的首选数据解决方案:1. 高性能:oracledsg方案基于Oracle数据库,采用先进的索引和查询优化技术,具备卓越的性能。


2. 强大的扩展性:oracledsg方案能够轻松扩展以应对不断增长的数据量和用户访问量。



Oracle对民生银行资产负债管理系统方案建议书1. 介绍民生银行作为中国五大商业银行之一,拥有广泛的业务范围和客户群体。




2. 问题分析2.1 现有系统存在的问题民生银行资产负债管理系统目前存在以下问题:•系统安全性不足。




2.2 解决方案针对现有系统的问题,Oracle公司提出以下解决方案:1.建立一个基于Oracle Database的资产负债管理系统,该系统提供了完整、安全、高性能的数据库服务和多种数据保护功能,能够满足民生银行对系统安全的需求。




3. 解决方案的优势Oracle公司提出的方案有以下优势:1.安全性高:Oracle Database提供完整的安全管理控制,包括身份验证、授权、加密、审计等功能,能够很好地保护民生银行的业务数据。




Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance解决方案说明

Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance解决方案说明

Oracle Financial ServicesTrading ComplianceRegulatory agencies have set clear mandates for financial institutions to intensify compliance initiatives and ensure that a culture of compliance prevails throughout the organization. A rigorous approach to monitoring and surveillance of trading activity that generates meaningful alerts, enables efficient investigation and analysis, and streamlines the ongoing management and r eporting of relevant information is key to a firm’s ability to meet more stringent regulatory expectations and achieve an operating environment that protects the firm’s reputation and customers. The proven capabilities of the Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance solution for monitoring proprietary, employee, and customer trading can serve as a cornerstone of a Financial Crime and Compliance Management strategy.K E Y F E A T U R E S•Prebuilt scenarios and detectiontechniques•Tools for custom, ad hoc scenariocreation•Comprehensive instrument coveragewith trader, customer, security andaccount alert focuses•Adaptability to industry regulatorychanges•Extensive monitoring of potential market abuse/manipulation•Full documentation of ingestionprocess, data model and scenario logic •Iterative data ingestion process allowsfor efficient behavior detectionexpansion•Market replay and ad hoc reporting •Complete documentation, workflow, and audit trail Identify Potentially Problematic Behavior across Asset ClassesOracle Financial Services Trading Compliance leverages a robust and comprehensive list of trading behavior detection scenarios to help firms monitor activities and detect actions that can lead to non-compliance with regulation and loss of reputation in the market. A sample of the areas of coverage include:∙Market Manipulation and Abuse: Representative scenarios in this area include Marking the Open/Close, Spoofing and Layering, Wash Trading and Parking,Spoofing and others.∙Insider Trading and Control Room: Representative scenarios in this area include Trading Ahead of Material Events, Front Running Related Products, Trading Against Restricted Lists, and others.∙Off Market Pricing and Best Execution: Representative scenarios include Off Market Fair Pricing, Excessive Markups/Markdowns, Price Dis-improvement, Order Execution Un-timeliness, and others.Key Features and FunctionalityDetection of complex behaviors through “scenarios” that apply sophisticated data mining tools and algorithms has been the hallmark of the Oracle Financial Services since 1996. In addition to a comprehensive offering of scenarios that remain widely recognized as the most configurable of detection techniques, Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance offers the following key capabilities:∙Flexibility and Configurability: Throughout the application, from the user interface to the underlying alert generation approach, users can readily tailor the application to meet any specific needs of the firm or an individual user.K E Y B E N E F I T S•Provide proactive view of all trading activity•Increase customer satisfaction & loyalty •Improve regulator relationships •Extend compliance process efficiencies with a configurable platform and a thoroughly documented solution •Reduced time to market and cost of complianceR E L A T E D P R O D U C T SThe following products are also available from Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications:•Oracle Financial Services Broker Compliance•Oracle Financial Services Crime and Compliance Management Analytics •Oracle Financial Services Trade Blotter •Oracle Financial Services Anti Money Laundering•Oracle Financial Services Fraud •Oracle Financial Services Know Your Customer•Oracle Financial Services Enterprise Case Management•Oracle Financial Services Currency Transaction Reporting ∙Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards: Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance offers a range of behavioridentification approaches ranging from the simple to the complex. Oracle Business Intelligence complements scenario detection with a robust set of tools for analytics and reporting.∙Expedited Implementation Processes: Quality data will always be the driver of quality alerts. Oracle Financial Services provides multiple approaches to dataacquisition that can get you up and running faster than ever.∙Extended Scenario Library: With over 200 unique patterns for detecting unusual trading activity, Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance meets requirements of financial institutions of all sizes in every global market.∙Highly Configurable Scenarios: Compliance is not a one-size-fits-all business.Oracle Financial Services' pre-built scenarios are easily configured with parameters that allow institutions to match their individual compliance philosophy, risk tolerance, and personnel resource availability with the appropriate level of monitoring andanalysis.∙Threshold Analyzer: Regulators routinely drill compliance personnel on the selected settings for their monitoring efforts. Threshold Analyzer looks at historic alerts to help firms hone in on the ideal settings and demonstrate quantitatively to regulators the rationale for the firm’s decisions.∙Automated Alert Correlation: A compliance officer’s best friend, the Alert Correlation tool automatically searches across all Oracle Financial Services alerts to identify potentially undiscovered relationships.∙Enterprise Case Management: Designed to meet the specific needs of the financial crime and compliance management user community, the Oracle Financial Services Case Management component offers a separate case management workflowintegrated with the alert workflow. Users can generate new cases or promote existing alerts to cases enabling a more holistic and enterprise approach to compliance risk management.∙More Alert Perspectives: Core scenarios generate alerts from multiple perspectives, or “focus types,” enabling alerts on individual traders, trading desks/benches/books, customer accounts, other firm employees, individual securities, orders, and/orexecutions.∙Mature Data Model: Experienced compliance personnel understand that a rich data set enables quality alerts and the efficient analysis of those alerts. Oracle Financial Services leverages a robust data model for compliance risk management that is essential for identifying the complex behaviors that most threaten the financial firm in the form of reputational and regulatory risk.∙Comprehensive Instrument Coverage: As regulatory inspection and global regulatory reform extends to more complex asset classes, Oracle Financial Services can easily adapt. When combined with existing scenarios for Equities, Fixed Income, and Mutual Funds, firms can re-purpose scenarios against other asset classes thru performance-engineered threshold settings and updated presentation layersdesigned expressly for the dramatic variations in trading different asset classes. Monitor Trading In Line with Regulatory and Customer ExpectationsSecurities fraud and market abuse —often committed through manipulation of market or customer trades and accounts— is an ever-present problem for the global financial services industry. Rogue traders, bad employees, and changing economic conditions, can all drive individual and organizational behaviors that range from questionable and manipulative to fraudulent and criminal. Regulatory demands continue to exert pressure around trading compliance issues such as market manipulation, insider dealing, and fairdealing with customers.Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance applies sophisticated pattern recognition techniques to monitor trading activities regarding global regulatory compliance. The solution provides trade-by-trade visibility into interactions between traders and other market participants to identify potentially problematic practices.Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance allows you to achieve:∙ A Proactive View of All Trading Activities. By allowing you to discern intentional from unintentional trading behaviors and detect trader and customer behaviors,Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance gives you greater insight into your trading activities like the ability to identify trade-by-trade detail at the exact time an event occurs and its resulting impact.∙Improved Regulator Relationships. Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance covers numerous asset classes, market segments and jurisdictions, through the use of industry-proven scenarios to identify key behaviors. Leveraging multiple detection cycles (for example, intra-day, daily, multi-day), you can readily respond to regulator inquiries by indicating that a potential problem has been identified and corrected.∙Compliance Process Efficiencies. Using market-driven approaches for identifying hundreds of behaviors of interest, compliance personnel can shift from time-consuming and manual methods of data gathering and hunting for anomalies, to focusing on the most urgent and threatening issues that are automatically identified through alerting algorithms. Additionally, Oracle Financial Services TradingCompliance provides compliance analysts with market and reference data thatenables the rapid disposition and routing of alerts, efficient management ofsubsequent investigations, and a simple escalation process where further casemanagement is required.∙Reduced Cost of Compliance. Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance is offered as part of a broad, integrated compliance platform that helps firms: »Achieve a holistic view of their traders, employees, and customers»Overcome the inadequacies of silo-driven approach to compliance»Reduce total cost of ownership by consolidating onto a single platform»Reduce time by implementing an application immediately ready for use “Future-Proof” Your Compliance InvestmentOracle Financial Services Trading Compliance operates within the Oracle Financial Services Financial Crime and Compliance family of solutions, the first comprehensive set of applications to meet the particular needs of the financial services community. This solution comprises Oracle Financial Services’ best-in-class risk and compliance behavior detection solutions for Anti-Money Laundering, Fraud, Know Your Customer, and Trading and Broker Compliance applications. It surrounds these point solutions to provide an end-to-end solution that leverages a robust data model and comprehensive dashboard capabilities to deliver a single transparent, holistic view of all Financial Crime and Compliance related activities across the enterprise.Oracle Financial Services helps you to identify operational inefficiencies that increase noncompliance risks and overall compliance costs.The unified Oracle Financial Services Financial Crime and Compliance family of applications helps you tackle today's tactical risk and compliance problems while future-proofing compliance spending across regulatory mandates. By establishing a strategy to address risk and compliance initiatives, you can respond to changing business andregulatory conditions while leveraging existing business, functional, and technologycomponents thereby improving the consistency and effectiveness of your data,increasing your business performance, improving your time to production andstrengthening your competitive advantage: all while controlling your overall compliancecosts.About Oracle Financial Services Analytical ApplicationsOracle Financial Services Analytical Applications bring financial institutions best-of-breed capabilities to proactively manage Financial Crime, Compliance, Risk, Treasury,Finance and the Front Office. The applications are built upon a commonly availableanalytical infrastructure consisting of a unified financial services data model, analyticalcomputations, a Metadata driven “R” modeling platform, and the industry-leading OracleBusiness Intelligence platform.A single, unified data model and infrastructure provides one version of the analytical“truth" to business users throughout the entire enterprise. This enables financial servicesinstitutions to confidently manage performance, governance, risk and compliance.Shared data, metadata, computations and business rules enable institutions to meetemerging business and regulatory requirements with reduced expenses and the unifiedplatform helps financial institutions to leverage existing investments.C O N T A C T U SFor more information about Oracle Financial Services Trading Compliance, visit/financialservices or call +1.800.633.0738 to speak to an Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/financialservices/OracleFS/oraclefs/financialservicesCopyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any otherwarranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations areformed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license andare trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo aretrademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 0417。



Oracle解决方案支持灵活的业务 流程定制和调整,有助于银行优 化管理会计相关流程,提升整体 运营效率。
通过实施Oracle解决方案,银行可降低在硬 件、软件及人力等方面的成本支出,实现资 源的优化配置和高效利用。
该解决方案提供全面、准确的管理会计信息,有助 于银行管理层做出更科学、合理的决策,推动银行 业务发展。
加强网络安全管理,采用防火墙、入侵检测等 安全措施,对数据进行加密存储和传输,确保 数据安全。
数据输入错误或处理不当可能导致数据不准 确,影响银行决策和业绩评估。
建立完善的数据校验和审核机制,对数据进行 定期核查和清理,确保数据准确性。
银行管理会计系统 Oracle解决方案
• 引言 • OБайду номын сангаасacle解决方案概述 • 银行管理会计系统现状分析 • Oracle解决方案在银行管理会计
• Oracle解决方案的实施效果与收 益分析
• Oracle解决方案的风险与应对措 施
• 总结与展望
缺乏专业的Oracle数据库管理人员可能导致系统运维困难 。
加强人员培训和技能提升,引进具有Oracle数据库管理经 验的专业人才,确保系统运维水平。
建立完善的人员交接和培训制度,确保关键岗位人员流动 不会对系统造成严重影响。同时,积极培养后备人才,降 低人员流动带来的风险。




























1. 企业级应用:许多大型企业使用Oracle数据库来支持企业资源规划(ERP)系统、客户关系管理(CRM)系统和供应链管理系统等重要业务应用。

2. 金融领域:银行和金融机构经常使用Oracle数据库来管理大量的交易数据、客户账户信息和风险分析等。

3. 电信行业:电信运营商使用Oracle数据库来管理用户资料、通信记录和计费信息等。

4. 零售业:零售业公司使用Oracle数据库来管理存货、销售数据、订单处理和供应链信息等。

5. 健康保健:医院和保健机构使用Oracle数据库来管理患者记录、医疗图像和诊断数据等。

6. 教育部门:大学和学校使用Oracle数据库来管理学生信息、教职工信息和学术研究数据等。

7. 公共部门:政府和政府机构使用Oracle数据库来管理公





























oracle数据库典型案例(最新版)目录1.Oracle 数据库概述2.Oracle 数据库的典型案例3.Oracle 数据库的优势和应用场景正文一、Oracle 数据库概述Oracle 数据库是一款由甲骨文公司开发的关系型数据库管理系统,其功能强大、稳定性高,广泛应用于各个行业。

Oracle 数据库能够提供数据安全、完整性、可靠性和可扩展性等多种特性,满足不同企业的需求。

二、Oracle 数据库的典型案例1.金融行业:Oracle 数据库在金融行业有着广泛的应用,如银行、证券、保险等领域。

其中,银行系统对数据的安全性和稳定性要求非常高,Oracle 数据库能够满足这些需求,成为金融行业的首选。

2.电信行业:Oracle 数据库在电信行业也有着广泛的应用,如电话簿管理、计费系统等。

电信行业数据量大、访问频繁,Oracle 数据库能够高效地处理这些数据,保证系统的稳定运行。

3.医疗行业:在医疗行业,Oracle 数据库可以用于病历管理、药品管理等系统。

这些系统对数据的安全性、完整性要求很高,Oracle 数据库能够满足这些要求,为医疗行业提供可靠的数据管理方案。

4.零售行业:在零售行业,Oracle 数据库可以用于商品管理、销售管理等系统。

零售行业数据量庞大,Oracle 数据库能够高效地处理这些数据,帮助企业提高运营效率。

三、Oracle 数据库的优势和应用场景1.数据安全:Oracle 数据库采用多级安全机制,可以确保数据的安全性。


2.数据完整性:Oracle 数据库能够确保数据的完整性,防止数据篡改、丢失等。


3.高性能:Oracle 数据库具有高性能,能够处理大量数据。


4.可扩展性:Oracle 数据库具有良好的可扩展性,能够随着业务发展进行扩展。

Oracle Finance数据分析解决方案指南说明书

Oracle Finance数据分析解决方案指南说明书

Business / Technical BriefSolution Brief: Enabling Finance LeadershipHow IT can empower finance teams with acomplete, self-service data analytics solutionCopyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliatesPublicIntroductionNo longer is it enough for finance teams to report financial results and streamline processes; in fact, 85% of an ESG survey respondents believe it is imperative for the finance organization to transform from reporting on “what” is happening in the business to “why” things are happening. Finance leaders are expected to answer new questions from executives every day, and to guide business strategy. It is therefore not surprising that according to Gartner, the #1 priority of CFOs is advanced data analytics technologies.While Deloitte notes that “CFOs are in a unique position to become the chief analytics officers as finance gains a bigger influence in driving the company’s strategy”, CFOs do spend more time sifting through spreadsheets than doing anything else—an average of 2.24 hours per day. Finance teams face significant challenges combining ever growing data sets across different formats and sources into a single source of truth to provide actionable insights to other departments.For IT teams, those needs translate into an increasing number of complex, time consuming demands from financial analysts.In this brief, we shall review how IT can enable finance teams to get the deep, trustworthy, data-driven insights they need to make quick decisions—while ensuring data governance, security, and saving significant time and efforts. Real-time insights to drive innovation and growth while reducing costsLet’s consider the following customer stories outlining how, with Oracle’s solution, finance teams have been able to dramatically improve their data analytics processes, while significantly reducing costs.Dou Yue’s 30 restaurants across China are committed to serving traditional Chinese cuisine on premises and for takeout. Multiple isolated legacy data platforms prevented the company from gaining the comprehensive, real-time insights it needed. If Dou Yue executives wanted to get a view of the entire business, they had to export spreadsheets from various systems to then manually aggregate and calculate results, a process that was outdated and error prone.By deploying Oracle Autonomous Database for analytics and data warehousing and Oracle Analytics Cloud on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Dou Yue integrated the data from multiple business systems onto a single, cloud-based platform. The financial team can now pull revenue, inventory, and other data—by restaurant—for company executives to act on. For example, when a restaurant posts a revenue decline, Dou Yue executives can analyze the environmental conditions (traffic, weather), sales model (dine-in or takeout), as well as menu and pricing in the region where the restaurant is located to determine the root causes and adjust strategy. By analyzing historical trends, repeat-consumption, and other data, Dou Yue is now able to understand which dishes customers like and adjust them—or create new ones—in a timely manner. They can also determine which commercial buildings tend to order the most take-out to inform targeted marketing campaigns and where to locate future restaurants. In the past, the company required two or three full-time staffers to spend a few hours to manually produce reports. With Oracle’s solution, reports are generated with a simple click, dramatically improving business decision-making while reducing labor costs.At Data Intensity, the finance team was spending 60% of the time just getting the data out of the systems. With Autonomous Database for analytics and data warehousing, they can now run 200 reports in seconds. A testament to the value of the solution, 10X more users are now accessing the system, driving value. Additionally, the company reduced costs by 30%. “Our CFO is delighted, he could do what he could not do before, sit in a board meeting and get the data then and there at his fingertips.” said James Anthony, CTO.Lyft, the transportation network, was busy reimagining the future of transportation. Behind the scenes though, the company had gone from a high-growth start-up to a publicly traded enterprise processing billions of transactions a year—and its finance systems hadn’t kept up. Lyft turned to Oracle for its integrated Oracle Fusion applications and data analytics solution. Jay Weiland, Director of Financial Solutions at Lyft said “When I have a process running in the middle of the night, I can’t tell you the exact minute it’s going to stop. With the autoscaler in Autonomous Database, it scales the number of CPUs automatically, so I don’t have to pay for idle hours. That’s very attractive to my finance team.”Faced with regulatory changes, Arlington Orthopedic Specialists required deeper analysis of its operations to avoid losses. With Autonomous Database and Oracle Analytics Cloud, they can now visualize detailed financial scenarios instantly, helping them negotiate the right rates with insurance carriers, and then allocate those savings toward programs that improve patient care. The company increased collections by 62% and reduced days-of-sales-outstanding from 79 days to 22 days, boosting revenue by 18%. CFO Honey Ranario said “Without the Oracle system, I would probably need to hire five or six financial analysts to perform the same volume and quality of analytics.”See more customer case studies.A complete, self-service data analytics solutionOracle delivers a complete, self-service data analytics solution empowering finance teams to rapidly get the deep, trustworthy, data-driven insights they need to make quick decisions.Self-service, governed, secure solution to meet business and IT needsWith a self-service solution, finance team members independently load, transform data, build business models, and automatically discover insights powered by machine learning. IT reduces risks with a governed, secure solution. IT teams can additionally rely on a simple, reliable, and repeatable approach for all data analytics requests from finance teams.Automation uniquely simplifies operations and boosts productivityAutonomous Database intelligently automates provisioning, configuring, securing, patching, backing up, performance tuning, and repairing of a data warehouse. This reduces administration effort by up to 90%, enabling finance teams to operate independently while freeing up valuable resources for IT teams.All-in-one solution with comprehensive suite of built-in toolsFinance teams can quickly combine all necessary data across different sources and formats in a converged database to drive secure collaboration around a single source of truth. Analysts can use graph, spatial analytics, build machine learning models, and create new applications themselves with no/low code built-in tools. Nothing more to purchase, install, and integrate.Elastic auto-scaling for consistent high performance and cost savingsAny number of concurrent users can benefit from consistent, high query performance, even at peak times. Unlike other cloud services, Autonomous Database scales while the service continues to run and can do so automatically to maintain performance. Compute resources can conversely be reduced or shut down during more quiet periods to reduce customers’ costs. All with no or minimal intervention from IT.“It's like the iOS of the enterprise cloud data warehouse space.”Patrick MoorheadFounder, President, & Principal Analyst at Moor Insights & StrategyArchitecture and offeringsThe architecture of the solution is represented below:Data from all sources and formats can be combined in Autonomous Database for analytics and data warehousing. It is the only cloud data warehouse that is autonomous, self-service, and complete, providing finance teams with a comprehensive suite of built-in tools:•Data tools enable self-service drag-and-drop data loading, data transformation, and business modelling.Financial analysts can automatically discover insights with machine learning algorithms—no coding required—saving them significant time and efforts.•Built-in graph analytics enables financial analysts to visualize relationships and connections between data entities. They can for example instantly see all costs and headcount associated to a given project, or understand all dependencies associated to a given supplier to best manage supplier relationships.•With built-in spatial analytics, they can rapidly answer financial questions such as “where did bad weather impact revenue?”, or “where are our most profitable customers?”•Financial analysts can build machine learning models—with a no code interface for business users—to predict likely financial outcomes, e.g. customers likely to default on payment, transactions likely to be fraudulent, expected revenue based on forecast and historical patterns…etc•With the built-in Oracle APEX low-code development platform, finance teams can quickly develop applications for ad hoc needs and gaps/processes handled outside of their ERP—without having to join a queue of IT projects. Such applications can include ad hoc data rooms for acquisitions, tracking the progress of digital transformation initiatives, or COVID-19 related applications.Oracle Analytics Cloud is connected to Autonomous Database, empowering business users and executives with modern, AI-powered, self-service analytics capabilities for data preparation, visualization, enterprise reporting, augmented analysis, and natural language processing/generation. Alternatively, Autonomous Database is certified with all popular analytics tools inlcuding Tableau, Looker, and Microsoft Power BI, ensuring freedom of choice for customers.“Enabling data analysts, citizen data scientists, and business users to create and analyze their own data sets with self-service tools avoids IT bottlenecks and significantly improves their productivity.”Bradley ShimminChief Analyst, OmdiaConclusionBeyond their core financial responsibilities, finance leaders are in a unique position to guide business strategy and help other departments achieve their goals. Having the ability to rapidly and independently turn a growing mountain of data into insights is essential to achieve these objectives. With Oracle’s complete, self-service data analytics solution powered by Autonomous Database, IT can enable finance teams to efficiently take on the leadership role that is increasingly expected of them—while reducing risks and increasing both IT and analysts' productivity.Learn more and get started in a few minutes only.Connect with usCall +1.800.ORACLE1 or visit . Outside North America, find your local office at: /contact. /oracle /oracleCopyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. 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<Insert Picture Here>金融行业高性能最佳实践李宪文 高级技术顾问最为开放 完整和领先的架构 Grid+SOA低成本、高性能、易伸缩、高可用、安全、集中管理数据中心 A交换设备 负载均衡设备应用网格用户 内部互连 交换设备 Oracle网格控制数据中心 BOracle应用服务器 TimesTen Coherence数据库网格Oracle数据库 真正应用集群 分区 异地容灾 数据卫士 镜像内部互连 连接 (光纤或IP)存储网格ASM2真实世界可伸缩性的领导者• Winter TopTen™- 世界上最大的和负载最高的数据库调查 • 世界上最大的商业数据库• Yahoo @ 100TB• 世界上最大的Linux数据仓库• @ 24.7TB• 世界上最大的Linux OLTP数据库• @ 4TB• 世界上最大的科学计算数据库• Max Planck @ 222TB• 世界上最大的Unix OLTP数据库• US Patent & Trademark Office @ 16.4TB• Oracle运行着十大中的九个最大的Unix OLTP数据库 • Oracle运行着十大中的十个最大的Linux DSS和OLTP数据库3Source: WinterCorp 2005 TopTen™ Program, 即将到来的里程碑• 出现Petabyte (1000 TB)的数据库• 现在最大的是300TB • LOB数据快速的增长• 出现1000核的数据库• 现在最大的是100 到 300 核• 出现 Terabyte 缓存区• 在基准测试中已经使用了这么大的缓存区4Oracle已经为伸缩性做好准备- 25年的投入• 可伸缩的执行• Scale-up在大型SMPs • Scale-out在集群服务器 • 并行操作• 可伸缩的可用性• • • • • • RAC Flashback Data Guard RMAN 在线表重定义 只读表空间• Query, DML, DDL, Loads, Unloads, Recovery• 行级锁 • 读一致性• 可伸缩的存储• • • • •5• 可伸缩的管理• • • • 网格控制 自动优化 数据库资源管理器 自动工作负载库表分区 自动存储管理 Bigfile表空间 可传输表空间 9种索引类型SMP纵向扩展• 非常成熟• 20年的经验• 许多用户使用大型的SMPs• 64 到 128 CPUs • Sun E25K, HP Superdome, IBM Regatta• 单一系统映像• 易于管理 • 易于编写应用• 工作的很好,但是成本很高 • 处理能力有上限 • 需要一台备机实现高可用性6真正应用集群(RAC)高可用、高性能、易伸缩网络 集中的管理控制台用户互连高速的交换或互连集群的数据库服务器区 共用的缓冲存储区域网集线器或交换机镜像的磁盘子系统7真正应用集群架构共用缓冲区/磁盘架构公用网络VIP1VIP2VIP3节点1数据库实例1 ASM实例1 集群件 操作系统集群互连节点2数据库实例2 ASM实例2 集群件 操作系统共用存储 集群互连节点3数据库实例3 ASM实例3 集群件 操作系统...ASM管理所有实例的重做日志 数据库文件 控制文件 Oracle集群配置库和投票盘8RAC: 伸缩性消息传递成本和集群大小无关Instance A3Instance BUpdate Block 101Current 225Instance C2请求者200GCS持有者协调者9真正应用集群(RAC)低成本、高性能1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0TPM-C ( 每分钟事务数)1,184,893 1,008,144$8.33 /tpmC$5.52 /tpmC1x64相同的1.5 GHz安腾2 CPUs16x410Source: TPC, as of January 1, 2004: Oracle Database 10g with Real Application Clusters, 16 nodes of 4-way HP Integrity rx5670, 1,184,893 tpmC, $5.52/tpmC, available 4/30/2004. Oracle Database 10g on 64-way HP Integrity Superdome, 1,008,144 tpmC, $8.33/tpmC, available 4/14/2004.案例:澳大利亚银行无与伦比的成本与性能优势• 最近将其5+ TB 集团数据 仓库从SMP 43cpu Sun E10k 迁移到运行Oracle 10g的基于Intel的服务器 集群上 • 在他们的生产机和新的 Oracle集群上,他们运行 了查询测试 • 结果对于他们,证明了 Oracle的性能和成本优势 • Sun E10k = $1M USD+ • 4 x Intel servers = $150k USD成本 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6Performance Comparison: 43CPU Sun E10K vs. 16CPU (4 Server) RAC Cluster6:00:00 4:48:00 3:36:00 2:24:00 1:12:00 0:00:00 Te st 1 Test 2 Te st 3 Test 4 Te st 5 Te st 6硬件成本 缩减6倍!!!性能至少 提高80%GDW Production: 43CPU Sun E10K US$1M+ 00:55:00 06:00:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 04:20:00 00:30:00POC: 16CPUs – 4x4 Server Itanium Grid US$150K 00:05:30 00:38:55 00:13:55 00:58:17 00:28:34 00:02:30时差Performance Improvement w. Grid / RAC00:49:30 05:21:05 01:06:32 00:31:43 03:51:26 00:27:3089.6% 89.1% 82.9% 64.3% 88.9% 91.0%11充分验证的可伸缩性RAC 8+节点的用户• • • • • • • • • • • • Citigroup Burlington Coat Factory J2 Global Communications Genworth Financial MSDS Mercado Libre Yahoo! Overture Babcock Engineering Ordnance Survey Dell Yahoo! • • • • • • • • • • • • SAIC Fairmont Hotels ADESLAS Quelle AG Telstra Gas Natural MyTravel Thompson AOL Vivo Sagawa Kyubin12自动存储管理ASMASM Disk ASM Disk ASM Disk ASM Disk ASM Disk• 是推荐的和最好的Oracle数据库存储 管理方式• 比文件系统易于管理 • 相当于裸卷的性能 • 内置在Oracle数据库 • 所有数据库的共享存储池• 免费, 广泛使用• > 65%的10g RAC部署在ASM • > 25%的10g用户在使用ASM • 许多VLDB超过10TB13自动存储管理LANOracle DB ASMOracle DB ASMOracle DB ASMStorage Area NetworkEntry level RAID SATA SAS High end RAID Volumes & RAW Partitions NASJBOD14使用ASM降低数据管理成本8 78 7 6Nbr Steps7 6 6 65 4 2 2 0Install Add Storage Remove Storage Migrate Storage Tune I/O5 4 3 2 1 00Manage SpaceTraditional ASM“节省成本的最好方法是减少复杂性”15为何要数据分区(Data Partitioning)• 表与索引数据的爆炸性增长• 在大型数据库系统中 表数据量通常 >> 10GB • 现在表的数据量比以前中等规模的数据库还大 !!• 超大规模表与索引的要求• 部分数据区失败不会对其他数据区造成影响 • 数据管理操作可在固定的维护窗口下运行 • 数据大量增长的情况下,保持执行效率• 解决方案 : Data Partitioning• 分而治之16Oracle 分区(Partitioning)高性能、高可用、易管理ORDERS ORDERS ORDERS Europe USA Jan 大表 难于管理 Feb Jan Feb分区(范围、哈希、 列表) 分而治之 易于管理 提高性能组合分区(范围-哈 希,范围-列表) 更高性能 更灵活的适合业务需 求17分区裁剪• 减少读取数据的内部机制• 只有相关的分区会被访问• 对应用透明• 自动分析SQL语句• 两种分区裁剪方式• 静态裁剪 • 动态裁剪静态分区裁剪select sum(amount_sold) from sales where times_id between ‘01-MAR-2004’ and ‘31-MAY-2004’; • 相关的分区在解析时知道• Look for actual values in PSTART/PSTOP columns in the plan• 优化器对SQL语句有准确的信息04-Jan04-Feb04-Mar04-Apr04-May04-Jun19动态分区裁剪04-Jan• •复杂查询的高级裁剪机制• E.g. beneficial for Star schemas Look for the word ‘KEY’ in PSTART/PSTOP columns in the Plan04-Feb循环语句在运行时评估相关的分区•04-Mar04-Apr04-MayTime04-Junselect sum(amount_sold) from sales s, times t where t.time_id = s.time_id and t.month in (‘05-Mar’, ‘05-Apr’, ‘05-May’);Sales20完全分区智能的连接x相同分区的表会智能的处理– –Partitions containing the same Subset of data are joined Joins returning no data are suppressed right away Common improvement of 15 – 30%Orders97-Apr Sub-1 Sub-2 Sub-3x透明的性能提高–LineitemSub-1 Sub-2 Sub-3LineitemSub-1Orders97-Apr Sub-1 Sub-2Sub-2Sub-3Sub-321部分分区智能的连接• If Lineitem table is partitioned by the join key, then Orders table can be re-distributed to enable partition-wise joinLineitemSub-1OrdersLineitemSub-1OrdersSub-1Sub-2Sub-2Sub-2Sub-3Sub-3Sub-322OLTP索引热点消除• 数据以单向增长的方式插入• • • • 唯一键值索引 在打包应用中常见 数据插入到多个分区中 消除热点• 全局哈希分区索引23Weblogic Enterprise Edition构建可靠的Web应用集群硬件负载均衡设备Weblogic EEWeblogic EEWeblogic EEWeblogic EEWEB 应用服务器1WEB 应用服务器2WEB 应用服务器3WEB 应用服务器4Weblogic Cluster• 通过硬件设备提供可靠的负载均衡 • 通过Weblogic集群提供应用的高可用性24TimesTen和Coherence数据库功能完整的SQL支持 和BI查询在中间层管理数据的最好的方案 Oracle TimesTen提供: •高吞吐量 •数据可靠性 •高可用性SQL操作检索和汇总Oracle Coherence扩展性一个节点 (SMP) 集群 (N-节点) 网格 (NNN-节点)25Oracle TimesTen内存数据库针对物理内存而优化的应用层数据库,可以获得极高的响 应速度并实现实时数据缓存呈现层“针对性能要求高的 系统的应用层数据 管理解决方案”应用层数据库层26TimesTen内存数据库• 内存中的RDBMSNetworkApplicationTimesTen Client lib ClientServerApplication Application Application TimesTen TimesTen Libraries TimesTen Libraries Libraries Direct-linked• 全部数据库在内存中 • 标准的访问接口ODBC/JDBC, SQL 92 • 与Oracle数据库兼容• 极高的性能• 极快的响应时间 • 高吞吐量 • 支持嵌入式In-Memory Database• 持续性和持久性• 数据库存放在磁盘上 • 支持事务的ACID属性Transaction Logs Checkpoint files• 实时的服务• 在线的非阻塞的操作 • 实时的数据库变更通知• 几乎不需要管理27内存数据库与磁盘数据库的比较数据库特性 目标应用 数据模型 优化 典型部署方式 架构 响应时间 数据容量 可扩展性 Oracle 10g 关键业务应用 关系型 - SQL Database Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database 关键业务应用 关系型 - SQL磁盘为中心 数据库层 客户机/服务器 毫秒到秒级TB到PB级 Cluster (RAC) & SMP内存为中心 应用层 嵌入式(直接数据访问) 微秒到毫秒级GB级 SMP2829极快的响应速度Average Response Time TimesTen In-Memory Database30Microseconds2030millionths of a second100 Update a recordMillionths of a second11Read a recordOracle TimesTen In-Memory Database 7.0, 4-CPU, 3 GHz x86 Xeon, 32-bit RHLinuxCache Connect to OracleApplicationNetworkApplicationTimesTen Client lib ClientServer• 从Oracle数据库缓存表 • 用户配置的缓存组• 缓存独立的表或有关联的表 • 缓存行和列的全集或子集TimesTen Libraries Direct-linked• 只读的或可更新的Cache Tables• 想常规的数据库表一样访问缓存表Tx Logs Checkpoints• 自动的数据同步• 从TimesTen到Oracle • 从Oracle到TimesTenCache Agent31从Oracle数据库缓存数据Cache Group—描述缓存在TimesTen内存数据库中的Oracle 数据,支持SQL WHERE语句TimesTen Cache GroupsRoot Table Child Table Child Table例子:缓存多于500个购买订单的 重要客户的名字和地址CREATE CACHE GROUP PremierUsers FROM CUSTOMER ( NAME VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, ADDR VARCHAR2(100) ) WHERE CUSTOMER.ORDER > 500;Child Table32案例:ODS 项目TimesTen 用于§ 解决数据库服务器性能处理瓶颈 § 提升BO报表展现的性能Client性能指标§ 展现速度提高在3倍以上配置§ § § § § 4-CPU server AIX 平台 v5.0, 7856MB TimesTen6.0.2 Oracle DB 9i BO Server 为 BosinessObject XIODBCServerTimesTen的价值§ 提高展现速度 § 移植工作量较少33什么是Coherence• Tangosol,领先的可靠内存数据网格软件供应商 • 支持极速的事务处理(XTP) • 标准的Java Archive “JAR”,标准的动态链接库“DLL” for .NET • 使用于应用层 • 比应用服务器更强的数据管理 • 比应用服务器更好的伸缩性能 “最复杂java.util.Map实现”34Oracle Coherence数据网格分布式内存数据管理数据虚拟化Enterprise Applications Real Time Clients Web ServicesData ServicesOracle Coherence Data Grid• 通过一个单一的一致的数据视图 提供一个可靠的数据层 • 提供动态数据能力包括容错和负 载均衡 • 保证数据能力和处理能力同步扩 展DatabasesMainframesWeb Services35分布式数据管理36数据网格使用场景缓存应用从数据网格请求数据,而不是后台数据源分析应用从数据网格运行查询和场景建模事务数据网格作为一个记录事物系统,存放数据和业务逻辑事件基于事件自动的处理37案例:FedEx提高在线跟踪性能• 公司介绍 • 领先的运输、电子商务和商业服务供应 商 • 运营4个业务:FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, 和 FedEx Kinko's • 行业:货物空运服务 • • • • • 结果 • 部署了Oracle Coherence在中间层的 内存中虚拟化数据, 使包裹的状态信息 可以在线立即得到 • 平均减少了68%的页面刷新时间 • 在6个月提高了38%的客户满意度 • 通过扩展在线服务选项减少了客户服 务成本和提高了客户满意度 挑战 • 通过为数据网格动态增加低成本服务 器应对季节性业务高峰 扩展在线包裹跟踪系统,处理增长的运 送量和每个包裹的跟踪数据 由于系统性能,客户满意度下降了24% 管理和季节性相关的运输成本• 解决方案 • Oracle Coherence • Oracle数据库38真正应用测试• 价值• 技术的快速采用 • 更高的测试质量部署 测试• 业务受益• 成本更低 • 风险更低更改• 特性• 数据库重放 • SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA)纠正通过高级测试实现业务灵活性39数据库重放测试生产级的系统更改捕获 负载重放生产环境40测试环境使用数据库重放的真正应用测试• • • 在测试环境中重放生产负载 在对生产环境进行更改前识别、分析和修复潜在的不稳定因素 在生产环境中捕获负载• • 使用实际负载、时限和并行特性捕获完整生产负载 将捕获的负载移到测试系统 在测试系统中做出需要的更改 使用完整生产特性重放负载 执行提交排序 错误 数据差异 性能差异•在测试环境中重放负载• • ••分析和报告• • •分析和报告41LoadRunner 与数据库重放对比电子商务套件测试8080 60 40 20 0 安装 和 设置 识 别关 键事 务 运 行测 试需时(天)24 4 020 020 5 2 5LoadRunner 数 据库 重放总测试时间 数据库重放:½ 个月 LoadRunner:7 ½ 个月42数据库重放对比ü只有 Oracle 才能构建的技术第三方 负载测试工具 负载 人工模拟负载 Oracle 数据库重放 实际应用程序负载测试范围1-5% 的工作流•简单应用程序:数周 •复杂应用程序:数月100% 的工作流•简单应用程序:数天 •复杂应用程序:数天测试工作量43SQL Performance Analyzer• • • • 测试更改对 SQL 查询性能的影响 在生产环境中捕获 SQL 负载(包括统计信息和绑定变量) 在测试环境中重新执行 SQL 查询 分析性能更改 — 提升和降低客户 端客户 端…客户 端生产环境 测试环境 重新执行 SQL 查询中间层捕获 SQLOracle DB……使用 SQL Tuning Advisor 调整性 能降低存储44SPA 报告45SQL Performance Analyzer 优点从:手动创建负载 综合负载 耗时数月的手动分析 部分负载 高风险到:自动的负载捕获 生产负载 耗时数分钟的自动分析 完整负载 低风险46最为开放 完整和领先的架构 Grid+SOA低成本、高性能、易伸缩、高可用、安全、集中管理数据中心 A交换设备 负载均衡设备应用网格用户 内部互连 交换设备 Oracle网格控制数据中心 BOracle应用服务器 TimesTen Coherence数据库网格Oracle数据库 真正应用集群 分区 异地容灾 数据卫士 镜像内部互连 连接 (光纤或IP)存储网格ASM4748。
