5STP 12F4000中文资料
High Frequency, Solid Aluminum TopType 350’s solid aluminum top assures extremely low impedance. With a typical 4 to 6 nH ESL, the self reso-nant frequency is well above 100 kHz. The very low ESR assures the low impedance rating. The capacitors are fitted with three rugged welded mounting leads to provide maximum resistanceHighlightsOperates to beyond 200 kHz Less than 10 nH ESL Solid aluminum top•••SpecificationsCapacitance Range:Voltage Range:Capacitance Tolerance:Operating Temperature Range:Shelf Life:Leakage Current:Cold Impedance:Ripple Current Multipliers:Load Life:Shelf Life:Vibration:90 to 11,000 F 6.3 to 100 Vdc –10 +75%–55 ºC to +105 ºC 500 hours @ +105 ºC ≤0.5 √CV µA at +25 ºC–55 º multiple of +25 ºC Z ≤6 for 6.3 V, 3 for 10 to 50 V, 2 for 75 & 100 V45 ºC 55 ºC 65 ºC 75 ºC 85 ºC 95 ºC 105 ºC 1.661.521.371.201.000.750.36Ambient TemperatureFrequency60 Hz120 Hz 360 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz & up 6.3 to 20 V 0.530.650.730.900.95 1.0025 to 35 V 0.450.550.650.850.92 1.0050 to 75 V0.360.500.600.800.90 1.00100 V0.290.400.520.750.871.004,000 h @ +105 ºC at full load ∆ Capacitance ±10% ESR 150% of limit DCL 100% of limit500 h @ 105 ºC, capacitance, ESR and DCL, initial requirement10 to 55 Hz, 0.06” and 10 g max, 2 h in each planeOutline DrawingL.025±.015S1 S2DT ±.015Complies with the EU Directive 2002/95/EC requirementrestricting the use of Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB) and PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE).Case DimensionsPart Numbering System350JP 1152U 6R3 C Type Case Code Capacitance Tolerance Voltage Insulation 350See table900 = 90 µF U = –10 +75%6R3 = 6.3 Vdc O = Bare can161 = 160 µF T = –10 +50%063 = 63 Vdc B = Plastic insulation with epoxy 882 = 8800 µF 100 = 100 VdcC = Plastic insulation, no epoxy1152 = 11500 µFCase InchesCode Nominal Insulated S1S2TD x L D x L ±0.015±0.015GE 3/4 x 1 1/8 0.775 x 1.157 3/4 x 1 5/8 0.775 x 1.657 3/4 x 2 1/8 0.775 x 2.157 3/4 x 2 5/8 0.775 x 2.657 7/8 x 1 1/8 0.900 x 1.157 7/8 x 1 5/8 0.900 x 1.657 7/8 x 2 1/8 0.900 x 2.157 7/8 x 2 5/8 0.900 x 2.657 x 1 5/81.025 x 1.6570.30.150.4Typical Performance CurvesType 350 Impedance vs. FrequencyI m p e d a n c e (Ω)Frequency (Hz)10010k 100k 10001M 10M0.0010.010.11.0103,400 µF 6.3 Vdc6,100 µF 6.3 Vdc11,500 µF 6.3 VdcType 350 Operating Life in Kilohours vs. Ripple Current00. Ripple-Current MultipleE x p e d t e d O p e r a t i n g L i f e , k h105 ºC95 ºC85 ºC75 ºC 65 ºC 55 ºC45 ºC 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5101001000Typical Performance CurvesRatingsESR Max ΩImped.Ripple Nom Cap Catalog +25 ºC Ω +25 ºC A +85 ºC Size (in)(µF)Part Number 120 Hz 20 kHz 100 kHz 20 kHz DxL 6.3 Vdc (8.5 Vdc Surge)1600350GE162U6R3C 0.0870.0430.040 3.23/4 x 1 1/8 2400350HE242U6R3C 0.0650.0350.034 3.77/8 x 1 1/8 3000350GJ302U6R3C 0.0500.0250.025 4.63/4 x 1 5/8 3400350JE342U6R3C 0.0580.0310.031 4.0 1 x 1 1/8 4200350GL422U6R3C 0.0350.0180.019 6.63/4 x 2 1/8 4400350HJ442U6R3C 0.0370.0200.022 5.67/8 x 1 5/8 5400350GP542U6R3C 0.0290.0150.0178.03/4 x 2 5/8 6100350JJ612U6R3C 0.0330.0180.020 6.2 1 x 1 5/8 6300350HL632U6R3C 0.0270.0150.0187.57/8 x 2 1/8 8300350HP832U6R3C 0.0220.0130.0168.87/8 x 2 5/8 8800350JL882U6R3C 0.0240.0140.0168.1 1 x 2 1/8 11000350JP113U6R3C 0.0200.0120.0159.6 1 x 2 5/8 7.5 Vdc (10 Vdc Surge)1500 350GE152U7R5C 0.0910.0440.040 3.23/4 x 1 1/8 2300350HE232U7R5C 0.0680.0350.034 3.77/8 x 1 1/8 2700350GJ272U7R5C 0.0520.0260.025 4.63/4 x 1 5/8 3200350JE322U7R5C 0.0590.0310.030 3.9 1 x 1 1/8 3900350GL392U7R5C 0.0370.0180.019 6.63/4 x 2 1/8 4200350HJ422U7R5C 0.0390.0210.022 5.67/8 x 1 5/8 5100350GP512U7R5C 0.0300.0150.0167.93/4 x 2 5/8 5800350JJ582U7R5C 0.0340.0180.019 6.1 1 x 1 5/8 6000350HL602U7R5C 0.0280.0150.0187.47/8 x 2 1/8 7900350HP792U7R5C 0.0230.0130.0168.87/8 x 2 5/8 8400350JL842U7R3C 0.0250.0140.0168.0 1 x 2 1/8 11000350JP113U7R5C0.0200.0120.0149.51 x2 5/810 Vdc (12 Vdc Surge)1400350GE142U010C 0.0980.0450.040 3.13/4 x 1 1/8 2100350HE212U010C 0.0720.0350.034 3.67/8 x 1 1/8 2600350GJ262U010C 0.0550.0260.025 4.53/4 x 1 5/8 3000350JE302U010C 0.0620.0320.030 3.6 1 x 1 1/8 3800350GL382U010C 0.0390.0190.019 6.53/4 x 2 1/8 3900350HJ392U010C 0.0410.0210.022 5.57/8 x 1 5/8 4800350GP482U010C 0.0310.0150.0167.83/4 x 2 5/8 5400350JJ542U010C0.0360.0190.0205.71 x 1 5/8ESR Max ΩImped.Ripple Nom Cap Catalog +25 ºC Ω +25 ºC A +85 ºC Size (in)(µF)Part Number 120 Hz 20 kHz 100 kHz 20 kHz DxL 10 Vdc (12 Vdc Surge)5600350HL562U010C 0.0300.0150.0187.37/8 x 2 1/8 7300350HP732U010C 0.0240.0130.0168.77/8 x 2 5/8 7800350JL782U010C 0.0260.0140.0167.5 1 x 2 1/8 10000350JP103U010C0.0210.0120.0159.0 1 x 2 5/8 12 Vdc (18 Vdc Surge)1100350GE112U012C 0.1080.0460.042 3.13/4 x 1 1/8 1700350HE172U012C 0.0790.0360.034 3.67/8 x 1 1/8 2000350GJ202U012C 0.0610.0270.025 4.43/4 x 1 5/8 2400350JE242U012C 0.0670.0320.031 3.8 1 x 1 1/8 2900350GL292U012C 0.0440.0190.020 6.43/4 x 2 1/8 3000350HJ302U012C 0.0450.0210.022 5.47/8 x 1 5/8 3700350GP372U012C 0.0350.0160.0177.73/4 x 2 5/8 4200350JJ422U012C 0.0380.0290.020 6.0 1 x 1 5/8 4400350HL442U012C 0.0320.0160.0187.27/8 x 2 1/8 5800350HP582U012C 0.0260.0130.0168.67/8 x 2 5/8 6100350JL612U012C 0.0280.0140.0167.8 1 x 2 1/8 8000350JP802U012C0.0230.0120.0159.3 1 x 2 5/8 16 Vdc (20 Vdc Surge)950350GE951U016C 0.1160.0470.042 3.03/4 x 1 1/8 1500350HE152U016C 0.0850.0370.035 3.57/8 x 1 1/8 1700350GJ172U016C 0.0660.0270.025 4.33/4 x 1 5/8 2000350JE202U016C 0.0710.0330.031 3.7 1 x 1 1/8 2500350GL252U016C 0.0470.0200.020 6.33/4 x 2 1/8 2600350HJ262U016C 0.0480.0220.022 5.37/8 x 1 5/8 3200350GP322U016C 0.0370.0160.0177.63/4 x 2 5/8 3600350JJ362U016C 0.0410.0190.020 5.9 1 x 1 5/8 3800350HL382U016C 0.0340.0160.0187.17/8 x 2 1/8 4900350HP492U016C 0.0280.0130.0168.47/8 x 2 5/8 5200350JL522U016C 0.0290.0140.0167.7 1 x 2 1/8 6800350JP682U016C0.0240.0120.0159.2 1 x 2 5/8 20 Vdc (25 Vdc Surge)800350GE801U020C 0.1250.0480.042 3.03/4 x 1 1/8 1200350HE122U020C 0.0890.0380.035 3.57/8 x 1 1/8 1500350GJ152U020C 0.0700.0280.026 4.23/4 x 1 5/8 1700350JE172U020C0.0750.0330.0313.71 x 1 1/8ESR vs. Temperature Characteristics (10 kHz)-55-40-20025406085105Temperature (ºC)0.1110100Capacitance vs. Temperature (120 Hz)-55-40-20025406085105708090100110≥ 50 Vdc ≤ 40 Vdc E S R - R a t i o t o 25 ºC V a l u eC a p a c i t a n c e - % o f 25 ºC V a l u eTemperature (ºC)≥ 75 Vdc6.3 VdcESR Max ΩImped.Ripple Nom Cap Catalog +25 ºC Ω +25 ºC A +85 ºC Size (in) (µF)Part Number120 Hz20 kHz100 kHz20 kHz DxL20 Vdc (25 Vdc Surge)2100350GL212U020C 0.0500.0200.020 6.23/4 x 2 1/8 2200350HJ222U020C 0.0510.0220.022 5.37/8 x 1 5/8 2800350GP282U020C 0.0400.0170.0177.53/4 x 2 5/8 3000350JJ302U020C 0.0430.0200.020 5.8 1 x 1 5/8 3200350HL322U020C 0.0360.0160.0187.07/8 x 2 1/8 4200350HP422U020C 0.0290.0140.0168.37/8 x 2 5/8 4500350JL452U020C 0.0310.0140.0167.6 1 x 2 1/8 5900350JP592U020C 0.0250.0120.0159.1 1 x 2 5/825 Vdc (30 Vdc Surge)600350GE601U025C 0.1400.0500.042 2.93/4 x 1 1/8 900350HE901U025C 0.1000.0390.035 3.47/8 x 1 1/8 1100350GJ112U025C 0.0790.0290.026 4.13/4 x 1 5/8 1300350JE132U025C 0.0820.0340.031 3.6 1 x 1 1/8 1500350GL152U025C 0.0560.0210.020 6.03/4 x 2 1/8 1600350HJ162U025C 0.0570.0230.022 5.17/8 x 1 5/8 2000350GP202U025C 0.0440.0170.0177.33/4 x 2 5/8 2300350HL232U025C 0.0400.0170.018 6.87/8 x 2 1/8 2300350JJ232U025C 0.0470.0200.021 5.6 1 x 1 5/8 3100350HP312U025C 0.0320.0140.0168.27/8 x 2 5/8 3300350JL332U025C 0.0340.0150.01774.0 1 x 2 1/8 4300350JP432U025C 0.0270.0130.0168.9 1 x 2 5/830 Vdc (40 Vdc Surge)450350GE451U030C 0.1550.0520.043 2.83/4 x 1 1/8 700350HE701U030C 0.1100.0410.035 3.37/8 x 1 1/8 800350GJ801U030C 0.0880.0300.026 4.03/4 x 1 5/8 950350JE951U030C 0.0890.0360.032 3.4 1 x 1 1/8 1100350GL112U030C 0.0620.0220.02 5.83/4 x 2 1/8 1200350HJ122U030C 0.0620.0240.023 5.07/8 x 1 5/8 1500350GP152U030C 0.0480.0180.0177.13/4 x 2 5/8 1700350JJ172U030C 0.0500.0210.021 5.5 1 x 1 5/8 1800350HL182U030C 0.0440.0170.018 6.67/8 x 2 1/8 2300350HP232U030C 0.0350.0150.0168.07/8 x 2 5/8 2500350JL252U030C 0.0360.0160.0177.2 1 x 2 1/8 3200350JP322U030C 0.0290.0130.0168.6 1 x 2 5/840 Vdc (50 Vdc Surge)320350GE321U040C 0.1760.0540.043 2.73/4 x 1 1/8 500350HE501U040C 0.1230.0420.035 3.27/8 x 1 1/8 600350GJ601U040C 0.1000.0310.026 3.93/4 x 1 5/8 700350JE701U040C 0.0990.0370.032 3.4 1 x 1 1/8 850350GL851U040C 0.0700.0230.02 5.73/4 x 2 1/8 900350HJ901U040C 0.0700.0250.023 4.97/8 x 1 5/8 1100350GP112U040C 0.0550.0180.017 6.93/4 x 2 5/8 1200350JJ122U040C 0.0560.0220.021 5.4 1 x 1 5/8 1300350HL132U040C 0.0490.0180.018 6.57/8 x 2 1/8 1700350HP172U040C 0.0390.0150.0167.97/8 x 2 5/8 1800350JL182U040C 0.0400.0160.0177.1 1 x 2 1/8 2300350JP232U040C 0.0320.0130.0168.51 x2 5/8 Ratings。
Fusion CatalystFusion Catalyst显示墙控制器采用第二代PCI Express技术,创造了一个真正的无阻塞的通讯架构。
新的FusionCatalyst家族通过2倍于竞争对手、8倍于Fusion 900系列的超级带宽,提供了更多的扩展性、更快的图像、实时的SD/DVI/RGB/HD帧率,以及更好的整体性能。
Fusion Catalyst显示墙控制器基于PC架构,采用Intel CPU和微软视窗操作系统,应用程序可直接运行于控制器之上。
Fusion Catalyst4000采用两个四核至强CPU并支持高达64GB 内存,这种无敌性能可支持最苛刻的控制与指挥应用。
基本参数• FC4000: 双四核至强CPU 2.0 Ghz CPU• Windows Vista Business 64位操作系统• FC4000: 每机箱16个 x4 PCIe 插槽 (每槽16 Gbps, 无阻塞带宽)• ControlPoint™软件• PCI Express Switch Fabric 总线,192 Gbps带宽•最大376路视频输入•最大376路流媒体视频输入•最大64 GB内存•最大96路输出通道•最大94 路DVI-I/VGA/HD 输入通道•每像素32位色深•最大3个可移动硬盘,RAID5• N+1热插拔电源•最大6 G以太网口高性能输出图形卡高性能输出图形卡Fusion Catalyst采用当今显示墙处理器中最先进的GPU架构,能够驱动两个最大2560x1600(双链DVI)数字的,或者最大2048 x1536模拟的显示单元。
Spectrum 4000 Universal Input Loggers 产品说明书
•12-Bit Resolution for outstanding accuracy over wide measurement ranges •Easy to scale recorded data into user-defined units •Up to four input channels for analog current loop and voltage signals •Self-powered for long-term worry-free performance •Removable terminal block makes wiring connections a snap Spectrum 4000 Universal Input Logger Spectrum 4000 Universal Input Loggers are convenient and versatile units for reliable recording of a wide range of measurement variables.Palm-sized and self-powered, these advanced data loggers work with industry-standard sensors,transmitters and signals to help you quickly and flexibly acquire your important information. Available in single and multi-channel versions for logging analog voltage or current loop signals, each Spectrum 4000 is based on the proven Spectrum 12-bit logger platform that provides you with superb resolution and accuracy over even the widest measurement ranges.Ease-of OperationSpectrum 4000 Loggers are incredibly simple to setup and use. Just connect two wires from your monitoring device to your logger’s input channel using the screw-type terminal block. Then fill out a simple form in software to describe the scaling and measurement units you want. Save the form and all setup and scaling information is stored securely in the logger.No programming or complex equations are required and once set up, the Spectrum 4000 automatically converts recorded results into familiar engineering units for display, analysis and presentation.Simple yet Powerful SoftwareSpectrum software makes it easy to work with your Spectrum 4000 loggers. With just a few keystrokes,you can create outstanding graphic and tabular representations of your data, overlay graphs from different loggers, display data in real-time, export files to your favorite programs and much more.For more advanced applications, the Spectrum Application Program Interface (API) makes it easy to write custom software to communicate with Spectrum 4000 Loggers. This allows you to merge the Spectrum data recording system into your existing operations, procedures and programs.Wide Range of Applications Spectrum 4000 Loggers are ideal for interfacing to any equipment supplied with analog voltage or current loop outputs. This includes a wide range of test and measurement instrumentation for monitoring pressure, flow, fluid level, PH, electrical properties, moisture, gas concentrations and much more. It is perfect for researchers, building operators, test & measurement engineers and quality control personnel.Spectrum 4000 loggers are also available in board-only versions for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) who want to conveniently add data logging capabilities to their existing equipment or instrumentation products.。
我们非常认真的整理此手册,但我们对本手册的内容不保证完全正确。因为我们的产 品一直在持续的改良及更新,故我方保留随时修改本手册的内容而不另行通知的权利。同 时我们对不正确使用本手册所包含内容而导致的直接、间接、有意、无意的损坏及隐患概 不负责。
严禁在带电的情况去触碰变频功率传感器和 DT 数字变 送器, 严禁在带电的情况将变频功率传感器和 DT 数字 变送器直接与任何导电体直接接触。
目录 ................................................................................................................................... I 1 产品介绍 ....................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 产品特点 ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 系统构成 ................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 工作原理 ................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 系统精度 ................................................................................................................. 6 2 WP4000 变频功率分析仪 .............................................................................................. 8 2.1 变频功率分析仪构成 ............................................................................................... 8 2.2 变频功率分析仪安装 ............................................................................................. 10 2.3 分析仪安装示意图(台式、嵌入式) ................................................................... 11 2.4 WP4000 变频功率分析仪操作与使用 .................................................................... 13 2.5 通讯协议(适用 V3.01 01-06 以上) ................................................................... 27 3 SP 系列变频功率传感器 .............................................................................................. 36 3.1 主要特点 ............................................................................................................... 36 3.2 技术指标 ............................................................................................................... 37 3.3 传感器的安装 ........................................................................................................ 38 3.4 传感器外形与尺寸 ................................................................................................ 47 3.5 接线说明 .....................................................................................错误!未定义书签。 3.6 选型指南 ............................................................................................................... 60 3.7 其他 ...................................................................................................................... 62 4 DT 数字变送器 ............................................................................................................. 63 4.1 产品特点 ............................................................................................................... 63 4.2 技术指标 ............................................................................................................... 63
FGA-4000汽车排气分析仪使用说明书v2.0本产品执行标准标准号:Q/FFHJ 13-2002 Q/FFHJ 22-2002备案号:QB/440600 17 1383-2002 QB/440600 17 1392-2002 四组份汽车排气分析仪五组份汽车排气分析仪粤制06000104-11号佛山分析仪有限公司佛山市佛分环保仪器检测设备制造有限公司厂址:中国广东省佛山市高新技术开发区港口路电话:(0757)3823028 3826800 3832918 3829800传真:(0757)3829033 3815506 邮政编码:528041售后服务电话:(0757)3834097http: //E-Mail: fofen@ sale@目录目录----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1前言----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3安装说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4附件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6第一章简介内容提要---------------------------------------------------------------------------7顾客服务---------------------------------------------------------------------------7安全注意事项---------------------------------------------------------------------7第二章仪器概述仪器简介---------------------------------------------------------------------------8物理特性---------------------------------------------------------------------------8第三章操作步骤概述--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10使用方法--------------------------------------------------------------------------10第四章操作模式概述--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11预热--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11备用--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11测量--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11清洗--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12工厂校准--------------------------------------------------------------------------12现场校准--------------------------------------------------------------------------12*五气校准模式------------------------------------------------------------ ----- 14自动调零--------------------------------------------------------------------------15废气稀释--------------------------------------------------------------------------15泵------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---15读P.E.F.---------------------------------------------------------------------------15低流量指示-----------------------------------------------------------------------15气体浓度超过量程---------------------------------------------------------------16显示切换--------------------------------------------------------------------------16第五章仪器维护校准--------------------------------------------------------------------------------17过滤器元件的更换--------------------------------------------------------------17传感器的更换--------------------------------------------------------------------18*电池更换------------------------------------------------------------------------20第六章故障检修简单检修--------------------------------------------------------------------------211维修注意事项--------------------------------------------------------------------22附录A FGA-4000汽车排气分析仪技术要求--------------------------------23 附录B 氮氧化物传感器及氧传感器性能-------------------------------------25 附录C 与外部计算机及微型打印机连接------------------------------------ 26 附录D 气路流程图及操作流程图----------------------------------------------27 附录E 打开仪器箱盖示意图----------------------------------------------------28 附录F 电路连接图----------------------------------------------------------------29 附录I 通讯协议--------------------------------------------------------------302前言本操作手册描述FGA 4000汽车排气分析仪的操作方法。
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781/329-4700 World Wide Web Site:
Fax: 781/326-8703
© Analog Devices, Inc., 2000
For high resolution data acquisition systems, laser trimming of low drift thin-film resistors limits the input offset voltage to under 150 µV, and allows the AMP04 to offer gain nonlinearity of 0.005% and a gain tempco of 30 ppm/°C.
1000 1 0.005 0.015 0.025 30
0.75 %
1.0 %
1000 V/V
OUTPUT Output Voltage Swing High
Output Voltage Swing Low Output Current Limit
RL = 2 kΩ
Contact your local sales office for MIL-STD-883 data sheet and availability.
8-Lead Epoxy DIP (P Suffix)
8-Lead Narrow-Body SO (S Suffix)
FUJIFILM富士医疗干式激光相机DRYPIX4000操作手册第一版:2005年2月Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.(富士照相胶片有限公司)安全操作 1 产品总览 2 基本操作 3 效用 4 排除故障 5 保养和维护 6 规格7维护和检查软件许可协议实际运行DRYPIX 4000系统之前,请详细阅读本操作手册。
阅读本手册之后,请存放在DRYPIX 4000附近,以便需要时随时查看。
ii DRYPIX 4000操作手册897N0218 2005年2月介绍介绍非常感谢您购买富士医疗干式激光相机DRYPIX 4000。
富士医疗干式激光相机DRYPIX 4000是将数字图像数据以所选格式打印至专用胶片的设备,数字图像数据来自FCR图像阅读器或CT、MRI和其它成像设备,经DICOM网络传送。
本DRYPIX 4000操作手册提供操作方法和注意事项的详细解释,以便促进正确理解功能并且能够更有效地使用。
我们要求首次使用的用户在实际应用DRYPIX 4000之前,详细阅读本手册。
阅读之后,请将其存放在DRYPIX 4000附近,便于使用,以保证在最佳状态下使用该设备。
小心The DRYPIX 4000使用Vx Works。
Vx Works的版权属于Wind River Systems, Inc。
2005 富士照相胶片有限公司。
DRYPIX 4000操作手册897N0218 2005年2月iiiiv DRYPIX 4000操作手册897N0218 2005年2月内容浏览内容浏览第1章安全操作本章介绍我们希望您注意的安全操作本设备所需了解的警告(Warning)和小心(Caution)。
第4章效用本章解释如何校准胶片输出密度和设置Economy Mode(经济模式)。
Portable Filter CartsModels 5MF and 10MF5MF and 10MF Portable Filter CartApplications forParker Filter Carts■Filtering new fluid before putting into service■Transferring fluid from drums or storage tanks to system reservoirs ■Conditioning fluid thatis already in use■Complimenting existingsystem filtration■Removing free water froma system■For use with fluids such as hydraulic, gear and lube oilsextremely high affinity for freewater. Once water comes intocontact with this material,it is removed from the system.The Parker filter cart uses two highcapacity ModuFlow™ filters forlong element life and better systemprotection. The first stage (inlet)filter captures larger particles, whilethe second stage (outlet) filtercontrols finer particles or removeswater. A rugged industrial qualitygear pump gets the job done fast.Using a Parker portable filter cart isthe most economical way to protectyour system from the harm that canbe caused by contamination. Parker filter carts are the idealway to prefilter and transfer fluidsinto reservoirs or to clean upexisting systems.Fluid should always be filteredbefore being put into use. New fluidis not necessarily clean fluid. Mostnew fluids (right out of the drum)are unfit for use due to high initialcontamination levels. Contamina-tion, both particulate and water,may be added to a new fluidduring processing, mixing,handling and storage.Water is removed by installingPar-Gel™ elements in the outletfilter. Par-Gel™ elements are madefrom a polymer which has an5MF and 10MFPortable Filter CartDual Filters■Two-stagefiltration for long element life and pump protectionService Cover■Top-accessible for easy changing of elementsElements (not shown)■Available for both particulate and water removalVisual Indicator■Tells you when to change elementsMotor■Industrial brand nameHeavy Duty Frame■Rugged and built to lastDrip Pan■Helps keep the work area safe and cleanElectrical Cord (not shown)■6ft. with on/off switch■Optional 20 ft. cord with reelGear Pump■Industrial quality ■Quiet operation ■Dependable, long lifeHose & Wand Assembly■Ready to use;no additional hardware needed ■Flexible hoses for tight spots ■Kink-resistant hose prevents pump cavitationFeatures5MF and 10MFPortable Filter Cart CBSpecificationsMaximum Recommended Fluid Viscosity:10MF: 500 SUS (108 cSt) (.85 specific gravity) 5MF: 3000 SUS (627 cSt) (.85 specific gravity)Visual Indicator:Visual differential type3-band (clean, change, bypass)Filter Bypass Valve Settings:Inlet: 3 psid (.2 bar)Outlet: 25 psid (1.7 bar)Operating Temperatures:Buna N (Nitrile) -40°F to 150°F(-40°C to 66°C)F3 (high temp option)-15°F to 200°F (-26°C to 93°C)Electrical Service Required:115 volts, 10 amps, single phase, 60 Hz Electrical Motor:l0MF - ¾ hp @ 3450 rpm, O.D.P . 5MF - ½ hp @ 1725 rpm, O.D.P .Thermal overload protection Construction:Cart Frame: Steel Filter Head: Aluminum Filter Bowl: Steel Hoses: PVC (Std.)EDPM (high temp option)Wands: PVC (Std.)Steel tube (high temp option)Weight (approximate): 110 Lbs. (45.4 kg)5MF and 10MFPortable Filter CartBy = 20......................................................95.0%Bz = 75......................................................98.7%Typical Fluid Cleanliness Filter Cart PerformanceLevel RequirementsFluid cleanliness levels are a function of initialMany manufacturers of hydraulic components have contamination levels, contamination ingression rates,established fluid cleanliness levels for their compo-reservoir size and filter element efficiency. The chartnents. Using a portable filter cart can be a very effective below lists approximate time requirements to achieve way to reach and maintain these cleanliness levels.certain cleanliness levels based on the assumptionsnoted.74W Woven Wire 0.00291 *40W Woven Wire 0.00161*40SA Synthetic 40 Micron Nominal 2 *20C Cellulose 20 Micron Nominal 2 *10C Cellulose 6/18/22 Micron 1503C Cellulose 2/6/9 Micron1820Q Microglass II 7.5/12.5/17 Micron 4710Q Microglass II <2/6/9 Micron 4205Q Microglass II <2/<2/3.3 Micron 4602QMicroglass II<2/<2/2 Micron45Par-Gel ™ Media Water CapacityNotes:Multipass test run @ 40 gpm to 25 psid.ANSl/NFP A T3.10/8.8 R1-1990 w/50 ppm anti-static additive *Not Applicable.1. Not multipass tested- Number shown Is actual pore size in inches.2. Not multipass tested.Notes:1.Par-Gel elements are designed to remove “free water”,which is defined as water that is above a particular fluid’s saturation level.2.Capacity is very dependent on flow rate and viscosity . Not recommended with fluids in excessof 500 SUS.5MF and 10MF Portable Filter Cart Assembly1) Install hoses to inlet and outlet filters by threading the hose end with the straight thread “o”-ring seal fitting into the filter flange.2) Connect the PVC tube wands to the swivel fitting on the hose end. Whenever servicing the PVC tube wand do not overtorque the metal fittings going into the PVC coupling. Overtorque will result in cracking the coupling. Generally, 1/4 turn beyond handtight is sufficient. Operating Instructions1) Insert the inlet wand assembly into the supply fluid receptacle (drum/reservoir). The “RF". filter is the inlet filter.2) Insert the outlet wand assembly into the clean fluid receptacle (drum/reservoir). The “CF” fIlteris the outlet filter.Caution:Do not kink the hose assemblies, this may result in excessive vacuum or pressure at the pump.3) Verify that the ON/OFF switch is OFF and plug the cord into a 115V 10A grounded outlet (3 wire).4) T urn switch to ON position and check outlet wand for oil flow. Allow 30 to 60 seconds for filters to fill with oil. If repeated attempts to obtain oil flow fail, check pump inlet fittings for tightness, remove inlet filter access cover and verify the cover sealing “o”-ring is in place. For very viscous fluids it may be necessary to pour 1 or 2 quarts of fluid into the “RF” inlet filter housing to prime pump initially.5) The condition of the filter ele-ment should be monitored by observing the cleanliness indicator on the discharge filter. When the Indicator is in the CHANGE posi-tion, both inlet and outlet filter elements MUST be replaced to prevent fluid from going into bypass in the filters.6) The inlet filter Is provided witha 3PSI bypass spring, andprevents the pump from cavitat-ing If the element is notchanged. The outlet filter isprovided with a 25PSl bypassspring to prevent excessivepressure which may be harmfulto personnel or to the filter cart.Warning:The filter bypass spring acts as arelief valve for the pump. Do notrestrict the discharge hose witha shut-off valve which will defeatthe function of the bypass valve,causing excessive pressure,which may be harmful to person-nel or to the filter cart.7) The cleanliness indicatorworks on differential pressureand will indicate the condition ofthe element (CLEAN, CHANGE,or BYP ASS).NOTE:The filter cart must be inoperation for the indicatorto read properly.MaintenanceInstructions1) T urn switch to OFF position andunplug cord from electrical outlet.2) Remove tube wands from oil toprevent siphoning.3) Loosen hex head screws onfilter cover. T urn cover to clearscrews, remove cover.4) Pull flow diverter assembly fromthe filter head. Filter element willfollow the diverter.a) Replace the cellulose,synthetic or Microglass IIelements. Verify replacement.b) Wire mesh elements can becleaned. Ultrasonic cleanersprovide best results.5) Install element on flow diverterand reinstall in filter housing. Makesure diverter “o"-rings seatproperly into the head.6) Check to be sure that the notchon the flow diverter lines up withthe notch in the head.7) Inspect the cover “o"-ring andreplace if necessary.8) Replace cover and tighten hexhead screws until they are snug.Do not over-torque these screws.Do not interchange the inlet filtercover with the outlet filter cover.(The inlet filter has a “RF” prefix,the outlet filter has a "CF" prefix).Troubleshooting5MF and 10MFPortable Filter CartFilter Cart Replacement PartsReplacement Element Part Numbers**Refer to table above5MF and 10MFPortable Filter CartHOW TO ORDER:Select the desired symbol (in the correct position) to construct a model code. Example:Please note the bolded options reflect standard options with a reducedlead- time. Consult factory on all other lead-time options.Guardian®Portable Filtration SystemPortable Filtration System Guardian®Portable Filtration SystemGuardian®FEATURES ADVANTAGES BENEFITS Lightweight, hand-Easy to carry and fits One person operation,held, compact design easily on top of 55capable of getting to (less than 24 Ibs.gallon drums.hard to reach areas.16" X 8" approximate foot print).Flow rate to 4 gpm.Filters and transfers One step operation.simultaneously.Powerful pump/motor Handles fluids up to Reliable performance combination with 16,000 SUS viscosity in a wide variety of Carboxylated Nitrile (11,000 SUS -24 VDC).operating conditions.seals standard.Built-in relief valve Only filtered fluid 100% filtrationwith no downstream reaches downstream ensured, even when fluid ponents.unattended.Wide variety of filter High capacity 2 micron Maximizes element life elements available.absolute disposable between changes.microglass to 74micron cleanable wire and water removal.Clear, wire-reinforced No additionalReady to use and easy 5' hose assemblies hardware required.to maneuver.with wand attachments.Optional quick Fast, easy setup and Eliminates messy disconnect hose tear-down.drips.connections.Heavy-duty ¼ HP,UL recognized and Safe, reliable115 VAC (230 VAC,CSA listed, withperformance; field 24 VDC- optional)replaceable brushes.serviceable.motor with thermal overload protection.Geroter pump with Dirt tolerant design Pump reliability in visible serviceable with added protection.highly contaminated inlet strainer.fluids.Quiet operation.Less than 70dB noise Can be used most level @ 3 feet.anywhere withminimal disturbance.Convenient Contains fluids when Clean and safe inlet-to-outlet transporting.operation.hose connection.Low center of gravity.Guardian stability.Unattended reliability.Dual motor seals.Added motor Longer motor life.protection.Auxiliary inlet/outlet Used in place of, or in Flexibility.ports.addition to, standard ports. The outlet can also be used as a sampling port.Portable Filtration System Guardian®Installation and Specification DataMaximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP): 50 psi (3.4 bar) Flow Capacity: up to 4 gpm (15 lpm) Maximum Recommended Fluid Viscosity: (.85 specific gravity)110-120 VAC and220-240 VAC16,000 SUS 24VDC11,000 SUS Warning: Explosion hazard. Do not pump flammable liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, solvents, etc.Operating Temperatures:Unit: -15°F to 180°F(-26°C to 82°C)Wand/Hose: 25°F to I20°F(-4°C to 49°C)Visual Indicator: differentialpressure type, set at 25 psid.Recommended Fluids: petroleumbased oils, water emulsions, anddiesel fuels.Integral Relief Valve: set at 50 psifor motor protection.Noise Level: <70db at 3 ft.Electrical Motor: ¼ hp@2500 rpm.24 VDC; 10A max.110-120 VAC; 50/60 Hz; 3A max.220-240 VAC; 50/60 Hz; 1.5A max.Thermal overload protected.Replaceable brushes (500 hours).Weight: approximately 23 lbs. 5 oz.Materials:Housing: cast aluminumCover: die cast aluminumHandle and Indicator: nylonWands and Hose: PVCFittings: brassSeals: fluorocarbon/carboxylated nitrile Guardian Schematic#10-24 Terminal Studs2-places (24 VDC)On/offswitch50.82.00152.46.00Alternate customer exchangeable, ½-14 NPTinlet and outlet locations (Plugged).InletOutletMotor is UL recognizedand CSA listed398.515.69Visible and easilycleanable inlet strainerClean inlet strainer as required18/3 power cord with3 prong plug. 1 ft.length(110/120 VAC).3 wire (1.5mm2 cross section)power cord, 3 ft. lenth(220/240 VAC).Quick access, zeroleakage, ¾-11.5 NHgarden hose connections.Non conductivecarrying handle.MinimumElement removalclearance.Removable element.139.75.50Vibration isolating rubberfeet 4-pls.¾"wire reinforced flexibleinlet hose, 5 ft. length.¾"wire reinforced flexibleoutlet hose, 5 ft. length.¾"- 11.5 NHgarden hosethread(Outlet).25 PSI differentialvisual indicator.208.58.21¾" lightweightwand assembly,3 ft. full ex-tended length.Linear Measure: millimeterinchPortable Filtration SystemGuardian®Guardian Element PerformanceTime Averaged Dirt Media Filter Beta x/y/z =2/20/75Capacity Code Media Where x/y/z is:(Grams)74W Woven Wire 74 micron 1*40W Woven Wire 40 micron 1*25W Woven Wire 25 micron 1*20C Cellulose 20 micron 1*10C Cellulose 5/8/16420Q Microglass III 7.1/13.7/17.316.210Q Microglass III 2.7/7.3/10.314.405Q Microglass III <2/2.1/4.014.902QMicroglass III<2/<2/<214.3Note 1: Guardian not recommended forfluid viscosities greater than 16,000 SUS (11,000 SUS;24VDC)Note 2: Flows based on Guardian with no element installedFlow (GPM)V i s c o s i t y (S U S )Guardian Flow vs. Viscosity PerformanceMultipass test run at 4 gpm to 35 psid 1Reference ratings only. Not multipass tested due to coarseness.*Not applicableEstimated Guardian Element Life and Cleanliness LevelsThe following chart shows typical element life (in gallons of oil passed) and cleanliness levels achieved by standard Parker elements available with the Guardian. Some assumptions have been made.*1. New oil is at ISO 22/20/16.2. No environment or work ingression.3. Single pass oil transfer.NOTE: Data for fluid transfer only. For continuous fluidpolishing, lower ISO cleanliness levels will be achieved.Portable Filtration System Guardian®Guardian OperationA.Remove all shipping plugs from the hoses and fittings.B.Connect the inlet and outlet hose assemblies to the unit.C.Connect the wand assemblies, if required.D.Place the inlet hose wand assembly into the fluid to befiltered and/or transferred.E.Place the outlet hose/wand assembly into the containerwhere the fluid discharge is desired.F.Plug in the unit.G.Flip the switch on the end of the unit to the "on" position. NOTE: For no-mess transportation, the inlet and outlet hose assemblies can be screwed together byremoving the wand assembly.Element ServicingA.Flip the switch on the end of the unit to the “off” positionand disconnect the electrical plug.B.Rotate the cover counter-clockwise and remove.C.Remove the element from the housing. Discard alldisposable elements. These elements are not cleanable, D.Place the new element In the housing, fitting the o-ringneck into the large hole at the bottom.E.Inspect the cover o-ring and replace if necessary.F.Replace the cover and hand-tighten.NOTE 1: It is recommended that the Guardian becleaned and flushed between uses withdissimilar fluids to prevent fluid mixing. NOTE 2: Motor brushes may require changeoutevery 500 service hoursTroubleshooting GuidePortable Filtration SystemGuardian®Replacement PartsParts List1. Label............................Consult Factory12. Geroter Ring (931903)25. Rubber Bumpers (2)................931888 2. Motor, 110-120 VAC .................93191313. Outlet Plate...............................93190026. SHCS(2), ¼-20 x ½.................902907 220-440 VAC.................93238114. Geroter O-ring ..........................V7213527. Brass Fitting (2).......................931928 24 VDC .........................93275915. Brass Pipe Plug (2) ½-14........93192028. Gasket (4)................................931956 3. SHCS(4),¼-20x1......................90273416. RoIl Pin 1/8 x 5/8...........................90342629. Inlet Screen .............................931927 4. Adapter Plate ...........................93189017. SHCS (2), ¼-20 x 5/8..................93188930. Inlet Hose Assembly ...............931936 5. Housing O-Ring........................V7204118. Handle.......................................93189731. Outlet Hose Assembly ............931937 6. Polypak Seal ............................93192119. Cover ........................................93189232. Wand Crevice Assembly .........931965 7. Shadow Plate ...........................93189920. Cover O-Ring............................V7223733. Wand Adapter Assembly.........931966 8. Woodruff Key 1/8 x 3/8...................93187721. Element.................................................34. Washer (2)...............................926106 9. SHCS(4), ¼-20 x ¾..................90267922. Relief Valve...............................92898135. Quick Disconnect Kit...............93209710. Roll Pin 1/8 x ¾............................90363023. Indicator Kit ..............................927422 (Not Shown)11. Geroter Set (931873)24. Housing (931838)36. Washer .....................................93208537. Brush Kit (110/120)...................934329 (220/240 VAC).................934327 (24 VDC).................932761NOTE: SHCS denotes "socket head cap screw”Seal Kit ..........................................932263Bowl Extension Kit ......................932081Replacement ElementsPortable Filtration SystemGuardian®HOW TO ORDER:Select the desired symbol (in the correct position) to construct a model code. Example:Please note the bolded options reflectstandard options with a reducedlead-time. Consult factory on allother lead-time options.Portable PurificationSystemsModels PVS 185, 600, 1200, 1800, 2700PVSPortable Purification SystemsPrinciples of OperationContaminated oil is drawn into the ParkerPortable Purification System by a vacuum of25 In/Hg. The oil passes through the in-linelow watt density heater where the oil is heatedto an optimum temperature of 150° F (66°C).The oil then enters the distillation column whereit is exposed to the vacuum through the use of special dispersal elements. This increases the exposed surface area of the oil and converts the water to vaporform, which is then drawn through the condenserby the vacuum pump.The water-free oil falls to the bottom of thecolumn and is removed by a heavy duty lubeoil pump. This pump forces the dry oil througha final particulate removal filter. Clean oilpasses out of the unit, back to the reservoir —and into the system.Effects of Water Contamination Water is one of the most common contaminants in a fluid system and one of the most damaging. When water contaminates a system, it cancause serious problems such as:■Corrosion by etching metal■Fluid breakdown, reductionof lubricating properties,additive precipitation, andoil oxidation■Reduced dielectric strength■Abrasive wear inhydraulic components Free water occurs when oil becomes saturated and cannot hold any more water. This water is usually seen as cloudy oil or puddles of water at the bottom of an oil reservoir. Water which is absorbed into the oil is called dissolved water. At higher temperatures, oil has the ability to hold more water in the dissolved stage dueto the expansion of oil molecules. As the oil cools, this ability reverses and free water will appear where not visible before. In addition to temperature, fluid type also determines the saturation point for your system(see chart above).PVSPortable Purification SystemsApplications for PVSPortable Purification Systems■Paper Mills- Dryer Lubrication - Hydraulic- Compressor Lubrication - Calenders ■Steel Mills- Bearing Lubrication - Continuous Casters - Press Roll Lubrication ■Power Generation- Turbine Oil- Transformer Oil - EHC Systems■Industrial/Aerospace - Test Stands - Machine ToolsAir Cooled CondenserSelf Diagnosing Controls Condensate Holding Tank Vacuum PumpCaster WheelsReverse Pole Switch/Phase FailProgrammableThermostat Low Watt DensityHeaterLiquid Level Sight GlassForklift GuidesPVSPortable Purification SystemsEstimated Water Removal Time 5000ppm (0.5%)to 150ppm (0.015%)PVS (Vacuum Dehydration)Compared to Other TechnologiesCentrifuge units– Removes free water only; hasdifficulty breaking stable emulsions; larger envelope dimensions but lower flows; higher initial and operating costs.Desiccant units– Have limited water removalcapability due to absorbing material; only removes air ingressed particles; expensive compared to the volume of water removed.Coalescer units– Removes free water only; hasdifficulty breaking stable emulsions; does not work well in viscous fluids (>100 sus); much larger in size compared to PVS.Start StopTypical PerformanceS P E C I F I C A T I O N SFlow rate 5 gpm (18.9 lpm)Height 60" (1524 mm)Width 25" (635 mm)Length 36" (914 mm)Weight 500 lbs. (227.3 kg)Seal material Fluorocarbon (EPR opt.)Condensate tank 4.1 gal (15.5 ltrs)Dispersal elements 1Minimum operating capacity 5 gal (18.9 ltrs)Vacuum (max)25 In/HgViscosity (max)500 sus (108 cSt)-Disposable2150 sus (460 cSt)-Packed TowerOutlet pressure (max)60 psi (4.1 bar)Ports 3/4" JIC (male) inlet3/4" JIC (male) outletFLA (full load amps)15-30 amps(Depending on voltage used)85....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S P E C I F I C A T I O N SFlow rate 10 gpm (37.9 lpm)Height 60" (1524 mm)Width 25" (635 mm)Length 36" (914 mm)Weight 750 lbs. (341 kg)Seal material Fluorocarbon (EPR opt.)Condensate tank 4.1 gal (15.5 ltrs)Dispersal elements 2Minimum operating capacity 6 gal (22.7 ltrs)Vacuum (max)25 In/HgViscosity (max) 500 sus (108 cSt) - Disposable 2150 sus (460 cSt) - Packed T ower Outlet pressure (max)60 psi (4.1 bar)Ports 1" JIC (male) inlet1" JIC (male) outletFLA (full load amps)24-38 amps(Depending on options & voltages)200..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S P E C I F I C A T I O N SFlow rate 20 gpm (75.7 lpm)Height 65" (1651 mm)Width 32" (813 mm)Length 48" (1219 mm)Weight 1400lbs. (636 kg)Seal material Fluorocarbon (EPR opt.)Condensate tank 8.3 gal (31.4 ltrs)Dispersal elements 4Minimum operating capacity 11 gal (41.6 ltrs)Vacuum (max)25 In/HgViscosity (max) 500 sus (108 cSt) - Disposable2150 sus (460 cSt) - Packed T owerOutlet pressure (max)60 psi (4.1 bar)Ports 1½" NPTF inlet1" JIC (male) outletFLA (full load amps)30-48 amps(Depending on options & voltages)。
5STP 12M5800中文资料
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.V DSM =6500V I TAVM =1330A I TRMS =2080A I TSM =22000A V T0= 1.20V r T =0.600m ΩPhase Control Thyristor5STP 12M6500Doc. No. 5SYA1004-03 Sep. 01•Patented free-floating silicon technology •Low on-state and switching losses•Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications •Optimum power handling capabilityBlockingPart Number 5STP5STP 12M62005STP 12M5800ConditionsV DSM V RSM 6500 V 6200 V 5800 V f = 5 Hz, t p = 10ms V DRM V RRM5600 V 5300 V 4900 V f = 50 Hz, t p = 10ms V RSM17000 V6700 V 6300 Vt p = 5ms, single pulse I DSM ≤ 600 mA V DSM I RSM ≤ 600 mAV RSMT j = 125°CdV/dt crit2000 V/µsExp. to 0.67 x V DRM, T j= 125°CV DRM / V RRM are equal to V DSM / V RSM values up to T j = 110°CMechanical dataF MMounting forcenom.50kN min.45kN max.60kNaAcceleration Device unclamped Device clamped 50100m/s 2m/s 2m Weight1.85kg D S Surface creepage distance 45mm D aAir strike distance21mmOn-stateI TAVM Max. average on-state current1330A Half sine wave, T C = 70°CI TRMS Max. RMS on-state current2080AI TSM Max. peak non-repetitive22000A tp=10ms T j = 125°Csurge current24000A tp=8.3ms After surge: I2t Limiting load integral2420kA2s tp=10ms V D = V R = 0V2390kA2s tp=8.3msV T On-state voltage 2.12V I T=1500AV T0Threshold voltage 1.20V I T=670 - 2000A T j = 125°C r T Slope resistance0.600mΩI H Holding current50-125mA T j=25°C20-75mA T j=125°CI L Latching current150-600mA T j=25°C50-200mA T j=125°CSwitchingdi/dt crit Critical rate of rise of on-state100A/µs Cont. f = 50 Hz V D≤ 0.67⋅V DRM , T j = 125°C current200A/µs I TRM = 2000 A60 sec.f = 50Hz IFG= 2 A, t r = 0.5 µst d Delay time≤ 3.0µs V D = 0.4⋅V DRM I FG = 2 A, t r = 0.5 µst q Turn-off time≤800µs V D ≤ 0.67⋅V DRM I TRM = 2000 A, T j = 125°Cdv D/dt = 20V/µs V R > 200 V, di T/dt = -1 A/µs Q rr Recovery charge min1600µAsmax2600µAsTriggeringV GT Gate trigger voltage 2.6V T j = 25°I GT Gate trigger current400mA T j = 25°V GD Gate non-trigger voltage0.3V V D =0.4 x V DRMI GD Gate non-trigger current10mA V D = 0.4 x V DRMV FGM Peak forward gate voltage12VI FGM Peak forward gate current10AV RGM Peak reverse gate voltage10VP G Gate power loss3WThermalT jmax Max. operating junction temperature range125°C T stg Storage temperature range -40…140°C R thJCThermal resistance 24K/kW Anode side cooled junction to case24K/kW Cathode side cooled 12K/kWDouble side cooled R thCHThermal resistance case to 4K/kW Single side cooled heat sink2K/kWDouble side cooledFig. 1Transient thermal impedance junction to case.Fig. 2On-state characteristics.T j =125°C, 10ms half sineFig. 3On-state characteristics.Fig. 4On-state power dissipation vs. mean on-state current. Turn - on losses excluded.Fig. 5Max. permissible case temperature vs.mean on-state current.Fig. 6Surge on-state current vs. pulse length.Half-sine wave.Fig. 7Surge on-state current vs. number ofpulses. Half-sine wave, 10 ms, 50Hz.Fig. 8Gate trigger characteristics.Fig. 9Max. peak gate power loss.Fig. 10Recovery charge vs. decay rate of on-state current.Fig. 11Peak reverse recovery current vs. decayrate of on-state current.Turn - off time, typical parameter relationship.Fig. 12t q /t q1 = f 1(T j )Fig. 13t q /t q1 = f 2(-di T /dt)Fig. 14t q /t q1 = f 3(dv/dt)t q = t q1 • f 1(T j ) • f 2(-di T /dt) • f 3(dv/dt)t q1 :at normalized values (see page 2)t q : at varying conditionsABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.ABB Semiconductors AG Doc. No. 5SYA1004-03 Sep. 01Fabrikstrasse 3CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland Telephone +41 (0)62 888 6419Fax +41 (0)62 888 6306Turn-on and Turn-off lossesFig. 15W on = f(I T , t P ), T j = 125°C.Half sinusoidal waves.Fig. 16W on = f(I T , di/dt), T j = 125°C.Rectangular waves.Fig. 17W off = f(V 0,I T ), T j = 125°C.Half sinusoidal waves. t P = 10 ms.Fig. 18W off = f(V 0,di/dt), T j = 125°C.Rectangular waves.。
Data Sheet 2629, Rev. AUF4001 THRU UF4007Reverse Voltage - 50 to 1000 Volts Forward Current - 1.0 AmpereCase : JEDEC DO-41 molded plastic bodyTerminals : Plated axial leads, solderable per MIL-STD-750,Method 2026Polarity : Color band denotes cathode end Mounting Position : AnyWeight :0.012 ounce, 0.33 gramsThe plastic package carries Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classification 94V-0Ultra fast switching for high efficiency Low reverse leakageHigh forward surge current capability High temperature soldering guaranteed:250 C/10 seconds,0.375”(9.5mm) lead length,5 lbs. (2.3kg) tensionFEATURESMECHANICAL DATAMAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSRatings at 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Single phase half-wave 60Hz,resistive or inductive load,for capacitive load current derate by 20%.Note:1.Reverse recovery condition I F =0.5A,IR =1.0A,Irr=0.25A2.Measured at 1MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V D.C.3.Thermal resistance from junction to ambient at 0.375” (9.5mm)lead length,P.C.B. mountedDimensions in inches and (millimeters)DO-41Data Sheet 2629, Rev. ARATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES UF4001 THRU UF40071. 1.0 10 1000.01 0.1 1 10 1001001010.1REVERSE VOLTAGE,VOLTSt,PULSE DURATION,sec.FIG. 6-TYPICAL TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCEFIG. 3-TYPICAL INSTANTANEOUS FORWARDCHARACTERISTICSNUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 HzFIG. 2-MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK FORWARDFIG. 1- FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVE0.010.1120101001010.10.01PERCENT OF PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE,%FIG. 4-TYPICAL REVERSE CHARACTERISTICSAMBIENT TEMPERATURE, CSENSITRONSEMICONDUCTORTECHNICAL DATADISCLAIMER:1- The information given herein, including the specifications and dimensions, is subject to change without prior notice to improve product characteristics. Before ordering, purchasers are advised to contact the Sensitron Semiconductor sales department for the latest version of the datasheet(s).2- In cases where extremely high reliability is required (such as use in nuclear power control, aerospace and aviation, traffic equipment, medical equipment, and safety equipment), safety should be ensured by using semiconductor devices that feature assured safety or by means of users’ fail-safe precautions or other arrangement.3- In no event shall Sensitron Semiconductor be liable for any damages that may result from an accident or any other cause during operation of the user’s units according to the datasheet(s). Sensitron Semiconductor assumes no responsibility for any intellectual property claims or any other problems that may result from applications of information, products or circuits described in the datasheets.4- In no event shall Sensitron Semiconductor be liable for any failure in a semiconductor device or any secondary damage resulting from use at a value exceeding the absolute maximum rating.5- No license is granted by the datasheet(s) under any patents or other rights of any third party or Sensitron Semiconductor.6- The datasheet(s) may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or part, without the expressed written permission of Sensitron Semiconductor.7- The products (technologies) described in the datasheet(s) are not to be provided to any party whose purpose in their application will hinder maintenance of international peace and safety nor are they to be applied to that purpose by their direct purchasers or any third party. When exporting these products (technologies), the necessary procedures are to be taken in accordance with related laws and regulations.。
DFU400 使用说明书
0XJ 465 160第 3 页共 63 页旧底图总号底图总号签字日期z 回校指示和接收外部控制及开关设备所发报警信号;z 模拟量的测量;z 通过电触发信号产生的内部时钟同步;z 通过光触发信号产生的内部时钟同步。
1.3.2 串行接口z 与主控站通信;z 配置参数,调试和就地控制;z 下载系统固件。
2 技术参数2.1 基本数据2.1.1 开关量输入a)输入通道个数: 40;b)额定电压: 24 VDC, 110 VDC, 220 VDC 可选;c)电压范围: 额定电压的±20%;d)信号电平/电压范围:低电平: 0 V ∼ 额定电压的40% ;高电平: 额定电压的60% ∼ 额定电压的120%。
e)输入死区时间:1 ms ∼ 2550 s可配置;f)输入滤波时间:1 ms ∼ 2550 s可配置;g)每个通道的功耗: 1.1 W (2.5 mA 220 VDC);h)电气隔离: 光耦;i)连接: 插入式连接, 4 mm2端子。
2.1.2 开关量输出a)输出通道个数: 24, 每个通道2个空接点(触点), 每两个通道一个公共回路;b)输出接点电压:选项1: 110 VDC/175 VAC(带触点防护);选项2: 220 VDC/250 VAC(带触点防护);选项3: 220 VDC/250 VAC(无触点防护)。
c)最大开关电流: 15 A 最大4 s (通道1到通道22);25 A 最大4 s (通道23到通道24);d)最大持续电流: 8 A (通道1到通道22);10 A (通道23到通道24);e)切换容量: 50 W∼270 W (通道1到通道22);35 W∼500 W (通道23到通道24);f)电气隔离: 继电器;g)连接: 插入式连接, 4 mm2端子。
2.1.3 模拟量输入a)输入通道个数: 8;0XJ 465 160第 4 页共 63 页旧底图总号底图总号签字日期b)额定值: 20 mA,10 V可选;c)标幺值: 10 mA,5 V为100% ;d)测量误差: 0.5%额定值;e)输入滤波器的死区时间: 0.8 ms(20 mA 输入), 50 µF(10 V 输入);f)每个通道功耗: 20 mW (电流输入) / 2 mW (电压输入);g)每个电压/电流通道输入阻抗: 50 kΩ(电压输入)/200 Ω(电流输入);h)电气隔离: 通过外部连接的变送器或互感器;i)连接: 插入式连接, 2.5 mm2端子。
ABB晶闸管5STP 12F4200
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.V DRM =4200 V I T(AV)M =1150 A I T(RMS) =1800 A I TSM =15×103 A V T0 =0.95 V r T=0.575 m ΩPhase Control Thyristor5STP 12F4200Doc. No. 5SYA1021-04 May 07• Patented free-floating silicon technology • Low on-state and switching losses• Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications • Optimum power handling capabilityBlocking1)Characteristic valuesParameterSymbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Forward leakage current I DRM V DRM , T vj = 125°C 200 mA Reverse leakage currentI RRMV RRM , T vj = 125°C200mANote 1: Voltage de-rating factor of 0.11% per °C is applicable for Tvj below +5 °CMechanical dataMaximum rated values 1)Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ maxUnit Mounting force F M14 22 24 kN Acceleration a Device unclamped 50 m/s 2AccelerationaDevice clamped100 m/s 2 Characteristic valuesParameter Symbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Weightm0.6 kg Housing thickness H F M = 22 kN, T a = 25 °C 26.1 26.5 mm Surface creepage distance D S 25 mm Air strike distanceD a14mm1) Maximum rated values indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occurOn-stateMaximum rated values 1)ParameterSymbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Average on-state current I T(AV)M Half sine wave, T c = 70 °C 1150 A RMS on-state current I T(RMS)1800 A Peak non-repetitive surge currentI TSM 15×103A Limiting load integral I 2t t p = 10 ms, T vj = 125 °C, sine wave after surge: V D = V R = 0 V1.13×106 A 2s Peak non-repetitive surge currentI TSM 16×103 A Limiting load integralI 2tt p = 8.3 ms, T vj = 125 °C, sine wave after surge: V D = V R = 0 V 1.06×106A 2s Characteristic valuesParameterSymbol Conditions mintypmaxUnit On-state voltage V T I T = 2000 A, T vj = 125 °C 2.1 V Threshold voltage V (T0) 0.95 V Slope resistance r T I T = 600 A - 1800 A, T vj = 125 °C 0.575 m Ω Holding current I H T vj = 25 °C 80 mAT vj = 125 °C 60 mA Latching current I L T vj = 25 °C 500 mAT vj = 125 °C200mASwitchingMaximum rated values 1)ParameterSymbol Conditions mintypmaxUnit Critical rate of rise of on-state currentdi/dt crit Cont. f = 50 Hz 100 A/µs Critical rate of rise of on-state currentdi/dt critT vj = 125 °C, I TRM = 2000 A, V D ≤ 2810 V, I FG = 2 A, t r = 0.5 µsCont. f = 1Hz1000 A/µs Circuit-commutated turn-off timet q T vj = 125°C, I TRM = 2000 A, V R = 200 V, di T /dt = -1.5 A/µs, V D ≤ 0.67⋅V DRM , dv D /dt = 20 V/µs600µsCharacteristic valuesParameterSymbol Conditions min typmax Unit Reverse recovery charge Q rr 1400 2400 µAs Reverse recovery current I RM T vj = 125°C, I TRM = 2000 A, V R = 200 V,di T /dt = -1.5 A/µs40 54 A Gate turn-on delay timet gdT vj = 25 °C, V D = 0.4⋅V RM , I FG = 2 A, t r = 0.5 µs2µsTriggeringMaximum rated values 1)ParameterSymbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Peak forward gate voltage V FGM 12 V Peak forward gate current I FGM 10 A Peak reverse gate voltage V RGM10V Average gate power lossP G(AV)see Fig. 9W Characteristic valuesParameter Symbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Gate-trigger voltage V GT T vj = 25 °C 2.6 V Gate-trigger current I GT T vj = 25 °C400 mA Gate non-trigger voltage V GD V D = 0.4 x V DRM , T vjmax = 125 °C 0.3 V Gate non-trigger current I GDV D = 0.4 x V DRM , T vjmax = 125°C10mAThermalMaximum rated values 1)Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit Operating junction temperature rangeT vj125 °C Storage temperature range T stg-40 140 °C Characteristic valuesParameterSymbol Conditionsmin typ max Unit Thermal resistance junction to case R th(j-c) Double-side cooled F m = 14...24 kN 17 K/kW R th(j-c)A Anode-side cooled F m = 14...24 kN 33 K/kWR th(j-c)CCathode-side cooled F m = 14...24 kN 35K/kW Thermal resistance case to heatsink R th(c-h) Double-side cooled F m = 14...24 kN 4 K/kWR th(c-h)Single-side cooled F m = 14...24 kN8K/kWAnalytical function for transient thermalimpedance:)e -(1R = (t)Z n 1i t/-i c)-th(j ∑=i τi 1 2 3 4 R i (K/kW) 10.350 3.760 2.290 0.670τi (s)0.37230.05250.00570.0023Fig. 1 Transient thermal impedance (junction-to-case) vs. timeFig. 2 On-state voltage characteristicsFig. 3 On-state characteristics,T j = 125°C, 10ms half sineFig. 4 On-state power dissipation vs. mean on-statecurrent, turn-on losses excludedFig. 5 Max. permissible case temperature vs. meanon-state current, switching losses ignoredFig. 6Surge on-state current vs. pulse length,half-sine waveFig. 7Surge on-state current vs. number of pulses,half-sine wave, 10 ms, 50HzFig. 8Recommended gate current waveform Fig. 9Max. peak gate power lossFig. 10Reverse recovery charge vs. decay rate ofon-state currentFig. 11Peak reverse recovery current vs. decay rateof on-state currentTurn-on and Turn-off lossesFig. 12 Turn-on energy, half sinusoidal wavesFig. 13 Turn-on energy, rectangular wavesFig. 14 Turn-off energy, half sinusoidal wavesFig. 15 Turn-off energy, rectangular wavesFig. 16 Current and voltage waveforms at turn-offFig. 17 Relationships for power lossABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.ABB Switzerland Ltd Doc. No. 5SYA1021-04 May 07Semiconductors Fabrikstrasse 3CH-5600 Lenzburg, SwitzerlandTelephone +41 (0)58 586 1419 Fax +41 (0)58 586 1306Fig. 18 Device Outline DrawingRelated documents:5SYA 2020 Design of RC-Snubber for Phase Control Applications 5SYA 2049 Voltage definitions for phase control thyristors and diodes 5SYA 2051 Voltage ratings of high power semiconductors 5SYA 2034 Gate-Drive Recommendations for PCT's5SYA 2036 Recommendations regarding mechanical clamping of Press Pack High Power Semiconductors5SZK 9104 Specification of environmental class for pressure contact diodes, PCTs and GTO, STORAGE available on request, please contact factory5SZK 9105Specification of environmental class for pressure contact diodes, PCTs and GTO, TRANSPORTATION available on request, please contact factoryPlease refer to /semiconductors for current version of documents.。
FSM4000 中文手册
1 概述本教材讲述MAG-SM型电磁流量计系统的装配和安装以及电气连接和组态。
1.1 工作原理ABB Automation Products 的交流励磁的电磁流量计(FSM)是测量各类具有规定最小电导率的液体、浆液和泥浆流的理想流量计,它们测量准确,不产生附加压降,没有移动或凸出部件,不磨损,抗腐蚀,可以在所有现存的管道上安装。
“ABB Automation Products”的“FSM”经受多年考验,证明它是化工、药、市政供水、污水处理以及食品和造纸工业领域中的首选仪器。
1.2 测量原理法拉第感应原理是电磁流量计的基础,当导体切割磁力线运动时导体中就会产生感应电势。
UE ~ B . D . V流体中的感应电压由位于直径方向彼此相对的两个电极测出。
信号电压U E正比于电磁感应强度B、电极距离D和平均流速V。
由于磁感应强度B和电极间距离D 是常数,则信号电压UE 与平均流速V之间成比例关系。
计算体积流量公式UE~ QV。
图1 电磁流量计原理图1.3 设计电磁流量系统包括一个流量传感器和一个转换器。
2 装配和安装2.1 检查电磁流量计系统安装前,应首先检查是否存在装运时不正确操作而产生的机械损伤。
2.2 流量传感器安装要求流量传感器不应安装在强磁场附近。
VIDEOJET Multi 4000 系列安装手册说明书
组播 在适当配置的网络中,组播功能允许同时对多个接收器进行实时视频传输。 要使用此功能,必须在网络 上实施 UDP 和 IGMP V2 协议。
访问安全性 编码器为访问网络、装置和数据通道提供了多种安全级别。 除多达三级密码保护以外,它们还支持用 RADIUS 服务器进行识别的 802.1x 身份验证技术。 通过使用存储在装置中的 SSL 证书,可以采用 HTTPS 来保护 Web 浏览器访问。 为了全面保护数据,每个通信通道,即视频、音频或串行 I/O,都可 以独立进行 AES 加密。
视频编码 VIDEOJET multi 4000 High Profile 编码器采用 H.264 视频压缩标准。 凭借高效的编码技术,即使在 传输高品质图像时,数据速率也能保持在较低水平,并且还能够在诸多限制下适应本地条件。
音频编码 VIDEOJET multi 4000 编码器采用 G.711、AAC 和 L16 音频压缩标准。 G.711 是实时传输的默认设 置。 对于录像,默认设置为 AAC。 在配置有 Web 浏览器时,您可以选择使用首选标准进行录像。 使 用视频管理系统时,上述做法也适用于实时音频。
– 切勿打开装置的外壳。 本装置中没有用户可维修的部件。 – 确保所有维护或维修工作仅由合格的维修人员(电气工程师或网络技术专家)执行。 如有任何疑
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
2014 年 2 月 | V1 | F.01U.298.750
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
VIDEOJET multi 4000
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1)Maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occurABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.V DSM =4200V I TAVM =1150A I TRMS =1800A I TSM =15000A V T0=0.95V r T =0.575m ΩPhase Control Thyristor5STP 12F4200Doc. No. 5SYA1021-03 Jan. 02•Patented free-floating silicon technology •Low on-state and switching losses•Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications •Optimum power handling capabilityBlockingMaximum rated values1)Symbol Conditions 5STP 12F42005STP 12F40005STP 12F3600V DRM, V RRM f = 50 Hz, t p = 10 ms 4200 V 4000 V 3600 V V RSM t p = 5 ms, single pulse4600 V4400 V 4000 VdV/dt crit Exp. to 0.67 x V DRM , T vj = 125°C1000 V/µs Characteristic valuesParameterSymbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Forward leakage current I DRM V DRM , T vj = 125°C 200mA Reverse leakage currentI RRMV RRM , T vj = 125°C200mAMechanical dataMaximum rated values1)Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit Mounting force F M 142224kN Acceleration a Device unclamped 50m/s 2AccelerationaDevice clamped100m/s 2Characteristic valuesParameter Symbol Conditions min typ maxUnit Weightm 0.6kg Surface creepage distance D S 25mm Air strike distanceD a14mm元器件交易网On-stateMaximum rated values1)ParameterSymbol Conditions min typ max Unit Average on-state current I TAVM Half sine wave, T c = 70°C 1150A RMS on-state current I TRMS 1800A Peak non-repetitive surge currentI TSM 15000A Limiting load integral I 2t tp = 10 ms, T vj = 125°C,V D = V R = 0 V1125kA 2s Peak non-repetitive surge currentI TSM 16000A Limiting load integralI 2ttp = 8.3 ms, T vj = 125°C,V D = V R =0 V1062kA 2s Characteristic valuesParameter Symbol Conditions mintypmax Unit On-state voltage V T I T = 2000 A, T vj = 125°C 2.1V Threshold voltage V T00.95V Slope resistance r T I T = 600 A - 1800 A, T vj = 125°C0.575m ΩHolding current I H T vj = 25°C 80mA T vj = 125°C 60mA Latching currentI LT vj = 25°C 500mA T vj = 125°C200mASwitchingMaximum rated values1)ParameterSymbol Conditions min typ max Unit Critical rate of rise of on-state currentdi/dt crit Cont.f = 50 Hz 100A/µs Critical rate of rise of on-state currentdi/dt critT vj = 125°C, I TRM = 2000 A,V D ≤ 0.67⋅V DRM ,I FG = 2 A, t r = 0.5 µsCont.f = 1Hz 1000A/µs Circuit-commutated turn-off timet q T vj = 125°C, I TRM = 2000 A,V R = 200 V, di T /dt = -5 A/µs,V D ≤ 0.67⋅V DRM , dv D /dt = 20 V/µs,600µsCharacteristic valuesParameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit Recovery charge Q rr T vj = 125°C, I TRM = 2000 A,V R = 200 V, di T /dt = -5 A/µs 25004000µAs Delay timet dV D = 0.4⋅V DRM , I FG = 2 A, t r = 0.5 µs2µsTriggeringMaximum rated values1)ParameterSymbol Conditions min typ max Unit Peak forward gate voltage V FGM 12V Peak forward gate current I FGM 10A Peak reverse gate voltage V RGM 10V Gate power loss P G For DC gate current3WAverage gate power lossP GAVsee Fig. 9Characteristic valuesParameter Symbol Conditions mintypmax Unit Gate trigger voltage V GT T vj = 25°C 2.6V Gate trigger current I GT T vj = 25°C400mA Gate non-trigger voltage V GD V D = 0.4 x V DRM , T vjmax = 125°C 0.3V Gate non-trigger currentI GDV D = 0.4 x V DRM , T vjmax = 125°C 10mAThermalMaximum rated values1)Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit Operating junction temperature rangeT vj125°C Storage temperature range T stg -40140°C Characteristic valuesParameterSymbol Conditionsmintypmax Unit Thermal resistance junction to caseR th(j-c)Double-side cooled 17K/kW R th(j-c)A Anode-side cooled 33K/kW R th(j-c)CCathode-side cooled 35K/kW Thermal resistance case to heatsinkR th(c-h)Double-side cooled 4K/kW R th(c-h)Single-side cooled8K/kWAnalytical function for transient thermalimpedance:)e -(1R = (t)Z n1i t/-i thJC i å=τi 1234R i (K/kW)10.35 3.76 2.290.67τi (s)0.37230.05250.00570.0023Fig. 1 Transient thermal impedance junction-to case.Fig. 2On-state characteristics.Fig. 3On-state characteristics.T j =125°C, 10ms half sineFig. 4On-state power dissipation vs. mean on-statecurrent. Turn - on losses excluded.Fig. 5Max. permissible case temperature vs. meanon-state current.Fig. 6Surge on-state current vs. pulse length. Half-sine wave.Fig. 7Surge on-state current vs. number of pulses.Half-sine wave, 10 ms, 50Hz.Fig. 8Recommended gate current waveform.Fig. 9Max. peak gate power loss.Fig. 10Recovery charge vs. decay rate of on-statecurrent.Fig. 11Peak reverse recovery current vs. decay rateof on-state current.ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.ABB Switzerland Ltd Doc. No. 5SYA1021-03 Jan. 02Semiconductors Fabrikstrasse 3CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland Telephone +41 (0)58 586 1419Fax +41 (0)58 586 1306Fig. 12Device Outline Drawing.。