VW 10514 汽车零部件标识 2011 06 01
VW 10514-De_1302

Konzernnorm VW 10514Ausgabe 2013-02 Klass.-Nr.:01151Schlagwörter:Fahrzeugteil, Markenzeichen, Kennzeichnung, LogoMarkenzeichenKennzeichnung von FahrzeugteilenFrühere AusgabenVW 10514: 1966-01, 1973-01, 1974-03, 1998-09, 2001-01, 2002-06, 2002-11, 2006-03, 2007-06, 2010-05, 2011-06ÄnderungenGegenüber der VW 10514: 2011-06 wurden folgende Änderungen vorgenommen:–Fachverantwortung geändert–Norm neu gegliedert–VW 10513 und VW 10517 in die neue Ausgabe der VW 10514 integriert–Audi-Markenzeichen (Ausführung G) gelöscht–Seat-Markenzeichen aktualisiert–Lamborghini-Markenzeichen (Ausführung H und Y) hinzugefügt, siehe Bild 8 und Bild 9–Tabelle 1 überarbeitet, KVS-Kennsätze aktualisiertNorm vor Anwendung auf Aktualität prüfen.Seite 1 von 8 Die elektronisch erzeugte Norm ist authentisch und gilt ohne Unterschrift.Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Weitergabe oder Vervielfältigung ohne vorherige Zustimmung einer Normenabteilung des Volkswagen Konzerns nicht gestattet.© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2012-05iSeite 2VW 10514: 2013-02InhaltSeiteAnwendungsbereich ...................................................................................................2Anforderungen ...........................................................................................................2Regelung ....................................................................................................................2Markenzeichen ...........................................................................................................3Volkswagen ................................................................................................................3Audi ............................................................................................................................5Seat ............................................................................................................................5Skoda .........................................................................................................................6Lamborghini ...............................................................................................................6Bugatti ........................................................................................................................7Bentley .......................................................................................................................8Die Wortmarke (Konzernmarkenzeichen) ..................................................................8Mitgeltende Unterlagen ..............................................................................................812344., Kauf- und/oder Originalteile des Volkswagen Konzerns sind grundsätzlich mit dem entsprechenden Markenzeichen nach dieser Norm zu kennzeichnen, soweit dieses technisch mög‐lich ist.ANMERKUNG 1 Die hier dargestellten Markenzeichen dienen nur der Information. Die Größenan‐gaben in der Bezeichnung sind Beispiele. Die für die Teilekennzeichnung notwendigen Maße und Relationen sind als Datensatz im KVS verfügbar und werden den Herstellern von der zuständigen Konstruktion zur Verfügung gestellt.AnforderungenDie Kennzeichnung muss so ausgeführt sein, dass die Haltbarkeit und Lesbarkeit entsprechend der Lebensdauer der Teile gewährleistet ist. Sie ist ausschließlich durch geeignete Herstellverfah‐ren, wie z. B. Prägen, Ätzen, Erodieren, auf die Teile aufzubringen.Nachgeordnete Arbeitsgänge dürfen die Lesbarkeit der Kennzeichnung nicht herabsetzen.ANMERKUNG 2 Vorzugsweise ist die Kennzeichnung durch Einarbeitung in das Herstellwerkzeug auf das Teil aufzubringen. Etiketten (Label), Anhänger und dergleichen dürfen nicht für die Teile‐kennzeichnung nach dieser Norm verwendet werden.RegelungDie Notwendigkeit der Teilekennzeichnung wird von der zuständigen Konstruktion mit Hilfe des standardisierten Wiederholtextes (VW 01014, Kenn-Nr. NO-E2) in der Zeichnung vorgeschrieben.Grundsätzlich ist die Ausführung des Markenzeichens in der Zeichnung anzugeben. Fehlt diese Angabe, so ist Ausführung …S“ anzuwenden.Abweichungen von der Notwendigkeit der Teilekennzeichnung dürfen von der zuständigen Kon‐struktionsabteilung nur in Absprache mit K-VO-GL, Produktdefinition, Qualitätssicherung und Nor‐mung festgelegt werden.123Seite 3VW 10514: 2013-02Ausgenommen von der Kennzeichnungspflicht sind Teile, bei denen aus konstruktiven Gründen, z. B. Kerbempfindlichkeit (hohe Kerbspannungen) oder Platzmangel, keine Kennzeichnung vorgenommen werden kann.Bei beengten Platzverhältnissen hat die Kennzeichnung mit dem Markenzeichen Vorrang vor dem Herstellland (VW 10550), dem Hersteller-Code (VW 10540-1), der Teilnummer, der Datumskenn‐zeichnung (VW 10560) und der Werkstoffkennzeichnung (VDA 260).Die jeweiligen Markenzeichen müssen in ihrer Schriftgröße/Zeichengröße doppelt so groß sein,wie alle anderen am Teil enthaltenen Kennzeichnungen (Ausnahme ist Ausführung S, siehe Abschnitt 5).Die unterschiedliche Markenkennzeichnung der Fahrzeugteile ist entsprechend der Verbauung in den verschiedenen Marken nach Tabelle 1 zu bestimmen.Die Anbringungsart gegossen, geschlagen, geätzt, geprägt, gestempelt, erodiert, erhaben oder vertieft, ist in der Zeichnung vorzuschreiben. Fehlt diese Angabe, wird die Ausführung dem Her‐steller überlassen.Tabelle 1 – Übersicht der Werknormen/Datensätze für Fahrzeugteile-KennzeichnungMarkenzeichen VolkswagenFahrzeugteile, die ausschließlich in Fahrzeugen der Marke Volkswagen verbaut werden, sind mit dem Markenzeichen Ausführung C (siehe Bild 1) und Ausführung O (siehe Bild 2), zu kennzeich‐nen.ANMERKUNG 3 Es ist bevorzugt Ausführung C anzuwenden.ANMERKUNG 4 Die Buchstaben V und W sowie der sie umgebende Kreisring (d 1 - 2a) sind derart auszuführen, dass sie in Richtung eines Betrachters des gekennzeichneten Fahrzeugteils erhaben erscheinen.Weitere Ausführungsregeln enthält die VW 10500 .4 4.1Seite 4VW 10514: 2013-02Bild 1 – Ausführung C (siehe Tabelle 2)Bild 2 – Ausführung O (siehe Tabelle 2) KVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung C mit der Nenngröße d1 = ∅10 mm: Markenzeichen VW 10514 – C 10Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung O mit der Nenngröße d1 = ∅16 mm: Markenzeichen VW 10514 – O 16Tabelle 2 – Maße für Ausführung C und Oa)Maßdefinition: d3 = 1,163 × d1b)Maßdefinition: a = 0,085 × d1c)Maßdefinition: b = 0,1 × d1d)Maßdefinition: c = 0,025 × d1Seite 5VW 10514: 2013-02AudiFahrzeugteile, die ausschließlich in Fahrzeugen der Marke Audi verbaut werden, sind mit dem Markenzeichen Ausführung D (siehe Bild 3) zu kennzeichnen.Bild 3 – Ausführung DKVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung D mit der Nenngröße L 1= 20 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – D 20SeatBild 4 – Ausführung FBild 5 – Ausführung JLegende h Nennmaß (für die Ausführung F = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 und 50 mm)lNennmaß (für die Ausführung J = 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64 und 72 mm)KVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung F mit der Nenngröße h = 10 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – F 10Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung J mit der Nenngröße l = 20 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – J 204.2 4.3Seite 6VW 10514: 2013-02SkodaBild 6 – Ausführung MKVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung M mit der Nenngröße d = ∅16 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – M 16LamborghiniBild 7 – Ausführung TBild 8 – Ausführung HBild 9 – Ausführung YAusführung der Schrift in Schriftart Thesis TheSans, wenn technisch möglich.KVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung T mit der Nenngröße h = 20 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – T 204.4 4.5Seite 7VW 10514: 2013-02 Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung H mit der Nenngrößeh = 20 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – H 20Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung Y mit der Nenngrößeh = 5 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – Y 5BugattiBild 10 – Ausführung U Bild 11 – Ausführung W KVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung U mit der Nenngröße l = 20 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – U 20Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung W mit der Nenngröße l = 20 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – W 204.6Seite 8VW 10514: 2013-02BentleyBild 12 – Ausführung VKVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung V mit der Nenngröße h = 10 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – V 10Die Wortmarke (Konzernmarkenzeichen)Werden baugleiche Fahrzeugteile in Fahrzeugen mehrerer Marken verbaut, ist die Kennzeichnungnach Ausführung S, siehe Bild 13, zu verwenden. Dabei muss auf eine möglichst unauffällige Größe und Positionierung des Konzernmarkenzeichens geachtet werden.Bild 13 – Ausführung SAusführung der Schrift in Schriftart Thesis TheSans, wenn technisch möglich.KVS-Kennsatz siehe Tabelle 1.Beispiel für die Bezeichnung eines Markenzeichens der Ausführung S mit der Nenngröße h = 5 mm:Markenzeichen VW 10514 – S 5Mitgeltende UnterlagenDie folgenden in der Norm zitierten Dokumente sind zur Anwendung dieser Norm erforderlich:VW 01014Zeichnungen; Zeichnungsrahmen und WiederholtexteVW 10500Firmenbezeichnung, Teilekennzeichnung; Richtlinien für die Anwendung VW 10540-1Hersteller-Code für FahrzeugteileVW 10550Herstellland-Kennzeichnung; Fahrzeugteile VW 10560Datumskennzeichnung; FahrzeugteileVDA 260Bauteile von Kraftfahrzeugen - Kennzeichnung der Werkstoffe4.7 56。

Group Standard VW 10514Issue 2013-02 Class. No.:01151Descriptors:vehicle part, logo, markingLogosMarking of Vehicle PartsPrevious issuesVW 10514: 1966-01, 1973-01, 1974-03, 1998-09, 2001-01, 2002-06, 2002-11, 2006-03, 2007-06, 2010-05, 2011-06ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 10514: 2011-06:–Technical responsibility changed–Standard restructured–VW 10513 and VW 10517 integrated into the new edition of VW 10514–Audi logo (type G) deleted–Seat logo updated–Lamborghini logo (types H and Y added, see figure 8 and figure 9–Table 1 revised; KVS data updatedVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.Page 1 of 8All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2012-05j Q U E L L E : N O L I SPage 2VW 10514: 2013-02ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................2Requirements .............................................................................................................2Regulation ..................................................................................................................2Logo ...........................................................................................................................3Volkswagen ................................................................................................................3Audi ............................................................................................................................5Seat ............................................................................................................................5Skoda .........................................................................................................................6Lamborghini ...............................................................................................................6Bugatti ........................................................................................................................7Bentley .......................................................................................................................8The wordmark (Group logo) .......................................................................................8Applicable documents ................................................................................................812344. parts, supply parts, and/or original parts of the Volkswagen Group must be marked with the corresponding logos in accordance with this standard, provided that this is technically feasible.NOTE 1 The logos shown herein are solely of informative nature. The dimensions specified in the logo designations are examples. Dimensions and proportional data necessary for marking parts are available as data records in the KVS. The appropriate design engineering department will pro‐vide these data to the manufacturers.RequirementsParts must be marked in such a way that durability and legibility of the marking are ensured over the service life of the parts. The marking must be applied to the parts using suitable manufacturing methods such as, e.g., embossing, etching, or electric discharge machining.Downstream processing steps must not adversely affect the legibility of the marking.NOTE 2 Preferably, the marking is to be applied by incorporating it into the manufacturing tool. La‐bels, tags, and similar items must not be used for marking parts in accordance with this standard.RegulationThe appropriate design engineering department specifies in the drawing whether or not a part must be marked by using the standardized text macro (VW 01014, ID no. NO-E2).The logo type must always be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, type "S"must be used.The responsible design engineering department may deviate from the necessity of marking parts only in consultation with K-VO-GL, the Product Definition department, Quality Assurance, and the Standards department.Parts which cannot be marked for design reasons such as, e.g., notch sensitivity (high notch stresses) or lack of space, are excluded from the marking requirement.123Page 3VW 10514: 2013-02If there is a lack of space, the logo marking takes precedence over the country of origin (VW 10550), the manufacturer´s code (VW 10540-1), the part number, the date marking (VW 10560), and the material designation (VDA 260).The fonts/symbols of the logos must be twice as large as all other markings on the part (type S is an exception, see section 5).Which logos are to be applied to vehicle parts of different brands must be determined as shown in table 1 in accordance with their use in vehicles of the different brands.The type of application, i.e. cast, punched, etched, embossed, stamped, electric discharge ma‐chined, raised, or recessed, must be defined in the drawing. If this is not the case, the choice is left to the manufacturer.Table 1 – Overview of in-house standards/data records for marking of vehicle partsLogo VolkswagenVehicle parts which are used exclusively in vehicles of the Volkswagen brand must be marked with the type C logo (see figure 1) and type O logo (see figure 2).NOTE 3 Type C is to be used preferentially.NOTE 4 The letters V and W as well as the circle surrounding them (d 1 - 2a) must be designed such as to appear raised from the perspective of a person looking at the marked component.VW 10500 contains additional design rules.4 4.1Page 4VW 10514: 2013-02Figure 1 – Type C (see table 2)Figure 2 – Type O (see table 2) For KVS data, see table 1.Designation of a type C logo with a nominal diameter of d1 = ∅ 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – C 10Designation of a type O logo with a nominal diameter of d1 = ∅16 mm:Logo VW 10514 – O 16Table 2 – Dimensions for types C and Oa)Dimension definition: d3 = 1,163 × d1b)Dimension definition: a = 0,085 × d1c)Dimension definition: b = 0,1 × d1d)Dimension definition: c = 0,025 × d1Page 5VW 10514: 2013-02AudiVehicle parts which are used exclusively in vehicles of the Audi brand must be marked with the type D logo, (see figure 3).Figure 3 – Type DFor KVS label, see table 1.Designation of a type D logo with a nominal length of L 1= 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – D 20SeatFigure 4 – Type FFigure 5 – Type JLegend h Nominal dimension (for type F = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, and 50 mm)lNominal dimension (for type J = 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, and 72 mm)For KVS label, see table 1.Designation of a type F logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – F 10Designation of a type J logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – J 204.2 4.3Page 6VW 10514: 2013-02SkodaFigure 6 – Type MFor KVS label, see table 1.Designation of a type M logo with a nominal diameter of d = ∅ 16 mm:Logo VW 10514 – M 16LamborghiniFigure 7 – Type TFigure 8 – Type HFigure 9 – Type YIf technically possible, the font Thesis TheSans must be used for the lettering.For KVS label, see table 1.Designation example for a type T logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – T 204.4 4.5Page 7VW 10514: 2013-02Designation example for a type H logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – H 20Designation example for a type Y logo with a nominal height of h = 5 mm:Logo VW 10514 – Y 5BugattiFigure 10 – Type U Figure 11 – Type W For KVS label, see table 1.Designation example for a type U logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – U 20Designation example for a type W logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – W 204.6Page 8VW 10514: 2013-02BentleyFigure 12 – Type VFor KVS label, see table 1.Designation example for a type V logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – V 10The wordmark (Group logo)If identical vehicle parts are used in vehicles of several brands, the marking as per type S (see figure 13) must be used. Both the size and the position of the Group logo must be as inconspicu‐ous as possible.Figure 13 – Type SIf technically possible, the font Thesis TheSans must be used for the lettering.For KVS label, see table 1.Designation example for a type S logo with a nominal height of h = 5 mm:Logo VW 10514 – S 5Applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger‐man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminologi‐cal inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.VW 01014Engineering Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text Macros VW 10500Company Designation, Marking of Parts; Guidelines for Use VW 10540-1Manufacturer's Code; for Vehicle Parts VW 10550Country-of-Origin Marking; Vehicle Parts VW 10560Date Marking; Vehicle PartsVDA 260Components of motor vehicles - Marking of material4.7 56。

汽车零部件标识Q/LFQ ⼒帆实业(集团)股份有限公司企业标准Q/LFQ C01.005—2011⽬次前⾔ (II)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引⽤⽂件 (1)3 零部件产品标识组成及内容 (1)4 产品标识位置 (4)5 产品标识给出⽅式 (4)6 产品标识⼤⼩及字体 (5)7 产品标识的加⼯⽅法及要求 (5)8 标识⽰范案例 (5)附录A(规范性附录)字号系列 (9)附录B(规范性附录)⼒帆商标样式 (10)附录C(规范性附录) E/e标各成员国的编号 (11)前⾔本标准规定了⼒帆乘⽤车公司汽车零部件标识要求,适⽤于需标注标识的汽车零部件产品。
同时在编排格式和内容的编排上符合GB/T 1.1-2009的规定。
本标准是对原Q/LFQ C01.005-2011进⾏修订:——3.1标识⽰意图中的⼯⼚代码更改为可选择项(虚线表⽰);——删除了8.1须3C强制认证的关键件标识中“在强制性产品认证标志下⽅添加⼯⼚代码”的标⽰要求。
本标准修订⼈:李凡、王凤本标准批准⼈:本标准所代替标准的历次发布情况为:——Q/LF C01.005-2005——Q/LFQ C01.005-2008——Q/LFQ C01.005-2009汽车零部件标识1 范围本标准规定了本企业汽车产品的零部件标识要求。
2 规范性引⽤⽂件下列⽂件对于本⽂件的应⽤是必不可少的。
CNCA-C11-01:2014 强制性产品认证实施规则汽车Q/LFQ J01.010-2011关键零部件认证型号编制规则Q/LFQ J03.009.3-2009汽车零部件编号规则3 零部件产品标识组成及内容3.1 零部件产品标识组成由⼒帆标志、供应商标志、认证标志、零部件产品认证型号、⼯⼚代码、零部件设计代号、质量等级代号、供应商代码和⽣产批次号组成。

汽车零部件永久性标识规定1 范围本标准规定了在汽车零部件上标示永久性标识的分类,塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件和金属、电器件永久性标识的范围、要求、位置及出口车型海外认证零部件标识的特殊要求。
2 规范性引用文件QC/T 797-2008 汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记3 术语和定义3.1 黑匣子件:由川汽负责布置及外形的周边条件设计,并提出产品的功能要求和技术状态描述。
3.2 灰匣子件:由川汽负责布置及外形的周边条件设计,并提出产品功能要求和技术状态描述。
3.3 白匣子件:由川汽负责进行设计,并对产品设计结果负责。
3.4 可回收利用标识:用于标识汽车部件可以回收利用的标识,其包含构成部件材料的相关信息。
4 永久性标识分类永久性标识的标记分以下两类:a)塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件;b)金属、电器件。
5 塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件永久性标识5.1 一般性塑料件5.1.1 标识的构成重量≥100g的塑料件应有标志标识。
VW 10514 汽车零部件标识 2011 06 01

LogosMarking of Vehicle PartsPrevious issuesVW 10514: 1966-01, 1973-01, 1974-03, 1998-09, 2001-01, 2002-06, 2002-11, 2006-03, 2007-06,2010-05ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 10514: 2010-05:–Table 1, Škoda logo type M: Identification number in the engineering data management system(KVS) was LOG.000.008; KVS identification numbers for types R, N omitted, reference to VW 10522 omitted–Table 1, Audi logo type G: KVS identification number omitted–Section 3: Department abbreviation for the Product Definition Department changed –Section 5.2, Škoda logos: Types R and N omitted ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................2Requirements .............................................................................................................2Regulation ..................................................................................................................2Volkswagen AG and Audi logos .................................................................................3Other logos used in the Volkswagen Group ...............................................................4Seat S.A. logo as per VW 10517 ...............................................................................4ŠKODA AUTO a.s. logo .............................................................................................5Lamborghini logo ........................................................................................................5Bugatti logo ................................................................................................................5Bentley logo (6)The wordmark (Group logo) (6)123455. StandardVW 10514Issue 2011-06Class. No.:01151Descriptors:vehicle part, logo, markingVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 7Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2010-08f-patch1Other applicable documents ......................................................................................77ScopeVehicle parts, supply parts, and/or original parts of the Volkswagen Group must be marked with the corresponding logos in accordance with this Standard, provided that this is technically feasible.NOTE 1 The logos shown herein are solely of informative nature. The dimensions specified in the logo designations are examples. Dimensions and proportional data necessary for marking parts are available as data records in the KVS. The appropriate design engineering department will provide these data to the manufacturers.RequirementsParts must be marked in such a way that durability and legibility of the marking are ensured over the service life of the parts. The marking must be applied to the parts using suitable manufacturing meth‐ods such as, e.g., embossing, etching, or electric discharge machining.Downstream processing steps must not adversely affect the legibility of the marking.NOTE 2 Preferably, the marking is to be applied by incorporating it into the manufacturing tool. Labels,tags, and similar items must not be used for marking parts in accordance with this Standard.RegulationWhether or not a part must be marked is specified by the responsible design engineering department by using the standardized text macro (VW 01014, ID no. NO-E2) in the drawing.The logo type must always be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, type "S" must be used.The responsible engineering department may deviate from the necessity of marking parts only in consultation with K-VO-GL, the Product Definition Department, Quality Assurance, and the Standards Department.Parts which cannot be marked for design reasons such as, e.g., notch sensitivity (high notch stresses)or lack of space, are excluded from the marking requirement.Volkswagen and Audi are entitled to inspect the production facilities of vehicle parts bearing their respective logos and to take random samples from ongoing part production.If there is a lack of space, the logo marking takes precedence over the country of origin (VW 10550),the manufacturer´s code (VW 10540-1), the part number, the date marking (VW 10560), and the material designation (VDA 260).The fonts/symbols of the logos must be twice as large as all other markings on the part.Which logos are to be applied to vehicle parts of different brands must be determined as shown in Table 1 in accordance with their use in vehicles of the different brands.The type of application, i.e. cast, punched, etched, embossed, stamped, electric discharge machined,raised, or recessed, must be defined in the drawing. If this is not the case, the choice is left to the manufacturer.123Page 2VW 10514: 2011-06Table 1 – Overview of in-house Standards/data records for marking of vehicle partsa)Type G not to be used for new designsVolkswagen AG and Audi logosVehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Volkswagen brand must be marked with the logo types C, Figure 1, and O, Figure 2.NOTE 3 Type C is to be used preferentially.NOTE 4 The letters V and W as well as the circle surrounding them (d1-2a) must be designed such as to appear raised from the perspective of a person looking at the marked component.Vehicle parts which are used exclusively in vehicles of the Audi brand must be marked with the logo type D, Figure 3.See VW 10500 as well as the Standards listed in Table 1 for further design rules.Figure 1 – Type CLogo for Volkswagen AG (Table 2)Figure 2 – Type OLogo for Volkswagen AG (Table 2)4Page 3VW 10514: 2011-06Figure 3 – Type DLogo for Audi AG (VW 10513)Figure 4 – Type G(Not to be used for new designs)Designation of a type C logo with a nominal diameter of d 1 = ∅ 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – C 10Designation of a type D logo with a nominal length of L 1 = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – D 20Table 2 – Dimensions for types C and O (mm)Nomi‐nal di‐ame‐ter d 11,622,5345681012162025324050d 31,92,342,933,54,75,8579,311,61418,623,329,137,246,558,2a 0,140,170,210,260,340,430,510,680,851,021,361,72,132,723,44,25b 0,160,20,250,30,40,50,60,811,21,622,53,245c0,040,050,060,080,10,130,150,20,250,30,40,50,6250,811,25Definition of dimensions: d 3= 1,163 d 1; a = 0,085 d 1; b = 0,1 d 1; c = 0,025 d 1Other logos used in the Volkswagen Group Seat S.A. logo as per VW 10517Figure 5 – Type F Figure 6 – Type JDesignation of a type F logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – F 10Designation of a type J logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – J 205 5.1Page 4VW 10514: 2011-06ŠKODA AUTO a.s. logoFigure 7 – Type MKVS identification number LOG.000.015Designation of a type M logo with a nominal diameter of d = ∅ 16 mm:Logo VW 10514 – M 16Lamborghini logoFigure 8 – Type TKVS identification number LOG.000.010 dated 2002-02Designation example for a type T logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – T 20Bugatti logoFigure 9 – Type UKVS identification number LOG.000.011 dated 2002-03Designation example for a type U logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – U 205.2 5.35.4Page 5VW 10514: 2011-06Figure 10 – Type WKVS identification number LOG.000.014 dated 2002-11Designation example for a type W logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – W 20Bentley logoFigure 11 – Type VKVS identification number LOG.000.012 dated 2002-02Designation example for a type V logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – V 10The wordmark (Group logo)If identical vehicle parts are used in vehicles of several brands, the type S marking, Figure 12, mustbe used. Both the size and the position of the Group logo must be as inconspicuous as possible.Figure 12 – Type SIf technically possible, the font Thesis TheSans is to be used for the lettering.KVS identification number LOG.000.006Designation example for a type S logo with a nominal height of h = 5 mm:Logo VW 10514 – S 55.56Page 6VW 10514: 2011-06Other applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of German terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminological inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.VW 01014Engineering Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text Macros VW 10500Company Designation, Marking of Parts; Guidelines for Use VW 10513Audi Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 10517SEAT Symbol; Brand Logo for Vehicle Parts VW 10540-1Manufacturer's Code for Vehicle Parts VW 10550Country-of-Origin Marking; Vehicle Parts VW 10560Date Marking; Vehicle PartsVDA 260Components of motor vehicles; marking of material7 Page 7VW 10514: 2011-06。

•共聚物要么以其共同的缩写名称(例如 > ABS <)要么通过说明二至三个单组分,用 斜杠符号分隔进行标记: •连接件:由多个平面相互连接的材料组成,且在不损坏构件情况 下使之不可分离;同时按质量百分比对主要组分加划横线. •通过对基本材料的说明并用一根斜线对涂层材料后相关化学符号划 线(涂层厚度不一定必要)加以标记 •增加防火剂、增塑剂:
我们在选择零件标识时需要考虑以下几点: •1.刻字位置 2.刻字内容 3.文字大小及间隔 而这几点在大众图纸上都有对应标准规范。
•1.汽车零件标识的总纲要VW 105 002012. 7 •2.大众LOGO 的标识标准VW 105 142011.6 •3. 制造国所用标识标准VW 105 502008.4 •4. 制造厂商标识标准VW 10540-12006.6 •5.日期标识标准VW 105 602010.12 •6.材料标识标准VDA 2602007.4 •7.字体标识标准DIN 1451-31987.12 •8. AUDI A3洗涤罐体标识示例
•2.1.大众LOGO 标识标准VW 105 142011.6
•2.1大众图形标 识 VW 105 14 •两种中,优先 选用左边Type C
• d1是公称尺寸(1.6~50) mm,一般取值为10mm; 其他尺寸要求如下:
•2.2大众LOGO 标识标准VW 105 142011.6
•2.2大众文字标识 VW 105 14 当该零件用于大众旗下多品牌时(如:同时用于奥迪和兰博基尼)则用该类标识,要 求尺寸和位置尽量不起眼;高度h为5mm,字体为Thesis TheSans。

智能辨认技术为车辆部件标识提供了更 高效、准确的辨认方式,提高了管理效 率和安全性。
智能辨认技术如RFID、条形码等,能够 快速、准确地辨认车辆部件信息,减少人 为错误,提高工作效率。同时,智能辨认 技术可以实现远程监控和管理,实时跟踪 部件状态,提高车辆运行的安全性。
ISO 12399是国际通用的车辆部件标 识标准,规定了标识的内容、格式和 位置等要求。
我国《机动车维修管理规定》对车辆 维修过程中的部件标识有明确要求, 各地方交通管理部门也有相应的实施 细则。
包括发动机主体、气缸盖、气 缸体、曲轴箱等,需清楚标注 名称、型号和生产厂家等信息
电子标签技术为车辆部件标识提供了更加便 利、环保的解决方案,提高了标识的可靠性 和耐久性。
电子标签技术利用无线通讯技术将信息存储 在电子芯片上,具有信息量大、可读写、耐 环境等特点。与传统的纸质标签相比,电子 标签更加环保、可靠,能够适应各种恶劣环 境,提高了标识的耐久性和可靠性。
轮胎标识提供关于轮胎尺寸、气压、速度限制和轮胎质量等 信息。
汽车轮胎标识通常包括轮胎尺寸、气压、速度限制和生产日 期等信息。这些标识有助于驾驶员了解轮胎性能和使用寿命 ,并确保安全驾驶。在轮胎标识中,字体和符号应清楚易辨 ,内容应准确无误。

汽车零部件永久性标识规定1 范围本标准规定了在汽车零部件上标示永久性标识的分类,塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件和金属、电器件永久性标识的范围、要求、位置及出口车型海外认证零部件标识的特殊要求。
2 规范性引用文件QC/T 797-2008 汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记3 术语和定义3.1 黑匣子件:由川汽负责布置及外形的周边条件设计,并提出产品的功能要求和技术状态描述。
3.2 灰匣子件:由川汽负责布置及外形的周边条件设计,并提出产品功能要求和技术状态描述。
3.3 白匣子件:由川汽负责进行设计,并对产品设计结果负责。
3.4 可回收利用标识:用于标识汽车部件可以回收利用的标识,其包含构成部件材料的相关信息。
4 永久性标识分类永久性标识的标记分以下两类:a)塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件;b)金属、电器件。
5 塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件永久性标识5.1 一般性塑料件5.1.1 标识的构成重量≥100g的塑料件应有标志标识。

2006年11月制造国-标记法 汽车零件 VW 105 50标准中心 01 15 4 共4页第1页翻译曹哲日期2007.5.1校对日期打字牛红珍日期2007.5.18主题词:汽车零件,制造国,标记法,零件标记目录1适用范围2制造国定义3技术要求4图纸数据5相关参考文献修订与VW 105 50:2000-12比较,技术要求作了如下修改(侧面划有垂直线段的字行是经过修改过的,可以拿它同其前期文献进行比较)l1条:“备用零件”被改为“原部件”l3条:该条过去的标题是“规格”,对生产厂家内部的调整及其迁移进行了说明l4条:图纸数据的图文对照说明有所修改l表1:南斯拉夫取消了,其代码是“YU”,“塞尔维亚和黑山”用代码“CS”表示,乌克兰的代码是“UA”。
(见表1)图纸中规定的其他标记按VW 10500标准执行。
用英文书写的国家名称,例如“Mexico”(墨西哥),“Belgium”(比利时),“Spain”(西班牙),见ISO 3166-1标准。
补充“由…国制造”是允许的.如果地方不够宽敞,制造国标志可以按DIN EN ISO 3166-1标准的规定用双字母来表达, 例如“Germany(德国)”,用“DE”来表达。
汽车零件标识 VW10514

Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Page 2VW 105 14: 2002-11The logo design shall on principle be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, design S shall be used.Deviations from the necessity for identifying parts may be specified by the responsible design engineering department in consultation with 4-VO-4 (Original Part Product Definition), Quality Assurance and Standards Department.Parts which cannot be identified due to design reasons, e.g. notch sensitivity (high notch stresses) or lack of space, are excluded from the identification requirement.Volkswagen and Audi reserve the right for vehicle parts that bear logos to inspect the production facilities and to take random samples from ongoing part production.In the case of lack of space the logo identification shall take precedence over the manufacturer's code (VW 105 40-1), the country of origin (VW 105 50), the part number, the date marking (VW 105 60) and the material designation (VDA 260).The lettering/symbol size of the respective logos shall be twice as large as all other identifications on the part.Differing brand logo identification of vehicle parts shall be determined as shown in table 1 according to their use in vehicles of the different brands.Table 1 - Survey of in-house standards/data records for vehicle part identificationBrand name Design Picture Dimensions acc. to in-housestandard(s), KVS (design dataadministration system) files Volkswagen AG C (O) 1, 2 Table 2 (VW 105 10)Audi AG D 3 VW 105 13, KVS: LOG.000.004 Volkswagen AG and Audi AG A or B 4, 5 Table 2, VW 105 13Seat S.A. F, J 7, 8 VW 105 17, KVS: 395.F01.130395.F00.152Auto Europa E 6 VW 105 20SKODA AUTO a.s. M, R, N 9, 10,11 VW 105 22, KVS: LOG.000.008LOG.000.007/ LOG.000.009 Volkswagen Group S 16 KVS: LOG.000.006LOG.000.010KVS:12Lamborghini TLOG.000.011KVS:13Bugatti ULOG.000.014KVS:Bugatti W14LOG.000.012KVS:Bentley V154 Volkswagen AG and Audi AG logosVehicle parts which are used exclusively in the vehicles of the Volkswagen AG brand shall be identified with the logo according to design C, figure 1. If design C, Volkswagen sign with ring (dimensions d1 to d3), is not economically justifiable or cannot be executed for manufacturing reasons, layout O (without ring) as shown in figure 2 shall be used.1)Vehicle parts which are used exclusively in the vehicles of the Audi AG brand shall be identified with the logo according to design D, figure 3.If identical parts are used in vehicles of both the Volkswagen AG and the Audi AG, the parts shall be identified with the combined trademark according to design A, figure 4 or design B, figure 5. See VW 105 00 and the standards listed in table 1 for further design rules.1)Logo designs A and B shall be used on the lines of this specification.Page 3VW 105 14: 2002-11Figure 1 – Design C Volkswagen AG logo(table 2) Figure 2 – Design O Volkswagen AG logo(VW 105 10)Figure 3 – Design DAudi AG logo (VW 105 13)Figure 4 – Design ACombined Volkswagen AG and Audi AG logo(table 2 and VW 105 13)Figure 5 – Design BCombined Volkswagen AG and Audi AG logo(table 2 and VW 105 13)Designation of a design C logo with a nominal diameter of d 1 = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – C 10 2)Designation of a design A logo with a nominal diameter of d 1 = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – A 10 2)Table 2 - Dimensions for designs A, B and C (mm)Nominal diameterd 11.6 22.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 d 21.1 1.3 1.6 22.53.2 4 5.2 6.5 8 10.5 13 16 21 26 33d 3 1.9 2.34 2.93 3.5 4.7 5.85 7 9.3 11.6 14 18.6 23.3 29.1 37.2 46.5 58.2 a0.14 0.17 0.21 0.26 0.34 0.43 0.51 0.68 0.85 1.02 1.36 1.7 2.13 2.72 3.4 4.25b 0.16 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.6 2 2.5 3.2 4 5c 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.13 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.625 0.8 1 1.25 f 1)0.27 0.33 0.42 0.5 0.67 0.83 1 1.3 1.7 2 2.7 3.3 4.2 5.3 6.7 8.31) In cases when a bore or a step does not permit to use designs A or B, distance "f" may be modified.Definition of dimensions: d 2=0.67 d 1; d 3=1.163 d 1; a=0.085 d 1; b=0.1 d 1; f=0.167 d 1; c=0.025 d 12)The type of mounting (i.e. cast, struck, etched, embossed, stamped, eroded, raised or recessed) shall be specified inthe drawing. If not stated, the choice is left to the manufacturer.Page 4VW 105 14: 2002-115 Other brand logos used in the Volkswagen Group 5.1Auto Europa acc. to VW 105 20Figure 6 – Design E5.2Seat S.A. acc. to VW 105 17Figure 7 – Design FFigure 8 – Design J5.3 SKODA AUTO a.s. acc. to VW 105 22Figure 9 – Design MFigure 10 – Design RFigure 11 – Design NhlPage 5VW 105 14: 2002-11 5.4 Lamborghini logo 3)Figure 12 – Design TKVS meta file LOG 000 010 from February 2002Designation example for a design T logo with a height of h = 20 mm:Logo VW 105 14 – T 205.5 Bugatti logo 3)Figure 13 – Design UKVS meta file LOG 000 011 from March 2002 Designation example for a design U logo with a length ofl = 20 mm:Logo VW 105 14 – U 20Figure 14 – Design WKVS meta file LOG 000 014 from November 2002Designation example for a design W logo with a length ofl = 20 mm:Logo VW 105 14 – W 203)The logos shown here are solely of informative nature. The dimensions specified in the designations are examples. Dimensions and proportional data necessary for parts identification are available in the design data administration system KVS as meta files; the responsible engineering department will provide these for the manufacturer.lPage 6VW 105 14: 2002-115.6 Bentley logo 3)Figure 15 – Design VKVS meta file LOG 000 012 from February 2002Designation example for a design V logo with a height of h = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – V 10 6The word brand (Group brand logo) 3)If identical vehicle parts are used in vehicles of several brands, identification acc. to design S, figure 16 shall be used. Size and positioning of the Group logo shall be as inconspicuous as possible.Figure 16 – Design SUse the VW headline font if this is technically feasible. KVS meta file LOG 000 006 from January 1997Designation example for a design S logo with a height of h = 5 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – S 57 Referenced standards VW 010 14 Drawing Frames and Text Macros VW 010 98 Part Number SystemsVW 105 00 Company Designation, Parts Identification VW 105 10 VW LogoVW 105 13 Four-Ring Logo VW 105 17 SEAT LogoVW 105 20 Auto Europa Logo VW 105 22 SKODA LogoVW 105 40-1 Manufacturer CodeVW 105 50 Country-of-Origin Identification, Vehicle Parts VW 105 60 Date MarkingVDA 260Automotive Components, Identification of Materials。

汽车零部件统⼀编码的编码基本要求a)本标准编码按照 GB/T 16986-2009《商品条码应⽤标识符》和GB/T 15425-2014《商品条码128条码》中对字符串的规定进⾏编码;b)编码格式包括数字、字母及数字与字母组合编码三种格式,⼚商对某个数据要素按其要求选⽤其中⼀种格式;c)编码字符集与GB/T 15425中GS1-128条码字符集相同,且不宜采⽤I、O、i、o等字母。

汽车零件编号规则(汽车零件分组号)主组10发动机总成1001发动机悬置1002气缸体1003气缸盖1004活塞及连杆1005曲轴及飞轮1006凸轮轴1007气门机构1008进排气歧管1009油底壳(机油盘)1010机油收集器1011机油泵1012机油粗滤器1013机油散热器1014曲轴箱通风装置1015发动机起动辅助装置1016分电器传动装置1017机油细滤器汽车零件编号规则(汽车零件分组号)--主组11~17主组11供给系1100供油系装置1101燃油箱1102副燃油箱1103燃油箱1104燃油管路1105燃油滤清器(含粗滤器) 1106燃油输油泵1107化油器1108油门操纵机构1109空气滤清器1110燃油喷射泵1117燃油细滤器1119增压中冷气主组12排气系1200排气系装置1201消声器1202排气系共振器1203消声器进排气管1204消声器隔热板1205排气净化装置主组13 冷却系1300冷却系装置1301散热器1302散热器悬置1303散热器水管及软管1304散热器盖1305放水开关1306调温器(节温器) 1307水泵1308风扇1309风扇护风罩1310散热器百叶窗1311膨胀箱(散热器) 1313风扇离合器主组16离合器1600离合器总成1601离合器1602离合器操纵机构主组17变速器1700变速器总成1701变速器1702变速器换档机构1703变速器换档操纵机构汽车零件编号规则(汽车零件分组号)--主组22~29 主组22传动轴2200传动轴装置2201后桥传动轴2202中桥传动轴2203前桥传动轴2204后桥第1中间传动轴2205中桥传动轴2206中桥中间传动轴2207后桥第2中间传动轴主组24后桥2400后桥总成2401后桥壳及半轴套管2402后桥主减速器2403后桥差速器及半轴主组25中桥2500中桥总成2501中桥壳及半轴套管2502中桥主减速器2503中桥差速器及半轴2507轴间差速器2506中桥差速锁及操纵机构主组28车架2800车架总成2801车架2802发动机护板2803前保险杠2804后保险杠2805牵引装置2806前拖钩(拖曳装置) 2807前牌照架2808后牌照架2809防护栏主组29汽车悬架2900汽车悬架装置2901前悬架总成2902前钢板弹簧2903前副钢板弹簧2904前悬架控制臂2905前减振器2906前悬架横向稳定装置2911后悬架总成2912后钢板弹簧2913后副钢板弹簧2915后减振器2916后悬架横向稳定装置2918平衡悬架汽车零件编号规则(汽车零件分组号)--主组30~35 主组30前轴3000前轴总成3001前轴及转向节3002转向拉杆主组31车轮及轮毂3100车轮及轮毂3101车轮3102车轮盖3103前轮毂3104后轮毂3105备胎架3106轮胎主组34转向器3400转向装置3401转向器3402转向盘3403转向器支架3404转向轴及万向节3406动力转向管路3407动力转向油泵3408动力转向油罐3409动力转向助力缸3410整体动力转向器主组35制动系3500制动系装置3501前制动器及制动毂3502后制动器及制动毂3504制动踏板及传动装置3505动总泵3506制动管路3507驻车制动器3508驻车制动操纵装置3509气制动空气压缩机3511气制动油水分离器3512气制动压力调节器3513气制动排气筒及支架3514气制动阀3515保险装置3516气制动快放阀3517气制动紧急制动阀3518气制动加速阀(继动阀) 3519制动气室3520气制动分离开关3521气制动接头3522挂车制动阀3523辅助制动装置3525制动压力调节阀3526手控制动阀3527感载阀3530弹簧制动缸3533双路阀3534压力保护阀3539真空助力气带制动总泵3551真空泵主组37电器设备3700电器设备3701发电机3702发电机调节阀3703蓄电池3704点火开关3705点火开关3706分电器3707火花塞及高压线3708起动机3709灯光总开关3710变光开关3711前照灯(前组合灯) 3712前小灯3713仪表灯3714部照明灯及开关3715工作灯3716尾灯(后组合灯)3717牌照灯3718停车灯3719遮光装置3720制动灯开关3721喇叭3722电路保护装置(中间配电盒) 3723接线器3724电线束3725点烟器3726转向灯及操纵装置3729倒车灯及其开关3730挂车供电插座3731示廊灯3732雾灯3733侧位灯(侧反射器)3735组合开关3736电源总开关3737搭铁开关3740微电机3741刮水电机及开关3744暖风电机及开关3745冷风电机及开关3746门窗电机及开关3747洗涤电机及开关3748后风窗除霜装置3749散热器风扇电机及开关3750起动预热装置3754电磁阀3757气压警报开关3758车门信号开关主组38仪器仪表3800仪表装置3801仪表板3802车速里程表及软轴3803远光信号灯3804电钟3806燃油表3807机油温度表3808水温表3809气体温度表3810机油压力表3813转速表3815混合气点火器3818警报器3819蜂鸣器3820组合仪表主组39随车工具及附件3900随车工具及附件3901通用工具3903说明牌3904铭牌3910灭火器及附件3911轮胎气压表3913起重器3915活动扳手主组50车身(驾驶室) 5000车身总成5001车身固定装置5002车身(驾驶室)翻转机构5004车身(驾驶室)锁止机构主组51车身(驾驶室)地板5100车身地板总成5101车身地板零件5102车身地板护面5107车身地板盖板5108工具箱5109地毯5111进风口罩5112车身地板前纵梁5113车身地板后纵梁主组52风窗5200风窗总成5201风窗框5202风窗铰链5203风窗侧面玻璃5204风窗升降装置5205刮水器5206风窗玻璃及密封条5207风窗洗涤器主组53前围5300前围总成5301前围骨架及盖板(或前围零件) 5302前围护面围零件5303杂物箱5304前围通气孔5310仪表板5315高架箱主组54侧围5400侧围总成5401侧围骨架及盖板(或侧围零件) 5402侧围护面5403侧围窗5404侧围升降机构5405中间支柱5406三角窗5408隔热层主组56后围总成5601后围骨架及盖板(或后围零件) 5602后围护面5603后围窗5604行箱盖5605行箱盖铰链及支柱5606行箱盖锁及手柄5608行箱护面5609行架5610隔栅5613扰流板主组57顶盖5700顶盖总成5701顶盖骨架及盖板5702顶盖护板5703顶盖通风窗5704顶盖外护板主组60车蓬及侧围6001车蓬骨架及侧围6002车蓬及侧围主组61前侧面车门6100前侧面车门总成6101车门骨架及盖板(或车门零件) 6102车门护面6103车门窗6104车门玻璃升降器6105车门锁及手柄6106车门铰链6107车门密封条6108车门开关结构6109车门限位机构主组68驾驶员座6800驾驶员座总成6801驾驶员座骨架6802驾驶员座骨架护面6803驾驶员座软垫6804驾驶员座调整机构6805驾驶员座靠背6807驾驶员座支架6808驾驶员座头枕主组69前座6900前座总成6901前座骨架6902前座骨架护面6903前座软垫6904前座调整机构6905前座靠背6906前座扶手6907前座支架6908前座头枕主组70 后座7000后座总成(卧铺总成) 7001后座骨架7002后座骨架护面7003后座软垫(卧铺软垫) 7004后座调整机构7005后座靠背7006后座扶手7007后座支架7008后座头枕主组79无线电设备7900无线电设备7901收放机7903天线7908录放机7909扩音器79107911CD唱机主组81空气调节设备8100空调设备8101暖气设备8102除霜设备8103冷气压缩机8104车身强制通风设备8105冷凝器8106膨胀阀8107制冷器8108输氟导管8109贮液器8110吸气节流阀8111冷气附件8112空调操纵机构8113空气净化设备8114空调电器设备8115加温设备主组82附件8200附件8201后视镜8202外后视镜8203烟灰盒8204遮阳板8205窗帘8212座椅安全带8219下视镜主组84车前板制件8400车前钣金零件8401散热器罩8402发动机罩及锁8403前翼板8405脚踏板主组85车箱8500车箱总成8501车箱底板8502车箱边板8503车箱后板8504车箱前板8505车箱板锁8506车箱挡泥板。
《汽车零部件的统一编码与标识》 国家标准草案释义

在整车厂、发动机总成、零部件、电子电器零部件等企 业进行全面、系统的调研
2012年7月完成“汽车零部件ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ统一编码与标识”标准 草案
2012年年底完成“汽车零部件统一编码与标识应用指南” 的编写工作
《汽车零部件的统一编码与标识》国家标准制定计划于 2013年8月正式立项(计划编号20130304-T-469),已 列入国标委2014年标准制定计划。
按照 GB/T 16986-2009和GB/T 15425-2002中第6.1条 对字符串的规定进行编码;
编码格式可采用数字、字母及数字字母混合编码三种格 式;
编码字符集与GB/T 15425-2002中UCC/EAN-128条 码字符集相同,且不宜采用I、O、Q、i、o、q等字 母;
应用标识符AI 应用标识符数据含义 由应用标识符所规定的数据长度
伴之间采用客户方代码订货时使 (241)C2156
用一组数字或字母或数字与字母 (10)A20050828
(01) ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ (10)◇…◇ (21)◇…◇
要素序号 数据要素名称
数据格式 n14

汽车零部件永久性标识规定1 范围本标准规定了在汽车零部件上标示永久性标识的分类,塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件和金属、电器件永久性标识的范围、要求、位置及出口车型海外认证零部件标识的特殊要求。
2 规范性引用文件QC/T 797-2008 汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记3 术语和定义3.1 黑匣子件:由川汽负责布置及外形的周边条件设计,并提出产品的功能要求和技术状态描述。
3.2 灰匣子件:由川汽负责布置及外形的周边条件设计,并提出产品功能要求和技术状态描述。
3.3 白匣子件:由川汽负责进行设计,并对产品设计结果负责。
3.4 可回收利用标识:用于标识汽车部件可以回收利用的标识,其包含构成部件材料的相关信息。
4 永久性标识分类永久性标识的标记分以下两类:a)塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件;b)金属、电器件。
5 塑料件、橡胶件及热塑性弹性体、复合材料部件永久性标识5.1 一般性塑料件5.1.1 标识的构成重量≥100g的塑料件应有标志标识。
VW 10514 汽车零件的商标

文字商标(康采恩商标) 3)
如果结构相同的汽车零件被装在多个商标的汽车中,则标记按图 16,规格 S 进 行。这时必须尽可能使用不引人注目的尺寸。要注意控制康采恩商标的位置。
图 16 - 规格 S
如果在技术上可行,字体规格按大字标题的字体确定 VW。 KVS—标记:LOG 000 006,从 97 年 1 月开始。 高度 h = 5 mm:规格 S 商标的标志实例 商标 VW 105 14 — S 5
表 1: 用于汽车零件标记的工厂标准数据组一览表
商标名称 大众汽车股份公司 奥迪股份公司 大众汽车和奥迪股份公司 西亚特(Seat)股份公司
规格 C(O)
图次 1, 2 3 4, 5 7, 8
欧洲汽车 斯柯达汽车股份公司
M,R,N 9, 10, 11
拉波希尼( Lamborghini) T
图 9 - 规格 M
图 10 - 规格 R
图 11 - 规格 N
拉波希尼(Lamborghini)商标 3)
2002 年 11 月 VW
105 14
图 12 - 规格 T
KVS—标记:LOG 000 010,从 02 年 2 月开始。 规格 T 商标的标志实例,其高度 h=20 mm: 商标 VW 105 14 — T 20
零件的标记工作,必须由主管设计部门借助标准化图文对照解说( VW 010 14, 标记号 NO-E2)而在图纸上作出详细规定。

工业互联网标识解析汽车零部件标识编码规范Identification and resolution system for the industrial internet—Auto parts —Identification coding specification目次前言 (I)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4数据项标识符及其对应数据的编码结构 (2)4.1编码结构 (2)4.2表示法 (2)5编码的组成 (2)5.1编码原则 (2)5.2编码组成 (2)5.3编码结构 (2)6标识前缀 (2)7标识后缀 (3)7.1编码方式 (3)7.2编码结构 (3)8标识后缀的数据定义 (3)8.1标识后缀的数据结构 (3)8.2分类代码 (4)8.3产品代码 (7)8.4批次号 (7)8.5序列号 (7)8.6扩展数据代码 (7)9数据项标识符(DII)与应用标识符(AI)、数据标识符(DI)的映射 (8)附录A(规范性附录)数据项标识符(D II)的含义、格式、数据名称 (9)附录B(规范性附录)数据项标识符(D II)与应用标识符(AI)、数据标识符(DI)的映射 (10)T11/AII 005—2020 工业互联网标识解析汽车零部件标识编码规范1范围本文件规定了汽车零部件行业零部件产品相关的工业互联网标识编码的术语和定义、编码结构和编码规则。
GB/T 1988-1998 信息技术信息交换用七位编码字符集GB/T 7027-2002 信息分类和编码的基本原则与方法GB/T 16986-2018 商品条码应用标识符GB/T 33245-2016 电子商务交易产品信息描述汽车配件ANSI MH10.8.2-2016 数据标识符和应用标识符标准(Data Identifier and Application Identifier Standard)3术语和定义GB/T 16986-2018、ANSI MH10.8.2-2016 界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。

VW系列汽车零部件编码的组成VW系列汽车零件号是由14位构成的,主要由大类(主组)、小类(子组)、零件号、变更代码和颜色代码组成:1 2 34 5 67 8 910 1112 13 14一、大类(主组)车型、机组代码(1-3位)1、当该零件是发动机及变速箱件时,前三位为机组代码,一般情况下:026:代表四缸JW 发动机件034、035代表五缸RT、PR发动机件078:代表六缸ACZ发动机件077:代表八缸ABH发动机件012:代表五挡手动变速箱件2、当该件为除机组以外零件时,前3位代表车型代码,一般情况下,前三位为奇数时,代表左置方向盘车,为偶数时,代表右置方向盘车,具体如下:443:代表四缸、五缸车型447:代表AUDI200车型(V olkswagen 原装车)4A0、4A1、4A5、4A9:代表C4V6车型441:代表AUDI 8 车型二、小类(子组)(4-6位)第四位数字大类1大类:发动机及燃油喷射系统.2大类:油箱及供油管路.排气系统及空调设备的制冷循环系统.3大类:变速箱4大类:前轴(前悬挂).差速器及转向系统5大类:后轴(后悬挂).差速器及转向系统6大类:车轮、刹车系统7大类:手操纵系统、脚踏板组8大类:车身、空调、暖风控制系统9大类:电器0大类:附件N大类:标准件第5、6位数字小类1大类:发动机及燃油喷射系统.100发动机或发动机总成103缸体、缸盖、缸头上部的通风软管、油底壳107活塞、活塞环109配气机构包括:进排气门、凸轮轴、正时齿轮、正时齿轮罩、皮带等115机油泵、机油滤清器、托架、油标尺121发动机的水冷却系统包括:水泵、散热器、进出水管、风扇等127燃油泵(化油器车用)、燃油储压器、连接软管129化油器及进气系统、包括空气滤清器、进气歧管等133喷射式发动机用的喷油器、燃油管路、冷起动阀、压力调节器、燃油计量阀(其中包括空气滤清器总成及空气计量阀)等141液压离合器(4、5缸通用)145动力转向液压泵198修理包包括:缸体密封件(包括:曲轴前后油封)缸头垫密片、活塞环、连杆、止推垫圈、轴瓦等199发动机悬置件2大类:油箱及供油管路.排气系统及空调设备的制冷循环系统.201供油系统包括:油箱、燃油管路、燃油滤清器及燃油泵253排气歧管及排气消音器260空调设备的制冷循环系统包括:蒸发器、膨胀阀、压缩机、冷凝器、制冷软管、高低压开关等298修理包包括:磁性离合器的一套附件等3大类:变速箱300 变速箱总成301 机械变速箱壳体和变速箱及发动机之间的连接部件311 4速和5速的变速箱所有齿轮、轴及换挡轴拨*等321 自动变速箱壳体322 自动变速箱前进、直接、倒档齿轮离合器、液压变矩器325 阀体、自动变速箱的油滤器398 修理包包括:变速箱密封件修理包,一套密片等399 变速箱悬置件4大类:前轴(前悬挂).差速器及转向系统407 导向控制臂及连接轴(驱动轴)、轮毂408 差速器和齿轮组及自动变速箱和发动机相连接的壳体及连接件411 前悬挂包括:减震弹簧、稳定杆等412 前减震器419 涡轮涡杆转向器、方向盘、转向柱(不包括动力转向)422 动力转向机及液体容器和连接软管498修理包包括:一套密封件(包括驱动轴油)、差速器齿轮、车轮支承座等5大类:后轴(前悬挂).差速器及转向系统500 后桥及附件511 后悬置512 后减震器6大类:车轮、刹车系统609 后鼓式制动器610 制动总泵及制动管路611 制动助力器(四缸机:真空助务、五缸机、液压助力)614 制动压力调节器615 前盘式制动器包括:制动片、制动柱塞缸、制动盘等616 自动调平系统包括:自动调平阀、压力真空罐等698 修理包包括:前、后成套刹车蹄片、制动水泵修理包、刹车衬垫、制动管及柱塞外壳的成套密封件等7大类:手操纵系统、脚踏板组711 变速箱换档机构、手制动操纵杆及冷起动钢索713自动变速箱的换档机构721 制动踏板、离合器踏板组、机械变速箱用的油门踏板及油门钢索722 自动变速箱用的制动踏板、油门踏板798修理包包括:制动总泵推杆等8大类:车身、空调、暖风控制系统800 车身体总成803前侧梁及轮罩、车身的前后地板总成805 散热器框及导水板807 前、后保险杠808 侧板(包括门框架侧板及后叶子板轮罩)813 后隔板(行李箱内侧)、后端板、后挡泥板817 顶板819 鼓风机及壳、驾驶座乘客座内的暖风和通风的通道及通风口820 自然通风和暖风控制(驾驶室内)、真空罐和真空软管(空调)821 前叶子板822 发动机罩盖827 行李箱后罩盖及箱锁831 前车门、车门绞链、车门密封件、限位杆833 后车门、车门绞链、车门密封件、限位杆837 前门把手、内护板、玻璃框架及玻璃升降器838 后门把手、内护板、玻璃框架及玻璃升降器845 车窗玻璃(共计8块)853 所有玻璃嵌条、车门保护条、散热器护栏、驾驶室内通风口装饰板857 主要包括:仪表板、杂物箱、遮阳板、后视镜、安全带(车前内部位等)860 灭火器862 中央门锁系统863 车身内各部件隔音板及装饰板(不包括前仪表板)867 车门、车门柱装饰板和顶盖的装饰板881 前座椅总成及头枕885 后座椅总成及头枕898 修理包包括:一套锁芯、一套保险杠安装件、叶子板修理包等9大类:电器903 发电机及连接固定件904 点火起动系统其中包括点火线圈、点火线、火花塞、分电器、点火开关等905 K-喷射或传感控制单元(五缸机用)906 电控单元、速度传感器、防抱死开关、防滑控制开关911 起动机及其零部件915 蓄电池、蓄电池的固定件919 在发动机和变速箱一的各种开关、传感器以及仪表盘上的各种指示器和点烟器937 继电器盘及继电器(位置:方向盘下部)941 前大灯、前雾灯。
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LogosMarking of Vehicle PartsPrevious issuesVW 10514: 1966-01, 1973-01, 1974-03, 1998-09, 2001-01, 2002-06, 2002-11, 2006-03, 2007-06,2010-05ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 10514: 2010-05:–Table 1, Škoda logo type M: Identification number in the engineering data management system(KVS) was LOG.000.008; KVS identification numbers for types R, N omitted, reference to VW 10522 omitted–Table 1, Audi logo type G: KVS identification number omitted–Section 3: Department abbreviation for the Product Definition Department changed –Section 5.2, Škoda logos: Types R and N omitted ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................2Requirements .............................................................................................................2Regulation ..................................................................................................................2Volkswagen AG and Audi logos .................................................................................3Other logos used in the Volkswagen Group ...............................................................4Seat S.A. logo as per VW 10517 ...............................................................................4ŠKODA AUTO a.s. logo .............................................................................................5Lamborghini logo ........................................................................................................5Bugatti logo ................................................................................................................5Bentley logo (6)The wordmark (Group logo) (6)123455. StandardVW 10514Issue 2011-06Class. No.:01151Descriptors:vehicle part, logo, markingVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 7Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2010-08f-patch1Other applicable documents ......................................................................................77ScopeVehicle parts, supply parts, and/or original parts of the Volkswagen Group must be marked with the corresponding logos in accordance with this Standard, provided that this is technically feasible.NOTE 1 The logos shown herein are solely of informative nature. The dimensions specified in the logo designations are examples. Dimensions and proportional data necessary for marking parts are available as data records in the KVS. The appropriate design engineering department will provide these data to the manufacturers.RequirementsParts must be marked in such a way that durability and legibility of the marking are ensured over the service life of the parts. The marking must be applied to the parts using suitable manufacturing meth‐ods such as, e.g., embossing, etching, or electric discharge machining.Downstream processing steps must not adversely affect the legibility of the marking.NOTE 2 Preferably, the marking is to be applied by incorporating it into the manufacturing tool. Labels,tags, and similar items must not be used for marking parts in accordance with this Standard.RegulationWhether or not a part must be marked is specified by the responsible design engineering department by using the standardized text macro (VW 01014, ID no. NO-E2) in the drawing.The logo type must always be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, type "S" must be used.The responsible engineering department may deviate from the necessity of marking parts only in consultation with K-VO-GL, the Product Definition Department, Quality Assurance, and the Standards Department.Parts which cannot be marked for design reasons such as, e.g., notch sensitivity (high notch stresses)or lack of space, are excluded from the marking requirement.Volkswagen and Audi are entitled to inspect the production facilities of vehicle parts bearing their respective logos and to take random samples from ongoing part production.If there is a lack of space, the logo marking takes precedence over the country of origin (VW 10550),the manufacturer´s code (VW 10540-1), the part number, the date marking (VW 10560), and the material designation (VDA 260).The fonts/symbols of the logos must be twice as large as all other markings on the part.Which logos are to be applied to vehicle parts of different brands must be determined as shown in Table 1 in accordance with their use in vehicles of the different brands.The type of application, i.e. cast, punched, etched, embossed, stamped, electric discharge machined,raised, or recessed, must be defined in the drawing. If this is not the case, the choice is left to the manufacturer.123Page 2VW 10514: 2011-06Table 1 – Overview of in-house Standards/data records for marking of vehicle partsa)Type G not to be used for new designsVolkswagen AG and Audi logosVehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Volkswagen brand must be marked with the logo types C, Figure 1, and O, Figure 2.NOTE 3 Type C is to be used preferentially.NOTE 4 The letters V and W as well as the circle surrounding them (d1-2a) must be designed such as to appear raised from the perspective of a person looking at the marked component.Vehicle parts which are used exclusively in vehicles of the Audi brand must be marked with the logo type D, Figure 3.See VW 10500 as well as the Standards listed in Table 1 for further design rules.Figure 1 – Type CLogo for Volkswagen AG (Table 2)Figure 2 – Type OLogo for Volkswagen AG (Table 2)4Page 3VW 10514: 2011-06Figure 3 – Type DLogo for Audi AG (VW 10513)Figure 4 – Type G(Not to be used for new designs)Designation of a type C logo with a nominal diameter of d 1 = ∅ 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – C 10Designation of a type D logo with a nominal length of L 1 = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – D 20Table 2 – Dimensions for types C and O (mm)Nomi‐nal di‐ame‐ter d 11,622,5345681012162025324050d 31,92,342,933,54,75,8579,311,61418,623,329,137,246,558,2a 0,140,170,210,260,340,430,510,680,851,021,361,72,132,723,44,25b 0,160,20,250,30,40,50,60,811,21,622,53,245c0,040,050,060,080,10,130,150,20,250,30,40,50,6250,811,25Definition of dimensions: d 3= 1,163 d 1; a = 0,085 d 1; b = 0,1 d 1; c = 0,025 d 1Other logos used in the Volkswagen Group Seat S.A. logo as per VW 10517Figure 5 – Type F Figure 6 – Type JDesignation of a type F logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – F 10Designation of a type J logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – J 205 5.1Page 4VW 10514: 2011-06ŠKODA AUTO a.s. logoFigure 7 – Type MKVS identification number LOG.000.015Designation of a type M logo with a nominal diameter of d = ∅ 16 mm:Logo VW 10514 – M 16Lamborghini logoFigure 8 – Type TKVS identification number LOG.000.010 dated 2002-02Designation example for a type T logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – T 20Bugatti logoFigure 9 – Type UKVS identification number LOG.000.011 dated 2002-03Designation example for a type U logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – U 205.2 5.35.4Page 5VW 10514: 2011-06Figure 10 – Type WKVS identification number LOG.000.014 dated 2002-11Designation example for a type W logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 10514 – W 20Bentley logoFigure 11 – Type VKVS identification number LOG.000.012 dated 2002-02Designation example for a type V logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:Logo VW 10514 – V 10The wordmark (Group logo)If identical vehicle parts are used in vehicles of several brands, the type S marking, Figure 12, mustbe used. Both the size and the position of the Group logo must be as inconspicuous as possible.Figure 12 – Type SIf technically possible, the font Thesis TheSans is to be used for the lettering.KVS identification number LOG.000.006Designation example for a type S logo with a nominal height of h = 5 mm:Logo VW 10514 – S 55.56Page 6VW 10514: 2011-06Other applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of German terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminological inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.VW 01014Engineering Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text Macros VW 10500Company Designation, Marking of Parts; Guidelines for Use VW 10513Audi Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 10517SEAT Symbol; Brand Logo for Vehicle Parts VW 10540-1Manufacturer's Code for Vehicle Parts VW 10550Country-of-Origin Marking; Vehicle Parts VW 10560Date Marking; Vehicle PartsVDA 260Components of motor vehicles; marking of material7 Page 7VW 10514: 2011-06。