WG9719582054 WG9716580021 WG9716580025 WG9716580023 电器控制系统 WG9719582049 AZ9724580002 WG9725716002 WG9719720020 WG9725584040 AZ9724770002 AZ9724770011 AZ9724770012 AZ9724770013 AZ9724770014 AZ9724770034 AZ9724770035 AZ9724771031 AZ9727770201 AZ9727770202 AZ9727770203 AZ9727770204 AZ9724771032 AZ9724772013 AZ9724770031 AZ9724770032 AZ9724770033 AZ9724770063 AZ9724770064 AZ9724770073 AZ9724772023
牵引车底盘电线束(HW单桥 /MTCO1324) 牵引车底盘电线束(ST单桥 /MTCO1325) 牵引车底盘电线束(ST单/ZF带取力器 /MTCO1324) 牵引车底盘电线束(ST双桥/ZF带取力 器/MTCO1324) 牵引车底盘电线束(ST单桥/ZF带取力 器/MTCO1324/双油箱) 载货车底盘线束(ST单桥/MTCO1324) 载货车底盘线束(ST双桥/MTCO1324) 8*4载货车底盘线束(ST双桥 /MTCO1324) 电源开关 室内紧急电源开关 室外紧急电源开关 ADR电控模块 双线圈继电器
支架(适配阀) 左前制动气室24# 右前制动气室24# 溢流阀0.6MPa无回流 直通接头体NG12/NW4 MCS开关 电器接线盒总成 组合仪表(CMIC) 中央控制单元(CBCU) 双触点PTO开关 CBCU安装板 双触点制动灯开关 工作灯 PTO远程油门(拉索式) HW7C驾驶室电线束(VDO系统) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(HW单桥) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(ST单桥) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(HW双桥) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(ST双桥) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(HW单桥/双转 向/油箱上置) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(ST单桥/双转 向/油箱上置) HW7C/8×4载货车底盘电线束(HW双 桥) 载货车底盘电线束(HW单桥) 载货车底盘电线束(HW双桥) 载货车底盘电线束(ST单桥) 载货车底盘电线束(ST双桥) HW7C/8×4载货车底盘电线束(ST双 桥) HW7C/8×4自卸车底盘电线束(ST双桥 /DE箱) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(HW单桥 /MTCO1324) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(ST单桥 /MTCO1324) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(HW双桥/双油 箱/MTCO1324) HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(AMT,HW双桥 HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(AMT,ST双桥 HW7C牵引车底盘电线束(AMT/HW单桥/ 双转向/油箱上置) HW7C/8×4自卸车底盘电线束(AMT, ST双桥
艾沃意特 EE-MLH10 摩托车举升机 安装,操作与维修手册说明书
1.5 潜在安全风险提示1.5.1 电压电气绝缘层损坏和其它零件缺陷可能导致可接近电气元件上有高压危险安全措施:只使用原厂电源线或者使用测试合格的电源线;更换绝缘层破损的电线;不得打开电控单元。
1.5.2 受伤压伤危险举升车辆过重的情况下,不正确的上车方式,或者拆卸较重的物件,被举升车辆有摔落或者倾翻的危险安全措施:按照规定使用举升机升降台;注意理解操作注意事项。
1.6 噪声标准举升机的噪音应小于75dB(A)。
3.3尺寸图3.5技术参数额定举升重量举升时间举升高度1000KG 约30s 195mm~1200mm安装说明4.1安装前准备4.1.1安装空间准备参阅举升机的尺寸图3.5。
陕西重汽 M3000 系列车型备件目录——SX4257GN324前言陕西重汽 M3000 系列车型是陕重汽在多年重卡制造经验根底上开发的一款物流用车,该车具有自重轻、可靠性高、舒适性高等特点。
录目一、发动机目录潍柴WP7.270 发动机——略参见潍柴提供备件目录二、发动机附件发动机——发动机悬置〔780—243 车架4*2/6*4M3000 载货车系列欧III£©进气系统——空气滤清装置〔M3000〕冷却系统——WP7-M3000-780×243 车架冷却系统冷却系统——膨胀箱系统燃油箱及管路——400L 塑料燃油箱及管路燃油加速系统——油门操纵机构三、离合器离合器——Φ430 推式膜片弹簧离合器离合器操纵——推式离合器操纵装置四、变速器变速器操纵——变速器操纵装置变速器辅助支撑——变速器悬置五、传动轴传动轴总成六、前轴〔见汉德车桥备件目录〕七、驱动桥〔见汉德车桥备件目录〕八、制动装置行车制动操纵机构驻车制动操纵机构空气压缩机出气管路空气枯燥器管路空气枯燥器、四回路保护阀、再生储气筒安装储气筒安装〔Ⅰ〕储气筒安装〔Ⅱ〕继动阀安装(Ⅰ)分气接头安装挂车管路ABS 防抱死制动装置〔6×4〕桥间差速锁操纵气路双桥轮间差速锁操纵气路九、车架车架总成十、电器车速信号设置器传感器翘板开关离合器、制动灯开关中央电器装置板〔一〕前照灯总成〔带转向灯〕转向灯〔保险杠〕底盘电器电喇叭及底盘电器分线盒及车后灯车后灯及底盘电器车后灯〔整体式档泥板〕侧标志灯〔翼子板〕后围照明灯蓄电池蓄电池箱蓄电池总开关线束车速里程表、行驶记录仪电缆空调底盘件十一、转向单前轴转向液压装置双前轴转向液压装置单前轴转向传动装置双前轴转向传动装置双前轴转向传动装置〔8×4〕十二、悬架载货车后悬架〔8×4〕载货车平衡轴总成〔8×4〕平衡悬架限位块〔8×4〕平衡悬架限位块〔6×4〕前悬架〔8×4〕前减振器〔8×4〕十三、驾驶室隔热垫、挡泥板地垫总成、卧铺总成前面板总成风窗玻璃雨刮系统仪表台空调、暖风机驾驶室线束总成前支架——转向柱总成驾驶室翼子板驾驶室侧围进气管道驾驶室顶棚内饰驾驶室示廓灯后视镜车窗车门车门锁及封条保险杠序号NO1234567891011121314件号Part.NoDZ91259595011DZ91259595012Q40312Q150B1230Q151C1225DZ91259595013Q1811440TF2DZ91259595015DZ91259595016Q40314Q150B1430DZ9114598320DZ9114598319DZ93259590007DZ93259590006DZ93259590005名称Designation发动机左前支架发动机右前支架弹簧垫圈六角头螺栓六角头螺栓发动机前托架六角头螺栓发动机左后托架发动机右后托架弹簧垫圈六角头螺栓左悬置右悬置止退型螺栓垫片止退型垫圈止退型螺母NameFront bracket engine£¨left£©Front bracket engine〔right〕Spring washerHex. boltHex. boltFront bracket engineHex boltLeft back bracket supportRight back bracketsupportSpring washerHex boltLeft supportRight supportStopping boltPlateStopping washerStopping nut数量Quantity111284161188112222适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324备注Remark序号NO12345678910111213141516171819件号Part.NoDZ93259190258DZ93259190255DZ93259190320DZ9003532122DZ93259190317DZ9112190082Q33210DZ93259190324Q333216Q150B16115DZ93259190322DZ93259190312Q150B1025DZ93259190330DZ93259190331DZ93259190329DZ93259190328DZ93259190254DZ93259190321DZ93259190316DZ93259190333名称Designation空滤器紧固带总成空滤器总成空滤器总成保护罩干式空滤器报警指示开关T 型卡箍成形软管空气软管2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母空滤器支架总成2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母六角头螺栓支架总成支架软管卡箍六角头螺栓卡箍卡箍卡箍空滤器进气口胶管空滤器进气口胶管M 弯管接头M 弯管接头支架总成NameFasteming strapAir cleanerAir cleanerProtect coverSafety Element IndicatorT clipScrew pipeScrew pipeHex. nutBracket of air cleanerHex. nutHex screwBracketBracketClipHex screwClipClipClipPipe of air cleanerPipe of air cleanerM hoseM hoseBracket数量Quantity211112116188222211111111适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324加长驾驶室半长驾驶室备注RemarkWP7/WP10WP6牵引车载货/自卸车加长驾驶室半长驾驶室加长驾驶室半长驾驶室加长驾驶室序号NO20 21 22 23 24件号Part.NoQ150B0835Q40208DZ93259190332Q340B08Q150B0630名称Designation六角头螺栓大垫圈备板1 型六角螺母六角头螺栓NameHex screwWasherBracketHex. nutHex screw数量Quantity33133适用车型Suited type加长驾驶室加长驾驶室加长驾驶室加长驾驶室加长驾驶室备注Remark序号NO12345678910111213141516171819202122232425件号Part.NoDZ9003532115DZ93259535302DZ93189534002DZ9003532093DZ93259535331DZ91259534013DZ93189535801Q67664DZ93259535815Q67683DZ93259535804DZ91259534014Q33208Q150B0825Q150B1018Q40310Q40110Q40112Q150B1230DZ91125301581384D0410007Q33212DZ93259538088Q150B0816名称DesignationT 型卡箍内氟外硅胶管中冷器进气管T 型卡箍内氟外硅胶管WP7 上水管中冷器出气成型胶管橡胶软管B 型蜗杆传动式软管卡箍散热器出水胶管B 型蜗杆传动式软管卡箍变径硅胶管55-60WP7 下水管2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母六角头螺栓六角头螺栓弹簧垫圈平垫圈平垫圈六角头螺栓水管夹橡胶金属软垫2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母WP7 下水管支架六角头螺栓NameClipHoseInlet pipeClipHoseInlet pipe for waterHoseHoseClipHoseClipHoseOutlet pipe for waterHex nutHex screwHex screwSpring washerWasherWasherHex screwClipRubber bumperHex nutBracketHex screw数量Quantity311311115131113122242116114适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324备注Remark序号NO262728293031323334353637383940 41 42 43件号Part.NoQ41208Q40008DZ91259536022DZ93259538092DZ91259537011DZ91259537012DZ91259532101DZ91259531701Q150B1218DZ91259538026DZ91259538004DZ93259537006Q150B1440DZ93259538093Q33214DZ91259538920名称Designation外锯齿锁紧垫圈小垫圈风扇护风罩成型软管散热器左固定支架海绵密封条海绵密封条铝散热器总成增压中冷器六角头螺栓垫片散热器安装支架总成散热器悬置垫块六角头螺栓散热器右固定支架2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母间隔管防虫网总成NameWasherWasherAir duct assemblyHoseLeft bracket数量Quantity14261112211411141441适用车型Suited type备注RemarkRadiatorCACHex screwWasherBracket assemblyRubber bumperHex screwRight bracketHex nutPipeDefence net assembly序号NO 1234567891011件号Part.NoDZ91259535205DZ91259535204Q40206DZ9112530413Q33208DZ9114530260名称Designation橡胶软管软管卡箍—ZQ68810塑料紧箍带橡胶软管软管卡箍—ZQ68825塑料紧箍带大垫圈角形支架橡胶软管2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母膨胀箱总成NameHoseClipPlastic fastening strapHoseClipPlastic fastening strapWasherBracketHoseHex nutExpansion box assembly数量Quantity14812831141适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324备注Remark序号NO12345678910111213141516171819件号Part.NoDZ93319540168名称Designation密封垫2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母排气管总成〔一〕卡箍密封垫六角头螺栓2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母发动机排气制动器总成挠性软管排气管总成〔二〕消声器总成隔热板平垫圈弹簧垫圈六角头螺栓紧固带总成支架总成六角头螺栓2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母NameSealing matHex nutExhaust pipe Assembly(1)ClipSealing matHex screwHex nutvalveHoseExhaust pipe Assembly(2)Muffler bracketHeat insulation plateWasherSpring washerHex screwFastening strap assemblyBracket assemblyHex screwHex nut数量Quantity16284812111118842166适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324备注RemarkQ33210DZ9114541730DZ95259540004DZ95259540029Q150B0845Q33208DZ91189180002DZ95259540008DZ9114541735DZ93319540320DZ93319540316Q40108Q40308Q150B0812DZ93259540570DZ93259540560Q150B1455Q33214400L 塑料燃油箱及管路FUEL TANK AND OIL LINE400L 塑料燃油箱及管路FUEL TANK AND OIL LINE 序号件号名称NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21Part.NoDZ9114550094DZ91189550400DZ93189550496DZ91189556001DZ91189550036DZ91189550126Q72316T5FQ33210Q150B1060Q5101480Q151B1660Q5004020Q40114DZ9114550091DZ91189550460Q33212DZ91189550424DZ91189550440Designation带锁油箱盖400L 塑料燃油箱油量感应器聚酰胺管软管接头燃油粗滤器总成空心螺栓密封垫圈2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母六角头螺栓自锁螺母板销轴六角头螺栓开口销平垫圈护垫紧固带总成2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母油箱支架衬垫油箱支架总成CoverFuel tank assemblySensorPipeHose jointFuel coarse filter assemblyHollow boltSeal washerLocking nutHex screwLocking nutLeverBoltHex screwCotter pinWasherProtectorFasteming strap assemblyLocking nutProtectorBracket assemblyName数量适用车型Suited type备注Quantity111341242222242222222Remark序号NO1234件号Part.NoQ150B0816DZ9100570083Q40308Q340B08名称Designation六角头螺栓加油踏板总成(Williams)弹簧垫圈1 型六角螺母NameHex. ScrewAccelero graph panelSpring washerNut数量Quantity2122适用车型Suited type备注Remark序号NO12件号Part.No2110-16010102110-1601020名称DesignationName数量Quantity11适用机型Suited typeSX4257GN324备注Remark 离合器压盘总成(Φ395)离合器从动盘总成(Φ395)Clutch coverClutch disc序号NO123456789101112件号Part.NoDZ9112231021Q33210Q40314Q151B1435DZ9112231030DZ9112230166Q150B1045Q72314 T5FSXQ84310DZ93259230360DZ9112230212名称Designation别离摇臂II 型全金属锁紧螺母弹簧垫圈六角头螺栓离合器分泵支架离合器分泵六角头螺栓密封垫圈软管接头空心螺栓油管卡环NameRelease armNutSpring washerHex. screwBracketOperating cylinderHex. screwGasketHose plugHollow boltHoseSpring数量Quantity162211441212适用机型Suited type备注Remark序12345678910111213141516号零件代号DZ95259240194DZ93259240063Q150B0840Q40310DZ93259240055Q2140510Q40110DZ9114240564DZ91259240128DZ95259240141DZ95259240142DZ93259240004DZ95259240193DZ95259240191Q150B0840Q332B08名称数1144144111111111量适用车型SX4257GN324备注变速手柄及挡位标牌总成变速操纵杆六角螺栓弹簧垫圈驾驶室固定板十字槽盘头螺钉平垫圈9 档防尘罩总成变速操纵器选挡软轴总成〔黑色4100£©换挡软轴总成〔红色4100£©软轴支架〔双杆〕软轴支架选档摇臂六角螺栓锁紧螺母序1234567891011121314号零件代号DZ93259590045Q33208Q150B0820Q40212Q40312Q150B1220AZ9112590099Q1231630Q40316Q341B16DZ93259590046Q33214Q150B1445名称数12量适用车型SX4257GN324备注左托架总成发动机前支承〔橡胶—金属支承〕2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母六角头螺栓大垫圈弹簧垫圈六角头螺栓横梁总成双头螺柱弹簧垫圈1 型六角螺母右托架总成2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母六角头螺栓442221222111由变速箱带由变速箱带由变速箱带14 23序号NO1234件号Part.NoDZ9114312132Q151B1455TF3DZ9114311072名称Designation传动轴六角头螺栓自锁螺母传动轴Name数量Quantity116161适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324备注Remark序号NO12345678910111213141516171819202122232425件号Part.NoDZ9100360080DZ9100360080名称Designation衬垫气制动阀气制动阀气制动阀气制动阀复曲面密封件带槽六角有环螺栓垫圈带槽六角有环螺栓座板支架垫圈垫圈六角螺母挡圈滚针轴承挺杆螺纹销踏板防尘罩六角锁紧螺母制动踏板总成压缩弹簧弹簧座球销橡胶垫六角螺栓NameGasketbrake valvebrake valvebrake valvebrake valveToric sealGrooved hex collar boltWasherGrooved hex collar boltPedal bracketWasherWasherHexagon nutCriclipNeedle bearingTappetThreaded pinPedal coveringHex lock nutBrake pedal assemblyPressure springSpring seatBall pinRubber padHex.screw数量Quantity1111117921122111111111111适用车型Suited typeSX4257GN324适用于4×2/6×4 板簧悬架牵引车适用于6×4 板簧悬架自卸车适用于8×4 板簧悬架自卸车适用于4×2/6×4 空气悬架牵引车备注Remark序号NO26272829件号Part.No名称Designation调整垫圈滚针轴承六角螺母踏板轴NameAdjusting washerNeedle bearingHexagon nutPedal shaft数量Quantity2211适用车型Suited type备注Remark序号NO12345678件号Part.NoDZ93189360061PA11 8×1PA11 8×1PA11 8×1PA11 8×1名称Designation手制动阀垫片螺母板管子管子管子管子NameHand brake valveGasketHex.nutPlatePipePipePipePipe数量Quantity11411111适用车型Suited type备注Remark序号NO123456789件号Part.NoDZ9100360434Q72327T3DZ93189366015DZ93189366014DZ9100360428DZ93189366015名称Designation直通接头体密封垫圈不锈钢金属软管密封圈锥体环六角螺母管子15直角接头体管子15NameNozzleSeal ringstainless steel hoseSeal ringTaper ringNutPipeNozzleNozzle数量Quantity111111111适用车型Suited type适用于康明斯发动机备注Remark空气枯燥器管路AIR DRYER LINE空气枯燥器、四回路保护阀、再生储气筒安装AIR DRYER,FOUR-LOOP GUARD VALVE,AIR TANK FIXING序号NO123456789101112131415件号Part.NoDZ9100360428DZ9100369474DZ91189360016Q41212Q151C1225DZ9100360445DZ93189360194名称Designation直角接头体空气枯燥器空气枯燥器外锯齿锁紧垫圈六角头螺栓直角接头四回路保护阀W 型旋入式接头直通隔壁接头体左后踏板支架总成六角头螺塞锥体环密封垫圈储气筒(4 升)卡箍NameNozzleAir dryerAir dryerWasherHex.screwPlug connectionFour---loop guard valveW---plug connectionNozzleBracketHex.screwTaper ringSeal ring4L air tankClup数量Quantity111332121111112适用车型Suited type适用于康明斯发动机〔空压机内卸荷〕适用于潍柴发动机〔空压机外卸荷〕备注Remark序号NO1234567891011件号Part.NoAZ9100368155DZ93189360226DZ93189360210DZ93189360094Q150B0885Q33208名称Designation密封垫圈锥体环放水阀储气筒(9+15L)储气筒(25L)六角头螺塞锥体环密封垫圈托架总成巩固带总成六角头螺栓2 型全金属六角锁紧螺母NameSeal ringTaper ringDrainage valveAir tank(9+15L)Air tank(25L)Hex.screwTaper ringSeal ringBracketFasterming strapHex.screwNut数量Quantity222112441444适用车型Suited type备注Remark671823459 10序号NO123456789件号Part.NoQ150B0860Q33208DZ93189360212Q150B0885名称Designation六角头螺栓支架总称全金属锁紧螺母紧固带总成储气筒(30L)堵塞球窝接头总成六角头螺栓放水阀NameHex.screwBracketNutFasterming strapNutJamfittingHex.screwDrainage valve数量Quantity626423342适用车型Suited type备注Remark12386754序号NO12345678件号Part.NoQ150B0835Q33208Q33208Q33208名称Designation六角头螺栓支架2 型六角螺母球窝接头总称继动阀螺塞直通接头2 型六角螺母NameHex.screwBracketNutHex.screwRelay valveJamStraight fittingnut数量Quantity41462114适用车型Suited type备注Remark。
4: 飞轮是手闸式自行车不可少的部件。
雪铁龙凯旋(2. 0L EW10A)车型正时
适用2006~2010年雪铁龙凯旋(2. 0L EW10A)车型(一)正时系统示意图(图7)(二)拆卸方法(1)断开蓄电池负极接线柱。
只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 台 台 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 块 片
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
后尾灯 5 - 10T 24V 后尾灯 罩 (三色) 大灯泡(前大灯) 12V/24V 小灯泡(含后尾灯、转向灯) 12V/24V 650-10正新轮胎 650-10正新轮胎 28*9-15正新轮胎 825-15正新轮胎 650-10实心胎 28*9-15实心胎 825-15实心胎 轮辋 3T后轮 650-10 8孔 轮辋 3T前轮 28*9-15 前轮辋 5-7T 825-15 后轮辋 5-7T 825-15 水箱AC20-30X A91A2 水箱ACD20-30X A91B2 水箱 (5-10T配锡柴6110) H05H2 油封轴承总成 33012A 轴承 206(6206) 轴承 6206(进口) 轴承 8104(51104) 轴承 302(6302-180302) 轴承 7207(30207) 轴承 7208(30208) 轴承 7211(30211) 轴承 7214(30214) 轴承 7507(32207) 轴承 7508(32208) 轴承 7511(32211) 轴承 7515(32215) 轴承 61904(6904) 平面轴承(2-3.5TH2000带防尘套 Z-8208 ) (51208) 滚针轴承 943/32 滚针轴承 943/45 滚针轴承(6T变速箱) 15793-82061 分离轴承 9688211/688711K 滚轮 180705K 滚轮 180706K 滚轮(4.5T-7T侧滚轮) 180707K 滚轮 980811 滚轮 10311 链轮2-3T 780708K 链轮3.5T 24609-41241(780310K2) 链轮5-7T 22658-33061 钢背轴承 3040 钢背轴承 5060 宽 普通 加宽
年周 替代前配件号替代前EAY替代后配件号替代后EAY 0000000 000 097 005 B AKO0000000 000 097 011 A AKO0000000 012 311 159 CD AKL 012 311 159 DP N 0000000 013 301 231 F EEO0000000 013 311 207 AKL 014 311 207 F 0000000 014 311 155 A EEO0000000 014 311 156 A EEO0000000 014 409 399 B - L 014 409 399 D U 0000000 01M 321 241 AKL 01M 321 241 A AKL 0000000 01M 927 733 AA AKL 01M 927 733 BK U 0000000 020 911 023 A AKL 020 911 023 N AKL 0000000 020 911 023 M - L 020 911 023 F F 0000000 020 911 287 AKL 085 911 287 F 0000000 021 903 803 B AAL 028 903 803 D F 0000000 026 103 383 M - L 026 103 383 P F 0000000 026 121 144 A AAL 026 121 144 E F 0000000 026 121 144 B AAL 026 121 144 F F 0000000 026 121 145 F AKL 026 121 144 B AAL 0000000 026 129 607 F AKF 026 129 595 B F 0000000 026 129 607 F AKF 026 129 607 H F 0000000 026 129 607 F AKF 049 129 627 L F 0000000 027 129 343 A AKO0000000 028 103 609 A AKM 044 103 609 D F 0000000 028 903 025 Q AKM 028 903 018 A F 0000000 02A 141 709 A AKL 02J 141 719 F 0000000 02A 311 335 C AKL 02A 311 335 D F 0000000 02A 409 169 AIL 012 409 169 K 0000000 030 109 111 C - L 030 109 111 B F 0000000 030 906 265 AC AKL 330 906 265 F 0000000 030 906 265 BF AKL 023 906 265 D F 0000000 032 103 351 AKL 032 103 265 X U 0000000 037 103 415 - L 037 103 419 B F 0000000 037 121 010 A AKL 037 121 010 B AKL 0000000 037 133 035 H AAL 037 133 035 C F 0000000 037 141 032 L AKL 037 141 032 LX U 0000000 037 906 265 J AKL 330 906 265 N 0000000 048 103 609 C AEL 044 103 499 D F 0000000 048 105 323 C - L 048 105 323 B N 0000000 048 109 611 A AEL 053 109 611 F 0000000 050 103 499 AEL 044 103 499 B N 0000000 053 103 155 C AKL 053 103 155 E F 0000000 055 129 435 C AKO0000000 056 109 311 A AKL 056 109 311 3 N 0000000 056 919 081 C AKL 028 919 081 D F 0000000 058 100 031 B AKL 058 100 031 BX AKL 0000000 058 103 724 AB AKL 058 103 724 AE N0000000 058 105 266 AEO0000000 058 109 119 B AKL 058 109 119 C F 0000000 058 145 805 A AKF 058 145 805 B F 0000000 058 145 834 A AKL 8D0 145 834 AKF 0000000 058 903 137 E EEL 06B 903 137 F 0000000 058 906 265 A EEL 032 906 265 F 0000000 068 103 645 K AKL 038 103 645 A F 0000000 06A 115 405 E AKL 06A 115 405 AD N 0000000 06A 906 433 E AKO0000000 06B 105 255 H AEL 06B 105 255 F F 0000000 06B 109 119 B AFL 06B 109 119 A F 0000000 06B 121 347 - F 058 121 350 N 0000000 06B 121 347 - F 06B 119 145 F 0000000 06B 121 347 - F N 906 674 01 F 0000000 06B 133 366 - L 06B 133 366 B F 0000000 06B 133 837 D AKL 06B 133 837 C F 0000000 074 121 004 A AKM 074 121 005 N F 0000000 078 100 103 Q AKL 078 100 103 QX U 0000000 078 141 031 C AKL 078 141 031 N F 0000000 095 927 321 A AKL 095 927 321 C F 0000000 096 927 359 A AKF 095 325 039 J AKL 0000000 171 407 357 C AAL 1J0 407 357 F 0000000 171 615 219 A AKO0000000 171 837 244 AIO0000000 171 881 483 B - L N 901 626 06 F 0000000 171 919 077 AKO0000000 181 837 220 AIO0000000 191 407 181 E AUL 191 407 181 D U 0000000 191 837 249 A AKL 1H4 839 249 U 0000000 191 853 577 - F 191 853 577 A F 0000000 191 853 577 - F 191 853 586 D U 0000000 191 919 343 A AKL 1H0 919 343 AKO 0000000 1GD 201 160 - L 3A0 201 160 A N 0000000 1H0 121 321 A AKL 1H0 121 321 C F 0000000 1H0 121 687 AKL: 1H0 121 687 A F 0000000 1H0 201 503 A AEF 1H0 201 505 B N 0000000 1H0 407 271 P AKL 1H0 407 451 X U 0000000 1H0 407 272 AN AKL 1H0 407 452 BX U 0000000 1H0 419 091 F 1BX AKL 1H0 419 091 AB 1BX U 0000000 1H0 422 839 AKL N 102 077 01 F 0000000 1H0 609 525 AKF 330 609 525 A N 0000000 1H0 609 526 AKF 330 609 525 A N 0000000 1H0 609 526 AKF 330 609 526 A N 0000000 1H0 609 526 AKF 330 609 527 A N 0000000 1H0 609 526 AKF 330 609 528 A N 0000000 1H0 609 527 AKF 330 609 525 A N 0000000 1H0 609 527 AKF 330 609 526 A N0000000 1H0 609 527 AKF 330 609 527 A N 0000000 1H0 609 527 AKF 330 609 528 A N 0000000 1H0 609 528 AKF 330 609 525 A N 0000000 1H0 609 528 AKF 330 609 526 A N 0000000 1H0 609 528 AKF 330 609 527 A N 0000000 1H0 609 528 AKF 330 609 528 A N 0000000 1H0 611 346 AKL 6N1 611 349 A AKL 0000000 1H0 919 133 AAL 8E0 919 133 E AKL 0000000 1H0 919 343 AKO0000000 1H0 947 311 AAL 1H0 947 301 F 0000000 1H0 959 653 B AKL 1H0 959 653 E F 0000000 1J0 711 303 M AKL 1J0 711 303 R AAL 0000000 1J0 819 157 1QA AAL 1J0 819 157 G 1QA N 0000000 1J0 881 905 B AKO0000000 1J0 919 305 AKF 1J0 919 307 F 0000000 1J0 919 305 AKF 1J0 919 309 F 0000000 1J4 959 811 D 008AEL 1J4 959 811 C 07P N 0000000 1J4 959 812 D 008AEL 1J4 959 812 C 07P N 0000000 1J5 827 505 B AAL 1J5 827 505 E N 0000000 1J5 827 505 D 01C AUL 1J5 827 505 D - L 0000000 1J6 955 425 AKL 1J6 955 427 F 0000000 321 121 051 D AKO0000000 321 601 181 A AKL 255 601 181 F 0000000 321 601 182 A AKL 255 601 182 F 0000000 321 601 186 A - L 255 601 186 F 0000000 321 819 726 D AKO0000000 321 820 327 A AKO0000000 321 820 677 AKO0000000 321 820 721 R AKO0000000 321 820 738 D AKO0000000 321 857 128 6BJ AKO0000000 321 857 649 A 01C AKO0000000 321 867 136 AKO0000000 321 885 636 01C AKO0000000 321 941 531 G AKL 330 941 531 B F 0000000 321 953 515 A 01C AKO0000000 321 955 457 A AKO0000000 321 971 051 JH AKL 330 971 051 E F 0000000 321 971 281 C AKL 330 971 281 A F 0000000 323 853 515 F 2BC AKO0000000 323 853 754 F 2BC AKO0000000 323 853 780 D AKO0000000 323 867 197 07S AKO0000000 323 867 198 07S AKO0000000 323 867 240 A 07S AKO0000000 325 945 093 2 AKL 330 945 093 F 0000000 325 945 094 1 EEL 330 945 094 F0000000 327 412 135 B AAL 307 412 135 A F 0000000 327 513 031 A AKL ZBC 513 031 C N 0000000 327 853 705 AKO0000000 327 853 706 AKO0000000 327 863 945 232AUL 327 863 945 230N 0000000 327 867 239 3 767AKO0000000 327 867 245 A 07S AKO0000000 327 881 046 A AEL 193 881 046 F 0000000 330 000 101 S AUL 330 839 297 F 0000000 330 201 449 B AKL 330 201 449 C F 0000000 330 253 143 A AKL 803 253 143 G N 0000000 330 253 609 AKO0000000 330 412 025 AAL 330 412 025 A F 0000000 330 412 026 AAL 330 412 026 A F 0000000 330 612 105 AKF 322 611 019 A F 0000000 330 612 105 AKF 357 611 243 F 0000000 330 612 105 AKF 893 612 107 A AKL 0000000 330 612 105 A AAF 1H0 611 037 F 0000000 330 612 105 A AAF 330 612 107 AKL 0000000 330 612 105 A AAF 7M0 611 019 F 0000000 330 711 333 EEO0000000 330 711 339 A EEO0000000 330 711 345 A EEO0000000 330 721 555 B AKL 330 721 555 C N 0000000 330 800 403 AP EEO0000000 330 803 904 EEL 330 803 311 A F 0000000 330 809 365 AAL 330 809 365 B N 0000000 330 820 721 C AKL 330 820 721 E F 0000000 330 839 298 A AUL 330 839 298 F 0000000 330 853 685 Q EEL 3BD 853 687 N 0000000 330 853 767 AAF 330 853 767 A F 0000000 330 853 767 AAF 330 853 768 F 0000000 330 881 021 D 239AEO0000000 330 881 021 D 240AEO0000000 330 881 022 D 239AEO0000000 330 881 022 D 240AEO0000000 330 915 105 A AKL 330 915 105 B F 0000000 330 919 341 B EEF 191 919 243 D F 0000000 330 919 341 B EEF 330 919 343 A N 0000000 330 971 051 B AAL 330 971 051 C N 0000000 330 971 072 AKL 330 971 072 F AAL 0000000 330 971 072 A AKL 330 971 072 G F 0000000 331 513 031 R AKL ZBC 513 031 C N 0000000 331 698 261 C AKO0000000 331 698 261 D AKO0000000 331 809 604 A AAL 330 809 604 A N 0000000 331 863 485 01C AKO0000000 331 863 486 01C AKO0000000 331 863 487 01C AKO0000000 331 867 285 C 07S AKO0000000 331 867 286 C 07S AKO0000000 331 867 421 K 01C AKO0000000 331 867 422 G 01C AKO0000000 331 867 424 C GL3AKO0000000 331 867 426 F GL3AKO0000000 331 867 461 01C AKO0000000 331 867 462 01C AKO0000000 331 867 501 N 4CT AKO0000000 331 867 501 S 4CT AAL 331 867 501 N 4CT AKO 0000000 331 867 761 01C AKO0000000 331 867 762 01C AKO0000000 331 867 769 01C AKO0000000 331 867 799 01C AUL 331 867 799 4FB U 0000000 331 867 825 A 01C AKO0000000 331 867 826 01C AKO0000000 331 867 827 01C AKO0000000 331 885 749 B 01C AKO0000000 331 898 402 01C AKO0000000 333 827 705 AAL 1H0 827 705 AAL 0000000 333 853 775 C 01C AKF 3A9 853 775 01C U 0000000 333 853 776 C 01C AKF 3A9 853 776 01C U 0000000 350 863 957 AAF 330 863 865 F 0000000 350 863 957 AAF 330 863 866 N 0000000 357 412 249 A AKL 357 412 249 AKL 0000000 357 422 371 AKL 3A0 422 371 AAL 0000000 357 422 376 AKL 3A0 422 376 F 0000000 357 422 891 B AAL 3A1 422 891 U 0000000 357 804 339 A AKL 357 804 339 D AAL 0000000 357 809 966 AAL 811 807 577 C F 0000000 357 827 998 AEL N 105 168 01 N 0000000 357 853 773 C 01C AKF 3A0 853 773 01C U 0000000 357 905 851 AKL 357 905 851 D U 0000000 357 955 455 AKL 8D0 955 455 F 0000000 3A0 121 253 T AKL 3A0 121 253 C U 0000000 3A0 407 272 B AKL 1H0 407 272 AN AKL 0000000 3A0 805 591 A AAL 3A0 805 591 U 0000000 3A0 927 903 D AKL 3A0 927 903 J U 0000000 3A0 955 453 AKL 3A0 955 453 B U 0000000 3A1 422 061 B AKL 3A1 422 061 BX U 0000000 3A5 201 997 AAL 3A5 201 997 A U 0000000 3A5 845 298 AKL 3A5 845 298 B U 0000000 3B0 051 505 AKO0000000 3B0 071 490 666AKO0000000 3B0 413 031 A AKF 3B0 413 031 Q F0000000 3B0 601 373 AAL 3B0 601 373 A F 0000000 3B0 807 311 AAL 3B0 807 311 D U 0000000 3B0 809 857 C GRU AKL 3B0 809 857 D GRU AAL 0000000 3B0 810 231 B EEL 3BD 810 231 N 0000000 3B0 810 232 B EEL 3BD 810 232 N 0000000 3B0 813 341 B AKF 3B0 813 341 F F 0000000 3B0 823 031 C AAL 3B0 823 031 D AKL 0000000 3B0 823 499 A AAL 3B0 823 499 F 0000000 3B0 837 033 P AAL 3B0 837 033 J F 0000000 3B0 837 689 C INB EEO0000000 3B0 837 901 A 041AKF 3B0 837 901 D 041U 0000000 3B0 839 113 AP 4ET AEO0000000 3B0 839 113 AQ 4ET AEO0000000 3B0 839 114 AP 4ET AEO0000000 3B0 839 114 AQ 4ET AEO0000000 3B0 853 653 C B41AKL 3B0 853 653 F B41U 0000000 3B0 857 551 M 3PS AEO0000000 3B0 857 551 M X14AAL 3B0 898 551 M X14F 0000000 3B0 857 552 M 3PS AAL 3B0 898 551 M 3PS F 0000000 3B0 857 552 M X14AAL 3B0 898 552 M X14F 0000000 3B0 858 069 C 2AQ AKL 3B0 858 069 AT 2AQ F 0000000 3B0 858 179 01C AKL 3B0 858 179 2AQ F 0000000 3B0 858 179 A 01C AKL 3B0 858 179 A 2AQ F 0000000 3B0 858 180 01C AKL 3B0 858 180 2AQ F 0000000 3B0 858 180 A 01C AKL 3B0 858 180 A 2AQ F 0000000 3B0 864 209 S FHJ AAF 3B0 867 173 FHJ F 0000000 3B0 864 209 S FHJ AAF 3B0 867 174 Q70F 0000000 3B0 864 627 AAL 3B0 864 627 B N 0000000 3B0 881 405 BB ETU EEL 3B0 881 405 BB FBG AUL 0000000 3B0 881 805 CR ETU EEL 3B0 881 805 CR FBG AUL 0000000 3B0 885 905 EEO0000000 3B0 886 193 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3B5 827 550 E N 0000000 3B5 833 051 L AKF 3B5 833 051 P F 0000000 3B5 833 052 L AKF 3B5 833 052 P F 0000000 3B5 845 297 D B41AKL 3B5 845 297 J B41F 0000000 3B5 845 298 D B41AKL 3B5 845 298 J B41F 0000000 3B5 853 345 2ZZ AEL 3B5 853 345 A 2ZZ F 0000000 3B5 853 709 A B41AAL 3B5 853 709 C B41N 0000000 3B5 853 710 A B41AAL 3B5 853 710 C B41N 0000000 3B5 863 413 R 14F AAL 3B5 863 413 M 14F N 0000000 3B5 945 097 A - F 3B5 945 121 F 0000000 3B5 945 097 A - F 3B5 945 135 AEL 0000000 3B5 945 097 A - F N 017 753 2 F 0000000 3B5 945 111 D AAL 3B5 945 095 F U 0000000 3B5 971 487 - L 000 000 999 / 0000000 3BD 800 375 A AAL 3BD 800 375 C AAL 0000000 3BD 809 101 EEL 3BD 809 101 A N 0000000 3BD 809 102 EEL 3BD 809 102 A N 0000000 3BD 809 605 - F 3B5 809 835 A F 0000000 3BD 809 605 - F 3B5 809 839 A F 0000000 3BD 809 605 - F 3B5 809 841 A F 0000000 3BD 809 605 - F 3BD 809 837 N 0000000 3BD 809 605 - F 3BD 809 843 N 0000000 3BD 809 605 - F 3BD 809 847 N 0000000 3BD 867 365 FKM EEL 3B0 867 365 F FKM N 0000000 3BD 867 366 FKM EEL 3B0 867 366 F FKM N 0000000 443 201 594 AIO0000000 443 951 253 J AKL 8D0 951 253 F 0000000 443 951 253 K AKL 8D0 951 253 A F 0000000 4B0 905 851 A AKL 4B0 905 851 F 0000000 4B0 919 471 AKL 4B0 919 471 A F 0000000 4B0 955 531 A - L 4B0 955 531 E F 0000000 4D0 098 010 D AUL N 015 082 5 F 0000000 4D0 098 020 J AUL N 010 242 23 F 0000000 4D0 098 035 A AUL N 014 131 13 U 0000000 4D0 098 050 AB AUL N 015 082 5 F 0000000 4D0 407 151 J AKF 4D0 407 151 P F 0000000 4D0 407 509 F AAL 4D0 407 509 G AKL 0000000 4D0 407 510 F AAL 4D0 407 510 G AKL 0000000 4D0 407 694 AC AKM 4D0 407 694 AD AKL 0000000 4D0 411 317 J AKM 8D0 411 317 D F0000000 4D0 905 855 D AKL 4D0 905 855 G F 0000000 6Q0 909 605 B 005AAL 6Q0 909 605 B 00E N 0000000 6X0 877 255 X09AKL 6X0 877 255 A X06N 0000000 6X0 881 195 EEL 3B0 881 195 N 0000000 6X1 837 013 C AKF 3B0 837 069 B F 0000000 6X1 837 013 C AKF 3B1 837 015 A F 0000000 6X1 837 014 C AKF 3B0 837 070 B N 0000000 6X1 837 014 C AKF 3B1 837 016 A F 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N 022 150 1 F 0000000 N 024 518 2 AAL N 024 518 3 F 0000000 N 038 887 1 AKL N 100 528 08 F 0000000 N 044 115 3 AAL N 044 115 5 F 0000000 N 052 774 D0 - L G 012 A8D A1 F 0000000 N 090 259 1 AAF N 011 547 6 F 0000000 N 090 259 1 AAF N 040 336 1 F 0000000 N 100 527 05 AKL N 100 527 06 F 0000000 N 101 687 01 AEF N 011 524 7 F 0000000 N 101 687 01 AEF N 014 139 5 F 0000000 N 101 740 01 AAL N 101 740 02 F 0000000 N 102 334 01 - L N 102 582 01 F 0000000 N 103 113 03 AKL N 103 113 04 F 0000000 N 104 416 01 - L N 902 562 01 F 0000000 N 900 911 01 AEL 811 971 850 F 0000000 N 901 232 01 AAF N 011 558 11 F 0000000 N 901 232 01 AAF N 044 714 1 F 0000000 N 902 218 01 AAL N 902 218 03 F 0000000 N 902 803 02 AKL N 905 330 02 F 0000000 N 903 237 03 AKL N 903 237 04 F 0000000 N 903 555 02 AAL N 903 555 03 F 0000000 N 904 288 01 AKL N 906 437 01 F 0000000 N 905 792 01 AKL N 905 792 02 AKL 0000000 N 907 407 01 AAL 6N0 807 199 F 0000000 N 907 529 01 AKL N 907 529 02 F 0000000 ZBC 971 915 AAL 330 971 351 F 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2001005 06A 109 479 AKL 06A 109 479 A F 2001005 06A 115 105 AKL 06A 115 105 B F 2001005 06A 115 441 B AKL 06A 115 441 C AKL 2001005 06B 133 833 AKL 06B 133 833 C F 2001005 06B 903 141 C AKL 06B 903 141 D F 2001005 097 927 365 C AAL 097 927 365 D F 2001005 111 837 669 A AKL 111 837 941 F 2001005 111 941 605 A AKL 330 941 605 A F 2001005 113 611 731 AAL 1J0 611 731 F 2001005 161 867 299 AAL 161 867 299 01C F 2001005 171 711 503 AUL 171 711 503 232N 2001005 171 819 173 AUL 171 819 173 01C F 2001005 171 881 500 AUL 171 881 500 01C F 2001005 171 881 939 A AUL 171 881 939 A 232F 2001005 191 253 139 G AKL 431 253 143 A F 2001005 191 611 994 E AKL 111 611 998 U 2001005 191 615 269 A AKL 171 615 269 B F 2001005 191 615 270 A AKL 171 615 270 B F 2001005 191 837 087 AAL 330 837 087 A F 2001005 191 837 088 AAL 330 837 087 A F 2001005 191 837 205 A AAL 330 837 205 U 2001005 191 837 206 A AAL 330 837 206 U 2001005 191 837 225 AUL 191 837 225 232F 2001005 191 837 226 AUL 191 837 226 232F 2001005 191 857 517 AUL 191 857 517 01C F 2001005 191 867 838 A AUL 191 867 838 A 86 EEL 2001005 191 881 671 AUL 191 881 671 01C F 2001005 191 906 232 B AKL 893 906 232 F 2001005 193 839 205 AAL 330 839 205 U 2001005 193 839 206 AAL 330 839 206 U 2001005 1H0 609 425 AKL 357 609 425 AKL 2001005 1H0 609 426 AKL 357 609 426 AKL2001005 1H0 611 053 B AKL 330 611 051 2001005 1H0 615 123 A AKL 330 615 123 F 2001005 1H0 615 124 A AKL 330 615 124 F 2001005 1H0 905 855 A AKL 535 905 855 KA F 2001005 1H5 863 849 AUL 1H5 863 849 01C F 2001005 1J0 864 203 B AUL 1J0 864 203 B B41F 2001005 1J0 881 184 E AKL 1J0 881 614 B N 2001005 1J0 881 493 AUL 1J0 881 493 B41N 2001005 1J0 881 921 B AUL 1J0 881 921 B R08N 2001005 1J0 882 241 AKL 1J0 882 241 B N 2001005 251 919 372 AKL 330 919 372 B N 2001005 251 955 119 AKL 321 955 113 G N 2001005 253 260 130 / 253 260 130 01C 2001005 321 498 625 E AKL 330 498 625 N 2001005 321 698 545 AAL 1H0 698 545 A F 2001005 321 803 904 AKL 330 803 904 EEL 2001005 321 805 571 AC AAL 330 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首先,阐述了全向轮式移动机器人的结构设计特点,利用坐标变换方法建立移动机 器人的运动学和动力学模型,根据全向轮式移动机器人的运动特性选择了基于运动学模 型分层控制作为其轨迹跟踪控制的设计方案。
其次,以全向轮式移动机器人的运动学模型作为控制对象,以线速度和角速度为控 制输入,设计了几种控制器并通过仿真验证了设计方法的正确性。(1)设计了模糊控制器 对全向轮式移动机器人进行轨迹跟踪控制,实现了对期望轨迹的跟踪控制。(2)为了提高 系统的鲁棒性,设计了滑模变结构控制器,有效的克服外界不确定的干扰,并进行了相 应的仿真证明设计的有效性和可行性。(3)为了减弱滑模变结构控制器中的抖振,采用了 连续函数代替了原来的符号函数,设计了准滑模控制器,通过仿真证明其能够很好的减 弱抖振。
最后,对本文所做的工作进行总结,并提出展望,指出有待进一步研究的方向和问 题。
西玛德舵手 TP10、TP20 和 TP30 维修手册说明书
TILLERPILOT TP10, TP20 & TP30 SERVICE MANUALIssue 4.0 17/09/03SIMRADSimrad Margate LtdStar Lane, Margate, Kent CT9 4NP,UKTelephone +44 (0) 1843 290290Facsimile +44 (0) 1843 290471E-Mail:********************************CONTENTS1 INTRODUCTIONPCBs1.1 ElectronicComponents1.2 Mechanical2 OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS3 ASSEMBLY4 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DRAWINGSDESCRIPTIONS5 CIRCUIT6 CIRCUITDIAGRAMSSchematics6.1 Circuit6.2 Component Lists and Layouts7 PROGRAMMING AND CONFIGURATIONFINDING8 FAULT8.1 Common User Faults8.2 Common Technical Faults9SPARE PARTS DETAIL9.1 SparesAids9.2 Service9.3 AccessoriesNOTES10 TECHNICAL© 2003 Simrad Margate LtdThe technical data, information and illustrations contained in this publication were to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of going to print. We reserve the right to change specifications, equipment, installation and maintenance instructions without notice as part of our policy of continuous development and improvement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise without prior permission from Simrad Margate Ltd. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions in the publication, although every care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible.Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 1IntroductionIssue 4.0 17/09/03SIMRAD 1INTRODUCTION TO THE TP10, TP20 AND TP30 TILLERPILOTThe TP10, TP20 and TP30 Tillerpilots combine highly sophisticated electronics with advanced software and powerful mechanical drive to provide accurate and reliable steering performance under a variety of different conditions with minimal current consumption.TP10 – is suitable for tiller steered sailing yachts up to 10M (34 Ft) in length.TP20 – offers the same facilities as the TP10 and is fully compatible with the Navico Corus instrument system to provide a complete navigation system. Options offered include connection to an external compass, wind sensor or navigational receiver together with additional remote control facilities.TP30 – offers the same facilities as the TP20 with an improved re-circulating ball screw drive andis suitable for tiller steered sailing yachts up to 12.8M (42 Ft) in length.The main components of the Tiller Pilot are listed below:Electronics PCBsEarly versionsTP10 PCB (TP10 only)TP30 PCB (TP 20 & TP30)Current Versions. The same PCB is used for all products. The wiringloom carrying the NMEA data is left disconnected in the TP10.TP10 / 20 / 30 Re-engineered PCB (Common to all)Mechanical ComponentsGeneral Assy : TP10General Assy : TP20General Assy : TP30Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 2OperationIssue 4.0 17/09/03SIMRAD 2OPERATING SIMRADThis Service Manual only contains operating instructions for those features of the Simrad Tiller Pilot range that are not normally available to the end user. For details of normal operation please refer to the appropriate Simrad Instruction Manual.Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 3 Assembly Instructions3ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSGeneral Assembly : TP10Motor and Drive Assembly. The Bottom Case Assembly is supplied fitted with appropriate cables. Refer to detail in Drawing Number E03504 and insert the Push Rod Seal E00747, which has a taper inner bore, into the case with the larger bore of the seal facing outwards. Fit “O” Ring 190026, spacer E02870 and End Cap E02495 and push home. Fit Retainer E03084 and secure with 2 screws 200002 to hold the end cap, ensuring it is pushed fully in when the two screws are tightened. Using a small brush, grease the ‘trough’ area and the bore which houses the seal, “O”ring and spacer. Insert the Drive Assembly E03264 ensuring that the bearing slots into the bearing housing and the drive belt 280027 is fitted around the pulley. Insert the Motor Assembly E02788 fitted with front and rear Motor Mounts E02502 and E02503 ensuring that the blue wire is uppermost, the motor sits snugly into the bottom of the retaining slot and the drive belt is engaged over the motor drive pulley. Check that the motor, belt and drive screw assembly move freely. Fit Bearing Clamp E02497 on two Nylon Spacers 200115, one on each screw 200137, into the case bottom and secure the bearing with the two screws. Refer to the sketch below and check that the belt tension is within +/- 3mm.Fit the Tiller Connector E02607 into the end of the Push Rod E02522 and screw in, finger tight.Hall Effect PCB. Fit the Hall effect PCB onto the 2 pillars using 2 nylon washers 200037 as spacers between the pillars and the PCB, and 2 screws 200139. Ensure that the separation distance between the Magnets (E03208), seated in the 71 Tooth Pulley (E02505), and the Hall Effect Devices (140010) does not exceed 1mm.Main PCB. Feed the power, motor and feedback leads through the 2 grommets 190036 and the appropriate grommet in the PCB Assembly cover and solder the connections to the PCB. Refer to drawing and push PCB Assembly firmly onto the four bosses in the PCB Cover E02680. Clip the compass Assembly E02637 into the Drilled PCB Cover E02680, it can only be fitted one way round, ensuring that the lugs on the compass assembly line up with the 2 holes in the PCB cover and push in. Refer to drawing E03504 and ensuring that the wires from the compass to the connector lay over the PCB, insert plug into the socket on the PCB. Ensure all wires are clear of, and not fouling the PCB cover seal, and position the PCB Cover complete with the PCB and compass into the Case Top Assembly E02612. Screw down the PCB cover with 6 screws 200139 and fully tighten. Position the two grommets into case top, and push home into the two slots. Wrap the ‘Wits” fixing 200196 around the cable loom, and using a screw 200139 fix into the top cover.Main Seal. Fit the pivot pin into the square section at the rear of the prepared bottom case ensuring that the pin hangs out of the case with the notch on the pivot facing towards the operating rod of the tillerpilot. Fold the metal pin into its recess in the lower case. Position the Case Seal E02498 onto the case bottom ensuring it is pushed fully into the grooved housing. Carefully lift the case seal from around the area of the pivot pin and using a cotton bud apply Dow Corning 1205 Primer 260029 to the case. Fill a small hypodermic syringe with Dow Corning 3140 Silicone sealant 260001 and run a small bead of sealant completely around the case seal in the area of the square as shown below.Refit the seal onto the case.Final Assembly. Carefully position the case top onto the bottom ensuring that the case seal is correctly located all round, squeeze the top and bottom halves of the case together, and fit the 10 screws 200088. Tighten down evenly all round in the sequence shown below:Post Assembly Test. Remove the Tiller Connector E02607 and push the Tillerpilot Test Syringe Part No. TP-SRY over the end of the Push Rod E02522. Depress the syringe piston and release, the piston should return to its original position indicating that the integrity of the case seal has not been compromised during fitting. Remove the Test Syringe and refit the Tiller Connector. General Assembly : TP20Refer to Drawing No. E03505. Assembly is identical to the TP10 with the following exceptions:Case Bottom. The case bottom includes a third wiring (communications) loom to carry NMEA and CANBUS data.PCB Cover E02681. The PCB Cover is drilled with a third access point and grommet to accept the NMEA and CANBUS data leads.Issue 4.0 17/09/03SIMRAD General Assembly : TP30Refer to Drawing No. E03506. Assembly is identical to the TP20 with the following exception:Drive Assembly E02618. The Drive Assembly employs a re-circulating ball screw. The assembly is held in place by the metal mounting plate sitting in the mounting slots in both top and bottom cases and drive belt tension is adjusted by the inclusion of spacing shims E02754 as required.Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 4Mechanical Assembly DrawingsIssue 4.0 17/09/03SIMRAD4MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DRAWINGSGeneral Assembly : TP10E03504General Assembly : TP20E03505General Assembly : TP30E03506Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 5Circuit Descriptions5CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSTillerpilot Common PCB AssemblyIntroduction. The PCB Assembly is a common item to all Wheelpilots and Tillerpilots. However, when the PCB is used in the TP10 or WP10 those components concerned with NMEA and CANBUS data are present but not in use, these components are highlighted in Red on the Circuit Diagram Drawing No. E03372.Supply and Regulation. The Tiller Pilots are designed to work from a 12 V source. Protection against incorrect polarity is provided by D1 and D4. Capacitors C1and C3 are used as reservoirs to hold up the supply voltage and reduce any supply dips. Protection against over-voltage spikes is provided by Resistor R2 and Zener Diode ZD1 and Regulator REG1 provides a 5V regulated supply. Transient Voltage Suppresser TVS1 protects the MOSFET drive transistors, TR10 to TR13, from voltage spikes greater than +16V.Microprocessor. Light Emitting Diodes LED1 to LED4 are driven from the microprocessor IC2 Ports P0.0 and P0.2 to P0.4 and turn OFF when the line goes HIGH via the transistor switches TR2 to TR5. When the transistors are off, resistors R32, R34, R36 and R38 provide a low current path for the LEDs to provide low level night illumination. The Audio Resonator AR1 is self resonating and switches ON when Port P0.5 goes HIGH via the transistor switch TR1 and resistors R59 and R60. The control key lines on Ports P4.0 to P4.4, normally pulled to +5V via resistors R7 to R11, are “scanned” by the microprocessor to detect if any of the switches have been operated and pulled the line LOW.NMEA Data In. NMEA data is optically isolated by IC5 and then fed into Port P2.4 of the microprocessor. Transistors TR6, TR7 and TR8 and components D6, D7, D8, R17, R18 and R19 form a switch, protected from high voltages, driven from Port P0.1 of the microprocessor. The switch is used to apply the synchronisation pulse (HR200_SYNC) to the NMEA line for products employing a Hand (Remote) Controller.CANBUS Data. CANBUS data in and out is driven by IC3 directly to and from Ports P2.1 and P2.0 respectively.NB. Components shown in RED on the circuit diagram, Drawing No. E03372, are not in circuit when the PCB is used with WP10 or TP10. The cable loom to connect them is absent from these products.Configuration Links. The Links, L1, L2 and L3, are used to configure the Microprocessor to either Wheelpilot or Tillerpilot operation and to model versions 10, 20 or 30 in accordance with the table below:1 Model Link 1Link 2Link 3TP 10N / C N / C N / CWP 10N / O N /C N / CTP 20N / C N / C N / OTP 30N / C N / O N / OWP 30N / O N / O N / OLEGEND N / C Normally Closed (soldered)N / O Normally Open (unsoldered)Microprocessor Reset. Integrated Circuit IC6 is an integrated reset generator for the microprocessor which produces a reset LOW pulse of approximately 50mS duration at switch on and whenever a 5v supply failure occurs. In addition to the reset provided by IC6, the microprocessor has a built in watchdog timer which will create a reset if a software crash occurs for any reason.Non-Volatile Memory (NVM). Integrated Circuit IC3 provides 1Kbit of E2 memory for the retention of important data after power down.Fluxgate (Compass). Two anti-phase signals are provided from microprocessor Ports P1.7 andP1.6. These signals are buffered by TR15 and TR16 to provide a higher current drive to the excitation coil of the fluxgate. A reference voltage level of +2 volts is provided by R46 and R53 decoupled by C53. The 2 coils, mounted at right angles, provide output signals proportional to the sine and cosine of the Earth’s magnetic field. These signals are fed via the electronic switch IC9,to 2 dual slope integrating analogue to digital converters IC7 and IC 8 plus associated components. The outputs of the comparator IC7 are fed to the microprocessor Ports P1.4 andP1.5 which provide input capture facilities. Accurate timing of the conversion is kept by the microprocessor to provide simultaneous precision analogue to digital conversion of both sine and cosine signals to avoid errors created by multiplexing the inputs.Motor Drive. The motor drive signals (MDRIVE_A and MDRIVE_B) are generated from the microprocessor at Ports P0.7 and P0.6, these lines being LOW when there is no drive and HIGH to drive. The drive outputs control IC10 and IC11 which are comparators set at threshold levels of+4V and +1V produced by the resistor network R71, R72 and R73. The comparators invert the signals and provide the current to switch the MOSFETs in stages which prevents both P and N channel MOSFETs on the same side of the “H-bridge” configuration, (i.e. TR10 and TR11 or TR12 and TR13), being partially switched on at the same time. When there is no drive, both N-channel MOSFETs TR11 and TR13 are switched on giving a direct short across the motor to the 0V linethus providing active brakingEMC. Capacitors with values of 100pF, 100nF and 1nF are extensively used to decouple noise from switched data lines. Two A.C. coupled connections labelled “CHASSIS” , routed via capacitors C63 and C64, were provided for interconnection to the internal metalwork for EMC purposes. Tests have confirmed that connection is not required.Hall Effect PCB.Introduction. The Hall Effect PCB is a generic item which can be used for both Tillerpilots TP10, TP20 and TP30 and Wheelpilots WP10 and WP30. For Tillerpilots, the Hall Effect devices are mounted vertically into the PCB and horizontally for Wheelpilots. The circuit diagram for the Hall Effect PCB is given in Drawing No. E03182.Feedback.Two Hall Effect sensors HE1 and HE2 are mounted on the Hall Effect PCB and sense the rotation of 2 small bar magnets mounted 1800 apart in the pulley wheel. This produces a quadrature feedback output, at logic levels, FB1 and FB2. The PCB is powered from the host unit+5V regulated supply, the line being filtered by C1, and signals FB1 and FB2 are fed back to the microprocessor via pull-up resistors on the host unit PCB.Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 6Circuit DiagramsIssue 4.0 17/09/03SIMRAD 6 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMSCircuit SchematicsCommon PCB Circuit Diagram E03372Hall Effect PCB Circuit Diagram E03182Component Lists and LayoutsCommon PCB Assembly Detail E03178Hall Effect PCB Assembly Detail E03184Early Version WP10 / TP10 Assembly Detail E03181Early Version WP30 / TP20/30 Assembly Detail E03178 (Pre Iss. 6)22Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 7 Programming and ConfigurationIssue 4.0 19/09/03SIMRAD 7PROGRAMMING AND CONFIGURATIONThis Service Manual only contains programming and configuration information for those features of the autopilot which are not normally available to the end user. For details of normal programming and configuration please refer to the appropriate user manual.Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 8Fault FindingIssue 4.0 19/09/03SIMRAD8FAULT FINDINGCommon User Faults. Common user faults are included in the Diagnostics Guide included in the user manual.Common Technical Faults. None yet identified.Tiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 9Spare Parts Detail9SPARE PARTS DETAILSpares PacksTPPK1TP10 / 20 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY TPPK2TP10 TOP CASETPPK3TP20/30 BOTTOM CASETPPK4TP10 PCB CASETPPK5WITHDRAWNTPPK6FLUXGATE ASSEMBLYTPPK7MOUNTING PIN, CUP AND CONNECTOR TPPK8MOTOR ASSEMBLYTPPK9FEEDBACK KITTPPK10DRIVE BELTTPPK11CASE SCREW PACKTPPK12PUSH ROD SEAL PACKTPPK13CASE SEAL PACKTPPK14TP100 TOP CASETPPK15GREY BOTTOM CASETPPK16TP20 TOP CASETPPK1 7TP20/30 PCB CASETPPK18WITHDRAWNTPPK19WITHDRAWNTPPK20TP30 TOP CASETPPK21COMMON PCB ASSEMBLYTPPK22TP30 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLYTPPK23TP300CX TOP CASETPPK24TP200CX TOP CASETPPK25TP10 BOTTOM CASE9.2AccessoriesTB30TILLER BRACKET 30mmTB60TILLER BRACKET 60mmTB90TILLER BRACKET 90mmTB120TILLER BRACKET 120mmPB30PEDESTAL BRACKET 30mmPB60PEDESTAL BRACKET 60mmPB90PEDESTAL BRACKET 90mmCB1CANTILEVER BRACKETPRE30PUSH ROD EXTENSION 30mmPRE60PUSH ROD EXTENSION 60mmPRE90PUSH ROD EXTENSION 90mmPRE120PUSH ROD EXTENSION 120mmPRE150PUSH ROD EXTENSION 150mmPRE300PUSH ROD EXTENSION 300mm9.3Service AidsTP-SRY TILLERPILOT TEST SYRINGETiller Pilot TP10, TP20 & TP30Section 10 Technical Notes10TECHNICAL NOTESPS 139Identification of Tillerpilot variantsPS 140Improved bonding of drive pulley to motor drive shaft PS 173Positioning of Feedback PCBPS 174Re-engineered Main PCBTechnical NoteFOR THE ATTENTION OF THE SERVICE MANAGER139NUMBER :PSPRODUCT :Tillerpilot – TP100 / TP200CX /TP300C / TP300CX / TP10 / TP20 /TP30SUBJECT:Identification of VariantsDATE: 1 October 1999There are a number of variants of Tillerpilots currently in use which, though similar in appearance, are built and operate differently. Positive identification is therefore essential when ordering spare parts to ensure that the correct item is dispatched.The main aids to identification are:ck of a Hall Effect PCB indicates Back emf, earliest, version.2.Hall Effect PCB with microprocessor mounted in socket indicatesintermediate version.3.Hall Effect PCB with surface mount microprocessor indicateslatest version.A table of variants identified by serial number and drawings, General Assembly, PCB Assembly and Circuit Diagram, to aid identification of the different PCBs, is given below:Issue 4.0 19/09/03 SIMRAD 36TILLERPILOT VARIANTS. The Tillerpilot variants can be conveniently divided into 3 groups:1. Feedback produced from the motor back emf.2. Feedback produced from a Hall Effect PCB.3. Introduction of Surface Mount microprocessor (SMu)TP100Back emf TP200CX Back emf TP300C Back emf TP300CX Back emf TP100Hall Effect TP200CX Hall Effect TP300CX Hall Effect TP200CX SM u TP300CXSM uu No.E02517E02520E02520E02520E03190E03189E03189E03398E03398Man from Start Start Start MK3143PE8818PB1484OD6415Not Yet In Production SerNo.to PE8818PB1483MI2954OD6414Continue Continue ContinueGen Assy E02587Not Issued E02616E02616E03299E03262E03300PCB Assy E02515E02518E02518E02518E03181E03178E03178Cct Diag E02549E02550E02550E02550E03179E03176E03176TP10SM u TP20SM u TP30SM uu No.E03398E03398E03398Man from OL7635OL1384OL7190SerNo.to Continue Continue ContinueGen Assy E03504E03505E03506PCB Assy E03181E03178E03178Cct Diag E03371E03372E03372Issue 4.0 19/09/03SIMRADTechnical NoteFOR THE ATTENTION OF THE SERVICE MANAGER140NUMBER :PSPRODUCT :Tillerpilot – TP100 / TP200CX /TP300C / TP300CX / TP10 / TP20 /TP30SUBJECT:Improved bonding of drive pulleyto motor drive shaft.DATE: 1 October 1999The 20 Toothed Pulley Part No. E02839 is a push fit onto the motor drive shaft, see sketch below, and the bonding is enhanced with Loctite 270 Part No. 260025. Instances have occurred where the bonding has weakened resulting in reduced drive efficiency or operational failure. An improved bonding adhesive Loctite 638 Part No. 260063 has been identified and approved for use. All Tillerpilot repairs should be carried out using the new adhesive.The new bonding agent has been used in the manufacture of all Tillerpilots with the alphabetic prefix PC, 1 March 1999, and subsequent serial numbers. The Product Support Department should be informed of any units found to be slipping post production date 1 March 1999.Issue 4.0 22/09/03SIMRAD。
自行车工具飞轮中轴拆卸维修车组合套装使用方法此工具用于拆卸和安装变速自行车上的飞轮、链条、中轴、牙盘不同车型不同套餐套餐详情:6/7s旋飞型:拆卸旋式后飞轮6、7速的自行车8/9s卡飞型:拆卸卡式后飞轮8、9速的自行车(方孔花键的中轴牙盘,如SHIMANO 套件M390、M430)9/10s一体型:拆卸后飞轮9、10速的自行车(一体中空的中轴牙盘,如:SHIMANO 的M590、M610、M780,SRAM的X7、新锐一体牙盘)6-10s通用型:拆卸后飞轮6、7、8、9、10速的自行车工具详细介绍:①截链器功能:拆卸链条车手必备,一旦拥有, 别无它求! 6 7 89 10速都适用使用方法:②二合一扳手功能:1、拆卸中空一体中轴2、拆卸卡式飞轮的辅助固定使用方法:1、拆中空一体中轴2、卡式飞轮固定扳手与套餐内的卡式飞轮套筒配合使用③飞轮套筒功能:拆卸飞轮一般情况下,6、7速为旋式飞轮,8、9、10速为卡式飞轮。
自行车中文说明书山地链条安装和维护Shimano CN-7701/CN-93/CN-73山地链条安装和维护一.基础信息CN-7701/CN-93/CN-73都是9速链条,只能使用加强连接栓(reinforced connecting pin)来连接链条。
请根据下表进行选择:链条加强连接栓工具9速链条如:CN-7701/CN-HG93TL-CN31/TL-CN228/7/6速链条如:CN-HG50/CN-IG51TL-CN31/TL-CN22和TL-CN30/TL-CN21要截断链条时,注意不要在加强连接栓和末端栓(end pin)的地方进行:二.连接步骤:将链条两端拉在一起,建议外侧一端在前(按传输方向),如图A。
行车中文说明书——Shimano CS-M970/CS-M760/CS-M580山地飞轮安装和维护Shimano CS-M970/CS-M760/CS-M580山地飞轮安装和维护一.规格表XTRDEORE XTDeore LX型号CS-M970CS-M760CS-M580类型HG Cassette Sprocket速级9链条Super Narrow HG for 9-speed齿数(ba)11-32T(be)11-34T(bd)12-34T(aq)11-32T(as)11-34T(ar)11-32T(au)11-34TSprocket MaterialSteel-5/Ti-4steelsteelSprocket FinishNickel/Titaniumchrome platedpearl bright finish齿数:11-32T:11-12-14-16-18-21-24-28-3211-34T:11-13-15-17-20-23-26-30-3412-34T:12-14-16-18-20-23-26-30-34二.安装(1).对齐安装位置每个飞轮齿片有标记的那面要装在外侧。
GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION .........2About This Supplement .......................2Special Manual Messages ...................2ALLOY CRANKARMS (ROAD & MTN) .....3Removal ...................................................3Installation ..............................................4SI CARBON .............................................5Removal ...................................................5Installation ..............................................5BB SHELL BEARINGS .............................6Inspection ..............................................6Removal ...................................................7Installation ..............................................7BB SHELL CIRCLIPS ................................9Removal ..................................................9Installation .............................................9BB SPINDLE ...........................................10Removal .................................................10Installation .. (10)SI COMPACT CARBON EXPLD VIEW .....12SI ALLOY MTN EXPLD VIEW ..................14SI ALLOY ROAD EXPLD VIEW ................14SI MTN 3X9 CHAINRINGS .....................18SI MTN 2X9 CHAINRINGS (19)SI CARBON CRNK/CHAINRINGS .........20SI BB ADAPTER ......................................21REPLACEMENT PARTS (KITS) .. (22)SI SPECIAL TOOLS (24)CONTENTSsi cranksets Owner’s Manual Supplement118609.PDFPlease note that the specifications and information in this manual are subject to change for product improvement without notice. For the latest product information, go to /bikes/tech/.general safety informationAbout This Supplement Cannondale Owner’s Manual Supplements provide important model specific safety, maintenance, and technical information. They are not replacements.This supplement may be one of several for your bike. Be sure to obtain and read all of them.If you need a manual or supplement, or have a question about your bike, please contact your Cannondale Dealer immediately, or call us at one of the telephone numbers listed on the back cover of this manual. You can download Adobe Acrobat PDF versions of any Cannondale Owner’s Manuals or Supplements from our website. Go to: /bikes/ tech• This manual is not a comprehensive safety or service manual for your bike.• This manual does not include assembly instructions for your bike.• All Cannondale bikes must be completely assembled and inspected for proper operation by a Cannondale Dealer before delivery to the owner.* * IMPORTANT * *This manual may include procedures beyond the scope of general mechanical aptitude. Special tools, skills, and knowledge may be required.If you have any doubt about your ability to properly inspect, adjust, or service your bicycle, do not attempt to perform the work described; please take the fork to a Cannondale Dealer.Special Manual MessagesI n this manual, information which affects your safety is emphasized in the followingways:NOTE:A NOTE provides helpful information or tips intended to make the information presented clearer.118609.PDFalloy crankarm remov al & installationRemovalTOOLS & SUPPLIES ● Cannondale tool KT013/●8 mm Allen Key ●15 mm open end wrench ●Clean shop towel ●Bicycle bearing greaseBefore starting, consult the exploded view parts drawing so that you can identified parts and features not shown in the following photographs. 1.Insert an 8 mm Allen key into the fixing bolt completely, hold crankarm with your hand and turn the fixing boltcounter-clockwise to remove it.Figure12.When the bolt is removed, be sure to collect and retain the thin steel washer under the bolt head. It is black in color; check the bolt or use a pencil tip toremove it from the crankarm seat.Figure 23.With the fixing bolt out, apply some bicycle bearing grease to the threads of the tool stud (1) and thread it into the bottom bracket spindle until the top of the stud is flush with the top of the spindle.KT013/15mm 8mm 12Cannondale ToolTOOLFlush with thisFigure 43. Next, apply grease to thethreads of the tool body (2) and exposed face of the tool stud.Install the tool body into the crankarm completely and tighten it snug with a 15mm open end wrench. 4. Insert a 8mm Allen key through thetool body and intothe stud. Hold the crankarm and turn the Allen key counter-clockwise until the crankarm can be removed from the spindle end.Figure 55. Repeat the previous steps for the othercrankarm.InstallationTOOLS & SUPPLIES●8 mm Allen Key●Clean shop towel●Bicycle bearing grease Crankarms are pressed onto the spindle ends using the fixing bolt. It is important that the fixing bolt, crankarm socket/ threads, and spindle splines are clean and greased before tightening to the specified torque. Consult the exploded view.118609.PDFcarbon crankarm remov al & installation RemovalTOOLS & SUPPLIES●10 mm Allen Key1. Insert a 10 mm Allen key through theretaining ring (1) into the fixing bolt.2. Hold the crankarm, and turn thefixing bolt counter-clockwise until the crankarm can be removed.It is not necessary to remove the retaining ring when removing or installing the crankarms.Insufficient grease behind the retaining ring can cause it to be removed while turning the fixing bolt.If the ring begins to unscrew while turning the fixing bolt, remove it witha red pin spanner (Park SPA-2) and applygrease to the top of the fixing bolt.Apply Loctite 603 to the ring threads and reinstall the ring so it it flush with the top of the crankarm.InstallationTOOLS & SUPPLIES●10 mm Allen Key1. Consult the exploded view forarrangement order of drive and non-drive side parts.2. Prior to installation, always be sure tothoroughly clean and grease the spindle splines and fixing bolt threads and the crankarm sockets with a high-quality bicycle bearing grease. Insufficient grease coverage can result in “creaking”of the crankarm assembly when riding.Be generous with the grease and cover all the contact surfaces.See SI Carkbon Crankset Exploded View for areas where it is important to ensure adequate grease coverage of mating surfaces.3. Tighten the fixing bolt to 34-41 N•m(25-30Ft•Lbs). using an accurately calibrated torque wrench.10 mmAllen KeyInsert thruRETAININGRING Figure 8bb shell bearings InformationThe two bearings in the SI bottom bracket shell are a maintenace free sealed cartridge type and do not require lubrication. The bearings can be worn out overtime or damaged due to corrosion.RACEFigure 7In general, the condition of the bearings should be inspected annually or anytime the crankset assembly is disassembled or serviced using the a simple inspection procedure.Frequent renewal is not recommended. because r epeated r emoval a nd r einstallation can damage the inside BB shell surfaces resulting in poor bearing fit. NOTE: Loose bearings can be acause of “creaking.”Replacement bearings are available through a Cannondale dealer. See “Replacement Parts (Kits)” at the end of this manual.InspectionFigure81. Remove the crankarms and spindle.2. Clean the bearings with a dry shoptowel to remove grease and grime.3. Rotate the inner bearing race of bothbearings with your fingers; they should rotate smoothly and quietly with only the force of your finger. It should not move side-to-side, stick or feel gritty.There should not be any play detected in the inner race and the bearing should not be free to slide in the bottom bracket shell.The bearings are a press fit and if they move in the shell, this is an indication of damage to either the bearings or bottom bracket shell.1. Always thoroughly clean the insidesurface of the BB shell with a dry shoptowel.2. Lightly grease entire inside surface ofthe bottom bracket shell.3. Install the drive side bearing first. Usethe tool arrangements for each bearingside. See next Figure.Press the bearing until it bottomsagainst the circlip.4. Apply a coating of grease to both sidesof each bearing seal to repel help repelmoisture.Figure 11118609.PDFbb shell circlipsRemovalTOOLS & SUPPLIES ●Small thin blade screw driverThe two circlips in the bottom bracket shell can be left in place unless they are damaged.Should they need to be removed, use a flatthe machined bearing seats (b) on both sides of the bottom bracket. And, carefully inspect the BB (outer and inner surfaces) and frame welds for evidence of fatigue cracking or damage. 3.Apply a thin film of bearing grease to the BB circlip groove. Install the square end (a) of the circlip into the groove first, then moving clockwise, push the clip into the groove until it is fully seated in the groove. Install the other circlip the same way.Figure 12spindleRemovalTOOLS & SUPPLIES● A small non-marring rubber mallet Before starting, consult the exploded view parts drawing so that you can identified parts and features not shown in the following photographs.1. Remove the crankarms.2. Remove the small parts from the driveside spindle end (wave washer, shims, spacer (mountain only) bearing shield and seal (mountain only).3. Use a plastic mallet to lightly tap thespindle on the drive side and pull it outon the non-drive side with your hand.Figure 13InstallationTOOLS & SUPPLIES● A small non-marring rubber mallet ●Clean shop towel●Bicycle bearing greaseBefore starting, consult the exploded view parts drawing so that you can identify parts and features not shown in the following photographs.1. Install the circlips.2. Install the bearings.3. Consult the appropriate explodedview for your crankset and assemble the non-drive (left) side parts onto the spindle.Make sure the flat side of the bearing shield faces outward and the bearing seal face is coated with bicycle bearing grease.118609.PDF118609.PDF118609.PDF118609.PDFFigure 21118609.PDF si bottom bracket adapterThe SI bottom bracket adapter enables the use of standard English/68mm bottom bracket cranksets in Cannondale System Integration (SI) road or mountain bicycle frames. Its is sold as an Cannondale Kit. The adapter is removable on alloy BB frames, however, repeated removal and reinstallation could result in damage to the SI BB shell and is not recommended. The adapter IS NOT a repair part and will only work in undamaged frames in good condition. Improper installation or removal can result in damage and void applicable frame warranty. If the adapter is installed in a Synapse carbon frame , the installation is permanent and can not be removed.Figure 22replacement parts (kits)118609.PDFFor an up to date list of kits available for your bike, please visit our Tech Center at : /bikes/tech/si special tools。
4.2 安装准备工作 .......................................................................................... 15 4.3 减速器的安装 .......................................................................................... 16
4.11 驱动侧盖板 AD ........................................................................................ 40
5 调试 ................................................................................................................... 44
6.1 检查与维护周期....................................................................................... 45
6.2 润滑剂更换时间间隔................................................................................ 45
4 机械安装............................................................................................................ 15
主轴总成 (AZ2203040405)
主轴总成 (AZ2203040405)
汽缸盖 - CVTS 系统 CVTS的内部结构
汽缸盖 - 气门
汽缸盖 - 液压挺杆
4 85X88 1997
11 108 147 6000 20 4000 多点式 玛瑞利 MM6LPB
EW10A 发动机概述 - 性能和识别
A:发动机型号 B:部件编号 C:制造序列号
EW10A 发动机概述
- 性能和识别
Hale Waihona Puke 冷却- 水泵Mickaël DELAUNAY AP/PFQO/FMP/FTEC/ICO
正时 - 曲轴皮带轮
正时 - 动态张紧轮
目录 续
气缸压力 .................................................... 74 缸盖 ........................................................... 74 气门 ........................................................... 75
准备工作.............................................................. 4 专用维修工具................................................... 4 通用维修工具................................................... 6
气门座 ........................................................45 更换维修用气门座 ......................................45 气门尺寸 ....................................................46 气门弹簧 ....................................................46 气门挺杆 ....................................................47 组装................................................................48 安装................................................................48 气门间隙 ........................................................53 检查............................................................53 调整............................................................55 发动机总成.........................................................58 拆卸和安装.....................................................58 拆卸............................................................59 安装............................................................60 缸体 ...................................................................61 部件................................................................61 拆卸和安装.....................................................62 解体................................................................62 活塞和曲轴 .................................................62 检查................................................................62 活塞和活塞销间隙 ......................................62 活塞环侧隙 .................................................63 活塞环开口间隙..........................................63 连杆的弯曲和扭曲 ......................................64 缸体变形和磨损..........................................64 活塞与缸套的间隙 ......................................65 曲轴............................................................66 轴承间隙 ....................................................67 连杆衬套的间隙 小头 ...........................69 更换连杆衬套小头 ......................................70 飞轮/驱动盘端面跳动 .................................70 组装................................................................70 活塞............................................................70 曲轴............................................................71 更换导向衬套 M/T 或 导向转换器 A/T ....................................73 驱动盘 ........................................................73 维修数据和技术参数 SDS ............................74 一般规格 ........................................................74