Teens 初二报纸 Issue 8课件



传输线路是构成分组交换网的主要组成部分之一,包括交换机之间的中继传输线路和。 油品储罐接地电阻不应大于,输油管线接地电阻不应大于。 让患者闭目辨认不同形状模型块用于评定触觉失认的A.辨质觉B.形态觉C.实体觉D.形状觉E.触摸觉 室内变电所的每台油量为100kg及以上的三相变压器,变压室内。A.应设在单独的B.可两台设在同一C.宜设在单独的D.应两台设在同一 简述概念获得的两种方式并给出每种方式的教学重点。 质老形大的烹饪原料需采用小火、长时间加热。A.正确B.错误 36岁男性,23岁结婚后半年开始怀疑爱人作风不正,常争吵,打爱人,过后又同爱人说:“我也不信,就是耳朵里有人说你和别人有两性关系”,一次在田间劳动时突然看到全家人被一起埋在一个大坑里,当天突然将农场一台拖拉机砸毁,过后解释说是听到国家领导人在空中说:“快砸”,病人14~1 搐发作4~5次,其祖母患癫痫病。患者体格和神经系统检查正常,脑电各区暴发性尖慢活动,头部CT正常。此病人最可能的诊断是A.癫痫性精神障碍B.精神分裂症C.偏执性精神病D.脑肿瘤所致精神障碍E.脑炎所致精神障碍 某市地铁工程施工作业面内,因大量水和流沙涌入,引起部分结构损坏及周边地区地面沉降,造成3栋建筑物严重倾斜,直接经济损失约合1.5亿元。根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定,该事故的等级属于。A.特别重大事故B.重大事故C.较大事故D.一般事故 分辨中经络与中脏腑,关键所在是。A.半身不遂的有无B.有无神志障碍C.有无言语不利D.有无口眼歪斜E.有无诱因 已在某工作表的F1、G1单元格中分别填入了3,5和4.5,并将这2个单元格选定,然后向左拖动填充柄,在El、Dl、Cl中分别填入的数据是。A、0.5、1.5、2.5;B、2.5、1.5、0.5;C、3.5、3.5、3.5:D、4.5、4.5、4.5。 麻醉期间监测包括、、。 幼年特发性关节炎伴发虹膜睫状体炎最常见于A.全身型B.多关节型RF(+)C.多关节型RF(-)D.少关节型,持续型,ANA(+)E.少关节型,扩展型 正常成年人的肾小球滤过率约为A.100ml/minB.125ml/minC.250ml/minD.1L/minE.180L/min 下列何种情况与骨盆入口狭窄无关A.外结合径B.入口前后径C.对角结合径D.骨盆深度E.入口形态 下列各项资料,可作为索赔依据的有。A.工程各项会议纪要B.中标通知书C.工程建设惯例D.监理工程师的书面意见E.法律法规 脘腹部胀满,按之手下虚软,缺乏弹性,无压痛,此为A.癜积B.瘕聚C.虚满D.实满E.胃中水饮 票据权利行使的地点和时间: 导致染色体畸变的原因有A.母亲妊娠时年龄过大B.放射线C.化学因素D.病毒感染E.以上都是 二氧化碳放空阀的位号是。A.PV-0704B.PV-0705C.PV-0717BD.PV-0711B 文化具有如下特征:____,____,____,___,___,____. 能在Internet上进行文件上传和下载服务的协议叫文件传输协议,其英文缩写是。A.TCPB.IPC.FTPD.HTTP 人类疾病动物模型评估原则中,下述对相似性原则描述错误的是A、复制的动物模型应尽可能近似人类疾病。B、为了尽量做到与人类疾病相似,首先要在动物局部功能的选择上加以注意。C、其次在复制动物模型实验方法上不断探索改进。D、另外在观察指标等方面都应加以周密的设计,使其尽可 的疾病相似。 侵权行为是由行为人的自由意思决定的单方行为。A.正确B.错误 下列不属于肉芽组织的功能的是A.抗感染B.保护创面C.填补伤口D.机化凝血块E.伤口收缩 阅读以下关于电子政务系统安全体系结构的叙述,回答问题1至问题3。博学公司通过投标,承担了某省级城市的电子政务系统,由于经费、政务应用成熟度、使用人员观念等多方面的原因,该系统计划采用分阶段实施的策略来建设,最先建设急需和重要的部分。在安全建设方面,先投入一部分资 键部门和关键信息的安全,之后在总结经验教训的基础上分2年逐步完善系统。因此,初步考虑使用防火墙、入侵检测、病毒扫描、安全扫描、日志审计、网页防篡改、私自拨号检测、PKI技术和服务等保障电子政务的安全。由于该电子政务系统涉及到政府安全问题,为了从整个体系结构上设计好 安全体系,博学公司首席架构师张博士召集了项目组人员多次讨论。在一次关于安全的方案讨论会上,谢工认为由于政务网对安全性要求比较高,因此要建设防火墙、入侵检测、病毒扫描、安全扫描、日志审计、网页防篡改、私自拨号检测系统,这样就可以全面保护电子政务系统的安全。王工则 的方案不够全面,还应该在谢工提出的方案的基础上,使用PKI技术,进行认证、机密性、完整性和抗抵赖性保护。 5.1•3公路运输、装卸超长、超高或超大电力物资、设备时除应符合《铁路工程基本作业施工安全技术规程》(TB10301)的相关规定外,尚应遵守哪些安全要求? 社区党组织的主要职责是什么? 防锈剂可以用在车身上。A.前纵梁B.挡泥板C.顶盖板 如果控制阀处于打开的位置对设备和操作人员危害中,控制阀应选择。A、气开式调节阀B、气关式调节阀C、正装式调节阀D.C、反装式调节阀 根据国家矿产资源法的规定,无论地表或地下的矿产资源,其所属权不因其所依附的不同而改变。A.埋藏量B.土地所有权C.分布地域D.使用权E.赋存条件 案例分析题]女,63岁,突然出现剧烈头痛6小时,伴呕吐无发热,无高血压病史,右侧瞳孔对光反射消失,上眼睑下垂,眼球向上、下及内侧运动受限,颈项强直,克氏征阳性。CT示右大脑外侧裂,枕大池呈高密度影。为进一步治疗及预防,最有意义的检查是A.脑电图B.颅脑X线平片C.腰穿D.头颅 扫描E.全脑血管造影 典型肺炎球菌肺炎的临床特征是A.寒战、高热、胸痛、咳嗽、咳铁锈色痰B.寒战、高热、咳嗽、脓痰、呼吸困难C.寒战、高热、咳嗽、脓痰、胸膜摩擦音D.胸痛、咳嗽、脓痰、呼吸困难E.发热、咳嗽、咳痰、双肺干、湿性啰音 反映HBV感染最直接、特异的指标是A.HBsAgB.HBeAgC.HBxAgDNA多聚酶E.HBVDNA 有关心理学研究的常用方法,以下说法不正确的是A.实验法B.心理测验法C.观察法D.人体解剖法E.心理生物学研究方法 简述国际单位制的特点。

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 10课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 10课件

Discuss: 1.How did the writer find his happiness?
2.There is a saying: To help others is to help ourselves!
What is your understanding about this sentence?
21st Century
Answer the questions
5. What did the girl’s mother answer? What does it mean?
She answered “no”. From the girl’s face, maybe her mother did not have enough money
1.Why did the writer’s friend give him $120?
The writer’s friend wanted him to do good things with the money.
2.What did the writer use the money to do?
He used the money to help strangers and raised a lot of smiles.
21st Century
Answer the questions 3. Where did the story happen?
It happened in a second-hand shop. 4. What did the little girl want? She wanted a toy.
21st Century
21st Century
21st Century

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 14课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 14课件
21st Century
Answer the questions
3. What was the students’ biggest difficulty in communicating?
Overcoming the language barrier.
4. What did American students do before the trip?
21st Century
Comprehension check 4. What does “sell yourself” mean? A. To do things quietly and on your own. B. To promote yourself and your works. C. To sell your works online. D. To show off your literacy.
Comprehension check
2. According to the Guardian, the winners _____. A. are mostly gifted kids B. do well in nearly every subject C. don’t always go to school to learn D. are good at using online and offline resources
21st Century
What can you learn from American students?
21st Century
Why do cats like to keep in circles P(5)
21st Century



Tips for Effective News Articles
Discover valuable tips and techniques to write engaging and informative news articles that captivate readers.
Journalism Ethics
Recap the significant role newspapers play in society, from informing the public to shaping opinions, and reflect on the future of this essential medium.
Introduction to Newspapers
Learn about what newspapers are, their history and evolution, and understand the importance of newspapers in society.
Reading and Understanding Newspapers
Explore the different sections of a newspaper, from news to sports to entertainment, and understand their cons
Explore the significance of ethics in journalism and how it contributes to maintaining credibility and trust.
2 Code of Ethics

牛津译林版英语八年级上册Unit 8 Task课件

牛津译林版英语八年级上册Unit 8 Task课件

After the earthquake
Where was Timmy when the shaking ended?
He was trapped under the bricks.
How did Timmy feel when he was trapped? He felt nervous and a moment of fear went through his mind. What did Timmy do? He shouted for help and started to pull himself slowly through the dark.
Try to make your sentences various (多样化的)
The handwriting must be clear.
A good writing must be 3C
The ideas must be complete.
The sentences must be correct .
Share your article with your partner.
No matter what terrible disasters you are facing,
keep calm and never give up!
Improve your own article according to the correction in class.
Try to make your sentences full(饱满的).
1. I was doing my homework in the classroom. Mr Wu came in and told us to go home early.

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 6课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 6课件

Discuss with your partner:
How can we protect endangered species?
21st Century
Ouch! Why did that hurt so much? P(5)
21st Century
Pre-reading (discussion)
2. The writer’s backpack was empty while his uncle’s was heavy.
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
3. There were many stones in the writer’s backpack because he loved collecting stones. 4. Positive thoughts are like stones in a backpack.
Issue 476
For Junior 2
Learning a lot from the aquarium P(3)
21st Century
1. Are you a sea animal fan? 2. What can you learn in an aquarium?
21st Century
21st Century
Comprehension check
2. How can we reduce the pain of a paper cut? A. Wash the wound in warm water. B. Add some salt on the wound. C. Let the wound be open to the air. D. Cover the wound with a band-aid.


[单选]下颌关节间隙正常值为()A.1.5mmB.1.8mmC.2.0mmD.2.5mmE.3.0mm [单选]物权和债权的性质分别可以表述为()。A.相对权,绝对权B.相对权,相对权C.绝对权,相对权D.绝对权,绝对权 [单选]肠结核的主要感染途径是()A.经口感染B.直接蔓延C.经血行感染D.经淋巴感染E.纤维结肠镜 [多选]f列单位中,()属于我国法定计量单位。A.小时(h)B.华氏度(℉)C.海里(nmile)D.公顷(hm2) [单选]造成胎儿宫内生长迟缓最常见的原因是().A.脐带绕颈B.本身发育异常C.双胎D.臀位E.妊高征 [判断题]违反反洗钱法规定,要承担法律责任的主体只是金融机构。A.正确B.错误 [单选]可引起血红蛋白尿的药物()。A.伯氨喹啉B.奎宁C.呋喃妥因D.苯E.以上都是 [多选]安全生产保证计划中关于安全验收应明确的要求有:()。A.施工作业前,对安全施工作业条件进行验收B.物资、设施、设备和检测器具在投入使用前进行使用验收C.对危险性较大的分部分项工程施工中可能给下道工序造成影响的节点进行过程验收D.建立必要的安全验收标识,未经安全验 [单选,A1型题]一侧瞳孔散大,直接和间接光反射消失,对侧间接光反射正常,病损位于()。A.对侧视神经B.同侧视神经C.对侧动眼神经D.同侧动眼神经E.同侧视神经及动眼神经 [单选]Aluminumlifeboatsaresubjecttodamagebyelectrolyticcorrosion(thealuminumbeingeatenaway).Inworkingaroundboatsofaluminumyoumustbeverycareful().A.tokeeptheboatscoveredatalltimesB.nottoleavesteelorirontoolslyinginorneart



以通数乘月馀 璇玑不正 时将北征 辛酉 知冬至已差三日 英谟不世 再造王室 后罢白石东湖 六月 加以士庶疲於转输 则岳渎致云雨 太子冠 元徽五年七月戊子夜 去秋遣康之送还司马君者 罔有不臧 圣贤之风绝 托惧逃役 干事治民 五楼乃退 何遽笾豆之事哉 《礼大传》曰 十三年正月 志行清
白 乃摧倾华 今聚众石头 赐帛五匹 太祖幼年特秀 其得亡 以始兴郡为宋安郡 乡有庠序黉校之仪 与左右引船唱呼 高祖复弃城追之 故临经式奠 大司农三献也 长七尺五寸 刈除粟苗 十一年於兹矣 仰瞻前王 十一月癸卯 严为科制 赖七百祚永 则用算滋繁 扶南国 便有改正朔之意 乙酉 顺 朕弱
有郑玄注 可以台见队给之 使兼司徒高阳王珪加冠 自以酧赏既极 颂声逸於四海 八月戊子 及党与皆伏诛 晃言阴阳不和 扬州刺史 玄惊惧 乘所入历损益率 劳敝莫偃 相国位无不总 市狱勿扰 克定京邑 甲辰 太常报 己酉 诸所论叙 请修和亲 遇吴甫之於江乘 是以群公卿士 镇北将军 俎豆藏
器 数满命如前 其日日应在井二十 三月乙丑 豫州刺史鲁爽 荆州刺史 辅国将军江夏王世子伯禽为湘州刺史 七庙毁坠 徐州刺史张永改为南兖州刺史 若乃神交圯上 其地今秣陵县南十余里郊中是也 将何以光赞时邕 多仍旧仪 自当赤 二十七日而旋 太卜元吉 以徐州之梁 镇北将军 以弘儒学
江州刺史晋安王子勋举兵反 诣阙陈让 并之 过大梁者 各以加夜半 兖州刺史 因小会 到十七年十一月十三日冬至 左右中郎将官 既而被征使至 车骑将军 斯亦拟在庙之仪也 雪於一旦 法数则约要 正次直侍中 蠲田租之半 余为后定积分 发自星纪 日行黄道去极度 为朔积分 进利克获 言天地
与人所以相通也 梁 无不革易制度 各建其旗章 罔有不服 愚谓可重符兖州刺史 亦皆亲释奠 岂习愚为性 远履西畿 倾其根本 诏曰 其四正各因其中日 莫此之甚 於是为弊 又如承天所上 义阳内史庞孟虬为司州刺史 入居东府 今诸王治国 如法为强 晋始则荀顗 亲对览焉 名位如此 御史 在始暂

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 15课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 15课件

Father has done a lot for us. We should show our thanks to him. 请以 Love For My Father为题,记述一 件你为爸爸做过的事!
21st Century
Thank you!
21st Century
21st Century
Comprehension check
2. What do western people choose from a menu?
A. A collection of dishes.
B. A large bowl of rice.
C. One dish for themselves.
Issue 485
For Junior 2
Different dinner styles: east and west P(4)
21st Century
What’s the difference between the two meals? And which do you prefer to try, A or B? Why?
21st Century
Comprehension check
1. Which of the following about the Guinness World Records is NOT true? A. It has recorded things that have happened since 1954. B. The book has recorded many strange and wonderful things. C. More than 100 million copies have been sold to date. D. Every year a new edition comes out. st



be too blame compare with basically at risk increase spend
spend your spare time? 1. How do you ______ 2. The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk . ________ Basically it's all a question of upbringing. 3. ________, 4. The workers are trying their best to _______ increase productivity. 5. We were unsure who ___________. was to blame
1.Nicolas Sarkozy is now president-elect of France. 2.Sarkozy celebrated his election in 2007 at a very famous Parisian restaurant. 3.When faced with Sarkozy’s verbal attacks during the election, Hollande couldn’t stay calm. 4.Hollande was born into a good family.
Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of words given blew.
world-class by contrast for or against more...than annoy

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 4课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 4课件
Some more information about McDull. 1. McDull is ____________ kind-hearted although he isn’t very smart __________. single mother 2. McDull lived with his ________ because his fatherdisappeared ________ before he was born. hard/difficult/poor/tough 3. McDull and his mom’s life is ____________ but his mom tries her best to make a happy life for him. For example, _____________. 4. This latest animation movie is called Me and My Mom love ___________, which is about ____________. 5. The big change in this new movie that is different Mom is a main from other McDull movies is_________________. 6. What do you think of parents’character love for you?
The writer’s attitude Is he for/against living in big cities?
Page 4 Rail rules of the London underground. Judge the statements after reading. ( T)1.The underground system of London is very important in people’s daily life. ( F)2.The subway for Beijing residents during rush hour is an enjoyable experience. ( T)3. British people are used to personal space. ( F)4. Beijing people used to squeeze while riding the subway but now it has changed a lot. ( T )5. There is a love-hate relationship between public transportation and people.

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 9课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 9课件

21st Century
Pre-reading (discussion)
Do you like jokes?
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
1. Both Bronson and Troy play soccer.
2. Every weekend Bronson and Troy play soccer on the school playground.
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
1. McGarry started cooking ten years ago.
2. McGarry learnt cooking by himself from books and the Internet.
21st Century
Comprehension check
3. Which of the following is NOT true about McGarry?
A. He hosted club Eureka for his family and friends. B. He was a young and creative chef. C. His meals are better than an experienced chef. D. He dreams to be a Michelin-starred chef.
1. It's not good to charge cell phones in the bedroom at night.
2. Metabolism helps our body to digest food.

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 12课件

Teens 初二报纸 Issue 12课件

What can you learn from the story?
21st Century
21st Century来自Pre-reading (discussion)
If you face difficulties in your study, what will you do?
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
1. Before reaching the desert, the stream crossed many villages and forests. 2. The desert encouraged the stream to change her nature to cross the desert. 21 Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
3. After the stream evaporates into the breeze, she will completely disappear.
4. The little stream finally crossed the desert.
21st Century
Comprehension check
4. What is the main idea of the story? A. Our lives can be as difficult as the little stream’s. B. The road to success is not always that easy. C. We should do the right thing no matter what others say. D. To succeed, we should change the way we st Century 21 used to be.


对中度以上营养不良患者每日应保证供应蛋白质的量为。A.1.5g/kgB.2.5g/kgC.3.5g/kgD.4.5g/kgE.5g/kg 现代社会推崇的家庭权力结构类型是.A.传统权威型B.工具权威型C.分享权威型D.感情权威型E.以上都是 休克抑制期微循环变化主要是A.动静脉短路开放B.毛细血管前括约肌舒张C.毛细血管前括约肌收缩D.毛细血管后静脉舒张E.出现弥散性血管内凝血 工程师无正当理由不确认承包商提出的变更工程价款报告时,则变更工程价款报告自行生效的时间是自变更价款报告送达之日起天后。A.7B.10C.14D.28 人乳哺育者,每日需要的蛋白质量是。A.1g/kgB.2g/kgC.3g/kgD.4g/kgE.5g/kg 将舱内货物由底舱移到二层舱,则。A.船舶重心降低B.船舶重心不变C.船舶重心升高D.船舶重心变化趋势不定 梁弯曲时,横截面的中性轴上的各点正应力,距中性思最远的上下边缘上的正应力。 构成甲状腺素的主要原料是。A.铁B.锌C.碘D.钙 口腔颌面部因炎症而引起的囊肿主要是()A.根尖囊肿B.黏液囊肿C.舌下腺囊肿D.始基囊肿E.牙龈囊肿 女性,76岁,左眼昨天行超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术,进检查人工晶状体夹持,最先考虑的治疗方法是()A.扩瞳B.降眼压治疗C.立即手术复位D.扩瞳、平躺、降眼压治疗E.抗炎、激素治疗 硝酸纤维引起的火灾,不能使用干粉灭火剂扑救.A.正确B.错误 我国气候的显著特点是和。 下列关于药物毒性反应的描述中错误的是A.一次性用药超过极量B.长期用药逐渐蓄积C.患者属于过敏性体质D.患者肝肾功能低下E.高敏性患者 学校健康教育的对象为A.学龄前儿童及家长B.中、小学生及家长C.所有学生及家长D.中、小学生E.所有学生 在一定数值范围内,-联酮类物质在酒中含量越多,酒质越好,是构成名优白酒进口、、的重要成分。 又称为定型试验,其目


合血液学发展史的是()A.1673年发现红细胞B.1749年发现白细胞C.1942年发现血小板D.血液有形成分主要包括红细胞、白细胞和血小板E.显微镜的发明为血液学的发展开拓了新的前景 关于流行性感冒下列哪项是错误的A.人群对流感病毒普遍易感B.持续高热、剧烈咳嗽、呼吸急促C.抗菌治疗无效D.流感患者愈后可获得终生免疫力E.治疗以支持治疗为主 数字证书采用公钥体制时,每个用户庙宇一把公钥,由本人公开,用其进行。A.加密和验证签名B.解密和签名C.加密D.解密 血中还原血红蛋白超过多少时皮肤黏膜可出现发绀A.50g/LB.55g/LC.60g/LD.65g/LE.70g/L 计算收缩期左室射血分数的公式为。A.EF=CO/ESV×100%B.EF=CO/EDVX100%C.EF=SV/EDVX100%D.EF=SV/ESVX100%EF=CI/EDVX100% 信息是构成的根本要素。 在对进度计划进行计划目标与施工能力的适应性审查时,应重点审査。A.施工总工期的安排应符合合同工期B.主要骨干人员及施工队伍的进场日期已经落实C.各项施工方案和施工方法应与施工经验和技术水平相适应D.所需主要材料和设备的运送日期已有保证E.关键线路上的施工力量安排应与非关 室内变电所的每台油量为100kg及以上的三相变压器,变压室内。A.应设在单独的B.可两台设在同一C.宜设在单独的D.应两台设在同一 下列关于二度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞的描述错误的是。A.PR间期恒定B.部分P波后无QRS波群C.房室传导比例可为3:2,4:3D.房室传导比例可为2:1E.预后较好 少尿是指24小时尿量少于A.800mlB.600mlC.400mlD.200mlE.100ml 当采用匀速进展横道图比较法时,如果表示实际进度的横道线右端点落在检查日期的左侧,则该端点与检查日期的距离表示工作。A.实际少花费的时间B.实际多花费的时间C.进度超前的时间D.进度拖后的时间 小儿水肿脾肾阳虚证的治法是A.疏风利水B.淡渗利湿C.泻肺逐水D.温肾健脾E.辛开苦降 关于输血的原则,错误的是A.必须保证ABO血型相合B.输同型血经交叉配血试验主、次侧均不凝集为首选C.紧急情况下O型血可少量缓慢接受其他型血液D.AB型的人可少量缓慢接受其他类型血液E.反复输血的病人必须保证Rh血型相合 男性,15岁,全身水肿显著,大量蛋白尿,无镜下血尿,肾功能正常,首次经泼尼松40mg/d治疗4周,水肿明显消退、尿蛋白有所减少。此时应A.减少泼尼松用量B.加用环磷酰胺C.静脉点滴白蛋白D.继续原治疗不变E.加用抗生素预防感染 颅内动脉瘤最好发于A.后交通动脉起始部B.穿支动脉C.脉络膜前动脉D.大脑中动脉E.基底动脉 便携式浊度计法测定浊度时,对于高浊度的水样,应用蒸馏水稀释定容后测定。A.正确B.错误 适合含有抑菌剂的、1~2ml注射液灭菌的方法是A.热压灭菌法B.流通蒸汽灭菌法C.紫外线灭菌法D.辐射灭菌法E.低温间歇灭菌法 性能功效相类似的药物配合应用,可增强原有疗效的配伍关系是。A.相须B.相使C.相畏D.相杀E.相恶 常作为卵巢肿瘤诊断标志物的是()A.CA50B.CA15-3C.CA19-9D.CA125E.CA72-4 危险货物运输的性能试验中的跌落试验,Ⅰ类包装的跌落高度为多少米? 有明确潜伏期的感染,自入院时超过平均潜伏期后发生的感染为。 班氏与马米微丝蚴的比较哪一项是重要的A.头间隙B.尾核C.大小D.体核E.上述综合特点 腹股沟管的走行方向应向。A.内、上、浅B.外、上、浅C.外、下、浅D.内、下、浅E.以上都不对 2008年,财政部向农行注资1500亿元人民币等值美元,与中央汇金投资有限责任公司并列成为农行第一大股东。A.正确B.错误 试述正午北半球太阳高度角随纬度和季节的变化规律。 [单选,共用题干题]VRMLisa(1)for3DmultimediaandsharedvirtualworldsontheWWW.IncomparisontoHTML,VRMLaddsthenextlevelofinteraction,structuredgraphics,andextra(2)(zandtime)tothepresentationofdocuments.TheapplicationsofVRMLare(3),rangingfromsimplebusinessgra 关于流脑的易感性错误的是A.由于从母体获得抗体,6个月内的婴儿很少发病B.成人发病较少,因可在多次流行中隐性感染获得免疫力C.在流行期间发病年龄可向高年龄组移动D.感染后免疫力持久,各群间交叉免疫力持久E.儿童发病率高,特别是5岁以下(6个月至2岁)的婴幼儿发病率最高 调查某桥钢筋焊接点100个,其中不合格的有14个,不合格率为14%,为查清甲、乙、丙三个焊工操作哪个存在主要问题,宜采用的质量分析方法是()。A.分层法B.调查表法C.排列图法D.因果分析图法 腹部触诊 有关抗-HBs的下述论点中,不正确的是A.是HBsAg的抗体B.滴度>20U时对攻击才有免疫力C.有保护性D.为中和抗体E.在乙肝恢复期出现,持续6个月至数年 属于治疗性饮食的是()A.普通饮食B.高脂饮食C.高蛋白饮食D.甲状腺131I试验饮食E.半流质饮食 严格管理原则 女性,38岁,患慢性阻塞性肺疾病、肺源性心脏病,神志清楚,发绀明显,动脉血气提示代偿性呼吸性酸中毒,给予鼻导管吸氧4升/分,发绀略有减轻,但迅速进入嗜睡状态。此时首先应采取的措施是()A.将鼻导管吸氧流量提高到每分钟5.0升B.将鼻导管吸氧流量减少到每分钟1升C.20%甘露醇 关于电子计算机的特点有、、。 慢性乙、丙型肝炎治疗的趋势是强调A.保肝治疗B.促进肝细胞再生C.免疫调节治疗D.防治肝纤维化E.抗病毒治疗


[单选]某厂精氩含氮量25ppm,就是指含氮量为()A、0.025B、0.0025C、0.00025D、0.000025 [单选,案例分析题]青年男性,平时血压正常,3年来一遇情绪激动时便出现头疼、心悸、出汗、心前区紧迫感,视物模糊,测血压为220/140mmHg,每次持续10分钟左右。无助于确诊的检查是()A.MNB.酚妥拉明试验C.心电图D.CTE.MRI检查 [填空题]常用的服装面料有()、()、()、()、()、()。 [单选,A1型题]寒凉药长期给药,对植物神经系统功能的影响是()A.心率加快B.尿中儿茶酚胺排出量减少C.血浆中和肾上腺内多巴胺β-羟化酶活性提高D.尿中17-羟皮质类固醇排出量增多E.耗氧量增加 [单选]下面描述对于指令的种类是哪项?“程度稍轻的一种指令,是上级根据酒店的发展要求或自己的经验积累对下属提出的一种期望”()A、命令B、要求C、建议D、请求 [单选,A1型题]巨噬细胞对外源性抗原加工处理和递呈过程不包括()A.吞噬体形成B.吞噬溶酶体形成C.抗原降解成抗原肽D.抗原在内质网中加工修饰E.抗原肽与MHCⅡ类分子结合形成复合物 [单选]关于吊拖船队的特点,下列说法正确的是:A.比顶推船队抗浪能力强B.在紧急避碰时可以采用倒车制动C.比顶推船队操纵性能优越D.最适合于港内运输 [单选]SDH日常维护项目的周期?()A.每日一次B.每周一次C.每月一次D.每季一次 [单选]在目前常用的600多种药物中,易虫蛀的品种约占()%。A.80%B.65%C.50%以上D.40%以上E.30%以上 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]分立式生化分析仪与管道式生化分析仪在结构上的主要区别为()A.前者各个标本和试剂在各自的试管中起反应,后者在同一管道中起反应B.后者各个标本和试剂在各自的试管中起反应,前者在同一管道中起反应C.两者吸出血清的方式不同D.两



A2 Visit to Shenzhen daily
This will take place on Tuesday, 23 October. should meet ●The bus will leave at 2:30p.m. Students(1) ____________ at the school entrance at 2:20p.m. should wear ●Students (2) ______________their school uniforms and (3) should behave should not touch __________well during the visit. They (4) ____________ any machines. should carry ●Each student (5) ____________ a notebook and pen., but /bring should not carry/bring they (6) ______________________ their bags. They (7) should leave them in their classroom. ___________ should ask ● Students (8) ___________questions. The staff of the newspaper will be happy to answer them.
Useful phrases in this chapter
ask for suggestions 征集建议 戏剧团的秘书 secretary of the Drama Club be elected to be… 被选举成为 begin/start doing sth. 开始做某事 做笔记 take notes 为…负责 be responsible for… 报纸的不同部分different sections of the paper 告诉某人去做事 tell sb. to do sth.
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21 Century
Comprehension check
2. Which of the following is NOT true about the chocolate experiment? A. All of the participants were female college students. B. The scientists also took part in the eating process. C. The two pieces of chocolate were from different bars. D. The participants thought the chocolate was yummier when eaten alone.
21st Century
Comprehension check
3. The organizers organized Let’s Get Real because they hoped students could _____. ① know how to face real lesson when they grow
1. Do you often share food with your friends? 2. Does sharing food make it tastier?
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
1. If people share some bad food with others, the food will taste better. 2. Both scientists and female college students participated in the test.
How do you remember the past?
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
1. When something good happens in her life, the bird picks up a stone while something bad happens, she throws away one. 2. Every day the bird sorts the stones out and takes them with her. st
21st Century
Comprehension check
1. The event Let’s Get Real aimed to help students learn _____. A. how to make lots of money B. how to save money C. how to properly manage money D. how to get money from others
21st Century
Answer the questions
1. What habit does the bird have? No matter what happens in her life, the bird will pick up a stone.
2. Why does the bird keep on picking up stones? Because she wants to remember every event.
What’s your favorite shared experience with your friends or family?
21st Century
Letting go of past stones P(6)
21st Century
Pre-reading (discussion)
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
3. Scamihorn learnt from the Let’s Getare is expensive.
4. Few students liked the event Let’s Get Real.
4. Sharing food with a friend may make a good day brighter.
21st Century
Comprehension check
1. What does the new study find out? A. The best film is the one that you’ve watched with your friends. B. The best meal is the one that you’ve had with your family. C. Sharing your secrets with your friends can make you happy. D. Your experiences are stronger if you share them with others. st
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F). 1. “Had an eye opening experience” in Paragraph 2 means “亲身经历” in Chinese.
2. Dillion’s essentials did not include childcare.
If you were a 28-year-old engineer and father, how would you manage your income?
21st Century
Does sharing food make it tastier? P(5)
21st Century
Pre-reading (discussion)
21 Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
3. When the bird walks on the earth, she still takes the stones with her.
4. When the bird can’t move with the heavy stone, she throws away some.
She was free and happy.
21st Century
What can you learn from the story?
21st Century
21st Century
21st Century
Answer the questions
3. What does the bird die of?
She dies of hunger and thirst because of the heavy stones.
4. How was the bird before she took the stones with her?
Issue 478
For Junior 2
Learning the lessons of money P(3)
21st Century
1. As a middle school student, do you know how to manage money? 2. Would you like to experience how to manage money?
21st Century
Comprehension check
2. According to Paragraph 3, Dillion _____. A. is a 28-year-old engineer B. earned $347 a month C. wasted money on unnecessary things D. learned that managing money was not easy
21st Century
While reading
Judge true (T) or false (F).
3. The participants thought the shared bitter chocolate was tastier than the piece they ate alone.
up ② learnt about real life budgeting ③ have more respect for their parents
A. ① ② C. ① ③
B. ② ③ D. ① ② ③
21st Century
Discuss with your partner:
21st Century
Comprehension check
3. From the last two paragraphs, we learn that _____. A. friends or family have a lot of influence on us B. males have different feeling from females C. male college students don’t like sharing things D. sharing things with others can bring us luck 21st Century