印字 器件 厂商 类型 封装 器件用途及参数-28 PDTA114WU Phi N SOT323 pnp dtr-24 PDTC114TU Phi N SOT323 npn dtr R1 10k-23 PDTA114TU Phi N SOT323 pnp dtr R1 10k-20 PDTC114WU Phi N SOT323 npn dtr-6 PMSS3906 Phi N SOT323 2N3906-4 PMSS3904 Phi N SOT323 2N39040 2SC3603 Nec CX SOT173 Npn RF fT 7GHz1 Gali-1 MC AZ SOT89 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 12dB gain1 2SC3587 Nec CX - npn RF fT10GHz1 BA277 Phi I SOD523 VHF Tuner band switch diode2 BST82 Phi M - n-ch mosfet 80V 175mA2 MRF5711L Mot X SOT143 npn RF MRF5712 DTCC114T Roh N - 50V 100mA npn sw + 10k base res 2 Gali-2 MC AZ SOT89 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 16dB gain2 BAT62-02W Sie I SCD80 BAT16 schottky diode2 2SC3604 Nec CX - npn RF fT8GHz 12dB@2GHz3 Gali-3 MC AZ SOT89 DC-3GHz MMIC amp 22dB gain3 DTC143TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA3 DTC143TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA3 DTC143TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA3 BAT60A Sie I SOD323 10V 3A sw schottky3 BAT62-02W Sie I SCD80 -4 DTC114TCA Roh N SOT23 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA 4 DTC114TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA4 DTC114TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA4 DTC114TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA4 MRF5211L Mot X SOT143 pnp RF MRF5214 Gali-4 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 17.5 dBm4 BB664 Sie I SCD80 Varicap 42-2.5pF5 SSTPAD5 Sil J - PAD-5 5pA leakage diode5 Gali-4 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 18 dBm o/p5 DTC124TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA5 DTC124TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA5 DTC124TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA6 Gali-6 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 115 dBm o/p6 DTC144TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA6 DTC144TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA6 DTC144TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA9 DTC115TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA 9 DTC115TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA9 BC849 Mot N SOT23 BC 549B10 SSTPAD10 Sil J - PAD-10 10pA leakage diode10 MRF9411L Mot X SOT143 npn Rf 8GHz MRF94111 SO2369R SGS R SOT23R 2N236911 MRF9511L Mot X SOT143 npn RF 8GHz MRF95111 MUN5311DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 10k+10k11 PDTA114EU Phi N SOT416 pnp dtr12 MUN5312DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 22k+22k12 DTA123EUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma12 DTA123EKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 2k2+2k2 res 50V 100ma13 DTA143EUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 50V 100ma13 DTA143EKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 50V 100ma13 DTA143ECA Rho N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 50V 100ma13 MA4CS103A M/A C SOT23 Schottky RF 20V 100mA13 MUN5313DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 47k+47k14 BAT114-099R Sie DQ - Quad Schottky crossover ring 14 DTA114EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 10k + 10k14 DTA114EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 10k + 10k14 MUN5314DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 10k R114 DTA114ECA Roh N SOT23 pnp dtr 10k + 10k15 DTA124EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k15 DTA124EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k15 DTA124ECA Roh N SOT23 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k15 MUN5315DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 10k R115 MMBT3960 Mot N - 2N396016 MUN5316DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 4k7 R116 DTA144EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 47k+47k16 DTA144EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 47k+47k18 BFP181T Tfk X - npn Rf fT 7.8GHz 10V 20mA18 PDTC143ZK Phi N SOT346 npn dtr 4k7+47k19 PDTA143ZK Phi N SOT346 pnp dtr 4k7+47k19 DTA115EUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 100k+100k 50V 100ma19 DTA115EKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 100k+100k 50V 100ma20 SSTPAD20 Sil J - PAD-20 20pA leakage diode20 MRF5811 Mot X SOT143 npn Rf fT 5GHz 0.2A21 Gali-21 MC AZ SOT89 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 14 dB gain22 MMBT4209 Nat N SOT23 pnp sw 850MHz 2N420922 DTC123EUA Rho N SC70 npn dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma22 DTC123EKA Rho N SC59 npn dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma23 MMBT3646 Nat N SOT23 npn sw 350MHz 2N364623 DTC143EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 50V 100mA 4k7+ 4k723 DTC143EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 50V 100mA 4k7+ 4k724 MMBD2101 Nat C SOT23 Si diode 100V 200mA24 DTC114ECA Roh N SOT23 npn dtr 50V 100mA 10k + 10k 24 DTC114EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 50V 100mA 10k + 10k 24 DTC114EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 50V 100mA 10k + 10k24 2SC5006 Nec N - npn RF fT 4.5GHz @3V 7mA25 MMBD2102 Nat K SOT23 Si diode 100V 200mA25 DTC124ECA Roh N SOT23 npn dtr 50V 100mA 22k + 22k 25 DTC124EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 50V 100mA 22k + 22k25 DTC124EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 50V 100mA 22k + 22k26 MMBD2103 Nat D SOT23 dual MMBD120126 DTC144EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 50V 30mA 47k + 47k26 DTC144EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 50V 30mA 47k + 47k27 MMBD2104 Nat B SOT23 dual cc MMBD120128 BFP280T Tfk W - npn RF fT 7GHz 8V 10mA28 MMBD2105 Nat A SOT23 dual ca MMBD120129 MMBD1401 Nat C SOT23 Si diode 200V 100mA29 DTC115EE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 100k +100k 50V 20mA29 DTC115EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 100k +100k 50V 20mA29 DTC115EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 100k +100k 50V 20mA30 MUN5330DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 1k0+1k031 MUN5331DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 2k2+2k231 MMBD1402 Nat K SOT23 Si diode 200V 100mA32 MUN5332DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 4k7+4k732 MMBD1403 Nat D SOT23 dual Si diode 200V 100mA32 BAT32 Sie CS - 18GHz zero-bias schottky33 MUN5333DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 4k7+47k33 DTA143XE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA33 DTA143XUA Roh N SC70 pnp sw 4k7+10k bias res 50V 100mA 33 DTA143XKA Roh N SC59 pnp sw 4k7+10k bias res 50V 100mA 33 MMBD1404 Nat B SOT23 dual cc Si diode 200V 100mA33 Gali-33 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 19dB gain34 MUN5334DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 22k+47k34 MMBD1405 Nat A SOT23 dual ca Si diode 200V 100mA34 2SC5007 Nec N - npn RF fT 7GHz @3V 7mA35 MUN5335DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 2k2+47k35 DTA124XE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA35 DTA124XUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA35 DTA124XKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA41 BAT14-115S Sie CS SOT173 40GHz schottky diode41 BAT14-115R Sie CZ SOT173 40GHz schottky ring quad42 BAT14-025S Sie CS SOT173 4GHz schottky diode42 BAT14-025R Sie CZ SOT173 4GHz schottky ring quad43 BAS40 Sie C SOT23 schottky diode 40V 100mA43 DTA143EE Mot N SOT416 pnp dtr 4k7 + 4k743 DTC143XE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA43 DTC143XUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA43 DTC143XKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA44 BAS40-04 Sie D SOT23 dual series BAS4044 BAS40-04W Sie D SOT323 dual series BAS4044 2SC5009 Nec N - npn RF fT 12GHz @3V 5mA45 BAS40-05 Sie A SOT23 dual ca BAS4045 BAS40-05W Sie A SOT323 dual ca BAS4045 BAT14-055S Sie CS SOT173 8GHz schottky diode45 BAT14-055R Sie CZ SOT173 8GHz schottky ring quad45 DTC124XE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA45 DTC124XUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA45 DTC124XKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA46 BAS40-06 Sie B SOT23 dual cc BAS4046 BAS40-06W Sie B SOT323 dual cc BAS4046 MBT3946DW Mot DP - 2N3904/2N3906 pair47 BAS40-07 Sie S SOT143 dual BAS4047 BAS40-07W Sie S SOT343 dual BAS4049 BAT14-095S Sie CS SOT173 18GHz shottky diode49 BAT14-095R Sie CZ SOT173 18GHz schottky ring quad50 SSTPAD50 Sil J - PAD-50 50pA leakage diode51 BAT15-115S Sie CS SOT173 40GHz schottky diode51 BAT15-115R Sie CZ SOT173 40GHz schottky ring quad52 BAT15-025S Sie CS SOT173 4GHz schottky diode52 BAT15-025R Sie CZ SOT173 4GHz schottky ring quad 52 Gali-52 MC AZ SOT89 DC-2GHz MMIC amp 23 dB gain 52 BAS52-02V Inf I SC79 Schottky diode 45V 750mA52 DTA123YE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA52 DTA123YUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 52 DTA123YKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 54 DTA114YE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 54 DTA114YUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA54 DTA114YKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA55 BAT15-055S Sie CS SOT173 8GHz schottky diode55 BAT15-055R Sie CZ SOT173 8GHz schottky ring quad 55 Gali-55 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 21 dB gain57 BFQ57 Sie CX SOT173 npn 6.5GHz 16V/35mA58 BFQ58 Sie CX SOT173 npn 6.5GHz 16V/30mA59 BAT15-095S Sie CS SOT173 18GHz schottky diode59 BAT15-095R Sie CZ SOT173 18GHz schottky ring quad 62 DTC123YE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA62 DTC123YUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 62 DTC123YKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 64 DTC114YE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 64 DTC114YUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 64 DTC114YKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 67 BFP67 Tfk X - npn Rf fT 7.5GHz 10V 50mA69 DTA114YE Mot N SOT416 pnp dtr 10k +47k69 DTC115EE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 100k+100k 50V 20mA69 DTC115EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 100k+100k 50V 20mA69 DTC115EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 100k+100k 50V 20mA70 BFQ70 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.2GHz 15V 35mA71 BFQ71 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.2GHz 15V 30mA72 BFQ72 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.1GHz 15V 50mA72 2N7002 Sil M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 60V 170mA73 MA4CS101A M/A C SOT23 schottky diode 70V 50mA73 BFQ73 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 4.9GHz 15V 75mA73 2SC5004 Nec N - npn RF 5GHz @5V 5mA74 BFQ74 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 6GHz 16V 35mA74 MA4CS101B M/A D SOT23 dual series MA4CS101A (73) 74 DTA114WE Rho N EMT3 pnp dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA74 DTA114WUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA74 DTA114WKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA74 2SC5005 Nec N - npn RF 5.5GHz @5V 5mA75 BFQ75 Sie CX SOT173 pnp fT 5GHz 12V 50mA76 BFQ76 Sie CX SOT173 pnp fT 5GHz 15V 30mA76 DTA144WE Rho N EMT3 pnp dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA76 DTA144WUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA76 DTA144WKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA77 MA4CS101E M/A S SOT143 dual MA4CS101A (73)77 BFQ77 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 7GHz 15V 20mA78 MMBT4258 Nat N SOT23 pnp sw fT 700MHz81 SO2369AR SGS R SOT23R 2N2369A81 ZMV831BV2 Zet I SOD523 28V hyperabrupt varicap 15pF @2V82 2SC5009 Nec N - npn RF fT 12GHz @ 3V 5mA82 ZMV832BV2 Zet I SOD523 28V hyperabrupt varicap 22pF @2V83 MMBT4400 Nat N - npn 2N440083 2SC5010 Nec N - npn RF fT 12GHz 3V 10mA83 MA4CS102A M/A C SOT23 schottky diode 8V 30mA84 MA4CS102B M/A D SOT23 dual ser schottky diode 8V 30mA 84 DTC114WE Rho N EMT3 npn dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA84 DTC114WUA Rho N SC70 npn dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA84 DTC114WKA Rho N SC59 npn dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA85 MMBD1701 Nat C - Fast Si diode 30V 50mA85 MA4CS102A M/A B SOT23 dual cc schottky diode 8V 30mA86 MMBD1702 Nat K - Fast Si diode 30V 50mA86 DTC144WE Rho N EMT3 npn dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA86 DTC144WUA Rho N SC70 npn dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA86 DTC144WKA Rho N SC59 npn dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA87 MMBD1703 Nat D - dual ser MMBD170187 MA4CS102A M/A S SOT143 dual schottky diode 8V 30mA88 MMBD1704 Nat B - dual cc MMBD170189 MMBD1705 Nat A - dual ca MMBD170191 ZV931V2 Zet I SOD523 4-13.5pF hyperabrupt varicap91 DTA113TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R11k0 50V 100mA92 ZV932V2 Zet I SOD523 5.5-17pF hyperabrupt varicap93 ZV933V2 Zet I SOD523 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap93 DTA143TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA93 DTA143TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA93 DTA143TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA94 DTA114TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA94 DTA114TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA94 DTA114TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA95 DTA124TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA95 DTA124TCA Roh N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA95 DTA124TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA96 DTA144TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA96 DTA144TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA96 DTA144TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA99 DTA115TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 100k 50V 100mA99 DTA115TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 100k 50V 100mA99 DTA115TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 100k 50V 100mA100 SSTPAD100 Sil J SOT23 PAD-100 100pA leakage diode 101 PZM10NB1 Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener102 PZM10NB2 Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener103 PZM10NB3 Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener111 PZM11NB1 Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener111 DTA113ZUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 1k+10k 50V 100mA112 PZM11NB2 Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener113 PZM11NB3 Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener113 DTA143ZUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 4k7+47k 50V 100mA 121 PZM12NB1 Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener121 DTC113ZUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 1k+10k 50V 100mA 122 PZM12NB2 Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener123 PZM12NB3 Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener123 DTC143ZUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 4k7+47k 50V 100mA 131 PZM13NB1 Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener132 PZM13NB2 Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener132 DTA123JUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 2k2+47k 50V 100mA 133 PZM13NB3 Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener142 DTA123JUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 2k2+47k 50V 100mA 151 PZM15NB1 Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener152 PZM15NB2 Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener153 PZM15NB3 Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener156 DTA144VUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 47k+10k 50V 100mA 161 PZM16NB1 Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener162 PZM16NB2 Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener163 PZM16NB3 Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener166 DTC144VUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 47k+10k 50V 100mA 179 FMMT5179 Zet N - 2N5179181 PZM18NB1 Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener182 PZM18NB2 Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener183 PZM18NB3 Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener200 SSTPAD200 Sil J - PAD-200 200pA leakage diode201 PZM20NB1 Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW Zener202 PZM20NB2 Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW Zener203 PZM20NB3 Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW Zener221 PZM22NB1 Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW Zener222 PZM22NB2 Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW Zener223 PZM22NB3 Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW Zener241 PZM24NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener242 PZM24NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener243 PZM20NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener271 PZM2.7NB1 Phi C SOT346 2.7V 300mW Zener272 PZM2.7NB2 Phi C SOT346 2.7V 300mW Zener301 FDV301N Fch M SOT23 n-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.22A302 FDV302P Fch M SOT23 p-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.13A303 FDV303N Fch M SOT23 n-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.68A304 FDV304P Fch M SOT23 p-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.46A331 NDS331N Fch M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 1.3A 20V331 PZM3.3NB1 Phi C SOT346 3.3V 300mW zener332 PZM3.3NB2 Phi C SOT346 3.3V 300mW zener332 NDS332N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.4A, 1A pk, 20V" 335 NDS335N Fch M SOT23 "n-ch mosfet 70 mA, 1.7A pk, 20V" 336 NDS336N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.27A, 1.2A pk, 20V" 337 NDS337N Fch M SOT23 "n-ch mosfet 50 mA, 2.5A pk 20V" 338 NDS338N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.13A, 1.6Apk 20V" 340 FDV340P Fch M SOT23 p-ch mosfet 20V 70 mA351 NDS351N Fch M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 1.1A 30V352 NDS352N Fch M SOT23 p-ch mosfet 0.5A 20V355 NDS355N Fch M SOT23 "n-ch mosfet 0.1A, 1.6A pk 30V" 356 NDS356N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.3A, 1.1A pk 20V" 357 NDS357N Fch M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 2.5Apk 30V358 NDS358N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.2A, 1.6A pk 30V" 358 FDN358N Fch M SOT23 p-ch mosfet 0.2A 1.6A pk 30V360 FDN360P Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 80mA, 2a PK, 30V" 361 PZM3.6NB1 Phi C SOT346 3.6V 300mW Zener362 PZM3.3NB2 Phi C SOT346 3.6V 300mW Zener391 PZM3.9NB1 Phi C SOT346 3.9V 300mW Zener392 PZM3.9NB2 Phi C SOT346 3.9V 300mW Zener413 FMMT413 Zet N SOT23 npn avalanche 150v 0.1A415 FMMT415 Zet N SOT23 npn avalanche 260v 0.1A417 FMMT417 Zet N SOT23 npn avalanche 320v 0.1A431 PZM4.3NB1 Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener432 PZM4.3NB2 Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener433 PZM4.3NB3 Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener449 FMMT449 Zet N SOT23 npn 50V 1A low Vce sat451 FMMT451 Zet N SOT23 npn 60V 1A455 FMMT455 Zet N SOT23 NPN 140V 1A458 FMMT458 Zet N SOT23 npn 400V 0.4A471 PZM4.7NB1 Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener472 PZM4.7NB2 Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener473 PZM4.7NB3 Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener491 FMMT491 Zet N SOT23 ZTX 450/451493 FMMT493 Zet N SOT23 ZTX 453494 FMMT494 Zet N SOT23 npn 120V 1A495 FMMT495 Zet N SOT23 npn 170V 1A497 FMMT497 Zet N SOT23 npn 300V 0.5A500 SSTPAD500 Sil J PAD-500 500pA leakage diode511 PZM5.1NB1 Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener512 PZM5.1NB2 Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener513 PZM5.1NB3 Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener558 FMMT558 Zet N SOT23 pnp 400V 0.15A561 PZM5.1NB1 Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener562 PZM5.1NB2 Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener563 PZM5.1NB3 Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener589 FMMT589 Zet N SOT23 pnp 30V 1A593 FMMT593 Zet N SOT23 ZTX 553605 NDS0605 Fch M SOT23 P-ch mosfet 60V 180mA 605 NDS0605 Fch M - p-ch sw mosfet 60V610 NDS0610 Fch M - p-ch sw mosfet 60V614 FMMT614 Zet N SOT23 sw617 FMMT617 Zet N SOT23 npn sw 15V 3A618 FMMT618 Zet N SOT23 npn sw 20V 2.5A619 FMMT619 Zet N SOT23 npn sw 50V 2A621 PZM6.2NB1 Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener622 PZM6.2NB2 Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener623 PZM6.2NB3 Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener624 FMMT624 Zet N SOT23 -625 FMMT625 Zet N SOT23 -634 FMMT634 Zet N SOT23 100V 0.9A darlington npn 651 PZT651 Mot N SOT223 npn 60V 1A681 PZM6.8NB1 Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener682 PZM6.8NB2 Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener683 PZM6.8NB1 Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener701 2N7001 Mot M SOT23 n-ch mosfet702 2N7002 Mot M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 60V 0.11A703 2N7003 Mot M SOT23 n-ch mosfet712 NDS7002A Nat M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 60V 0.28A 717 FMMT717 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw 0.625W 2.5A 12V 718 FMMT718 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw 0.625W 1.5A 20V 720 FMMT720 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw 0.625W 1.5A722 FMMT722 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw723 FMMT723 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw730 FMMT730 Zet N SOT23 ZTX550/551751 PZM7.5NB1 Phi C SOT346 7.5V 0.3W zener752 PZM7.5NB2 Phi C SOT346 7.5V 0.3W zener753 PZM7.5NB3 Phi C SOT346 7.5V 0.3W zener821 PZM8.2NB1 Phi C SOT23 8.2V 0.3W zener822 PZM8.2NB2 Phi C SOT23 8.2V 0.3W zener822 S822T Tfk X - npn RF fT 5.2GHz 6V 8mA823 PZM8.2NB3 Phi C SOT23 8.2V 0.3W zener852 S852T Tfk N SOT23 npn RF fT 5.2GHz 6V 8mA 887 S887T Tfk W SOT143 n-ch dg uhf mosfet888 S888T Tfk W SOT142 n-ch dg uhf mosfet911 PZM9.1NB1 Phi C SOT346 9.1V 0.3W zener912 PZM9.1NB2 Phi C SOT346 9.1V 0.3W zener913 PZM9.1NB3 Phi C SOT346 9.1V 0.3W zener05F TSDF1205R Tfk WQ - fT12GHz npn 4V 5mA0A MUN5111DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 10k+10k0A DTC125TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA0A DTC125TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA0B MUN5112DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 22k+22k0C MUN5113DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 47k+47k0D MUN5114DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 10k+47k0E MUN5115DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr R1 10k0F MUN5116DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr R1 4k70G MUN5130DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 1k0+1k00H MUN5131DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 2k2+2k20J MUN5132DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 4k7+4k70K MUN5133DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 4k7+47k0L MUN5134DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 22k+47k0M MUN5135DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr 2k2+47k1 (red) BB669 Sie I SOD323 56-2.7 pF varicap10A PZM10NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 10V 0.3W zener10V PZM10NB Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener10Y BZV49-C10 Phi O SOT89 10V 1W zener11A PZM11NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 11V 0.3W zener11A MMBD1501A Nat C SOT23 Si diode 200V 100mA11V PZM11NB Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener11Y BZV49-C11 Phi O SOT89 11V 1W zener12A MMBD1502A Nat K SOT23 Si diode 200V 100mA12A PZM12NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 12V 0.3W zener12E ZC2812E Zet D SOT23 dual series RF schottky15V 20mA12V PZM12NB Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener12Y BZV49-C12 Phi O SOT89 12V 1W zener13A MMBD1503A Nat D SOT23 dual Si diode 200V 100mA13A PZM13NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 13V 0.3W zener13E ZC2813E Zet A SOT23 dual ca RF schottky15V 20mA13s BAS125 Sie C SOT23 Schottky sw 24V 100mA13s BAS125W Sie C SOT323 Schottky sw 24V 100mA13t BC846BPN Phi N SOT363 BC546B13V PZM13NB Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener13Y BZV49-C13 Phi O SOT89 13V 1W zener14A MMBD1504A Nat B - dual cc Si diode 200V 100mA14s BAS125-04 Sie D SOT23 Dual series Schottky 25V 100mA 14s BAS125-04W Sie D SOT323 Dual series Schottky 25V 100mA 15A MMBD1505A Nat A - dual ca Si diode 200V 100mA15A PZM15NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual ca 15V 0.3W zener15s BAS125-05 Sie B SOT23 dual cc Schottky 25V 100mA15s BAS125-05W Sie B SOT323 dual cc Schottky 25V 100mA15V PZM15NB Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener15Y BZV49-C15 Phi O SOT89 15V 1W zener16s BAS125-06 Sie A SOT23 dual ca Schottky 25V 100mA16s BAS125-06W Sie A SOT323 dual ca Schottky 25V 100mA16V PZM16NB Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener16Y BZV49-C16 Phi O SOT89 16V 1W zener17s BAS125-07 Sie S SOT143 dual Schottky 25V 100mA 17s BAS125-07W Sie S SOT343 dual Schottky 25V 100mA 18V PZM18NB Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener18Y BZV49-C18 Phi O SOT89 18V 1W zener1A BC846A Phi N SOT23 BC546A1A BC846AT Phi N SOT416 BC546A1A FMMT3904 Zet N SOT23 2N39041A MMBT3904 Mot N SOT23 2N39041A IRLML2402 IR F SOT23 n-ch mosfet 20V 0.9A-1A PMST3904 Phi N SOT323 2N39041A- BC846AW Phi N SOT323 BC546A1AM MMBT3904L Mot N SOT23 2N39041Ap BC846A Phi N SOT23 BC546A1At BC846A Phi N SOT23 BC546A1At BC846AW Phi N SOT323 BC546A1B BC846B Phi N SOT23 BC546B1B BC846BT Phi N SOT416 BC546B1B FMMT2222 Zet N SOT23 2N22221B MMBT2222 Mot N SOT23 2N22221B IRLML2803 IR F SOT23 n-ch mosfet 30V 0.9A-1B PMST2222 Phi N SOT323 2N22221B- BC846BW Phi N SOT323 BC546B1Bp BC846B Phi N SOT23 BC546B1Bs BC817UPN Sie N SC74 -1Bt BC846B Phi N SOT23 BC546B1Bt BC846BW Phi N SOT323 BC546B1C FMMT-A20 Zet N SOT23 MPSA201C MMBTA20L Mot N SOT23 MPS39041C IRLML6302 IR F SOT23 p-ch mosfet 20V 0.6A1Cp BAP50-05 Phi B SOT23 dual cc GP RF pin diode1Cs BC847S Sie - SOT363 BC4571D MMBTA42 Mot N SOT23 MPSA42 300V npn1D IRLML5103 IR F SOT23 p-ch mosfet 30V 0.6A1D- BC846W Phi N SOT323 BC4561DN 2SC4083 Roh N - npn 11V 3.2GHz TV tuners1Dp BC846 Phi N SOT23 BC4561DR MSD1328R Mot N SOT346 npn gp 25V 500mA1Ds BC846U Sie N SC74 BC4561Ds BC846U Sie - SOT363 BC4561Dt BC846 Phi N SOT23 BC4561Dt BC846W Phi N SOT323 BC4561E BC847A Phi N SOT23 BC547A1E BC847AT Phi N SOT416 BC547A1E FMMT-A43 Zet N - MPSA431E MMBTA43 Mot N SOT23 MPSA43 200V npn1E- BC847A Phi N SOT323 BC547A1EN 2SC4084 Roh N - npn 20V 2.0GHz TV tuners1Ep BC847A Phi N SOT23 BC547A1ER BC847AR Phi R SOT23R BC547A1Es BC847A Sie N SOT23 BC4571Es BC847AW Sie N SOT323 BC4571Et BC847A Phi N SOT23 BC547A1Et BC847A Phi N SOT323 BC547A1F BC847B Phi N SOT23 BC547B1F BC847BT Phi N SOT416 BC547B1F MMBT5550 Mot N SOT23 2N5550 140V npn1F- BC847BW Phi N SOT323 BC547B1Fp BC847B Phi N SOT23 BC547B1FR BC847BR Phi R SOT23R BC547B1Fs BC847B Sie N SOT23 BC547B1Fs BC847BT Sie N SC75 BC547B1Fs BC847BW Sie N SOT323 BC547B1Ft BC847B Phi N SOT23 BC547B1Ft BC847BW Phi N SOT323 BC547B1FZ FMBT5550 Zet N SOT23 2N5550 140V npn1G BC847C Phi N SOT23 BC547C1G BC847CT Phi N SOT416 BC547C1G FMMT-A06 Zet N SOT23 MPSA061G MMBTA06 Mot N SOT23 MPSA061G- BC847CW Phi N SOT323 BC547C1GM MMBTA06 Mot N SOT23 MPSA061Gp BC847C Phi N SOT23 BC547C1GR BC847CR Phi R SOT23R BC547C1Gs BC847C Sie N SOT23 BC547C1Gs BC847CW Sie N SOT323 BC547C1Gt BC847CW Phi N SOT323 BC547C1GT SOA06 SGS N SOT23 MPSA061H FMMT-A05 Zet N - MPSA051H MMBTA05 Mot N SOT23 MPSA051H- BC847W Phi N SOT323 BC5471Hp BC847 Phi N SOT23 BC5471Ht BC847 Phi N SOT23 BC5471Ht BC847W Phi N SOT323 BC5471HT SOA05 SGS N SOT23 MPSA051J BC848A Phi N SOT23 BC548A1J FMMT2369 Zet N SOT23 2N23691J MMBT2369 Mot N SOT23 MPS23691JA MMBT2369A Mot N SOT23 MPS2369A1Jp BCV61A Phi VQ SOT143 npn current mirror hFe 180 1JR BC848AR Phi R SOT23R BC548A1Js BC848A Sie N SOT23 BC548A1Js BC848AW Sie N SOT323 BC548A1Js BCV61A Sie VQ SOT143 npn current mirror hFe 1801JZ BC848A Zet N SOT23 BC548A1K BC848B ITT N SOT23 BC548B1K MMBT6428 Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 50V1K FMMT4400 Zet N SOT23 2N44001KM MMBT6428L Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 50V1Kp BC848B Phi N SOT23 BC548B1Kp BCV61B Phi VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 290 1KR BC848BR Phi R SOT23R BC548B1Ks BC848B Sie N SOT23 BC548B1Ks BC848BW Sie N SOT323 BC548B1Ks BCV61B Sie VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 290 1KZ FMMT4400 Zet N SOT23 2N44001L BC848C ITT N SOT23 BC548C1L MMBT6429 Mot N - MPSA18 45V1L FMMT4401 Zet N - 2N44011L BCV61C Sie VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 5201Lp BC848C Phi N SOT23 BC548C1Lp BCV61C Phi VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 520 1LR BC848CR Phi R SOT23R BC548C1Ls BC848C Sie N SOT23 BC548C1Ls BC848CW Sie N SOT323 BC548C1M MMBTA13 Mot N SOT23 MPSA13 darlington1M FMMT-A13 Zet N SOT23 MPSA131Mp BC848 Phi N SOT23 BC5481Mp BCV61 Phi VQ SOT143B npn current mirror1N FMMT-A14 Zet N SOT23 MPSA141N MMBTA14 Mot N SOT23 MPSA14 darlington1N5 ZTX11N15DF Zet N SOT23 npn 15V 3A low saturation V 1P FMMT2222A Zet N - 2N2222A1P MMBT2222A Mot N SOT23 2N2222A1P BC847PN Sie DI - pnp/npn separate pair gp AF1Q MMBT5088 Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 Vce 30V1R MMBT5089 Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 Vce 25V1S MMBT2369A Nat N SOT23 2N2369A 500MHz sw npn1S MSC3130 Mot H SOT346 npn RF fT 1.4GHz 10V1T MMBT3960A Mot N - 2N3960A1U MMBT2484L Mot N SOT23 MPSA181V MMBT6427 Mot H SOT23 2N6426/7 darlington npn1V- BF820W Phi N SOT323 npn 300V 50mA BF4201Vp BF820 Phi N SOT23 npn 300V 50mA BF4201Vt BF820 Phi N SOT23 npn 300V 50mA BF4201Vt BF820W Phi N SOT323 npn 300V 50mA BF4201W FMMT3903 Zet N SOT23 2N39031W - BF822W Phi N SOT323 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211W t BF822W Phi N SOT323 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211Wp BF821 Phi N SOT23 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211Wt BF821 Phi N SOT23 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211X MMBT930L Mot N SOT23 MPS39041Xp BF822 Phi N SOT23 npn 250V 50mA BF4221Xt BF822 Phi N SOT23 npn 250V 50mA BF4221Y MMBT3903 Mot N SOT23 2N39031Yp BF823 Phi N SOT23 pnp 250V 50mA BF4231Yt BF823 Phi N SOT23 pnp 250V 50mA BF4231Z BAS70-06 Zet A SOT23 dual RF CA schottky diode 1Z MMBT6517 Mot N SOT23 2N6517 npn Vce 350V2 (blue) BAR64-03W Sie I SOD323 pin diode2 (white) BB439 Sie I SOD323 29-5 pF varicap20F TSDF1220 Tfk X SOT143 fT 12GHz npn 6V 20mA20V PZM20NB Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW zener20Y BZV49-C20 Phi O SOT89 20V 1W zener22V PZM22NB Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW zener22Y BZV49-C22 Phi O SOT89 22V 1W zener24V PZM24NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener24Y BZV49-C24 Phi O SOT89 24V 1W zener27V PZM27NB Phi C SOT346 27V 300mW Zener27Y BZV49-C27 Phi O SOT89 27V 1W zener2A MMBT3906L Mot N SOT23 2N39062A MMBT3906W Mot N SOT323 2N39062A FMMT3906 Zet N SOT23 2N39062A4 PZM2.4NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual 2.4V cc Zener2A7 PZM2.7NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual 2.7V cc Zener2B BC849B ITT N SOT23 BC549B2B FMMT2907 Zet N SOT23 2N29072B MMBT2907 Mot N SOT23 MPS29072B- BC849BW Phi N SOT323 BC549B2Bp BC849B Phi N SOT23 BC549B2BR BC849BR Phi R SOT23R BC549B2Bs BC849B Sie N SOT23 BC549B2Bs BC849BW Sie N SOT323 BC549B2Bt BC849BW Phi N SOT323 BC549B2BZ FMMT2907 Zet N SOT23 2N29072C BC849C ITT N SOT23 BC549C2C MMBTA70 Mot N SOT23 MPSA702C- BC849CW Phi N SOT323 BC549C2Cp BC849C Phi N SOT23 BC549C2CR BC849CR Phi R SOT23R BC549C2Cs BC849C Sie N SOT23 BC549C2Cs BC849CW Sie N SOT323 BC549C2Ct BC849C Phi N SOT23 BC549C2Ct BC849CW Phi N SOT323 BC549C2CZ FMMTA70 Zet N SOT23 MPSA702D MMBTA92 Mot N SOT23 MPSA92 pnp Vce 300V2E MMBTA93 Mot N SOT23 MPSA93 pnp Vce 200V2E FMMT-A93 Zet N SOT23 MPSA932F BC850B ITT N SOT23 BC550B2F FMMT2907A Zet N SOT23 2N2907A2F MMBT2907A Mot N SOT23 MPS2907A2F MMBT2907AW Mot N SOT323 MPS2907A2F- BC850BW Phi N SOT323 BC550B2Fp BC850B Phi N SOT23 BC550B2FR BC850BR Phi R SOT23R BC550B2Fs BC850B Sie N SOT23 BC550B2Fs BC850BW Sie N SOT323 BC550B2Ft BC850B Phi N SOT23 BC550B2Ft BC850BW Phi N SOT323 BC550B2G BC850C ITT N SOT23 BC550C2G FMMT-A56 Zet N SOT23 MPSA562G MMBTA56 Mot N SOT23 MPSA562G- BC850CW Phi N SOT323 BC550C2GM MMBTA56 Mot N SOT23 MPSA562Gp BC850C Phi N SOT23 BC550C2GR BC850CR Phi R SOT23R BC550C2Gs BC850C Sie N SOT23 BC550C2Gt BC850C Phi N SOT323 BC550C2Gt BC850CW Phi N SOT323 BC550C2GT SOA56 SGS N SOT23 MPSA562H FMMT-A55 Zet N SOT23 MPSA552H MMBTA55 Mot N SOT23 MPSA552HT SOA55 SGS N SOT23 MPSA552J MMBT3640 Mot N SOT23 MPS3640 pnp sw2K FMMT4402 Zet N SOT23 2N44022K MMBT8598 Mot N - 2N4125 pnp 60V2L MMBT5401 Mot N SOT23 2N5401 pnp 150V2L FMMT4403 Zet N SOT23 2N44032M FMMT5087 Zet N SOT23 2N50872M MMBT404 Mot N SOT23 pnp-chopper 24V 150mA2N MMBT404A Mot N SOT23 pnp-chopper 35V 150mA2N0 ZXT11N20DF Zet N SOT23 npn 20V 2.5A low sat switch 2P FMMT2222R Zet R SOT23R 2N22222P MMBT5086 Mot N SOT23 2N50862Q MMBT5087 Mot N SOT23 2N50872R HSMS-8102 HP Z SOT23 10-14GHz schottky mixer pair 2T SO4403 SGS N SOT23 2N44032T MMBT4403 Mot N SOT23 2N44032T HT2 Zet N SOT23 pnp 80V 100mA2U MMBTA63 Mot N SOT23 MPSA63 darlington2V MMBTA64 Mot N SOT23 MPSA64 darlington2V4 PZM2.4NB Phi C SOT346 2.4V 300mW Zener2V7 PZM2.7NB Phi C SOT346 2.7V 300mW Zener2W FMMT3905 Zet N SOT23 2N39052W MMBT8599 Mot N - 2N4125 Vce 80V pnp。
AVOX Systems PBE 保护呼吸设备说明说明书
Oxygen and life support Oxygen and life support225 Erie Street • Lancaster, NY 14086 • Tel: 716 683-5100 • Fax: 716 681-1089 • Technical Sales: 800 459-3690Copyright 2008, AVOX Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved • Printed in USA • AVIA 5523F 6/08Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) P/N 802300-14The AVOX Systems PBE is designed to provide breathing protection for a minimum duration of15 minutes to aircraft crew members trained in its use. The unit is readily available for use in its sealed storage container. It features a double-layered hood that encloses the entire head. When properly worn, the device can accommodate beards, long hair, and glasses. An integral life support unit, which uses a solid-state oxygen supply, is located at the back of the hood. This device will be shipped with an inner hood made of Teflon®**-coated fiberglass and one of two approved overhood materials: Kynol®*** Fabric or Orange Nomex®IIIA. This device meets the requirements of TSO-C116 and TSO-C99 with an operating altitude of up to 40,000 feet.THE AVOX SYSTEMS PBE IS INTENDED TO BE USED ONLY FOR AVIATION APPLICATIONS. IT IS TO BE USED ONLY BY, OR UNDER, A PILOT OR CREW MEMBER TRAINED THE AVOX SYSTEMS PBE INCLUDES A CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR WHICH PRODUCES OXYGEN AND HEAT WHEN IMPROPER USE OF THIS EQUIPMENT MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. IMPROPER USE INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, USE OTHER THAN IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS AND LABELS PROVIDED WITH IT.SpecificationsType:Semi-Closed CircuitRated Duration:15 Minutes (Minimum)Oxygen Source:Low-Pressure Chemical Oxygen GeneratorWeight:P/N 802300-14As Worn: 3.75 lb. (1.70 kg)With Storage Case: 5.15 lb. (2.34 kg)P/N 802300-14; NSN 4240-01-217-0046,Meets FAA TSO-C116, TSO-C99 Requirementsand FAA Action Notice A8150.2 of 9/1/879.75"x 8.75"x 4.30"(248mm x 222mm x 109mm)•Hood (one of the following):- Teflon®**-Coated Fiberglass Cloth,with Overhood of Kynol®*** Fabric- Freestyle 600 Orange Nomex®IIIA•Housing Assembly: Polysulfone•Scrubber: LiOH and Molecular Sieve•Storage Case: Fire-Retardant Polyethylene(Green)•Generator Relief Valve: 40 psig (Nominal)•Life: 10 Years in Sealed, EvacuatedBarrier Envelope•Maximum Operating Altitude: 40,000 ft.(12,192 m)Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, DE.*** Kynol is a registered trademark of American Kynol Inc., New York, NY.SYSTEM SCHEMATICThe following sequential series of events takes place when the “Pull To Actuate” ring isdisengaged from the unit. Low-pressure oxygen is produced from chemical decompositionwithin the generator. This oxygen is fed to the primary flow nozzle of the venturi, and mixeswith the scrubbed hood gases while inducing flow through the scrubber. The scrubberremoves CO2, excess moisture and particulates, allowing scrubbed hood gases with addedoxygen to flow back to the hood.A IRCRAFT S YSTEMSI N G N O T I C EPBE is shown above in Orange Nomex®IIIAAS9100N180508The AVOX Systems PBE System – Self-Contained, One-Time Use UnitThere are four major operating subsystems:1. A solid-state chemical oxygen supply2. A chemical scrubber for carbon dioxide and water vapor3. A loose-fitting double-layered hood with a supporting head harness and neck seal to enclose the head and provide the respirable environment4. A venturi “pumping” arrangement, powered by the chemical oxygen generator, which recirculates the breathing gas from the hood through the scrubber automatically while adding oxygenThe hood serves as a counter-lung to the user’s respiratory system and surplus gas is vented overboard through a protected relief valve. The PBE is supplied with its own case for safe storage, easy mounting, and accessibility.Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)P/N 802300-14The PBE Device in Flame Retardant Case Part Number 802300-14INSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER 89468-01.This non-functioning device is intended for training of personnel in the use of thefunctional PBE (P/N 802300-14). It features a clear urethane replaceable neck seal (P/N 803150-01) andre-arming device for repeated donning and doffing exercises.For a neoprene replacement neck seal similar to the seal in the PBE, order replacement neck seal (P/N 803767-01). A PBE training DVD is available.The PBE TrainerPart Number 802390-03View Shown:Looking into double-layered hoodClear VisorHead HarnessElastic NeopreneNeck SealLife SupportPackActuation RingReplacement Flame Retardant Case (Green)Part Number 803753-02Donning the AVOX Systems PBE – 6 Simple StepsAbbreviated instructions – Training required before use, per instructions supplied with unit.1.Remove device from storage case.2.Tear off pull-strip and remove device fromplastic protective wrapper.3.Pull actuation ring in direction indicated tostart oxygen flow. Hear the flow noise of oxygen.4.With the sound of oxygen flowing, hold devicewith life support pack away from user.5.Bend forward from waist. Insert chin into hole and pullhood across face and over head.6.While standing upright, pull hood down untilheadband firmly engages forehead. Clear neck seal of obstructions and check neck seal for secure fit.Note:Remove when flow noise stops.PBE is shown above in Orange Nomex ®IIIAPBE is shown here with Overhood of Kynol ®*** FabricTrainer Spare Parts• Storage Bag P/N 10124-00• Neck Seal, Neoprene P/N 803767-01• Neck Seal, Urethane P/N 803150-01• Actuation Ring Assembly P/N 802829-01• Head Harness P/N 802350-03• Reset Tool P/N 10005595。
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Information presented is subject to change as product enhancements are made. Contact ETS Sales Department for current specifications.2/00 - 2k S © 2000 ETS-EMCO REV BUSA:Tel +1.512.835.4684Fax +1.512.835.4729FINLAND:Tel +358.2.8383.300Fax +358.2.8651.233ONLINE:****************1Positioning Controller Test Site HardwareFeatures:l Control for 2 Primary and4 Auxiliary Devicesl SEEK & SCAN Functionsl Automatic Target Overrun Correctionl Element Saving Limit Settingl Fiber Optic Control Linesl IEEE-488.2 I/O Portl Speed Control Model 2090 Positioning ControllerETS-EMCO’s Model 2090 Positioning Controller allows you to synchronize simultaneous movement of two primary ETS-EMCO devices (towers or turn-tables), and on/off operation of up to four auxiliary devices (LISNs, EUTs, etc.).Independent operation of primary devices can be performed manually, by either of the two front panel controls, or remotely, by a separate GPIB address for each device. Fiber optic control lines eliminate RF interference that can be conducted through traditional wire cables.The Model 2090 is designed to maximize the features of ETS-EMCO antenna towers and turntables. See page 4 for information about retrofits to earlier ETS-EMCO models and non-ETS products.Functions The front panel design of the Model 2090features a user-friendly interface which simplifies device control and clearly communicates primary device movement to the operator. T wo separate sets of controls (Device One and Device Two),each with identical displays and functions,are included. Other front panel features include four auxiliary control switches and the Model 2090 power switch.Model 2090A number of useful primary device commands can be performed by the operator. The SEEK function enables the user to reposition a device to a newtarget location and the SCAN command initiates cyclic movement of a device.The CONFIG and LIMIT functions enable the user to program operational parameters and upper/lower or clock-wise/counterclockwise limits for each device. The POSITION and STEP functions work together to control towercross boom and/or turntable positioning.Expanded details of these functions are offered below.SEEK & SC SEEK & SCAN AN SEEK allows a target location to be entered to redirect the device from its current location. Target locations can be automatically incremented/decremented by a given value. The SEEK command is available only through the GPIB. All otherfunctions can be performed from both the GPIB and the front panel. The SCAN key initiates cyclic movement of a device between pre-programmed limits. A cycle is defined as movement from the lower/counterclockwise limit to the upper/clockwise limit and back to the lower/counterclockwise limit. The total numberof cycles is programmable from 1 to 999or an entry of “000” causes the device to scan continuously.C ONFIG & LIMITThe CONFIG (Configuration of Param-eters) and LIMIT keys work together for system set up. The CONFIG function enables the operator to select six operational parameters for both primary devices.The LIMIT keys allow the operator to set upper and lower, or clockwise and counterclockwise limits. The user simplysets the limit by pressing the INCRM orDECRM keys until the desired limit is shown on the display and then selects the ENTER key. T o verify or set thecurrent position of a device undercontrol, the user can press the CURRENT POSITION key.POSITION & STEPThe POSITION and STEP functions work together to manually position the tower cross boom and/or turntable. Four POSITION keys and two STEP keys areavailable to achieve this control. 1981Information presented is subject to change as product enhancements are made. Contact ETS Sales Department for current specifications.2/00 - 2k S © 2000 ETS-EMCO REV BUSA:Tel +1.512.835.4684Fax +1.512.835.4729FINLAND:Tel +358.2.8383.300Fax +358.2.8651.233ONLINE:****************2Front Panel Illustration – Model 2090 Positioning ControllerPOSITION K POSITION Ke e y sl UP / CW UP moves the tower cross boom upward.CW moves the turntable clockwise.l DOWN / CCWDOWN moves the tower cross boom W moves the turntable counterclockwise.l STOP STOP ceases movement of device.l POLARIZATION / FLOTATION/SPEED HOR / UP/ FAST VERT / DN / SLOW On a tower, pressing this button will toggle the tower cross boom between HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL polarization.On an air flotation turntable, pressing this button will toggle the UP (inflation) and DOWN (deflation) of the turntable top. On a two-speed turntable, pressing this button will toggle the speed of the turntablebetween FAST and SLOW. On a variable speed turntable, pressing this button will cycle the SPEED between four presets. The indicator lights will illuminate in a binaryfashion to indicate the current preset speed selection i.e. first preset OFF-OFF, second preset ON-OFF, third preset OFF-ON, fourth preset ON-ON.STEP K STEP Ke e y s l INCINC moves the device up or clockwise.l DEC DEC moves the device down orcounterclockwise.The controller will move the device in the desired direction as long as the key is pressed. The device will stop when thekey is released.L OC OCAL/REMO AL/REMO AL/REMOTE OPER TE OPER TE OPERA A TION The Model 2090 can be operatedmanually from the front panel or remotely via the GPIB port. When the Model 2090 is addressed via the GPIBport, the RMT indicator light will illuminate and the ADDR indicator will flash to show bus activity. Pressing the LOCAL function key allows you to exit the remote mode. When the optionalHand Control Unit (see Options, page 3)is used, all position changes will berecorded and displayed by the Model 2090 Controller.A UXILIAR UXILIARY C Y C Y CONTR ONTR ONTROL OL Four front panel keys are available to control auxiliary devices. While in manual mode, you can activate an auxiliary device by pressing the AUX CONTROL key that corresponds to the auxiliary device port. In remote mode,auxiliary devices can be activated by using the appropriate GPIB command. Thecontrol lines are on/off output only . In order to use these four auxiliary lines, an interface box that will perform a custom function and accept a fiber optic input, is needed. Contact ETS-EMCO Sales for details.FeaturesAutomatic Target Overrun Correction The Model 2090 constantly monitors inertia-induced target overrun. Ifoverrun on turntables or towers occurs, itis identified and tracked. Utilizing a special algorithm, the Model 2090continually adjusts subsequent positionings to minimize overrun,allowing for proper device positioning during tests.Element Saving Limit Setting To prevent damage to antenna elements which may accidentally rotate into the ground plane or ceiling during polariza-tion, the Model 2090 allows you to program two upper and two lower limit settings. These settings allow you to safely maximize antenna scan height ineither horizontal or vertical polarization – especially useful with BiConiLogs TM ,biconicals, log periodics, and otherantennas with protruding elements.Fiber Optic Input/Output LinesThe 2090 features fiber optic controllines to eliminate conducted noise. Eachprimary device cable contains two fiberInformation presented is subject to change as product enhancements are made. Contact ETS Sales Department for current specifications.2/00 - 2k S © 2000 ETS-EMCO REV BUSA:Tel +1.512.835.4684Fax +1.512.835.4729FINLAND:Tel +358.2.8383.300Fax +358.2.8651.233ONLINE:****************2090115/230 VAC 1 2 A 250 VAC Time Delay 8 fiber optic connectors.50/60 Hz IEEE-488.2 connector.IEC 320 power inlet.Fuse holder.MODEL WIDTH DEPTH 2HEIGHT WEIGHT Physical SpecificationsElectrical SpecificationsMODEL POWER FUSE BACK PANEL I/032090 43.8cm 34.3cm 13.3cm 4.5kg 17.3in 13.5in 5.3in 10.0lb 2 Excluding handlesoptic lines (transmit/receive). Auxiliary device lines are output only. Reliable and easy-to-use ST connectors are standard.GPIB The General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) complies with IEEE 488.1/488.2standards. All front panel functions can be exercised using GPIB commands while in the remote mode. GPIB com-mands are backward compatible with ETS-EMCO Model 1050, 1060 and 1090Controllers, simplifying upgrades to the new model. Model 1050 and 1060commands are compatible with Hewlett Packard's Model HP 85876A Commercial Radiated EMI Measurement Software and Rohde & Schwarz Model ES-KI EMI Measurement & Evaluation Software.S p eed C eed Con on ontr tr trol ol Users whose test facilities include a two-speed turntable will find the Model 2090positioning controller well suited to their needs. The unit ’s SLOW control activates the turntable ’s lower speed drive. The FAST control activates the turntable ’s higher speed drive. The controller can be used for speed-control with ETS-EMCO turntables that feature dual speeds andother brands of two-speed turntables.Memory All settings in the Model 2090 are savedwhen the unit is turned off, allowing for easy set-up when testing is interrupted and returned to later.Precise Resolution Display accuracy on the Model 2090 is highly precise. The unit offers position readout increments of 1 mm for towersand 0.1 degree for turntables.Universal Power SupplyThe positioning controller has a conve-nient built-in auto ranging feature that automatically senses supply voltage. Any AC power source input within the range of 115/230 V AC, 50/60 Hz can be used.Rack Mounting For convenience, the Model 2090 is standard rack width and 3U rack size.Standard Configuration l Controller assembly l IEC 320 power cord l Manual OptionsHand Control Unit The Hand Control Unit is designed to manually operate ETS-EMCO antenna towers and turntables. Lightweight and easy to operate, this convenient unit plugs into the motor base of the tower orturntable and enables you to perform simple manual movement of these devices. It works in tandem with ETS-EMCO ’s Model 2090 Controller. Changes in position location made by the HandControl Unit will be recorded and displayed by the Model 2090 Controller.T o order, specify part number 105136.Auxiliary Control UnitThe Auxiliary Control Unit provides a means to remotely open and close contacts via fiber optic cable. These contacts can be used to remotely control power relays or other devices to automate EMC testing. Simplex fiber optic cable connects the output of the Model 2090Aux Control to the input of the Auxiliary Control Unit. The Auxiliary Control Unit is powered by a wall-mount power supply (user-specified 115 V AC or 230V AC at time of order).Additional Fiber Optic CableStandard fiber optic cable length is 10meters. Custom lengths are available.To order, specify part number 708029-m (10 m increments).Fiber Optic FeedthroughBulkhead feedthrough consisting of a wave-guide cutoff for fiber optic cable.To order, specify part number 105120.Rack Mount RailsA rack mount kit can be purchased for mounting the Model 2090 in a rack.To order, specify part number 540037.1 AutoselectInformation presented is subject to change as product enhancements are made. Contact ETS Sales Department for current specifications.2/00 - 2k S © 2000 ETS-EMCO REV BUSA:Tel +1.512.835.4684Fax +1.512.835.4729FINLAND:Tel +358.2.8383.300Fax +358.2.8651.233ONLINE:****************Positioning Controller Upgrade Kits Now your older ETS-EMCO tower and turntable can operate with all of the new command features available with our Model 2090 Positioning Controller. All you need is our Retrofit-Kit and a Model2090 Controller to replace your existing EMCO Model 1050, 1060, 1060C or 1090Controller. Y ou'll be able to control two devices (tower or turntable) and four auxiliary devices at once, plus access theSEEK, SCAN, target overrun, and multiple limit functions. For a thorough description of all Model 2090 features and functions please turn to page one.Note: Bore Sight functions are only available with Model 2071 towers.T o install the Retrofit-Kit, the included interface box is placed in line between the tower/ turntable motor box andcontroller. Existing cables are used between the tower/turntable motor box and the Retrofit-Kit's interface box. Fiber optic cables are connected between the interface box and the new Model 2090Positioning Controller.Retrofit-Kit to replaceModel 1050 or 1060 ControllersPN # 105637Retrofit-Kit to replace Model 1090 ControllerPN # 105797Retrofit-Kit for non-EMCOtowers/turntablesCALL FOR QUOTEAll kits consist of an interface box withpower cord and a 10 meter fiber opticcable.Specifications4OptionslCustom length fiber optic cable l Custom length wire cable l Hand Control Unit(SELECTABLE)Retrofit-Kit 35.6 cm 30.5cm 16.5cm 11.4 kg 115/23050/60for 1050, 106014.0 in12.0in 6.5in 25.2lbMODEL PHYSICAL ELECTRICALWIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT WEIGHT VOLTAGE HzExisting (pre Model 2090)Tower / Turntable Motor BoxExisting Cables (one cable on 1090 kit)New Interface Box New Fiber Optic CableModel 2090 Controller。
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On screen display with digital user controls (8 languages) Mode-switching (TIO mode / standalone monitor mode, switches video / audio / USB input sources) / Back button, Left shift button, Right shift / Brightness button, Selection button / Menu button, Power button Pressing Alt + P on keyboard or pressing Power button positioned on TIO can turn on both TIO and Tiny (only some Tiny support, see compatible list) Two USB 3.0 or two USB 2.0 (when M73 or M53 installed or USB 2.0 connected via USB upstream port), one headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) * The USB ports are only available when a Tiny is istalled or a PC is connected via USB upstream port Side ports offered by installed Tiny (optional) One DisplayPort 1.2 port, one USB upstream port, one power connector Undetachable 3-in-1 cable (Power connecter, USB 3.0 [supports USB 3.0/ USB 2.0], DisplayPort 1.2), only for connecting to Tiny installed (optional) 1.5 watt x1
施耐德LC1N0910M5N Easy TeSys Control 3P 接触器 数据表
Product data sheetCharacteristicsLC1N0910M5NEasy TeSys Control 3P 接触器 (1NO) - AC-3 -<= 440V 9A - 220V 线圈 50Hz主要信息产品系列Easy TeSys 产品系列Easy TeSys Control 产品类型接触器产品短名LC1N接触器应用领域应用于功率因数大于等于0.95的交流负载中应用于无感或微感负载、电阻炉使用类别AC-3 AC-3e AC-1极数3P额定工作电压 [Ue]电源回路: <= 690 V AC 50/60 Hz额定工作电流 [Ie]9 A (当运行温度 <=60 °C) 当运行电压<=<= 440 V AC AC-3对于电源回路 9 A (当运行温度 <=55 °C) 当运行电压<=<= 440 V AC AC-3e对于电源回路 25 A (当运行温度 <=60 °C) 当运行电压<=<= 440 V AC AC-1对于电源回路控制回路电压 [Uc]220 V AC 50 Hz补充信息电动机功率 (kW)2.2 KW 当运行电压<=220...230 V AC 50/60 Hz 4 KW 当运行电压<=380...400 V AC 50/60 Hz 4 KW 当运行电压<=415...440 V AC 50/60 Hz 5.5 KW 当运行电压<=500 V AC 50/60 Hz5.5 KW 当运行电压<=660...690 V AC 50/60 Hz 回路触点类型 3 NO约定发热电流 [Ith]25 A (当运行温度 <=60 °C) 对于电源回路额定接通能力 [Irms]90 A 当运行电压<=380 V AC 对于电源回路 符合 IEC 60947-4-1 140 A AC 对于辅助触点 符合 IEC 60947-5-1额定分断能力72 A 当运行电压<=440 V 对于电源回路 符合 IEC 60947额定短时耐受电流 [Icw]105 A 当运行温度<=40 °C 可持续10 s 对于电源回路 61 A 当运行温度<=40 °C 可持续60 s 对于电源回路 30 A 当运行温度<=40 °C 可持续600 s 对于电源回路与继电器配合使用的熔丝10 A gG 当运行电压<=<= 690 V 配合 1 型, 对于控制回路 符合 IEC 60947-5-1 20 A gG 当运行电压<=<= 690 V 配合 1 型, 对于电源回路平均阻抗 2.5 MΩ - Ith 25 A 50 Hz 对于电源回路每极功耗0.2 W AC-3 1.6 W AC-1额定绝缘电压 [Ui]690 V 符合 IEC 60947-4-1过电压类别III 污染等级3额定冲击耐受电压 [Uimp]6 KV 线圈未连接到电源电路 符合 IEC 60947T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .机械寿命10000000 次电气寿命1400000 次 AC-3150000 次 AC-1250000 次 AC-4控制回路特性AC当50 Hz控制电压限额0.85...1.1 Uc (-5…55 °C 线圈起动 50 Hz0.3...0.6 Uc (-5…55 °C 线圈释放 50 Hz(~50Hz起动)功耗 (VA)95 VA 50 Hz cos phi 0.75 (at 20 °C)(~50Hz吸持)功耗 (VA)8.5 VA 50 Hz cos phi 0.3 (at 20 °C)热消散2…3 W for 控制回路动作时间12...22 ms 闭合过程4...19 ms 打开过程最大操作频率1800 次/小时当60 °C接线能力电源回路: 螺栓紧固 1 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 软线 带接线端子电源回路: 螺栓紧固 2 1…2.5 mm² 电缆类型: 软线 带接线端子电源回路: 螺栓紧固 1 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 硬线 不带接线端子电源回路: 螺栓紧固 2 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 硬线 不带接线端子控制回路: 螺栓紧固 1 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 软线 不带接线端子控制回路: 螺栓紧固 2 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 软线 不带接线端子控制回路: 螺栓紧固 1 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 软线 带接线端子控制回路: 螺栓紧固 2 1…2.5 mm² 电缆类型: 软线 带接线端子控制回路: 螺栓紧固 1 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 硬线 不带接线端子控制回路: 螺栓紧固 2 1…4 mm² 电缆类型: 硬线 不带接线端子紧固扭矩电源回路: 1.2 N.m控制回路: 1.2 N.m辅助触点类型 1 NO最小开关电压17 V 对于控制回路最小开关电流 [Imin]5 MA 对于控制回路绝缘电阻> 10 MΩ 对于控制回路不重迭时间 1.5 Ms 得电 确保NC和NO触电之间1.5 Ms 失电 确保NC和NO触电之间安装方式DIN 导轨安装底板安装环境标准IEC 60947-1EN 60947-1EN 60947-4-1GB 14048.4IEC 60947-4-1产品认证CCCIP 保护等级IP20 符合 IEC 60529防护措施TH (污染等级 3) 符合 IEC 60068周围空气温度-5…55 °C 运行-60…80 °C 存储-20…70 °C (运行在Uc下时)工作海拔3000 m 无降容耐火及耐异常高温能力850 °C 符合 IEC 60695-2-1抗冲击、震动性能抗震性能 触点打开时 (1.5 gn (5...300 Hz))抗震性能 触点闭合时 (3 gn (5...300 Hz))抗冲击性能 触点打开时 (7 gn (11ms))抗冲击性能 触点闭合时 (10 gn (11ms))高度74 Mm宽度45 Mm深度80 Mm净重0.3 Kg包装单位Unit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Height 4.78 CmPackage 1 Width7.43 CmPackage 1 Length8.35 CmPackage 1 Weight342.0 GUnit Type of Package 2S02Number of Units in Package 236Package 2 Height15.0 CmPackage 2 Width30.0 CmPackage 2 Length40.0 CmPackage 2 Weight12.5 KgUnit Type of Package 3PALNumber of Units in Package 3576Package 3 Height60.0 CmPackage 3 Width80.0 CmPackage 3 Length60.0 CmPackage 3 Weight197.042 Kg可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品REACh法规REACh 声明REACh free of SVHC支持欧盟ROHS指令符合欧盟ROHS声明Toxic heavy metal free支持Mercury free支持RoHS exemption information支持中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明环境披露产品环境文件流通资料产品使用寿命终期信息WEEE该产品必须经特定废物回收处理后弃置于欧盟市场,绝不可丢弃于垃圾桶中。
巴斯夫颜料: 1.有机颜料黄:K0940 K0961HD K1090 K1700 K1841 K1994 K2142H K2270...橙:K2920红:K3580 K3790 K3911HD K4165 K4180 K4350 K5011 蓝:K6850 K6902 K6907 K6911D K7090 K7104LW 绿:K8730 K9360 K8740LW 黑:K0090 K00952.无机颜料黄:K1010 K1010FG K1011 K1120FG K1160FG K1630S K1922 K1925 K2001FG K2001 K2011FG K2011 K2017 K2111 K2112FG K2112 橙:K2383 褐:K2595 K2611 K2711 K2795FG红:K2819 K2915 K3023 K3030S K3130S 蓝:K6210 K6310 K6710 K7210 绿:K9110 K9610 K9710 巴斯夫助剂:4050 4050H 5050 5050H...... 汽巴CIBA颜料:黄色:2GLTE 8GN 3GNP BAWP WSR GRP GT-AD HRPA 2RLTS 2RLP 3RLP 2RF WGP橙色:2G TRP GP F2G RA 5R红色:EK RS FP LCB BRN BN G BTR 2030 2028 BP BOC BO 2BY NBSP 2BSP 2B 2BP A3B TR 2020 Y RT-759-D B RT-750-D 4BP B RT-195-D RT-235-D PT 紫色:R RT 891-D GT B蓝色:A3R BLPO BCA BSP 4GNP GBP绿色:GFNP ...... 汽巴助剂:抗氧剂:1010 1076 1098 辅助抗氧剂:1024 168 802 符合抗氧剂:2225 225 215 900 2921 紫外线吸收剂:C81TINUVIN P234 326 327 328 329 光稳定剂:622 770 783 791 944 ..... 美国科美斯颜料:黄色:YM02 YM04 YM05 YM06 YM08 YM10 YM15 YM16橙色:AM11 AM21 红色:MG KP KC DR33 DR32 RM45 PM40 PM42 PM48紫色:RV36 VM43蓝色:BM63 BM64绿色:GM68 GM69黄色:MC72 NC73 MC75橙色:MC91 MC93 MC99....... 科莱恩颜料:黄色:HG HGR HR HR02橙色:H4GL01 GRL 6RL红色:红B 4RF 3B BNP HB HF4B E3B E5B E2G E E01紫色:ER BLP RL蓝色:A4R AV BG绿色:GNX...... 拜耳-朗盛马高列斯(MACROLEX)高性能染料:MACROLEX Flourescent Red G-MACROLEX Flourescent Yellow 10GN溶剂黄160:1MACROLEX Red H-MACROLEX Green G Gran溶剂绿28MACROLEX Red 5B Gran溶剂红52MACROLEX Violet 3R Gran溶剂紫36MACROLEX Orange R Gran溶剂橙107;分散橙47MACROLEX Blue 3R Gran-MACROLEX Red-Violet R Gran分散紫31;分散紫26;溶剂紫59MACROLEX Blue RR Gran溶剂蓝97MACROLEX Yellow 6G Gran溶剂黄179;分散黄201MACROLEX Yellow G Gran分散黄114;分散黄54MACROLEX Red E2G Gran溶剂红179MACROLEX Red G Gran溶剂红111MACROLEX Violet B Gran溶剂紫13MACROLEX Green 5B Gran溶剂绿3MACROLEX Orange 3G Gran溶剂橙60MACROLEX Red EG Gran溶剂红135MACROLEX Y ellow 3G Gran溶剂黄93DIC HCA 苏达山科斯特:颜料助剂...ISK BASF 福禄:钛黄好利得纽碧来群青:5002 5005 5006 5008 EP-19 GP-58 RA-40V-5 V-8 V-10........花王分散剂:EB-G EB-FF ..... 拜耳朗盛--拜耳乐氧化铁颜料:Bayferrox Schwarz/Black ------ 318M 316 360 303T ..... 拜耳-朗盛原装合成酸化铁红-- Bayferrox 222 拜耳原装超细级:Bayferrox Rot/Red ------110M 120M 130M 130BM 140M 160M 180M ...............................Bayferrox Red ----- 4100 4110 4110FM 4120 4125 4130 4130FM 4140 4180 Bayferrox Gelb/Yellow --------- 3905 3910 3920 915 943 3910LVBayferrox Yellow ------ 4905 4905FM 4910 4910FM 4920 4920FM 4960 Bayferrox Brown - 4610 4660 4686 645TBayferrox Schwarz/Black ------ 318M 360 303T。
摩亚羽毛球拍T10详细参数介绍基本参数:材料高强碳素纤维重量4U(80-84g) 3U(85-89g)长度675mm(加长10mm)硬度7.5-8.0(硬)平衡点285±3mm最高承受磅数30磅(13.5公斤)推荐拉线磅数24-28磅(9-11公斤)适合球员类型中、高级型性能特点:1、拍框、拍杆采用了具有极好的操控性能的轻质超高强碳素材料,加强了球拍攻击力及提高了球拍寿命,球拍可承受的拉线磅数高达30磅;2、拍框形状为ISO方型,扩大了拍面的击球甜点区域;3、拍框截面直角处形似流线型飞机翼,以减小风之阻力,加快拍头速度,增加球拍攻击力;4、直径7毫米的超细拍杆,弹性好,防守及进攻的效果极佳;5、拍杆加长10毫米,接球面加大32%,有助于球员伸延其接回球之范围,增强攻击性,发出刁钻短球,达到锐角落点以产生强而有力之高角度杀球;6、外观采用烫金电镀工艺,灯光之下闪闪生辉。
游标卡尺测定中杆直径约7MM,长度为2 2CM,属于加长设计;硬度相对于笔者用拍9900来说稍软。
拍框比较纤细,纵向深度约9. 6MM,3点位置横向宽度约6.5MM,均比9900的10.5MM和6.6MM稍小。
摩亚的网站没有对T10有太多的介绍,只提及拍框与中杆使用碳素为30T、加大后盖与及三通处采用的T-JOINT技术测试球拍:摩亚XENEPOWER T10羽毛球拍空拍质量:86克空拍平衡点:282MM最后质量:91.5克最后平衡点:286MM拉线磅数:26/28磅手胶设置:去底胶单层0.7 MM薄胶交叠2/3使用感受:T10质保磅数为30磅,以笔者习惯使用的26/28来说自然不会成为问题,拉线过程拍框变形很小。
Tesco顶驱设备特点概述I. Tesco采用的永磁、无碳刷、同步电机与普通厂家采用的交流感应电机相比,具有以下特点:1)体积小、重量轻,每台电机仅重395磅(179公斤),是交流感应电机重量的八分之一到十分之一左右。
3) Tesco电机中的转子上无线圈,因此电机产生的热量比交流感应电机要少。
4) Tesco电机中的转子仅83磅重,故电机能以较低的启动电流启动,对电网动力要求较低。
7) Tesco电机为全密闭式,无论电闪雷鸣,刮风下雨均不会受影响。
DatasheetFor complete technical information about this product, including installation instructions, application requirements and guidelines,EU Declaration of Conformity, technical specifications, and accessories, see and search 174868.•Intuitive, icon-based programming with drag-and-drop PC configuration simplifies device setup and management •Two six-amp safety relay outputs, each with three N.O. sets of contacts •Ten inputs, including four that can be used as non-safe outputs•Automatic Terminal Optimization (ATO) can increase the inputs from 10 to up to 14•Industrial Ethernet two-way communication◦256 virtual non-safe status outputs◦80 virtual non-safe inputs (reset, on/off, cancel off-delay, mute enable)•SC-XM3 external drive for fast swap and quick configuration without a PCNote: Configuration software is required.The software is available at /safetycontroller .SC10-2 Features and IndicatorsConnection points are push-in spring clamp connectors.Micro USB & LED4 Safe Inputs & LEDsor4 Non-Safe Outputs & LEDs6 Safe Inputs & LEDs Power & LEDEthernet PortRO1 and RO2 LEDsRelay Output 1 (RO1)• 6 Amps Total 240Vac / 24 Vdc • 3 NO sets of contacts Relay Output 2 (RO2)• 6 Amps Total 240Vac / 24 Vdc • 3 NO sets of contactsFigure 1. Features and IndicatorsSC10-2 SpecificationsPowerVoltage: 24 V dc ±20% (SELV)Current:240 mA maximum, no load (relays on)530 mA maximum, full load (IO1 to IO4 used as auxiliary outputs)Safety Inputs (and Convertible I/O when used as inputs)Input On threshold: > 15 V dc (guaranteed on), 30 V dc maximum Input Off threshold: < 5 V dc and < 2 mA, –3 V dc minimumInput On current: 5 mA typical at 24 V dc, 50 mA peak contact cleaning current at 24 V dcInput lead resistance: 300 Ω maximum (150 Ω per lead)Input requirements for a 4-wire Safety Mat:· Maximum capacity between plates: 0.22 μF 1· Maximum capacity between bottom plate and ground: 0.22 μF 1· Maximum resistance between the 2 input terminals of one plate: 20 ΩConvertible I/OSourcing current: 80 mA maximum (overcurrent protected)Test Pulses: ~1 ms every 25 to 75 ms Automatic Terminal Optimization FeatureUp to three devices connected with user-provided terminal blocks Network InterfaceEthernet 10/100 Base-T/TX, RJ45 modular connector Selectable auto negotiate or manual rate and duplex Auto MDI/MDIX (auto cross)Protocols: EtherNet/IP (with PCCC), Modbus/TCP, and PROFINETData : 256 virtual Status Outputs; fault diagnostic codes and messages;access to fault logSC10-2 Safety ControllerOriginal Document 209715 Rev. D26 April 2019209715Response and Recovery TimesInput to Output Response Time (Input Stop to Output Off): see theConfiguration Summary in the Software, as it can varyInput Recovery Time (Stop to Run): 250 ms typical, 400 ms maximumVirtual Input (Mute Enable and On/Off) Timing: RPI + 200 ms typicalVirtual Input (Manual Reset and Cancel Delay) Timing: see the Instruction Manual for detailsDelay Tolerance±(0.02% + 2 scan times)Safety Outputs3 NO sets of contacts for each output channel (RO1 and RO2). Eachnormally open output is a series connection of contacts from two forced-guided (mechanically linked) relays. RO1 consists of relays K1 and K2. RO2 consists of relays K3 and K4.See the Instruction Manual for output ratings.Operating ConditionsTemperature: 0 °C to +55 °C (+32 °F to +131 °F) (see Temperature Derating graph)Storage Temperature: –30 °C to +65 °C (–22 °F to +149 °F)Humidity: 90% at +50 °C maximum relative humidity (non-condensing) Operating Altitude: 2000 m maximum (6562 ft maximum)Environmental RatingNEMA 1 (IEC IP20), for use inside NEMA 3 (IEC IP54) or better enclosure Mechanical StressShock: 15 g for 11 ms, half sine, 18 shocks total (per IEC 61131-2)Vibration: 3.5 mm occasional / 1.75 mm continuous at 5 Hz to 9 Hz, 1.0 g occasional and 0.5 g continuous at 9 Hz to 150 Hz: all at 10 sweep cycles per axis (per IEC 61131-2)EMCMeets or exceeds all EMC requirements for immunity per IEC61326-3-1:2012 and emissions per CISPR 11:2004 for Group 1, Class A equipmentSafetyCategory 4, PL e (EN ISO 13849)SIL CL 3 (IEC 62061, IEC 61508)Safety RatingsPFH [1/h]: 5.01 × 10-10Proof Test Interval: 20 yearsProduct Performance StandardsSee Standards and Regulations section in the Instruction Manual for a list of industry applicable U.S. and international standardsCertificationsNRGFRequired Overcurrent ProtectionWARNING: Electrical connections must bemade by qualified personnel in accordance withlocal and national electrical codes andregulations.Overcurrent protection is required to be provided by end productapplication per the supplied table.Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via Current Limiting, Class 2 Power Supply.Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced.For additional product support, go to .Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE.This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to:.For patent information, see /patents.SC10-2 Safety Controller© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。
3KC ATC6300 自动转换控制器 设备手册说明书
4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2
ATC6300 的显示页面....................................................................................................30 显示页面说明 ...............................................................................................................30 滚动显示页面 ...............................................................................................................41
ATC6300 自动转换控制器的属性 ..................................................................................15
兼容的西门子 SENTRON 开关设备.................................................................................17
电压控制 ......................................................................................................................22
4 产品描述 .........................................................................................................................................25
Baumer POG 10 增量编码器商品说明书
POG 10Features–TTL output driver for cable length up to 500 m –High resistance to shock and vibrations –EURO flange B10 / solid shaft ø11 mm –Large terminal box, turn by 180°Technical data - electrical ratings Voltage supply 9...30 VDC 5 VDC ±5 %Consumption w/o load ≤100 mA Pulses per revolution 300...5000Phase shift 90° ±20°Duty cycle 40...60 %Reference signal Zero pulse, width 90°Sensing method OpticalOutput frequency ≤120 kHz≤300 kHz (on request)Output signals K1, K2, K0 + inverted Error output (option EMS)Output stages HTL-P (power linedriver) TTL/RS422Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2Emitted interference EN 61000-6-3ApprovalsCE, UL approval / E256710POG 10Technical data - mechanical design Size (flange)ø115 mmShaft typeø11 mm solid shaft Admitted shaft load ≤300 N axial ≤450 N radial FlangeEURO flange B10Protection DIN EN 60529IP 66Operating speed ≤12000 rpm (mechanical)Operating torque typ. 2 Ncm Rotor moment of inertia 212 gcm²MaterialsHousing: aluminium die-cast Shaft: stainless steelOperating temperature-40...+100 °C-25...+100 °C (>3072 pulses per revolution)-50...+100 °C (optional)ResistanceIEC 60068-2-6Vibration 20 g, 10-2000 Hz IEC 60068-2-27 Shock 200 g, 6 ms Corrosion protection IEC 60068-2-52 Salt mist for ambient conditions C4 according to ISO 12944-2Explosion protectionII 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc (gas) II 3 D Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc (dust)Connection Terminal box2x terminal box (with option M)Weight approx.1.9 kg,2.1 kg (with option M)Optional–Function control with EMS–Redundant sensing with two terminal boxes –Second shaft end / Housing foot (B3) –With heating up to -50°CS u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .S u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .POG 10Part number POG10DNMounting type EURO flange B10B3Housing foot B3Voltage supply / signalsI 9...30 VDC / output stage HTL with inverted signals TTL 5 VDC / output stage TTL with inverted signals R 9...30 VDC / output stage TTL with inverted signalsPulse number - see tableOutput signals DN K1, K2, K0Redundant sensingWithout redundant sensingM With redundant sensing (not possible at version with housing foot B3)EMS - Enhanced Monitoring System Without EMS .2With EMSAccessoriesConnectors and cables HEK 8Sensor cable for encoders Mounting accessoriesK 35Spring washer coupling for solid shaft ø6...12 mm K 50Spring washer coupling for solid shaft ø11...16 mm K 60Spring washer coupling for solid shaft ø11...22 mm Diagnostic accessories 11075858Analyzer for encoders HENQ 1100Other pulse numbers on request.Incremental encoder Pulse number 30010002048409650010242500500051212003072Terminal assignmentPOG 10Output signals+UB Voltage supply (for the device); Ground (for the signals); Earth ground (housing)K1; A; A+ Output signal channel 1K1; A; A- Output signal channel 1 invertedK2; B; B+ Output signal channel 2 (offset by 90° tochannel 1)K2; B; B- Output signal channel 2 (offset by 90° tochannel 1) invertedK0; C; R; R+ Zero pulse (reference signal)K0; C; R; R- Zero pulse (reference signal) invertedErr; Err- Error output (option EMS)dnu Do not useTerminal significanceSubjecttomodificationintechnicanddesign.Errorsandomissionsexcepted.S u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .DimensionsPOG 10 - Version with housing foot (B3)POG 10 (POG 10.2, POG 10 M, POG 10.2 M) - Version with Euro flange (B10)POG 10。
430Dimensions are shown forreference purposes only.Dimensions are in inches over(millimeters) unless otherwisespecified.Specifications and availabilitysubject to change.Technical support:Refer to inside back cover. Features•10 amp switching capacity.•UL Class F (155°C) coil insulation system standard.•1 Form A and 1 Form C contact arrangements.•Ideal for domestic appliances, HVAC and security.•Resists high temperature and various chemical solutions.• Immersion cleanable, plastic sealed case available.Coil Data @ 20°CVoltage: 3 to 48VDC.Nominal Power:450 milliwatts.660 milliwatts for 48VDC coil.Coil Temperature Rise: 35C° max, at rated coil voltage.Max. Coil Power: 130% of nominal.Duty Cycle: Continuous.T73 seriesLow Profile, 10 AmpPrinted CircuitBoard RelayMechanical DataTermination: Printed circuit terminals.Enclosure (94V-0 Flammability Ratings):Weight: 0.42 oz. (12g).File E29244File LR48471Initial Insulation ResistanceBetween Mutually Insulated Elements:108 ohms min. @ 500VDC.Ag contact rating.Initial Dielectric StrengthBetween Open Contacts:750VAC 50/60 Hz. (1 minute).Between Coil and Contacts: 2,000VAC 50/60 Hz. (1 minute).Operate Data @ 20°COperate Time: 10 ms (excluding bounce).Release Time: 5 ms (excluding bounce).Environmental DataTemperature Range:Storage: -40°C to +130°C.Operating: -30°C to +80°C.Vibration, Mechanical: 10 to 55 Hz., 1.5mm double amplitudeOperational: 10 to 55 Hz., 1.5mm double amplitude.Shock, Mechanical: 100g min.Operational: 10g min.Operating Humidity:45 to 85% RH.Contact Data @ 20°CArrangements: 1 Form A (SPST-NO) and 1 Form C (SPDT).Material:Silver-cadmium oxide.Max. Switching Rate: 240 ops./min. (no load).30 ops./min. (rated load).Expected Mechanical Life: 10 million operations.Expected Electrical Life:100,000 operations.Minimum Load: 10mA @ 5VDCInitial Contact Resistance: 100 milliohms max. @ 100mA, 6VDC.Contact Ratings @ 20°C with relay properly vented. Remove ventConsult factory for other ratings.Figure 1 - Coil Temperature Rise Operate Time Life Expectancy0. Power (W)Coil Power (W)605040302010Temp.Rise(Deg.)1002Contact Current (A)Operation(x14)10146Note: Graphical data should not be used as a substitute for specific application verification. To be used for estimates only.Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product partnumber. It is recommended that user also seek out the pertinent approvals files ofthe agencies/laboratories and review them to ensure the product meets therequirements for a given application.431Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only.Dimensions are in inches over (millimeters) unless otherwise specified.Specifications and availability subject to change. Technical support:Refer to inside back cover.。
1. Volume +/- (Each press of the bu�on will change the volume by one level).
LED Indicator Light
1. During Charging: Red Led indicates that the headset is being charged.
Long Press the MFB for 3 secs Long Press the MFB for 3.5 secs Long Press the MFB for 6.5 secs Short Press the MFB one �me Short Press the MFB one �me Short Press the MFB for 1 sec Press the MFB twice Short Press the MFB one �me Short Press the MFB one �me Short Press the Volume Up / Down Bu�on Long Press the Volume Up / Down Bu�on
Multiple Device Pairing
1. Your headset is capable of being paired with 2 devices at the same �me.
Pairing with Device #1
1. With the headset turned off, Long press the MFB (About 6 seconds), un�l the headset indicator appears as a flashing red and blue led. The device has entered into a ‘Pairing’ mode. The headset can now be ‘found’ by another Bluetooth enabled device.
3、Trainguard MT轨旁子系统与联锁、ATS 、站台之间存在接口。
4、Trainguard MT与站台之间的接口在WCU_ATP 中实现,并依赖联锁提供接口。
9、Trainguard MT的列车定位功能由车载子系统完成,定位基于三方面信息,分别是连续速度测量、应答器检测、 TDB信息。
13、主信号应答器是安装在主信号机前方的可变应答器,用以支持 ITC 级的运行;它通过LEU连接到一架信号机,根据信号机的显示,向通过该信号机的车载子系统发送 ITC运行授权报文。
15、ATS控制中用于站台轨相关的控制发送给 WCU_ATP ,而用于列车相关的控制发送给 WCU_TTS 。
16、在CTC级,车载子系统通过轨旁ATP 控制PSD的开门。
17、SIMIS PC计算机装载的两套计算机操作系统分别是 Windows系统和Linux系统。
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场、百货公 司等销 售型 态,再扩及 门店加 盟 ,再到 现 今蔚 然成 风的 网络 购物 型 态,商贸流通企 业堪称 最贴 近 市 场 消费趋 势 的行业 。然 而随 着企 业规模 的扩 大,
销 售渠道 的 多样 化 ,商 贸流通企业往 往 面临着信 息杂
乱 , 管理 者 无 从 下 手 管 理 的境 地 。
宣 言 ” 。
082 o1 - wc a. 0 o 年0 wwh e I 1 月 .n1f ib n
TS E CO全 球 公 司事务 及 法务执 行 董 事 L c uy
N vl — of MG 女 士 在 论 坛 后 即 表 示 : ei R l C l e e “ E C0 对 抗 气 候 变 化 的 种 种 举 措 是 行 动 ,也 是 TS 愿景 。从 T S E C0 集 团 层 面 , 我 们 用 了 大 量 的 时 间和资源 来研 究和寻 找节 能减排 的机会 。这些研
鼎捷 软 件 ( 神 州数 码 管理 系统 有 限 公 司 )倾 力打 造 , 原
少 1 % 碳排 放量 ,包括其在 中国的所有 门店及配 O
送 中心 。
积 累多年 管理软件行 业 经验和 长期 潜心研 究商 贸流通 领域 的智 慧结晶。
从 9 代 末 的 商 品 代 理 经销 模 式 开始 ,到 走 向 卖 0年
络销 售的 集成 和完整解决 方案 ,这也预示着 E RP管理
软件 将 与 不 断发 展 的新 型 销 售 形 态 紧 密衔 接 。
与财 富缔造 的各界企 业与权 威专 家共近 3 0人 出席 0 盛会 ,共 同为世 界 环境 问题 研 究 有效 的解 决 方 案, 并 将联 合 推 出 “ 力 墨西 哥 坎 昆峰 会一 I A智库 助 GE
究使得我 们能 够在 剑桥郡 的 R ms y开 出全 球首 a e
家 零碳 超市 。 ” TS E C0 中 国还 宣 布 将 于 明年 在 浙 江 嘉 善 开 出 其 首 家 购 地 自 建 的 低 能 耗 配 送 中心 。 嘉 善 绿 色 配 送 中心 将 比传 统 配 送 中 心 节 省 3 % 能 耗 ,将 成 为 5 TS E C0 实现 集 团 总体 减 碳 目标 的有 机 组 成部 分 。
变 的 真 正 动 力 ,须 由 内而 外 重 新 检 视 企 业 的 营运 流程 ,
3 嘎萋 芦 鐾 誊奄 开 豢 蓄鍪
( 本刊讯 )为助力墨西哥坎 昆峰会 ,为世界 经济 的全面 绿色 发展 启动智库 的杠 杆力 量 ,为世界各 国 在气候 变化 等相 关能源环 境方 面 的合作提供 对策 和 建议 ,国 际绿 色经 济协 会 将于 2 1 0 0年 1 1月 1 9日 在 中国北 京钓鱼 台国宾 馆 隆重举行 “ 全球 绿色 智库
I f r to 实用资讯 n o ma inI
Ne ws要闻
一L 鼎捷易成E P _ - R 破解商贸流通业
( 刊 讯 )完 全 由鼎 捷 软 件 自主 研 发 的 全 面 面 向 商 本 贸流 通领域 的专业 E RP软 件 , 易 成 商 贸流 通 E RP软
T s E co 中 国 宣 布 本 财 年 将 减 少 1 %碳排 放量 0
淘 宝 网 签 订 了合 作 协 议 , 正 式 为 企 业 用 户 提 供 基 于 网
峰会 以 “ 动全 球 绿 色经 济 发展 的智 库 杠杆 、 撬 影响世界未来 经济 的财 富洗 礼”为主题 目标。 届时 ,将有 国 际社会 重要 政界 领导 、全球 顶级
智 库 、全 球 5 0强 CE 及愿 致 力 于 推 动 绿 色 发 展 0 O
( 刊 讯 )来 自 英 国 的 全 球 第 三 大 零 售 商 本
T S 0 在上海举办 了首届 “ EC 气候 变化暨零售业可
持续发展论坛 ” ,宣 布 本 财 年 其 在 中国 的业 务 将 减
件 日前 正式发布 。该软件是 目前 市场上唯 一可 以提 供 全方位 商贸流通领 域信 息化解 决方案 的管理软件 。由
营情况 ,包括 营业状 况、 出货状 况、收款 情况 、财务
情 况、存货 情况 、销 售推 广、销售 数据等 ,有效 帮助 管理者快 速便捷地 进行 管理决 策。鼎捷软件 易成 产品 线专 家张记 荣表 示,商 贸流通业 企业经 营的价值再 也 不仅 限于产 品、设备 、厂 房等 有形 资产 ,品牌 、客 户 关 系、价值链 整合及 经营信息 等无形 资产 ,更是 主导 商 贸型 企业获利 能力 的关键 ,要 掌握并产 生结构化 转
峰 会 暨 全 球 绿 色 财 富 影 响 力 1 0强 揭 晓 盛 典 ” O 。
并 藉 由 I 信 息 技 术 加 以 整 合 企 业 的 前 端 与后 台作 业 , T
信 息化软件将不只是工具 ,更是 未来企业 的竞争利器。 据悉 ,鼎捷软 件 已与 中国 B C网络销售 的最 大平 台 2
针 对商 贸流通行 业特有 的环 节复杂 多样、流通 环 节 多变等 问题 ,鼎捷 软件提 出了 “ 易成” 一体化 解决 方案 。易成商 贸流通 E RP软 件不仅 可以从 渠道 /零售
等 各个通路 和环 节收 集数 据 ,还 可以对这 些采集到 的
数 据 进 行 分 析 和 管 理 ,商 贸 流 通 行 业 的 高层 管 理 者 可 以 通 过 该 软 件 , 多 角 度 、 全 方 位 了 解 到 整 个 公 司 的 运