electrokientic treatment of sludge sewage




品的生产 l 生。另外 ,客户不 需投 资新的设备 ,采 用以往的生产工 序即 可进行 电镀) oT。无氰 电金镀液达到与氰 系金 电镀液 同等 的性 能。 r

2 0 1 0P h i l o s . Ma q 。 2 01 3 , J . N a n o ma t e r . 2 0 1 1 ) 。

日本一公司开始提供 无 电解置换型金 电镀液
田中控股株式会社发布 ,田中贵金属 集团从事电镀业务的 日本电镀工程株式会
社 ( E E J A) 开始 提供不含 氰化物 的无 电解 置换 型金 电镀液 “ L E C T R O L E S S I G S 2 0 2 ( : / ‘ 。 “ L E C T R 0L E S S I G S 2 0 2 0 ” 是 一 种 用
可以从 1 0~3 O 分钟 缩短 为5~1 0 分钟 ,控制析 出的偏差等 。在金 电镀
的膜 厚 方面 ,与 以往 的无 氰 置 换 型 金 电镀 液 相 比 , 由于 速 度 快 、 可 析 出O . 0 3 ~0 . 1 L J m 的金 属 ,所 以 可达 到 能 应 对 半 导体 封 装 基 板 等 相 关产
上 ,金属基底上往往要沉积或涂覆上一
层几百微米厚 的耐高温 的陶瓷涂层 以保 护 内部部件 ,而涂层与基底 之间的界面 粘结性能则 关系到相 关结构和部件 的可 靠性与服役寿命。一旦涂层 与基底 之间 界面开裂 ,涂层剥落 ,暴露在高温下 的 金属基底将很快失效 。因此 ,研 究涂层 与基底之间 的界面粘结性 能、提 高二者 之间 的界面结合强度一直 是工业 应用的 迫切需求。而纳米结构涂层作 为一种 新 型的结构材料 ,由于微结构 ( 晶粒 ) 从 传统 的微米尺度减 小到百 纳米甚 至几十 纳米 ,比界面积急剧增 大 ,展现 出很多

电化学除钙 创新点

电化学除钙 创新点

电化学除钙创新点(中英文实用版)英文文档:Electrochemical Calcium Removal: Innovative PointsCalcium ions (Ca) can be effectively removed from water and other liquids using electrochemical methods.This innovative approach offers several advantages over traditional techniques, such as ease of operation, lower maintenance requirements, and higher efficiency.The key innovative points of electrochemical calcium removal include:1.Non-chemical purification: Unlike traditional water softening methods that involve adding chemicals like sodium chloride, electrochemical calcium removal does not require the addition of chemicals.This makes it a more environmentally friendly and healthier option.2.Reusable electrode materials: The electrodes used in electrochemical calcium removal systems can be made from sustainable and reusable materials, such as graphite or carbon paste.This reduces waste and lowers the overall cost of the purification process.3.Energy-efficient operation: Electrochemical calcium removal systems require minimal energy input, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective choice.The energy efficiency of these systems is attributed to the use of direct current (DC) and the absence of chemical reactions.4.Simplified operation and maintenance: Electrochemical calcium removal systems are relatively easy to operate and maintain.The electrodes require periodic cleaning and replacement, but this can be easily done by the user or a professional technician.5.Wide applicability: Electrochemical calcium removal techniques can be used for various applications, including drinking water purification, industrial process water treatment, and the removal of calcium-containing impurities from beverages and other liquids.6.Customizable design: Electrochemical calcium removal systems can be designed to meet the specific needs of different applications.The size, shape, and material of the electrodes can be customized, allowing for optimal performance and efficiency.In conclusion, electrochemical calcium removal offers a innovative and effective solution for the removal of calcium ions from water and other liquids.Its non-chemical nature, reusable electrode materials, energy efficiency, simplicity, wide applicability, and customizable design make it a promising technique for purification and water treatment applications.中文文档:电化学除钙:创新点电化学方法可以有效地去除水和其他液体中的钙离子(Ca)。



电镀术语解释ABS塑料电镀plastic plating processpH计pH meter 测定溶液pH值的仪器。

螯合剂chelating agent 能与金属离子形成螯合物的物质。

半光亮镍电镀semi-bright nickel plating solution表面活性剂surface active agent(surfactant) 能显着降低界面张力的物质,常用作洗涤剂、乳化剂、润湿剂、分散剂、起泡剂等。

不连续水膜water break 制件表面因污染所引起的不均匀润湿性而使其水膜不连续的现象,这是一种检查清洗程度的方法。

超声波清洗ultrasonic cleaning 用超声波作用于清洗溶液,以更有效地除去制件表面油污及其他杂质的方法。

冲击镀strik plating 在特定的溶液中以高的电流密度,短时间电沉积出金属薄层,以改善随后沉积镀层与基体间结合力的方法。

除氢removal of hydrogen(de-embrittlement) 金属制件在一定温度下加热或采用其他处理方法以驱除金属内部吸收氢的过程。

粗化roughening 用机械法或化学法除去金属制件表面得到微观粗糙,使之由憎液性变为亲液性,以提高镀层与制件表面之间的结合力的一种非导电材料化学镀前处理工艺。

大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion rest 在不同气候区的暴晒场按规定方法进行的一种检验镀层耐大气腐蚀性能的试验。

电镀electroplating 利用电解在制件表面形成均匀、致密、结合良好的金属或合金沉积层的过程。

电镀用阳极anodes for plating电解浸蚀electrolytic pickling 金属制件作为阳极或阴极在电解质溶液中进行电解以清除制件表面氧化物和锈蚀物的过程。

电抛光electropolishing 金属制件在合适的溶液中进行阳极极化处理以使表面平滑、光亮的过程。

电铸electroforming 通过电解使金属沉积在铸模上制造或复制金属制品(能将铸模和金属沉积物分开)的过程。









阳膜只允许通过阳离子,阻挡阴离子通过,阴膜只允许通过阴离子, 阻挡阳离子通过。



在食品及医药工业, 电渗析可用于从有机溶液中去除电解质离子,在乳清脱盐、糖类脱盐和氨基酸精制中应用得都比较胜利。





响[J ].安全与环境学报,2004,4(6):43-45.[7]兰善红,李慧洁,王传路,等.Fe 3+对好氧活性污泥理化特性的影响[J ].中国造纸学报,2015,30(4):18-21.[8]Zhang Wen ,Chen Ling ,Chen Hao ,et al.The effect of Fe 0/Fe 2+/Fe 3+onnitrobenzene degradation in the anaerobic sludge [J ].Journal of Ha ⁃zardous Materials ,2007,143(1/2):57-64.[9]谢芹,江敏,胡成枫,等.罗氏沼虾亲虾越冬池中不同基质上微生物群落多样性分析[J ].微生物学通报,2017,44(2):336-347.[10]Sun Li ,Zuo Wei ,Tian Yu ,et al.Performance and microbial commu ⁃nity analysis of an algal-activated sludge symbiotic system :Effectof activated sludge concentration [J ].Journal of Environmental Sci ⁃ences ,2019,76(2):121-132.[11]王祖忠,王朝阳,张迪骏,等.宁波沿海陆源排污口弓形杆菌属(Arobacter sp.)和梭菌属(Clostridium sp.)的分布特点[J ].海洋与湖沼,2016,47(4):862-868.[12]辛玉峰,曲晓华,袁梦冬,等.一株异养硝化-反硝化不动杆菌的分离鉴定及脱氮活性[J ].微生物学报,2011,51(12):1646-1654.[13]丁炜,朱亮,徐京,等.好氧反硝化菌及其在生物处理与修复中的应用研究进展[J ].应用与环境生物学报,2011,17(6):923-929.[14]赵燕,薛林贵,李琳,等.丛毛单胞菌在环境污染物降解方面的研究进展[J ].微生物学通报,2012,39(10):1471-1478.[15]罗晓,郑向阳,赵丛丛,等.A/O 工艺中污泥浓度对微生物群落结构的影响[J ].中国环境科学,2018,38(1):275-283.———————————[作者简介]严子春(1970—),博士,教授。



电化学脱合金的英文Electrochemical Dealloying: Principles, Applications, and Challenges.Introduction.Electrochemical dealloying is a process that involves the selective removal of one or more constituent metalsfrom a multicomponent metallic alloy by electrochemical means. This process, often referred to as "dealuminization" in the context of aluminum-based alloys, has found widespread applications in materials science, nanotechnology, and energy conversion and storage systems. The primary advantage of electrochemical dealloying lies in its ability to create nanostructured materials with unique physical and chemical properties, such as high surface area, porosity, and conductivity.Principles of Electrochemical Dealloying.The electrochemical dealloying process occurs when an alloy is immersed in an electrolyte solution and apotential is applied between the alloy and a counter-electrode. The applied potential drives the electrochemical reactions at the alloy surface, resulting in thedissolution of one or more constituent metals. The dissolution rate of each metal depends on its electrochemical properties, such as the redox potential and electrochemical activity in the given electrolyte.During the dealloying process, the alloy is typically the anode, and the counter-electrode is the cathode. The anode is connected to the positive terminal of the power source, while the cathode is connected to the negative terminal. When the potential is applied, the alloy begins to dissolve, and the dissolved metal ions migrate towards the cathode. At the cathode, the metal ions are reduced and deposited on the surface, forming a new metal layer.The rate of metal dissolution during electrochemical dealloying is controlled by several factors, including the electrolyte composition, applied potential, temperature,and alloy composition. By optimizing these parameters, researchers can precisely control the morphology, porosity, and composition of the resulting nanostructured materials.Applications of Electrochemical Dealloying.Electrochemical dealloying has found numerous applications in materials science and engineering. Some of the key applications are discussed below:1. Nanoporous Metals: Electrochemical dealloying is widely used to create nanoporous metals with high surface area and porosity. These materials exhibit unique physical and chemical properties that are beneficial in various applications, such as catalysis, sensors, and energy storage.2. Battery Materials: Nanoporous metals produced by electrochemical dealloying have been explored as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The high porosity and surface area of these materials enhance the lithium storage capacity and improve the battery's performance.3. Fuel Cells: Electrochemical dealloying has also been used to create nanostructured catalysts for fuel cells. These catalysts exhibit enhanced activity and durability, which are crucial for efficient fuel cell operation.4. Biomedical Applications: Nanoporous metals produced by electrochemical dealloying have potential applicationsin biomedicine, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, and implant materials. The porous structure of these materials allows for controlled drug release and improved cell adhesion and growth.Challenges and Future Directions.Despite the significant progress made inelectrochemical dealloying, several challenges remain to be addressed. One of the primary challenges is the control of the dealloying process at the nanoscale, as it is crucialfor achieving the desired material properties. Additionally, the development of new electrolytes and optimization of dealloying parameters are ongoing research efforts.Future research in electrochemical dealloying could focus on exploring new alloy systems, optimizing the dealloying process for specific applications, and understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying metal dissolution and nanostructure formation. Furthermore, the integration of electrochemical dealloying with other nanotechnology approaches, such as lithography and templating, could lead to the development of even more advanced materials with tailored properties.Conclusion.Electrochemical dealloying is a powerful technique for creating nanostructured materials with unique physical and chemical properties. Its applications span multiple fields, including materials science, energy conversion and storage, and biomedicine. While significant progress has been madein this field, there are still numerous challenges and opportunities for further research and development. With the advancement of nanotechnology and materials science, electrochemical dealloying holds promise for enabling thecreation of next-generation materials with improved performance and functionality.。

Electrochemical treatment method to reduce voltage

Electrochemical treatment method to reduce voltage

专利名称:Electrochemical treatment method toreduce voltage delay and cell resistance inlithium/silver vanadium oxide cells发明人:Marcus Palazzo,Esther S. Takeuchi,Randolph Leising申请号:US10763945申请日:20040122公开号:US20040151976A1公开日:20040805专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:It is known that reforming implantable defibrillator capacitors at least partially restores and preserves their charging efficiency. An industry-recognized standard is to reform implantable capacitors by pulse discharging the connected electrochemical cell about once every three months throughout the useful life of the medical device. A Li/SVO cell typically powers such devices. The present invention relates to methodologies for significantly minimizing, if not entirely eliminating, the occurrence of voltage delay and irreversible Rdc growth in the about 35% to 70% DOD region by subjecting Li/SVO cells to novel discharge regimes. At the same time, the connected capacitors in the cardiac defibrillator are reformed to maintain them at their rated breakdown voltages.申请人:PALAZZO MARCUS,TAKEUCHI ESTHER S.,LEISING RANDOLPH更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:DEVICE FOR ELECTROLYTICALLY TREATING SEWAGE SLUDGE OR THE LIKE发明人:ISHIGAKI YOSHIMICHI,SUZAKIKAORU,ASADA SHOHEI,MORI SUSUMU申请号:JP28233685申请日:19851216公开号:JPS62140700A公开日:19870624专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To improve the electrolysis efficiency of the titled device by cleaning the surface of an electrode plate when sewage sludge, etc., are electrolytically treated. CONSTITUTION:Many cathodic plates 2 are arranged in an electrolytic cell 1 in parallel, and an anodic plate 3 fixed to a rotating shaft 4 which is supported by the electrolytic cell 1 is provided between the cathodic plates 2 and opposed to the plate 2. A device 6 for cleaning the surface of the electrode plate is furnished on the rotating peripheral part of the cathodic plate 3. Consequently, the surface of the electrode plate is cleaned, and the electrolysis efficiency can be improved. Besides, the fine particles of the sewage sludge, etc., treated by the device is reformed and provided with hydrophobicity, and thereafter the dehydrating property can be improved.申请人:ISHIGAKI KIKO KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。

电解 超声波除油 电泳 环评

电解 超声波除油 电泳 环评

电解超声波除油电泳环评英文回答:Electrolysis, ultrasonic cleaning, electrophoresis, and environmental impact assessment (EIA) are all methods used in various industries for different purposes.Electrolysis is a process that uses an electric current to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. It is commonly used for electroplating, metal refining, and water splitting. In electroplating, a metal object is coated with a thin layer of another metal to enhance its appearance or protect it from corrosion. Metal refining involves the purification of metals using electrolysis. Water splitting is the separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen gases, which can be used as a source of clean energy.Ultrasonic cleaning is a method that uses high-frequency sound waves to remove dirt, grease, and other contaminants from surfaces. It is commonly used inindustries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing. Ultrasonic cleaning is effective in removing stubborn dirt and contaminants from intricate parts orhard-to-reach areas.Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate and analyze molecules based on their size and charge. It is commonly used in molecular biology and biochemistry research. In electrophoresis, an electric field is applied to a gel matrix containing the molecules of interest. The molecules migrate through the gel at different speeds, allowing for their separation and analysis.Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a process used to identify and evaluate the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project or development. It involves the assessment of various factors such as air and water quality, biodiversity, and socio-economic impacts. EIA helps decision-makers to make informed choices by considering the potential environmental consequences of their actions.中文回答:电解、超声波除油、电泳和环评是在不同行业中用于不同目的的方法。



外科电勾清洗流程First and foremost, it is critical to understand the importance of maintaining a clean and sterile environment in the operating room.外科手术室保持清洁和无菌环境的重要性不言而喻,这关乎患者的生命安全。

A thorough cleaning process for surgical instruments such as electrosurgical pencils is essential to prevent cross-contamination and ensure patient safety. 对外科手术器械(如电烙笔)进行彻底的清洗流程至关重要,以避免交叉感染,确保患者的安全。

The cleaning process for electrosurgical pencils involves several steps to effectively remove any organic material, blood, and other debris that may be present on the surface. 电烙笔的清洗流程包括多个步骤,可以有效清除表面上可能存在的任何有机物、血液和其他残留物。

Using enzymatic cleaners and detergents specifically designed for surgical instruments is crucial in ensuring thorough cleaning. 使用专门设计用于外科器械的酶洗涤剂和清洁剂是确保进行彻底清洁的关键。

Furthermore, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and sterilizing electrosurgical pencils to maintain their effectiveness and longevity. 此外,遵循制造商的清洁和灭菌指南对于保持电烙笔的有效性和寿命至关重要。



英汉对照:电镀名词术语、镀覆方法镀前处理和镀后处理1 镀前处理preplating2 镀后处理postplating3 化学抛光chemical polishing4 化学除油alkaline degreasing5 电抛光electropolishing6 电解除油electrolytic degreasing7 电解浸蚀electrolytic pickling8 浸亮bright dipping9 机械抛光mechanical polishing10 有机溶剂除油solvent degreasing11 光亮浸蚀bright pickling12 粗化roughening13 敏化sensitization14 汞齐化amalgamation (blue dip)15 刷光brushing16 乳化除油emulsion degreasing17 除氢removal of hydrogen (de-embrittlement )18 退火annealing19 逆流漂洗countercurrent rinsing20 封闭sealing21 着色能力dyeing power22 退镀stripping23 热扩散thermal diffusion24 热熔hot melting25 着色colouring26 脱色decolorization27 喷丸shot blasting28 喷砂sand blasting29 喷射清洗spray rinsing30 超声波清洗ultrasonic cleaning31 弱浸蚀acid dipping32 强浸蚀pickling33 缎面加212 satin finish34 滚光barrel burnishing35 磨光grinding电镀常用名词术语1 化学腐蚀chemical corrosion2 双电层electric double layer3 双极性电极bipolar electrode4 分散能力throwing power5 分解电压decomposition voltage6 不溶性阳极(惰性阳极) inert anode7 电化学electrochemistry8 电化学极化(活化极化) activation polarization9 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion10 电化当量electrochemical equivalent11 电导率(比电导) conductivity12 电泳electrophoresis13 电动势electromotive force14 钝化电势passivation potential15 腐蚀电势corrosion potential16 电流密度current density17 电流效率current efficiency18 腐蚀速率corrosion rate(vcor),腐蚀电流corrosion current(Icor)19 电极electrode20 电极电势electrode potential21 电解质electrolyte22 电解液electrolytic solution23 电离度degree of ionization24 去极化depolarization25 平衡电极电势equilibrium electrode potential26 正极positive electrode27 负极negative electrode28 阴极cathode29 阴极极化cathodic polarization30 阴极性镀层cathodic coating31 阳极anode32 阳极泥anode slime33 阳极极化anodic polarization34 阳极性镀层anodic coating35 迁移数transport number36 超电势overpotential37 扩散层diffusion layer38 杂散电流stray current39 导电盐conducting salt40 体积电流密度volume current density41 沉积速率deposition rate42 初次电流分布primary current distribution43 局部腐蚀local corrosion44 极化polarization45 极化度polarizability46 极化曲线polarization curve47 极间距Interelectrode distance48 乳化emulsification49 应力腐蚀stress corrosion50 析气gassing51 活化activation52 活度activity53 标准电极电势standard electrode potential54 浓差极化concentration polarization55 钝化passivation56 点腐蚀spot corrosion57 配位化合物complex compound58 复盐double salt59 氢脆hydrogen embrittlement60 渗氢seepage hydrogen61 界面张力interracial tension62 临界电流密度critical current density63 半电池half-cell64 原电池galvanic cell65 盐桥salt bridge66 pH值pH value67 基体材料basis material(substrate)68 辅助阳极auxiliary anode69 辅助阴极auxiliary cathode70 接触电势contact potential71 晶间腐蚀intercrystalline corrosion72 溶度积solubility product73 溶解度solubility74 微观覆盖能力microcovering power75 槽电压tank voltage76 静态电极电势static electrode potential77 螯合物chelate compound78 整平作用1eveling action79 覆盖能力covering power80 主要表面signiflcant surface81 冲击电流striking current镀覆方法1 化学气相沉积chemical vapor deposition2 物理气才目沉积physical vapor deposition3 化学钝化chemical passivation4 化学氧化chemical oxidation5 阳极氧化anodizing6 化学镀(自催化镀) autocalytic plating7 激光电镀1aser electroplating8 闪镀flash(flash plate)9 电镀electroplating10 机械镀mechanical plating11 浸镀immersion plate12 电铸electroforming13 叠力口电流电镀superimposed current electroplating14 光亮电镀bright plating15 合金电镀alloy plating16 多层电镀multiplayer plating17 冲击镀strike plating18 金属电沉积metal electrodeposition19 刷镀brush plating20 周期转向电镀periodic reverse plating21 转化膜conversion coating22 挂镀rack plating23 复合电镀(弥散电镀) composite plating24 脉冲电镀pulse plating25 钢铁发蓝(钢铁化学氧化) blueing (chemical oxide)26 高速电镀high speed electrodeposion27 滚镀barrel plating28 塑料电镀plating on plastics29 磷化phosphating材料和设备1 水的软化softening of water2 汇流排busbar3 阳极袋anode bag4 光亮剂brightening agent (brightener)5 助滤剂filteraid6 阻化剂inhibitor7 表面活性剂surface active agent(surfactant)8 乳化剂emulsifying agent(emulsifier)9 配位剂complexant10 绝缘层insulated layer(resist)11 挂具(夹具) plating rack12 润湿剂wetting agent13 离心干燥机centrifuge14 添加剂addition agent(additive)15 缓冲剂buffer16 移动阴极swept cathode17 隔膜diaphragm18 整合剂chelating agent19 整平剂leveling agent20 整流器rectifier测试和检验1 大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion test2 中性盐雾试验(NSS试验) neutral salt spray test(NSS-test)3 不连续水膜water break4 pH计pH meter5 孔隙率porosity6 内应力internal stress7 电导仪conductivity gauge8 库仑计(电量计) coulomb meter9 旋转圆盘电极rotating disk electrode10 旋转环盘电极rotating ring disk electrode11 针孔pores12 铜加速盐雾试验(CASS试验) copper accelerated salt spray (CASS test ).13 参比电极reference electrode14 甘汞电极calomel electrode15 可焊性solder ability16 硬度hardness17 金属变色tarnish18 点滴腐蚀试验dropping corrosion test19 玻璃电极glass electode20 结合力adhesion21 哈林槽Haring cell22 恒电势法potentiostatic method23 恒电流法galvanostatic method24 交流电流法a.c method25 树枝状结晶trees26 脆性brittleness27 起皮peeling28 起泡blister29 剥离spalling30 桔皮orange peel。

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Electrokinetic enhancement removal of heavy metals fromindustrial wastewater sludgeChing Yuana,*,Chih-Huang WengbaDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering,National University of Kaohsiung,No.700,Kaohsiung University Road,Nan-Tzu District,Kaohsiung City 811,Taiwan,ROCbDepartment of Civil and Ecology Engineering,I-Shou University,No.1,Sec.1,Hsueh-Cheng Road,Ta-Hsu Hsiang,Kaohsiung County 840,Taiwan,ROCReceived 17June 2005;received in revised form 20February 2006;accepted 20February 2006AbstractAn enhanced electrokinetic process for removal of metals (Cr,Cu,Fe,Ni,Pb,Zn)from an industrial wastewater sludge was per-formed.The electrokinetic experiments were conducted under a constant potential gradient (1.25V cm À1)with processing fluids of tap water (TW),sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)and citric acid (CA)for 5days.Results showed that metal removal efficiency of heavy metals for EK-TW,EK-SDS and EK-CA systems are 11.2–60.0%,37.2–76.5%,and 43.4–78.0%,respectively.A highest metal removal performance was found in EK-CA system.The removal priority of investigated metals from sludge by EK process was found as:Cu >Pb >Ni >Fe >Zn >Cr.The results of sequential extraction analysis revealed that the binding forms of heavy metals with sludge after electrokinetic process were highly depend upon the processing fluid operated.It was found that the binding forms of metals with sludge were changed from the more difficult extraction type (residual and sulfate fractions)to easier extraction types (exchangeable,sorbed,and organic fraction)after treatment by electrokinetic process.Results imply that if a proper treatment technology is followed by this EK process to remove metals more effectively,this treated sludge will be more beneficial for sludge utilization afterwards.Before it was reused,the risk associated with metals of more mobile forms to the environment need to be further investigated.The cost analysis was also evaluated for the investigated electrokinetic systems.Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Citric acid;Electrokinetic process;Heavy metal;Sludge;Surfactant1.IntroductionSludge derived from industrial wastewater treatment process generally accumulates appreciable amounts of met-als,such as cadmium,chromium copper,lead,nickel,and zinc.The toxicity of metal in the environments is critically dependent on its chemical forms.The principal forms of metal in the sludge are normally associated with soluble,precipitated,and co-precipitated oxides,adsorbed,and biological residues (Alibhai et al.,1985).The identification of metal forms in the sludge can be divided into exchange-able,sorbed,organic carbonate,and sulfide fractions by sequential extraction procedure (Oake et al.,1984;David-son et al.,1994).It has been caused considerable attention for heavy metal-laden sludge due to the high desire for environmentally safe and effective disposal/reuse.Once the metals are included in the ecological cycle,it can cause chronic illness due to metal accumulation in the bodies of living organisms (Sengupta,1999).Hence,removal of heavy metal from industrial sludge before disposal/reuse is a necessary step to achieve a sustainable sludge treat-ment.A process optimization for metal-laden sludge treat-ment should achieve two goals:(1)effectively remove heavy metals from sludge,and (2)potently convert the binding form of metals with sludge to an easier extractable form for further treatment.0045-6535/$-see front matter Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.02.050*Corresponding author.Tel.:+88675919178;fax:+88675919376.E-mail address:caroline@.tw (C.Yuan)./locate/chemosphereChemosphere xxx (2006)xxx–xxxThe electrokinetic(EK)process has been demonstrated to be successful and cost-effective in removing inorganic contaminants from soil in many bench-andfield-scale studies(Acar and Alshawabkeh,1993;Kim and Kim, 2001;Virkutyte et al.,2002;Gent et al.,2004;Altin and Degirmenci,2005).Few researches were found for metals removal from sludge by electrokinetic process(Kim et al., 2002).This process involves the application of an electrical field across a porous medium(sludge)to induce the move-ment of electrolyte solution and the transport of soluble contaminants toward the electrodes.As the EK process starts,the movement of H+ions generated from electroly-sis of H2O at the anode advances through sludge mass and toward the cathode,also the migration of charged ions is toward the opposite electrodes.Removal of contaminants from porous media by EK process is accomplished by the mechanisms of electrolysis of water,electroosmosis,elec-trophoresis and electromigration(Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1993).The electromigration,electroosmosis,and electro-phoresis are the principal mechanisms responsible for the electrokinetic removal of metals from sludge and soils for neutral and charged processingfluid(Acar and Als-hawabkeh,1993;Puppala et al.,1997;Kim et al.,2002). During electrokinetic process,the contaminants migration in the soil is simultaneously achieved by phenomena such as sorption/desorption,precipitation,and dissolution (Puppala et al.,1997).Among the mechanisms investi-gated,electrolysis of water caused the pH around the cath-ode areas rises to greater than11,whereas around the anode area it falls to below2(Reddy and Shirani,1997; Weng and Yuan,2001;Altin and Degirmenci,2005).Con-sequently,the movement of contaminants in the cathode areas is hindered by precipitation,whereas they are acceler-ated due to dissolution and desorption reactions in the anode area(Weng and Yuan,2001).To enhance the reme-diation efficiency of this process,acid solutions including citric acid,acetic acid or complexing substances such as ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid(EDTA)were added in the EK systems(Yang and Lin,1998;Altin and Degirm-enci,2005).Also,to overcome the decrease of current den-sity resulted from using acid electrolyte,an ion charge membrane was used to assist electrokinetic performance (Kim et al.,2005).However,the high operation cost might become a major drawback in application.Surfactants have been mostly used as additives in phase separation processes for remediation of organic com-pounds contaminated soil because its asymmetric structure will enhance the aqueous solubility and mobility of the organic compounds(Brown et al.,1999;Harwell et al., 1999;Chu and Kwan,2003).As such,several researches reported enhanced electrokinetic remediation efficiency of hydrophobic organic compounds in soil by introducing surfactant recently(Reddy and Saichek,2003;She et al., 2003;Yuan and Weng,2004).Moreover,researches were shown that the surfactant could be used to enhance the heavy metals desorption from soil and sludge(Doong et al.,1998;Mulligan et al.,2001).It might largely because of the hydrogen bonding and electrostatic forces between surfactants and metals.The free cations will also be precip-itated with anionic surfactant monomers and separated from the aqueous phase(Stellner and Scamehorn,1989; Jafvert and Heath,1991).Thereby,Sawada et al.(2003) used humic acid,which possessed surfactant characteris-tics,to enhance the amount of Cu(OH)2removed from soils three times larger than those in the absence of humic acid.It might result from the alteration of soil surface properties by humic acid.Kaya and Yukselen(2005)were reported that the zeta potential of soils was decreased by anionic surfactant in EK process,which was essential to prevent precipitation of heavy metals and surfactant during the treatment and improve remediation efficiency.Those results were just displayed an initial view point of surfac-tant application in electrokinetic removal of metals.How-ever,few literatures were found to deeply investigate the electrokinetic removal of metals by surfactant in soil,not even to say in sludge.This objective of this study was to investigate the enhancement of electrokinetic removal of a metal-laden sludge with two types of processingfluid(surfactant and acid solution).A sequential extraction procedure was per-formed to determine the binding forms of heavy metal with sludge and cost analysis was also evaluated.2.Materials and methods2.1.Sludge sampleThe sludge sample was collected right after a belt press dewatering machine from an industrial wastewater treat-ment plant in southern Taiwan.The basic properties of this sludge sample are summarized in Table1.The moisture content of sludge was69.7%,which was determined by the lost weight fraction at a temperature of105°C for over-night.The ash content was14.4%,which was determined as the residual fraction after combusted in furnace at 800±50°C.The organic content was50.1%,which was determined as the lost fraction at a temperature of430°C. The metal content in the sludge was determined by wet extraction method.Sludge sample(2g)was digested with 20ml of HNO3/HCl solution(1:3,v/v)in a250ml Teflon beaker at95°C for4h.The concentration of Cr,Cu,Fe, Ni,Pb,and Zn in the digested solution was analyzed by means of atomic emission spectrophotometer with induc-tively coupled plasma source(ICP,Perkin Elmer Optima 2000DV,USA)at a wavelength of268,324,260,463, 220,and428nm,respectively.As shown in Table1,up to 53000mg kgÀ1was found for Fe in sludge and a concentra-tion range of2400–15000mg kgÀ1was found for other metals.2.2.ProcessingfluidsSodium dodecylsulfate(SDS)and citric acid were selected as the tested processingfluids in this study.The2 C.Yuan,C.-H.Weng/Chemosphere xxx(2006)xxx–xxxconcentrations of SDS and citric acid were0.024M,and 0.4M for EK experiments,respectively,which was calcu-lated as3.0times of critical micelle concentration of SDS and1.4times of equivalents of metals involved(except Fe).The SDS is an anionic surfactant with a dodecyl group in the hydrophobic moieties and a sulfate group in the hydrophilic moieties,which is characterized as binding counterions on the micelle’s surface.Since SDS is biode-gradable by soil and/or aquatic microorganisms(Swisher, 1970),it is friendly used for subsurface remediation.Citric acid is an effective metal complexing regent and it performs a low pH environment in solution.As a consequence,metal precipitation would be hindered and dissolution reaction is become dominant.The other professingfluid was tapwater,which mainly consists of anions of SO2À4and ClÀas well as cations of Ca2+and Mg2+.The equivalent of anions and cations in tap water were2.26meq,respec-tively,which was followed charge balance relationship. The properties of processingfluids are summarized in Table1.2.3.Sequential extractionTo determine the binding forms of heavy metals with sludge before/after EK treatment,a sequential extraction procedure followed after Oake et al.(1984)was conducted in this research.Five solutions of1.0M KNO3,0.5M KF, 1.0M Na2P2O7,0.1M Na2EDTA,and6.0N HNO3were used in the extraction to representfive types of metal bind-ing:exchangeable,sorbed,organic,carbonate,and sulfate, respectively.The difference between the quantity of metal recovered by the sequential extraction and total metals concentration determined by HNO3/HCl digestion method (TEPA,2001)was defined as residual fraction.2.4.EK experimentsThe EK experiments were conducted in an acrylic cell (Fig.1)of4.2cm(u)·22cm(L),consisting of three com-partments:cathode reservoir(5cm in length),anode reser-voir(5cm in length),and sludge specimen chamber (12cm in length).Afiberglassfilter paper(0.45l m,Table1Characteristics of experimental materialsI.SludgeCharacteristics Values Metal contents Values(mg kgÀ1) Moisture content(%)69.7Cr6600Ash(%)14.4Cu4600 Combustible(%)15.9Fe53000 Organics(%)50.1Ni2500pH 6.82Pb10500Zn15100II.Tap waterAnions Values(meq)Cations Values(meq)SO2À41.14Ca2+ 1.32ClÀ 1.06Mg2+0.61NOÀ30.06Na+0.30K+0.03Total 2.26Total 2.26pH7.79III.SDS and citric acidCharacteristics Sodium dodecyl sulfate a(SDS)Citric acid aCharge Anionic surfactant NeutralFormula C12H25SO4Na C6H8O7ÆH2OMolecular weight(g/mol)288210cmc(mM)8.0–pH7.70 2.45Hydrophile–lipophile balance40–Water solubility10%in water Complete miscibleCompany Sigma,USA Nihon Shiyaku Industries Ltd.,JapanC.Yuan,C.-H.Weng/Chemosphere xxx(2006)xxx–xxx347mm,GS25,Advantec,Japan)was used to separate the sludge from processingfluid at each end of the cell.Two sets of graphite rod electrodes(0.64cm in diameter,AGKSP, Union Carbon Co.,USA)were installed at each side of sludge specimen and right behind thefilters.The processing fluid was initially placed into both anode and cathode reser-voirs and replenished in the anode reservoir every half day. Three EK experiments were repeated two times under a constant potential gradient of1.25V cmÀ1for5d with tap water,SDS,and citric acid as processingfluids,respec-tively.The electric current,reservoir pH,concentrations of heavy metals,and the quantity of electroosmosticflow were monitored during the test periods.After EK treatment,the sludge specimen was removed from the cell and sectioned equally intofive segments.Sludge pH and residual metal profiles along the sludge specimen with sequential extrac-tion procedure were determined at the end of each test. 3.Results and discussionThe experimental results are summarized in Table2and further discussed in the following sections.3.1.Electroosmosis permeabilityIn EK process,the movement of electrolyte solution dri-ven by an electricalfield is considered to be the major mechanism leading to the removal of metals from the sludge,which carries the removed metals toward the elec-trodes.The movement of electrolyte solution,i.e.,electro-osmoticflow,Q e(ml dÀ1),for a cylindrical soil core is directly proportional to the applied electric potential gradi-ent,i e(V cmÀ1):Qe¼K eÁi eÁAð1Þwhere A(cm2)is cross-section area of soil core and K e (cm2VÀ1sÀ1)is electroosmosis permeability.The experi-mental results showed that the direction of electroosmotic flow was from anode side toward cathode side.It was ob-served that the amount of electroosmoticflow was in-creased quickly in thefirst3-day and however sharply decreased in the latter.The total electroosmoticflow was 57.5,78.0,62.0ml for EK-TW,EK-SDS,and EK-CA sys-tems,respectively(Table2).The result implied that EO permeability in the initial treatment period was high,and then it was lowed in the later owing to the clogging of soil pore by metal oxide precipitations.After EK treatment,the K e values calculated according to Eq.(1)are listed in Table 2.A relatively higher electroosmosticflow was found in the EK-SDS system(K e=1.0·10À5cm2VÀ1sÀ1),which was in agreement with Shapiro and Probstein(1993)and Lang-eman(1994).The rather high K e value can be attributed to the micelle formation of SDS.A similar K e values of7.7·10À6cm2VÀ1sÀ1and8.3·10À6cm2VÀ1sÀ1were found in tap water system(EK-TW)and citric acid system (EK-CA),respectively.3.2.Reservoir/sludge pHs and current densityThe cathode reservoir pHs were about9.8–12.0in both EK-SDS and EK-TW systems,whereas2.0–2.5for EK-CA system.And the pHs in anode reservoir were about1.5–2.5 for all EK systems.These values were in good agreement with thefinding of many EK studies(Alshawabkeh et al., 1999;Yang and Long,1999;Weng and Yuan,2001;Weng et al.,2003)and this variation of reservoir pH is attributed to the electrolysis of water.In EK-CA system,the cathode reservoir pH was not affected by OHÀdue to strong acidity of citric acid.The generation of H+and OHÀunder an applied elec-tricfield will result in movement of acid and basic fronts in EK cell and will change the sludge pH drastically during EK process(Kim et al.,2002;Reddy and Chinthamreddy, 2003).The sludge pH profiles along EK cell for three EK systems are shown in Fig.2a.The acid front generated at anode reservoirflushed across the sludge specimen,conse-quently lowering the sludge pH value from6.8to2.1–5.9in the anode area for all cases.At the cathode side,the migra-tion of OHÀadvances toward the anode and the concentra-tion differences of OHÀbetween the reservoirs and sludge would make the sludge pH hardly decrease even though the H+ion was continuously swept into this region.The result indicates that sludge pHs near the cathode were around7.8–8.2for EK-SDS and EK-TW systems.How-ever,in EK-CA system,the sludge pH near cathode was still as low as2.5due to relatively low pH value in the res-ervoirs.Virkutyte et al.(2002)reported that the metal-hydroxide precipitation was at a minimum level if the pH value is below4.5.It appears that would be active across the whole EK cell in EK-CA system,whereas such reactionTable2Experimental results of EK systemsSystem a Processingfluid b K e(cm2VÀ1sÀ1)Electroosmoticflow rate(ml)Total powerconsumption(kWh tonÀ1)Metal removal efficiency c(%)Cr Cu Fe Ni Pb ZnEK-TW Tap water7.7·10À657.512229(1.0)35(1.0)19(1.0)60(1.0)11(1.0)21(1.0) EK-SDS SDS(0.024M) 1.0·10À578.014040(1.4)41(1.2)39(2.1)77(1.3)51(4.6)37(1.8) EK-CA Citric acid(0.4M)8.3·10À662.015553(1.8)43(1.2)60(3.2)78(1.3)59(5.4)67(3.2)a All EK systems were operated under a constant potential gradient of1.25V cmÀ1for5d.b Concentration of SDS=cmc of SDS·3.0;Concentration of citric acid=equivalents of metals involved(except Fe)·1.4.c The value in the parentheses is the ratio of metal removed in EK systems compared to that in EK-TW system.4 C.Yuan,C.-H.Weng/Chemosphere xxx(2006)xxx–xxxwould only be active near the anode area in both EK-TW and EK-SDS systems.Fig.2b shows the results of current density as a function of time.At the beginning of the test,the current density was high for each system and it decreased thereafter.As shown,after a3-day treatment,it decreased to a stable range of0.32–0.36mA cmÀ2and maintained for the rest of treatment time.This might result from clogging of soil pores by metal oxides precipitation.3.3.Heavy metals removalAs seen in Table2,the removal efficiency of metals were in the range of11–60%,37–77%,and43–78%for EK-TW, EK-SDS and EK-CA systems,respectively.A removal effi-ciency of50%or more was found for Zn in EK-TW system, Ni and Pb in EK-SDS system,and Cr,Fe,Ni,Pb,and Zn in EK-CA system.Moreover,the results were also indi-cated that0.11mol metals was removed from EK-CA sys-tem totally,which was equivalent to1.5and2.8times larger than that from EK-SDS and EK-TW systems, respectively.Thereby,citric acid can be considered as a rel-ative better processingfluid operated for metal removal in this research.As seen in Fig.2a,in EK-CA system,since the cathode solution was apparently neutralized by citric acid regardless of electrolytic reaction that could generate OHÀion,a lower sludge pH was found throughout the EK cell.Such a phenomenon resulted in avoiding genera-tion and transport of high concentration of OHÀions into soils and to enhance electrodeposition of metals(Puppala et al.,1997;Gent et al.,2004).In other words,the citric acid can be treated as electrode conditioning to enhance metal removal.Among the metals,nickel was the easiest removal metal, while Pb,Zn and Cu were the most difficult to be removed in EK-TW,EK-SDS,and EK-CA systems,respectively. The removal efficiency of Fe for EK-SDS and EK-CA sys-tems were around39–60%.However,high Fe removal is not beneficial for land utilization because Fe is an essential element for plant growth.It was indicated that the binding capacity of SDS with Pb was1.6times greater than Cu (Yuan,1999).In such a case,a relatively higher removal efficiency enhancement for Pb(4.6–5.4times)was found in EK-SDS and EK-CA systems as compared with EK-TW system.Although the K e value in EK-CA system was less than EK-SDS system,the metal removal performance of EK-CA system was actually better than EK-SDS sys-tem.It might result from the easier formation of free metal ion and citric–metal complex ions at low pH environment in EK-CA system.The residual fraction profiles of metals along the EK cell are shown in Fig.3.It was expected that a higher potential gradient will push concentration front of metals more toward to cathode end.As such,an accumulated phenom-enon would occur in a lower potential gradient system.A concentration accumulation of metals was most noted in the second section of soil specimen in EK-TW system (Fig.3a),which was at the position of0.3of normalized distance from anode to cathode along the soil chamber. This implied that the potential gradient was not high enough to carry metals out.However,such accumulation phenomenon can be dwindled by application of processing fluid rather than increasing potential gradient.As shown in EK-SDS system(Fig.3b)and EK-CA system(Fig.3c),the residual concentration was more evenly distributed along the EK cell.Due to the binding characteristics of SDS with metals and low electroosmotic resistance resulted from cit-ric acid,more metals were removed from sludge.3.4.The binding form of metals with sludge determined by sequential extractionResults of sequential extraction of heavy metals in sludge before/after EK treatment are plotted in Fig.4.A highest faction of50–96%were performed as residual form in raw sludge and a fraction of less10%was determined for most other binding forms,the weaker ones,for all heavy metals. This implied that the heavy metals were difficult to be extracted from sludge.As shown in EK-TW system,the fractions of residual form were decreased,except for Pb and Zn.Among otherfive binding forms,the organic frac-tion was largely increased as compared to that in raw sludge,such as63%for Cu and24%for Fe,which was approximately equivalent to10and60times greater than raw sludge.In EK-SDS system,the residual fractions wereC.Yuan,C.-H.Weng/Chemosphere xxx(2006)xxx–xxx5decreased as compared to EK-TW system for all metals and,furthermore,less than 5%was found for Cu,Ni,and Pb.It was also found that the major binding form of heavy metals in sludge was shifted from residual to organic and sorbed after EK-SDS system treatment.A similar phenom-enon was also observed in EK-CA system,whereas,it was surprised to see that the exchangeable fraction was 6.1–66.7times greater than that in raw sludge and it became the major binding form of metals in sludge.It might largely resulted from the lowest sludge pH (Fig.2a)in EK-CA sys-tem and,consequently,the metal ions were desorbed from sludge and removed by electromigration to the cathode end.It reveals that the binding types of metals with sludge were changed from a more difficult extraction type (residual and sulfate fractions)to easier extraction types (exchange-able,sorbed,and organic fraction)by EK process.If a proper treatment technology is followed by this EK process to remove metals more effectively,this treated sludge will be more beneficial for sludge utilization afterwards.Before it is reused,the risk associated with metals of more mobile forms to the environment need to be further investigated.It was also concluded that the binding form of heavymetalsFig.3.The residual profiles of heavy metals in (a)EK-tap water system;(b)EK-SDS system;and (c)EK-citric acid system,respectively.6C.Yuan,C.-H.Weng /Chemosphere xxx (2006)xxx–xxxwith sludge after EK process would be highly dependent upon the processing fluid applied.Among these metals,a highest residual fraction (88–96%)was found for chromium in sludge both before and after treated by EK process.There was no signifi-cance effect on binding form alteration of Cr in three EK systems,whereas it showed a significant impact on other five metals.For Zn,the organic and exchanged forms increased sharply to 38%and 46%in EK-SDS and EK-CA system,respectively.Similarly,the major binding form after treatment was changed to organic form in EK-TW and EK-SDS systems and exchangeable form in EK-CA system.For Ni,Pb,and Cu,the sorbed form also became one of the major existed binding forms with sludge.From Fig.4,it was found that the removal priority of investigated metal form sludge by EK process was:Cu >Pb >Ni >Fe >Zn >Cr.This might be largely related to the ion mobility of metals.3.5.Cost analysisAccording to Ho et al.(1997),the overall expense for EK treatment was classified to four parts:35–40%for elec-trode construction,27–32%for electricity and materials,17%for labor,and 16%for licenses and other fixed costs.Among these,the expense of electricity and materials were considered as operational cost.Energy expenditure is cal-culated as follows:E u ¼P W ¼1WZVI d t ð2Þwhere E u =energy expenditure per unit weight of sludge (kWh ton À1);P =energy expenditure (kWh);W =weight of sludge (ton);V =voltage (V);I =current (A);t =time (h).In the tests of constant-voltage condition,the energy expenditure is directly related to the time integral of the current across the cell.The calculated energy consumption is 122,140,and 155kWh ton À1of sludge for EK-TW,EK-CA,and EK-SDS systems,respectively.It is apparent that the type of processing fluid utilized is one of the controlling factors with respect to energy consumption.Considering the metal removal performance,it is clear that energy ap-plied is not enough for completion of remediation.How-ever,this can be improved by increasing potential gradient or prolonging the treatment periods (Gent et al.,2004).By taking into account the quantity of metals re-moved,as shown in Table 3,the power consumption per mol of metal removed is 0.38,0.25,and 0.45kWh for the above-mentioned systems,respectively.Table 3summarizes the results of cost analysis of EK sys-tems with different processing fluids.The total metals removed were 3.87·10À2,7.26·10À2,and 1.1·10À1mol for EK-TW,EK-SDS,and EK-CA systems,respectively.Results showed that the costs including the expense of pro-cessing fluid and energy were 0.02,6.08,and 9.76USD per mol of metals removed for the three above-mentioned sys-tems,respectively.On account of 27–32%of overallcostFig.4.Mass fraction distribution of metals binding with sludge in EK systems.C.Yuan,C.-H.Weng /Chemosphere xxx (2006)xxx–xxx7being electricity and materials (Ho et al.,1997),the over-all cost can be preliminarily estimated to 0.07,20.6and 33.1USD per mol of metals removed for the three above-mentioned systems,respectively.Although the lowest treatment fee was found in EK-TW system,the lowest removal efficiency was a disadvantage for this sys-tem.For other two systems,it was found that the EK-SDS system was likely more cost-effective than EK-CA system.4.ConclusionsWith the experimental results of heavy metal removal from industrial wastewater sludge by three EK systems,the important conclusions have been summarized as follows:1.The pH in the reservoir maintained at 1.5–2.5near the anode and 9.8–12.1near the cathode (except for citric acid in the range of 2.0–2.5).The sludge pH near the anode was lowered to around 4.0–6.0due to an acidic front generated at anode reservoir flushed across the sludge specimen and the sludge pH near the cathode increased to approximately 7.8–8.2due to the OH Àproduction from water electrolysis.2.The results of sequential extraction analysis revealed that the binding form of metals with sludge after EK process treatment was changed from the resid-ual form,the most difficult extracted type,to the exchangeable,sorbed and organic forms,the easier extraction types.It implies that the sludge treated by EK process will be more beneficial for further utilization once a proper technology is followed by EK process to remove metals more effectively.Results were also showed that the metal removal efficiency by EK process was:Cu >Pb >Ni >Fe >Zn >Cr.3.The removal efficiency of metals were in the range of 11–60%,37–77%,and 43–78%for EK-TW,EK-SDS and EK-CA systems,respectively.It was shown that a best performance was found in EK-CA system,which was resulted from the water electrolysis reaction in the cathode was neutralized by citric acid to avoid genera-tion and transport of high concentration of OH Àions into soils and to hinder electrodeposition of metals.The accumulation phenomenon of metal residual along EK cell would diminish as using SDS and citric acid in EK system.4.The overall cost of this research can be estimated to 0.07,20.6and 33.1USD per mol of metals removed for EK systems with tap water,SDS,and citric acid as processing fluid,respectively.The lowest treatment fee was found in EK-TW system however the lowest removal efficiency was a major disadvantage for this system.It was found that the EK-SDS system was likely more cost-effective than EK-CA system.T a b l e 3C o s t a n a l y s i s o f E K s y s t e m sS y s t e m aC o n c e n t r a t i o n o f p r o c e s s i n g flu i d (M )(4)P r o c e s s i n g flu i d s c o s tE n e r g y c o s t(11)f(1)(2)(3)T o t a l m e t a l r e m o v e d c (m o l )(5)(6)(7)d(8)(9)(10)eT o t a l c o s t U S D m o l e o f m e t a l s r e m o v e d À1)T a p w a t e rS D S bC i t r i c a c i d b S u s p e n d e d v o l u m e (L )U n i t p r i c e (U S D k g À1)S u b t o t a l c o s t (U S D m o l e o f m e t a l s r e m o v e d À1)U n i t p o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n c(k W h m o l e m e t a l r e m o v e d À1)U n i t p r i c e (U S D k W h À1)S u b t o t a l c o s t (U S D m o l e o f m e t a l s r e m o v e d À1)E K -T W X ––3.87·10À20.4000.380.050.020.02E K -S D S –0.024–7.26·10À20.4159. K -C A––0.41.10·10À10.431.99.740.450.050.029.76aT h e d e n s i t y (D )a n d m a s s o f s l u d g e i n e a c h s y s t e m w a s 1.33g c m À3a n d 220g ,r e s p e c t i v e l y .bT h e m o l e c u l a r w e i g h t (M W )o f S D S a n d c i t r i c a c i d i s 288a n d 210g /m o l ,r e s p e c t i v e l y .cT h e d a t a w e r e d e r i v e d f r o m T a b l e 2.d (7)={{[(1),(2)o r (3)]·(5)}·M W o f p r o c e s s i n g flu i d Ä1000·(6)}Ä(4).e(10)=(8)·(9).f(11)=(7)+(10).8C.Yuan,C.-H.Weng /Chemosphere xxx (2006)xxx–xxx。
