大学英语(3) ( 第2次 )

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一、单项选择题(本大题共80分,共 40 小题,每小题 2 分)

1. The reason for all the changes being made ( ) to us.

A. explained

B. had explained

C. was explained

D. were explained

2. I’m( ) with the window open.

A. sleep

B. slept

C. used to sleep

D. used to sleeping

3. This furniture is different from ( ) .

A. ones

B. that

C. one that

D. the other

4. ( ) the manager has arrived, we can begin.

A. So that

B. Such that

C. Now that

D. As that

5. There can be no doubt ( )it was Keats that-composed the poems recited at the English evening.

A. who

B. that

C. as to

D. about whom

6. It ( ) twelve o’clock now; there is nobody in the street.

A. can be

B. will be

C. should be

D. must be

7. I’ll never get married—

I don’t want to spend my life surrounded by dirty washing and ().

A. A children screaming

B. B screaming children

C. C screamed children

D. D children screamed

8. They said they were happy they had put their trust ( ) me.

A. in

B. on



D. to with


I''''ll never forget ()the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive.

A. A see

B. B to see

C. C seen

D. D seeing

10. At an ( ) moment I’ll offer the visitors some coffee.

A. appreciate

B. acknowledged

C. approximate

D. appropriate

11. The policeman ( ) and searched out the surrounding fields.

A. spread out

B. spread over

C. spread away

D. spread on

12. All the doctors hold the view that plenty of fresh air ( ) to good health.

A. contributes

B. attributes

C. distributes

D. entributes

13. That company doesn''t take credit cards, so customers have to pay ( ).

A. dollars

B. finance

C. money

D. cash

14. I wonder what ( )at this time tomorrow morning.

A. he has done

B. he will do

C. he would do

D. he will be doing

15. I have been trying to contact her ( ) the past week.

A. since

B. for

C. till

D. through

16. Albert ( ) his homework yesterday, so he couldn''t come to the

A. must do

B. may have done

C. ought to do

D. had to do

17. She could not move with her shirt ( ) on a nail.

A. was caught

B. to be caught

C. caught

D. have been caught

18. We can ( )William to carry out the task, for his judgment is always reliable.

A. lay on

B. let on

C. rest on

D. lie on

19. We ( ) that it was a trick to get our money.

A. surprised

B. suspected

C. surveyed

D. suggested


Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as ()oth er musicians.

A. A superior to

B. B more superior than

C. C more superior to

D. D superior than

21. " Have you told her about it ?" "Sorry, I forget ( ) about it."

A. telling her

B. being told

C. to tell her

D. having told her

22. Poultry ( ) expensive in this city.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. has been

23. It is now universally accepted that smoking ( ) health.

A. effects

B. affects

C. concerns

D. influences

24. He spoke less and less at the ( ) of the exam.
