Do public investment and FDI crowd in or crowd out private domestic investment in Malaysia?






People hold many financial assets. The most important currency, savings accounts, government securities, stocks and funds.2.对货币需求的不同于对其他商品的需求。


Demand for money is different from the demand for other goods. Holding currency because of its indirect value rather than direct value.3.人们持有货币的最重要的原因是需要偿付账单或购买商品。

People hold money the most important reason is the need to pay the bills or buy goods.4.行业中,商业银行以手头现金或在中央银行存款的形式持有准备金。

Industry, commercial Banks in the form of cash or deposits with the central bank to hold reserves.5.一般来说,商品货币本身具有内在的价值。


Generally speaking, the commodity currencies of itself has intrinsic value. Due to the inherent value of commodity money, the government there would be no need to again to ensure that the value of it.第二单元1.外汇是指以外币表示的用于清偿国际交易的资产The foreign exchange refers to used for liquidation international trading assets denominated in foreign currencies.2.外汇市场是世界上最大、流动性最强的市场之一The foreign exchange market is one of the largest and most liquid market in the world 3.中央银行用其巨额的外汇储备来稳定货币市场The central bank with its huge foreign exchange reserves to stabilise the currency markets4.货物和服务贸易的盈余或赤字反映了一国经济的竞争力Goods and services trade surplus or deficit reflects a country's economic competitiveness5.如果一国通货膨胀水平很高或人们预期通货膨胀水平会提高,那么通常该国货币会贬值。



国际金融英文选择题Chapter1模拟试卷一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1.Theprimarygoalofamultinationalcorporationistomaximize :A.RevenueinthedomesticmarketB.ProfitgloballyC.MarketshareinthehostcountryD.Exportsfromthehomecountry2.WhichofthefollowingisnotafunctionoftheInternationalMo netaryFund(IMF)?A.ProvidingfinancialassistancetomembercountriesB.RegulatingexchangeratesC.SettingmonetarypoliciesformembercountriesD.Promotinginternationalmonetarycooperation3.Theexchangerateregimeknownasa"fixedexchangerate"ischa racterized:A.TheratebeingdeterminedmarketforcesB.Thecentralbankinterveningtokeeptheratewithinanarrowba ndC.TheabsenceofgovernmentinterventionD.Frequentandsignificantfluctuationsintherate4.Inthecontextofinternationalfinance,whatdoes"capitalaccount"referto?A.Arecordofacountry'simportsandexportsB.ArecordoffinancialtransactionsinvolvingstocksandbondsC.Arecordofacountry'sforeigndebtD.Arecordofchangesinacountry'sforeignreserves5.Whichofthefollowingisanexampleofadirectinvestment?A.PurchasingstocksinaforeignpanyB.Investinginaforeignbank'ssavingsaccountC.OpeningafranchiseinaforeigncountryD.Buyinggovernmentbondsinaforeigncountry二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)6.Thebalanceofpaymentsisarecordofalleconomictransaction sbetweenacountryandtherestoftheworld.(True/False)7.Appreciationofacurrencymakesimportscheaperandexportsm oreexpensive.(True/False)8.TheWorldBankprimarilyfocusesonprovidingfinancialassis tancefordevelopmentprojectsinpoorcountries.(True/False)9.Afloatingexchangerateisdeterminedthedemandandsupplyof thecurrencyintheforeignexchangemarket.(True/False)10.TheBrettonWoodssystemestablishedafixedexchangeratere gimeafterWorldWarII.(True/False)三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11.The___________isresponsibleformntningpricestabilitya ndcontrollinginflationintheEurozone.12.___________istheprocessofconvertingonecurrencyintoan othercurrency.13.___________occurswhenacountry'simportsexceeditsexpor ts.14.The___________isaglobalfinancialorganizationthatprov idesloanstocountriesoftheworld.15.___________isatypeoffinancialspeculationinvolvingthe simultaneouspurchaseandsaleofafinancialproducttoprofitfroma differenceintheprice.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)16.Explnthedifferencebetweenaflexibleexchangerateandafi xedexchangerate.17.WhatistheroleoftheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)ininter nationalfinance?18.Definetheterm"capitalflight"andexplnitsimpactonacoun try'seconomy.19.Describetheconceptof"exchangeraterisk"ininternationa lbusiness.20.Whatarethemnfunctionsoftheforeignexchangemarket?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)21.IftheexchangeratebetweentheUSdollar(USD)andtheEuro(E UR)is1.1,howmuchis1000EURworthinUSD?22.Explnhowacountrycanuseitsforeignexchangereservestost abilizeitscurrency.23.ApanybasedintheUnitedStatesisconsideringexpandingits operationstoChina.Whataresomefinancialfactorsitshouldconsid erbeforemakingthisdecision?24.Whatarethepotentialadvantagesanddisadvantagesofacoun tryadoptingtheEuroasitscurrency?25.Howdoesacountry'sinflationrateaffectitsbalanceoftrad e?六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)26.Analyzetheimpactofglobalizationoninternationalfinanc ialmarkets.27.Discusstheprosandconsofafloatingexchangeratesystempa redtoafixedexchangeratesystem.七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)28.Youareaneconomicadvisortoasmallcountrythatisexperien cingabalanceofpaymentscrisis.Whatmeasureswouldyouremendtoad dressthisissue?29.Imagineyouareafinancialanalystforamultinationalcorpo ration.Howwouldyouassesstheforeignexchangeriskassociatedwithapotentialinvestmentinaforeigncountry?国际金融英文选择题Chapter1模拟试卷(续)八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)30.Designastrategyforamultinationalcorporationtomanagei tsforeignexchangeriskexposureeffectively.31.Createaplanforacountrytoattractforeigndirectinvestme nt(FDI)andoutlinethestepsinvolved.32.Developamodeltoassesstheimpactofexchangeratefluctuat ionsonacountry'stradebalance.33.Outlineapolicyproposalforacentralbanktocontrolinflat ioninaneconomy.34.Designaframeworkforevaluatingthefinancialperformance ofacountry'sbankingsector.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)35.Explntheconceptof"exchangeratepass-through"anditsimp licationsforinflation.36.Define"quantitativeeasing"anddescribehowitisusedasam onetarypolicytool.37.Explntheterm"capitalcontrol"anddiscussitspotentialim pactonacountry'seconomy.38.Define"currentaccountsurplus"andexplnitssignificance ininternationalfinance.39.Explntheconceptof"carrytrade"anddiscussitspotentialr isksandrewards.十、附加题(每题2分,共10分)40.Discusstheimpactoftheglobalfinancialcrisisof2008onin ternationalfinancialmarkets.41.AnalyzetheroleoftheInternationalMonetaryFund(IMF)inp rovidingfinancialassistancetocountriesineconomiccrisis.42.Evaluatetheeffectivenessofmonetarypolicyincontrollin ginflationinasmallopeneconomy.43.Discusstheimplicationsofacountry'sdecisiontoadoptafl exibleexchangerateregime.44.Analyzetheimpactoftradebarriersonacountry'sbalanceof payments.。



高二英语金融理财单选题40题1.Which one is not a financial instrument?A.stockB.bondC.bookD.option答案:C。

book 不是金融工具,stock 是股票,bond 是债券,option 是期权,都属于金融工具。

2.If you want to invest in a company, you can buy its _____.A.sharesB.booksC.pensD.papers答案:A。


books 是书,pens 是笔,papers 是纸,都与投资公司无关。

3.A bond is a kind of _____.A.debt instrumentB.equity instrumentC.stationeryD.food答案:A。

债券是一种债务工具((debt instrument)。

equity instrument 是权益工具,stationery 是文具,food 是食物。

4.Which of the following is not a characteristic of stocks?A.High riskB.Low returnC.LiquidityD.Part ownership of a company答案:B。

股票的特点通常有高风险((High risk)、流动性((Liquidity)以及代表对公司的部分所有权((Part ownership of a company),而不是低回报(Low return)。

5.An option gives the holder the right to or sell an a an appleD.write a letter答案:A。





Recently, it has been found that there are fraudstersusing the name of Tonghua Wealth to deceive investors, hereby reminding all investors to be vigilant.投资者在进行交易前应谨慎核实对方身份,并确保交易合法合规。

Investors should carefully verify the identity of the counterparty before trading and ensure that the transactionis legal and compliant.遇到可疑情况时,应及时向相关监管部门或警方报案,维护自身合法权益。

In case of any suspicious circumstances, investors should promptly report to the relevant regulatory authorities or thepolice, in order to protect their legitimate rights and interests.投资者应提高风险意识,不轻信不明身份人员的投资建议或推荐。

Investors should be more aware of the risks, and shouldnot easily trust investment advice or recommendations from unidentified individuals.警惕可能涉及假冒、诈骗、欺诈等违法行为,切勿触碰违法底线。

Be alert to potential fraudulent, deceptive, and illegal acts, and avoid touching the bottom line of the law.明察暗访,了解投资对象的相关信息和背景,降低投资风险。

UNIT7 investment(口译)

UNIT7 investment(口译)

• 一般的投资活动常常是通过分红派息、股份增值或通过出 售企业的产品来获得投资利润,而风险投资追求的则是通 过企业上市或股权转让等方式,以股票套现方式获取利润。 一般产业投资者希望被投资企业逐步发展壮大,而风险投 资者在作投资决策时已经考虑如何退出的问题。
• Gorge notes,"Sometimes it's the simplest things in the investment world that make the most sense."He explains that his first lessons in understanding the difference between short-term and long-term goals came from his mother. He explains that in order to teach him about savings,his mother gave him a set of three labeled envelops. One was for short-term savings,another for long-term savings and another for saving some extra money to help others in deed.
• 3.由于竞争加剧,风险投资领域衍生出风险 租赁、风险兼并等新的投资方式。 • As competition became heated, there emerged in the field of venture capital new variations such as venture lease and venture merger.



高二英语经济体系单选题50题1. In recent years, the price of housing in some big cities has been rising continuously. Which of the following factors mainly affects this phenomenon in terms of economic concepts?A. Supply and demandB. Production costC. Government subsidyD. Technological innovation答案:A。







从语法角度看,这是一个主从复合句,“in terms of economic concepts”为介词短语作状语。

2. When the supply of a certain product exceeds the demand, what will usually happen to its price?A. IncreaseB. Remain unchangedC. DecreaseD. Fluctuate randomly答案:C。







2.2 Labor Market Imperfections
Among all factor markets, the labor market is the least perfect.
If there exist restrictions on the flow of workers across borders, then labor services can be underpriced relative to productivity.
2.1 Trade Barriers
Facing barriers to export its products to foreign markets, a firm may decide to move production to foreign countries as a means of circumventing the trade barriers.
Chapter 16 Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-border Acquisitions
Chapter outlines:
Global Trends in FDI Why Do Firms Invest Overseas? Cross-Border Acquisitions Political Risk and FDI
3.92 37.62
18.06 52.58
11.5 36.12



Definition: an investment involving a long-term relationship and reflecting a lasting interest and control of a resident entity in one economy (foreign direct investor or parent enterprise) in an enterprise resident in an economy other than that of the foreign direct investor. In form of Greenfield investment: establishment of a new operation in a foreign country and Merger & Acquisition with an existing firm in the foreign country.Decline in trade barriers over the past 30 years;FDI has grown more rapidly: Driven by the political and economic changesGlobalization of the world economyTheoretical explanation:1.Ownership advantage:tangible assets-specific technological expertise ahead of others.Intangible assets-management style and experience dominant in competitive environment Eg. Volkswagen high reputation in China enables them to succeed in foreign market2.Location advantage: government policy, large market, cheap labour, scared resources etc.BP developed oil fields and established oil refineries in Alaska3.Internalization advantage: more profitable to internalize, control trade or supplies of rawmaterials in order to minimize transaction costs. E.g. Volkswagen has established component production, R&D, promotion, and after sale service department in China so that they can decrease the costs significantly and gain more profit.Motives of firms to FDI:1. Resource seeking: acquire particular and specific resource of a high quality at a lower real cost than home country. There are 3 types of resources:Physical resources: e.g. Chinese and Indian investors invest in agricultural industry such as sugar and coffee in AfricaLabour resources: cheap labour in Vietnam and ChinaTechnological capability or organizational skills: e.g. Indian companies’ alliances with EU or US firms in high-tech sectors2. Market seeking: market si ze, market growth, being adapted to local tastes, saving production and transaction cost, China and India3. Efficiency seeking: to rationalize the structure of established resource-based or market-seeking investment that can gain from the common governance of geographically dispersed activities. Thus economies of scale and scope and risk diversification can be gained.4. Strategic asset or capability seeking: acquire the assets of foreign corporations to promote their long-term strategic objectives, especially sustaining or advancing their global competitiveness, e.g. Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM PC unit to gain technological capability- Respond to government restriction or promotion- Client followership or competitor followership: minimize the gap and maintain the market share. eg. KFC entered China in 1987, McDonald in19901.Attract new sources of demand2.Enter markets with superior profits, expand sales3.React to tax benefits or cheap factors of production4.Access to foreign technology5.Exploit monopolistic advantages6.Increase competitive advantage7.Reduce costs: diversify internationally; benefit from economies of scale8.Reduce risk: react to exchange rate movements, trade restrictionsCompare with exporting and licensing:Advantages:Limitations of exporting: high transportation and transaction costs –unprofitable; trade barriers-import restrictions; reliance on the third party agenciesLimitations of licensing: 1. licensing may result in a firm’s giving away valuable technological know-how to a potential foreign competitor eg. RCA licensed its colour TV tech to SONY; it quickly assimilated the tech and entered the US market to compete directly with RCA.2. Licensing does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a foreign country that may be required to maximize its profitability.3. Problem arises when the firm’s competitive advantage is based not as much on its product as on management, marketing, and manufacturing capabilities that produce those products. FDI: valuable know-how; tight control over a foreign entity; benefit when a firm’s skills and know-how are not amenable to licensing. OLIDisadvantages: Expensive - requires stronger and longer-term of resource commitmentsRisky - involves direct operation in a different countryWhen the transportation cost and trade barriers such as tariff are low, cost of labour andresource similar, eg, EULicensing maybe preferred if other conditions are equalUnfavourable policies restricting FDI: high tax rate for foreign enterprise in UK; Japan prohibit FDI only allow JVSocio-economical environment is not stable in the host countryAdverse external effects, eg. Environmental problems, ethical issuesHost countries influence of inward FDI:Benefits:1.Resource-transfer effects: supply capital, technology, and resources boost that country’seconomy2.Employment effects: brings jobs to a host country E.g. when Toyota’s auto plant in Francein 1997 create 2000 direct jobs and perhaps another 2000 jobs in support industries.3.Balance-of-payments effects: first, a substitute for imports of goods or services, improvethe balance of payments. Second potential benefit when the MNE export goods andservices to other countries. E.g. in china exports increased contributed by MNE.4.Effect on competition and economic growthTakes the form of Greenfield investment, the number of players in a market increases and stimulates competition, prices lowered and consumers’ economic welfare increased.\ Costs:1.Adverse effects on competition: MNE may get funds elsewhere to subsidize its cost in thehost market, allow the firm to monopolize the market. Though Greenfield investments should increase competition, it is less clear if it takes the form of M&A2.Adverse effect on the balance of payment: first, may transfer earnings outflow to homecountry. May imports a substantial number of its inputs from abroad, leads to a debit on the current account of the host country3.National sovereignty and autonomy: host government concern that FDI may lead to lossof economic independence. Some countries (China) prohibit FDI in certain sectorsHome countries influence of outward FDI:Benefits:1.The home country’s balance of payments benefits from the inward flow of foreign earnings.2.Home countries may export components to host countries, therefore result in positiveemployment effects3.Valuable skills learned by MNE in foreign markets can be transferred back to the homecountry.Costs:1.The current account of the balance of payments suffers if the FDI is a substitute for directexports.2.Suffers from the initial capital outflow required to finance the FDI.3.Suffers if the purpose is to serve the home market from a low-cost production location. Ideologies influencing government’s attitude:The radical view: It traces its root to Marxist political and economic theory. They argue that MNE extract profits from the host countries and take them to their home countries, giving nothing of value to the host country in exchange. FDI should be prohibited or restricted.The free market view: It traces its root to classical economics and the international trade theories of Admin Smith and Ricardo. The free market view argues that international production should be distributed among countries according to the theory of comparative advantages. FDI should be allowed with no restriction.Pragmatic nationalism: In practice, many countries have adopted Pragmatic nationalism. FDI has both benefits and costs. FDI can benefit a host country by bringing capital, skills, technology, and jobs, but those benefits come at a cost. When a foreign company rather than a domestic company produces products, the profits from the investment go abroad.So countries adopt a pragmatic stance pursue policies designed to maximize the national benefits and minimize the national costs. FDI should be allowed as long as the benefits outweigh the costs. Its benefit could be increased when effective policy strategy is adopted. Government’s policies:Encourage:Home: government-backed insurance programs, eg. risk of expropriation, war losses, and the inability to transfer profit back home. Particularly useful in encouraging firms to undertake investments in political unstable countriesHost: common for governments to offer incentives to foreign firms to invest in their countries, e.g. tax concessions, low-interest loans, grants or subsidies. Incentives are motivated by a desire to gain from the resource-transfer and employment effects of FDI. Eg. China established special economic zone and successfully attracted many investors。

体验商务英语3 unit1Globalization

体验商务英语3 unit1Globalization

1. Converging tastes and preferences of consumers in different nations Q: Impacts on American businesses? 2. Examples of global brands: Coca Cola, Starbucks, Sony, and McDonald’s
The Role of Technological Change
The lowering of trade barriers made globalization
of markets and production a theoretical possibility, technological change made it a tangible reality Since World War II, there have been major advances in communication, information processing, and transportation1-4来自Introduction
The effects of this trend can be seen in the following Examples in our daily life: in the cars people drive in the food people eat in the jobs where people work in the clothes people wear in many other ways
The Globalization of Markets
The globalization of markets refers to the

国际投资学教程课后题答案(完整版) (2)(word文档良心出品)

国际投资学教程课后题答案(完整版) (2)(word文档良心出品)


国际公共(官方)投资: 是指一国政府或国际经济组织为了社会公共利益而进行的投资,一般带有国际援助的性质。










(二)投资格局,1.“大三角”国家对外投资集聚化 2.发达国家之间的相互投资不断增加 3.发展中国家在吸引外资的同时,也走上了对外投资的舞台(三)投资方式,国际投资的发展出现了直接投资与间接投资齐头并进的发展局面。







文章编号:1001-148X (2005)03-0125-04外商来华直接投资(FDI )的效应分析黄宇驰(浙江大学管理学院,浙江杭州 310027)摘要:中国对外资进入一直实行名目繁多的优惠政策,但外资进入带来的效应是复杂的,外资进入带来的效应有正有负并且是动态的,在分析正负效应及其发生的特点的基础上,提出了促进正效应,克服负效应的措施,并指出今后的政策取向是基于内生式经济发展的与时俱进的外资引入政策。

关键词:FDI ;技术溢出;挤出效应;企业家能力;动态效应中图分类号:F830159 文献标识码:AThe E ffect Analysis of FDIH UANG Y u 2chi(College o f Management ,Zhejiang Univer sity ,Hangzhou 310027,China )Abstract :Chinese g overnment offers significant inducements to attracting inward investment ,m otivated by the expectation of many benefits 1But the effects of the presence of FDI on the host country are com plex 1This paper begins by reviewing possible effects of FDI ,which maybe both positive and negative 1In analyzing the nature of the positive or negative effects ,this paper puts forward the measures to progress positive effect —technology S pillovers and hurdle negative effect —crowd out effect 1The conclusion is that the effects of FDI on domestic economic are dynamic and by no means always fav ourable and that FDI poli 2cies which are dynamic and based on the indigenous development are to be optimal 1K ey w ords :FDI ;crowd out effect ;technology spillovers ;entrepreneurship ;dynamic effect 收稿日期:2003-11-08作者简介:黄宇驰(1973-),女,吉林松原人,浙江大学管理学院博士研究生,青岛大学商学院工商管理系讲师,研究方向:企业成长、产业演化。

博迪 投资学第八版 英文笔记CHAPTER2

博迪 投资学第八版 英文笔记CHAPTER2
Association • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
2 - 12
Municipal Bonds
• Issued by s t a t e and l o c a l governments • Types • General obligation bonds • Revenue bonds • I n d u s t r i a l revenue bonds • Maturities – range up t o 30 years

Percentage change in index2--25
Standard &P o o r ’ s Indexes
• Broadly based index of 500 firms • Market-value-weighted index • Index funds • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
2 - 28
Foreign and International Stock Market Indexes
• Nikkei (Japan) • FTSE ( F i n a n c i a l Times of London) • Dax (Germany) • MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital
The Bond Market
• Treasury Notes and Bonds • I n f l a t i o n - Protected Treasury Bonds • Federal Agency Debt • I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bonds • Municipal Bonds • Corporate Bonds • Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed



Chapter 3Money MarketExercisesI.Answer the following questions in English.1.How big is the money market?Money market is a segment of the financial market in which financial instruments with high liquidity and very short maturities are traded.The money market is used by participants as a means for borrowing and lending in the short term,from several days to just under a year.Money market securities consist of negotiable certificates of deposit (CDs),bankers acceptances,U.S.Treasury bills,commercial paper,municipal notes,federal funds and repurchase agreements(repos).The money market is a subsection of the fixed income market too.2.What are the terms of most T—bills?T-bills are short—term securities that mature in one year or less from their issue date.T—bills are issued with 3 month,6 month,and 1 year maturities.3.Why would a company issue commercial paper?Because For many corporations,borrowing short-term money from banks is often a labored and annoying task.Their desire to avoid banks as much as possible has led to the widespread popularity of commercial paper.4.A money market instrument usually used for import/export payments is known as?Foreign exchange revenue and spending5.What does Eurocurrency encompass?Eurodollars are U.S.dollar—denominated deposits at banks outside of the United States.6.What is a major advantage of money market instruments?Money market is a segment of the financial market in which financial instruments with high liquidity and very short maturities are traded.7.What are Eurodollars?Eurodollars are U.S.dollar—denominated deposits at banks outside of the United States.8.Who can issue commercial paper?Commercial paper is an unsecured,short-term loan issued by a corporation,typically for financing accounts receivable and inventories.Furthermore,typically only companies with high credit ratings and credit worthiness issue commercial paper.II.Fill in the each blank with an appropriate word or expression.1.One of the main differences___between______the money market and the stock ma rk et is t h at mo s t mon e y ma rk e t—securities—tra de ina wf u lly h ig hdenominations.2.The money market is better known__as ______a place for large institutions __and________government to manage their short—term cash needs.3.There are several different instruments___in______the money market,offering different returns____on_______different risks.4.CDs are generally issued____by__________commercial banks but they can be bought through brokerages.They bear a specific maturity date(from 3 months to 5 ye a rs),a sp ec if ie d inte rest rat e,a nd c an be is suedin___an y______denomination,very similar to bonds.5.The biggest reasons that T—bills are so popular is___because__they are one of the few money market instruments_____that____are affordable to the individual investors.6.A bankers’acceptance is a short—term credit investmentcreated__by__a non—financial firm and guaranteed by a bank to make payment.Acceptances are traded ___at________discounts from face value in the secondary market.Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into English.1.货币市场上的金融工具包括短期的、可交易的、流动的、低风险的债券。


* China still has far to go before achieving a developed status
Attracting High-Quality FDI
• High-Quality? Investment in longterm, capital-intensive projects in high-tech sectors
– Benefit: Regional competition to lure FDI will lead to erosion of barriers to FDI at national level
Room for Improvement
• Despite huge FDI stock, PRC still far below other developing states in FDI per capita measurements
– FIE’s almost twice as profitable as SOE’s
– 43,542 Industrial FIE’s w/ profit of 40.79 billion USD – 86,982 SOE’s with a profit of 41.26 billion USD – Average difference in profit of $462,445
– Savings Rate- higher @ 40.6% during boom yrs.
– Lower from 1986-92 @36% – Saved more with more capital present?
– PRC as a Capital Exporter? (1998-WSJ)




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strong currency
threat of trade barrier
The Source of FDI
• ③The other notable trend has been the rise of FDI outflows from developing nations.
• Especially the“Four Asian Tigers” : Hongkong of China,Singapore,and South Korea.
• 1. resource-transfer effct • ③management skills:
local personnel who are trained
stimulation to local supplier, distributors,and competitors
• 1.Two theories to explain the patterns of foreign direct investment,
• ①Following Competitors Especially,it applies to the oligopolistic industries. e.g. Toyota and Nissan, Electrolux
The Growth of FDI
• Reasons: • ①Businesses have some fear of
protectionist pressures, and executives see FDI as a way of circumventing future trade barriers, • ②Dramatic political and economic changes occurred in many developing countries,

bec 商务英语函电unit7 募资融资

bec 商务英语函电unit7 募资融资

Section 7
IV. Typical Sentences – 3. 4
如果你需要钱办公司或者开发业务,银行、经纪人、家庭、个 人或者其他各种各样的金融机构都是很好的选择。你融资方式 的选择也应当是整体商务计划的一部分,因此,需要听取专门 意见 If you need money to establish or develop your business, then bank, brokers, families, individuals and other various financial institutions provide a range of options for you. The method of finance you choose also needs to be part of an integrated business plan and it is important that you receive professional advice. 这个原理基于这么一个思路,那就是,有些人有钱并希望储蓄 或投资。他们或许希望通过储蓄获得某种形式的定期回报,比 如每年一次的付款,或者找到别的方法以其他方式来让他们的 钱增值。 This principle is based on the idea that there are people out there who have money and they want to save or invest. They may want to save the money to get some from of regular return – a payment every year for example – or they might want to make their money grow in other ways they could find.


Flow of FDI?

The flow of FDI refers to the amount of FDI undertaken over a given time period
of FDI are the flows of FDI out of a
country Inflows of FDI are the flows of FDI into a country
and acquisitions are quicker to execute than greenfield investments it is easier and perhaps less risky for a firm to acquire desired assets than build them from the ground up firms believe that they can increase the efficiency of an acquired unit by transferring capital, technology, or management skills
by advanced and developing nations including the United States, Britain, Chile, and Hong Kong
Theoretical Approaches To FDI

Pragmatic nationalism - FDI has both benefits (inflows of capital, technology, skills and jobs) and costs (repatriation of profits to the home country and a negative balance of payments effect)



Chapter 9InvestmentsI.Answer the following questions in English.1.Stocks are also referred to as?S t o c k i s s o m e t i m e s r e f e r r e dt o a s s h a r e s,s e c u r i t i e s o re q u i t y.2.Which type of stock typically pays a higher dividend,but whose share price appreciates slower?P e n n y s t o c k.3.Is LEAP stock market?Y e s,i t i s.4.What is the fundamental thing that drives stockprices?R i s k s.5.If someone is considered to be bearish, where do theythink the stock market is heading?I n t e r n a t i o n a l f i n a n c i a lm a r k e t s.6. What do we call a market order that executes aftera specified price level has been reached?M a k i n g i n v e s t m e n td e c i s i o n s.7. Historically, what asset has always performed thebest over the long term?F o r e i g n f i n a n c i a l a s s e t s.8. Does preferred stock holder can get more benefitsthan common stock holder?N o.II.Fill in the each blank with an appropriate word or expression.1.Risk investors would like their returns to be__a sl a r g e a s ______possible: however thisobjective is subject to constraints, primary risk.2. In 1982 the stock market had a very good year, withtotal returns___i n___ excess of 20 percent on abroad cross-section of common stocks. Nevertheless, several professionally managed funds managed to losemoney that year. As this example shows, marketablesecurities offering variablereturns___a c r o s s____ time are risk.3. The investment decision, therefore, must always beconsidered in ___ t e r m s o f __both risk andreturn.4. The risks associated____w i t h___stocks canvary widely, and they usually depend on the company.Purchasing stock in a well- established and profitable company means there is ____m u c h____less riskyou’ll lose your investment, whereas purchasing a____p e n n y__stock increases your riskssubstantially.5. If you use margin, you can also dramatically increaseyour leverage in a stock, but this is onlyrecommended____f o r____ experienced investors.6. We assume that investors are interested only in themonetary benefits to be obtained___f r o m____investing, as opposed to such factors____a s___the psychic income to be derived fromimpressing one's friends with one's financial prowess.11I.Translate the following sentences into English.1.组合投资原则,即将风险资金按一定比例投向不同行业、不同企业(项目),或联合几个风险投资公司共同向一家企业投资。

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Applied Economics,2009,41,913–919Do public investment and FDI crowd in or crowd out private domestic investment in Malaysia? James B.AngDepartment of Economics,Monash University,Vic3145,AustraliaE-mail:james.ang@.auMotivated by the concern of a persistent decline in total investment in Malaysia during the post-crisis era,this article examines the long-run relationship between private domestic investment(PDI),public investment and foreign direct investment(FDI)in ing multivariate cointegration techniques,the results indicate a fairly robust cointegrated relationship between these variables during the period1960to2003.Both public investment and FDI are found to be complementary to,rather than competing with,PDI.I.IntroductionThere has been a sharp decline in total investment in Malaysia following the onset of the Asian financial crisis in1997–98.This decline has emanated pre-dominantly from private investment while public investment is boosted as part of the crisis manage-ment programme.However,it is not clear whether such government pump-priming efforts are comple-mentary to or competing with capital formation in the private sector.Therefore,this pattern of devel-opment has become a major concern of researchers and policy makers,and this warrants an investigation into the relationship between private and public investment in Malaysia.In an influential study,Aschauer(1989)shows that an expansion in public investment leads to higher rate of return of private investment,thereby stimulat-ing private investment in the United States.Hence, a crowding-in effect of public investment is found.Following the seminal work of Aschauer(1989), a number of studies have investigated the relationship between private and public investment.While most studies find a positive impact of public investment, a negative effect is found in several cases.1Against this backdrop,this article investigates the debatable issue of whether public investment complements or displaces capital formation in the private sector in the light of the Malaysian experience,over the period 1960to2003.It is hoped that the results of this study will add to our understanding of the subject issue. Empirical studies on this issue have so far focused on analysing the broad relationship between private and public investment.However,for a large foreign direct investment(FDI)recipient country like Malay-sia,the separation of FDI from private investment is necessary to avoid aggregation bias.Hence,the analysis in this article considers PDI,public invest-ment and FDI,where private domestic investment is defined as private investment less FDI.1See,e.g.Blejer and Khan(1984)for a sample of24developing countries,Ghali(1998)for Tunisia and Ghura and Goodwin (2000)for Asia and Latin America,among others.2009Taylor&Francis913This article proceeds as follows.Section II provides an overview of the trends and patterns of investment in Malaysia.Model and data are described in Section III.Section IV sets out the econometric techniques employed in this study.The results are presented and analysed in Section V and the last section concludes.II.Trends and Patterns of InvestmentPolicy context and investment patternsThis section describes investment behaviour in Malaysia over the period1960to2003.After achieving independence in1957,the country inherited a relatively well-developed infrastructure and an efficient administrative system from the British government,which appeared to be conducive forcapital formation.Given that capital formation is an important driver for sustained economic develop-ment,the Malaysian government enacted the Pioneer Industries Ordinance of1958to stimulate private investment.Malaysia started1960with a moderate level of both private and public investment where the shares of private and public investment in GDP were8.2and1.9%,respectively.However,this total investment rate of10.1%was much lower than the average of lower and middle income countries which stood at21.3%in the same year.The total investment rate in Malaysia increased rapidly to about17%by the mid-1960s,prior to declining in the late1960s due to the higher economic uncertainty triggered by the racial riots of1969.The government attributed the poor performance of investment activities to inadequacies of the1958 Ordinance,and many of its weaknesses were corrected in the Investment Incentives Act of1968. The1970s saw a massive increase in capital forma-tion,reaching a record high level in the early1980s. Nevertheless,investment rates were significantly curtailed when the global economic recession hit the country in1985.Confronted with huge govern-ment budget deficits and current account deficits following the recession,as well as decreasing domestic and foreign investment,Malaysia began to grant attractive investment incentives to attract local and foreign investors through the Promotion of Investment Act1986.Figure1presents the time-series plots of the private,public and total investment rates.As is evident,the private investment rate showed an upward swing in1987,and increased at a rapid pace for a few years.Rapid capital formation, however,did not exert excess pressure on balance of payments,due to the impressive saving records of the country.Total investment was primarily funded by domestic saving,supplemented by foreign saving.2The ability of its financial system to successfully mobilize a lot of domestic saving has enabled the total investment rate to increase gradu-ally over the years and reach a peak in1997,before the onset of the Asian financial crisis.3 Notwithstanding these past strong records,the private investment rate declined sharply in the after-math of the crisis.This sharp contraction in private investment resulted in a downward trend in the total investment rate.Since then,capital formation has been mainly supported by public investment. Composition of investmentFigure2reflects the shares of FDI,PDI and public investment in total investment.Private investment (which includes both FDI and PDI)accounted for more than80%of the total in1960.This share declined dramatically over the next two decades before picking up again in the1980s.On the whole, private investment dominated total investmentin 196019651970197519801985199019952000PercentageYearFig.1.Trends of total,private and public investment rates (1960–2003)Notes:Private investment rate is gross private fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP.Public investment rate is gross public fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP.Total investment rate is the sum of private and public investment rates.2For an analysis of the dynamic relationship between domestic saving and investment rates in Malaysia,see Ang(2007a). 3Ang and McKibbin(2007)provide an analysis of the dynamic relationship between financial development and economic growth in Malaysia.Their results show that financial depth and economic development are positively related.Similar findings are also obtained by Ang(2007b).914J.B.AngMalaysia prior to the 1997–98crisis.However,as would be expected,the share of private investment declined sharply after the crisis.From the above analysis,it appears the behaviour of investment in Malaysia is predominantly influenced by private,rather than by public investment,except when the latter is counter-cyclical.Noticeably,the post-crisis investment contraction has been entirely driven by a decline in private investment.Inflows of FDI constitute an important component of total domestic investment given that Malaysia is one of the most successful developing countries in attracting a large amount of FDI.According to the inward FDI potential index (a measure of the attractiveness of the host economy to foreign investors)published by UNCTAD (2004),Malaysia was ranked first among the Asian developing countries in 2003.The importance of FDI to domestic economic development is therefore undeni-able.Hence,the separation of FDI from private investment is necessary.III.Model and DataIt is a widely accepted view that public investment PUB t may be complementary to,rather than compet-ing with,private investment in developing countries.Public investment may facilitate and stimulate private investment through the provision of infrastructural support (Sundararajan and Thakur,1980;Blejer and Khan,1984;Greene and Villanueva,1991).This can raise the productivity of capital,and expand the overall resource availability by increasing output.On the other hand,public investment may also crowd out private investment.This occurs when additional public investment requires raising future tax and domestic interest rates,or if the public sector producesinvestment goods that directly compete with private goods.In addition,the utilization of additional physical and financial resources,which would other-wise be available to the private sector,may also depress private investment (Blejer and Khan,1984;Aschauer,1989).Thus,it appears that economic theory provides no a priori argument for or against the effect of public investment on private investment.FDI can have both positive and negative effects on PDI.It can stimulate domestic investment by providing new investment opportunities for local firms through the provision of machinery and technology which cannot otherwise be produced domestically (Sun,1998).Local firms can emulate the new technology introduced by foreign firms,which may stimulate domestic investment (Noorzoy,1979).Besides,an increase in domestic investment is likely to be accompanied by an increase in FDI inflows when there are more joint venture activities between local firms and foreign firms (Jansen,1995).FDI may also contribute to higher domestic invest-ment through introducing new industries to the host country (Lipsey,2004).In this way,FDI and PDI are complementary to each other.On the other hand,FDI may crowd out domestic investment if foreign firms compete with local firms for the use of domestic scarce resources,such as skilled labour,financial resources,etc.(Jansen,1995).FDI may also disrupt backward linkages in domestic manufacturing through the substitution of imports for domestic goods.Furthermore,FDI may substi-tute for domestic investment if foreign firms have an edge in technological or managerial expertise,or tax benefits provided by the host country (Noorzoy,1979).These new technologies embodied in FDI may accelerate technological obsolescence of traditional technologies used in developing coun-tries and therefore crowd out domestic investment (Kim and Seo,2003;Lipsey,2004).These suggest that the effects of FDI on PDI may vary from country to country,depending on the types of FDI,the trade policies adopted in the host country,and the strengths of the domestic firms.Therefore,the impact of FDI inflows on PDI is ultimately an empirical matter.The above theoretical considerations lead to formulation of the following empirical specification of the long-run PDI equation:PDI t ¼f ðPUB t ,FDI t Þð1Þwhere PDI t is the steady-state private domestic investment,PUB t is public investment and FDI t refers to foreign direct investment.The expected signs on PUB t and FDI t are indeterminate.YearP e r c e n t a g eposition of total investment in Malaysia (1960–2003)Public investment and private domestic investment FDI915Three dummy variables are incorporated into the above specification to account for the racial riots in 1969,the global economic recession that hit Malaysia in1985–1986,and the1997–1998Asian financial crisis,defined as:D69¼1if t¼1969 0otherwise;D85À86¼1if t¼1985À86 0otherwise;D97À98¼1if t¼1997À98 0otherwisePrivate investment is measured by gross fixed private capital formation,public investment(PUB t)is measured by gross fixed public capital formation, and private domestic investment(PDI t)is measured by private investment minus foreign direct investment (FDI t).FDI t includes equity capital,reinvested earn-ings,and other short-and long-term capital.It represents the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting interest in an enterprise operating in the Malaysian economy.Annual data covering the period1960to2003are used in the analysis.The data series are directly obtained or compiled from the domestic sources, including the Money and Banking in Malaysia (BNM,1994)of Bank Negara Malaysia and various issues of Monthly Statistical Bulletin of Bank Negara Malaysia.Logarithms are taken on all the investment series for the usual statistical reasons,and to express in real terms,these series are deflated by the gross capital formation deflator.However,it must be highlighted that the estimation for PDI may be subjected to some measurement issues,since the data sources for private investment are not compatible with those obtained for FDI.In Malaysia,like many other countries,data on private investment are obtained directly from the national account statistics.Data on FDI are taken from the balance of payment accounts,which are estimated by BNM using capital flow data from commercial bank records,and supplemented by information directly obtained from a company survey on reinvested earnings of foreign-invested firms(multi-national enterprise subsidiaries).Although the incompatibility of data sources may be a concern,it is unlikely to distort the estimation results significantly.IV.MethodologyThe objective of our empirical estimation is to examine how the variables are related in the long-run.We construct a trivariate vector autoregressive (VAR)model for the estimation purpose.The testing procedure involves three steps.We begin by perform-ing an integration analysis using the augmented Dickey–Fuller(ADF)test.The second step is to test for cointegration using the Johansen approach for the VARs constructed in levels.If cointegration is detected,the third step is to estimate the long-run relationship in a vector error correction framework. We begin our analysis by maintaining the assump-tion that the data generating process for the relation-ship between PDI t,PUB t and FDI t is a log-linear VAR model at levels.The use of a VAR model is appropriate in this case since the underlying variables may be endogenous.The VAR model is given as:x t¼ þX pj¼1j x tÀjþ"tð2Þwhere x t¼½PDI t PUB t FDI t 0, is a vector of constant terms where ¼½ PDI PUB FDI 0and f j is a matrix of VAR parameters for lag j.The vector of error terms"t¼½"PDI"PUB"FDI 0$INð0, Þ, where is the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals.The VAR model in Equation2can be transformed into a vector error correction model(VECM)after some mathematical manipulation,as given in Equation3.Áx t¼ þx tÀ1þX pÀ1j¼1jÁx tÀjþ"tð3ÞwhereÁ¼1ÀL, is the long-run multiplier matrix. The above econometric specification hinges upon the assumption that the disturbance term"t is serially uncorrelated.Hence,it is critical to ensure that optimal lag order p of the underlying VAR is chosen appropriately in order to strike a satisfactory balance between the two competing concerns,in which the lag order is high enough to ameliorate the residual serial correlation problems while low enough so that the estimation is not subjected to over-parameteriza-tion problems.This is particularly important given that a small sample is used in the estimation of this study.V.ResultsThe ADF test results are reported in the Table1show that all variables are nonstationary in their levels but become stationary after taking the first difference. Hence,we conclude that all series are I(1)at the5% level of significance.916J.B.AngGiven that PDI t,PUB t and FDI t share common integration properties,we can now proceed to testing for the presence of a long-run cointegrating relation-ship between the variables.Since the Johansen approach is sensitive to the lag length used,we conduct a series of nested likelihood ratio tests on first-differenced VARs to determine the optimal lag length(p)prior to performing cointegration tests.Given the sample size,we have considered a maximum lag length of4.The optimal lag length is found to be2.To provide some robustness checks,we have also reported results from lag1to lag 4. Cointegration tests are performed for each VAR models at levels.In Table2,both the results of trace test and maximum eigenvalue test unanimously point to the same conclusion that there is one cointegrated equation,irrespective of the choice of lag length.Table3presents the cointegrating vectors and speed of adjustment coefficients for each model. Multivariate normality test shows that the residuals are Gaussian for each model,except for Model D which assumes four grange Multiplier(LM) tests are performed to examine for evidence of serial correlation in the residuals.The results show that there is no evidence of serial correlation in each model up to the third order.By normalizing the coefficient of PDI t to1,we obtain the long-run elasticities of PDI t with respect to other variables. Both PUB t and FDI t enter the equation significantly when one or two lags are assumed.However,only FDI t is statistically significant when three or four lags are used.Hence,it appears that the results produced based on three or four lags are less robust.This is probably due to the small sample size used in the estimation.In the remaining discussion,we will focus on the results based on two lags(i.e.Model B),which is the preferred model chosen based on the likelihood ratio tests.The coefficients on ECT tÀ1are statistically sig-nificant at the5%level in all models and have the correct sign,providing further evidence for the use of a VECM framework.In Model B,PDI t adjusts at the speed of30%every year,or it takes about3.3years,to restore equilibrium when there is a shock on the steady-state PDI relationship.There is evidence that public investment crowds in PDI.Specifically,a one percentage point increase in public investment will result in a0.281percentage point increase in PDI.The finding of a crowding-in effect from government investment is in line with a majority of the empirical studies,including Aschauer (1989)and Erenburg(1993)for the United States, Greene and Villanueva(1991)for23developing countries,Shafik(1992)for Egypt,Odedokun(1997) for48developing countries,Laopodis(2001)for three newly industrialized countries,Athukorala and Sen(2002)for India and Narayan(2004)for Fiji, which have consistently found public investment to play a complementary role in private domestic capital formation.Hence,this finding is not unique to the Malaysian experience.Public investment expenditure has been used in Malaysia as a key policy tool to stimulate economic growth,particularly after the Asian financial crisis. The evidence obtained in this study seems to suggest public investment is complementary to private investment given that a rise in government investment is associated with an increase in private sector investment.Hence,the ongoing pump-priming efforts made by the Malaysian government to revive total investment appear to be effective for private capital formation.The sharp decline in private investment during the post-crisis period may be attributable to other factors.The coefficient on FDI t is statistically significant with a positive sign.In particular,a1%increase in FDI inflows will lead to a0.985%increase in PDI. Using the likelihood ratio tests,the restriction of one for the parameter on FDI t cannot be rejected at the 1%level for Model B,suggesting that the crowding-in effect of FDI appears to be one-to-one.The results that FDI has a complementary role to play in domestic capital formation are consistent with the findings of van Loo(1977)and Noorzoy(1979)Table1.Augmented Dickey–Fuller testsLevels First-difference PDI tÀ1.972À5.775*** PUB tÀ2.667À8.091*** FDI tÀ3.160À8.491***Notes:AIC is used to select the lag length.The maximum number of lags is set to be four.***Indicates1%level of significance.Table2.Johansen cointegration testsTrace statistic( trace)Maximum eigenvaluestatistic( max)Lag(p)r¼0r0r2r¼0r¼1r¼2 134.517** 5.5340.79428.983*** 4.7400.794 232.641** 5.0390.91227.602*** 4.1270.912 333.560**7.1890.82926.371*** 6.3600.829 428.585* 5.660 1.97322.925** 3.687 1.973 Notes:*,**and***indicate10,5and1%level of significance,respectively.Public investment and private domestic investment FDI917for the Canadian experience,Jansen(1995)for the Thai experience,Sun(1998)for the Chinese experi-ence,Bosworth and Collins(1999)for58developing countries over the period1978to1995and Agosin and Machado(2005)in panel regressions of five Asian countries(including Malaysia).By examining the sectoral composition of FDI in Malaysia,Min(2003)found that FDI in the manufacturing industry has increased the speed of the relocation of labour from the nontradable to the tradable sectors.This may have enhanced export capacity and therefore benefited capital formation in the private sector.4The crowding-in effect observed in Malaysia may imply that the domestic financial markets are not too tight.In cases where there are difficulties in raising funds in the domestic market,a crowding-out effect is likely to be observed (Jansen,1995).The dummy variables which capture the effects of the racial riots of1969,i.e.D69,global economic recession,i.e.D85–86and the Asian financial crisis,i.e. D97–98,are found to be statistically insignificant and therefore excluded in the estimation.VI.ConclusionsThis article examines the long-run cointegrating relationship between PDI,public investment and FDI in Malaysia for the period1960to2003.The estimation draws upon a cointegrated VAR model to account for the potential endogeneity problems.The results suggest that both public investment and FDI stimulate PDI in the long run. The impact of FDI on PDI is more pronounced than that of public investment.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Russell Smyth and Yew-Kwang Ng for suggesting this topic of research. Constructive suggestions and comments from two anonymous referees of this journal are much appre-ciated.The usual disclaimer applies.ReferencesAgosin,M.R.and Machado,R.(2005)Foreign investment in developing countries:does it crowd in domestic investment?,Oxford Development Studies,33,149–62. Ang,J.B.(2007a)Are saving and investment cointegrated?The case of Malaysia(1965–2003),Applied Economics, 39,2167–74.Ang,J.B.(2007b)Financial Development and the FDI-Growth Nexus:The Malaysian Experience.Applied Economics,84,245–33.Ang,J.B.and McKibbin,W.J.(2007)Financial liberal-ization,financial sector development and growth: evidence from Malaysia,Journal of Development Economics,84,215–33.Aschauer, D. 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