repair code




销售顾问考试答疑 sales consultant exam and Q&A 服务顾问考试答疑 SA exam and Q&A
参加课程人员 Sales assistant & SA
Sales assistant & SA Sales assistant
SA 2
1. 三包车辆维修 1.1. 系统流程 1.2. 三包车辆提示信息 1.3. 查看三包维修历史信息 1.3. 录入三包服务时间 1.4. 登记三包维修信息 1.5. 结账,客户签字确认(三包服务时间) 2. 三包预警报表
Introduction of 3G repair time inputting 三包维修信息登记介绍
Introduction of 3G repair code choose.
Introduction of 3G Monitor report
13:30 17:00
练习答疑Q&A 考试 Exam
1.5 登记三包维修信息
1 选择工具栏在链接->三包维修代码。
1. 三包车辆维修
1.5 选择三包维修代码
2 依次选择本次维修对应的维修代码(等级1至等级3)。 等级1里包括:3G重要部件,3G一般维修,非3G维修
注:三包维修代码是JLRC的CRC部门维护的,如有任何问题, 请联系CRC。
1. 三包车辆维修
Process of vehicle repair
Introduction of 3G vehicle reminder function in WIP 三包车辆三包维修历史信息查询
Introduction of 3G repair history inquiry function in WIP 三包维修时间登记介绍

京东方流程介绍 精品

京东方流程介绍 精品

根据目的对混合的Panel进行分类: L/R, Q级, E-NG, V-NG etc.
Bubble Rework
对小型Bubble进行 加热以消除之
Laser Repair
在 Laser 设备实施 Data
2‘nd CT
Cell Repair
Cell Sorter
Cell Test Flow:
Test 设备点灯 Test 时所有不良检出:
电器性,目视性不良;确定 L/R Address 并传 送Panel Grade 区分: P,S,T, Q, Repair, NG
判定L/R或Rework 成功与否,区分可再次 Repair 的Panel,同时检出新不良
① A
14110 15100
② P/S/T Grade
Manual Sampling (?)
EMO Switch
“EMO” 作用:设备发生异常时,应及时按下 EMO,按下后可使设备断电,停止所有马达的 运转,起到保护设 Up/Down 由气缸驱动,如该配 件发生Error,“EMO”不起作用,请一定注意!
Align Error时,进入Unit Mode,Adjust ④ 中的”↑↓←→” 根据中间的数值,进行调整; 左右旋转按钮即按照中间数值移动W/T V/W两 个轴,旋转W/T进行调整。

eService Code码翻译及详解201202

eService Code码翻译及详解201202

产品无问题时, 主劢为客户更新 BIOS/韧体/软件 产品无问题时,因客户需求而做翻 新 更换零件(使用旧料件维修戒BGA 植球)
1. 客户新机,仅做检测 檢測硬體有故障但客戶要求丌做維 2. 保内产品检测故障,但因时效等原因,客户要求暂时丌做维修 修取回 退还客户。 因非料件相关之无法维修问题而更 任何非缺料戒非时限问题导致之无法维修而更换者均列为E01 换 1. 在丌缺料且没有超期的前提下,机台故障因为无法维修而导致 的换机。 保固内无料件维修而升级/更换 任何因缺料问题而导致更换者均列为E02 1. 机台料件原因导致的故障,但由于维修料件一直缺料,无法完 修,而导致换机时,选择此项。 客诉 戒 多次回修且无法发现问题 而更换 依服务属性而更换 任何因客诉戒多次返修均没有发现故障而更换者均列为E03 1. 由于客户投诉的原因而导致的换机。 2. 机台故障多次维修,均没有发现故障 而导致的换机。 一线维修人员(如皇家,代理商等等)因后送需求而更换者则选择 E04,其他单位丌得使用本Code。 1. 用户机台符合三包换机条件而迚行的换机劢作。 任何外包制造产品需送回制造商更换戒维修而先行更换者选择 E05,其余状况丌得选择本Code。 任何因分析需求需要先行更换者均选择E06,其余状况丌得选择本 Code。 1. 仅当用户机台需要迚行送测分析,而导致的换机 任何因非缺料問題導致之無法滿足時效而更換之案例均列為E08 1. 在维修料件正常,丌缺料的前提下,无法在维修期限内完修机 台而导致的换机。 缺少维修设备而更换 无法维修戒过保无法维修, 丌修退 回 因缺少维修设备而更换者选择E09 1. 由于缺少相应的维修设备工具而导致的换机。 1、丌在保修范围内,检测硬件故障,用户丌同意维修而取回。 如:客户人损/机台过保。 2、丌在保修范围内,因相关料件已经停产而无法维修(如:M8 底壳)

唐小虎Regenerateing code

唐小虎Regenerateing code

Product matrix 构造
For k/n <=1/2 Systematic repair can match cutset bound
K.V. Rashmi, N.B. Shah, and P.V. Kumar, Optimal Exact-Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage at the MSR and MBR Points via a Product-Matrix Construction, Vol. 57, N0. 8, pp. 5227-5239, 2011
Product matrix 构造
• The d symbols stored in the failed node f is • The replacement node download the following from the hj help node • The replacement node thus obtains the d symbols from the helper nodes
报告人 Email 单位 唐小虎 xhutang@ 西南交通大学
分布式存储 再生码
1998,图灵奖获得者Jim Gray 预言 未来每18 个月产生的数据量等于有 史以来的数据量之和!
Storage-Communication tradeoff



AEB15.4347 of 72 Section IV. Fault Codes for Quantum Engines48 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 111(Red)S2541262912Engine Control Module – Critical internalfailure X X X X X X X X 3 3 3 112(Red)S02076357Engine Timing Actuator is notresponding to ECM commands X X 2 2 2 113(Yellow)S02036353Engine Timing Actuator Circuit - shortedhigh X X X 2 2 2 114(Yellow)S02046354Engine Timing Actuator Circuit - shortedlow X115(Red)P19021902Engine Speed/Position Sensor Circuit -lost both of two signals from themagnetic pickup sensorX X X X X X X X 2 2 2 116(Red)P15631563Fuel Timing Pressure Sensor Circuit -shorted high X X X X 2 2 2 117(Red)P15641564Fuel Timing Pressure Sensor Circuit -shorted low X X X X 2 2 2 118(Yellow)P13531353Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure SensorCircuit - shorted high X X X X 3 3 3 119(Yellow)P13541354Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure SensorCircuit - shorted low X X X X 3 3 3 121(Yellow)P1901019010Engine Speed/Position Sensor Circuit -lost one of two signals from themagnetic pickup sensorX X X X X X X 2 2 2 122(Yellow)P10231023Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor #1Circuit - shorted high X X X X X X X X 2 2 2 123(Yellow)P10241024Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor #1Circuit - shorted low X X X X X X X X 2 2 2 124*(Yellow)10216High Intake Manifold Pressure Left BankX 3 3 3 125*(None)10218Low Intake Manifold Pressure Left BankX 3 3 3 126*(Yellow)112916High Intake Manifold Pressure RightBank X 3 3 3 127*(None)112918Low Intake Manifold Pressure RightBank X 3 3 3 128*(None)11293Right Bank Intake Manifold PressureSensor Circuit Failed High X 3 3 349 of 7250 of 7251 of 7252 of 7253 of 7254 of 7255 of 7256 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 331(Yellow)S00256525Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #2Circuit – open circuit X332(Yellow)S00456545Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #4Circuit – open circuit X341(Yellow)S25326302Engine Control Module – data lostX X342(Red)S2531363013Engine Control Module – out ofcalibration X343(Yellow)S2541262912Engine Control Module - Warninginternal hardware failure X X X X X 4 4 4 346(Yellow)S2531263012Engine Control Module - WarningSoftware error X X X X X 4 4 4 349(Yellow)P19119116Transmission Output Shaft (Tailshaft)Speed High – Warning X X X X X349(Yellow)P191191Transmission Output Shaft (Tailshaft)Speed High – Warning X X 2 2 2 352(Yellow)S232410794Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit -shorted low X X X X X361(Red)S251310763Fuel Pump Control Module, Fuel ControlValve Circuit - shorted high X362(Yellow)S251410764Fuel Pump Control Module, Fuel ControlValve Circuit - shorted low X363(Yellow)S251710767Fuel Pump Control Module, Fuel ControlValve - mechanically stuck X364(Yellow)S233910779Fuel Pump Control Module, CANCommunication Error - abnormal updaterateX365(Yellow)S233410774Fuel Pump Control Module, SupplyVoltage Circuit - shorted low X366(Yellow)S233210772Fuel Pump Control Module, SupplyVoltage Circuit - data incorrect X367(Yellow)P19011107811Fuel Pump Control Module, IncrementAngle Time Sensor Error X368(Yellow)S254810788Fuel Pump Control Module, Timing ErrorX57 of 7258 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 395(Yellow)S02066356Timing Actuator #1 Circuit - groundedcircuit X396(Yellow)S083512445Fueling Actuator #2 Circuit - open circuitX397(Yellow)S083612446Fueling Actuator #2 Circuit - groundedcircuit X398(Yellow)S084512455Timing Actuator #2 Circuit - open circuitX399(Yellow)S084612456Timing Actuator #2 Circuit - groundedcircuit X414*(Yellow)S25096089Data Communication error over theJ1587 data link Circuit X415(Red)P10011001Engine Oil Pressure Low – CriticalX X X X X X415Level1P10011001Engine Oil Pressure Low – CriticalX X 1 1 1 418WIF /Maint.P09709715Water in Fuel Indicator High –MaintenanceX X X X X X419(Yellow)13192Intake Manifold Boost PressureImbalance X422(Yellow)P11121112Engine Coolant Level Sensor Circuit -data incorrect X X X X X X X X 2 2 2 423(Yellow)P15621562Fuel Timing Pressure or Timing ActuatorStuck X X X 2 2 2 426(None)S23126392SAE J1939 datalink - cannot transmitX X426(Yellow)S23126392SAE J1939 datalink - cannot transmitX X 3 3 3 426*(None)6392SAE J1939 datalink - cannot transmit3 3 3 427(None)S231 6399SAE J1939 not fast enoughX X 4 4 4 428(Yellow)P0973973Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - shortedhigh X X X59 of 7260 of 7261 of 7262 of 7263 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 616*(None)117316High Turbo Compressor Inlet Temp RB3 3 3 617*(None)1172High Turbo Compressor Inlet Temp LBX621*(Yellow)113718Low #1 LB Cylinder PowerX 2 2 2 622*(Yellow)113818Low #2 LB Cylinder PowerX 2 2 2 623*(Yellow)113918Low #3 LB Cylinder PowerX 2 2 2 624*(Yellow)114018Low #4 LB Cylinder PowerX 2 2 2 625*(Yellow)114118Low #5 LB Cylinder PowerX 2 2 2 626*(Yellow)114218Low #6 LB Cylinder PowerX 2 2 2 627*(Yellow)114318Low #7 LB Cylinder Power2 2 628*(Yellow)114418Low #8 LB Cylinder Power2 2631*(Yellow)1143(45)1145(60)18Low #1 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2631*(Yellow)13291Low #1 RB Cylinder PowerX632*(Yellow)1144(45)1146(60)18Low #2 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2632*(Yellow)13291Low #2 RB Cylinder PowerX633*(Yellow)1145(45)1147(60)18Low #3 RB Cylinder Power2 2 264 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 633*(Yellow)13291Low #3 RB Cylinder PowerX634*(Yellow)1146(45)1148(60)18Low #4 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2634*(Yellow)13291Low #4 RB Cylinder PowerX635*(Yellow)1147(45)1149(60)18Low #5 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2635*(Yellow)13291Low #5 RB Cylinder PowerX636*(Yellow)1148(45)1150(60)18Low #6 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2636*(Yellow)13291Low #6 RB Cylinder PowerX637*(Yellow)115118Low #7 RB Cylinder Power2 2 638*(Yellow)115218Low #8 RB Cylinder Power2 2 641*(Red)1137High #1 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature X 2 2 2 642*(Red)1138High #2 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature X 2 2 2 643*(Red)1139High #3 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature X 2 2 2 644*(Red)1140High #4 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature X 2 2 2 645*(Red)1141High #5 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature X 2 2 2 646*(Red)1142High #6 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature X 2 2 265 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 647*(Red)1143High #7 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature 2 2 648*(Red)1144High #8 LB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature 2 2 649(None)S1151378Change Lubricating Oil and FilterX X 3 3 3651*(Red)1143(30,45)1145(60)High #1 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperatureX 2 2 2652*(Red)1144(30,45)1146(60)High #2 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperatureX 2 2 2653*(Red)1145(30,45)1147(60)High #3 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperatureX 2 2 2654*(Red)1146(30,45)1148(60)High #4 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperatureX 2 2 2655*(Red)1147(30,45)1149(60)High #5 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperatureX 2 2 2656*(Red)1148(30,45)1149(60)High #6 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperatureX 2 2 2657*(Red)1150High #7 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature 2 2 658*(Red)1151High #8 RB Cylinder ExhaustTemperature 2 2 659*(None)Change fuel filterX 4 4 466 of 7267 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 674*(None)11404Cyl #4 LB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow X 4 4 4 675*(None)11414Cyl #5 LB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow X 4 4 4 676*(None)11424Cyl #6 LB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow X 4 4 4 677*(None)11434Cyl #7 LB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow 4 4 678*(None)11444Cyl #8 LB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow 4 4 679*(None)Change CoolantX X 4 4 691*(None)11723LBF Turbo Comp Inlet Temp SensFailed High X692*(None)11724LBR Turbo Comp Inlet Temp SensFailed Low X694*(None)11733RBF Turbo Comp Inlet Temp SensFailed High 3 3 3 695*(None)11744RBR Turbo Comp Inlet Temp SensFailed Low 3 3 3711*(Yellow)1143(45)1145(6016High #1 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2711*(Yellow)1329High #1 RB Cylinder PowerX712*(Yellow)1144(45)1146(60)16High #2 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2712*(Yellow)1330High #2 RB Cylinder PowerX713*(Yellow)1145(45)1147(60)16High #3 RB Cylinder Power2 2 268 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 713*(Yellow)1331High #3 RB Cylinder PowerX714*(Yellow)1146(45)1148(60)16High #4 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2714*(Yellow)1332High #4 RB Cylinder PowerX715*(Yellow)1147(45)1148(60)16High #5 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2715*(Yellow)1333High #5 RB Cylinder PowerX716*(Yellow)1148(45)1149(60)16High #6 RB Cylinder Power2 2 2716*(Yellow)1334High #6 RB Cylinder PowerX717*(Yellow)1150High #7 RB Cylinder Power2 2 718*(Yellow)1151High #8 RB Cylinder Power2 2 719(Yellow)P022312643Crankcase Blowby Pressure SensorCircuit - shorted high X X X 2 2 2721*(None)1143(30,45)1145(60)4Cyl #1 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLowX 4 4 4722*(None)1144(30,45)1146(60)4Cyl #2 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLowX 4 4 469 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 723*(None)1145(30,45)1147(60)4Cyl #3 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLowX 4 4 4724*(None)1146(30,45)1148(60)4Cyl #4 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLowX 4 4 4725*(None)1147(30,45)1149(60)4Cyl #5 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLowX 4 4 4726*(None)1148(30,45)1150(60)4Cyl #6 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLowX 4 4 4727*(None)11514Cyl #7 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow 4 4 728*(None)11524Cyl #8 RB Exhaust Temp Sens FailedLow 4 4 729(Yellow)P022412644Crankcase Blowby Pressure SensorCircuit - shorted low X X X 2 2 2 747*(None)Trend Data Memory Nearly FullX 4 4 4 748*(None)Trend Data Memory FullX 3 3 3 749*(None)Fault Log Snapshot Data Nearly FullX 4 4 4 753(None)S06427232Engine Speed/Position #2 - Cam syncerror X X X 3 3 3 754*(None)Fault Log Snapshot Data FullX 3 3 3 755(Yellow)P15771577Injector Metering Rail #1 PressureMalfunction X70 of 7271 of 72QSK45QSK6QSK78 FAULTCODE(LAMP)SID(S)PID(P)FMISPNFMIDESCRIPTIONQSBQSCQSL9QSM11QSX15QSK19QSK23QST3HHP LevelNumber (**) 2155*(None)6114Post-Filter Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit-Shorted Low X 3 3 3 2157*113110Rapid Rise in Intake ManifoldTemperature LBR 1 1 2158*113210Rapid Rise in Intake ManifoldTemperature RBF 1 1 2159*113310Rapid Rise in Intake ManifoldTemperature RBR 1 1 2194*(Yellow)P22311138711Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Input # 2(OEM Pressure Sensor) EngineProtection – WarningX X X2195*(Red)S0511470314Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Input # 3(OEM Switch) Engine Protection -CriticalX X X2241*Left Bank Middle High Intake ManifoldTemperature - EP2 2242*Left Bank Middle Intake Manifold TempSensor Circuit Failed High2 2243*Left Bank Middle Intake Manifold TempSensor Circuit Failed Low2 2244*Rapid Rise in Intake ManifoldTemperature LBM2 2245*Right Bank Middle High Intake ManifoldTemperature - EP2 2246*Right Bank Middle Intake Manifold TempSensor Circuit Failed High2 2247*Right Bank Middle Intake Manifold TempSensor Circuit Failed Low2 2248*Rapid Rise in Intake ManifoldTemperature RBM2 2251* Front Intercooler Boost Pressure High 2 2252* Front Intercooler Boost Pressure Low 2 2253*Front Intercooler Boost Pressure Out ofRange High2 2254*Front Intercooler Boost Pressure Out ofRange Low2 2255* Rear Intercooler Boost Pressure High 2 2256* Rear Intercooler Boost Pressure Low 2 2257*Rear Intercooler Boost Pressure Out ofRange High2 2258*Rear Intercooler Boost Pressure Out ofRange Low272 of 72Change LogEditor Date DescriptionPages/SectionsAll Sections. D. PietschFeb. 2004 Reformatted for clarity. Corrected errors in text andfault code tables.May 2004 Added Fault Lamp Changes, added clarity to FaultSections I & IV D. DowFlashout information and added HHP Fault Severityinformation to Table 5.May 2004 Added Requirements and Recommendations C. HobbsPage 1, 31 M. CowherdJune 2005 Revised Requirements and Recommendationsand J1939 messages。





门 故障现象:PHENOMENON ( What is the Failure condition / Failure location / Failure ratio or period )

The Same Phenomenon Repaired Times
型号 资产编号
维修起始时间 维修完成时间
生 Apply. Dep Work Code Equipment Type Model Asset No. 机械(M) 电气(E) 工艺(PE) Breakdown Time

3 小时内□ 一周内□

验证者(Verified 门验收 (Acceptance)
维修结果: 响应时间: 服务态度:
满意 □ 快□ 满意 □
验收者(Checked by):
较满意 □ 较快 □ 较满意 □
日期 (Date):
不满意 □ 慢□ 不满意 □

备件名(Parts) 编号(Code) 单价(Price) 数量(QTY)
维修者(Repair man):
设备管理部门验证维修结果并统计分类 ( Verification )
设 备 故障代码(FC)

1 小时内□ 8 小时内□ 响应时间 停机时间 核算停机时间
人为故障 (Workmanship):




)一、组织机构及职位总经理办公室General manager’s office模具部T ooling department项目部Project department品质部Quality department计划部 Plan department制造部Manufacture departmentKeypad产品部Keypad departmentIMD 产品部 IMD department五金部 Metal stamping department设计科 Design section冲压车间 Stamping workshop电镀车间 Plating workshop物控科 Production material control section计划科 Plan section仓务科 Warehouse section商务科 Business section品质规划科 quality plan sectionIQC科 IQC sectionIPQC科 IPQC sectionOQC科 OQC section检测中心 measurement center项目规划科 Project plan section项目XX科 Project section XX试模科 Mold test section成本科 Cost section设备科 Facility section采购科 Purchase section综合办 General affairs office编程科 Programming section模具工程科T ooling engineering section 模具装配车间Mold assembly workshop文控中心Document control center (DCC)注塑车间Injection workshop喷涂车间 Spray painting workshop装配车间Assembly workshop总经理General manager (GM)经理managerXX部门经理Manager of XX department原料库 Raw material warehouse半成品库Semi-finished product warehouse 成品库Finished product warehouse科长 section chief主任 chief部门主管 department head主管, 线长supervisor组长Foreman, forelady秘书secretary文员clerk操作员operator助理assistant职员staff二、产品超声波焊接ultrasonic welding 塑胶件 Plastic parts塑材 Raw parts喷涂件 Painted parts装配件 Assembly parts零件 Component原料 Raw material油漆 Paint稀释剂 Thinner油墨 Ink物料编号part number三、模具注塑模具injection mold冲压模具Stamping tool模架mold base定模座板Fixed clamp plate A板A plateB板B plate支承板 support plate方铁 spacer plate回位销 Return pin导柱 Guide pin动模座板Moving clamp plate 顶针ejector pin单腔模具single cavity mold 多腔模具multi-cavity mold 浇口gate合模力clamping force锁模力locking force开裂crack循环时间cycle time老化aging螺杆screw镶件 Insert主流道 sprue分流道runner浇口gate直浇口 direct gate点浇口pin-point gate测浇口edge gate潜伏浇口submarine gate浇口套sprue bush流道板runner plate排气槽vent分型线(面)parting line 定模Fixed mold动模movable mold型腔cavity凹模cavity plate,凸模core plate斜销angle pin滑块slide拉料杆sprue puller定位环locating ring脱模斜度draft滑动型芯slide core螺纹型芯threaded core热流道模具hot-runner mold 熔合纹weld line 三板式模具three plate mold脱模ejection脱模剂release agent注射能力shot capacity注射速率injection rate注射压力injection pressure保压时间holding time闭模时间closing time电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining数控加工中心CNC machine center万能铁床Universal milling machine平面磨床Surface grinding machine万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller 立式钻床Vertical driller倒角chamfer键Key键槽keyway间距pitch快速成型模Rapid prototype tool (RPT)四、品管SPC statistic process control品质保证Quality Assurance(QA)品质控制Quality control(QC)来料检验IQC Incoming quality control巡检IPQC In-process quality control校对calibration环境试验Environmental test光泽gloss拉伸强度tensile strength盐雾实验salt spray test翘曲warp比重specific gravity疲劳fatigue撕裂强度tear strength缩痕sink mark耐久性durability抽样sampling样品数量sample sizeAQL Acceptable Quality level 批量lot size抽样计划sampling plan抗张强度 Tensile Strength抗折强度 Flexural Strength硬度 Rigidity色差 Color Difference涂镀层厚度 Coating Thickness 导电性能 Electric Conductivity 粘度 viscosity附着力 adhesion耐磨 Abrasion resistance尺寸 Dimension(喷涂)外观问题 Cosmetic issue不合格品 Non-conforming product限度样板 Limit sample五、生产注塑机injection machine冲床Punch machine嵌件注塑 Insert molding双色注塑 Double injection molding薄壁注塑 Thin wall molding膜内注塑IMD molding ( In-mold decoration)移印Tampo printing丝印 Silk screen printing热熔 Heat staking超声熔接 Ultrasonic welding (USW)尼龙nylon黄铜 brass青铜 bronze紫(纯)铜 copper料斗hopper麻点pit配料compounding涂层coating飞边flash缺料 Short mold烧焦 Burn mark缩水 Sink mark气泡 Bubbles破裂 Crack熔合线 Welding line 流痕 Flow mark银条 Silver streak黑条 Black streak表面光泽不良Lusterless表面剥离Pelling翘曲变形Deformation脏圬 Stain mark油污 Oil mark蓝黑点 Blue-black mark顶白 Pin mark拉伤 Scratch限度样品 Limit sample最佳样品 Golden sample预热preheating再生料recycle material机械手 Robot机器人 Servo robot试生产 Trial run; Pilot run (PR)量产 mass production 切料头 Degate产能 Capacity能力 Capability参数 Parameter二次加工 Secondary process六.物控保质期shelf lifeABC分类法ABC Classification装配Assembly平均库存Average Inventory批号Batch Number批量生产Mass Production提货单Bill of Lading物料清单Bill of Material采购员Buyer检查点Check Point有效日期Date Available修改日期Date Changed结束日期Date Closed截止日期Date Due生产日期Date in Produced库存调整日期Date Inventory Adjust 作废日期D ate Obsolete 收到日期Date Received交付日期Date Released需求日期Date Required需求管理Demand Management需求Demand工程变更生效日期Engineering Change Effect Date呆滞材料分析Excess Material Analysis完全跟踪Full Pegging在制品库存In Process Inventory投入/产出控制Input/ Output Control检验标识Inspection ID库存周转率Inventory Carry Rate准时制生产Just-in-time (JIT)看板Kanban人工工时Labor Hour最后运输日期Last Shipment Date提前期Lead Time负荷Loading仓位代码Location Code仓位状况Location Status批量标识Lot ID批量编号Lot Number批量Lot Size机器能力Machine Capacity机器加载Machine Loading制造周期时间Manufacturing Cycle Time制造资源计划Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)物料成本Material Cost物料发送和接收Material Issues and Receipts物料需求计划Material Requirements Planning (MRP)现有库存量On-hand Balance订单输入Order Entry零件批次Part Lot零件编号Part Number (P/N)零件Part领料单Picking List领料/提货Picking产品控制Product Control产品线Production Line采购订单跟踪Purchase Order Tracking需求量Quantity Demand毛需求量Quantity Gross安全库存量Safety Stock在制品Work in Process零库存Zero Inventories七.QS-9000中的术语APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan,产品质量先期策划和控制计划PPAP Production Part Approval Process,生产件批准程序FMEA Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,潜在失效模式及后果分析MSA Measure System Analysis,测量系统分析SPC Statistical Process Control,统计过程控制审核 Audit能力 Capability能力指数 Capability Indices控制计划 Control Plans纠正措施 Corrective Action文件 Documentation作业指导书Standard operation procedure (SOP); Work instruction 不合格品 Nonconformance不合格 Nonconformity每百万零件不合格数 Defective Parts Per Million, DPPM预防措施 Preventive Action程序Procedures过程流程图 Process Flow Diagram, Process Flow Chart 质量手册Quality Manual质量计划 Quality Plan质量策划 Quality Planning质量记录Quality Records原始数据Raw Data反应计划Reaction Plan返修Repair返工Rework现场Site分承包方Subcontractors产品product质量quality质量要求quality requirement顾客满意customer satisfaction质量管理体系quality management system 质量方针quality policy质量目标quality objective质量管理quality management质量控制quality control质量保证quality assurance组织organization顾客customer供方supplier过程process服务service设计与开发design and development:特性characteristic可追溯性trace ability合格conformity缺陷defect纠正correction让步concession放行release报废scrap规范specification检验inspection试验test验证verificatio评审review测量measurement。



error code(错误代码)=0是操作成功完成。

error code(错误代码)=1是功能错误。

error code(错误代码)=2是系统找不到指定的文件。

error code(错误代码)=3是系统找不到指定的路径。

error code(错误代码)=4是系统无法打开文件。

error code(错误代码)=5是拒绝访问。

error code(错误代码)=6是句柄无效。

error code(错误代码)=7是存储控制块被损坏。

error code(错误代码)=8是存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。

error code(错误代码)=9是存储控制块地址无效。

error code(错误代码)=10是环境错误。

error code(错误代码)=11是试图加载格式错误的程序。

error code(错误代码)=12是访问码无效。

error code(错误代码)=13是数据无效。

error code(错误代码)=14是存储器不足,无法完成此操作。

error code(错误代码)=15是系统找不到指定的驱动器。

error code(错误代码)=16是无法删除目录。

error code(错误代码)=17是系统无法将文件移到不同的驱动器。

error code(错误代码)=18是没有更多文件。

error code(错误代码)=19是介质受写入保护。

error code(错误代码)=20是系统找不到指定的设备。

error code(错误代码)=21是设备未就绪。

error code(错误代码)=22是设备不识别此命令。

error code(错误代码)=23是数据错误(循环冗余检查)。

error code(错误代码)=24是程序发出命令,但命令长度不正确。

error code(错误代码)=25是驱动器无法找出磁盘上特定区域或磁道的位置。

error code(错误代码)=26是无法访问指定的磁盘或软盘。

error code(错误代码)=27是驱动器找不到请求的扇区。



ErasureCode(EC)原理篇(⼀)近⼏个⽉主要参与⼀个分布式存储系统的纠删码部分(⽤于数据容错),纠删码在学术界出现⽐较早,现在ceph,微软的存储系统,Hadoop 3.0等都⽤了EC。

⽂章会分为多篇,主要将Erasure Code,LRC, 以及相关的数学基础,作为学习总结。





(PS: Spark的数据也可以通过计算恢复,详见spark论⽂)。


⼆、Erasure Codes(EC)原理1、朴素的解释有下列6个⽅程组成的⽅程组 (1)x1 = 1(2)x2 = 2(3)x3 = 3(4)x1 + x2 + x3= 6(5)x1 + 2*x2 +4*x3 = 17(6)x1 + 3*x2 +9*x3 = 34要知道x1,x2,x3三个数的值,只需要上⾯任意三个⽅程即可解出来。

假设有上⾯4个⽅程,有趣的地⽅出现了,如果丢了⼀个⽅程,那么仍然可以⽤其他三个⽅程求出x1,x2, x3的值。





FANUC ALPHA-i系列电机放大器模块故障诊断与处理说明书

FANUC ALPHA-i系列电机放大器模块故障诊断与处理说明书

FANUC A LPHA- i S ERIES S PINDLE A MPLIFIER M ODULE TROUBLESHOOTING A ND A CTIONIf a n a larm o ccurs i n t he s pindle a mplifier m odule, t he A LM L ED l ights r ed i n t he STATUS d isplay, a nd t he t wo-digit 7-segment L EDs i ndicate t he a larm c ode. The A LM L ED l ights r ed.Model Order S pecificationSPM-2.2 i A06B-6111-H002SPM-5.5 i A06B-6111-H006SPM-11 i A06B-6111-H011SPM-15 i A06B-6111-H015SPM-22 i A06B-6111-H022SPM-26 i A06B-6111-H026SPM-30 i A06B-6111-H030SPM-2.2 i A06B-6112-H002SPM-5.5 i A06B-6112-H006SPM-11 i A06B-6112-H011SPM-15 i A06B-6112-H015SPM-22 i A06B-6112-H022SPM-26 i A06B-6112-H026SPM-30 i A06B-6112-H030KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 01The i nside t emperature o f t he m otor i s h igher t han t he s pecified t emperature.(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring c utting (the m otor t emperature i shigh)(a)Check t he c ooling s tate o f t he m otor.<1>If t he c ooling f an o f t he s pindle m otor i s s topped,check t he p ower s upply o f t he c ooling f an. I f t he c ooling f anis s till i noperative, r eplace i t w ith a n ew o ne.<2>When a l iquid-cooled m otor i s u sed, c heck t hecooling s ystem.<3>When t he a mbient t emperature o f t he s pindlemotor i s h igher t han t he s pecified t emperature, l ower t heambient t emperature t o s atisfy t he s pecification.(b)If t his a larm i s i ssued e ven w hen t he l oad m eter f luctuatesin a l imited r ange, c heck t he s hort-period r ating. I f t hespecified v alue i s e xceeded, r educe t he l oad.(2)If t his a larm i s i ssued u nder a l ight l oad (the m otor t emperatureis h igh)(a)When t he f requency o f a cceleration/deceleration i s t oohigh s et s uch a c ondition t hat t he a verage i ncluding o utput a tacceleration/deceleration d oes n ot e xceed t he c ontinuousrating.(b)The p arameters s pecific t o t he m otor a re n ot c orrectly.Referring t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eriesParameter M anual (B-65280EN)," c heck t he m otor-specificparameters.(3)If t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he m otor t emperature i s l ow(a)The s pindle m otor f eedback c able i s f aulty. R eplace t hecable.(b)The c ontrol p rinted c ircuit b oard i s f aulty. R eplace t hecontrol p rinted c ircuit b oard o r s pindle a mplifier.(c)The m otor (internal t hermostat) i s f aulty. R eplace t hemotor.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 02The a ctual m otor s peed i s l argely d eviated f rom t he c ommanded s peed.(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring m otor a cceleration(a)The p arameter s etting o f a cceleration/deceleration t ime i sincorrect. S et t he f ollowing p arameter w ith t he a ctualacceleration/deceleration t ime f or y our m achine p lus s omemargin.Fanuc-15i P RM 3082 o r F anuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4082Setting o f a cceleration/deceleration t ime(b)The p arameter f or t he s peed d etector i s n ot s et c orrectly.Refer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameterManual (B-65280EN)," a nd s et a c orrect v alue.(2)If t his a larm i s i ssued a t a h eavy c utting l oad(a)The c utting l oad h as e xceeded t he m otor o utput p ower.Check t he l oad m eter i ndication, a nd r eview t he u secondition.(b)The p arameters f or o utput r estriction a re n ot s et c orrectly.Check t hat t he s ettings o f t he f ollowing p arameters s atisfythe m achine a nd m otor s pecifications:Fanuc-15i P RM 3028 F anuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4028Output r estriction p attern s ettingFanuc-15i P RM 3029 F anuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4029Output r estriction v alue(c)The p arameters s pecific t o t he m otor a re n ot c orrectly.Refer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameterManual (B-65280EN)," a nd c heck t he m otor-specificparameters.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 03The f use o f t he D C l ink h as b lown. (The v oltage a t t he D C l ink i s insufficient.) T his a larm i s c hecked w hen e mergency s top i s c ancelled.(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring s pindle o peration (rotation) T he f useof t he D C l ink i nside t he S PM h as p robably b lown. S o, r eplace t heSPM. T his a larm m ay b e c aused b y t he f ollowing:<1>Power l ead s hort-circuited t o g round<2>Motor w inding s hort-circuited t o g round<3>IGBT o r I PM m odule f ailure(2) I f t he P SM i nput m agnetic c ontactor i s o nce t urned o n a nd i sturned o ff w ith t his a larm w hen e mergency s top i s c ancelled o r t heCNC i s s tarted (When t wo s pindles a re c onnected, t he m agneticcontactor m ay n ot b e t urned o ff.)(a)The D C l ink w ire i s n ot c onnected. C heck t he D C l inkwiring f or e rrors.(b)A c able i s f aulty. P in 9o f t he i nterface c able (CXA2BCXA2A) b etween t he P SM a nd S PM m ay b e s hort-circuitedto 0V. R eplace t he c able.(c)The f use o f t he D C l ink i nside t he S PM h as b lown.Replace t he S PM.Alarm C ode 06The t emperature s ensor i s a bnormal, o r t he t emperature s ensor c able i s broken.(1)The p arameters s pecific t o t he m otor a re n ot c orrectly. R efer t o"FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B65280EN)," a nd c heck t he m otor-specific p arameters.(2)Cable i s f aulty. F eedback c able i s f aulty. R eplace t he c able. (3)Athermo s ensor i s f aulty. R eplace t he m otor (thermo s ensor).KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 07The m otor r otates a t a s peed e xceeding 115% (standard s etting) o f t he maximum a llowable s peed.(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring s pindle s ynchronization I f o ne o f t hemotors o perating i n s pindle s ynchronization i s d eactivated (SFR o rSRV) a nd a ctivated a gain, t he s pindle m otor m ay a ccelerate t o i tsmaximum r otation s peed i n o rder t o e liminate t he p osition e rroraccumulated w hile t he m otor i s o ff, r esulting i n t his a larm b eingissued. M odify t he l adder i n s uch a w ay t hat t his s equence w ill n otbe u sed.(2)If t his a larm i s i ssued w hile t he m otor i s s topped(a)The c onnection c able o f t he s pindle s ensor i s f aulty.Check t hat t he c able o f t he s pindle s ensor l eading t o t hemotor i s i ntact. R eplace t he c able i f n ecessary.(b)The m otor i s v ibrating. R efer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLEMOTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B-65280EN)," a ndadjust t he p arameters (4040 t o 4055 f or t he F S16i a nd 3040to 3055 f or t he F S15i) r elated t o t he v elocity l oop g ain.(c)The s pindle s ensor i s n ot a djusted c orrectly. A djust t hesensor.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 09The t emperature o f t he h eat s ink o f t he S PM m ain c ircuit h as r isen abnormally. T his a larm i s i ssued f or S PM-15i a nd l ater. W ith S PM-2.2i t o S PM 11i, h owever, a larm c ode 12 i s i ssued f or t he s ame c ause.(1) I f t his a larm i s i ssued d uring c utting (the h eat s ink t emperatureis h igh)(a) I f t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he l oad m eter r eads a v aluebelow t he c ontinuous r ating o f t he a mplifier, c heck t hecooling s tate o f t he h eat s ink.<1> I f t he c ooling f an i s s topped, c heck t he p owersupply (connector C X1A/B). I f t he c ooling f an i s s tillinoperative, r eplace t he S PM w ith a n ew o ne.<2> W hen t he a mbient t emperature i s h igher t han t hespecified t emperature, l ower t he a mbient t emperatureto s atisfy t he s pecification.(b) W hen t his a larm i s i ssued b ecause t he l oad m eter r eadsa v alue a bove t he c ontinuous r ating o f t he a mplifier, i mprovethe u se m ethod.(c) W hen t he h eat s ink o n t he b ack o f t he a mplifier i s t oodirty, c lean t he h eat s ink, f or e xample, b y b lowing a ir.Consider t he u se o f a s tructure t hat p revents t he h eat s inkfrom b eing d irectly e xposed t o c oolant.(2) I f t his a larm i s i ssued u nder a l ight l oad (the h eat s inktemperature i s h igh)(a) W hen t he f requency o f a cceleration/deceleration i s t oohigh, m odify t he c utting c ondition s o t hat t he a verageincluding o utput a t a cceleration/deceleration d oes n otexceed t he c ontinuous r ating.(b) T he p arameters s pecific t o t he m otor a re n ot s etcorrectly. R efer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eriesParameter M anual (B-65280EN)."KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epair(3) I f t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he h eat s ink t emperature i s l ow.Replace t he S PM.Alarm C ode 12An e xcessively l arge c urrent f lowed i nto t he D C l ink o f t he m ain c ircuit. W ith SPM-2.2i t o S PM-11i, t his a larm i ndicates t hat t he p ower m odule (IPM) o f t he main c ircuit d etected a n e rror s uch a s a n e xcessive l oad, o ver c urrent.(1) I f t his a larm i s i ssued o n S PM-2.2i t o S PM-11i C heck a larmcode 09 a s w ell.(2)If t his a larm i s i ssued i mmediately a fter a s pindle r otationcommand i s s pecified.(a)The m otor p ower l ead i s f aulty. C heck f or a s hort c ircuitbetween m otor p ower l eads a nd s hort-circuit t o g round, a ndreplace t he p ower l ead a s r equired.(b)The m otor w inding h as a n i nsulation f ailure. I f t he m otor i sshort-circuited t o g round, r eplace t he m otor.(c)The p arameters s pecific t o t he m otor a re n ot s et c orrectly.Refer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameterManual (B-65280EN)," c heck t he m otor-specific p arameters.(d)The S PM i s f aulty. A p ower e lement (IGBT, I PM) m ay b edestroyed. R eplace t he S PM.(3)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring s pindle r otation(a)A p ower e lement i s d estroyed. A p ower e lement (IGBT,IPM) m ay b e d estroyed. R eplace t he S PM. I f t he a mplifiersetting c ondition i s n ot s atisfied, o r c ooling i s i nsufficientbecause t he h eat s ink i s d irty, t he p ower e lements m ay b edestroyed. W hen t he h eat s ink o n t he b ack o f t he a mplifier i stoo d irty, c lean t he h eat s ink, f or e xample, b y b lowing a ir.Consider t he u se o f a s tructure t hat p revents t he h eat s inkfrom b eing d irectly e xposed t o c oolant. F or t he i nstallationcondition, r efer t o "FANUC S ERVO A MPLIFIER i s eriesDescriptions (B-65282EN)."KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epair(b)The p arameters s pecific t o t he m otor a re n ot s et c orrectly.Refer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameterManual (B-65280EN)," a nd c heck t he p arameters s pecific t othe m otor.(c)Speed s ensor s ignal e rror C heck t he s pindle s ensorsignal w aveform. I f a n e rror i s f ound, m ake a n a djustment o rreplace t he s ensor a s r equired.Alarm C ode 15In o utput s witching c ontrol o r s pindle s witching c ontrol, t he s witching operation s equence w as n ot e xecuted c orrectly. T his a larm i s i ssued i f o ne second o r m ore e lapses f rom t he t ransition o f a s witch r equest s ignal (SPSL o r RSL) u ntil a p ower l ead s tate c heck s ignal (MCFN, M FNHG, R CH, o r R CHHG) makes a t ransition.(1)Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The m agnetic c ontactor (switch u nit) f or p ower l eadswitching i s f aulty. I f t he c ontact i s i noperative, c heck t hepower s upply o f t he m agnetic c ontactor. I f t he m agneticcontactor i s s till i noperative, r eplace t he m agnetic c ontactor.(b)The I/O u nit o r w iring f or c hecking t he c ontact o f t hemagnetic c ontactor i s f aulty. I f a d efect i s f ound i n t he I/Ounit o r w iring, r eplace t he I/O u nit o r w iring.(c)The s equence (ladder) i s i ncorrect. M odify t he s equenceso t hat s witching i s c ompleted w ithin 1s econd.Alarm C ode 18A s um c heck i s a bnormal. I f t his a larm i s i ssued, r eplace t he S PM o r S PMcontrol p rinted-circuit b oard.Alarm C odes 19 a nd 20The o ffset v oltage o f t he p hase U(alarm c ode 19) o r p hase V(alarm c ode 20) c urrent d etection c ircuit i s e xcessively h igh. A c heck i s m ade w hen t he p ower is t urned o n. I f t his a larm i s i ssued, r eplace t he S PM. I f t his a larm i s i ssuedKFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairimmediately a fter t he S PM c ontrol p rinted c ircuit b oard i s r eplaced, c heck t he plugging o f t he c onnectors b etween t he p ower u nit a nd S PM c ontrol p rinted circuit b oard.Alarm C ode 21The s pecified p olarity o f t he p osition s ensor i s i ncorrect. T roubleshooting when t his a larm i s i ssued(a)Check t he p osition s ensor p olarity p arameter (bit 4o f p arameterNo. 4001).(b)Check t he f eedback c able o f t he p osition s ensor.Alarm C ode 24The p ower t o t he C NC i s t urned o ff. (This s ymptom d oes n ot r epresent a n error.) S erial c ommunication d ata t ransferred b etween t he C NC a ndspindle a mplifier m odule c ontains a n e rror. T roubleshooting w hen t hisalarm i s i ssued(a)Noise o ccurring b etween t he C NC a nd s pindle a mplifier m odule(connected v ia a n e lectric c able) c aused a n e rror i n c ommunicationdata. C heck t he c ondition f or m aximum w iring l ength. R eferring t o"Connection," i n "FANUC S ERVO A MPLIFIER i s eriesDescriptions (B-65282EN)," c heck t he c ondition o f e lectric c ableconnection.(b)Noise e xercises a n i nfluence b ecause a c ommunication c able i sbundled w ith t he p ower l ead. I f a c ommunication c able i s b undledwith t he p ower l ead f or t he m otor, s eparate t hem f rom e ach o ther.(c)A c able i s f aulty. R eplace t he c able. I f a n o ptical I/O l ink a dapteris u sed, t he o ptical l ink a dapter o r o ptical c able m ay b e f aulty.(d)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrol p rintedcircuit b oard.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epair(e)The C NC i s f aulty. R eplace t he b oard o r m odule r elated t o t heserial s pindle.Alarm C ode 27The s ignal o f t he p osition c oder i s d isconnected.(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he m otor i s d eactivated(a)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect. R efer t o "FANUCAC S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B65280EN)," a nd c heck t he p arameter f or s ensor s etting.(b)The c able i s d isconnected. I f t he c onnection o f t hefeedback c able i s c orrect, r eplace t he c able.(c)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrolprinted c ircuit b oard.(2)If t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he c able i s m oved(a)The c onnector h as a b ad c ontact, o r t he c able i sdisconnected. T he c onductor m ay b e b roken. R eplace t hecable. I f c oolant h as p enetrated i nto t he c onnector, c leanthe c onnector.(3)If t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he m otor r otates(a)The s hielding o f t he c able b etween t he s ensor a nd t heSPM i s f aulty. R eferring t o, "Connection," i n "FANUCSERVO A MPLIFIER i s eries D escriptions (B-65282EN),"check t he s hielding o f t he c able.(b)The s ignal c able i s b undled w ith t he s ervo m otor p owerlead. I f t he c able b etween t he s ensor a nd t he S PM i sbundled w ith t he s ervo m otor p ower l ead, s eparate t hemfrom e ach o ther.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 29An e xcessive l oad (standard s etting: l oad m eter r eading o f 9V) h as b een applied c ontinuously f or a c ertain p eriod (standard s etting: 30 s econds).(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring c utting C heck t he l oad m eter, a ndreview t he c utting c ondition.(2)If t his a larm i s i ssued d uring a s top(a)The s pindle i s l ocked. C heck t he s equence t o s ee i f t hespindle i s l ocked w hen a c ommand f or v ery s low m ovementis s pecified o r o rientation i s s pecified f or t he s pindle.(3)If t he s pindle d oes n ot r otate a s s pecified (the s pindle r otates a ta v ery l ow s peed) a nd t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect. R efer t o "FANUCAC S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B65280EN)," a nd c heck t he p arameter f or s ensor s etting.(b)The p hase s equence o f t he m otor p ower l ead i s i ncorrect.(c)The f eedback c able o f t he m otor h as a p roblem. C heck i fthe p hase A/B s ignals a re c onnected c orrectly.(d)The f eedback c able o f t he m otor i s f aulty. R otate t hemotor m anually t o s ee i f a s peed i s i ndicated i n t he i tem o fmotor s peed o n t he C NC d iagnosis s creen o r o n t he s pindlecheck b oard. I f n o s peed i ndication i s p rovided, r eplace t hecable o r s pindle s ensor (or m otor).(4)If t he s pindle d oes n ot r otate a s s pecified (the s pindle d oes n otrotate a t a ll) a nd t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The p ower l ead i s a bnormal. C heck i f t he m otor p owerlead i s c onnected n ormally. I f s pindle s witching o r o utputswitching i s p erformed, c heck i f t he m agnetic c ontactor i s o n.(b)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 31The m otor f ailed t o r otate a s s pecified, a nd h as s topped o r i s r otating a t a very l ow s peed.(1)If t he m otor r otates a t a v ery l ow s peed a nd t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect. R efer t o "FANUCAC S PINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B65280EN)," a nd c heck t he p arameter f or s ensor s etting.(b)The m otor p hase s equence i s i ncorrect. C heck i f t hemotor p hase s equence i s c orrect.(c)The f eedback c able o f t he m otor h as a p roblem. C heck i fthe p hase A/B s ignals a re c onnected c orrectly.(d)The f eedback c able o f t he m otor i s f aulty. R otate t hemotor m anually t o s ee i f a s peed i s i ndicated i n t he i tem o fmotor s peed o n t he C NC d iagnosis s creen o r o n t he s pindlecheck b oard. I f n o s peed i ndication i s p rovided, r eplace t hecable o r s pindle s ensor (or m otor).(2)If t he m otor d oes n ot r otate a t a ll a nd t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The s equence f or l ocking t he s pindle i s i ncorrect. C heckthe s equence t o s ee i f t he s pindle i s l ocked.(b)The p ower l ead i s f aulty. C heck i f t he p ower l ead i sconnected t o t he m otor c orrectly. I f s pindle s witching o rwinding s witching i s p erformed, c heck i f t he m agneticcontactor i s o n.(c)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 32LSI m emory f or s erial c ommunication i s a bnormal. A c heck i s m ade w hen the p ower i s t urned o n. I f t his a larm i s i ssued, r eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrol printed c ircuit b oard.Alarm C ode 34Parameter d ata o utside t he s pecifiable r ange w as s et. T roubleshooting when t his a larm i s i ssued C onnect t he s pindle c heck b oard. T he s pindle c heck board d isplays "AL-34" a nd "F-xxx" a lternately. "F-xxx" i ndicates a p arameter number o utside t he s pecifiable r ange. F or t he c orrespondence b etween t he CNC p arameter n umbers a nd "F-xxx," r efer t o "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR i series P arameter M anual (B-65280EN)."Alarm C ode 36The e rror c ounter o verflowed.(1)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect.(a)The g ear r atio s et i n a p arameter i s i ncorrect. C heck i fan e xcessively l arge g ear r atio i s s et.(b)The s etting o f a p osition g ain i s i ncorrect. I f t he g ear r atiodata i s c orrect, i ncrease t he p osition g ain.Fanuc-15i P RM 3056 t o 3059Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4056 t o 4059Gear r atio b etween t he s pindle a nd m otorFanuc-15i P RM 3060 t o 3063Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4060 t o 4063Position g ain a t o rientationFanuc-15i P RM 3065 t o 3068Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4065 t o 4068Position g ain i n t he s ervo m ode/spindle s ynchronizationFanuc-15i P RM 3069 t o 3072Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4069 t o 4072KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairPosition g ain i n C s c ontour c ontrol(2)Sequence e rror(a)Check i f t he m otor i s d eactivated (by t urning o ffSFR/SRV) i n a p osition c ontrol m ode (rigid t apping, C scontour c ontrol, o r s pindle s ynchronization).Alarm C ode 37After e mergency s top s ignal i nput, t he m otor i s a ccelerated w ithout being d ecelerated. T his a larm i s i ssued a lso w hen t he m otor i s n otdeactivated (the m otor i s n ot d ecelerated c ompletely) w hen t heacceleration/deceleration t ime (initial p arameter s etting: 10 s econds) h aselapsed a fter e mergency s top s ignal i nput.Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The p arameter s etting o f t he s peed d etector i s i ncorrect.Referring t o C hapter 1i n "FANUC A C S PINDLE M OTOR iseries P arameter M anual (B-65280EN)," s et a c orrect t ime.(b)The p arameter s etting o f a n a cceleration/decelerationtime i s n ot p roper. C heck t he p arameter-set v alue a nd a ctualacceleration/ d eceleration t ime, t hen s et a n a ctualacceleration/deceleration t ime p lus s ome m argin.Fanuc-15i P RM 3082Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4082Acceleration/deceleration t ime s ettingAlarm C ode 41The p osition w here t he o ne-rotation s ignal o f t he p osition c oder i s generated i s i ncorrect.Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect. R efer t o "FANUC A CSPINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B-65280EN)," a ndcheck t he p arameter f or s ensor s etting.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epair(b)The p osition c oder i s f aulty. C heck t he c heck p in P SD o n t hespindle c heck b oard. I f t he s ignal i s n ot g enerated p er r otation,replace t he p osition c oder.(c)The s hielding o f t he c able b etween t he s ensor a nd S PM i s f aulty.Referring t o "Connection," i n "FANUC S ERVO A MPLIFIER i s eriesDescriptions (B-65282EN)," c heck t he s hielding o f t he c able.(d)The s ignal c able i s b undled w ith t he s ervo m otor p ower l ead. I fthe c able b etween t he s ensor a nd S PM i s b undled w ith t he s ervomotor p ower l ead, s eparate t hem f rom e ach o ther.(e)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrol p rintedcircuit b oard.Alarm C ode 42The o ne-rotation s ignal o f t he p osition c oder i s n ot g enerated.Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect. R efer t o "FANUC A CSPINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B-65280EN)," a ndcheck t he p arameter f or s ensor s etting.(b)The p osition c oder i s f aulty. C heck t he c heck p in P SD o n t hespindle c heck b oard. I f t he s ignal i s n ot g enerated p er r otation,replace t he c onnection c able a nd p osition c oder.(c)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrol p rintedcircuit b oard.Alarm C ode 46The o ne-rotation s ignal o f t he p osition c oder c annot b e d etected n ormally during t hread c utting.Troubleshoot a s i n t he c ase o f a larm c ode 41.KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairAlarm C ode 47The c ount v alue o f p osition c oder s ignal p ulses i s a bnormal. P hases A a nd B for t he p osition c oder h ave a f eedback p ulse c ount o f 4096 p/rev p er s pindle rotation. T he S PM c hecks t he p ulse c ounts o f p hases A a nd B e quivalent t o t he position c oder e ach t ime a o ne-rotation s ignal i s g enerated. T he a larm i s i ssued when a p ulse c ount b eyond t he s pecified r ange i s d etected.(1)If t his a larm i s i ssued w hen t he c able i s m oved (as i n t he c ase w herethe s pindle m oves) T he c onductor m ay b e b roken. R eplace t he c able. I fcoolant h as p enetrated i nto t he c onnector, c lean t he c onnector.(2)Troubleshooting i n o ther c ases(a)The s etting o f a p arameter i s i ncorrect. R efer t o "FANUC A CSPINDLE M OTOR i s eries P arameter M anual (B-65280EN)," a ndcheck t he p arameter f or s ensor s etting.(b)The s hielding o f t he c able b etween t he s ensor a nd S PM i s f aulty.Referring t o "Connection," i n "FANUC S ERVO A MPLIFIER i s eriesDescriptions (B-65282EN)," c heck t he s hielding o f t he c able.(c)The s ignal c able i s b undled w ith t he s ervo m otor p ower l ead. I fthe c able b etween t he s ensor a nd S PM i s b undled w ith t he s ervomotor p ower l ead, s eparate t hem f rom e ach o ther.(d)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrol p rintedcircuit b oard.Alarm C ode 50A v alue o btained b y i nternal c alculation i n s pindle s ynchronization exceeded t he a llowable r ange.Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The s etting o f p arameters f or g ear r atio s etting i s i ncorrect.Check i f a n e xcessively l arge g ear r atio i s s et.(b)Position g ain s etting l imit I f c orrect g ear r atio d ata i s s et,increase t he p osition g ain v alue i n s pindle s ynchronization.Fanuc-15i P RM 3056 t o 3059Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4056 t o 4059KFAS: F anuc C NC P arts, S ervice, &R epairGear r atio b etween t he s pindle a nd m otorFanuc-15i P RM 3065 t o 3068Fanuc-16i/18i/21i P RM 4065 t o 4068Position g ain i n t he s ervo m ode/spindle s ynchronizationAlarm C odes 52 a nd 53The s ynchronization s ignal (ITP) i n c ommunication d ata t ransferred t o a nd from t he C NC s topped.Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The S PM i s f aulty. R eplace t he S PM o r S PM c ontrol p rinted c ircuitboard.(b)The C NC i s f aulty. R eplace t he b oard o r m odule r elated t o t he s erialspindle.Alarm C ode 54A l arge c urrent f lowing i n t he m otor f or a l ong t ime w as d etected.Troubleshoot a s i n t he c ase o f a larm c ode 29.Alarm C ode 55In s pindle s witching c ontrol o r o utput s witching c ontrol, a m ismatch between t he s witching r equest s ignal (SPSL o r R SL) a nd t he p ower l ead s tate check s ignal (MCFN, M FNHG, R CH, o r R CHHG) c ontinues d uring m otor activation.Troubleshooting w hen t his a larm i s i ssued(a)The m agnetic c ontactor (switch u nit) f or p ower l ead s witching i sfaulty. I f t he c ontact i s i noperative, c heck t he p ower s upply o f t hemagnetic c ontactor. I f t he m agnetic c ontactor i s s till i noperative,replace t he m agnetic c ontactor.(b)The I/O u nit o r w iring f or c hecking t he c ontact o f t he m agneticcontactor i s f aulty. I f a d efect i s f ound i n t he I/O u nit o r w iring,。



"Code" 这个词有多种用法和搭配,以下是一些常见的例子:
1.作为名词,"code" 可以表示代码、编码、密码等。

•"This program contains a lot of complex code."
•"You need to enter the correct code to access the system."
2.作为动词,"code" 可以表示编写代码、编码等。

•"I spend most of my time coding."
•"We need to code a new feature for our software."
3."Code" 还可以与其他词搭配,形成一些常用的短语。

•"Source code":源代码,表示程序的原始代码。

•"Error code":错误代码,表示系统或程序中出现的错误的标识符。

•"Encryption code":加密代码,表示用于加密和解密数据的代码。

•"Coding standards":编码标准,表示编程时应遵循的规范和准则。

这只是一些常见的用法和搭配,"code" 还有其他的含义和用法,具体取决于上下文和领域。


deprecated code

deprecated code

deprecated code什么是deprecated code?Deprecated code指的是已经过时、不再被推荐使用的代码。



为什么要避免使用deprecated code?1. 安全问题由于deprecated code已经不再得到更新和维护,因此它们可能存在安全漏洞。


2. 性能问题由于deprecated code已经过时,它们可能无法充分利用新硬件和软件的性能优势。


3. 兼容性问题如果你的程序依赖于过时的代码,那么当你升级到新版本的软件时,可能会出现兼容性问题。


如何避免使用deprecated code?1. 阅读文档在使用任何库或框架之前,请务必阅读它们的文档。


2. 使用新的API如果你需要使用一个已经被deprecated的函数或方法,可以尝试使用它的替代方案。


3. 更新代码如果你已经使用了deprecated code,请尽快更新你的代码。


4. 遵循最佳实践在编写代码时,请遵循最佳实践。


总结:避免使用deprecated code是保证程序稳定性、安全性和高效性的重要步骤。




CC|SE SD RC RM SC左侧TUP 梁RLA 小导架LBG 部件代码 component code板(所有的)PAA 胶条压条GRS 鹅颈槽板门挡板DPL 鹅颈槽加强板TUC 角柱CPA 门把手LBH 鹅颈槽直梁RTL 鹅颈槽横梁TUB 角件CFG 门板加强筋DSC 短底梁CMO J 型柱CPJ 绑扎环LSR 门上盒钢DST 雨槽RNG 边门框方钢DSH 顶梁护角板RDP 底梁内部加强版RLG 门下盒钢DSB 顶梁延伸版HEP 条形地板FPB 通风窗VRA 中门框方钢DSC 胶合地板FPP 箱号MSD 租箱LOGO 标MOL 铰链插销HGP 鹅颈槽盖板FTP 重量标MMI 铰链HGA 其他标牌MPM 门胶条GTA 地板中梁FHS 门锁杆LBR 叉槽组件FLA CSC 板MPS 门压条GRS 底横梁CMA 叉槽护板FLS 其他标志MRU 托架盖DHC 叉梁FLT 全外部箱板CEX 全内部箱板CIN 大导架LBB 底部护脚板CPG 全部箱板MCC 锁头座RCK 松动LO 钉子NL nails 门竖框DSM 锁头LBCCTcontaminated 开裂CK cracked 灭失MS 扭曲 dentDT损坏代码damage code穿孔HG BT bent 锈蚀WTwear tear 脏污DY dirty 破损 split BR broken 锈紧FZ油污化洗 chemical clean 附带修理ZZ not applicable 凸出NI涂画ML 不合格修理IR improper repair凹陷打磨 sand 段换 section 水洗WW water wash 修理代码repair code换新 replace 加固重装RE resecure 清除杂物或拔钉贴补 patch 漆新PAapply paint 打胶seal 嵌换活络FR free R 补焊 weld 校正补焊GW 翻新校正 straighten 扫地WP sweep D U understructure 中间或全部蒸汽清洗位置代码 position code前端 front F 顶面或上部T top 右侧 right验箱常用代码X whole container or unit L left 地板或下部B board 顶梁H harder G门端 door。



FREQUENTLY USED ACCOUNT CODESLABOR & BENEFITS ACCOUNT CODESAccount Pool Account Code Description & NotesINSTRUCTIONAL CONTRACT FACULTYExpenses must be charged to Funds 114 or 122, and the program code must be instructional1120A CE Manager Salaries Instruction1160A CE Contract Instruction1320A CE Salaries Hourly Instruction1330A CE Salaries Hourly SubstitutesNON-INSTRUCTIONAL CONTRACT FACULTY1210A CE Manager Salaries Noninstruction1250A Asst Div Chair & Exec Head1260A CE Salaries NoninstructionNON-INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTY-Additional Pay/Part-Time/Subs/Office Hours1430B CE Salaries Hourly Noninstruction1440B HR Sub-Noninstruction1445A Part-Time Office HoursCLASSIFIED SALARIES2110A CL Manager Salaries2170A CL Contract Noninstruction2171A CL Contract Noninstr Supervisors2175A CL Contract Hourly (less than 20 hrs/wk)2180A Classified Salaries CSEA2220A CL Salaries Instructional Aides (must be charged to Funds 114 or 122, and the program code must be instructional) 2350B CL Hourly Noninstruction (casual hourly employees/TEA's)2360B CL Premium Overtime2390B Donated Services ExpSTUDENT SALARIES2310B Student Salaries Noninstruction2320B Student Salaries Prem Overtime2327A Federal Work Study Students (to be charged only to Fund 123; benefits charged to DW)2330B Student Tutors NonInstruction2410B Student Salaries Instruction Aid (must be charged to an instructional program code)2430B Student Tutors Instruction (must be charged to an instructional program code)"A" & "B" BUDGET BENEFITS3100A Benefit Budget/Encumbrance-A3200B Benefit Budget/Encumbrance-BEXPENSE ACCOUNT CODESAccount Pool Account Code Description & Notes Account Pool Account Code Description & Notes "POOL" ACCOUNT CODESTo be used only for budget purposes; expenses should not becharged to pool account codes2000B Classified Salaries Pool4000B Supplies and Materials Pool5000B Operating Expenses Pool6000B Capital Outlay PoolCHARGEBACK ACCOUNT CODESTo be used when invoicing or charging another department forgoods or services4061B Chargeback-Printing4063B Chargeback-Reprographics/Bookstore5061B Chargeback-Misc.5062B Chargeback-La Voz5063B Chargeback-Facilities Rental5065B Chargeback-Short Courses5066B Chargeback-Plant Services5067B Chargeback-Quarterly Permit5069B Chargeback-Daily Permit5073B Chargeback-Postage5074B Chargeback-Utilities5079B Chargeback-SecuritySUPPLIES & MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES & MISCELLANEOUS - INSTRUCTIONAL4005B Cleaning Supplies4025B Instructional Materials4006B Paper Supplies4026B Instructional Equip-Noncapital4010B Miscellaneous Supplies4050B Printing-Instructional Materials4011B Fine Arts Production Supply4084B A/V Instructional Materials4012B Library Supplies4013B Promotional Items4014B Library Materials Noncapital4015B Food Supplies4016B Graphic Supplies4017B Photo Supplies4018B Testing Materials4020B Books-Capital4030B Periodicals4040B Firearms/Ammunition4041B Vehicle Supplies4042B Safety Supplies4060B Printing-General4065B Printing-Events CA4070B Gasoline & Oil4080B Lighting Supplies4085B A/V Materials4090B Parts & Accessories4095B Clothing/Uniforms4900B Procure Card ChargesOPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES - INSTRUCTIONAL502C B Commissioning Agent5101B Instructional Equip A.V.-Repair 5030B Dues and Memberships5112B Instructional Equip Science-Maint 5040B Claims Expense5113B Instructional Equip Science-Repair 5042B Attorney Fees5116B Instructional Equip Other-Maint 5045B Insurance-All Risk5117B Instructional Equip Other-Repair 5050B Insurance-Student Accident5051B Insurance-Foreign Student Man5055B Insurance-Student5056B Loss Prevention5060B Vehicle Repair5201B Architect & Design5202B Inspection5203B Capital Project Testing5204B Construction Management5205B Blueprints5206B Soil Investigations5207B Capital Project Consultants5208B Publication Distribution5209B Plant Service Contract Services (to be used only byPlant Services accountants)5211B Delivery Services5212B Modeling Services5213B Referees5214B Technical & Professional Services5215B Short Course Instruction5216B Fine Arts Production5217B Campus Security-Special Events5218B Admin Expenses5220B Temporary Services5223B Stipend Payments5225B Med Tests Consultant5226B Fingerprinting-DOJ5227B Fingerprinting-Processing Fee5228B Operational Moving Expense5229B Fingerprinting-FBI522C B Waterproofing Test/Inspect Roofing5230B Criminal Justice Database5231B Blueprint Reimbursement5232B Police Recruit Tests5233B Network Expense-Fund 765235B Lab Tests5237B ETS Standards Gen OH5238B EIR Fees5239B DSA Fees5241B Labor Compliance5244B Master Plan Expenses5245B Dispatch Communities Services5250B Custodial Expense5251B NSF Participant Support5252B NSF Subawards5260B Scholarships5261B Sponsorship5270B Program Management General OH5271B Construction/Design Management Fees5310B Equipment Rental/Lease5311B Trailer Rental5312B Computer Maintenance & Repair5315B Software Maintenance & RepairOPERATING EXPENSES (continued)5335B Donated Facilities Expense5340B Facilities Rental-Short Term 5341B Facilities Maintenance5350B Equipment Maintenance & Repair 5355B Building Maintenance5509B International Conference & Travel 5510B Domestic Conference & Travel 5512B Local Mileage5520B Field Trips5521B Host Foreign Students5621B Data Lines5624B Phone-Discretionary5630B Laundry & Dry Clean5710B Periodical & Book Bind5725B Training/Retraining Negot5730B Recruit Advertising5731B TB Exam5735B Postage & Mailing5738B Reimb Travel 2nd Int5740B Inservice Training Expense5741B Tuition Reimbursement5745B Advertising5746B P/R-Promotion5747B Classified Advertising5755B Litigation Expense-Fund 76 5775B Election Expense5790B Unrealized Hold Gain/Loss5792B Stewardship5793B Special Event Expense5903B Inventory Adjustments5905B Royalty Expense5907B Bank Service Charge5908B License Fees5909B Replacement Card Fee5910B Cash Over & Short5911B PARS Admin Fees5912B Freight Out5913B Misc Fees5914B Bad Debts5920B Security5921B Leed Expense-fund 765922B Misc Operating Expenses5923B Reimbursement Expense5924B Project Design5925B Project Containment5926B Project Display5930B Fundraising Expense5934B Volunteer Expense5936B Awards5940B HonorariumCAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL OUTLAY - INSTRUCTIONAL Minor - $1,000-$5,000Major - greater than $5,0006410B FH-CS Minor Computer Software6421B Minor-Instr Equip Replace 6411B DA Minor Computer Software6423B Minor-Instr Equipment 6420B Minor Cap-Equipment6425B Minor-Radio Equipment6430B Minor-Cap Equip Replace6461B FH-CS Minor Computer and Printer6462B DA Minor Computer and Printer6467B Minor Servers6470B Minor Multimedia and AV Equipment6480B Minor Network & Telephone Equipment6610B FH-CS Major Computer Software6611B DA Major Computer Software6620B Major-Cap Equipment6630B Major-Cap Equipment Replace6661B FH-CS Major Computer and Printer6662B DA Major Computer and Printer6667B Major Servers6670B Major Multimedia and AV Equipment6680B Major Network & Telephone EquipmentSTUDENT GRANTS IN AID7520B Student Grant In Aid7530B Student Grant In Aid-Books/OtherREVENUE ACCOUNT CODES• Income received from outside sources (ie. federal grants, state apportionment, sales or services provided to companies or organizations) are correctly posted to revenue account codes.• Purchase rebates are not considered revenue - they are offsets, or reductions, to expense - and should be credited to the account code that was originally charged.• When one department invoices another department for services provided, this is considered a chargeback. Paperwork should be sent to the campus budget analyst or to district accounting for processing.• Expenses should not be charged to revenue account codes.•The program code to be used with revenue account codes is always 900000.Account Account Code Description & Notes Account Account Code Description & NotesREVENUE - FEDERAL REVENUE - LOCAL8120Higher Education Act8711Parent Fees-Non Cert8121WIA8712Parent Fees8122TAA/NAFTA8721FH Enrollment-Regular8125TANF (50/Federal)8722DA Enrollment-Regular8140Administrative Allowance8723FH Enrollment Waived8150Vocational Ed Act8724DA Enrollment Waived8190Fed Food Reimburse8731Transcripts-Rush8191Title III8732Transcripts-Regular8192Asian American and Pacific8741FH Non-Res Tuition8193NASA Ames8742DA Non-Res Tuition8195NSF8751Parking-Quarterly Decal8198Veterans Report Fee8752Parking-Daily Permit8199Other Federal Revenue8753Parking-Special Events8754Parking-Daily Supplement8755Parking-Annual DecalREVENUE - STATE8811Secured Property Taxes8610Apportionment Apprenticeships8812Unsecured Property Taxes8611Apportionment General8814Property Taxes SB8138612Prior Year General Apportionment8816ERAF Revenues8613Apportionment-B.O.G.8817 D.S. Tax Revenue8614Part Time Faculty Equity8818RDA-Facilities Amount8616Equalization8819Donated Operating Revenue8620EOPS8820Donations8621Apportionment-Special Ed8821Local Grant Contract8622TANF (50/State)8822Restricted Donations8623Calworks8823Endowment Donations8624TTIP/Telecom Revenue8824Donated Services Revenue8625Matriculation8825Donated Facilities Revenue8626Non Credit Matriculation8826Restricted Corporate Gifts8627AB1725 Staff Development8827Restricted Individual Gifts8628Staff Diversity8828Restricted Foundation Gifts8629Basic Skills8829Unrestricted Corporate Gifts8630BFAP8830Unrestricted Individual Gifts8631CARE8831Unrestricted Foundation Gifts8632Career Tech Ed8832Planned Gift8633Can/Articulation8833Car Donations8634Instructional Equipment8834Special Events8650Community College Construction Act8835Royalty-Foundation8651Hazardous Materials8836Foundation Processing Fee8652Scheduled Maintenance/Spec Rep8839Contract Services8656Economic Development8840Sales-Event Tickets8657State Grants8842Sales-Taxable8658State Contracts8843Sales-Surplus Items8670Homeowners Property Tax Relief8844Sales-Nontaxable8672Timber Yield Tax8845Sales Discounts8680State Lottery8846Commissions8681State Mandated Costs8847Sales-Printed Materials8690Child Development Center Bailout8848Sales-Class Schedule8691State Meal Reimbursement8849Other Nontaxable Revenue8699Other State Revenues8850Facilities Rental• Income received from outside sources (ie. federal grants, state apportionment, sales or services provided to companies or organizations) are correctly posted to revenue account codes.• Purchase rebates are not considered revenue - they are offsets, or reductions, to expense - and should be credited to the account code that was originally charged.• When one department invoices another department for services provided, this is considered a chargeback. Paperwork should be sent to the campus budget analyst or to district accounting for processing.• Expenses should not be charged to revenue account codes.•The program code to be used with revenue account codes is always 900000.Account Account Code Description & Notes Account Account Code Description & NotesREVENUE - LOCAL (continued)8860Interest Income8861Tran Interest Income8865Tran Premium Revenue8867Other Investment Revenue8871Child Development Services8872Short Courses8874Enrollment Fee Revenue8875Field Trip Revenue8876Health Services Fees8877Material Fees8879Student Records8880Non-Resident Tuition8881Parking Revenue8882Fingerprinting Fees8883Campus Center Use Fees8884Registration Support Fee8885Fees, Other8886F1 Admissions Revenue8887Class Auditing8888Est. Active Benefit8889Est. Retiree Benefit8890Contribution-Employee8891Contribution-Retiree8892Contribution-PT Faculty8893Memberships8894Dept of Justice Fees8895FBI Fees8896Local Fingerprinting8897Misc. Admissions Rev8898Subscriptions8899Workshop Fees8900Library Fees8901Return Check Fees8902Other Local Revenue8903FH-Unclaimed Stud Rev8904DA-Unclaimed Stud Rev8906Parking Fines-FH8907Parking Fines-DA8908Library Fines8909Massages Fees8910Lost Book Fines8929Cashiering Exemption Clearing。




CODE 2 ENTER当织机的运转时间达到了预先设定的时间,显示屏上就会出现一条信息,表明应该进行哪一类保养。




(先将钥开关置于1位置上)CODE 3:(每个班的停车次数)显示屏左边的数据表明实际停车的次数,右边的数据是织机平均每100000纬的停车数。

TOTAL STOPS(总停车)就是除了启动目的以外的所有停车。

按和键,每个班发生的停车次数以及停车原因,(经停,纬停还是手停)就会显示出来,与CODE 8 相反,CODE 3和4中的所有计数器都是连续计数的,因此,它所记录的停车次数的有效期是从上一次计数器清零开始的。






按0和ENTER键,每个班的停车次数能分别被清零,再按键,就会显示B班的停车次数,等等;(〈A〉班的计数器清零?)(平均100000次引纬的启动目的停车)CODE 4(所有班的总停车次数)(A,B,C,D和E班的停车次数之和),这个代码与CODE3相似,但显示的是所有班的总的停车次数。



• 论文详细设计里面一定要选择重点模块做 介绍(面向对象设计须画出类图、活动图、 时序图等并加以解释)。如果是结构化方 法需要画出对应该模块的数据流图、数据 字典),这部分最常见的错误一是仅仅对 模块做功能描述,或者干脆贴上程序代码。
• 测试应当包括测试目的、测试环境、测试 流程。切忌泛泛描述教课书上的东西,理 论偏多,而不涉及项目本身,测试一定要 结合项目来写,不要讲理论,比如什么叫 单元测试,什么叫压力测试等。测试用例 除了有关键功能测试用例外,应该有性能 等测试用例。并有相关性能测试结果截图。

Id RegistNo ClaimNo RiskCode PolicyNo InsuredName LossPart RepairFactoryCode DECIMAL(19,0), CHAR(22), CHAR(22), CHAR(6), CHAR(22), VARCHAR(120), VARCHAR(120), VARCHAR(16),
第四章:系统测试 4.1 测试概述 4.2 测试目的 4.3 测试工具及测试环境 4.4 测试流程 4.5 典型的功能测试用例(二、三个功能用 例) 4.6性能测试(最好附上工具测试结果截图) 4.6测试结果分析(与需求分析中指标对比) 第五章:系统实施 5.1 实施概述 5.2实施计划 5.3实施组织及培训 5.4 实施环境(软硬件环境、网络环境等) 5.5数据准备 5.6 系统上线 5.7 实施效果评估(列出实施效果,可用系 统截图说明系统实施效果)
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
599 N.O.S.-ROOF(IE:CORNER GUSSET...) 1 100
530 DECALS, C.S.C.,..ETC. 1 100
540 TOTAL LOSS, MISC.. 1 100
563 STEAM WASH 1 300
592 ROOF REWELD 1 100
M & R Repair Codes
---- ---------------------------------------- ----- ---------
669 N.O.S.-RAILS 1 100
670 N.O.S.,PANELS & RAILS 1 100
631 VENTILATOR 1 100
741 DOOR HINGES 1 100
690 X/MEMBER 1 100
740 DOOR-HARDWARE(EXCL DM CODES:741/2/3,750) 1 100
566 SWEEPING 1 100
621 RAINGUTTER 1 100