Kinetic Measurement of Glucose with a Centrifugal Analyzer ...Clin Chem(1976)Cool!!!




高效液相色谱法测定血清葡萄糖陈忠余;张天娇;张传宝;张江涛;周伟燕;闫颖;陈文祥【摘要】目的建立一种测定血清葡萄糖(glucose,Glu)的高效液相色谱法(HPLC),探讨其能否作为血清Glu测定的参考方法.方法以D-半乳糖(D-galactose)为内标物,用无水乙醇沉淀、去除血清中的蛋白质,在pH9.1条件下与1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮(PMP)反应,用HPLC测定血清Glu衍生产物、D-半乳糖衍生产物,用标准曲线法定量;对建立的方法进行方法学评价.结果本法测定血清Glu的批内变异系数(CV)为0.33%~ 0.67%,平均0.51%;批间CV为0.02%~ 0.85%,平均0.38%;总CV为0.47%~ 1.03%,平均0.68%.回收率为98.22%~ 101.96%.分析Glu 的参考物质SRM 965a,测定结果与认定值的偏差为-0.928%~0.347%,平均偏差为- 0.072%.结论初步建立了测定血清Glu的HPLC法;该法准确、精密,有望作为血清Glu测定的候选参考方法.【期刊名称】《临床检验杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(029)009【总页数】3页(P660-662)【关键词】葡萄糖;高效液相色谱;1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮【作者】陈忠余;张天娇;张传宝;张江涛;周伟燕;闫颖;陈文祥【作者单位】重庆市第一人民医院检验科,重庆400011;卫生部北京医院卫生部临床检验中心,北京100730;卫生部北京医院卫生部临床检验中心,北京100730;卫生部北京医院卫生部临床检验中心,北京100730;卫生部北京医院卫生部临床检验中心,北京100730;卫生部北京医院卫生部临床检验中心,北京100730;卫生部北京医院卫生部临床检验中心,北京100730【正文语种】中文目前国际上测定血清Glu的参考方法有德国临床化学会(German Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine,DGKL)[1]、美国国家标准和技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)[2]和比利时根特大学[3]的同位素稀释气相色谱质谱(isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,ID-GC/MS)法、美国疾病控制中心[4](Centers for Disease Control,CDC)和日本临床化学会(Japanese Society of Clinical Chemistry,JSCC)的己糖激酶法。





利用标准正态变量变换法(SNV)去除原始平均光谱数据的噪声,采用蒙特卡罗无信息变量消除法(MCUVE)剔除无关变量,结合基于最小绝对收缩和选择算法(LASSO)、连续投影法(SPA)、LASSO与SPA算法组合(LASSO SPA)筛选特征变量,对数据进行降维处理,采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)建立5个生菜冠层含水率检测模型。

经对比发现,全光谱中存在很多冗余信息变量和无关变量,采用全光谱建立的PLS模型复杂度最高,且预测能力最差;以MCUVE LASSO SPA筛选变量后的PLS模型效果最优,其中建模集相关系数R c和预测集相关系数R”分别为0.8827和0.9015,均方根误差分别为1.0662和0.9287。

择优选取MCUVE LASSO SPA PLS模型计算生菜冠层每个像素点的干基含水率,生成可视化分布图,实现了生菜冠层叶片干基含水率可视化检测。


关键词:生菜;含水率;高光谱成像;无损检测;光强校正;特征选择中图分类号:S636.2;TP391.41文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-1298(2021)02_0211_07OSID:Detection of Moisture Content in Lettuce Canopy Based onHyperspectral Imaging TechniqueLI Hong ZHANG Kai CHEN Chao ZHANG Zhiyang LIU Zhenpeng (Research Center f Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang212013,China) Abstract:In order to realize the non-destructive testing of crop moisture content,taking lettuces of six water stress levels as experimental objects,the canopy moisture content of lettuce was detected and studied by using hyperspectral imaging technology and characteristic band selection method.Firstly,by analyzing the spectral reflectance of the canopy leaves and the background area,there were significant differences in spectral reflectance at810.0nm and710.7nm wavelengths,respectively.Therefore,the images of these two wavelengths were used to construct the mask image,which was used to mask the original hyperspectral image to remove background information.Secondly,spectral normalization was used to correct the light intensity of lettuce canopy.Thirdly,the standard normal variable(SNV)was used to preprocess the original spectral curve to eliminate the influence of scattering caused by particles on the sample surface.Fourthly,the irrelevant information was eliminated by Monte Carlo uninformative variable elimination(MCUVE),and then the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO),successive projections algorithm(SPA),the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator coupled with successive projections algorithm(LASSO SPA)were used to extract the characteristic wavelengths for data dimensionality bing partial least squares(PLS),five lettuce canopy moisture content detection models were established.The results showed that the PLS model established by the full spectrum had the highest complexity and the worst predictive ability,because there were many redundant information variables and irrelevant variables in the full spectrum.The effect of PLS model with input variables screened by MCUVE—LASSO—SPA was the best.At this time,the correlation coefficients(R) of the modeling set and prediction set were0.8827and0.9015,and the root mean square error (RMSE)were 1.0662and0.9287,respectively.The MCUVE LASSO SPA PLS model was 收稿日期:20200925修回日期:20201201基金项目:江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(19)2040)和国家自然科学基金重点项目(51939005)作者简介:李红(1967—),女,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事农业精准灌溉技术研究,E-mail:***********.cn212农业机械学报2021年selected to calculate the dry basis moisture content of each pixel of the lettuce canopy,and a visual distribution map was generated to realize the visual detection of the dry basis moisture content of the lettuce canopy leaves.The research results provided a reference for the rapid non-destructive detection of lettuce canopy moisture content.Key words:lettuce;moisture content;hyperspectral imaging;non-destructive detection;intensity correction;feature selection0引言生菜是典型的叶菜类蔬菜,其生长期间需水量大,水分直接影响生菜的长势、品质和产量[1]o因此,快速、准确测定生菜的含水率对实时监测生菜植株长势具有重要意义。



无免疫原性,不引起免疫反应 化学性质稳定 可与长效胰岛素或胰岛素类似物混合使用,不影响彼
效持续时间少于4 h
药用制剂中的胰岛素处于六聚体状态,主要 由于浓度过高所致
六聚体外形似一个压扁了的球,直径约5 nm, 高度约3.5 nm,由3个相同的二聚体组成 胰岛素注射至皮下后扩散至组织间隙液中, 逐渐稀释,离解为二聚体及单体,然后透过 毛细血管被吸收入血 血循环中的胰岛素处于单体状态,可直接发 挥生物学效应
Hallas-Moller,1952年 单加锌,不加鱼精蛋白,亦可延长胰岛素的作用 在pH中性条件下,加入过量的锌 锌含量:0.15 ~ 0.20 mg/100 iu 可使胰岛素处于结晶状态,注入皮下后,再溶解,然后被吸
收 按制备方法的不同,可有不同的制剂: 半缓胰岛素(semi-lente),属作用较快的中效制剂,胰岛 素处于不定形细粒状态,注射后可较快再溶解,被吸收 特慢胰岛素(ultra-lente),属长效制剂胰岛素,处于结 晶状态,颗粒较大,再溶解较慢 缓效胰岛素(lente) 以上两种制剂的混合,其作用介于中效及长效之间
Insulin lispro is equipotent to reglular
human insulin:
Binding to human placental insulin



单词:metabolic 新陈代谢的,fossil fuel 化石燃料,degrade 降解,fiber 纤维,cotton 棉花,wool 羊毛,hygienic 卫生的detergent 清洁剂,antibiotics 抗生素,component 组分, biodegradability 生物可降解性,intrinsic 固有的,perturb 扰动,thermochemistry 热化学, Biocatalysis 生物催化,enzyme酶,genetics 遗传学,methodology 方法学,cellular 细胞的,extracellular 胞外的,isotope 同位素,Biotin 生物素,antibiotic 抗生素,penicillin 青霉素,2-oxoglutarate a酮戊二酸,trigger 引发, Flux 通量,transformant 转化株,plasmid 质粒,homologous 同源的,heterologous 异源的deficient 缺陷的,strain 菌株,sensitivity 灵敏度,steady state 稳态,infinitesimal 无穷小的, activity 活力,,mechanism 机制,attenuation 衰减,perturbation紊乱,kinetic 动力学的, glutamate 谷氨酸,composition 组分,medium培养基,perculture 预培养,deionize 去除离子,vitamin 维生素,soybean大豆,protein蛋白质,hydrolysate 水解产物,cholramphenicol 氯霉素,Kanamaycin 卡那霉素,batch 间歇式,fermentor发酵罐,dissolve溶解,oxygen 氧,concerntration浓度,agitation搅拌,revolution 旋转,aeration通气,buffer缓冲液,Sonication超声波破碎法,supernatant上层液,absorption光吸收值,Branch point 分支点,glucose 葡萄糖,normalize 规格化,consumption 消耗,growth phas 生长期,specific activity 比活力, coefficient 系数,upstream 上游的,lysine 赖氨酸,inoculate 接种,agar 琼脂,bacteriophage 噬菌体,facultative兼性的,assimilate 吸收,saccharide糖类,fructose 果糖,ethanol乙醇, methanol甲醇,glycerol甘油,urea尿素,peptone蛋白胨,copper铜,aqueous水的,eluent洗脱液,Phosphate 磷酸盐,redox 氧化还原,,modification修饰,host寄主,intermediate 中间体,respiration呼吸,consumption消耗,kinase激酶,isomerase异构酶,bisphophate 二磷酸盐,mass balance质量平衡,genome基因组,genomic基因组的,glycolysis糖消解, high throughput高通量,sequence测序仪,evolutionary进化的,tag标记,transcription转录, transduction传导,array阵列,proteomice蛋白组学,affinity亲和力,counterpart 对照物, amino acid氨基酸,promoter启动子,ligate链接,vector载体,plasmid质粒,base pair碱基对,homology同源性,codon密码子,excise切割下,primer引物,region区段,amplificatio 扩增,transform转化,template模板,strand链,SDS-PAGE十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,ORF coding 开放阅读框架编码,polymer聚合物,sterilize消毒,inoculate接种, batch fermentation间歇式发酵,continuous fermentation连续是发酵,recombinant重组子, secretion分泌,variant变体,in situ 原地,in vivo体内,ribosome核糖体,interface界面, crosslinking交联,entrapment包埋,encapsulation胶囊化,residue残基,cationic阳离子的, culture broth培养液,stabilization 稳定,hydrolytic 水解的,actone丙酮,aromatic芳香族的, sediment沉淀,chiral 手性,pesticide 杀虫剂,aseptic无菌的,impair削弱,atringent严厉, shelf life贮存期,continuous stirred tank reactor连续搅拌釜式反应器,vessel容器,foam breaker 消泡器,condensate冷凝水,cascade control级联控制,ratio control 比率控制,feed forward control 前馈控制,parameter参数,carbon dioxide二氧化碳,hydrophilic polymers亲水聚合物,aqueous水质的,tissue组织,carbohydrate碳水化合物,density 密度,solubility溶解度, extraction萃取,centrifugation离心,filtration过滤,solvent溶剂,solute溶质,membrane 膜,adsorption吸附,evaporation 蒸发,sublimation 升华,vaporisation气化,dehydration 脱水,distillation蒸馏,latent heat潜热,streamlined层流的,turbulent湍流的,hyperfiltration 超滤,dialysis透析,electrophoresis电泳,flocculation絮凝,flotation浮选,milling碾碎, lysis细胞裂解,lipophilic亲脂的,crystallization结晶,chromatographic层析法的,heterotrophic 异养的,lag phase迟滞期,exponential growth phase指数期,stationary phase稳定期,deathphase衰亡期,specific growth rate比生长速率课后习题:1.以间歇式操作方式培养大肠杆菌XN-1。



小学上册英语第2单元测验卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Recognizing the signs of plant stress can help in timely ______. (识别植物压力的迹象可以帮助及时处理问题。

)2.The ancient civilization of ________ is revered for its cultural heritage.3.I can create a _________ (玩具运动会) with all my sports toys.4.We need to _____ (buy/sell) more fruits.5.I have a toy _______ that spins and makes funny sounds.6.The sun is ________ in the sky.7.The Parker Solar Probe is studying the ______.8.The chemical formula for caffeine is _______.9.The sloth hangs from branches for ______ (休息).10.The sandwich is very ___ (tasty/dull).11.What is the main ingredient in a hamburger?A. BreadB. CheeseC. MeatD. Lettuce答案: C12.I help my mom with __________. (整理)13.What color is a typical stop sign?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. Red答案: D14.The lemonade is _______ (refreshing) on a hot day.15.This ________ (玩具) teaches me about science.16.Acids can donate protons, while bases can accept ______.17. A _______ can help to measure the speed of sound in various conditions.18.Hedgehogs have _________ (刺) on their backs.19.I see a ___ (cloud/rainbow) above.20.The butterfly is ___ (landing) on the flower.21.The book is ________ and interesting.22.I saw a _______ (蜥蜴) sunbathing.23.The boy likes ________.24.Animals that live in the Arctic are adapted to ______ weather.25.The sun shines brightly in the ______ (天空). It makes everything look ______ (明亮).26.The Earth's magnetic field protects us from solar ______.27.Kinetic energy is energy of ______.28.My aunt teaches art at a local ____ (school).29.What is the capital of France?A. LondonB. ParisC. BerlinD. Madrid答案: B30.The city of Hanoi is the capital of _______.31. A __________ is a high plateau.32.The chemical symbol for beryllium is ____.33.The flowers are _____ (beautiful/ugly) in spring.34.The ________ (appliance) helps with chores.35.My __________ (玩具名) is very __________ (形容词) and colorful.36. A ________ (石头) can be found in mountains.37.I enjoy _____ with my friends. (playing)38.The sun rises in the _______ (east).39.What is the chemical symbol for gold?A. AuB. AgC. PbD. Fe答案:A.Au40. A __________ (实验室记录) is essential for reproducing results.41.What is the main ingredient in salad?A. MeatB. VegetablesC. FruitD. Grains答案:B42.My friend is very __________ (积极进取).43.The first human to break the sound barrier was ______ (查尔斯·扬)。



酪蛋白酸钠美拉德反应产物的制备及其乳化特性王博1,2,张书文2,刘鹭2,逄晓阳2,芦晶2,吕加平2,*,于景华1,*(1.天津科技大学食品工程与生物技术学院,天津 300457;2.中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所,北京 100193)摘 要:利用小型超高温设备制备酪蛋白酸钠与葡萄糖、乳糖、低聚半乳糖、聚葡萄糖的美拉德反应产物,对比分析不同分子质量糖在不同热处理时间的美拉德反应进程及产物的乳化特性。

结果表明,小分子质量的糖更易发生美拉德反应,褐变指数与反应程度呈正相关,乳化活性与接枝度均呈现先增大后减小的趋势,但两者并不成线性关系,酪蛋白酸钠与葡萄糖、乳糖、低聚半乳糖、聚葡萄糖乳化活性达到的最大值分别为0.63、0.51、0.55和0.48,其中130 ℃热处理15 s的酪蛋白酸钠-葡萄糖溶液乳化活性最大,高于其他组,与水浴90 ℃热处理90 min相当,并且乳化稳定性也呈现较高的水平,为123.88 min,将其用作乳化剂制备的DHA藻油乳状液稳定性动力学指数为1.5,显著小于其他组(P<0.05);由此可见,葡萄糖可作为美拉德反应的优良糖基配体制备新型高效的乳化剂,并且此方法可实现连续化生产,极大缩短了反应时间,提高了生产效率,对工业化生产具有指导意义。

关键词:美拉德反应;酪蛋白酸钠;乳化活性;乳化稳定性;DHA藻油乳状液Preparation and Emulsifying Properties of Maillard Reaction Products of Sodium CaseinateWANG Bo1,2, ZHANG Shuwen2, LIU Lu2, PANG Xiaoyang2, LU Jing2, LÜ Jiaping2,*, YU Jinghua1,*(1. College of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, China;2. Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China)Abstract: Maillard reaction products of sodium caseinate with glucose, lactose, galactooligosaccharides and polydextrose were prepared in a small-scale ultra-high temperature (UHT) device. The development of Maillard reaction was analyzed and the emulsifying properties of Maillard reaction products at different intervals were compared. The results showed that small sugars were more susceptible to Maillard reaction. A positive correlation existed browning index with the extent of Maillard reaction. Both the emulsifying activity and the degree of graft increased at first and then decreased, but there was no linear relationship between them. The maximum values of activity of Maillard reaction products of sodium caseinate with glucose, lactose, galactooligosaccharides and polydextrose were 0.63, 0.51, 0.55 and 0.48, respectively. The Maillard reaction products from sodium caseinate with glucose produced by heat treatment for 15 s at 130 ℃ had the highest emulsifying activity, which was significantly higher than that of other groups and equivalent to that obtained by water bath heating at 90 ℃ for 90 min together with a high emulsion stability of 123.88 min. The kinetic stability index of DHA-rich algae oil emulsion containing these Maillard reaction products was 1.5, significantly lower than that of the other groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, glucose can be used as a promising glycosyl ligand for Maillard reaction to prepare a novel and efficient emulsifier. Moreover, this method can realize continuous production, greatly shorten the reaction time and improve the production efficiency and therefore it can provide a significant guidance for industrialized production.Keywords: Maillard reaction; sodium caseinate; emulsifying activity; emulsion stability; DHA-rich algae oil emulsionDOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201816015中图分类号:TS201.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2018)16-0098-07引文格式:王博, 张书文, 刘鹭, 等. 酪蛋白酸钠美拉德反应产物的制备及其乳化特性[J]. 食品科学, 2018, 39(16): 98-104.DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201816015. WANG Bo, ZHANG Shuwen, LIU Lu, et al. Preparation and emulsifying properties of Maillard reaction products of sodium caseinate[J]. Food Science, 2018, 39(16): 98-104. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201816015. 收稿日期:2017-07-06基金项目:现代农业产业技术体系北京市奶牛产业创新团队项目;公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303085)第一作者简介:王博(1993—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为乳品科学与工程。










本文重点发展简单、绿色、经济的水相合成方式,通过选择不同的还原剂、调控溶液的pH 环境、控制反应动力学、可控设计合成出富有高指数晶面的多孔Au、Ag纳米结构及多面体,优化并提升催化降解有机污染物(p-硝基苯酚等)、葡萄糖燃料电池及电解水析氢性能,揭示贵金属纳米催化剂的形貌、尺寸、结构与催化性能的构效关系。





通过调节溶液的pH环境来调控多孔Ag的形貌及尺寸(形貌可实现梭形及四边形的可控合成,尺寸可实现2.5 μm到36 μm的调控);通过调节热处理的温度、升温速率、加热时间调控多孔Ag纳米晶的结晶性、表面缺陷及孔径分布。



检测葡萄糖浓度的酶传感器研究文献1题目:Real-Time Noninvasive Measurement of Glucose Concentration Using a Microwave Biosensor检测机理:通过微波生物传感器,用探头尖端和葡萄糖溶液之间的实时电磁相互作用来检测葡萄糖浓度,微波生物传感器包括一个耦合到探针尖端的电解质谐振器,由于微波谐振器和葡萄糖溶液之间的电磁相互作用,葡萄糖浓度的变化与微波的反射系数直接相关,并且检测分辨率达1毫克/毫升。


分子识别元件:镀金探针尖端检测步骤:微波生物传感器包括一个耦合到探针尖端的电解质谐振器,其共振频率约为4.6GHz,为了获得高的灵敏度,有圆顶点的镀金探针尖端和圆筒形端部需要连接到谐振器的内部循环当中,硅管壁厚TT = 0.4毫米和内径TG = 2.5毫米被安装在圆筒形探针尖端的端部,如图所示。


检测限:0.003dB/(mg/ml)检测时间:实时监控并检测创新性:可以进行无创实时检测不足:微波遥感平台应用不够广泛文献2题目:Measurement of Glucose Concentration in Blood Plasma Based on a Wireless Magnetoelastic Biosensor检测机理:血浆中的无线磁弹性葡萄糖生物传感器描述的基础上,使用质量敏感的磁传感器作为传感器。





随着全球性环保意识的加强,以及石油资源的日益枯竭,迫使人们去寻找 新的、可持续发展表面活性剂品种及制备工艺。而由天然淀粉和植物油衍生物为 起始原料合成的烷基多苷就是新开发出的绿色表面活性剂的重要品种。
烷基多苷属于非离子表面活性剂,与其他表面活性剂相比,具有以下优点: (1)能显著降低水的表面张力和界面张力,可以降至2.25*104N/cm,据认为这是 烃类表面活性剂表面张力的理论极限值。(2)去污力强,尤其在硬水中更突出。 (3)在限定的PH值范围内化学性能保持稳定,特别是碱性环境中稳定。(4)复配 性能极佳,对绝大多数表面活性剂具有增效作用。(5)泡沫丰富、细腻而稳定, 极适合于配制优质餐洗剂。(6)在浓的电解质中仍有较大的溶解度,耐碱性也较 其他表面活性剂强得多。(7)与皮肤相容性极好,对皮肤和眼膜刺激性小。(8)生 态毒性低,生物降解性好,对环境污染程度低。(9)可由再生资源制备。
研究了烷链长度在C.-C。DP值为1.08’2.32的APG的结构与表面张力、界 面张力、发泡力、乳化力、硬水稳定性等性能的关系;探讨了APG的烷链长度及 DP值与性能之间的规律性。研究了APG与多种阴离子和非离子表面活性剂的复 配性能。烷链较长的C旷APG和C。,。一APG表现出了非常优异的的性能和协同增效 作用。
color of products,average degree of polymerization(DP),ratio of a
-D—glucopyranoside and B—D—glucopyranoside(Ⅱ/B)were discussed.The formation of d-D-glucopyranoside is under thermodynamic control and B-D.
Pbut—anol一{Om铽H 20H。k鼹。。




通信作者:王惠民,E-mail :。

同位素稀释质谱法测定血清肌酐浓度的不确定度评定张卫威, 景蓉蓉, 季伙燕, 王建新, 王 峰, 王惠民(南通大学附属医院检验科,江苏 南通 226001)摘要:目的 探讨同位素稀释质谱法(ID-MS )测量血清肌酐浓度的不确定度评定方法。

方法 应用ID-MS 建立测定血清肌酐浓度的参考测量程序,严格按照《测量不确定度表示指南》(简称GUM )评定不确定度,即严格根据测量模型对各不确定度分量进行详细分析和定量,加减项用绝对值、乘除项用相对值合成各标准不确定度分量;同时,用传统评定方法和蒙特卡洛方法(MCM )分别对血清肌酐浓度测量结果进行不确定度评定。

结果 对特定血清进行赋值,其肌酐浓度为347.4 μmol/L 。

按照ID-MS 测量模型,并严格应用GUM 原理进行不确定度评定,其合成标准不确定度的相对值为0.89%,而传统方法评定结果为0.93%,较GUM 法高4.8%;采用MCM 评定各不确定度分量,其合成标准不确定度的相对值为0.64%,较严格GUM 法低27.9%,其测量结果的95%可信区间为343.1~351.8 μmol/L 。

结论 与GUM 法评定结果比较,传统评定方法结果偏高,而MCM 偏低,3种评定方法存在差异。

建议采用GUM 法,根据测量模型对各不确定度分量进行定量和合成。

有条件的话,可用MCM 评定不确定度。

关键词:同位素稀释质谱法;血清肌酐浓度;测量不确定度;蒙特卡洛方法Isotope dilution mass spectrometry applied in measurement uncertainty of serum creatinine concentration ZHANG Weiwei ,JING Rongrong ,JI Huoyan ,WANG Jianxin ,WANG Feng ,WANG Huimin.(Department of Clinical Laboratory ,Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University ,Nantong 226001,Jiangsu ,China )Abstract :Objective To investigate the evaluation method for measurement uncertainties of serum creatinine concentration by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (ID-MS ). Methods We established a reference measurement procedure for the serum creatinine concentration by ID-MS. The uncertainty was evaluated according to the strict Guide to the Expression of Measurement Uncertainty (GUM ) method. The strict GUM method meant that each uncertain component was analyzed and quantified in detail according to the measurement model. The calculation was based on the principle that relative values should be used in multiplication and division ,and absolute values should be used in addition and subtraction. Meanwhile ,traditional evaluation method and the Monte Carlo method (MCM ) were used to evaluate the uncertainties of serum creatinine concentration. Results The measured specific serum creatinine concentration was 347.4 μmol/L. The combined standard uncertainty was 0.89% according to ID-MS measurement model and strict GUM principle. The uncertainty evaluated by the traditional method was 0.93%,which was 4.8% higher than that evaluated by the GUM method. The combined standard uncertainty was 0.64% by MCM ,which was 27.9% lower than that evaluated by the strict GUM method. The 95% confidence interval of the measurement result by MCM was 343.1-351.8 μmol/L. Conclusions The result of uncertainty evaluated by the traditional method is higher than that of the strict GUM method ,while the result of the MCM is lower than that of the strict GUM method. It is suggested that each uncertainty component should be strictly quantified and combined according to the GUM method. If possible ,the MCM could be used to evaluate the uncertainty.Key words :Isotope dilution mass spectrometry ;Serum creatinine concentration ;Measurement uncertainty ;Monte Carlo method文章编号:1673-8640(2021)03-0263-07 中图分类号:R446 文献标志码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2021.03.0071997年,国际计量委员会物质量咨询委员会在巴黎召开的第6次会议上,确认了同位素稀释质谱法(isotope dilution mass spectrometry ,ID-MS )、库仑法、重量法、滴定法和凝固点下降法是具有绝对测量性质的方法。

CareSens N Eco血糖监测仪用户手册说明书

CareSens N Eco血糖监测仪用户手册说明书

wipe the tip with a clean tissue orcloth. After theappears on the confirmation window fills completely.User ManualINDEX01 Important Information: Read This First! ----------------------202 Specifications ---------------------------------------------------------303 CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Monitoring System -------404 Inserting or Replacing the Battery -----------------------------505 Caring for Y our System ---------------------------------------------606 CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Test Strip ---------------------607 CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Meter -------------------------808 CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Meter Display --------------909 Setting Up Y our System -------------------------------------------1010 Setting the Strip Expiration Date Indicator -----------------1411 Checking the System ----------------------------------------------1512 Using the Lancing Device ----------------------------------------1813 Alternate Site Testing ----------------------------------------------2314 HI and Lo Messages ------------------------------------------------2515 Target Blood Glucose Ranges -----------------------------------2616 Transferring Test Results ------------------------------------------2617 Meter Memory -------------------------------------------------------2718 Setting the Alarm Function --------------------------------------2919 Understanding Error Messages ---------------------------------3120 General Troubleshooting -----------------------------------------3321 Performance Characteristics ------------------------------------3322 Warranty Information ---------------------------------------------3601 02 Specifications04 Inserting or Replacing the Battery07 CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Meter08 CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Meter DisplayFor optimum safety and benefits, please read the entire manual65% or below 15%) may produce inaccurate results.• I f your test result is below 60 mg/dL (3.3 mmol/L) or above 240 mg/dL (13.3 mmol/L), consult a healthcare professional immediately.• I naccurate results may occur in severely hypotensive individuals or patients in shock. Inaccurate low results may occur for individuals experiencing a hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state, with or without ketosis. Critically ill patients should not be tested with blood glucose meters.• I naccurate results may occur in patients undergoing oxygen therapy.If you need assistance, please contact your authorised i-SENS sales representative or visit for more information.* Lancing Device* Quick Reference Guide * Logbook * Carrying Case•C heck all the components after opening the CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Monitoring System package. The exact contents are listed on the main box.•T he cable for data management software can be ordered separately. Please contact your authorised i-SENS sales representative.The CareSens N Eco Meter uses one 3.0 V lithium battery..Use a soft cloth or tissue to wipe the meter exterior. If necessary, dip the soft cloth or tissue in a small amount of alcohol.Do not use organic solvents such as benzene, acetone, or any household and industrial cleaners that may cause irreparable damage to the meter.test strip box and vial label if the test strips are used and stored according to its storage and handling methods.•S tore test strips in a cool and dry place at a temperature between 1-30 ˚C.• K eep test strips away from direct sunlight or heat and do not freeze.• S tore test strips only in their original vial.• C lose the vial tightly after taking out a test strip for testing and use the strip immediately.• H andle test strips only with clean and dry hands.• D o not bend, cut, or alter test strips in any way.•F Test Strip package insert.Caution:•D o not expose the meter to direct sunlight, heat, or excessive humidity for an extended period of time.• D o not let dirt, dust, blood, or water enter into the meter’s test strip port.• D o not drop the meter or submit it to strong shocks.• D o not try to fix or alter the meter in any way.•S trong electromagnetic radiation may interfere with the proper operation of this device. Keep the device away from sources of strong electromagnetic radiation, especially when measuring your blood glucose.• K eep the meter in a cool and well ventilated place.•S tore all the meter components in the portable case to prevent loss Note: The meter may switch off if the control solution is notapplied within 2 minutes of theappearing on the screen. If the meter turns off, remove the strip, reinsert, and start from step 1.Data Portmeter to acable , Button on, selects or changes informationest results : test results displaying panel emory recall mode : appears when test appears when in SET modeP2 alarm : appears when the post-meal alarm ute symbol : appears only when the sound is ontrol Solution flag : appears when the control ET : appears when the test result is greater than 240 mg/dL i : appears when the test result is greater than the selected mile symbol : appears when the test result is within the selected o: appears when the test result is lower than the selected 09 Setting Up Y our SystemStep 1 After all the segments flash across the screen, ‘SET’ will be displayed Step 2 Step 11 Setting the Hyperglycemia (Hi) Indicator This setting allows you to select the desired level for the hyperglycemia indicator (possible high blood The test result of each control solution should be within the range printed on the label of the test strip vial. Repeat the control solution test if the test result falls outside of this range. Out of range results may occur in following situations:Step 4The display segments will rotate clockwise and a test result will appear after the meter counts down from 5 to 1.not included in the averages.Step 5 Setting the Time Formatthe next step.Step 2 Setting the Yearmonth.Step 3 Setting the MonthStep 9 Turning on the Strip Expiration Date IndicatorThis setting allows you to turn the strip expiration date indicator on or off. This setting turns the function on or off only. See page 14 to set the strip expiration date.will display 'On' or 'OFF'.screen displays 'OFF'.next step.Step 3 Setting the Month• W • W •W hen the blood sample is absorbed into the test strip and the test starts,• W •W (PP2) alarm,•W hen it is time for a preset blood glucose test.If the sound is set to OFF, none of the sound functions will step.PGUAA-0000047 REV0 12/2018You may check your meter and test strips using the CareSens Control Solutions(control A and/or B).The CareSens Control Solution contains a known amount of glucose and is used to check that the meter and the test strips are working properly.The test strip vials have CareSens Control Solution ranges printed on their labels. Compare the result displayed on the meter to the CareSens Control Solution range printed on the test strip vial.Before using a new meter or a new vial of test strips, you may conduct a control solution test following the procedure on pages 16-17.11 Checking the SystemNotes:• U se only the CareSens Control Solutions.•C heck the expiration date printed on the bottle. When you first open a control solution bottle, record the discard date (date opened plus three (3) months) in the space provided on the label.•M ake sure your meter, test strips, and control solution are at room temperature before testing. Control solution tests must be done at room temperature (20-25˚C, 68-77˚F).•B efore using the control solution, shake the bottle, discard the first drop and wipe the tip clean.•C lose the control solution bottle tightly and store at a temperature between 8-30˚C(46-86˚F).You may do a control solution test:•W hen you want to practice the test procedure using the control solution instead of blood,• W hen using the meter for the first time,• W henever you open a new vial of test strips,• I f the meter or test strips do not function properly,•I f your symptoms are inconsistent with the blood glucose test results and you feel that the meter or test strips are not working properly,•I f you drop or damage the meter.• W hen the meter is not functioning properly.• W hen the control solution is past the expiration date printed on the bottle,• W hen the control solution is past its discard date (the date the bottle was opened plus three (3) months),•W hen the control solution is contaminated.Discard the usedcontrol solution and repeat the test using a new bottle of control solution.If results continue to fall outside the range printed on the test stripvial, the CareSens N test strip and CareSen N Eco meter may not be working properly. Do not use your system and contact your authorised i-SENS sales representative.You will need a lancing device in order to collect a blood sample.You may use the lancing device included in the CareSens N Eco Blood Glucose Monitoring System or any other medically approved lancing device.12 Using the Lancing Device• T he lancing device is for use by a single user only and should not be shared with anyone.• U se a soft cloth or tissue to wipe the lancing device. If necessary, a small amount of alcohol on a soft cloth or tissue may beused.Setting the Time Alarms (alarm 1-3)Step 1time alarm settng. 'alarm 1' will be displayed while‘OFF’blinks on the screen.Step 3. Step 5alarms (alarm 2-3).Step 6off.Four types of alarms can be set in the CareSens N Eco Meter: one post-meal alarm (PP2 alarm) and three time set alarms (alarm 1-3).The PP2 alarm goes off 2 hours after setting the alarm.User Performance EvaluationA study evaluating glucose values from fingertip capillary blood samples obtained by 100 lay persons showed the following results:95.8% within ±15 mg/dL (± 0.83 mmol/L) of the medical laboratory values at glucose concentrations below 100 mg/dL (5.55 mmol/L), and 100% within ±15% of the medical laboratory values at glucose concentrations at or above 100 mg/dL (5.55 mmol/L).Setting the Post-meal Alarm (PP2 alarm)Viewing Test Results Stored in MemoryStep 1Press the , or on. The current date and time will be displayed on the bottom of the screenfollowed by the 1 day average value and the number of the test results saved within the current day.Step 1 Turning the PP2 alarm On seconds to set the post-meal alarm. 'PP2’ , bell ( ) symbol and ‘On’ will be displayed. The screen will then automatically change to thememory recall mode. At this time, bell ( ) symbol, indicating that the PP2 alarm has been set, will be displayed on the screen.18 Setting the Alarm Function19 Understanding Error Messages20 General TroubleshootingThe temperature during the test was above or below the operating range.→M ove to an area where the temperature is within the operating range (5-45 ˚C/41-113 ˚F) and repeat the test after the meter and test strips have reached a temperature within the operating range.A used test strip was inserted. → R epeat the test with a new test strip.The blood or control solution sample was applied before the appeared.→ R epeat the test with a new test strip and wait until the appears before applying the blood or control solution sample.The blood sample has abnormally high viscosity or insufficient volume.→ R epeat the test with a new test strip.Note: If the problem is not resolved, please contact your authorised i-SENS sales representative.Within ± 15mg/dL (0.83 mmol/L) and Within ± 15%594/600 (99.0%)Slope1.0057Y-intercept4.2352 mg/dL (0.24 mmol/L) Correlation coefficient (r) 0.9957 Number of samples 600Range tested 36.4-471.1 mg/dL (2.0-26.1 mmol/L)Accuracy results for glucose concentration < 100 mg/dL (5.55 mmol/L)System accuracy results for glucose concentrations between 36.4 mg/dL (2.0 mmol/L) and 471.1 mg/dL (26.1 mmol/L)Precision: The precision studies were performed in a laboratory using CareSens N Eco BGM Systems.Packed Cell Volume (Hematocrit)The hematocrit levels (15–65%) were tested to evaluate the effect of hematocrit level on measurement of glucose concentration.InterferencesThe effect of various interfering substances was evaluated in whole Accuracy results for glucose concentration ≥ 100 mg/dL (5.55 mmol/L)Within ± 5 mg/dL (Within ± 0.28 mmol/L)Within ± 10 mg/dL (Within ± 0.56 mmol/L)Within ± 15 mg/dL (Within ± 0.83 mmol/L)96/168 (57.1%)150/168 (89.3%)162/168 (96.4%)Within Run Precision Blood avg. 40 mg/dL (2.2 mmol/L)SD = 1.3 mg/dL (0.1 mmol/L)Blood avg. 73 mg/dL (4.1 mmol/L)SD = 2.5 mg/dL (0.1 mmol/L)Blood avg. 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)CV = 2.5%Blood avg. 212 mg/dL (11.8 mmol/L)CV = 2.4%Blood avg. 320 mg/dL (17.8 mmol/L)CV = 2.3%Range Average difference (Hct 15–65%)30 to 50 mg/dL (1.7 to 2.8 mmol/L) 2.6 to 6.4 mg/dL (0.1 to 0.4 mmol/L)96 to 144 mg/dL (5.3 to 8.0 mmol/L)0.2 to 4.3%280 to 420 mg/dL (15.5 to 23.3 mmol/L)-0.3 to 3.4%Within ± 5%Within ± 10%Within ± 15%293/432 (67.8%)402/432 (93.1%)432/432 (100%)22 Warranty Informationi-SENS, Inc.43, Banpo-daero 28-gil,Seocho-gu, Seoul 06646, Korea Medical Technology Promedt Consulting GmbH Altenhofstrasse 80,66386 St. Ingbert, Germany Step 4 Viewing Post-meal AveragesStep 5 Viewing Fasting Averagesvalues and the number of tests performed post-meals with the symbol for the last test period.Step 2starting from the most recent the meter.values and the number of tests performed during fasting with the symbol for the last test period.Note: The control solution test results saved with thesymbolare not included in the averages.Note: The control solution test results saved with symbol will be displayed with symbol when you review the stored test results.This error message may appear when the wrong bloodglucose test strip is used instead of CareSens N blood glucose test strip.→ R epeat the test with a CareSens N test strip.There is a problem with the meter.→ D o not use the meter. C ontact your authorised i-SENS sales representative.An electronic error occurred during the test.→ R epeat the test with a new test strip. If the error message persists, contact your authorised i-SENS sales representative.21Tolbutamide -5.5 mg/dL (-0.3 mmol/L)-5.5%22Triglycerides -3.0 mg/dL (-0.2 mmol/L)-0.5%23Uric acid 3.8 mg/dL (0.2 mmol/L)-2.6%24Xylose 4.1 mg/dL (0.2 mmol/L) 1.7%Manufacturer’s Warrantyi-SENS, Inc. warrants that the CareSens N Eco Meter shall be freeof defects in material and workmanship in normal use for a period of five (5) years. The meter must have been subjected to normal use. The warranty does not cover improper handling, tampering, use, or service of the meter. Any claim must be made within the warranty period.The i-SENS will, at its discretion, repair or replace a defective meter or meter part that is covered by this warranty. As a matter of warranty policy, i-SENS will not reimburse the consumer’s purchase price.Obtaining Warranty ServiceTo obtain warranty service, you must return the defective meter or meter part along with proof of purchase to your nearest i-SENS sales or customer service representative.Step 2is cancel 'alarm 1'. ‘OFF’ Step 2 Turning the PP2 alarm OFFseconds.‘PP2’ , bell ( ) symbol and ‘OFF’ will appear on the screen. Then the screen will change automatically to the memory recall mode without bell ( ) symbol displayed.Step 4minute.21 Performance Characteristics。



葡萄糖水热碳化1. 简介葡萄糖水热碳化是指将葡萄糖加热至一定温度后,使其发生碳化反应的过程。



2. 原理葡萄糖水在加热过程中会发生一系列的化学反应,其中最主要的是碳化反应。






3. 实验步骤葡萄糖水热碳化实验的步骤如下:3.1 准备材料•葡萄糖•水•加热设备(例如炉子或加热板)•温度计•玻璃容器3.2 配制葡萄糖水溶液将一定量的葡萄糖溶解在适量的水中,搅拌均匀,得到葡萄糖水溶液。

3.3 加热葡萄糖水溶液将玻璃容器中的葡萄糖水溶液放置在加热设备上,逐渐升温。


3.4 观察反应过程在加热过程中,观察葡萄糖水的变化。


3.5 停止加热当观察到葡萄糖水发生明显的变化时,停止加热。


4. 产物应用葡萄糖水热碳化后,产生的气体、液体和固体产物具有广泛的应用。

4.1 气体产物气体产物主要是二氧化碳。





4.2 液体产物液体产物主要是水。





小学上册英语第二单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?A. GuitarB. DrumsC. PianoD. FluteC2.What is the capital of Peru?A. LimaB. CuscoC. ArequipaD. TrujilloA3.The ______ is known for its intelligence and problem-solving skills.4.The _______ can live for many years.5.We like to go _______ (公园) on weekends.6._____ (本地植物) are adapted to local conditions.7.My ___ (小狗) greets me at the door.8.The law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither created nor ______.9.The ________ is a colorful insect that flutters by.10.What is 2 + 2?2 + 2 等于多少?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6B11.What do we call a movie that tells a story through moving pictures?A. DocumentaryB. AnimationC. FilmD. TheaterC12.ts can ______ (激励) creativity and art. Some pla13. A dolphin is a type of ______ (鲸).14.What do you call the movement of air?A. WindB. RainC. SnowD. StormA15.The kangaroo carries its baby in its ________________ (育儿袋).16.What is the opposite of "full"?A. EmptyB. HeavyC. LightD. Solid17.The lifecycle of a plant begins with a ______ (种子).18.The ______ is a skilled artist.19. A ___ (小狗) wags its tail when it is happy.20.The kids are ___ in the snow. (playing)21.What do we call the process of making a new product?A. ProductionB. ManufacturingC. CreationD. All of the aboveD All of the above22.The flowers are bright and ___. (colorful)23.Fermentation is a process that converts sugars into _____.24.Kinetic energy is energy of ______.25.What do you call the time when the sun goes down?A. MorningB. NoonC. EveningD. MidnightC26.The process of hydrolysis uses water to break down ______.27. A _______ is a reaction that occurs under anaerobic conditions.28. A process in which energy is released as heat is called a ______ process.29.Acids are proton ______.30.What is the name of the first spacecraft to explore Mars?A. Viking 1B. PathfinderC. SpiritD. Opportunity31. A __________ is a measure of how tightly packed particles are in a substance.32.What is the main meal of the day?A. BreakfastB. LunchC. DinnerD. SnackC33.The __________ (历史的交织) illustrates unity.34.What do you call a person who writes books?A. ReaderB. AuthorC. PainterD. SingerB35.What do we call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BreakfastD. Snack36.What is the smallest continent?A. AsiaB. AfricaC. AustraliaD. Europe37.I have a funny ________ (笑话) to tell you.38. A ________ (植物资源利用策略) enhances productivity.39. A ____ is a small creature that enjoys collecting food.40.The toucan's beak is large and colorful, aiding in attracting ________________ (配偶).41.What is the name of the famous novel written by George Orwell?A. Brave New WorldB. Moby DickC. 1984D. Animal FarmC42.What do we call a sweet drink made from herbs and spices?A. TeaB. Herbal InfusionC. TisanD. All of the above43. A _______ is a tool that can help to measure the pressure of gases.44.The ____ is a playful animal that loves to chase after its tail.45.We have a ______ (丰富的) selection of games.46.The process of ______ can lead to the formation of new islands.47.My _____ (姐姐) is a great artist.48.The first female prime minister of the UK was _____.49.The _____ (玉米) grows tall in the field.50.In a reaction, the limiting reagent is the reactant that is completely _____ first.51.The fish swims _____ (in/out) of the water.52.My _____ (小兔) is very fluffy.53.I like to ride my ______ (scooter).54.小猩猩) is very intelligent. The ___55.The chemical formula for potassium nitrate is ______.56.We like to ___ (play/sing) songs.57.I value honesty in friendships. Being truthful helps build trust and strengthens our bonds. I appreciate friends who are always honest with me.58.What is the name of the dog in "The Wizard of Oz"?A. TotoB. SnoopyC. PlutoD. BrianA59.The __________ (地图) helps us find places.60. A __________ is a mixture where the components are not evenly mixed.61.My favorite _____ is a red fire truck.62.I love to ___ stories. (read)63.I saw a _______ (蜥蜴) sunbathing.64.I can ______ (应用) my knowledge in real-life situations.65.What do you call a tree that loses its leaves in the fall?A. EvergreenB. DeciduousC. ConiferousD. PalmB66.The __________ is often unpredictable in spring. (天气)67.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. Tropic of CancerD. Tropic of CapricornA68. e of Hastings took place in ______ (1066年). The Batt69.The ancient Greeks valued ______ (教育) and learning.70.We are having a ______ (party) this weekend.71. A solution can be ______ or colored.72.What is 5 x 6?A. 30B. 25C. 35D. 2073.The process of photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and__________ (水) into glucose.74.The __________ (工业革命) began in the late 18th century.75.What is the name of the famous car race held every year in France?A. Monaco Grand PrixB. Le MansC. Daytona 500D. Indianapolis 500B76. A reactant is a substance that undergoes a ______.77. A _______ is a measurement of the acidity or basicity of a solution.78.The chemical formula for aluminum nitrate is __________.79.What is the name of the popular social media platform for sharing photos?A. FacebookB. InstagramC. TwitterD. TikTokB80.What is the name of the famous American rock band known for hits like "Hotel California"?A. The EaglesB. Fleetwood MacC. Led ZeppelinD. The Rolling StonesA The Eagles81.The ________ is very fluffy and white.82.What do you call the large, fluffy clouds?A. CumulusB. StratusC. CirrusD. Nimbus83.What do we call the study of ancient civilizations?A. AnthropologyB. ArchaeologyC. HistoryD. SociologyB Archaeology84.What do we call the small, hard seed of certain fruits?A. KernelB. PitC. StoneD. All of the aboveD85.What do you call the distance between two points?A. LengthB. WidthC. HeightD. Measurement86.What do you call the area where you can play sports?A. FieldB. PlaygroundC. CourtD. ArenaA87.What do you call a collection of books?A. VolumeB. LibraryC. AnthologyD. ArchiveB88.What is the name of the famous dessert made of cream and fruit?A. CakeB. Ice creamC. TartD. MousseD89.What is the opposite of 'soft'?A. HardB. ToughC. FirmD. All of the aboveD90.The concept of ecological sustainability promotes practices that support ______ health.91. A chameleon can blend into its ______ (环境).92.The ________ is soft and warm.93.The classroom is _____ and bright. (clean)94.My friend is very ________.95.What is the main ingredient in French fries?A. PotatoB. CornC. RiceD. WheatA96. A __________ is a tool used to measure the density of a substance.97.How many fingers are on one hand?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. SevenB98.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. ThebesD. All of the above99.The ancient Egyptians believed in ________ (来世).100.Which planet is known for its storm called the Great Red Spot?A. SaturnB. JupiterC. MarsD. NeptuneB。



山 东 化 工 收稿日期:2020-11-27基金项目:国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(项目编号:202013820003);宁夏自然科学基金项目(2020AAC03275);银川能源学院校级科研(2018-KY-J-02)作者简介:代英宏(2002—),主要从事化学分析检测;通信作者:赵艳敏(1981—),女,副教授,主要从事天然产物的全合成研究。

香豆素类化合物生理药理活性的研究代英宏,赵艳敏 ,张美媛,罗 玲,杨 叶(银川能源学院化学与生物工程学院,宁夏银川 750105)摘要:简要综述了香豆素化合物的抗病毒、抗真菌、抗肿瘤、抗炎及抗骨质疏松等生理药理活性。

关键词:香豆素;生理活性;药理活性中图分类号:R285.5;R974+.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-021X(2021)04-0030-02ThePhysiologicalandPharmacologicalActivitiesofCoumarinCompoundsDaiYinghong,ZhaoYanmin,ZhangMeiyuan,LuoLing,YangYe(DepartmentofChemicalandBiologicalEngineeringYinchuanInstituteofEnergy,Yinchuan 750105,China)Abstract:Thepaperbrieflyreviewedphysiologicalandpharmacologicalactivitiesofcoumarincompounds.IncludingAnti-virus,anti-fungal,Anti-tumor,anti-inflammatoryandanti-osteoporosisandsoon.Keywords:coumarin;physiologicalactivity;pharmacologicalactivity 香豆素(结构如图1)又称为香豆精,它最基本的结构是以苯并α-吡喃酮,可视为顺式邻羟基桂皮酸脱水形成的内酯。



小学上册英语第一单元测验卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (island) is remote.2.The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is ________.3.My grandma makes the best _______ (汤).4.My brother is a __________ (技术支持员).5.My favorite sport is ______ (足球). I play it with my friends every ______ (星期).6.The __________ (历史的构成要素) shape our narratives.7. A flamingo stands on one ________________ (腿).8.The __________ is a famous area known for its training grounds.9.The chemical symbol for potassium is ________.10.The _______ (猴子) loves to play with its friends.11.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:a12.What do we use to eat soup?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. ForkD. Plate答案:B Spoon13.How many legs does an ant have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10答案: B14. A combustion reaction produces ______ and water.15.Gardening can also provide opportunities for ______ and learning. (园艺还提供了学习和探索的机会。



小学上册英语第六单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I can ___ (climb) a tree.2.My brother is a _____ (学生) who enjoys group projects.3.The chemical symbol for palladium is _____.4.The __________ (历史的转折) signifies change.5.In gardening, it’s important to recognize ______ signs early. (在园艺中,早期识别病虫害的迹象很重要。

)6.The ________ can sometimes be very shy.7.The fruit salad is very _______ (colorful).8.The __________ is perfect for a picnic in the park. (天气)9.The sloth sleeps for most of the _________ (一天).10.The _______ (小鸽子) coos softly on the windowsill.11.She is _____ (playing/reading) a book right now.12. A silverfish is a type of ________________ (昆虫).13.The flower smells ___ (good/bad).14.The chemical symbol for aluminum is ______.15.Oxygen is essential for ______.16.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn答案:B17.The _____ (绿色能源) movement promotes plant-based solutions.18.can Civil Rights Movement aimed for _____ equality. The Amerdybugs are often red with ________________ (黑点).20.Certain plants can help ______ (防止) soil erosion.21.My friend is a ______. He enjoys sports.22.He is a pilot, ______ (他是一名飞行员), flying high in the sky.23.In my family, my grandma likes to be called . (在我的家庭中,我的奶奶喜欢被称为。



乳酸脱氢酶同工酶-1英文回答:Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a tetrameric enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate. In humans, there are five different LDH isoenzymes, LDH1-LDH5, which are encoded by different genes and have different tissue distributions and kinetic properties. LDH1 is the most anodal of the LDH isoenzymes and is primarily found in heart and skeletal muscle. It has a high affinity for pyruvate and a low affinity for lactate, which makes it more efficient at converting pyruvate to lactate than other LDH isoenzymes.LDH1 is a key enzyme in the anaerobic metabolism of glucose. When oxygen is not available, cells can generate ATP through the anaerobic glycolysis of glucose. This process produces lactate as a byproduct. LDH1 converts lactate back to pyruvate, which can then be used to generate ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.LDH1 is also involved in the regulation of cellular redox balance. The NADH/NAD+ ratio is a measure of the cellular redox state. NADH is produced during glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, while NAD+ is consumed during these processes. LDH1 can use NAD+ to oxidize lactate to pyruvate, which generates NADH. This reaction helps to maintain a high NADH/NAD+ ratio, which is necessary for the proper functioning of many cellular processes.LDH1 is a diagnostic marker for myocardial infarction (heart attack). When heart muscle is damaged, LDH1 is released into the bloodstream. The level of LDH1 in the blood can be used to diagnose a heart attack and to assess the severity of the damage.中文回答:乳酸脱氢酶同工酶-1。










basically的句子Basically, "basically" is a word that is commonly used in spoken and written English to introduce a summary or a simplified explanation of something. It is often used to provide a basic understanding or a starting point for further discussion. In this article, we will explore the different ways in which the word "basically" can be used in sentences.1. Basically, the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth.2. The concept of supply and demand is basically about the relationship between the quantity of a product and its price.3. In mathematics, a prime number is basically a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself.4. When it comes to cooking, oil is basically a common ingredient used for frying, sa utéing, and baking.5. The internet is basically a global network of computers that are connected and communicate with each other through various protocols.6. In physics, kinetic energy is basically the energy possessed by an object due to its motion.7. When we talk about climate change, it is basically the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.8. Basically, photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.9. In computer programming, a loop is basically a repetitive structure that allows a set of instructions to be executed multiple times.10. When it comes to language learning, vocabulary is basically the set of words and phrases that a person knows and understands in a particular language.As we can see from these examples, the word "basically" is used to simplify complex concepts or ideas, making them easier to understand. It is a useful word that can be used in various contexts and fields of study. By using "basically," we can provide a basic understanding of a topic before diving into more detailed explanations. So, next time you come across the word "basically" in a sentence, you will have a better understanding of its usage and meaning.。

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Glucose oxidase reagents
Table 1 lists the conditions we used for the two procedures. Both procedures include a reagent blank in cuvette 1 (distilled water substituted for sample) and a standard in cuvette 2. The single hexokinase reagent and both components of the glucose oxidase reagent were dispensed into the reagent wells of the transfer disc. Calculations were performed with the Rotochem computer to obtain the concentration (Ca) of glucose in the serum samples (cuvettes 3-14), using the Rotochem Kinetic Rate III program as follows: CU
1 Departments of Medicine, Pathology, Biochemistry, and Hospital Laboratories, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514, and 2 ICI Pharmaceuticals, Alderly Park, England. Received Nov. 10, 1975; accepted Mar. 25, 1976.
Within-disc precision Hexokinase
The linear range of the glucose oxidase method extended
13 13 12
888 2682 786
±16.4 ±5.2
0.6 0.7
to 4000 mg/liter and was consistent from day to day, owing to the excellent stability of the reagents. The precision of the glucose methods was evaluated (Table 2) by performing replicate analyses on lyophilized control sera. Correlation between results by the hexokinase and glucose oxidase procedures is illustrated in Figure 1. Although the hexokinase procedure is accepted as a comparison method for
10 100
SoIn I 500
Soln 11100
35 520 60 150 Wavelength, nm Initial reading, s
the hexokinase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (D-glucose-6-phosphate:NADP 1-oxidoreductase, EC coupled enzyme assay (2) and the glucose oxidase (-D-glucose:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC method of Trinder
Vol. 22,
No. 7, 1976
Table 2. PrecIsion of Procedures for Plasma Glucose
Procedure analyses
We selected the fixed times used for the assay on the basis of achieving a desirable balance between linearity, sensitivity, and speed of analysis. An initial reading at 5 s resulted in a decreased linear range. Extending the second reading beyond 130 s contributed little to improved sensitivity.
Table 1. Conditions for Measurement of Plasma Glucose
Glucose oxidase
Sample vol, iI Flush vol, I
Reagent vols, il Temperature, #{176}C
400 30 340 10 130
where C8 = concentration of standard, LAU = change in absorbance of serum samples between the fixed times (see Table 1), LiA8 = change in absorbance of standard, and E..ARB = change in absorbance of reagent blank.
We describe automated methods for a centrifugal analyzer for plasma glucose analysis by a fixed-time kinetic approach. Results by the two methods correlated well, and their precision (day-to-day) is reflected by coefficients of variation of less than 2.5% for each method.
Results and Discussion
The linearity of the two procedures for glucose was checked aqueous glucose standards. The hexokinase method was linear to 3500 mg/liter, the upper limit of the linear range varying slightly with different vials of reagent. The linearity decreased markedly if the working reagent was kept at room temperature rather than at 0#{176}C. The upper limit of linearity could be increased to 4000 mg/liter by reducing the sample volume to 2.5 1d. Use of this small volume was satisfactory during the method-development stage, but precision was inadequate when this volume was used routinely in our service laboratory, and a 5-jl sample volume was substituted in the routine method.
Final reading, s
Materials and Methods
analyzer, the Aminco
We used
Co., Silver Spring, Md. 20901), an Aminco “Rotofill II”diluter being used for sample and diluent delivery. The centrifugal analyzer was programmed totransfer sample and reagents with mixing in less than 10 s. Some reagents were dispensed with Eppendorf microliter pipets (Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Westbury,
The application of a nonlinear fixed-time kinetic approach to the hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose-6-phosphotransferase, EC method for plasma glucose has been mentioned by Tiffany et al. (1). We have adapted and evaluated linear fixed-time kinetic methods for plasma glucose with use of both
-‘ -