It should go without saying that people write programs to solve problems. However , it is crucial to keep this truism in mind when selecting a data structure to solve a particular problem. Only by first analyzing the problem to determine the performance goals that must be achieved can there be any hope of selecting the right data structure that they are familiar with but which is inappropriate to the problem.
Data Structures 2017-2-21 9/9
How to use Data Structures?
When selecting a data structure to solve a problem, you should follow these steps: 1. Analyze your problem to determine the basic operations that must be supported. Examples of basic operations include inserting a data item into the data structure, deleting a data item from the data structure, and finding a specified data item. 2. Quantify the resource constraints for each operation. 3. Select the data structure that best meets these requirements.
typedef struct list_node *list_ptr; typedef struct list_node {
char data [ 4 ] ;
N1->next = N2 ; N2->next = NULL ; ptr = N1 ;
list_ptr next ;
}; list_ptr ptr ;
array+i array+i+1
itemi itemi+1 ……
MaxSize has to be estimated.
Find_Kth takes O(1) time.
Insertion and Deletion not
only take O(N) time, but also involve a lot of data movements which takes time.
2. Linked Lists
0010 0011 0110 1011
cs3460_ch1 Data Structures 美国高校《数据结构》(Data Structure)ppt课件,共9章,英文版
Series - 2
• The top three examples are arithmetic series
• Proofs are typically by induction, which we will see in a minute
• The series for HN is a harmonic series; the eo Euler’s constant 0.57721..
• Then show p1 * p2 * p3 * … * pk + 1 is a prime and it is clearly larger than pk
• Some mathematical functions are naturally recursive
– factorial: n! =
• Two steps –
– Prove a base case, for example, if you want to prove a theorem for any integer value n >= 1, you would first prove it for n = 1
– Assuming the theorem is true for values 1..k for some arbitrary k, prove it is true for k + 1
Proof by Induction - 2
• We first prove the base case with n = 1, which results in 1 = 1 (1 + 1) (2 * 1 + 1) / 6
• To prove the general case, we let n = k and prove the formula for k+1 using algebraic manipulation
数据结构与算法 Data Structures and Algorithms
高级数据结构和算法分析Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis主讲教师:陈越Instructor: CHEN, YUEE-mail: chenyue@ Courseware and homework sets can be downloaded from /dsaa/教材(Text Book)Data Structures andAlgorithm Analysis in C(2nd Edition)Mark Allen Weiss陈越改编Email: weiss@参考书目(Reference)数据结构与算法分析(C语言版)魏宝刚、陈越、王申康编著浙江大学出版社 Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++数据结构算法与应用——C++语言描述(英文版)Sartaj Sahni McGraw-Hill & 机械工业出版社 数据结构课程设计何钦铭、冯雁、陈越著浙江大学出版社课程评分方法(Grading Policies)Research Project (23 or 25)Discussions(14)Homework (5)Q&A (0.5 each)Total 45Final Exam (55)Discussions(14)Form groups of 3 or 428 in-class discussion topicsEach takes 3~5 minutes14 = 28 10 / 20Research topics (23 or 25)◆Done in groups◆16 topics to choose from◆Report (18 or 20 points)◆In-class presentation (5~10 minutes, 5 points)◆The speaker will be chosen randomly from all thecontributors◆If there are many volunteers, only one group willbe chosen◆If there is no volunteer, I will talk about itHomework (5)✓Done independently✓10 problems✓Collected before the end of the next class meeting ✓ 5 = 10 10 / 20✓Late penalty: 2 points/weekQ&A⏹For volunteers only⏹0.5 point for each question asked/answered ⏹come and claim your credits after each classsession。
Head pointer ptr = 0110
ptr node
b temp
§2 The List ADT
takes O(1) time. ... an
temp->next =
node->next = temp
Coefficient Exponent Next
typedef struct poly_node *poly_ptr; struct poly_node { int Coefficient ; /* assume coefficients are integers */ int Exponent; poly_ptr Next ; }; typedef poly_ptr a ; /* nodes sorted by exponent */
llink rlink typedef struct node *node_ptr ; item typedef struct node { node_ptr llink; Uhhh ... Then I‟ll have to Don‟tptr->llink->rlink ptr = we have element item; go from the 1st node again. enough headache already? node_ptr rlink; ptr->rlink->llink But hey, why do I=wantta }; Why do we need
信息学奥赛 数据结构教程 PASCAL版
若给定一个栈S=(a1, a2,a3,…,an),则称a1为栈底元素,an为栈顶元素,元素ai位于元素ai-1之上。
栈中元素按a1, a2,a3,…,an 的次序进栈,如果从这个栈中取出所有的元素,则出栈次序为an, an-1,…,a1 。
因此栈又称为后进先出(LIFO—Last In First Out)表。
例如,设一维数组STACK[1..n] 表示一个栈,其中n为栈的容量,即可存放元素的最大个数。
课程名称:数据结构与算法 (英文翻译)Data Structure and
课程名称:数据结构与算法 (英文翻译)Data Structure and algorithm
教材:数据结构与算法,窦延平等编,2005年, 上海交通大学出版社
重庆大学 《数据结构》 课程样卷 3开课学院: 计算机学院 课程号: 18001035 考试日期:考试方式:考试时间: 120 分钟一、 Single choice1. Merge two ordered list, both of them contain n elements, the least timesof comparison is ( ).A. nB. 2n-1C. 2nD. n-12. Sequential stored linear list with the length of 1000, if we insertan element into any position, the possibility is equal, when we insert a new element, the average number of removing elements is ( ). A. 1000 B. 1001 C. 500 D. 4993. Assume that the initial status of stack S and queue Q are both NULL,push elements e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6 into the stack S one by one, an element pops from stack, then enter into queue Q. If the sequence which the six elements in the dequeue is e2,e4,e6,e5,e3,e1, the capacity of stack S is at least ( ).A. 6B. 4C. 3D. 24. Two-dimensional array A [10 .. 20,5 .. 10] stores in line sequence,each element occupies 4 storage location, and the memory address of A[10,5] is 1000, then the address of A[20,9] is ( ). A. 1212 B. 1256 C. 1368 D. 13645. A tree with degree 3, it has 2 nodes with the degree 3, one node withthe degree 2, and 2 nodes with the degree 1, so the number of nodes with degree 0 is ( ).A. 4.B. 5.C. 6.D. 76. The inorder sequence of a binary tree is ABCDEFG, and its postordersequence is BDCAFGE, so its pre-order sequence is ( ) A. EGFACDB B. EACBDGF C. EAGCFBD D. EGAFCDB7. A Huffman tree with n leaf nodes, its total number of nodes is ( )A. n-1B. n+1C. 2n-1D. 2n+18. In an adjacency list of undirected graph with n vertexes and e edges,the number of edge node is ( ).A. nB. neC. eD. 2e9. The degree (sum of in-degree and out-degree) of a directed graph isk1, and the number of out-degree is k2. Therefore, in its adjacency list, the number of edge nodes in this singly linked list is ( ). A. k1 B. k2 C. k1-k2 D. k1+k210. If the graph has n vertexes is a circle, so it has ( ) spanning tree.A. nB. 2nC. n-1D.n+111. When look up a sequential list with the length 3, the possibility thatwe find the first element is 1/2, and the possibility that we find the second element is 1/3, the possibility that we find the third element is 1/6, so the average searching length to search any element (find it successfully and the sentry is at the end of the list) is ( ) A. 5/3 B.2 C. 7/3 D.4/312. There is an ordered list {3,5,7,8,11,15,17,22,23,27,29,33}, by binarysearch to search 27, so the number of comparison is ( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 513. Sort the following keyword sequences by using Quicksort, and theslowest one is ( )A. 19,23,3,15,7,21,28B. 23,21,28,15,19,3,7C. 19,7,15,28,23,21,3D. 3,7,15,19,21,23,28 14. Heapsort needs additional storage complexity is ( )A. O(n)B. O(nlog 2n)C. O(n 2) D. O(1)15. If we sort an array within the time complexity of O(nlog2n), needingsort it stably, the way that we can choose is ( )A. Merge sortB. Direct insertion sortC. Heap sortD. Quicksort二、 Fill the blanks1.Assume that the structure of the nodes in doubly circular linked list is (data,llink,rlink), without a head node in the list, if we want命题人:组题人:审题人:命题时间: 教务处制学院 专业、班 年级 学号 姓名公平竞争、诚实守信、严肃考纪、拒绝作弊封线密to insert the node which pointer s points after the node pointer ppoints, then execute as the following statements:; ; ___ _; ;2.Both stack and queue are _______linear structure.3.The four leaf nodes with the weight 9,2,5,7 form a Huffman tree, itsweighted path length is ________.4.In order to ensure that an undirected graph with six vertexes isconnected, need at least ______ edges.5.An n-vertex directed graph, if the sum of all vertices’ out-degreeis s, then the sum of all vertices’ degree is__ ___.6.The Depth-First traversal of a graph is similar to the binarytree_______ traversal; the Breadth-first graph traversal algorithmis similar to the binary tree ______traversal.7. A connected graph with n vertexes and e edges has ____ edges of itsspanning tree.8.The time complexity of binary searching is _____; if there are 100elements, the maximum number of comparisons by binary searching is____.9.Sort n elements by merge sort, the requiring auxiliary space is _____.10.Sort a linear list with 8 elements by Quicksort, at the best, thecomparison time is ______.三、 Application1. Begin from the vertex A, seek the minimum spanning tree by using Primalgorithms2. The following is AOE network:(1) How much time does it take to complete the whole project?(2) Find out all of the critical path.(9 points)3. Assume that a set of keywords is {1,12,5,8,3,10,7,13,97},tryto complete the following questions:(9 points)(1) Choose the keywords in sequence to build a binary sort tree Bt;(2) Draw the structure of the tree after deleting node “12”from thebinary tree Bt.4. The keyword sequence is {503,87,512,61,908,170,897,275,653,462}, usingradix sorting method to sort them in ascending order, try to write every trip results of sort. (9 points)四、 Algorithm1.The following algorithm execute on a singly linked list without headnode, try to analyze and write its function.(5 points)void function(LinkNode *head){LinkNode *p,*q,*r;p=head;q=p->next;while(q!=NULL){r=q->next;q->next=p;p=q;q=r;}head->next=NULL;head=p;}2.Design an algorithm to divide a singly linked list ‘A’ with a headpointer ‘a’ into two singly linked list ‘A’ and ‘B’, whose head pointers are ‘a’and ‘b’, respectively. On the condition that linked list A has all elements of odd serial number in the previous linked listA and linked listB has all elements of even serial number in the previouslinked list A, in addition, the relative order of the original linked list are maintained.(7 points)3. The type of binary tree is defined as follows:typedef struct BiTNode {char data;struct BiTNode *lchild,*rchild;}BiTNode, *BiTree;Please design an algorithm to count how many leaf nodes the binary tree have. (8 points)。
数据结构英文教程Data structures are an essential concept in computer science. 数据结构在计算机科学中是一个基本概念。
They are used to organize, store, and manipulate data efficiently. 它们用于高效地组织、存储和操作数据。
By understanding different data structures, programmers can optimize their algorithms and improve the performance of their applications. 通过了解不同的数据结构,程序员可以优化他们的算法,并提高他们应用程序的性能。
There are various types of data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. 有各种各样的数据结构,比如数组、链表、栈、队列、树和图。
Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different tasks. 每种类型都有其优点和缺点,使它们适用于不同的任务。
One of the most basic data structures is an array. Arrays are used to store a collection of elements of the same data type in contiguous memory locations. 一个最基本的数据结构是数组。
They provide fast access to elements based on their index and are suitable for tasks that require random access to elements. 它们根据索引快速访问元素,适用于需要对元素进行随机访问的任务。
数据结构与算法常用英语词汇.txt 女人谨记:一定要吃好玩好睡好喝好。
第一部份计算机算法常用术语中英对照Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Determinants and Permanents 行列式Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划Random Number Generation 随机数生成Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题Discrete Fourier Transform 离散 Fourier 变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Sorting 排序Searching 查找Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 罗列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler 回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP 问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton 回路Graph Partition 图的划分Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner 树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi 图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski 和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 含糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归第二部份数据结构英语词汇数据抽象 data abstraction数据元素 data element数据对象 data object数据项 data item数据类型 data type抽象数据类型 abstract data type逻辑结构 logical structure物理结构 phyical structure线性结构 linear structure非线性结构 nonlinear structure基本数据类型 atomic data type固定聚合数据类型 fixed-aggregate data type可变聚合数据类型 variable-aggregate data type 线性表 linear list栈 stack队列 queue串 string数组 array树 tree图 grabh查找,线索 searching更新 updating排序(分类) sorting插入 insertion删除 deletion前趋 predecessor后继 successor直接前趋直接后继双端列表循环队列immediate predecessor immediate successor deque(double-ended queue) cirular queue指针 pointer先进先出表(队列) first-in first-out list 后进先出表(队列) last-in first-out list栈底栈定压入弹出队头bottom top push pop front队尾 rear上溢 overflow下溢 underflow数组 array矩阵 matrix多维数组 multi-dimentional array以行为主的顺序分配 row major order以列为主的顺序分配 column major order 三角矩阵 truangular matrix对称矩阵 symmetric matrix稀疏矩阵 sparse matrix转置矩阵 transposed matrix链表 linked list线性链表 linear linked list单链表 single linked list多重链表 multilinked list循环链表 circular linked list双向链表 doubly linked list十字链表 orthogonal list广义表 generalized list链 link指针域 pointer field链域 link field头结点 head 头指针 head 尾指针 tail 串 string node pointer pointer空白(空格)串blank string 空串(零串) null string子串 substring树 tree子树 subtree森林 forest根 root叶子结点深度层次双亲孩子leaf node depth level parents children兄弟 brother祖先 ancestor子孙 descentdant二叉树 binary tree平衡二叉树 banlanced binary tree 满二叉树 full binary tree彻底二叉树 complete binary tree遍历二叉树 traversing binary tree 二叉排序树 binary sort tree二叉查找树 binary search tree线索二叉树 threaded binary tree 哈夫曼树 Huffman tree有序数 ordered tree无序数 unordered tree判定树 decision tree双链树 doubly linked tree数字查找树 digital search tree树的遍历 traversal of tree先序遍历 preorder traversal中序遍历 inorder traversal后序遍历 postorder traversal图 graph子图 subgraph有向图无向图彻底图连通图digraph(directed graph) undigraph(undirected graph) complete graphconnected graph非连通图 unconnected graph强连通图 strongly connected graph 弱连通图 weakly connected graph 加权图 weighted graph有向无环图 directed acyclic graph 稀疏图 spares graph稠密图 dense graph重连通图 biconnected graph二部图 bipartite graph边 edge顶点 vertex弧 arc路径 path回路(环) cycle弧头弧尾源点终点汇点headtailsource destination sink权 weight连接点 articulation point 初始结点 initial node终端结点 terminal node相邻边 adjacent edge相邻顶点 adjacent vertex 关联边 incident edge入度 indegree出度 outdegree最短路径 shortest path有序对 ordered pair无序对 unordered pair简单路径简单回路连通分量邻接矩阵simple pathsimple cycle connected component adjacency matrix邻接表 adjacency list邻接多重表 adjacency multilist遍历图 traversing graph生成树 spanning tree最小(代价)生成树 minimum(cost)spanning tree生成森林 spanning forest拓扑排序 topological sort偏序 partical order拓扑有序 topological orderAOV 网 activity on vertex networkAOE 网 activity on edge network关键路径 critical path匹配 matching最大匹配 maximum matching增广路径 augmenting path增广路径图 augmenting path graph查找 searching线性查找(顺序查找) linear search (sequential search)二分查找 binary search分块查找 block search散列查找 hash search平均查找长度 average search length散列表 hash table散列函数 hash funticion直接定址法 immediately allocating method 数字分析法 digital analysis method平方取中法 mid-square method折叠法 folding method除法 division method随机数法 random number method排序 sort内部排序 internal sort外部排序 external sort插入排序 insertion sort随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort 选择排序 selection sort堆排序 heap sort快速排序归并排序基数排序外部排序quick sort merge sortradix sort external sort平衡归并排序 balance merging sort二路平衡归并排序 balance two-way merging sort 多步归并排序 ployphase merging sort置换选择排序 replacement selection sort文件 file主文件 master file顺叙文件 sequential file索引文件 indexed file索引顺叙文件 indexed sequential file索引非顺叙文件 indexed non-sequential file直接存取文件 direct access file多重链表文件 multilist file倒排文件 inverted file目录结构 directory structure树型索引 tree index。
第一章测试1【单选题】(10分) ThealgorithmandflowchartcanhelpustoA.TostorethedataB.ToknowthememorycapacityC.IdentifythedatatypeofavariableD.Specifytheproblemcompletelyandclearly2【单选题】(10分) TherhombusordiamondshapeinflowchartingdenotesA.DecisionB.InputC.InitializationD.Output3【单选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingisnotanadvantageofaflowchart?A.EfficientcodingB.BettercommunicationC.SystematictestingD.Improperdocumentation4【单选题】(10分) Theflowchartsymbolsusedforstartandstopoperationsarecalledas_______.A.decisionB.processingC.terminalsD.connectors5【单选题】(10分)TheformulaF n=F n-1+F n-2willproduceA.FibonacciNumberB.RamanujanNumberC.PrimeNumberD.EulerNumber6【单选题】(10分) ThemainmeasuresfortheefficiencyofanalgorithmareA.ComplexityandcapacityB.ProcessorandmemoryC.TimeandspaceD.Dataandspace7【单选题】(10分) WhichoneofthefollowingistheconstanttimecomplexityintermsofBig-OhnotationA.O(1)B.O(n2)C.O(n3)D.O(n)8【单选题】(10分)Whatisthetimecomplexityofthefollowingcode?inta=0;for(i=0;i<n;i++){for(j=n;j>i;j--){a=a+i+j;}}A.O(nlog n)B.O(n)C.O(n2)D.O(1)9【单选题】(10分) Whichoneofthefollowingisanexampleforexponentialtimecomplexity?A.O(n2)B.O(2n)C.O(n)D.O(1)10【单选题】(10分)Forlargervaluesof n,whichonerepresentstheslowesttime?A.O(n2)B.O(2n)C.O(n)D.O(n!)第二章测试1【单选题】(10分) Deletionofanelementfromthearrayreducesthesizeofarrayby___________.A.threeB.twoC.zeroD.one2【单选题】(10分)Assumingthatint isof4bytes,whatisthesizeof intarr[10];?A.30B.10C.40D.3【单选题】(10分) Twodimensionalarraysareusefulwhentheelementsbeingprocessedaretobearran gedintheformof___________.A.NoneoftheaboveB.Both(a)and(b)C.rowsD.columns4【单选题】(10分)Inthepolynomial,A(x)=3x2+2x+4,thedegreeofthispolynomialisA.3B.1C.D.5【单选题】(10分)Inthepolynomial,A(x)=3x2+2x+4,coefficientoffirsttermisA.2B.1C.D.36【单选题】(10分) Amatrixhavingalargernumberofelementswithzerovaluesthanthenumberofnon-zeroelem entsissaidtobea_____________.A.triangularmatrixB.zeromatrixC.diagonalmatrixD.sparsematrix7【单选题】(10分)WhilerepresentingthesparsematrixA(m×n)withtnon-zerotermsin3-tuplesform,the sizeofthematrixbecomesA.t×nB.m×nC.3×tD.(t+1)×38【单选题】(10分)Consideringasparseof m×n matrixwith t non-zeroterms,in FAST_TRANSPOSE algorithm,thesi zeofone-dimensionalarray(SorT)isequalto:A.n+tB.mC.nt9【单选题】(10分)Consideringasparseof m×n matrixwith t non-zeroterms,thetimecomplexityof TRANS POSE algorithmis:A.O(n*t)B.O(n+t)C.O(n t)D.O(n-t)10【单选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementistrueregarding TRANSPOSE and FAST_TRANSPOSE algorit hms.A.NoneoftheaboveB.The TRANSPOSE algorithmisslowerthan FAST_TRANSPOSEC.TheTRANSPOSEalgorithmisfasterthanFAST_TRANSPOSETimecomplexitiesofTRANSPOSEandFAST_TRANSPOSEaresame第三章测试1【单选题】(10分) Theelementisinsertedfirstandwillberemovedlastin_____________.A.queueB.stackC.noneoftheaboveD.linkedlist2【单选题】(10分)Theexpression1*2^3*4^5*6isevaluatedas(^isforpower,asin a^b=a b):A.49152B.173458C.162^30D.32^303【单选题】(10分) Thedatastructurerequiredtocheckwhetheranexpressioncontainsbalancedparenthesisis?A.TreeB.ArrayC.QueueD.Stack4【单选题】(10分)Thepostfixformof A*B+C/D is?A.AB*CD/+B.ABCD+/*C.A*BC+/DD.5【单选题】(10分) Whichdatastructureisneededtoconvertinfixnotationtopostfixnotation?A.StackB.BranchC.QueueD.Tree6【单选题】(10分) Transformthefollowinginfixexpressiontoprefixform.((C*2)+1)/(A+B)A./+*C21+ABB.AB+12C*+/C.NoneoftheaboveD.7【单选题】(10分)Transformthefollowinginfixexpressiontopostfixform.(A+B)*(C-D)/EA.AB+CD-*E/B.AB*C+D/-C.AB+CD*-/ED.ABC*CD/-+8【单选题】(10分) Astackisadatastructureinwhichallinsertionsanddeletionsaremaderespectivelyat:A.atanypositionB.boththeendsC.inthemiddleD.oneend9【单选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingapplicationsmayuseastack?:A.AlloftheaboveB.SyntaxanalyzerforacompilerC.AparenthesisbalancingprogramD.Keepingtrackoflocalvariablesatruntime10【单选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementiscorrect.A.NoneoftheaboveB. ApostfixexpressionismerelythereverseoftheprefixexpressionC.PostfixandprefixexpressionsuseparenthesisD. Apostfixexpressionisnotthereverseoftheprefixexpression第四章测试1【单选题】(10分) Aqueueisadatastructureinwhichallinsertionsanddeletionsaremaderespectivelyat:A.rearandfrontB.frontandrearC.rearandrearD.frontandfront2【单选题】(10分) Thefollowingdatastructureisusedforschedulingofjobsduringbatchprocessingincomputer s.A.stackB.queueC.linkedlistD.tree3【单选题】(10分) Inaqueuethedeletionsaretakeplaceat_________.A.NoneoftheaboveB.topC.frontD.rear4【单选题】(10分) Inaqueuetheinsertionsaretakeplaceat_________.A.rearB.topC.NoneoftheaboveD.front5【单选题】(10分)Incircularqueue,thefrontwillalwayspointtooneposition__________fromthefirstelementint hequeue.A.leftB.clockwiseC.counterclockwiseD.right6【单选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingisnotthetypeofqueue.A.priorityqueueB.doubleendedqueueC.circularqueueD.singleendedqueue7【单选题】(10分)Oneoftheadvantageofcircularqueueis_____________.A.NoneoftheaboveB.effectiveuseofmemoryC.easiercomputationsD.deletingelementsbasedonpriority8【单选题】(10分) Whatisthetimecomplexityofalinearqueuehaving n elements?A.O(nlogn)B.O(logn)C.O(1)D.O(n)9【单选题】(10分)Whatisadequeue?A.AqueueimplementedwithadoublylinkedlistB.Aqueuewithinsert/deletedefinedforfrontendofthequeueC.Aqueuewithinsert/deletedefinedforbothfrontandrearendsofthequeueD. Aqueueimplementedwithbothsinglyanddoublylinkedlist10【单选题】(10分) Onedifferencebetweenaqueueandastackis:A.Queuesrequiredynamicmemory,butstacksdonot.B.Stacksrequiredynamicmemory,butqueuesdonot.C.Stacksusetwoendsforaddinganddeleting,butqueuesuseone.D.Queuesusetwoendsforaddinganddeleting,butstacksuseone.第五章测试1【单选题】(10分) Alinearlistofdataelementswhereeachelementcallednodeisgivenbymeansofpointeriscalle dA.nodelistB.linkedlistC.queueD.stack2【单选题】(10分)Consideranimplementationofunsortedsinglylinkedlist.Supposeithasrepresentationwhich aheadpointeronly.Giventherepresentation,whichofthefollowingoperationcanbeimpleme ntedinO(1)time?(I).Insertionatthefrontofthelinkedlist.(II).Insertionattheendofthelinkedlist.(III).Deletionofthefrontnodeofthelinkedlist.(IV).Deletionofthelastnodeofthelinkedlist.A.IandIIIB.I,II,andIIIC.I,II,andIVD.IandII3【单选题】(10分) Whatisthetimecomplexitytocountthenumberofelementsinthelinkedlist?A.O(1)B.O(n2)C.O(logn)D.O(n)4【单选题】(10分) InwhichofthefollowinglinkedliststherearenoNULLlinks?A.DoublylinkedlistB.NoneoftheaboveC.SinglylinkedlistD.Circularlinkedlist5【单选题】(10分)Indoublylinkedlists,traversalcanbeperformed?A.OnlyinforwarddirectionB.InbothdirectionsC.NoneD.Onlyinreversedirection6【单选题】(10分)Whatkindoflistisbesttoanswerquestionssuchas:“Whatistheitematposition n?”A.Singly-linkedlistsB.NoneoftheaboveC.Doubly-linkedlistsD.Listimplementedwithanarray7【单选题】(10分) Inasinglylinkedlistwhichoperationdependsonthelengthofthelist.A.DeletethelastelementofthelistB.AddanelementbeforethefirstelementofthelistC.DeletethefirstelementofthelistD.Interchangethefirsttwoelementsofthelist8【单选题】(10分)Thelinkfieldinanodecontains:A.dataofcurrentnodeB.addressofthenextnodeC.dataofnextnodeD.dataofpreviousnode9【单选题】(10分)Linkedlistdatastructureoffersconsiderablesavingin:A.SpaceutilizationB.ComputationaltimeC.SpaceutilizationandcomputationaltimeD.Noneoftheabove10【单选题】(10分) Alinearlistinwhicheachnodehaspointerstopointtothepredecessorandsuccessorsnodesis calledas:A.CircularlinkedlistB.Singly-linkedlistsC.Doubly-linkedlistsD.Linearlinkedlist第六章测试1【单选题】(10分) Torepresenthierarchicalrelationshipbetweenelements,whichdatastructureissuitable?A.treeB.arrayC.stackD.queue2【单选题】(10分) Whatisthemaximumnumberchildrenthatabinarytreenodecanhave?A.1B.C.2D.33【单选题】(10分) TheinordertraversaloftreewillyieldasortedlistingofelementsoftreeinA.NoneoftheaboveB.BinarysearchtreesC.BinarytreesD.Heaps4【单选题】(10分) Ifwestorethenodesofabinarytreeinanarraywithindexstartingfromzero,therightchil dofanodehavingindex n canbeobtainedat:A.2n+2B.n+1C.(n-1)/2D.2n+15【单选题】(10分) WhichofthefollowingtraversaloutputsthedatainsortedorderinaBST?A.InorderB.PostorderC.PreorderD.Levelorder6【单选题】(10分)Toobtainaprefixexpression,whichofthefollowingtraversalsisused?A.LevelorderB.InorderC.PostorderD.Preorder7【单选题】(10分) Themaximumnumberofnodesinatreeforwhichpostorderandpreordertraversalsmaybeequ altois_______.A.B.3C.2D.18【单选题】(10分)Supposethenumbers7,5,1,8,3,6,0,9,4,2areinsertedinthatorderintoaninitiallyempty BinarySearchTree.TheBinarySearchTreeusestheusualorderingonnaturalnumbers.What istheinordertraversalsequenceoftheresultanttree?A.024*******B.7510324689C.0123456789D.98642301579【单选题】(10分)Afullbinarytreeisatreewhere________________.A.eachnodehasexactlyzeroortwochildren.B.eachnodehasexactlytwochildrenC.alltheleavesareatthesamelevel.D.eachnodehasexactlyoneortwochildren.10【单选题】(10分) Acompletebinarytreeisatreewhere________________.A. everylevelofthetreeiscompletelyfilledexceptthelastlevelB.eachnodehasexactlytwochildrenC. eachnodehasexactlyzeroortwochildrenD. eachnodehasexactlyoneortwochildren。
“程序设计与数据结构”教学大纲课程名称:程序设计与数据结构英文名称:Program Design and Data Structure学时:96学分:6课程类型:必修课程性质:专业基础课适用专业:自动化(交通信息工程及控制)先修课程:计算机科学与编程导论开课学期:第1、2学期开课院系:信息科学与技术学院一、课程的教学目标与任务本课程培养学生较熟练地掌握C语言程序设计的基本技能,掌握各种基本数据结构和算法。
第二题:构造一棵最小生成树,使用prim和kruskal算法。参考P200图7.26 Prim算法构造最小生成树的过程示意图和p202页图7.27 Kruskal算法构造最小生成树的过程示意图,会构造示意图就行。前面两题不涉及到代码。
int count = 0 ; //count定义为全局变量
void Count_tree(BTree t)
Count_Tree(t -> lchild);
Count ++;
Count_Tree(t -> rchild);
Linklistpre , q , p;
pre =H;//用于记录遍历的当前节点的前一个位置
p =H-> next;
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Following courses Pre-requests Operating system
Compiling principle
Disperse methematics
Data structure
Database principle Software Engineering
Learn spelling words
Data Structure
Learn writing short paper
Software engineer
Learn writing book
Course Relationships
Course Description
This course is emphasis on how to design, implementation and run-time analysis of important data structures and algorithms. The main data structures considered include lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphics.
1 8 34 20 12 26 5
4 Basic Logical Structures
Linear structure Tree structure Graph structu院
Example 1
Data Structure Set=(K,R) K={01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10} R={} There is no relationship between data elements. They are independent.
array: For the following array:
2 6 3 1 8 12 7 4 5 10 9 11
L=(N,R): : N={2,6,3,1,8,12,7,4,5,10,9,11} R={r1,r2}, r1 represent line relationship, r2 represent column relationship r1={<2,6>.<6,3>,<3,1>,<8,12>,<12,7>,<7,4>,<5,10>,<10,9>,<9,11>} r2={<2,8>,<8,5>,<6,12>,<12,10>,<3,7>,<7,9>,<1,4>,<4,11>}
What is Data
Data The set of symbols which can be recognized, stored and processed by the computer. Is the carrier of information. Examples Integer or real. (processed by digital processing programs) Source program.( processed by compiler) Images. (processed by image processing programs) Students in our class room
Graph Represent of logical Structure
The logical structure can also be represented using graph. Every node in the graph represents a data element, the line between two nodes represents the relationship of two nodes. The structure of “Student” can be represented as :
姓名 王二 俱乐部名称 工人俱乐部 出生日期 参加日期 职务 1970-10-3 2000-9-10 会员
What is data structure
A data structure is a representation (in a computer) for a collection of related Data. Data_structure = {D,R} D: Data Object R: A set of relationships between data objects.
Data Structures(数据结构) Structures(数据结构 数据结构)
Course 0:Introduction
Teacher Information
Name: yangyonghu Email :yangyonghu@ Office:A3-117 Office Tel:84835201
Score Component
Rate of attendence (10%)
迟到一次扣一分, 迟到一次扣一分,旷课一次扣六分 Regular Performance(40%)
Terminal Examination(50%)
数据 data 数据结构 data structure 数据项 data item 数据类型 data type 抽象数据类型 abstract data type 逻辑结构 logical structure 物理结构 phyical structure
Research Topics of Data Structure
Logical structure
The logical relationship between data.
Storage structure
Storage mapping of logical structure in storage.
Basic Concepts
Data element
The basic unit to compose a data. Can also be referred as element, record, node or vertex.
Data item
Data element is composed by data items. Is the smallest unit discussed in data structure. Data item is also called domain or field.
Teaching Material
Reference Book
数据结构理论与实践教程.杨勇虎等.东北大学出版社. 数据结构理论与实践教程.杨勇虎等.东北大学出版社. Data Structures & algorithm analysis in C++(second edition) Mark Allen Weiss 数据结构(C语言版).严蔚敏,吴伟民.清华大学出版社. 数据结构(C语言版).严蔚敏,吴伟民.清华大学出版社. Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C++ Richard F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan.
Study Highlight
Algorithm, Time Complexity(算法与时间复杂度) Linear List(线性表) Stack and Queue(栈与队列) Tree (树) ( ) Graph(图) Sort (排序) Search(查找)
Logical Structure
L = ( N, R ) N={ 1,8,34,20,12 , 26, 5} , , , , R={ <1,8>,<8,34>,<34,20>,<20,12>, <12,26>,<26,5>}
Basic Concept
Let L=( N, R ) is a logical structure, If a, b∈N, and relation <a, b>∈R, then : a is predecessor(前驱) node of b b is successor(后继) node of b a and b are adjacent nodes If a node don’t have predecessor, it is called start node. If a node don’t have successor, it is called final node. If a node have both predecessor and successor, it is called internal node.
线性表 linear list 树 tree 图 grabh 查找 searching 排序 sorting 算法 algorithm 时间复杂度 time complexity