MMCC solutions presentation(Final)
CCF推荐国际学术会议类别如下计算机系统与⾼性能计算,计算机⽹络,⽹络与信息安全,软件⼯程,系统软件与程序设计语⾔,数据库、数据挖掘与内容检索,计算机科学理论,计算机图形学与多媒体,⼈⼯智能与模式识别,⼈机交互与普适计算,前沿、交叉与综合中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (计算机系统与⾼性能计算)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsACM2FAST Conference on File and StorageTechnologiesUSENIX3HPCA High-Performance Computer Architecture IEEE4ISCA International Symposium on ComputerArchitectureACM/IEEE5MICRO MICRO IEEE/ACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1HOT CHIPS A Symposium on High PerformanceChipsIEEE2SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallelism inAlgorithms and ArchitecturesACM3PODC ACM Symposium on Principles ofDistributed ComputingACM4CGO Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM 5DAC Design Automation Conference ACM6DATE Design, Automation & Test in EuropeConferenceIEEE/ACM7EuroSys EuroSys ACM8HPDC High-Performance DistributedComputingIEEE9SC International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and AnalysisIEEE10ICCD International Conference on ComputerDesignIEEE11ICCAD International Conference on Computer-Aided DesignIEEE/ACM12ICDCS International Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsIEEE13HiPEAC International Conference on High Performance and EmbeddedArchitectures and CompilersACM14SIGMETRICS International Conference onMeasurement and Modeling ofComputer SystemsACM15ICPP International Conference on Parallel ProcessingIEEE16ICS International Conference onSupercomputingACM17IPDPS International Parallel & DistributedProcessing SymposiumIEEE18FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposiumon Field-Programmable Gate ArraysACM19Performance International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurementsand EvaluationACM20LISA Large Installation systemAdministration ConferenceUSENIX21MSST Mass Storage Systems andTechnologiesIEEE21MSSTTechnologiesIEEE22PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation TechniquesIEEE/ACM23PPoPP Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingACM24RTAS Real-Time and Embedded Technologyand Applications SymposiumIEEE25USENIX ATC USENIX Annul Technical Conference USENIX26VEE Virtual Execution Environments ACM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CF ACM International Conference on ComputingFrontiersACM2NOCS ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-ChipACM/IEEE3ASP-DAC Asia and South Pacific Design AutomationConferenceACM/IEEE4ASAP Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and ProcessorsIEEE5CLUSTER Cluster Computing IEEE 6CCGRID Cluster Computing and the Grid IEEE7Euro-Par European Conference on Parallel and Distributed ComputingSpringer8ETS European Test Symposium IEEE9FPL Field Programmable Logic and Applications IEEE 10FCCM Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines IEEE 11GLSVLSI Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI Systems ACM/IEEE12HPCC IEEE International Conference on HighPerformance Computing and CommunicationsIEEE13MASCOTS IEEE International Symposium on Modeling,Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication SystemsIEEE14NPC IFIP International Conference on Network andParallel ComputingSpringer15ICA3PP International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel ProcessingIEEE16CASES International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for EmbeddedSystemsACM17FPT International Conference on Field-Programmable TechnologyIEEE18CODES+ISSSInternational Conference on Hardware/SoftwareCodesign & System SynthesisACM/ IEEE19HiPC International Conference on High PerformanceComputingIEEE/ ACM20ICPADS International Conference on Parallel andDistributed SystemsIEEE21ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems IEEE22ISLPED International Symposium on Low PowerElectronics and DesignACM/IEEE23ISPD International Symposium on Physical Design ACM 24ITC International Test Conference IEEE25HotInterconnectsSymposium on High-Performance Interconnects IEEE26VTS VLSI Test Symposium IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (计算机⽹络)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1MOBICOM ACM International Conference on MobileACM1MOBICOM ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and NetworkingACM2SIGCOMM ACM International Conference on the applications, technologies, architectures,and protocols for computer communicationACM3INFOCOM IEEE International Conference onComputer CommunicationsIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址2CoNEXT ACM International Conference onemerging Networking EXperiments and TechnologiesACM3SECON IEEE Communications SocietyConference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and NetworksIEEE4IPSN International Conference on InformationProcessing in Sensor NetworksIEEE/ACM5ICNP International Conference on NetworkProtocolsIEEE6MobiHoc International Symposium on Mobile AdHoc Networking and ComputingACM/IEEE7MobiSys International Conference on MobileSystems, Applications, and ServicesACM8IWQoS International Workshop on Quality ofServiceIEEE9IMC Internet Measurement Conference ACM/USENIX10NOSSDAV Network and Operating System Supportfor Digital Audio and VideoACM11NSDI Symposium on Network System Designand ImplementationUSENIX三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ANCS Architectures for Networking andCommunications SystemsACM/IEEE2FORTE Formal Techniques for Networked andDistributed SystemsSpringer3LCN IEEE Conference on Local ComputerNetworksIEEE4Globecom IEEE Global CommunicationsConference, incorporating the GlobalInternet SymposiumIEEE5ICC IEEE International Conference on CommunicationsIEEE6ICCCN IEEE International Conference onComputer Communications and NetworksIEEE7MASS IEEE International Conference on MobileAd hoc and Sensor SystemsIEEE8P2P IEEE International Conference on P2P ComputingIEEE9IPCCC IEEE International PerformanceComputing and CommunicationsConferenceIEEE10WoWMoM IEEE International Symposium on a Worldof Wireless Mobile and MultimediaNetworksIEEE11ISCC IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsIEEE12WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications &Networking ConferenceIEEE13Networking IFIP International Conferences onNetworkingIFIP14IM IFIP/IEEE International Symposium onIntegrated Network ManagementIFIP/IEEEIntegrated Network Management15MSWiM Analysis and Simulation of Wireless andMobile SystemsACM16NOMS Asia-Pacific Network Operations andManagement SymposiumIFIP/IEEE17HotNets The Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks ACM中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (⽹络与信息安全)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CCS ACMConferenceonComputerand CommunicationsSecurityACM2CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer 3EUROCRYPT European Cryptology Conference Springer 4S&P IEEESymposiumonSecurityandPrivacy IEEE5USENIXSecurityUsenix Security SymposiumUSENIXAssociation⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceIEEE2ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on theTheory and Application of Cryptologyand Information SecuritySpringer3ESORICS EuropeanSymposiumonResearchin ComputerSecuritySpringer4FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer5NDSS ISOC Network and Distributed SystemSecurity SymposiumISOC6CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop 7RAID International Symposium on RecentAdvancesin Intrusion DetectionSpringer8PKC International Workshop on Practice andTheory in Public Key CryptographySpringer9DSN The International Conference onDependableSystems and NetworksIEEE/IFIP10TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer11SRDS IEEE International Symposium onReliable Distributed SystemsIEEE12CHES Workshop on Cryptographic Hardwareand Embedded SystemsSpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1WiSec ACM Conference on Security and Privacy inWireless and Mobile NetworksACM2ACMMM&SECACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM3SACMAT ACM Symposium on Access ControlModelsand TechnologiesACM4ASIACCS ACM Symposium on Information,Computerand Communications SecurityACM5DRM ACM Workshop on Digital RightsManagementACMManagement6ACNS Applied Cryptography and NetworkSecuritySpringer7ACISP AustralasiaConferenceonInformationSecurityandPrivacySpringer8DFRWS Digital Forensic Research Workshop Elsevier 9FC Financial Cryptography and Data Security Springer10DIMVA Detection of Intrusions and Malware &Vulnerability AssessmentSIDAR、GI、Springer11SEC IFIP International Information SecurityConferenceSpringer12IFIP WG11.9IFIP WG 11.9 International Conferenceon Digital ForensicsSpringer13ISC Information Security Conference Springer14SecureCommInternational Conference on Security andPrivacy in Communication NetworksACM15NSPW New Security Paradigms Workshop ACM 16CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer17SOUPS Symposium On Usable Privacy andSecurityACM18HotSec USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics inSecurityUSENIX20TrustCom IEEE International Conference on Trust,Securityand Privacy in ComputingandCommunicationsIEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (软件⼯程、系统软件与程序设计语⾔)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1FSE/ESEC ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation of Software Engineering/ European Software EngineeringConferenceACM2OOPSLA Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages,and ApplicationsACM3ICSE International Conference on Software EngineeringACM/IEEE4OSDI USENIX Symposium on OperatingSystemsDesign and ImplementationsUSENIX5PLDI ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & ImplementationACM6POPL ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposiumon Principles of ProgrammingLanguagesACM7SOSP ACM Symposium on OperatingSystems PrinciplesACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingAITO2ETAPS European Joint Conferences on Theoryand Practice of SoftwareSpringer3FM Formal Methods, World Congress FME4ICPC IEEE International Conference onProgram ComprehensionIEEE5RE IEEE International RequirementIEEE5RE IEEE International RequirementEngineering ConferenceIEEE6CAiSE International Conference on Advanced Information Systems EngineeringSpringer7ASE International Conference on AutomatedSoftware EngineeringIEEE/ACM8ICFP International Conf on FunctionProgrammingACM9LCTES International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory forEmbedded SystemsACM10MoDELS International Conference on ModelDriven Engineering Languages andSystemsACM,IEEE11CP International Conference on Principlesand Practice of Constraint ProgrammingSpringer12ICSOC International Conference on ServiceOriented ComputingSpringer13ICSM International. Conference on Software MaintenanceIEEE14VMCAI International Conference on Verification,Model Checking, and AbstractInterpretationSpringer15ICWS International Conference on WebServices(Research Track)IEEE16SAS International Static Analysis Symposium Springer17ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability EngineeringIEEE18ISSTA International Symposium on SoftwareTesting and AnalysisACMSIGSOFT19Middleware ACM/IFIP/USENIX20WCRE IEEE21HotOS USENIX三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1PASTE ACMSIGPLAN-SIGSOFTWorkshoponProgram AnalysisforSoftwareToolsandEngineeringACM2APLAS Asian Symposium on ProgrammingLanguages and SystemsSpringer3APSEC Asia-Pacific Software EngineeringConferenceIEEE4COMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications ConferenceIEEE5ICECCS IEEE International Conference onEngineeringof Complex Computer SystemsIEEE6SCAM IEEE International Working Conferenceon Source Code Analysis and ManipulationIEEE7ICFEM International Conference on FormalEngineering MethodsSpringer8TOOLS International Conference on Objects,Models,Components, PatternsSpringer9PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on PartialEvaluation and Semantics BasedProgramming ManipulationACM10QSIC International Conference on QualitySoftwareIEEE11SEKE International Conference on SoftwareKSI11SEKE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringKSI12ICSR International Conference on SoftwareReuseSpringer13ICWE International Conference on WebEngineeringSpringer14SPIN International SPIN Workshop on ModelChecking of SoftwareSpringer15LOPSTRProgram Synthesis and TransformationSpringer16TASE International Symposium on TheoreticalAspects of Software EngineeringIEEE17ICST The IEEE International Conference onSoftware Testing, Verification andValidationIEEE18ATVATechnology for Verification and Analysis19ESEM International Symposium on EmpiricalSoftware Engineering and MeasurementACM/IEEE20ISPASS IEEE International Symposium onPerformance Analysis of Systems andSoftwareIEEE21SCCComputingIEEE22ICSSPSystem ProcessISPA中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (数据库,数据挖掘与内容检索)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SIGMOD ACM Conference on Management ofDataACM2SIGKDD ACM Knowledge Discovery and DataMiningACM3SIGIR International Conference on ResearchanDevelopment in Information RetrievalACM4VLDB International Conference on Very LargeData BasesMorganKaufmann/ACM5ICDE IEEE International Conference on Data EngineeringIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CIKM ACM International Conference onInformationand Knowledge ManagementACM2PODS ACM SIGMOD Conference onPrinciples of DB SystemsACM3DASFAA Database Systems for AdvancedApplicationsSpringer4ECML-PKDDEuropean Conference on PrinciplesandPractice of Knowledge Discovery inDatabasesSpringer5ISWC IEEE International Semantic WebConferenceIEEE6ICDM IEEE International Conference on DataMiningIEEE7ICDT International Conference on DatabaseTheorySpringer8EDBT International Conference on ExtendingDBSpringer8EDBT TechnologySpringer 9CIDR International Conference on Innovation Database ResearchOnline Proceeding 10WWW ConferencesSpringer 11SDMSIAM International Conference on Data MiningSIAM三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1WSDM ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data MiningACM 2DEXA Database and Expert System ApplicationsSpringer 3ECIR European Conference on IR Research Springer 4WebDB International ACM Workshop on Web and DatabasesACM 5ER International Conference on Conceptual ModelingSpringer 6MDM International Conference on Mobile Data ManagementIEEE 7SSDBM International Conference on Scientific and Statistical DB ManagementIEEE 8WAIM International Conference on Web Age Information ManagementSpringer 9SSTD International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal DatabasesSpringer 10PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningSpringer 11APWeb The Asia Pacific Web ConferenceSpringer 12WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Springer 13ESWCExtended Semantic Web ConferenceElsevier中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)⼀、A 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of ComputingACM 2FOCSIEEE Symposium on Foundations ofComputer ScienceIEEE3LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer ScienceIEEE⼆、B 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SoCG ACM Symposium onComputationalGeometryACM2SODA ACM-SIAM Symposium onDiscreteAlgorithmsSIAM 3CAV Computer Aided VerificationSpringer4CADE/IJCAR Conference on Automated Deduction/The International JointConference onAutomated Reasoning Springer5CCCIEEE Conference onComputational ComplexityIEEE 6ICALPInternational Colloquium onSpringer6ICALP International Colloquium onAutomata,Languages and ProgrammingSpringer7CONCUR International Conference onConcurrency TheorySpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSL Computer Science Logic Springer2ESA European Symposium onAlgorithmsSpringer3FSTTCS Foundations of SoftwareTechnologyand Theoretical Computer ScienceIndianAssociationfor Researchin ComputingScience4IPCO International Conference onIntegerProgramming and Combinatorial OptimizationSpringer5RTA International Conference onRewritingTechniques and ApplicationsSpringer6ISAAC International Symposium onAlgorithms and ComputationSpringer7MFCS Mathematical Foundations ofComputer ScienceSpringer8STACS Symposium on TheoreticalAspectsof Computer ScienceSpringer9FMCAD Formal Method in Computer-AidedDesignACM10SAT Theory and Applications ofSatisfiability TestingSpringer中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机图形学与多媒体)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACM MM ACM International Conference on MultimediaACM2SIGGRAPH ACM SIGGRAPH AnnualConferenceACM3IEEE VIS IEEE Visualization Conference IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ICMR ACM SIGMM International Conferenceon Multimedia RetrievalACM2i3D ACM Symposium on Interactive 3DGraphicsACM3SCA ACM/Eurographics Symposium onComputer AnimationACM4DCC Data Compression Conference IEEE5EG EurographicsWiley/ Blackwell6EuroVis Eurographics Conference onVisualizationACM7SGP Eurographics Symposium on Geometry ProcessingWiley/Blackwell8EGSR Eurographics Symposium onRenderingWiley/Blackwell IEEE International Conference on9ICME IEEE International Conference on Multimedia &ExpoIEEE10PG Pacific Graphics: The PacificConference on Computer Graphics and ApplicationsWiley/Blackwell11SPM Symposium on Solid and PhysicalModelingSMA/Elsevier三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CASA Computer Animation and SocialAgentsWiley2CGI Computer Graphics International Springer3ISMAR International Symposium on Mixedand Augmented RealityIEEE/ACM4PacificVis IEEE Pacific VisualizationSymposiumIEEE5ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SPIEEE6ICIP International Conference on Image ProcessingIEEE7MMM International Conference onMultimedia ModelingSpringer8GMP Geometric Modeling and Processing Elsevier9PCM Pacific-Rim Conference onMultimediaSpringer10SMI Shape Modeling International IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(⼈⼯智能与模式识别)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1AAAI AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligenceAAAI2CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer VisionandPattern RecognitionIEEE3ICCV International Conference on ComputerVisionIEEE4ICML International Conference on Machine LearningACM5IJCAI International Joint Conference onArtificialIntelligenceMorganKaufmann⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1COLT Annual Conference on ComputationalLearning TheorySpringer2NIPS Annual Conference on NeuralInformationProcessing SystemsMIT Press3ACL Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational LinguisticsACL4EMNLP Conference on Empirical Methods inNaturalLanguage ProcessingACL5ECAI European Conference on ArtificialIntelligenceIOS Press6ECCV European Conference on ComputerVisionSpringer IEEE International Conference on7ICRA IEEE International Conference onRoboticsand AutomationIEEE8ICAPS International Conference onAutomatedPlanning and SchedulingAAAI9ICCBR International Conference on Case-BasedReasoningSpringer10COLING International Conference onComputationalLinguisticsACM11KR International Conference on PrinciplesofKnowledge Representation andReasoningMorganKaufmann12UAI International Conference onUncertaintyin Artificial IntelligenceAUAI13AAMAS on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agentSystemsSpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision Springer2CoNLL Conference on Natural LanguageLearningCoNLL3GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ConferenceACM4ICTAI IEEE International Conference onTools withArtificial IntelligenceIEEE5ALT International Conference onAlgorithmicLearning TheorySpringer6ICANN International Conference on ArtificialNeuralNetworksSpringer7FGR International Conference on AutomaticFaceand Gesture RecognitionIEEE8ICDAR International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionIEEE9ILP International Conference on InductiveLogicProgrammingSpringer10KSEM International conference on Knowledge Science,Engineering and ManagementSpringer11ICONIP International Conference on NeuralInformation ProcessingSpringer12ICPR International Conference on Pattern RecognitionIEEE13ICB International Joint Conference onBiometricsIEEE14IJCNN International Joint Conference onNeuralNetworksIEEE15PRICAI Pacific Rim International ConferenceonArtificial IntelligenceSpringer16NAACL The Annual Conference of the NorthAmerican Chapter of the Associationfor Computational LinguisticsNAACL17BMVC British Machine Vision Conference British MachineVision Association中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(⼈机交互与普适计算)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CHI ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsACM2UbiComp ACM International Conference onUbiquitous ComputingACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSCW ACM Conference on ComputerSupported Cooperative Work and Social ComputingACM2IUI ACM International Conference onIntelligent User InterfacesACM3ITS ACM International Conference onInteractive Tabletops and SurfacesACM4UIST ACM Symposium on User InterfaceSoftware and TechnologyACM5ECSCW European Computer SupportedCooperative WorkSpringer6MobileHCI International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction with MobileDevices and ServicesACM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1GROUP ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM2ASSETS ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM3DIS ACM Conference on Designing InteractiveSystemsACM4GI Graphics Interface conference ACM5MobiQuitous International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and ServicesSpringer6PERCOM IEEE International Conference onPervasive Computing and CommunicationsIEEE7INTERACT IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-ComputerInteractionIFIP8CoopIS International Conference on CooperativeInformation SystemsSpringer9ICMI ACM International Conference on MultimodalInteractionACM10IDC Interaction Design and Children ACM11AVI International Working Conference on AdvancedUser InterfacesACM12UIC IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and ComputingIEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(前沿、交叉与综合)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1RTSS Real-Time Systems Symposium IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1EMSOFT International Conference onEmbedded SoftwareACM/IEEE/IFIP2ISMB International conference onIntelligent Systems for MolecularBiologyOxford Journals3CogSci Cognitive Science Society AnnualConferencePsychology Press4RECOMB International Conference onResearch in ComputationalMolecular BiologySpringer5BIBM IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and BiomedicineIEEE三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1AMIA American Medical InformaticsAssociation Annual SymposiumAMIA2APBC Asia Pacific BioinformaticsConferenceBioMed Central3COSIT International Conference onSpatial Information TheoryACM。
1-Introduction of mm
Chapter 5 Chapter 6
MRP in purchasing Inventory Management
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 8 Purchasing, more features
Account Determination for for Automatic Postings in MM
Capital resources
Logistics chain Procurement
Purchase orders
materials services
MM - 9
Integration to Accounting II.
Purchase requisition commitments (cost ctr. ord.)
Purchase requisition
Actual (preliminary)
Purchase requisition Purchase order Goods receipt
Cash forecast
MM - 12
Integration to Accounting V.
Copyright Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992
功耗 = 功率 × 时间
休眠模式 功率
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单片射频微波集成电路技术与设计 MMICC测试技术
Block diagram of VNA
• 探针台
Cascade Microsech Summit 9000 45MHz至120GHz裸片探针测试系统
Cascade Microtech Summit 10000 DC至110 GHz裸片探针测试系统 直到最近,测试MMIC性能几乎都使用测试夹具 来完成。现在,用探针台能够实现极其精确的MMIC 测试。这种技术于1980年首次被提出用于微波频 率,并在1982年的实验中得到验证。1983年,该技 术被Cascade Microtech公司引入商用。在过去的十 10 年中,探针台测试技术获得了飞速地发展。
探针台测试技术优点 电子科技大学 1. 单扫系统从DC到120GHz; 2. 更精确且可重复性,引入的系统误差小; 3. 校准程序更简单,在片校准及标准验证可自动 化; 4. 它使VNA测试参考面位于探针尖上或在沿MMIC传 输线一段距离上,从而可完全消除参考面转换的 影响; 5. 提供了快速、无破坏MMIC性能测量方法,可以 在切片和封装之前进行性能测量。 Cascade Microtech 和 Agilent两公司已合 作提供了一整套在片测试解决方案,在高达 110GHz频率实现了可重复的频域测试。
Anritsu 3680V通用测试夹具
在选择、设计或使用测试夹具时,应遵从下列准则: 1. 对于两端口夹具内进行TRL校准,裂纹式砌块测 试夹具最理想,它具有很好的重复性。采用短路 标准更好,开路标准可能会辐射能量; 2. 侧壁可能形成波导或谐振腔,应使波导/谐振腔足 够的小,使主模谐振频率高于最大测试频率。仔 细安置调谐旋钮,和/或多个RF吸收衬垫消除或抑 制不需要的模式; 3. 必须避免由于过长的接地线和接地路线中断而出 现的不良接地; 4. 避免厚的芯片载台基片、宽传输线(有时用作片 外 RF去耦)情况,以使表面波传播和毫米波频 率横向谐振的影响最小。横向电流可以通过在低 5 阻抗线中引入窄的纵向狭缝来抑制;
MM顾问流程通常指的是SAP MM(物料管理)顾问的流程。
以下是SAP MM顾问的主要流程:
以上是SAP MM顾问的一般流程,具体流程可能会因项目规模、业务复杂度、顾问经验等因素而有所不同。
ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Mat
THERMOPLASTIC INFUSIBLE RESIN SYSTEMS: CANDIDATES FORTHE MARINE SECTOR?Niamh Nash1, Carlos Bachour Sirerol1, Ioannis Manolakis1 and Anthony J. Comer11Irish Composites Centre (IComp), School of Engineering, Bernal Institute, University of Limerick,V94 T9PX, Limerick, IrelandKeywords: Liquid resin infusion, thermoplastic, laminate, conditioning, mechanical testingAbstractThis work investigated the feasibility of the use of a novel infusible thermoplastic resin (Elium 150 from Arkema) for composite laminate manufacture by resin infusion methods and possible application in the shipbuilding sector. We compared the properties of Elium glass-fibre laminates with those of laminates infused with state-of-the-art thermosetting epoxy and urethane acrylate resins. The Elium laminates matched the mechanical performance (flexure and interlaminar shear strength) of the epoxy and surpassed that of the urethane acrylate counterpart. However, the mechanical performance of the Elium laminates after immersion in water at 35 o C for 28 days deteriorated compared to urethane acrylate, but was comparable in flexural properties to that of the epoxy. The combination of superior mechanical performance coupled with acceptable environmental resistance and comparable composite laminate manufacturing conditions makes the infusible thermoplastic a possible future candidate matrix over commercial thermosetting resin options.1. IntroductionFibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials find increasing acceptance and application in a number of transport sectors (aviation, land & waterborne transport [1]) due to their lightweight nature which provides a significant advantage in terms of lower fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, in line with relevant EU directives.Particularly in waterborne transport and shipbuilding, FRP composites are currently dominating the manufacture of vessels up to 50 m in length, with liquid resin infusion (LRI) being the most frequently used manufacturing technique and vacuum-assisted resin transfer moulding (VARTM) in particular the most widely adopted LRI variant. The primary options for the reinforcement include glass and carbon fibres, whilst thermosetting resins are a traditional choice for the matrix.Recent developments in the field have seen the introduction of novel, infusible thermoplastic resins into the market [2], with low viscosities and thus suitable for resin infusion processing. The use of a thermoplastic matrix has a number of potential advantages over a thermoset (performance, re-processable, recyclable). Moreover, when compared to thermosetting systems based on styrene as reactive diluent (e.g. polyester, vinylester, urethane acrylate), the novel infusible thermoplastic option provides a styrene-free offering with otherwise similar characteristics (e.g. resin viscosity, time to gel point), yet with distinct environmental benefits.In this work we conducted an extensive, direct comparison of FRP composite laminates manufactured by VARTM with a novel infusible acrylic thermoplastic (Elium 150 from Arkema), and state-of-the-art thermosetting resins. Our comparison included manufacturing aspects (infusion time,recommended curing and post-curing schedule) as well as laminate quality, and mechanical and thermomechanical performance in both dry and wet (after immersion in water) conditions.2. Materials and Methods2.1. Manufacturing of Composite Laminates by VARTMComposite laminates (350 x 500 mm) were manufactured on glass or aluminium tools at room temperature. Unidirectional non-crimp glass fabric (Saertex UD NCF 996 gsm with PPG Hybon 2002 E-glass fibre) was the reinforcement of choice along with two thermosetting resins (urethane acrylate Crestapol 1210 from Scott Bader and epoxy Prime 27 from Gurit) and an infusible thermoplastic (Elium 150 from Arkema). The recommended ratios of hardener/catalyst/accelerator (as appropriate) from the supplier were used for each system. Four (4) plies of glass fabric were cut in the above mentioned dimensions and placed on the tool in a symmetric/unidirectional stacking sequence [0o]2S with a glass preform mass of approximately 650 g targeting a nominal laminate thickness of 3 mm. The infusion time was measured from the opening of the resin inlet to the closure of the outlet (outlet was closed on observing bubble-free resin in the outlet tube).2.2. Mechanical testing2.2.1. Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS)Interlaminar shear strength tests were conducted according to ISO 14130. Five (5) samples of 30 x 15 x 3 mm were used for each laminate to determine the apparent inter-laminar shear strength (ILSS). 2.2.2. 3-point bendingFlexure tests were conducted according to ISO 14125. Five (5) samples of 80 x 15 x 3 mm were used for each laminate to determine the flexural strength and flexural modulus for each case.2.3. Dynamic Mechanical AnalysisDynamic Mechanical Analysis was performed in a TA Instruments (USA) Q800 Dynamic Mechanical Analyser in 3-point bend testing mode, with a displacement amplitude of 10 μm and frequency of 1Hz. Laminate specimens with nominal dimensions of L x W x T equal to 50 x 12 x 3 mm were used. The specimens were heated from ambient temperature to an appropriate end temperature based on their expected T g at a rate of 5°C/min. Storage modulus (E’), loss modulus (E’’) and tanδ were recorded. 2.4. Scanning Electron MicroscopyCross-sections of the composite laminates were examined using a Hitachi SU-70 Analytical Field Emission SEM, at accelerating voltage of 10 kV and working distance of 10 mm. Specimens were examined as received, and after manual polishing (using P800 and P1000 SiC paper). The samples were sputter-coated with gold for 30 seconds using an Emitech K550 sputter coater before SEM observation.2.5. DensitySpecific gravity was calculated by the displacement method according to ASTM D792-08, using five (5) samples for each laminate with dimensions 25 x 12 x 3 mm.2.6. Fibre volume fraction (V f)Fibre volume fractions were determined by a resin burn-off test according to ISO 1172, using five (5) samples for each laminate.2.6. Water immersion studiesLaminate specimens for ILSS and flexure were immersed in distilled water in a water bath at 35 o C for 28 days, and tested after removal. Three samples were used for each laminate in each test (with the exception of Prime 27, for which two ILSS specimens were measured due to equipment issues).3. Results and DiscussionThe comparison of the composite laminates in this study was conducted across a number of aspects, namely manufacturability for resin infusion (resin/curing agent formulation, viscosity, infusion temperature and time, curing and post curing requirements), quality of produced laminates (achieved fibre volume fraction and T g), mechanical properties as-manufactured and effect of water immersion on mechanical properties.The manufacturing details for the three laminates are presented in Table 1. It is evident that the infusible thermoplastic is quite similar in terms of viscosity and infusion time at room temperature to its thermosetting counter parts. It also doesn’t require any post-curing according to the resin manufacturer; it can be left to cure at room temperature on the tool overnight, and is subsequently easily demoulded. This is a particularly attractive feature for complex shapes with curvature, which are quite abundant in shipbuilding.Table 1. VARTM manufacturing details for composite laminatesResin Details Resin:Curingagent(s)(w/w)Viscosity a(cP)ToolInfusiontime/T(min/o C)CuringschedulePost-curingscheduleUrethaneAcrylate CRESTAPOL1210 100:2:1:1b175 cP at25 °C(neat resin)Glass 11/21.1 1h at RT NonerequiredEpoxy PRIME 27100:28(Prime 27 slowhardener)285 cP at20 °C(mixture)Glass 15/18.81h at 45 °COvernightat RT7h at 65 o CAcrylic thermoplastic ELIUM 150100:2.5(benzoylperoxideLuperox A40FP-EZ9)100 cP at25 °C(neat resin)Glass 23/21.9 Overnightat RTNonerequireda: values from TDS; b: 2 parts by weight of Accelerator D (10% solution of dimethyaniline in styrene) : 1 part by weight of Accelerator G (1% cobalt solution in styrene) : 1 part by weight of peroxide catalyst (Trigonox 44B)All three laminates were shown to reach the expected T g levels when tested by DMA [3-5], indicating a complete cure cycle. Elium 150 is expected to show a heat deflection temperature of 109 o C, and indeed showed an onset transition in the storage modulus at 96 o C and a peak in the loss modulus at 107 o C (Figure 1).Mechanical properties of the as-manufactured composite laminates are summarized in Table 2. The achieved fibre volume fractions for all three resins were in the region of 56-58% (using the same UD glass fabric), indicating again that the infusible thermoplastic behaves in terms of manufacturing very similar to a thermosetting resin. Elium 150 clearly exceeded the urethane acrylate (Crestapol 1210) thermoset in both interlaminar shear and flexural strength values. Compared to the standard epoxy (Prime 27), Elium showed higher flexural and slightly lower interlaminar shear strength values. Overall, it is quite clear that Elium 150 is comparable in its performance to the epoxy laminate and outperforms the laminate made from a styrene-based resin in the dry condition.Figure 1. Dynamic mechanical analysis profile of the Elium 150/glass laminateTable 2. Mechanical (ILSS, flexure) and physical (V f, density) properties of composite laminates inthe Dry ConditionResin DetailsV f(%)Density(g/cm3)Apparent Inter-Laminar ShearStrength(MPa)*FlexuralStrength(MPa)*FlexuralModulus(GPa)*Urethane Acrylate CRESTAPOL 121057(±0.3%)2.017(±0.7%)42.09(±3.0%)790.61(±11.3%)34.52(±2.0%)Epoxy PRIME 2758(±0.9%)2.061(±0.5%)58.04(±2.4%)917.1(±2.4%)35.37(±2.8%)Acrylic thermoplastic ELIUM 15056(±1.0%)1.999(±0.4%)56.87(±3.6%)942.8(±3.8%)33.86(±1.6%)*Minimum required laminate property values in accordance with [6]: ILSS at least 15 MPa; Flexural Strength and Flexural Modulus for a laminate with equivalent fibre mass fraction (0.72) at least 367 MPa and 19.5 GPa, respectivelyScanning Electron Microscopy on cross-sections from the as-manufactured laminates provided information on the infusion quality/void content and the matrix/fibre interface. All laminates showed generally good fibre impregnation (a selection of SEM images in Figures 2a, 2b, 3a), as expected from their good mechanical properties (Table 2).a bc de f Figure 2. SEM images of the Elium 150/glass laminate cross-sections: as-manufactured (a, b; polished; Table 2) and after immersion in water for 28 days at 35 o C (c, d: polished; e, f: unpolished; Table 3). Longitudinal lines in the polished samples come from the polishing action/direction.The effect of prolonged water immersion on the mechanical properties of the three laminates is detailed in Table 3. Water absorption less than 70 mg (after 7 days of immersion), and a drop in mechanical properties no greater than 25% after 28 days are the main requirements for material qualification in shipbuilding [6].Figure 3. SEM images of the Prime 27/glass laminate polished cross-sections (a: as-manufactured; b: after immersion in water for 28 days at 35 o C). Longitudinal lines come from the polishing action/direction.Elium 150 appeared to absorb similar amounts of water to the epoxy. The urethane acrylate laminate recorded the lowest water uptake and the smallest drop in all mechanical properties. The Elium laminate showed the sharpest drop in ILSS value (37.5%) compared to the dry state value. In terms of flexural strength, Elium and Prime 27 were almost identical, with a drop of 17-18%. Flexural modulus was less affected for Elium. As in Table 1, Elium appears overall comparable with the state-of-the-art epoxy in terms of environmental resistance, with the exception of the ILSS values (yet with a high coefficient of variation); the latter may suggest a more affected matrix and/or Elium/glass interface due to water ingress (possibly also due to hydrolysis of the acrylic-based Elium matrix).Table 3. Comparsion of mechanical properties (Table 1) after immersion in water (35 o C, 28 days)Resin Details ApparentInter-LaminarShearStrength(MPa)Changecomparedto drystate(Table 1)(%)AveragemassuptakeILSSspecimens(mg)FlexuralStrength(MPa)Changecomparedto drystate(Table 1)(%)FlexuralModulus(GPa)Changecomparedto drystate(Table 1)(%)Averagemassuptakeflexurespecimens(mg)UrethaneAcrylate CRESTAPOL121041.90(±2.4%)-0.5 4.6(±30%)785.9(±1.5%)-0.6 35.34(±2.3%)+2.4 21.0(±16%)Epoxy PRIME 2748.45(±2.9%)-16.5 16.1(±7%)746.7(±5.0%)-18.6 33.80(±6.1%)-4.4 39.9(±2%)Acrylic thermoplastic ELIUM 15035.56(±14.5%)-37.5 9.7(±2%)779.8(±11.6%)-17.3 33.99(±1.0%)-0.4 34.7(±4%)For this reason, SEM was also conducted on laminate specimens after water immersion (Figures 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 3b) and compared to images obtained for the as-manufactured laminates. Crestapol 1210 (not shown here) showed very little difference in terms of SEM imaging in the dry and wet condition, in line with its minimal change in mechanical properties.In the case of Elium 150 (Figure 2), SEM suggested the presence of some localised resin-poor areas in the wet samples, potentially linked to possible hydrolysis of the acrylic matrix. Otherwise, there was again little visible difference overall by SEM between dry and wet samples, which can be partlya battributed to the overall low average mass uptake (Table 3) for all samples. Nevertheless, the effect on mechanical properties was significant for Prime 27 and Elium 150, as shown in Table 3.4. ConclusionsThis study highlighted the suitability of the novel infusible acrylic thermoplastic option for FRP laminate manufacture by liquid resin infusion in a shipbuilding environment. The laminates produced by the infusible thermoplastic were of high quality, and comfortably exceeded the minimum requirements set by classification societies [6] in ILSS and flexural properties (see note in Table 2). Elium 150 matched the mechanical performance of a state-of-the-art epoxy resin (Prime 27), and outperformed laminates produced with resins based on styrene reactive diluent technology (urethane acrylate Crestapol 1210 in this study).The drop observed in flexural properties for the thermoplastic laminates after immersion in water was comparable to that of the epoxy-based laminates and within the allowed 25% reduction compared to the dry state [6]. The reduction in ILSS values for Elium 150 (> 25%) observed in this study could be improved by e.g. employing the allowed post-curing schedule according to [6] (16 h at 40 o C), or selecting a glass fibre fabric with bespoke sizing for the Elium resin range.The new infusible acrylic thermoplastic combines good manufacturability in a liquid resin infusion context with epoxy-like laminate properties, and additionaly offers a re-processable, styrene-free resin option to the shipbuilding industry. Once a competitive price range could be established for the Elium range, it would be expected that its acceptance and adoption by the shipbuilding industry would increase accordingly.AcknowledgmentsThis work has been funded by the H2020 project FIBRESHIP ( under grant agreement 723360.References[1] J. Summerscales. Marine applications of advanced fibre reinforced composites. WoodheadPublishing, Cambridge, 2016.[2] https:///en/media/news/news-details/Arkema-gains-ground-in-composites-andlaunches-a-revolutionary-range-of-Elium-liquid-resins/[3] Technical Data Sheet Crestapol 1210 (Scott Bader)[4] Technical Data Sheet Crestapol Prime 27 (Gurit)[5] Technical Data Sheet Elium 150 (Arkema)[6] Lloyds Register. Material and Qualification Procedures for Ships Book K Procedure 14-1 & 14-2.Revision 01 Dec 2013。
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Research and Development Program Report AbstractThis research and development program report presents a comprehensive overview of the project undertaken to develop a new product or technology. The report includes detailed information about the research objectives, methodology, progress, and future recommendations. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the project and its potential impact.Introduction1.Background The development of new products and technologies isessential for the growth and success of any organization. In an increasinglycompetitive market, it is crucial to continuously innovate and improve existing offerings or create new ones to meet customer demands and stay ahead of the competition.2.Objectives The primary objective of this research and developmentprogram was to develop a new product or technology that addresses a specific need or problem. By conducting thorough research and utilizing cutting-edge technology, our aim was to create a solution that enhances efficiency, improves quality, or provides a competitive advantage.Methodology1.Research Design To achieve the research objectives, a systematic andscientific approach was followed. The research design included various stages, such as literature review, data collection, data analysis, and prototypedevelopment. The research design was carefully planned to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.2.Literature Review A comprehensive literature review was conductedto gather knowledge about the existing state of the art and identify any gaps or opportunities for improvement. This review helped to inform the researchprocess and ensure that the project was built upon a solid foundation.3.Data Collection Primary and secondary data collection methods wereemployed to gather relevant information. Primary data was collected through surveys, interviews, and experiments, while secondary data was obtained from academic journals, industry reports, and other reliable sources.4.Data Analysis The collected data was analyzed using statisticaltechniques and qualitative analysis methods. This analysis helped to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the data, which provided valuable insights for the development process.5.Prototype Development Based on the findings from the data analysis,a prototype of the new product or technology was developed. This prototypewent through multiple iterations to refine and improve its functionality,performance, and design.Progress and Results1.Progress Overview The research and development program has madesignificant progress since its initiation. The project milestones were achieved on time, and the development process remained on track. The team effectively collaborated, and resources were efficiently utilized throughout the program.2.Key Findings The data analysis revealed several key findings thatinformed the development of the new product or technology. These findingshighlighted specific areas where improvements were needed and served as a basis for decision-making.3.Prototype Evaluation The developed prototype underwent rigoroustesting and evaluation to assess its performance, functionality, and usability.Feedback from users and experts helped to identify areas for furtherrefinement and optimization.4.Preliminary Results The preliminary results indicated that thedeveloped product or technology has the potential to meet the desiredobjectives and address the identified need or problem. It showed promisingperformance and received positive user feedback.ConclusionIn conclusion, this research and development program report provides a comprehensive overview of the project undertaken to develop a new product or technology. The research objectives, methodology, progress, and preliminary results have been discussed in detail. Based on the findings, it is evident that the project has achieved significant milestones and holds great potential. Further refinement and optimization are recommended to ensure the final product’s success in the market. This report serves as a valuable reference for future research and development initiatives within the organization.References1.Author 1, et al. (Year). Title of the paper. Journal Name, Volume(Issue),Page numbers.2.Author 2, et al. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.3.Author 3, et al. (Year). Title of the report. Organization/Organizationwebsite.。
Opt ional Variant sThe (MCOM-R) gives a 5 second pulse on reset, and is used for connecting/resetting beam detectors.The (MCOM-S) is identified by the panel as a sounder and does not reset when put into‘silence’ mode, only resets once panel has been reset.The (MCOM-FC) is identified by the panel assounder and will activate f ro m its associate cause and effect programming. It will reset from a global reset not a global silence command. Suitable for use with fan controller devices for smoke management.•Quick and simple to install •Compact size •Soft Addressed•Integral short circuit isolator•Plug and play, no hard addressing required •No external short circuit isolator requiredAn extensive range of micro interfaces are available to support our range of control panels, providing solutions for most design requirements.The MCOM is a single output, soft addressed, micro interface, incorporating integral short circuit isolators. It is extremely compact and therefore ideal for incorporation into other equipment.The MCOM is fully compatible with the current range of Eaton intelligent addressable fire control panels.It is suitable for switching low voltage (24V dc at 1A maximum), via a set of non latching relay contacts.It is suitable for switching HVAC control circuits, plant shutdown control circuits, fire door closure etc.MCOMMicro Single Channel Output UnitsBenefitsDimensions H (mm)W (mm)D (mm)633518.5Code MCOM , MCOM-S, MCOM-R, MCOM-FCDescription Micro single channel output unit Standards EN54 Pt17 & Pt18Specification Operating Voltage 18.5V dc to 30V dc Quiescent Current 310μAOutput Relay Switching Voltage 24V dc to 30V dc Contact Rating 1A Switching Power 30 WattsEnvironmental Operating temperature -10ºC to +60ºC Humidity (non condensing)0 to 95% RH Physical ConstructionPC/ABSDimensions (H x W x D)63mm x 35mm x 18.5mm Weight 0.078kg Compatibility Suitable for use withEaton Intelligent addressable fire systemsRecommended loop/cable typeFire Tuff, FP200, MICC T echnical SpecificationInstallation1.Suitable for switching 24V dc control circuits (firedoor retainers etc).2.Connections suitable for single strand fireproof cableup to 2.5mm 2.3.Loop and output cable screen must be connected tointerface earth terminals.4.The relay output is a set of change over, non-latching,volt free contacts which are non monitored.Note: No addressing of the interface is required (see control panel operation for details)DescriptionCodeMicro single channel output unit (recognised as output unit)MCOM Micro single channel output unit (recognised as sounder)MCOM-S Micro single channel output unit (5 second reset pulse)MCOM-R Mini module box unit (empty box)ULBUCatalogue numbers37.5mm22m mStandard ConnectionsMounting DetailsChanges to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions.Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks. The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.EatonElectrical Sector EMEA Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland EatonFire Systems Business Eaton Electrical Systems Ltd Wheatley Hall Road Doncaster South Y orkshire DN2 4NBUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0)1302 303 999 Fax: +44 (0)1302 303 333Email: FireCustomerService@eaton .com Web: www.eaton .com /gb © 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPub Reference: F -DS025 April 2019Micro single channel output unit (fan controller output unit)MCOM-FC。
There is more to measurement strategies than the science behind the model. Incorporating business context to shape an MMM is an art — one with implications for the model’s outcomes and financial recommendations. Advertisers who embrace that art can empower their businesses to make more strategic measurement-based decisions.The checklist below summarises key MMM best practises to ensure rigorous model design.Click on each section to explore related checklists:Start with the right questionsthe first time , refer to this checklist when discussingmethodology with potential partners and internal marketingscience or data science teams. Check off all best practicesthat you consider important for your business.If you have already started your MMM journey, check offall best practices already included in your models andconsider discussing the remaining ones with your MMMteam and partners.While it can be tempting to start the conversation aboutMMM with methodology, it is more beneficial to begin withbusiness questions and then choose the best approach toanswer them. MMM may not be able to answer all yourquestions, so identifying the limitations of your plannedMMM solution will help you manage expectations and findcomplementary solutions.Basic:Yes No UnsureAdvanced:Yes No UnsureWhat percentage of total sales is driven by each marketing channel?How does the sales contribution from each channel compare to its share of investment?How do non-media factors contribute to sales?What percentage of sales would be lost if all media investments were cancelled?Does digital media drive offline sales?What is the historic ROI for each media channel?What is the marginal ROI for each media channel?What is the recommended budget allocation for each channel?Which tactics (creative, targeting, ad formats) contribute most to my media profitability?What are the direct and indirect effects of media channels?How does my media drive both short and long-term sales?How do media channels compare in their ability to drive sales and brand outcomes?How do I balance my media mix to drive both short and long-term sales?What are the synergies between media channels?Accurate marketing mix models recognise thatdifferent media campaigns drive different outcomes.While some campaigns drive brand perceptions,others generate leads or drive sales online or offline.Today, it is not uncommon to see MMM built aroundseveral KPIs via a model design called structuralequation modelling, also known as nested models.Nested models measure the impact on more thanone KPI. For example, if brand-building campaignsare designed to drive brand preference, a brandpreference index from a brand tracker would be theideal outcome to measure in the model alongsidesales. Sometimes continuous data for brand index isnot available. In this case, proxies can be used suchas Share of Search.Which of the following KPIs are (planned to be) included in your MMM? Mark your answers with aYes No Unsure Yes No UnsureA distinctive strength of an MMM over other media effectiveness measurement solutions is the flexibility of model design and its ability to include outcomes and drivers that are relevant to the business while measuring all these relationships in the same analysis. If there is uncertainty about whether sales are impacted by an event or specific factor, MMM can confirm the impact by testing the relationship between the outcomes and potential drivers and, when a relationship is confirmed, estimate the strength of this relationship. With that mind, it is important to be diligent in designing a comprehensive model by including all possible outcome drivers.Traditionally, an MMM aimed to capture the impact of marketing on bottomline outcomes only: sales, transactions, or subscriptions. As more brands embraced full-funnel marketing, it became important to measure campaigns based on the job they were created for and to recognise that not all campaigns are designed to drive sales. Some marketing activity is reserved for building brand strength.Luckily, brand measurement has existed for some time, with an ecosystem of brand tracking providers offering customer surveys that measure the share of the audience that is aware of the brand (brand awareness), has a positive mindset around it (preference) and intends to buy it (consideration or purchase intent). Modern MMM increasingly focus on the multi-functionality of media, measure impact on outcomes across the customer journey and can even link media, brand strength and sales.Which factors do you (plan to) include in your MMM?Mark your answers with aYes No UnsureMedia support by channelPrice changesDistribution, if applicable (e.g.number of stores)External events (e.g. COVID-19)Economic factors, if applicable (gasprices, confidence index, other)WeatherSeasonality Yes No UnsureCompetitive mediaCompetitive price changesProduct launchesOther intermediate outcomes(Google query volume, share ofSearch, site traffic)Brand outcomes (brandawareness, consideration,preference)You’ve probably heard the expression “garbage in,garbage out” — this is very true in MMM. Although ingeneral data has become more accurate and detailedover time thanks to new data collection, storage andmanagement tools, it should not be taken for grantedthat data accuracy and granularity are the foundationof a robust MMM.Receiving media data from trusted sources, such as theGoogle MMM data request tool, can help ensure dataaccuracy and completeness. It is a general best practiceto validate data by comparing a high-level summary (e.g.impressions or investment) with a similar summary fromother sources, regardless of the method with which thedata was extracted.One of the most common criticisms of MMM is that theresults it produces are not detailed enough. For example,channel-level ROIs can help make the right decision tobalance budgets, but without campaign or tactic-levelROIs, marketers do not know what drives channelperformance and how to improve the overall channelROI. In contrast, channel performance by target, creative,or even optimisation method can help identify whichtactics work better than others. The savviest marketersdifferentiate campaigns by their marketing objectivesand measure their effectiveness on the relevant KPIswithin an MMM.While designing models for granularity, it is important to be aware of the risk of “over-fitting the model”, which is when too many variables are included and the reliability of the model is sacrificed. One way to overcome this challenge is to increase the upper limit of the number of input variablesby increasing the number of data points in the modeled KPI. The most common ways of doing this is segmenting all data in a meaningful way, for example, by geographical areas or by product segments, and stacking segments in the modeled dataset.Another obstacle to granularity could be the nature of media campaigns: multiple channels could be used simultaneously, leading to correlation of inputs. This compromises the accuracy of attributionof impacts on sales between correlated channels. Sometimes the only reliable way to measure such channels is to combine them in one input.Mark your answers with a Yes No UnsureMy media data... is extracted from trusted validated by comparing totals or trends with a different source.splits tactics by channel.splits tactics by creative.splits tactics by targeting.splits tactics by marketing objectives.“The savviest marketers differentiate campaigns by their marketing objectives and measure their effectiveness on therelevant KPIs within an MMM.”MMM have existed for over five decades and this experience has resulted in a body of best practices that lean on proven relationships.The most important best practice is to know what you are modelling and understand how media works. Digital channels offer a greater variety of formats, targeting and optimisation options than traditional channels.Seeing an ad today may result in a purchase behaviour a week from now. Carryover is a type of transformation from the original media input (e.g. impressions) in order to better represent the staying power of ads.Since most media campaigns run over time, ranging from several days to weeks, the carry-over effect from each day of the campaign must be added to the immediate effects in the subsequent days. Media inputs need to be transformed to account for this effect. This is called the adstock effect.As advertisers continue to increase investments in a media channel, the channel nears the point where it has influenced all the people it could. The closer the investment levels to this point, the lower the return is on investment. This is called diminishing returns . Media inputs need to be transformed to account for this effect.The level of granularity has a big impact on the calculated ROIs from MMM. Generally speaking, more media inputs (e.g. by campaign, creative, bidding strategy or target audience) produce more accurate results by providing a differentiated view of the performance for each of these tactics.“'Carryover' is a type of transformation from the original media input in order tobetter represent the staying power of ads.”Understanding the terminologyusing a nested model approach, where the direct impact on sales and the indirect impact via improving brand KPIs are measured.The types of inputs used to represent a channel also make a significant difference. For example, some studies show that branded search modelled with clicks instead of impressions show a significantly different ROI for branded search while the difference is less noticeable for generic ads and shopping ads. It is to the modeller's discretion to use clicks or impressions as inputs in the model, but it is recommended to avoid using costs as input variables, as this can lead to misleading results. Costs can vary based on targeting, advertiser's, and competitors’ bidding strategies, and can cause misrepresentation of ad effectiveness.Changes in media strategy are common and frequent in digital media. Moreover, our account teams work relentlessly to help advertisers optimise their media. Therefore, it is important to recognise that media ROI is expected to change over time. As a result, it is recommended to use campaign-level inputs wherever possible or to distinguish between time periods when a channel-level variable must be used to detect the changes in media ROI over time.Finally, no model is perfect. Each model will have its own set of limitations in capturing digital channels, such as:•Collinearity: e.g. YouTube is flighted at exactly the same time as TV ads•Low levels of spend may cause lack of a detectable ROI•Lack of variation (common in always-on campaigns) may cause a lackof detectable ROIEach media channel has its own differentiated carry-over effect.Each channel input has been transformed to account for adstock.Each media channel has been transformed to account for diminishing returns.We and our modelling partners understand digital media channels and how to identifywhich part of the customer journey they address based on creative, formats, targetingand bidding or buying strategy.Our models capture digital media channels’ effectiveness at sub-channel level (bycreative, targeting, or campaign).Our digital media channels are captured with impressions, clicks, or views instead of cost.Our models are designed to capture direct and indirect effects of media.Media ROI is differentiated by time periods via cutting variables in intervals in the model or grouping campaigns by time period in ROI calculations.Our modelling partners have explored and shared with us the model’s limitations which are considered in forming recommendations.Our model is based on additive multivariate regression.Our model is based on multiplicative multivariate regression.Our model is based on Bayesian approach.Do you apply these best practices to digital channels in your MMM?Mark your answers with aYes No UnsureIt is important to take note of the model’s limitations and keep them in mind when turning MMM results into insights and budget recommendations. Sometimes model limitations lead to supplementary analyses for a more conclusive result, or at least caution when acting on the model’s insights.10Do you receive the below outputs or services from your MMM partner?Mark your answers with aYes No UnsureHistoric ROIs (past return on investment)Marginal ROIs (return on the next $1 invested)Response curves (also known as saturation curves)Hypotheses as to which factors influenced media ROIsBudget optimisation scenariosRecommended actions outside of the media budgets.ROIs by channelROIs by ad formatROIs by creativeROIs by targetingROI by bidding strategy or buy model, e.g. CPM, CPV, CPA (if applicable)Clear and informative charts and data visualisations.Explanation of the model results and consultation.11While marketing mix modelling has a high degree ofversatility in what KPIs it can analyse and whichfactors can be included, it also has an importantlimitation — it cannot handle a high number of inputvariables which precludes deep granularity of results.To meet this challenge, a blended methodologyapproach is leveraged by some advertisers, mergingattribution and MMM to augment MMM results withmore granular media insights at a tactical level. Readmore about this approach here.One common criticism of an MMM is the fact that itis not causal in nature, but is based on correlation.There are ways to test for causality within an MMM but causality can also be confirmed by combining MMM with experiments, such as geo experiment or incrementality testing. Such approaches can not only confirm causality, but can also help calibrate the incremental volume from MMM with incrementality measured by the test.Yet another way to take an MMM to the next level is to enrich the design or the insights with campaign-level measurements such as brand lift studies that measure changes in a brand KPI due to exposure to media on YouTube. This approach helps link improvements in brand KPIs to sales. Which analyses do you currently supplement your MMM with?Mark your answers with aYes No Unsure Yes No UnsureAttribution Experiments Brand lift studies Test-and-learn programsOther12。
acmmm审稿分数统计ACM Multimedia Conference (ACMMM)是一个国际性的学术会议,是多媒体领域的顶级会议之一。
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SPM程序(CCS)硬件层程序/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (C) 2007 Zhongshan University.* All Rights Reserved*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FILENAME...... CSPM_DSP_Driver.c* DATE CREATED.. 013/4/2007* LAST MODIFIED. 025/4/2007*\******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************\ * CSPM_DSP_Driver Module is the hardware function layer of CSPM. It contains* five module.* AD..................5 Functions* DA..................3 Functions* DIO.................5 Funcitons* Comunicaiton........5 Functions* LED.................8 Functions\******************************************************************************/ #include "dsk6416cfg.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <CSL_gpio.h>#include <math.h>#include <CSL_IRQ.h>#include <CSL_hpi.h>/*-----------------------------Definition-------------------------------------*/#define DIO_SUCCEED 1#define DIO_FAILURE 0#define DA_SUCCEED 1#define DA_FAILURE 0#define AD_SUCCEED 1#define AD_FAILURE 0#define COMM_INIT_SUCCEED 1#define COMM_INIT_FAILURE 0#define DATA_READ_SUCCEED 1#define DATA_READ_FAILURE 0#define DATA_WRITE_SUCCEED 1#define DATA_WRITE_FAILURE 0GPIO_Handle hGpio0;GPIO_Config gpioCfg0 = {0x00001E00, /* GPIO Global Control Register (GPGC) */0x0000FFFF, /* GPIO Enable Register (GPEN) */0x0000FFFF, /* GPIO Direction Register (GPDIR)*/0x00000000, /* GPIO High Mask Register (GPHM)*/0x00000000, /* GPIO Low Mask Register (GPLM)*/0x00000000 /* GPIO Interrupt Polarity Register (GPPOL)*/};void InitGPIO(void);/*AD Module*/#define MAX_AD_BUFFER_SIZE 10240;#define AD_INPUT_RANGE_PN_5 0 // -5v to +5v#define AD_INPUT_RANGE_P_5 1 // 0v to +5v#define AD_INPUT_RANGE_PN_10 2 // -10v to +10v#define AD_INPUT_RANGE_P_10 3 // 0v to 10vUint16 AD_Config = 0x0300;//Uint16 AD_Config = 0x8000;/* Bit 15 : SGL or DIFFBit 13-12: select channelBit 11-10: input rangeBit 9-8: power down select*/int GlobalEnableChannelNo[16];int GlobalEnableChannelCount = 0;int GlobalTotalSampleCount = 0; /* Record the total numbers ofAD convertion */int GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount = 0;int GlobalChip2ChannelEnableCount = 0;int AD_Count = 0;static int ScanMode = 0;// Current AD convertion countint InitAD(void);int AD_ReadChannels(int InputRange,int ChannelEnable, //bit 0 to 7 enable channelint * SampleCountPerChannel,Uint16 * AD_Buffer); /* Read multiple AD datas formchannels. */Uint16 AD_ReadChannel(int InputRange, int ChannelNo); /* Read sigle data from AD ch-annel. */int AD_SetInputRange(int InputRange);int AD_SelChannel(int ChannelNo);int GetAD_Status(void);/*DA Module*/int InitDA(void);int DA_WriteChannel(int ChannelNo, Uint16 Value);int GetDA_Status(void);/*DIO Module*/Uint32 DO_Data[2];Uint16 DI_Data;int InitDIO(void);int DO_WriteChannel(int ChannelNo, int Data);int DO_WriteChannels(Uint32 * Data);int DI_ReadChannel(int ChannelNo);int DI_ReadChannels(Uint16 * Data);/*Communication Module*/#define MAX_BUFFER_RECEIVE_SIZE 10240#define MAX_BUFFER_SEND_SIZE 514#define BLOCK_SIZE 256Uint16 far BufferReceive[MAX_BUFFER_RECEIVE_SIZE];Uint16 far BufferSend[MAX_BUFFER_SEND_SIZE];Uint16 HasCommand = 0;interrupt void OnCommand();IRQ_Config HostIrqConfig = {OnCommand,0x00000000,IRQ_CCMASK_PCC_ENABLE | IRQ_CCMASK_DCC_MAPPED,IRQ_IEMASK_ALL};int InitHostCommPort(void);interrupt void OnCommand(void);int ReadCommand(void);int ReadHostData(int WordNos ,Uint16 Comm_Buffer[]); /* Read a number of datas fr-om Mail-Box. Max numbersof datas read fromMail-Box is 256. */int WriteHostData(int WordNos, Uint16 Comm_Buffer[]); /* Write a number of datasto Mail-Box and sent themto the host. Max numbersof datas can mord than 256. The Function can autodeal with the sendings po-rssese. *//*-----------------------------Declearation-----------------------------------*/void InitGPIO(void){hGpio0 = GPIO_open(GPIO_DEV0,GPIO_OPEN_RESET);GPIO_config(hGpio0, &gpioCfg0);}/*AD Module*/int InitAD(void){PRD_stop(&PRD_AD);MCBSP_start(hMcbsp0,MCBSP_RCV_START | MCBSP_XMIT_START | MCBSP_SRGR_START| MCBSP_SRGR_FRAMESYNC, 0);return AD_SUCCEED;}Uint16 * Buffer;int AD_ReadChannels(int InputRange, int ChannelEnable, int * SampleCountperChannel, Uint16AD_Buffer[]){int i = 0,j = 0,k = 0,l = 0,Data,num = 0,tmp=0;AD_SetInputRange(InputRange);for(i=0;i<16;i++)GlobalEnableChannelNo[i]=i;Buffer = AD_Buffer;k=400;while(k!=0) k--;for(j=0;j<=16;j+=2){l=j;if(j==16) l=0;num=GlobalEnableChannelNo[l];AD_SelChannel(num);for(i=0;i<4;i++){k=400;while(k!=0) k--;while (!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp0,AD_Config);while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0));Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);}tmp=l;if(l==8)tmp=5;if(l==10)tmp=7;if(l==12)tmp=1;if(l==14)tmp=3; //tip_amp save in buffer[5] pha in buffer[7]GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount=tmp;Buffer[GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount]=Data;}// PRD_start(&PRD_AD);return AD_SUCCEED;}void PRD_AD_Convert(void){int j,tmp,Data;tmp=GlobalEnableChannelNo[AD_Count];AD_Count++;AD_SelChannel(tmp);while (!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp0,AD_Config);while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0));Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);Buffer[GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount]=Data;GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount=tmp;/* while (!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp0,AD_Config);if((AD_Count>0) && ((AD_Count!=GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount) || (GlobalEnableChannelCount==GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount))){if((AD_Count%GlobalEnableChannelCount == 0) || ((AD_Count%GlobalEnableChannelCount == GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount) && (GlobalEnableChannelCount != GlobalChip1ChannelEnableCount))) {while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0));Buffer[AD_Count-GlobalEnableChannelCount] = MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);}else{if(AD_Count<GlobalTotalSampleCount){while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0));Buffer[AD_Count] = MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);}else{while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);}}}else{while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);}*/j=400;while(j!=0) j--; //xiaoxin add hereif(AD_Count>8){AD_Count = 0;PRD_stop(&PRD_AD);}}/*******************************AD_CONFIG***************************Config word length:16 bitsD15:SGL/DIFF (D15=1:Single-Ended;D15=0:Differential-Ended);D14/13/12:Select channel0-7000:channel 0001:channel 2010:channel 4011:channel 6100:channel 1101:channel 3110:channel 5111:channel 7D11/10:Input Range00: -5V TO +5V10: 0V TO +5V01: -10V TO +10V11: 0V TO +10VD9/D8:Power Down Selection00: power on10: Napx1: SleepD7/6/5/4/3/2/1/0: Reserved(Not Used)NOTE:Config Word need to invert because of the 74HC14***************************************AD_CONFIG********************************/ Uint16 AD_ReadChannel(int InputRange, int ChannelNo){Uint16 Data;AD_SetInputRange(InputRange);AD_SelChannel(ChannelNo);/* while (!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp0,AD_Config);Data = MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);*/while (!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp0));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp0,AD_Config);Data = MCBSP_read(hMcbsp0);return Data;}int AD_SetInputRange(int InputRange){if(InputRange == AD_INPUT_RANGE_PN_5){AD_Config &= 0xF300;AD_Config |= 0x0C00; //xiaoxin add here,in order to invert;}else if(InputRange == AD_INPUT_RANGE_P_5){AD_Config &= 0xF300;AD_Config |= 0x0400;}else if(InputRange == AD_INPUT_RANGE_PN_10){AD_Config &= 0xF300;AD_Config |= 0x0800;}else if(InputRange == AD_INPUT_RANGE_P_10){AD_Config &= 0xF300;//AD_Config |= 0x0C00;}return AD_SUCCEED;}int AD_SelChannel(int ChannelNo){Uint8 * RegHcntl = (Uint8 *)0x60000001;int TempChannelNo = 0;if(ChannelNo < 8){//*RegHcntl &= 0xFFFC; //set CS bit = 0 (xiaoxin Cancel here)*RegHcntl |= 0x0002; //set CS bit = 1;(xiaoxin add here in order to invert;)//GPIO_pinWrite(hGpio0,GPIO_PIN9,1);//AD_CS0 change to AD_CS2(by zwen 2010-5-22) }else{ChannelNo -= 8;//*RegHcntl |= 0x0003; //set CS bit = 1;(xiaoxin Cancel here)*RegHcntl &= 0xFFFD; //set CS bit = 0 (xiaoxin add here in order to invert;)//GPIO_pinWrite(hGpio0,GPIO_PIN9,0);//AD_CS0 change to AD_CS2(by zwen 2010-5-22) }TempChannelNo = ChannelNo&0x0001;TempChannelNo = TempChannelNo<<2;ChannelNo = ChannelNo>>1;ChannelNo |= TempChannelNo;ChannelNo =7-ChannelNo; //xiaoxin add here,in order to invert;AD_Config &= 0x8FFF;AD_Config |= ChannelNo<<12;return AD_SUCCEED;}int GetAD_Status(void){return AD_Count;}/*DA Module*/int InitDA(void){MCBSP_start(hMcbsp2,MCBSP_RCV_START | MCBSP_XMIT_START | MCBSP_SRGR_START| MCBSP_SRGR_FRAMESYNC, 0);return DA_SUCCEED;}int DA_WriteChannel(int ChannelNo, Uint16 Value){int Delay = 400;unsigned int x = 0;Uint16 DA_CS;if(ChannelNo < 4){DA_CS = 0x0000;}else if(ChannelNo < 8){DA_CS = 0x0400;ChannelNo -= 4;}else if(ChannelNo < 12){DA_CS = 0x1000;ChannelNo -= 8;}else{DA_CS = 0x1400;ChannelNo -= 12;}// ChannelNo =3-ChannelNo; //invertedx = 65535-Value; //inverted// Value |= ChannelNo<<22;ChannelNo = 3-ChannelNo;x |= ChannelNo<<22;x |= 0x200000;// Value |= 0x900000;GPIO_write(hGpio0, GPIO_PIN12|GPIO_PIN10, DA_CS);MCBSP_FSET(PCR2, FSRP, 0);MCBSP_FSET(PCR2, CLKRP, 1);while (!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp2));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp2, x);while(Delay!=0)Delay--;MCBSP_FSET(PCR2, FSRP, 1);MCBSP_FSET(PCR2, CLKRP, 0);MCBSP_setPins(hMcbsp2,MCBSP_PIN_FSR);MCBSP_setPins(hMcbsp2,MCBSP_PIN_CLKR);return DA_SUCCEED;}/*DIO Module*/int GetDIO_Status(void){return DIO_SUCCEED;}int InitDIO(void){MCBSP_start(hMcbsp1,MCBSP_RCV_START | MCBSP_XMIT_START | MCBSP_SRGR_START| MCBSP_SRGR_FRAMESYNC, 0);return DIO_SUCCEED;}int DO_WriteChannel(int ChannelNo, int Data){int Delay = 100;Uint32 Temp_DO_Data;//Uint32 Temp_DI_Data;int address;int DO_Data_OUT;address=ChannelNo/8;address=7-address; //invertedaddress=address<<8;if(ChannelNo < 32){if(!Data){Temp_DO_Data = 0x00000001;DO_Data[0] |= Temp_DO_Data<<ChannelNo;}else{Temp_DO_Data = 0xFFFFFFFE;Temp_DO_Data=Temp_DO_Data<<ChannelNo;Temp_DO_Data=Temp_DO_Data+pow(2,ChannelNo);Temp_DO_Data=Temp_DO_Data-1;DO_Data[0] &= Temp_DO_Data;}DO_Data_OUT=0x000000FF&(DO_Data[0]>>(ChannelNo/8*8)); /*ChannelNo 7-0 NO need to right shift;ChannelNo 15-8 need to right shift 8 bits;ChannelNo 23-16 need to right shift 16 bits;ChannelNo 31-24 need to right shift 24 bits;*///DO_Data_OUT=255-DO_Data_OUT; //invertedDO_Data_OUT=DO_Data_OUT+address;}else{if(!Data){Temp_DO_Data = 0x00000001;DO_Data[1] |= Temp_DO_Data<<(ChannelNo-32);}else{Temp_DO_Data = 0xFFFFFFFE;Temp_DO_Data=Temp_DO_Data<<(ChannelNo-32);Temp_DO_Data=Temp_DO_Data+pow(2,(ChannelNo-32));Temp_DO_Data=Temp_DO_Data-1;DO_Data[1] &= Temp_DO_Data;}DO_Data_OUT=0x000000FF&(DO_Data[1]>>((ChannelNo-32)/8*8));/*ChannelNo 39-32 NO need to right shift;ChannelNo 47-40 need to right shift 8 bits;ChannelNo 55-48 need to right shift 16 bits;ChannelNo 63-40 need to right shift 24 bits;*///DO_Data_OUT=255-DO_Data_OUT; //invertedDO_Data_OUT=DO_Data_OUT+address;}while(!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp1));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp1, DO_Data_OUT); /*DO_Data_OUT:12 bits;DO_Data_OUT11] :reserve;DO_Data_OUT10-8: address 2-0;DO_Data_OUT7-0: 8 bits send data;*//*CASE (address 2-0)000:DO 7-0;001:DO 15-8;010:DO 23-16;011:DO 31-24;100:DO 39-32;101:DO 47-40;110:DO 55-48;111:DO 63-56;*/while(Delay!=0)Delay--;while(!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp1));DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);/*12 bits DI DATA:DI 16-8 AND DI 3-0*///DI_Data =Temp_DI_Data<<4;//Temp_DI_Data&=0x000F;//DI_Data=0xFFFF-DI_Data;//DI_Data&=0xFF00;//DI_Data+=Temp_DI_Data+0x00F0;/*ADD DI 7-4 TO READ DATA BY V ALUE ALL 1*/ while(Delay!=0)Delay--;return DIO_SUCCEED;}int DO_WriteChannels(Uint32 * Data){int Delay = 400;int Index;int address;int DO_Data_out;//Uint16 Temp_DI_Data;DI_Data = 0;DO_Data[0]=4294967295-Data[0];DO_Data[1]=4294967295-Data[1];for(Index = 0; Index<8; Index++){address=7-Index; //invertedaddress=address<<8;if(Index<4){DO_Data_out=0x000000FF&(DO_Data[0]>>(Index*8));DO_Data_out=DO_Data_out+address;}else{DO_Data_out=0x000000FF&(DO_Data[1]>>((Index-4)*8));DO_Data_out=DO_Data_out+address;}while(!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp1));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp1, DO_Data_out);while(Delay!=0)Delay--;while(!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp1));DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);/*Temp_DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);DI_Data =Temp_DI_Data<<4;Temp_DI_Data&=0x000F;DI_Data=0xFFFF-DI_Data;DI_Data&=0xFF00;DI_Data+=Temp_DI_Data+0x00F0;*/while(Delay!=0)Delay--;}return DIO_SUCCEED;}int DI_ReadChannel(int ChannelNo){int Delay = 400;int DO_Data_OUT;//Uint16 Temp_DI_Data;DI_Data = 0;DO_Data_OUT=0x000000FF&DO_Data[0];DO_Data_OUT |=0x00000700; //invertedwhile(!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp1));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp1, DO_Data_OUT);while(Delay!=0)Delay--;while(!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp1));DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);/*Temp_DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);DI_Data =Temp_DI_Data<<4;Temp_DI_Data&=0x000F;DI_Data=0xFFFF-DI_Data;DI_Data&=0xFF00;DI_Data+=Temp_DI_Data+0x00F0;*/while(Delay!=0)Delay--;return (DI_Data>>ChannelNo)&0x0001;}int DI_ReadChannels(Uint16 * Data){int Delay = 400;int DO_Data_OUT;//Uint32 Temp_DI_Data;DI_Data = 0;DO_Data_OUT=0x000000FF&DO_Data[0];DO_Data_OUT |=0x00000700; //invertedwhile(!MCBSP_xrdy(hMcbsp1));MCBSP_write(hMcbsp1, DO_Data_OUT);while(Delay!=0)Delay--;while(!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp1));DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);/*Temp_DI_Data= MCBSP_read(hMcbsp1);DI_Data =Temp_DI_Data<<4;Temp_DI_Data&=0x000F;DI_Data= 0xFFFF-DI_Data;DI_Data&=0xFF00;DI_Data+=Temp_DI_Data+0x00F0; */while(Delay!=0)Delay--;*Data = DI_Data;return DIO_SUCCEED;}/*Communication Module*/int InitHostCommPort(void){int old_intm;HPI_FSET(HPIC,HWOB,1);HPI_setWriteAddr((Uint32)BufferReceive/4);HPI_setReadAddr((Uint32)BufferSend/4);old_intm = IRQ_globalDisable();//IRQ_map(IRQ_EVT_DSPINT,15);IRQ_map(IRQ_EVT_DSPINT,13);IRQ_config(IRQ_EVT_DSPINT,&HostIrqConfig);IRQ_clear(IRQ_EVT_DSPINT);IRQ_enable(IRQ_EVT_DSPINT);IRQ_globalRestore(old_intm);IRQ_globalEnable();return COMM_INIT_SUCCEED;}int ReadCommand(void){return (int)BufferReceive[0];}int ReadHostData(int WordNos ,Uint16 * Comm_Buffer) {int Index;for(Index = 0; Index < WordNos; Index++){Comm_Buffer[Index] = BufferReceive[Index+2];}return DATA_READ_SUCCEED;}int WriteHostData(int WordNos, Uint16 Comm_Buffer[]) {int Blocks,LeftOver;int i,j;SWI_disable();Blocks = WordNos/BLOCK_SIZE;LeftOver = WordNos%BLOCK_SIZE;if(LeftOver%2 != 0)LeftOver += 1;for(i = 0; i < Blocks; i++){BufferSend[0] = BLOCK_SIZE;BufferSend[1] = BLOCK_SIZE;for(j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)BufferSend[j+2] = Comm_Buffer[i*256+j];//while(HPI_getHrdy());HPI_setHint(1);while(HPI_getHint());HPI_setReadAddr((Uint32)BufferSend/4);}if(LeftOver){BufferSend[0] = LeftOver;BufferSend[1] = LeftOver;for(j = 0; j < LeftOver; j++)BufferSend[j+2] = Comm_Buffer[j];// while(HPI_getHrdy());HPI_setHint(1);while(HPI_getHint());HPI_setReadAddr((Uint32)BufferSend/4);}SWI_enable();return DATA_WRITE_SUCCEED;}//-----------------------------------------------------------//functions about control 3 LEDs on the board;//led 1 about feedback status;//led 2 about scan status;//led 3 about approach status;//-----------------------------------------------------------void FeedBackLED_ON(){GPIO_write(hGpio0, GPIO_PIN11, 0x0800);}void FeedBackLED_OFF(){GPIO_write(hGpio0, GPIO_PIN11, 0x0000);}void ScanLED_ON(){GPIO_write(hGpio0, GPIO_PIN9, 0x0200);}void ScanLED_OFF(){GPIO_write(hGpio0, GPIO_PIN9, 0x0000);}void ApproachLED_ON(){Uint8 * RegHcntl = (Uint8 *)0x60000001;*RegHcntl |= 0x0001;}void ApproachLED_OFF(){Uint8 * RegHcntl = (Uint8 *)0x60000001;*RegHcntl &= 0xfffe;}功能层功能层程序/******************************************************************************\ * Copyright (C) 2007 Zhongshan University.* All Rights Reserved*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FILENAME...... CSPM_DSP_Function.h* DATE CREATED.. 013/4/2007* LAST MODIFIED. 013/4/2007*\******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************\ * CSPM_DSP_Function Module is the micro manupulate funtions of CSPM.* It contains 96 functions.** function concerning initiate................2 functions* function concerning DI......................4 functions* function concerning DO.....................26 functions* function concerning DA.....................12 functions* function concerning approach................2 functions* function concerning reflesh................13 functions* function concerning AD image................5 functions* function concerning Data acquire............3 functions** function concerning stepper (Benyuan).......3 functions* function concerning stepper (Seiko).........3 functions* function concerning stepper (RHK)...........4 functions* function concerning Feedback (Analog).......7 functions* function concerning Feedback (Digital).....12 functions* function concerning NSPM Status refresh.....4 functions\******************************************************************************/ #include "CSPM_DSP_Driver.h"#include <csl_timer.h>#define FAILURE 0#define SUCCESS 1//*********************************************************//// function concerning initial ////*********************************************************////------------Function 101---------//#define DSP_HARDWRE_OK 3#define DSP_DIO_FAILURE 2#define DSP_DA_FAILURE 1#define DSP_AD_FAILURE 0int SpmType; //SpmType=0:STM;SpmType=1:AFM//xiaoxin add hereextern int GlobalFeebackType;void Delay(long tenmicrosecond);int CheckDspHardware(void){int i;int DSP_Status = 0;// Uint32 DO_Data[2]={0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF};Uint32 DO_Data[2]={0x00000000,0x38000008};// InitGPIO();if(InitDIO()){DO_WriteChannels(DO_Data);DO_WriteChannel(3,1);DO_WriteChannel(27,1);DO_WriteChannel(28,1);DO_WriteChannel(29,1);SpmType=DI_ReadChannel(3);if(!SpmType){DO_WriteChannel(13,1);DO_WriteChannel(14,1);DO_WriteChannel(15,0);}else{DO_WriteChannel(13,1);DO_WriteChannel(14,1);DO_WriteChannel(15,1);}DSP_Status++;}if(InitAD())DSP_Status++;if(InitDA()){for(i=0; i<16; i++)DA_WriteChannel(i,32767); // set all DA channel to 0mV DSP_Status++;}return DSP_Status;}void TappingType(void){DO_WriteChannel(13,0);DO_WriteChannel(14,1);DO_WriteChannel(15,1);}void ContactType(void){DO_WriteChannel(13,1);DO_WriteChannel(14,1);DO_WriteChannel(15,1);}//------------Function 102---------//#define FREE_SUCCESS 1#define FREE_FAILURE 0int FreeDspHardware(void){Uint16 DSP_Status = FREE_SUCCESS;if(WriteHostData(1,&DSP_Status))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//*********************************************************//// function concerning DI ////*********************************************************////------------Function 103-----------//#define C_PowerOff 0#define C_PowerOn 1int IsPowerOn(void){if(DI_ReadChannel(7))return C_PowerOn;elsereturn C_PowerOff;}//------------Function 104-----------//#define C_HeadNotReady 0#define C_HeadReady 1int IsHeadReady(void){if(DI_ReadChannel(8))return C_HeadReady;elsereturn C_HeadNotReady;}//------------Function 105-----------//#define C_InputLevel_Low 0#define C_InuptLevel_High 1Uint16 ReadSingleDI(Uint16 ChannelNo){return DI_ReadChannel(ChannelNo);}//------------Function 106-----------//Uint16 ReadAllDI(void){Uint16 v=0;DI_ReadChannels(&v);return v;}//*********************************************************// // function concerning DO // //*********************************************************// //----------Function 107---------//#define C_ImgADCInsultOff 0#define C_ImgADCInsultOn 1int SwImgADCInsultlation(int DCInsult){DCInsult=(DCInsult+1)%2;if(DO_WriteChannel(16,DCInsult))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//----------Function 108---------////---------switch DC insultlation of Image B-------//#define C_ImgBDCInsultOff 0#define C_ImgBDCInsultOn 1int SwImgBDCInsultlation(int DCInsult){DCInsult=(DCInsult+1)%2;if(DO_WriteChannel(17,DCInsult))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//----------Function 109---------//#define C_ImgCDCInsultOff 0#define C_ImgCDCInsultOn 1int SwImgCDCInsultlation(int DCInsult){DCInsult=(DCInsult+1)%2;if(DO_WriteChannel(19,DCInsult))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 110---------//#define C_HVScanPowerOff 0#define C_HVScanPowerOn 1int SwHVScanPower(int HVScanPower){if(DO_WriteChannel(25,HVScanPower))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 111---------//#define C_LaserPowerOff 0#define C_LaserPowerOn 1int SwLaserPower(int LaserPower){if(DO_WriteChannel(2,LaserPower))//benyuan CSPM4000 //if(DO_WriteChannel(27,LaserPower))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 112---------//#define C_HVPowerOn 1#define C_HVPowerOff 0int SwHVPower(int HVPower){if(DO_WriteChannel(26,HVPower))return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 113---------//#define C_TestImgA 0#define C_TestImgB 1#define C_TestImgC 2#define C_TestZControl 3#define C_TestAFMSum 4#define C_TestAFML 5#define C_TestAFMY 6#define C_TestSTMI 7int SelTest(int Test){int Ch32Value,Ch33Value,Ch34Value;Ch32Value=Test%2;Ch33Value=(Test/2)%2;Ch34Value=(Test/4)%2;if( DO_WriteChannel(34,Ch34Value)&&DO_WriteChannel(33,Ch33Value)&&DO_WriteChannel(32,Ch32Value) )return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 114---------//#define C_OutputFilterCap103p 0#define C_OutputFilterCap473p 1#define C_OutputFilterCap104p 2#define C_OutputFilterCap105p 3int SelTestFilterCap(int TestFilterCap){int Ch44Value,Ch45Value;Ch44Value=TestFilterCap%2;Ch45Value=TestFilterCap/2;if(DO_WriteChannel(44,Ch44Value)&&DO_WriteChannel(45,Ch45Value)) return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 115---------//#define C_NoSelSTS 0#define C_SelNormalRangeSTS 2#define C_SelSmallRagneSTS 3int SelSTS(int STS){int Ch23Value,Ch22Value;Ch23Value=STS%2;Ch22Value=STS/2;if(DO_WriteChannel(22,Ch22Value)&&DO_WriteChannel(23,Ch23Value)) return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}//------------Function 116---------//#define C_XScanRangeNormal 0#define C_XScanRangediv2 1#define C_XScanRangediv4 2#define C_XScanRangediv8 3#define C_XScanRangediv16 4#define C_XScanRangediv32 5#define C_XScanRangediv64 6#define C_XScanRangediv128 7/*int SelXScanRange(int ScanRange){int count,Ch3Value,delay;ScanRange=4095-ScanRange;DO_WriteChannel(24,0);for(delay=0;delay<10;delay++);DO_WriteChannel(23,1);for(delay=0;delay<5;delay++);for(count=0;count<12;count++){Ch3Value=ScanRange>>(11-count);Ch3Value=0x0001&Ch3Value;DO_WriteChannel(22,Ch3Value); //DO22: 12 bit Serial data,high bit firstfor(delay=0;delay<6;delay++);DO_WriteChannel(23,0); //DO23: Serial clock// for(delay=0;delay<50;delay++);for(delay=0;delay<1100;delay++);DO_WriteChannel(23,1);for(delay=0;delay<1;delay++);}for(delay=0;delay<15;delay++);DO_WriteChannel(24,1); //DO24: X scan range CSfor(delay=0;delay<5;delay++);DO_WriteChannel(24,0);for(delay=0;delay<50;delay++);return SUCCESS;int aScanRange;int Ch3Value,Ch4Value,Ch5Value;aScanRange=7-ScanRange;Ch5Value=aScanRange/4;Ch4Value=(aScanRange%4)/2;Ch3Value=aScanRange%2;if( DO_WriteChannel(3,Ch3Value) &&DO_WriteChannel(4,Ch4Value) &&DO_WriteChannel(5,Ch5Value) )return SUCCESS;elsereturn FAILURE;}*/void Delay(long tenmicrosecond);/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*///可编程放大器控制//Short Value:[1,4095]int portSRI;// SRI of DAC#define DO_SRI 22int portCLK;// CLK of DAC#define DO_CLK 23int portLD;// Signal L Gain Selection of DAC#define DO_LD_SIGNAL_L 18// Signal O Gain Selection of DAC#define DO_LD_SIGNAL_O 20// Signal I Gain Selection of DAC#define DO_LD_SIGNAL_I 21// Vx Scan Gain Selection of DAC#define DO_LD_X 24// Vy Scan Gain Selection of DAC#define DO_LD_Y 25// Vz Scan Gain Selection of DAC (no usage)#define DO_LD_Z 26void DACOut(short Value, int portSRI, int portCLK, int portLD){short bitOp = 0x0800;int i;static char entered = 0;// 由于4个DAC芯片公用同路数据及时钟线路,因此应防止写入过程重入if (entered!=0)return;entered = 1;// Output to DAC ChipDO_WriteChannel(portSRI, 1);DO_WriteChannel(portCLK, 1);DO_WriteChannel(portLD, 0);// Set 12 bits Register value. Most significant bit first.for (i=0; i<12; i++) {DO_WriteChannel(portSRI, !(bitOp & Value));Delay(10);DO_WriteChannel(portCLK, 0);Delay(20);DO_WriteChannel(portCLK, 1);Delay(10);bitOp >>= 1;}// Load register to ...DO_WriteChannel(portLD, 1);Delay(10);DO_WriteChannel(portLD, 0);entered = 0;}int SelXScanRange(int ScanRange){short Value;Value = (short) ScanRange;if(Value < 1) Value = 1;if(Value > 4095) Value = 4095;DACOut(Value,DO_SRI,DO_CLK,DO_LD_X);return SUCCESS;}//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*///------------Function 117---------//#define C_YScanRangeNormal 0#define C_YScanRangediv2 1#define C_YScanRangediv4 2#define C_YScanRangediv8 3#define C_YScanRangediv16 4#define C_YScanRangediv32 5#define C_YScanRangediv64 6#define C_YScanRangediv128 7。
Package‘ccmm’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Compositional Mediation ModelVersion1.0Date2017-08-27Author Michael B.SohnMaintainer Michael B.Sohn<**************>Description Estimate the direct and indirect(mediation)effects of treatment on the outcome when in-termediate variables(mediators)are compositional and high-dimensional.Sohn,M.B.and Li,H.(2017).Compositional Mediation Analysis for Micro-biome Studies.(AOAS:In revision).License GPL(>=2)Imports MASSNeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2017-08-2818:17:55UTCR topics documented:ccmm-package (2)ccmm (3) (4)ccmm.sensitivity (5)ccmm_test_data (6) (6)Index812ccmm-package ccmm-package Causal Compositional Mediation ModelDescriptionEstimate the direct and indirect(mediation)effects of treatment on the outcome when intermediate variables(mediators)are compositional and high-dimensional.Author(s)Michael B.SohnMaintainer:Michael B.Sohn<**************>ReferencesSohn,M.B.and Li,H.(2017).Compositional Mediation Analysis for Microbiome Studies.(AOAS: In revision)Examples##Not run:#Load test datadata(ccmm_test_data);head(ccmm_test_data);outcome<-ccmm_test_data[,1];treatment<-ccmm_test_data[,2];mediators<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,3:22]);covariates<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,23:24]);#Run CCMMmm<-ccmm(outcome,mediators,treatment,covariates);#Sensitivity<,mediators,treatment,covariates);plot(,type="l",xlab=expression(rho),ylab="TIDE")abline(h=mm$TIDE,lty=2)abline(h=0,lty=3)cisa<,mediators,treatment,covariates)csqs<-quantile(cisa,c(0.025,0.975))segments(0,csqs[1],0,csqs[2])##End(Not run)ccmm3 ccmm Causal Compositional Mediation ModelDescriptionEstimate the direct and indirect(mediation)effects of treatment on the outcome when intermediate variables(mediators)are compositional and high-dimensional.Usageccmm(y,M,tr,x=NULL,w=NULL,method.est.cov="bootstrap",n.boot=2000, sig.level=0.05,tol=1e-06,max.iter=5000)Argumentsy Vector of continuous outcomesM Matrix of compositional datatr Vector of continuous or binary treatmentsx Matrix of covariatesw Vector of weights on samplesmethod.est.cov One of two options("bootstrap","normal")to estimate the variance of indirect effectsn.boot Number of bootstrap samplessig.level Significance level to estimate bootstrap confidence intervals for direct and indi-rect effects of treatmenttol Error tolerancemax.iter Maximum number of iteration in a debias procedureValueIf method.est.cov is"bootstrap",DE Direct effect of treatment on an outcomeDE.CI Bootstrap confidence interval for the direct effectTIDE Total indirect effect of treatment on an outcomeTIDE.CI Bootstrap confidence interval for the indirect effectIDEs Component-wise indirect effects of treatment on an outcomeIDE.CIs Bootstrap confidence intervals for the component-wise indirect effectsIf method.est.cov is"normal",DE Direct effect of treatment on an outcomeVar.DE Variance of the direct effect4ccmm.saTIDE Total indirect effect of treatment on an outcomeVar.TIDE Variance of the indirect effectIDEs Component-wise indirect effects of treatment on an outcomeVar.IDEs Variances of the component-wise indirect effectsAuthor(s)Michael B.SohnMaintainer:Michael B.Sohn<**************>ReferencesSohn,M.B.and Li,H.(2017).Compositional Mediation Analysis for Microbiome Studies(AOAS: In revision)Examples#Load test datadata(ccmm_test_data);outcome<-ccmm_test_data[,1];treatment<-ccmm_test_data[,2];mediators<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,3:22]);covariates<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,23:24]);#Run CCMMmm<-ccmm(outcome,mediators,treatment,covariates); Sensitivity analysisDescriptionEstimated total indirect effects(TIDE)given correlation coefficients(rho),M,tr,x=NULL,w=NULL,stp=0.01)Argumentsy Vector of continuous outcomesM Matrix of compositional datatr Vector of continuous or binary treatmentsx Matrix of covariatesw Vector of weights on samplesstp Increment of the correlation coefficientccmm.sensitivity5ValueMatrix of rho and TIDEAuthor(s)Michael B.SohnMaintainer:Michael B.Sohn<**************>ReferencesSohn,M.B.and Li,H.(2017).Compositional Mediation Analysis for Microbiome Studies(AOAS: In revision)Examples#Load test datadata(ccmm_test_data);outcome<-ccmm_test_data[,1];treatment<-ccmm_test_data[,2];mediators<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,3:22]);covariates<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,23:24]);<,mediators,treatment,covariates);ccmm.sensitivity Sensitivity analysisDescriptionEstimate the total indirect effect(TIDE)given a correlation coefficientUsageccmm.sensitivity(rh,y,M,tr,x=NULL,w=NULL)Argumentsrh Correlation coefficienty Vector of continuous outcomesM Matrix of compositional datatr Vector of continuous or binary treatmentsx Matrix of covariatesw Vector of weights on samplesValueEstimated TIDE given a correlation coefficientAuthor(s)Michael B.SohnMaintainer:Michael B.Sohn<**************>ReferencesSohn,M.B.and Li,H.(2017).Compositional Mediation Analysis for Microbiome Studies(AOAS: In revision)Examples#Load test datadata(ccmm_test_data);outcome<-ccmm_test_data[,1];treatment<-ccmm_test_data[,2];mediators<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,3:22]);covariates<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,23:24]);ccmm.sensitivity(rh=0,outcome,mediators,treatment,covariates);ccmm_test_data Test DataDescriptionContains artificial200samples with a continuous outcome variable y,a continuous treatment tr,20 compositional mediators M and2covariates X.The true direct and indirect effects of treatment on the outcome both are1.00.The true component-wise indirect effects(M1-M20)are0.693,-0.425,0.135,-0.057,-0.268,0.970,-0.843,0.805,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000.Usagedata(ccmm_test_data) Bootstrap samples of TIDE with zero correlationDescriptionGenerate bootstrap samples of the total indirect effect(TIDE)when the correlation coefficient is,M,tr,x=NULL,w=NULL,n.boot=2000)Argumentsy Vector of continuous outcomesM Matrix of compositional datatr Vector of continuous or binary treatmentsx Matrix of covariatesw Vector of weights on samplesn.boot Number of bootstrap samplesValuebootstrap samples of TIDEAuthor(s)Michael B.SohnMaintainer:Michael B.Sohn<**************>ReferencesSohn,M.B.and Li,H.(2017).Compositional Mediation Analysis for Microbiome Studies(AOAS: In revision)Examples#Load test datadata(ccmm_test_data);outcome<-ccmm_test_data[,1];treatment<-ccmm_test_data[,2];mediators<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,3:22]);covariates<-as.matrix(ccmm_test_data[,23:24]);cisa<,mediators,treatment,covariates,n.boot=200)Index∗datasetsccmm_test_data,6ccmm,3ccmm-package,,4ccmm.sensitivity,5ccmm_test_data,,68。
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冯成志; 贾凤芹
【作者】冯成志; 贾凤芹
【作者单位】苏州大学应用心理研究所江苏苏州 215123; 苏州科技学院心理系江苏苏州 215009
1.Presentation在大学英语课堂中的应用——一项基于教学实践的实验报告 [J], 竹旭锋
2.问题学习在心理学“实验程序设计与软件应用”教学中的应用 [J], 罗扬眉;鞠恩霞
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4.高等医学院校应用心理学专业实验心理学教学体会 [J], 孔令玲
5.理论、实验与应用有机结合——读《认知心理学——理论、实验和应用》 [J], 谢冬华
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Multimedia 多媒体联络中心 Contact Center 解决方案 Solutions Avaya Avaya Interaction Interaction Center Center 交互中心
零售公司 •部署自助服务 Add Speech •增加语音处理功 能(Speech) •提高服务质量 •改善服务水平和 支持
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
使用AvayaTM IVR获取自助服务
更广泛的访问途径 节约FTE 提供信息 语音或按键电话 语音XML
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
最佳的技术 由Avaya实验室研发支持 由Avaya PSO专业服务部提供实施
优质运营 Operational Analyst 运营分析家
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Part II
1.高效的流程和一致的客户体验 2.使用智能自动化来组织和优化 所有与客户的联络 3.有效的沟通 4.管理客户期望 5.显著的企业投资回报
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Use pursuant to Company instructions
通过AvayaTM Interaction Center 实现多媒体联络
路由 管理 记录 报告
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
• 电子邮件响应 • 电话记录 • Web形式
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Avaya - Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
Avaya™ Operational Analyst 运营分析家(OA)
数据管理及 总结 实时和历史 报告 交互式 语音应 答 数据仓库
3D可视报告 OLAP报告
Web报告框 架
语音 VoIP