

JBL 音响系统产品说明书

JBL 音响系统产品说明书

17 15
QTY. PART NO. 2 902301-012 2 336774-001 1 336613-001 2 900302-006 1 335663-001 1 335695-001 4 908302-012 4 333249-001 1 335656-001 1 336327-001 4 908302-012 1 335470-002 1 336629-001 8 903802-016 2 335899-001
Note: A Phillips screwdriver and Allen wrench (hex key) 7/64" and 5/32" sizes are required to service this product
2 335657-001
1 336773-001
1 351317-001
6 908301-012
1 336616-001













1997年,JBL决定逐渐停止生产它的专业扬声器系统,改向民品 市场进军,民品的利润实在太高,太有诱惑了,尽管全世界的专业 声频单位都在巨量地使用JBL的专业扬声器,但这个所赚取的利润 还不抵欧洲1/3民用市场的,JBL拱手出让了专业市场,德国、瑞士 和日本的品牌开始取代JBL,竞争开创高级监听扬声器的新时代。
JBL音箱技术参数 Ls系列
• 音箱类型三分频落地式扬声器 • 输出功率 200W • 低音单元 2×200英寸 • 高音单元 50英寸 • 阻抗 6Ω • 灵敏度 90dB • 产品尺寸1117×259×418 • 产品重量 35.6kg/只
• 音箱类型 三分频书架式扬声器 • 输出功率 150W • 低音单元 50英寸 • 高音单元 19英寸 • 阻抗 6Ω • 灵敏度 87dB • 分频频率 2.6KHz,7kHz • 频率响应 42Hz-40kHz • 产品尺寸 493×222×343mm
JBL是全球最大的专业扬声器生产商,从原材料开发、喇叭单元的设 计和生产、音箱的设计和生产一功都能全盘控制在自己的手中。JBL 音箱的服务范围非常广泛,在专业领域上包括了电影院、大型音响工 程、大型流动演出、录音室监听、乐队用的音响 ,以至娱乐场所如迪 士科、歌舞厅、卡拉OK、酒吧……民用方面,从最高级的发烧音响, 以至目前最流行的家庭影院组合……到处都可以看到JBL的身影。
• 产品重量 13.5kg/只
• 推荐功率:150W, • 灵敏度:88dB • 阻抗:6欧姆频率范围 (-10dB):50Hz–40kHz, • 分频点:
2.5kHz,9kHz,24dB/octave • 频率响应(–3dB):85Hz-


















BL Xtreme3用了双个20mm+高音双70mm低音钕磁扬声器,扬声器的总共输出功率最高可以达到100W RMS。



JBL cinema 500 家庭影院扬声器系统指南说明书

JBL cinema 500 家庭影院扬声器系统指南说明书

5D E U T S C HLaUTSPReCHeR aUFSTeLLenLINKER UND RECHTER FRONTLAUTSPRECHERCENTERSURROUND-LAUTSPRECHER UND SUBWOOFERLinker Front-LautsprecherTVCenterRechter Front-LautsprecherSubwooferLinker Surround-LautsprecherRechter Surround-LautsprecherRechter Surround-LautsprecherLinker Surround-Lautsprecher1,5 - 1,8 mLinker Frontlaut-sprecherRechter Frontlaut- sprecherTVCenterTV0 - 0,6 mLinker Front-LautsprecherRechter Front-Lautsprecher6mOnTaGemÖGLiCHKeiTenAUFSTELLUNG MITTELS REGAL-STATIV Satelliten:Center:1.3.2.WiCHTiGeR SiCHeRHeiTSHinWeiS: Wird zusätzliches Befestigungsmaterial nötig, ist der Kunde selbst für dessen Auswahl und korrekte Installation verantwortlich. Der Hersteller verweigert jegliche Verantwortung für den korrekten Zusammenbau und die Befestigung der Lautsprecher.Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen in dieser Bedienungsanleitung. Sollten Sie Zweifel hegen, ob Sie die Lautsprecher korrekt und sicher an die Wand befestigen können, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Fachhändler.Satelliten49 mm55 mm195.5 mmCenter1. S uchen Sie nach passenden Aufstellungsorten für Ihre Lautsprecher – konsultieren Sie hierzu das Kapitel Lautsprecher aufstellen auf Seite 5.2. W ählen Sie für Ihre Wände geeignetes Befestigungsmaterial. Die Front- und Surround-Lautsprecher der Cinema 500 Serie wiegen 1,45 kg; der Cinema 500 Center bringt 1,47 kg auf die Waage. Bitte suchen Sie Befestigungsmaterial aus, das dieses Gewicht tragen kann.3. I nstallieren Sie die Wandhalterungen. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die Halterungen sicher an Holzbalken befestigt werden. Für die montage auf Ziegel-, Gipskarton- oder Betonwände benötigen Sie geeignete Dübel.4. Hängen Sie nun die Lautsprecher in die Wandhalterungen ein.WANDMONTAGE7D E U T S C HLaUTSPReCHeR anSCHLieSSenaCHTUnG: Schalten Sie ihren Receiver bzw. Verstärker vollständig aus oder trennen Sie ihn vom Stromnetz BeVOR Sie mit der Verkabelung beginnen.WiCHTiG: a chten Sie bitte darauf, dass die positiven und negativen Leitungen weder sich noch andere Kabel anderer anschlussterminalsberühren (Kurzschluss).2.1.3.Die farblich markierte Ader an die "+"-Klemme anschließenLautsprecher mit dem Receiver verbinden:SPEAKER OUTPUTDie "+"-Klemme am Lautsprecher mit der "+"-Klemme am Verstärker verbinden:Die Lautsprecher mit den entsprechenden Lautsprecherterminals am Verstärker verkabeln:Linker Front-LautsprecherCenterKabel mit weißer MarkierungKabel mit grüner MarkierungKabel mit blauer MarkierungKabel mit grauer MarkierungKabel mit roter MarkierungLinker Surround-LautsprecherRechter Front-LautsprecherRechter Surround-LautsprecherReceiver oder VerstärkerLautsprecherDie farblichmarkierte Ader an die "+"-Klemme anschließenVerstärkerDie farblich markierte Ader an die "+"-Klemmeanschließen9D E U T S C HnORmaLBeTRieB DeS SUBWOOFeRSSUBWOOFER EIN- UND AUSSCHALTENStellen Sie den Netzschalter auf der Rückseite des Subwoofers auf …On“.Haben Sie den Power-On-Mode-Schalter auf …Auto" gestellt, schaltet •sich der Subwoofer automatisch vollständig ein sobald am Eingang ein Tonsignal erkannt wird. Empfängt er 20 Minuten lang kein Signal, schaltet er wieder in den Standby-Modus. Ist der Subwoofer aktiviert, leuchtet die Betriebsanzeige grün; leuchtet die LED rot, befindet sich der Subwoofer im Standby-Modus.Steht der Power-Schalter auf …On“ bleibt der Subwoofer ständig aktiviert. • Steht der Power-Schalter auf "On" bleibt der Subwoofer ständig aktiviert, und die LED leuchtet grün.Verwenden Sie den Subwoofer über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht (zum Beispiel während der Sommerferien), sollten Sie den Power-Schalter auf …Off“ stellen und ihn damit vollständig ausschalten.SUBWOOFER-BEDIENELEMENTE: CROSSOVER-REGLER:HINWEIS: Der Crossover-Regler wirkt nur, wenn das Signal über die Line-Level In L/R-Eingänge empfangen wird. Das am Line-Level In LFE-Anschluss anliegende Signal durchläuft weder den Crossover-Regler noch die eingebaute Frequenzweiche.Mit dem Crossover-Regler können Sie die obere Grenzfrequenz des Subwoofers im Bereich zwischen 50 und 200 Hz justieren. Je höher Sie die obere Grenzfrequenz einstellen, desto größer ist der mitden Satelliten-Lautsprechern überlappende Frequenzbereich. Auf diese Weise sorgen Sie selbst in Wohnräumen mit schwierigen akustischen Eigenschaften und unabhängig vom Aufstellungsort des Subwoofers für einen gleichmäßigen Frequenzübergang zwischen den Satelliten-Boxen und dem Bass-Lautsprecher.Achten Sie auf eine gleichmäßige Basswiedergabe in Ihrem Hörraum. Werden bestimmte Basstöne überbetont, sollten Sie eine niedrigere obere Grenzfrequenz ausprobieren. Wirken bestimmte Basstöne schwach, können Sie das Klangbild mit einer höheren oberen Grenzfrequenz verbessern.SUBWOOFER-BEDIENELEMENTE: SUBWOOFER LEVELMit diesem Regler können Sie die Lautstärke des Subwoofers justieren. Drehen Sie den Regler im Uhrzeigersinn, um die Lautstärke zu erhöhen. Drehen Sie ihn gegen den Uhrzeigesinn, um die Lautstärke zu mindern. Haben Sie einmal eine ausgeglichene Lautstärke zwischen Satelliten und Subwoofer gefunden, sollten Sie diese Einstellung nicht mehr verändern.Hinweise zur korrekten einstellung der Subwoofer-Lautstärke:Manchmal ist die ideale Lautstärke für Musik zu laut für die Wiedergabe •von Filmen und umgekehrt. Deswegen sollten Sie für die Einstellung der Subwoofer-Lautstärke bassbetonte Filme und Musikstücke verwenden – wählen Sie einen Durchschnittswert, der zu beiden Inhalten passt. Klingt Ihr Subwoofer ständig zu laut oder zu leise, wählen Sie bitte einen •anderen Aufstellort. Rücken Sie den Subwoofer näher in eine Zimmerecke, wird die Bass-Wiedergabe verstärkt. Vergrößern Sie den Abstand zur nächsten Wand, wird der Bass schwächer.SUBWOOFER-BEDIENELEMENTE: PHASE Dieser Schalter legt fest, ob sich die Bassmembran des Subwoofers und die Membranen der Satelliten-Lautsprecher synchron oder gegenläufig bewegen. Bewegen sich die Membranen nicht synchron, löschen sich einige Bassfrequenzen des Subwoofers oder der Satelliten gegenseitig auf, wodurchBassleistung und Dynamik sinken. Dieser Effekt hängt überwiegendermaßen vom Aufstellungsort der Lautsprecher im Raum ab.In den meisten Fällen können Sie den Phasen-Schalter auf …Normal“ belassen – eine wirklich …richtige“ Einstellung gibt es dennoch nicht. Spielen Subwoofer und Satelliten in Phase, bleibt das Klangbild klar und packend – dynamische Instrumente wie Schlagzeug oder Klavier klingen besonders naturgetreu. Am besten gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um die Phase Ihres Subwoofers korrekt einzustellen: Legen Sie Musik auf, die Sie sehr gut kennen. Stellen Sie den Phasenschalter so ein, dass Schlagzeug und Bass lauter klingen. Korigieren Sie anschließend evtl. die Lautstärke mit dem Subwoofer-Level-Regler mit höchster Dynamik wiedergegeben werden.© 2010 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.JBL ist eine Marke von HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, eingetragen in den Vereinigten Staaten und/oder anderen Ländern. PolyPlas ist eine Marke von Harman International Industries, Incorporated.Teile-Nr. 950-0296-001, Rev.: AHARMAN Consumer, Inc.8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329 USA HARMAN Deutschland GmbH Hünderstraße 1 D-74080 HeilbronnD E U T S C HTeCHniSCHe DaTenCinema 500 SystemFrequenzbereich:Cinema 500 SatellitenBass-Chassis:Zwei Chassis mit 75 mm großen PolyPlas™-Membranen, magnetisch abgeschirmtHochtöner:25-mm-Hochtonkalotte aus Titan-Verbundmaterial, magnetisch abgeschirmt Belastbarkeit:100 Watt Nennimpedanz:8 Ohm Wirkungsgrad (2,83 V/1 m):89 dB Übergabefrequenz:3,7 kHz Gehäusetyp:geschlossen Anschlussterminals:Federkontaktklemme Maße (H x B x T):289 x 121 x 86 mm Gewicht:1,45 kgCinema 500 CenterBass-Chassis:Zwei 75-mm-PolyPlas-Membranen, magnetisch abgeschirmtHochtöner:25-mm-Hochtonkalotte aus Titan-Verbundmaterial, magnetisch abgeschirmt Belastbarkeit:100 Watt Nennimpedanz:8 Ohm Wirkungsgrad (2,83 V/1 m):89 dB Übergabefrequenz:3,7 kHz Gehäusetyp:geschlossen Anschlussterminals:Federkontaktklemme Maße (H x B x T):124 x 305 x 86 mm Gewicht:1,47 kgSUB140P SubwooferBass-Chassis:Ein nach unten abstrahlendes Chassis mit 200 mm großer Membran, magnetisch abgeschirmt Gehäusetyp:Nach unten abstrahlendes Gehäuse mit Bassreflexöffnung Verstärkerleistung:150 Watt Frequenzbereich:32 – 200 Hz (–6dB)Bedienelemente:Lautstärkeregler, Phasenschalter, Regler für die obere GrenzfrequenzAnschlüsse:LFE-Eingang, Linker und Rechter Line-Level-Anschluss (Cinch)Betriebsspannung:120 V/60 Hz, 150 W (US); 220 V – 240 V/50 Hz, 150 W (EU)Stromaufnahme:<1 W (8 mA bei 120 V) Standby; 300 W (2,5 A bei 120 V) maximal Maße (H x B x T):483 x 355 x 355 mm Gewicht:10 kgAlle Leistungsmerkmale und Spezifikationen sowie das mechanische Design können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern.32 Hz – 20 kHz (–6dB)。

JBL Professional 380P-15 音响系统说明书

JBL Professional 380P-15 音响系统说明书

SPECIFICATIONSNominal diameter .............................380 (15)mm (in)Nominal impedance..................................8ΩMinimum impedance @ 160 Hz.......................6.8ΩPower handling1Musical Program ............................500W 2AES .. (250)WSensitivity (2.83V@1m) averaged from 100 to 2,000 Hz ...98dB SPL Power compression @ 0 dB (nom. power)..............4.1dB Power compression @ -3 dB (nom. power)/2............2.5dB Power compression @ -10 dB (nom. power)/10..........0.6dB Frequency response @ -10 dB ................40 to 4,000HzAES Standard (60 - 600 Hz).THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERSFs ...............................................37Hz 3Vas........................................274 (9.67)l (ft )Qts.............................................0.61Qes ............................................0.68Qms............................................5.81ηo (half space)...................................2.00%2 2Sd....................................0.08605 (133.4)m (in )3 3Vd (Sd x Xmax)...........................258.2 (15.76)cm (in )Xmax (max. excursion (peak) with 10% distortion)...3.0 (0.12)mm (in)Xlim (max.excursion (peak) before physical damage).9.5 (0.37)mm (in)Atmospheric conditions at TS parameter measurements:Temperature...................................27 (81)°C (°F)Atmospheric pressure ............................1,000mb Humidity (43)%Thiele-Small parameters are measured after a 2-hour power test using half AES power . A variation of ± 15% is allowed.ADDITIONAL PARAMETERSβL .............................................12.3Tm Flux density .....................................1.15TVoice coil diameter .............................60 (2.4)mm (in)Voice coil winding length ......................17.5 (57.4)m (ft)Wire temperature coefficient of resistance (α25).....0.003681/°C Maximum voice coil operating temperature........215 (419)°C (°F)θvc (max.voice coil operating temp./max.power)..0.86 (1.68)°C/W(°F/W)Hvc (voice coil winding depth).................14.0 (0.55)mm (in)Hag (air gap height)...........................8.0 (0.32)mm (in)Re ..............................................6.3ΩMms .....................................71.2 (0.157)g (lb)Cms...........................................265.3µm/N Rms.............................................2.8kg/sNON-LINEAR PARAMETERSLe @ Fs (voice coil induct ance @ Fs)...............2.475mH Le @ 1 kHz (voice coil inductance @ 1kHz)...........0.929mH Le @ 20 kHz (voice coil inductance @ 20 kHz)........0.384mH Red @ Fs .......................................0.11ΩRed @ 1 kHz.....................................2.31ΩRed @ 20 kHz ..................................36.56ΩKrm ...........................................0.728m ΩKxm ..........................................12.311mHErm ...........................................0.922Exm...........................................0.705Power handling specifications refer to normal speech and/or music program material, reproduced by an amplifier producing no more than 5% distortion. Power is calculated as true RMS voltage squared divided by the nominal impedance of the loudspeaker .ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONMagnet material ........................................Barium ferrite Magnet weight ................................1,600 (57)g (oz)Magnet diameter x depth..............169 x 19 (6.65 x 0.75)mm (in)Magnetic assembly weight ....................4,360 (9.61)g (lb)Frame material................................................Steel Frame finish ............................................Black epoxy Magnetic assembly steel finish..............................Zinc-plated Voice coil material ...........................................Copper®Voice coil former material...........................Polyimide (Kapton )Cone material ........................................Long fiber pulp3Volume displaced by woofer ....................4.0 (0.141)l (ft )Net weight.................................5,390 (11.88)g (lb)Gross weight ..............................6,100 (13.45)g (lb)Carton dimensions (W x D x H)....39 x 39 x 16.5 (15.4 x 15.4 x 6.5)cm (in)MOUNTING INFORMATIONNumber of bolt-holes (8)Bolt-hole diameter .............................5.5 (0.22)mm (in)Bolt-circle diameter...........................367 (14.45)mm (in)Baffle cutout diameter (front mount).............352 (13.86)mm (in)Baffle cutout diameter (rear mount)..............348 (13.70)mm (in)Connectors ........................................Push on terminals Polarity ..........................Positive voltage applied to the positive(+) terminal gives forward cone motionMinimum clearance between the back of the magnetic assembly and the enclosure wall ....................................75 (3)mm (in)PROFESSIONAL LINE - Woofer15PW3 / 15PW3-SLF *Dimensions in mm.Page: 1/2 Rev.: 01 - 02/03Professional 15” woofer designed to meet a variety of P A needs for small and medium-sized rooms, with excellent performance in the mid and low frequency ranges.For sound reinforcement in nightclubs, dancing halls, auditoriums, bands and also for studio monitors.Its great efficiency in sound reproduction is due to the excellent combination of the different components:- The light cone manufactured with long fiber pulp together with a surround of impregnated fabric give the array great stability, high yield and low distortion.- The voice coil is made of high temperature wire, wound on ® Kapton former.- The epoxy painted reinforced steel frame provides the array with high mechanical resistance.- The aluminum dust cap guarantees great voice coil heat dissipation.- The use of highly resistant adhesives guarantees optimal cohesion and durability of components.*15PW3-SLF: Product with black dull finished dust cap and without Selenium logo printed on it.L O U D S P E A K E R SHARMONIC DISTORTION CURVES MEASURED AT 10% AES INPUT POWER, 1 mRESPONSE CURVES (0° AND 45°) IN A TEST ENCLOSURE INSIDE AN ANECHOIC CHAMBER, 1 W / 1 mIMPEDANCE AND PHASE CURVESMEASURED IN FREE-AIR202002kHz20406080o h m sImpedance Curve.Phase Curve.-90-454590de g r e e s202002k60Hz708090100110d B Response Curve at 0°.Response Curve at 45°.6080100140d B200HzResponse Curve.Distortion Curve, 2nd harmonic.20120Distortion Curve, 3rd harmonic.SUGGESTED PROJECTS MB15PW-A3MB15PW-B3MB15PW-C3RB15PW-A2VB15PW-A2VB15PW-C2For additional project suggestions, please access our web site.TEST ENCLOSURE110-liter volume with a duct ø 4” by 1.6” length.250 Hz1.25 kHz500 Hz100 Hz800 HzPOLAR RESPONSE CURVES50 Hz4 kHz2 kHz3.15 kHzSpecifications subject to change without prior notice.Page: 2/2 Rev.: 01 - 02/03HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT AMPLIFIERThe power amplifier must be able to supply twice the RMS driver power. This 3 dB headroom is necessary to handle the peaks that are common to musical programs. When the amplifier clip s those peaks, high distortion arises and this may damage the transducer due to excessive heat. The use of compressors is a good practice to reduce music dynamics to safe levels.FINDING VOICE COIL TEMPERA TUREIt is very important to avoid maximum voice coil temperature. Since moving coil resistance (R ) varies with temperature according to a well known law, E we can calculate the temperature inside the voice coil by measuring the voice coil DC resistance:T , T = voice coil temperatures in °C.A B R , R = voice coil resistances at temperatures T and T , respectively.A B A B α= voice coil wire temperature coef ficient at 25 °C.25POWER COMPRESSIONVoice coil resistance rises with temperature, which leads to efficiency reduction. Therefore, if after doubling the applied electric power to the driver we get a 2 dB rise in SPL instead of the expected 3 dB, we can say that power compression equals 1 dB. An efficient cooling system to dissipate voice coil heat is very important to reduce power compression.NON-LINEAR VOICE COIL P ARAMETERSDue to its close coupling with the magnetic assembly , the voice coil in electrodynamic loudspeakers is a very non-linear circuit. Using the non- linear modeling parameters Krm, Kxm, Erm, Exm from an empirical model, we can calculate voice coil impedance with good accuracy.α+− −+=125T 1R R T T Kapton : Du Pont trademark.L O U D S P E A K E R SBRAZIL Address:ELETRÔNICA SELENIUM S.A.BR 386 Km 435 / 92.480-000 Nova Santa Rita - RS - Brazil Fax: +(55) 51 .brUSA Adress:SELENIUM USAUSAEUROPE Adress:SELENIUM EUROPEGermany Polar Response Curve.PROFESSIONAL LINE - Woofer15PW3 / 15PW3-SLF *30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB30°210°60°240°90°270°120°300°150°330°180°0-6-10-20dB。





Speaker Outputs
If there is no sound from any of the speakers, check the following:
• Receiver/amplifier is on and a source is playing. • Review proper operation of your receiver/amplifier.
If there is low bass output, check the following:
• Make sure the polarities (+ and –) of the left and right “Speaker Inputs” are connected properly.
If there is no sound from the center speaker, check the following:
JBL Center
90Hz – 20kHz
100 watts 90dB 8 ohms 7500Hz 2 x 4-1/2" 2-1/2" fiber cone 6-1/2 x 18-1/2 x 5-5/8 inches 165 x 470 x 143mm 10 lbs/4.5 kg
*The maximum recommended amplifier power rating will ensure proper system headroom to allow for occasional peaks. We do not recommend sustained operation at these maximum power levels.

JBL HDI 系列扬声器用户手册(中文)说明书

JBL HDI 系列扬声器用户手册(中文)说明书

JBL® HDI 系列扬声器用户手册1感谢您选择 JBL ® 产品60 年来,JBL ® 工程师一直参与到音乐和电影录制和重现的各个制作环节中,包括现场表演以及在路上、家里、车辆中或办公室播放您录制的音频等等。

我们相信,您所选择的这款 JBL 扬声器能为您提供所期望的每一个娱乐细节,并且当您考虑为您的家庭、汽车或办公室购买其他音频设备时,您一定会再次选择 JBL 。

请花费少许时间,访问我们的网站 并注册您的产品。


包装内容HDI-3600HDI-3800HDI-1600HDI-4500地毯支脚 HDI-3600/3800橡胶垫脚 HDI-4500 (预安装)垫脚 HDI-16002摆放HDI-3600/3800 落地式扬声器,HDI-1600 书架式扬声器为获得最佳音效,请确保扬声器之间保持 1.8 米到 3 米的距离。


听众和扬声器之间的角度保持在 40 至 60度之间时,扬声器才能够产生出最准确的立体声声场。


为达到最佳效果,我们建议在扬声器和侧面墙壁之间至少保留 51 厘米的距离。

HDI-4500 中置声道扬声器请将 HDI-4500 中置扬声器摆放在电视机屏幕正上方或正下方, 此扬声器喇叭的中心与左前及右前扬声器的喇叭的中心之间的高度差不应超过 61 厘米。


HDI-3600/3800 左前扬声器HDI-3600/3800 右前扬声器注意:您可以将 HDI-4500 摆放在电视机上方或下方。


JBL HDI 系列扬声器 - 5.1 声道家庭影院扬声器摆放布局图如果将 HDI-1600/3600/3800/4500 扬声器用作 5.1 声道系统中的环绕声扬声器,请将它们放在收听位置后方不远处,互相朝向对方。

JBL SUB 550P 300W 10英寸前向发射子woofer说明书

JBL SUB 550P 300W 10英寸前向发射子woofer说明书

Included ItemsYour new JBL ® SUB 550P 300-watt powered subwoofer incorpo-rates a 10" (250mm) forward-firing cone transducer and a built-in high-performance 300-watt RMS amplifier that deliver the powerful, dynamic and accurate low-frequency performance that makes your film soundtracks and music come alive. And with line-level and LFE inputs, adjustable crossover and phase controls and automatic turn on/off, the SUB 550P is also simple to connect and set up.We’re confident that this JBL subwoofer will provide every note of enjoyment that you expect – and that when you think aboutpurchasing additional audio equipment for your home, car or office, you will once again choose JBL products.This owner’s manual contains all the information you need to set up, connect and adjust your new subwoofer. For even more in-depth information, go to our Web site: .thank You For choosIng thIs JBl ® ProductsuB 550P300-Watt, 10" (250mm) Powered SubwooferoWner’s manual1XImPortant saFetY InstructIons1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this apparatus near water.6. Clean only with dry cloth.7.D o not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions.8.D o not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers,stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. 9.D o not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-typeplug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other.A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong.The wide blade or third prong is provided for your safety. If theprovided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10.P rotect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularlyat the plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the apparatus.11.O nly use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.12.U se only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket or tablespecified by the manufacturer or sold with the apparatus.When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.13.U nplug this apparatus during lightning storms or whenunused for long periods of time.14. R efer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is requiredwhen the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as: when the power supply cord or plug has become damaged, when liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, when the appa-ratus has been exposed to rain or moisture, when the apparatus does not operate normally, or the apparatus has been dropped.15.D o not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing and ensurethat no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on theapparatus.16.T o completely disconnect this apparatus from the AC mains, discon-nect the power supply cord plug from the AC receptacle.17.T he mains plug of the power supply cord shall remain readily operable.18.D o not expose batteries to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or thelike.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateraltriangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock topersons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence of important operating and mainte-nance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying theproduct.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.IMPORTANT: The subwoofer requires proper ventilation and is not to beused in an enclosed environment.usIng the suPPlIed sPIkesFour metal spikes are supplied for use when you place the subwoofer on acarpeted surface. Using the spikes decouples the subwoofer from the floorand prevents unwanted acoustic damping.TO INseRT The sPIkes:1. G ently turn the subwoofer upside down on a soft, nonabrasive surface.2. U nscrew and remove the rubber bumpers from the subwoofer’s feet.3. S crew each spike into the threaded insert in each foot. Make sure allfour spikes are screwed in completely for stability.NOTe: NEVER drag the subwoofer to move it, as this will damage thespikes, the feet and/or the subwoofer cabinet itself. Always lift the sub-woofer and carry it to its new location.23 suBWooFer rear-Panel controls and connectIonsPhase switch: This switch determines whether the subwoofer driver’s piston-like action moves in and out in phase with the system’s otherspeakers. If the subwoofer were to play out of phase with the other speak-ers, the sound waves from the other speakers could partially cancel out the sound waves from the subwoofer, reducing bass performance and sonic impact. This phenomenon depends in part on the placement of all the speakers relative to each other in the room.Input Mode switch: When this switch is in the “Normal” setting, the input signal from the Line In connectors is active. When this switch is in the “LFE” setting, the input signal from the LFE In connector is active, and the subwoofer’s internal crossover is bypassed.Level control: Use this control to adjust the subwoofer’s volume. Turn the knob clockwise to increase the volume; turn the knob counterclockwise to decrease the volume.Crossover control: This control determines the highest frequency at which the subwoofer reproduces sounds. The higher you set theCrossover control, the higher in frequency the subwoofer will operate and the more its bass will “overlap” that of the system’s other speakers. This adjustment helps achieve a smooth transition of bass frequencies between the subwoofer and the other speakers for a variety of different rooms and subwoofer locations. NOTe: The Crossover control functions only when the Input Mode switch is in the “Normal” position. When the switch is in the “LFE” position the subwoofer’s built-in crossover and Crossover control are bypassed.On/standby indicator: This LED indicates whether the subwoofer is in the On or Standby state:• When the LED glows green, the subwoofer is turned on.• When the LED glows red, the subwoofer is in the Standby mode.• When the LED is off, the subwoofer’s Power switch is set to “Off.”Line In connectors: The signals from these connectors pass through the subwoofer’s internal low-pass crossover. When you’re connecting the subwoofer to the preamp or subwoofer outputs of a receiver/processor that does not have its own low-pass crossover network, use both Line In connectors. IMPORTANT: You must also set the Input Mode switch in the “Normal” position. If your receiver/processor has only one subwoofer output, you can use either the L or R connector.LFe In connector: The signal from this connector bypasses the subwoof-er’s internal low-pass crossover. When you’re connecting the subwoofer to the dedicated subwoofer output of a receiver/processor that has its own low-pass crossover network, use the LFE In connector. IMPORTANT: You must also set the subwoofer’s Input Mode switch in the “LFE” position.Power switch: Set this switch in the “On” position to put the subwoofer in the Standby mode (the On/Standby LED lights red); set this switch in the “Off” position to turn the subwoofer off.Power Cord connector: After you have made and verified all subwoofer connections described in this manual, plug the power cord into an ac-tive, unswitched electrical outlet for proper operation of the subwoofer. DO NOT plug this cord into the accessory outlet found on some audio components.Level Control Crossover ControlOn/Standby Indicator Phase Switch Input Mode Switch LFE In ConnectorLine In Connectors Power SwitchPower Cord Connector4PlacIng the suBWooFerThe performance of a subwoofer is directly related to its placement in the listening room and its physical position relative to the other speakers in the system.While it is true that in general our ears do not hear directional sounds at the low frequencies where subwoofers operate, when installing a subwoofer within the limited confines of a room, the reflections, standing waves and absorptions generated within the room will strongly influence the perfor-mance of any subwoofer system. As a result, the specific location of the subwoofer in the room does become important to the amount and quality of bass that is produced.For example, placing the subwoofer next to a wall generally will increase the amount of bass in the room; placing it in a corner (1) generally willmaximize the amount of bass in the room. However, corner placement can also increase the destructive effect of standing waves on bass perfor-mance. This effect can vary depending on the listening position – some listening positions may yield very good results while others may have far too much (or too little) bass at certain frequencies.In many rooms, placing the subwoofer along the same plane as the left and right speakers (2) can produce the best integration between the sound of the subwoofer and that of the left and right speakers. In some rooms, the best performance could even result from placing the subwoofer behind the listening position (3).We strongly recommend that you experiment with placement before choos-ing a final location for your subwoofer. One way you can determine the best location for the subwoofer is by temporarily placing it in the listening posi-tion and playing music with strong bass content. Move around to various locations in the room while the system is playing (putting your ears where the subwoofer would be placed), and listen until you find the location where the bass performance is best. Place the subwoofer in that location.connectIng the suBWooFerTO A ReCeIveR OR PReAMP/PROCessOR WITh A LOW-PAssFILTeRed dedICATed subWOOFeR OuTPuTReceiver or AmplifierInput Mode SwitchTO A ReCeIveR OR PReAMP/PROCessOR WITh LINe OuTPuTsReceiver or AmplifierInput Mode Switch5oPeratIng the suBWooFerTuRNING The subWOOFeR ON ANd OFFSet the subwoofer’s Power switch to the “On” position. The subwoofer will automatically turn itself on when it receives an audio signal, and it will go into Standby mode after it has received no audio signal for 20 minutes. The subwoofer’s On/Standby LED will glow green when the subwoofer is on and will glow red when the subwoofer is in Standby.If you will not be using the subwoofer for an extended period – forinstance, if you’re going on vacation – set the Power switch to the “Off” position.subWOOFeR AdJusTMeNTs: CROssOveR CONTROL NOTe: The Crossover control func-tions only when you are using the Line In connectors and the Input Mode switch is set to “Normal.” Setting the Input Mode switch to “LFE” bypasses the subwoofer’s built-in crossover and the Crossover control.The Crossover control adjusts thesubwoofer’s built-in crossover between 50Hz and 150Hz. The higher you set the Crossover control, the higher in frequency the subwoofer will operate and the more its bass will “overlap” that of the satellite speakers. This adjustment helps achieve a smooth transition of bass frequencies between the subwoofer and the satellites for a variety of different rooms and subwoofer locations.To set the Crossover control, listen for the smoothness of the bass. If the bass seems too strong at certain frequencies, try a lower Crossover con-trol setting. If the bass seems too weak at certain frequencies, try a higher Crossover control setting.subWOOFeR AdJusTMeNTs: vOLuMe Use the Level control to set the subwoofer’s volume. Turn the knob clockwise to increase the subwoofer’s volume; turn the knob coun-terclockwise to decrease the volume. Once you have balanced the subwoofer’s volume with that of the other speakers in your sys-tem, you shouldn’t have to change it.Notes on Setting Subwoofer Volume:• S ometimes the ideal subwoofer volume setting for music is too loud for films, while the ideal setting for films is too quiet for music. When setting the subwoofer volume, listen to both music and films with strong bass content and find a “middle ground” volume level that works for both.• I f your subwoofer always seems too loud or too quiet, you may want to place it in a different location. Placing the subwoofer in a corner will tend to increase its bass output, while placing it away from any walls or corners will tend to lessen its bass output.subWOOFeR AdJusTMeNTs: PhAse The Phase switch determines whether the subwoofer driver’s piston-like action moves in and out in phase with the system’s other speakers. If the subwoofer were to play out of phase with the other speakers, the sound waves from the satellites could partiallycancel out the waves from the subwoofer, re-ducing bass performance and sonic impact. This phenomenon depends in part on theplacement of all the speakers relative to each other in the room.Although in most cases you should leave the Phase switch in the “0”position, there is no absolutely correct setting for the Phase switch. When the subwoofer is properly in phase with the rest of the system’s speakers, the sound will be clearer and have maximum impact, and percussivesounds like drums, piano and plucked strings will sound more lifelike. The best way to set the Phase switch is to listen to music that you know well and to set the switch in the position that gives drums and other percussive sounds maximum impact.sPecIFIcatIonsLow-frequency transducer:10" (250mm) PolyPlas™ cone, cast basketEnclosure type:Sealed (forward-firing)Amplifier power:300W RMS; 500W peak Frequency response:27Hz – 150HzAudio controls:Volume level, crossover frequency, phaseConnections:RCA line-level and LFE inputs Power requirement:120V, 60Hz (US); 220V – 230V, 50Hz/60Hz (EU)Power consumption:<6W (120V), <0.55W (230V) standby; 360W – 3.8A (120V) , 395W – 2.1A (230V) maximumDimensions (W x H x D):17-1/2" x 14-29/32" x 14-31/32" (444mm x 379mm x 380mm)Weight:50 lb (23kg)© 2011 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. All rights reserved.JBL is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, registered in the United States and/or other countries. PolyPlas is a trademark of HARMAN International Industires, Incorporated.Features, specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.HARMAN Consumer, Inc.8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329 USA。

JBL 品牌产品介绍与客户资料卡说明书

JBL 品牌产品介绍与客户资料卡说明书

HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated8500 Balboa BoulevardNorthridge, CA 91329Dear Customer,Congratulations and thank you for choosing the JBL brand. Please take a moment to complete the enclosed profile card. The information we gather will enable us to keep you informed of our latest advancements and will help us to better understand your needs and fulfill your expectations.For more than 60 years, the JBL brand has been the professional’s top choice in music and film recording and reproduction. From the stage to the recording studio to the liv-ing rooms and automobiles of critical audiophiles, the JBL brand sets the standard for accuracy and dynamic musical performance.We’ve maintained this enviable position through rigorous research into analog and digital technologies and psychoacoustics. The results of this research drive the devel-opment of new designs and materials, extracting even greater levels of performance. We’re confident that the JBL products you have chosen will surpass your expectations, and that the next time you consider the purchase of an audio product, you will again think of JBL products.Once again, thank you for selecting JBL equipment.HARMAN International Industries, IncorporatedA Message from the JBL manufacturerand the Consumer Electronics Association:Selecting fine audio equipment, such as the unit you have just purchased, is only the start of your musical enjoyment. Now it is time to consider how you can maximizethe fun and excitement your equipment offers. JBL and the Consumer Electronics Association want you to get the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level, one that lets the sound come through loud and clear without annoying blaring or distortion – and, most important, without affecting your sensitive hearing.Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of sound. What sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by choosing a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.TO ESTABLISH A SAFE LEVEL:• Start your volume control at a low setting.• Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably, clearly, and without distortion. ONCE YOU HAVE ESTABLISHED A COMFORTABLE SOUND LEVEL:• Do not exceed that level.Taking a moment to do this now will help to prevent hearing damage or lossin the future. After all, we want you listening for a lifetime.JBL Studio L Series Passive Bookshelf and Center Channel Speakers5-Year Limited WarrantyThis is an important document. Attach your bill of sale to this card and keep it ina safe place. Your bill of sale is your warranty.The JBL warranty remains in effect for five years from the date of the first consumer purchase.WHO IS PROTECTED BY THIS WARRANTYProvided that the JBL product was purchased from an authorized dealer in theUnited States or purchased by military personnel from an authorized militaryoutlet, the JBL warranty protects the original owner, which warranty is not transferable. Any attempt to transfer this warranty shall immediately void it. A copy of the original dated bill of sale must be presented whenever warranty service is required.WHAT IS COVERED BY THIS WARRANTYExcept as specified below, the JBL warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship. The following are not covered: damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, product modification or neglect; damage occurring during shipment; damagefrom failure to follow instructions contained in the instruction manual; damageresulting from the performance of repairs by someone not authorized by the JBL manufacturer; damage caused by installation of parts that do not conform to JBL specifica-tions; units used for commercial or business use; any claims based on misrepresentations by the seller; products sold on an “as is” or final sale basis; or the cost of installing, removing, or reinstalling the unit. JBL liability is limited to the repair or replacement,at our option, of any defective product and shall not include incidental orconsequential damages. The JBL manufacturer reserves the right to replace a discontinued model with a comparable model. Any replacement units or parts may be new or rebuilt. NOTE: Repair of our product must be done by an authorized dealer or service center. Unauthorized repair will void the warranty and is done at the risk of the consumer.TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICEIf you require warranty service, please contact your dealer for assistance. If this is not possible and you live in the United States, please visit our Web site at or call 800-336-4525 for information on how to obtain service or replacement.If purchased outside the United States, contact your local dealer or distributor for repair or replacement.DO NOT RETURN PRODUCTS TO THE JBL FACTORY WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION; THEY WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENEDYou are responsible for transporting your product for repair or replacement. The JBL manufacturer will pay reasonable return charges for delivery to any location in the con- tinental United States, Alaska or Hawaii if the repair or replacement is covered underthe warranty. Please save the original shipping carton(s), as a charge will be made for additional cartons.Correspondence with JBL Customer Service should be addressed to: JBL Customer Service, 8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329. Outside the United States, please contact your local distributor.This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above may not apply to you.HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329© 2012 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. All rights reserved.JBL is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, registered in the United States and/or other countries. CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) is a registered trademark of the Consumer Electronics Association.Part No. 5YEARWARJBL。

JBL Cinema 500 六部分家庭影音扬声器系统快速指南说明书

JBL Cinema 500 六部分家庭影音扬声器系统快速指南说明书

4X1X4X4X8X 1XINCLUDED ITEMS3X15 ft (4.5m)2X30 ft (9.0m)THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING THIS JBL ® PRODUCTThe Cinema 500 is a complete six-piece home theater speaker system that includes four identical, two-way, video-shielded satellite speakers, a dedicated, voice-matched, video-shielded center speaker with dual midrange drivers an 8-inch (203mm), 150-watt powered subwoofer and all of the cables you need to connect all of the speakers to your audio/video receiver or preamp/processor and ampli fier.We're con fident that this JBL system will provide every note of enjoyment that you expect – and that when you think aboutpurchasing additional audio equipment for your home, car or of fice, you will once again choose JBL products.This quick-start guide contains all the information you need to set up, connect and adjust your new speaker system. For more in-depth information, go to our Web site: .CINEMA 500Home theater speaker systemQUICK-START GUIDE2On/Standby LED: When the Power-On Mode Switch is in the “Auto” position, this LED indicates whether the subwoofer is in the On or Standby state:When the LED glows green, the subwoofer is turned on.• • When the LED glows red, the subwoofer is in the Standby mode.When the Power Switch is set to “Off,” the LED will not light up, no matter what setting the Power-On Mode Switch is in.Crossover Control: This control determines the highest frequency at which the subwoofer reproduces sounds. The higher you set the Crossover Control, the higher in frequency the subwoofer will operate and the more its bass will “overlap” that of the satellite speakers. This adjustment helps achieve a smooth transition of bass frequencies between the subwoofer and the satellites for a variety of different rooms and subwoofer locations.NOTE: The Crossover Control functions only when you are using the Line-Level In L/R Connectors. The Line-Level In LFE Connector bypasses the subwoofer’s built-in crossover and Crossover Control. Phase Switch: This switch determines whether the subwooferdriver’s piston-like action moves in and out in phase with the satellite speakers. If the subwoofer were to play out of phase with the satellite speakers, the sound waves from the satellites could partially cancel out the sound waves from the subwoofer, reducing bass performance and sonic impact. This phenomenon depends in part on the placement of all the speakers relative to each other in the room.Power-On Mode Switch: When this switch is set in the “Auto” position and the Power Switch is set to “On,” the subwoofer will automatically turn itself on when it receives an audio signal and will enter the Standby mode when it has gone without receiving an audio signal for 20 minutes. When this switch is set in the “On” position, the subwoofer will remain on whether or not it is receiving an audio signal.Subwoofer Level Control: Use this control to adjust the subwoofer’s volume. Turn the knob clockwise to increase the volume; turn the knob counterclockwise to decrease the volume.Line-Level In LFE Connector: This input bypasses the subwoofer’s internal crossover circuitry, so use it only with a receiver or processor subwoofer output that has been low-pass filtered. If your receiver or processor does not have a dedicated subwoofer output that is low-pass filtered, use the subwoofer’s Line-Level In L/R Connectors (see below) instead.Use the supplied mono RCA cable (purple connectors) to connect the Line-Level In LFE Connector to the dedicated subwoofer output of a receiver or preamp/processor.Line-Level In L/R Connectors: These inputs pass through the subwoofer’s built-in crossover. Use them if your receiver or preamp/processor does not have a dedicated subwoofer output that is low-pass filtered.Power Switch: Set this switch in the “On” position to turn the subwoofer on. The subwoofer will then be in On or Standby mode, depending on the setting of the Power-On Mode Switch.Power Cord: After you have made and verified all subwoofer and speaker connections described in this manual, plug the power cord into an active, unswitched electrical outlet for proper operation of the subwoofer. DO NOT plug this cord into the accessory outlets found on some audio components.SUBWOOFER REAR-PANEL CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONSSubwoofer Level ControlCrossover Control On/StandbyLED Phase Switch Power-On Mode Switch Line-Level In LFE Connector Line-Level In L/R Connectors Power Switch Power Cord3 PLACING THE SPEAKERSFRONT LEFT AND RIGHT SPEAKERSCENTER SPEAKERSURROUND SPEAKERS AND SUBWOOFER4SPEAKER MOUNTING OPTIONSSHELF-MOUNTING Satellites:Center:3.WALL-MOUNTINGIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: The customer is solely responsible for proper selection and installation of mounting hardware not included with the speakers. JBL disclaims any liability for the selection and installation of mounting hardware.Be sure to follow these installation instructions carefully. If you have any questions or doubts about your ability to wall-mount the speakers correctly, consult with your authorized JBL dealer or custom installer.Satellite(195.5mm)Center1. D ecide on locations for the speakers according to the recommendations in Placing the Speakers , on page 3.2. S elect wall-hanging hardware that is appropriate for the construction and materials of your walls. The Cinema 500 front, center and surround speakers weigh3.25 lb (1.47kg) each. Be sure to use hardware that can support their weight.3. I nstall the wall-hanging hardware on the walls. Make sure that the hardware is driven into studs and not into drywall or plaster. If the hardware must be mounted in drywall or plaster, you are responsible for selecting and using wall anchors that are appropriate for the construction and materials of your walls.4. Hang the speakers on the wall-mount hardware.5IMPORTANT: Make sure the ( + ) and ( – ) bare wires do not touch each other or the other terminal. Touching wires can cause a short circuit that can damage your receiver or amplifier.Connect the speakers to the proper amplifier channels:Front LeftFront Right6OPERATING THE SUBWOOFERTURNING THE SUBWOOFER ON AND OFFSet the subwoofer’s Power Switch to the “On” position.I f the subwoofer’s Power-On Mode Switch is set to “Auto,” the •subwoofer will automatically turn itself on when it receives an audio signal, and it will go into Standby mode after it has received noaudio signal for 20 minutes. The subwoofer’s LED will glow green when the subwoofer is on and will glow red when the subwoofer is in Standby.I f the Power-On Mode Switch is set to “On,” the subwoofer will •remain on at all times. The subwoofer’s LED will glow green.If you will not be using the subwoofer for an extended period – for instance, if you’re going on vacation – set the Power Switch to the “Off” position.SUBWOOFER ADJUSTMENTS: CROSSOVER CONTROL NOTE: The Crossover Control functions onlywhen you are using the Line-Level In L/RConnectors. The Line-Level In LFE Connectorbypasses the subwoofer’s built-in crossover andthe Crossover Control.The Crossover Control adjusts the subwoofer’sbuilt-in crossover between 50Hz and 200Hz.The higher you set the Crossover Control, thehigher in frequency the subwoofer will operateand the more its bass will “overlap” that of thesatellite speakers. This adjustment helps achievea smooth transition of bass frequencies between the subwoofer and the satellites for a variety of different rooms and subwoofer locations. To set the Crossover Control, listen for the smoothness of the bass.If the bass seems too strong at certain frequencies, try a lower Crossover Control setting. If the bass seems too weak at certain frequencies, try a higher Crossover Control setting.SUBWOOFER ADJUSTMENTS: VOLUMEUse the Subwoofer Level Control to set thesubwoofer’s volume. Turn the knob clockwiseto increase the subwoofer’s volume; turn theknob counterclockwise to decrease the volume.Once you have balanced the subwoofer’svolume with that of the other speakers in yoursystem, you shouldn’t have to change it.Notes on Setting Subwoofer Volume:s Sometimes the ideal subwoofer volumesetting for music is too loud for films, whilethe ideal setting for films is too quiet formusic. When setting the subwoofer volume, listen to both music and films with strong bass content and find a “middle ground”volume level that works for both.I f your subwoofer always seems too loud or too quiet, you may •want to place it in a different location. Placing the subwoofer in a corner will always tend to increase its bass output, while placing it away from any walls or corners will always tend to lessen its bass output.SUBWOOFER ADJUSTMENTS: PHASEThe Phase Switch determines whetherthe subwoofer driver’s piston-likeaction moves in and out in phase withthe satellite speakers. If the subwooferwere to play out of phase with thesatellite speakers, the sound wavesfrom the satellites could partially cancelout the waves from the subwoofer,reducing bass performance and sonic impact. This phenomenon depends in part on the placement of all the speakers relative to each other in the room.Although in most cases you should leave the Phase Switch in the “Normal” position, there is no absolutely correct setting for the Phase Switch. When the subwoofer is properly in phase with the satellite speakers, the sound will be clearer and have maximum impact, and percussive sounds like drums, piano and plucked strings will sound more lifelike. The best way to set the Phase Switch is to listen to music that you know well and to set the switch in the position thatgives drums and other percussive sounds maximum impact. CROSSOVER50(Hz)2007SPECIFICATIONSCINEMA 500 SYSTEMFrequency response:32Hz – 20kHz (–6dB)CINEMA 500 CENTER SPEAKERLow-frequency transducer:Two 3" (75mm) PolyPlas cones, video-shieldedHigh-frequency transducer:1" (25mm) titanium-laminate dome, video-shielded Recommended power handling:100 watts Nominal impedance:8 ohms Sensitivity (2.83V/1m):89dB Crossover frequency: 3.7kHz Enclosure type:SealedConnector type:Push-spring terminal Dimensions (H x W x D):4-7/8" x 12" x 3-3/8"(124mm x 305mm x 86mm)Weight:3.2 lb (1.45kg)CINEMA 500 SATELLITE SPEAKERSLow-frequency transducer:Two 3" (75mm) PolyPlas ™ cone, video-shielded High-frequency transducer:1" (25mm) titanium-laminate dome, video-shielded Recommended amplifier power:100 watts Nominal impedance:8 ohms Sensitivity (2.83V/1m):86dB Crossover frequency: 3.7kHz Enclosure type:SealedConnector type:Push-spring terminal Dimensions (H x W x D):11-3/8" x 4-3/4" x 3-3/8" (289mm x 121mm x 86mm)Weight:3.2 lb (1.45kg)SUB140P SUBWOOFERLow-frequency transducer:8" (200mm) cone (down-firing)Enclosure type:Ported (down-firing)Amplifier power:150 wattsFrequency response:32Hz – 150Hz (–6dB)Audio controls:Volume level, phase, crossover frequency Connections:LFE input, left and right RCA line-level inputsPower requirement:120V/60Hz, 150W (US);220V – 240V/50Hz, 150W (EU)Power consumption:<1W (8mA@120V) standby; 300w (2.5A@120V) peak Dimensions (W x H x D):19" x 14" x 14"(483mm x 355mm x 355mm)Weight:22 lb (10kg)HARMAN Consumer, Inc.8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329 USA© 2010 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. All rights reserved.JBL is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, registered in the United States and/or other countries. PolyPlas is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated.Features, specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.Part No. 950-0298-001 Rev. A。



EN WARRANTY CARDSET UP INFORMATION & PRODUCT REGISTRATIONCongratulations with the purchase of your new Product. We have done our utmost tomake your experience the best one possible. If you have any questions when settingup your Product and would like some helpful hints, we recommend that you visit therelevant country specific support website for your Product: . There you willalso find relevant contact information. If you cannot find the information you are lookingfor, please contact the vendor that sold the Product to you or contact the relevant JBLcustomer support center by electronic mail or phone.We recommend that you register your Product via the relevant country specific websitefor your Product. Your registration will allow us to inform you about updates for certainproducts, possible new offers and new Products and/or applications. Registering is easy;just follow the instructions on the relevant country specific website for your Product.NOTE: THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO CONSUMERS IN THEEUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA (EEA) MEMBER STATES AND THE RUSSIANFEDERATION AS THEY ARE PROTECTED BY LOCAL CONSUMER LAW ANDBENEFIT FROM LOCAL STATUTORY WARRANTIESLIMITED WARRANTYWHO IS PROTECTED BY THE WARRANTYThis limited warranty (the “Limited Warranty”) protects only the original end-user (“you”or “your”), and is not transferable and is applicable only in the country (excluding EEAmember states and the Russian Federation) in which you originally purchased yourJBL Product (the “Product”). Any attempt to transfer this warranty shall immediatelymake this warranty void.LIMITED WARRANTYHARMAN International Industries, Incorporated (“HARMAN”) is the manufacturer andthrough its local subsidiary, warrants to you that the Product (including componentsprovided in/with the Product) will be free from defects in workmanship and materialsfor a period of ONE year from the date of retail purchase by you (the “Warranty Period”).During the Warranty Period, the Product (including components), will be repaired orreplaced at HARMAN’s option, without charge for either parts or labor OR at HARMAN’ssole option, the price of the Product may be refunded, subject to depreciation based onyour purchase price for the Product pro-rated over the remaining balance of the WarrantyPeriod. Any warranty service or replacement of parts will not extend the Warranty Period.This Limited Warranty does not cover defects which are a result of: (1) damagecaused by accident, unreasonable use or neglect (including the lack of reasonable andnecessary maintenance); (2) damage during shipment (claims must be presented tothe carrier); (3) damage to, or deterioration of, any accessory or decorative surface; (4)damage resulting from failure to follow instructions contained in your owner’s manual;(5) damage resulting from the performance of repairs by someone other than anauthorized JBL service center; (6) deterioration of component parts, the nature of whichis to become worn or depleted with use, such as batteries and headphone ear pads.Furthermore, this Limited Warranty covers only actual defects within the Product itself, and does not cover the cost of installation or removal from a fixed installation, setup or adjustments, claims based on misrepresentation by the seller, performance variations resulting from installation-related circumstances such as source quality or AC power or Product modifications, any unit on which the serial number has been effaced, modified or removed, or units used for other than home use. This Limited Warranty is valid only for JBL products purchased from an authorized dealer.Except to the extent expressly prohibited in your jurisdiction by applicable law, all implied warranties, including fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability are hereby excluded and in no event shall HARMAN or any HARMAN subsidiary be liable for any indirect, direct, incidental, special or consequential loss or damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Product, even if HARMAN and/or a HARMAN subsidiary have been advised of the possibility of such damages. To any extent that HARMAN cannot lawfully disclaim implied warranties under this Limited Warranty, all such implied warranties are limited in duration to the duration of this warranty. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or exclusions or limitations on the duration of implied warranties or conditions, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary by jurisdiction.HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICEContact the dealer who sold you this Product, or contact JBL customer support using the contact information on the relevant country specific support website for your Product to request warranty service. To validate your right to this Limited Warranty, you must provide the original sales invoice or other proof of ownership and date of purchase. Do not return your Product without prior authorization from the corresponding dealer or HARMAN. Warranty repair of the HARMAN Product must be carried out by an authorized dealer or service center. Unauthorized warranty repair will void the warranty and is performed at your sole risk.You are also welcome to consult the relevant country specific HARMAN support website for your Product for helpful hints.WHO PAYS FOR WHATThis Limited Warranty covers all expenses for labor and materials required for the repair OR replacement of the Product that is found to be defective, and a reasonable return shipping charge within the country of repair. Please be sure to save the original shipping carton(s), because a charge will be made for additional cartons/packaging.You will be charged for the cost of examining a unit that is not in need of repair (including resulting shipping costs), or for necessary repairs not covered by this Limited Warranty.We sincerely thank you for your expression of confidence in JBL. We wish you many years of listening pleasure.。

JBL Bar 500 3D 多渠道音箱说明书

JBL Bar 500 3D 多渠道音箱说明书

HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated 8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329 USA © 2022 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. All rights reserved. JBL is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, registered in the U nited States and/or other countries. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Features, specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice. Dolby, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. Copyright © 2012–2021 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance®. Google and Chromecast built-in are trademarks of Google LLC. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of , Inc. or its affiliates. Use of the Works with Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to work specifically with the technology identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple, and AirPlay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. To control this AirPlay 2–enabled speaker, iOS 13.4 or later is required.。

JBL 音箱产品说明书

JBL 音箱产品说明书
D E S I G N G O A L : Combine the superior performance of traditional JBL loudspeakers with the convenience of in-wall installation. T W E E T E R T Y P E : Titanium-laminate-dome with EOS waveguide, and swivel mount
* Dolby and Pro Logic are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
DTS is a registered trademark of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Declaration of Conformity
We, Harman Consumer International 2, route de Tours 72500 Chateau-du-Loir FRANCE
† The maximum recommended amplifier power rating will ensure proper system headroom to allow for occasional peaks. We do not recommend sustained operation at these maximum power levels.
Template/paint shield (punch out at perforation).
Front Speakers
WALL 400- 600
Models SP5, SP6 as Rear Speakers

JBL Power Series 汽车音频系统说明书

JBL Power Series 汽车音频系统说明书

G E N U I N E J B LAutomotive SubwoofersP -800, P -1000, P -1200, P-1500 Owner’s Manual™JBL Power Series FeaturesThe JBL Power Series consists of serious subwoofers that are unlike any others in their class.They will deliver unparalleled performance in a wide variety of enclosures, giving creative installers unprecedented flexi-bility in system design.The JBL Power Series incorpo-rates:• Injection-molded Titanium composite cones for optimum combination of stiffness and low mass• Butyl rubber surround for lower harmonic distortion and precise voice-coil travel• Dual-stacked magnets and X-Linear™ motor assembly for controlled, long-throw cone excursionA Few Words About EnclosuresThe enclosure or box that you choose for your Power Series woofer will define the sound that will ultimately come out of it.The size of the box and tuning frequency of port tubes in vented enclosures dictate the low-frequency performance andoutput capability of your system.The flexibility designed into the Power Series subwoofers lets them make tons of bass in small sealed, vented and bandpass enclosures. They will also work well in infinite baffle applications where there is no space or budget to build a box. Be aware that infi-nite baffle or ”free air“ mounting will reduce the power handlingThank you for choosing thisJBL Power Series subwoofer. The Power Series of automotive sub-woofers is designed to be used in modern car audio systems toproduce extended, powerful bass in a limited amount of space. Power Series subwoofers are designed to suit a broad range of applications and can be used in a wide variety of enclosure types. In order to maximize the performance poten-tial of these subwoofers, it is rec-ommended that installation be left to a qualified professional. If you feel you have the ability to prop-erly build an enclosure and install the subwoofer yourself, the infor-mation in this manual will help you get it right.Keep your sales receipt with this manual in a safe place so both are available for future reference.• Deepbeat™ anti-resonance chassis coating on the basket to prevent audible ringing• Thermosink™ motor assembly coating to dissipate heat and increase power handling• Unique 5-ohm nominal imped-ance for extreme flexibility in installations with multiple sub-woofersThe JBL Power Series woofers are designed to maximize the sonic potential of any system.When installed in a proper enclo-sure they offer smooth frequency response, excellent transient response, high-output efficiency,and high-power handling capa-bil-ity. The result is powerful,dynamic and accurate sound reproduction that could only come from JBL.Enclosure Calculation and BuildingRecommended box designs are available from your JBLDealer, or at on the Internet. You may choose cabinet dimensions to fit your car, but the internal volume must not be changed, since changes in inter-nal volume will change the tuning frequency of the enclosure.Please contact your authorized JBL dealer if you cannot do the necessary calculations your-self. The JBL Speakershop™ dedicated enclosure-design soft-ware program may also be helpful for experienced car-audio enthusiasts.Your Car AndThe BASS Made In ItDepending on the size of the vehi-cle, bass frequencies below 50Hz or 80Hz are actually boosted by nearly 12dB per octave as the frequency decreases. If you wanted to purchase that kind of power, you would need an ampli-fier that was eight times more powerful than the one you have.You can either reduce bass level to compensate for this, or simply sit back and enjoy the “free”bass.Sealed enclosures exert the most control over the motion of a sub-woofer because the air acts like a spring against the motion of the woofer cone. Larger boxes allow for more excursion, thus more sound output for the amount of power used. When placed in a sealed box larger than the rated compliance (Vas) of the sub-woofer, it will react as if it were in an infinite baffle installation.Vented and bandpass enclosures have the lowest amount of excur-sion for the amount of sound out-put. This is a result of port tuning reinforcing the sound output.Vented boxes will not provide adequate woofer control when driven below the port tuningrange, meaning proper design is important. A fourth-order band-pass box will have the lowestand the low-frequency response of a subwoofer. Finally, although information is available forBandpass enclosures from your JBL Dealer, any variations from the recommended dimensions should be made using dedicated enclosure-design software such as JBL Speakershop™.If this type of software is notavailable, assistance is available through JBL‘s Web site at or from your autho-rized JBL dealer.3. All joints should be glued and screwed; do not use nails.”Deck“ or ”Zip“ screws are rec-ommended since they havecoarse threads for better gripand don‘t require pre-drilling holes. Once the box has been test-ed, it should be sealed with caulk around all interior joints.4. Apply a 1" thick sheet of poly-fill (available at fabric and craft stores) to all inside walls except the wall where the subwoofer is mounted. If this is not done, increase the recommended box volume by 10 percent.5. Use PVC or ABS pipe (card-board tubing is acceptable if the walls are over 1/16" thick). Keep in mind the openings at either end of the port must be at least one port diameter away from anyobstructions inside or outside ofthe box. Minimum recommendedport size is as follows:8" Subwoofer – 2"10" Subwoofer – 3"12" Subwoofer – 3"15" Subwoofer – 4"Tools you will need:• Straight-edge• Saw (circular or table)• Screwdriver (powered orscrewdriver bits in a variable-speed drill are best)• Sabre saw or keyhole saw(to cut hole for woofer)• Measuring tape• Soldering iron and solder• Wire cutters/strippers• Utility knife (to cut carpet)• PencilMaterials:• 3/4" or thicker MDF•Caulk•PVC or ABS pipe•Deck screws•Carpet•Carpet Adhesive(aerosol-type works well)• Speaker wire (12 or 16 gaugefor woofers)Take your time and mark thewood carefully before makingany cuts. The old adage ”mea-sure twice and cut once“ definitelyapplies here. Use the straight-edge to make sure your lines arestraight, and clamp it to the woodto use it for guiding the saw ifyou are using a circular saw.This will get you the straightestedges, the best fit and the bestsound.overall cone excursion at the expense of limited bandwidth.1. Dimensions: Whenever possi-ble, try not to make a box that has dimensions that are equal to, or multiples of, each other. For example, a 10" x 10" x 20" box would be susceptible to standing waves that may cancel some fre-quencies and add to cabinet reso-nance. A better alternative would be 18" x 11" x 10".2. It is recommended that 3/4" (19mm) MDF be used to build the enclosure. Particle board is acceptable, but it is more difficult to work with. Enclosures for 12" and larger subwoofers, or small subwoofers, driven by high power amplifiers should be constructed out of 1" (25mm) material.Possible Perils Pertaining To Power HandlingThe power-handling capability of any woofer is related to both its ability to dissipate heat, and the maximum excursion limits of its cone. Power handling for sub-woofers is directly related to the type of enclosure that is chosen. The JBL Power Series sub-woofers are designed to meettheir power ratings in properly designed, sealed, vented, and bandpass boxes. Please be aware of the following:• Voice-coil overheating andburning is typically caused byoverdriving an amplifier into”clipping“.This damages morespeakers than any other cause.Damage occurs because theamplifier is too small rather thantoo large. Bass that sounds bro-ken up and distorted at highervolumes usually indicates thatthe amplifier is being asked todeliver power beyond itscapabilities.• Sharp ”popping“ sounds comingfrom a woofer indicate that thevoice coil is ”bottoming out“ orhitting the back of the motorstructure. This can seriouslydamage a woofer. Either yoursealed box is too big or leakingair, the port tuning frequency ofa vented box is too high or youramp may be overpowering thewoofer. Fix the box, retune thebox or turn the gain down on theamplifier respectively.• Infinite Baffle or ”free air“mounting applications allow forgreater cone excursion than sub-woofers mounted in an enclosure.In order to compensate, thepower rating of the subwoofershould be reduced to half itsrated power. If the woofer”pops,” turn down the amplifiergain.5 Ohms And SystemOptimizationIn order to increase flexibility,the Power Series subwoofers aredesigned with a 5-ohm nominalimpedance. This provides anextra margin of safety for simpleinstallations, and allows those incompetition or those who arealways pushing the ”edge“ to usemore woofers per amplifier chan-nel safely and efficiently, withoutshutting the amplifier down orexceeding the amplifier‘s SOA(Safe Operating Area), whichcould cause serious damage. Insystems using multiple woofersper channel, please make sureyour amplifier can drive low-impedance loads safely andeffectively.SpecificationsComponent SystemsSpecifications:P-800P-1000P-1200P-1500Usable frequency range35Hz – 5kHz30Hz – 1.5kHz25Hz – 2kHz20Hz – 1.2kHz Recommended power amplifier range18W – 250W18W – 300W18W – 350W18W – 400W Continuous power handling200W260W280W300WVoice coil diameter 1.5" 2.0" 2.0" 2.0"Sensitivity (2.83 volt/1 meter)90dB90dB92dB93dB Impedance 5 ohms 5 ohms 5 ohms 5 ohmsThiele/Small ParametersFree-air resonance (Fs)28Hz30Hz30Hz28HzTotal Damping (Qt)0.340.380.450.43Equivalent volume of compliance (Vas) 2.37 cu. ft. 3.01 cu. ft. 5.21 cu. ft.10.42 cu. ft. One-way linear excursion (Xmax)0.16"0.3"0.3"0.3"One-way excursion limit (Xsvs)0.6" 1.12" 1.21"0.91"Cone area (Sd)33.2 sq. in.56 sq. in.85 sq. in.140 sq. in. DimensionsOverall frame diameter8.4" (213mm)10.1" (257mm)12.0" (305mm)15.1" (384mm) Cut-out diameter7.1" (180mm)8.8" (224mm)10.8" (274mm)13.6" (345mm) Mounting DepthTop mount 3.9" (99mm) 5.0" (127mm) 5.7" (145mm) 6.6" (168mm)Bottom mount 4.5" (114mm) 5.6" (142mm) 6.1" (155mm)7.2" (183mm)This is an important document.Attach your Bill of Sale to this page and keep it in a safe place.Your Bill of Sale is your warranty.The JBL warranty remains in effect for one year from the date of the first consumer purchase unless installed by an authorized JBL dealer. Installation by an authorized JBL dealer will extend the warranty to a period of two years.Who is Protected by this Warranty The JBL warranty protects the original owner and all subsequent owners providing that the JBL product was purchased from an authorized dealer in the United States or purchased by military personnel from an authorized military outlet. A copy of theoriginal dated Bill of Sale must be presented whenever warranty service is required.Warranty Terms:1-Year Transferable Limited WarrantyWhat is Covered by this Warranty Except as specified below, the JBL warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship. The following are not covered: Damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse,product modification or neglect;damage occurring during ship-ment; damage from failure to follow instructions contained in the instruction manual; damage resulting from the performance of repairs by someone not authorized by JBL; damage caused by instal-lation of parts that do not conform to JBL specifications; units used for commercial or business use; any claims based on misrepresenta-tions by the seller; products sold on an “as-is” or final sale basis; or the cost of installing, removing, or reinstalling the unit. JBL’s liability is limited to the repair or replace-ment, at our option, of any defective product and shall notinclude incidental or consequential damages. JBL reserves the right to replace a discontinued model with a comparable model. Any replacement units or parts may be new or rebuilt.To Obtain Warranty Service If you require warranty service,please return the product to your dealer. If this is not possible and you live in the United States, please call 1-800-336-4JBL for information on how to obtain service or replacement.If purchased outside the United States, contact your local dealer for repair or replacement.Do Not Return Products to the JBL Factory without Authorization.They will be Returned Unopened.You are responsible for transport-ing your product for repair orreplacement. JBL will pay reason-able return charges for delivery to any location in the United States if the repair or replacement is covered under the warranty.Correspondence with JBL should be addressed to: JBL CustomerService, 80 Crossways Park West,Woodbury, NY 11797 or fax us at 516-496-0812. Outside the United States, please contact your local distributor.This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above may not apply to you.JBL Consumer Products 80 Crossways Park West Woodbury, NY 117978500 Balboa Blvd.Northridge, CA 91329800-336-4JBL (4525)Part No. POWSEROM Made in USAA Harman International Company C E LE BR A TIN G5Y E A RSSteen Michaelsen JBL Europe A/SBirkerød. DENMARK. 4/97。

JBL Link 500 智能音箱说明书

JBL Link 500 智能音箱说明书

FrontTopButton panel Lights when activeWi-Fi status indicatorMicrophones Bottomalarms, and responsesProduct Tour AC powercordFor more product information, please visit ® pairingSpeci cation1.• Transducer: 2 x 89mm woofer, 2 x 20mmtweeter• Output power: 4 x 15W• Frequency response: 55Hz-22kHz (-6dB) • Signal-to-noise ratio: >80dB• Power Supply: Internal 100-240V – 50/60Hz • Wireless network: 802.11b/g/n/ac(2.4GHz/5GHz)• Bluetooth version: 4.2• Supported audio formats: HE-AAC, LC-AAC,MP3, Vorbis, WAV (LPCM), FLAC, Opus• Dimensions (W x H x D): 370 x 200 x 157 mm • Weight: 3.5 kgGet StartedGoogle, Google Play, Chromecast, Chromecast built-in, Google Home and other related marks and logos are trademarks of Google Inc.Chromecast built-in may require subscription(s).* Requires compatible device. Availability and performance of certain other features and services are service, device and network-dependent and may not be available in all areas;subscription(s) may be required, and additional terms, conditions and/or charges may apply.The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks byHARMAN International Industries, Incorporated is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED TM Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance ®.This equipment complies with FCC/IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.TR03995_F2.Download and run the Google Home app on a phone or tablet.Set up your JBL Link 500 in the Google Home app.。

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8 resistors from 100Ω to 346Ω
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 60
Substrate Isolation Layer BackHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Silicon 10±2 mils thick SiO2 10,000Å thick, min Lapped (gold optional) Aluminum 10,000Å thick, min (15,000Å gold optional) Silicon nitride

Value First 3 digits are significant value. Last digit represents number of zeroes. R indicates decimal point.
Tolerance TCR D = ±0.5% No Letter =±100ppm F = ±1% A = ±50% G = ±2% B = ±25% J = ±5% K = ±10% M = ±20%
California Micro Devices resistor arrays are the hybrid equivalent to the isolated resistor networks available in surface mount packages. The resistors are spaced on ten mil centers resulting in reduced real estate. These chips are manufactured using advanced thin film processing techniques and are 100% electrically tested and visually inspected.
TCR Operating Voltage Power Rating (per resistor) Thermal Shock High Temperature Exposure Moisture Resistance Life Noise Short Time Overload Insulation Resistance
Formats Die Size: 90±3 x 60±3 mils Bonding Pads: 5x7 mils typical
Two inch square trays of 196 chips maximum.
1. Resistor pattern may vary from one value to another.
-55°C to +125° -55°C to +125° @ 70°C (D erate linearly to zero @ 150°C) Method 107 MIL-STD -202F 100 Hrs @ 150°C Ambient Method 106 MIL-STD -202F Method 108 MIL-STD -202F (125°C/1000hr) Method 308 MIL-STD -202F ≥250kΩ MIL-R-83401 @25°C
±100ppm/°C 50Vdc 50mw ±0.25%@∆R ±0.25%∆R ±0.5%∆R ±0.5%∆R -35 dB -30 dB 0.25% 1 X 1 0 12 Ω
Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min
Bond Pads G = Go l d No Letter=Aluminum
Backing W = Go l d L = Lapped No Letter=Either
Ratio Tolerance No Letter=±1% P = ±0.5%
© 2000 California Micro Devices Corp. All rights reserved. 4/00
215 Topaz Street, Milpitas, California 95035
Tel: (408) 263-3214
Fax: (408) 263-7846