



新标准英语第六册教材教学内容解析(审议稿)模块功能词汇语句语法(隐性/显性语法) 韵文歌曲中的文化或是语言点M 1 描述一个人的性格特点单词:nice always but shy quietloud helpful plus twenty more短语:a bit /make e-cards/This is Xiaoyong.He’s very clever.But he’s a bit quiet.She’s very nice.I’m going to help her.1.学习并运用:主语+be动词+形容词句式结构,描述一个人的性格2.学习并运用be going to do句式结构描述将要发生的事情巩固主语+be动词+形容词,描述一个人的性格;单词cry韵文韵脚:goodbad sad:/d/happy naughty:/i/shy nice cry :/ai/M2 使用形容词描述城市的一处建筑、景点或地方的特点单词:old from river clock highnew wide London round短语:look at/ about London/from London/ of courseThis river is very wide.And it’s very long.Y ou’ll see Tower Bridge.This is Big Ben.It’s very tall.1.学习并运用主语(物或地点)+be动词+形容词,描述一个物体或地点的特点2.知道will do句式结构描述将要发生的事情3.了解want to+v.句式结构来描述某人想要做的事情巩固所学话题;high up in the skyM3 谈论将来可能发生的事情单词:tiger maybe phone短语:lots of / visit my grandpa /in the countryside / play with me/ phone meMaybe we’ll go to the zoo.We’ll see lions and tigers.Will Sam go, too?Y es, he will.Will you go too, Daming?No, I won’t.Will you phone me?No, I won’t.1、学习并运用will+v.句式结构来描述将要发生的事情2、学习并运用will引导的一般疑问句,猜测某人将要进行的活动巩固所学话题;what 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论将要发生的事情韵文韵脚:today snake shake:/ei/ see : /i:/M4 谈论职业单词:writer future policeman What will you be in the future? 1、学习并运用主语+will be+n.句式结构,巩固所学话题,使用will be句型来描述短语:in the future/ fly a kite/ go to the moon Maybe I will be a writer.Maybe I’ll be a film star.He’ll be an astronaut.Xiaoyong wants to fly.描述某人的职业理想。

新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 4

新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 4

Unit 4Reading 1Language points1 Work in corporate America (Title)Corporate America is a general term given to a large non-government-owned organization or companyin the United States, eg a bank, a marketing research company etc. It has both positive and negativeconnotations. Positively, it means that a company or an organization produces wealth and improvespeople’s living standards in a free market and competitive society by p eople working together to achievethe goals. This mainly refers to financial gains and success. Negatively, it seems to indicate the promotionof self-interest, financial gains, greed and irresponsibility in the workplace.2 It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when ... (Para 1)To look blank means that modern children show no sign of understanding or emotion about the corporateworkplace, they seem unresponsive and have blank looks.Someone who is dispirited does not have the hope, enthusiasm or interest that they had earlier; they are inlow spirits or downhearted.3 The parent could take his offspring to his place of business and let him watch while he repaired abuggy or built a table. (Para 2)A buggy is a vehicle used for babies and toddlers by carers (parents, grandparents and adults in caringprofessions), to push them around. It is also called a pushchair. In the US, it is called a stroller.4 When a child asked … his father could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with, suchas “I fix steam engines” or “I make horse collars”. (Para 3)The expression come to grips with normally means to face up to a problem, situation or difficult job anddeal with it. Here, it means that someone gets to understand something that is difficult or unpleasant. It hasthe similar meaning as to come to terms with, tackle, handle, manage etc. Horse collars are made of leather and fit around animals’ necks to allow themto pull heavy things. Whenhorses are used to pull carts or carriages they wear horse collars. Here, in corporate America, this is adeliberate image of something very old-fashioned, just like steam engines.5 How can he possibly envision anyone analyzing a system or researching a market? (Para 5)The word envision is a verb which means to show a visual scene in your mind, to imagine something thatis outside your experience, which has not happened or does not exist.6 Even grown men … and it is a safe bet that the average systems analyst is as baffled about what aspace salesman does at the shop as the average space salesman is about the tools needed to analyze asystem. (Para 6)The expression it is a safe bet means that the speaker or writer is sure about something (they would bewilling to risk money to confirm it).Changing times Unit 4117A space salesman deals with the arrangements for the use of space in offices and other places: How manyrooms might be needed for what purposes, what sorts of work people do in particular offices and how theoffice furniture and equipment can best be arranged for the maximum effectiveness, how much it coststo rent or use office accommodation in different parts of a city ... But probably, a space salesman mainlydeals with people who want to rent office space.In this sentence the writer is saying he is quite sure that neither the systems analyst nor the spacesalesman knows about each other’s work and what they actually do.7 The machines that make things make them in such a fashion that they will quickly fall apart insuch a way that repairs will be prohibitively expensive. (Para 7)The expression in such a fashion means in a particular way or manner.The cost is prohibitively expensive when it prevents you from buying something, as it is beyond the limitsof what you can afford. Or, we may say the cost is prohibitive.The sentence means that the machines make things in such a way that they will break or fall into piecesso that they can’t be cheaply repaired. It is implied that the things are made to be short-lasting so that themanufacturers can sell more later.8 The handful of people remotely associated with these machines can, of course,tell their inquisitivechildren “Daddy makes junk”. (Para 8)Inquisitive children are those who like to ask lots of questions, especially things that adults do not wantto talk about.9 Most of the workforce, however, is too remote from junk production to sense any contribution tothe industry. (Para8)The sentence means most workers are distant from the process of junk production so they do not feel thattheir work has any part in it.10 Others telephone to ascertain the whereabouts of paper. (Para 12)The expression ascertain the whereabouts of something means to find out where something is.11 Back at the office, the father orders the paper retyped and reproduced in quintuplicate, and thensent to another man for comparison with paper that was reproduced in triplicate last year. (Para 16)The word quintuplicate means that something is made into five copies. To quadruplicate means to makeinto four copies; triplicate three copies; and duplicate two copies. Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 old, broken or useless things (junk)2 relating to large companies, or a particular large company (corporate)3 to not approve of someone or something (disapprove)4 to form a picture of someone or something in your mind (visualize)5 an agreement in which you risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen (bet)6 to find out something (ascertain)7 the space at the left or right side of a page where words are not usually printed or written (margin)8 to discuss something with other people in order to reach a decision (confer)9 important, respected, and admired (eminent)10 to twist your face into an expression that shows you are angry (scowl)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1 It’s not easy to visualize what life was like in the age of the steam engine.2 If you disapprove of these plans, you should let me know exactly what you find wrong with them.3 Thomas’ room is full of junk like broken electrical equipment and old computer parts he doesn’t need.4 My bet is that this type of job w on’t give you much satisfaction.5 We’re going to need some time to confer with our lawyers before we make a decision.6 The margins of the pages in this document have all been written on.7 We can’t accept your application, without ascertaining the authenticity of your qualifications.8 It was a corporate decision to close the bank, not the choice of any individual.9 She’s a very nice person, and a very eminent professor.10 Why is he scowling at me? What have I done?6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the following words. You may need to makeother changes.1 A curious child is often eager to inquire about the jobs their parents do. (inquisitive)An inquisitive child is often eager to inquire about the jobs their parents do.2 Most people think the decision they took is impossible to understand. (incomprehensible)3 Could you write down any ideas you have during the meeting on this piece of paper? (jot)4 You are very careful about noticing details if you can remember exactly what the manager was wearing.(observant)5 I’m afraid we don’t know the place where Helen is right now. (whereabouts) I’m afraid we don’t know the whereabouts of Helen.Changing times Unit 41196 Don’t be unhappy and lacking in enthusiasm. I’m sure one of the app lications will be successful.(dispirited)7 I’d like to buy an open top car, but they’re all so terribly expensive. (prohibitively)7 Answer the questions about the expressions.1 If you look blank about something, do you (a) understand, or (b) not understand it?2 If you come to grips with a problem, do you (a) start to deal with it, or (b) stop thinking about it?3 When something falls apart, is it (a) in the wrong place, or (b) broken?4 When something wears out, does it (a) not look very nice, or (b) become old and unusable?5 If you mull over a problem, do you (a) think carefully about it for a longtime, or (b) quickly solve it?6 Do people sometimes say “It beats me” because they (a) understand, or (b) don’t understand something?Active reading (2)Language points1 There’s nothing new about our obsession with the new, says Dominic Sandbrook. (Introduction)Obsession is an emotional state in which someone or something is so important that you are alwaysthinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people.2 We live in a world of unprecedented, dazzling change. (Para 1)The word unprecedented means never having happened or existed before, eg an unprecedented situation,an unprecedented change.3 Thanks to globalization, national frontiers are collapsing around us, while technological innovationsare fundamentally reshaping our lives in ways we can barely comprehend. (Para 1)Because of the situation of globalization –that the whole world is developing a single complex economy,communication system and culture –it seems that there are no national borders and new technologies areinfluencing our lives in basic ways which we cannot really understand.4 So run the clichés, anyway. (Para 2)A cliché refers to a phrase or idea that is boring because people use it a lot, and it is no longer original andsounds empty. The expression so run the clichés means these are the clichés you often hear.5 But it is only our obsession with novelty, ignorance of deeper historical patterns and arrogantinsistence on our own importance that leads us into this kind of talk. (Para 2)Historical patterns refer to major events in history which make patterns because they are related to eachother or similar.Changing times Unit 41256 Yet there is a good case that we do not, in fact, live in very interesting times at all. (Para 2)A case here is a set of facts or arguments that you can state for or againstsomething. A case forsomething is positive support or a good case; a case against something is a counter-argument or reasonswhy the case is not valid; a poor case is weak and does not have solid facts or reasons behind it. You canstate, make or argue a case.7 Take the example of globalization, which, according to its American champion, Thomas Friedman ...influencing “the politics, environment, geopolitics and economics of virtually every country in theworld”. (Para 3)The word champion here refers to someone who publicly supports or defends a set of beliefs or politicalaims, ie a strong supporter.Geopolitics means the study of how a country’s position, economy or population can influence itspolitics, especially in relation to other countries.8 The Roman Empire, for example, is nothing if not a multi-ethnic, multicultural, transnationalentity … (Para 4)The word transnational means affecting or involving several countries. The prefix trans- means across.9 And for all the hype about the Internet, the brutal truth is that most of us use it to do remarkablyold-fashioned things ... (Para 6)Hype refers to the use of a lot of advertisements or other publicity to influence or interest people. To hypeup means to make something sound more interesting or impressive than it is. The brutal truth refers to the truth that is extremely honest, given in a way that seems unkind.10 We are always being told that the Internet has “opened up” the world, yeta staggering 90 per centof all web traffic is local. (Para 6)The word staggering means extremely surprising. Many people would think that much or most use, ortraffic, of the World Wide Web would be global or international, but the writer says that, surprisingly, 90 percent is local.11 When Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey … talking to sentient computers and living onthe Moon. (Para 7)Sentient computers are computers which are capable of feeling things through the physical senses.12 But the cinema-goers of 1968 would have been deeply disappointed to realizethat in fact theywould be living in Milton Keynes and watching Midsomer Murders. (Para 7) This sentence presents a contrast with the previous sentence which gave a picture that people had in 1968of possibly going into space. Instead, their future turned out to be living in a very ordinary town of manynew streets which all seem identical (like Milton Keynes) and watching detective stories about ruralvillages on TV (like Midsomer Murders, a TV series based in rural southern England).13 Even our neophilia is nothing new. (Para 8)The prefix neo- means modern or new. The suffix -phile describes someone who loves or likes something;thus an anglophile likes English things, a francophile likes French things, a sinophile likes Chinesethings. The word neophilia means the love of new things or novelties.14 If so, then we are lucky, because we don’t. (Para 10)We are lucky because we don’t live in interesting times, which means we should avoid the chaos andanxiety of interesting times.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 an emotional state in which someone or something is so important to you that you are always thinkingabout them (obsession)2 the study of the way that goods and services are produced and sold and the way money is managed(economics)3 to proudly tell other people about what you have done or can do, or about something you own (boast)4 a car (automobile)5 an area or town near a large city but away from its centre, where there are many houses, especially formiddle-class people (suburb)6 a new idea, method, piece of equipment etc (innovation)7 something that you suggest is true, although you do not say it directly (implication)8 the limits of your experience (horizons)6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.1 The middle-class dream used to be to live in a peaceful suburb and own a new automobile.2 Today we have an obsession with healthy lifestyles and the latest technological innovations.3 He has good reason to boast about the progress he has made in his career.4 The implication is obvious: We are beginning to understand the impact of globalization.5 Most of us need a professor of economics to explain how our horizons have been pushed back by theopening up of new world markets.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.Teaching tipsSs need to realize that some adjectives, eg unprecedented and plausible, that you are going to insertshould go before the nouns.1 The water has risen to levels which we have never seen before. (unprecedented) The water has risen to unprecedented levels.2 Can you give me any reason which I can believe to explain what has happened? (plausible)Can you give me any plausible reason to explain what has happened?3 I think that the decision was based on the fact that he doesn’t know anything. (ignorance)I think that the decision was based on his ignorance.4 The news you’ve just given me is absolutely incredible. (staggering)5 I hope this crisis will be followed by a period in which there is no change. (stability)6 Are computers the best thing that ever happened to us, or a piece of bad luck caused by someone whowants to hurt us? (curse)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.Teaching tipsTo go over the answers, T gives ten Ss a number, each between one and ten. T calls “One”, then S1 readsQuestion 1 to the class. He / She should choose the correct answer and make it a complete sentence. Tcalls “Two” and S2 reads Question 2 etc. T doesn’t need to say anything unless a student gives a wronganswer. In that case, T should ask other Ss to help them.Changing times Unit 41291 If a change is dazzling, is it (a) very impressive, or (b) not impressive at all?2 If you use clichés in your writing, does your writing (a) contain some boring words or ideas thatpeople have used a lot, or (b) contain lots of fresh thoughts?3 If someone is arrogant, do they think that they (a) never, or (b) always know better than everyone else?4 Is an entity something that (a) has, or (b) doesn’t have internal unity?5 If you behave in a brutal way, are you (a) very gentle, or (b) very violent?6 Do people who always grumble never seem (a) happy, or (b) unhappy about anything?7 If you brag about something, do you talk (a) in a proud way that annoys people, or (b) patientlybecause it is hard to understand?8 Is the advent of something another way of talking about (a) the appearance, or (b) the disappearanceof something?9 If you refer to the magnitude of a problem, do you think that it might be (a) big, or (b) small?10 If something happens in the wake of something else, does it (a) come before it, or (b) follow it?Language in usein such a way / fashion that …1 Rewrite the sentences using in such a way / fashion that …1 Because of the way this office is built, it is difficult to avoid wasting energy on heating.This office is built in such a way that it is difficult to avoid wasting energy on heating.2 Due to the way in which the instructions were written, I couldn’t understand how to assemble theproduct.The instructions were written in such a fashion that I couldn’t understand how to assemble the product.3 Because of the way in which they welcomed me, I immediately felt at home in the new office.They welcomed me in such a way that I immediately felt at home in the new office.4 Due to the way in which problems are dealt with, it is unlikely that the top managers ever get to knowabout them.The problems are dealt with in such a fashion that it is unlikely that the top managers ever get to knowabout them.5 Because of the way in which I was taught English, I will probably never forget it.I was taught English in such a way that I will probably never forget it.word formation: in-, un-, dis-2 Look at the sentences from the passage Work in corporate America and answer the question.What do the prefixes in-, un- and dis- have in common?They are all negative prefixes meaning not.3 Replace the underlined words with the word in brackets and the appropriate prefix. You may need tomake other changes.1 I’m afraid Matthew has turned out to be no good at his job. (competent) I’m afraid Matthew has turned out to be incompetent at his job.2 I don’t have the same opinion as you. I think he’s doing fine. (agree)I disagree with you. I think he’s doing fine.3 If you click here, you can cancel the last change you made to the document. (do)If you click here, you can undo the last change you made to the document.4 How many people are without a job in this town? (employed)How many people are unemployed in this town?5 I didn’t know that you had introduced all these new rules. (aware)I was unaware that you had introduced all these new rules.6 Obviously, it wasn’t o ur intention not to obey the orders. (obey) Obviously, it wasn’t our intention to disobey the orders.Unit 4 Changing times1347 I’ve had a look at the report and I think it is not complete. (complete) I’ve had a look at the report and I think it is incomplete.8 I don’t know my colleagues very well, but I don’t have any bad feelings towards them. (like)I don’t know my colleagues very well, but I don’t dislike them.9 I’m afraid that software is not compatible with our system. (compatible) I’m afraid that software is incompatible with our system.for all + noun phrase4 Rewrite the sentences using for all + noun phrase.1 Although we are concerned about the environment, there is little that we can do to protect it.For all our concern about the environment, there is little that we can do to protect it.2 He has a lot of knowledge about the world of finance, but he doesn’t seem to know how to invest moneywisely.For all his knowledge about the world of finance, he doesn’t seem to know how to invest money wisely.3 Although she said a lot of kind words, I don’t think she really appreciated just how much time we hadspent on this project.For all her kind words, I don’t think she really appreciated just how much time we had spent on this project.4 He has hundreds of bright ideas about developing new products, but he never seems able to put themdown on paper.For all his bright ideas about developing new products, he never seems able to put them down on paper.5 I do have a lot of doubts about this new software, but I recognize that it is quite innovative.For all my doubts about this new software, I recognize that it is quite innovative.as + adj. …as5 Rewrite the sentences using as + adj. …as.1 I am confused about how to apply for the job. Similarly, they are confused about who can apply.I am as confused about how to apply for the job as they are about who can apply.2 My wife and I were worried about staying longer than we were supposed to. Similarly, our hosts wereworried that we might not have enjoyed the meal.My wife and I were as worried about staying longer as our hosts were that we might not have enjoyedthe meal.3 Our generation knows little about cassette recorders and record players. Similarly our parents knowlittle about iPods and MP3 players.Our generation knows as little about cassette recorders and record players as our parents know aboutiPods and MP3 players.4 We are curious about what he does for a living. Similarly, he is curious about what our company does.We are as curious about what he does for a living as he is about what our company does.Changing times Unit 41355 I have very little idea about how to shoe a horse. Similarly, he doesn’t have much idea about how torepair a motorbike.I have as little idea about how to shoe a horse as he has about how to repaira motorbike.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 margin This word usually means the space at the side of a page where you don’t write anything.(a) Do you have a habit of jotting notes in the margin when reading books? Yes, I do. But other people just take notes on a separate piece of paper because they don’t want tospoil the book.(b) If you win an election by a narrow margin, how big is the victory?The victory is not big; it is just a narrow or close victory.(c) What sort of problems are faced by people who live on the margins of society? They may face social and economic problems because they have fewer opportunities and may findit difficult to join the mainstream society.(d) If the margin of error in a calculation is very small, what are the chances that the calculation iswrong?The chances are small and any errors are likely to be very small.2 ignorance This word usually means lack of knowledge or facts about something.(a) If an answer that you give betrays your ignorance, how do you feel?You feel embarrassed because your answer has shown people your ignorance and most people donot like to show this in public.(b) Do you think that ignorance of the law can ever be an excuse for breaking it?It’s a human excuse because it means that you didn’t know the law on that point, but it is not a legalexcuse.(c) Do you know of any decisions that have been taken but which were based on ignorance?Yes. In the early days of the stock market in China, some people bought sharesin the belief that allshares would make money quickly, but later they lost money when the shares lost value. They boughtthe shares in ignorance about how the market works and they had little idea of the risks.3 sheer This word is usually used for emphasizing the amount or degree of something.(a) If somebody tells you that your company is sheer delight, how would you feel?I would feel complimented because that’s a nice thing to say to anyone. (b) If you were overcome by sheer weight of numbers, was it the quality or quantity of the oppositionthat defeated you?It would have been the quantity of the opposition, eg the large number of opponents.(c) Do you think it is easy to climb a sheer cliff face?Not at all, because that kind of cliff is nearly vertical and it is very difficult to climb without training.Unit 4 Changing times1367 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1 Even grown men who do market research have trouble visualizing what a public relations man doeswith his day, and it is a safe bet that the average systems analyst is as baffled about what a spacesalesman does at the shop as the average space salesman is about the tools needed to analyze a system.即使是那些从事市场研究工作的成年人也难很想象公关部的人每天都在做些什么。

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 3 A篇练习答案及课文翻译

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 3 A篇练习答案及课文翻译

2 Do you think foreigners can understand Chinese sports such as t’ai chi and kung fu? This is a strange question. Why not? Chinese people can surely understand sports which have come to China from other countries, invented or developed by foreigners, can’t they? So the reverse must also be true. Many foreigners are interested in traditional Chinese sports like martial arts and t’ai chi, and if they learn them well they can understand them.
Blowing the whistle on soccer
Discuss the questions Go to the text
1 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 2 Look at the title and the first two paragraphs of the passage and answer the questions.
Warming Up
Plays usually begin with a “scrimmage” in which players on the field take up particular formations for offence and defence and consist of a series of “downs” (rapid bursts of play in which the offence attempts to advance the ball towards their opponents’ endzone), outside of which the ball is “dead” (out of play). The main points are scored by a 6-point “touchdown” (when the ball is taken to the opponents’ end zone), a 3-point “field goal” (when the ball is kicked through the opponents’ goal posts), or a 2-point “safety” (by tackling an opposing ball carrier in their own end zone).



新标准英语一起点1-12册词汇表Book 1 第一册(121个)1. a 一个2. afternoon 下午3. again 再,又4. and和5. are 是(用于第二人称和复数人称之后)6. back 向后7. ball 球8. balloon 气球9. bear 熊10. bed床11. bird鸟12. birthday 生日13. black 黑色14. blue 蓝色15. book书16. box盒子,箱子17. boy 男孩18. bye再见19. can能20. cap帽子21. cat 猫22. ceiling 天花板23. classroom教室24. colour 颜色25. come 来26. count数数27. crayon彩笔28. dear亲爱的;贵的29. desk课桌30. dog狗31. doll布娃娃32. door门33. down 向下34. eight 八35. eraser 橡皮36. fine (身体,天气)好的37. five 五38. floor地板39. for 为了40. four 四41. fox 狐狸42. friend 朋友43. frog 青蛙44. front 前面45. girl女孩46. go 去47. good 好的48. goodbye 再见49. green 绿色50. hand 手51. happy 高兴的,幸福的52. hat 礼帽53. head 头54. hello 喂55. help 帮助56. hi 嗨57. house 房屋58. how怎么样59. how many 多少60. how old几岁61. I’m= I am 我是62. in在...里面63. is 是64. it’s = it is 它是65. kite 风筝66. look 看67. meet 见面68. monster 妖怪69. morning 早晨;上午70. Ms 女士71. my 我的72. name 名字73. nine 九74. no 不75. now 现在76. on 在...上面77. one 一78. open打开;营业79. orange 桔子;橙色(的)80. our 我们的(同音词hour)81. panda 熊猫82. pen 钢笔83. pencil 铅笔84. pencil-box 铅笔盒85. pink 粉色(的)86. pleased 高兴的87. point 指88. purple 紫色(的)89. rainbow 彩虹90. red 红色(的)91. ruler 尺子92. say 说93. school bag书包94. seat 座位95. see 看见96. seven 七97. sing 唱98. sit 坐下99. six 六100. stand 站101. teacher老师102. ten 十103. thank 谢谢104. that 那个105. the这个/些106. this这个107. three三108. to去;到;向109. too太;也;110. two两个111. under在...底下112. up向上113. welcome 欢迎114. what’s= what is 是什么115. where’s = where is 在哪里116. white 白色(的)117. window 窗子118. yellow黄色(的)119. yes是的120. you你/你们121. you’re= you are 你是/你们是Book 2 第二册(111个)1. about 关于2. animal 动物3. at 在4. baby 幼崽5. bag 包6. basketball 篮球7. bear熊8. big 大的9. bird 鸟10. brother哥哥;弟弟11. bus 公共汽车12. buy 买13. car 小汽车14. mother妈妈15. chicken 鸡16. child 孩子children(复数孩子们)17. clown 小丑18. coat 外套19. cow奶牛20. cute 可爱的21. dance 跳舞22. doctor 医生23. dress 连衣裙24. driver 司机25. duck 鸭子26. ear 耳朵27. egg 鸡蛋28. elephant 大象29. eleven十一30. eye 眼睛(星期二)31. face 脸32. farm 农场33. fat 胖的34. father 父亲35. favourite 最喜爱的36. football 足球37. friend 朋友38.zoo 动物园39. giraffe 长颈鹿40. go swimming 去游泳41. grandma奶奶;外婆42. grandpa 爷爷;外公43. he’s= he is 他是44. head 头45. her 她的46. here’s = here is 这是47. his 他的48. hot 热的49. how many 多少(问可数名词复数)50. ice cream 冰激凌51. jigsaw 拼图52. knee 膝盖53. know 知道54. leg 腿55. let’s = let us 让我们56 like 喜欢57. lion 狮子58. little 小的59. long 长的60. many 许多的61. meat 肉62. monkey 猴子63. mouth 嘴巴64. nice 美味的;美好的65. noodles(复数)面条66. nose 鼻子67. nurse 护士68. onion 洋葱69. orange 橙色(的);桔子70 other 其他的71. pig 猪72. ping-pong 乒乓球73. pink 粉红色75. play 玩;打;演奏76. present礼物77. pupil小学生78. really 真正地79. rice米饭80. scary吓人的81. s he’s = she is 她是82. short 矮的;短的83. shoulder 肩84. sister 姐姐;妹妹85. snake 蛇86. so 如此;那么87. some 一些88. sorry对不起的89. spice 香料90. spider蜘蛛91. sport 运动92. sweets (复数)糖果93. swimming 游泳94. tall 高的95. their 他(她/它)们的96. these 这些97. they’re = they a re 他(她/它)们是98. thin 瘦的99. tiger 老虎100. tired 累得101. toe 脚趾102.together 一起103. touch 触摸104. toy 玩具105. tree 树106. twelve 十二107. very 很,非常108. water 水109. we 我们110. with 用111. zoo 动物园Book 3 第三册(121个)1. again 再次2. all 全部的3. all right 好吧4. apple 苹果5. Art 美术6. at 在7. autumn 秋天8. bat 球棒9. bike 自行车10. bite 咬11. by乘,坐(交通工具)12. CD激光唱盘13. China 中国(china 磁器) 14. Chinese 中国的;中国人;汉语,语文15. Christmas 圣诞节16. city 城市17. clean 干净的18. clothes 衣服19. cold 冷的20. come 来21. come in 进来22. cool 凉爽的23. dad 爸爸24. dinner 正餐,主餐25. drum 鼓26.duck 鸭子27. dumpling饺子28. eat 吃29. elephant 大象30. England 英国31. English英语;英国的;英国人32. film电影33.firecracker鞭炮34. flute 长笛35. fly 放(风筝)36. footballer 足球队员37. frog青蛙38. get up 起床39. glove 手套40. go home 回家41. go to bed 上床睡觉42. go to school 上学43. go to work 上班44. goal 进球,得分45. great 太好了46. hair 头发47. half 半小时48. have breakfast 吃早餐49. have lunch 吃午餐50. have 有51. how怎样;如何52. hungry 饥饿的53. ice冰54. jacket 夹克55. jigsaw 拼图56. jug 水壶57. late 迟的58. listen 听59. live 居住60. love 爱61. Maths 数学62. monkey 猴子63. mum 妈妈64. Music 音乐65. New Year 新年66. new 新的67. now 现在68. o’clock …点钟69. OK好70. on holiday 度假71. park 公园72. party 聚会73 past 晚于74. PE 体育课75. plane 飞机76. play演奏77. please 请78. poster 海报79. prince 王子80. queen女王81. rain 雨;下雨82. read 读83. ride骑84. run 跑85. say 说86. Science 科学87. ship船88. shirt 衬衫89. shoe 鞋90. sing 唱91. small 小的92. song 歌曲93. spring 春天94. subject 科目95. summer 夏天96. sunglasses (复数)太阳镜97. sweater 毛衫,毛衣98 teddy玩具熊99. them他/她/它们(宾格)100. then 然后101. time 时间102. too 太;也103. toy 玩具104. train火车105. trousers (复数)裤子106. T-shirt T恤(衫)107. us 我们(宾格)108 vase 花瓶109. walk 步行110. want 想要111. warm 暖和的112. wash 洗113. watch TV 看电视114. way 路115. we 我们116. wear 穿117. weekend 周末118. winter冬天119. with 和…一起120.X-ray X射线121. zebra 斑马Book 4 第四册(118个)1. again 再次2. all 全部的3. around 朝着相反方向(turn around)4. cake 蛋糕5. camera 照相机6. card 卡片7. catch 抓;捉;追人游戏8. Children’s Day 儿童节9. clapping game 拍手游戏10. class 班级11. colour 颜色;涂色12. come on 快,走吧13. cook 烧菜;做菜;厨师14. cousin 堂(表)兄(弟姐妹)15. cross穿过16. do做17. down 向下18. dragon dance舞龙19. draw画20. drink喝,饮21. East Lake Road 湖东路22. everyone 每个人23. excuse me对不起;打扰24. factory工厂25. finish 完成,用完25. five-stones 五子游戏26. flat公寓27. flower 花28. fly 放(风筝)29. fun 乐趣30. game 游戏31. go shopping去购物32. go straight on 直着走33. ground地面34. help帮助35. her 她(宾格)36. here 在这里37. hide隐藏38. hide-and-seek 捉迷藏39. hill 小山40. him 他(宾格)41. homework 家庭作业42. hospital 医院43. hurry up 赶快44. ill 生病的45. in front of 在…的前面46. it 它(宾格)47. left向左48. letter信;字母49. lie躺;谎言50. like (prep.介词)像;如同51. lose 浪费52. lost 迷路的;丢失的53. lots of 许多54. march 行军,行进55. me 我(宾格)56. newspaper报纸57. next to 在…旁边58. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。



第一册单词Module 1hello你好goodbye 再见I’m=I am我是Module 2good好的morning 早晨what’s=what is是什么my我的name名字bird鸟panda熊猫boy男孩girl女孩afternoon下午Module 3one 一two二three三four 四five五six六seven 七eight八nine九ten 十yes是no不是Module 4green绿black黑blue蓝white白色的red红色yellow黄色的colour颜色basketball篮球Module 5stand起立up向上open打开window窗户door门Ms女士sit坐下down向下it’s=it is它是point指,指向to去,到,向Module 6this这个our我们的classroom教室desk桌子and和seat座位teacher老师cat猫dog狗that那个Module 7school bag书包pen钢笔ruler尺子book书pencil铅笔pencil-box铅笔盒eraser橡皮crayon彩笔Module 8look看fox狐狸kite风筝house房子box盒子Module 9how old几岁you’re=you are你是happy高兴的for为birthday生日thank谢谢welcome欢迎Module 10 where’s=where is 在哪里in在…里hat帽子on在…上under在…下bed床balloon气球doll娃娃bear 熊第二册单词Module 1how many多少eleven十一twelve十二orange橙色know知道other其他的tree树so如此many许多的bird鸟let’s让我们Module2father父亲mother母亲grandpa爷爷外公Grandma奶奶外婆sister姐妹brother兄弟friend朋友doctor医生pupil学生he’s=he is他是she’s=she is她是Module3her她的bag包his他的coat外套their他们的nurse护士dress连衣裙driver司机bus公共汽车Module4head头face脸nose鼻子mouth嘴巴ear耳朵eye眼睛these这些leg腿Module5the y’re=they are他们是cow奶牛farm农场pig猪chicken 鸡egg鸡蛋thin瘦的fat胖的baby幼崽little小的big大的pink粉红的Module6snake蛇long长的zoo动物园short短的tall高的very非常lion狮子cute可爱的scary可怕的Module7play玩football足球like喜欢basketball篮球ping-pong乒乓球hot热的swimming游泳go swimming去游泳dance跳舞tired疲劳的Module8with用together一起favourite特别喜爱的sport运动about关于Module9meat肉noodles面条rice米饭sweets糖果children孩子们ice cream冰激凌Module10here’s=here is这是present礼物sorry对不起的car小汽车第三册单词Module 1song 歌曲jigsaw拼图bike自行车toy玩具Module2T-shirt T恤衫mum妈妈dad爸爸too太small小的shirt衬衫at在party聚会clothes衣服trousers裤子shoe鞋Module3we我们have有English英语new新来的Maths数学Music音乐please请play演奏PE体育课Science科学Chinese汉语,语文Art美术Module4o’clock点钟film电影time时间run跑train火车hungry饥饿的dinner正餐,主餐now现在all right好吧great太好了Module5get up起床go to school上学have lunch吃午餐go home回家then然后go to bed上床睡觉half半小时past晚于late迟的have breakfast 吃早餐Module6watch TV看电视weekend周末read读come来with和……一起OK好listen听Module7park公园too也want想要us我们(宾格)live居住city城市Module8how怎样,如何by乘坐walk步行go to work上班on holiday度假ship船China中国plane飞机love爱Module9winter冬天spring春天wear穿jacket夹克summer夏天autumn秋天sweater毛线衫warm暖和的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的Module10New Y ear新年eat吃hair头发Christmas圣诞节England英国sing唱第四册单词Module 1Weather天气,气候like像,如同sunny晴朗的windy有风的rain下雨come on快,走吧here在这里snow下雪Module2radio收音机photo照片newspaper报纸camera照相机smile微笑draw画picture图画write写letter信colour把……涂颜色Module3tidy整理,收拾room房间do做homework家庭作业secret秘密card卡片flower花today今天Module4noise噪音drink喝,饮talk谈话there在那里game游戏Module5skip跳绳playtime游戏时间sad伤心的no one没有人me我(宾格)hide隐藏seek寻找hurry up赶快catch抓Module6 usually通常Sunday星期天help帮助it它(宾格)thing东西ill生病的him他(宾格)her她(宾格)cook烧菜go shopping去购物Module7Children’s Day儿童节play剧some一些say念,背诵poem诗class班级dragon dance舞龙picnic野餐fly放(风筝)sleep睡Module8up向上hill小山station车站down向下past经过hospital医院stop停止see看见turn转向around朝着相反方向touch触摸,接触Module9left向左go straight on直着走right向右West Lake Road湖西路excuse me对不起,打扰East Lake Road湖东路factory工厂Module10next to在……旁边in front of在……的前面cousin堂兄supermarket超市Well详细地,熟悉地of course当然第五册单词Module 1use使用chopsticks筷子hard困难的people人们knife刀fork叉easy容易的hamburger汉堡包chips薯条fast food快餐Module2make制作cake蛋糕idea主意instead代替lovely 可爱的Module3 naughty淘气的dragon boat龙舟row划船lake湖feed喂get out离开wet湿的shorts短裤Module4can能winner胜利者jump跳far远see 看出,发觉Module5shop商店ill生病的biscuit饼干worry担心all 全部的Module6computer game电子游戏机careful小心的fix修理jigsaw puzzle拼图玩具pet宠物mouse老鼠Module7headache头疼stomach ache胃痛test考试Friday星期五clever聪明的cold感冒cough咳嗽Module8stone石头animal动物elephant大象horse马visit参观man男人woman女人Module9long jump跳远Sports Day运动日high jump跳高race赛跑run a race参加赛跑train driver火车司机taxi driver出租车司机bus driver公交车司机Module10Hong Kong香港airport飞机场sea大海Saturday星期六第六册单词Module 1nice友善的always总是but但是a bit有一点shy害羞的quiet安静的loud吵闹的helpful有帮助的plus加上twenty二十more更多的Module2wide宽的old古老的London伦敦from来自river河流clock钟high高的new新的round圆的Module3 maybe也许tiger老虎lots of很多phone打电话Module4writer作家future将来policeman 警察Module5fruit水果apple苹果orange橘子peach桃子fourteen十四them他们(宾格)thirteen十三fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九Module6work工作,学习hard努力地speak说话quite相当地good at擅长say表达,写道try努力,尝试fast很快地Module7young年轻的who谁grandparent祖父母old老的then在那时beautiful漂亮的dear亲爱的yesterday昨天fun有趣的Module8second第二floor 楼层find找到first第一vegetable蔬菜last 上一个milk牛奶Module9tomorrow明天take带着why为什么day天,日子Monday星期一after在……之后Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Module10fifty五十thirty三十different不同的sixty六十forty四十eighty八十ninety九十seventy七十hundred百第七册单词Module 1soon不久tell告诉still仍April 4月dancing舞蹈also也American美国人Module2 yesterday昨天clean打扫finish完成wash洗dirty脏的Module3learn学习National Day国庆节Module4invent发明paper纸important重要的printing印刷术print印刷bicycle自行车Module5went—go去the Great Wall长城saw—see看见ate—eat吃had—have享受bought—buy买climb爬mountain山wore—wear穿ice-skating滑冰fell over—fall over摔倒hurt受伤learnt—learn学习skate滑冰fall over摔倒Module6gold金子food食物took—take拿走made—make制作angry生气的only只away离开said—say 说Module7break弄坏cry哭monster怪物ran—run 跑Module8came—come来last刚过去的won—win赢得gold金制的cup奖杯practice练习win赢得Module9happen发生put—put放ride骑thirsty口渴的watermelon西瓜fell off—fall off从……跌落knee膝盖cut—cut切,割finger手指Module10matter麻烦事medicine药toothache牙疼fever发烧第八册单词Module 1 machine机器sir先生potato土豆glasses眼镜anything任何东西wait等待duck鸭子grass草地silence安静Module2difficult困难的choose选择expensive昂贵的perfect完美的cheap便宜的cost价值为thousand千Module3shout呼喊wolf狼once upon a time从前look after照看sheep绵羊bored无聊的village村庄everyone每个人field田地,牧场laugh笑lie谎话,谎言into到……里Module4concert音乐会Chinese中国的CD激光唱盘nervous紧张的before在……之前end结束clap鼓掌proud自豪的when什么时候Module5happen发生Mother’s Day母亲节Surprise出乎意料的Message消息,祝词special特殊的Module6report报导stick粘贴fantastic极好的meet见面,集合Module7space太空sun太阳planet 行星ring环,环形物moon月亮night夜晚banana香蕉at all根本Module8east东方west西方country国家America美国cousin堂兄弟capital首都Canada加拿大north北方south南方Module9 Australia澳大利亚because因为map地图language语言back后面的leaves树叶(复数)Module10send寄postcard明信片granddad祖父restaurant餐馆much许多的,非常第九册单词Module1year 年before 以前duck鸭子playground 操场Module2heavy 重的lift提,抬sell 卖出价country 国家sometimes 有时restaurant饭馆Module 3night 夜晚why为什么Module 4invitation 请柬reply回复Module 5mine我的yours你(们)的hers 她的his 他的both(两者)都whose谁的skirt短裙laugh笑Module 6well 好的true 真实的point 分team 队thirty—six 36Module 7blind盲的special特别的hear 听见fire火inside在……里面safe安全的Module 8line 排列morningexercises(复)早操miss想念break休息study学习Module 9bored无聊的nothing 没什么water水Module l0should应该rule规则kind友善的第十册单词Module1Drove(drive的过去式)驾驶flute笛子player演奏者office办公室parent父亲;母亲Module2email 电子邮件sausage 香肠sandwich三明治delicious美味的Module3return 归还borrow借入,借来Module4fine(身体)很好sent寄(send的过去式) get收到,接到chocolate巧克力糖season季节Module5Broken损坏的,折断的carry 提,背,抱back背部shoulder肩膀;肩部Brown棕色的;褐色hand手Module6place地方circle圆,圆圈build 建造solve解答,解释hope希望amazing令人惊讶的Thought(think的过去式)Module7message信息another另一个click on发出咔嗒声;点击busy忙碌的Module8of course当然drew(draw的过去式)画piece张、片、块paper 纸scissors剪刀(复数)Module9theatre剧院question问题在于men(man的复数形式)男人Women(woman的复数形式)女人room房间history历史Module10ticket票toothbrush牙刷leave离开,动身building建筑物第十一册单词Module1thousand一千,一千个kilometre公里might 可能,可以million百万,百万个place 地方,地点building建筑物,大楼Module2surprise惊奇everywhere各处,到处restaurant 饭馆different 不同的dancing 舞蹈weekend周末Module3stamp邮票album集邮册collect收集America美国Canada 加拿大coconut椰子Module4special特殊的,特别的hear听到,听见nearly几乎,接近,差不多present 礼物together一起Module5 pleased高兴的,满足的address地址pen pal笔友pretty漂亮的foreign外国的Module6Chopsticks(复)筷子difficult 困难的city 城市answer 回答finish完成,结束Module7CD-ROM电脑光盘bamboo竹子copy模仿child孩子awake醒的Module8tidy整理,收拾often常常,经常bookshelf书架choose选择week星期,周Module9peace和平world 世界kangaroo袋鼠Module10thirsty口渴的bring拿来,带来way方式,方法line排,列第十二册单词Module1hot dog热狗waitress女服务生cola可乐dollar美元cent美分enjoy享受,欣赏Module2around在……周围duck鸭子soon不久,快dry干的naughty顽皮的,淘气的Module3Funny有趣的,好笑的quickly很快地wet湿的angry生气的,愤怒的shine发光Module4carry(用手、肩等)提,搬supermarket超市party 聚会hold 拿着fall 落下,跌落later 稍后,随后away在远处,到远处stairs(常复)楼梯heavy 重的Module5clap鼓掌arrive到达Module6space太空travel旅行interested感兴趣的Spaceship宇宙飞船model 模型Module7spend 度过excited 激动的,兴奋的video 录像proud 自豪的someday将来某一天Module8blind 瞎的deaf聋的Module9matter麻烦事baseball 棒球team队mistake错误scared恐惧的Module10middle school中学really真正地study学习Geography 地理useful有用的student学生。



新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)外研社外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)小升初英语单词盘点小学新标准英语第一册单词表Module1hello你好goodbye再见I’m=Iam我是Module2good好的morning早晨,上午what’=whati是什么my我的name名字bird鸟panda熊猫boy男孩girl女孩afternoon 下午Module3one一two二three三four四five五i某六even七eight八nine九ten十ye是no不是Module4green绿black黑blue蓝white白色的red红色yellow黄色的colour颜色baketball篮球Module5tand起立up向上open打开window窗户door门M女士it坐下down 向下it’=iti它是point指,指向to去,到,向Module6thi这个our我们的claroom教室dek桌子and和eat座位teacher老师cat猫dog狗that那个Module7choolbag书包pen钢笔ruler尺子book书pencil铅笔pencil-bo某铅笔盒eraer橡皮crayon彩笔Module8look看fo某狐狸kite风筝houe房子bo某盒子Module9howold几岁you’re=youare你是happy高兴的for为Module10where’=wherei在哪里in在…里hat帽子on在…上under在…下bed床balloon气球doll娃娃bear熊小学新标准英语第二册单词表Module1howmany多少eleven十一twelve十二orange橙色know知道other其他的tree树o如此many许多的bird鸟let’让我们Module2father父亲mother母亲grandpa爷爷,外公grandma奶奶,外婆外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)iter姐妹brother兄弟friend朋友doctor医生pupil学生he’=hei他是he’=hei她是Module3her她的bag包hi他的coat外套their他们的nure护士dre连衣裙driver司机bu公共汽车Module4head头face脸noe鼻子mouth嘴巴ear耳朵eye眼睛thee这些leg腿Module5they’re=theyare他们是cow奶牛farm农场pig猪chicken鸡egg 鸡蛋thin瘦的fat胖的baby幼崽little小的big大的pink粉红的Module6nake蛇long长的zoo动物园hort短的tall高的very非常lion狮子cute可爱的cary可怕的Module7play玩football足球like喜欢baketball篮球ping-pong乒乓球hot 热的wimming游泳gowimming去游泳dance跳舞tired疲劳的Module8with用together一起favourite特别喜爱的port运动about关于Module9meat肉noodle面条rice米饭weet糖果children孩子们icecream冰激凌Module10here’=herei这是preent礼物orry对不起的car小汽车小学新标准英语第三册单词表Module1ong歌曲jigaw拼图bike自行车toy玩具Module2T-hirtT恤衫mum妈妈dad爸爸too太mall小的hirt衬衫at在party聚会clothe衣服trouer裤子hoe鞋Module3we我们have有Englih英语new新来的Math数学Muic音乐pleae 请play演奏PE体育课Science科学Chinee汉语,语文Art美术Module4hungry饥饿的dinner正餐,主餐now现在allright好吧great太好了外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)Module5getup起床gotochool上学havelunch吃午餐gohome回家then然后gotobed上床睡觉half半小时pat晚于late迟的havebreakfat吃早餐Module6Module7park公园too也want想要u我们(宾格)live居住city城市Module8how怎样,如何by乘坐walk步行gotowork上班onholiday度假hip船China中国plane飞机love爱Module9winter冬天pring春天wear穿jacket夹克ummer夏天autumn秋天weater毛线衫warm暖和的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的Module10NewYear新年eat吃hair头发Chritma圣诞节England英国ing唱小学新标准英语第四册单词表Module1Module2radio收音机photo照片newpaper报纸camera照相机mile微笑draw画picture图画write写letter信colour把……涂颜色Module3tidy整理,收拾room房间do做homework家庭作业ecret秘密card卡片flower花today今天Module4noie噪音drink喝,饮talk谈话there在那里game游戏Module5me我(宾格)hide隐藏eek寻找hurryup赶快catch抓Module6uually通常Sunday星期天help帮助it它(宾格)thing东西ill生病的him他(宾格)her她(宾格)cook烧菜gohopping去购物Module7Children’Day儿童节play剧ome一些ay念,背诵poem诗外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)cla班级dragondance舞龙picnic野餐fly放(风筝)leep睡Module8up向上hill小山tation车站down向下pat经过hopital医院top停止ee看见turn转向around朝着相反方向touch触摸,接触Module9left向左gotraighton直着走right向右WetLakeRoad湖西路e某cueme对不起,打扰EatLakeRoad湖东路factory工厂Module10ne某tto在……旁边infrontof在……的前面couin堂兄upermarket超市well详细地,熟悉地ofcoure当然小学新标准英语第五册单词表Module1ue使用choptick筷子hard困难的people人们knife刀fork叉eay容易的hamburger汉堡包chip薯条fatfood快餐Module2make制作cake蛋糕idea主意intead代替lovely可爱的Module3naughty淘气的dragonboat龙舟row划船lake湖feed喂getout离开wet湿的hort短裤Module4can能winner胜利者jump跳far远ee看出,发觉Module5hop商店ill生病的bicuit饼干worry担心all全部的Module6jigawpuzzle拼图玩具pet宠物moue老鼠Module7headache头疼tomachache胃痛tet考试Friday星期五clever聪明的cold感冒cough咳嗽Module8tone石头animal动物elephant大象hore马viit参观man男人woman女人Module9longjump跳远SportDay运动日highjump跳高race赛跑runarace参加赛跑traindriver火车司机ta某idriver出租车司机budriver公交车司机Module10HongKong香港airport飞机场ea大海Saturday星期六外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)小学新标准英语第六册单词表Module1nice友善的alway总是but但是abit有一点hy害羞的quiet安静的loud吵闹的helpful有帮助的plu加上twenty二十more更多的Module2wide宽的old古老的London伦敦from来自river河流clock钟high高的new新的round圆的Module3Module4writer作家future将来policeman警察Module5fruit水果apple苹果orange橘子peach桃子fourteen十四them他们(宾格)thirteen十三fifteen十五i某teen十六eventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九Module6work工作,学习hard努力地peak说话quite相当地goodat擅长ay表达,写道try努力,尝试fat很快地Module7young年轻的who谁grandparent祖父母old老的then在那时beautiful漂亮的dear亲爱的yeterday昨天fun有趣的Module8econd第二floor楼层find找到firt第一vegetable蔬菜lat上一个milk牛奶Module9tomorrow明天take带着why为什么day天,日子Monday星期一after在……之后Tueday星期二Wedneday星期三Thurday星期四Module10fifty五十thirty三十different不同的i某ty六十forty四十eighty八十ninety九十eventy七十hundred百小学新标准英语第七册单词表Module1oon不久tell告诉till仍April4月dancing舞蹈alo也American 美国人Module2yeterday昨天clean打扫finih完成wah洗dirty脏的Module3learn学习NationalDay国庆节外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)invent发明paper纸important重要的printing印刷术print印刷bicycle自行车Module5went—go去theGreatWall长城aw—ee看见ate—eat吃had—have 享受bought—buy买climb爬mountain山wore—wear穿ice-kating滑冰fellover—fallover摔倒hurt受伤learnt—learn学习kate滑冰fallover摔倒Module6gold金子food食物took—take拿走made—make制作angry生气的only只away离开aid—ay说Module7break弄坏cry哭monter怪物ran—run跑Module8cup奖杯practice练习win赢得Module9happen发生put—put放ride骑thirty口渴的watermelon西瓜felloff—falloff从……跌落knee膝盖cut—cut切,割finger手指Module10matter麻烦事medicine药toothache牙疼fever发烧小学新标准英语第八册单词表Module1machine机器ir先生potato土豆glae眼镜anything任何东西wait等待duck鸭子gra草地ilence安静Module2difficult困难的chooe选择e某penive昂贵的perfect完美的cheap便宜的cot价值为thouand千Module3bored无聊的village村庄everyone每个人field田地,牧场laugh笑lie谎话,谎言into到……里Module4concert音乐会Chinee中国的CD激光唱盘nervou紧张的before在……之前end结束clap鼓掌proud自豪的when什么时候Module5happen发生Mother’Day母亲节urprie出乎意料的meage消息,祝词pecial特殊的外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)report报导tick粘贴fantatic极好的meet见面,集合Module7pace太空un太阳planet行星ring环,环形物moon月亮night夜晚banana香蕉atall根本Module8eat东方wet西方country国家America美国couin堂兄弟capital首都Canada加拿大north北方outh南方Module9Autralia澳大利亚becaue因为map地图language语言back后面的leave树叶(复数)Module10end寄potcard明信片granddad祖父retaurant餐馆much许多的,非常小学新标准英语第九册单词表Module1year年before以前duck鸭子playground操场Module2heavy重的lift提,抬ell卖出价country国家Module3night夜晚why为什么Module4invitation请柬reply回复Module5mine我的your你(们)的her她的hi他的both(两者)都whoe谁的kirt短裙laugh笑Module6well好的true真实的point分team队thirty—i某36Module7blind盲的pecial特别的hear听见fire火inide在……里面afe安全的Module8line排列morninge某ercie(复)早操mi想念break休息tudy学习Module9bored无聊的nothing没什么water水Modulel0hould应该rule规则kind友善的外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)小学新标准英语第十册单词表Module1drove(drive的过去式)驾驶flute笛子player演奏者office办公室parent父亲;母亲Module2email电子邮件auage香肠andwich三明治deliciou美味的Module3return归还borrow借入,借来Module4fine(身体)很好ent(end的过去式)寄get收到,接到chocolate巧克力糖eaon季节Module5broken损坏的,折断的carry提,背,抱back背部houlder肩膀;肩部brown棕色的;褐色hand手Module6place地方circle圆,圆圈build建造olve解答,解释hope希望amazing令人惊讶的thought(think的过去式)Module7meage信息another另一个clickon发出咔嗒声;点击buy忙碌的Module8ofcoure当然drew(draw的过去式)画piece张、片、块paper纸cior剪刀(复数)Module9theatre剧院quetion问题在于men(man的复数形式)男人women(woman的复数形式)女人room房间hitory历史Module10ticket票toothbruh牙刷leave离开,动身building建筑物小学新标准英语第十一册单词表(一年级起点)Module1thouand一千,一千个kilometre公里might可能,可以million百万,百万个place地方,地点building建筑物,大楼Module2urprie惊奇everywhere各处,到处retaurant饭馆different不同的dancing舞蹈weekend周末Module3tamp邮票album集邮册collect收集America美国Canada加拿大coconut椰子外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)Module4pecial特殊的,特别的hear听到,听见nearly几乎,接近,差不多preent礼物together一起Module5pleaed高兴的,满足的addre地址penpal笔友pretty漂亮的foreign外国的Module6choptick(复)筷子difficult困难的city城市anwer回答finih完成,结束Module7CD-ROM电脑光盘bamboo竹子copy模仿child孩子awake醒的Module8 tidy整理,收拾often常常,经常bookhelf书架chooe选择week星期,周Module9peace和平world世界kangaroo袋鼠Module10thirty口渴的bring拿来,带来way方式,方法line排,列小学新标准英语第十二册单词表Module1hotdog热狗waitre女服务生cola可乐dollar美元cent美分enjoy 享受,欣赏Module2around在……周围duck鸭子oon不久,快dry干的naughty顽皮的,淘气的Module3funny有趣的,好笑的quickly很快地wet湿的angry生气的,愤怒的hine发光Module4carry(用手、肩等)提,搬upermarket超市party聚会hold拿着fall落下,跌落later稍后,随后away在远处,到远处tair(常复)楼梯heavy重的Module5clap鼓掌arrive到达Module6pace太空travel旅行intereted感兴趣的pacehip宇宙飞船model模型Module7外研社新标准小学英语第1-12册单词表(一起)pend度过e某cited激动的,兴奋的video录像proud自豪的omeday将来某一天Module8blind瞎的deaf聋的Module9matter麻烦事baeball棒球team队mitake错误cared恐惧的Module10 middlechool中学really真正地tudy学习Geography地理ueful有用的tudent学生。



Catching Crabs1 In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. the relaxed atmosphere of the preceding summer semester, the impromptu ball games, the boating on the Charles River, the late-night parties had disappeared, and we all started to get our heads down, studying late, and attendance at classes rose steeply again. We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one wantedthe humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o'clock in the afternoon were standing room only untilthe early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.大学最后一年的秋天,我们的心情变了。



第一册Module 1hello (hi) [hə'ləʊ] 你好aah [eɪ] 啊ooh [u:] 嗬I [aɪ] 我am (I'm = I am) [əm] 是(我是)goodbye (bye) [ˌgʊdˈbaɪ] 再见How are you? 你好么?woof (狗发出的)[wʊf] 吠声no [nəʊ] 不,不是yes [jes] 是,是的sorry [ˈsɒri] 对不起fine [faɪn] (身体)很好thank [θæŋk] 谢谢you [ju] 你第一册Module 2what [wɒt] 什么is (what's = what is) [ɪz] 是(是什么)your [jɔ:(r)] 你的name [neɪm] 名字please [pli:z] 请ha ha [hɑ: hɑ:] 哈哈good [gʊd] 好的morning [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] 早晨,上午Ms [mɪz] 女士my [maɪ] 我的bird [bɜ:d] 鸟tweet [twi:t] (鸟)啾啾的叫声a(n) [ə] 一个,一boy [bɔɪ] 男孩girl [gɜ:l] 女孩whoops [wʊps] 哎哟afternoon [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] 下午panda [ˈpændə] 熊猫第一册Module 3sit [sɪt] 坐down [daʊn] 向下stand [stænd] 站up [ʌp] 向上open [ˈəʊpən] 打开the [ðə] 这(那)个;这(那)些window [ˈwɪndəʊ] 窗户door [dɔ:(r)] 门See you! 再见point [pɔɪnt] 指to [tə] 向……aargh 啊desk [desk] 书桌chair [tʃeə(r)] 椅子第一册Module 4it [ɪt] 它it's = it is 它是red [red] 红色;红色的aha [ɑ:ˈhɑ:] 啊哈blue [blu:] 蓝色;蓝色的wow [waʊ] 呀,哇yellow [ˈjeləʊ] 黄色;黄色的oh [əʊ] 噢,哦colour [ˈkʌlə(r)] 颜色green [gri:n] 绿色;绿色的now [naʊ] 现在black [blæk] 黑色;黑色的white [waɪt] 白色;白色的dog [dɒg] 狗cat [kæt] 猫and [ənd] 和hey [heɪ] 嘿,喂look [lʊk] 看orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ] 橙色;橙色的第一册Module 5this [ðɪs] 这个our [ɑ:(r)] 我们的teacher [ˈti:tʃə(r)] 教师school [sku:l] 学校classroom [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 教室Nice to meet you. 见到你真高兴。

《英语》(新标准)高中修订版必修第一册Unit 1 教学设计

《英语》(新标准)高中修订版必修第一册Unit 1 教学设计
Book1Unit1A new start教案设计
1. Ss complete Activity 3. They can read the passage again if necessary.
2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons.
Train students’ readingskills of getting the main idea.
Teaching contents
Teacher’s activity
Activity 1
1.T asks Ss to tick the topics they’d like to include in their own diaries in Activity 1.
Activity 2
1.T asks Ss tocompletethequestionnaire.
2.T asks Ss to choose one or several issues to share with the class.



Module 1hello你好goodbye 再见I’m=I am我是Module 2good好的morning 早晨,上午what’s=what is是什么my我的name 名字bird鸟panda熊猫boy男孩girl女孩afternoon下午Module 3one 一two二three三four 四five五six六seven 七eight 八nine九ten 十yes是no不是Module 4green绿black黑blue蓝white白色的red红色yellow黄色的colour颜色basketball篮球Module5.stand起立up向上open打开window窗户door门Ms女士sit坐下down向下it’s=it is它是point指,指向to去,到,向Module 6this这个our我们的classroom教室desk桌子and和seat座位teacher老师cat猫dog狗that那个Module 7school bag书包pen钢笔ruler尺子book书pencil铅笔pencil-box 铅笔盒eraser橡皮crayon彩笔Module 8look看fox狐狸kite风筝house房子box盒子Module 9how old几岁you’re=you are你是happy高兴的for为birthday生日thank谢谢welcome欢迎Module 10where’s=where is在哪里in在…里hat帽子on在…上under在…下bed床balloon气球doll娃娃bear 熊Module 1how many多少eleven十一twelve十二orange橙色know知道other其他的tree树so如此many许多的bird鸟let’s让我们Module2father父亲mother母亲grandpa爷爷,外公grandma奶奶,外婆sister姐妹brother兄弟friend朋友doctor医生pupil学生he’s=he is 他是she’s=she is她是Module3her她的bag包his他的coat外套their他们的nurse护士dress连衣裙driver司机bus公共汽车Module4head头face脸nose鼻子mouth嘴巴ear耳朵eye眼睛these这些leg腿Module5they’re=they are他们是cow奶牛farm农场pig猪chicken 鸡egg鸡蛋thin瘦的fat胖的baby幼崽little小的big大的pink粉红的Module6snake蛇long长的zoo动物园short短的tall高的very非常lion狮子cute可爱的scary可怕的Module7play玩football足球like喜欢basketball篮球ping-pong乒乓球hot 热的swimming游泳go swimming去游泳dance跳舞tired疲劳的Module8with用together一起favourite特别喜爱的sport运动about关于Module9meat肉noodles面条rice米饭sweets糖果children孩子们ice cream冰激凌Module10here’s=here is这是present礼物sorry对不起的car小汽车Module 1song歌曲jigsaw拼图bike自行车toy玩具Module2T-shirt T恤衫mum妈妈dad爸爸too太small小的shirt衬衫at 在party聚会clothes衣服trousers裤子shoe鞋Module3we我们have有English英语new新来的Maths数学Music音乐please请play演奏PE体育课Science科学Chinese汉语,语文Art 美术Module4o’clock点钟film电影time时间run跑train火车hungry饥饿的dinner正餐,主餐now现在all right好吧great太好了Module5get up起床go to school上学have lunch吃午餐go home回家then 然后go to bed上床睡觉half半小时past晚于late迟的have breakfast吃早餐Module6watch TV看电视weekend周末read读come来with和……一起OK好listen听Module7park公园too也want想要us我们(宾格)live居住city城市Module8how怎样,如何by乘坐walk步行go to work上班on holiday度假ship船China中国plane飞机love爱Module9winter冬天spring春天wear穿jacket夹克summer夏天autumn秋天sweater毛线衫warm暖和的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的Module10New Year新年eat吃hair头发Christmas圣诞节England英国sing唱Module 1weather天气,气候like像,如同sunny晴朗的windy有风的rain 下雨come on快,走吧here在这里snow下雪Module2radio收音机photo照片newspaper报纸camera照相机smile微笑draw画picture图画write写letter信colour 把……涂颜色Module3tidy整理,收拾room房间do做homework家庭作业secret秘密card卡片flower花today今天Module4noise噪音drink喝,饮talk谈话there在那里game游戏Module5skip跳绳playtime游戏时间sad伤心的no one没有人me我(宾格)hide隐藏seek寻找hurry up赶快catch抓Module6usually通常Sunday星期天help帮助it它(宾格)thing东西ill 生病的him他(宾格)her她(宾格)cook烧菜go shopping去购物Module7Children’s Day儿童节play剧some一些say念,背诵poem诗class 班级dragon dance舞龙picnic野餐fly放(风筝)sleep睡Module8up向上hill小山station车站down向下past经过hospital医院stop 停止see看见turn转向around朝着相反方向touch触摸,接触Module 9left向左go straight on直着走right向右West Lake Road湖西路excuse me对不起,打扰East Lake Road湖东路factory工厂Module10next to在…旁边in front of在……的前面cousin堂兄supermarket超市well详细地,熟悉地of course当然小学新标准英语第五册单词表(一年级起点)Module 1use使用chopsticks筷子hard困难的people人们knife刀fork叉easy容易的hamburger汉堡包chips薯条fast food快餐Module2make制作cake蛋糕idea主意instead代替lovely 可爱的Module3naughty淘气的dragon boat龙舟row划船lake湖feed喂get out离开wet湿的shorts短裤Module4can能winner胜利者jump跳far远see 看出,发觉Module5shop商店ill生病的biscuit饼干worry担心all 全部的Module6computer game电子游戏机careful小心的fix修理jigsaw puzzle拼图玩具pet宠物mouse老鼠Module7headache头疼stomach ache胃痛test考试Friday星期五clever聪明的cold感冒cough咳嗽Module8stone石头animal动物elephant大象horse马visit参观man男人woman女人Module9long jump跳远Sports Day运动日high jump跳高race赛跑run a race参加赛跑train driver火车司机taxi driver出租车司机bus driver 公交车司机Module10Hong Kong香港airport飞机场sea大海Saturday星期六Module 1nice友善的always总是but但是a bit有一点shy害羞的quiet安静的loud吵闹的helpful有帮助的plus加上twenty二十more更多的Module2wide宽的old古老的London伦敦from来自river河流clock钟high高的new新的round圆的Module3maybe也许tiger老虎lots of很多phone打电话Module4writer作家future将来policeman 警察Module5fruit水果apple苹果orange橘子peach桃子fourteen十四them他们(宾格)thirteen十三fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen 十七eighteen十八nineteen十九Module6work工作,学习hard努力地speak说话quite相当地good at擅长say表达,写道try努力,尝试fast很快地Module7young年轻的who谁grandparent祖父母old老的then在那时beautiful漂亮的dear亲爱的yesterday昨天fun有趣的Module8second第二floor 楼层find找到first第一vegetable蔬菜last 上一个milk牛奶Module9tomorrow明天take带着why为什么day天,日子Monday星期一after在……之后Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Module10fifty五十thirty三十different不同的sixty六十forty四十eighty 八十ninety九十seventy七十hundred百Module1soon不久tell告诉still仍April4月dancing舞蹈also也American 美国人Module2yesterday昨天clean打扫finish完成wash洗dirty脏的Module3learn学习National Day国庆节Module4invent发明paper纸important重要的printing印刷术print印刷bicycle自行车Module5went—go去the Great Wall长城saw—see看见ate—eat吃had—have享受bought—buy买climb爬mountain山wore—wear 穿ice-skating滑冰fell over—fall over摔倒hurt受伤learnt—learn学习skate滑冰fall over摔倒Module6gold金子food食物took—take拿走made—make制作angry生气的only只away离开said—say 说Module7break弄坏cry哭monster怪物ran—run 跑Module8came—come来last刚过去的won—win赢得gold金制的cup奖杯practice练习win赢得Module9happen发生put—put放ride骑thirsty口渴的watermelon西瓜fell off—fall off从……跌落knee膝盖cut—cut切,割finger手指Module10matter麻烦事medicine药toothache牙疼fever发烧Module 1machine机器sir先生potato土豆glasses眼镜anything任何东西wait等待duck鸭子grass草地silence安静Module2difficult困难的choose选择expensive昂贵的perfect完美的cheap 便宜的cost价值为thousand千Module3shout呼喊wolf狼once upon a time从前look after照看sheep绵羊bored无聊的village村庄everyone每个人field田地,牧场laugh 笑lie谎话,谎言into到……里Module4concert音乐会Chinese中国的CD激光唱盘nervous紧张的before 在……之前end结束clap鼓掌proud自豪的when什么时候Module5happen发生Mother’s Day母亲节surprise出乎意料的message消息,祝词special特殊的Module6report报导stick粘贴fantastic极好的meet见面,集合Module7space太空sun太阳planet 行星ring环,环形物moon月亮night 夜晚banana香蕉at all根本Module8east东方west西方country国家America美国cousin堂兄弟capital 首都Canada加拿大north北方south南方Module9Australia澳大利亚because因为map地图language语言back后面的leaves树叶(复数)Module10 send寄postcard明信片granddad 祖父restaurant餐馆much许多的,非常Module1year 年before 以前duck鸭子playground 操场Module2heavy 重的lift提,抬sell 卖出价country 国家sometimes 有时restaurant饭馆Module 3night 夜晚why为什么Module 4invitation 请柬reply回复Module 5mine我的yours你(们)的hers 她的his 他的both(两者)都whose 谁的skirt短裙laugh笑Module 6well 好的true 真实的point 分team 队thirty—six 36Module 7blind盲的special特别的hear 听见fire火inside在……里面safe安全的Module 8line 排列morning exercises (复)早操miss想念break休息study 学习Module 9bored无聊的nothing 没什么water水Module l0 should应该rule规则kind友善的Module1drove(drive的过去式)驾驶flute笛子player演奏者office办公室parent父亲;母亲Module2email 电子邮件sausage 香肠sandwich三明治delicious美味的Module3return 归还borrow 借入,借来Module4fine(身体)很好sent (send的过去式)寄get收到,接到chocolate 巧克力糖season季节Module5broken损坏的,折断的carry 提,背,抱back背部shoulder 肩膀;肩部brown棕色的;褐色hand手Module6place地方circle圆,圆圈build 建造solve解答,解释hope希望amazing令人惊讶的thought(think的过去式)Module7message信息another另一个click on发出咔嗒声;点击busy忙碌的Module8of course当然drew(draw的过去式)画piece张、片、块paper 纸scissors剪刀(复数)Module9theatre剧院question问题在于men(man的复数形式)男人women (woman的复数形式)女人room房间history历史Module10ticket票toothbrush牙刷leave离开,动身building建筑物。

新标准小学英语教案 小学英语教学教案(9篇)

新标准小学英语教案 小学英语教学教案(9篇)


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Language in Use
4 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions. 1 strain When you feel strain, you feel pressure caused by a difficult situation or physical effort. So when are you likely to: (a) take the strain? (b) feel eye strain? (c) be under strain? (d) find it is a strain to hear something?
Language in Use
1 Match the sentences with the uses of could
2 Look at the sentences and answer the questions
3 Look at the sentences and decide what it refers to
Language in Use
5 I guess the object is to get the ball into the net ... but if it ever gets close it looks like an accident. (a) the action (b) the ball the ball 6 The scoring system says it all. (a) the writer’s main point (a) the writer’smain point (b) the game of football 7 Most finals are 0–0, 1–0 or 2–1, indicating that games tend to be standoffs and it’s a matter of luck to be ahead when time runs out. To put a good face on it, they call this tension or suspense. (a) the standoff the standoff (b) the game 8 Let’s face it, God never meant for most of us to control a ball with the feet while running at top speed. (a) the (a) the fact about ball-handling (b) soccer about ball-handling



Catching Crabs1 In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. the relaxed atmosphere of the preceding summer semester, the impromptu ball games, the boating on the Charles River, the late-night parties had disappeared, and we all started to get our heads down, studying late, and attendance at classes rose steeply again. We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o'clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.大学最后一年的秋天,我们的心情变了。

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 A篇练习答案及课文翻译

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 A篇练习答案及课文翻译
The invasion of Okinawa was the last, the bloodiest, and one of the largest battles of World War II. More than 1,000 American ships and hundreds of thousands of troops were involved. The fighting lasted 82 days. Villages were destroyed and forests burned. Almost 200,000 people were killed.
Many people remember or learned about the deaths and damage resulting from the war. Many Okinawans are pacifists, and they gather often to speak against violence.
2. What were the intentions of the Japanese general in this battle? He planned to hurt the morale and strength of the Americans. / His intention was to bleed the American forces so bad that the US sued for peace.
They are unhappy about the presence of American troops on Okinawa. And they oppose efforts by conservatives in Japan to strengthen the country’s military.



Unit test 3Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success, butrelatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _____ partof the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be atyour _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned around tohelp an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they could bewhatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.b. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of the highway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborateSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.Things didn't quite turn outthe way I expected, but I'm still happy with the result.Your answer Correct answer out out22.You can't fool me; I'm wise tothe way things work around here.Your answer Correct answer to to23.My question sparked offmuch discussion in the group about right versus wrong.Your answer Correct answer off off24.They didn't know it, but they were playing right intoour hands the whole time.Your answer Correct answer into into25.Leslie broke downher argument into three main points.Your answer Correct answer down down26.It was pure luck that we chanced uponthe fossilized remains of the dinosaur.Your answer Correct answer upon upon27.Our town was named afterthe explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall.Your answer Correct answer after after28.After the ship sank, wreckage washed upon shore for weeks.Your answer Correct answer up up29.Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn awayso wecouldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30.The novel revolvesarounda protagonist who is searching for a lost city of gold. Your answer Correct answeraround aroundPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Everyone's always told me that I should be a model. I have to admit, it does sound like it wouldbe a(n) (31)unstablelifestyle with lots of traveling, parties, and beautiful people. I think itcould also be a great opportunity to assert my (32)individualityand creativity. However, atmy age, I'm not sure I have the experience or (33)credentialsto start a modeling career.It takes more than a(n) (34)stunningface to be a model. You must have a(n)(35)glamorouspersonality and always be ready to take risks and explore the unknown.You also need to have near infinite patience.Many people are under the impression that the fashion and modeling industry attracts only very(36)superficialpeople who only care about themselves. From what I understand, nothingcould be further from the truth. Yes, there are some models who only care about their ownappearance, wealth, and (37)lavishsurroundings, but the industry isn't(38)exclusivelycomposed of this type of person. It's a(n) (39)inescapablefactthat the fashion and modeling world has a strong (40)lurefor all kinds of people—and I'm one of them.Your answer Correct answer(31) unstable glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) glamorous daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lurePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The debate over school uniforms is one of the most controversial issues affecting public school students. Though uniforms have long been a staple of private schools, they are still a rarity in publicschools. This is not merely a debate over the aesthetics of fashion. Rather, this debate lies at the very heartof the politics of fashion.What students choose to wear (and what their parents allow them to wear) to school consistentlyrouses strong feelings and animated discussion. Much has already been said in defense of and againstschool uniforms, and I won't belabor the individual points further. There are many valid points on both sidesof the argument. Instead, I intend to explain why I personally stand in opposition to school uniforms and highlight the reasons why uniforms would serve very little purpose in our specific school district.For the most part, students in our district are well behaved and don't approach any semblance of extreme behavior or expression. Administrators seem to be more worried about a potential escalation of student expression that so far has shown no indication of materializing. Principals and other district administrators are chasing shadows—they're looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Our district has no history of student activism, and there are only a few examples of flagrant violations of the existing dress code. In short, there is absolutely no precedent to believe that students will choose to begin acting outagainst authority through fashion statements.School uniforms seem to be an inappropriate response to a nonexistent problem. It is an unnecessary exertion of power by administrators who don't know how to properly exercise authority. Let's take a momentto consider a hypothetical school district that is overwhelmed by student discipline problems. Would the institution of school uniforms be an appropriate response in that case? I would argue in the negative. Uniforms, by themselves, would in no way prevent students from expressing themselves or their views. Improper and unpopular behavior will not be stifled by a school uniform. It may actually make the situation worse, as resentment over the mandatory clothing would likely be great.School uniforms obviously interfere with students' right to self-expression—a right that should beprotected in the public school system. In addition, mandating that all students wear identical (and unattractive) outfits enforces the message that conformity is the preferred method to prevent or resolve conflict. This is certainly not an appropriate message for our schools to be sending to children.41. This style of writing would best be described as _______.A. expositoryB. descriptiveC. narrativeD. argumentative42. Of the following, which is the most likely place you would find this article?A. Newspaper editorial.B. Academic journal.C. Fashion blog.D. Education magazine.43. According to the author, which is NOT the reason why school uniforms are a bad idea?A. They are a violation of students' rights.B. There is no justification for their use in the local district.C. They are expensive and many students can't afford them.D. They don't adequately address the problem they are intended to solve.44. In which paragraph does the author use a metaphor to describe school administrators?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. Based on this passage, it seems likely that the author would never _____ the use of schooluniforms.A. suspendB. dictateC. empowerD. condone。



新标准英语目录Book1Unit1 Starting outAR1 Diary of a fresherAR2 Extract from Tis: A MemoirUnit2 Food, glorious food!AR1 The first oysterAR2 ChocolateUnit3 Learning to thinkAR1 Thinking for yourselfAR2 Hone your study skillsUnit4 Person to personAR1 No network: Can we live without our mobile phones?AR2 Thank you for inviting us, when can we leave?Unit5 All you need is loveAR1 Extract from Wuthering HeightsAR2 PoemsUnit6 Shop till you drop!AR1 Retail therapy or shopaholism?AR2 How to shop with your boyfriend Unit7 Family affairsAR1 The pickle jarAR2 Relative values: Venus and Serena Williams, sistersUnit8 Arrivals and departuresAR1 The armchair travelerAR2 Duelling by folk danceUnit9 Body and mindAR1 Quitters are winners, Bulldogs are losersAR2 Walk your way to healthUnit10 Environmental mattersAR1 Green fatigueAR2 The Eden ProjectBook2Unit1 College cultureAR1 College just isn’t special any more AR2 The post-everything generation Unit2 Mixed feelingsAR1 How empathy unfoldsAR2 This is SandyUnit3 Crime watchAR1 Stolen identityAR2 By the numbersUnit4 News 24/7AR1 Making the headlinesAR2 The death of the newspaperUnit5 The world at warAR1 Catch-22AR2 The story of Anne Frank’s Diary Unit6 Sporting lifeAR1 My dream comes trueAR2 Blowing the whistle on soccerUnit7 Animal planetAR1 ProtectionAR2 Are animals smarter than we think? Unit8 Time offAR1 Painting as a pastimeAR2 Leisure inactivities—or how to relax and do nothingUnit9 Have you got what it takes?AR1 Are you the right person for the job? AR2 Volunteer for peaceUnit10 Science fact or science fiction?AR1 Travelling through timeAR2 Science: fact or fiction?Book3Unit1 Discovering yourselfAR1 Catching crabsAR2 We are all dyingUnit2 Childhood memoriesAR1 SupermanAR2 Cultural childhoodsUnit3 Art for art’s sakeAR1 How we listenAR2 The mystery of girl with a pearl earring Unit4 Changing timesAR1 The crazy world of the modern office AR2 Our supposedly exciting times are really rather dullUnit5 A place in societyAR1 Dinner at Joanne’sAR2 I, We, TheyUnit6 Streets full of heroesAR1 Last man down: the fireman’s storyAR2 Eleanor Roosevelt: First lady of the WorldUnit7 The secret life of scienceAR1 Can bad luck be explained?AR2 The diva withinUnit8 High days and holidaysAR1 International Women's DayAR2 Chinese or Western, it’s a time to relax Unit9 What’s in a name?AR1 What’s in a name?AR2 Calling your kid Noah or Coke –how wet is that?Unit10 Tales ancient and modernAR1 Urban myths or Urban legends?AR2 Echo and NarcissusBook4Unit 1 Nine to fiveAR1 Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaAR2 If you ask meUnit 2 A good readAR1 Danger! Books may change your life AR2 They were alive and they spoke to me Unit3 Fashion statementsAR1 Fifty years of fashionAR2 Eco-jewellery: sea glassUnit4 Money talksAR1 The credit card trapAR2 The key to wedded bliss? Money mattersUnit5 Gender studiesAR1 Sex differences in English gossip rules AR2 Marked: women in the workplace Unit6 All in the pastAR1 Winston ChurchillAR2 The historian and his factsUnit7 No place like homeAR1 Golden memoriesAR2 Home thoughtsUnit8 Architecture: frozen musicUnit9 Words of wisdomAR1 The Eiffel TowerAR2 The meaning of architectureUnit10 The human spiritAR1 Lessons to be learntAR2 The oldest English spellings, or, the future of spelling reform。



2024最新高中英语新课程标准教育部部编版英文版2024 New High School English Curriculum Standard Ministry of Education CompilationIn 2024, the Ministry of Education will implement a new high school English curriculum standard. This updated curriculum aims to enhance students' language skills and overall proficiency in English. The curriculum will focus on integrating various language components, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, to provide a comprehensive learning experience for students.The new curriculum will also incorporate modern teaching methodologies and resources to engage students effectively. It will emphasize practical language usage and real-life communication scenarios to help students apply their English skills in a practical context. Additionally, the curriculum will align with global English language standards to ensure that students are well-prepared for international communication and opportunities.Teachers will play a crucial role in implementing the new curriculum. They will be provided with training and support to facilitate effective teaching practices and student learning outcomes. The Ministry of Education will also provide updated teaching materials and resources to assist teachers in delivering the curriculum effectively.Overall, the 2024 new high school English curriculum standard by the Ministry of Education aims to elevate the quality of English education in high schools, equip students with essential language skills, and prepare them for future academic and professional endeavors.。















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Although I have been trying every means to solve the problem, I cannot work out a satisfactory solution. But when I went to the kitchen to get a drink, something clicked and made me realize that the solution might be quite simple.
Unit 1
4 Translate the sentences into Chinese.
1 On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist masingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. (with their … and justice 部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生
现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010 年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标,(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。
3 I never hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how American colleges are changing by going to Lit Theory classes. This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as “Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-shirt”.(第二句的主句是强调句式,汉译应在句法上稍做变通,以求类似强调语义的效果。a bit 以后的内容是进一步说明如何look cool 的,汉译可加破折号表明关系。)我从没指望通过上文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或了解美国大学是如何在变化的。这门课是让你在课堂上扮酷的——带着一丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件T 恤衫,上面印着“去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件T 恤衫”,或诸如此类带有讥讽意味的俏皮话。
2 These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spiteof it. Of course, it’s true that higher education is still important. For example, in the UK, Prime MinisterBlair was close to achieving his aim of getting 50 per cent of all under thirties into college by 2010 (eventhough a cynic would say that this was to keep them off the unemployment statistics).
没有了20 世纪60 年代大学生发现的令人头脑发热的自由气氛,如今的大学生要严肃得多。英国文化促进会最近做了一项调查,研究外国留学生在决定上哪所大学时考虑的因素。这些因素从高到低依次是:课程质量、就业前景、学费负担、人身安全问题、生活方式,以及各种便利。大学已变成实现目的的手段,是在就业市场上增加就业几率的一个机会,上大学本身不再是目的,它给你提供一个机会,让你暂时想象一下:你能够改变世界。童年与大学之间的距离已缩小了,大学与现实世界之间的距离也缩小了。其中的一个原因可能是经济方面的。在一个没有保障的世界里,现在的许多孩子依赖父母资助的时间比以前的孩子更长。21世纪的学生大学毕业后根本无法自立门户,因为那太昂贵了。另一个可能的原因是通讯革命。儿子或女儿每学期往家里打一两回电话的日子一去不复返了。如今,大学生通过手机与父母保持着脐带式联系。至于寻找痴迷无名文学或音乐的同道好友嘛,没问题,我们有互联网和聊天室来帮助我们做到这一点。
可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010 年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标,(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。不过,大学教育已不再是全民重视的话题了。如今,大学被视为人们急于逃离的一种小城镇。有些人辍学,但大多数已经有些麻木,还是坚持混到毕业,因为离开学校实在是太费事了。
5 Translate the sentences into English.
1 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。反对党联合工会发动了一次大罢工,最终导致政府的垮台。(give rise to; form an alliance with; launch;bring about)
Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.
4 We’re a generation that comes from what has been called the short century (1914-1989), at the end of a century of war and revolution which changed civilizations, overthrew repressive governments, and left us with extraordinary opportunities and privilege, more than any generation before. (由which引导的从句比较难处理。可以在at the end of the century of war and revolution 处拆句。前半部分讲“我们”所处的年代,后半部分讲这个世纪的特点。)我们这一代人来自所谓的短世纪(1914-1989),生于其末尾。这个世纪充满了战争和革命,它改变了人类文明,推翻了强权政府,给我们留下了非同寻常的机会和特权,我们所得到的机会与特权比从前任何一代人都要多。
有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20 世纪60 年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”对于在大麻烟雾中度过大学时光的那些人,这话可能是真的。但是,20 世纪60 年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。20 世纪60 年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。然而,加州大学的主校园伯克利分校也以学生示威、罢课以及激进的政治氛围而著名。1966 年,罗纳德?里根竞选加州州长,他问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、持不一意见的少数人征服。”自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、持不同意见的少数人。在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情地投入到自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。许多抗议是针对越南战争的。可是在法国,巴黎大学的学生与工会联盟,发动了一场大罢工,最终导致了戴高乐总统辞职。20 世纪60 年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。不论在什么地方,上大学都意味着你初次品尝真正自由的滋味,初次品尝深更半夜在宿舍或学生活动室里讨论人生意义的滋味。你往往得上了大学才得以阅读你的第一本禁书,看你的第一部独立影人电影,或者找到和你一样痴迷吉米?亨德里克斯或伦尼?布鲁斯的志同道合者。那是一段难以想象的自由时光,你一生中最无拘无束的时光。
3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。(hope; by doing …; the place where)
I never hoped to learn the subject well by attending those lectures. But I did go to lectures, for it was the place where I could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials and how to reason. 4 我一直想方设法解决这个难题,但就是找不到满意的答案。可是当我去厨房喝饮料的时候,我突然间灵机一动,意识到解决问题的方法实际上可能很简单。(work out; click)
华兹华斯的诗句说的可能是法国大革命,但是对于20 世纪60 年代的大学生而言,这样的诗