〔√ 〕3.流通转让是转让人通过单纯交付或背书交付票据给受让人,受让人善意支付对价,不必通知原债务人。
〔√ 〕4.采取限制性抬头的汇票,不经过背书可以直接转让。
〔√ 〕7.票据关系的产生总是有一定原因的,但是票据是否成立,不受票据原因的影响。
〔√ 〕票据的产生是有原因的,总是有一定的根底关系,所谓的票据产生的根底关系指的是:出票人与付款人之间的权利义务关系;出票人与收款人、背书人与被背书人之间的资金对价关系。
〔F 〕9.支票有即期和远期之分。
〔 F 〕10.汇付方式是一种对买卖双方均有较大风险的支付方式。
〔F 〕12.偿付行不负责审单,只凭开证行指示或授权,偿付款项给议付行。
the sum of 大写金额
dawn under 出票依据
To 受票人名称
1. 跟单托收(DOCUMENTARY COLLECTION) (1)跟单托收概念 跟单托收是汇票连同商业单据向进口行收取款项的一种托收方式,有时为了避免印花税,也有不开汇票,只拿商业单据委托银行代收。 (2)跟单托收种类 即期付款交单(DOCUMENT AGAINST PAYMENT AT SIGHT):俗称D/P AT SIGHT,指开出的汇票是即期汇票,进口商见票,只有付完货款,才能拿到商业单据。 远期付款交单(DOCUMENTS AGAINST PAYMENT OF USANCE BILL):出口商开出远期汇票,进口商向银行承兑于汇票到期日付款交单的付款交单方式。 承兑交单方式(DOCUMENT AGAINST ACCEPTANCE):俗称D/A,代收银行在进口商承兑远期汇票后向其交付单据的一种方式。 2. 光票托收(CLEAN COLLECTION) 光票托收指汇票不附带货运票据的一种托收方式。主要用于货款的尾数、样品费用、佣金、带垫费用、贸易从属费用、索赔以及非贸易的款项。
Part 1:1.哪一种不要通知行通知收款人(结算方式)?票汇(Banker’s Demand Draft,D/D)不用通知行通知收款人2.哪一种汇票不需要承兑(英文)?即期汇票(sight draft、demand draft)3.可转让信用证最多能转让几次?可转让信用证最多能转让一次,即第二受益人不得要求将信用证转让给其后的第三受益人,但是第二受益人将信用证转回给第一受益人不在禁止之列。
(托收、跟单信用证、保函)6.什么叫保函?(未解决:保函是第几付款人?)保函(Letter of Guarantee, L/G)又称保证书,是指银行、保险公司、担保公司或个人应申请人的请求,向第三方开立的一种书面信用担保凭证。
7.什么叫DP,DA?(相同点,区别点,怎样应用,两者能不能随便变?)承兑交单,D/A (Documents against Acceptance)是指凭付款人对远期汇票承兑而交出单据。
(风险大)付款交单,D/P ( documents against payment)是指凭付款人对即期汇票付款或简单地付款而交出单据——即期付款交单(D/P sight)——远期付款交单(D/P after sight)—(1)见票后××天付款;(2)装运后××天付款;(3)出票后××天付款远期付款交单VS承兑交单的比较:二者的相同点为:1、所使用的汇票均为远期汇票;2、卖方承担的风险较大。
(国与国、地区间)Convertible Currency 可兑换货币(自由外汇)国际结算的分类:贸易结算(International trade settlement)非贸易结算类(International non-trade settlement):无形贸易、金融交易、无偿转移国际结算的产生和发展:从现金结算到非现金结算;从凭实物结算到凭单据结算;从贸易商之间直接结算到通过银行结算(跨国银行的增多,银行功能的丰富和完善);国际结算与贸易融资相结合——背景:科技进步,生产力发展,卖方增多赊账交易(O/A)和商业信用结算方式(汇款、托收)占比不断扩大出口商扩大贸易规模的资金需求更迫切国际结算新方式:保理:中短期的收账和融资服务福费廷:中长期的无追索权融资服务国际结算制度是各国之间结算债权债务关系的基本方法和总的原则。
国际标准化货币符号:中国——CNY 欧元区——EUR 美国——USD往账(Nostro account):一家银行开在国外其他银行里的活期账户对这家银行而言就是往账。
即我行设在你行的账(our a/c with you)来账(Vostro account):国外其他银行开在这家银行的活期账户对这家银行而言就是来账。
即你行设在我行的账(your a/c with us)银行处理国际业务机构设置的主要类型:代表处(非盈利)、代理处(不吸收存款)、海外分支行(联行);——不是独立的法人代理行、子行、联营银行;——是独立的法人银团银行——不经营小额零售业务&&开立活期账户的代理行为账户行。
国际结算第一章一.judge the following statement,mark true or falseInternational settlement is only used in international visible trade. ( )答案:错TRAGET stands for the electronic payment system for EUR. ( )答案:对CNY is international currency since 2009 . ()答案:错Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.The basic international settlement methods include. ( )答案:ABC()are three basic international payment instruments.答案:ABCUSD stands for() GBP stands for ( ) JPY stands for ( )EUR stands for ( ) CNY stands for ( ) HKD stands for ( )美元 B.日元 C.人民币 D.港元E.欧元F. 英镑G.泰铢H.澳大利亚元Short answer questions.What is international settlement?答案:International settlement is money transfer as a result of international clearing which can be divided into trade and non-trade settlement.What is international settlement payment system?答案:Financial instruments,payment methods and commercial documents are three important and closely related parts in international settlement .What are international settlement instruments?答案:International settlement instruments mainly refer to bill of exchange ,promissory note and check.What are international settlement methods?答案:International settlement methods include traditional payment methods and additional payment methods.Three traditional payment methods used in international trade are :remittance ,collection and Letter of credit.Additional payment methodsappears as the effective supplement to the traditional payment methods.They are forfeiting,factoring,bank guarantee and standby letter of credit.What are laws and customs regulating international settlement?答案:There are many laws and customs relevant to international settlement,mainly as follows:1)Bills of exchange act of 1882;2)Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and promissory Notes(Geneva,1930) ;3)Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits,ICC publication No.600;4)Uniform Ruler for Collection ,ICC publication No.522;5) Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees,ICC publicationNo.458;6)International Standby practice 98(ISP);7)General Rules for international Factoring;8)Supplement to UCP for Electronic presentation;9)International Standard Banking practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits,ICC publication No.681.How to choose the currencies on international settlement?答案;The best way is to choose hard currency for exporting and soft currency for importing.第二章Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.票据形式上需要记载的必要项目必须齐全,各个必要项目又必须符合票据法律规定,方可使票据产生法律效力。
第一篇 国际结算中的票据
• 1、国际结算的含义(概念、基本要 素) • 2、票据的含义 • 3、票据的特性 • 4、票据的作用 • 5、票据行为 • 6、票据的基本当事人
• • • • • • •
7、汇票的含义 8、汇票的内容(绝对必要记载项目) 9、汇票的种类 10、本票的含义 11、本票与汇票的区别 12、支票的概念 13、支票的特征
Байду номын сангаас
第四篇 国际结算中的融资担保
• • • • • • • 1、担保的含义 2、担保的方式 3、外汇担保的含义、特点 4、外汇担保的基本当事人 5、外汇担保按合同方式的分类 6、银行保函的含义、作用 7、保函的基本当事人
• • • • • • • •
8、保函的基本内容 9、备用证的性质 10、福费廷的含义、特点、应用 11、福费廷业务对出口商的益处 12、国际保理的含义 13、国际保理的服务项目 14、国际双保理的业务程序 15、福费廷与国际保理的比较
第二篇 国际结算的方式
• • • • 1、汇付的含义 2、汇付的特点、种类 3、汇付的业务程序 4、汇款在国际经济与贸易中的主要应用方 式 • 5、托收的概念 • 6、托收的业务程序(当事人的权利和义务) • 7、托收方式下的融资
• • • •
8、信用证的含义 9、跟单信用证的特点 10、信用证的种类(应用) 11、信用证的业务程序(当事人的权利和 义务) • 12、信用证下的融资(进口贸易、出口贸 易) • 13、信用证的风险与防范(出口商、进口 商、银行)
第三篇 国际结算中的单据
• • • • • • • • 1、单据的作用 2、单据的种类 3、出口商制单的原则 4、银行审单的原则 5、海运提单的含义、作用 6、国际多式联运单据含义 7、海运单含义、应用 8、空运单的含义、作用
国际结算复习资料一、国际结算的方式 P4主要有三大类:汇款方式、托收方式、信用证方式二、汇票写法 P43三、议付信用证下汇票的付款人 P129按照《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,在议付信用证项下,汇票的付款人应是开证行或其指定银行。
四、信用证付款条件 P97(1)单证一致(2)单单一致五、出口保函 P165(1)投标保函(2)履约保函(3)预付款退还保函(4)质量保函二十六、进口保函 P167(1)付款保函(2)延期付款保函(3)留置金保函(4)租赁保函(5)补偿贸易保函(6)加工装配贸易保函六、商业发票附属单据 P199○1商检证明○2产地证明书○3重量单○4尺码证明○5包装单○6船运公司证明七、远期汇票的付款方法 P42○1见票后若干天付款○2出票后若干天付款○3提单日后若干天付款八、汇款的当事人 P60汇款人——即付款人。
九、非贸易结算 P262○1无形贸易结算○2金融交易类结算○3国际间资金单方面转移结算○4银行提供的以信用担保为代表的一系列服务与结算○5其他非贸易结算业务十、汇票的基本当事人 P35出票人:承兑前是主债务人,承兑后是从债务人付款人:承兑后是主债务人收款人:主债权人。
第一持票人十一、国际贸易结算方式的六个发展阶段 P10○1最开始的易货贸易○2早期的现金结算○3支付票据化的兴起○4交易单据化的兴起○5银行信用加入到国际结算中来○6新型国际结算融资服务业的兴起十三、银行保函的特点 P1551.银行保函是具有辅助或补充作用。
十四、票据无因性(案例) P29十五、信用证提单的倒签(案例) P188十六、汇票的抬头 P36(1)限制性抬头:不得转让他人。
一.名词解释: _1 .Coirespondent Bank(代理行):The so-called correspondent bank may be defined as “ a bank having direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank.v2.Nostro account(往账):The foreign currency account (due from account) of a major bank with the foreign banks abroad to facilitate international payments and settlements3・Vostix)account(来账):An account (due to account) held by a bank on behalf of its correspondent bank4,Acceptance for honor supra protest(# ))口承兑):Acceptance for honor supra protest is an act performed by the acceptor for honor,who accepts the bill supra protest,for the honor of any party liable thereon or for the honor of the person for whose account the bill is drawn. A bill may be accepted for honor for only a part of the sum drawn payable,5,Payment for honor supra protest# 力口付款):Pay me nt for honor supra protest is an act similar to acceptance for honor supra protest in the sense that it vindicates the honor of a party liable on a bill of exchange.6.Holder for v“lue(付对价的持票人):The person who possesses an instrument for which value has been given by himself or by some other person7・Holder in due course (正出持票人): The person who is in possession of an instrument that is(1 )complete and regular on its face;(2)taken before maturity without notice of its previous dishonor;(3)taken in good faith and for value;(4)taken without notice of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it. He is also called a bona fide holder, who may claim payment from all parties liable on the instrument^Dishonor (拒付):If the drawee refuses to effect payment or acceptance when a bill is presented to him for payment or acceptance, the act is called dishonor.9.Crossed check(划线支票):A crossing is in effect an instruction to the paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to be a bank only.Hence, such checks will not be paid over the counter of the paying bank and must be presented for payment by a collecting bank・10<Direct bill: A bill on which the place of acceptance is not the same one as the place os payment Indirecl bill: Il'a bill on which the place of acceptance is not the same one as the place of Dayment. 11 ・Domestic bill: A bill drawn and payable in the same country Foreign bill: A bill drawn in one country and payable in another country 12-Collection: an atrangement whereby the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the seller an the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller's bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent book located in the domicile of the buyer 13.Case of need(需要时代理):The case of need is the representative appointed by the principal to act as case of need in the event of non-acceptance and/or non-payment,whose power should be clearly and fully stated in the collection」4・Documcmary collection : Documentary collections may be described as collections on financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or collections on commercial documents without being accompanied by financial instruments, that is, commercial documents without a bill of exchange. 15,Clean collection : Clean collections are collections on financial instruments without being accompanied by commercial documents, such as invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy,etc.16.E)irect collection: Direct collection is an arrangement whereby the seller obtains his bank's pre-numbered direct collection letter, thus enabling him to send his document directly to his bank's correspondent bank for collection.This kind of collection accelerates the paperwork process」7・Outward collection: In outward collection, a bank acting as the remitting sends the draft drawn against an exporter with or without shipping documents attached, to an appropriate overseas bank, namely, the collecting bank, to get the payment or acceptance from the importer Inwaixi collection: In inward collection, a bank acting as the collecting bank receives the draft with or without shipping documents attached as well as the instructions from a bank abroad, namely, the remitting bank. On behalf of the remitting bank, the collecting bank endeavors to collect the payment or obtain the acceptance from importers」8・Bill purchased: Financing by banks for exporters under documentary collection methods takes the form of collection bill purchased・ Collection bill purchased means that the remitting bank purchases the documentary bill drawn by the exporter on the imDoHeflYust receipt: Financing by banks for importers under collection methods takes the form of trust receipt. On collection terms basis, if the collecting bank has a great degree of trust in the importer, the bank may be willing to release the negotiable bill of lading, and the goods,to the importer against the signing of a trust receipt. After the importer has made hisfinal sale and received the proceeds, he can pay the collecting bankl9・Conflrmed credit: A credit that carries the comitment to pay by both the issuing bank and the advising bank. Il is advised to the beneficiary with another bank's confirmation added thereto. It constitutes a definite undertaking of the confirming bank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the confirming bank or to any other nomitated bank on or before the expiry date and the terms and conditions pf the documentary credit are complied with, to pay , to accept drafts or to negotiate.20. Silent confinnation : Silent confirmation represents an agreement between a bank and the beneficiary for that bank to “add its confirmation^to the documentary credit despite not being so authorized by the issuing bank.In this case the beneficiary and the advising bank make an independent agreement that adds the bank's confirmation to the credit for a fee.21 ・ Sight cred让: A letter of credit calling for payment upon the presentation of the documents either with or without a sight draft.22. Time credit / Usance credit: A L/C calling for payment upon the presentation of the document either with or without a sight draft 23-Usance letter of credit payable at sight: under the creditthe benificiary will receive payment at sight and the discount charges and acceptance commission are for the account of the applicant 24,Transferred credit: A credit under which the beneficiary(the first beneficiary)may request the bank authorized to pay, incur a deferred payment undertaking,accept or negotiate(the transferring bank),or in the event of a freely negotiable credit,the bank specially authorized in the credit as the transferring bank to make the documentary credit available in whole or in part to one or more other beneficiary25.Acceptance credit : A credit available by acceptance, under which a bank specifically nominated therein is authorized to accept the draft drawn under the credit・ The draft there under must be a time bill drawn on the issuing bank, advising bank ,or any other drawee bank.26.Deferred payment credit: Under a deferred payment credit ,the beneficiary does not receive payment when he presents the documents, but at a later date specified in the credit ・27・Negoti“tion credit: A negotiation credit is one under which a bank specially nominated therein is authorized to negotiate or one,which is freely negotiable by any bank.28.Revolving credit: One by which, under the terms and conditions thereof, the amount is renewed or reinstated without specific amendments to the documentary credit being required29・Back・to・b“ck documentary credit: The L/C opened by buyer infavor of sellor is used as security to establish a security to establish a second 1/c drawn on the seller in favor of his supplier 30. Reciprocal credit : A reciprocal credit is usually concerned with a barter transaction. It is in all respects similar to an ordinary commercial credit expect that opener of the original credit may assume the position of the beneficiary of the reciprocal credit, while the beneficiary of the original credit may become the opener of the reciprocal creditJL Red clause / Anticipatory credit : It is a kind of pre-shipment financing intended to assist the exporter in the production or procurement of the goods sold・It is a credit with a special clause added thereto that authorizes the advising bank or any other nominated banks to make advances to the beneficiary before his submission of docuiTients32,Factoring: a complete financial package that combines credit protection, accounts receivable bookkeeping and collection services .its the purchase of claims, arising from sales of goods, by a specialized company knownsas factoring company or factor33・Forfeiting : the purchase of obligations falling due at future date .arising from deliveries of goods and services without recourse to any previous holder of the obligation ・33・Bank guamnlee: A bank guarantee is used as an instrument for securing performance or payment especially in international business.a bank guarantee is a written promise issued by a bank at the request of its customer,undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principaL34・Coimter guarantee: A counter guarantee refers to any guarantee or other payment undertaking of the instructing party given in writing for payment of money to the guarantor on presentation in conformity with the terms of the undertaking of a writing demand for payment and other documents specified in the counter guarantee<35. Counter Guarantor: a bank or a financial institution or any other body acting as an instructing party issues a counter guarantee acting on the instruction of a principal in favor of a bank ora financial institutio n located in the beneficiary's country. 36. Accessory Guarantee : Accessory guarantee is an accessory contract by which the guarantor undertakes to answer for the debt,default or miscarriage of another person known as the principal debtor. An accessory guaranteenecessarily involves some other person being primarily liable.37. Independent guarantee: independent guarantee is a principal obligation, it is a promise to pay a sum of money against presentation of the beneficiary's demand and stipulated documentationjf any. They are independent of the underlying contract.38. Indirect guarantee: An in direct guarantee is a guarantee where a second bank is involved・This bank(usually a foreign bank located in the beneficiary^s country of domicilejwill be requested by the initiating bank to issue a guarantee in return for the risk of a loss which could result from the beneficiary submitting a claim under the foreign bank's guarantee.39. Direct guarantee : A direct guarantee occurs when the client authorizes the bank to issue a guarantee directly to the beneficiary, as the following figure shows.40^Uncpnditional bond : Unconditional bonds can be called at the sole discretion of the buyer.If payment is called for, which conforms to the terms of the bond, the bank must pay.41 .Conditional bond: Conditional bonds can be divided into two types: (a) conditional bonds requiring documentary evidence and (b) conditional bonds that do not require documentary evidence.42o Bid Bond/Tender Bond:Bid Bond/Tender Bond Bid bond is an undertaking given by a bank at the request of a tender in favor of a party inviting tenders abroad, whereby the guarantor undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal in the obligations resulting from the submission of tender43. Performance Bond : performance guarantee (bond) is an undertaking given by a bank (the principal) to a buyer or an employer (the beneficiary), where by the guarantor undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the supplier or the contractor in due performance of the terms of a contract between the principal and the beneficiary44. Advance Payment Bond :An advance payment bond is issued at the request of the exporter to the importer (the beneficiary) when the advance payment is required by the latte匚The guarantee ensures the repayment of the advance by the exporter in the event of the non-performance of his contractual obligations.45・ Repayment Guarantee : A repayment guarantee is undertaking given by a bank (the guarantor) at the request of a supplier of goods or services or other contractor (the principal) to a buyer or an employer (the beneficiary) whereby the bank undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principle to repay, in accordance with the ternis and conditions of a contract between the principcil and the beneficiary, any sum or sums advanced or paid by the beneficiary to the principal.46. Overdraft Guarantee : if a bank provides the overdraft facility for its overseas customer, sometimes a letter of guarantee to be issued by an overseas bank on behalf of this customer is needed. Under the guarantee the overseas bank undertakers to refund the bank providing the overdraft facility, should the customer fail to repay in due time the amount overdrawn in the account47e Import guarantee : It is issued at the request of the importer to guarantee his effecting payment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the relative contract48. Loan guarantee :The guarantee is issued at the request of the borrower (the principal) in favor of the lender (the beneficiary),49. Leasing guarantee : The guarantor bank guarantees to the beneficiary that lessee will pay the rent in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease agreement 50・ Retention bonds : Retention bonds enable retention moneys, which would otherwise be held by the buyer beyond the completion of the contract, to be released early. These bonds guarantee return of these retention moneys to the buyer in the event of non-performance of pose completion obligations by the exporte5i, Standby letter of credit: The standby credit is a documentary credit or similar arrangement, however named or described, which represents an obligation to the beneficiary on the part of the issuing bank to: (1) repay money borrowed by the applicant, or advanced to or for the account of the applicant; (2) make payment on account of any indebtedness undertaken by the applicant;(3)make payment on account of any default by the applicant in the performance of an obligation. 52・Open account :Open account business is also called payment after arrival of goods・ The seller may be prepared to ship his goods on open account when the exporter is well acquainted with the financial status of the buyer and entertains no doubt about his solvency, or when the exporter sells goods to his overseas branch or subsidiary.二.汉译英(前汉后英) 商业信用:commercial credit 控制文件:control document 账户关系:account relationship 现金结算:cash settlement 金融中介:financial intermediary 一般划线支票:general crossed check 特殊划线支票:special crossing check 过期支票:post-dated check未到期支票:undated check 大小写金额:words and figures 空白背书:black endorsement 特别背书:specific endorsement 限制性背书restrictive endorsement 跟单汇票documentary bill 即期汇票:sight bill 远期汇票:usance bill 承兑汇票:acceptance bill 可确定的未来某一天:determinnable future time 光票:clean bill 流通票据:negotiable instrument 贴现行:discount house 商人银行:merchant bank无条件的付款承诺:unconditional promise of payment 负连带责任:joint and severally responsible 出票后九十天付款:payable at 90 days after date 汇款通知单:remittance advice汇出汇款:outward remittance 国际汇款单: international money order 往来账户:current account 自动支付系统:all tomated payment system 作为偿付:in cover赔偿保证书:letter of indemnity 信汇通知书:mail transfer advice汇票的不可流通副本:a non-negotiable copy of draft 首期付款:down payment 凭单付款:cash against document 商业承兑汇票:commercial acceptance bill 需要时的代理人:the case of need出口押汇:bill purchased 物权单据:title documents 以寄售方式:on consignment 直接托运:direct collection 运货单据:shipping document 付款交单:document against payment远期汇票:time bill未授权保兑:silent confirmation有效地点为开证行所在的柜台:to expire at the counters of the issuing bank平代表物权的单据付款:to pay against documents presenting the goods 信用证以银行信用代替了商业信用A letter credit places a bank credit instead of commercial credit 信用证独立于它所代表的企业合同:A letter of credit stands indipendent of the sales contract 或有负债:contingent liability信用额度: credit limit 卖方信supplier credit 无追索权的:without recourse 信用审定:credit approval资本货物:capital goods买方信贷担保:buyer credit guarantee福费廷融资便利:forfeiting facility 贸易壁垒:tnide barrier 大宗采购折扣:bulk purchase discount 履约保函:performance bond担保书:letter of guarantee 反赔偿:counter indemnity 附属包涵:accessory guarantee 备用信用证:stand-by letter of credit 工程承包:engineering contract 基础交易:underling transaction 见索即付保函:demand guarantee 延期付款保函:deferred bond payment 反担保:counter guarantee三.简答或者选择等知识点1.13 trade terms in the 2Inc(iterms 200CT1EX works;2Free Carrier;3Free Alongside ship;4Free on Board ;5Cost and Freight;6Cost Jnsurance and Freight;7Carriage Paidto;8Carriage and Insurance Paid to;9Delivered atFrontier; 1 ODelivered Ex Ship; 11 Delivered Ex Quay;12Delivered Duty Unpaid;13Delivered Duty Paid2・ Which are included in Settlement on commercial credit?Payment in advance;Open account;Remittance;Collection3, Which are included in Settlement on bank crcdit?LeUer of credit;Bankguarantee4.wha( nre included in the Control documents^?lists of specimen of authorized signatures; telegraphic test key; terms and conditions; SWIFT authentic key5. Services provided by coirespondents 1 Collecting checks ,drafts ,and other credit instruments2)making loan or investments as agents for their customer banks.3)making credit investigations on firms that borrow in the open market4)providing banks with foreign exchange facilities, including commercial and traveler^ checks5)providing banks with funds/loans in case of need6xlearing principles of international payment system: The net paying bank ,which still has net debit after netting all receivables and payables to other banks ,makes the payment to the net receiving bank,which has net credit 7> Functions of a negotiable instrumentA means of payment, A credit instrument, A transferable instrument8・ How to calculate the Time of Payment? 1 )If a bill is payable at a fixed time after sight, after date or after the happening of a specific event ,the time of payment is calculated by counting in the date of payment but counting out the accepting date, the issuing date or the date of happening of the specified event.2)If a bill is payable at a fixed time from a fixed date, then this fixed date should be counted in.3)If a bill is payable at X months after/sight/date/stated date、the word “month、' here means a calendar month and the date of payment should fall on the corresponding date of the month due・9・Types of endorsemenlSpecial endorsement; Blank endorsement; Restrictive endorsement; Conditional endorsement.JOJJnderstanding "Acts of a bill of exchange" end fill a bill of exchangeThe acts of a bill of exchange refer to the legal acts carried out to bear the obligationsto a bill of exchange .11. Classification of a bill of exchange1)According to the drawer:Banker^ draft or bank draft\ Trade bill2)According to the acceptor:Trader5s acceptance bill\Banker's acceptance bill 3)According to the tenor:Sight bill\Time bill or usance bill4)According to whether commercial documents are attached thereto:Clean bill\ Documentarybill.5)According to the cuiTency denominated:Local currency bill\ Foreign currency bill 6)According to the place of acceptance and place of payment:Direct bill\ Indirect bill7)According to the place of issue and place od payment:Inland bill or domestic bill\ Foreign bill13. DifTerence between a promissory nolc anda bill of exchangel )A promissory note is a promise to pay ,whereas a bill of exchange is an order to pay 2)There are only two immediate parties to a promissory note, namely the maker and the payee, whereas there are three basic parties to a bill of exchange,namely the drawer, the drawee and the payee.3)The maker is primarily liable on a promissory note, whereas the drawer is primarily liable, if it is a sight bill, and the acceptor becomes primarily liable, if it is a time bill.4)When issued, a promissory note has an original note only, whereas a bill of exchange may be either a sole bill or a bill in a set, ie. A bill drawn with second of exchange and third of exchange in addition to the original oneJ4, A banker's duty to honor checks Don countermanding of payment by the customer------------------- commonly known as “stop',or “stop paymenf\2)on receiving notice that the customer has died or dissolved.3)on receiving notice of bankruptcy or liquidation of the customer.4)on receiving order that is made against the custome匚5)on receiving notice of mental disorder of the customer 6)on receiving a garnishee order freezing the customer's account.7)on receiving a court order freezing the customer's account16・ Types of Crossed checksGenend crossing; Special crossing・17, Difference between a check and a bill of exchange 1)A bill of exchange may be drawn upon any person, whereas a check must be drawn upon a banker2)Unless a bill is payable on demand, it is usually accepted、whereupon the acceptor is the primarily liable party.3)A bill must be presented for payment when due , or else the drawer will be discharged.A check must be presented for payment within a reasonable time or within a certain time, such as 30 days according to the regulations of the country concemed<The drawer of a check is not discharged even though it has not been presented for payment within the stipulated time unless the delay in presentation incurs losses to the drawer.18・ Types of acceplancecondilional acceptance; partial acceptance; local acceptance; time acceptance20. comparision of M/T、T/T 、D/D(Advantages and disadvantages Of M/T、T/T、D/D)items T/T M/T D/D Methodsof transferCable/telex/SWIFTAirmail Mail orcarried byremitterTime oftransferFastest Slow SlowestMethod Test key of Authori Authoriz of SWIFT zed ed authentic Authenticati signatu signatur ation on key re e security Quite safe Reliable,butmay belost inpostStop-payment istimeconsuming charge High Low Low21 ・ Reimbursement methods "Crediting vostro account of the paying bank2)Debiting remitting bank\ nostor account3)Instructing a reimbursing bank to effect payment by debiting the remitting bank's nostro account 4)Instructing the paying bank to claim reimbursement from another branch of the same bank or another bank with which the remitting bank opens an account.5)According to the payments agreement between two country・22.Payment in advancePayment in advance signifies that the importer pays the exporters before delivery of the goods・ In facts, importers are seldom prepared to make full payment in advance of the shipment of goods.lt is more common to find that they are prepared to pay in advance only a certain percentage of the value of the goods .that is , the so called down payment.23.Types of collection 1 )In terms of documents related:clean collection 光票托收;documentary collection 跟单托收;direct collection 直接托收2)In terms of release of documents: documents against payment(D/P); documents against acceptance(D/A); 3)In termsof time to make payment: documents against payment at sight(D/P at sight); acceptance against payment(Acceptance D/P) 24・ Bank's responsibility in collectionl)Banks are only permitted to act upon the instructions given in the collection orders giving complete and precise instructions.Any deviation from these instructions at the request of the drawee will be at the responsibility of the collecting bank.2)Banks will act in good faith and exercise reasonable care and must verify that the documents received appear to be as listed in the collection order and must immediately advise the party from whom the collection order was received of any documents missing.3)Banks have no further obligation to examine the documents.25. Risks for exporter in collection and measures against risks 1 )Non-acceptance of merchandise: One common danger is that the importer may refuse to accept the merchandise.The importer may base the refusal on some small, inadvertent infraction of sales contract.2)Non-payment of trade acceptance:Generally5 shipping on a time-draft is more risky for the seller than a sight draft.3)Possession od goods:Another danger an exporter might face is that the importer, due to local regulations, can get possession of goods without paying or accepting the draft.4)Exchange restrictions: It may occur that the importer is perfectly willing to pay, but that local exchange regulations do not permit him to obtain the necessary foreign exchange.MEASURES: First, the exporter should always make sure that the overseas importer is of good reputation and of good financial standin g.Secondly, the exporter should take into account the economic and political conditions in the importing country.Thirdly, the exporter should also pay attention to the foreign exchange regulations in the importing country so that the outward payment made by the importer will present no problem.Furthermore, the exporter should take precautions, such as by hedging operations or by immediate settlement of the accounts denominated in a foreign currency, to avoid losses on foreign exchange transactions.26. Risks of importer in collection and measures against risks 1 )Payments may have to be made prior to the arrival of the goods.No opportunity is then available to inspect the goods before making paymenL2)By accepting a bill of exchange under the documents against acceptance collection, the importer incurs two separate legal liabilities; that is, he will have another legal liability on the bill of exchange besides his liability on the sales contract. 3)In some countries, if a bill of exchange is protested, this can ruin the reputation of a trader and may be considered an act of bankruptcy. 27・ Basic forms of documentary collections 1 documents against payment 凭即期付款交单2documents against acceptance 凭承兑交单28.The obligations of the trustee in Trust receipt (l )To arrange for the goods to be warehoused and insured in the bankas name;(2)To pay all the proceeds of sale to the bank or to hold them on behalf of the bank;(3)Not to put the goods in pledge to other persons;(4)To return the goods or the proceeds to the bank at any time when requested;(5)To settle claims of the bank before liquidation in case of the trusteed bankruptcy. 29,Financing Under Collection Methodsl)financing provided by the remitting bank to the exporter 2)financing provided by the collecting bank to the importer30・ Characteristics of a letter of credit(1) The issuing bank undertakes to effect payment;(2) A letter of credit stands independent of the sales contract;(3) Banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or other performances to which the documents may relate;(4)Banks assumes no responsibility for the form, sufficiency ,accuracy, genuineness, falsification or legal effect of any documents presented;(5) Banks dealing letter of credit business assume no responsibility for the acts of third parties taking part in one way or another in the credit transaction.31 ・ Benefits of the documentary creditL Facilitates financing the documentary credit 2.Provides legal protection 3・ Assures expert examination of documenls 32・Responsibilities of parties involved in a documentary credit(1) Applicant/importer/the buyer(2)Issuing/opening bank/the buyer's bank(3) Advising bank/Notifying bank (4) Beneficiary/exporter/the seller(5) Confirming bank(6) Negotiating bank (7) Paying bank (8) Accepting bank(9) Reimbursing bank33・Types of transfer 1)total transfer and partial transfer全额转让,部分金额转让2)transfer without/with substitution of documents・不替换发票转让,替换发票转让34. Rpes of negotiation credit(1 )Free negotiation credit不指定议付行的议付信用证⑵Restricted negotiation credit 指定议付银行的信用证(3)Non-negotiation credit 35・ Types of revolving credit 1) Automatic revolving ⑵ Notice revolving 通知I循环信用证(3) Periodic revolving定期循环信用证(4)。
1.国际结算(International Settlement) :指国际间由于政治、经济、文化、外交、军事等方面的交往或联系而发生的以货币表示的债权债务的清偿行为或资金转移行为。
2.国际结算特征和功能:属于银行的中介业务;比国内结算复杂;以国际贸易为基础;与国际金融密不可分3.FOB+装运港(装运港船舷):买方-办理租船订舱、保险;支付运费、保险费CIF+目的港(装运港船舷):卖方-办理租船订舱、保险;支付运费、保险费4.票据的概念:是出票人签发的,承诺自己或委托他人在见票时或指定日期向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定金额,可以流通转让的一种有价证券4. 票据的特性设权性;无因性;要式性;流通性;文义性;货币性;债权性;提示性;返还性;可追索性无因性:票据一旦作成,票据权利和义务的执行就与票据原因相分离。
这是票据的( C )性质。
A.结算作用B.信用作用C.流通作用D.抵消债务作用5. 汇票(Bill,Bill of exchange,B/E):出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或在指定的日期无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的票据。
跟单托收:DOCUMENTAY BILL FOR COLLECTION按金融单据是否随附商业单据分为两种,一种是金融票据随商业单据的托收,另一种是商业单据不付金融单据的托收。
光票托收:CLEAN BILL FOR COLLECTION出口商仅开立汇票而不附有任何的商业单据,委托银行收取货款的一种托收方式。
B 银行收到单据后向某进岀口公司(付款人)提示,要求其按托收金额USD205020. 00付款。
同年12月,付款人通知B银行,该公司已将USD165020. 00直接汇给岀票人,授权B银行将剩余的货款USD40000. 00通过A银行付给出票人。
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