AATCC EP1-2005 Gray Scale for Color Change




A T C美国纺织化学家及染色家协会在2 0 年技术 AC 05
手册 ( A C eh i l n a 20 ) 中公 布 了 4 个测 A T CT cnc ul 0 5 a Ma 8
2 称量干摩擦布重量 , ) 用滴定管逐渐吸取或用自动滴
管吸取 0 5 . 倍摩擦布重量的三级水 ( L .如果摩擦布块 6 m ) 的重量是02 ,则三级水为 0 4×0 5 . L. .g 4 . 2 . =01 m 把摩 6 6 擦布块放在盘子上 的白塑料滴水网上 , 均匀地往摩擦布上 注三级水并称重。根据 A T C 8 A C 1 A C 和A T C 16关于摩擦

摘要 :文章介绍 了A T C ( A C 美国纺织化学家与染色家协会)2 0 技术手册 中4 05 8
个 测试 标 准的 变化情 况 ,其 中 包括 3 重新 审 定 的标 准 , 4 修订 标 准 ,取 消 了 个 4个
10 1 9 8 —9 7高温下 耐 光 色牢度 试验 标 准。
关键词 :技术手册;A T C;测试标 准;色牢度 ;物理性能 AC
中图分类号 : s174 T 0 .1
文献标识码 :A
文章编号:10 0 3—3 2 (0 6 4—0 4 05 20 )0 0 6—0 4
青岛大学纺织服装学院 刘 妍
其中湿摩擦色牢度测试步骤如下 :
1 准备湿摩擦布 , ) 先称取已调湿过的试样布块 , 然后 把白色测试摩擦布放在蒸馏水中完全润湿 ,一次准备 1 块
作组的工作报告 英国和美国的服装生产商都给出了服装
吸收汗渍和暴晒于阳光下会褪色的许 多例子 , 将服装分别
妍,女,16 94年生,副教授,青 岛,26 7 60 1

AATCC EP1-2007 变色灰卡

AATCC EP1-2007 变色灰卡
△E=[(△L*)2+(△a*)2+ (△b*)2]1/2
































木材耐光色牢度实验测试方法1、材料与方法1.1 试验材料1)18种地板、家具常用材,国家人造板与木竹制品质量检验中心提供,材种自然干燥至含水率18%,锯切成规格110mm×20mm×2mm(纵向×径向×弦向)的试件,见表1。





灰卡符合国际标准ISO105 A02-1993,美国标准AATCC/EP1-2005,国标GB250-2008,购于纺织工业标准化研究所。

4)不透光窄条,采用锡箔纸制成,尺寸60 mm×20mm。

1.2 试验设备X25F氙光衰减仪(日本),CM2500/2600分光光度计,测色仪。

1.3 试验方法参照GB/T8427-2008《纺织品色牢度实验耐人造光色牢度:氙弧》中的方法2进行试验。





1.3.1 试样准备首先,对暴晒前的18种试材进行测色,选用分光光度计中的Lab模式,选择8mm 的测量孔径,在各试材上,分别取4个点进行明度值(L)、彩度值(a、b)和色差(△E)的测量与计算[7],如图1所示。



一、影响汽车质量的因素3二、影响材料老化性能的因素2.1 主要影响因素光热水化学物质5三、材料耐候性试验方法1、自然暴晒老化试验2、人工气候老化试验1)氙灯暴晒老化试验2)荧光紫外暴晒老化试验3)碳弧灯暴晒老化试验64.1颜色与外色与外观观性能4.1.1标准光源A :卤钨灯,以白炽灯为代表(黄-橙色),为用于家庭的典型光源IncandescentC :以模拟平均日光的钨丝灯为代表(蓝色)SunlightD :以日光灯为代表,以日光的真实测量为依据。

D50:色温为5000K 的CIE 标准照明体,在印刷工业中被广泛的用于制作灯箱。

Daylight -Red ShadeD65:色温为6504K 的CIE 标准照明体,是一般常用的测试照明体。

Daylight –NeutralF2:即:CWF 光源,为冷白荧光,美国商店常用光源,Cool white fluorescent F7:即:宽频率日光荧光,Broad band white fluorescentF11:即:TL84光源,为窄频白荧光,欧洲、日本商店光源,Fluorescent四、耐候结果评估方法7CIE1931XYZ 标准色度系准色度系统统CIE1976 L*a*b* 色度空色度空间间4.1.2色差4.1.2.1色度空间色差::色立体上两个不同坐标的颜色间的距离4.1.2.2色差黄红绿9 测量色差仪器常用的条件为10°的观测角的观测角,,D65光源台式和便携式积分球分光光度计1029.98+24.16+4.7171.221000h 12.22+12.36+0.8984.40500h-+2.50-0.7091.330h△E b*a*L*暴露时间应用标准:SAE J19604.1.3灰标忽略色相的因素,只从灰阶的变化来对样品的外观变化进行评判。

常用的灰标卡常用的灰标卡::ISO 105-A02AATCC EP1灰标等级为2级PV1303标准, 1000h 耐候试验前后灰标等级:3级ASTM G154标准, 360h耐候试验前后灰标等级:3-4级便携式光泽度计 4.1.4光泽度样品的光泽相对于标准板的程度常用的角度:20°、60 °和85°光泽度测试原理示意图光泽测量角度应用范围60 °:适用于所有色漆漆膜,但对于光泽较高或接近无光泽的色漆,20 °或85°法则更为适宜;20 °:适用于60 °光泽高于70单位的色漆;85 °:适用于60 °光泽低于30单位的色漆;45 °:应用于陶瓷、薄膜;75 °:应用于纸张、建筑用塑料。

pantone number 潘通色号对照表

pantone number 潘通色号对照表

PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow 012 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONEProcess Yellow C C:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONEProcess Magenta C C:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Cyan CC:100M:0Y:0K:0PANTONEProcess Black CC:0M:0Y:0K:100PANTONE 100 CC:0M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 101 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 102 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE Yellow CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 103 CC:0M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 104 CC:0M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 106 CC:0M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 107 CC:0M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 108 CC:0M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 109 CC:0M:9Y:94K:0PANTONE 110 CC:0M:11Y:94K:6PANTONE 111 CC:0M:11Y:100K:27PANTONE 113 CC:0M:6Y:69K:0PANTONE 114 CC:0M:6Y:72K:0PANTONE 115 CC:0M:9Y:79K:0PANTONE 116 CC:0M:15Y:94K:0PANTONE 117 CC:0M:18Y:100K:15PANTONE 118 CC:0M:18Y:100K:27PANTONE 120 CC:0M:6Y:56K:0PANTONE 121 CC:0M:9Y:69K:0PANTONE 122 CC:0M:18Y:83K:0PANTONE 123 CC:0M:30Y:94K:0PANTONE 124 CC:0M:27Y:100K:6PANTONE 125 CC:0M:23Y:100K:27PANTONE 1205 CC:0M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 1215 CC:0M:6Y:43K:0PANTONE 1225 CC:0M:15Y:60K:0PANTONE 1235 CC:0M:27Y:76K:0PANTONE 1245 CC:0M:27Y:100K:18PANTONE 1255 CC:0M:27Y:100K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 127 CC:0M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 128 CC:0M:9Y:65K:0PANTONE 129 CC:0M:15Y:76K:0PANTONE 130 CC:0M:27Y:100K:0PANTONE 131 CC:0M:27Y:100K:9PANTONE 132 CC:0M:23Y:100K:30PANTONE 134 CC:0M:9Y:43K:0PANTONE 135 CC:0M:18Y:60K:0PANTONE 136 CC:0M:27Y:79K:0PANTONE 137 CC:0M:34Y:91K:0PANTONE 138 CC:0M:38Y:94K:0PANTONE 139 CC:0M:38Y:100K:23PANTONE 1345 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 1355 CC:0M:18Y:56K:0PANTONE 1365 CC:0M:30Y:79K:0PANTONE 1375 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 1385 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 1395 CC:0M:43Y:100K:38PANTONE 141 CC:0M:11Y:47K:0PANTONE 142 CC:0M:23Y:76K:0PANTONE 143 CC:0M:30Y:83K:0PANTONE 144 CC:0M:47Y:100K:0PANTONE 145 CC:0M:47Y:100K:9PANTONE 146 CC:0M:38Y:100K:34PANTONE 148 CC:0M:11Y:38K:0PANTONE 149 CC:0M:18Y:51K:0PANTONE 150 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 151 CC:0M:43Y:87K:0PANTONE 152 CC:0M:51Y:100K:0PANTONE 153 CC:0M:43Y:100K:18PANTONE 1485 CC:0M:23Y:56K:0PANTONE 1495 CC:0M:30Y:69K:0PANTONE 1505 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE Orange 021 CC:0M:51Y:87K:0PANTONE 1525 CC:0M:65Y:100K:11PANTONE 1535 CC:0M:51Y:100K:38PANTONE 155 CC:0M:9Y:27K:0PANTONE 156 CC:0M:18Y:43K:0PANTONE 157 CC:0M:38Y:76K:0PANTONE 158 CC:0M:60Y:94K:0PANTONE 159 CC:0M:65Y:100K:9PANTONE 160 CC:0M:60Y:100K:34PANTONE 1555 CC:0M:18Y:34K:0PANTONE 1565 CC:0M:34Y:51K:0PANTONE 1575 CC:0M:43Y:72K:0PANTONE 1585 CC:0M:56Y:87K:0PANTONE 1595 CC:0M:60Y:100K:6PANTONE 1605 CC:0M:56Y:100K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 162 CC:0M:11Y:18K:0PANTONE 163 CC:0M:30Y:47K:0PANTONE 164 CC:0M:47Y:76K:0PANTONE 165 CC:0M:60Y:100K:0PANTONE 166 CC:0M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 167 CC:0M:60Y:100K:18PANTONE 1625 CC:0M:30Y:38K:0PANTONE 1635 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 1645 CC:0M:47Y:60K:0PANTONE 1655 CC:0M:65Y:87K:0PANTONE 1665 CC:0M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 1675 CC:0M:69Y:100K:30PANTONE 169 CC:0M:18Y:18K:0PANTONE 170 CC:0M:38Y:47K:0PANTONE 171 CC:0M:51Y:69K:0PANTONE 172 CC:0M:65Y:83K:0PANTONE 173 CC:0M:69Y:100K:6PANTONE 174 CC:0M:69Y:100K:38PANTONE 176 CC:0M:23Y:15K:0PANTONE 177 CC:0M:47Y:43K:0PANTONE 178 CC:0M:60Y:56K:0PANTONE Warm Red CC:0M:79Y:91K:0PANTONE 179 CC:0M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 180 CC:0M:76Y:83K:11PANTONE 1765 CC:0M:43Y:23K:0PANTONE 1775 CC:0M:51Y:30K:0PANTONE 1785 CC:0M:69Y:51K:0PANTONE 1788 CC:0M:87Y:91K:0PANTONE 1795 CC:0M:94Y:100K:0PANTONE 1805 CC:0M:91Y:100K:23PANTONE 1767 CC:0M:27Y:11K:0PANTONE 1777 CC:0M:60Y:38K:0PANTONE 1787 CC:0M:76Y:60K:0PANTONE Red 032 CC:0M:91Y:87K:0PANTONE 1797 CC:0M:94Y:94K:6PANTONE 1807 CC:0M:91Y:94K:30PANTONE 182 CC:0M:27Y:9K:0PANTONE 183 CC:0M:51Y:23K:0PANTONE 184 CC:0M:72Y:43K:0PANTONE 185 CC:0M:91Y:76K:0PANTONE 186 CC:0M:91Y:76K:6PANTONE 187 CC:0M:91Y:72K:23PANTONE 189 CC:0M:38Y:11K:0PANTONE 190 CC:0M:56Y:23K:0PANTONE 191 CC:0M:76Y:38K:0PANTONE 192 CC:0M:94Y:65K:0PANTONE 193 CC:0M:91Y:65K:11PANTONE 194 CC:0M:91Y:56K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 1895 CC:0M:30Y:6K:0PANTONE 1905 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 1915 CC:0M:72Y:15K:0PANTONE 1925 CC:0M:94Y:51K:0PANTONE 1935 CC:0M:100Y:60K:6PANTONE 1945 CC:0M:100Y:56K:18PANTONE 196 CC:0M:27Y:6K:0PANTONE 197 CC:0M:47Y:11K:0PANTONE 198 CC:0M:79Y:34K:0PANTONE 199 CC:0M:100Y:65K:0PANTONE 200 CC:0M:100Y:65K:15PANTONE 201 CC:0M:100Y:65K:34PANTONE 203 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 204 CC:0M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 205 CC:0M:76Y:6K:0PANTONE 206 CC:0M:100Y:43K:0PANTONE 207 CC:0M:100Y:43K:18PANTONE 208 CC:0M:91Y:34K:38PANTONE 210 CC:0M:43Y:6K:0PANTONE 211 CC:0M:56Y:6K:0PANTONE 212 CC:0M:72Y:6K:0PANTONE 213 CC:0M:100Y:30K:0PANTONE 214 CC:0M:100Y:34K:9PANTONE 215 CC:0M:94Y:34K:27PANTONE 217 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 218 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 219 CC:0M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE Rubine Red CC:0M:100Y:15K:0PANTONE 220 CC:0M:100Y:18K:18PANTONE 221 CC:0M:100Y:18K:34PANTONE 223 CC:0M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 224 CC:0M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 225 CC:0M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 226 CC:0M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 227 CC:0M:100Y:0K:23PANTONE 228 CC:0M:94Y:0K:43PANTONE 230 CC:0M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 231 CC:0M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 232 CC:0M:79Y:0K:0PANTONERhodamine Red C C:6M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 233 CC:11M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 234 CC:6M:100Y:0K:30PANTONE 236 CC:6M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 237 CC:6M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 238 CC:9M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 239 CC:18M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 240 CC:27M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 241 CC:27M:94Y:0K:9PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2365 CC:0M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 2375 CC:11M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2385 CC:18M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2395 CC:34M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2405 CC:43M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2415 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 243 CC:6M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 244 CC:9M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 245 CC:15M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 246 CC:30M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 247 CC:38M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 248 CC:43M:94Y:0K:15PANTONE 250 CC:6M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 251 CC:15M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 252 CC:23M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE Purple CC:43M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 253 CC:47M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 254 CC:51M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 256 CC:9M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 257 CC:15M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 258 CC:43M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE 259 CC:65M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 260 CC:60M:100Y:0K:34PANTONE 261 CC:51M:100Y:0K:47PANTONE 2562 CC:23M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2572 CC:34M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2582 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2592 CC:69M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2602 CC:72M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2612 CC:79M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2563 CC:30M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2573 CC:47M:65Y:0K:0PANTONE 2583 CC:60M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2593 CC:79M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2603 CC:79M:100Y:0K:6PANTONE 2613 CC:79M:100Y:0K:11PANTONE 2567 CC:38M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2577 CC:56M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2587 CC:72M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2597 CC:87M:100Y:0K:0PANTONE 2607 CC:87M:100Y:0K:9PANTONE 2617 CC:87M:100Y:0K:15PANTONE 263 CC:11M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 264 CC:27M:30Y:0K:0PANTONE 265 CC:56M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 266 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 267 CC:94M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 268 CC:91M:94Y:0K:23PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 2635 CC:30M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 2645 CC:43M:38Y:0K:0PANTONE 2655 CC:56M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE 2665 CC:79M:76Y:0K:0PANTONE Violet CC:94M:91Y:0K:0PANTONE 2685 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 270 CC:30M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 271 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 272 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 273 CC:100M:94Y:0K:6PANTONE 274 CC:100M:94Y:0K:27PANTONE 275 CC:100M:94Y:0K:38PANTONE 2705 CC:43M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2715 CC:60M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2725 CC:79M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2735 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2745 CC:100M:94Y:0K:0PANTONE 2755 CC:100M:94Y:0K:11PANTONE 2706 CC:18M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2716 CC:47M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE 2726 CC:83M:60Y:0K:0PANTONE 2736 CC:94M:83Y:0K:0PANTONE 2746 CC:100M:87Y:0K:0PANTONE 2756 CC:100M:87Y:0K:11PANTONE 2707 CC:27M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 2717 CC:38M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2727 CC:91M:51Y:0K:0PANTONE Blue 072 C C:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2747 CC:100M:79Y:0K:9PANTONE 2757 CC:100M:79Y:0K:27PANTONE 2708 CC:34M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2718 CC:72M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 2728 CC:100M:69Y:0K:0PANTONE 2738 CC:100M:79Y:0K:0PANTONE 2748 CC:100M:76Y:0K:18PANTONE 2758 CC:100M:76Y:0K:38PANTONE 277 CC:27M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 278 CC:38M:15Y:0K:0PANTONE 279 CC:69M:34Y:0K:0PANTONE Reflex Blue C C:100M:72Y:0K:6PANTONE 280 CC:100M:72Y:0K:18PANTONE 281 CC:100M:72Y:0K:38PANTONE 283 CC:34M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 284 CC:56M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 285 CC:91M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 286 CC:100M:60Y:0K:6PANTONE 287 CC:100M:69Y:0K:11PANTONE 288 CC:100M:65Y:0K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 290 CC:27M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 291 CC:47M:11Y:0K:0PANTONE 292 CC:72M:27Y:0K:0PANTONE 293 CC:100M:56Y:0K:0PANTONE 294 CC:100M:56Y:0K:18PANTONE 295 CC:100M:56Y:0K:34PANTONE 2905 CC:43M:6Y:0K:0PANTONE 2915 CC:65M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 2925 CC:87M:23Y:0K:0PANTONE 2935 CC:100M:47Y:0K:0PANTONE 2945 CC:100M:38Y:0K:15PANTONE 2955 CC:100M:43Y:0K:34PANTONE 297 CC:51M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 298 CC:76M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 299 CC:87M:18Y:0K:0PANTONE 300 CC:100M:43Y:0K:0PANTONE 301 CC:100M:43Y:0K:18PANTONE 302 CC:100M:18Y:0K:51PANTONE 2975 CC:34M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2985 CC:72M:0Y:0K:0PANTONE 2995 CC:100M:9Y:0K:0PANTONE 3005 CC:100M:30Y:0K:6PANTONE 3015 CC:100M:23Y:0K:18PANTONE 3025 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 304 CC:30M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 305 CC:56M:0Y:6K:0PANTONE 306 CC:76M:0Y:6K:0PANTONEProcess Blue C C:100M:9Y:0K:6PANTONE 307 CC:100M:6Y:0K:34PANTONE 308 CC:100M:0Y:0K:51PANTONE 310 CC:43M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 311 CC:65M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 312 CC:100M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 313 CC:100M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 314 CC:100M:0Y:9K:34PANTONE 315 CC:100M:0Y:15K:47PANTONE 3105 CC:43M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 3115 CC:65M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3125 CC:83M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3135 CC:100M:0Y:15K:6PANTONE 3145 CC:100M:0Y:18K:18PANTONE 3155 CC:100M:0Y:27K:30PANTONE 317 CC:18M:0Y:9K:0PANTONE 318 CC:38M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 319 CC:51M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 320 CC:100M:0Y:30K:6PANTONE 321 CC:100M:0Y:30K:23PANTONE 322 CC:100M:0Y:38K:30PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 324 CC:27M:0Y:11K:0PANTONE 325 CC:60M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 326 CC:94M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 327 CC:100M:0Y:47K:15PANTONE 328 CC:100M:0Y:47K:30PANTONE 329 CC:100M:0Y:47K:47PANTONE 3242 CC:38M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3252 CC:51M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE 3262 CC:72M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 3272 CC:100M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 3282 CC:100M:0Y:47K:9PANTONE 3292 CC:100M:0Y:51K:43PANTONE 3245 CC:34M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 3255 CC:47M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3265 CC:69M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3275 CC:91M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3285 CC:100M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 3295 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3248 CC:43M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3258 CC:60M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 3268 CC:87M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 3278 CC:100M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 3288 CC:100M:0Y:56K:18PANTONE 3298 CC:100M:0Y:60K:38PANTONE 331 CC:18M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 332 CC:23M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 333 CC:38M:0Y:27K:0PANTONE Green CC:100M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 334 CC:100M:0Y:65K:9PANTONE 335 CC:100M:0Y:65K:30PANTONE 337 CC:30M:0Y:18K:0PANTONE 338 CC:51M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 339 CC:91M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 340 CC:100M:0Y:69K:15PANTONE 341 CC:100M:0Y:69K:30PANTONE 342 CC:100M:0Y:69K:43PANTONE 3375 CC:34M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 3385 CC:43M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 3395 CC:56M:0Y:43K:0PANTONE 3405 CC:83M:0Y:65K:0PANTONE 3415 CC:100M:0Y:76K:15PANTONE 3425 CC:100M:0Y:76K:38PANTONE 344 CC:27M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 345 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 346 CC:60M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 347 CC:100M:0Y:79K:9PANTONE 348 CC:100M:0Y:79K:27PANTONE 349 CC:100M:0Y:83K:47PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 351 CC:15M:0Y:15K:0PANTONE 352 CC:23M:0Y:23K:0PANTONE 353 CC:38M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 354 CC:91M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 355 CC:100M:0Y:91K:6PANTONE 356 CC:100M:0Y:91K:27PANTONE 358 CC:27M:0Y:38K:0PANTONE 359 CC:38M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 360 CC:60M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 361 CC:76M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 362 CC:76M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 363 CC:76M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 365 CC:11M:0Y:30K:0PANTONE 366 CC:18M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 367 CC:30M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 368 CC:65M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 369 CC:65M:0Y:100K:9PANTONE 370 CC:60M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 372 CC:9M:0Y:34K:0PANTONE 373 CC:15M:0Y:47K:0PANTONE 374 CC:23M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 375 CC:43M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 376 CC:56M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 377 CC:43M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 379 CC:9M:0Y:60K:0PANTONE 380 CC:11M:0Y:72K:0PANTONE 381 CC:18M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 382 CC:30M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 383 CC:18M:0Y:100K:18PANTONE 384 CC:15M:0Y:100K:30PANTONE 386 CC:6M:0Y:56K:0PANTONE 387 CC:11M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 388 CC:11M:0Y:79K:0PANTONE 389 CC:18M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 390 CC:18M:0Y:100K:6PANTONE 391 CC:11M:0Y:100K:27PANTONE 393 CC:6M:0Y:51K:0PANTONE 394 CC:6M:0Y:76K:0PANTONE 395 CC:9M:0Y:83K:0PANTONE 396 CC:11M:0Y:94K:0PANTONE 397 CC:11M:0Y:100K:11PANTONE 398 CC:6M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3935 CC:0M:0Y:69K:0PANTONE 3945 CC:6M:0Y:91K:0PANTONE 3955 CC:6M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3965 CC:9M:0Y:100K:0PANTONE 3975 CC:0M:0Y:100K:23PANTONE 3985 CC:0M:0Y:100K:43PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE 400 CC:0M:6Y:6K:15PANTONE 401 CC:0M:6Y:15K:23PANTONE 402 CC:0M:6Y:15K:34PANTONE 403 CC:0M:6Y:18K:43PANTONE 404 CC:0M:9Y:23K:56PANTONE 405 CC:0M:11Y:38K:76PANTONE 406 CC:0M:6Y:9K:18PANTONE 407 CC:0M:6Y:9K:27PANTONE 408 CC:0M:11Y:11K:34PANTONE 409 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONE 410 CC:0M:18Y:23K:56PANTONE 411 CC:0M:27Y:43K:79PANTONE 413 CC:0M:0Y:6K:18PANTONE 414 CC:0M:0Y:9K:30PANTONE 415 CC:0M:0Y:11K:43PANTONE 416 CC:0M:0Y:15K:51PANTONE 417 CC:0M:0Y:23K:69PANTONE 418 CC:0M:0Y:30K:79PANTONE 420 CC:0M:0Y:0K:15PANTONE 421 CC:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE 422 CC:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 423 CC:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 424 CC:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 425 CC:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 427 CC:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE 428 CC:0M:0Y:0K:23PANTONE 429 CC:6M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE 430 CC:6M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE 431 CC:11M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE 432 CC:23M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 434 CC:6M:9Y:9K:0PANTONE 435 CC:11M:15Y:15K:0PANTONE 436 CC:23M:23Y:27K:0PANTONE 437 CC:38M:38Y:43K:0PANTONE 438 CC:72M:69Y:79K:0PANTONE 439 CC:87M:79Y:94K:0PANTONE 441 CC:6M:0Y:6K:11PANTONE 442 CC:6M:0Y:6K:23PANTONE 443 CC:9M:0Y:6K:34PANTONE 444 CC:9M:0Y:6K:47PANTONE 445 CC:15M:0Y:11K:69PANTONE 446 CC:11M:0Y:15K:79PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Warm Gray 2 C C:0M:6Y:6K:11PANTONE Warm Gray 3 C C:0M:6Y:6K:18PANTONE Warm Gray 4 C C:0M:6Y:6K:27PANTONE Warm Gray 5 C C:0M:6Y:6K:34PANTONE® is Pantone, Inc.'s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™, and PANTONE CALIBRATED Design™ are trademarks of Pantone, Inc., 1994. Fiery Driven and the Fiery Driven logo are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM©and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using the exact PANTONE name within your application.PANTONE Warm Gray 6 CC:0M:9Y:11K:30PANTONE Warm Gray 7 CC:0M:6Y:11K:38PANTONE Warm Gray 8 CC:0M:9Y:15K:43PANTONE Warm Gray 9 CC:0M:15Y:18K:47PANTONEWarm Gray 10 CC:0M:15Y:27K:56PANTONEWarm Gray 11 CC:0M:15Y:34K:60PANTONE Cool Gray 1 C C:0M:0Y:0K:6PANTONE Cool Gray 2 C C:0M:0Y:0K:11PANTONE Cool Gray 3 C C:0M:0Y:0K:18PANTONE Cool Gray 4 C C:0M:0Y:0K:27PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C C:0M:0Y:0K:34PANTONE Cool Gray 6 C C:0M:0Y:0K:38PANTONE Cool Gray 7 C C:0M:0Y:0K:47PANTONE Cool Gray 8 C C:0M:0Y:0K:56PANTONE Cool Gray 9 C C:0M:0Y:0K:65PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C C:0M:0Y:0K:72PANTONE Cool Gray 11 C C:0M:0Y:0K:79PANTONE 448 CC:87M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 449 CC:79M:69Y:100K:0PANTONE 450 CC:76M:65Y:94K:0PANTONE 451 CC:34M:27Y:51K:0PANTONE 452 CC:23M:18Y:38K:0PANTONE 453 CC:15M:11Y:23K:0PANTONE 4485 CC:0M:23Y:100K:72PANTONE 4495 CC:0M:18Y:91K:47PANTONE 4505 CC:0M:15Y:76K:38PANTONE 4515 CC:0M:9Y:47K:23PANTONE 4525 CC:0M:6Y:38K:18PANTONE 4535 CC:0M:0Y:27K:11PANTONE 455 CC:0M:18Y:100K:65PANTONE 456 CC:0M:18Y:100K:43PANTONE 457 CC:0M:18Y:100K:30PANTONE 458 CC:11M:11Y:72K:0PANTONE 459 CC:6M:6Y:51K:0PANTONE 460 CC:6M:6Y:38K:0PANTONE 462 CC:79M:72Y:100K:0PANTONE 463 CC:60M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 464 CC:47M:65Y:100K:0PANTONE 465 CC:18M:30Y:56K:0PANTONE 466 CC:11M:23Y:43K:0PANTONE 467 CC:9M:15Y:34K:0PANTONE 4625 CC:0M:56Y:100K:83PANTONE 4635 CC:0M:47Y:94K:47PANTONE 4645 CC:0M:34Y:72K:30PANTONE 4655 CC:0M:23Y:43K:18PANTONE 4665 CC:0M:18Y:30K:11PANTONE 4675 CC:0M:11Y:18K:6。



国标及劳尔色卡对照表国标号 >>GSB05-1426-20__1(代替 GSB G51001-94) >>共 83 种颜色国际色标卡配方比 P01 淡紫(钛白 99.712% 、甲苯胺红0.204%、酞菁蓝 0.084%)P02 紫(钛白 98.619%、酞菁蓝 0.731%、大红粉 0.650%)PB01 深(铁)蓝(酞菁蓝 71.61%、铁蓝 13.88%、钛白8.20%、甲苯胺红 6.32%)PB02 深(酞)蓝(酞菁蓝 93.605%、钛白 6.395%)PB03 中(铁)蓝(酞菁蓝 60.65%、铁蓝 19.02%、钛白20.33%)PB04 中(酞)蓝(酞菁蓝 81.773%、钛白 18.227%)PB05 海蓝(钛白 73.17%、酞菁蓝 25.00%、铁蓝 1.730%、软碳黑 0.10%)PB06 淡(酞)蓝(钛白 75.345%、群青 16.788%、铁蓝7.234%、柠檬黄 0.632%)PB07 淡(铁)蓝(钛白 93.38%、铁蓝 6.33%、软碳黑0.29%)PB08 蓝灰(钛白 78.321%、铁蓝 15.431%、中铬黄3.799%、碳黑 2.449%)PB09 天(酞)蓝(钛白 87.949%、群青 9.535%、酞菁蓝1.270%、柠檬黄 1.246%)PB10 天(铁)蓝(钛白 97.888%、铁蓝 1.109%、柠檬黄0.662%、铁黄 0.341%)PB11 孔雀蓝(钛白 51.086%、酞菁蓝 45.922%、柠檬黄2.922%)B01 深灰(钛白 80.178%、碳黑 12.666%、铁黄 6.375%、铁蓝 0.781%)B02 中灰(钛白 87.523%、柠檬黄 5.959% 、碳黑 5.348%、铁红 1.170%)B03 淡灰(钛白 94.123%、铁黄 3.165%、碳黑 2.639%、铁蓝 0.074%)B04 银灰(钛白 93.748%、铁黄 4.472%、碳黑 1.640%、铁蓝 0.140%)B05 海灰(钛白 97.628%、柠檬黄 1.697%、碳黑 0.641%、铁蓝 0.034%)B06 淡天(酞)蓝(钛白 99.676%、铁黄 0.232%、铁蓝0.057%、酞菁蓝 0.035%)B07 蛋青(钛白 98.573%、浅铬黄 1.042%、铁蓝 0.221%、铁红 0.164%)B08 稚蓝(钛白 97.561%、柠檬黄 2.174%、酞菁蓝0.243%、甲苯胺红 0.023%)B09 宝石蓝(钛白 83.579%、柠檬黄 12.996%、酞菁蓝3.224%、碳黑 0.201%)B10 鲜蓝(钛白 79.151%、柠檬黄 11.810%、酞菁蓝9.039%)B11 淡海(铁)蓝(钛白 79.269%、铁黄 10.935%、酞菁蓝9.029%、甲苯胺红 0.767%)B12 中海(铁)蓝(钛白 60.714%、深铬黄 19.507%、铁蓝12.151%、酞菁蓝 7.628%)B13 深海(铁)蓝(铁蓝 34.161%、钛白 33.119%、铁黄30.874%、酞菁蓝 1.846%)B14 景蓝(柠檬黄 51.670%、钛白 34.315%、酞菁蓝14.015%)B15 艳蓝(钛白 53.236%、柠檬黄 35.255%、酞菁蓝7.939%、浅铬黄 3.570%)BG01 中绿灰(钛白 92.306%、浅铬黄 5.887%、碳黑1.671%、铁蓝 0.316%)BG02 湖绿(钛白 82.92%、柠檬黄 16.30%、铁蓝 0.39%、软碳黑 0.39%)BG03 宝绿(钛白 66.96%、柠檬黄 31.39%、酞菁蓝 1.58%、软碳黑 0.07%)BG04 鲜绿(柠檬黄 55.82%、钛白 40.41%、酞菁蓝 3.54%、铁蓝 0.23%)BG05 淡湖绿(钛白 95.527%、柠檬黄 3.185%、中铬黄0.785%、铁蓝 0.504%)G01 苹果绿(钛白 79.95%、柠檬黄 19.65%、酞菁蓝0.20%、软碳黑 0.19%)G02 淡绿(柠檬黄 98.121%、酞菁蓝 1.879%)G03 艳绿(柠檬黄 96.24%、酞菁蓝 3.32%、艳佳丽黄0.44%)G04 中绿(酞菁绿 57.55%、中铬黄 37.59%、钛白 6.50%、碳黑 0.44%)G05 深绿(酞菁绿 76.90%、中铬黄 16.15%、钛白 6.50%、碳黑 0.44%)G06 橄榄绿(铁黄 53.49%、酞菁绿 33.74%、碳黑 9.97%、钛白 2.81%)G07 蛋壳绿(钛白 97.724%、柠檬黄 1.654%、铁红0.565%、酞菁蓝 0.056%)G08 淡苹果绿(钛白 93.131%、柠檬黄 4.452%、铁黄2.199%、酞菁蓝 0.219%)G09 深豆绿(钛白 49.621%、铁黄 32.463%、浅铬黄15.446%、酞菁蓝 2.470%)G10 飞机灰(钛白 97.361%、铁黄 1.810% 、碳黑 0.799%、铁蓝 0.031%)GY01 豆绿(钛白 76.45%、柠檬黄 19.39%、中铬黄 3.92%、酞菁蓝 0.25%)铁蓝 0.95%)GY03 橄榄灰(钛白 69.14%、中铬黄 25.63%、软碳黑3.99%、柠檬黄 1.24%)GY04 草绿(中铬黄 87.71%、软碳黑 8.69%、铁蓝 2.25%、钛白 1.35%)GY05 褐绿(中铬黄 68.99%、钛白 17.40%、软碳黑13.21%、大红粉 0.40%)GY06 军车绿(中铬黄 57.864%、铁红 24.070%、钛白13.028%、铁蓝 5.038%)GY07 豆蔻绿(钛白 54.848%、柠檬黄 42.427%、铁黄2.213%、酞菁蓝 0.462%)GY08 果(酞)绿(钛白 90.536%、柠檬黄 8.545%、铁黄0.833%、酞菁蓝 0.085%)GY09 冰灰(钛白 98.984%、浅铬黄 0.806%、碳黑0.161% 、中铬黄 0.049%)GY10 机床灰(钛白 78.632%、铁黄 16.718%、碳黑4.458% 、酞菁蓝 0.192%)GY11 玉灰(钛白 91.065%、铁黄 8.364%、碳黑 0.390%、酞菁蓝 0.180%)Y01 驼灰(钛白 72.69%、中铬黄 25.32%、软碳黑 1.52%、大红粉 0.47%)Y03 奶油(钛白 86.59%、柠檬黄 13.31% 、大红粉 0.10%)Y04 象牙(钛白 84.89%、中铬黄 11.98%、柠檬黄 3.12%)Y05 柠黄(浅铬黄 83.639%、钛白 16.351%、铁蓝 0.005%)Y06 淡黄(浅铬黄 86.108%、钛白 13.888%、铁蓝 0.004%)Y07 中黄(中铬黄 97.25%、钛白 2.75%)Y08 深黄(钛白 51.53%、艳佳丽黄 48.40%、大红粉0.07%)Y09 铁黄(铁黄 77.93%、中铬黄 14.87%、钛白 7.19%、软碳黑 0.01%)Y10 军黄(深铬黄 71.218%、铁红 18.397%、钛白 7.010%、碳黑 3.374%)Y11 乳白(钛白 98.81%、浅铬黄 0.586%、深铬黄 0.378%、铁红 0.226%)Y12 米黄(钛白 95.20__%、柠檬黄 2.311%、深铬黄2.002%、铁红 0.487%)Y13 浅黄灰(钛白 91.849%、深铬黄 3.805%、铁黄3.358%、碳黑 0.987%)YR01 淡棕(铁黄 71.20%、铁红 28.51%、软碳黑 0.29%)YR02 赫黄(铁黄 62.38%、铁红 32.61%、软碳黑 4.23%、钛白 0.78%)YR03 紫棕(铁红 70.88%、软碳黑 14.12%、铁黄 12.39%、钛白 2.61%)YR04 桔黄YR05 棕色(铁红 74.87%、铁黄 17.14%、软碳黑 5.83%、钛白 2.16%)YR06 棕黄(中铬黄 94.969%、钛白 2.555%、甲苯胺红2.202%、碳黑 0.274%)YR07 深棕色(中铬黄 52.850%、铁红 44.536%、碳黑1.520%、钛白 1.093%)R01 铁红(铁红 97.27%、中铬黄 2.73%)R02 朱红(钼铬红 87.074%、大红粉 12.926%)R03 大红 R04 紫红 R05 桔红 RP01 粉红(钛白 99.570%、大红粉 0.250%、甲苯胺紫红 0.180%)RP02 淡粉红 RP03 玫瑰红RP04 淡玫瑰红空白处表示该颜料很微量,或为单纯颜料。

AATCC 中文完整版

AATCC 中文完整版

干洗色牢度(AATCC 132)1.仪器及材料1.1 水洗色牢度实验机1.2不锈钢洗杯:直径为75mm,高为125mm,容量为500ml。

1.3 不锈钢珠1.4 未染色斜纹棉布:克重为270+70g/m2,未经整理过的,切割成尺寸为120mm x120mm的布片1.5 全氯乙烯,干洗级1.6 AATCC变色灰卡,AATCC沾色灰卡1.7 分光光度计1.8 摩擦附布1.9 洗涤剂,Perk-Sheen2.测试样品2.1 如果被测试物为织物,每种样布取3块样品,每块样品尺寸为10x5cm。


2.2 如果被测试物为纱线,将其织成尺寸为10x 5cm的织片,长边方向平行于经向或纬向。

2.3 样品准备3.测试程序3.1 将两块未染色的正方形棉斜纹布沿三边缝合,制成一个内尺寸为100mm x100mm的布袋,将一块试样和12片不锈钢圆片放入袋中,用任何方便的形式缝住袋口。

3.2 把装有试样和钢片的布袋放在容器内,在30C+2加入200ml全氯乙烯,如用其它溶剂,需在报告中说明。


3.3 从溶剂中拿出布袋,取出试样,夹于吸水袋或布之间,挤压或离心去除多余的溶剂,将试样悬挂在温度为60+5的热空气中烘干。

3.4 用灰卡评定试样的变色3.5 实验结束后,用滤纸过滤留在容器中的溶剂。


汗渍色牢度(AATCC15)1.设备,材料和试剂1.1 AATCC 汗渍实验器或等同装置(带有塑料,玻璃压片)1.2 烘箱—对流式1.3 天平,精确度到0.0011.4 多纤维附布NO.10或FA1.5 pH计,精确度到0.01。

1.6 5步或9步AATCCA彩色沾色灰卡或沾色灰卡。

1.7 变色灰卡1.8 轧车1.9 白色吸水纸1.10 酸性人工汗液。

2.试剂的准备2.1 在一个容积为一升的容量瓶中装入半升蒸馏水。



Thank you for purchasing X-Rite’s Video ColorChecker Passport! Here is a guide to help you get started. Your Video ColorChecker Passport is made up of 4 individual targets inside one protective case and designed with the video/filmproduction work flow in mind.THE VIDEO COLOR TARGET:Row One: Made up of a seriesof chromatic colors, to allow forcolors to be easily isolated withinan editing software package.These colors are formulated tomatch the primary colors usedin video and film production.They can be used with thevectorscope to adjust the colorof the production. For propercolor balance, use the hue andsaturation controls within the colorediting package to line up thecolor with the proper location onthe vectorscope.Row Two: This row is made upby a series of skin-tones thatrange from a light to a dark withsome undertone differences.When properly Color balancedthese colors will line up with theskin-tone or flesh-tone axis on avectorscope. They will not evenlyline up on the line but will fall alittle to one side or the other. Thereason for this is because thepatches show warmer (redderskin tone) and cooler (yellowerskin tone) representations.The wave form monitor can beused in conjunction with thelarge gray scale chips to help setexposure in pre-production. Thepercentage levels should be asfollows:White 90-100%Black 0-10%Gray 40-50%The image below shows how thecolors are to be orientated on thevectorscope. The colors shouldfall on the proper hue line andthe saturation can be adjusted tofall within the box. The skin-toneor flesh-tones are following alongthe axis in-between the red andyellow hue lines.THE 3 STEPGRAY SCALE TARGET:This target can be used to setthe exposure and also establishthe color balance before thecapture of a shoot. Made up ofwhite, black, and mid-gray, thistarget allows you to evaluate theHighlight, Midtone, and Shadowregions of the clip. When usedwith an RGB parade, this targethelps you determine the accuracyof the gray balance.Rows Three and Four: This isan extended series of gray scalechips that allow for the control ofthe gray balance and tonal scalewithin a clip or production. Eachgray is spectrally neutral andcan be used to make sure thatthe video or shot is properly graybalanced. The steps from blackto white allow for a very accurateevaluation of the tonal scale that iscaptured within the clip.Row Three is designed to givea gray scale ramp through themiddle section of the tonal scale.These chips should range from25% - 70% levels.Row Four is made up of chipsto evaluate the shadows andhighlight regions in a clip. Forthe highlight evaluation there isa white and then two light graysthat are equally spaced below thewhite. For the Shadow evaluationthere is a high gloss black andtwo dark gray patches that areequally spaced. | © 2016 X-Rite, Incorporated. All rights reserved. X-Rite logo and ColorChecker are trademarks or registered trademarks of X-Rite, Incorporate and itsTHE WHITE BALANCE TARGET:The white balance target is a spectrally neutral target. This means it provides a neutral point of reference across the different types of lighting conditions you may encounter on a shoot. The white balance target reflects the light evenly back across the visible spectrum, so performing a custom white balance on the camera can properly compensate for lighting. This results in a more accurate representation of the subject in the clip.FOCUS TARGET:The focus target allows you to make sure the center or edge focus is correct for the specific shoot your camera is set up for. The focus target should be equidistant from the camera as the camera is to the subject. You can use this target with the focuspeaking setting on your camera. | © 2016 X-Rite, Incorporated. All rights reserved. X-Rite logo and ColorChecker are trademarks or registered trademarks of X-Rite, Incorporate and its VIDEO TUTORIALS:For Video ColorChecker tutorials on how to use it in your workflow use the links below: Adobe Premier:bit.ly/2bCgg78Black Magic Design Davinci Resolve:bit.ly/2bDXOfG APPLE FCPX:bit.ly/2bfVw1I。

Colorfastness Test (色牢度)

Colorfastness Test (色牢度)

Colorfastness Test
Colorfastness to Laundering
两项评价内容。原样褪色是指测试织物在皂洗前后褪色的情况;贴衬织 物沾色是将贴衬织物与测试织物以一定方式缝叠在一起,经实验后,因
Acrylic (viscose rayon)
Sewing line Specimen
(Face side)
wool 60mm 50mm acetate cotton nylon Polyester (silk)
Acrylic (viscose rayon) Acrylic (viscose rayon)
Difference with AATCC & ISOTest&GB Basically, crock test with AATCC and ISO has same procedure except below properties. AATCC 8-2007 times of Crocking Direction of reciprocating motion Crock cloth of wet pick-up Specimen size 10 times Bias to warp or weft direction 65 ± 5% At least 50 X 130mm 10 times 1. Parallel to warp direction 2. Parallel to weft direction 95-100% At least 50 X 200mm



6. 灰卡色差的色度值(略、灰卡色差允差见表2)
图1 沾色灰卡
4. 灰卡的使用 4.1 将一块原样和对应的一块试样并排放置在一个 平面上,并且方向一致。特别要注意的两块材料之间 产生的明显连接处。沿着原样、试样边缘放置灰卡, 1/3
用一个模拟日光,照度范围在1080~1340lX (100~125英尺烛光)的光源照射样品表面。光线与 样品表面呈45±5°,观察方向与样品表面呈90± 5°。
差异相当于灰卡 3 级 在亮度上没有明显改变,但 在色调上偏红
差异相当于灰卡 3 级 试样变亮且在色调上偏黄
3较亮较黄, 差异相当于灰卡 3 级

试样变亮且在色调上偏蓝, 并且彩度发生改变 在亮度上没有明显改变,但 在色调上偏红
AATCC Color fastness
EP 1 变色灰卡(Gray scale for Color change)
1. 原理
图 3 光源 及观测角度
将原样和试样观感的色差与灰卡表现的差异进 行对比,试样的色差相当于某一灰卡对的差异,那 么色牢度级数就是灰卡的级数,只有当试样和原样 之间看不出颜色的差异时,才能评出5级。灰卡的清 洁和物理条件对获得一致的评定结果是非常重要的。 4.2 当色牢度级数给出后,对比所有已评价的同级 的成对原样和试样是非常有用的。因为错误评级变 得明显,这样对评级的前后一致给予了暗示。如果 某对的色差程度表现出同其它同级的成对试样不一 致,那么应该对照灰卡重新核对,如果必要,必须 更改其等级。



AATCC技术手册-2008标准全套(英文版)AATCC 6-2006(2008) RR1 Colorfastness to Acids and Alkalis 16 AATCC 8-2007(2008) RA38 Colorfastness to Crocking: AATCC Crockmeter Method 17AATCC 15-2007(2008) RR52 Colorfastness to Perspiration 20 AATCC 16-2004(2008) RA50 Colorfastness to Light 23AATCC 17-2005(2008) RA63 Wetting Agents, Evaluation of 35 AATCC 20-2007(2008) RA24 Fiber Analysis: Qualitative 38 AATCC 20A-2007(2008) RA24 Fiber Analysis: Quantitative 57 AATCC 22-2005(2008) RA63 Water Repellency: Spray Test 65 AATCC 23-2005(2008) RA33 Colorfastness to Burnt Gas Fumes 68AATCC 26-2004(2008) RR9 Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated 71AATCC 27-2004(2008) RA63 Wetting Agents: Evaluation of Rewetting Agents 73AATCC 28-2004(2008) RA49 Insect Pest Deterrents on Textiles 74 AATCC 30-2004(2008) RA31 Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials:Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textile Materials AATCC 35-2006(2008) RA63 Water Resistance: RAin Test 80 AATCC 42-2007(2008) RA63 Water Resistance: Impact Penetration Test 82AATCC 43-2004(2008) RA63 Wetting Agents for Mercerization 84 AATCC 61-2007(2008) RA60 Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated 86AATCC 66-2003(2008) RA61 Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Fabrics: Recovery Angle 91AATCC 70-2005(2008) RA63 Water Repellency: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test 95AATCC 76-2005(2008) RA32 Electrical Surface Resistivity of Fabrics 97AATCC 79-2007(2008) RA63 Absorbency of Textiles 99AATCC 81-2006(2008) RA34 pH of the Water-Extract from Wet Processed Textiles 101AATCC 82-2007(2008) RA34 Fluidity of Dispersions of Cellulose from Bleached Cotton Cloth 103AATCC 84-2005(2008) RA32 Electrical Resistance of Yarns 106 AATCC 86-2005(2008) RA43 Drycleaning: Durability of Applied Designs and Finishes 108AATCC 88B-2006(2008) RA61 Smoothness of Seams in Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering110AATCC 88C-2006(2008) RA61 Retention of Creases in Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering114AATCC 89-2003(2008) RA66 Mercerization in Cotton118AATCC 92-2004(2008) RR35 Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Single Sample Method 120AATCC 93-2005(2008) RA29 Abrasion Resistance of Fabrics: Accelerotor Method 123AATCC 94-2007(2008) RR45 Finishes in Textiles: Identification 126AATCC 96-2004(2008) RA42 Dimensional Changes in Commercial Laundering of Woven and Knitted Fabrics Except Wool 133 AATCC 97-1999(2008) RA34 Extractable Content of Greige and/or Prepared Textiles 137AATCC 98-2007(2008) RA34 Alkali in Bleach Baths Containing Hydrogen Peroxide 139AATCC 99-2004(2008) RA42 Dimensional Changes of Woven or Knitted Wool Textiles: Relaxation, Consolidation and Felting 141 AATCC 100-2004(2008) RA31 Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of 145AATCC 101-2004(2008) RA34 Colorfastness to Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide 148AATCC 102-2007(2008) RA34 Hydrogen Peroxide by Potassium Permanganate Titration: Determination of 151AATCC 103-2004(2008) RA34 Bacterial Alpha-Amylase Enzymes used in Desizing, Assay of 153AATCC 104-2004(2008) RA23 Colorfastness to Water Spotting 156AATCC 106-2007(2008) RA23 Colorfastness to Water: Sea 157 AATCC 107-2007(2008) RA23 Colorfastness to Water 159 AATCC 109-2005(2008) RA33 Colorfastness to Ozone in the Atmosphere under Low Humidities 161AATCC 110-2005(2008) RA36 Whiteness of Textiles 163AATCC 111-2003(2008) RA50 Weather Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Daylight and Weather 165AATCC 112-2003(2008) RR68 Formaldehyde Release from Fabric, Determination of: Sealed Jar Method 174AATCC 114-2005(2008) RR35 Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample Method 177AATCC 115-2005(2008) RA32 Electrostatic Clinging of Fabrics: Fabric-to-Metal Test 179AATCC 116-2005(2008) RA38 Colorfastness to Crocking: Rotary Vertical Crockmeter Method 183AATCC 117-2004(2008) RR54 Colorfastness to Heat: Dry (Excluding Pressing) 185AATCC 118-2007(2008) RA56 Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test 187AATCC 119-2004(2008) RA29 Color Change Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Screen Wire Method 190AATCC 120-2004(2008) RA29 Color Change Due to Flat Abrasion (Frosting): Emery Method 193AATCC 121-2005(2008) RA57 Carpet Soiling: Visual RAting Method 195AATCC 122-2000(2008) RA57 Carpet Soiling: Service Soiling Method 197AATCC 123-2000(2008) RA57 Carpet Soiling: Accelerated Soiling Method 199AATCC 124-2006(2008) RA61 Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering 201AATCC 127-2003(2008) RA63 Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Test 207AATCC 128-2004(2008) RA61 Wrinkle Recovery of Fabrics: Appearance Method 209AATCC 129-2005(2008) RA33 Colorfastness to Ozone in the Atmosphere under High Humidities211AATCC 130-2000(2008) RA56 Soil Release: Oily Stain Release Method 213AATCC 131-2005(2008) RR53 Colorfastness to Pleating: Steam Pleating 216AATCC 132-2004(2008) RA43 Colorfastness to Drycleaning 218 AATCC 133-2004(2008) RR54 Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing 221AATCC 134-2006(2008) RA57 Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets 223AATCC 135-2004(2008) RA42 Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering 227AATCC 136-2003(2008) RA79 Bond Strength of Bonded and Laminated Fabrics 231AATCC 137-2007(2008) RA57 Rug Back Staining on Vinyl Tile 234 AATCC 138-2005(2008) RA57 Cleaning: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings 236AATCC 139-2005(2008) RA50 Colorfastness to Light: Detection of Photochromism 238AATCC 140-2006(2008) RA87 Dye and Pigment Migration in a Pad-Dry Process: Evaluation of 240AATCC 141-2004(2008) RA87 Compatibility of Basic Dyes for Acrylic Fibers 243AATCC 142-2005(2008) RR81 Appearance of Flocked Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering and/or Coin-Op Drycleaning 245 AATCC 143-2006(2008) RA61 Appearance of Apparel and Other Textile End Products after Repeated Home Laundering 248AATCC 144-2007(2008) RA34 Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles: Total 254AATCC 146-2006(2008) RA87 Dispersibility of Disperse Dyes: Filter Test 256AATCC 147-2004(2008) RA31 Antibacterial Activity Assessment of Textile Materials: Parallel Streak Method 259AATCC 149-2007(2008) RA90 Chelating Agents: Chelation Value of Aminopolycarboxylic Acids and Their Salts; Calcium Oxalate Method 261AATCC 150-2003(2008) RA42 Dimensional Changes of Garments after Home Laundering 263AATCC 151-2003(2008) RA56 Soil Redeposition: Launder-Ometer Method 267AATCC 154-2006(2008) RA87 Thermal Fixation Properties of Disperse Dyes 269AATCC 157-2005(2008) RR92 Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting: Perchloroethylene 271AATCC 158-2005(2008) RA43 Dimensional Changes on Drycleaning in Perchloroethylene: Machine Method 273AATCC 159-2006(2008) RA87 Transfer of Acid and Premetallized Acid Dyes on Nylon 276AATCC 161-2007(2008) RA90 Chelating Agents: Disperse Dye Shade Change Caused by Metals; Control of 278AATCC 162-2002(2008) RA23 Colorfastness to Water: Chlorinated Pool 281AATCC 163-2007(2008) RR92 Colorfastness: Dye Transfer in Storage; Fabric-to-Fabric 283AATCC 164-2006(2008) RA33 Colorfastness to Oxides of Nitrogen in the Atmosphere under High Humidities 285AATCC 165-1999(2008) RA57 Colorfastness to Crocking: Textile Floor Coverings—AATCC Crockmeter Method 287AATCC 167-2003(2008) RA87 Foaming Propensity of Disperse Dyes 290AATCC 168-2007(2008) RA90 Chelating Agents: Active Ingredient Content of Polyaminopolycarboxylic Acids and Their Salts; Copper PAN Method 292AATCC 169-2003(2008) RA50 Weather Resistance of Textiles: Xenon Lamp Exposure 294AATCC 170-2006(2008) RA87 Dusting Propensity of Powder Dyes: Evaluation of 300AATCC 171-2005(2008) RA57 Carpets: Cleaning of; Hot Water Extraction Method 302AATCC 172-2007(2008) RA60 Colorfastness to PowderedNon-Chlorine Bleach in Home Laundering 304AATCC 173-2005(2008) RA36 CMC: Calculation of Small Color Differences for Acceptability 307AATCC 174-2007(2008) RA31 Antimicrobial Activity Assessmentof Carpets 312AATCC 175-2003(2008) RA57 Stain Resistance: Pile Floor Coverings 315AATCC 176-2006(2008) RA87 Speckiness of Colorant Dispersions: Evaluation of 318AATCC 178-2004(2008) RR97 Barré: Visual Assessment and Grading 320AATCC 179-2004(2008) RA42 Skewness Change in Fabric and Garment Twist Resulting from Automatic Home Laundering 323 AATCC 181-2005(2008) RA50 Colorfastness to Light at High Temperatures: Daylight Temperature and Humidity Controlled Apparatus 327AATCC 182-2005(2008) RA36 Relative Color Strength of Dyes in Solutions 331AATCC 183-2004(2008) RA106 Transmittance or Blocking of Erythemally Weighted Ultraviolet(2008) RAdiation through Fabrics 334AATCC 184-2005(2008) RA87 Dusting Behavior of Dyes: Determination of 338AATCC 185-2006(2008) RA90 Chelating Agents: Percent Content in Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach Baths; Copper PAN Indicator Method 342AATCC 186-2006(2008) RA50 Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure 344AATCC 187-2004(2008) RA42 Dimensional Changes of Fabrics: Accelerated 349AATCC 188-2003(2008) RA60 Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach in Home Laundering 352AATCC 189-2007(2008) RA57 Fluorine Content of Carpet Fibers 355AATCC 190-2003(2008) RA60 Colorfastness to Home Laundering with Activated Oxygen Bleach Detergent: Accelerated 358 AATCC 191-2004(2008) RA41 Acid Cellulase Enzymes, Effect of: Top Loading Washer 361AATCC 192-2005(2008) RA50 Weather Resistance of Textiles: Sunshine-Arc Lamp Exposure With and Without Wetting 363 AATCC 193-2007(2008) RA56 Aqueous Liquid Repellency:Water/Alcohol Solution Resistance Test 372AATCC 194-2007(2008) RA49 Assessment of the Anti-House Dust Mite Properties of Textiles under Long-Term Test Conditions 375 AATCC Evaluation ProceduresAATCC 1-2007 RA36 Gray Scale for Color Change 377AATCC 2-2007 RA36 Gray Scale for Staining 379AATCC 4-2007 RA36 Standard Depth Scales for Depth Determination 381AATCC 5-2006 RA89 Fabric Hand: Guidelines for the Subjective Evaluation of 382AATCC 6-2003 RA36 Instrumental Color Measurement 384 AATCC 7-2003 RA36 Instrumental Assessment of the Change in Color of a Test Specimen 390AATCC 8-2007 RA36 AATCC 9-Step Chromatic Transference Scale 392AATCC 9-2007 RA36 Visual Assessment of Color Difference of Textiles 394AATCC 10-2007 RA59 Multifiber Adjacent Fabrics: Evaluation of 397AATCC 11-2007 RA36 Spectrophotometer UV Energy Calibration Procedure for Optically Brightened Textiles 400。


b)滤光片。 c)滤热片。 由于空冷式氙弧灯设备存在降温难的问题, 因此,现在多不采用此种设备。
水冷式氙弧灯设备,由下列部件组件: a)光源:光源为氙弧灯,色温为5500K~6500K。 b)滤光片:包含内层和外层滤光玻璃容纳和引 导冷却水流动。滤光器臵于光源和试样及蓝色 羊毛标样之间,使紫外光谱和部分红外光谱可 稳定衰减。 c)冷却系统:3级水循环通过氙灯的内外滤光玻 璃之间,并经热交换装臵冷却。
例:纺织品测试中的滤光片 欧洲的暴晒条件:由内层红外 玻璃滤光片和窗玻璃外罩组成的滤 光系统。 美国的暴晒条件:内层为硼硅 玻璃,外层为透明钠钙玻璃。这样 可阻断较低波长的光谱辐照,使到 达试样上的光谱辐照与经过一般窗 玻璃后的大致相等。
试验设备装有一个或多个水 冷式氙弧灯作为辐照源。
外层滤光玻璃应在使用 2000h后调换,内层滤光玻璃应 在使用400h后调换,或参照仪器 厂商的规定。
氙灯因连续使用强度会下降,当辐照 度在波长420nm处不能保持在1.1W/(m2*nm) 或在300-400nm无法自动控制在42W/m2时, 必须更换灯管。 为了冷却氙灯,3级水以最低约 380L/h的流量循环通过氙灯组件,并用安 装在氙弧灯前部的混合床去离子器使水净 化。
在光的作用下,分子吸收光子而成激化态,后 者发生化学变化就构成一个光化学反应。


D*(激发态) → 反应产物
染料的光化学反应大致可分为:分解、异构、 还原-氧化、光敏等几大类。 在光化学变化过程中,染料分子的发色体系发 生变化或遭到破坏,便产生变色或褪色的现象。



耐摩擦色牢度:AATCC摩擦测试仪法AATCC RA38技术委员会于1936年制定:1937年、1952年、1957年、1961年、1969年、1972年、1985年、1988年、1996年、2004年、2005年、2007年修订;1945年、1989年重新审定;1968年、1974年、1977年、1981年、1995年、2001年编辑修订并重新审定;1986年、2002年编辑修订;部分等效于ISO105-X12。













5.仪器和材料5.1 AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测试仪或者类似的供替换的仪器(见13.2、13.3和图1)5.2摩擦白布,剪成50mm正方(见13.4)5.3 AATCC沾色彩卡(见13.5)5.4 沾色灰卡(见13.5)。



一、影响汽车质量的因素3二、影响材料老化性能的因素2.1 主要影响因素光热水化学物质5三、材料耐候性试验方法1、自然暴晒老化试验2、人工气候老化试验1)氙灯暴晒老化试验2)荧光紫外暴晒老化试验3)碳弧灯暴晒老化试验64.1颜色与外色与外观观性能4.1.1标准光源A :卤钨灯,以白炽灯为代表(黄-橙色),为用于家庭的典型光源IncandescentC :以模拟平均日光的钨丝灯为代表(蓝色)SunlightD :以日光灯为代表,以日光的真实测量为依据。

D50:色温为5000K 的CIE 标准照明体,在印刷工业中被广泛的用于制作灯箱。

Daylight -Red ShadeD65:色温为6504K 的CIE 标准照明体,是一般常用的测试照明体。

Daylight –NeutralF2:即:CWF 光源,为冷白荧光,美国商店常用光源,Cool white fluorescent F7:即:宽频率日光荧光,Broad band white fluorescentF11:即:TL84光源,为窄频白荧光,欧洲、日本商店光源,Fluorescent四、耐候结果评估方法7CIE1931XYZ 标准色度系准色度系统统CIE1976 L*a*b* 色度空色度空间间4.1.2色差4.1.2.1色度空间色差::色立体上两个不同坐标的颜色间的距离4.1.2.2色差黄红绿9 测量色差仪器常用的条件为10°的观测角的观测角,,D65光源台式和便携式积分球分光光度计1029.98+24.16+4.7171.221000h 12.22+12.36+0.8984.40500h-+2.50-0.7091.330h△E b*a*L*暴露时间应用标准:SAE J19604.1.3灰标忽略色相的因素,只从灰阶的变化来对样品的外观变化进行评判。

常用的灰标卡常用的灰标卡::ISO 105-A02AATCC EP1灰标等级为2级PV1303标准, 1000h 耐候试验前后灰标等级:3级ASTM G154标准, 360h耐候试验前后灰标等级:3-4级便携式光泽度计 4.1.4光泽度样品的光泽相对于标准板的程度常用的角度:20°、60 °和85°光泽度测试原理示意图光泽测量角度应用范围60 °:适用于所有色漆漆膜,但对于光泽较高或接近无光泽的色漆,20 °或85°法则更为适宜;20 °:适用于60 °光泽高于70单位的色漆;85 °:适用于60 °光泽低于30单位的色漆;45 °:应用于陶瓷、薄膜;75 °:应用于纸张、建筑用塑料。



专利名称:COLOR ADJUSTMENT OF COLOR IMAGEDATA发明人:KOJIMA NAOKI,小島 直樹申请号:JP2005299746申请日:20051014公开号:JP2007110473A公开日:20070426专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a color adjustment method capable of adjusting color balance such as gray balance etc. accurately and easily.SOLUTION: Original image data of a RGB format are converted into a data of a Lab format. Then, chrominance (a) and (b) are changed by increase/decrease values ▵a (L) and ▵b (L) according to luminance L of the Lab values without changing the luminance L. Next, data composed of the luminance L and the chrominance (a) and (b) after the change is converted back into a data of a CYMK format, and the converted data are printed by a printer as an image data after correction. As for the increase/decrease values ▵a (L) and ▵b (L), test image data are printed for multiple patterns to make a list. An operator selects the increase/decrease values using the list.COPYRIGHT: (C)2007,JPO&INPIT申请人:SEIKO EPSON CORP,セイコーエプソン株式会社地址:東京都新宿区西新宿2丁目4番1号国籍:JP代理人:特許業務法人明成国際特許事務所更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Color iMatch操作手册

Color iMatch操作手册

X-rite Color iQC/iMatch 电脑测配色系统操作手册杭州三锦科技有限公司2010年1月序言Color iQC/iMatch软件是美国爱色丽(X—Rite)企业颜色管理计划下主要组件之一,以工业用户为基础,提供合适的软/硬件工具,为大小客户及供应链提供精确简易的色彩管理方案。

此软件已得到包括Wal-Mart、Target、Ann Taylor、JCPenny、M&S等在内的国内外诸多大公司的认可,并指定其作为他们电子数据提交的有效途径。

爱色丽(X-Rite)公司成立与1958年,公司总部位于美国密歇根州大激流市,经过近五十年的发展,其产品和服务已覆盖全球100多个国家,在收购GretagMacbeth后,主要产品有CE7000A、Color i7、Color i5、SP系列、500系列等,广泛应用于纺织、印刷、塑料、涂料、包装、设计、汽车、摄影、视频、牙齿护理及医疗等行业.其发展历程:1915 麦克贝斯(Macbeth)人工日光公司在纽约开业,向市内零售商提供日光照明设施. 1918 孟塞尔(Munsell)颜色公司在波士顿成立,生产带孟塞尔颜色体系标识的颜色标准。

1946 格灵达(Gretag)公司在瑞士成立.1958 爱色丽(X-Rite)公司在美国密歇根州格兰维尔市成立。

1961 爱色丽开发出早期市场化产品,X射线记录条。

1984 格灵达颜色控制系统研发出便携式分光光度仪。

1986 爱色丽在美国纳斯达克上市。

1993 爱色丽香港公司成立,开拓中国及亚洲业务.1997 格灵达与麦克贝斯合并成为格灵达·麦克贝斯GretagMacbeth2001 格灵达麦克贝斯成为Amazys控股公司的子公司.爱色丽上海公司成立。

2003 爱色丽中国维修服务中心在上海成立。

2006 爱色丽收购Amazys (格灵达麦克贝斯的母公司)。

2007 爱色丽收购彩通(Pantone)公司。







如果按照RGB来区分,每个色块的RGB分量数值分别为:序号色块名称R G B 1Dark Skin 942813 2Light Skin 241149108 3Bolu Sky 97119171序号色块名称R G B 1Blue 00142 2Green 6417338 3Red 203004 Foliage 90 103 395 Blue Flower 164131 196 6 Bluish Green 140 253 153 7 Orage 255 116 21 8 Purplish Blue 7 47 122 9 Moderate Red 222 29 42 10 Purple690 6811 Yellowe Green 187 255 19 12 Orange Yellow 255 1424 Yellow 255 217 05 Magenta 2073 1246 Cyan0 148 189 7 White (.05) * 255 255 255 8 Neutral 8 (.23) * 249 249 249 9 Neutral 6.5 (.44) * 180 180 180 10 Neutral 5 (.70) * 117 117 117 11 Neutral 3.5 (1.05) * 53 53 5312 Black (1.5) ** 表示光学密度根据上面表格做出来的标板为:这里是长边为2048的Tiff 文件(8.xMB),分别是扫描版本和人工版本:扫描的ColorChecker (Epson 2450 Photo 扫描,稍微处理使其更接近原版);按照上述表格做出的标板。

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Adopted in 1954 by AATCC; under juris-diction of AATCC Committee RA36; re-vised 1979, 1987, 2002; editorially revised 1991; editorially revised and re-affirmed 1992. Technically equivalent to ISO 105-AO2.1. Scope1.1 This evaluation procedure describes the use of a Gray Scale for visually evalu-ating changes in color of textiles resulting from colorfastness tests. For instrumental assessment of change of color of a test specimen refer to AA TCC Evaluation Pro-cedure 7. A precise colorimetric specifica-tion of the differences between the refer-ence and the 9-step Scale is given as a permanent record against which newly prepared Gray Scales, and old scales that might have changed, can be compared.2. Principle2.1 The result of a colorfastness test is rated by visually comparing the difference in color or the contrast between the un-treated and treated specimens with the dif-ferences represented by the Scale (see 8.1). The colorfastness grade is equal to the gray scale step which is judged to have the same color or contrast difference.3. Terminology3.1 color change, n.—a change in color of any kind whether in lightness,hue or chroma, or any combination of these, discernible by comparing the test specimen with a corresponding untested specimen.3.2 colorfastness, n.—the resistance of a material to change in any of its color characteristics, to transfer of its color-ant(s) to adjacent materials or both, as a result of the exposure of the material to any environment that might be encoun-tered during the processing, testing, stor-age or use of the material.3.3 Gray Scale, n.—a scale consisting of pairs of standard gray chips, the pairs representing progressive differences in color or contrast corresponding to numer-ical colorfastness grades.4. Description of the Scale4.1 Colorfastness grade 5 is repre-sented on the scale by two reference chips mounted side by side, neutral gray in color and having a Y tristimulus value of 12 ± 1. The color difference of the pair is 0.0 + Colorfastness grades 4.5 to 1, in-clusive, are represented by reference chips like those used in Step 5 paired with lighter neutral gray chips of similar dimensions and gloss. The visual differ-ences in the whole step pairs — colorfast-ness grades 4, 3, 2 and 1— are in geomet-ric steps of color difference, or contrast.The differences in the half-step colorfast-ness grade pairs — 4-5, 3-4, 2-3 and 1-2— are intermediate between the whole step pairs (see 8.2, 8.3 and Fig. 1).5. Use of the Scale5.1 Place a piece of the original textile and its corresponding exposed test speci-men side by side in the same plane and oriented in the same direction. Take spe-cial care to create a sharp junction be-tween the two pieces of material. Place the Gray Scale along the edges of the test specimen and original textile sample with the junctions of the textile and the Gray Scale pair aligned. Place the gray mask (Y tristimulus of 53 ± 1) provided with the scale over the samples and the scale to eliminate any influence of the sur-rounding areas. Back the specimens, both the original and tested, with a white ma-terial having a Y tristimulus value of at least 85. If the specimens are perma-nently mounted on a card, it must be with a Y tristimulus value of at least 85. Any means of attachment (staples, etc.) must not be in the area viewed (see Fig. 2).Illuminate the surfaces with a daylight simulator with illumination level at the specimen plane in the range of 1080-1340 lx (100-125 fc) (see 8.4). The light should be incident upon the surfaces at 45± 5° and the direction of viewing 90 ± 5°to the plane of the surfaces (see Fig. 3).Compare the perceived visual differ-ence between original and tested textile with the perceived differences repre-sented by the Gray Scale. The colorfast-ness grade is that number of the Gray Scale pair whose contrast corresponds to the contrast between the original and tested specimens. A grade of 5 is given only when there is no perceived differ-ence in color or contrast between the original material and tested specimen.The cleanliness and physical condition of the Gray Scale is extremely important in obtaining consistent results (see 8.5).5.2 When a number of assessments have been made, it is very useful to com-pare all the pairs of original and tested specimens which have been given the same numerical grade. This gives a good indication of the consistency of thegrades, since any errors become promi-nent. Pairs which do not appear to have the same degree of contrast as others with the same grades should be re-checked against the Gray Scale and, if necessary,the grades should be changed.6.Describing Color Changes in Colorfastness Tests6.1 In using the Gray Scale, the charac-ter of the change in color, whether in lightness, hue or chroma, or any combi-nation of these, is not rated; the overall difference, or contrast, between original and tested specimens is the basis for the evaluation.If a record of the character of the change in color of the textile in the test is needed, add appropriate qualitative terms to the numerical grade, as illustrated in Table I.7.Colorimetric Specification of Color Differences of the Gray Scale7.1 The color differences and toler-ances between the reference gray and the nine steps of the scale are expressed as to-AATCC Evaluation Procedure 1Gray Scale for Color ChangeFig. 1—Gray Scale for Color Change.tal color difference ∆E CIELAB using the CIE 1976 L*a*b* color difference formula:∆E = [(∆L *)2 + (∆a *)2 + (∆b *)2]1/2where:L *=116 (Y /Y n )1/3 – 16a *=500 [(X /X n )1/3 – (Y /Y n )1/3]b *=200 [(Y /Y n )1/3 – (Z /Z n )1/3](X /X n , Y /Y n , Z /Z n > 0.01)The tristimulus values X n , Y n , Z n define the color of the nominally white object-color stimulus.7.2 Permissible tolerances for the Gray Scales used as working standards are given in the last column of Table II, Ap-pendix A.Appendix AA.1 Table II provides the color differ-ence values in CIE 1976 L*a*b*(CIELAB) units for the grade pairs in each step of the Gray Scale for Color Change. This table is for instrumental measurement and confirmation that a Gray Scale is within tolerance, only. Ta-ble II is NOT to be used for assigning a Gray Scale grade based on instrumental measurement of two specimens (see AATCC Evaluation Procedure 7, Instru-mental Assessment of the Change in Color of a Test Specimen).8. Notes8.1 Available from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709;tel:919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail:orders@.8.2 The colorfastness grades of the scale steps and the corresponding total color differ-ences and tolerances, determined by the CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) formula, are given in Table II, Appendix A. Sphere geometry spec-trophotometric measurements of the chips shall be taken with the specular component in-cluded. A 0°/45° (45°/0°) geometry is an ac-ceptable alternate. The colorimetric data shall be calculated using the CIE 1964 10° observer data for Illuminant D 65.8.3 Provision for a colorfastness grade lower than 1 is provided for in Nomenclature for Subjective Rating Processes elsewhere in this M ANUAL . Any test specimen which has a change in color or contrast decidedly greater than a grade of 1 may be rated a 0.8.4 See AATCC Evaluation Procedure 9,Visual Assessment of Color Difference of Textiles, for notes on choice of daylight simu-lator and illumination level.8.5 The Scale should be inspected fre-quently for fingerprints and any other marks.If the marks are considered to interfere with the rating process, then the Scale should be re-placed. The Scale can also be physically dam-aged through handling. Again, if the physical damage to the Scale interferes with the rating process, it should be replaced. Periodically,the Scale can be measured on a spectropho-tometer or colorimeter to ensure that the total color differences are within specification as shown in Table II, Appendix A. Keep the Scale in its case when it is not in use.Table IGrade Meaning 3 lighter Contrast equal to Step 3 of Gray Scale Specimen is lighter only3 redderContrast equal to Step 3 of Gray Scale No significantchange in lightness but change in hue in red direction has occurred3 lighter yellowerContrast equal to Step 3 of Gray ScaleSpecimen is lighter and change in hue in yellow direction has occurred3 lighter bluer, less chromaContrast equal to Step 3 ofGray Scale Specimen is lighter and change in hue in blue direction and change in chroma has occurred 4-5 redder Contrast equal to Step 4-5 of Gray ScaleNo significantchange in lightness, but change in hue in red direction has occurredWhen space available for recording qualitative terms is restricted as on pattern cards, the following abbrevi-ations may be used:Bl = bluer L = lighter G = greener Da = darker R = redder MC = more chroma Y = yellower LC = less chromaFig. 2—Illustration of how to use scale.Fig. 3—Illumination and viewingangles for rating samples.Table IIColorfastness GradeTotal ColorDifferenceCIELAB Units Tolerance for Working Standards CIELAB Units 50.0+0.24-50.8± 0.24 1.7± 0.33-4 2.5± 0.33 3.4± 0.42-3 4.8± 0.52 6.8± 0.61-29.6± 0.7113.6± 1.0。
