M-703-CR Casing and tubing materials (Rev[1]. 1, Jan. 1996)




第40卷 第5期 海 洋 与 湖 沼Vol.40, No.5 2009年9月OCEANOLOGIA ET LIMNOLOGIA SINICASep., 2009*国家自然科学基金项目, 30530080号和山东省科技发展计划项目,2006GG2205023号。

秦铭俐,E-mail : zhaoyuanqml@ ① 通讯作者, E-mail: wangbg@ 收稿日期: 2008-07-15, 收修改稿日期: 2009-05-15多指软珊瑚Sinularia numerosa 中的倍半萜类化学成分*秦铭俐1,2 李晓明1 王斌贵1①(1.中国科学院海洋研究所实验海洋生物学重点实验室 青岛 266071; 2.中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049)提要 利用硅胶柱层析和葡聚糖凝胶柱层析等技术对多指软珊瑚(Sinularia numerosa )的丙酮提取物进行分离纯化, 得到7个倍半萜类化合物, 根据现代波谱技术(NMR 、MS 等)以及与文献对比, 它们分别被鉴定为10α-hydroxy-⊿9(15)-africanene (1), ⊿9(15)-africanene (2), (9R )-africanane-9,15-diol (3), (9S )-africanane-9,15-diol (4), eudesm-4(15)-ene-1β,6α-diol (5), octahydro-4-hydroxy-3α-methyl- 7-methylene-α- (1-methylethyl)-1H-indene-1-methanol (6)和guaianediol (7)。


关键词 软珊瑚, 多指软珊瑚, 化学成分, 倍半萜 中图分类号 Q58多指软珊瑚(Sinularia numerosa )隶属于软珊瑚科、短指软珊瑚属。




数据采集系统校准规范篇一:2009年计量校准规程目录JJF 1001-1998 通用计量术语及定义General Terms in Metrology and Their DefinitionsJJF 1002-1998 国家计量检定规程编定规则The Rules forDeafting Nationl Metrological verification RegulationJJF 1004-2004 流量计量名词术语及定义Metrological Terms and Their Definitions for Flow RateJJF 1005-2005 标准物质常用术语和定义Terms and Difinitions Used in Reference MaterialsJJF 1006-1994 一级标准物质技术规范Technical Norm of Primary Reference MaterialsJJF 1007-1987 温度计量名词术语(试行)Temperature Metrological Terms and Their DefinitionsJJF 1007-2007 温度计量名词术语(试行)Temperature Metrological Terms and Their DefinitionsJJF 1008-1987 压力计量名词术语及定义Pressure Metrological Terms and Their DefinitionsJJF 1008-2008 压力计量名词术语及定义Pressure Metrological Terms and Their DefinitionsJJF 1009-2006 容量计量术语及定义Metrological Terms and Definittions for CapacityJJF 1010-1987 长度计量名词术语及定义LengthMetological Terms and Their DefinitionsJJF 1011-2006 力值与硬度计量术语及定义Terminology and Definitions for Metrology of Force and HardnessJJF 1012-2007 常用湿度计量名词术语(试行)General Terms for Humidity MeasurementJJF 1013-1989 磁学计量常用名词术语及定义(试行)Terms in Common Use and Their Difinition for the Magneic MetrologyJJF 1014-1989 罐内液体石油产品计量技术规范Technical Norm of the Measurement of Liquid Petroleum Productsin TandsJJF 1015-2002 计量器具型式评价和型式批准通用规范General Norm for Pattren Evaluation and Pattern Approval of Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1016-2002 计量器具型式评价大纲编写导则The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1017-1990 使用硫酸铈-亚铈剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Ceric-Cerous S ulfate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorted Dose in WaterJJF 1018-1990 使用重铬酸钾(银)剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using thePotassium(silver)Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorbed Dose in WaterJJF 1019-1990 60Co远距离治疗束吸收剂量的邮寄监测方法Postcheck Method for 60Co radiothorapy Beam Absorbed DoseJJF 1020-1990 r射线辐射加工剂量保证监测方法Dose Assurence Monitoring Method for γ-Ray Radiation Processing LevelJJF 1021-1990 产品质量检验机构计量认证技术考核规范The Technical Examination Norm for Metrology Accreditation of Testing Unit for Testing of Product QualityJJF 1022-1991 计量标准命名规范The Technical Norm of Designation for Metrological StaandardJJF 1023-1991JJF 1023-2008JJF 1024-2006JJF 1024-2008JJF 1025-1991JJF 1025-2008JJF 1026-1991JJF 1026-2008JJF 1028-1991 常用电学计量名词术语(试行)Greneral Metrological Terms for electrical Measurement 常用电学计量名词术语(试行)Greneral Metrological Terms for electrical Measurement 计量器具的可靠性分析Reliability Analysis for Measuring Instruments 计量器具的可靠性分析Reliability Analysis for Measuring Instruments 机械秤改装规范Technical Norm of Machine Scale Remake 机械秤改装规范Technical Norm of Machine Scale Remake 光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法Absorbed Dose Determination in Poton and Electron Beams 光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法Absorbed Dose Determination in Poton and Electron Beams 使用重铬酸钾银剂量计测量r 射线水吸收剂量标准方法Standard Method for Using the Silver Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-Ray Absorbed Dose in WaterJJF 1029-1991 电子探针定量分析用标准物质研制规范The Technical Norm for Development of Cerified Reference Materied Used in Quantitative Analysis of Electron MicroprobeJJF 1030-1998 恒温槽技术性能测试规范Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Bath's Technological CharacteristicJJF 1031-1992 依法管理的物理化学计量器具分类规范The chassifical Norm of Physical and Chemical Measuring Instruments Managed by Metrogical Los JJF 1032-2005 光学辐射计量名词及定义(试行)Terminology and definitions for optical Radiation MeasurementJJF 1033-2003* 计量标准考核规范Rule for the Examination of Measurement Standard[过期]JJF 1033-2008 计量标准考核规范Rule for the Examination of Measurement Standard[更新]JJF 1034-2005 声学计量名词及定义(试行)Metrological Terms and their Definitions for AcousticsJJF 1035-2006 电离辐射计量术语及定义Ionizing Radiation Metrological TermsJJF 1036-1993 交流电能表检定装置试验规范Test Norm of Verification Equipment for AC Electrical Energy MeterJJF 1037-1993 线列固体图像传感器特性参数测试技术规范Technical Norm of measurement and Test of Characteristic Parameters for Linear Solid State Image SensorsJJF 1038-1993JJF 1039-1993JJF 1040-1993JJF 1041-1993 直流电阻计量保证方案技术规范(试行)Technical Specification of MAP for D C resistance 同轴功率计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S.of MAP for Coaxial Power 射频衰减计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S.of MAP for Radio Attenuation 磁性材料磁参数计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Propertise of Magnetic MaterialsJJF 1042-1993 直流电动势计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for DC EMF'SJJF 1043-1993 维氏硬度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Veckers HardnessJJF 1044-1993 放射性核素活度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of Map for Activity of RadionuclidesJJF 1045-1993 长度(量块)计量保证方案技术规范(试行)T.S. of MAP for Length of Gauge BlockJJF 1046-1994 金属电阻应变计的工作特性技术规范T.S. of Performance Characteristics of Metallic Resistance Strain GaugesJJF 1047-1994 磁耦合直流电流测量变换器校准规范Calibratiom Specification for Magnetical Coupling MeasuringJJF 1048-1995 数据采集系统校准规范C.S.of Data Acguisition SystemJJF 1049-1995 温度传感器动态响应校准规范C.S.of Temperature Sensor's Dynamic ResponseJJF 1050-1996 工作用热传导真空计校准规范C.S.of Working Thermal Conducting Vacuum GaugeJJF 1051-1996 工作计量器具命名与分类代码规范Norm of Designation for Working Measuring Instrument and its Classification CadeJJF 1052-1996 气流式纤维细度测定仪的校准规范C.S.of Fibre Fineness Tester of Airflow MethodJJF 1053-1996 负荷传感器动态特性校准规范C.S.of Dynamic Characteristic of Load CellJJF 1054-1996 人血清无机成分分析结果评定规范Evaluation Specification for Analysis Result of Inorganic Composition in SerumJJF 1056-1998 燃油加油机税控装置技术规范The Technical Norm For Revenue control Device of Fuel DispenserJJF 1057-1998 数字存储示波器校准规范C.S.of Digital Storage OscilloscopeJJF 1059-1999* 测量不确定度评定与表示Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in MeasurementJJF 1061-1999 税控燃油加油机制造许可证考核规范The Examination Specification of Manufacturing Competence for Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function JJF 1062-1999 电离真空计校准规范C.S.of Ionization Vacuum GaugeJJF 1063-2000 石油螺纹单项参数检查仪校准规范C.S.for Instruments of Thread Inspection Of Casing,Tubing Line Pipe and New Rotary Shouldered Connection JJF 1064-2004 坐标测量机校准规范C.S.for Coordinate Measuring MachinesJJF 1065-2000 射频通信测试校准规范C.S.for RF Communication Test SetJJF 1066-2000 测长机校准规范C.S.for Length Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1067-2000 工频电压比例标准装置校准规范C.S.for Sets of Voltage Ratio Standards at Power FrequencyJJF 1068-2000 工频电流比例标准装置校准规范C.S.for Sets of Current Ratio Standards at Power FrequencyJJF 1069-2007 法定计量检定机构考核规范Rules for the Examination of the Service of Legal Metrological VerificationJJF 1070-2005 定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则Rules of Metrological Testing for Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed ContentJJF 1071-2000 国家计量校准规范编写规则The Rules for Drafting National Calibration SpecificationsJJF 1072-2000 齿厚卡尺校准规范C.S.for Gear Tooth CalipersJJF 1073-2000 高频Q表校准规范C.S.for HF Q-MetersJJF 1074-2001 酒精密度-浓度测量用表Measurement Tables for Density-Concentration of AlcoholJJF 1075-2001 钳形电流表校准规范C.S.of Clamp AmmetersJJF 1076-2001 湿度传感器校准规范C.S.of Humidity SensorsJJF 1077-2002 测微准直望远镜校准规范C.S.for Micro-alignment TelescopesJJF 1078-2002 光学测角比较仪校准规范C.S.for Optcal Comparators for Angle MeasurementsJJF 1079-2002 阴极射线管彩色分析仪校准规范C.S.for Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)Color AnalyzersJJF 1080-2002 (-50~90)℃黑体辐射源校准规范C.S.for Blackbody Radiators in (-50~90)℃JJF 1081-2002 垂准仪校准规范C.S.for Plumb InstrumentsJJF 1082-2002 平板仪校准规范C.S.for Plane TablesJJF 1083-2002 光学倾斜仪校准规范C.S.for Optical ClinometersJJF 1084-2002 框式水平仪和条式水平仪校准规范C.S.for Frame Levels and Shaft LevelsJJF 1085-2002 水平尺校准规范C.S.for Level RulesJJF 1087-2002 直流大电流测量过程控制技术规范T.S.for Measurement Control System for Heavy Direct CurrentJJF 1088-2002 外径千分尺(测量范围500mm~3000mm)校准规范C.S.for Micrometers with Measuring Range form500mm~3000mmJJF 1089-2002 滚动轴承径向游隙测量仪校准规范C.S.for Instruments for Measuring Radial Clearance of Rolling BearingJJF 1090-2002 非金属建材塑限测定仪校准规范C.S.for Nonmetal Building Materials Plastic Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1091-2002 测量内尺寸千分尺校准规范C.S.for Micrometers for Measuring Inside DimensionJJF 1092-2002 光切显微镜校准规范C.S.for Light Section MicroscopesJJF 1093-2002 投影仪校准规范C.S.for ProjectorsJJF 1094-2002 测量仪器特性评定技术规范T.S.for Evaluation of the Characteristics of Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1095-2002 电容器介质损耗测量仪校准规范C.S.for Capacitor Dielectric Loss MetersJJF 1096-2002 引申计标定器校准规范C.S.for Calibrator of ExtensometersJJF 1097-2003 平尺校准规范C.S.for Calibration Specification for Staight EdgesJJF 1098-2003 热电偶、热电阻自动测量系统校准规范C.S.for Auto-measuring System of Thermocouples and Resistance ThermometersJJF 1099-2003 表面粗糙度比较样块校准规范C.S.of Roughness Comparison SpecimensJJF 1100-2003 平面等厚干涉仪校准规范C.S.for Flat Equal Thickness InterferometersJJF 1101-2003 环境试验设备温度、湿度校准规范C.S.for the Equipment of Environmental Testing for Temperature and HumidityJJF 1102-2003 内径表校准规范C.S.for Bore Dial IndicatorsJJF 1103-2003 万能试验机计算机数据采集系统评定Evaluation for Computerized Data Acquisition Systems of Universal Testing MachinesJJF 1104-2003 国家计量检定系统表编写规则Rule for Drafting National Verification SchemeJJF 1105-2003 触针式表面粗糙度测量仪校准规范C.S.for Contact(Stylus) Instruments of Surface Roughness Measurement by the ProJJF 1106-2003 眼镜产品透射比测量装置校准规范C.S.for Transmittance Measuring Equipment for Ophthalmic ProductsJJF 1107-2003 测量人体温度的红外温度计校准规范C.S.for Infrared Thermometers for Measurement of Human TemperatureJJF 1108-2003 石油钻具接头螺纹工作量规、圆螺纹套管工作量规和油管螺纹工作量规校准规范C.S.for working Gauge of Rotary Shouldered Connections,Round Thread Casing and TubingJJF 1109-2003 跳动检查仪校准规范C.S.for Concentricity TestersJJF 1110-2003 建筑工程质量检测器组校准规范C.S.for Coustruction Quality Tester SetsJJF 1111-2003 调制度测量仪校准规范C.S.of ModulationJJF 1112-2003 计量检测体系确认规范Rules for Confirmation of Metrology Testing SystemJJF 1113-2004 轴承套圈角度表针件测量仪校准规范C.S.of Angle Measuring Instument for Bearing RingJJF 1114-2004 光学、数显分度台校准规范C.S.for Optical & Digital Dividing TablesJJF 1115-2004 光电轴角编码器校准规范C.S.for Photoelectric Shaft EncodersJJF 1116-2004 线加速度计的精密离心机校准规范C.S.for Linear Accelerometer Used Precision CentrifugerJJF 1117-2004 测量仪器比对规范Specification for Comparison of Measuring InstrumentJJF 1118-2004 全球定位系统(GPS)接收机(测地型和导航型)校准规范C.S.for Global positioning System (GPS) ReceiverJJF 1119-2004 电子水平尺校准规范C.S.for Electronic Level MeterJJF 1120-2004 热电离同位素质谱计校准规范C.S.for Thermal Ionizatiog Isotope Mass SpectrometersJJF 1121-2004 手持式齿距比较仪校准规范C.S.for Hand-hold Pitch ComparatorJJF 1122-2004 齿轮螺旋线测量仪器校准规范C.S.for Gear Helix Measuring Instruments篇二:计量规范国家计量技术规范目录 1:按编号顺序排列2:按适用范围排列篇三:技术标准查新2012.5.16(热工)技术标准/规范/规程现行有效性查新记录。



石油开发管材的书籍英文回答:Studying petroleum development tubulars involves understanding the materials, design, and applications of these specialized pipes used in oil and gas exploration and production. These pipes play a vital role in extracting hydrocarbons while ensuring well integrity and safety. Engineers and technicians rely on a comprehensive understanding of tubulars to tackle challenges such as corrosion, pressure fluctuations, and extreme temperatures in challenging environments.Books offer a valuable resource for gaining in-depth knowledge about petroleum development tubulars. These publications provide detailed information on topics ranging from material selection and manufacturing processes to testing and inspection methodologies. Here are some recommended books that can enhance your understanding of this subject:Tubulars for the Oil and Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Guide by L. Leffler.Petroleum Development: Drilling, Production, and Processing by J.L. Gidley.Oil and Gas Production Handbook: An Introduction toOil and Gas Production by G.B. Farshad.Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Equipment by M.A. Al-Sahhaf.These books offer a thorough examination of tubulars in the oil and gas industry. They discuss materials such as steel, stainless steel, and alloys, as well as their properties and applications. The books also delve into specific types of tubulars, including casing, tubing, and drill pipes, explaining their design considerations and operational requirements. Furthermore, they cover important topics such as well planning, tubular selection,installation techniques, and operational practices.By studying these books, you can develop a strong foundation in petroleum development tubulars. You will gain insights into their design, manufacture, and applications, enabling you to make informed decisions in engineering, maintenance, and operational roles.中文回答:石油开发管材书籍。



史上最全石油英语词汇(A~C)Aabandoned oil & gas 报废油气井abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力above ground equipment 地面设备abscissa 横坐标absorbent formation 渗透地层absorption well 漏失井armoured cable 铠装电缆accessory , accessories, accessary附件,辅助的acceptance criteria 验收标准acceptance of risks 承担风险acceptance of the bid 中标accident analysis 事故分析accident free 无事故accident potential 事故隐患accident prevention 事故预防acid fracturing 酸化压裂acid job 酸化作业acid-frac process 酸化压裂工艺acid stimulation酸化增产actual data 实测资料actual data plot 实测曲线actuating system 传动系统assistant driller 副司钻adapter substitute 转换接头,大小头addendum 附录additional well 补充井adjacent well 邻井adjustment well 调整井adjust to zero 调零adjuster sub 调整短节adapter 适配器,接头automatic fine tuning 自动微调after-sale service 售后服务,后续服务after-treatment profile log 油井(增产)措施后生产剖面测井hole azimuth 井斜方向AL(acoustic logging)声波测井acoustic amplitude log,amplitude log声幅测井adjacent bed 围岩apparent resistivity视电阻率ACBL(acoustic cement bond log)声波水泥胶结测井activation logging活化测井ASC(after survey calibration)测后刻度amplitude type cement bond log声幅水泥胶结测井annular space log环空测井array sonic tool阵列声波测井仪acoustic wavetrain logging声波全波列测井alemite gun 黄油枪 alligator wrench 活动管钳alternator 交流发电机A-mast A形井架amplifier 放大器amplitude 振幅,声波幅度annulus(油套管)环形空间analog cable signal 模拟电缆信号anchor packer 卡瓦封隔器annual survey 年检annular blowout preventer环形防喷器annular pressure 环空压力annular pressure operated test valve环空压力控制测试阀annular reversing valve环空加压反循环阀annular space 环形空间annular water detector环空找水仪annular water injection反注,环空注入annulus blow out 环空井喷annulus completion fluid 环空完井液annulus (flow)line 环空(出油)管annulus fluid环空液体annulus logging环空测试annulus pack off环空封隔装置annulus pressure firing system环空压力起爆器annulus pressure response tool APR工具,(哈里伯顿)环空加压式测试阀annulus sample catcher环空取样器anticline背斜antiknock agent 防爆剂antivibration防震,抗震API pup joint API标准油管短节apparent wellbore radius有效井筒半径appraisal well 评价井aqueous saturation 含水饱和度APR(annulus pressure respondent)环空压力控制式测试工具area operations superintendent 地区作业监督armoured (electric) cable 铠装电缆artificial bottom hole 人工井底artificial fracture 人造裂缝artificial lift 机械采油assessment of bids 评标assessment well评价井assistant driller 副司钻assistant engineer助理工程师associated gas 伴生气assurance factor安全系数atmospheric service常压作业autocartograph 自动绘图仪autoignition自动点火AVL(acoustic velocity log )声速测井azimuth 井斜方位Bbit 钻头,刀片box 母扣,母接头block区块,滑轮车,断快back flow反循环洗井backup arm 推靠臂backup copy 副本bad earth 接地不良bail 提环,提捞back off 倒扣,解卡bailer捞砂筒bailing 提捞作业bailing bucket 提捞筒bar drop投棒bar drop sub 投杆接头,撞击接头barefoot completion 裸眼完井barefoot interval 裸眼井段barefoot well(bare hole)裸眼井bar fishing 打捞点火棒bar hydrostatic firing head 投棒压力起爆器basement rock基岩bastard connection 不合格的丝扣(接头)bastard thread不合格的丝扣behind completion date没有按期完工bit diameter钻头直径breakdown pressure 临界压力bailed dry (把井)掏空beam pumping unit 游梁式抽油机beam well (深井泵)抽油井bean up 放喷 bed of interest 目的层bellmouth喇叭口,锥形孔belly band 安全带bell nipple喇叭口短节bottom hole fluid sampler井底流体取样器bottom hole assembly 底部管柱结构BHC(borehole compensated sonic log )井眼补偿声波测井background radiation放射性本底植banana plug香蕉插头before calibration测前刻度BHTV(borehole televiewer)井下(声波)电视borehole fluid sampler井眼流体取样器bridle马笼头bradenhead flange 井口法兰bottom hole 井底,井下big hole perforator大孔眼射孔器borehole status井眼状况bottom-hole pressure ,closed井底关井压力bottom-hole pressure,flowing井底流动压力bottom-hole sample 井底取样,井下取样bottom hole sampler井底取样器bid bond投标保证金,投标保证书bidder 投标者bidding投标bidding documents投标文件,招标文件bidding procedure 投标程序bid opening开标big-entry-hole大射孔孔眼big-frac treatment(多层段)大型压裂big repair大修bill of materials材料清单bit hook打捞工具blank footage枪接头盲区blank off 油层封住,封堵blank tubing空油管,盲枪blasting cap 起爆雷管bleeding off pressure 放压block and tackle arrangement起下用滑车系统block diagram方框图,结构图block-squeeze分段挤水泥blowdown放压,衰竭式开采blowing out井喷blowing well自喷井blowout capping 控制井喷blowout hookup(井口)防喷装置blowout preventer 防喷器blank plug 丝堵,堵头blowout-prevention equipment防喷设备blowout-prevention procedure防喷措施bullets射孔弹blue sky exploratory well预探井bumper减震器back out(break out)卸开,松扣bobtail packer裸眼井测试封隔器bonding cable 接地电缆,地线booster传爆管bore diameter孔径,井眼直径bore frame井身结构borehole correction井眼校正borehole deviation井斜borehole effect井眼效应borehole face井壁borehole log 测井曲线,录井图borehole operation井下作业borehole pressure井筒压力borehole survey井下测量borehole wall井壁boring casing套管borings岩屑boring tower井架bottom hole turbine flowmeter井下涡轮流量计bottom nose (下井仪)尾端,(射孔)枪尾bottom-up firing枪尾起爆器box and pin公母接头box coupling接箍bridge plug桥塞by-pass旁通brake handle刹把breakdown 故障,事故break off pin type circulating sub断销式反循环阀breaking out pipe卸扣bridge plugging(打)桥塞封堵bridge the hole (在井中)打桥塞bring in a well完井投产bring out production投产,进行开采broken down 解堵brought in well投产井button switch按钮开关bushing 套筒 basket 打捞篮,水泥伞bottomed 下到井底borehole televiewer井下电视buffer减震器 build up压力恢复bubble 气泡,水泡bubble head泡泡头bubble point pressure饱和压力bucket rod抽油杆buck up紧扣build up of fluid液面恢复build the pressure打压build up of pressure压力恢复bull dog wrench管钳bullet gun射孔枪bullet hole射孔孔眼bumper spring 减震器弹簧burr毛刺,去毛刺by-pass pipe旁通管Ccontractor承包商C&F (cost and freight)成本加运费价,到岸价cement in place注水泥完毕cabin操作室cable armour电缆外皮cable bond(joint)电缆接头cable conductor缆芯cable configuration电缆规格cable continuity电缆通断情况cable core缆芯cable drum(reel)电缆滚筒cable duct 电缆槽cable fishing tool顿钻打捞工具cable formation test电缆地层测试cable head电缆头cable kinking电缆扭结cable-laid rope钢丝绳cable loop绳扣cable oil电缆油cable ringing电缆打结cable slack电缆松弛cable winch(work) 电缆绞车contract award date合同签定日期cake泥饼caliper井径仪calibration标定,调试,刻度calibrated标定过的calibrating jig刻度架caliper logging井径测量calling of bids招标callow表层camp equipment野外作业设备camp site施工现场cap rock盖层cap 雷管capping bed,cap formation盖层carbonate rock碳酸盐岩cased hole套管井cased hole completion 下套管完井cased hole formation tester套管井地层测试器case in 下套管cased well下套管井casing(case pipe)套管casing/cementation report套管固井报告casing cementing套管注水泥casing collar(coupling) 套管接箍CCL(casing collar locator)套管接箍测井casing grade套管钢级casing gun 电缆输送套管射孔枪casing head spool套管头四通casingless completion 无套管完井casing list 套管记录casing over pressure套管加压,环空加压casing packer套管封隔器casing perforation(套管)射孔casing perforation operator射孔作业工casing perforation service射孔作业casing perforation tool射孔器材casing perforation type射孔方式casing point下套管深度casing program套管程序casing setting depth套管下入深度casing shoe套管鞋casing top spacing套补距casing-tubing annulus油套环空casing wear套管损坏caution sign警告标志cave-in井壁坍塌core barrel取芯筒CBL(cement bond logging)水泥胶结测井carbon/oxygen logging碳氧比测井carbon/oxygen spectral logging 碳氧比能谱测井casing caliper log 套管内径测井casing inspection log套管探伤测井CBIL(circumferential borehole imaging logging system)环形井眼成象测井系统CET(cement evaluation tool)水泥评价测井channelling窜槽channelling detection找窜check shots检验地震测井completion date 完井日期cellar井口cellar connection(钻井)井口装置cemented to水泥返至cementing documentation固井设计cementing truck水泥车cement job quality固井质量cement sheath水泥环cement squeeze挤水泥cement top水泥返高centering device扶正器casing fluid level套管液面深度channel(射孔)孔道,管道,途径change over变扣接头change over sub大小头charge射孔弹,费用charge penetration射孔弹穿透深度charge strip(射孔)弹架charge type(射孔)弹型chief operator主操Chinese side中方christmas tree采油树christmas tree gauge井口压力表contract item合同条款casing inside diameter套管内径cement in place固井作业结束closed-in pressure关井压力circuit tester万用表clay 粘土caliper log井径测井claim 索赔claimer索赔人claim for breaking an agreement 违约赔偿claim for payment 要求付款claim indemnity索赔claim rejection拒赔 claystone粘土岩,泥岩clean out (清砂、清蜡)修井clean-out of well 洗井clean-out operation(service)洗井作业clean-out report修井报告clear working place安全工作区 clip绳卡closed-in关井closed-in well关闭井,停产井closed-in casing pressure关井套管压力closed-in tubing pressure关井油管压力cementer固井公司,固井队工人condensate凝析油coarse adjustment(control)粗调coarse -thread joint 粗扣接头change of contract合同变更casing outside diameter套管外径coiled rod 连续抽油杆coiled tubing连续油管,小油管coiled tubing service连续油管作业coiled tubing unit连续油管作业机coiled tubing operation小油管作业collar接箍,法兰盘,井口,钻铤collared hole下了表层套管的井combination collar(coupling)转换接箍combination tool组合下井仪commercial accumulation(deposit)有开采价值的油气藏commercial bed有开采价值的油气层commercial field有开采价值的油气田commingling production多层合采commissioning trial试用投产communication窜槽communication between zones窜层compensated density log补偿密度测井CDNT(compensated density-neutron tool)补偿地层密度中子测井仪compensated formation densilog补偿地层密度测井CNL(compensated neutron log)补偿中子测井compensated sonic log补偿声波测井conductivity log电导率测井conglomerate砾岩completion damage完井污染completion date完井日期completion evaluation完井评价completion fluid完井液completion operation 完井作业completion perforating完井射孔completion well test完井测试completion factor完井指数completion interval完井层段completion string完井管柱condensate field凝析气田condensate pool凝析油藏condensate well凝析油气井conductor line 导线conductor wire缆芯线connection end接头consent 插座 console面板constant maintenance定期保养consumable material消耗材料consumable accessories耗损件contact probe探头contact sonde(井下仪器的)探头container horizon(rock)含油层,储集层contamination污染continental shelf大陆架contingency意外情况contingency plan(procedures)应急措施contract area合同区contract award date 合同签定日期contract duration合同期限contracted block合同区contracted construction承包施工contract life合同有效期限contract(or)employee施工人员contract item合同条款contributing zone生产层control fluid压井液controlled directional well定向井control of well kick and blowout井涌井喷控制control panel remote遥控面板conventional DST常规地层测试conventional gun普通射孔器conventional operation常规作业conventional overbalanced perforating 常规正压射孔conventional pumping unit普通抽油机conventional well常规井conventional workover rig常规修井作业core barrel岩心筒core bit取心钻头CST(core sample taker)井壁取心器cored well取心井coupled tubing油管立柱coupling tubing connection油管接箍连接cement plug水泥塞casing pressure-closed关井套压casing pressure-flowing开井套压combination production logging组合测井crystal quartz gauge石英晶体压力crab(winch,crane)吊车,起重机crown block天车crooked stem 弯曲的管柱cross over短节,变扣接头cross over circulation 反循环cross over sub(joint)变扣接头,转换接头crowbar 撬杠crown platform天车平台CST(chronological sample taker,chronological sidewall core tool)井壁取心器cartage运费complete trip in hole 完成(仪器)下井作业cable telemetry system电缆遥测系统cable transmission system电缆传输系统current maintenance 日常维修cushion 液垫,测试垫customs海关,关税cut-off date截止日期。



2 position3 way air control valve3 position,4 way reset operating valve 4-class wind6 sets chainabandoned wellac drive cubiclesac induction motorAC.generatorAC.motoraccelerated velocityaccelerating wellaccelerationaccess dooraccessoriesaccessory supporting poleaccessory’ manifoldaccumulatoraccumulatoraccumulator unitacid numberactive boreactive tankactuatoradapteradapteradditional equipmentadjustable nozzleadjustable support seatadjusting screw nutadjusting screw rodadjusting shimadjusting washeradjustmentaerated drilling fluid drillingA-frame of substructureageing crackaging treatmentair lockair balloonair breaker’s coverair cement gunair chamberair charging hose assy.air compressorair compressor houseair compressor roomair conditioned roomair conditioningair connectorair control boxair control systemair cooled cabinet.air cooled force ventilation. air coolerair cylinder reverse valveair dryerair filterair gunair hoistair hoisterair holder’s frameair hornair inlet shut offair intake filterair leakageair operated ratio pumpair pipelineair receiverair receiver tankair receiversair ride suspensionair rotary connectorair silencerair sourceair source cleaning deviceair spaceair spiderair systemair tankair tube clutchair tuggerair tuggersair tyreair valveair vent holeair way valvesair winchair(gas) drillingair-break switchair-control limit valveairlosingair-tube clutch shiftalarm panel hornalbany lube greasealigning pinalignment ringAlison transmisionsalligator-hide crackalloy steelalter-cooledalternative designalternatively magnetic contactor alternatoraluminum foilA-mastamber lampambient temperatureambient temperatureammeteranalog pumpanchor pin lock nutancillary equipmentancillary equipment.angle and position deviationangle braceangle steelangle supportangular contact ball bearingannealing heat treatmentannual currentannular blowout preventorsannular radiating air channelannular spaceansul carbon dioxideanti-adhesivesanti-bacteria materialsanti-clash ( crown block saver ) valve anticlineanti-collision release valveanti-condensations heatersanti-corrosionanti-corrosion treatmentanti-rust greaseappendixappointed delegateappraisal wellarctic rigarm leverarmoredarmourd cablearound the fundamentalarresting nutarresting pinA-shaped derrickassemble the mastassembling pinassembly drawingassembly floorassembly handrailassembly platformassembly supportassistant motormanattachmentsaudio deviceaudio visuai alarmsausteniteauto disk brake.automatic back pressure requlator automatic drillerautomatic feed drillerautomatic pipe rackautomatic transmissionauxiliary brakeauxiliary pedestal craneauxiliary sheaveauxililary hoistaxial clearanceaxial directionaxialityaxil loadaxle pinback baseback beam of drawworksback floor boardback offback pressure valveback pressure valvesback up protection.backing pinback-offbackupback-up attechmenbafferbafflebaffle platebaffle platebail’s pinbail’s seatbailerbailing drumbalancebalance boxbalance sheavebalanced drillingball barball valveballastBar for pin retreatbare drumbarefootbarefoot weelbarrelbarrelbarrel linerbarrel-drainbasal crackbase beamsbase framebase girdersbase holebase on fundamentbase sectionbasketbead crackbeam of variable cross section beam pumpbeam pumping unitBearingbearing brokenbearing capBearing carrierbearing coverbearing enclosurebearing external ringbearing housingbearing inner ringbearing matbearing ratingbearing seatbearing seat coverbearing’sbearing’s lube oilbearing’s motion spacebearing’s roller and housing ring beginning spotsbelay slingbell guidebell nipplebell nipplesbelly boardbelt brakebelt guardbelt guardbelt sheave guardbench sectionbench testbench workerbend housing mud motorbend pipebend subbending crackbending subbent beambevel gearbidderbig geared ringbig inch pipebit HHPbit bouncingbit breakerbit conebit coursebit dresserbit edgebit footagebit freezingbit guidebit hitbit holderbit hydrauliesbit inclinationbit jumpingbit lifebit loadbit side forcebit subbit thrustbit tiltbittom plugbladderbladder for clutchblast gunblind ditchblind flangeblind flangesblind headblind plateblind ramblind-shear ramblock phenomenon.blowoutblowoutblowout controlblowout hookupblowout oil wellblowout plugblowout preventerblowout preventer stackblue elephantboard fingerbody injuredboilerboilerbolt stickbolts loosenbolts nutsbonnetbonnetboom poleboomerbooster cylinderBop control systemBOP pulley device (hydraulic) BOP stackbop test equipmentbore cutbore holeborehole televiewerbottom flangebottom open sizebottom platebottom plugbottom radiusbottom sidebottom side doorbottom side door hanger chain bottom support ringbottom-hole assemblybottom-linebounce cylinderbow beambowl sizebox and pinbox covebox on boxbox spannerbox tapbox type substructurebracebracebrace framebracing systembracketbrake axlebrake barbrake bandbrake bandbrake blockbrake blockbrake crankbrake discbrake drumbrake drum of sand reelbrake friction blockbrake handlebrake hubbrake leverbrake linkagebrake machanismbrake pedalbrake radiatorbrake rimbrake shoesbrake shoesbrake strapbrake tongsbrake torquebrake valvebraking chopper section. braking resistance section.branch manifoldbrazingbreadboardbreak out catheadbreakdown switchbreakoutbreakout tongbreakout catheadbreak-out tongsbridge linkbridge overbridge steel platebridging beambridlebrief Introductionsbright annealed wirebright wire ropebucketsbufferbuffer devicebuffer hydraulic cylinderbuffer oil-cylinderbugbuild-inbuilt-for-purpose toolsbulkhead jointbumperbumper pinbumper subsbumpersbundlebusbus barbus potential电压 & control transformer. bus tie switchbushingbushing hookbushing’s locking pinbusterbutt weldbutt weldbutt weld hammer unionbutterfly nutbutterfly valvesbuttress threadebuzzerby eyeby pass line.by-pass valvecabinetcablecable drillingcable elevatorcable entrycable glandcable hookupcable tool drillingcable traycable traycable traycable troughcable wireCage laddercalibrationcalipercam mechanismcampcamp generatorcamp kitchencantilevercantilever beamcantilever beam leg mast stem cantilever hoist frame canvasscap pincap rockcap screwcapabilityCapscrewcapsizcapstan headcapstan winchcapsulecapsule guncarbide insert bitcarbon steelcarbon structural wire carburizing steelcardan shaftcarpetcarriercarrier mounted rigcarrier rodcarring capacitycartridge type construction case hardencased holeCasing programcasing adaptercasing anchorcasing bowlcasing bridge plugcasing centralizercasing check valvecasing clampcasing collarcasing couplingcasing cuttercasing dogcasing drift swagecasing elevatorcasing fill up linecasing gradecasing guide shoecasing headcasing head spoolcasing holecasing hungercasing jobcasing mandrelcasing millcasing milling toolcasing nipplecasing packercasing protectorcasing rollercasing roller chaincasing shoecasing slipcasing spoolcasing stabbing board casing stabbing board casing steckingcasing subcasing swivelcasing tapcasing tongcasing wallcasing whipstockcasingless completion castellated shaftcasting and welded structures casting crackcasting headcastingscat linecat line sheave bracketscat walkscataloguescatch framecatchallcaterpillar diesel engine catheadcatilever mastcatworkscave-inceiling frameCellarcementcement plugcement slurrycementing jobcementing plugcenter distanceCenter heightcenter linecenter pipecenter shaftcenteringcentifying anencycentilever polecentral control room centralizercentrifugal pumpcentrifugecertain slopecfmchain wheelchain casechain drive caseschain hoistchain pinchain platechain pumping unitchain sprocketchain tightnesschain tongschain transmissionchain’s platechain’s ringchains in oilfieldchair stopchamberchamberchamberchange gearchannel powerdchannel steelchannelschannel-section steelcharging hosecharging pumpcharging pumpchart recordercheck aeratingcheck valvecheck windowchecker platecheckered platechemical heat treatmentcherry pickerchev(e)ron gearchill crack(s)choke and kill linechoke manifoldchoke valvechopper switchchristmas treechromate treatmentcircle jackcircuit breakercircuit breakerscircular ended wrenchcircular gearcircular tooth gearcirculating watercirculation manifoldCirculation Systemcirculation tankcircumferential crackclamping headclampsand cables.classification for hazardous area clean out coverclean out gates.cleaning gateclear head roomClear heightclear working height clearanceclear-water drilling cleavage crackclevisclevis pinclimbing Safety Device climbing safety device close circuit camera closed circuit radiator closed loopclosing unitclosurecluster shveavescluster wellclutchclutch guardcoach wrenchcoat paintcoatingcode devicecoil factorcoiled tubingcoiled tubing connecor coiled tubing string coiled tubing unit coilled tubing drlling colapsingcold air capacitycold crackcold rolled steelcold startcold start compressor cold treatmentcold-finishedcollarcollecting platform collisioncombi BOPcombination drilling commutationswitch companion flange compartmentcompasscomplementary procedure complete checkCompound adapter chain compound boxcompound corrosion remover compount driven compressed air compression nut compulsory lubrication concerte platform conductor pipeconnecting angle steel connecting beamconnecting bolts Connecting frame connecting nutconnecting parts connecting surface Connection base Connection floor connection lineconnection plate connection rodConnectorconnectorconnector threadconstant section beam contactorcontactorcontainercontinuous drilling torque contour forging contraction crack contractorcontrol panelcontrol air linecontrol cablescontrol consoleControl down speedcontrol handlecontrol interfaceControl levelcontrol panelcontrol pipelinescontrol roomcontrol valvecontrol valve partscontrolled atmosphere heat treatment controlswitchconventional beam pumping unit convertorcool liquidcoolantcooled water circuitcooling coil(ed) pipecooling fancooling water circulating device coplanerCopper Pipecopper washercopper woundcopying lathecordex compressioncorecore traycore barrelcore barrels.core boxcore cablecore drillcore drilling rigcore holecore pincore runcore slicercored intervalcorner postcorrect driftcorrected parametercorrosion fatigue breakcorrosion resistant alloycorrugated platecotter keycotter pincounter balancecounter nutcounter shaftcounter weightcounter weightscountershaftcouplingcouplingcover assy.cover gate of guardcover or eye hole cover cover platecovibrationcowlcrackmetercradlecranecranecranecrane boom supportcrankcrank pincrank-balanced pumping unit crank-quide blue elephant crankshaftcrankshaft assemblycraze crackcreeping crackcrevasse crackcrimpcrimped steelcrimped-steelcritical conditioncrooked holecross beamcross bracecross bracingcross checkcross crackcross girdercross membercross pin headcross sectioncross shaftcross-countrycrossheadcrosshead bearing crosshead doorcrosshead extension crosshead guideCrosshead guide (Lower) Crosshead guide (upper) Crosshead pinCrosshead pin bearing Crosshead pin retainercrosshead wrist pin nut crossing direction crossover flanges crossover subcross-over subcrossover subscross-pin type joint crow‘s nestcrown assemblecrown blockcrown block beamcrown block cranecrown block platform crown block protector crown blocks saver crown drillcrown jibcrown platformcrown protectioncrown pulleycrown pulleycrown safety platform crown sheavescrown valvecrown-0-maticcrown's nestcrude oilcryogenic properties cryogenic steelcubiclescupscurve of functioncurved box beamcurved experiment custom-build angle steel cut-away drawingcut-off valvecutting liftingcutting sleevecyclonecylinder linercylinder blockcylinder bodycylinder covercylinder flangecylinder Headcylinder headcylinder Head Seal cylinder linercylinder manifold cylindrical pin cylindrical shelldaily checkdamagedamp pumpdasanderdata of weight indicator dc bus over voltage.DC electric drive mode DC motorDC.generatordead linedead line clampsdead loaddead loaddead volume fluiddead windowdead zonedead-enddeadline anchordeadline pulleydeadline sheavedeadline stablizaze dead-melted steel deadweightdecanting compartment deckarddecompression tapdeep welldeflecordeflection tool deflectordefoamerdefrosterdegaserdegaser pumpsdegasserdegassing equipment dehumidifierdelivery linedelivery manifold delivery valve dependabilitydeposit tankdepth gaugederiated wellderrickderrick base sizederrick bracederrick cellarderrick crownderrick floorderrick floor sillsderrick guy linederrick handling truckderrick legderrick memberderrick norminal heightderrick panelderrick subderrickmandesanderdesanderdescalerdescend of pipeline pressuredesert drilling rigdesert tiredesign criteriadesilterdesilterdevelopment welldeviated holedew pointdewaxing tooldiagnostic of faultdial gaugedial indicatordialsdiameter of linerdiamond tread platediaphragm stuffing boxdidcharge assembly & acc’manifold diesel compounddiesel day tankdiesel electric setdiesel enginediesel pneumatic motordifferflange beamdiffusing heat treatmentdigimatic operating platedigimatic traveling block protectordigital datadigital gaugesdigital readoutsdigital spm indicatordimensional measurements.diode bridgedipstickdirect gear/chain drivendirect overflow valvedirectional drillingdirectional welldisalignmentdisassembly blindlydisasterdisc brake systemdischarge Moduledischarge elbow assy.discharge end of pumpdischarge hole baffledischarge line pulsation dampener discharge manifolddischarge pipedischarge pressuredischarge stand pipedischarge strainerdischarge strainer assy. discharge traydischarge valvedisk brakedisk clutchdismantle the bearing striking dismantle the sprocket displacementdisplacement efficiency distribution boardsdistribution boxdistribution transformersditchdiversion ditchdiverterdiverterdiverter valvedividerdog housedog house position device doghousedome-shoped structuredouble actingdouble drumdouble function swiveldouble helical (spur) geardouble hookerdouble lip oil sealdouble pipe clampdouble row self-alignine spherical roll bearing double scale pressure gaugedouble spiral geardouble studdeddouble-acting hydraulic jackdouble-bevel groove welddouble-reduction bevel-spur geardouble-row conical roller bearingsdouble-row roller bearingdown hole motor drillingdownhanddownhilldownholedown-hole drill toolDP elevatordraindrain cockdrain valvedrainage ditchdrawer file cabinetdrawer filing cabinetdrawers.draw-in boltdrawingdrawing boarddrawing toolsdrawworksdrawworks brakedrawworks drivedraw-works dynamic brake systemdrawworks framedrawworks front beamdrawworks powedrawworks window openingdresserdrift diametredrift indicatordrill footagedrill column jackdrill floordrill floor girdersdrill floorsdrill holedrill -hole returnsdrill line centralizer drill muddrill offdrill pipedrill pipe stickngdrill pipe clampdrill pipe clampdrill pipe couplingdrill pipe frozendrill pipe holedrill pipe hooketdrill pipe power tong drill pipe protector drill pipe pup joints drill pipe releasedrill pipe releasedrill pipe spinnerdrill pipe standdrill pressuredrill ropedrill scoutdrill spooldrill stem bushingdrill tooldrill towerdrill truckdrill unitdrill vesseldrill waterdrillerdriller consoledriller control cabinet driller standDriller umbrella driller’s cabin driller’s console driller’s control box driller's control panel driller's depthdrill-indrillingdrilling linedrilling logdrilling processdrilling riserdrilling aheaddrilling blockdrilling crewdrilling cycledrilling depthdrilling fluiddrilling footagedrilling implementerdrilling intervaldrilling intervaldrilling invasion zonedrilling jardrilling junk basketdrilling linedrilling linedrilling line reeldrilling line spooldrilling linerdrilling loaddrilling mastdrilling mechanizing racking equipment drilling outdrilling parametersdrilling patterndrilling pindrilling pressuredrilling pressuredrilling proceduredrilling ratedrilling recorderdrilling rigdrilling rig instrumentationsdrilling screwdrilling sepervisordrilling sidedrilling sitedrilling softwaredrilling spooldrilling spools and adapter flanges drilling stringdrilling string not well brakeddrilling swiveldrilling unitdrilling waterdrilling wheeldrilling-through equipment drilll aheaddrilll assemblydrilll collar boredrillled drydrillled welldrilller-mouthdrilller's logdrilller's monitordrilller's station drillmeterdrill-off testdrillpipe conveyeddrillshipdrill-steel setdrill-stem testerdrill-stem testingdrim clutchdrip outdripd-proof enclosure drive beltdrive bushingdrive from compounddrive kelly pipedrive linedrive parameter setting drive ratiodrive shaftdrive spockeddrive sprockeddriven shaftdriven shaftdrives cabinetsdriving axledriving bevel geardriving pulleydrop boxdrop-in tooldrop-legdropping headdrum barreldrum flangedrum bodydrum brakedrum clutchdrum coredrum Gear Couplingdrum hoistdrum of air winchdrum shaftdrum shaft assemblydrum sizedrum spooldrumheaddrwwork transmissiondry plate clutchdryerdryweightD-type buckledual pressure valvedual remote input output interface dual turbochargersduck keelductile crackductilitydump brackdump bailerdump gatedump to rope ratiodump valvedunnageduplex design tubular derrick duplex pumpduplex sprocketduribilitydust coverdust wrapperdwon updyna-drillingdynamicdynamic headdynamic positioningdynamic positioning system dynamic sealearthearth fault.earth moving equipmentearthquakeeasily worn partseccentric bearingeccentric geareccentric oscillating shaft eccentric ring gear eccentric shafteddy floweffiencyelastic deformationelastic jointelastic limitelastomerelbowelbow jointelectric arcelectric band spread electric control cable electric distribution electric driveelectric line set packer electric mainelectric setElectric calabashelectric circuitelectric deviceelectric distribution unit electric drillelectric driller‘s panel electric drilling rig electric elevatorelectric feedbackelectric insulating oil electric leakageelectric lineelectric networkelectric oilelectric power supply electric power system electric protection electric recoderelectric relayelectric resistance welding electric resonanceelectric screw driver electric separatorelectric shieldelectric shockelectric sparkelectric spot weldingelectric spray pump system electric starterelectric startingelectric transducerelectric transmission pole tower electric transmiterelectric welding rodelectric winchelectric windlasselectric wiringelectric wrenchelectrical equipmentelectrical insulationelectrical leadelectrical logelectrical specification electrical control panelelectrical magnet valveelectrical submergible pump electrically trippedelectric-drive rod compressor set electric-resistance weldedelectril bakeelectroelectro valveelectrochemistryelectro-galvanized steel wire electrohoistelectrolytic copper bus bar electromagnetic brake electromagnetic eddy brake electromagnetic interference electron microscopeelectrostatic grounding electrostatic screen electrotyped copper bus bars elevatedelevated chain caseelevatorelevator bushingelevator linkelevator pulleyelevator shaftelliptical holeemcemergency bolts.emergency caliperemergency diesel tankemergency escape deviceemergency generatoremergency killemergency lightemergency lighting system.emergency operationemergency push buttonemergency shutdownemergency switchenclosed v-belt guardenclosing boardenclosureenclosure classesend wallend-strength testendurance crackengine exhausts.entranceenvironmental disruptionenvironmental temperatureepicyclic gearequalizerequalizer barequalizer beamerosion resistant tungsten carbide nozzle Escape deviceescape lineescaping equipmentethernet interfaceeue tubingEureka pipe wrencheutectic steeleutectoid steelevery shiftEvgonnomicallyexcavated groundexciting coilexciting powerexecutive mechanismexhaustexhaust fittingsexhaust flangeexhaust manifoldsexhaust stackexising wellexit doorsexpanded metalexpanded metalexpanded tube jointexpanderexpansible jointexpansion jointexploratory wellexplosion proofexplosion proof electric calabashexplosion proof motorsexplosion proof plugexplosion-proof magnet Coilexplosion-proof motorexplosive chargeextending rateextension rodextension rodextension shaftextensionsexternal callipersexternal cutterexternal linesextra fine steelextreme pressure gear oilextreme pressure industrial gear oilextruding machine (horizontal oil hydraulic press) eye hole coverfail safe brakefail-safe returnfall intofalling preventing devicefast guide linefast linefast line clipfast line sheavefast release valvefast ropefastenersfeed offfeed pumpfeed tankfeeders.feeding rectifierfeed-tankfeeler gaugeferritic steelfever leakfiberglassfig.figured steelfilefill upfillerfiller capfillet welding joint filling boxfilling casingfilling gunfilling piecefillup valvefilterfilter corefilter pressfin tube coolersfine-grained steel finger boardfinish coatfire bulkheadfire failurefire alarmfire apparatusfire brigadefire bucketfire controlfire control unitfire dampfire detectorfire doorfire enginefire escapefire exitfire extinguisherfire extinguisher pump fire extinguishersfire fighterfire fighting equipment fire fighting rackfire hydrantfire monitorfire pailfire plugfire proof motorfire retardantfire sandfire truckfire-entry suitfisherfishingfishing bellfishing headfishing spearfishing tapfishing toolfissurefive way valvefixed pinfixed plleyfixtureflag postflame hardenedflangeflange beamflanged bendflanged bottomflanged top and bottomflare linesflare pipingflashboard assy.flashboard pulling toolflat bottomflat gauge sizeflat rollerflat.flat-bottomedflat-die forgingflatness errorfleet angleflex jointflexibleflexilinefloading collarfloat jointfloat subsfloat type accumulator battery flocculatorfloor boardfloor heightfloor platefloor proofflow fill consoleflow indicatorflow lineflow lineflow lineflow line entry.flow regulating valveflow valveflowing wellflowlinefluid bffle back-u platefluid charging valvefluid couplingfluid endfluid End Studded Assy fluorescent lightsflywheelfoam drillingfoam injection pumpfoating ringfoldingfoot throttlefootprintforced lubricationforced of stringforced spray lubrication system forcing pumpforemanforged fittingsforged steelforgingsfork liftfork lift prongs.formation pressureforward rotationfour-pin-drive roller bushing fracturefracturing truckframeframe assemblyframe of fluid endfrayed arearsfree airfree areafree fallfree gasfree positionfree sixtuplex sprocketsfree sprocketfree standingfree-cutting steelfreely supported beam freestandingfree-tripfreeze style drierfriction blockfriction catheadfriction clutchfriction drumfriction liningfriction shoes for clutchfront and back bracesfront and back legsfront axlefront basefront beamfront connecting framefront deckfront legsfront stand polefront steering axlesfront sub.front-mounted beampumping unit frost or cold weatherfuel cut shut offfuel filter packagefuel tanksfuel transfer pumps.fuelerfull sizedfully closed drawworksfully maintainfundamental basefundamental for substructure funnelfuse protectionfused-isolator switchgagegalvanizedganged switchgas bustergas capgas circuitgas cuttinggas detectorsgas drive。



石油专业术语储能器 tank循环池 bolt(刹把)调节螺栓pipe进气管搅拌器 chamber空气包line气管线hoist气动绞车current drive交流电驱动BOP环形BOP消音器valve球阀nipple老虎钳vise钻头钻头gauge钻头装卸器gauge钻头规18. blind ram preventer盲板防喷器19. blind shear ram preventer剪切闸板防喷器 preventer(BOP)防喷器螺栓control panel防喷器控制盘deck防喷器平台plug底塞母扣level(brake handle)刹把line(brake staple)刹带plug桥塞梯形扣valve蝶阀旁通plug旁通塞卡钳bowl套管打捞筒coupling套管接箍cutter套管割刀elevator套管吊卡hanger套管悬挂器head套管头monkey board套管平台41..casing scraper刮管器shoe套管鞋slip套管卡瓦spear套管打捞矛spool套管四通tong套管大钳line锚头绳line grip锚头绳爪shaft锚头轴锚头deck井口甲板水泥basket水泥伞plug水泥塞retainer水泥阻流环bond log固井质量检查head水泥头line固井管线pump固井泵链pipe tong链钳tong链钳房间,寝室gate阀箱,闸室pump灌注泵valve止回阀,回压凡尔节流器,阻流器line阻流管线position indicator节流阀位置指示器 valve节流阀-line manifold阻流管汇离合器导管牙轮fisher牙轮打捞器lock牙轮卡死pump冷却水泵barrel shoe取心筒鞋basket取心爪bit取心钻头catcher岩心爪82.∞re catcher case岩心爪外套drying oven岩心烘箱joint(x/o)变换接头block天车block beam天车梁line死绳line diaphragm死绳固定器膜片line anchor死绳固定器除气器井架(desilter)除砂(泥)器current drive直流电驱动line排出管线valve排出阀ram type preventer双闸板防喷器 hole tool人井工具works绞车motor绞车电机mandrel通径规collar钻链collar slip钻链卡瓦pipe钻杆pipe slip钻杆卡瓦pipe wiper钻杆刮泥器string钻柱'sb console司钻控制台's monitor司钻监视器line(workline)钻井大绳stem valve钻杆防喷器shaft驱动轴shaft从动轴chain传动链条滚筒capacity滚筒容量clutch滚筒离合器hight air clutch滚筒高速(低速) air clutch空气离合器collar分级箍current brake涡磁刹车吊卡122. elevator link吊卡耳环吊卡-卡瓦jaw clutch应急牙嵌离合器yoke(刹带的)平衡杠cutter外卡钳cutter外部割刀plate吊耳,吊环splice绳套,接环up iine灌泥浆管线test apparatus失水测定仪board指梁hook打捞钩head打捞头jars打捞振击器neck打捞颈nipple打捞公锥operation打捞操作(作业)打捞母锥spear打捞矛string打捞管柱tap(taper)打捞公锥tool打捞工具法兰(round,square)file扁(圆,方)锉 bit tongs扁嘴钳(电工用)bottom mill平底锐鞋joint挠性接头shoe浮鞋valve浮阀collar浮箍→way valve四通阀point indicator卡点测定仪hole joint贯眼钻杆接头viscometer漏斗粘度计holder(tank)储气筒,储气罐大门valve闸门阀∞se neck pipe鹅颈管锤子weight drill pipe加重钻杆ηr wall drill pipe厚壁钻杆 pressure line高压管线opener开眼器,扩眼器大钩spring大钩弹簧水龙带break-out cylinder卸扣液缸 catwork液压猫头pump液压泵reservoir-液压油箱tong液压大钳valve咒液动阀(press) test pump液动试压泵 winch液压绞车惯性brake惯性刹车人口core barrel内岩心筒casing中间(技术)套管blowout preventer钻柱内防喷器 callipers内卡钳external upset内外加厚flush joint内平钻杆接头振击器clutch牙嵌离合器接头,(钻杆)单根basket笼式打捞篮catcher打捞爪,一把抓sub打捞杯bushing方补心cock方钻杆考克protective sub方保接头spinner方钻杆旋转短节seat reamer键槽破坏器压井管线pipe弯管梯子水平仪(尺)plug提升丝堵sub提升短节reeving滑车装绳数缸套尾管bolt锁紧螺栓flange锁紧法兰pressure line低压管线oil pump润滑油泵hole加油孔fishing tool磁力打捞工具out cathead卸扣猫头up cathead上扣猫头drill手摇钻valve手动阀bushing转盘大补心shoe镜鞋tool锐具hopper混合漏斗pump混合泵hard猴台电机,马达hole小鼠洞balance泥浆比重计cleaner泥浆清洁器ditch泥浆槽guard挡泥板gun泥浆枪pump泥浆泵relief valve泥浆泵安全阀return line泥浆返出管线pit泥浆池钉子stabilizer近钻头扶正器valv针形阀扳手加长套筒慑子,夹子drilling collar非磁钻键close valve常闭阀open valve常开阀水眼,喷嘴螺帽bolt带帽螺栓spinner自动螺母扳手level油位level check plug油位检查丝堵 tank油柜dipstick油尺-ended spanner开口扳手core barrel外岩心筒出口brush油漆刷bit领眼钻头公扣销子钳子,夹子bar撬棍活塞cup活塞皮碗rod活塞杆手钳子valve旋塞阀t∞l气动工具cement硅酸盐水泥slip动力卡瓦supply unit动力供应设备tong动力大钳wrench动力扳手snubbing tank缓冲罐casing生产层套管滑轮reversing sub反循环接头pipe joint短钻杆connection快速联结(井架大门处)坡板hole大鼠洞tool joint正规钻杆接头valve调节阀line放压管线ring (support ring)承托环circulating valve反循环阀circulation junk basket反循环打捞篮 circulation port反循环孔gear倒档齿轮tool倒扣(打捞)工具gasket钢圈spanner梅花扳手佛钉table转盘table motor转盘电机table motor blower转盘风机clamp(slips)安全卡瓦joint安全接头stop安全限位挡块switch安全开关(belt)安全带reel捞砂滚筒cloth筛布螺钉driver螺丝刀pipe无缝钢管立根盒capacity立根盒容量pit沉砂池轴shaker振动筛absorber减震器doo elevator倒开门吊卡joint elevator单根吊卡ram type preventer单闸板防喷器rule计算尺tongs管钳吊索卡瓦bushing卡瓦补心bushing卡瓦补心dog卡瓦牙板groove卡瓦槽insert卡瓦牙insert卡瓦打捞筒bowl(卡瓦)锥形座套筒扳手卡盘drill collar螺旋钻链spear钢丝绳打捞钩bit开眼钻头-in cementing插入式注水泥 hard对扣台(下套管用)扶正器steel不锈钢pipe立管插入头strings(内管)注水泥管柱双端螺栓bolt双头螺栓box盘根盒接头line吸入管线valve吸人阀casing表层套管水龙头measure卷尺三通丝扣dope丝扣油protector护丝bit三压轮钻头大钳bucket大钳平衡器dies大钳牙板head钳头mark大钳刻痕space大钳搭绞部位joint工具接头steel工具钢(bottom)plug顶(底)塞of the cement水泥面ring baffle plateTOTCO承托环 block游动滑车泥浆计量罐way valve两通阀井架大门阀门阀,凡尔body凡尔体bonnet阀盖,阀帽cup(seat)凡尔座face阀面lever阀杆seal阀密封seat grab起阅座器spring阀弹簧灵敏指针(=vise)虎钳hook壁钩pipe冲管bushing耐磨补心equipment井口装置stock造斜器,斜向器stabilizer翼状扶正器(二).钻井作业有关词语 "L" connector20"L" 型接头water先行水velocity环空流速viscosity表观粘度off倒扣,卸扣pressure回压up attachment打好背钳up泥包water压舱水water尾水model宾汉模型cost钻头成本diameter钻头直径footage钻头进尺IADC code钻头IADC编码lift钻头寿命position钻头位置series number钻头系列号teeth钻头齿time钻头时间type钻头类型wear钻头磨损job吹扫作业line扫线用管线pressure吹压压力井喷control防喷control equipment防喷设备handling装卸防喷器fill沉砂pressure井底压力∞nnedior1双母接头program套管程序size套管尺寸surface active agent阳离子表面活性剂 soda烧碱bond水泥胶结channeling水泥窜槽failure固井失败flush水泥冲洗slurry水泥浆formulation固井配方循环base mud粘土泥浆drilling控制钻进sample岩心取样腐蚀velocity临界速度block protector天车防碰装置block saver天车防碰装置off drilling line割大绳objects危险品53. degasser efficiency除气器效率除垢剂,清洁剂survey井斜测量pressure sticking压差卡钻drilling定向钻井well定向井leg狗腿leg ratio狗腿率time停工时间通径assembly钻具组合break钻进突变contractor钻井承包商cost钻井成本hours钻进时间operation钻井作业program钻井程序report钻井报表daily report钻井日报water钻井水bit grading钝钻头分级戴纳钻具agent乳化剂out刺坏well评估井well初探井limit疲劳极限float shoe自动灌浆浮鞋cake泥饼agent降失水剂絮凝作用pressure流压loss失水地层test地层测试water地层水water淡水,清水test功能试验content气含量cut气侵in mud泥浆中的气reservoir气层showing气显示formation硬地层sin井眼尺寸straightening井眼纠斜load大钩负荷position大钩位置gel-strength初切力string cementing内管注水泥 level indicator表面活性剂 down方人down depth方人深度in方人up方余sticking键槽卡钻井涌control控制井涌压井down the drill pipe甩钻杆–off test漏失试验J-slot左旋"J"型槽time迟到时间solid mud低固相泥浆pressure最小速度speed最大速度sea level平均海平面level平均潮面additive泥浆添加剂column泥浆柱conditioning调节泥浆conditioning materials泥浆处理材料 line泥线logging泥浆录井volume泥浆量leak不漏return无返出efficiency水眼效率size水眼尺寸–bottom离开井底海上leak漏油reservoir pressure油层压力resistant gom耐油橡胶seal油封shale油页岩mud油基泥浆bottom接触井底hole裸眼作业者上提,遇卡上扣过紧bottom hole assembly钟摆钻具组合 rate机械钻速viscosity塑性粘度(PV)塑料back水泥回堵loss in pipe管内压降test压力试验down plug泵入水泥塞efficiency泵效pressure泵压speed泵速stroke泵冲now额定流量划眼记录paper记录纸spear松开捞矛缓凝剂circulation反循环floor钻台speed转盘转速casing下套管time运转时间tool下人工具bridge砂桥mud饱和盐水泥浆sick晕船mud海水泥浆slip坐卡瓦gas浅层气sand泥质砂岩trip短起下-in关井casing pressure关井套压 pipe pressure关井钻杆压力 leave请病假tracking侧钻drilling line倒大绳,caving(井壁)拥塌苏打formation软地层content固相含量in开钻mud开钻泥浆cement挤水泥cementing分级注水泥待命,待机rate待命费up(pump)启动(泵)pressure•静压卡钻point卡点(泵)冲pressure抽吸压力抽吸height转盘高度torque转盘扭矩paper试纸time稠化时间alternating错扣making造扣off脱扣slipping滑扣hole缩径井眼torque大钳扭矩起下钻time起下钻时间事故depth垂深增稠剂on cementing候凝thickness壁厚down开泵循环下放out section冲刷井段hammer(泥浆泵)水击on bit钻压materials加重材料head now pressure井口流压location井位trip通井instruction作业指令pressure工作压力12pluggingbackcementing 回堵灌洋灰 consist 构成,构成water flood pump(injection) 灌抽水机 fixed rate 固定采集样品率bulkdensity 聚集疏密程度;松装疏密程度 reservepit 存储池sample cock 抽样旋塞,抽样拷克 gascut 气侵decode 解码,译解 wash tank 洗罐,分离罐wot(waiting on test,waiting on tools)) 等候,等候东西 weightinair 空气中重量filtercake 泥饼 well completing information 完井资料,数值drillwater 钻井水 spontaneouspotentiallog 天然电位测井conventionalmud 平凡泥浆 drillingtroubles 井下变乱running side pocket check valve 投偏疼阀 sheave 轮轴printer 打印机 free standing mast 无绷绳简便钻塔well-completion practice 完井功课 clay contamination 粘土侵weightmaterial 加剧剂 autoclave vacuum nipple 抽真空头rig in 安装,毗连 parallel communication 并行通信driftangle 倾斜角 valve master 主阀drift mandrel 通径规 sample collection 抽样,样品网络plugcontainer 洋灰头 invadedzone 进进入国境内带additive 新增剂/措置惩罚剂 well completing fluid 完井液shaleshaker 振荡筛 rtts operation for shoot and pull rtts完井办事x-mas tree(christmas tree) 开采石油树,井口开采石油装配 intake profile 吸水截面trip 起下钻 tubingpressure 油压gelcement 胶质洋灰 bearing 轴承walkie-talkie 对于讲机 amplitude log 声幅测井push rod 推杆 kellycock 方钻杆考可maintenance 维护,连结 displace 替corehandlingtools 取芯东西 current 电流water lost(wl) 泥浆掉水 spudin 开钻makeup 上扣 presentation 陈述,抒发floor man 钻工 internal circlip for cylinder抽样瓶卡环cartesian 笛卡儿曲线 xo sub 巨细头,异径接头multi-rate bhp(bottom hole pressure) testing 体系试井running jet pump 投喷射的流体泵posi lock pin depressing tool 锁定压按东西drifting 通径 plugflow 塞流troubleshooting 发明并补缀妨碍waxy 蜡,蜡状物,含蜡的freshwater 淡水alligator grab 鳄鱼爪 blastingcap 雷管erecting equipment 安装设备formationconductivities 地层电导率 weight indicator 指重表a directional engineer定向井工程师wti(well test interretation) 试井诠释mac你好 neoil 机油field maintenance 现场维护,现场调养 liftjacket 浮水衣workline 大绳 interface box接口箱lead stem 铅加剧杆 roll stem 虎符加剧杆air chamber 空气包 boring 钻孔trippingtime 起下钻时间 well sampling 井下抽样 battery 干电池reservoirpressure 油层压力 setting tool 空气定位销手柄 stand 立柱joint 单根 sensor 传感器 shut inpressure 关井压力test gauge压力表 totalpit 泥浆池总体积require 哀求,要求 pulling hanger 捞吊挂器bitnozzle 钻头水眼 work accident 操作变乱mudflowmeter 泥浆流量计 coring 取芯 running gauge cutter 通井mudretort 泥浆蒸馏水 chokeline 阻流管汇 waiton 等指令ball 球 setup 机构,安装,设备,社团helicopter 直升机sftting tool 移位东西 flash 发光,显现sludgetank 加剧泥浆池 running flow regulator 投配水器open circulating ssd(slide side door) 开轮回滑套 run length 进尺damage 伤害,侵害 box 母扣bend water 尾水 fisngjars 捕捞震击器rotaryslip 转盘卡瓦 flow line 出油管materialman 质料员 well bean 井口油嘴cable 电缆,电线 fillline 灌泥浆管线paraffin-treatment 清蜡措置惩罚 trigger mech. assy. 被触动引发机构总成flashweldedtooljoint 发光烧焊接头 master busng 转盘大补芯surpass 跨越,压服 bottom hole pressure 井底压力invasion diameter 进进入国境内直径 circulating pressure 轮回压力mud resistivity 泥浆电阻率 well service work 修井功课wost(waiting on standard tools) 等候规范东西 lost circulationmaterials 堵漏剂weightinmud 泥浆中重量 scale 刻度,天平,缩尺sample container 抽样接头 select 选择,遴选paraffin plugging 蜡堵 rotation bases 分班轮换powersource 电源 pum台式机 ount 总计泵冲数pulley 轮轴 straight well 直井眼rotaryhose 泥浆龙带 casingelevator 套管吊卡drill floor 钻台 tubing 油管opening 扩眼 hookposition 大钩位置go 刀杆撞棍 drilling technician 钻井技能员stagecementing 分级灌洋灰 flashlight 手电筒shear pin 剪切销钉 pressure decline 压力降apply 声请,应用 gasreservoir 气层lightweightmud 轻泥浆 preventer of double ram type 双闸板式防喷器exploration 踏勘 casing sub 套管接头erodeout 刺坏 circulationrate 轮回速率bittime 钻头纯钻时间 indented csel 齿状钻头,牙轮钻头drilling crew 钻井队员 air hoist 气动卷扬机well control fluid 压井液 establish 成立,安设controlroom 节制室 rigup 安装钻探机module 板块 overshot 卡瓦捕捞筒put on break 刹车,制动 reversible circlip pliers 卡簧手钳rag line大棕绳 drillingration 钻速ventilation 透风,透风设备 steam 蒸气ethane 乙烷 response 回应,相应setback 立根盒 contractor 承包商heavy bodied 很稠的,粘滞的 pulling jet pump 捞喷射的流体泵needle valve 针阀手柄 compensate 归还,赔偿desander 除砂器 contaminationofmud 泥浆污染hay pulley 地轮轴 truncate 截取一段,修剪pols-lock pin 锁定销钉 pulling flow regulator 捞配水器abandoneddrill 弃船演示 bulk tank 灰罐winch line 吊装用绳套 barite 重晶石runinthehole 下钻 sample analyzer 试样阐发器cementslurry 洋灰浆 tongtorquemeter 大钳扭矩表prime port adaptor assy. 增大压力口适配器 table height 转盘高度wash over 洗井,套洗,冲刷 elevated temperature 高温guideshoe 引鞋 individual 个另外,独个的install 安装,安设 water injector(injection well) 灌古井flow regulator extractor 节省器拉脱手柄 rwto(returned well to production) 井恢复出产cross 十字接头 freepoint 自由点screwdriver 改锥,改锥 safetyjoint 安全接头tiebacktool 回接东西 firmware 固件(软件硬件相联合)oven 烘箱 heavymud 重泥浆/加剧泥浆plug 堵,塞,插上,插栓 sticking 卡钻/被卡pulloutofthehole 起钻 measuring bhpbu(bottom hole pressure build up) 测压力恢复torque wrench扭矩板子 pentane 戊烷unconnectswitch 非接触式开关 transfer port adaptor 转样适配器pumpspeed 泵速 mud conditioning 泥浆措置惩罚/配泥浆keyseat 键槽 prime pump assy.手压泵适配器emulsifier 乳化剂 portlandcement 硅酸盐洋灰crystal 透明水晶,形成晶体体 vacuum hand pump 抽气机blind box 盲锤 vibra gauge压力表well completing data 完井资料,数值 geothermalgradient 地温梯度y-branch y型支管,分叉管 piston rod 活塞杆work vice 老虎钳 wire-stripper pliers 剥线钳rope socket 绳帽 open sssv(sub surface safety valve) by force 强力压制进行打开井下安全阀wallscraper 井壁刮刀 a toolpusher 队长,技师production 出产 annular velocity 环空流速slushpump 泥浆泵 gooseneck 鹅颈管loosen 放松 gauge 量规 unlatcngelevator 开吊卡pipewrench 管子板子 panel 面板diecollar 捕捞卡瓦 elevatorlink 吊环open ssd(slide side door) 开出产滑套discussion 会商 spear 捕捞矛cementing 固井 initialgelstrength 出切prime hand pump 注油器potential 潜在的,有可能的millingtool 铣具/磨鞋 suctiontank 吸入池torque wrench adaptor 扭矩板子接头 morningtour 白班quick coupling 迅速接头,快接受箍 mud balance 泥浆疏密程度计shorttrip 短起下钻 nearbitstabilizer 金钻头扶正器keyseatingsticking 键槽卡钻 dv collar 分级灌洋灰短接conductor 隔水导管 liftingsub 晋升短接off diskspring 弹簧片 neutron 中子射线storm 风暴 reynoldsnumber 雷诺数wto(well testing operator) 试油,试井操作工swabpressure 抽吸压力 freepipe 未卡部门钻柱casingtong 套管大钳 lifting capbop吊帽swabbing 抽吸 mast 钻探机internalupset 内加厚 vent pipe 放空管stuffing box 防喷盒 computer 计较机blowout preventer(bop) 防喷器 shallowgas 试气层aviation fuel 航空油 open 打开command 号令,掌握,支配 corecatcher 岩心爪running go devil 剪切钢丝 sample bomb 高压抽样瓶,样品存储器mudtesting 泥浆实验 flowing pressure gradient 流压梯度well testing supervisor 试油,实验监视 sample signal 抽样距离,抽样速率mudpump 泥浆泵 if(internal flush) 内平扣volt 伏特 retriever 钢丝捕捞器well pulling service 修井起下劲课 fracturing 压裂hammer 鎯头 packer 封隔器sand sampling 取砂样 busing 补芯reduce 减小,由大变小,简化 gasshowing 气体预示surgepressure 打击压力 back-up ring 违环barge engineer 平台工程师 slip 卡瓦sampler hose assy. 抽样器软管总成 transportation box 压力表箱return 归回洋灰浆 pin 销钉ton-mile 吨-英里 transfer lock sleeve 转样护帽off ball 钢球 fising 捕捞work assignment 事情摆设 water flush 水轮回洗井gasanalysis 气体阐发 pulley 轮轴limemud 白灰泥浆 flat file 板锉,扁锉offer 供给,诡计 pullingslip 起卡瓦lignite 铁络盐 flowrate 流量duplex slush pump 双缸泥浆泵 winch 卷扬机driller 司钻 ws(well shut-in,wind speed,work space) 关井,风速,事情区shutin 关井 ram assembly for bop 防喷管闸板总成washer 洗衣机 colloid 胶体singleram 单闸板 bumpersub 缓以及冲突器rig out 拆卸 x-over 变扣spacer 断绝液 shoe guide 引鞋bitgauge 钻头规 thread 丝扣heating jacket for cylinder 样瓶加温器 powerswivel 动力水龙草头loggingprogram 测井步伐 flow 放喷workinginstruction 功课指令 borehole 不带眼镜heating jacket for sampler 抽样器加温器 quartz 石英delta time 总计时间 weightedmud 重泥浆/加剧泥浆rotarytable 转盘 pumppressure 泵压function 函数 certification 证书sand level detection 探沙面 depth 井深presentation 软体操作软件 indented bolt 齿纹螺栓gunperforation 射孔完井 calibration 刻度supervisor 监视 o-ring for wellhead adapter 井口变扣o环wap(well performance analysis) 井的动态阐发sidewallneutronlog 井壁中子测井linecleaning 管线洗濯 recorder 划眼breech lock 泡栓 clock 钟表append 附带加之,新增,吊挂sro(surface read-out) 地面直读 open drain valve 砸泻油阀starting outfit 开始工作设备 drillingrecorder 钻井记载仪sandtrouble 砂堵 ventilate 放空,吹扫nozzlesize 水眼尺寸 cementbasket 洋灰伞wire 钢丝 elbow 弯接头wsp(work system package) 功课体系组装设备 centerlatchelevator 中开门吊卡checkvalve 单流阀 kellyspinner 方钻杆旋扣器part twopressure gauge pin 销钉,公扣wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节 needle valve body 针阀组件top valve 开采石油树清蜡闸门,试井闸门 winch drum shaft 卷扬机骨碌轴bit breaker 钻头装卸器 connector 联络器casingprogram 套管步伐 back pressure valve 回压阀inertiabrake 惯性刹车 merge 归并,并入,联合stable test 不变试井 sample frequency 采集样品深度well control equipment 井控设备 dieseloil 柴油killingawell 压井 piston removal活塞移位东西derrick 钻塔 tool pusher 钻井技师observe 不雅察,不雅测 wire stripper 剥皮钳,掳线钳workover 修井,补缀,大修 sliptypeelevator 卡瓦式吊卡linetest 管线试压 wellhead choke 井口油嘴wellheadassembly 井口装配 gauge cutter 通井规differentpressuresticking 压差卡钻 drilling cost 钻井成本sand bailer 捞沙筒 external upset 外加厚hydraulicpressure 静水压力 rtts operation for cement squeezing rtts固井办事(挤洋灰) relief valve 泄压阀,泄流阀 coefficientoffriction 磨擦系数torque wrench adaptor 扭矩板子接头 manufacture 打造,加工prime port nipple plug 增大压力口堵头 gammaraylog 天然测井wellhead cap 井口帽 paint 油漆go 平底撞棍 viscosity 黏性pressureequilibrium 压力均衡 drag 遇阻choke 油嘴 alarm 警报 pumice 浮石 bed 床well screen 油井筛管deadlineanchor 死绳固定器silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器 prime pump hose assy. 手压泵输出管coregun 取芯器 incorporate 归并,混淆 tool body clamp抽样器夹具inverse circulation 反洗井 formation 地层safetybelt 安全带 tubingspool 油管四通electrician 电工 running side pocket plug 投偏疼拥塞器bitlife 钻头生存的年限 jackup type drilling unit 自升式钻井船Kelly busing 方钻杆补芯 well service hoist 修井机assistant driller 副钻 linerhanger 尾管挂grease oil tank 注脂油桶 mud tank 泥浆罐 suckingline 上水管线pulling side pocket plug 捞偏疼拥塞器 pit drill 防喷演示annular space 圆环空间 dumpvalve 放泄阀flowline 泥浆出口管线 drillstem 钻柱stabilizingagent 不变剂 workover derrick 修井钻塔piston assy. 活塞总成 gasoline 燃料measuring flowing pressure 测流压 o-ring for lubricator 防喷管o环mica 云母 kick 井涌 suspending weight 悬重gauge压力表 pipe wrench 管钳tapermilling 锥形刮刀 measuring static pressure 测静压cementingpump 固井泵 safetyvalve 安全阀slipvelocity 淤积速率 tabletorquemeter 转盘扭矩表sample cylinder tag 样瓶,样筒 well performance testing 体系试井,井动态实验,井出产实验generator 策念头 martin decker w-15 oil 马丁代克油tenminutesgel 终切 battery housing干电池筒filter 过淋,用筛子选 wt-ind(weight indicator) 指重表tof(top of fis你好ng) 落鱼顶部 winch drive shaft universal joint 卷扬机主动轴万向节weightonbit 钻压 drain 耗损,耗尽 dischargeofpump 泵排量o-ring for bop bop o环 range 规模,射出距离wellheadpressure 井口压力 casingshoe 套管鞋desilter 沉淀池, 滤池塘 pressurelossin pipe 管内压力损掉drillstrings 钻杆拄 chemicaltreatment 化学措置惩罚typhoon 飓风 laydown 甩reverse circulation 反轮回 completion 完井packing 弥缝圈 spider 卡盘indicate 指出,预示 winch truck 起重机 stand-byboat 值班船monkeyboard 二层台 safety solvent 洗濯液cementingline 固井管线 pressuregradient 压力梯度 helicopterport 飞机平台unfreezing 解卡 workover rig 修井设备,功课机 alignment 校直,调准tong chain 链钳 lock grubscrew 锁紧螺丝 upload 上载lignitemud 铁络盐泥浆 pressure loss in annular 环空压力损掉clamp 卡子 t/b/g 牙齿儿/轴承/外径磨耗 variable rate 可变采集样品率air hose assy.扫空管 drillpipe 钻杆 casingscraper 套管刮管器rigdown 拆卸钻探机 deadline 死绳miringwater 消融水 degasser 除气器sample period 样品判定 shuttle mechanism assy. 被触动引发机构cable for counter 统计器软轴 wire cutter 断线钳bit diameter 钻头直径 pwv(production wing valve) 出产翼阀stinger 导向插头,引鞋,尾管 talk mode 会话标准样式wash-over fising operation 套洗捕捞功课,套洗落鱼功课 wire line(wl) 电缆insertbit 镶齿钻头 formationdamage 粉碎地层picking for stuffing box 盘根 transport 传送器,运输机close ssd(slide side door) 关出产滑套 yoke 套圈,箍圈,联合ringgasket 钢圈/垫圈 loggingcable 测井电缆samplinginterval 抽样距离 bittype 钻头型号 seating nipple 坐落接头drillspool 钻井四通 outerbarrel 外岩心筒reaming 辊轴扶正器 lapse 掉误,降落,过掉line 管线 cable head 电缆头,电缆接头upset 加厚 pitlevel 泥浆池液面boiler 汽锅 volumeofannulus 环空容积normal butane 正丁烷 flow rate 流速cement 洋灰 accordance 相符,调以及firedrill 救火演示 lubricator upper section 上防喷管red lead 记载仪 squeeze cementing 挤洋灰multiplecompletion 多层完井 durability 不易用坏性well control operation 压井功课 liferaft 救护筏grease oil 注脂油 directory 目次asbestos 石棉 riser 隔水导管fuse/110v 断电丝/110v tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳sample chamber 样品室 wrench set 全套板子pressure test hose 试压管线 reamer 开释,放开无论conebit 牙轮钻头 sample contamination 样瓶,样筒,样品器皿work the pipe free 勾当管柱使之解卡 latcing elevator 扣吊卡nipple down卸下,拆卸 centrifugalpump 离心泵spring 弹簧 shut incasing pressure 关井套管压力pliers,vice 山君钳 Kelly down depth 方入深度tubinghanger 油管挂 counter head 统计头killline 压井管汇 offbottom 不接触井底lubricator(assembly,system) 防喷管(装配,体系) cylinder 缸instrument 东西,器械,用具 paraffin-troubles结蜡井prime port spanner增大压力阀板子spanner for gauge压力表专用板子 version 版本,译本totaldepth 总井深 travelingblock 游动滑车dump data 回放数值 convert 转换,使改变inductionelectricalsurvey 感到电测井 well flow under balance 诱喷terminal 终点终端 swivel joint 扭转节anchor 锚 allen key内六角 polymer 聚合物ndt(nipple down tree) 拆卸井口装配,拆卸开采石油树 setting slip 放卡瓦supplyboat 供应船 wand 棒,棍,杖overshot 捕捞筒 power law model 幂律模子casingburstpressure 套管分裂压力 innerstring cementing 内管灌洋灰winch barrel(drum) 卷扬机滚筒 wta(well test analysis) 试井阐发real time 现实时间 pressurized air 压缩空气sea-watermud 海洋灰浆 wdbs(weight going down before sticking) 摄谱仪遇阻前下行重量fire extinguisher 把火搞灭器 slipworkline 倒大绳cutoffworkline 割大绳 directionalwell 定向井tour s ft 班 pump efficiency 泵效pump stroke counter 泥浆泵冲数 saturatedsalt-watermud 达到最高限度盐洋灰浆wirefinder 钢丝探量观测器 noreturn 未归回洋灰浆cementslurryforlead 先行洋灰浆 impression block)铅字印刷remove 移动,解雇,移交 drilling equipment 钻井装配,钻探机sandbridge 砂桥 meansealevel 均等海最简单的面 workover job(operation) 修井功课drillingrig 钻井船 diamond bit 金刚石钻头wait on(stand by) 等待命令 battery tester干电池丈量器drilling 钻进 cock 水龙草头control panel 节制面板 injector 注油器a drilling engineer 钻井工程师measuring bhp(bottom hole pressure) testing with jet pump 带泵测压(喷射的流体泵)gasinmud 泥浆中宇量 electriclogging 电测roustabout 水手 wellcleaning 洗井 running plug 投拥塞器 shock sub 减振器revolutionsperminute 每一分钟转数 cementflush 洋灰冲刷b/bench hose assy. 样瓶转样管 hydraulic jar 液压震击器corebarrel 取芯筒 alkalinity 碱性泥浆比重cementbondlog 固井质量查验 livingquarters 栖身区sample blob 井底抽样器 zonal testing(zonation test) 分层实验shutoff 封闭 interface box 接口箱 pistonrod 活塞杆 kellydown 方入spool 四通 dv port dv孔 hopper 漏斗 safetyclamp 安全卡子bottomsup 带着岩屑 pitvolumeincrease 泥浆增长量 contract 合约wax containing crude 含蜡原油 sample collector 抽样步伐 well sand up 油井砂堵bearing of hay pulley 地轮轴轴承 holesize 井眼尺寸hookloadoffbottom 钻柱离底时大钩负荷 samplingdepth 抽样井深close circulating ssd(slide side door) 关轮回滑套 hose 软管/水龙草带input 输入 chokemanifold 试油树 sample bailer 采集样品筒 oilreservoir 油层verticaldepth 铅直深度 crossoversub 共同接头 frequency 频率,周率filtrationeducingagent 降掉水剂 acquisition 患上到,患上到物 sample cylinder 样品杯calibration drift 漂移 torch burner 喷射火焰的工具 dailyproduction 日产量openhole 不带眼镜 weather 气候 holestraightening 井眼勘正/纠斜well cementation 固井,挤洋灰 bitwear 钻头磨耗 yo-yo (下井仪)上下移动,上下勾当tighten 上紧 core 岩心 digital 数码的 submergedpump 潜抽水机 running hanger 投吊挂器well killing method 压井要领 stainlesssteel 不锈钢 zonal withdrawal 分层挖掘turbulentflow 紊流 coupling 联接扣 hand pump stuffing box 手压泵well condition 井况 sample analysis 试样阐发,样品阐发 jars 震击器fillingupmud 灌泥浆 sample identification 抽样井,采集样品井 link jar机械震击器laytime 来晚时间 baud rate 波特率 overpulling 遇卡 densimeter 疏密程度计work string reciprocation 事情管柱上下来去运动 drier(dring oven) 干燥计sample point 样品的真实性 diver 潜入水下员release 正规扣 standpipe 立管 transducer 传感器,变频器,互换器leak 漏 buoyancycoefficient 上压力系数 a drilling supervisor 钻井监视gypsummud 生石膏泥浆 rotaryspeed 转盘转数 kickcontrol 节制井涌spareparts 备件 wrench板子,板钳 update 更新,勘正,批改period 周期,期间 potassiumchlorate 氯化钾 shaft 轴casing 套管,罗纹联接的兀接箍 zoneoflostcirculation 遗漏层waitoncement 候凝 grease for transducer 传感器用油 tong 大钳isobutane 异丁烷 indirect flusing 反轮回洗井,逆向冲刷 saw blade 锯条centralizer 套管扶正器 stop lost circulation 堵漏 gel strength 切力tie down chain 系紧链 fisingj ob 捕捞功课 kellyup 方余 bolt 螺栓 retarder 缓凝剂well control information 井控资料,资料 housing 壳,壳体knuckle joint 万向节 flow regulator end cap 端帽 lubricator bleed off manifold 防喷管针阀doctor 大夫 clean up 地面完井放喷 breakout 卸扣run impression block 下铅字印刷 heavyweightdrillpipe 加剧钻杆 resolution 分辩率lubricator lower section 下防喷管 thread grease丝扣油 lostcirculation 井漏 zoom 放大,缩放rope damp 绳头,绳卡 sample well 抽样周期 punch 冲子radioactivitylog 放射性测井 tooh(tool out of hole) 起出下入井中的东西casingpressure 套压 roughneck 钻工 retaining ring 制动环 mechanist 机械师paraffin valve 清蜡闸门 fixed pulley 定轮轴 muddensity 泥浆疏密程度o-ring o环 com port 串行通信端口 well cementing operation 固井功课pulling side pocket check valve 捞偏疼阀 bearing angle 方位 declination 误差/方位角linear plot 线性最简单的面图 christmastree 开采石油树changebit 换钻头 transfer port plug 转样口堵头 display 预示器,预示,展览kelly 方钻杆 winch brake 卷扬机刹车 winch control panel 卷扬机节制面板run sand bailer 下捞砂桶 parasol 旱伞 corebit 取芯钻头 center spear 外捞矛wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节quality 质量,品位,性子welder 电焊工kellydrive 方钻杆滚子补芯naturalflow 自喷mastervalve 总闸门bolt,nut 螺丝,螺丝帽laminarflow 层流bop pump c/w hose 手压泵及管线mudcolumn 泥浆柱hydrostaticpressure 静水压力substructure 钻塔底座yellow dog 钻塔用灯separater 分离器seal 弥缝/封堵wobble pump 手摇泵sample interval 样品管,采集样品胶皮管dispersingagent 分离剂mechanic 机械工wubs(weight going up before sticking) 摄谱仪遇卡前上行重量cover 外壳well blowout 井喷mw(mud weight) 泥浆重量,泥浆疏密程度nipple seating坐落接头prune 剪除,修剪,删去drillinglog 钻井记载mudlogging 泥浆录井methane 甲烷hull 船身pressureofmudcolumn 泥浆柱压力gel mud 胶质泥浆calciumremover 除钙剂air chamber tube assy 导流管mudvolume 泥浆量wellhead 井口rathole 鼠洞wipertrip 通井returning fluid 井口反出液wellhead tap 井口短节well completion 完井mudditch 泥浆槽propane 丙烷tubinghead 油管头y-joint y型接头,分叉接头bottomfill 沉砂fis你好ng drop bar 捞焚烧棒phenolphthalein 酚酞graph 图表,曲线图motormen 机工mixingpump 混淆泵lifeboat 救护艇tooljoint 钻杆接头whp(wellhead platform) 井口平台running in test 试车cable 电缆well completing test 完井实验volumeinsidepipe 管内部实质意义积catcher 捕获器bitsub 钻头接头workingpressure 事情压力internal circlip 内簧卡sample date 样瓶标签sidewall cutter 刮管刀calculatingfree piont 计较卡点深度loggingtool 测井东西pincers 钳子diameter 直径chemicaltank 化学药剂缸v-door 钻塔大门casingmonkeyboard 套管平台ball up 泥包data acquisition 患上到数值wellshooting 地动测井reversecirculation 反轮回innerbarrel 内岩心筒regular 巨细头sample cup 样品污染bull nose 底堵mudgun 泥浆枪sample depth 抽样日子cross over,x-over(xo) 巨细头,短节,变扣接头,旁通管relief valve stem调压阀杆transmission 传动装配/变速器tri-conebit 三牙轮钻头transmit 传道输送,传送,发射旌旗灯号pressuregradient 压力梯度casinghead 套管头isopentane 异戊烷needle valve 针阀run gauge cutter 通井filler funnel漏斗。

API 5CT 课件

API 5CT 课件

无损检测 Non-destructive examination(NDE)
无损检测 Non-destructive examination(NDE)
无损检测 Non-destructive examination(NDE)
钢级及产品规范等级 Grades and PSL
规格 Sizes 套管 表C.1 Table C.1 for casing 油管 表C.2 Table C.2 for Tubing
成分规定 specification of chemical composition
我司不同钢级用钢 Steels used for grades , ours
技术中心 2014年
API 5CT 标准 Standard

美国石油学会 American Petroleum Institute 产品标准 Product standard 油管和套管 casing and tubing 规定了套管、油管、接箍料(包括短节)的交货技术条件 Specifies the technical delivery conditions for casing, tubing and coupling stock (including pup joints). 3个产品规范等级(PSL1/2/3) Three Product Specification Levels 4组产品15个钢级 Four groups of products with 15 types of grades 3种套管连接方式及3种油管连接方式 Three types of connections for casing and also three types for tubing


ASTM A501-98
ASTN A519-98
JIS G3441-1994
JIS G3444-1994
ASTM A53-98
JIS G3452-1998
FIS G3454-1998
DIN 1629-1984
(ISO3183-1.2;API Spec SL)
石油套管、油管和钻杆(光管)Casing,tubing and drill pipe(plain-end)
API Spec 5CT
用于石油开采 For petroleum recovering

TT St35N



A Handbook of English for Offshore Oil Drilling海洋石油钻井常用英语手册附录一: 平台人员岗位名称一. 承包商人员( Contractor’s Personnel )Rig Manager 平台经理Equipment Supervisor 设备总监Materials Supervisor 材料总监Senior Toolpusher 高级队长Junior Toolpusher 值班队长Driller 司钻Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻Derrick Man 井架工Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工Barge Master (captain) 船长First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工Chief Engineer 轮机长Head of Routabout 甲板班长Crane Operator 吊车工Routabout 甲板工Mechanic 机械师Electrician 电气师Repairman 修理工Motorman 轮机员Welder 焊工Radio Operator 电报员Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员Medic 医生Safety Supervisor 安全监督Interpreter (translator) 翻译Chief Steward 管事Cook 厨师Steward 厨工Laundry Man 洗衣工二. 作业者及服务公司人员( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师Sample Catcher 捞砂工Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师ROV Engineer 潜水工程师Cementer 固井工Cement Engineer 固井工程师Testing Engineer 试油工程师Coring Engineer 取芯工程师Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师附录二: 平台主要设备一. 钻井设备(Drilling Equipment): Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统(Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备(Well Control Equipment): Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 海事系统(Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备五. 机房(Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达六. 安全设备(Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制七. 其他( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船附录三. 平台场所Bow 船首Stern 船尾Forward (FWD) or fore 船首的Aft 船尾的Port 左舷Starboard (STBD) 右舷Upper Deck 上部甲板Main Deck 主甲板Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室Control Room 控制室Helideck 直升机甲板Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Radio Room 报房Engine Room 机房Thruster Room 推进器房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库Leg 桩腿Jacking House 升降室Column 立柱Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Cellar Deck 圆井甲板Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Spud Tank 桩脚箱Pontoon 浮箱Moonpool 月池/园井甲板Pump Room 泵房Shale Shaker House 振动筛房Coffee Room 咖啡室Rig Office 平台办公室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV RoomChange Room 工衣房Kitchen 厨房附录四. 钻具,井口工具,打捞工具Drill Pipe 钻杆Drill Collar 钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡Tong 大钳Make-up Tong 上扣大钳Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦Spider 卡盘Mouse Hole 小鼠洞(接单根用) Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀Chain Tong 链钳Casing 套管Tubing 油管Drill String 钻柱Jar (drilling jar) 震击器Right Hand Thread 正扣Left Hand Thread 反扣Stabilizer 扶正器Rabit 通管器Liner 尾管Conductor 导管Thread Protector 护丝Stand (钻杆) 立柱Single (钻杆) 单根Joint (钻具) 根Bend 弯头Sub 短节Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节Connector 接头Bit 钻头Bit Breaker 钻头盒Box 母扣Pin 公扣Hole Opener 开眼钻头Reamer 扩眼钻头Overshot 打捞筒Junk Basket 打捞篮Junk Mill 平头磨鞋Spear 打捞矛Fishing Tap 打捞公锥Cross Over Sub (XO Sub) 转换接头Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) 下部钻具组合附录五. 材料和工具Steel 钢Iron 铁Wood 木Chemicals 化学品Cement 水泥Barite 重晶石Potable Water 淡水Drilling Water 钻井水Sea Water 海水Fuel 柴油Helifuel 飞机燃油Lubricant (Lube/Lube oil) 润滑油Grease 黄油Thread Dope 丝扣油Ballast Water 压载水Bilge Water 舱底水Gasoline 汽油Mud 泥浆Bentonite 般土Additive 添加剂Caustic Soda 烧碱Weight Material 加重材料Thinner 稀释剂Oxygen 氧气Nitrogen 痰气Hydrogen Sulphide 二氧化硫Acetylene 乙炔Compressed Air 压缩空气Hydraulic Fluid 液压油Spanner 扳手Hammer 铁锤Screw Driver 螺丝刀Multimeter 万用表Welding Machine 焊机Bar 撬杠Shackle 卸扣Sling (钢丝) 绳套Container 集装箱附录六. 常用缩写形式BHA: bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合DP: drill pipe 钻杆DC: drill collar 钻铤HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆BOP: blowout preventer 防喷器TD: total depth 总深TVD: true vertical depth (定向井的)垂直深度SCR: silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅OD: outside diameter 外径ID: inside diameter 内径BBL: barrel 桶LB: (拉丁语) Libra=pound (重量单位) PSI: pound per square inch 磅/英寸2 GAL: gallon 加仑POOH: pull out of hole 起钻RIH: run in hole 下钻WOW: wait on weather 等候天气WOC: wait on cement 候凝JU: Jackup 自升式(钻井船)SEMI: semi submersible 半潜式(钻井船)RPM: revolution per minute 转速/分钟LPM: liter per minute 升/分钟KN: knot 节(海里/小时)SWL: safe working load 安全工作负荷API: American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会IADC: international association of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会MPI: magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤附录七:常用语Drilling 钻井Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业.Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节.Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆.Break out this connection. 卸开该接头.Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置.Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号.Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底.Pick up stands. 接立柱Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟Run in hole. 下钻Put out of hole. 起钻Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次Check mud weight every 15 minutes. 每15分钟检查泥浆比重Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆Change/replace old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆Stop drilling. 停止钻进Drilling ahead. 钻进Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头Change bit. 换钻头Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补心The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣What’s the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大?Run in 9” collars. 下9”钻铤The cathead can’t give enough torque. 猫头力量不够Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小了Stop circulating. 停止循环泥浆Break out the stand. 卸立柱Set the single into the mousehole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗? No! Break it out with tong. 不行! 要用大钳卸扣Spin it out with the air spanner. 用气动扳手卸扣Put the pipe wiper on the string. 装上钻杆刮泥器Don’t set this stand back. 这根钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上Make up the lift sub. 接好提升短节Secure the safety clamp. 上紧安全卡瓦The bit is nearing the shoe. 钻头快到套管鞋了Slow down the running speed. 放慢下放速度This is the undergauged interval. 这是缩径井段This is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?Keep the rotary speed at 120---140 RPM. 转速保持120---140转/分Keep the flow rate at 3000 LPM. 保持排量3000升/分The pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了Don’t ream the hole too fast. 划眼不要太快Notice the rotary torque. 注意转盘扭矩的变化The penetration rate is getting slower. 钻速变慢了The bit is nearly worn out. 钻头快磨光了Stop drilling at 2000 meters. 钻至2000米停钻Circulate for one hour. 循环一个小时The pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了One nozzle may be plugged. 可能有一个水眼(或: 喷嘴)堵了What is the hook load? 悬重多少?What’s the pick-up weight? 上提重量是多少?What’s the lowering weight? 下放重量是多少?Run in HWDP. 下加重钻杆A stabilizer is needed here. 这里需要一个扶正器This is a flexible sub. 这是挠性接头This is the BHA log. 这是下部钻具组合记录Record all outside and inside diameters. 记录好所有(入井工具的)内外径We need a short drill collar. 需要一根短钻铤Pull the cat line. 拉猫头Operate the break lever. 操作(或:扶)刹把Stop the pumps. 停泵Make a wiper trip. 通井Retrieve wear bushing. 取出抗磨补心Bleed off pressure. (释)放压(力)Keep 5 wraps on the drum. 滚筒上留5圈Set slips. 座上卡瓦If tight hole, repeat wiper trip. 如果井眼紧, 重复划眼Setback bottom hole assembly. 将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内Make sure all alarms are on. 确保所有的警报信号都开着Lay down TDS spinner. 拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器Run in hole bit #15 to bottom. 用15号钻头下钻到井底Run in hole to casing shoe. 下钻至套管鞋Pick up same bit and BHA. 装上同样的钻头和钻具组合Lay down 5” HW drill pipe. 甩5”加重钻杆Move string every 2 hours. 每2小时活动钻具一次Keep area around shaker clean. 保持振动筛区域干净Control trip gas. 控制起下钻气Ream if needed. 如必要时进行划眼Select the best penetration rate. 选择最佳钻进速度Fix the traveling assembly. 固定游动系统Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台What’s the weight on bit? 钻压是多少?What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合?Drill out cement. 钻穿水泥Drill out 20” casing shoe. 钻穿20”套管鞋Latch the elevator. 扣吊卡Unlatch the elevator. 开吊卡Set the slips. 放卡瓦Adjust the crown-o-matic (crown saver). 调整防碰天车Lock the hook pin. 锁紧大钩销子Check OD of stabilizer. 检查扶正器的外径Perform leak off test. 进行地层破裂(或:渗漏)测试Connect kill and choke line. 接上压井和放喷管线Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆Make a short trip. 进行短途起下钻Change the cutters. 换割刀Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆Drill the stand down. 钻完立柱Start/run the shale shaker. 开振动筛Start the desanders. 开除砂器Start the desilters. 开除泥器Change it with a 40 mesh screen. 换成40目筛布Shut it off. 关掉Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去Make a fast connection. 接单根要快Don’t dump the mud into the sea. 不要把泥浆排放到海里Disconnect it with a chain tong. 用链钳卸开Put a thread protector. 加一个(丝扣)护箍Can we use the power slips? 可以使用动力卡瓦吗?Casing and Cementing 下套管与固井Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井This is the casing program. 这是套管程序Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管Make everything ready for running 7”casing. 做好下7”套管的准备Make cementing job. 固井Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替泥浆Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m. 在2940到2790米井段打水泥塞Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注3方隔离液Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞Wait on cement. 候凝The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋Connect the floor collar. 接浮箍Connect the air line to the casing stabbing board. 接好套管扶正台的气管线Run casing with the 350T slip elevator. 用350吨卡瓦式吊卡下套管Clean and dry 20” casing threads with rags. 清洁并擦干20”套管丝扣Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪里?Rig Move, Anchoring and Positioning 拖航, 抛锚, 定位What is our position now? 我们现在船位在哪里?Wh at’s the moving speed now? (What’s the towering speed?) 拖航速度是多少? The speed is about 4 knots. 船速是4节左右Which one is the main tug? 主拖是哪条船?The main tug is Nanhai 205. 主拖是南海205Which one is the chase boat? 护航船是哪一条?How much is the horse power? 有多大马力?She has 6000 HP. 有6000马力Move the rig off location 50 feet. 将平台移开50英尺We are ready to drop the anchor. 我们已经做好抛锚的准备了Secure all the movable equipment. 固定好各种活动的设备Preload. (自升式)压载Ballast. (半潜式)压载Put the preload water into the tank. 向压载舱灌压压载水We need 5500 tons of preload water. 需要5500吨压载水Shall we preload right now? 马上开始压载吗?Drain the water off. 放水The rig is overloaded. 平台已超载Jack up (jack down) the rig. 升(降)船The draft is 3.5 meters. 船体吃水3.5米The jetting pressure is 100psi. 冲桩压力是100psiPenetrate the legs. 插桩How much penetration do we have? 入泥多深了?No.1 and No.2 legs indicate 10 meters. 1,2号桩腿插入10米Fix the upper and lower wedges. 固定上下楔块Pay out the anchor line. 放出锚缆绳Skid the derrick. 移开井架The rig is short of potable water now. 平台缺乏饮用水Drop No.2 and No.3 anchors. 抛2号和3号锚Why has the main engine stopped? 主机为什么停?Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具Tighten up. 绷紧(或:上紧)一点Turn on the cooling water for the windlasses. 开锚机刹车冷却水Retrieve the No.1 to No.8 anchors. 起1到8号锚Check the paint marks at the anchor winches. 检查锚机上的油漆记号Prepare for a location move. 准备好移井位Commence anchor handling. 开始起锚(或抛锚)Secure all equipment stored on deck. 固定好所有存放在甲板上的设备Carry out stability and load calculations. 做稳性和载荷计算Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. 将起抛锚短索, 卸扣和浮标吊起给起锚船Lower the windward anchor to seafloor. 抛上风锚到海底Pick up the leeward anchor first. 先起下风锚Take anchor chaser (or chaser) back to rig. 将捞/抛锚环送回平台Hook up towing lines to tug boat. 将拖缆连接到拖轮Sound fog signal for two seconds every twenty seconds. 发大雾信号, 每20秒钟响两秒Fishing 打捞The bit cutters have been lost in the hole. 牙轮落井Run in the reverse-circulation basket. 下反循环打捞篮There is a lot of junk in the hole. 井下有很多落物The fish is 235.46 meters long. 落鱼长度235.46米The fish top is at 2478.34 meters. 鱼顶位置2478.34米Coring 取芯Stop drilling for coring. 停钻准备取芯Make up core bit. 接取芯钻头What type of core bit is it? 这是什么型号的取芯钻头? Run in a diamond core bit. 下金刚石取芯钻头Let’s drop the ball for coring. 可以投球取芯The core has been broken off. 岩芯断了Put the core in the boxes. 把岩芯装在岩芯盒里Don’t brake suddenly. 不要猛刹车Take out the core. 岩芯出筒How long is the core? 岩芯多长The core recovery is 98%. 岩芯收获率是98%Run in the core barrel again. 继续下岩芯筒(或: 取芯筒)Run in hole core barrel. 下取芯筒Drop ball. 投钢球Recover core. 取出岩芯Use same parameters as for core #1. 使用与1#取芯同样的参数Freeing Stuck Pipe 卡钻与解卡The down-hole problems are very complicated. 井下情况很复杂The hole is tight. 遇阻了Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡(overpull: 超拉力)The formation is unstable. 地层不稳定The wall caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重There are many return cuttings. 返出岩屑特别多The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150吨Slack off to 50 tons. 下放至50吨Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣Where is the back-off position? 脱扣位置在哪Plug the well for side tracking. 打水泥塞侧钻Abnormal Well Condition and Well Control异常井况与压井The mud is gas out. 泥浆有气侵The pit has lowered quickly. 泥浆池液面下降很快The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里Cut down the flow rate. 降低排量Lower the mud density. 降低比重Cut down the hydrostatic pressure. 减少静压The gas smell is strong. 天然气味度很浓There’s some trace of oil. 发现有油花The pump pressure is fluctuating. 泵压不稳It is a zone of abnormal pressure. 这是异常压力层The hole (well) is kicking! 井涌啦!Shut in the BOP! 关闭防喷器Sound the general alarm quickly! 快发出综合警报The stand pipe pressure is 10 kg/cm2. 立管压力10公斤/厘米2The casing pressure is 25 kg/cm2. 套压2510公斤/厘米2Fill out the kill sheet. 填写压井记录表Kill the well. 压井There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick. 又喷又漏, 情况复杂Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气What’s the lag time? 迟到时间是多少The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定BOP and subsea Equipment 防喷器与水下设备Cut off the 30” conductor. 割掉30”隔水管Weld on the 30” bottom flange. 焊接30”法兰Hoist and nipple up 30” diverter. 吊装30”转喷器Change the 5” pipe rams to 3-1/2” rams. 把这个5”闸板换成3-1/2” Install blind ram. 安装防喷器的盲板芯子Check the seal ring of the conductor. 检查隔水管密封圈Cut off the lifting eye of the conductor. 切割隔水管耳环Test BOP. 测试防喷器Change annular BOP packing. 更换万能防喷器芯子Full pressure test the ram preventers. 对闸板防喷器进行全压试压Test annular BOP at 2500psi. 万能防喷器试压至2500psiCheck annular pressure. 检查环形空间压力Confirm the angle of the guide base. 确定基板角度The thread is covered with the quick-release protectors. 已戴好快卸护丝Establish the guide lines. 装导向绳Connect the TGB running tool. 接临时导向基板送入工具Land the TGB to sea. 下临时导向基板到海底Retrieve the running tool. 退出送入工具Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力Function test the diverter system. 对防喷器系统进行功能测试Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器Move the BOP to the moonpool door. 将防喷器移到园井甲板的活动门上Run the test plug. 下试压塞Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿能力是400千磅The locking load is 1000000 pounds. 锁紧负荷1000千磅Support the riser. 接隔水管支撑环Remove the hose bundles. 卸下垮接软管Assure the self-controlled rotation. 保证自控转动Set the LMRP on the test pump. 将下部防喷器插入总成座放到试压桩上Connect the flex joint to the riser. 连接隔水管与挠性接头Land the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察Remove all the riser running tools. 取出所有的隔水管送入工具BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车Lower the universal guide frame. 下放万能导向架Paint mark the top 6 meters of 30” conductor white. 在30”隔水管的顶部6米处用白漆涂上记号Check adequate length for guidelines. 检查导向绳的长度是否足够Move temporary guide base (TGB) into moonpool. 将临时导向基板到园井甲板Test pull to check connection. 试拉检查连接Grease TGB and running tool as required. 按要求给导向基板及下入工具上黄油Test fit TGB and running tool. 用下入工具试临时导向基板连接Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物Pick up 30” conductor handling slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好?Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态Place BOP stack on the test pump. 将防喷器组放在试压桩上Check condition of all 30” casing connectors. 检查所有30”套管接头的情况Replace O-rings as required. 按需要, 更换O性密封圈Attach slope indicator below camera position. 在摄像机下面装上水平仪Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器Prepare spud plate and wireline to check water depth. 准备测深板和钢丝绳测量水深Record all pressure tests on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件Check and tighten all bolts. 检查并上紧所有螺栓Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验Fill kill and choke valves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi, 然后放掉压力Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. 将液压控制管线压力减少到5200千帕Switch to alternate control pod. 把闸门开关倒到控制面板Guidelines are slacked off. 导向绳松了Slack off drill pipe and release running tool. 放松钻杆并卸开下入工具Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水电视观察钻头是否进入临时导向基板Don’t rotate until ho le opener passes through the TGB. 在扩眼器通过临时导向基板前不要旋转Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板Monitor riser level via trip tank. 用计量罐来控制隔水管内的液面Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psiPick up test mandril and place in BOP. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组Safety and Firefighting 安全与消防Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业Don’t walk under the crane load. 不要在吊物下走动The repairing is under way. 正在检修Keep your hands clear! (Keep you hands off! Do not touch!) 不要乱动Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣Have your breathing apparatus near you. 保持放毒面具在附近It’s a drill. 这是演习It was a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习Get in the lifeboat in order. 按顺序进入救生艇Put on life jacket! 穿好救生衣Abandon the vessel! 弃船Sound the abandonment alarm! 发出弃船警报Go to the helideck! 去飞机坪集合Aboard the lifeboat. 登上救生艇Aboard the supply boat to shore! 乘拖船上岸Check life saving apparatus periodically. 定期检查救生设备It’s for fire fighting. 这是消防用的Start the fire pump. 启动消防泵This rope is too small. 这根绳子太细了It should be function tested. 需做功能测试A warning notice should be set up. 要挂警告牌Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?It must be ready in an emergency condition. 必须始终保持良好的应急状态Will the typhoon hit our rig? 台风要袭击我们的平台吗?We will have to evacuate the rig. 我们要撤离平台Personnel on board (POB). 在船人员总数Sound fire alarm. 发消防警报This is a fire drill. 这是消防演习conduct abandon ship drill. 举行弃船演习Release the boat hooks. 释放救生艇吊钩Board the life boat. 登救生艇Remove the rust and paint with anti-corrosive primer. 除锈后上防锈底漆Three rafts are located near life boat station port side. 在左舷救生艇站附近还存放有3个救生筏Wear work vests when working below the cellar deck. 在圆井甲板面下面工作时须穿工作救生衣The station bills need to be updated. 应急部署表须更新Check the expiry date for all foam extinguisher. 检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间Close all the water-tight doors. 关闭所有水密门Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times. 在任何时候都应遵守安全程序Anchor wires should have a Spelter type socket at anchor side. 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头Colour code all the connection at the loading station. 在供给站管线接头处用颜色表明各管线Verify that a high level alarm is installed on the sludge tank. 确认污水舱安装有高位警报Don’t switch on during drilling operation. 钻井作业期间不能合闸Provide two independent means to start the emergency generator engine. 应急发电机柴油机应有两套独立的起动方法Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified. 重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳Clean the internals of the emergency switchboard. 清洁应急配电盘内部Helicopter and Supply Vessel 直升机与供应船Load out Contractor’s riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台Offload casing. (从供应船上)卸套管Load (offload or unload) the boat. 装(卸)船Get the food container loaded on the boat. 把食品集装箱装上船The helicopter will land on rig soon. 直升机很快就要在平台降落Tell the base to get (or send) a chopper here. 通知基地派飞机来Helicopters are not allowed to land here. 飞机不能降落Report the weather condition to the pilot. 向飞行员报天气Inform the boat come to standby. 通知拖轮过来待命Call the boat to come along port side. 通知拖轮过来靠左舷We will take the personnel basket. 我们乘坐吊篮。



最新API会标产品认证范围列表2016-01* 1API Spec 2B第6版 07年2月Structural Steel Pipe结构钢管Steel Pipe钢管* 2API Spec 2C第7版 12年4月Offshore Cranes近海起重机Offshore Cranes海上平台起重机* 3API Spec 2F第97版 97年6月Mooring Chain系泊锚链Flash Welded Chain闪光焊锚链Forged Connecting Links锻造蝴蝶扣4API Spec 2H第9版 06年7月Carbon Manganese Steel Plate for OffshorePlatform Tubular Joints海上平台管接头用碳锰钢板Grade 42 Steel Plate42 钢级钢板Grade 50 Steel Plate50 钢级钢板5API Spec 2MT1第2版 01年9月As-Rolled Carbon Manganese Steel Platewith Improved Toughness for OffshoreStructures海洋工程结构用韧性增强的轧制碳锰钢板Steel Plate, Grade 2MT12MT1钢级钢板6API Spec 2MT2第2版 02年6月Rolled Shapes with Improved NotchToughness切口韧性增强的轧制钢材Steel Rolled Shapes轧制钢材7API Spec 2W第5版 06年12月by Thermo-Mechanical Control Processing(TMCP)采用热机械控制工艺(TMCP)生产的海洋工程结构用钢板Grade 50 Steel Plate50 钢级钢板Grade 60 Steel Plate60 钢级钢板8API Spec 2Y第5版 06年12月Steel Plates, Quenched-and-Tempered, forOffshore Structures海洋工程结构用调质钢板Grade 50 Steel Plate50 钢级钢板Grade 60 Steel Plate60 钢级钢板* 9API Spec 4F第4版 13年1月Drilling and Well Servicing Structures钻井和修井结构Derricks 塔式井架Masts桅杆式井架Crown Block Assemblies天车总成Substructures底座* 10API Spec 5B第15版 08年4月Threading, Gaging, and Thread Inspection ofCasing, Tubing and Line Pipe Threads套管、油管和管线管螺纹的加工、测量和检验Thread Gages螺纹量规* 11API Spec 5CT第9版 11年7月Casing and Tubing套管和油管Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Plain End平端套管或油管制造厂Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Threaded andCoupled带螺纹和接箍套管或油管制造厂Manufacturer of Coupling Stock接箍料制造厂Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Pup Joints套管或油管短节制造厂Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Couplings套管或油管接箍制造厂Manufacturer of Accessories油套管附件生产厂Processor of Casing or Tubing Plain End*平端套管或油管加工厂Processor of Casing or Tubing Threaded andCoupled*带螺纹和接箍套管或油管加工厂Threader (PSLs, Groups and Grades do not apply)螺纹加工机(PSL..* 12API Spec 5CRA第9版 11年7月Corrosion Resistant Alloy Seamless Tubesfor Use as Casing, Tubing and CouplingStock用作套管、油管和接箍的耐蚀合金无缝管规范Corrosion Resistant Alloy Seamless Tubes for Use asCasing, Tubing and Coupling Stock用作套管、油管和接箍的耐蚀合金无缝管* 13API Spec 5DP第1版 09年8月Drill Pipe钻杆Drill Pipe Body钻杆管体Tool Joint钻杆工具接头Drill Pipe (Assembly) *钻杆(总成)* 14API Spec 5L第45版 12年12月Line Pipe管线管Manufacturer of Line Pipe Plain End at PSL 1PSL 1平端管线管制造厂Manufacturer of Line Pipe Plain End at PSL 2PSL 2平端管线管制造厂Manufacturer of Line Pipe Threaded and Coupled带螺纹和接箍的管线管制造厂Manufacturer of Line Pipe Couplings管线管接箍制造厂Processor of Line Pipe Plain at PSL 1PSL 1平端管线管加工厂Processor of Line Pipe Plain at PSL 2PSL 2平端管线管加工厂Threader车丝厂15API Spec 5LC第4版 15年3月CRA Line Pipe耐腐蚀合金管线管Manufacturer of CRA Line Pipe耐腐蚀合金管线管制造厂Processor* of CRA Line Pipe耐腐蚀合金管加工厂* 16API Spec 5LCP第2版 07年7月Coiled Line Pipe挠性管线管Coiled Line Pipe挠性管线管* 17API Spec 5LD第4版 15年3月CRA Clad or Lined Steel Pipe耐腐蚀合金内覆或内衬钢管Manufacturer of Clad Steel Pipe内覆钢管制造厂Manufacturer of Lined Steel Pipe内衬钢管制造厂Processor of Clad Steel Pipe*内覆钢管加工厂Processor of Lined Steel Pipe*内衬钢管加工厂* 18API Spec 5ST第1版 10年4月Coiled Tubing连续油管Manufacture of Coiled Tubing连续油管的制造* 19API Spec 6A第20版 10年10月Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment井口和采油树设备Casing and Tubing Heads 套管和油管头Cross-Over Connectors转换连接装置Tubing Head Adapters油管头异径连接装置Top Connectors顶部连接装置Tees and Crosses三通和四通Fluid-Sampling Devices流体取样器Adapter and Spacer Spools异径连接装置和封隔四通Casing and Tubing Hangers套管和油管悬挂器Valves阀门Chokes节流器Surface and Underwater Safety Valves地面和水下安全阀Surface and Underwater Safety Valve Actuators地面和水下安全阀及驱动器Back Pressure Valves背压阀Flanged Connectors法兰连接Threaded Connectors螺纹连接Other End Connectors其他端部连接Bullplugs堵塞Valve Removal Plugs起阀器Actuators驱动器Ring Joint Gaskets环形垫阀20API Spec 6AV1第2版 13年2月Verification Test of Wellhead Surface SafetyValves and Underwater Safety Valves forOffshore Service海上作业中井口水上安全阀门和水下安全阀门的验证试验Testing Agency检验机构* 21API Spec 6D第24版 14年08月Pipeline Valves (Steel Gate, Plug, Ball, andCheck Valves)管道阀门(钢制闸阀、旋塞阀、球阀和止回阀)Gate Valves钢制闸阀Plug Valves旋塞阀Ball Valves球阀Check Valves止回阀* 22API Spec 6DSS第2版 09年12月Subsea Pipeline Valves海底管道阀门Subsea Gate Valves海底钢制闸阀Subsea Plug Valves海底旋塞阀Subsea Ball Valves海底球阀Subsea Check Valves海底止回阀* 23API Spec 7-1第1版 06年3月Rotary Drill Stem Elements旋转钻井设备Kelly Valves方钻杆阀Kellys方钻杆Drill Stem Subs钻杆接头Drill Collars钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe加重钻杆Roller Bits牙轮钻头Blade Drag Bits刮刀钻头Diamond Bits金刚石钻头PDC Bits PDC钻头Threading for Rotary Shouldered Connections旋转台肩螺纹加工Stabilizers稳定器* 24API Spec 7-2第1版08年6月Threading and Gauging of Rotary ShoulderedThread Connections旋转肩台螺纹连接的螺纹加工和测量Rotary Shouldered Connection Gauges旋转肩台连接仪* 25API Spec 7F第8版 10年11月Oil Field Chain and Sprockets油田用链条和链轮Roller Chain 滚柱链* 26API Spec 7K第5版 10年6月Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment钻井设备Rotary T ables 转盘Rotary Bushings转盘补心Rotary Slips转盘卡瓦Piston Mud Pump Components活塞泥浆泵组件Drawworks Components绞车构件Spiders Not Capable of Use as Elevators不能用作吊卡的卡盘Manual Tongs人力管钳Safety Clamps Not Used as Hoisting Devices不用做提升设备的安全卡钳Power Tongs including Spinning Wrenches动力大钳(气动扳手)BOP Handling Systems防喷器处理系统Pressure Relieving Devices for High-PressureDrilling Fluid Circulating Systems高压钻井液循环系统的泄压装置Snub-Lines for Manual and Power Tongs动力大钳的吊绳High Pressure Mud and Cement Hoses高压泥浆和水泥水龙带* 27API Spec 7NRV第1版 06年7月Drill String Non-return Valves钻柱止回阀Drill String Non Return Valves钻柱止回阀Non Return Valve Subs止回阀接头Non Return Valve Landing Nipples止回阀连顶接头Non Return Valve Equalizing Heads止回阀平衡头* 28API Spec 8C第5版 12年4月Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment钻采提升设备Hoisting Sheaves提升滑车滑轮Traveling Blocks and Hook Blocks游动滑车和大钩滑轮Block-to-Hook Adapters滑车-大钩接合器Connectors and Link Adapters连接管和连接部件接合器Drilling Hooks钻井用吊钩Tubing and Sucker Rod Hooks油管和抽油杆吊钩Elevator Links吊环Casing, Tubing, Drill-Pipe and Drill-Collar Elevators套管、油管和钻杆吊卡Sucker-Rod Elevators抽油杆吊卡Rotary Swivel-Bail Adapters水龙头提环接合器Rotary Swivels水龙头Power Swivels动力水龙头Power Subs动力接头Spiders, If Capable of Being Used as Elevators卡盘(可以用作吊卡)Wire-line Anchors死绳固定器Drill-String Motion Compensators钻柱运动补偿器Kelly Spinners, If Capable of Being Used as HoistingEquipment方钻杆选装器(可用作提升设备)Pressure Vesselsand Piping Mounted onto HoistingEquipment安装在提升设备上的压力容器及管线Safety Clamps, If Capable of Being Used as HoistingEquipment安全卡瓦(可用作提升设备)* 29API Spec 9A第26版 11年6月Wire Rope钢线绳Bright or Drawn-Galvanized Wire Rope光亮钢丝绳或拉拔镀锌钢丝绳Mooring Wire Rope泊钢丝绳Torpedo Lines雷管线Well-Measuring Wire测量井深用钢丝Well-Measuring Strand绷绳股Wire Guy Strand拉线股Structural Rope and Strand结构钢丝和绳股* 30API Spec 10A第24版 10年12月Cements and Materials for Well Cementing用作油井水泥的水泥及材料API Well Cement API油井水泥* 31API Spec 10D第6版 02年3月Bow-Spring Casing Centralizers弓簧套管扶正器Casing Centralizers套管扶正器* 32API Spec 11AX第12版 06年05月Subsurface Sucker Rod Pumps and Fittings杆式抽油泵及配件Pumps泵Pump Parts泵组件Pump Parts without Tubing or Sucker Rod Threads无油管或抽油杆螺纹的泵组件Seating Cups密封皮碗* 33API Spec 11B第27版 10年5月Sucker Rods杆、光杆卡子、密封盒和抽油三通Steel Sucker Rods and Steel Pony Rods钢制抽油杆和短节FRP Sucker Rods玻璃纤维抽油杆Sucker Rod Couplings抽油杆接箍Sub-couplings变径接箍Polished Rod Couplings光杆接箍Polished Rods光杆Polished Rod Clamps光杆卡子Stuffing Box 密封盒Pumping Tees抽油三通Sinker Bars加重杆Threading螺纹Thread Gages螺纹量规* 34API Spec 11D1第3版 15年4月Downhole Equipment – Packers and BridgePlugs石油天然气行业-钻井设备-封隔器和桥塞Packers封隔器Bridge Plugs桥塞* 35API Spec 11E第19版 13年11月Pumping Units抽油机Pumping Unit Structure抽油机结构Pumping Unit Gear Reducer抽油机齿轮减速器36API Spec 12B第16版 14年11月Bolted Tanks for Storage of ProductionLiquids用于存储采出液的栓接储罐Storage Tanks储罐* 37API Spec 12D第11版 08年10月Field Welded Tanks for Storage ofProduction Liquids用于存储采出液的现场焊接储罐Storage Tanks储罐* 38API Spec 12F第12版 08年10月Shop Welded Tanks for Storage ofProduction Liquids用于存储采出液的工厂焊接储罐Storage Tanks储罐* 39API Spec 12J第8版 08年10月Oil and Gas Separators油气分离器Separators分离器* 40API Spec 12K第8版 08年10月Indirect Type Oilfield Heaters间接式油田加热器Heaters加热器Shells机壳Coils线圈41API Spec 12L第5版 08年10月Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters立式和卧式脱乳器Treaters处理器42API Spec 12P第3版 08年10月Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks玻璃纤维增强塑料储罐FRP Tanks玻璃纤维增强塑料储罐* 43API Spec 13A第18版 10年04月Oil-Well Drilling-Fluid Materials钻井液材料Barite重晶石Hematite赤铁矿粉Bentonite膨润土Nontreated Bentonite未经处理的膨润土Attapulgite坡绿石Sepiolite海泡石Technical-Grade Low Viscosity CMC工业级低粘度羧基纤维素Technical-Grade High Viscosity CMC工业级高粘度羧基纤维素Starch淀粉OCMA Grade Bentonite OCMA级膨润土PAC-LV (Section 17) 低粘聚阴离子纤维素。



纳米催化二氧化碳制甲醇英文Nanocatalysis for the Production of Methanol from Carbon Dioxide.Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a significant greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. However, converting it into useful chemicals such as methanol offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to mitigate its adverse effects. Nanocatalysis, a field that utilizes nanoscale materials to catalyze chemical reactions, has emerged as a promising technology for this purpose.Nanocatalysis Principles and Applications.Nanocatalysis leverages the unique properties of nanomaterials, including their large surface area and high reactivity, to enhance catalytic activity. These nanomaterials, often in the form of nanoparticles or nanostructures, can significantly improve the rate and selectivity of chemical reactions. In the context of CO2conversion, nanocatalysts can lower the activation energy required for the reaction, making it more energetically favorable.CO2 to Methanol Conversion.The conversion of CO2 into methanol involves a multi-step process known as the methanol synthesis. Typically, this process requires high temperatures and pressures, as well as a suitable catalyst. Nanocatalysts cansignificantly reduce these requirements, making the process more energy-efficient and cost-effective.The most common nanocatalysts used for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol are based on copper. Copper nanoparticles, due to their high activity and selectivity, are particularly effective in promoting this reaction. Other metals, such as palladium and platinum, have also been explored for this purpose.Nanocatalyst Design and Optimization.The design and optimization of nanocatalysts for CO2 conversion are crucial for achieving high catalytic performance. Factors such as particle size, shape, and composition can significantly influence the catalytic activity. For instance, smaller nanoparticles typically exhibit higher catalytic activity due to their increased surface area. Similarly, the choice of support material can also affect the stability and activity of the nanocatalyst.Challenges and Future Prospects.While nanocatalysis offers significant potential for CO2 conversion, several challenges need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the scalability of nanocatalysts for industrial applications. Current methods for synthesizing nanomaterials are often not suitable for large-scale production. Additionally, the stability of nanocatalysts under reaction conditions is also a concern, as they can often deactivate or agglomerate over time.Future research efforts should focus on developing more stable and scalable nanocatalysts for CO2 conversion.Innovations in nanomaterials synthesis and characterization techniques can help address these challenges. Furthermore, integrating nanocatalysts with other renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, can further enhance the sustainability of the process.In conclusion, nanocatalysis holds promise for the efficient conversion of CO2 into methanol. By leveraging the unique properties of nanomaterials, we can develop more effective and sustainable catalysts for this important reaction. Future research in this area could lead to significant advancements in green chemistry and help mitigate the impact of climate change.。



涉外钻井施工英语常用单词1:分流三通(diverter for shallow gas)2: 大井眼打深井或探井(big size hole for wildcat and deep)3: 打领眼(pilot hole)4: 大直径扶正器(big size stabilizer)5: 套管鞋下边不留口袋(not retaining rat hole underneath casing shoe)6: 联顶节与套管头(casing head and landing joint))7: 先接循环头(connecting circulating head first)8: 快钻时或放空观察(flow check all drilling breaks)9: 接头长度(length of sub)10: 留方余接单根(keep Kelly-up to make-up joint)11:方钻杆上不许焊数字(digit is not allowed to weld on Kelly)12: 无损探伤(non-destructive detection)13: 司钻记录表(drillers notebook)14: 钻进记录表(drillers recording chart while drilling)15:副司钻的技术水平(assistant drillers technical level)16: 国外的井队岗位(posts of drilling crew)17:套管引鞋与回压阀(casing shoe and float collar)18:套管扶正器的装法(installing method of casing centralizer)19:高压管汇系统试压(testing for high pressure system of lines)20:长卡瓦单吊卡起下钻(using long slips and one elevator to pull out of hole)21斜台肩钻具(deviation 18 shoulder drillpipes)22:打立拄与打替拄(stand drilling and substituted)23:井控检测罐的作用(use of trip tank)24:钻头钻拄扶正器的使用(use of stabilizers of bit and string)25:钻头加螺杆钻具(bit with positive displacement motor)26:防卡钻具结构(BHA of preventive stuck pipe)27:盲目强化钻进参数(intensifying blindly drilling parameter)28:事故处理与打捞特点(character for banishing trouble and fishing)29:测井防喷盒(shooting nipple)30:VSP地震坑(pit for VSP)31:顺穿大绳(string drilling line along sheaves)32:插入式固井与双级固井(stab-in and stage cementing)33:天车轮护罩(crown block sheaves guards/sheave guards of water table)34:快绳轮挡绳杆(jumper bar)35:航空防碰灯(aircraft warning light)36:旗杆卡座(flag post seat)37:天车栏杆(hand rails of water table)38:悬吊耳环(pad eyes)39:天车防碰木(bumper timbers underneath the water table)40:B型大钳保险绳(safety line for B type tongs)41:平衡铊定滑轮的位置和引绳(fixed sheave of balancer and guyline)42:助爬带和平衡铊(climb belt and balancer)43:二层台支梁(finger boards)44:二层台气马达(small air tugger)45:二层台对话机与紧急信号销子(speaking unit and emergency warning pin For derrick man46:二层台冲眼水(eye wash bottle)47:逃生滑车(derrick man escape unit)48:油管台(tubing board)49:立官台与丝堵(stand pipe board and plug)50:立管高度和水龙带长度(stand pipe height and length of rotary hose)51:套管扶正台(casing stabbing board)52:扶正台保险带(casing stabber safety belt/fall arrestor)53:高空作业笼子(man riding basket)54:游车悬吊绳(hang off line for travelling block)55:手压切绳器(drill line cutter)56:大钳平衡铊(counterbalancer/balancer of pipe tongs)57:大钳尾绳柱与扭矩仪(snub line post and tong torque gauge/torque indicator58:大链钳或大管钳(long chain tong and pipe tong)59:钻杆旋扣器(pipe spinning wrench)60:刹把固定链(fastened chain of brake bar)61:冷风机进气管(cooling fan air intake)62:自动送钻(automatic driller)63:高强度泥浆防喷盒(mud bucket/spray arrester)64:钻台偏房的配套(equipment in doghouse)65:偏房空调(doghouse air conditioning)66:钻台急救用品(emergency things for floorman)67:钻台仪器(drillfloor instrument)68:捞沙滚筒(sand reel)69:水气管线滚筒(drum of air and water line)70:气动绞车(air togger/air winch)80:气动小绞车上的配套钢丝绳(wireline equippend with air togger)81:气动绞车排气管与防油罩(air venting and oil cover)82;防碰天车凡尔(toggle valve)83:排绳器(drill line stabilizer)84:滚筒排绳槽(lebus grooves)85:绞车刹车片(brake block)86:电磁刹车(electric magnetic brake/dynamic brake)87:司钻脚踏油门(drillers throttle)88:冷却水压力表(cooling water pressure gauge)89:立管闸门(standpipe valves)90:立管滤清器(standpipe filter)91:井口与鼠洞盖子(covers of wellhead/mouse/rat holes)92:防雨防晒伞(drillers big umbrella)93:防硫化氢大风扇(electric big fan for preventing hydrogen sulfide)94:钻杆安全阀(drillpipe safety valve)95:钻台栏杆与钻杆盒(drillfloor handrail and pipe setback)96:大小鼠洞长度(length of mouse/rat hole)97:防喷器吊装轨道(trolley unit suspended for BOP)98:地面进出轨道(surface trolley unit for BOP)99:防喷器脚手架与扭矩扳手(scaffolding and torque wrench for BOP)100:防泥伞(kick umbrella for BOP)101:手动锁紧轮操作台(platform of hand lock for BOP)102:防喷器固定链(fitted chain for BOP)103:钻台逃生滑道(escape slide way)104:钻台工具滑道(tools slide way)105:坡道钻杆支架(pipe racke on ramp)106:坡道梯子(ladder with ramp)107;绷绳气动绞车与公用气源分配器(air tugger /winch for pull line and common air receiver)108:大门前猫道与钻杆架(catwalk and pipe racke)109:载人电梯(personnel elevator)110:电缆梯子(cable way/racks)111:顶驱(top drive)112:自升式底座(automatic-up substructure)113:高低座钻机(high-substructure rig)114:液压滑轨(hydraulic skid)115:轻便梯子(light ladder/portable ladder)116:固控系统(solids control system)117:振动筛平台(platform round shale shacker)118:固控设备挡泥板与排沙槽(kick plate for solids control system)119:配浆混合漏斗(mixing hopper)120:井控监测罐(trip tank)121:液面报警显示器(level warning indicator)122:强行起下钻小罐(strip tank/snubbing in)123:预水化药品处理罐(pre-water tank for mud material)124:配浆罐结构预药品台(mixing tank structure and chemicals platform)125:泥浆储配罐(mud storage tank)126:泥浆罐面的设计(surface desing of mud tank)127:保险凡尔排泄管与上水管虑清器(vent line /relief line for safety valve and suction line filters)128:灌注泵,配泥浆的设计(design of mixing/fill-up pump)129:管线弯头(bent sub/angle sub for pipeline)130:管线的闸门与内径(inside diameter/gate valve/pipe line)131:管线的堵头(pipe line plug)132:电缆盒与标准化电路(cable box /skid and standard circuit)133:防爆电器(electric facilities of explosion-proof)134:接地线(earth line/earth lead/earth wire)135:灯柱与电缆盒(light/lamp post and cable boxes)136:井场照明条件(light condition on drillsite)137:高压空压泵(high pressure air pump)138:除气器(poor boy)139:节流管汇与压井管汇(choke and kill manifolds)140:防喷器控制台的摆放与管理(BOP console placed and management)141:防误板(warning plate for operation BOP)142:补偿储能器气瓶(copensation bottle for BOP)143:气动大绳滚筒(drill line air drum)144:油气水温管线盒(comprehensive pipe line boxes)145:现场测量,检测仪表盒工具(measuring inspecting instruments and tools)146:气候防护设备(facilitues prevented from climate trouble)147:钻杆发运盒(drill pipe skid-boxes)148:井场运载与土方工具(transporting and digging facilities)149:车床(lathe)150:打捞工具(fishing tools)151:设备装运架(sled skid for transporting equipment)152:井场技术手册(technical manuals on rigsite)153:检验合格证书(inspecting certificate)154:设备铭牌(name plate of equipment/facilities label)155;库房空调(air-conditioning for warehouse)156:回火器与气焊工具的管理(fire arrester and welding tools control)157:通讯电话(communication and telephone)158:测斜绞车(survey winch for deviation)159:测斜议鼠洞管(mouse hole scabbard of inclinatorium)160:测斜与防喷(taking survey and preventing flowout)161:服务公司的撬装设备(skid-facilities of service company)162:套管工具(casing tools)163:插入式固井吊卡台(elevator platform for stab-in cementing)164:高压管线(chiksan and pipe line)165:套管循环头(casing circulating head)166:消音器与防火罩(muffler and spark arrester)167:方钻杆防摆器(waggle arrester of Kelly)168:井场灭火器(rig-site extinguisher)169:消防泵与水源分配器(fire pump and common water resource)170:焊工操作台(welding table)171:值班房四张安全图(four pieces of safety diagram in duty house)172:标准化绳套与管具专用绳套(standard slings and special slings for pipe)173:提环与吊耳(lifting eye and nipple)174:保险链与保险绳(safety chain and wire sling)175:高压软管与法栏或由壬的连接(connections of high pressure hose with flang/union)176:设备自身保护报警器(automatic warning alarm of facilities)177:烟火报警器(fire warning detector/alarm)178防毒面具与探测器(respirator and detector)179:井场上急救担架(stretcher)180:洗眼台与淋浴喷头(emergency shower and eye wash)181:急救箱(first aid box)182:噪音区与标志(sign of noise/cacophony)183:井架绷绳的防碰(guy line guy rope guy wire)184:危险区的警告(risk warning precaution)185:手摇式报警器(hand-alarm/annunciator)186:风向显示器(anemoscope/aerovane)187:毒烈性泥浆药品的管理(management of toxicant and strong mud materials)189:井场垃圾箱(rig-site dustbin)190:手摇式烧碱搅绊器(hand mixer of caustic barrel)191:油料罐区(diesel oil area)192:标准化配电房与公用配电箱(standard switchgear house and common panel box)193:台钻切管机护罩(guard shield for bench drill and pipe cutter)194:溢流管与安全护栏杆(overflow pipe and guard rail)195:门口设置(gate facilities)196:人员动态卡(T-card)197:标准化厕所(standard rest room/lavatory)198:大门防碰标准(shign for collision prevention of gate)199:设备冲洗机(washing machine/washer)200:井场办公室的配套(necessaries for rig-site office)201:油品取样检测(sample taker for oil)202:钻具通径规(drill pipe/collar drift/rabbit)203:防尘防毒面具(dust prevention and respirator)204:洗套管丝扣(washing casing thread)205:焊工劳保用品(labour protection thing for welder)206:电焊机零线(zero line /tail of welding machine)207:工作许可(work permit)208:井场和营区的HSE周检查(week HSE inspection of rig-site and camp)209:井场营房HSE周列会(week HSE meeting of rig-site and camp)210:三种报警信号(three kinds of alarm signal)211:井场值班房的配备(facilities for duty house at rig-site)212:营地住房的配备(facilities for camp)213:营房餐厅(camp dining room hall)214:防蝇纱门(gauze doors preventing flying)215:营房发电机(camp generatore)216:营区垃圾桶(camp area dustbin/trash basket)217:垃圾焚化箱(incinerator for garbage/trash)218:营房住宿管理(camp accommodation control)219:室内应急灯与灭火器(emergency lamp and extinguisher in the room)220:室内烟火报警器(fire alarm and detector in the room)221:室内安全告示(safety precaution /signs in the room)222:营房的配套服务(camp with service)223营区车辆管理(management of camp vehicles)224:行车安全带(vehicles safety belt for personnel)225行车要去(precaution for driving)226:营区保卫(defending for camp area)227:服务人员证书(certificate of steward)228;应急药品(emergency medicine)229:健康证书(health certificate)230:洗碗机与消毒柜(bowls-dish washer and disinfector)231:切菜板(board for cutting vegetable)232:面板(board for handling flour)233:蔬菜与肉食的保存(storage of vegetable and meat/flesh)234:粮库冷库蔬菜库水果库(warehouses for grain vegetable fruit and refrigeration)235:冰柜,冰箱的使用(use of refrigerator/ice chest)236;吸烟管理(smoking control)237:消防演习(fire drill)238:井场防喷演习(blowout drills at rig-site)。



The defects of casing and tubing anticorrosion technology at present1. Coating and liningCoating and lining is providing an isolation layer between steel and corrosion medium. As it is not easy to achieve one hundred percent no pinhole coating, and during production or maintenance process the coating or lining is easily damaged, so the quality cannot be guaranteed. It is easy to caused gap and pitting corrosion. In addition, during the process, the coating or lining combine with steel may produce local stress, under the action of contraction principle, the stress concentration parts may cause delamination and cracking. After the corrosion liquid infiltered, it is easily corrosive the matrix.2. Anticorrosive layerWith the bad binding force of layer material, due to the osmotic pressure of well liquid, it is easily to cause the layer have blister failure. Spray material can't afford to knock, crash, and scratches, and it is also affected by the inside and outside surface pretreatment clean degree before processing, so the quality is extremely unstable. In addition, because the uneven thickness in the process of spraying, when sucker rod is reciprocating move up and down in the tubing, the internal surface of tubing will be induced by friction and the anticorrosive layer is rapid wear and exposed the matrix. Lost anticorrosive ability’s tubing can be seen as normal tubing.3. Chemical agent anticorrosionAdding corrosion inhibitor is a kind of effective method to prevent the corrosion medium corrosive carbon steel and low alloy steel facilities. Corrosion inhibitor have ahigh requirement of selective application conditions and strong pertinence. Different media or materials often required different corrosion inhibitor, even the same kind of medium, when operating conditions (such as temperature, pressure, concentration, flow velocity, etc.) changes, the use of corrosion inhibitors may also need to change. However, under the restriction of medicament’s applicability, execution system and complex wellhole environment, it is difficult to select a correct effective inhibitor to form a protective film. This makes effective of inhibitor greatly reduced.4. Stainless steel tubing and casingIn the performance evaluation of corrosion, the important evaluation is the pitting anticorrosion capability. Stainless steel has a very good performance for total anticorrosion but it is very poor with pitting anticorrosion.5. Nickel base alloy tubing and casingAnticorrosion alloy steel: Even the services life is long, but the cost is very high, compared with normal tubing, the price is serval times expensive. For some low production well, the cost of use anticorrosion alloy steel problem will even prominent.。

Seal assemblies and corrugated metal packer member

Seal assemblies and corrugated metal packer member

专利名称:Seal assemblies and corrugated metal packer members therefor发明人:William S. Norman申请号:US06/254103申请日:19810414公开号:US04444400A公开日:19840424专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A packer member including a plurality of corrugated rings, particularly for sealing the annular clearance between the casing and tubing of an oil well. The packer is carried upon a collar presented by a member coupled into the tubing, and axial compression of the packer flattens the corrugations, expanding the rings radially so that such tightly fit with the inner wall of the casing by either penetrating it or being distorted against the inner wall, and at the same time the axial compression makes a tight fit between the inner edges of the rings and the collar on which they are supported. The packer may include a stack of corrugated rings alternately positioned with rings of harder and softer materials, and occasional robust rings may add stability.申请人:NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION代理机构:Oblon, Fisher, Spivak, McClelland & Maier更多信息请下载全文后查看。



NORSOK英文版内容C-Civil and ArchitectC-001 Living Quarter.pdfC-002 Architectural Components and Equipment.pdfC-004 Helicopter deck.pdfE-DrillingD-001 Drilling Facilities.pdfD-002 System requirements well intervention equipment .pdfD-007-SR Well testing system.pdfD-010Well integrity in drilling and well operations (Rev. 3, August 2004).pdfE-ElectricalE-001-Data_Sheets.zipE-001Electrical systems (Rev. 4, Mar. 2001).pdfE-002 Adjustable Speed AC Motor Drives (Rev. 3, Mar. 2001).pdfE-002-Data_Sheets.zipG-GeotechnologyG-001 Marine soil investigations (Rev. 2, October 2004).pdfH-HVACH-001 HVAC (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning) (Rev. 4, Nov. 2001).pdfH-002-CR Piping and plumbing (Rev. 1, Jan. 1996).pdfI-InstrumentationI-001 Field instrumentation (Rev. 3, Apr. 2000).pdfI-001-Data_Sheets.zipI-002 Safety and automation systems (SAS) (Rev. 2, May. 2001).pdfI-MeteringI-104 Fiscal measurement systems for hydrocarbon gas (Rev. 2, June 1998).pdf I-105 Fiscal measurement systems for hydrocarbon liquid (Rev. 2, June 1998).pdf I-SCD-System Control DiagramI-005 System control diagram (Rev. 2, April 2005).pdfJ-Marine OperationJ-003 Marine operations (Rev. 2, Aug. 1997).pdfL-Piping and LayoutL-001 Piping and Valves (Rev. 3, Sept 1999)L-002 Piping design, layout and stress analysis (Rev. 2, Sept. 1997).pdfL-003-CR Piping details (Rev. 1, Jan. 1996).pdfL-004-CR Piping fabrication, installation, flushing and testing (Rev. 1, Jan. 1996).pdf L-005 Compact flanged connections (Rev. 1, Sept. 2003).pdfM-MaterialM-001 Materials selection (Rev. 4, August 2004).pdfM-101 Structural steel fabrication (Rev. 4, Dec. 2000).pdfM-102 Structural aluminium fabrication (Rev. 1, Sept. 1997).pdfM-120 Material data sheets for structural steel (Rev. 4, June 2004).pdfM-121 Aluminium structural material (Rev. 1, Sept. 1997).pdfM-122 Cast structural steel (Rev. 1, June 2003).pdfM-123 Forged structural steel (Rev. 1, June 2003).pdfM-501 Surface preparation and protective coating (Rev. 5, June 2004).pdfM-503 Cathodic protection (Rev. 2, Sept. 1997).pdfM-506 CO2 corrosion rate calculation model (Rev. 2, June 2005).pdfM-601 Welding and inspection of piping (Rev. 4, July 2004).pdfM-622 Fabrication and installation of GRP piping systems (Rev 1 April 2005).pdfM-630 Material data sheets for piping (Rev. 4, January 2004).pdfM-650 Qualification of manufacturers of special materials (Rev. 3, April 2004).pdfM-701-CR Materials for well completion equipment (Rev. 1, Dec. 1994).pdfM-702 Drill String Components (Rev. 2, June. 1999).pdfM-703-CR Casing and tubing materials (Rev. 1, Jan. 1996).pdfM-710 Qualification of non-metallic sealing materials and ..., (Rev. 2, Oct. 2001).pdf M-506r2_IFE_06-2005.xlsM-650r3_Annex_C_empty.docM-120_MDS_Data_Sheets.zipN-StructuralN-001 Structural design (Rev. 4, February 2004).pdfN-002 Collection of metocean data (Rev. 1, Sept. 1997).pdfN-003 Actions and action effects (Rev 1, Feb. 1999).pdfN-004 Design of steel structures (Rev. 2, October 2004).pdfN-005 Condition monitoring of loadbearing structures (Rev. 1, Dec. 1997).pdf O-OperationO-CR-001 Life cycle cost for systems and equipment (Rev. 1, April 1996).pdf O-CR-002 Life cycle cost for production facility (Rev. 1, April 1996).pdfO-DP-001 Operational principles.pdfO-CR-001r1-Lcc.xlsO-CR-001r1-Lcc-calc.xlsO-CR-002r1-Facility.xlsP-ProcessP-001 Process Design (Rev 4, Oct. 1999).pdfP-100 Process systems (Rev. 2, Nov. 2001).pdfP-100-Annex_A1.docR-Lifting EquipmentR-002-CR Lifting equipment (Rev. 1, Jan. 1995).pdfR-003 Safe use of lifting equipment (Rev. 2, July 2004).pdfR-CR-002r1-Data_Sheets.zipR-MechnicalR-001 Mechanical equipment (Rev. 3, Nov. 1997).pdfR-001-Data_sheets.zipR-004 Piping and equipment insulation (Draft for Rev. 3, June 2005).pdfR-004 Piping and Equipment Insulation (Rev 2, June 1999).pdfR-100 Mechanical equipment selection (Rev. 2, Nov. 1997).pdfS-Satefy(SHE)S-001 Technical Safety (Rev. 3, Jan. 2000).pdfS-002 Working environment (Rev. 4, August 2004).pdfS-003 Environmental Care (Rev 2, May 1999).pdfS-005 Machinery- working enviroment analyses and documentation (Rev.1, March 1999).pdfS-006 HSE evaluation of contractors (Rev. 2, December 2003).pdfS-011 Safety Equiptment Data Sheets (Rev 2, Aug. 1999).pdfS-012 Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in construction-related activities (Rev. 2, Aug. 2002). pdfS-001-Data_Sheet.xlsS-002_-_SDS05001.xlsS-011-Data_Sheets.zipT-TelecommunicationT-001Telecom systems (Rev. 3, December 2003).pdfT-003 Telecommunication and IT systems for drilling (Rev. 2, November 2004).pdfT-100 Telecom subsystems (Rev. 3, January 2004).pdfU-SubseaU-001 Subsea Production Systems (Rev. 3, Oct. 2002).pdfU-Underwater OperationU-100 Manned Underwater Operations (Rev. 1, Aug. 1999).pdfU-101 Diving Respiratory Equipment (Rev. 1, Aug 1999).pdfU-102 Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) services (Rev. 1, October 2003).pdfWF- Well fluidsY-PipelinesY-001 Subsea pipelines (Rev. 1, Sept. 1997).pdfZ-E&I InstallationZ-010 Electrical, instrumentation and telecommunication installation (Rev. 3, October 2000).pdfZ-MC & PreservationZ-006 Preservation (Rev. 2, Nov. 2001).pdfZ-007 Mechanical Completion and Commissioning (Rev 2, Dec. 1999).pdfZ-006-Data_Sheet.docZ-007-Data_Sheet.docZ-Regularity & CriticalityZ-008 Criticality Analysis for maintenance purposes (Rev. 2, Nov. 2001).pdf Z-016 Regularity management & reliability technology (Rev. 1, Dec. 1998).pdf Z-Risk analysesZ-013 Risk and emergency preparedness analysis (Rev. 2, Sep. 2001).pdfZ-Stand. Cost CodingZ-014 Standard cost coding system (SCCS) (Rev. 1, Oct. 2002).pdfZ-Technical InfoZ-001 Documentation for operation (DFO (Rev. 4, March 1998).pdfZ-002-CR Component identification system (Rev. 1, May 1996).pdfZ-002-DP Coding system (Rev. 3, Oct. 1996).pdfZ-003 Technical Information Flow Requirements (Rev. 2, May 1998).pdfZ-004 CAD symbol libraries (Rev. 1, July 1998.).pdfZ-004-CAD_Symbols_Autocad.zipZ-004-CAD_Symbols_MS.zipZ-005 2D-CAD drawing standard (Rev. 1, October 1997).pdfZ-Temporary EquipmentZ-015 Temporary equipment (Rev. 3, June 2004).pdfTemporary equipment - Checklists equipment (Rev. 3, June 2004) Temporary equipment - Checklists containers (Rev. 3, June 2004)Z-015_Data_sheet_for_temporary_equipment.docZ-015_Declaration_of_conformity.doc。

API Spec

API Spec

API Spec 2B Structural Steel Pipe – Steel PipeAPI Spec 2C Offshore Cranes – Offshore CranesAPI Spec 2F Mooring Chain - Flash Welded Chain; Forged Connecting LinksAPI Spec 2H Carbon Manganese Steel Plate for Offshore Platform Tubular Joints – Grade 42 Steel Plate; Grade 50 Steel PlateAPI Spec 2MT1 As-Rolled Carbon Manganese Steel Plate with Improved Toughness for Offshore Structures – Steel Plate, Grade 2MT1API Spec 2MT2 Rolled Shapes with Improved Notch Toughness - Steel Rolled ShapesAPI Spec 2W Steel Plates for Offshore Structures Produced by Thermo-Mechanical Control Processing (TMCP) – Grade 50 Steel Plate; Grade 60 Steel PlateAPI Spec 2Y Steel Plates, Quenched-and-Tempered, for Offshore Structures – Grade 50 Steel Plate; Grade 60 Steel PlateAPI Spec 4F Drilling and Well Servicing Structures –Derricks; Masts; Crown Block Assemblies; Substructures; at PSL 1 and 2API Spec 5B Threading, Gauging, and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe Threads –Thread GagesAPI Spec 5CT Casing and Tubing –Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Plain End; Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Threaded and Coupled; Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Pup Joints; Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Couplings; Manufacturer of Accessories; Processor of Casing or Tubing Plain End; Processor of Casing or Tubing Threaded and Coupled; Threader at Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4.API Spec 5D Drill Pipe – Manufacturer of Drill Pipe; Processor of Drill Pipe at Groups 1 and 3API Spec 5L Line Pipe – Manufacturer of Line Pipe - Plain End at PSL 1; Manufacturer of Line Pipe - Plain End at PSL 2; Manufacturer of Line Pipe - Threaded and Coupled; Manufacturer of Line Pipe Couplings; Processor of Line Pipe - Plain End at PSL 1; Processor of Line Pipe - Plain End at PSL 2; Processor of Line Pipe - Threaded and Coupled; Threader.API Spec 5LC CRA Line Pipe – Manufacturer of Alloy Pipe; Processor of Alloy PipeAPI Spec 5LCP Coiled Line Pipe – Coiled Line PipeAPI Spec 5LD CRA Clad or Lined Steel Pipe – Manufacturer of Clad Steel Pipe; Manufacturer of Lined Steel Pipe; Processor of Clad Steel Pipe; Processor of Lined Steel Pipe.API Spec 6A Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment – Manufacture of: Casing and Tubing Heads; Cross-Over Connectors; Tubing Head Adapters; Top Connectors; Tees and Crosses; Fluid-Sampling Devices; Adapter and Spacer Spools; Casing and Tubing Hangers; Valves; Chokes; Surface and Underwater Safety Valves; Surface and Underwater Safety Valve Actuators; Back Pressure Valves; Flanged Connectors; Threaded Connectors; Other End Connectors; Bullplugs;Valve Removal Plugs; Actuators; Ring Joint Gaskets at PSL 1 through 4API Spec 6AV1 Verification Test of Wellhead Surface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves for Offshore Use – Testing AgencyAPI Spec 6D Pipeline Valves (Steel Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves) –Gate Valves; Plug Valves; Ball Valves; Check ValvesAPI Spec 6DSS Subsea Pipeline Valves - Subsea Gate Valves; Subsea Plug Valves; Subsea Ball Valves; Subsea Check ValvesAPI Spec 6H End Closures, Connectors and Swivels –Pipeline Closures; Connectors; Couplings; Misalignment Devices (Swivels); Split Mechanical FittingsAPI Spec 7 Rotary Drilling Equipment - Tool Joints; Rotary Shoulder Connection Gages; Threading for Rotary Shouldered ConnectionsAPI Spec 7-1 Rotary Drilling Equipment - Kelly Valves; Kellys; Drill Stem Subs; Drill Collars; Heavy Weight Drill Pipe; Roller Bits; Blade Drag Bits; Diamond Bits; PDC Bits; Threading for Rotary Shouldered ConnectionsAPI Spec 7B-11C Internal-Combustion Reciprocating Engines for Oil Field ServiceAPI Spec 7F Oil Field Chain and Sprockets – Roller ChainAPI Spec 7K Drilling Equipment –Rotary Tables, Kelly Bushings, Master Bushings, Rotary Slips, Rotary Hoses, Slush Pump Components, Drawworks Components, Spiders Not Capable of Use as Elevators, Manual Tongs, Safety Clamps Not used as Hoisting Devices, Power TongsAPI Spec 8C Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment – Hoisting Sheaves, Traveling Blocks and Hook Blocks; Block-to-Hook Adapters, Connectors and Link Adapters, Drilling Hooks, Tubing and Sucker Rod Hooks; Elevator Links, Casing, Tubing and Drill Pipe Elevators, Spiders (when capable of being used as elevators), Sucker Rod Elevators; Rotary Swivel Bail Adapters, Rotary Swivels; Power Swivels, Power Subs; Wireline Anchors; Heave Compensators; Kelly Spinners (when capable of being used as hoisting equipment); Pressure Vessels and Piping Mounted onto Hoisting Equipment at PSL 1 and 2API Spec 9A Wire Rope – Bright or Drawn-Galvanized Wire Rope; Mooring Wire Rope; Torpedo Lines; Well-Measuring Wire; Well-Measuring Strand; Wire Guy Strand; Structural Rope and StrandAPI Spec 10A Well Cements – API Well Cement Class A, Type [O]; Class B, Type [MSR, HSR]; Class C, Type [O, MSR, HSR]; Class D, Type [MSR, HSR]; Class E, Type [MSR, HSR]; Class F, Type [MSR, HSR]; Class G, Type [MSR, HSR]; Glass H, Type [MSR, HSR]API Spec 10D Bow-Spring Casing Centralizers – Casing CentralizersAPI Spec 11AX Subsurface Sucker Rods, Pumps and Fittings – Pump and Pump Parts; Pump and Pump Parts without Tubing or Sucker Rod Threads; Seating CupsAPI Spec 11B Sucker Rods – Steel Sucker Rods; FRP Sucker Rods; Couplings, Subcouplings andPolished Rod Connections; Polished Rods; Polished Rod Clamps; Stuffing Box and Pumping Tees; Sinker Bars; Threads; Thread GagesAPI Spec 11D1 Downhole Equipment - Packers; Bridge PlugsAPI Spec 11E Pumping Units – Pumping Unit Structure; Pumping Unit Gear ReducerAPI Spec 11IW Independent Wellhead Equipment – Independent Wellheads; Top Connectors; Tubing and Casing Slip Hangers; Tubing and Casing Mandrel Hangers; Packoffs; Belled Nipples; Connector Flanges; Stripper AdaptersAPI Spec 11V1 Gas Lift Valves, Orifices, Reverse Flow Valves and Dummy Valves – Gas Lift Valves; Reverse Flow (Check) Valves; Orifice Valves; Dummy Valves; Wireline Retrievable Valve Mandrels API Spec 12B Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids – Storage TanksAPI Spec 12D Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids – Storage TanksAPI Spec 12F Shop Welded Tanks for Storage and Production Liquids – Storage TanksAPI Spec 12J Oil and Gas Separators – SeparatorsAPI Spec 12K Indirect Type Oilfield Heaters – Heaters; Shells; CoilsAPI Spec 12L Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters – TreatersAPI Spec 12P Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks – FRP TanksAPI Spec 13A Oil-Well Drilling-Fluid Materials –Barite; Hematite; Bentonite; Nontreated Bentonite; Attapulgite; Sepiolite; Technical-Grade Low Viscosity CMC; Technical-Grade High Viscosity CMC; Starch; OCMA Grade BentoniteAPI Spec 14A Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment – Subsurface Safety Valves; Testing AgencyAPI Spec 14L Lock Mandrels and Landing Nipples - Lock Mandrels; Landing NipplesAPI Spec 15HR High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe –Line Pipe; Couplings; Fittings; Flanges; Reducers and AdaptersAPI Spec 15LE Polyethylene Line Pipe (PE) – (PE) Line PipeAPI Spec 15LR Low Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe – CC Line Pipe; FW Line PipeAPI Spec 16A Drill Through Equipment - Ram BOP; Ram Blocks, Packers, and/or Top Seals; Annular BOP; Annular Packing Units; Hydraulic Connectors; Drilling Spools; Adapters; Loose Connections; ClampsAPI Spec 16C Choke and Kill Systems – Actuated Valve Control Lines; Articulated Choke & Kill Line; Drilling Choke Actuators; Drilling Choke Control Line exclusive of BOP Control Lines and Subsurface Safety Valve Control Lines; Drilling Choke Controls; Drilling Chokes; Flexible Choke and Kill Lines;Union Connections; Rigid Choke and Kill Lines; Swivel Joints; Choke and Kill Manifold AssembliesAPI Spec 16D Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment –Control Systems for Surface Mounted BOP Stacks; Hydraulic Control Systems for Subsea BOP Stacks; Electro-Hydraulic/Multiplex Control Systems for Subsea BOP Stacks; Diverter Control Systems; Emergency Backup BOP Control Systems; Auxiliary Equipment Control Systems and InterfacesAPI Spec 16F Marine Drilling Roser EquipmentAPI Spec 16RCD Drill through Equipment (Rotating Control Devices)API Spec 16R Marine Drilling Riser Couplings – Marine Drilling Riser CouplingsAPI Spec 17D Subsea Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment – Subsea Tree Equipment, Subsea Wellhead Equipment, Mudline Suspension System Equipment, Other Equipment at PSL 2, 3API Spec 17E Subsea Production Control Umbilicals –Hose Umbilicals; Electrical Umbilicals; Electro-Hydraulic UmbilicalsAPI Spec 17F Subsea Production Control Systems - Subsea Production Control SystemsAPI Spec 17J Unbonded Flexible Pipe – Unbonded Flexible PipeAPI Spec 17K Bonded Flexible Pipe - Bonded Flexible PipeAPI Standard 547 General-Purpose Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors - 250 Horsepower and LargerAPI Standard 594 Check ValvesAPI Standard 599 Metal Plug ValvesAPI Standard 600 Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves - Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate ValvesAPI Standard 602 Compact Steel Gate Valves, Globe Valves and Check ValvesAPI Standard 603 Corrosion-Resistant Bolted Bonnet Gate ValvesAPI Standard 608 Metal Ball ValvesAPI Standard 609 Butterfly Valves。



API DOCUMENTSThe current edition at the COMMENCEMENT DATE of the following API documents shall be used and adhered to, in support of and in addition to the CONTRACT, and shall be available at the SITE for both COMPANY and CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL.1. API Spec 2C Cranes2. API Spec 4E Specification for drillingand well servicing structures3. API Spec 4F Specification for drillingand well servicing structures4. API Spec 5CT Specification for casing andtubing (combination of formerspecs 5A, 5AQ and 5AX - Casingand tubing requirements)5. API Bull 5C2 Bulletin on performanceproperties of casing, tubing and drill pipe6. API Spec 5D Specification for drill pipe(combination of specs 5A and5AX, drill pipe requirements)7. API Bull 5A2 Bulletin on thread oncompounds for casing, tubing and line pipe 8. API Rec RP 5A5 Recommended practice forfield inspection of new casing,tubing and plain end drill pipe 9. API Rec RP 5C1 Recommended practice forcare and use of casing and tubing10. A PI Spec 6A Specification for valves andwellhead EQUIPMENT11. A PI Spec 6D Specification for pipelinevalves (steel gate, plug, balland check valves)12. A PI Spec 7 Specification for rotarydrilling EQUIPMENT13. A PI Spec 7B-11C Specification forinternal-combustionreciprocating engines for oilfield service14. A PI Spec 7F Specification for oil fieldchain and sprockets15. A PI Spec RP 7G Recommended practice fordrill stem design and operating limits16. A PI Spec 7J Specification for drill pipeand casing protectors (DP CP)17. A PI Spec 8A Specification for drillingand production hoisting EQUIPMENT18. A PI Spec 8C Specification for drilling andproduction hoisting EQUIPMENT(PSL 1 and PSL 2)19. A PI Rec RP 8B Recommended practice forhoisting tool inspection andmaintenance procedures20. A PI Spec 9A, Specification for wire rope21. A PI Rec RP 9B Recommended practice onapplication, care and use ofwire rope for oil field service 22. A PI Spec 13A Specification for oil welldrilling fluid materials23. A PI Rec RP 13B Recommended practice forstandard procedure for fieldtesting drilling fluids24. A PI Bull 13C Bulletin on drilling fluidsprocessing EQUIPMENT25. A PI Rec RP 13E Recommended practice forshale shaker screen cloth designation26. A PI Spec RP 13G Recommended practice fordrilling mud report form27. A PI Rec RP 13I Recommended practice,standard procedure forlaboratory testing drillingfluids28. A PI Rec RP 13J Recommended practices fortesting heavy brines29. A PI Rec RP 49 Recommended practices for safedrilling of well containinghydrogen sulphide30. A PI Rec RP 53 Recommended practices for blowout protection EQUIPMENTsystems for drilling wells 31. A PI Rec RP 54 Recommended practices foroccupational safety and healthfor oil and gas well drilling and servicing operations32. A PI Rec RP 59 Recommended practices forwell control operations33. A PI Environment Guide Onshore Solid WasteManagement in Exploration andProduction Operations, FirstEdition34. I nstitute of Petroleum AreaClassification Code for PetroleumInstallationsUse of dieselengines andelectricalappliances inZone 2 area.(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。



Machining Services Global One-Stop Full-ServiceTuboscope’s Machining Services include Thread Repair, Hardbanding, and the manufacture of Drilling Accessories and Oilfield Components. Industry leading technologies, including up-to-date CNC machinery with certified inspection and gauging practices, combine to set Tuboscope apart from standard machine shops. As part of our commitment to providing premium machining services, we are strategically located in all major oilfield markets, and continue to expand our service reach to better serve you.Connection repairTuboscope performs thread repair services on API rotary shouldered connections, proprietary connections and premium two-step connections.Many of our facilities are API certified and are licensed tocut proprietary connections, including Grant Prideco. Our capabilities include the latest technology in CNC lathes as well as standard manual lathes.Tuboscope maintains a full-time quality assurance department to ensure our customers receive the best product available.• On-site inspectors and quality managers at each location • Every connection is verified by certified QC Inspectors utilizing API calibrated and certified gauges • Drill pipe• Drill collars• Heavy weight drill pipe• API and premium tubing and casing• Work string tubing• Mod Acme (standard and modified Acme connections)• Pup joints• Subs• Stabilizers• Kellys• Specialist & fishing tools**********************/tuboscopeManufacturingAll drill string accessories are manufactured from new materials per API or customer specifications and include a material certificate for traceability. A full line of sub stock and forged, high-strength top drive saver sub blanks with mill test reports (MTR) are inventoried at all locations to meet demands of todays high torque drilling connections.• Subs • Top drive • Cross over • Bit-sub • Lift/handling • Pump in • Pup joints to 20 ft• Large component manufacturing available at select locationsStandpipe and manifold fittingsFittings are manufactured and machined from ASTM A487 high grade carbon steel. Available in a variety of designs, we offer fittings with welded or threaded connections that are compatible with all types of pump manifolds and mud line systems.5 and6 in. fittings are designed and rated for 5,000 to 7,500 PSI WP. Most 2, 3 and 4 in. fittings are designed and rated for 5,000 or 10,000 PSI WP. All sizes and configurations are suitable for sour gas.HardbandingTuboscope is the only oilfieldhardbanding service company that offersa single source for wire manufacture,new pipe application, and reapplication.We are committed to providing thebest combination of tool joint wear andcasing protection with our industryleading TCS™ product line.• TCS Titanium• TCS XL• TCS-8000Global reachWith fixed & mobile units strategicallylocated in 25 countries, Tuboscope TCS™hardbanding services is available inmajor oilfield markets around the world.In addition to the application of our TCSproprietary hardbanding, we have thecapability to apply other hardband products.**********************SafetySafety compliance extends beyond the factory floor. At Tuboscope, safety is our core value in the field and in our fabrication facilities. Safety training is an ongoing commitment wherever we operate. The Peer to Peer Based Program is practiced at all facilities, as well as a custom real time audit and reporting system. All personnel have stop work authority as no job is too important to compromise safety.Our culture of adhering to stringent safety requirements sets us apart from a standard machine shop.QualityQuality is always a priority at Tuboscope. We pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled quality and service to our customers. API Q1 requirements are implemented at all machine shops and each facility is monitored by our Corporate Quality & Technical Services department.Committed to providing exceptional products and services that exceed ourcustomers quality expectationsOur focus on providing outstanding worldwide service truly has established us as your Global One-Stop Full-Service provider.Corporate Headquarters 7909 Parkwood Circle Drive Houston, Texas 77036 USA Tuboscope Headquarters 2835 Holmes Road Houston, Texas 77051 USAPhone: 346-223-6100NOV Inc. has produced this brochure for general informationonly, and it is not intended for design purposes. Althoughevery effort has been made to maintain the accuracy andreliability of its contents, NOV Inc. in no way assumesresponsibility for liability for any loss, damage or injuryresulting from the use of information and data herein. Allapplications for the material described are at the user’s riskand are the user’s responsibility.© 2021 NOV Inc. All rights reserved.JIRA 13276/tuboscope**********************。

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NORSOK STANDARDCOMMON REQUIREMENTS CASING AND TUBING MATERIALSM-CR-703Rev. 1, January 1996Please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the NORSOK standards neither OLF nor TBL or any of their members will assume liability for any use thereof.CONTENTS1 FOREWORD22 SCOPE23 NORMATIVE REFERENCES24 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS34.1 Definitions34.2 Abbreviations35 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS36 ISO 11960 STEEL PIPES FOR USE AS CASING OR TUBING36.1 Charpy V-notch general requirements36.2 Sulphide stress cracking test- ISO group 2 - Grade L-80, type 13Cr36.3 Frequency of testing47 ISO/WD 13680 CORROSION RESISTANT ALLOY SEAMLESS PIPE47.1 Straightening47.2 Traceability47.3 Sulphide stress cracking test48 NON-ISO STANDARD GRADES48.1 General48.2 Chemical requirements48.3 Mechanical and technological property requirements58.4 Frequency of testing61FOREWORDNORSOK (The competitive standing of the Norwegian offshore sector) is the industry initiative to add value, reduce cost and lead time and remove unnecessary activities in offshore field developments and operations.The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry as a part of the NORSOK initiative and are jointly issued by OLF (The Norwegian Oil Industry Association) and TBL (The Federation of Norwegian Engineering Industries). NORSOK standards are administered by NTS (Norwegian Technology Standards Institution).The purpose of this industry standard is to replace the individual oil company specifications for use in existing and future petroleum industry developments, subject to the individual company's review and application.The NORSOK standards make extensive references to international standards. Where relevant, the contents of this standard will be used to provide input to the international standardization process. Subject to implementation into international standards, this NORSOK standard will be withdrawn.This standard will be used for further development of ISO 11960 and ISO/WD 13680.Non-ISO standard pipe is included to cover demanding conditions such as deep wells, high pressure high temperature wells and wells for sour service.2SCOPEThis standard covers the technical delivery requirements for ISO standard and non-ISO standard seamless and electric welded tubing and casing. Both carbon /low alloy steel pipe and corrosion resistant alloy steel pipe are included.3NORMATIVE REFERENCESISO 11960Material for petroleum and natural gas industries steel pipe for use ascasing or tubing for wellsISO/WD 13680Material for petroleum and natural gas industries - Corrosion resistantalloy seamless tubes for casing, tubing and coupling stock - Part 1:Technical delivery conditionsNACE MR0175 Sulphide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for oilfieldequipmentNACE TM0177Laboratory testing of metals for resistance to sulphide stress crackingin H2S environmentEFC Publication no. 16A Working party report on Guidelines on material requirements forcarbon and low-alloy steels for H2S - Containing environments in oiland gas productionEFC Doc. no. O&G-93-2Guidance on materials requirements for corrosion resistant alloysexposed to H2S in oil and gas production4DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS4.1DefinitionsNormative references Shall mean normative in the application of NORSOK standards. Informative references Shall mean informative in the application of NORSOK standards.Shall Shall is an absolute requirement which shall be followed strictly in orderto conform with the standard.Should Should is a recommendation. Alternative solutions having the samefunctionality and quality are acceptable.May May indicates a course of action that is permissible within the limits ofthe standard (a permission).Can Can-requirements are conditional and indicates a possibility open to theuser of the standard.4.2AbbreviationsEFC European Federation of CorrosionISO International Organisation for StandardisationNACE National Association of Corrosion EngineersWD Working Draft5GENERAL REQUIREMENTSAll material grades shall comply with the requirements stated within ISO 11960 and ISO/WD 13680 and the additional requirements detailed within this standard.ISO 11960 is the governing standard for low-alloy steel, carbon steel and 13% chromium steel.ISO/WD 13680 is the governing draft standard for other corrosion resistant alloy grades.6ISO 11960 STEEL PIPES FOR USE AS CASING OR TUBING6.1Charpy V-notch general requirementsSR16 shall apply for all type of products and material grades. The test temperature shall be -10o C.6.2Sulphide stress cracking test- ISO group 2 - Grade L-80, type 13CrThe manufacturer shall prior to delivery demonstrate that this alloy meets the requirements of NACE standard MR0175, i.e. that this alloy is resistant to sulphide stress cracking when the NACE TM0177 test solution has a pH of 3.5 and the partial pressure of H2S is 0.1bar. Triplicate specimens shall be sampled from a pipe or coupling stock used for tensile testing. The test methods to be used shall be those detailed within the EFC publication number 16 for either the smooth tensile test or the C-ring test. The applied stress level for both tests shall be 80% of SMYS and the test period shall be 720 hours. This is a performance test that shall be performed once for each grade from each manufacturer, as long as chemical composition and manufacturing procedure are not changed. Single tempering of 13Cr steel may be used provided it is documented that the sulphide stress cracking resistance is acceptable.6.3Frequency of testing6.3.1Impact tests - all steel groupsThis shall conform to ISO 11960 section as applied to ISO group 4 steel grade.6.3.2Metallographic evaluation of ERW pipes of all steel groupsThis shall conform to ISO 11960 section 13680 CORROSION RESISTANT ALLOY SEAMLESS PIPE7.1StraighteningISO/WD 13680 alloy group 1 and 2 shall conform to the ISO 11960 group 2 requirements.7.2TraceabilityThis shall be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 11960 section 5.4, group 4 grades.7.3Sulphide stress cracking testThis shall conform to ISO/WD 13680 section 8.4, table 10 and the test requirements detailed in the EFC document number O&G-93-2. Details regarding test method and duration should be considered.7.3.1Charpy V-notch general requirementsThis shall be in accordance with ISO 11960 section 6.2.3 for coupling stock, coupling blanks and couplings with both ISO and premium threads and ISO 11960 SR16 for all pipe groups.The test temperature for all product types shall be -10o C. The test frequency shall be as dictated by section 10.4.1 in ISO/WD 13680.8NON-ISO STANDARD GRADES8.1GeneralThe non-ISO grades covered by this standard are listed in table 8.1. The grades listed as group 2 shall comply with ISO 11960 requirements for group 2, T-95 steel grade and the amendments in this specification. The grades listed as group 4 shall comply with ISO 11960 group 4 requirements and the amendments in this specification. The grades 140, 150 and 155 shall only be manufactured by the seamless process.8.2Chemical requirementsAll material shall be of the Cr-Mo type, comparable to ISO 11960 type 1. Maximum limits for phosphorus and sulphur shall be 0.020% and 0.010%, respectively. The limitation in the maximum nickel content shall not apply for the group 4 grades, while for group 2 grades maximum 0.99% nickel applies.8.3Mechanical and technological property requirements8.3.1Tensile propertiesPipe and couplings shall conform to the tensile requirements specified in table 8.1 for the grades and types specified. Otherwise they shall conform to the requirements stated within ISO 11960 section 6.2.1.Table 8.1Tensile and hardness requirementsGroup Grade Yield strength Tensile strength Hardness max.Min. MPa Max. MPa Min. MPa HRC 2100689792724281057248277583011075882779230 4125862965931140965117210341501034124111031551069124111378.3.2Yield strengthThe yield strength shall conform to ISO 11960 section 6.2.2 for grades up to and including 862MPa specified minimum yield strength (SMYS). For grades with higher SMYS than 862MPa, the total extension under load of gage length shall be 0.7%. The yield strength ranges shall conform to the values given in table V-notch general requirementsISO 11960 SR 16 shall apply for all types of products and material grades. The test temperature for all product types and grades shall be -10o C.8.3.4Charpy V-notch absorbed energy requirementsThis shall cover coupling stock, coupling blanks and couplings with both ISO and premium threads and all pipe groups. The required minimum Charpy V-notch energy values are given in table 8.2 and shall cover all groups.Table 8.2Charpy impact minimum absorbed energy requirementsSteel grades Minimum absorbed energy required100, 105, 110Requirements according to table 11 of ISO 11960above 110Requirements according to table 12 of ISO 119608.3.5Hardness maximumsThis shall conform to ISO 11960 section 6.2.7 and the values stated in table properties for group 2The prior austenite grain size shall be ISO grain size 8 or finer.8.3.7Sulphide stress cracking test for group 2 materialsThis shall conform to ISO 11960 section 6.2.13.The test methods to be used shall be either the NACE TM0177 method A or the EFC publication number 16 C-ring test. The applied stress level for both tests shall be 85% of SMYS and the test period shall be 720 hours.Triplicate specimens shall be sampled from the same pipe or coupling stock as those used for tensile testing.8.4Frequency of testing8.4.1Impact tests - all steel groupsThis shall conform to ISO 11960 section as applied to ISO group 4 steel grade.。
