每日普氏原油市场报告 Platts Crude Oil Marketwire 120105
二、石油价格趋势分析1. 长期趋势在过去几十年中,石油价格经历了多次波动。
2. 季节因素石油市场的价格还受到季节因素的影响。
3. 经济增长全球经济增长与石油需求密切相关。
三、石油市场的影响因素1. OPEC政策石油输出国组织(OPEC)对石油市场有重要影响力。
2. 地缘政治冲突地缘政治因素对石油价格有直接影响。
3. 货币政策货币政策对石油价格有间接影响。
四、石油市场的价格指标1. 布伦特原油价格布伦特原油被视为国际石油市场的参考价格。
2. 美国WTI原油价格美国西得克萨斯轻质原油(WTI)的价格也是石油市场的重要参考指标。
3. OPEC篮子价格OPEC篮子价格是OPEC成员国出口的一揽子原油价格的加权平均值。
(1)美国西得克萨斯原油(US West Texas Intermediate,WTI)。
(2)英国北海布伦特原油(UK North Sea Crude Brent)。
(3)迪拜和阿曼原油(Dubai and Oman)。
(4)米纳斯原油和塔皮斯原油(Minas and Tapis)。
米纳斯的价格来源为官价,被称为ICP Minas (Indonesian crude prices)。
(一)带船期的布伦特市场(Dated Brent,DTD)市场带船期的布伦特指已经带有具体装船日期、很快就要装船的布伦特原油。
国际业务部 洪婧1目录 1、原油简介品种介绍 OPEC供需信息 OPEC供需信息 原油现货交易和定价概况 影响原油价格主要因素
WTI原油期货 2、WTI原油期货
合约对比 交易制度 交割制度 结算制度
原油是指直接从地下开采出来未经炼制的石油。 原油是指直接从地下开采出来未经炼制的石油。原油相对密 度一般在0.75~ 之间,相对密度在0.9 0.9~ 度一般在0.75~0.95 之间,相对密度在0.9~1.0 的称为 0.75 重质原油,小于0.9 的称为轻质原油。原油硫含量小于 重质原油,小于0.9 的称为轻质原油。 0.5%(质量)的称低硫,等于或大于0.5%的称含硫。 0.5%(质量)的称低硫,等于或大于0.5%的称含硫。低 %(质量 0.5 硫轻质原油是炼油业者的首选, 硫轻质原油是炼油业者的首选,因为它的高价值产品如汽 油、柴油、民用燃料油和航空燃油等的使用率高。 柴油、民用燃料油和航空燃油等的使用率高。
• • • • • • •
OPEC即期价格 炼油商利润 WTI远期价格 WTI-BRENT差价 OPEC产出 战略石油储备SPR 各主要经济体的实际GDP、PMI
WTI和Brent原油期货合约对比 和 原油期货合约对比
上市交易所 交易代码 交易单位 报价单位 最小变动价位 每日价格最大 波动限制 NYM(被CME收购) CL 1000桶(42000加仑) 美元/桶(美元及美分每桶) 0.01美元/桶(每张合约10美元) 最初最大波动幅度为10美元, 如波动触及10美元,停盘5分钟 后,波动幅度在增加10美元, 以此类推。每日交易结束前60 分钟,无涨跌停板限制。 今年与未来5年的连续月份,第 6年后到第九年每年6月及12月。 其余月份将在12月合约到期后 每年更新。 IPE(被ICE收购) B 1000桶(42000加仑) 美元/桶(美元及美分每桶) 美分/桶(每张合约10美元) 无限制
表 态 表 明 欧 佩 克 目前 仍 无 意 增 产 。
2 0 年全年经合组织 的原油和油 品库存 08
迪拜 原 油 的现 货 价 格 平 均 为 1 2 6 1 。 3美 元 / 、 0 .7 元 /桶和 134 美元 / 桶 18 9 美 0 .1
市场 回顾 …彤
元 /桶 左 右 。
供应短缺所致, 它将会 “ 毫不犹豫地 ” 增
加产量 ,但 目前 的国际油价走势与供求 无关 ,油价 持续飙升主要是由于市场投
机 引起 的 。 分析 人士 认 为 ,巴德 里 的 这
件促使原油市场基本面处于利好气氛中。 4 月份 , I 英国布伦特原油以及亚洲 WT 、
关性 。2月份以来 ,美元频创新低 , 4月
2 日, 2 美元兑欧元一度跌至 15 8 美元 , .9 7 为 19 年欧元面世以来最 高水平。这导 99 致油价则屡创新高。预期 美元走势短期 将趋于震荡。 目前来看,尽管受到美国
经济 下滑 冲 击 ,权威 机 构 不 断 下 调 20 08 年全 球 石 油 需 求 增长 。但 由于 全 球 的 石
市场 对石油的需求 继续 保持 强劲增长。 并且未来美联 储可能继续降息 ,并出台
刺激ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้经 济 增 长 的政 策 ,推 动 美 国 经 济复
经常受到恐怖袭 击,石油供应也始终存
在着风险。 伊朗方面 , 总统内贾德 4 月份 也宣布 ,开始在其纳坦兹的核工厂安装
苏,这将导致油价重新获得强劲需求支 撑。美元与原油价格走势呈现一定负相
令 市场担 心会影响到原油供应 。4月下
旬 ,伊拉 克 军 队 隔 离 了激 进 什 叶派 教士
2023年01月,WTI原油价格期末同比增长率为-10.27%,增速低于下文报表中的平均值66.414%, 增速承压。
数据最近更新日期:2023-02-06 21:04:05。
WTI原油价格1) 期末值走势图放大图片年份数据前后两年比较数据1) WTI原油价格数据2023年02月2023年01月2022年12月2022年11月75.88 77.9 78.4 78.22022年10月2022年09月2022年08月2022年07月87.9 82.15 91.64 96.422022年06月2022年05月2022年04月2022年01月109.78 115.07 105.36 86.822021年12月2021年11月2021年10月2021年09月75.21 69.95 82.81 74.83 WTI原油价格期末同比增长率1) 走势图放大图片年份数据前后两年比较数据1) WTI原油价格期末同比增长率数据2023年01月2022年12月2022年11月2022年10月-10.27 4.24 11.79 6.152022年09月2022年08月2022年07月2022年06月9.78 32.54 30.97 49.422022年05月2022年04月2022年01月2021年12月72.13 65.71 65.88 55.392021年11月2021年10月2021年09月2021年08月53.63 128.95 86.05 60.9。
”还有两位OPEC成员国高级事务代表估计,OPEC 将按兵不动,“油价在60-65美元/桶区间,至少已经从之前的水平改善了不少。
三种石油价格互相影响,面对的客户炼油厂有所不同(因为不同石油的加工工艺条件不同, 改工艺很费劲)。
FUEL OIL 荷兰三地 EU 1% FO R'dam Cal CS
纽商所/洲际交易所/迪拜交易所显示 纽商所/洲际交易所显示 现金和期货油品 亚洲成品油 欧洲成品油 美国成品油
0#UX: 0#FOS: 0#FS: 0#SFU: 0#EFF: 0#EFM: 0#ENS: 0#EFB+ 0#UI: 0#FL: 0#FX: 0#D8D: 0#XV: 0#KR: 0#KX: 0#FI: 0#OF: 0#6L: 0#FCN: 0#HS: 0#HR: 0#VK: 0#SFD: 0#SFO: 0#XW: 0#BSS: 0#BTT: 0#SEO: 0#DS: 0#/OF: 0#5L: 0#SRT: 0#DFO: 0#EW: 0#1X: 0#1W: 0#MG: 0#FO: 0#EWB: 0#VZZ: 0#GCI: 0#NFC: 0#FOC: 0#NYC: 0#NYI: 0#FCB: 0#FOA: 0#FOM: 0#FOB: 0#DBB: 0#GFC: 0#NFG: 0#EBF: 0#UGC:
超低硫柴油鹿特丹离岸价和西北欧到岸价掉期 0#BBU:
0#ETN: 0#ZE: 0#FZE: 0#1A: 0#N2L: 0#24A: 0#25A: 0#N2M: 0#N1Z: 0#WEB: 0#YEB: 0#CUU: 0#EEZ:
(1)美国西得克萨斯原油(US West Texas Intermediate,WTI)。
(2)英国北海布伦特原油(UK North Sea Crude Brent)。
(3)迪拜和阿曼原油(Dubai and Oman)。
(4)米纳斯原油和塔皮斯原油(Minas and Tapis)。
米纳斯的价格来源为官价,被称为ICP Minas(Indonesian crude prices)。
(一)带船期的布伦特市场(Dated Brent,DTD)市场带船期的布伦特指已经带有具体装船日期、很快就要装船的布伦特原油。
普氏Market On Close FAQs Sheet (Chinese)
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参与者进行建设性的对话,并顺应市场格局的变化而作 出调整。普氏能源资讯在全球多个地点举办估价方法公 开论坛,与业界广泛沟通,另外也与交易商、经纪商、 能源公司高层、政府团体及金融机构进行一对一的讨 论。我们在网站上公布了MOC估价方法并 提供下载。对估价方法的修改会通过普氏能源资讯的网 站、普氏全球快讯( PGA)和普氏能源资讯的其他刊物 告知用户。 问:什么是普氏EWINDOW(普氏EWINDOW)? 答:普氏 eWindow是一个创新的网上工具,可以显著提 升普氏能源资讯 MOC 石油估价机制的透明度、效率与 用户体验。 eWindow是普氏全球快讯的一个附加工具, 让市场参与者只需使用同一工具,既可以向普氏能源 资讯的编辑及其他市场参与者直接提交递盘、报盘和 其他交易信息,也可以“现场实时”监测市场活动动 向。 eWindow采用表格式屏幕布局以方便用户自行定制 屏幕显示。 eWindow也是传统通讯方式以外的一种新选 择,以往用户必须首先就价格和其它交易信息予以解读 和转抄之后 ,才能通过电话、信箱或即时传讯工具传达 给普氏能源资讯的编辑与分析师,而随着eWindow的出现 改变了这种局面。
的新 高 ,接近 2 0 0 6年 8月 8日所 创的
7 .0 86/桶的历史高点 。 日, 同 布伦特现货 价格达到 7 .2 9 O 美元 / ,已经超过 20 桶 06 年 8 8日创下的 7 .9 月 8 6 美元 /桶的高
期 , 术 性 故 障 以 及 墨 西 哥 和 挪 威 产 量 技
业投机商仍然操纵市场。 至 7 2 截 月 4日,
_r ,欧佩克拒 绝增 产以及美 国汽 二件 I 油库 存较低 ,对供应 的担忧 ,以及投机 基金的推波助澜刺激油价连续上涨至接 近纪录高位。同期 ,对北海油 田生产的 担忧及美国与伊朗紧张局势的推动 , 促 使 国际原油价 格始终高位震荡 。 月底 , 7 全球 经济 持续增 长 ,美 国原油库 存下 降, 尤其是美国库欣 地区原油库存 降幅 明 显 促 使 美 国 西 得 克 萨 斯 轻 质 油 ( I wT )7月原油价格突破 7 美元 /桶 8 的年内高点。7 月份 ,wT 、英 国布伦 I 特原油以及亚洲迪拜原油的现货价格平
≯ ' : 拙
入7 份以 尼日 亚 事 月 来, 利 暴力
了长达半年 的相对于其他油种 的疲软状 态 。至 7 3 月 1日收盘 ,得克萨斯轻质油 首月期货达到 7 .1 8 2 美元 /桶 ,为过去 1 个月以来的最高收盘价。 1 原油 价格 在过去 一 个 月上 涨 超过 1%。 0 市场需求 强劲而供应相对短缺 , 尤 其是欧洲市场的供应问题不容乐观 , 促 使价格屡屡攀升。从供应方面看 ,非欧 佩克产量增幅较预期下降。一些工程延
如果欧佩克不取消限产措施 , 今秋 油价
每日普氏原油市场报告 Platts Crude Oil Marketwire 20110308
-2.74 -2.08 -1.79
-0.47 -0.80 -0.83 -4.02 -4.10 -4.13
105.05-105.07 105.96-105.98 106.49-106.51 108.25-108.27 108.31-108.33 108.34-108.36
-0.47 -0.80 -0.83 -4.02 -4.10 -4.13
Spread vs OSP AAKUB00 0.35/0.45 AAKUF00 0.35/0.45 AAOUP00 0.30/0.40 AAKUJ00 0.35/0.45 AAKUH00 0.30/0.40 AAKUD00 0.25/0.35 AAPEW00 0.55/0.65*
+0.19 +0.19 0.00 0.00 0eb
Source: Platts
The McGraw Hill Companies
MARCH 8, 2011
Spot market commentaries
Asia-Pacific / Middle East spot crude assessments ($/bbl)
API Gravity Condensate NW Shelf Ras Gas Qatar LSC South Pars Senipah Light Cossack Gippsland Tapis Belida Kutubu Handil Mix Attaka Vityaz Blend Ardjuna Sokol Kikeh ESPO Miri Light Labuan 61.9 57.0 56.9 57.4 54.4 47.7 48.7 45.2 45.1 44.3 43.9 42.3 41.6 38.0 39.7 34.9 34.8 32.3 32.0 Assessment (Asian MOC) 111.42-111.46 111.19-111.23 110.59-110.63 108.59-108.63 112.38-112.42 116.67-116.71 116.82-116.86 119.66-119.70 116.80-116.84 117.72-117.76 115.54-115.58 118.15-118.19 115.26-115.30 114.60-114.64 117.91-117.95 120.57-120.61 113.83-113.87 119.91-119.95 119.86-119.90 Diff to Dubai or ICP (Asian MOC) Diff to Dated Brent (Asian MOC) -1.88 -2.10 -2.71 -4.71 -0.91 3.37 3.52 6.36 3.51 4.42 2.25 4.86 1.97 1.31 4.61 7.27 6.61 6.56 Assessment (London MOC) 110.93 110.71 110.10 108.10 111.90 116.18 116.33 119.17 116.32 117.23 115.06 117.67 114.78 114.12 117.42 120.08
需求端,IEA 发布2月月报,上调2022年原油需求预测,预计2022年全球石油需求将增加320万桶/日,达到1.006亿桶/日;EIA 库存处于低位体现出原油需求持续复苏的态势并未改变,随着新冠疫苗接种率的提升原油需求仍将维持复苏态势。
供给端,1月OPEC 仅增产6.4万桶/日,距目标25万桶/日有较大差距,OPEC 有效剩余产能的下降以及全球油气资本开支的不足仍限制着短期原油供给的修复。
后疫情时代,受股东回报要求和碳中和影响,全球石油巨头的资本开支增长规划较为谨慎,或将长期保持较低水平;碳中和背景下海外巨头加速新能源转型,投资侧重绿色能源项目,传统油气投资不再受青睐;美国页岩油厂商的资本开支低迷导致了DUC 大幅下滑,后续扩产能力有限。
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08:09 06Jan12 -PLATTS: PLATTS CRUDE OIL MARKETWIRE 05JAN12 <PWC100>New York (Platt's)--NEW YORK, Jan 05, 2012, VOL: 33 , NO: 3 COPYRIGHT (C) 2012 THEMCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES MAKES NOWARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF INFORMA TION, OR RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROMUSE. NO PORTION OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED, REPRODUCED, RETRANSMITTED, PUT INTO A COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHERWISE REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUTPRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM PLATTS. PLATTS IS A TRADEMARK OF THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES INC.EDITORIAL: Global/Dave Ernsberger +44 20 7176 6116;London/Joel Hanley +44 20 7176 6142,Benno Spencer +44 20 7176 6114,Ellie Weir +44 20 7176 6112, Natalia Beales +44 20 7176 6683;Singapore/Sharmilpal Kaur, +65-6530-6575; Wendy Cheong +65-6530-6573;Houston/Esa Ramasamy +1 713 658 3292, David Ruisard +1713 658 3224, Richard Capuchino +1 713 658 3208.CLIENT SERVICES INFORMATION: North America: 800-PLATTS8 (800-752-8878);direct: +1 212-904-3070; Europe & Middle East: +44-20-7176-6111; AsianPacific: +65-6530-6430; Latin America: + 54-11-4804-1890, E-mail:support@ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATIONS are available at Key benchmarks ($/bbl):Dubai(MAR) 2.23 110.80-110.82 2.23Dubai(APR) 1.96 109.91-109.93 1.96Dubai(MAY) 2.04 109.60-109.62 2.04MEC (MAR) 2.23 110.80-110.82 2.23MEC (APR) 1.96 109.91-109.93 1.96MEC (MAY) 2.04 109.60-109.62 2.04Brent/Dubai -0.70 2.55-2.57 -0.70Brent (Dtd) 0.63 113.80-113.81 0.62Dated North Sea Light 0.63 113.80-113.81 0.62Brent(FEB) 0.81 113.31-113.33 0.81Brent(MAR) 1.15 113.24-113.26 1.15Brent(APR) 1.23 112.95-112.97 1.23Sulfur De-escalator 0.25WTI (FEB) -1.49 101.77-101.79 -1.49 WTI (MAR) -1.47 101.96-101.98 -1.47 WTI (APR) -1.46 102.17-102.19 -1.46 ACM (FEB)* -1.09 108.47-108.49 -1.09 ACM (MAR)* -1.07 108.31-108.33 -1.07 ACM (APR)* -1.06 108.07-108.09 -1.06 *Americas Crude MarkerMiddle East:Oman (MAR) 2.12 111.35-111.37 2.12 Oman (APR) 1.85 110.50-110.52 1.85 Oman (MAY) 1.93 110.23-110.25 1.93 Upper Zakum 2.23 110.79-110.83 2.23Dubai Swap (FEB) 1.96 109.90-109.94 1.96 Dubai Swap (MAR) 2.04 109.59-109.63 2.04 Dubai Swap (APR) 2.10 109.28-109.32 2.10Middle East spot assessments:Spread vs OSP Murban 113.96-114.00 -0.15/-0.05Lower Zakum 113.46-113.50 -0.30/-0.20Umm Shaif 113.06-113.10 -0.30/-0.20Qatar Land 112.47-112.51 -0.20/-0.10Qatar Marine 111.17-111.21 -0.25/-0.15Banoco Arab Medium 110.71-110.75 -0.25/-0.15Al Shaheen 112.24-112.28 2.60/2.70 ** Differential to DubaiRussian Urals/ESPO spot assessments:$/bbl spread vs fwdDTD Brent Urals (Rdam) 111.38-111.44 -1.82/-1.78Urals (Med) 111.55-111.61 -1.65/-1.61Urals (Ex-Novo) 109.38-109.44 -3.82/-3.78Urals Novo 80kt 108.79-108.85 -4.41/-4.37Urals (Ex-Baltic) 110.27-110.33 -2.93/-2.89Urals (Primorsk) 110.21-110.27 -2.99/-2.95Urals (RCMB) 112.15-112.20ESPO (FOB Kozmino) 116.11-116.13 2.94/2.96 Med CFD1st mth (Jan 12) 112.22-112.29 -1.58/-1.522nd mth (Feb 12) 112.87-112.94 -0.93/-0.873rd mth (Mar 12) 113.07-113.14 -0.73/ -0.67NWE CFD1st mth (Jan 12) 112.67-112.74 -1.13/ -1.072nd mth (Feb 12) 112.82-112.89 -0.98/ -0.923rd mth (Mar 12) 112.97-113.04 -0.83/ -0.77Forward Dated Brent:North Sea Dated strip 1.03 113.22-113.24 1.03Mediteranean Dated strip 1.08 113.20-113.22 1.08Canada Dated strip 1.12 113.13-113.14 1.12BTC Dated strip 1.09 113.20-113.21 1.09Angola Dated strip 1.10 113.16-113.18 1.11West Africa Dated strip 1.12 113.15-113.16 1.11Brent/WTI spreads and EFPs:Brent/WTI 1st 0.66 10.74/10.76 0.66Brent/WTI 2nd 0.99 10.48/10.50 0.99Brent/WTI 3rd 1.07 9.99/10.01 1.07Brent EFP (FEB) 0.07 0.01/0.03 0.07Brent EFP (MAR) 0.33 0.32/0.34 0.33Brent EFP (APR) 0.33 0.32/0.34 0.33WTI EFP (FEB) 0.00 -0.01/0.01 0.00WTI EFP (MAR) 0.00 -0.01/0.01 0.00WTI EFP (APR) 0.00 -0.01/0.01 0.00Asia-Pacific / Middle East spot crude assessments ($/bbl):Diff to Diff toAPI Assessment Dubai or ICP Dated Brent AssessmentGravity (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (Asian MOC) (London MOC) CondensateNW Shelf 61.9 108.58-108.62 -5.74 108.07Ras Gas 57.0 110.26-110.30 0.62/0.72 ** -4.06 109.75Qatar LSC 56.9 108.49-108.53 -1.15/-1.05 ** -5.83 107.98South Pars 57.4 107.74-107.78 -1.90/-1.80 ** -6.58 107.23Senipah 54.4 112.17-112.21 1.26/1.36 * -2.15 111.66LightCossack 47.7 116.75-116.79 2.43 116.24 Gippsland 48.7 117.07-117.11 2.75 116.56Tapis 45.2 122.06-122.10 7.74 121.55Belida 45.1 122.07-122.11 4.49/4.59 * 7.75 121.56Kutubu 44.3 118.26-118.30 3.94 117.75Handil Mix 43.9 118.51-118.55 1.72/1.82 * 4.19 118.00Attaka 42.3 121.63-121.67 3.47/3.57 * 7.31 121.12Vityaz Blend 41.6 114.89-114.93 5.25/5.35 0.57 114.38 Ardjuna 38.0 118.62-118.66 2.30/2.40 * 4.30 118.11 Sokol 39.7 119.39-119.43 9.44/9.54 ^ 5.07 118.88 Kikeh 34.9 123.75-123.79 9.43 123.24 ESPO M1 34.8 116.22-116.26 6.27/6.37 ^^ESPO M2 115.59-115.63 5.95/6.05 ^^Miri Light 32.3 123.60-123.64 9.28 123.09 Labuan 32.0 123.27-123.31 8.95 122.76 * Differential to ICP, ** Differential to Dubai,^ Differential to Oman/Dubai, ^^Differential to Dubai (APR)Medium Diff to ICPNanhai 40.0 116.31-116.35 1.99 115.80 Su Tu Den 36.8 121.23-121.27 5.11/5.21 * 6.91 120.72 Minas 35.8 122.24-122.28 7.84/7.94 7.92 121.73 Nile Blend 33.9 117.64-117.68 3.24/3.34 3.32 117.13 Bach Ho 40.7 123.00-123.04 6.15/6.25 * 8.68 122.49 Widuri 33.2 119.15-119.19 4.01/4.11 4.83 118.64 Daqing 32.2 119.96-120.00 5.64 119.45 Cinta 31.1 118.44-118.48 3.80/3.90 4.12 117.93* Differential to Bach Ho OSPHeavyDar Blend 25.0 108.06-108.10 -6.26 107.55 Shengli 24.2 119.73-119.77 5.41 119.22 Stybarrow 22.8 123.68 9.34 123.15 Enfield 22.0 124.24 9.90 123.71 Duri 20.8 119.06-119.10 6.12/6.22 4.74 118.55 Vincent 18.3 119.22 4.88 118.69Asian Crude Indices:$/barrel Interim Diff to FinalAsian Close Dated Brent London Close Asian Dated Brent (ADB) 114.34ADB Strip Asia 113.32 112.75 ADB Strip Middle East 112.87 112.45 Asian Crude Index (ACX) 114.28Asian Heavy Sweet (AHS): 122.38 8.04 121.85For definitions see /IM.Platts.Content/MethodologyReferences/ MethodologySpecs/crudeoilspecs.pdfNorth Sea spot crude assessments:Spread vs fwd$/bbl Dated BrentBNB 114.06-114.10 0.84/0.86 Forties 113.79-113.82 0.57/0.58 Oseberg 115.01-115.05 1.79/1.81Ekofisk 114.51-114.55 1.29/1.31 Statfjord 114.36-114.40 1.14/1.16Flotta 112.46-112.50 -0.76/-0.74 Statfjord(CIF) 115.46-115.50 2.24/2.26 Gullfaks (CIF) 117.01-117.05 3.79/3.81North Sea basket 114.34-114.38Dated Brent/BFOE swaps:Dated Brent swap CFD week 1 Jan 09/13(MAR) -0.01/0.01 113.23/113.27CFD week 2 Jan 16/20(MAR) -0.01/0.01 113.23/113.27CFD week 3 Jan 23/27(MAR) -0.06/-0.04 113.18/113.22CFD week 4 Jan 30/03(MAR) -0.07/-0.05 113.17/113.21CFD week 5 Feb 06/10(MAR) -0.08/-0.06 113.16/113.20CFD week 6 Feb 13/17(MAR) -0.15/-0.13 113.09/113.13CFD week 7 Feb 20/24(MAR) -0.22/-0.20 113.02/113.06CFD week 8 Feb 27/02(MAR) -0.29/-0.27 112.95/112.99West African spot crude assessments:$/bbl Spread vs fwd Dated Brent Bonny Light 115.90-115.96 2.75/2.80Qua Iboe 116.15-116.21 3.00/3.05 Forcados 116.70-116.76 3.55/3.60Agbami 113.85-113.91 0.70/0.75 Escravos 115.95-116.01 2.80/2.85Brass River 115.75-115.81 2.60/2.65Angola spot crude assessments:$/bbl Spread vs fwd Dated Brent Cabinda 113.91-113.98 0.75/0.80Nemba 113.86-113.93 0.70/0.75Dalia 112.81-112.88 -0.35/-0.30Girassol 115.31-115.38 2.15/2.20Hungo 112.26-112.33 -0.90/-0.85 Kissanje 114.16-114.23 1.00/1.05Mediterranean spot crude assessments:$/bbl Spread vs fwd Dated Brent Siberian Light CIF 113.45-113.52 0.25/0.30CPC Blend CIF 113.18-113.24 -0.02/0.02Azeri Light CIF 115.36-115.41 2.16/2.20CPC Blend FOB 111.20-111.26 -2.00/-1.96CPC FOB 80KT 110.62-110.68 -2.58/-2.54Azeri Light FOB 113.34-113.39 0.14/0.18Azeri Light FOB 80KT 112.77-112.83 -0.43/-0.38BTC FOB Ceyhan 114.17-114.22 0.97/1.01Suez Blend 108.39-108.45 -4.81/-4.77Es Sider 112.74-112.80 -0.46/-0.42Kirkuk 110.36-110.42 -2.84/-2.80Iranian Light (Sidi) 113.02-113.10 -0.18/-0.12Iranian Heavy (Sidi) 111.17-111.25 -2.03/-1.97Saharan Blend 113.50-113.57 0.30/0.35 Zarzaitine 113.65-113.72 0.45/0.50Kumkol 114.35-114.42 1.15/1.20Syrian Light FOB 112.95-113.01 -0.25/-0.21Syrian Heavy FOB 109.15-109.21 -4.05/-4.01US spot crude assessments:MARS (FEB) 109.37-109.39MARS (MAR) 109.21-109.23MARS (APR) 108.97-108.99P-PLUS WTI 3.11/3.13WTI-DELTA -0.27/-0.25P-5 WTI 98.32$/bbl spread vs 1st line WTI WTI (Midland) 100.97-100.99 -0.81/-0.79WTS (1st month) 99.82-99.84 -1.96/-1.94WTS (2nd month) 99.81-99.83 -2.16/-2.14 Eugene 111.07-111.09 9.29/9.31Bonito 111.07-111.09 9.29/9.31SGC 108.47-108.49 6.69/6.71 Poseidon 108.87-108.89 7.09/7.11LLS 113.22-113.24 11.44/11.46LLS (2nd month) 112.76-112.78 10.79/10.81HLS 114.22-114.24 12.44/12.46HLS (2nd month) 113.76-113.78 11.79/11.81Wyoming Sweet 94.12-94.14 -7.66/-7.64Thunder Horse 110.77-110.79 8.99/9.01Mars/WTI (FEB) 7.59/7.61Mars/WTI (MAR) 7.24/7.26Mars/WTI (APR) 6.79/6.81spread vs 1st line WTI CMA Bakken Blend ex-Guernsey 97.72-97.74 -4.31/-4.29Bakken Blend ex-Clearbrook 98.42-98.44 -3.61/-3.59P-5 WTI is a crude oil postings based index as of 5:30 PM local New York time. Posted prices by the following companies are used in the index: Conoco, Sunoco, Plains-Scurlock, Link, Equiva.Bakken Blend ex-Guernsey reflects 38-40 API and 0.2% sulfur. Bakken Blendex-Clearbrook reflects 38-40 API and 0.5% sulfur. Both grades are assessed versus calendar month average of 1st month NYMEX WTI futures at 3:15 pm ET.Delivered US Gulf Coast spot price assessment:$/bbl spread vs 2nd line WTI Basrah Light 110.06-110.08 8.09/8.11California spot crude assessments:Line 63/Hynes 107.15-107.19Thums/Long Beach 107.19-107.21Kern River 103.99-104.01P-Plus Line 63 -2.76/-2.74$/bbl spread vs cash WTIANS/Long Beach 109.99-110.03 8.00/8.02ANS is assessed versus calendar month average of 1st month cash WTI assessments.US domestic crude assessments London close:SpreadWTI (FEB) 102.56-102.58 -0.01/0.01 *WTI (MAR) 102.75-102.77 -0.01/0.01 *WTI (APR) 102.95-102.97 -0.01/0.01 *LLS (FEB) 113.95-113.99 11.39/11.41 **LLS (MAR) 113.54-113.58 10.79/10.81 **Mars(FEB) 110.25-110.29 7.69/7.71 **Mars(MAR) 110.04-110.08 7.29/7.31 **WTI, LLS, and Mars assessments reflect value at 16:30 London Close.*=Differential value at 16:30 London close. WTI EFP versus NYMEX light sweet crude futures. **=LLS and Mars differenials versus same-month cash WTI.America closes*:Americas Dated Brent 113.20-113.22ICE Brent Feb US Close 112.70ICE Brent Mar US Close 112.31NYMEX light sweet crude*Feb 101.78Mar 101.97Apr 102.18Americas Dated Brent reflects market value for Dated Brent at 3:15pm Eastern Time. Value of Brent futures contracts at US MOC close. *These assessmentsreflect prevailing futures value exactly at 3:15 pm ET. However, on thebusiness day preceding the following holidays, These assessments reflect thevalue of futures at precisely 1:30 pm ET: Christmas Day, New Years Day,Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving Day.Canadian spot crude cargo assessments:spread vs fwd Dated BrentTerra Nova 115.08-115.14 1.95/2.00Hibernia 115.18-115.24 2.05/2.10White Rose 115.78-115.89 2.65/2.75The published spreads for Canadian cargo assessments reflect the market valueat which these grades are trading versus Dated Brent around loading time. The spreads and fixed price assessments reflect a typical forward loading windowof 42-56 days forward. For further explanation see > Oil > Specifications > Crude oil specifications.Canadian spot crude assessments:C$/CM $/bbl spread vs Canada basis Lloyd Blend 539.89-540.53 84.18-84.28 -17.85/-17.75Mixed Sweet 617.18-617.82 96.23-96.33 -5.80/-5.70Light Sour Blend 607.55-608.20 94.73-94.83 -7.30/-7.20Midale 590.56-591.20 92.08-92.18 -9.95/-9.85 Condensates 706.96-707.61 110.23-110.33 8.20/8.30Syncrude Sweet Blend 648.28-648.92 101.08-101.18 -0.95/-0.85WCS Hardisty 541.50-542.14 84.43-84.53 -17.60/-17.50Cold Lake Hardisty 522.25-522.90 81.43-81.53 -20.60/-20.50USD/BBLWTI CMA (1st mo) 102.03Daily Canadian crude posting averages:C$/CM $/bblPar Crude 617.50-619.50 96.28-96.59Mixed Light Sour 587.00-589.00 91.53-91.84Bow River/Hardisty 576.50-578.50 89.89-90.20Light/Sour Cromer 619.00-621.00 96.52-96.83Sour - Edmonton 611.00-613.00 95.27-95.58Midale Cromer 603.00-605.00 94.02-94.33Latin American Assessments:Crude Marker $/bbl Differential Escalante WTI (MAR) 107.66-107.78 5.70/5.80 Roncador WTI (MAR) 107.46-107.58 5.50/5.60 Santa Barbara WTI (MAR) 111.66-111.78 9.70/9.80 Loreto WTI (MAR) 103.46-103.53 1.50/1.55 Oriente WTI (MAR) 103.96-104.03 2.00/2.05 Napo WTI (MAR) 99.96-100.03 -2.00/-1.95 Marlim WTI (MAR) 103.16-103.23 1.20/1.25 Castilla Blend WTI (MAR) 103.46-103.53 1.50/1.55 Cano Limon WTI (MAR) 108.26-108.33 6.30/6.35 Vasconia WTI (MAR) 107.26-107.33 5.30/5.35 Mesa 30 WTI (MAR) 107.76-107.83 5.80/5.85Platts euro-denominated assessments:European crude oil benchmarks (Euro/bbl)Dated Brent 88.90-88.91Urals (Mediterranean) 87.14-87.19US crude oil benchmarks (Euro/bbl):WTI (FEB) 80.12-80.13Mars (FEB) 86.13-86.16Euro/US$ forex rate: 1.2801 . Platts Euro denominated crude oil assessments are based on market values and a Euro/US$ forex rate at 4:30 PM local London time.Ruble-denominated Russian assessments:Russian crude oil benchmarks (Rubles/bbl)Urals FOB Novorossiysk 3502.35-3504.27Urals FOB Venspils 3530.85-3532.77Urals FOB Novorossiysk 80kt 3483.46-3485.38Urals CIF Mediterranean 3571.83-3573.75Urals CIF Rotterdam 3566.39-3568.31US$/Ruble forex rate:32.0200. Platts Russian Ruble-denominated crude oil assessments are based on market values and a Ruble/US$ forex rate at 4:30 PM local London time.Daily OPEC Basket Price:04Jan 111.73 +2.33Values are retroactively published for the previous business day.Effective January, 2009 the daily OPEC basket price represents an index of the following 12 grades: Algeria's Saharan Blend, Angola's Girassol, Ecuador's Oriente, Iranian Heavy, Iraq's Basra Light, Kuwait's Export, Libya's EsSider, Nigeria's Bonny Light, Qatar's Marine, Saudi Arabia's Arab Light,Murban of the UAE and Venezuela's Merey.Daily US$ vs EURO exchange rate:Forex rate at 4:30 PM local London time05Jan 1.2801Asia close Brent and WTI spot assessments:$/bblBRENT(FEB) 113.65-113.69BRENT(MAR) 113.35-113.39BRENT(APR) 113.06-113.10WTI(FEB) 103.06-103.10WTI(MAR) 103.23-103.27WTI(APR) 103.42-103.46OMAN OSPs and derivatives:$/bblOman/Dubai Swap (FEB) 0.57/0.61Oman/Dubai Swap (MAR) 0.61/0.65Oman/Dubai Swap (APR) 0.61/0.65Oman cash/OSP (MAR) 0.06/0.10Oman Swap (FEB) 110.49-110.53Oman Swap (MAR) 110.22-110.26Oman Swap (APR) 109.91-109.95Crude futures settlements:Nymex Nymex Light Sweet Nymex USG Sour FEB 101.81 -1.41 109.81 0.49 MAR 102.00 -1.40 109.56 0.49 APR 102.21 -1.39 109.46 0.69 MAY 102.42 -1.36 109.36 0.89 V olume 604724 PNT 43878 NADME OmanMAR 110.35 -0.35APR 109.25 -0.75MAY 108.80 -0.75JUN 108.40 -0.75V olume 4674 PNT 3200 DME Oman Asian SettleMAR 111.64 2.27V olume 1050ICE/IPE WTIFEB 101.81 -1.41MAR 102.00 -1.40APR 102.21 -1.39MAY 102.42 -1.36V olume 168753ICE/IPE BrentFEB 112.74 -0.96MAR 112.36 -0.95APR 112.05 -0.95MAY 111.71 -0.95V olume 616896 PNT 24559 ICE/IPE Mideast CrudeMAR 110.80 -0.95APR 110.08 -0.95MAY 109.70 -0.95JUN 109.32 -0.95V olume 0ICE/IPE BW A VEFEB 112.56MAR 112.05V olumeFEB 221268MAR 147945Products futures settlements:Nymex RBOB unleaded gasolineFEB 273.65 -4.87MAR 274.80 -4.69APR 287.87 -4.07MAY 287.58 -3.91V olume 28556 PNT 13440 Nymex No. 2FEB 303.88 -5.11MAR 303.61 -4.67APR 302.40 -4.08MAY 300.99 -3.40V olume 166090 PNT 14583Nymex Natural GasFEB 2.980 -0.12MAR 3.017 -0.11APR 3.082 -0.10MAY 3.138 -0.10V olume 349167ICE/IPE GasoilJAN 966.50 1.75FEB 965.25 4.00MAR 962.00 5.25APR 958.25 5.75V olume 462335 PNT 5154Correction Notes---------Subscriber NotesFollowing extensive feedback to its July 15 notice, Platts will amend the date range reflected in the Dated Brent assessment to 10-25 days forward, instead of the current 10-21 days forward. The change will take effect on January 6, 2012. At the same time, Platts will only consider in its assessment of cash Brent those crudes where the cargoes are nominated 25 days in advance of loading, instead of the current 21 days. In line with these changes, Plattswill continue to publish its front-month cash Brent assessment through the end of each full calendar month, in line with current practice. However, the differential between the front and second month cash Brent assessments would be established in line with a 25-day nomination period. For example, the relative value between February and March cash Brent will be established on January 6, 2012. Thereafter, February would be assessed using the prevailing March cash value, plus the spread established on January 6, until the last publishing day of the month. During the comment period, Platts received substantial support for the move to a 10-25 days assessment period. Platts also received strong encouragement for synchronization of these changes withother potential changes that could be made in the futures and derivativesmarkets. Platts clearly sees the value of alignment to market changes, and continues to call for adaptations to be made to all related instruments,including futures, to keep step with the evolution of the marketplace as awhole. Platts recognizes the value of long-term planning for major price benchmarks. In consultations with the marketplace, strong support has also emerged for a further move towards a 30-day nomination process for thephysical Brent complex. Accordingly, Platts will engage closely with allparties to work towards a possible implementation of such a change to the nomination process in 2015 or 2016. Separately, Platts has received furtherstrong support for the potential use of escalators for the lighter crudegrades currently reflected in the Brent assessment, and for includingadditional grades. Platts plans to begin discussions regarding these potential enhancements. The crude oils currently forming Platts' Brent assessments are Brent, Forties, Ekofisk and Oseberg. For more information and background onthe changes to be made, Platts has posted a webinar on the proposed changes toits Dated Brent and cash Brent assessments. The webinar is available fordownload at the following link: /Webinars Please sendfurther comments and questions to: jorge_montepeque@,dave_ernsberger@, joel_hanley@, with a copy topricegroup@ and Europe_crude@.Embargoed products in commodity markets: Under Platts Market on Close assessment guidelines, commodities supplied from countries that are subject to trading embargoes recognized under international law should not be delivered against transactions done during the Platts MOC assessment processes. For questions and comments, please contact pricegroup@.Platts is proposing to rename its assessments reflecting Bosporus delays,effective April 1, 2012. The assessment currently named "Bosporus Days Northbound Delays" with symbol AAWIK00 would be renamed "Turkish Straits Days Northbound Delays." The assessment currently named "Bosporus Days Southbound Delays," with symbol AAWIL00 would be renamed "Turkish Straits Days Southbound Delays." The assessment currently named "Bosporus Demurrage 80kt," with symbol AAPEE00 would be renamed "Turkish Straits Demurrage 80kt." The assessment currently named "Bosporus Demurrage 135kt," with symbol AAPED00 would be renamed "Turkish Straits Demurrage 135kt." The sub-headings on page 1 of the Platts Dirty Tankerwire which currently appear as "Bosporus delays (days)" and "Bosporus demurrage ($ 000/day)" will read "Turkish Straits delays (days)" and "Turkish Straits demurrage ($ 000/day)." The current Bosporus delays assessments reflect delays in both the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits, andthe proposed name changes are intended to better reflect this. Please send comments and questions by January 1, 2012, to tankers@ with a cc to pricegroup@In line with the September 16 announcement on changes to its North Sea assessments, Platts reminds subscribers that it will assess the February 2012cash Brent (Brent-Forties-Oseberg-Ekofisk) contract as a 25-day instrument.All cash months assessed before the February contract remain on the current21-day basis in Platts assessments. All subsequent cash Brent months beyond February will be assessed on a 25-day basis. Comments please toeurope_crude@ with a CC to pricegroup@. For more information on the 25-day change, please visit:/PressReleases/2011/091611---PG/Asia Pacific RimMiddle East Sour:The Middle East sour crude market Thursday was focused on the impact Saudi Aramco's February OSPs would have on spot trading. Front-month March Dubai crude was assessed at $110.81/barrel Thursday, up $2.23 from Wednesday, while March Oman was assessed $2.12 higher at $111.36/b. Saudi Aramco has cut the OSPs for February loading cargoes by $1.80-$2.10/b, with the reductions welcomed by market participants. Arab Super Light has been set at a premium of $4.10/b to the average of Platts Oman and Dubai front-month crude assessments, while Arab Extra Light was at a premium of $3.55/b and Arab Light at plus$2.05/b. The February OSPs for Arab Medium and Arab Heavy were set at a premium of 75 cents/b and at a discount of 45 cents/b, respectively. A lowerArab Extra Light OSP was expected to weigh on other Middle East light sour crudes, such as Murban. "With deeper [OSP] cuts than expected, [the] evaluation for Saudi grades will be better than Abu Dhabi ones," said a traderwith a North Asian refiner. Sources said March Murban might start trading at discounts of around minus 20-30 cents/b to the OSP, compared with the lasttrade for a February-loading cargo done at OSP minus 10 cents/b. The declinein Arab Light OSP might weigh on Oman crude, with traders pegging the value of March Oman at a premium of around $1.5-2/b to Dubai swaps, down from mid-$2s last week. No March Oman cargo has traded so far this year. Qatar's Tasweeqhas offered four 500,000-barrel cargoes of deodorized field condensate or low sulfur condensate for loading over March 1-8, 8-15, 15-22, 22-31 from Ras Laffan in a tender. The tender closes January 16 and will be valid untilJanuary 19. Tasweeq did not award any condensate cargoes in its last tenderfor February cargoes, given the low bids submitted into the tender. No tradeswere done during Market On Close session Thursday, with March Dubai partials closing at $110.80-110.90/b.Asia Pacific Sweet:SWEET CRUDE: Minas crude was assessed at $122.26/barrel Thursday, rising $3.09/b from Wednesday. Japanese demand for direct burning crudes, such as Minas and Bach Ho, remained firm, said one trader. Exports of Bach Ho from Vietnam has been negligible since most of the crude was being used by the country's sole Dung Quat refinery, crunching its supply in the rest of Asia,he said. While West African grades could fulfill this supply shortfall, priceswere not expected to go down, as demand from Japan remained strong, aJapan-based trader said. "Nuclear plants in Japan will be going into planned maintenance in April, and the government is planning to issue new regulations [for these plants] by April," he said. And so the demand for direct burningcrudes was expected to continue unabated even after the peak winter season.The strong demand was reflected by the 12-14 Aframaxes seen bringing crude to Japan every month over the last few months. Before the March 11 earthquake, however, only three to four ships would bring crude to Japan, another source noted. During the market on close assessment process Thursday, Gazprom bid upa February Minas partial to $122.25/b, but was unable to find a seller tillthe close. In market news, upstream regulator BPMigas set the Indonesian Crude Price for Minas crude lifted in December at $112.52/b, down $3.52/b from November, an industry source said Thursday. Senipah condensate continued tolag the other Indonesian crudes in December. The December ICP for Senipah was $105.37/b, down $1.45/b from November. It posted a smaller month-on-month drop compared to the main Indonesian grades, with Belida crude posting the smallest drop of $1.40/b.North SeaMOC Commentary:February cash BFOE was assessed at $113.32/barrel Thursday, the level of thelast trade towards the close of the Platts Market on Close assessment process between Shell and ConocoPhillips. March cash BFOE was assessed at $113.25/b the level of a trade the moment before the close of the MOC process between Total and Shell. The week of January 16-20 was assessed flat to March cash BFOE minus the level of a trade between Morgan Stanley and Vitol. The week of January 23-27 was assessed 5 cents lower than the week of January 16-20 thelevel of a trade between Chevron and Vitol.Key Data:Key data for Thursday's BFOE/Brent assessment were derived as follows: March cash BFOE/Brent assessed at $113.25/barrel. North Sea CFD average for 10-21 days out: $113.23/barrel. BNB assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip plus $0.85= $114.08/barrel. Forties assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip plus $0.575= $113.805/barrel. Oseberg assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Stripplus $1.80= $115.03/barrel. Ekofisk assessment 10-21 days out: NS Dated Strip plus $1.30= $114.53/barrel.Physical Market:NORTH SEA: Forties crude fell Thursday for the first time in five days, pressurized by the lower Urals premiums seen in recent days and weaker refining margins in Northwest Europe, said traders. It was assessed at Dated Brent plus $0.575/barrel, down $0.405/b from Wednesday but still high by recent standards. In the Platts Market on Close assessment process, Shell offered three Forties cargoes loading in January but Vitol--which had been bidding the grade this week--did not bid for any crude. The Shell offers werefor cargoes loading January 17-19, January 21-23 and January 22-24 and came to Dated Brent plus $0.65/b, $0.63/b and $0.64/b, respectively. Earlier in theday, traders had said demand for Forties crude would taper off once shorts for arbitrage movements had been filled. "I'm 100% confident by Monday it [Forties] will come off," a trader said. Relative weakness in alternative crudes, including Urals was leading to traders re-assessing demand levels for Forties, sources said. "If you run Forties at Dated Brent plus $1/b, you wantto see what other grades are around," a trader said. In addition the recentrise in differentials for the grade were impacting refining margins inNorthwest Europe, sources said. Coupled with this was continued concern over Petroplus and a number of refineries in NWE set to enter maintenance schedules in the first quarter. February loading programs for some North Sea gradesbegan to emerge, with Oseberg the first of the BFOE grades to be issued. In addition the February Duc program was also issued. Oseberg exports are set to fall February by 10,011 b/d from January to 144,828 b/d. The grade loads seven 600,000 barrel cargoes over February, one fewer than this month. The Duc program also indicated a month-on-month fall with five 630,000-barrel cargoes set to load next month also one less than this month. Programs for other North Sea grades were expected to emerge Friday. An early February Alvheim cargo was on offer to the market, while stems from some other North Sea grades for February were starting to be indicated, traders said.West AfricaWEST AFRICA: Nigeria's difficult start to the year continued Thursday, with Shell's announcement that it had declared force majeure on loadings of Bonny Light with immediate effect. The declaration followed the December 24 shutdown of the Nembe Creek Trunkline in Bayelsa State, which Shell said was damaged during the unauthorized installation of two new valves by oil thieves.Following the shut in, Shell said some 70,000 b/d of crude oil had been deferred. Traders said the move could lead to buyers looking at other,similar, grades. One trader said: "It will strengthen Qua Iboe even more [as a substitute for Bonny Light." Another trader said: "I would expect some minor disinterest in the grade as long as things are not clear and new dates are not released for the affected cargoes." The force majeure added to the growing。