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• 9.decision /dI`sIVEn/ n.决定 • 1)make a big/great decision=make decisions=make up one’s mind • 例如:Today I made a big decision. • 2)v. decide decide to do sth. • 例如:I decided to buy a new car.
• v. 损坏,破坏 (主要指精神上) • 过去式,过去分词:spoiled or spoilt Don't let him spoil your night The bad weather spoiled my mind • v. 宠坏,溺爱 He is a spoiled child. She spoiled her son by giving him too much money.
single /sɪŋgl/
1)唯一的,单一的:反义词 double 例如:There wasn’t a single bus in the stree 2)未婚的,独身的:反义词 married 已婚的 例如:She is stll single now.
• 1)postcard=card • 2)ID card身份证 credit card信用卡 cash card 现金卡 namecard / visiting card名片 • 例如:Here is my name card.
Explain the text
• 1)a little Italian:语言不可数,所以要用 a little Italian 或 a few words of Italian • a little / little / a few / few 的区别: • a little / a few 都用肯定句,分别表示“有一点”和“有几 个”,但 a little 修饰不可数名 • 词;a few 修饰可数名词复数 • little / few 都用否定句,分别表示“没有多少”和“没有 几个”,但 little 修饰不可数名词; • few 修饰可数名词复数
2) teach sb.sth. = teach sth. to sb. lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth 双宾语 英语中许多动词带两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语。 间接宾语通常是人,直接宾语通常是物。 例如:He lent me a book. = He lent a book to me. He bought me a book. = He bought a book for me. 间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其 前必须加间接宾语人在后面时,其前必须加间接宾语人在 后面时,其前必须加 to(对…而言)或for(为…而做) 例如:Please give a book to me. I bought a book for you He took flowers to his wife. She ordered soup for you.
Did he write any cards or not?
New words & Expressions
• • • • • • • • • • • 1 send [send] v.寄,送 2 postcard ['pəustkɑ:d] n.明信片 3 spoil [spɔil] v.使索然无味,损坏 4 museum[mju:'ziəm] n.博物馆 5 public ['pʌblik] a.公共的 6 friendly ['frendli] a.友好的 7 waiter ['weitə] n.服务员,招待员 8 lend [lend] v.借给 9 decision [di'siʒən] n.决定 10 whole [həul] a.整个的 11 single ['siŋgəl] a.唯一的,单一的
• • • • • • •
4.museum /mju:`ziEm/ n. 博物馆 例如:Last week I went to the science museum. 1)扩展:the Palace Museum 故宫 the Summer Palace颐和园 the science museum 科学博物馆 6.friendly / `frendlI/ adj.友好的 1)构词法:名词 friend+ly 构成形容词;类似的词: lovely, fatherly, brotherly… • 2)反义词:unfriendly • 3)短语:in a friendly way 例如:They talked each other in a friendly way. • be friendly to sb. 例如:Mr. Lee is very friendly to us .
• 3)decide / make up one’s mind • decide 指经过考虑对疑难问题、争端等做出决 断,含有下决心取舍的意思。Decide 后常 • 接动词不定式和从句。 • 例如:The boy decided to become a sailor. • They couldn’t decide what they should do next. • make up one’s mind 指毫不犹豫的做出决定, 意味着“打定主意,下定决心”。Make up • one’s mind 后常接动词不定式,一般不接从 句。 • 例如:He’s made up his mind to be a doctor. • I’ve made up my mind to buy a new car
• • • • • • • • • birthday card 生日卡 Christmas card 圣诞卡 New-Year card 新年卡 Identity card 身份证 preferential card 优惠卡 student card 学生证 score card 积分卡 membership card 会员卡 intelligence card IC智能卡 • entry card 入境卡
New words
send /send/
1)send sth. to sb. / send sb. sth send a letter 寄信 类似的用法还有 give, take, pass, read, sell, show.. 3aP15 2send / take children to school send / take 区别: take 强调某人亲自送;send 则是通过第三人去送,如美国 的校车。 例如:Tom’s father sends him to school every day. Mary took her son to school yesterday.
public /'pʌblik/
• 1)公共的:public school / place / house (pub 酒吧) • 2)反义词:private • 3)短语:in private 私下里的 ----- in public 公开的 • 例如:Why not have a conversation in public? • We are good friends in private .
• send for 召唤,派人去叫 Did you send for a taxi? 你刚才叫出租车了吗? • send out 发出,发送 • 遣送,解雇 • send back 归还 • send in 提交 派遣 • send up 发射,使...上升
spoil /spɔɪl/
spend /spend/
• v. 用,花销 spend somemoney/sometime on sth / on doing sth spend 300 yuan on a new TV-set spend much time on sports I spend 10 years to learn English well. We spend 3 hours on the NBA final games last night.
Lend /lend/
• 1)过去式,过去分词:lent lent • 2)lend / borrow 区别 • 借出:lend; lend sth. to sb=lend sb. sth. 例 如:A friendly waiter lent a book to me. • 借进:borrow; borrow sth. from sb. 例如:I borrowed a bike from Ted.
Leabharlann Baidu
Listen to the tape
How many cards did the writer send?

Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!
Lesson 3 Please send me a card
How many cards did the writer send? • What did he think about everyday? What did he think about everyday? What did he think about What did he think about everyday? every day?
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
10.whole / hEul/ adj.整个的 whole / all 区别 whole 和 all 都有“全部的”意思,但其用法有区别: 1)whole 和 all 都可用在表示整体的单数名词之前,但限 定词的位置不同 all+限定词+单数名词;限定词+whole+单数名词 例如:The whole city are busy cleaning the streets. All the city are busy cleaning the streets. 2)whole 和 all 可接复数名词,结构也有所不同 all+限定词+复数名词;the whole of+复数名词 例如:All the students are here. The whole of the students went to the cinema. 3)whole 一般不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词。修饰复数 名词时,一般其前有数量词。而 all能用于各种情况 例如:Tom drank all the water in the bottle. My father will stay in bed for three whole days.