Imprecision in Engineering Design y


prompt engineering 的简单理解

prompt engineering 的简单理解

prompt engineering 的简单理解工程学是应用科学学科的一部分,涵盖了设计、构建和维护各种结构、设备和系统的技术和方法。


























目次1总则 (3)2术语和符号 (4)2.1 术语 (4)2.2 符号 (5)3材料及性能 (6)3.1 原材料 (6)3.2 性能 (6)4设计 (8)4.1 一般规定 (8)4.2 性能设计 (8)4.3 结构设计 (9)4.4 附属工程设计 (10)4.5 设计计算 (10)5配合比 (13)5.1 一般规定 (13)5.2 配合比计算 (13)5.3 配合比试配 (14)5.4 配合比调整 (14)6工程施工 (15)6.1 浇筑准备 (15)6.2 浇筑 (15)6.3 附属工程施工 (15)6.4 养护 (16)7质量检验与验收 (17)7.1 一般规定 (17)7.2 质量检验 (17)7.3 质量验收 (18)附录A 发泡剂性能试验 (20)附录B 湿容重试验 (22)附录C 适应性试验 (22)附录D 流动度试验 (24)附录E 干容重、饱水容重试验 (25)附录F 抗压强度、饱水抗压强度试验 (27)附录G 工程质量检验验收用表 (28)本规程用词说明 (35)引用标准名录 (36)条文说明 (37)Contents1.General provisions (3)2.Terms and symbols (4)2.1 Terms (4)2.2 Symbols (5)3. Materials and properties (6)3.1 Materials (6)3.2 properties (6)4. Design (8)4.1 General provisions (8)4.2 Performance design (8)4.3 Structure design (9)4.4 Subsidiary engineering design (9)4.5 Design calculation (10)5. Mix proportion (13)5.1 General provisions (13)5.2 Mix proportion calculation (13)5.3 Mix proportion trial mix (14)5.4 Mix proportion adjustment (14)6. Engineering construction (15)6.1 Construction preparation (15)6.2 Pouring .............................................................. .. (15)6.3 Subsidiary engineering construction (16)6.4 Maintenance (17)7 Quality inspection and acceptance (18)7.1 General provisions (18)7.2 Quality evaluate (18)7.3 Quality acceptance (19)Appendix A Test of foaming agent performance (20)Appendix B Wet density test (22)Appendix C Adaptability test (23)Appendix D Flow value test.................................................................................. .. (24)Appendix E Air-dry density and saturated density test (25)Appendix F Compressive strength and saturated compressive strength test (27)Appendix G Table of evaluate and acceptance for quality (28)Explanation of Wording in this code (35)Normative standard (36)Descriptive provision (37)1总则1.0.1为规范气泡混合轻质土的设计、施工,统一质量检验标准,保证气泡混合轻质土填筑工程安全适用、技术先进、经济合理,制订本规程。



LIQUEFIN: AN INNOVATIVE PROCESS TO REDUCE LNG COSTSPierre-Yves Martin – AxensJérôme Pigourier – AxensPierre Boutelant – AxensIntroductionThe continuous expansion of LNG trade for now more than three decades has been achieved thanks to the permanent search for cost reduction, mainly using the size effect .To pursue this expansion at the same sustained rate of 6 percent per year, some operators are now seriously considering trains with capacities of 6, 7 or even 8 MTPA. In order to reach such capacities, with always higher efficiency and without adding complexity in the process, it is necessary to depart from the traditional scheme.IFP and Axens have developed the Liquefin process with the aim of producing an LNG cheaper than with any other process, at good conditions of reliability and safety, and more friendly to environment.The process uses simple and reliable technologies, easy to operate and able to cope with isolated or harsh climate regions. With Liquefin, very high capacities can be reached with a simple scheme and standard compressors.Beyond an initial success of curiosity, most of the Majors have now closely reviewed the process in conjunction with engineering contractors. They have also thoroughly compared Liquefin with its competitors.These Majors consider Liquefin as a potential alternative for their future developments: one Front End Engineering Design is now completed and confirm all the expectations in term of efficiency and cost attractiveness.Axens, is a 100 % subsidiary of IFP is in charge of marketing worldwide IFP licenses, including Liquefin.Process descriptionThe Liquefin process operates according to the basic flow scheme presented in Figure 1. The pre-refrigeration of the gas is achieved by using a mixed refrigerant instead of propane, vaporized at three different pressure to follow closely the LNG cooling curve (see figure 3). In this process, the pre-refrigeration cycle is operated at a much lower temperature than in a conventional dual-cycle process: the temperature is decreased down to a range of -50°C to -80°C (-60°F to -110°F). At these temperatures, the cryogenic mixed refrigerant can be completely condensed, no phase separation is necessary and moreover the quantity of cryogenic refrigerant is substantially reduced. The overall required power is decreased, as a good part of the energy necessary to condense the cryogenic mixed refrigerant is shifted from the cryogenic cycle to the pre-refrigeration cycle. This shifting of energy leads to a better repartition of the necessary heat exchange area: the same number of cores in parallel can be used all along between the ambient and the cryogenic temperature.A significant advantage of this scheme is the possibility to use directly the full power provided by the selected drivers whatever they are, without any transfer of power from one cycle to the other. For example, Liquefin can adapt to a half/half power balance between the two cycles for two identical gas turbines, but also to a one-third/two third power balance in case of three identical gas turbines.Liquefin has all the positive features of the cascade process with a much better efficiency and a smaller number of rotating equipment. One can summarize the advantages of Liquefin process as follows:¾ No integrated cascade: As the light mixed refrigerant of the second cycle is fully condensed, the two mixed refrigerants can be used in a similar way to the pure refrigerants used in the cascade process.¾ A balanced power: the process is easily adjustable to get the same power for each cycle. With two identical gas turbines, it avoids the difficulty, encountered with the C3/MR cycle, of having to transmit power somehow from the pre-cooling cycle to the cryogenic cycle.¾ A compact heat-exchange line: the Liquefin process has also been defined to make the best use of plate-fin heat-exchangers. A single heat exchange line is used to cool gas from ambient temperature down to cryogenic temperatures. The process has been conceived to make the exchange line simple and compact.Figure 1 - Liquefin general schemeHeat Exchange LineAll the heat exchange between the natural gas and the two mixed refrigerants (and between the two mixed refrigerants) is done in a single exchange line, made of plate-fin heat exchangers inside a limited number cold boxes (see Figure 2)about 25 mFigure 2 – Liquefin typical cold box arrangement¾IFP/Axens have qualified Chart, Nordon Cryogenie and Kobe Steel. and have worked closely with these manufacturers to derive a main heat exchange line with similar architecture of plate-fin heat exchangers inside the cold boxes. Thus, the cold boxes and their internals can now be purchased from any of the three vendors without impacting the plant design or the P&I diagrams¾This exchange line is modular: each cold box contains several parallel lines of two cores in series. The number of cores and cold boxes depends upon the capacity of the unit and the site conditions.¾With the modular concept, all limitations in size that exist for spiral-wound exchangers are removed.The main exchange line arrangement being at the heart of the liquefaction technology, a significant effort has been made to ensure its optimal operation: dedicated teams in IFP and Axens have thoroughly studied fluid distribution and mechanical/thermal stress issues for the cores, the cold boxes and the connecting manifolds in close co-operation with the three qualified manufacturers. What was demonstrated confirmed what vendors knew already: PFHE are now extremely robust and reliable equipment.Lower CAPEX:With Liquefin, the liquefaction plant CAPEX will be reduced for several reasons: •Liquefin is more efficientComparing like for like, the process will produce about 15% more LNG with the same gas turbines than other established liquefaction processes. This efficiency improvement is related both to the use of mixed refrigerant for the pre-cooling and to the use of plate-fin heat exchangers.¾The low temperature difference all along the cores between hot and cold side (see Figure 3) brings an improvement of the exergy efficiency and hence of the power required per ton of LNG (or for the same drivers, the quantity of LNG produced is bigger).Figure 3 – Liquefin main exchange line enthalpy curves¾The cryogenic mixed refrigerant enters the cryogenic section in a fully liquid state so that no energy of this cycle is wasted in condensing the mixed refrigerant. The quantity of cryogenic refrigerant is much lower than in the C3/MR process (roughly 1 mole of cryogenic mixed refrigerant for 1 mole of natural gas), thus the overall efficiency is improved.¾The pressure drop is very low on both hot and cold side of the plate-fin heat exchangers and this brings an additional efficiency advantage for Liquefin.¾As Liquefin is not submitted to the manufacturing limits of main heat exchangers, the efficiency is as good for very large capacities as it is for smaller ones.¾Liquid turbines, which are now proven and widely used in LNG plants, brings a higher increase of capacity with Liquefin because the total stream of the cryogenic mixed refrigerant passes through the turbine.•the equipment is less expensive¾ For the same capacities, compressors from an earlier generation, i.e; less expensive can be used. On figure 4 are shown the operating area of many existing propane compressors. The large units now under construction (around4.5 MTPA) are in the blue circle, very close to the mechanical limits of the wheels.Liquefin cases at slightly higher capacity (4.8 MTPA) are in the red area, away¾ A single PFHE exchange line replaces the spiral-wound heat exchangers and its associated large propane kettle chillers. The spiral wound exchanger alone costs twice the complete Liquefin exchange line. Thus the saving on this exchange line is very significant, specially when considering installed cost.¾The air-condenser size is reduced, first because of the higher efficiency, and secondly because of the use of a mixed refrigerant instead of propane (see figure5). The mixed refrigerant condenses in a range of temperature instead of a constant temperature as a pure component. Therefore, the LMDT is increased by 35%. The area of the air (or water) condenser is decreased by 35 % for the same duty. Or on the reverse, it is possible to decrease the condensing temperature with the same condensing area, thus increasing the LNG production.202530354045505560050100150200250300350DUTY°Cfigure 5: Mixed refrigerant 1 condensing vs propane condensing¾ Due to the compact exchange line, and to reduced air-cooler size, the plot area isreduced. This means large savings on long runs of pipe work and cryogenic insulation, and on the civil and metal work.¾ The multi-sourcing of all equipment including the main heat exchange line is another factor of cost reduction• there is no hidden costAxens has no commercial interest with any vendor, including PFHE vendors, and has no arrangement with any engineering contractor. The cost of licence fee is clearly indicated in the budget.Studies carried out by third parties (Majors oil & gas companies and their Contractors) shows that with Liquefin, the cost of the liquefaction unit itself can be decreased around 15%. (see figure 6). Overall, including utilities, pre-treatment, storage, etc, the difference is still around 7% for the whole plant. But taking into account the increased capacity for the same gas turbines, the cost per ton of LNG is lower by up to about 23 % when compared with competing process.102030405060708090100C3/MRLiquefin (capacity+15%)figure 6: cost of Liquefin compared to competing processTowards higher capacitiesBy the economy of scale, the cost per ton of LNG decreases when the capacity increases. This has driven the continuous increase of capacity of liquefaction trains from less of 1 MTPA some 30 years ago to about 4 MTPA nowadays. (see figure 7)19601965197019751980198519901995200020052010Start-up dateT r a i n c a p a c i t y M T P Afigure 7 – The continuous increase of train capacitySome of the present projects are around 4.5 MTPA. Already at that flow, C3/MR process requires a large amount of flash gas, positive for the efficiency but negative on an economic standpoint. Liquefin has no bottleneck at this capacity:¾With Liquefin, the exchange line being modular, no technical limitation to the size of the spiral wound exchanger has to be taken into account: an increased capacity is reached with more cold boxes in parallel.¾ A severe limitation is the size of the axial compressor for the second mixed refrigerant. As Liquefin balances the power between the two cycles, the quantity of the second mixed refrigerant is decreased by about 30% compared to a C3/MR for the same capacity. With the same existing axial compressor, it is thus possible to build a plant with a capacity increased by 30% compared to actual C3/MR plants, all conditions being equal.¾ A 6 MTPA train with 2 Frame 7 is feasible with Liquefin, whereas a C3/MR in the basic version with 2 cycles is limited below 5 MTPA.A new liquefaction scheme: C3/MR/nitrogen cycle has been put on the market recently. This means that a third Frame 7 is used in the nitrogen cycle to reach capacities in the range of 7+ MTPA. Three cycles in series imply added complexity and a reduced availability compared to the two cycle scheme, although a change of composition of the mixed refrigerant allows possibly working at reduced capacity without the nitrogen cycle. Of course, a full shutdown must be done if either the C3 or MR driver or compressor has a problem.With the same three Frame 7, the Liquefin scheme will be much simpler, as shown on figure 8 One Frame 7 drives the pre-refrigeration compressors, and the two others run in parallel on the liquefaction cycle. This allows reaching very large capacities ( 8+ MTPA), still with existing, proven compressors. The availability is slightly improved compared to the base scheme, since previously a failure of the single liquefaction compressor meant a complete shutdown, whereas with this scheme, if one of the liquefaction compressor is down, it is possible to operate at reduced capacity (minimum 50%, more by changing the pre-refrigeration temperature and the mixed refrigerant compositions). Only a failure of the MR1 compressor or driver will stop completely the unit.Figure 8: Liquefin scheme with 3 Frame 7Liquefin is a very flexible process, and offers more than one possibility to reach large and highly competitive capacities:¾Either by using larger gas turbines. The Frame 9 has very recently been qualified for mechanical drive. With Liquefin, this would allow capacities of 7 to 8 MTPA with only two main drivers (base scheme of figure 1). Although the volumetric flow-rates are of course seriously increased, a choice compressors can be found for this case, because the speed of the Frame 9 is lower than the Frame 7 speed (3000 rpm instead of 3600).¾Or by using very large gas turbines (combined cycle) to produce electricity, and using large electrical motors (up to 70 MW) in parallel on each cycle. (see figure9). There is hardly any technical limit on the capacity, as we are in a completelymodular scheme. This scheme has many advantages: available proven compressors, moderate size equipment, excellent efficiency (very low fuel gas consumption as combined cycles can reach 50-60% efficiency), and pretty good availability: no complete shutdown in case of failure of any driver/compressor.MR1 -2MR2 - 2MR1 -1MR2 -1Figure 9: Modular arrangement of Liquefin (4 identical drivers)ConclusionIn the continuous race for higher capacities and cheaper LNG, Liquefin is a real breakthrough.The best present arrangement of proven equipment to produce the maximum quantity of LNG out of a given set of drivers at the lowest cost in the market.Liquefin is particularly well adapted to the range of 4 to 8 MTPA per train, with many open options for designing and erecting a plant fully responding to the client’s needs. With Liquefin, the capacity can be chosen considering mainly the economics and the marketing possibilities, without being bothered by technical hindrances.。

Dedication ix

Dedication ix

IMPRECISION IN ENGINEERING DESIGNEdited byERIK K.ANTONSSON,Ph.D.,P.E.Executive Officer and Professor of Mechanical EngineeringEngineering Design Research LaboratoryDivision of Engineering&Applied ScienceCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPasadena,California,U.S.A.Erik K.Antonsson,Ph.D.,P.E.Reference as:Antonsson,Erik K.,ed.(2001)Imprecision in Engineering Design.Engineer-ing Design Research Laboratory,Division of Engineering and Applied Science,California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,California91125-4400,U.S.A. Any opinions,findings,conclusions,or recommendations expressed in this pub-lication are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe sponsor(s)or the California Institute of Technology.Copyright c 2001by Erik K.AntonssonAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,mechanical, photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher,Erik K.Antonsson,1200E.California Blvd.,Pasadena,CA 91125-4400Printed on acid-free paper.Formatted in L A T E X2e using Times-Roman fonts.Printed in the United States of AmericaDistributed by:Engineering Design Research LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDivision of Engineering and Applied ScienceCalifornia Institute of Technology1200East California BoulevardPasadena,California91125-4400U.S.A.ContentsPreface vii Niccol`o MachiavelliDedication ix Albert EinsteinContributing Authors ix Introduction xi Erik Antonsson11 Computations with Imprecise Parameters in Engineering Design: Background and TheoryKristin L.Wood and Erik K.Antonsson2Trade-OffStrategies in Engineering Design31 Kevin N.Otto and Erik K.Antonsson3Design Parameter Selection in the Presence of Noise65 Kevin N.Otto and Erik K.Antonsson4Tuning Parameters in Engineering Design99 Kevin N.Otto and Erik K.Antonsson5Imprecision in Engineering Design115 Erik K.Antonsson and Kevin N.Ottovvi IMPRECISION IN ENGINEERING DESIGN6Aggregation Functions For Engineering Design Trade-offs139 Michael J.Scott and Erik K.Antonsson7Formalisms for Negotiation in Engineering Design165 Michael J.Scott and Erik K.Antonsson8Preliminary Vehicle Structure Design Application183 Michael J.Scott and Erik K.Antonsson9Arrow’s Theorem and Engineering Design Decision Making205 Michael J.Scott and Erik K.Antonsson10Using Indifference Points in Engineering Decisions225 Michael J.Scott and Erik K.AntonssonPrefaceIt must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out,nor more dangerous to conduct,nor more doubtful in its success,than an attempt to introduce changes.For the innovator will have for his enemies all those who are well off under the existing order of things,and only lukewarm supporters in those who might be better off under the new.--N ICCOL`O M ACHIAVELLIT HE P RINCE AND T HE D ISCOURSES,1513C HAPTER6vii“Scientists investigate that which already is;Engineers create that which has never been.”Albert EinsteinContributing AuthorsErik K.Antonsson is Professor and Executive Officer(Dept.Chair)of Me-chanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA,U.S.A.,where he founded and supervises the Engineering Design Research Laboratory,and has been a member of the faculty since1984.William w is an employee of Function,Palo Alto,California,U.S.A. Kevin N.Otto is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,Massachusetts,U.S.A. Michael J.Scott is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois,Chicago,Illinois,U.S.A.Kristin L.Wood is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas,Austin,Texas,U.S.A.ixIntroductionErik AntonssonT his book is a collection of publications produced from research con-ducted in the Engineering Design Research Laboratory at the Califor-nia Institute of Technology.The research thread,to which all of these papers are related,is the notion of Imprecision in Engineering Design.Research over the past17years has demonstrated that information with a range of precisions is an essential component of engineering design,and that formal methods can be developed to represent and manipulate this imprecise information.The goal of this volume is to collect into one place a set of relevant publications describing the results of research in this area.The ChaptersThis volume begins with a chapter introducing the notion of imprecision in engineering design,and motivating the research to follow.Chapter2in-troduces strategies for trade-offs among multiple incommensurate attributes of engineering designs.Chapter3introduces a method for incorporating uncon-trolled variations(noise)into design decision-making.Chapter4extends the notion of noise to include tuning parameters:those aspects of a design that are adjusted to compensate for uncontrolled variations.Chapter5provides an overview of the Method of Imprecision,and a review of and comparison with other methods.Chapter6develops the mathematics of aggregation of incommensurate attributes for design decisions.Chapter7extends the aggre-gation methods to negotiation among multiple people or groups involved in an engineering design.Chapter8demonstrates the Method of Imprecision on an automobile structure design problem.Chapter9shows that methods for eco-nomic decision-making or social choice do not necessarily apply to engineering design.Finally,Chapter10presents a method for determining how to aggregate multiple incommensurate attributes of an engineering design.xixii IMPRECISION IN ENGINEERING DESIGNReferences[1]W OOD,K.L.,AND A NTONSSON,putations with Impre-cise Parameters in Engineering Design:Background and Theory.ASME Journal of Mechanisms,Transmissions,and Automation in Design111,4 (Dec.1989),616–625.[2]O TTO,K.N.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Trade-Off Strategies in Engi-neering Design.Research in Engineering Design3,2(1991),87–104. [3]O TTO,K.N.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Design Parameter Selection inthe Presence of Noise.Research in Engineering Design6,4(1994),234–246.[4]O TTO,K.N.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Tuning Parameters in Engineer-ing Design.ASME Journal of Mechanical Design115,1(Mar.1993), 14–19.[5]A NTONSSON,E.K.,AND O TTO,K.N.Imprecision in Engineering De-sign.ASME Journal of Mechanical Design117(B)(Special Combined Issue of the Transactions of the ASME commemorating the50th anniver-sary of the Design Engineering Division of the ASME.)(June1995),25–32.Invited paper.[6]S COTT,M.J.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Aggregation Functions for En-gineering Design Trade-offs.Fuzzy Sets and Systems99,3(1998),253–264.[7]S COTT,M.J.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Formalisms for Negotiation inEngineering Design.In8th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology(Aug.1996),ASME.[8]S COTT,M.J.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Preliminary Vehicle StructureDesign:An Industrial Application of Imprecision in Engineering Design.In10th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (Sept.1998),ASME.[9]S COTT,M.J.,AND A NTONSSON,E.K.Arrow’s Theorem and Engi-neering Design Decision Making.Research in Engineering Design11,4 (2000),218–228.[10]S COTT,M.J.,AND A NTONSSON,ing Indifference Points inEngineering Decisions.In11th International Conference on Design The-ory and Methodology(Sept.2000),ASME.INTRODUCTION xiii Erik K.Antonsson is Executive Officer(Dept.Chair)and Professor of Me-chanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena,CA,U.S.A.,where he organized the Engineering Design Research Labora-tory and has conducted research and taught since1984.He earned a in Mechanical Engineering with distinction fromCornell University in1976,and a Mechanical Engineering fromMassachusetts Institute of Technology in1982under the supervision of Prof.Robert W.Mann.In1983he joined the Mechanical Engineering faculty at the University of Utah,as an Assis-tant Professor.In1984he became the Technical Director of the Pediatric Mobility and Gait Laboratory,and an Assistant in Bioengineering(Orthopaedic Surgery),at the Massachusetts General Hospital.He also simultaneously joined the faculty of the Harvard University Medical School as an Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics(Bioengineering).He was an NSF Presidential Young Investigator from1986to1992,and won the1995Richard P.Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching.Dr.Antonsson is a Fellow of the ASME,and a member of the IEEE,SME,ACM,ASEE, IFSA,and NAFIPS.He teaches courses in engineering design,computer aided engineering design,machine de-sign,mechanical systems,and kinematics.His research interests include formal methods for engineering design,design synthesis,representing and manipulating imprecision in preliminary engineering design,rapid assessment of early designs(RAED),structured design synthesis of micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS),and digital micropropulsion microthrusters.Dr.Antonsson is currently on the editorial board of the International Journals:Research in En-gineering Design,and Fuzzy Sets and Systems,and from1989to1993served as an Associate Technical Editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design,(formerly the Journal of Mech-anisms,Transmissions and Automation in Design),with responsibility for the Design Research and the Design Theory and Methodology area.He serves as a member of the Engineering and Applied Science Division Advisory Group,and as Chairman of the Engineering Computing Facility at Caltech.He was a member of the Caltech Faculty Committee on Patents and Rela-tions with Industry from1992to1999,and since1990has been a member of the CALSTART Technical Advisory Committee.He has published over95scholarly papers in the engineering design research literature,and holds4U.S.Patents.He is a Registered Professional Engineer in California,and serves as an engineering design consultant to industry,research laboratories (including NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the10meter W.M.Keck Telescope),and the Intellectual Property bar.。

我的工程设计 英语作文

我的工程设计 英语作文

Title:My Engineering Design:Building a Better TomorrowIntroduction:Engineering design is a creative and problem-solving process that allows us to transform ideas into practical solutions.In this essay,I will share my experience with an engineering design project,highlighting the motivation behind the design,the problem it addresses,the design process,and the potential impact it can have on society.The motivation behind my engineering design project stems from a desire to address a real-world challenge or improve existing systems.I identified a specific problem or inefficiency that inspired me to develop a solution.This intrinsic motivation fueled my passion for innovation and drove my commitment throughout the design process.Identifying the problem and setting clear design objectives were crucial steps in the development process.I conducted thorough research, analyzed existing systems,and brainstormed innovative ideas to address the identified problem.This involved considering various factors such as functionality,efficiency,sustainability,cost-effectiveness,and user-friendliness.The design process involved translating the initial concept into a practical and functional solution.I collaborated with experts,conducted feasibility studies,and utilized computer-aided design(CAD)software to create detailed models and simulations.Iterative prototyping and testing allowed me to refine the design and ensure that it met the desired specifications and performance requirements.The engineering design project I developed has the potential to make a significant impact in its respective field.Whether it is a new infrastructure design,a mechanical device,an electrical system,or a combination of disciplines,the design addresses a specific need or improves existing processes.It may enhance efficiency,promotesustainability,increase safety,or provide innovative solutions to complex problems.The impact of my engineering design extends beyond its immediate applications.It can have far-reaching implications in various industries or sectors,contributing to economic growth,societal development,and environmental sustainability.The design may optimize resource utilization,reduce waste,improve quality of life,or even inspire further innovations in related fields.Collaboration with stakeholders,engineers,and experts in the field is essential for the successful implementation of the engineering design project.Engaging in project management,obtaining necessary permits, and considering ethical and legal considerations are crucial steps in bringing the design to life.Effective communication,teamwork,and adaptability are key in ensuring the design's successful execution.Conclusion:Engaging in an engineering design project has been a transformative and fulfilling experience.By identifying a problem,setting clear objectives, and going through the design and development process,I have contributed to the advancement of engineering knowledge and practice. The design has the potential to make a positive impact on society, improving efficiency,promoting sustainability,and enhancing our quality of life.As I continue to innovate and explore new possibilities,I am excited to see how my engineering design can contribute to building a better tomorrow.。

Advances in Engineering Software

Advances in Engineering Software

991 articles found for: pub-date > 1999 and tak((Communications or R&D or Engineer or DSP or software or "value-added" or services) and (communication or carriers or (Communication modem) or digital or signal or processing or algorithms or product or development or TI or Freescale) and (multicore or DSP or Development or Tools or Balanced or signal or processing or modem or codec) and (DSP or algorithm or principle or WiMAX or LTE or Matlab or Simulink) and (C or C++ or DSP or FPGA or MAC or layer or protocol or design or simulation or implementation or experience or OPNET or MATLAB or modeling) and (research or field or deal or directly or engaged or Engineers or Graduates))Edit this search | Save this search | Save as search alert | RSS Feedresults 451 - 475Font Size:Journal (991)Journal/Book TitleExpert Systems with Applications (34)Computers & Geosciences (16)Microprocessors and Microsystems (16)Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Rese (16)Computer Networks (15)Topicsoft ware (39)genetic algorithm (15)dsp (13)neural network (13)delta (9)view moreYear2011 (92)2010 (146)2009 (103)2008 (100) 2007 (95)view moreSort by: Relevance - selected | DateOpen all previews451Quantitative and qualitative research onservice quality evaluation system inNGN Original Research ArticleThe Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, Volume 16, Issue 5,October 2009, Pages 71-77Lu LIU, Wen-an ZHOU, Jun-de SONGClose preview | Related articles | Related reference workarticlesAbstract | ReferencesAbstractWith the development of next generation network (NGN),reasonable service quality evaluation is essential in network management. Based on NGN service characteristics, this articlepresents a comprehensive service quality evaluation systemfrom two perspectives: quantitative and qualitative. From thequantitative point of view, this article brings forward thenormalized service level achievement function (NSLA function)at technical layer. Also, with mean opinion score (MOS) mode, itproposes customer satisfaction assessment methods atcustomer perception layer. From the qualitative perspective, ahierarchical model is established, which forms mappingrelations from the upper customer perception to the lowerservice quality parameters, and then the influence of differentservice parameters on customer satisfaction degree can bedenoted by the fuzzy analysis hierarchy process (FAHP)algorithm. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations together forma comprehensive solution which is universal, customer-orientedand flexible. Demonstrated by the representative voice service,the proposed system is proved reliable and applicable to servicePurchase$ 31.50evaluation in NGN.452Parallel finite element analysis of high frequencyvibrations of quartz crystal resonators on Linuxcluster Original Research ArticleActa Mechanica Solida Sinica, Volume 21, Issue 6,December 2008, Pages 549-554Ji Wang, Yu Wang, Wenke Hu, Wenhua Zhao, Jianke Du,Dejin HuangClose preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | ReferencesAbstractQuartz crystal resonators are typical piezoelectric acoustic wave devices forfrequency control applications with mechanical vibration frequency at theradio-frequency (RF) range. Precise analyses of the vibration and deformationare generally required in the resonator design and improvement process. The considerations include the presence of electrodes, mountings, bias fields suchas temperature, initial stresses, and acceleration. Naturally, the finite elementmethod is the only effective tool for such a coupled problem with multi-physicsnature. The main challenge is the extremely large size of resulted linearequations. For this reason, we have been employing the Mindlin plateequations to reduce the computational difficulty. In addition, we have to utilizethe parallel computing techniques on Linux clusters, which are widely availablefor academic and industrial applications nowadays, to improve the computing efficiency. The general principle of our research is to use open sourcesoftware components and public domain technology to reduce cost fordevelopers and users on a Linux cluster. We start with a mesh generatorspecifically for quartz crystal resonators of rectangular and circular types, andthe Mindlin plate equations are implemented for the finite element analysis.Computing techniques like parallel processing, sparse matrix handling, andthe latest eigenvalue extraction package are integrated into the program. It isPurchase$ 31.50clear from our computation that the combination of these algorithms and methods on a cluster can meet the memory requirement and reduce computing time significantly.453 Software for metrological characterisation of PCsound cards Original Research ArticleComputer Standards & Interfaces, Volume 25, Issue 1,March 2003, Pages 45-55Ján aliga, Linus MichaeliClose preview | Related articles |Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThe paper demonstrates a virtual instrument software that enables theperformance of simple and fast testing and metrological characterisation ofany PC sound card in waveform recorder applications. In addition to thevisualisation of recorded signal patterns in time and spectral domains, thesoftware directly computes a variety of basic metrological parameters of inputanalogue channels, e.g. effective number of bits, THD, THD+noise, SINAD,etc., according to IEEE Standards 1057 and 1241 and DYNAD. The parameter determination is performed in time, as well as in spectral, domain to comparethe achieved results. The software was developed in LabWindows/CVI (Clanguage) with implementation of low-level Win32 API multimedia functions.The authors' intention is to apply the software for computer componentvendors and for the educational demonstration of ADC testing principles.The paper also contains a few examples of achieved interesting results fromtesting some PC sound cards and practical authors' experiences from PCsound card testing.Article OutlinePurchase$ 31.501. Introduction2. Dynamic test methods for waveform recorders based on plug-in boards3. Sound card as a waveform recorder4. Test software and setup characteristics5. Examples of achieved test results6. ConclusionsReferencesVitae454Bayesian POT modeling for historical data OriginalResearch ArticleJournal of Hydrology, Volume 274, Issues 1-4, April 2003,Pages 95-108Eric Parent, Jacques BernierClose preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractWhen designing hydraulic structures, civil engineers have to evaluate designfloods, i.e. events generally much rarer that the ones that have already beensystematically recorded. To extrapolate towards extreme value events, takingadvantage of further information such as historical data, has been an earlyconcern among hydrologists. Most methods described in the hydrologicalliterature are designed from a frequentist interpretation of probabilities,although such probabilities are commonly interpreted as subjective decisionalbets by the end user. This paper adopts a Bayesian setting to deal with theclassical Poisson–Pareto peak over treshold (POT) model when a sample ofhistorical data is available. Direct probalistic statements can be made aboutthe unknown parameters, thus improving communication with decisionmakers. On the Garonne case study, we point out that twelve historical events,however imprecise they might be, greatly reduce uncertainty. The 90%Purchase$ 39.95credible interval for the 1000 year flood becomes 40% smaller when taking into account historical data. Any kind of uncertainty (model uncertainty, imprecise range for historical events, missing data) can be incorporated into the decision analysis. Tractable and versatile data augmentation algorithms are implemented by Monte Carlo Markov Chain tools. Advantage is taken from a semi-conjugate prior, flexible enough to elicit expert knowledge about extreme behavior of the river flows. The data augmentation algorithm allows to deal with imprecise historical data in the POT model. A direct hydrological meaning is given to the latent variables, which are the Bayesian keytool to model unobserved past floods in the historical series.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Garonne case study3. Classical versus Bayesian interpretations of probabilities4. Bayesian modeling4.1. POT likelihood model (Poisson—generalized Pareto)4.2. Semi-conjugate prior structure5. Models of historical data6. Bayesian estimation by Gibbs and ‘data augmentation’6.1. The Gibbs sampling algorithm complements the historical records6.2. Benefits from Gibbs sampling and a data augmentation algorithm6.2.1. A missing value perspective for hydrological interpretation6.2.2. Imprecision can be dealt with an additional loop in the Gibbs sampling scheme6.2.3. Decision analysis as a side-product of the Gibbs sampler7. Results7.1. Inference with systematic data only7.1.1. Implementation7.1.2. Parameter and percentile inference 7.2. Inference with historical data 7.2.1. Parameter and quantile inference 7.2.2. Decision making and predictive analysis 7.3. Imprecise historical data8. Discussion and concluding remarks8.1. Frequentist versus Bayesian approaches for flood analysis 9. Conclusions Acknowledgements References455Solving path problems on the GPU Original Research ArticleParallel Computing , Volume 36, Issues 5-6, June 2010, Pages 241-253Aydın Buluç, John R. Gilbert, Ceren BudakShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 41.95456Target detection through image processing andresilient propagation algorithms Original Research ArticleNeurocomputing , Volume 35, Issues 1-4, November 2000,Pages 123-135L. M. [Reference to Patnaik], K. [Reference to Rajan]Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50457A survey on bio-inspired networking Original Research ArticleComputer Networks ,Volume 54, Issue 6, 29 April 2010,Pages 881-900Falko Dressler, Ozgur B. AkanShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 458PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF MULTICHANNEL ADAPTIVE ALGORITHMS FOR LOCAL ACTIVE NOISECONTROL Original Research ArticleJournal of Sound and Vibration , Volume 244, Issue 4, 19 July 2001, Pages 615-634Purchase$ 31.50M. DE DIEGO, A. GONZALEZShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles459Current distribution maps in large YBCO melt-texturedblocks Original Research ArticlePhysica C: Superconductivity , Volume 385, Issue 4, 1 April2003, Pages 539-543M. Carrera, J. Amorós, A. E. Carrillo, X. Obradors, J.Fontcuberta Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 19.95460Design optimum frac jobs using virtual intelligence techniques Original Research ArticleComputers & Geosciences , Volume 26, Issue 8, 1 October2000, Pages 927-939Shahab Mohaghegh, Andrei Popa, Sam AmeriShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 19.95461New trends for design towards sustainability inchemical engineering: Green engineeringChemical Engineering Journal , Volume 133, Issues 1-3, 15September 2007, Pages 7-30J. García-Serna, L. Pérez-Barrigón, M.J. CoceroShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50462Using searcher simulations to redesign apolyrepresentative implicit feedback interface OriginalResearch ArticleInformation Processing & Management , Volume 42, Issue5, September 2006, Pages 1185-1202Ryen W. White Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50463Enhancing the accuracy of WLAN-based location determination systems using predicted orientationinformation Original Research ArticleInformation Sciences , Volume 178, Issue 4, 15 February 2008, Pages 1049-1068I-En Liao, Kuo-Fong Kao Show preview |Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 37.95464Validation of the pyramid tracing algorithm for sound propagation outdoors: comparison with experimental measurements and with the ISO –DIS 9613standards Original Research ArticleAdvances in Engineering Software, Volume 31, Issue 4, April 2000, Pages 241-250A. FarinaShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50465 SID-GA: An evolutionary approach for improvingobservability and redundancy analysis in structural instrumentation design Original Research ArticleComputers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 56, Issue 4,May 2009, Pages 1419-1428Jessica A. Carballido, Ignacio Ponzoni, Nélida B. Brignole Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 37.95466 Magnetic bearings — a new world opens for designengineersWorld Pumps, Volume 2003, Issue 446, November 2003,Pages 21-25Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 39.95467 HYDRIX a new operational low cost X band dual polarization radar for meteorological and hydrological applications worldwide Original Research ArticlePhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere, Volume 25, Issues 10-12, 2000, Pages 861-865R. Ney, M. Malkomes, J. M. Brucker, J. P. Buis, Y. Commaux, J. TestudShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles。



学术交流基于大数据提升工程设计质量的智能化审核创新质量管理戴春雷 徐梅香(中通服咨询设计研究院有限公司)摘要:针对通信工程设计审核审定超期、流于形式、影响设计质量问题,笔者公司设计质量提升小组聚焦客户需求及设计质量管理,通过现状调查、原因分析、目标设定、制定对策、效果检查、巩固总结等一系列措施,研究开发智能化审核系统,用信息化手段把控设计流程,优化管理,确保设计质量。



关键词:设计质量 大数据智能化审核 5W1H 抢单激励制 质量管理New Intelligent Approving Quality Management Base on Big Data to Promote Engineering Design QualityDai Chunlei, Xu Meixiang( China Information Consulting & Designing Institute Co., Ltd. )Abstract: The communication engineering design exists several problems of approving extending and formalization, our quality circles focus on customer requirements and design quality management, takes series steps of status investigation、cause analysis、goal setting、develop countermeasure、consolidating and conclusion , researches and develops a kind of smart system design. The quality of the examining and approving was poor. This paper developed a kind of intelligent approving system, controls and optimizes the design flow to ensure design quality. This intelligence examining and approving system adopts the innovative principle, realizes the standardization, high-efficient and intellectualization of the examining and approving work used in examining and approving of communication engineering project, creatively harnesses big data platform, adopts scrambling and amassing points institution of the assessing officer, deducting points institution of the designer to realize automation and intelligence examining and approving. This intelligence examining and approving system achieves the prospective object after application and testing, it will keep improving and optimizing, lift approving efficiency, promote technology level of designers, promote the quality of management.Key words: design quality, big data intelligent approving, 5W1H, scrambling motivation institution, quality management1 引言1.1 现状调查质量是关系国家民生的大事,设计质量是项目设计之核心,是通信设计企业的核心竞争力,是企业的生命力[1]。



英汉对照工程常用词汇AN USUAL ENGLISH-CHINESE VOCABULLARY IN ENGINEERING DESIGN(全册)信息产业电子第十一设计研究院有限公司技术质量部二00三年七月编制说明《本英汉对照工程设计常用词汇》原编于1996年12月,收集了我院有关工程设计方面的常用词汇﹑词组和句子。




技术质量部2003年7月30日目录1.图面常用词汇 32.土建部份213.给排水部份614.气动部份865.电气部份966.暖通部份1261. 工程设计图面常用词汇CONCLISE ENGLISH OF DRAWING PACKAGE总论GENERAL图纸目录Drawing list标准图目录Standard drawing list典型图目录Typical drawing list标准、规范目录Standard and regulation list统一详图目录Uniform detail list标准图集Standard drawing collection设备清单Equipment list材料表Material list建筑物、构筑物一览表List of buildings andstructures施工进度表Schedule of construction建筑构件表List of architectural members 管道及管件汇总表Summary of pipes and pipefittings楼面、屋面构造表Construction chart of floor androof各种管道数量表Bill of piping quantity预埋件明细表Schedule of embeddedelements比例Scale无比例、不按比例Not to scale项目名称Project, item标题栏Caption of drawing, drawingheading图号Drawing no.(DWG NO.)张号Page序号No.编号Code型号Type规格Specification单位Unit图例Legend说明Notes备注Remarks由…设计Designed by…由…校对Checked by…由…审核Approved by…由…发行Issued by…专业Specialty总图Site plan土建Civil建筑Architecture结构Structure机械Mechanical给水排水Water supply and drainage暖通Heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HV AC)电气Electrical供电Power supply电照Lighting自控Automatic control通信Communication物理概念Physical concept长度Length宽度Width高度Height净高Clear height深度Depth面积Area体积V olume时间Time速度Speed, velocity温度Temperature湿度Humidity功率Power压力Pressure力Force公斤Kilogram( Kg)克Gram (g)吨Ton (t)米Meter (m)厘米Centimeter (cm)毫米Millimeter (mm)平方米Square meter (㎡)立方米Cubic meter (m3)秒Second (s)分Minute (m)时Hour (h)厚度Thickness直径Diameter半径Radius弯曲半径Curve radius内径Inside diameter外径Outside diameter圆形Circle, round方形Square矩形Rectangle矩形的Rectangular立方体Cube椭圆Ellipse重量Weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight质量Quality数量Quantity自然条件Natural conditions气象Meteorology气象资料Meteorological data日照Sun shine年平均日照时数Yearly mean sun shine hours 风级Wind class风向Wind direction风力Wind force风向标Weather cock逐月风向频率Monthly wind direction andfrequency最大(平均)风速Maximum (mean) windvelocity主导风向Prevailing wind dirction最大风速Maximum wind velocity台风Typhoon季节风Monsoon降雨资料Rainfall data降雨频率Rainfall frequency降雨强度Rainfall intensity降雨日数Number of rainy days最大(平均)降雨量Maximum (mean) rainfall年降雨量Annual rainfall极限降水量Maximum possiblepricipitation雨量Rain precipitation降雨面积Rain precipitation暴雨Rain area持续时间Rain storm降雨历时Duration暴雨历时Duration of rainfall年平均雷暴时数Duration of rain storm溢流周期Yearly mean lightning andthunder days年平均气温Overflow period年绝对最低气温Yearly absolute temperature, lowest年绝对最高气温Yearly absolute temperature,highest最冷月或最热月平均温度Mean temperature, coldest month or hottest month年、月、平均温度,最高、最低Temperature, yearly, monthly, mean, highest, lowest最高或最低绝对温度Absolute temperature, highestor lowest湿球温度Wet bulb thermometer湿球温度计Wet bulb thermometer干球温度Dry bulb temperature干球温度计Dry bulb thermometer干湿温差Psychometric chart冰冻期Frost period冰冻深度Frost penetration最大积雪深度Maximum snow penetration 采暖地区Region with heating provision 不采暖地区Region without heatingprovision采暖室外计算温度Calculating outdoortemperature for heating通风(冬季)室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperature for ventilation (winter)绝对大气压Absolute atmospheric pressure 蒸发量Vaporization volume相对湿度Relative humidity建筑材料Building material水泥Cement水泥标号Cement grade硅酸盐水泥Portland cement矿渣硅酸盐水泥Portland slag cement灌浆水泥Grout cement快凝水泥Rapid setting cement防潮水泥Waterproof cement高强度水泥High-strength cement高标号水泥High-strength cement水泥沙浆强度Cement mortar strength水泥沙浆需水量Water demand of cementmortar砖Brick普通粘土砖Common clay brick实心砖Solid brick异形砖Special brick角砖Angle brick拱顶砖Key brick面砖Face brick勒脚砖Springer带槽砖Brick with groove空心砖Hollow brick承重空心砖Load-bearing hollow brick通风空心砖Ventilating brick耐火砖Fire brick高耐火砖High duty fire clay brick特级粘土耐火粘土砖Super-duty fire clay brick轻质耐火粘土砖Light weight fire clay brick工字钢底砖Clip tile (brick)矿渣砖Slag brick多孔砖Porous brick瓦Tile屋面瓦Roof tile石板瓦Slate陶土瓦Vitrified tile粘土瓦Clay shingle脊瓦Ridge tile斜沟瓦Vallay tile槽形瓦Grooved tile石棉瓦Asbestos tile方块毛石Square rubble条石、块石Block stone花岗石Granite花岗石饰面板Granite finishing plank大理石Marble大理石板Marble slab人造大理石Artificial marble预制水磨石Precast terrazzo砌块Block混凝土砌块Concrete block加气混凝土砌块Aerated concrete block实心砌块Solid block空心砌块Hollow block耐火砌块Refractory block衬里砌块Bushing block玻璃Glass光学玻璃Optical glass防眩光玻璃Anti-dazzle glass耐热玻璃Heat resisting glass隔声玻璃Sound proof glass平板玻璃Plate glass标准玻璃Standard glass抛光平板玻璃Polished plate glass中空玻璃Double glazing glass双层中空玻璃Glazing glass, insulating glass 浮法玻璃Float glass新釉面玻璃Neo-ceramic glass有机玻璃Organic glass钢化玻璃Armourplate glass强化玻璃Strengthened glass磨光玻璃Abrades glass, polished glass 毛玻璃Obscured glass, frosted glass 夹丝安全玻璃Wired glass无色玻璃White glass不透明玻璃Opaque glass漫射玻璃Diffusing glass波形玻璃Corrugated glass槽形玻璃Channel glass淬火玻璃Heat treated glass薄膜玻璃Film glass兰色玻璃Blue glass琥珀色玻璃Amber glass中性灰色滤光玻璃Neutral-tinted glass乳色玻璃Opalescent glass乳白玻璃Opal glass压花玻璃Patterned glass酸蚀刻玻璃Acid-etched glass大理石玻璃Marbled glass磨沙玻璃Ground glass雪花玻璃Alabaster glass玻璃纤维板Glass fiber board钢Steel碳素钢Carbon steel低(中、高)碳钢Low (medium, high) carbonsteel结构钢Structural steel高强度结构钢High-strength structural steel 普通碳素结构钢Ordinary carbon structuralsteel铸钢Cast steel耐酸钢Acid-resisting steel型钢Shaped steel圆钢Round steel bar热轧圆钢Hot rolled round steel扁钢Flat steel bar角钢Angle steel方钢Square steel槽钢Channel steel冷轧碳素钢板Cold rolled carbon steel plate 波纹钢板Corrugated steel花纹钢板Reliefed steel plate不锈钢管Stainless steel pipe焊接钢管Welded steel pipe无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe镀锌钢管Galvanized steel pipe高强度钢丝High strength steel wire绑扎用钢丝Binding wire冷拨低碳钢丝Cold drawn mild steel wire钢筋Steel bar, steel reinforcement 铸件管Cast iron pipe铸铁给水管Cast iron water pipe铸铁污水管Cast iron soil pipe铜Copper黄铜Brass铝Aluminum铅Lead锡Bin镍Nickel锌Zinc螺栓Bolt螺孔直径Diameter of bolt hole垫板Packing垫片Spacer锚固螺栓Anchor bolt现场安装螺栓Field bolt safety nut安全螺帽Safety nut地脚螺栓Holding-down bolt, groundbolt调整螺栓Adjusting nut平头螺栓Cheese head bolt源头螺栓Botton head bolt夹紧螺栓Clinch bolt埋头螺栓Countersunk bolt防松螺帽Self-locking nut带销螺栓头Bolt head with feather柳钉Rivet螺丝Screw垫圈Washer平垫圈Flat washer弹簧垫圈Spring washer防松垫圈Lock washer胶合板Plywood纤维板Fiber board聚合物Polymer高分子化合物High-molecular compound树脂Resin环氧树脂Epoxy resin聚乙烯Polyethylene (PE)聚录乙烯Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)聚苯乙烯Polystyrene聚脂树脂Polyester resin聚丙烯Polyropylene发泡聚案脂Foamed polyurethane建筑及结构设计规范Code for architectural andstructural design施工及验收规范Code for construction andacceptance建筑抗震设计规范Building seismic design code 建筑材料标准Standard for buildingmaterials地基及基础规范Code for soil and foundation 防火规范Fire-protection code卫生标准Sanitary standard电气设计及装置规范Code for electrical design andinstallation给排水规范Code for water supply anddrainage供暖及通风设计及装置规范Code for heating and ventilating design and installation工艺Technology工艺流程图Process flow chart运输流程图Transport flow chart加工图Process technology drawing 工艺设备平面布置图Process equipment layout装配图Assembly drawing人流Person flow物流Goods flow产品大纲Product program生产线Production line生产能力Production capacity年生产量Annual yield, annual output工作制度Work system组织机构表Organization chart工艺对建筑的要求Process requirements onbuildings设计Design设计单位Designer用户Client大学University工厂Factory公司Company有限公司Company limited (Ltd)集团公司、总公司Corporation研究所Research institute设计文件Design document设计资料Design data设计任务书Design prospectus设计说明书Design instruction设计范围Design scope设计周期Design period设计程序Design procedure方案投标Scheme tender方案比较Scheme comparison审批Approval设计阶段Design stage可行性研究(报告)Feasibility study方案设计Initial design初步设计Preliminary design施工图设计Final design设计修改Design modification设计联络Design liaison合同Contract签定合同Sign contract协议、协定Agreement会议纪要Minutes of meeting施工单位Constructor承包单位Contractor供货单位Supplier施工监理Construction supervisor工地经理Site manager职务名称Title董事长﹑院长President总经理General manager总工程师General engineer主任、处长Department manager总设计师Chief designer项目经理Project manager主任工程师Chief engineer工程师Engineer图纸Drawing总平面图General plan布置图Layout工艺专业有关词汇Words concerning technology 工艺Technology工艺过程Process工艺过程设计Process design设备平面布置Plant design工艺要求Technological level电子产品Electronic product半导体Semiconductor电子管Electron tube二级管Diode三级管Triode晶体管Transistor集成电路Integrated circuit (IC)大规模集成电路Large scale integration (ofcircuits) (LSI)超大规模集成电路Very large scale integration (ofcircuits) (VLSI)计算机Computer微型计算机Microcomputer微处理机Microprocessor个人计算机Personal computer计算机终端Terminal电子打字机Electronic type writer计算机打印机Computer printer机器人Robot电子游戏机Electronic gamer电视机Television彩色电视机Color TV黑白电视机Black and white TV显象管Kinescope彩色显象管Color kinescope; chromoscope 黑白显象管Monochrome picture tuve录机Radio cassette电子琴Electronic piano微波炉Microwave oven录象机Video recorder电传机Teleprinter传真机Facsimile printer电话单机Telephone电话交换机Telephone exchange光导纤维Optical fiber雷达Radar激光(器)Laser发射机Transmitter天线Antenna声纳(定位器)Sound radar剖面图放大图Section大样图、详图Enlarged detail安装图Installation drawing标准图(定型)Standard drawing示意图Schematic diagram流程图Flow diagram系统图System diagram原理图Principle diagram综合管道平面图General layout of pipingsystem屋面平面图Roof plan立面图、正视图Elevation侧、横、背、正面图Side, back, front elevation 横、纵、局部剖面图Cross, longitudinal, partsection装配图Assembly drawing鸟澉图Bird’s eye view底图Transparent drawing草图Sketch表格和说明Table and instruction图纸目录List of drawings材料表List of material重复使用图纸目录List of repeat drawing说明Instruction建筑物构筑物明细表List of buildings andstructures建筑一览表Schedule of buildings建设单位Client子项工程名称Sub-project日期Date处室Department专业Specialty比例Scale图纸名称Name of drawing图号Drawing No.张数Page quantity张号Page No.编号Code序号Serial No.代号Mark名称Name型号规格Type and specification数量Quantity单位Unit备注Remark设计阶段Stage (of design)物理概念Physical concept长度Length宽度Width高度Height; altitude深度Depth面积Area时间Time速度Speed温度Temperature湿度Humidity功率Power压力Pressure力Force公斤Kilogram (Kg)克Gram (g)吨Ton (t)米Meter (m)厘米Centimeter (cm)毫米Millimeter (mm)平方米Square meter立方米Cubic meter秒Second分Minute时Hour厚度Thickness直径Diameter半径Radius外径Outside diameter内径Inside diameter圆形Circle方形Square立方体Cube椭圆Ellipse重量Weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight质量Quality规范Regulation; handbook手册handbook设计规范,手册Regulation, handbook fordesign施工安装规范,手册Regulation, handbook forconstruction and installation 验收规范Regulation for acceptance消防规范Regulation for fire fighting环境保护Environment protection设备手册Handbook of equipment材料手册Handbook of material设计基础资料Basic data of design自然条件Natural condition气象Meteorology气候Climate风向Wind direction主导风Prevailing wind水位Water level地下水位Underground water level最大风速Maximum wind speed最高水位Highest water level最低水位Lowest water level冰冻日数Frost duration冰冻深度Frost penetration海拔Above sea level海拔高度Altitude标高Elevation level原地面标高Natural ground elevation设计地面标高Designed ground elevation地坪Ground level室外地坪标高Outdoor ground elevation室内地坪标高Indoor ground elevation室内外高差Difference of elevationbetween indoor and outdoor中心标高Center elevation雷暴日数Number of lightening days地形Topography经度Longitude纬度Latitude土壤Soil回填土Back filled earth相对湿度Relative humidity选厂基础资料Basic data for site selection选厂报告Report of site selection厂址调查Site investigation生产条件Condition of production生产流程Production process生产能力Production capacity班制Shift per day日班Day shift夜班Nightshift工作日Working day假日Vacation我院专业设置Specialist set up in EDRI工艺Technology无线电技术Radio technique机械Mechanical电化学Electro-chemistry元器件Electronic component电真空器件Electric vacuum component总图General plan土建Civil建筑Architecture结构Structure机械Mechanical暖通Heating, ventilation andair-conditioning (HV AC)给排水Water supply and drain气体动力Gas utility环境保护Environment protection非标准设计Design of non-standardproduct电气Electrical供电Power supply电照Power distribution andlighting自动控制Automatic control通信Communication一层First floor二层Second floor三层Third floor夹层Mezzanine技术夹层Technical floor走廊Corridor外廊Open corridor门廊Porch门厅Entrance hall前厅Lobby出口Exit入口Entrance楼梯间Staircase竖井Shaft电梯间Lift shaft电梯Lift; elevator自动扶梯Escalator办公室Office会议室Meeting room会客室,接待室Reception room展览室Display room休息室Lobby阅览室Reading room资料室Reference room实验室Laboratory医务室Clinic衣帽间Cloak room更衣室Locker room厂长室Director’s room经理室Manager’s room秘书室Secretary’s room会计室Counter’s room值班室Duty room助理室Assistant’s room总务室General affairs office 小食堂Lunch room食堂Canteen厨房Kitchen餐厅Dining hall备餐间Food preparation room 茶室Tea room咖啡室Coffee room酒吧Bar卧室Bed room起居室Living room客厅Parlor书房Study浴室Bathroom厕所Toilet男厕Men’s女厕Women’s工艺设备Production equipment 车床Lathe磨床Grinder转床Driller冲床Puncher电锯Electric saw电梯Elevator电炉Electric furnace电弧炉Arc furnace电阻炉Electronic furnace ofresistance type烘箱,干燥机Drier起重机Crab吊车Crane电焊机Shot welder送风机Air-supply fan鼓风机Blast fan排风机Exhaust fan泵Pump扩散泵Diffusion pump装配线Assembly line生产线Production line生产车间Workshops车间Workshop辅助车间Auxiliary shop机械加工车间Machine shop锻工车间Blacksmith shop冲压车间Press shop焊接车间Welding shop电镀车间Electroplating shop钳工车间Fitter shop机修车间Machine repairing shop金工车间Smith shop装配车间Assembly shop;包装车间Packing shop工具间Packing shop维修间Tool room洁净室Maintenance room净化厂房Purification factory微波暗室Anechoic chamber磁屏暗室Magnetic shielding chamber 设计室Design room房间名称Room names底层Ground floor一层First floor公用建筑Public buildings俱乐部Club电影院Cinema礼堂Assembly hall火车站Railway station飞机场Airport汽车站Bus station游泳池Swimming pool运动场Sports ground体育馆Stadium图书馆Library招待所Hostel医院Hospital公寓Apartment宿舍Dormitory宿舍区Living quarters平房Single-story building公用设施Public utilities facilities电话站Exchange station计算机房Computer room空调机房Air conditioning room新风机室Fresh air room水泵房Water pump house压缩机房Compressor room控制室Control room工作平台Working platform空压站Air compressor station变电站Transformer station冷却塔Cooling tower洗涤塔Scrubber热交换站Heat exchanger station污水处理站Sewage treatment station氢氧(发生)站Hydrogen and oxygen(generation) station油库Fuel storage微波站Microwave station锅炉房Boiler house冷冻站Chiller station2. 土建部分总图专业常用词汇Words concerning generalplan厂区Factory area生活区Living area停车场Parking yard车库Garage自行车棚Bicycle shed大门Gate门房Gate house围墙Enclosure wall围栏Fence建筑红线Property line办公楼Office building科研楼Research building食堂Canteen水泵房Water pump station车间Workshop成品库Finished product store旗杆Flag pole广场Square绿化带Greenbelt喷泉Fountain雕塑Sculpture花园Garden道路Road桥Bridge公路Highway铁路Railway弯道Turn建筑面积Building area建筑占地面积Area occupied by building空地Spare space十字路口Cross零点线Zero line斜坡Slope挖方Excavation老土Natural soil原土Original soil换土Earth shift室外管道Outdoor pipeline室外管沟Outdoor trench雨水明沟Rainwater channel排洪沟Flood trench下水道Sewer下水道检查井Sewer manhole明沟Open channel热力管沟Heating trench草坪Lawn树木,乔木Tree灌木Shrub花坛Flower bed防火距离Fire protection distance抗(地)震Aseismatic抗振动Anti-vibration防振动Vibration-proof防爆Explosion proof防酸Acid-proof防尘Dust-proof经济专业有关词汇Words concerning economy 概算Budgetary estimate预算Budget决算Final accounts估算Estimation估价Cost estimate价、费、成本Cost价格Price成本核算Cost keeping投资Investment投资费、基建费Capital cost工程费Construction cost安装费Cost of installation不可预见费Unpredicted cost额外费用Extra cost设备费Cost of equipment单价Unit price出厂价格Factory price市场价格Market price运费Freight关税Customs duty兑换率Foreign exchange人民币Rate of exchange外汇人民币(RMB)外汇兑换卷Foreign exchange certificate 美元U.S. dollar日元Japanese yen港元Hongkong dollar英镑Pound sterling西德马克DM法国法郎 F.F瑞士法郎S.F.荷兰盾H.FL卢布Ruble总图Site plan基址图Site plot总体规划图Master plan位置图Location map发展规划图Development planning长远规划图Long-term planning总平面图及竖向布置图Site plan and verticalarrangement土方工程图Earth-work drawing土方累计图Mass diagram土方累计曲线Mass curve围墙结构构造图Structural construction chartof fence wall道路结构构造图Structural construction chartof road道路纵剖面图Road profile道路横剖面图Cross section of road室外管线平面图Outdoor pipeline plan道路和堆放场构造图Construction of road andstorage yard工厂组成表Factory composition table工厂区划图Factory blocking地形图Topographical map工厂区,工业区Industrial district工业发展区Industrial development area生活区Residential area, living area商业区Commercial area长区面积Site area建筑面积Floor area建筑占地面积Built-up area铺砌面积Paving area使用面积Usable floor area有效面积Effective floor space建筑总面积Total floor area建筑各层面积Floor space of each story容积率Building volume ratio利用系数,利用率Utilization factor方位,朝向Orientation结构面积Structural area通道面积Passage area道路及广场面积Area of roads and plaza建筑系数Building occupationcoefficient绿化系数Landscaping factor建筑密度Building density城市规划City planning住宅区方案Residential district planning 住宅小区Living quarters总建筑基地面积Gross site area人行道Pedestrian-way行车道Traffic line露天堆放场Storage yard街道交叉处的转盘道Turnaround停车区Parking area停车道Parking lane围墙Fence wall钢丝网围墙Wire-net fence绿化地带Green belt草坪Lawn花坛Flower bed旗杆座Flag-pole stand预留发展地Space for furture extension边线,界线Border line建筑红线Red line安全距离Sfety distance防火间隔Fire break纵坐标Ordinate横坐标Abscissa基准点Datum mark水准基点Bench mark地区水准点Regional bench mark标高Level相对标高Relative elevation设计标高Designed elevation室外地面标高Elevation of ground室外道路标高Road level室外散水标高Outdoor water discharge level 室内地坪标高Elevation of indoor grade绝对标高Absolute altitude等高线Contour line道路纵剖面Profile of road道路横剖面Cross section of road道路交叉点标高Elevation of road intersection 高差Elevation difference土方Earth work土方工程量V olume of earthwork土方平衡表Earthwork balance sheet填土高度Height of filling余土Surplus earth缺土Earth to回填Backfill洼地Depression坡度Inclination坡道Ramp阶梯地面Terraced ground中整场地Site leveling运土Transported soil砂石移运Detritus transport人工填土Artificial fill台阶式挖土法Bench method台阶式挖掘Bench excavation平衡挖填Balance of cuts and fills借土挖方Borrow cut借土填方Borrow fill超挖Overbreak超填Overfill挡土板Lagging挡墙,板桩Bulkhead原状土样Undisturbed soil sample重塑土样Remolded sample爆破工程Explosion work管道Pipeline架空管道Overhead piping地下管道Underground piping管道系统Piping system埋管深度Pipe laying depth城市给水City water supply热力管道Heating pipe line工艺管道Process pipe line氧气管道Oxygen pipe line雨水明沟Rainwater channel下水道Sewer下水道检查井Sewer manhole明沟Ditch, open drain涵洞Culvert边沟Gutter截流井Catch basin给水井Feed well集水井Collecting well室外管沟Outdoor trench排洪沟Flood trench建筑Architecture建筑工程说明General notes建筑草图Architectural sketch建筑透视图Perspective室内装修表Room finish schedule建筑阴影(投影)图Architectural shades andshadows建筑渲染图Architectural rendering1号建筑一层平面布置图Fist floor plan, building No.1 屋面平面图Roof plan1号建筑立面图Elevation, building No.11号建筑剖面图Section, building No.1A-A剖面图Section A-A门厅吊顶平面图Entrance hall suspend ceilingplan铝合金门窗,幕墙图Drawing of aluminium door,window and glazing curtainwall1号建筑一层吊顶平面图Suspended ceiling plan, firstwall一层吊顶平面图Suspended ceiling plan电梯井道平面放大图Enlarged plan of elevator shaft 楼梯平面图Stair plan砖墙节点详图Brick wall joint detail统一建筑详图Uniform architectural details 建筑构件表List of architecturalcomponents1号建筑节点详图Joint detail, building No.1办公大楼Office building装配大楼Assembly building配变电站Substation, transformer station 冷冻站Chiller station纯水站Pure water station去离子水站Deionized water station动力站Utility station乙炔发生站Acetylene generation station 压缩空气站Compressor station配气站Gas distribution station煤气发生站Gas generation station热力站Heat energy station液化厂油气站Liquefied petroleum gasstation氧气站Oxygen氮氧站Nitrogen-oxygen station冷却塔Cooling tower微波站Microwave station洗涤塔Scrubber污水处理站Sewage treatment station氢氧发生站Hydrogen and oxygen station 锅炉房Boiler house热交换站Heat exchanger station走廊Corridor外廊Open corridor门廊Porch净化走道Purified corridor参观走道Viewing corridor服务走道Service corridor缓冲走道Buffer corridor门厅Entrance hall前厅Lobby出口Exit入口Entrance雇员入口Employee entrance行政人员入口Staff entrance办公室Office开敞式办公室Open office行政办公室Administration office经理办公室Manager office秘书办公室Secretary office助理办公室Assistant office人事办公室Personnel office财务办公室Financial office会计室Counte r’s room总务室General affair office收发货办公室Receiving and shipping office 会议室Meeting room会客室Reception room展览室Demonstration room医务室Clinic值班室Duty room图书室Library资料室Information center数据中心Data center食堂Canteen厨房Kitchen餐厅Dining room备餐室Food preparation room茶室Tea room咖啡室Coffee room休息室Break room酒吧Bar洗手间Wash room盥洗室Toilet男厕所Men’s女厕所Women’s更衣室Changing room淋浴室Shower room保安中心Security center储存室Store开水间Kettle room实验室Laboratory产品开发实验室Development laboratory维修间Maintenance room仓库Store原材料仓库Raw material store成品仓库Finished product store备件存放间Parts store材料入检Incoming goods inspection发货区Shipping area化学品存放间Chemical store维修备件存放间Maintenance parts store水泵房Water pump room空调设备室Air handling units room电梯间Elevator room锅炉房Boiler room楼梯间Staircase room车间Workshop辅助车间Auxiliary workshop机械加工车间Mechanical process workshop锻工车间Blacksmith shop冲压车间Press shop焊接车间Welding shop电镀车间Electroplating shop;钳工车间Fitter shop机修车间Machine repairing shop金工车间Smith shop装配车间Assembly shop包装车间Packing shop烧结车间Sintering shop工具间Tools room洁净室Clean room净化厂房Purified factory微波暗室Anechoic chamber拉丝区Drawing area耐火构造Fire resisting construction建筑耐火等级Fire resistance rating ofbuilding饿抵抗能够耐火时限Rated fire-resistance duration 耐火极限Limited of fire resistance开间Bay进深Depth柱网Column grid柱列轴线Axis of column row墙Wall外墙external wall内墙Internal wall隔墙Wall partition砖墙Brick wall空斗墙Row lock wall抹面墙Rendered wall空心墙Hollow wall混凝土砌块墙Concrete block wall承重墙Bearing wall非承重墙Non-bearing wall剪力墙Shear wall围护墙Cladding wall挡土墙Earth-retaining wall背墙Back wall胸墙Breast wall地龙墙Sleeper wall幕墙Curtain wall山墙Gable wall女儿墙Parapet砖压顶女儿墙Brick-cap parapet玻璃隔墙Glazed partition隔断Shower stall活动隔断Movable partition防火墙Fire proof wall抗震墙Earthquake resisting wall地面和楼面面层Ground and floor surfacecourse现浇混凝土楼面Cast-in-place concrete floor水泥沙浆楼面Cement mortar floor现浇水磨石楼面Cast-in-site terrazzo floor块料楼面Block flooring砖楼面Brick floor预制混凝土块楼面Precut concrete block floor预制水磨石楼面Precut terrazzo floor人造大理石楼面Manu marble block floor碎拼大理石楼面Filler broken-marble floor缸砖楼面Clinker floor马赛克楼面Mosaic tile floor镶嵌楼面Floor inlaid拼花楼面Mosaic pavement水泥花砖楼面Cement tile floor水泥压光Cement troweled塑料面Plastic floor纤维板楼面Hard board floor胶合板楼面Glued slab floor无缝楼面Jointless floor叠层楼面Laminated floor供形楼面Arched floor抗静电活动地板Anti-static movable floor活动地板支架Support of movable floor有吊顶的楼板Double floor人造石铺面Granolithic finish玻璃钢面Glassfiber floor拼花花岗岩Granite floor地砖Floor tile防滑砖Non-slip tile抗静电铝合金地面Anti-static aluminium alloyfloor地毯Carpet踢脚Skirting木踢脚Wooded skirtingPVC踢脚PVC skirting玻璃钢踢脚Fiber glass skirting水泥踢脚Cement skirting门Door木门Wooded door钢门Steel door钢丝网门Chain ink铁门Iron door玻璃门Glazed door组合门Composite door两面包铁皮门Door clad with sheet iron onboth sides内门Internal door外门External door大门Gate防火门Fire resisting door隔声门Sound proof door保温门Thermal insulation door冷藏门Cooler door太平门Emergency door安全门Exit door防爆门Explosion proof door防护门Protection door屏蔽门Shield door防射线门Rediation resisting door防风砂门Weather tight door密闭门Sealed door泄压门Pressure release door壁橱门Closet door引风门Ventilation door平开门Side hung door单开门Single action door双向门Double action door双扇门Double action door双扇对开门Double hinged door单开或双开弹簧门Single or double acting door 双开弹簧门Swing door推拉门Sliding door竖向推拉门Vertical sliding door隔栅推拉门Sliding grating door折门According door套叠门Telescoping door水平翻门Trap door卷门Rolling door转门Revolving door自动门Automatic door法式门French door固定门Fixed door夹板门Plywood door镶板门Paneled door平板玻璃门Plate glass door隔栅门Grille door百叶门Shutter door连窗门Door with side window空心门Hollow door窗Window木窗Wooded window钢窗Steel window铝合金窗Aluminium alloy window 塑料窗Plastic framed window纱窗Screen window供窗Arch window凸窗Bay window凹窗Bow window圆窗Round window方窗Square window多角窗Canted window无框格窗Sashless window防火窗Fire resisting window隔声窗Sound proof window保温窗Heat insulation window间隔窗Partition window防护窗Protection window安全窗Security window屏蔽窗Shield window防射线窗Rediation resisting window 防风沙窗Weather tight window密闭窗Sealed window泄压窗Pressure release window 换气窗Vent sash假窗Blank window陈列橱窗Display window扩散窗Diffuse window平开窗Side hung window右(左)开平窗Side hung right (left) handwindow内开平窗Inward opening window推拉窗Sliding window垂直推拉窗Vertically sliding window旋转窗Pivoted window自动开窗Automatic window折叠窗Folding window固定窗Fixed window单层窗Single window双层窗Double window三层窗Triple window山墙窗Gable window边窗Side light腰窗Fanlight带窗Continuous window子母扇窗Attached sash window组合窗Composite window落地窗French window带纱扇窗Window with screen sash固定百叶窗Louver window遮阳式窗Awning window卷帘百叶窗Rolling shutter天窗Skylight上框Head边框Jamb中横框Transom中竖框Mullion下框Sill窗框Sash frame上梃Top rail中梃Middle rail下梃Bottow rail边梃Stile风雨板Weather board挡风雨条Weather strip窗帘Window blind窗铁栅Window guard窗插梢Sash bolt拉手Handle铰链Hinge可拆铰链Loose joint。

Fuzzy Logic and Systems

Fuzzy Logic and Systems

Fuzzy Logic and SystemsFuzzy logic is a fascinating concept that has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and decision-making processes. It is a type of logic that allows for uncertainty and imprecision, unlike traditional binary logic which only deals with true or false values. Fuzzy logic is based on the idea that things can be partially true or partially false, allowing for a more nuanced and human-like approach to problem-solving. One of the key advantages of fuzzy logic is its ability to handle complex and ambiguous situations that traditional logic cannot easily address. In real-world scenarios, many variables may not have precise values or may be subject to interpretation. Fuzzy logic allows for these uncertainties to be accounted for, making it a valuable tool in fields such as engineering, robotics, and artificial intelligence. In engineering, fuzzy logic is often used in control systems where precise mathematical models are difficult to obtain. By using fuzzy logic controllers, engineers can design systems that can adapt to changing conditions and make decisions based on vague or incomplete information. This flexibility is particularly useful in situations where human intuition plays a crucial role in decision-making. Another application of fuzzy logic is in robotics, where it can be used to improve the performance of autonomous systems. By incorporating fuzzy logic algorithms, robots can navigate complex environments, interact with humans, and make decisions in real-time based on uncertain or incomplete data. This ability to mimic human reasoning makes fuzzy logic a powerful tool for creating more intelligent and adaptable robots. In the field of artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic plays a vital role in mimicking human decision-making processes. By using fuzzy logic algorithms, AI systems can analyze and interpret data in a way that is more similar to human thinking. This can lead to more accurate predictions, better recommendations, and improvedoverall performance in various applications such as natural language processing, image recognition, and data analysis. Despite its many advantages, fuzzy logic does have some limitations. One of the main challenges is the difficulty in defining fuzzy sets and membership functions, which are essential for implementing fuzzy logic algorithms. Additionally, fuzzy logic systems can be complex and computationally intensive, requiring significant computational resources tooperate efficiently. Overall, fuzzy logic is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and decision-making. By allowing for uncertainty and imprecision, fuzzy logic enables systems to make more human-like decisions in complex and ambiguous situations. While it does have some limitations, the benefits of fuzzy logic far outweigh the challenges, making it an essential tool for engineers, roboticists, and AI researchers alike.。

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) is a critical engineering methodology that focuses on simplifying product design to optimize both the manufacturing process and the subsequent assembly operations. This approach aimsto reduce production costs, improve product quality, and shorten lead times by addressing design aspects from the very beginning. Essentially, DFMA encourages engineers to think like manufacturers and assemblers during the design phase, fostering a holistic approach to product development. One of the core principles of DFMA is reducing the number of parts in a product. By simplifying the designand eliminating unnecessary components, manufacturers can streamline theproduction process, reducing material costs and assembly time. Fewer parts also translate to fewer potential points of failure, leading to improved product reliability and reduced warranty claims. This principle aligns with the broader objective of minimizing complexity and enhancing efficiency throughout the entire product lifecycle. Another crucial aspect of DFMA is the selection of appropriate materials and manufacturing processes. Choosing materials that are readily available, cost-effective, and compatible with existing manufacturing technologies can significantly impact production efficiency and final product cost. Similarly, opting for readily available manufacturing processes like injection molding or stamping, instead of more complex methods, can lead to faster production times and lower overall expenses. This emphasis on practicality and manufacturability ensures that the design is not only conceptually sound but also realistically producible. DFMA also emphasizes the importance of designing for ease of assembly. This involves creating components that are easy to handle, align, and secure, minimizing the risk of errors during the assembly process. The use of modular design, where sub-assemblies are created independently and then combined into the final product, is a common DFMA strategy. This approach allows for greaterflexibility in the assembly line, facilitates parallel processing, and simplifies troubleshooting should problems arise. Furthermore, DFMA promotes the use of standardized components whenever possible. By utilizing readily available fasteners, bearings, and other common parts, manufacturers can leverage economies of scale and reduce procurement costs. Standardization also simplifies inventorymanagement, as fewer unique components need to be stocked. This focus on practicality and resource optimization underscores the pragmatic approach that DFMA brings to product design. In conclusion, DFMA is a powerful methodology that encourages a holistic, practical approach to product development. By considering manufacturing and assembly constraints from the outset, DFMA leads to productsthat are not only functional and innovative but also cost-effective and efficient to produce. This approach, therefore, represents a crucial strategy for businesses striving for competitive advantage in a global marketplace.。



林业调查规划20031Sept128(3):19~23Forest Inventory and PlanningCN53-1172/S ISSN1671-3168现代工程设计院的核心竞争力和发展的关键*林振华(福建省林业调查规划院,福建福州350003)摘要:结合工程设计院实际情况,借鉴国家、区域、企业综合实力和竞争力的研究方法,阐述工程设计院综合实力和核心竞争力的概念框架;分析工程设计院管理面临的形势和任务;明确市场定位和发展目标;增加科技进步投入。


关键词:现代工程设计院;核心竞争力;综合实力中图分类号:F270文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-3168(2003)03-0019-05Core Competitive Strength and Critical Points in Development ofModern Engineering Design Institu teLIN Zhen-hua(Fujian Institu te of Forest Inventory and Planning,Fuzhou Fujian350003,China)Abstract:According to the actual situation of engineering design institute,and using the study method on compositive strength and competitive ability of national,regional or that of enterprises for reference,the con-ception framework of compositive strength and core competitive strength of engineering design institute was de-scribed.The situation and task of administration of engineering design were analyzed,the market orientation and development objectives were identified,and the importance of increase input and promote scientific progress was emphasized.Creating administrative system and operational mechanism adapted to the develop-ment was proposed to be a critical prerequisite for establishing or increasing the competitive strength of eng-i neering design institute.Key words:modern engineering design institute;core competitive strength;compositive strength1现代工程设计院的综合实力和核心竞争力111北京奥运会设施规划设计方案的启示2002年3月28日,北京市政府和北京奥组委向社会发布了5北京奥运行动规划(征求意见稿)6。



机电一体化技术英语Introduction:Mechatronics, the integration of mechanical andelectrical engineering, has become a prominent field in the modern era. This interdisciplinary approach combinesexpertise from various domains to design and developintelligent systems. In this document, we will explore thekey concepts and terminology related to mechatronics in English.1. Definition of Mechatronics:Mechatronics refers to the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engineering, and computer science. It aims to create intelligent systems and products that leverage the capabilities of each discipline.2. Core Components:2.1 Mechanical Engineering:Mechanical engineering involves the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical systems. It encompasses areassuch as structure, materials, thermodynamics, and kinematics. In mechatronics, mechanical engineering provides thefoundation for the physical components and mechanisms.2.2 Electronics:Electronics refers to the study and application of electronic devices, circuits, and systems. It includes topics such as digital and analog electronics, semiconductor devices, and signal processing. Electronics plays a vital role in mechatronics by enabling control and communication within the system.2.3 Control Engineering:Control engineering deals with the analysis and design of systems that regulate the behavior of dynamic systems. It involves the application of feedback control techniques to achieve desired system performance. Control engineering is crucial in mechatronics for maintaining stability and ensuring proper functioning of the integrated components.2.4 Computer Science:Computer science focuses on the study of algorithms, programming languages, and information systems. In mechatronics, computer science is utilized for data processing, decision-making, and system integration. It enables the intelligent behavior and advanced functionalities of mechatronic systems.3. Applications of Mechatronics:3.1 Industrial Automation:Mechatronics finds wide application in industrial automation, where intelligent systems are employed for process control, robotics, and machine vision. It enhances productivity, quality, and reliability in manufacturing processes.3.2 Automotive Systems:The automotive industry extensively utilizes mechatronics in areas such as engine management systems, anti-lock braking systems, and vehicle stability control. Mechatronic systemsin automobiles ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and safety.3.3 Robotics:Robotics combines mechanics, electronics, and computer science to create robots capable of performing various tasks. Mechatronics provides the foundation for robot control,sensing, and actuation, enabling robots to interact intelligently with their environment.Conclusion:In conclusion, mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates mechanical, electrical, control, and computer engineering. It encompasses various core components and finds applications in industrial automation, automotive systems, and robotics. Understanding the terminology and concepts related to mechatronics in English is essential for effective communication and collaboration in this field.。



CAD And CAMThe term CAD/CAM is a shortening of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Well then, what is a general CAD system?The general CAD system was developed by considering a wide range of possible uses of such a system. The following were considered in detail:(1) Mechanical engineering design;(2) Building design;(3) Structural engineering design;(4) Electronic circuit design;(5) Animation and graphic design.It was postulated that four basic processes involving graphics occurred, to various degrees, in each field, namely:(1) Pure analysis - standard design and analysis processes.(2) Pure draughting–production of a drawing or picture by the manual creation and manipulation of lines, arcs, etc.(3) Drawing by analysis–the production of a picture or part of a picture directly from analysis: for example, production of cam profiles.(4) Analysis of drawing–evaluation of the properties of an item described graphically, for example the production of a quantity list by anal ysis of a builder’s plan drawing.For the system to be able to support pure analysis it must contain facilities for the running of analysis programs of unlimited length and for the storage and rapid retrieval of large amounts of data.It was considered important that the user should be able to communicate directly and graphically with analysis programs. Graphics facilities were provided which were considered to be sufficient for a general design draughting system. However, the range of graphical construction techniques is so large in practice that the system contained only as many facilities as could practically be incorporated in the draughting system, leaving other more specialized techniques to be developed by the applications programmer.For both the production of drawing items by analysis and the analysis of drawings, it is essential that there is a simple efficient link between data produced by the draughting system and analysis programs. It is also essential that graphic data can be annotated in a way which is recognized by analysis programs but which does not affect the draughting system.It was thought that for most practical application the general draughting system would be incorporated in a much larger specific applications system. For this reason the draughting system was as simple as possible consistent with reasonable running efficiency, so that it could be incorporated into an applications system with the minimum of effort.The facilities embodied in the general CAD system are now described. These facilities are aimed at allowing a user to input graphical information into the computer and file it. Initial data entry is made by digitizing rough sketches. The system also permits the user to access the data, manipulate it, process it, output it in hard-copy form, or re-file it for permanent storage.There are many reasons for using CAD; the most potent driving force is competition. In order to win business, companies used CAD to produce better designs more quickly and more cheaply than their competitors. Productivity is much improved by a CAD program enabling you to easily draw polygons, ellipses, multiple parallel lines and multiple parallel curves. Copy, rotate and mirror facilities are also very handy when drawing symmetrical parts. Many hatch patterns are supplied with CAD programs. Filling areas in various colors is a requirement in artwork and presentations. Different style fonts for text are always supplied with any CAD programs. The possibility of importing different graphic file formats and scanning of material (photographs) into a CAD program is also an asset especially as the image can be manipulated, retouched and animated.Another advantage of a CAD system is its ability to store entities, which are frequently used on drawings. Libraries of regularly used parts can be purchased separately or can be created by the draughtsman. For repetitive use on a drawing, a typical item may be retrieved and positioned in seconds, also oriented at any angle to suit particular circumstances.Using CAD products, assembly drawings can be constructed by inserting existing component drawings into the assembly drawing and positioning them as required.Clearance between different components can be measured directly from the drawing, and if required, additional components designed using the assembly as reference.CAD is very suitable for fast documentation. Previously, engineers and drafters wasted almost 30% of their time looking for drawings and other documents. Editing drawings to effect revisions and produce updated parts lists is quick and easy using a CAD product.When you’re working on paper and a customer wants to change a drawing, you have to draw it all over again; In CAD, you make the change immediately and print out a new drawing in minutes, or you can transmit it via E-mail or Internet all over the world instantly. On paper creating complex geometry often involves a lot of measuring and location of reference points; In CAD it is a breeze and revisions are even simpler. Many CAD programs include a macro or an add-on programming language that allows customizing it.Customizing your CAD programs to suit your specific needs and implementing your ideas can make your CAD system different from yourrivals. CAD can enable companies to producebetter designs that are almost impossible to produce manually and to eliminate dubious options during the conceptual design phase.Many CAD systems permit the rapid generation of models of proposed designs as wireframes. The solid modeling created in CAD can be transferred to a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, which will then verify whether the suggested design will be capable of supporting the expected loads.CAD will be linked to CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) whenever possible.CAD/CAM systems could produce computerized instructions for computerized machine controllers: lathes, mills, machining centers, turret punches, welding equipment, automated assemblies, etc.The CAM parts have evolved from the technology of Numerical Controlled (NC) machines. Early NC machines had their own on-board electronic control systems for their servo drives and motors, and where programmed by punched paper tape. In time, that becomes equivalent to a control stream of ASCII text data typed into a text editor.Each machine maker developed their own control code scheme, usually a very cryptic set of letters for machine actions and numbers for the values of speed, depth, etc., and position coordinates.NC machines include a computer with a screen and keyboard. These use a “conventional” control language. Modern CAD/CAM systems automatically generate tool paths from a 3D model, and can simulate the cutting action on-screen. The most CAD/CAM systems are modular that means you can buy whichever modules do the option you want and they integrates into a unified system.CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) means complete integration of all aspects of manufacturing utilizing computerized information.CIM is the use of component data created by CAD in the CAM environment. In other words, the part geometry for manufacturing use in computerized form is used for NC programming. This stage of development may be termed small-scale integration.The most highly developed form of CIM is the creation of a database containing all the information required for flexible manufacturing of components produced by the plant, in a form in which it can be retrieved and used by anyone who needs it. Flexible manufacturing means the ability to make any components in small numbers or well as large, quickly, at economical cost, thus reducing tool charges, work in process and costly inventory.The main information flows involved in computer integrated manufacturing were clearly outlined by Helberg. CAD generates product model and product describing data that are transformed by CAPP (computer aided process planning) into routings and control programs for the CAM systems. The PPC (production planning and control systems) systemsgenerate andmanage all operational data that are used for controlling in the CAM area. CAQ (computer aided quality assurance) on a short-term basis corrects deviations in the manufacturing process and in the long run influences the development of products and methods with regard to quality assurance.Helberg’s outline does not include further necessary or desirable informational connections between the systems, such as a connection of CAD/CAPP and PPC for an accompanying calculation during design and routing generation, or feedback from manufacturing to planning. Furthermore, at least in the case of single-parts manufacturing, processes like design and process planning can be regarded as elements of the lead time of an order and therefore can be planned and controlled by the PPC system in the same way as the actual manufacturing and assembly processed. In that case a corresponding feedback becomes necessary.System integration and rationalization is not simply a technological matter, as the CIM theorists suggest. To integrate disperse and incompatible systems we must change traditional procedure, not just throw in more money and equipment. Whenever we try to change procedures we find resistance. The larger the company and the more independent the network, the more difficult it is to turn policies and procedures around. Yet, as Fig. 21.1 suggests, a condition for successful system integration is that it extends along functional and support lines, in the global sense of the distributed environment.FUNCTIONAL(LINES OFPRODUCTS ANDSERVICES)Fig. 21.1 System IntegrationFig. 21.1 System integration should be accomplished along three different axes of reference: distributed environment (topology), functional support, software and hardware.Because the tangible and intangible benefits of CIM are long term, theusual discounted-cash-flow and return-on-investment methods cannotjustify a CIM installation of a flexiblemanufacturing process frequently. Instead, strategic advantages and intangible benefits must be used to weigh the desirability of investment in CIM.CAD And CAM术语CAD/CAM是计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)的缩写。



厂务及生产常用缩写公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]Abbreviation Full Name 中文说明HVACCUP Central Utility Plant 中央动力厂房GEX General EXhaust 普通及热排气SEX Scrubber EXhaust 酸排气VEX Volatile orgaic compound EXhaust 有机溶剂排气AEX Ammonia EXhaust 硷性排气PCW Plant Cooling Water 工艺冷却水PV Process Vacuum 工艺真空HV House Vacuum 真空吸尘CW City Water 自来水FMCS Faility Monitoring Contro System 厂务监控系统MCC Motor Control Center 马达控制中心VFD Variable Frequency Device 变频器CCTV Close Circuit Televsion 闭路电视PA Public Adress system 广播系统FA Fire Alarmsystem 火灾报警系统UPW Ultra Pure Water 超纯水FWW Fluoride Waste Water 低浓度氢氟酸废水IWW Industry Waste Water 工业废水OWW Organic Waste Water 有机溶剂废水DAHW Drain AmoniaHydride Waste 含氨废水RCL Recycle water 制程回收循环水RCM Reclaim water 制程回收再利用水HFW High Fluoride Waste water 高浓度氢氟酸废水BGW Backgriding Waste water 晶背研磨废水SAW Sulfuric Acid Waste water硫酸废液PAW Phosphoric Acid Waste water 磷酸废液SW Stripper Waste water 剥离液废液TW Thinner Waste water 清洗废液PIX Pix waste water PIX废液SLOW Oxide slurry waste water 介电质研磨废水SLWP Metal slurry waste water 金属研磨废水SLWP Poly slurry waste water 多晶硅研磨废水PN2 Process N2 制程用氮气GN2 General N2 一般用氮气CDA Compressor Dry Air 压缩乾燥空气VMB Valve Manifold Box 阀箱空调系统AHU Air Handling Unit 空调箱MAU Make-upAir Unit 外气空调箱VAV Variable Air Volumebox 可变风量风箱FFU Fan Filter Unit 风车过滤器HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Filter 高效率过滤器ULPA Ultra Low Penetration Filter 超高效率过滤器A/S AirShower 空气浴尘室CUP Central Utility Plant 中央动力厂房电力系统FMCS Faility Monitoring Control System 厂务监控系统MCC Motor Control Center 马达控制中心VFD Variable Frequency Device 变频器CCTV Close Circuit Televsion 闭路电视SCADA SupervisoryControl And Data Acquisition 监视控制和数据搜集系统MCC Motor ControlCenter 马达控制中心VFD Variable Frequency Device 变频器水处理系统UPW Ultra Pure Water 超纯水RO Reverse Osmosis 逆渗透膜TOC Total Organic Carbon 总有机碳MB Mixed Bed 混床UF UltraFiltration 超滤SC Strong Cation 强阳离子SA Strong Anion 强阴离子WA Weak Anion 弱阴离子DO Dissolved Oxygen 溶解氧MD Membrane Degasify 脱气膜GF Gravity Filter 重力式过滤器.DI Deionize 去离子水气体/化学系统CQC Continuous Quality Control连续品质控制系统VMB Valve Manifold Box 阀箱VMP Valve Manifold Panel 阀盘GMS Gas Monitoring System气体监测系统CDS Chemical Dispense System 化学系统SDS Slurry Dispense System 化学研磨系统环境安全卫生ESH Environment Safety Health 环境安全卫生SCBA Self Contained Brathing Apparatus 自给式空气呼吸器HVACAHU Air Handling Unit 空调箱MAU Make-up Air Unit 外气空调箱VAV Variable Air Volumebox 可变风量风箱FD Fire Damper 防火风门FSD combinedFire Smoke Damper 防火防烟风门SD SmokeDamper 防烟风门PHX Platedtype Heat Exanger 板式热交换器FFU Fan Filter Unit 风车过滤器HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Filter 高效率过滤器ULPA Ultra Low Penetration Filter 超高效率过滤器A/S Air Shower 空气浴尘室A/L Air Lock 气闭门室DCC Dry Cooling Coil 干盘管FCU Fan Coil Unit 小型冷风机SF Smoke Fan 消防排烟风车EF Exhaust Fan 通风排气风车CUP Central Utility Plant 中央动力厂房GEX General EXhaust 普通及热排气SEX Scrubber EXhaust 酸排气VEX Volatile orgaic compound EXhaust 有机溶剂排气AEX Ammonia EXhaust 硷性排气PCW Process Cooling Water 工艺冷却水PV Plant Vacuum 工艺真空HV House Vacuum 真空吸尘CW City Water 自来水FMCS Faility Monitoring Control System 厂务监控系统MCC Motor Control Center 马达控制中心VFD Variable Frequency Device 变频器CCTV Close Circuit Televsion 闭路电视PA Public Adress system 广播系统FA Fire Alarmsystem 火灾报警系统UPW Ultra Pure Water 超纯水RO reverse Osmosis 逆渗透膜TOC totalorganic carbon 总有机碳MB mixed bed 混床UF ultrafiltration 超滤SC strong cation 强阳离子SA strongAnion 强阴离子WA weak Anion 弱阴离子DO dissolved oxygen 溶解氧MD membrane Degasify 脱气膜GF gravity Filter 重力式过滤器.DI deionize 去离子水FWW Fluoride Waste Water 低浓度氢氟酸废水IWW Industry Waste Water 工业废水OWW Organic Waste Water 有机溶剂废水DAHW Drain Amonia Hydride Wastewater 含氨废水RCL Recycle water 制程回收循环水RCM Reclaim water 制程回收再利用水HFW High Fluoride Waste 高浓度氢氟酸废液BGW Backgriding Waste water 晶背研磨废水SAW Sulfuric Acid Waste 硫酸废液PAW Phosphoric Acid Waste 磷酸废液SW Stripper Waste 剥离液废液TW Thinner Waste 清洗废液PIX PIX waste PIX废液SLW-O SLurry Wastewater Oxide 介电质研磨废水SLW-M SLurry Wastewater Metal 金属研磨废水SLW-P SLurry Wastewater Poly 多晶硅研磨废水PN2 Process N2 制程用氮气GN2 General N2 一般用氮气CDA Compressor Dry Air压缩乾燥空气VMB Valve Manifold Box 阀箱ESHESH Environment Safety Health 环境安全卫生SCBA Self Contained Brathing Apparatus 自给式空气呼吸器AHU air hundling unit 空调箱air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air wide 空气侧压降aluninum accessaries in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图ayout 设计图blass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessaries 水冷柜机排水及配料chiller asembly 水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数dcc dry coll units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawn No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度FCU fan coil unit 风机盘管FFU fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理单元ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency pariculate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵MAU make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop peturn valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries 水系统辅材piping asembly 配管工费plan 平面图rac recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮 ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤 raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气] recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge 自记压力计recording water-gauge 自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air flame plate回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。



防雷击电磁脉冲的设计叶海东 朱 文 上海建筑设计院(200041)摘 要 结合一个银行工程,介绍了如何进行防雷击电磁脉冲的设计。

分析了SPD 的分类和参数以及在各种配电系统中如何选用SPD 。

讨论了在设计中如何考虑电压保护水平、持续运行电压、通流容量、残余电压、保护模式、响应时间等参数、可维护性和使用寿命等问题,以及SPD 的安装方法和要求,包括引线、上下级SPD 的级联保护、SPD 的间距和保护等问题。

叙 词:雷击电磁脉冲 电涌保护器(SPD) 共用接地系统 等电位联结 电磁屏蔽 电压保护水平 通流容量中图分类号:TU 85 TM 862Design of Prevention of the Electromagnetic Impuls for ThunderstruckY E Hai dong ZHU WenShanghai Architectural Design Institute (200041) Abstract :In combination with a engineering for bank ,the design of prevention of the electromagnetic impulsfor thunderstruck and the selection of the surge protective devices (SPD )in the variety of distribution systems were introduced.The classification and parameters of SPD were analyzed and how to thinking about some parameters ,such as the level of voltage protection ,continual operating voltage ,capacity of through current ,residual voltage ,protective models ,res ponse time and maintainability and service life the design were discussed.The method and requirements in the installation of SPD ,including the connection ,s pace and the cascade protection between SPD were discribed.K ey w ords :electromagnetic impule of thunderstruck surge protection device (SPD) common earthing sys 2tem equ al 2pontentional connection electromagnetic shield level of voltage protection capacity of through cur 2rent第一作者叶海东,女,1970年生,1992年上海工业大学毕业,工程师。

prompt engineering 简单理解 -回复

prompt engineering 简单理解 -回复

prompt engineering 简单理解-回复什么是工程?工程是一门综合性的学科,旨在应用科学和数学原理来解决现实世界的问题。


























施工深化 英文名词

施工深化 英文名词

施工深化英文名词English: "Construction deepening refers to the process of further developing and detailing the design, plans, and specifications of a construction project beyond the initial stages. It involves refining and elaborating on the initial concepts to create more comprehensiveand detailed documentation that can be used for construction purposes. This includes finalizing architectural drawings, engineering plans, material specifications, and construction schedules to ensure that all aspects of the project are well-defined and ready for implementation. Construction deepening is a critical phase in the construction process as it helps to avoid misunderstandings, reduce errors, and ensure that the final construction meets the desired standards and specifications."中文翻译: "施工深化指的是在建筑项目的初期阶段之后,进一步发展和详细设计、计划和规范的过程。



Research in engineering design,2002,13(4):213-235.[3]SIMON LI,MEHRNAZ MIRHOSSEINI.A matrix-based modularization approach for supporting secure collaboration in parametric design[J].Computer in industry,2012,63(6):619-631.[4]YORAM KOREN.The Global Manufacturing Revolution :Product-Process-Business and Reconfigurable Systems[M].Hoboken :John Wiley & Sons,2010.[5]Jiao J X,MITCHELL M TSENG.Fundamentals of product family architecture[J].Integrated manufacturing systems,2000(7):469-483.河北省矾山磷矿是我国北方唯一的大型磷矿,1996年底建成投产,年采选原矿120万t ,生产磷精粉39万t ,铁精粉14万t [1]。


在选别过程中采用先选磷、再选铁的选别工艺,原矿经MQG Ф2700×3600湿式格子型球磨机与2F-20Ф2000双螺旋分级机构成闭路磨矿,分级溢流矿浆浮选磷矿,经一次粗选、一次扫、二次精选获得磷精矿。


磁选粗精矿采用MQY Ф2700×5000溢流型球磨机与旋流器构成闭路,磨矿后经过2次精选得到铁精矿。


Mechanical Engineering Compliance (continued)

Mechanical Engineering Compliance (continued)

Mechanical Engineering Compliance(continued)As a mechanical engineer, compliance with industry standards and regulationsis a critical aspect of ensuring the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of the products and systems we design and develop. In this continued discussion on mechanical engineering compliance, it is important to delve deeper into thevarious perspectives that influence and shape the compliance process. From a technical perspective, compliance in mechanical engineering involves adhering to a wide range of codes, standards, and regulations set forth by organizations such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These standards cover a broad spectrum of considerations, including design specifications, material requirements, manufacturing processes, and testing procedures. Ensuring compliance with these technical requirements is essential for meeting the performance and safety expectations of the end-users and regulatory authorities. Beyond the technical aspects, compliance in mechanical engineering also encompasses ethical and professional considerations. Engineersare entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the highest ethical standardsin their work, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of the public. This means being transparent and honest in all aspects of the design and development process, from the initial concept phase to the final product realization. It also involves maintaining the integrity of the profession by not cutting corners or compromising on quality in the pursuit of cost or time savings. Another important perspective to consider is the economic impact of compliance in mechanical engineering. While there is a cost associated with ensuring that products and systems meet all relevant standards and regulations, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment. By adhering to compliance requirements, companies can mitigate the risk of costly recalls, lawsuits, and damage to their reputation. Moreover, compliance fosters innovation and competitiveness by setting a level playing field for all players in the industry, ensuring that the best and safest products succeed in the market. From a legalstandpoint, compliance with mechanical engineering standards and regulations is not just a good practice but a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including fines, injunctions, and even criminal liability in cases where public safety is compromised. Therefore, engineers and companies must stay abreast of the ever-evolving legal landscape to ensure that their products and systems meet all applicable requirements. On a personal level, ensuring compliance in mechanical engineering can be a source of pride and fulfillment for engineers. Knowing that the products they design and develop are not only innovative and efficient but also safe and reliable brings a sense of accomplishment and contribution to the greater good. It also fosters a culture of responsibility and accountability within the engineering community, where each individual understands the impact of their work on society and the environment. In conclusion, compliance in mechanical engineering is a multifaceted concept that encompasses technical, ethical, economic, legal, and personal perspectives. By addressing each of these perspectives in a holistic manner, engineers and companies can ensure that their products and systems not only meet the necessary standards and regulations but also contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. This comprehensive approach to compliance is essential for the continued advancement and success of the mechanical engineering field.。

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Imprecision in Engineering DesignErik K.AntonssonEngineering Design Research LaboratoryDivision of Engineering and Applied ScienceCalifornia Institute of TechnologyKevin N.OttoDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyJanuary9,1995AbstractMethods for incorporating imprecision in engineering design decision-making are briefly reviewed and compared.A tutorial is presented on the Method of Imprecision(MoI),a formal method,based on the mathematics of fuzzy sets,for representing andmanipulating imprecision in engineering design.The results of a design cost estima-tion example,utilizing a new informal cost specification,are presented.The MoI canprovide formal information upon which to base decisions during preliminary engineer-ing design and can facilitate set-based concurrent design.IntroductionOne of the most critical problems in engineering design is making early decisions on a sound basis.However,the early stages of design are also the most uncertain,and obtaining preciseis an integral part of the engineering design process. Not imprecision in thought or logic,but rather the intrinsic vagueness of a preliminary, incomplete description.At the concept stage,the design description is nearly completely vague or imprecise(fuzzy).The design process reduces this imprecision until ultimately thefinal description is precise(crisp),except for tolerances,which represent the allowable limits on stochastic manufacturing variations.Despite this evolution of imprecision,engineering design methods and computer aids have nearly all utilized precise information(though some can include stochastic effects).Solid modeling CAD systems,for example,require precise geometry;there is no option to indicate that a dimension is imprecise or only vaguely known.1The need for a methodology to represent and manipulate imprecision is greatest in the early,preliminary phases of engineering design,where the designer is most unsure of the final dimensions and shape,materials and properties,and performance of the completed design.Additionally,the most important decisions,those with the greatest effect on overall cost,are made in these early stages[35,89,103,96].“If a major project is truly innovative,you cannot possibly know its exact costand its exact schedule at the beginning.And if in fact you do know the exactcost and the exact schedule,chances are that the technology is obsolete.”[27]2This paper will review imprecision and uncertainty methods in engineering design,then present a brief tutorial of the Method of Imprecision(MoI),followed by a few recent ad-vances and some thoughts on future research.Review of MethodsMethods to represent uncertain variables as real numbers,and then perform an aggrega-tion(as a sum,product,integral,min,etc.),for decision-making purposes are not new. Uncertainty may be:uncontrolled stochastic variations in variable values,design impreci-sion as described above,variable values to be chosen by optimization,etc.Probability and Bayesian inferencing[37,95,104],Dempster-Shafer theory[83,87],fuzzy sets and trian-gular norms in general[20,42,44,54,56,113],andfinally utility theory[24,26,43]are among the existing formal3methods for representing uncertainty.These methods all represent uncertainty with a range for each variable and a function defined on that range.An illustration is shown in Figure1,where is an uncertain variable and is the uncertainty on variable.They are also similar in that they all conform to thefirst three restrictions of Table1.The axioms shown in Table1have been proposed as the minimum set of restrictions for an engineering design combination(aggregation) function[58],where is the uncertainty associated with the aspect of the design. The discussion below indicates where these theories diverge among themselves and with optimization theory,matrix methods,and the MoI.Imprecision vs.Uncertainty.Uncertainty,which usually represents uncontrolled stochastic variations with the mathematics of probability,is distinct from imprecision.Un-certainty occurs throughout engineering design,in the form of manufacturing variations, material property variations,etc.Including uncertainty in engineering design decision-making can help produce robust designs by assessing the expected size of variations and determining the risk of failure.Many design methods have been developed specifically to address these calculations,including Taguchi’s method,probabilistic optimization,and utility theory.µddFigure1:Example imprecise design variable(boundary conditions)iff(continuity)(idempotency)is used to mean uncertainty in choosing among alternatives.An imprecise variable in preliminary design is a variable that may potentially assume any value within a possible range because the designer does not know,a priori,thefinal value that will emerge from the design process.The nominal value of a length dimension is an example of an imprecise variable.Even though the de-signer is uncertain about what length to specify,she usually has a preference for certain values over others.This preference,which may arise objectively(e.g.,cost or availability of components or materials)or subjectively(e.g.,from experience),is used to quantify the imprecision with which design variables are known.Once one or more alternative design concepts are available,each can be described by a collection of(imprecise)variables.To represent an imprecise variable,,a range of real numbers could be used,in the style of interval analysis[101,102,100].Alternatively,imprecision could be represented by a range as well as a function,,defined on this range to describe the desirability of or preference for particular values,as illustrated in Figure1.In this way variables whose values are not known precisely can be formally represented.Combination Functions.Nearly all formal design methods for representing uncer-tainty or imprecision utilize one or more functions to aggregate information from multiple attributes.The combination calculation performs a trade-off,such that some aspects of a design may contribute more heavily to the combined result than bination functions are also referred to as metrics.A combination function is a formalization of the process of trading-off competing design attributes,and should satisfy the restrictions for engineering design proposed in[58] and shown in bination functions can be divided into two classes:compensat-ing and non-compensating.A compensating combination function(e.g.,sum)will produce an overall measure of a design alternative where aspects that perform well can compensate for aspects that perform poorly.For example,a potential customer of a new car may prefer plenty of legroom and good fuel economy,and be willing to let a bit more legroom partially compensate for poor fuel economy when creating an aggregate evaluation of a particular new car.A non-compensating combination function(e.g.,min)will produce an overall measure of a design alternative that is limited by the most poorly performing aspect.Formalizing the combination of attributes permits trade-off strategies that are deter-mined informally or implicitly to be decided rationally and explicitly.A formal trade-off method also permits design decisions to be clearly understood and recorded for later re-trieval and examination.When a question regarding a particular design trade-off arises at a later stage in the design process,a formal method can provide a clear and complete pic-ture of how the decision was reached.Moreover,the trade-off can be repeated with revised information,thus confirming or refuting the original decision.Methods for representing and manipulating uncertainty and imprecision,and for com-bining multiple attributes of an engineering design,are reviewed below.Utility Theory.Utility theory[24,26,43]was developed to assist in selecting among a choice of distinct actions,given uncertainty(noise)in the outcome of each action.In utility theory,each aspect of a decision(e.g.,each design variable)is assigned a function represent-ing utility,as illustrated in Figure1.The utilities for the individual aspects are aggregated to determine the overall utility,and the combination of variable values that maximizes the overall utility is used.Utility theory is restricted to decision problems in which the individual preferences can be modeled as additive,either with a weighted sum,or with a“multiplicative”form which is also additive but includes nonlinear terms[26].Since the overall metric is additive,utility theory always reflects a compensating strategy,allowing the higher preference of some goals to offset the lower preference of others.Because utility theory is additive,it fails the annihilation restriction shown in Table1. This means that the utility of one aspect of an alternative can be zero,but the overall utility of the alternative will be non-zero.To surmount this difficulty,Thurston has applied utility theory to design by dividing the complete set of goals into two classes:objective constraints and subjective goals[94,92,93].Objective constraints have crisp achievement levels that must be satisfied,and thus become standard constraints as in non-linear programming for-mulations.Subjective goals are those which can be traded-off,and are modeled using stan-dard utility theory.The subjective goals are traded-off among themselves in a compensating manner(using either of the formulations of utility theory),and the objective constraints are traded-off informally(by iteratively refining the constraint values).The overall strategy, therefore,remains informal.Utility theory was originally developed for management decisions,not for engineering design,and requires that all attributes be aggregated into a single goal(utility).Economists generally believe every aspect of a decision can always be translated into a monetary cost. Monetary costs are additive.Aspects which are not additive,or which cannot be“bought off”,are not deemed possible.The axiom of utility theory which creates the demand that a gain in any aspect must be able to compensate for any loss in any other aspect is the Archi-median property.This restriction requires that any decrease in overall preference caused by changes in the performance of one variable must always be able to be balanced by an increase in performance in any of the other variables.Clearly this is not the case in engineer-ing design,as others have argued[11,97].For example,given afixed material,the tensile strength limits cannot be exceeded no matter the reduction in the design’s cost.Material stress simply cannot always be traded-off in a compensating fashion.The Archimedian property and annihilation cannot be simultaneously satisfied.This implies that utility the-ory will not permit a worst case analysis,which is required in many instances in engineering design[33,49].Fuzzy Sets.Fuzzy sets have been used to represent imprecision in(non-design)decision-making[20,42,44,54,56,113].Fuzzy sets are intended to model subjective uncertainty for use in logic,constructing subjectively uncertain versions of“and”and“or”of classical logic.In thefirst paper describing the use of fuzzy sets for decision-making[9],a decision was defined as a convolution of the constraints and goals,using min as a non-compensating metric.They also suggested that at other times simple multiplication of the individual pref-erences might be appropriate.The overall metrics of min and multiplication have been expanded to the more general class of t-norms,first proposed by Menger[51],and reviewed in Dubois and Prade[21]. T-norms are bounded above by min,and are the uncertain version of conjunction.T-norms are not appropriate as an overall design metric because they do not,in general,satisfy the restrictions of Table1.Probabilistic reasoning,Dempster-Shafer theory,and fuzzy sets all employ t-norms[21].Related to each t-norm is an associated t-conorm(or s-norm),which is the uncertain version of disjunction.T-conorms are bounded below by max.The set of functions between t-norms and t-conorms are the mixed connectives,bounded between max and min,and are the class of combination functions used by the MoI and utility theory.Using fuzzy sets for decision-making has received further attention.[22,38,109,110, 111,112],for example,all discuss converting linguistic expressions into fuzzy sets,and then using the fuzzy mathematics to make decisions.An excellent review of fuzzy multi-ple attribute decision-making is presented in[14].Bellman and Zadeh suggested using a weighted sum of the preferences.[39]and[7]also develop additive metrics using fuzzy sets beyond Bellman and Zadeh’s original work.[110]observed the“softness”of multiplication as a connective,and proposed it(and min)in conjunction with weights.Completely independent of fuzzy set formulations,[32](the same year as Zadeh’s initial paper on fuzzy sets)proposed a product of powers as a“desirability function”in chemical process problems.He observed that the annihilation condition is required for engineering design.[15,16]and[69,70,71,72,73]have applied fuzzy set formulations to design optimiza-tion problems in mechanical engineering.[55]has applied fuzzy sets to nuclear radiation cover design.All have used only a non-compensating trade-off strategy for making deci-sions.Other applications of fuzzy optimization are reviewed by[50].Optimization.Other design methodologies exist that do not explicitly represent un-certainty or preferences on variables.For example,optimization formulations(linear,non-linear,integer,and mixed integer programming)[1,4,65,66,74]assume a relationship between preference and the objective function:the lower the function,the higher the pref-erence.Also,a relation is assumed between preference and the constraint functions:if a constraint is satisfied,the preference is high.If any constraint is slightly violated,that con-straint alone dictates the preference for the design is zero.Single objective optimization utilizes a non-compensating strategy:at any point in the space of design variables,one goal determines the preference(either the objective function,or a constraint).Instead of a single objective formulation with constraints,others have proposed multi-objective optimization.Here,strategies are formally explicit only when a norm across the goals is used[79].For example,weighted sum techniques[17,23,25,57,84,88,108] are compensating formulations:the higher performing objectives are averaged with the lower performing objectives,with the incorporation of importance weighting coefficients. As a specific example,the Archimedian“goal programming”[57,80]formulation is a weighted sum technique,with target values and nonlinear weights.Additive metrics have been discussed above in relation to utility theory.Other formulations can be found in[82, 84].[11]and[97],argue that the formulations that fail the annihilation condition(e.g.,addi-tion)are not well suited for engineering design.Typically,multi-objective formulations are used iteratively,without specifying a formal strategy.Such methods have been used in design[5,68].There are also algorithms for such iteration.STEM[10],GDF[28],and the VI algorithm[45],for example,interactively question a decision maker about relative trade-off preferences.Such algorithms are based on an informal overall metric consistent with utility theory[88],and thus exhibit an informal compensating design strategy.Matrix Methods.Concept selection charts[2,3,6,11,67]are commonly used in en-gineering design decision-making.When using a formal chart,alternatives are listed versus evaluation criteria.Each alternative is ranked on each criterion,and the alternative with the best aggregated(weighted sum)score is selected.[67]presents an alternative technique of summing the negative and positive aspects of each alternative,and then making an informal decision based on these ranks.In an analysis of these methods,[52]considers a choice among four alternatives,and demonstrates that four different metrics selected each of the four different alternatives.The choice of decision-making method can entirely change the outcome,which confirms the importance of utilizing a method appropriate for engineering design.The Analytic Hierarchy Process,or AHP,originally developed by Saaty[29,76,77],is a formal method for determining relationships between discrete alternatives,each of which can be rated by one or more attributes.A tutorial example is presented in[31].AHP has an axiomatic foundation[78].Similar to utility theory,this foundation requires that the Archimedian property must be satisfied,which dictates that the annihilation condition is not satisfied.Since the AHP’s ratings are derived from a linear weighted sum,it only implements a compensating trade-off.AHP can only consider discrete alternatives;no continuous variations can be incorpo-rated.Additionally,all alternatives are compared to the lowest performing alternative;AHP includes no ability to indicate that one(or more)alternatives are completely unacceptable, or have violated one or more constraint(s).However,AHP is one of the few methodologies that can incorporate hierarchical objective criteria.Finally,“Quality Function Deployment,”or QFD[2,34]begins by listing the customer requirements for a design on one axis of a chart and the performance metrics for the design on the other axis.Ratings are performed by using a transformation to convert symbols to numerical equivalents,and summing.This summation has the difficulties of the additive metrics discussed above.Probability Methods.In Taguchi’s method[13,36,41,75,86,90,91],the“quality”of a design variable set is defined by the expected variation of a single performance variable from a target value due to uncontrolled stochastic noise.Thus,Taguchi’s methodfindsthe mean of a single performance variable(variation of from),not preference over many design variables and performance variables[59].Experimental design techniques can also be used to determine experimental points in the noise space.See[8,12,40]for a discussion of factorial methods for determining experi-mental points.Alternatively,Monte Carlo simulation[30]could be used for more accuracy.Probabilistic optimization methods can be used to evaluate a solution when noise is present,by evaluating the expected value of the objective function,as presented by[85, Chapter13].The discussion on optimization methods above applies to probabilistic opti-mization methods as well.Necessity Methods.Necessity determines the probability()of a design operating successfully despite uncontrolled variations in one or more parameters over a range(confi-dence interval).This approach can account for the worst case of random disturbances.[98] and[100]have developed a“Labeled Interval Calculus”that consists of interval mathemat-ics with associated“only”or“every”labels.[99]have shown that a set-based approach to design decision-making(using intervals)can facilitate concurrent engineering.Noise can be rated by the expected value,or by the worst case scenario(using necessity). [85,Appendix C]and[81]reject using confidence intervals.Siddall argues that one has difficulty determining the density function and the confidence level.Savage argues against the use of confidence information since he feels one is still obliged to choose the expected value.However,confidence intervals are widely used in practice[33,49],as is modeling to consider the worst case noise[19].Fuzzy Design Methods.Fuzzy design methods combine many of the valuable at-tributes of the methods described above.They are formal(computable)methods for repre-senting and manipulating design imprecision(uncertainty in choosing among alternatives) using the mathematics of fuzzy sets.Several groups are applying fuzzy methods to engi-neering design problems[105,58,53,114,115].Imprecision is represented by a range,and a function defined on this range(),to describe the desirability of or preference for particular values,and to incorporate the de-signer’s experience and judgement into the design evaluation.Non-parametric attributes (such as material choice,color,style,etc.)as well as real-valued attributes(such as physi-cal dimensions,material properties,cost,etc.)can be used.In the Method of Imprecision(MoI)[105,106,63],constraints can be similarly im-precise,permitting the customer to specify preferences over a range of values,rather thana crisp constraint that may be moved by negotiation later in the design process.Because the method was developed specifically for engineering design,the trade-off combination functions meet the restrictions shown in Table1[58].A choice of two basic combina-tion functions is available to aggregate the preferences for the attributes of the design:the (non-compensating)min and a(compensating)product of powers.Because the MoI does not require all attributes to be aggregated into one evaluation metric,evaluations of the various aspects of a design can be made in a hierarchy.For example,safety margin might be traded-off in a non-compensating way among several parts of the design that are subject to loading,and weight and cost might be traded-off in a compensating way.The results of those two trade-offs then might be traded-off with a non-compensating combination function.Because importance weighting can be readily applied, the relative weight of each aspect of the decision can be incorporated into the hierarchy[48].Finally,stochastic uncertainty(such as uncontrolled manufacturing variations)and pos-sibilistic uncertainty and necessity(such as post-manufacturing tuning adjustments)can be incorporated into the design decision-making by utilizing well known expectation calcula-tions[62].Utility theory and the MoI are strongly similar when there is only one goal,and a com-pensating strategy is used[60].When goals are traded-off in a non-compensating manner, and without considering importance weightings,the MoI reduces to a convolution of the constraints and goals used in fuzzy sets for decision-making[9].The Method of ImprecisionThe following sections will present a brief tutorial on how imprecision is used to facilitate decision-making in engineering design using the MoI.Definitions and Notation.Design variables are denoted,and the valid design vari-able values within the design variable space(DVS)form a subset.The set of valid values for is denoted.The preference that a designer has for values of,the th design variable,is represented by a preference function on,called the design preference: .Performance variables are denoted.For each performance variable there must be a mapping such that.The mappings can be any calculation or procedure to measure the performance of a design,including closed-form equations(e.g.,for stress, weight,speed,cost,etc.),iterative solutions,heuristic methods,“black box”calculations, testing of prototypes,or consumer evaluations.The subset of valid performance variable values is mapped from and the set of valid values for is denoted.The perfor-mance variable space(PVS)is the dependent set of performances evaluated for each design in the DVS.In order to compare design alternatives,design preferences are mapped onto the PVS via the extension principle[111],discussed below.Specifications and requirements also embody design imprecision,even though most are written as if they were crisp,e.g.,“This device must have a range of at least250km.”Such a requirement implies that given two designs arbitrarily close together,one with a range of250km and one just below,thefirst would be acceptable but not the second,as shown by the dashed line in Figure2.Specifications and requirements in the real world are commonly fuzzy.Often the designer must ask questions to distinguish the underlying1µp250 kmfuzzycrisprangeFigure 2:Example imprecise functional requirementfuzzy constraint so that the final design will satisfy the customer’s actual requirements even though it may violate the crisp constraint initially given.The fuzziness of constraints and the fuzziness of preliminary design variables are both forms of design imprecision and can be represented in exactly the same way.The customer’s preference (requirements)for values of ,the th performance variable,is represented by a preference function called the functional requirement :.The solid line in Figure 2shows the fuzzy functional requirement.Trade-Off Strategies.The combined preference of the designer and customer for a particular design is represented by an overall preference ,which is a function of the design preferences ,and the functional requirements :(1)Two combination functions ()that satisfy the restrictions of Table 1have been iden-tified:min and a product of powers.Figure 3shows the overall preference obtained by combining a design preference and a functional requirement .Both a compensating trade-off (µp 01µd compensatingnon-compensatingpFigure 3:for compensating and non-compensating trade-offsor established informally by experience,are familiar to engineers in industry[99].Such ac-ceptable intervals correspond to intervals over which preference is greater than zero.Thissuggests that rather than determine the preference at each value of,as shown in Fig-ure1,it may be more natural to determine the intervals in,called-cuts,over whichequals or exceeds certain preference values.The use of intervals encourages the passing of set-based design information betweenengineering groups early in the design process[99],and permits the early release of possi-ble sets of design data from one engineering group to the next in advance of precise designinformation.This approach has many advantages over the traditional“point-by-point”de-sign iteration.The MoI can extend set-based concurrent design by providing preferenceinformation over the possible range of design data.Imprecision Calculations.After specifying design preferences on and func-tional requirements on,and identifying a design trade-off strategy,the next step isto determine the induced values of on(design preferences mapped onto the perfor-mances),given by the extension principle[111]:(2)A simple one-dimensional example of Zadeh’s extension principle is shown in Figure4.The performance achieved for each value of the design variable is given by the function ,which is a curve in this simple example.4The corresponding can be mapped onto,producing:the design preference mapped onto the performance space(as illustrated by the dashed lines in Figure4).For more realistic design problems,each willbe a function of many’s,and each function will be a hyper-surface.An algorithm to compute Zadeh’s extension principle(and thus to calculate)is the Level Interval Algorithm(LIA),first proposed by[18]as the“Fuzzy Weighted Average”algorithm and also called the“Vertex Method”,and extended by[107,64].Once the imprecision on each design variable()is induced onto the PVS,the in-duced preferences are combined with the functional requirements()to obtain an over-all preference().The point(or points)with the highest preference correspond to the performance of the overall most preferred design(s).The design problem is tofind the cor-responding set of design variables()that produce the maximum overall preference ().In the typical engineering design case,where the inverse mapping() doesn’t exist,can still be obtained point by point[46].ExampleAn industrial example of cost estimation for aircraft engine design,utilizing the Engine De-velopment Cost Estimator developed by General Electric Aircraft Engines[47,46],shows how a crisp design cost estimator can be integrated with the MoI.This permits imprecise cost estimates to be developed when only imprecise design data is available.The original example included a formal,and imprecise,functional requirement().The example has recently been extended to include more informal functional requirements.Figure5shows the results of the MoI applied to the engine development cost estimator, using a compensating strategy.Two different design options were simultaneously explored,。
