
四年级下册单元词汇表1、first[fɜ:st] floor 一楼2、second ['sekənd] floor 二楼3、teacher’s office ['ɒfɪs] 教师办公室4、library ['laɪbrəri]n. 图书馆5、playground ['pleɪgraʊnd]n. 操场6、computer[kəm'pju:tə(r)] room 计算机房7、art [ɑ:t] room 美术教室8、music['mju:zɪk] room 音乐教室9、next to [nekst tu:]prep. 紧邻;在……近旁10、homework ['həʊmwɜ:k]n. 作业11、class [klɑ:s]n. 班级12、forty ['fɔ:ti]num. 四十13、way [weɪ] n. 方向14、breakfast[ˈbrekfəst]n. 早餐;早饭15、English class 英语课16、lunch [lʌntʃ]n. 午餐;午饭17、music class 音乐课18、PE [ˌpi:'i:] class 体育课19、dinner ['dɪnə(r)] n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐20、get up [ɡet ʌp] 起床21、go [gəʊ] to school 去上学22、go home [həʊm] 回家23、go to bed 上床睡觉24、over ['əʊvə(r)]adv. 结束25、now [naʊ] adv. 现在;目前26、o'clock [əˈklɒk]adv. (表示整点)……点钟27、kid [kɪd]n. 小孩28、thirty ['θɜ:ti]num. 三十29、hurry ['hʌri] up 快点30、come [kʌm] on 加油31、just [dʒʌst] a minute ['mɪnɪt] 稍等一会儿32、cold [kəʊld]adj. 寒冷的;冷的33、cool [ku:l]adj. 凉的;凉爽的34、warm [wɔ:m]adj. 温暖的;暖和的35、hot [hɒt]adj. 热的;烫的36、sunny ['sʌni]adj. 阳光充足的37、windy ['wɪndi]adj. 多风的;风大的38、cloudy ['klaʊdi]adj. 阴天的;多云的39、snowy ['snəʊi]adj. 下雪(多)的40、rainy ['reɪni]adj. 阴雨的;多雨的41、outside [ˌaʊt'saɪd] adv. 在户外42、be careful ['keəfl] 小心43、weather ['weðə(r)]n. 天气44、New York [jɔ:k] 纽约45、how about [hau əˈbaut] ……怎么样?……情况如何?46、degree [dɪˈgri:] n. 度;度数47、world [wɜ:ld] n. 世界48、London ['lʌndən]n. 伦敦49、Moscow ['mɒskəʊ]n. 莫斯科50、Singapore [ˌsɪŋgə'pɔ:] n. 新加坡(市)51、Sydney ['sɪdnɪ]n. 悉尼52、fly [flaɪ]v. 放(风筝等)53、love [lʌv]n. (写信结尾的热情问候语)爱你的54、tomato [tə'mɑ:təʊ]n. 西红柿55、potato [pə'teɪtəʊ]n. 土豆56、green beans ['bi:nz] 豆角;四季豆57、carrot [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜58、horse [hɔ:s]n. 马59、cow [kaʊ]n. 母牛;奶牛60、sheep [ʃi:p]n. 羊;绵羊61、hen [hen] n. 母鸡62、these [ði:z]adj&pron. (this的复数形式)这些63、yum [jʌm] (表示味道或气味非常好)64、animal ['ænɪml]n. 动物65、those [ðəʊz]adj&pron. (that的复数形式)那些66、garden ['gɑ:dn]n. 花园;菜园67、farm [fɑ:m]n. 农场68、goat [gəʊt] n. 山羊69、eat [i:t]v. 吃70、clothes [kləʊðz]n. 衣服;服装71、pants [pænts] n. 裤子72、hat [hæt]n.(常指带檐的)帽子73、dress [dres]n. 连衣裙74、skirt [skɜ:t] n.裙子75、coat [kəʊt]n. 外衣;大衣76、sweater ['swetə(r)]n. 毛衣77、sock [sɑk] n.短袜78、shorts [ʃɔ:ts]n. 短裤79、jacket ['dʒækɪt]n. 夹克衫80、shirt [ʃɜ:t] n. (尤指男士)衬衫81、yours [jɔ:z] pron.&adj. 你的;你们的82、whose [hu:z] pron. 谁的83、mine [maɪn] pron. 我的84、pack [pæk] v. 收拾行李85、wait [weɪt] v.等待86、glove[ɡ'lʌv]n. (分手指的)手套87、scarf[skɑ:f]n. 围巾;披巾88、umbrella [ʌm'brelə]n. 雨伞89、sunglasses[ˈsʌnglɑ:sɪz]n. 太阳镜90、pretty['prɪti]adj. 美观的;精致的91、expensive[ɪkˈspensɪv] adj.昂贵的;花钱多的92、cheap [tʃi:p] adj.花钱少的;便宜的93、nice[naɪs]adj. 好的94、try on 试穿95、size[saɪz]n.尺码;号96、of course [ɔv kɔː(r)s] 当然97、too[tu:]adv. 太;过于98、just [dʒʌst]adv. 正好;恰好99、how much 多少钱100、eighty[ˈeɪti] num.八十101、dollar[ˈdɒlə(r)] n. 美元102、sale [seɪl] n. 特价销售;大减价103、more[mɔ:(r)]adj. 更多的104、us[əs]pron. 我们。
小学四年级人教 精通版 上册英语总复习 归纳

小学四年级人教精通版上册英语总复习归纳人教版(精通)四年级英语上册期末总复资料一、26个字母的听说读写二、已掌握的单词Unit 1: 中国 - China,美国 - America,英国 - England,新加坡 - Singapore,加拿大 - Canada,好的 - good,朋友 - friend,兄弟 - brother,姐妹 - sister,男孩 - boy,女孩 - girl,教师 - teacher,农民 - farmer,邮递员 - postman,医生 - doctor,护士- nurse,司机 - driver。
Unit 2: 班级 - class,年级 - grade,一 - one,二 - two,三- three,四 - four,五 - five,六 - six,七 - seven,八 - eight,九 - nine,十 - ten,十一 - eleven,十二 - twelve,十三 - thirteen,十四 - fourteen,十五 - fifteen,十六 - sixteen,十七 - seventeen,十八 - XXX,十九 - XXX,二十 - XXX。
Unit 3: 菠萝 - pineapple,柠檬 - lemon,苹果 - apple,梨 - pear,西瓜 - watermelon,猕猴桃 - kiwi fruit,橙 - orange,香蕉 - banana,土豆 - potato,番茄 - tomato,胡萝卜 - carrot,黄瓜 - cucumber,茄子 - eggplant,青椒 - green pepper。
Unit 4: 晴朗的 - fine,好的 - nice,温暖的 - warm,凉爽的 - cool,炎热的 - hot,寒冷的 - cold,晴朗的 - sunny,多云的 - cloudy,有风的 - windy,下雨的 - rainy,下雪的 - XXX。

新版PEP小学英语三年级上册单词表Unit 1ruler ['ru:ləə]n.直尺pencil [ˈpensl]n. 铅笔eraser[i'reisə]n. 橡皮擦crayon ['kreiən] n. 蜡笔bag [bæg]n.包pen [pen]n. 钢笔pencil box['pensl bɔks]n. 铅笔盒book[buk]n. 书no [nəu] 不your [jɔ:ə]pron. 你(们)的Unit 2red [red]n. 红色adj. 红色的green[ɡriːn]adj. 绿色的n. 绿色yellow [ˈjeləu]adj. 黄色的n. 黄色blue [bluː]n. 蓝色adj. 蓝色的black [blæk]n. 黑色adj. 黑色的brown[braun]n.棕色adj.棕色的white[(h)wait]adj. 白色的n. 白色orange[ˈɔrindʒ]n.橙色adj.橙色的,Ok [əu’kei] 好;行Mum [mʌm] n. 妈妈Unit 3face [feis]n. 脸ear [iə]n. 耳朵eye [ai] n. 眼睛nose [nəuz]n. 鼻子mouth[mauθ]n. 嘴arm [ɑ:m]n. 胳膊hand [hænd]n. 手head[hed]n. 头body['bɔdi]n. 身体leg [leg]n. 腿foot[fut]n. 脚school [sku:l]n. 学校Unit 4duck [dʌk]n. 鸭子pig[piɡ]n. 猪cat [kæt]n. 猫bear [beəə]n. 熊dog [dɔg]n. 狗elephant [ˈ'elifənt]n. 大象monkey ['mʌŋki]n. 猴子bird [bə:əd]n. 鸟tiger ['taigə] n. 老虎panda [ˈ'pændə]n. 熊猫zoo[zuː]n. 动物园funny [‘fʌni] adj. 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread[bred]n. 面包juice [dʒu:s]n. 果汁、液egg [eg] n. 蛋milk [milk]n. 牛奶water ['wɔ:tə]n. 水cake[keik]n. 蛋糕新版PEP小学三年级英语下册词汇表(含音标)Unit 1UK 美国Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大USA 美国China ['tʃaɪnə] 中国she [ʃiː]她student ['stjuːd(ə)nt] 学生pupil ['pjuːpɪl; -pl] 学生;(尤指)小学生he [hiː]他teacher ['tiːtʃə] 教师boy [bɔɪ] 男孩and [ənd] 和;与girl [gɜːl]女孩new [njuː]新的friend [frend] 朋友today [tə'deɪ] 今天unit 2father ['fɑːðə] 父亲;爸爸dad [dæd] (口语)爸爸;爹爹man [mæn] 男人woman ['wʊmən] 女人mother ['mʌðə] 母亲;妈妈sister ['sɪstɚ] 姐;妹brother ['brʌðə] 兄;弟grandmother ['græn(d)mʌðə] (外)祖母grandpa ['græn(d)pɑː](口语)(外)祖母grandfather ['græn(d)fɑːðə] (外)祖父grandpa ['græn(d)pɑː](口语)(外)祖父family ['fæməli] 家;家庭unit 3thin [θɪn] 瘦的fat [fæt] 胖的;肥的tall [tɔːl]高的short [ʃɔːt]矮的;短的long [lɒŋ]长的small [smɔːl]小的big [bɪg] 大的giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿so [səʊ] 这么;那么children ['tʃɪldrən] (child[tʃaɪld]的复数)儿童tail [teɪl] 尾巴unit 4on [ɒn] 在……之上in[ɪn] 在……里under ['ʌndə] 在……下面chair [tʃeə] 椅子desk [desk] 书桌cap [kæp] 帽子ball [bɔːl]球car [kɑː]小汽车boat [bəʊt] 小船map [mæp] 地图toy [tɔɪ] 玩具box [bɒks] 盒;箱unit 5pear [peə] 梨apple ['æpl] 苹果orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] 橙子banana [bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉watermelon ['wɔːtəmelən] 西瓜strawberry ['strɔːbərɪ] 草莓grape [greɪp] 葡萄buy [baɪ] 买fruit [fruːt]水果unit 6eleven [ɪ'levən] 十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen ['θɜːtiːn]十三fourteen ['fɔːtiːn]十四fifteen ['fɪftiːn]十五sixteen ['sɪkstiːn]十六seventeen ['sevntiːn]十七eighteen ['eɪtiːn]十八nineteen ['naɪntiːn]十九twenty ['twentɪ] 二十kite [kaɪt] 风筝beautiful ['bjuːtɪfl] 美丽的PEP新版小学英语四年级上册单词表Unit 1classroom [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 教室window [ˈwindəu] 窗户blackboard [bɔ:d] 黑板light [lait] 电灯picture [ˊpiktʃə] 图画door [dɔ:] 门teacherˊs desk [ˈti:tʃəz desk]讲台computer [kəmˊpju:tə] 电脑fan [fæn] 风扇wall [wɔ:l] 墙floor [flɔ:] 地板realy [riəli] 真的near [niə] 在……的旁边TV 电视clean [kli:n] 打扫;清洁;擦干净的help [help] 帮助;帮忙Unit 2Schoolbag [ˈsku:lˌbæg] 书包math [mæθ] book[buk] 数学书English [ˊiŋglɪʃ] book[buk] 英语书Chinese [tʃaiˊni:z] book[buk] 语文书story—book [ˊstɔ:ri buk] 故事书candy [kændi] 糖果notebook [ˊnəutbuk] 笔记本toy [tɔi] 玩具key [ki ] 钥匙wow [wau] 哇lost [lɔst] 丢失so much 非常地cute [kju:t] 可爱的Unit 3strong [strɔŋ]强壮的friendly [frendli] 朋友(们)quiet [ˊkwaiət] 安静的hair [hɛə]头发shoe [ʃu: ] 鞋glasses [gla:siz]眼镜his [hiz] 他的or [ɔ:r] 或者right [rait] 正确的hat [hæt] 帽子her [hə:] 她的Unit 4bedroom [ˈbedˌru:m, -ˌrʊm] 卧室living room [ˈliviŋ ru:m]起居室study [ˊstʌdi] 书房kitchen [ˊkitʃin] 厨房bathroom [ˊbɑ:θrum]卫生间bed [bed] 床phone [fəun] 电话table [ˊteibl] 桌子sofa [ˊsəufə] 沙发fridge [fridʒ] 冰箱find [faid] 找到them 他(她;它)们Unit 5beef [bi:f] 牛肉chicken [ˊtʃikin] 鸡肉noodle(s) [ˊnu:dl(s)] 面条soup [su:p] 汤vegetable [ˊvedʒitəbl] 蔬菜chopstick [ˈtʃɔpˌstɪk]筷子bowl [bəul ] 碗fork [fɔ:k] 叉子knife [naif] 小刀spoon [spu:n] 勺子dinner [ˊdinə] 晚餐;正餐ready [ˊredi] 准备好了help yourself [help jɔ:ˈself] 随便吃pass [pɑ:s] 给;递try [trai] 尝试;试Unit 6parents [ˊpɛərənts] 父母cousin 同辈表亲或堂亲uncle [ˊʌŋkl]叔叔;舅舅叔父;伯父;姨夫aunt [英] [ɑ:nt] 姑姑;婶;姨baby [ˊbeibi] 婴儿doctor [ˊdɔktə] 医生cook [ˊkuk] 厨师driver [ˊdraivə] 司机farmer [ˊfɑ:mə] 农民nurse [nə:s] 护士people [ˊpi:pl] 人们but 但是little 小的puppy [ˊpʌpi] 小狗football player [ˈfutbɔ:l ˈpleɪə]棒球运动员job [dʒɔb]吧、工作basketball [baskit bɔ:l] 篮球新版pep四年级英语下册单词表Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teacher’s office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to 紧邻;在……近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十way 方向Unit 2breakfast 早餐;早饭English class 英语课lunch 午餐;午饭music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐get up 起床go to school 去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉over 结束now 现在;目前o’clock (表示整点)……点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点come on 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold 寒冷的;冷的cool 凉的;凉爽的warm 温暖的;暖和的hot 热的;烫的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的;风大的cloudy 阴天的;多云的snowy 下雪(多)的rainy 阴雨的;多雨的outside 在户外be careful 小心weather 天气New York 纽约how about ……怎么样?……情况如何?degree 度;度数world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科Singapore 新加坡城fly 放(风筝等)love(写信结尾的热情问候)爱你的Unit 4tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯;土豆green beans 豆角;四季豆carrot 胡萝卜horse 马cow 母牛;奶牛sheep 羊;绵羊hen 母鸡these (this的复数形式)yum (表示味道或气味非常好)animal 兽;动物those (that的复数形式)那些garden 花园;菜园farm 农场goat 山羊eat 吃Unit 5clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat (常指带檐的)帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt (尤指男士)衬衫yours 你的;你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)wait 等待Unit 6glove(分手指的)手套scarf 围巾;披巾umbrella 伞;雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的;精致的expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的cheap 花钱少的;便宜的nice 好的try on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好how much 多少钱eighty 八十dollar元sale特价销售;大减价more 更多的us 我们新版小学英语(PEP)·五年级上册·单词表Unit1old[əuld]年老的young [jʌŋ]年轻的funny ['fʌni]滑稽可笑的.kind[kaind]和蔼的strict[strikt]严格的.polite[pəˈlaɪt] 有礼貌的;有教养的hard-working[hɑ:d 'wɜ:kɪŋ]努力工作的,勤奋的helpful[’helpfl]有帮助的;愿意帮忙的clever [’klevə(r)] 聪明的,聪颖的shy [ʃaɪ] 害羞的;腼腆的know[n əʊ]]知道. 了解our [aʊə] 我们的Ms [mɪz] 女士(代替Miss或Mrs 的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况);will [wɪl] (谈及将来)将要sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz]有时候,间或;时而robot[ˈrəʊbɒt]机器人him [hɪm] (he的宾格)他speak [spi:k] 会说,会讲(某种语言);用某种语言)说话finish英[ˈfɪnɪʃ] 完成;做完Unit2Monday(Mon.)星期一['mʌndei] Tuesday(Tue.)星期二['tju:zdei] Wednesday(Wed.)星期三['wenzdei] Thursday(Thu.)星期四['θə:zdei] Friday(Fri.)星期五['fraidei] Saturday(Sat.)['sætədei]星期六Sunday(Sun.) ['sʌndei]星期天.weekend [ˌwi:kˈend] 周末wash [wɒʃ] 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch[wɒtʃ] 看do[du] 做;干do homework ['həumwə:k] 做作业read [ri:d] 看,读read books 看书play [pleɪ] 踢、玩、参加(体育运动) play football 踢足球cooking [ˈkʊkɪŋ]烹饪;烹调often [ˈɒfn] 常常;时常park [pɑ:k] 公园tired [ˈtaɪəd] 疲倦的sport [spɔ:t] 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should [ʃʊd] (常用于纠正别人)应该;将会every [ˈevri] 每个;每一个day [deɪ] 一天;一日schedule [ˈʃedju:l] 工作计划,日程安排Unit3sandwich [ˈsænwɪtʃ] 三明治salad [ˈsæləd] 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉hamburger [ˈhæmbɜ:gə(r)] 汉堡包ice cream [aɪs kri:m] 冰淇淋tea [ti:] 茶水;茶fresh [freʃ]新鲜的healthy['helθi]健康的;有益健康的delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] 美味的,可口的hot [hɒt] 辣的;辛辣的sweet [swi:t]甜的drink [drɪŋk]喝;饮thirsty [ˈθɜ:sti] 渴的口渴的favourite ['feivərit]特别喜爱的;最喜爱的food [fu:d] 食物Dear[dɪə(r)] 亲爱的onion[ˈʌnjən] 洋葱;葱头Unit4sing [sɪŋ]唱;歌唱song [sɒŋ]歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶Kung fu [kʌŋ fu] 功夫武术do kung fu 练武术dance [dɑ:ns] 跳舞draw[drɔ:] 画cartoon [kɑ:ˈtu:n] 漫画draw cartoon 画漫画cook [kʊk] 烹调swim [swɪm] 游泳play basketball 打篮球ping pong [pɪŋ pɔŋ]乒乓球运动play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we’ll=we willparty [ˈpɑ:ti] 聚会;派对next [nekst]下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl]极好的;了不起的learn [lɜ:n] 学;学习;学会any [ˈeni]任何的;任一的;随便哪一个problem [ˈprɒbləm] 问题no problem 没问题want [wɒnt] 想要send [send] 发送;邮寄email ['i:meɪl] 电子邮件at [æt](后面接邮件地址)Unit5clock [klɒk] 钟,时钟plant [plɑ:nt] 植物bottle [ˈbɒtl] 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike [baɪk] 自行车photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ] 照片;相片front [frʌnt] 正面in front of 在……前面between [bɪˈtwi:n] 在…之间;above [əˈbʌv] 在……上面beside [bɪˈsaɪd] 在…旁边(附近)behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] 在…的后面there [ðeə(r)] (表示存在或发生)grandfather [ˈgrænfɑ:ðə(r)] (外)祖父their [ðeə] 他(她,它)们的house [haʊs] 房屋;房子;住宅lot [lɒt] 大量,许多lots of大量,许多flower [ˈflaʊə] 花;花朵move [mu:v] 搬家dirty [ˈdɜ:ti] 肮脏的everywhere [ˈevriweə] 到处,处处mouse [maʊs] 老鼠live [lɪv] 居住nature [ˈneɪtʃə(r)] 自然界;大自然Unit6forest ['fɔrist]森林river ['rivə]河流lake [leik]湖泊mountain ['mauntin]高山;山脉hill [hɪl] 小山tree [tri:]树;树木bridge [bridʒ]桥building ['bildiŋ]建筑物village ['vilidʒ]乡村;村庄house [haus]房子;住宅boating [’bəʊtɪŋ]划船go boating 去划船aren’t=are notrabbit [ˈræbɪt] 兔子,野兔high [haɪ] 高第11 页共11 页。

PRACTICE 6Vocabulary (30 marks)(A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10*2 = 20 marks)1.The children are enjoying themselves in the________________.2.Mother bought a pair of _________ for the winter.3.Mr Lim is a ___________ who makes furniture.4.Talk ______________ as the baby is sleeping. 5.The ______________ are really tasty.6.Please write to me when you are _____________.7.Mother waters the __________ every morning. 8.Meiling is learning to ride a ____________.9.I like that _____________ over there.It took so gentle.10.My _________ needs tuning.(B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words (10*1 = 10 marks)11. This is a ___________.(market, bookshop, school)12. It sells ____________ too.(stationery, fish, cakes)13. Dustin is celebrating his ___________.(national day, birthday, new year)14. There are six ____________ on his cake.(candles, matches, lights)15. Switch off the ____________ if you are not listening to theprogramme.(fan, radio, violin)16. Don't waste _____________. (electricity, light, gas)17. Ann is fixing a ______________.(parcel, puzzle, map)18. It is a ____________ of the sun.(picture, calendar, paper)19. This is a ______________.(compass, telephone, calculator)20. It helps us to ____________ Mathematics problems.(solve, open, find)Grammar (40 marks)(C) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.(16 * 1 = 16 marks)21. I (do not, does not) watch television every night.22. The girls (do not, does not) jog every morning.23. We (do not, does not) like to eat bread.24. She (do not, does not) know how to play the piano.25. You (do not, does not) have to go to school on Sunday.26. Mr and Mrs Lim (do not, does not) want to buy Tom a bicycle.27. My grandmother (do not, does not) like vegetables.28. The baby (do not, does not) cry.29. We (listen, listens) to what Daddy and Mummy say.30. They (play, plays) with the tortoise.31. Thomas (read, reads) every day.32. Mrs Tay (wash, washes) the clothes in the afternoon.33. I (help, helps) my mother perpare lunch.34. They (work, works) hard for better results.35. Mother (buy, buys) a cake for my birthday every year.36. My mother (drive, drives) well.(D) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentencewith a full-stop or with a question mark. (7*2=10 marks)37. has weeks raining it many been for___________________________________________________________ __________38. been boy has good always he a___________________________________________________________ __________39. two coughing has days been for he___________________________________________________________ __________40. good asked his Jason care to of the dentistteeth take___________________________________________________________ __________41. clean every day the has John to blackboard___________________________________________________________ __________42. good have been childhood friends they since___________________________________________________________ __________43. the east rises the sun in in sets and the west。

三至六年级英语单词汇总一、三年级上册的英语单词Unit 1ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔bag 包pen 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book 书no 不your 你(们)的Unit 2red 红色;红色的green 绿色;绿色的yellow 黄色;黄色的blue 蓝色;蓝色的black 黑色;黑色的brown 棕色;棕色的white 白色;白色的orange 橙色;橙色的OK 好;行mum 妈妈(美式英语:mom)Unit 3face 脸ear 耳朵eye 眼睛nose 鼻子mouth 嘴arm 胳膊hand 手head 头body 身体leg 腿foot 脚school 学校Unit 4duck 鸭子pig 猪bear 熊dog 狗elephant 大象monkey 猴子bird 鸟tiger 老虎panda 大熊猫zoo 动物园funny 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread 面包juice 果汁egg 蛋milk 牛奶water 水cake 蛋糕fish 鱼肉;鱼rice 米饭Unit 6two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十brother 兄;弟plate 盘子二、三年级下册的英语单词Unit 1UK 英国Canada 加拿大USA 美国China 中国she 她student 学生pupil 学生;(尤指)小学生teacher 教师boy 男孩and 和;与girl 女孩new 新的friend 朋友today 今天Unit 2father 父亲;爸爸dad (口语)爸爸;爹爹man 男人woman 女人mother 母亲;妈妈sister 姐;妹brother 兄;弟grandmother (外)祖母grandma (口语)(外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父grandpa grandpa (口语)(外)祖父family 家;家庭Unit 3thin 瘦的fat 胖的;肥的tall 高的short 矮的;短的long 长的small 小的big 大的giraffe 长颈鹿so 这么;那么children (child 的复数)儿童tail 尾巴Unit 4on 在……上in 在……里under 在……下面chair 椅子desk 书桌cap 帽子ball 球car 小汽车boat 小船map 地图toy 玩具box 盒;箱Unit 5pear 梨apple 苹果orange 橙子banana 香蕉watermelon 西瓜strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄buy 买fruit 水果Unit 6eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十kite 风筝beautiful 美丽的三、四年级上册的英语单词Unit 1classroom 教室window 窗户blackboard 黑板light 电灯picture 图画door 门teacher's desk 讲台computer 计算机fan 风扇wall 墙壁floor 地板really (表示兴趣或惊讶)真的near 距离近TV 电视clean 打扫help 帮助Unit 2schoolbag 书包maths 数学书English book 英语书Chinese book 语文书storybook 故事书candy 糖果notebook 笔记本toy 玩具key 钥匙wow 哇;呀lost 丢失(lose的过去式形式)so much 非常地cute 可爱的Unit 3strong 强壮的friendly 友好的quiet 安静的hair 头发shoe 鞋glasses 眼镜his 他的or 或者right 正确的;对的hat (常指带檐的)帽子her 她的Unit 4bedroom 卧室living room 客厅;起居室study 书房kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室;洗手间bed 床phone 电话table 桌子sofa 长沙发fridge 冰箱find 找到them 他(她、它)们Unit 5beef 牛肉chicken 鸡肉noodles 面条soup 汤vegetable 蔬菜chopsticks 筷子bowl 碗fork 餐叉knife 刀spoon 勺dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐ready 准备好help yourself 为(自己)取用pass 给;递try 试;尝试Unit 6parents 父母cousin 同辈表亲(或堂亲)uncle 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨夫aunt 姑母;姨母baby brother 婴儿小弟弟doctor 医生cook 厨师driver 司机farmer 农民nurse 护士people 人们but 但是little 小的puppy 小狗football player 足球运动员job 工作basketball 篮球四、四年级下册的英语单词Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teachers' office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to 紧邻;在……近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十Unit 2breakfast 早餐;早饭English class 英语课lunch 午餐;午饭music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐go to bed 上床睡觉over 结束now 现在;目前oclock (表示整点)……点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点come on 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold 寒冷的;冷的cool 凉的;凉爽的warm 温暖的;暖和的hot 热的;烫的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的;风大的cloudy 阴天的;多云的snowy 下雪(多)的rainy 阴雨的;多雨的outside 在户外be careful 小心weather 天气New York 纽约how about………怎么样?……情况如何?world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科Singapore 新加坡(市)Sydney 悉尼fly 放(风筝等)love (写信结尾的热情问候语)爱你的Unit 4tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯;土豆green beans 豆角;四季豆carrot 胡萝卜horse 马hen 母鸡cow 母牛;奶牛sheep 羊;绵羊these 这些(this的复数形式)yum (表示味道或气味非常好)animal 兽;动物those (that的复数形式)那些farm 农场goat 山羊eat 吃Unit 5clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat (常指带檐的)帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt (尤指男士)衬衫yours 你的;你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)wait 等待Unit 6glove (分手指的)手套scarf 围巾;披巾umbrella 伞;雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的;精致的expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的cheap 花钱少的;便宜的nice 好的try on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好how much 多少钱eighty 八十dollar 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位)sale 特价销售;大减价more 更多的us 我们五、五年级上册的英语单词Unit 1old 老的;年纪大的young 年轻的;岁数不大的funny 滑稽的;可笑的kind 体贴的;慈祥的;宽容的strict 要求严格的;严厉的polite 有礼貌的;客气的hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的helpful 有用的;愿意帮忙的clever 聪明的;聪颖的shy 羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的know 知道;了解our 我们的Ms (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士will (谈及将来)将要sometimes 有时;间或robot 机器人him (用作宾语或表语)他speak 会说;会讲(某种语言);用(某种语言)说话finish 完成;做好Unit 2Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日weekend 周末wash 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch 看watch TV 看电视do 做;干do homework 做作业read 看;读read books 看书play 踢;玩;参加(体育运动)play football 踢足球cooking 烹饪;烹调often 时常;常常park 公园tired 疲倦的sport 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should (常用于纠正别人)应该,应当every 每一个,每个day 一天;一日schedule 工作计划;日程安排Unit 3sandwich 三明治salad 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉hamburger 汉堡包ice cream 冰激凌tea 茶;茶水fresh 新鲜的;刚摘的healthy 健康的delicious 美味的;可口的hot 辣的;辛辣的sweet 含糖的;甜的drink 喝;饮thirsty 渴的;口渴的favourite 特别喜爱的food 食物Dear (用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的onion 洋葱;葱头Unit 4sing 唱;唱歌song 歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa 弹琵琶kung fu 功夫;武术do kung fu 练武术dance 跳舞draw 画cartoon 漫画draw cartoons 画漫画cook 烹调;烹饪swim 游泳play basketball 打篮球ping-pong 乒乓球play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we'll = we will 我们将party 聚会;派对next 下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful 极好的;了不起的learn 学;学习;学会any 任何的;任一的problem 问题no problem 没问题want 要;想要send 邮寄;发送email 电子邮件at (后面接邮件地址)Unit 5clock 时钟;钟plant 植物bottle 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike 自行车;脚踏车photo 照片;相片front 正面in front of 在……前面between 在……中间above 在(或向)……上面beside 在旁边(附近)behind 在(或向)……后面there (表示存在或发生)grandparent 祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母their 他们的;她们的;它们的house 房屋;房子;住宅lot 大量;许多lots of 大量;许多flower 花;花朵move 搬家dirty 肮脏的everywhere 处处;到处mouse 老鼠live 住;居住nature 自然界;大自然Unit 6forest 森林;林区river 河;江lake 湖;湖泊mountain 高山;山岳hill 山丘;小山tree 树;树木;乔木bridge 桥building 建筑物;房子;楼房village 村庄;村镇house 房屋;房子;住宅boating 划船go boating 去划船aren't = are not 不是rabbit 兔;野兔high 高的六、五年级下册的英语单词Unit 1eat breakfast 吃早饭have…class 上……课play sports 进行体育运动exercise 活动;运动do morning exercises 做早操eat dinner 吃晚饭clean my room 打扫我的房间go for a walk 散步go shopping 去买东西;购物take 学习;上(课)dancing 跳舞;舞蹈take a dancing class 上舞蹈课when 什么时候;何时after 在(时间)后start 开始usually 通常地;惯常地Spain 西班牙late 晚;a.m. 午前;上午p.m. 午后;下午why 为什么shop 去买东西;购物work 工作last 上一个的;刚过去的sound 听起来好像also 还;也busy 忙的need 需要play 戏剧;剧本letter 信island 岛always 总是;一直cave 山洞;洞穴go swimming 去游泳win 获胜Unit 2spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天season 季节picnic 野餐go on a picnic 去野餐pick 摘;采集pick apples 摘苹果snowman 雪人make a snowman 堆雪人go swimming 去游泳which 哪一个best 最;最高程度地good job 做得好because 因为vacation 假期all 全;完全pink 粉色;粉色的lovely 可爱的;美丽的leaf 叶子(复数 leaves)fall 落下;[美]秋天paint 用颜料绘画Unit 3January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December 十二月few 不多;很少a few 一些thing 事情meet 集会;开会sports meet 运动会trip 旅行year 年plant 种植contest 比赛;竞赛the Great Wall 长城national 国家的National Day 国庆日American 美国的Thanksgiving 感恩节Christmas 圣诞节game 游戏riddle 谜;谜语act 扮演act out 把……表演出来RSVP (尤用于请柬)请赐复by 在……之前Unit 4first(1st)第一(的)second(2nd)第二(的)third (3rd)第三(的)fourth (4th)第四(的)fifth (5th)第五(的)twelfth (12th)第十二(的)twentieth (20th)第二十(的)twenty-first (21st)第二十一(的)twenty-third (23rd)第二十三(的)thirtieth (30th)第三十(的)other 其他special 特殊的;特别的show 展览festival 节日kitten 小猫diary 日记still 仍然;依旧;还是noise 声音;响声;噪音fur (某些动物的)浓密的软毛open 开着的walk 行走Unit 5mine 我的yours 你(们)的his 他的hers 她的theirs 他们的;她们的;它们的ours 我们的climbing (climb 的-ing形式)(正在)攀登;攀爬eating (eat的-ing形式)(正在)吃playing (play的-ing形式)(正在)玩耍jumping (jump的-ing形式)(正在)跳drinking (drink的-ing形式)(正在)喝(水)sleeping (sleep的-ing形式)(正在)睡觉each 每一;各个each other 相互excited 兴奋的;激动的like 像……那样Unit 6doing morning exercises(正在)做早操Having…class (正在)上……课eating lunch (正在)吃午饭reading a book (正在)看书listening to music (正在)听音乐keep 保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声讲话turn 顺序take turns 按顺序来bamboo 竹子its (指事物、动物或幼儿)它的;他的;她的show 给人看anything 任何事物else 外;其他exhibition 展览say 说;讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach 教sure (表示同意)当然Canadian 加拿大的Spanish 西班牙的七、六年级上册的英语单词Unit 1science 科学museum 博物馆post office 邮局bookstore 书店cinema 电影院hospital 医院crossing 十字路口turn 转弯left 左straight 笔直地right 右ask 问sir (对男子的礼貌称呼)先生interesting 有趣的Italian 意大利的restaurant 餐馆pizza 比萨饼street 大街;街道get 到达BDS 北斗卫星导航系统gave (give 的过去式)提供;交给feature 特点follow 跟着far 远的tell 告诉Unit 2on foot 步行by (表示方式)乘bus 公共汽车plane 飞机slow (使)放慢速度;慢的down 减少;降低slow down 慢下来taxi 出租汽车ship (大)船subway 地铁train 火车stop 停下early 早到的helmet 头盔must 必须wear 戴attention 注意pay attention to 注意traffic 交通traffic lights 交通信号灯Munich 慕尼黑(德国城市)Germany 德国Alaska 阿拉斯加州(美国州名)sled 雪橇fast 快ferry 轮渡Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛Scotland 苏格兰Unit 3visit 拜访film 电影see a film 看电影take a trip 去旅行supermarket 超市evening 晚上;傍晚tonight 在今晚tomorrow 明天next week 下周dictionary 词典comic 滑稽的comic book (儿童的)连环画册word 单词word book 单词书postcard 明信片lesson 课space 太空travel (尤指长途)旅行half 一半price 价格Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节together 一起get together 聚会mooncake 月饼moon 月亮Unit 4studies (study的第三人称单数形式)学习puzzle 谜hiking 远足pen pal 笔友hobby 业余爱好jasmine 茉莉idea 想法;主意Canberra 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)amazing 令人惊奇的shall 表示征求意见goal 射门join 加入club 俱乐部share 分享Unit 5factory 工厂worker 工人postman 邮递员businessman 商人;企业家police officer 警察fisherman 渔民scientist 科学家pilot 飞行员coach 教练country 国家head teacher 校长sea 大海stay 保持university 大学gym 体育馆if 如果reporter 记者use 使用type 打字quickly 迅速地secretary 秘书Unit 6angry 生气的afraid 害怕sad 难过的worried 担心的;发愁的happy 高兴的see a doctor 看病wear 穿more 更多的deep 深的breath 呼吸take a deep breath 深深吸一口气count 数数count to ten 数到十chase 追赶mice (mouse的复数)老鼠bad 邪恶的;坏的hurt (使)受伤ill 有病;不舒服wrong 有毛病should 应该feel 觉得;感到well 健康;身体好sit 坐grass 草坪hear 听见ant 蚂蚁worry 担心;担忧stuck 陷住;无法移动mud 泥pull 拉;拽everyone 每人八、六年级下册的英语单词Unit 1younger (young的比较级)更年轻的older (old的比较级)更年长的taller (tall的比较级)更高的shorter (short的比较级)更矮的;更短的longer (long的比较级)更长的thinner (thin的比较级)更瘦的heavier (heavy的比较级)更重的bigger (big的比较级)更大的smaller (small的比较级)更小的stronger (strong的比较级)更强壮的dinosaur 恐龙hall 大厅metre 米(美式英语:meter)than 比both 两个都kilogram 千克;公斤countryside 乡村lower (low的比较级)更低地shadow 阴影;影子smarter (smart的比较级)更聪明的become 开始变得;变成Unit 2cleaned (clean的过去式)打扫stayed (stay的过去式)停留;待washed (wash的过去式)洗watched (watch的过去式)看had (have的过去式)患病;得病had a cold 感冒slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉read (read的过去式)读saw (see的过去式)看见last 最近的;上一个的yesterday 昨天before 在……之前drank (drink的过去式)喝show 演出magazine 杂志better (well的比较级)更好的faster (fast的比较级)更快的hotel 旅馆fixed (fix的过去式)修理broken 破损的lamp 台灯loud 喧闹的;大声的enjoy 享受……乐趣;喜爱stay 暂住;逗留Unit 3went (go的过去式)去camp 野营went camping (尤指在假日)野营fish 钓鱼;捕鱼went fishing 去钓鱼rode (ride的过去式)骑(马;自行车)hurt (hurt的过去式)(使)受伤ate (eat的过去式)吃took (take的过去式)拍照took pictures 照相bought (buy 的过去式)买fell (fall的过去式)摔倒off 从(某处)落下Labour Day 劳动节mule 骡子Turpan 吐鲁番could (can的过去式)能till 直到beach 海滩;沙滩basket 篮;筐part 角色licked (lick的过去式)舔laughed (laugh的过去式)笑Unit 4dining hall 饭厅grass 草坪gym 体育馆ago 以前cycling 骑自行车运动(或活动)go cycling 去骑自行车ice-skate 滑冰badminton 羽毛球运动star 星easy 容易的look up (在词典中或通过电脑)查阅Internet 互联网different 不同的active 积极的;活跃的race 赛跑nothing 没有什么thought (think的过去式)想felt (feel的过去式)感觉cheetah 猎豹trip 绊倒woke (wake的过去式)醒dream 梦。

小学英语单词P开头的篇一:P开头单词pacifist ['p?sifist] n.和平主义者,反战主义者pacify ['p?sifai] v.使安静,抚慰pack [p?k] n.狼群;一群动物packed [p?kt] a.充满人的,拥挤的pact [p?kt] n.协定,条约['p?di?] n.衬垫,填料 paddingpaean ['pi:?n] n.赞美歌,颂歌pagan ['peig?n] n.没有宗教信仰的人;异教徒pageant ['p?d??nt] n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧 painkiller ['pein`kil?(r)] n.止痛药painstaking ['peinsteiki?] a.煞费苦心的palate ['p?lit] n.上腭;口味;爱好palatial [p?'lei??l] a.宫殿般的;宏伟的paleolithic [`p?li?u'liθik] a.旧石器时代的paleontology [`p?li?n't?l?d?i] n.古生物学palette ['p?lit] n.调色板,颜料配置pall[p?:l] v.令人发腻,失去吸引力palliate ['p?lieit] v.减轻(痛苦);掩饰(罪行) palliative ['p?li?tiv] n.缓释剂;a.减轻的,缓和的pallid ['p?lid]palmy ['pa:mi] a.苍白的,没血色的 a.繁荣的;棕榈的palpable ['p?lp?bl] a.可触知的,明显的palpitate ['p?lpiteit] v.(心脏)急速而不规则地跳动palter ['p?:lt?] v.含糊其词paltry ['p?:ltri] a.无价值的,微不足道的pamphlet ['p?mflit] n.小册子pan [p?n] v.严厉批评panacea [`p?n?'si?] n.万灵药panache [p?'n??] n.羽饰;炫耀pancreas ['p?nkri?s] n.胰腺pandemic [p?n'demik] a.(病)大范围流行的pandemonium [`p?ndi'm?unj?m] n.喧嚣,大混乱pander ['p?nd?] v.怂恿,迎合(不良欲望)panegyric [`p?ni'd?irik] n.颂词,颂扬panel ['p?nl] n.专门小组;仪表板pang [p??] n.一阵剧痛panic ['p?nik] a.恐慌的;n.恐慌,惊惶panorama [`p?n?'rɑ:m?] n.概观,全景panther['p?nθ?] n.黑豹pantomime['p?nt?maim] n.哑剧pantry ['p?ntri] n.食品室papyrus [p?'pai?r?s] n.莎草;莎草纸parable ['p?r?bl] n.寓言,比喻parabola [p?'r?b?l?] n.抛物线paradigm ['p?r?daim] n.范例,示范paradoxparagon ['p?r?d?ks] n.矛盾;似矛盾而正确的说法['p?r?g?n] n.模范,典型parallel['p?r?lel] a.平行的;类似的;n.平行线;v.与…相似 parallelism ['p?r?leliz?m] n.平行,类似parameter [p?'r?mit?] n.参量,变量paramount ['p?r?maunt] a.最重要的,最高权力的paranoia [`p?r?'n?i?] n.偏执狂paranoid ['p?r?n?id] a.偏执狂的,过分怀疑的paraphrase ['p?r?freiz]parasite v.传译,释义 ['p?r?sait] n.食客;寄生物parch [pɑ:t?] v.烘烤;烤焦pare [p??] v.削;修剪;削减,缩减n.贱民,被社会遗弃者n.(水平,地位,数量等的)同等,相等 pariah ['p?ri?] parity ['p?riti]parka ['pɑ:k?] n.派克大衣(毛皮风雪大衣)parlance ['pɑ:l?ns] n.说法,用语,词汇parody ['p?r?di] n.模仿性嘲弄文章或表演;拙劣的模仿paroxysm ['p?r?ksiz?m] n.(感情等)突发parquet['pɑ:kei] n.镶木地板parry ['p?ri] v.挡开,避开(武器,问题等)parse [pɑ:z] v.对…作语法分析parsimony ['pɑ:sim?ni] n.过分节俭,吝啬partial ['pɑ:??l] a.局部的;偏袒的partiality [`pɑ:?i'?liti] n.偏袒,偏心particular [p?'tikjul?] n.事实,细节particularize [p?'tikjul?raiz] v.详述,列举partisan [pɑ:ti'z?n] n.党派支持者;党徒n.隔开;隔墙 partition [pɑ:'ti??n]passionate ['pnit] a.充满激情的passive ['p?siv] a.被动的,缺乏活力的pastel ['p?setl] n.彩色粉笔或蜡笔画;柔和的色彩pasteurize ['p?st?raiz] v.加热杀菌,消毒pastiche [p?s'ti:?] n.混合拼凑的作品pastoral ['pɑ:st?r?l] a.田园生活的;宁静的pastry ['peistri] n.糕点,点心patch [p?t?] n.补丁;一小片(土地)patent ['peit?nt] a.显而易见的;n.专利权(证书)pathogen ['p?θ?d?(?)n] n.病原体pathological [`p?θ?'l?d?ik?l] a.病态的;病理的pathology [p?'θ?l?d?i] n.病理学patina ['p?tin?] n.绿锈;光亮的外表patrician [p?'tri??n] n.贵族patrimony ['p?trim?ni] n.祖传的财产patriot ['p?tri?t] n.爱国者,爱国主义者patriotism ['p?tri?tiz?m] n.爱国主义,爱国心patronage ['p?tr?nid?] n.赞助,惠顾patronize ['p?tr?naiz] v.以高人一等的态度对待;光顾,惠顾 paucity ['p?:siti] n.小量,缺乏paunchy ['p?:nt?i] a.大肚子的pauper ['p?:p?] n.贫民,乞丐peak [pi:k] v.憔悴,消瘦pecan [pi'k?n] n.山核桃peccadillo [pek?'dil?u] n.小过失peck [pek] v.啄食;轻啄pedagogue ['ped?g?g] n.教师,教育者pedagogy ['ped?g?gi] n.教育学,教学法pedal ['pedl] n.踏板,脚蹬;v.骑脚踏车pedant ['ped?nt] n.迂腐之人,书呆子pedestal ['pedistl] n.(柱石或雕像的)基座pedestrian [pe'destri?n] a.徒步的;缺乏想像的;pediatrics [`pi:di'?triks] n.小儿科peel [pi:l] v.削去…的皮;剥落;n.外皮peer [pi?] n.同等之人,同辈peerless ['pi?lis] a.无可匹敌的peeve [pi:v] v.使气恼,怨恨 n.行人篇二:小学英语单词(按开头字母整理)篇三:新PEP版小学英语各册单词三至六年级上册词汇表三年级上ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔bag 包pen 钢笔pencil-box 文具盒book 书no 不your你(们)的red 红色的green 绿色的yellow 黄色的blue 蓝色brown 棕色的white 白色的orange 橙色OK 好,行mum妈妈(美式mom)face 脸ear 耳朵eye 眼睛nose 鼻子mouth 嘴巴arm 手臂hand 手head 头boby 身体 leg 腿foot 脚school学校duck 鸭子pig 猪cat 猫bear 熊dog 狗elephant 大象monkey 猴子bied 鸟tight 老虎 panda 熊猫zoo 动物园funny滑稽的bread 面包juice 果汁egg 蛋milk 牛奶water 水cake 蛋糕fish 鱼rice米饭one 一two 二three 三four 手five五 six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十brother 兄弟plate盘子三年级下UK 英国 Canada加拿大 USA 美国China 中国 she 她he 他student 学生 pupil 小学生 teacher教师 boy男孩 girl女孩 and和,与 new 新的friend朋友 today今天 father (dad)爸爸,父亲mother (mum)妈妈,母亲 man男人 woman 女人 sister 姐,妹brother 兄,弟 grandmother (grandma)(外)祖母grandfather(grandpa)(外)祖父family家庭thin瘦的 fat 胖的,肥的 short矮的,短的long长的 tall 高的small小的 big大的 giraffe 长颈鹿 so 这么,那么tail尾巴儿童 child / children(复数)儿童on 在....上 in在.....里 under 在.....下面 chair椅子desk书桌 cap 帽子 ball球car 小汽车 boat 小船 map地图toy 玩具box 箱,盒pear 梨 apple 苹果 orange 橙子 banana香蕉 watermelon 西瓜strawberry 草莓 grape葡萄buy买 fruit 水果eleven 十一twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 kite 风筝 beautiful 漂亮的四年级上classroom 教室window 窗户blackboard 黑板light 电灯picture 图画door 门teacher’s-desk讲台 puter 电脑fan 电风扇wall 墙壁floor 地板 really 真正的 near 附近TV 电视clean 打扫help帮助schoolbag 书包maths-book 数学书English-book 英语书Chinese-book 语文书stotybook故事书candy 糖果notebook 笔记本toy 玩具key钥匙 wow 哇lost 丢失so-much 非常的cute可爱的 strong 强壮的friendly 友好的quiet 安静hair 头发shoe 鞋子glasses 眼镜his 他的or 或者right 正确的hat 帽子her她的bedroom 卧室living-room 客厅study 书房kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室bed 床phone 电话table 桌子sofa 沙发fridge 冰箱find 找到them 他(她,它)们beef 牛肉chicken 鸡肉noodles 面条soup 汤vegetable 蔬菜chopsticks 筷子bowl 碗fork 餐叉knife刀 spoon 勺dinner 正餐 ready 准备好 help yourself为(自己)取用pass 给 try 尝试parents 父母 cousin 同辈表亲(或堂亲) uncle 叔父;伯父;舅父;姑父 aunt姑母姨母 baby 婴儿小弟弟 doctor 医生 cook 厨师 driver 司机 farmer 农民 nurse 护士people 人 but 但是 little 小的 puppy 小狗 football player 足球运动员 job 工作 basketball篮球四年级下first一楼 second二楼teachers’office教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场puter 电脑artroom 美术教室musicroom音乐教室 next-to在......近旁 homework 作业class班级Forty四十 way方向breakfast早餐 English-class英语课 lunch午餐 music-class音乐课 PE-class 体育课dinner (中午和晚上吃的)get-up 起床go-to-school 去上学go-home 回家Go-to-bed 去睡觉over 结束now 之前o’clock (表示整点)......点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry-up 快点e-on 快,加油just-a-minute 稍等一会儿cold 寒冷的cool 凉爽的warm 温暖的hot 热的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的cloudy 阴天snowy 下雪的rainy 多雨的,阴雨点outside 在户外be-careful 小心weather 天气New-York 纽约城how-about ......怎么样?degree 度数world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科 Singapore 新加坡城Sydney 悉尼fly 放(风筝等)love喜爱tomato 番茄,西红柿potato 马铃薯,土豆green-beans 豆角carrot 红萝卜horse 马sheep 绵羊hen 母鸡these (this的复数形式)这些yum 味道好animal动物 those那些 garden花园 farm农场 goat山羊 eat吃clothes 衣服pants裤子 hat 帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat外套sweater 毛衣 sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt 衬衫yours 你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)wait 等待 glove(分手指的)手套scarf 围巾umbrella 雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观expensive 昂贵cheap便宜 nice 好的try-on 试穿size 尺码of-course当然 too太 just正好 How-much多少钱eighty 八十dollas元(美国,加拿大等国的货币单位) salt特价销售more更多 us我们五年级上old年老的 young 年轻的 funny 滑稽的 kind 和蔼的strict 严格的;严厉的 polite 有礼貌的 hand-working 勤奋的 helpful有用的 clever聪明的shy害羞的know知道;了解 our 我们的 Ms女士 will 将要 sometimes 有时;间或Robot机器人 him他(宾格) spesk会说/会用(某种语言) finish 完成;做好Monday星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday星期日weekend周末 wash my clothes洗我的衣服 watch TV看电视do homework做作业 read books 看书play踢;玩 play football踢足球 cooking烹饪;烹调 often时常;常常park公园 tired疲倦的 play sports 做体育运动 should应该 every每一个 day一天;一日 schedule日程安排sandwich三明治 salad蔬菜沙拉 hamburger汉堡包 ice cream冰激凌 tea茶水 fresh新鲜的;刚摘的 healthy 健康的 delicious美味的;可口的 hot 辣的;热的 sweet 甜的drink喝;饮;饮料 thirsty 口渴的 favourite特别喜爱的 food食物 Dear 亲爱的(信的开头)onion 洋葱sing唱;唱歌 song歌曲 sing English song 唱英语歌曲play the pipa 弹琵琶 do kung fu 练武术 dance 跳舞 draw cartoons 画漫画 cook烹调 swim游泳 play basketball打篮球 play ping-pong打乒乓球 speak English 说英语we’ll=we will party聚会;派对 next 下一个的wonderful 极好的;了不起的 learn 学习 any 任何的 no problem 没问题 want想要 send 邮寄;发送 email 电子邮件 at 后接邮箱地址clock钟 plant植物;种植 water bottle 水瓶 bike 自行车photo 照片 fron t正面 in front of 在……前面 between 在……中间 above在……上方 beside 在……旁边 behind 在……后面there(表示存在或发生) grandparent 祖父/母外祖父/母 their 他/她/它们的lots of 大量;许多 flower 花 move 搬家 dirty 肮脏的 everywhere到处 mouse老鼠(mice复数) live 居住 nature大自然forest森林;林区 river江;河 lake 湖泊 mountain高山hill 山丘;小山tree 树 bridge桥 building 楼房;建筑物village 村庄 house 房子;住宅go boating去划船aren’t=are not rabbit兔;野兔 high 高的五年级下eat breakfast吃早饭 have...class上……课 play sports 进行体育运动 do morning exercises做早操 eat dinner吃晚饭 clean my room打扫我的房间 go for a walk散步 go shopping去买东西 take a dancing class上舞蹈课 when什么时候 after在(时间)之后 start开始 usually 通常地;惯常地 Spain西班牙 late迟;晚 a.m.午前;上午 p.m.午后;下午 why为什么 shop 购物 work工作last上一个sound听起来好像 also还;也 busy忙的 need需要 play戏剧;剧本 letter信;字母 live 居住 island岛 always总是;一直 cave山洞;洞穴 go swimming 去游泳 win.获胜spring 春天summer夏天 autumn/ fall秋天 winter冬天season季节 go on a picnic去野餐 pick apples摘苹果make a snowman 堆雪人 which哪一个 best 最 snow 雪good job做得好 because因为 vacation 假期all全;完全lovely 可爱的; leaf (leaves复数)叶子 fall落下paint 用颜料绘画 January一月 February二月 March三月April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月September九月 October十月 November 十一月 December十二月 a few不多;很少 thing事情 meet集会;开会 sports meet运动会 Easter复活节trip旅行year年 plant种植contest比赛the Great Wall长城 national国家的National Day 国庆日 American 美国 Thanksgiving感恩节Christmas 圣诞节 holiday假日;节日 game 游戏 roll滚动look for 寻找 chocolate巧克力 bunny 兔子 RSVP请赐复by在……之前First第一second第二 third第三 fourth第四fifth 第五twelfth第十二 twentieth 第二十 twenty-first第二十一twenty-third第二十三Thirtieth第三十special 特殊的;特别的 fool 蠢人;傻瓜kitten小猫 diary日记 still 仍然;依旧noise声音;噪音fur 浓密的软毛 open 开着的 walk 行走Mine我的 yours你的;你们的 his他的 hers她的 theirs他们的 ours我们的 climbing(正在)攀爬 eating(正在)吃 playing(正在)玩耍 jumping(正在)跳 drinking(正在)喝水sleeping(正在)睡 each other相互 excited 激动地;兴奋的 like 像……那样doing morning exercises(正在)做早操 having...class (正在)上……课 eating lunch(正在)吃午餐 reading a book (正在)看书 listening to music (正在)听音乐keep to the right靠右 keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净 talk quietly 小声讲话 take turns按顺序来bamboo竹子 its它的 show给人看;指引 anything 任何事情 else另外;其他 exhibition展览 say 说;讲 have a look 看一看 sushi寿司 teach教 sure当然 Canadian 加拿大的Spanish 西班牙的六年级上science科学museum 博物馆 post office 邮局 bookstore书店cinema 电影院 hospital医院 crossing 十字路口turn 转弯 left左 straight 笔直地 right 右 ask 问 sir 先生interesting 有趣的 Italian意大利的 restaurant餐馆pizza比萨饼 street大街;街道 get 到达 GPS 全球定位系统 gave提供;交给 (give ) feature特点 follow跟着 far 较远的tell 告诉on foot步行 by(表示方式)乘 bus公共汽车 plane飞机taxi 出租车ship轮(大)船 subway地铁 train 火车 slow 慢的 down 减少;降低 slow down 慢下来 stop停下 Mrs 夫人 early 早到的helet头盔 must必须 wear 穿;戴attention 注意 pay attention to注意 traffic交通traffic lights 交通灯 Munich 慕尼黑 Germany 德国Alaska阿拉斯加州 seld雪橇 fast 快的 ferry 轮渡 Papa Westray啪啪维斯特岛 Scotland 苏格兰 Canberra 堪培拉(澳大利亚)visit拜访 film电影 see a film看电影go to the cinema 看电影 trip旅行 take a trip 去旅行 supermarket超市evening晚上;傍晚 tonight 在今晚 tomorrow明天 next week下周 dictionary 词典 ic滑稽的 ic book连环画册word 单词 word book单词书 postcard明信片 lesson课space太空 travel(长途)旅行 half 一半 price 价格Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 together一起 get together 聚会 mooncake 月饼poem 诗 moon 月亮studies学习 (study的三单式 ) puzzle 谜 hiking 远足pen pal笔友 hobby 业余爱好 jasmine 茉莉 idea 想法;主意 amazing令人惊奇的 shall表示征求意见 goal 射门 join 加入 club俱乐部 share 分享factory 工厂 worker 工人 postman 邮递员 businessman商人;企业家 police officer 警察 fisherman渔民scientist 科学家 polit 飞行员 coach 教练 country国家head teacher校长principal校长 sea 大海 stay 保持university大学 gym体育馆 use 使用 reporter 记者 type 打字 quickly 迅速地 secretary 秘书。

My Pals Are Here! English (International Edtion 国际版)教材构成:Textbook(课本), Workbook(练习册), Teacher’s Guide(教师指南), Audio CD(CD光盘), Grammar Practice(语法练习), English Tests(测试手册), Homework(家庭作业),教材开发的范围和结果符合大多小学英语大纲的要求,教材的设计目的是依据小学1-6年级学生的身心发展及认知能力所编辑,与国际英语课程纲要相呼应。
内容编排融合听、说、读、写、自然发音,任务式导向学习法(Task-Based Learning)的设计理念,让学生更能运用所学融会贯通。
Key Stage 1 (lower primary): LEARNING TO READ关键阶段1 (小学低年级):学习中阅读Learning to Communicate in English 学会用英语沟通Entry level competency: assumes zero English literacy.入门级的能力:零起点。
Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to communicate in social and school settings.主要成果:小学生将学会在社会和学校环境中使用英语进行交流。
Key Stage 2 (upper primary): READING TO LEARN关键阶段2 (小学高年级):阅读中学习Learning to Learn in English 学会用英语学习Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to achieve academically in contents areas.主要成果:小学生将学会使用英语学习学科知识。

些什么事情。在 该单元 的后面又选 择 了七种户外活动作 简略介绍 。 这样 , 学
生 对 各 种 户 外 活 动 都 有 了 一 个 大 致 的
边却是课 堂上陈 旧的教材、枯燥 的教 学方式 ,这 怎么能够把 孩子们 吸引过
主 ,提倡 发展儿童 智力 ,启发 逻辑思 维, 培养 听说读 写等各 方面 的能 力。 教 材使 用新编英语课本 ( mayE gi r n lh s
T e t eis 。 加 坡 小 学 设 置 的 h mai S r )新 c e 英 语 课 强 调 会 话 能 力 ,据 教 育 部 规 定
每周专 门有一节英 语会话课 。会话课 试成 绩差 。 又如 , 年级上册第 一单 元 六 “ 分数 乘法 ” , 中 教材 先 没安 排 分数 混 合 运算 的知识 点 ,学生还不懂 分数 混 合 运算 的运算顺序 ,教材就直 接进入 简便运算 , 不合理。 建议 : 复四年级 多位数乘 除法和 恢 六年级分数混合运算的合理编排。 8五年级下册教材中数 的整除和 求 . 最 大公因数 , 最小公倍 数 , 教材 删除传
先, 该教材插 图十分丰富 。 图画是儿童 认识世界 的一个重要途径 , 是教材 内容 的形 象表现 , 也是小学课本 中必不可少 的组成部分。该教材插图十分丰富, 几 乎每一页都有插图而且所 占篇幅极 大 ,
的原 因, 新加坡 的官方工作语言是英语
而 不 是 各 族 母 语 。 加 坡 人 大 都 掌 握 两 新
来 ,孩 子 们 又 怎 能 对 课 堂 教 学 感 兴 趣 呢? 一的 办法只 有靠 逼 、 压 了。 唯 靠 为

Unit 1 (四上)一.单词部分:中国:China 美国:America 英格兰:England 新加坡:Singapore 加拿大:Canada 朋友:friend哪里:where 从:from 来自:be from 我们:we 男孩:boy 女孩:girl 司机:driver 漂亮的:beautiful农民:farmer 教师:teacher 医生doctor 酷:cool 护士:nurse 邮递员postman 男警察:policeman女警察:policewoman 记者:reporter 电视记者:TV reporter 游戏:game 玩:play 我们的:our 小心的,仔细的:careful 是谁:who is =who’s 他是:he’s=he is她是:she’s=she is 我们是: we’re=we are二.句子部分:1.又一次见到你很高兴。
Nice to see you again.2.你来自哪里? Where are you from?3.我来自美国。
I’m from America.4.我来自中国北京。
I’m from Beijing , China.5.我们是好朋友。
We’re good friends.6.这是我的新朋友,Jim。
This is my new friend,Jim.7.欢迎到我们家来。
Welcome to our home.8.这个男孩是谁? Who’s this boy?9.他是我的哥哥。
He’s my brother.10.这个女孩是谁? Who’s this girl?11.他是我的妹妹。
She’s my sister.12.让我们玩个游戏吧。
Let’s play a game.13.他很酷。
He’s cool.14.你爸爸是干什么的? What does your father do ?15.他是一名教师。
He’s a teacher.16.他是干什么的? What does he do?17.他是一名司机。

3-6年级必背单词表三年级上册英语单词ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 bag 包 pen 钢笔 pencil box 铅笔盒 book 书No 不 your 你(们)的 red 红色的 green 绿色的 yellow 黄色的 blue 蓝色的 black 黑色的brown 棕色的 white 白色的 orange 橙色的 face 脸 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴arm 胳膊hand 手head 头body 身体leg 腿 foot 脚 duck 鸭子 pig 猪 cat 猫 bear 熊 dog 狗elephant 大象 monkey 猴子 bird 鸟 tiger 老虎 panda 熊猫zoo 动物园 funny 滑稽的bread 面包 juice 果汁 egg 鸡蛋milk 牛奶 water 水 cake 蛋糕 fish 鱼 rice 米饭 one 一 two 二three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 plate 盘子三年级下册英语单词Canada 加拿大 USA 美国 China 中国 she 她 student 学生 pupil 小学生 he 他 teacher 教师 boy 男孩 and 和 girl 女孩 new 新的 friend 朋友 today 今天 father 爸爸man 男人woman 女人mother 妈妈sister 姐妹brother 兄弟 grandmother (外)祖母grandma 口语(外)祖母 grandfather (外)祖父 grandpa 口语(外)祖父 family 家庭thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 tall 高的 short 矮的,短的 long 长的 small 小的 big 大的 giraffe 长颈鹿 so 这么,那么 children (child的复数)儿童 tail 尾巴 on 在……上in 在……里under 在……下面chair 椅子desk 桌子cap 帽子 ball 球 car 小汽车boat 小船 map 地图 toy 玩具 box 盒;箱 pear 梨 apple 苹果 orange 橙子 banana 香蕉watermelon 西瓜 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 buy 买 fruit 水果 eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十 kite 风筝 beautiful 美丽的四年级上册英语单词classroom 教室window 窗户blackboard 黑板light 电灯picture 图画door 门fan 风扇teacher’s desk讲台 computer 计算机 wall 墙壁 floor 地板 really 真的near 距离近TV 电视 clean 打扫 help 帮助 schoolbag 书包maths 数学书English 英语书Chinese 语文书 storybook 故事书 candy 糖果 notebook 笔记本 key 钥匙 lost 丢失so much 非常的 cute 可爱的 strong 强壮的friendly 友好的quiet 安静的hair 头发shoe 鞋 glasses 眼镜 his 他的 or 或者 right 对的 hat 帽子her 她的bedroom 卧室livingroom 客厅study 书房kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室bed 床phone 电话 table 桌子sofa 长沙发 fridge 冰箱 find 找到 them他们beef 牛肉chicken 鸡肉noodles 面条soup 汤 vegetable 蔬菜 chopsticks 筷子 bowl 碗 fork 餐叉 knife 刀(复数knives)spoon 勺 dinner 晚餐 ready 准备好 help yourself 为自己取用 pass 给;递 try 尝试parents 父母 cousin 同辈表亲或堂亲 uncle 舅父;叔父;伯父;姨夫 aunt 姑母;姨母baby婴儿小弟弟doctor 医生cook 厨师driver 司机farmer 农民nurse 护士people 人们but 但是little 小的puppy 小狗football player 足球运动员 job 工作 basketball 篮球四年级下册英语单词first 一楼second 二楼teachers’office 教师办公室 library 图书馆 playground 操场computer room 计算机室 art room 美术教室 music room 音乐教师 next to 紧挨着homework 作业class 班级forty 四十 way 方向 breakfast 早餐 English class 英语课lunch 午饭 music class 音乐课 PE class 体育课 dinner 正餐 get up 起床 go home 回家go to school 去上学 go to bed上床睡觉over 结束 now 现在o’clock ……点钟 kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点 come on 快;加油 just a minute 稍等一会儿 cold 寒冷的 cool 凉的warm暖和的 hot热的 sunny晴朗的 windy多风的cloudy多云的 snowy下雪的 rainy多雨的outside 在户外 be careful 小心 weather 天气 New York 纽约how about ……怎么样degree 度数 world 世界 London伦敦 Moscow 莫斯科 Singapore新加坡 Sydney 悉尼fly 放 love 爱你的 tomato 西红柿 potato 土豆 green beans 豆角 carrot 胡萝卜 horse 马cow 奶牛 sheep绵羊 hen母鸡 these这些 animal动物 those那些garden花园 farm农场goat 山羊 eat 吃 clothes 衣服 pants 裤子 hat 帽子 dress 连衣裙 skirt 女裙 coat 外衣sweater毛衣sock短袜 shorts短裤 jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫yours你的;你们的 whose谁的mine 我的 pack 收拾 wait 等待 glove 手套 scarf 围巾 umbrella 伞 sunglasses 太阳镜pretty美观的 expensive昂贵的 cheap便宜的 nice好的 try on试穿 size尺码 of course当然too太 just正好 how much多少钱 eighty八十 dollar美元 sale大减价 more更多的 us我们五年级上册英语单词old老的young年轻的 funny可笑的 kind慈祥的 strict严厉的polite有礼貌的 helpful有用的hard-working工作努力的 clever 聪明的 shy羞怯的 know知道 our我们的 Ms女士 will将要sometimes有时 robot机器人 him他 speak会说 finish完成Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日weekend 周末 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch TV看电视do homework 做作业read books 看书play football 踢足球cooking 烹饪often 常常park 公园 tired疲倦的play sports 做体育运动 should 应该 every 每一个 day一天 schedule工作计划 salad 沙拉sandwich三明治hamburger汉堡包 ice cream冰激凌 tea茶 fresh新鲜的 healthy健康的delicious美味的 hot辣的 sweet甜的 drink 喝 thirsty渴的 favourite 特别喜爱的 food 食物dear亲爱的 onion洋葱 sing English songs唱英文歌曲 play the pipa 弹琵琶 do kung fu练武术dance跳舞 draw cartoons画漫画cook烹饪 swim 游泳 play basketball打篮球 party聚会play ping-pong打乒乓球 speak English说英语we’ll=we will 我们将 next下一个的 learn学习wonderful极好的 any任何的 no problem没问题 want想要 send发送;邮寄 email电子邮件clock 时钟 plant 植物 water bottle水瓶 bike自行车 photo照片 in front of在……前面between在……中间 above在……上面 beside在旁边 behind在……后面 there表示存在grandparents 祖父母 their他们的 lots of许多 flower花 move搬家 dirty肮脏的mouse老鼠everywhere 到处 live居住 nature大自然 forest森林 river河;江lake湖泊mountain高山bridge桥hill小山tree树木 building建筑物 village村庄 house房子 go boating去划船aren’t=are not不是 rabbit兔子 high高的 say说 have a look 看一看五年级下册英语单词eat breakfast 吃早饭have…class 上…课do morning exercises 做早操 eat dinner 吃完饭clean my room打扫我的房间 go for a walk散步 go shopping购物 take a dancing class 上舞蹈课when什么时候 after在(时间)后 start开始 usually通常地 Spain 西班牙 late迟 .上午.下午 why为什么 shop买东西 work工作last上一个的 sound听起来好像 also还;也busy忙的 need需要play戏剧 letter信 live居住 island岛 always一直 cave山洞win获胜Spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 season 季节 go on a picnic 去野餐pick apples 摘苹果 make a snowman 堆雪人 go swimming 去游泳 which哪一个best最snow雪 good job做得好 because因为 vacation假期 all完全 pink粉色 lovely可爱的fall落下;秋天 leaf (复数leaves)叶子paint用颜料绘画January一月 February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July 七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月 a few一些 thing事情 sports meet运动会 Easter 复活节trip旅行 year年 plant种植 contest比赛 the Great Wall 长城 National Day国庆节 game游戏American美国的 Thanksgiving感恩节 Christmas圣诞节 holiday 假日 roll滚动 look for寻找RSVP请赐复 chocolate巧克力bunny 兔子by在……之前 first(1st)第一second(2nd)第二third(3rd)第三 fourth(4th)第四 fifth(5th)第五 twelfth (12th)第十二sure当然twentieth(20th)第二十 twenty-first (21st)第二十一twenty-second(22nd)第二十二twenty-third (23rd)第二十三 thirtieth(30th)第三十 special特殊的 fool 傻瓜kitten小猫diary日记 still仍然 noise声音;噪音 fur浓密的软毛 open开着的 walk行走 mine我的yours你(们)的 his他的 hers她的theirs他们的 ours我们的 climbing(正在)攀爬eating (正在)吃 playing (正在)玩耍 jumping (正在)跳 drinking (正在)喝sleeping(正在)睡觉 each other相互 excited兴奋的 like像……那样 bamboo竹子its他的doing morning exercises(正在)做早操having…class(正在)上…课 talk quietly小声讲话reading a book(正在)看书 listening to music(正在)听音乐 keep to the right靠右keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净 takes turns按顺序来 show给人看 anything任何事物else 另外 exhibition展览 sushi寿司 teach教 Canadian加拿大的Spanish西班牙的六年级上册英语单词science 科学 museum博物馆 post office邮局 bookstore书店cinema电影院 hospital医院crossing 十字路口 turn left 左转弯 turn right 右转弯 ask 问 sir 先生 interesting 有趣的Italian意大利的 restaurant餐馆 pizza比萨饼 street街道 get 到达 gave提供 feature特点GPS全球定位系统 follow跟着 far较远的 tell告诉 on foot步行 by乘 Scotland苏格兰plane飞机taxi出租车 ship船 subway地铁 train火车 slow down慢下来stop停下Mrs夫人early早到的 helmet头盔 must必须 wear戴 pay attention to注意 traffic lights交通信号灯Munich慕尼黑Germany德国 Alaska阿拉斯加州 sled雪橇 fast快的 ferry轮渡bus公共汽车Papa Westray帕帕韦斯特雷岛 visit拜访 see a film看电影 take a trip去旅行 supermarket超市evening晚上tonight在今晚tomorrow明天 next week下周 dictionary词典 word book单词书comic book连环画册 postcard明信片 lesson课 space太空travel旅行 half一半 price价格Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 get together聚会 mooncake月饼 poem诗 moon月亮study学习puzzle谜 hiking远足 pen pal笔友 hobby业余爱好 jasmine茉莉idea主意 shall征求意见Canberra堪培拉 amazing令人惊奇的goal射门 join加入 club俱乐部 share分享worker工人factory工厂 postman邮递员 businessman商人 police officer警察 fisherman渔民 coach教练scientist科学家 country国家 head teacher校长 sea大海 stay保持 university大学 if如果gym体育馆 reporter记者 use使用 type打字 quickly迅速地secretary秘书 angry生气的afraid害怕 sad难过的 worried担心的 happy高兴地 see a doctor看病 wear穿 more更多的take a deep breath深吸一口气 count to ten数到十 chase追赶mice老鼠(mouse的复数)bad坏的 hurt受伤 ill有病 wrong有毛病 should应该 feel感觉 well健康 sit坐 grass草坪hear听见ant蚂蚁 worry担心 stuck陷住 mud泥 pull拉 everyone每人六年级下册英语单词younger 更年轻的。

彼得这些是谁的气球?--他们是凯特的。--这些也是凯特的玩具娃娃吗?--不,他们不是。--他们是谁的玩具娃娃?--他们是玛丽的。--但是为什么有这么多气球 和玩具娃娃。--你不知道吗?--今天下午我们要举行 一次英语晚会。--太好了!玛丽和凯特想在晚会上做什么?--他们想用气球和玩具娃娃表演。

小学(三至六年级)英语P E P英语单词表-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1小学(三至六年级)英语PEP英语单词表三年级上册Unit 1ruler ['ruːlə] 尺子pencil ['pensl] 铅笔eraser [ɪ'reɪzə] 橡皮crayon [ˈkreɪən] 蜡笔bag [bæg]包pen [pen] 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book [bʊk] 书no [nəʊ] 不your [jʊə] 你(们)的Unit 2red [red] 红色green [griːn] 绿色yellow ['jeləʊ] 黄色blue [bluː] 蓝色black [blæk]黑色brown [braʊn] 棕色white [hwaɪt] 白色orange ['ɔːrɪndʒ] 橙色OK [əʊˈkeɪ] 好;行mum [mʌm] 妈妈Unit 3face [feɪs] 脸ear [ɪə] 耳朵eye [aɪ] 眼睛nose [nəʊz] 鼻子mouth [maʊθ]嘴arm [ɑːm] 胳臂hand [hænd]手head [hed] 头body [ˈbɒdi] 身体leg [leg] 腿foot [fʊt] 脚school [skuːl] 学校Unit 4duck [dʌk] 鸭子pig [pɪg] 猪cat [kæt]猫bear [beə] 熊dog [dɒg] 狗elephant ['elɪfənt] 大象monkey ['mʌŋki] 猴子bird [bɜːd] 鸟tiger ['taɪgə] 老虎panda ['pændə] 大熊猫zoo [zuː] 动物园funny ['fʌni] 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread [bred] 面包juice [dʒuːs] 果汁egg [eg] 蛋milk [mɪlk] 牛奶water ['wɔːtə] 水cake [keɪk] 蛋糕fish [fɪʃ] 鱼rice [raɪs] 米饭Unit 6one [wʌn] 一two [tuː] 二three [θriː] 三four [fɔː] 四five [faɪv] 五six [sɪks] 六seven ['sevn] 七eight [eɪt] 八nine [naɪn] 九ten [ten] 十brother ['brʌðə] 兄;弟sister ['sɪstə] 姐;妹plate [pleɪt] 盘子三年级下册Unit 1UK [juːˈkeɪ] 英国Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大USA 美国China ['tʃaɪnə] 中国she [ʃiː] 她student ['stjuːdənt] 学生pupil ['pjuːpl] 小学生he [hiː] 他teacher ['tiːtʃə] 教师boy [bɔɪ] 男孩and [ænd]和;与girl [gɜːl] 女孩new [njuː] 新的friend [frend] 朋友today [tə'deɪ] 今天Unit 2father ['fɑːðə] 父亲;爸爸dad [dæd]爸爸(口语)man [mæn]男人woman ['wʊmən] 女人mother ['mʌðə] 母亲;妈妈sister ['sɪstə] 姐;妹brother ['brʌðə] 兄;弟grandmother ['grændˌmʌðə] (外)祖母grandma ['grændmɑː] (口语)祖母grandfather ['grændˌfɑːðə] (外)祖父grandpa ['grændpɑː] (口语)祖父family ['fæmɪli] 家;家庭Unit 3thin [θɪn] 瘦的fat [fæt]肥的tall [tɔːl] 高的short [ʃɔːt] 矮的;短的long [lɒŋ] 长的small [smɔːl] 小的big [bɪg] 大的giraffe [dʒɪˈrɑːf] 长颈鹿so [səʊ] 这么;那么children ['tʃɪldrən] 儿童(child的复数)tail [teɪl] 尾巴Unit 4on [ɒn] 在……上面in [ɪn] 在……里面under ['ʌndə] 在……下面chair [tʃeə] 椅子desk [desk] 书桌cap [kæp]帽子ball [bɔːl] 球car [kɑː] 小汽车boat [bəʊt] 小船map [mæp]地图toy [tɔɪ] 玩具box [bɒks] 盒;箱Unit 5pear [peə] 梨apple ['æpl]苹果orange ['ɔːrɪndʒ] 橙子banana [bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉watermelon [ˈwɔːtəmelən] 西瓜strawberry [ˈstrɔːbəri] 草莓grape [greɪp] 葡萄buy [baɪ] 买fruit [fruːt] 水果Unit 6eleven [ɪ'levn] 十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen ['θɜːtiːn] 十三fourteen ['fɔː'tiːn] 十四fifteen ['fɪf'tiːn] 十五sixteen [ˈsɪksti] 十六seventeen [sevənˈtiːn] 十七eighteen [ˈeɪˈtiːn] 十八nineteen [naɪnˈtiːn] 十九twenty [ˈtwenti] 二十kite [kaɪt] 风筝beautiful ['bjuːtəfəl] 美丽的四年级上册Unit 1classroom ['klɑːsrʊm] 教室window ['wɪndəʊ] 窗户blackboard ['blækbɔːd] 黑板light [laɪt] 电灯picture ['pɪktʃə] 图画door [dɔː] 门teacher's desk 讲台computer [kəm'pjuːtə] 计算机fan [fæn]风扇wall [wɔːl] 墙壁floor [flɔː] 地板really ['rɪəli] 真的near [nɪə] 距离近TV [‚tiː'viː] 电视clean [kliːn] 打扫help [help] 帮助Unit 2schoolbag ['skuːlˌbæg]书包maths book 数学书English book 英语书Chinese book 语文书storybook 故事书candy [ˈkændi]糖果notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk] 笔记本toy [tɔɪ] 玩具key [kiː] 钥匙wow [waʊ] 哇;呀lost [lɒst] 丢失so much 非常地cute [kjuːt] 可爱的Unit 3strong [strɒŋ] 强壮的friendly ['frendli] 友好的quiet ['kwaɪət] 安静的hair [heə] 头发shoe [ʃuː] 鞋glasses ['glɑːsɪz] 眼镜his [hɪz] 他的or [ɔː] 或者right [raɪt] 正确的;对的hat [hæt]帽子her [hɜː] 她的Unit 4bedroom ['bedrʊm] 卧室living room 客厅;起居室study ['stʌdi] 书房kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn] 厨房bathroom [ˈbɑːθruːm] 浴室bed [bed] 床phone [fəʊn] 电话table ['teɪbl] 桌子sofa [ˈsɒkɪt] 长沙发fridge [frɪdʒ] 冰箱find [faɪnd] 找到them [ðem]他(她、它)们Unit 5beef [biːf] 牛肉chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn] 鸡肉noodles 面条soup [suːp] 汤vegetable ['vedʒɪtəbl] 蔬菜chopsticks [ˈtʃɒpstɪks] 筷子bowl [bəʊl] 碗fork [fɔːk] 餐叉knife [naɪf] 刀spoon [spuːn] 勺dinner ['dɪnə] 正餐ready ['redi] 准备好help yourself 为(自己)取用pass [pɑːs] 给;递try [traɪ] 试;尝试Unit 6parents ['peərənts] 父母cousin ['kʌzn] 同辈表亲(堂亲)uncle ['ʌŋkl] 叔叔aunt [ɑːnt] 阿姨baby brother 婴儿小弟弟doctor [ˈdɒktə] 医生cook [kʊk] 厨师driver ['draɪvə] 司机farmer ['fɑːmə] 农民nurse [nɜːs] 护士people ['piːpl] 人们but [bʌt] 但是little ['lɪtl] 小的puppy ['pʌpi] 小狗football player 足球运动员job [dʒɒb] 工作basketball ['bæskɪtbɔːl] 篮球四年级下册Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teachers'office 教师办公室library ['laɪbrəri] 图书馆playground ['pleɪgraʊnd] 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to ['neksttə] 紧邻homework ['həʊmwɜːk] 作业class [klɑːs] 班;班级forty [ˈfɔːti] 四十way [weɪ] 方向fly [flaɪ] 放(风筝等)love [lʌv] 爱Unit 2breakfast ['brekfəst] 早餐English class 英语课lunch [lʌntʃ] 午餐music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner ['dɪnə] 正餐get up ['getʌp] 起床go to school 去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉over ['əʊvə] 结束now [naʊ] 现在;目前o'clock [əˈklɒk] ……点钟kid [kɪd] 小孩thirty ['θɜːti] 三十hurry up 快点come on [ˈkʌmɒn] 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold [kəʊld] 冷的cool [kuːl] 凉的warm [wɔːm] 温暖的hot [hɒt] 热的sunny ['sʌni] 阳光充足的windy ['wɪndi] 多风的cloudy ['klaʊdi] 阴天的snowy [snəʊi] 下雪的rainy ['reɪni] 多雨的outside ['aʊt'saɪd] 在户外be careful 小心weather ['weðə] 天气New York ['njuːleɪd] 纽约how about ……怎么样?degree [dɪˈɡriː] 度world [wɜːld] 世界London ['lʌndən] 伦敦Moscow [ˈmɒskəʊ] 莫斯科Singapore [ˌsɪŋgəˌpɔː] 新加坡Sydney ['sɪdni] 悉尼Unit 4tomato [tə'meɪtəʊ] 西红柿potato [pə'teɪtəʊ] 马铃薯green beans 豆角carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜horse [hɔːs] 马cow [kaʊ] 母牛;奶牛sheep [ʃiːp] 绵羊hen [hen] 母鸡these [ðiːz] 这些yum 味道很好animal ['ænɪməl] 动物those [ðəʊz] 那些garden ['gɑːdn] 花园;菜园farm [fɑːm] 农场goat [ɡəʊt] 山羊eat [iːt] 吃Unit 5clothes [kləʊðz] 衣服pants [pænts] 裤子hat [hæt] 帽子dress [dres] 连衣裙skirt [skɜːt] 女裙coat [kəʊt] 外套;大衣sweater ['swetə] 毛衣sock [sɒk] 短袜shorts [ʃɔːts] 短裤jacket ['dʒækɪt] 夹克衫shirt [ʃɜːt] 衬衫yours [jʊəz] 你的;你们的whose [huːz] 谁的mine [maɪn] 我的pack [pæk] 收拾(行李)wait [weɪt] 等待Unit 6glove [glʌv] 手套scarf [skɑːf] 围巾umbrella [ʌm'brelə] 雨伞sunglasses ['sʌnglɑːsɪz] 太阳镜pretty ['prɪti] 美观的;精致的expensive [ɪks'pensɪv] 昂贵的cheap [tʃiːp] 便宜的nice [naɪs] 好的try on [ˈtraɪɒn] 试穿size [saɪz] 尺码;号of course [ɒv//kɔːs] 当然too [tuː] 太;过于just [dʒʌst] 正好;恰好how much 多少钱dollar [ˈdɒlə] 元(美元等)sale [seɪl] 大减价more [mɔː] 更多的五年级上册Unit 1old [əʊld] 老的;年纪大的young [jʌŋ] 年轻的;岁数不大的funny ['fʌni] 滑稽的;可笑的kind [kaɪnd] 体贴的;慈祥的strict [strɪkt] 严厉的polite [pəˈlaɪt] 有礼貌的hard-working 工作努力的helpful ['helpfəl] 有帮助的clever ['klevə] 聪明的shy [ʃaɪ] 腼腆的;羞怯的know [nəʊ] 知道;了解our ['aʊə] 我们的Ms [mɪz] 女士will [wɪl] 将要sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] 有时;间或robot [ˈrəʊbɒt] 机器人him [hɪm] 他(宾语或表语)speak [spiːk] 会说;会讲finish ['fɪnɪʃ] 完成;做好Unit 2Monday ['mʌndeɪ] 星期一Tuesday ['tjuːzdi] 星期二Wednesday ['wenzdi] 星期三Thursday ['θɜːzdi] 星期四Friday ['fraɪdi] 星期五Saturday ['sætədi] 星期六Sunday ['sʌndi] 星期日weekend ['wiːk'end] 周末wash [wɒʃ] 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch [wɒtʃ] 看watch TV 看电视do [duː] 做;干do homework 做作业read [riːd] 看;读read books 看书play [pleɪ] 踢;玩;参加(运动)play football 踢足球cooking 烹饪often ['ɔːfən] 时常;常常park [pɑːk] 公园tired ['taɪəd] 疲倦的sport [spɔːt] 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should [ʃʊd] 应该;应当every ['evri] 每一个;每个day [deɪ] 一天;一日schedule [ˈʃedjuːl] 工作计划;日程安排Unit 3sandwich ['sændwɪtʃ] 三明治salad [ˈsæləd] 蔬菜沙拉hamburger ['hæmbɜːgə] 汉堡包ice cream 冰激凌tea [tiː] 茶;茶水fresh [freʃ] 新鲜的;刚摘的healthy ['helθi] 健康的delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs] 美味的;可口的hot [hɒt] 辣的sweet [swiːt] 甜的drink [drɪŋk] 喝;饮thirsty ['θɜːsti] 口渴的favourite ['feɪvərɪt] 特别喜爱的food [fuːd] 食物Dear [dɪə] 亲爱的onion ['ʌnjən] 洋葱Unit 4sing [sɪŋ] 唱歌song [sɒŋ] 歌曲sing English song 唱英文歌曲play the pipa 弹琵琶kung fu 功夫;武术do kung fu 练功夫dance [dɑːns] 跳舞draw [drɔː] 画cartoon [kɑːˈtuːn] 漫画draw cartoons 画漫画cook [kʊk] 烹饪swim [swɪm] 游泳play basketball 打篮球play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we'll = we will 我们将party ['pɑːti] 聚会;派对next ['nekst] 下一个的;紧接着的wonderful ['wʌndəfəl] 极好的;了不起的learn [lɜːn] 学;学习any ['eni] 任何的;任一的problem [ˈprɒbləm] 问题no problem 没问题want [wɒnt] 要;想要send [send] 邮寄;发送email [ˈiːmeɪl] 电子邮件at [æt] (后面接邮件地址)Unit 5clock [klɒk] 时钟plant [plɑːnt] 植物bottle [ˈbɒtl] 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike [baɪk] 自行车photo ['fəʊtəʊ] 照片;相片front [frʌnt] 正面in front of 在……前面between [bɪ'twiːn] 在……中间above [ə'bʌv] 在……上面beside [bɪ'saɪd] 在旁边behind [bɪ'haɪnd] 在……`后面there [ðeə] (表示存在或发生)garandparent (外)祖父母their [ðeə] 他们的house [haʊs] 房屋;房子lot [lɒt] 大量;许多lots of 大量;许多flower ['flaʊə] 花;花朵move [muːv] 搬家dirty ['dɜːti] 肮脏的everywhere ['evrɪhweə] 处处;到处mouse [maʊs] 老鼠live [lɪv] 居住nature [ˈneɪtʃə] 自然界;大自然Unit 6forest [ˈfɒrɪst] 森林;林区river ['rɪvə] 河;江lake [leɪk] 湖;湖泊mountain ['maʊntɪn] 高山;山岳hill [hɪl] 山丘;小山tree [triː] 树;树木bridge [brɪdʒ] 桥building ['bɪldɪŋ] 建筑物;房子village ['vɪlɪdʒ] 村庄;村镇house [haʊs] 房屋;房子boating ['bəʊtɪŋ] 划船go boating 去划船aren't = are not 不是rabbit ['ræbɪt] 兔子high [haɪ] 高的五年级下册Unit 1eat breakfast 吃早饭have…class 上……课play sports 进行体育运动exercise ['eksəsaɪz] 活动;运动do morning exercise 做早操eat dinner 吃晚饭clean my room 打扫我的房间go for a walk 散步go shopping 去买东西;购物take [teɪk] 学习;上(课)dancing 跳舞;舞蹈take a dancing class 上舞蹈课when [hwen] 什么时候;何时after ['ɑːftə] 在(时间)之后start [stɑːt] 开始usually ['juːʒʊəli] 通常地;惯常的Spain [speɪn] 西班牙late [leɪt] 晚;迟a.m. [ˈæntɪmeˈrɪdɪem] 午前;上午p.m. [piːem] 午后;下午why [hwaɪ] 为什么shop [ʃɒp] 去买东西;购物work [wɜːk] 工作last [lɑːst] 上一个的;刚过去的sound [saʊnd] 听起来好像also ['ɔːlsəʊ] 还;也busy ['bɪzi] 忙的need [niːd] 需要play [pleɪ] 戏剧;剧本letter ['letə] 信live [lɪv] 居住island ['aɪlənd] 岛always ['ɔːlweɪz] 总是;一直cave [keɪv] 山洞;洞穴go swimming 去游泳win [wɪn] 获胜Unit 2spring [sprɪŋ] 春天summer ['sʌmə] 夏天autumn/fall 秋天winter ['wɪntə] 冬天season ['siːzn] 季节picnic ['pɪknɪk] 野餐go on a picnic 去野餐pick [pɪk] 摘;采集pick apples 摘苹果snowman ['snəʊˌmæn] 雪人make a snowman 堆雪人go swimming 去游泳which [hwɪtʃ] 哪一个best [best] 最snow [snəʊ] 雪good job 做得好because [bɪ'kɔːz] 因为vacation [vəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 假期all [ɔːl] 全;完全pink [pɪŋk] 粉色;粉色的lovely [ˈlʌvli] 可爱的;美丽的leaf [liːf] 叶子fall [fɔːl] 落下;秋天paint [peɪnt] 用颜料绘画Unit 3January ['dʒænjʊeri] 一月February ['febrʊəri] 二月March [mɑːtʃ] 三月April ['eɪprəl] 四月May [meɪ] 五月June [dʒuːn] 六月July [dʒuː'laɪ] 七月August [ɔː'gʌst] 八月September [sep'tembə] 九月October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] 十月November [nəʊ'vembə] 十一月December [dɪ'sembə] 十二月few [fjuː] 不多;很少a few 一些thing [θɪŋ] 事情meet [miːt] 集会;开会sports meet 运动会Easter [ˈiːstə] 复活节trip [trɪp] 旅行year [jɪə] 年plant [plɑːnt] 种植contest [ˈkɒntest] 比赛;竞赛the Great Wall 长城national [ˈnæʃən(ə)l] 国家的National Day [ˈnæʃnəl] 国庆日American [ə'merɪkən] 美国的Thanksgiving [ˌθæŋks'gɪvɪŋ] 感恩节Christmas ['krɪsməs] 圣诞节holiday [ˈhɒlədi] 假日;节日game [geɪm] 游戏roll [rəʊl] 滚动look for ['lʊkfər] 寻找chocolate [ˈtʃɒkəlɪt] 巧克力bunny ['bʌni] 兔子RSVP 请赐复by [baɪ] 在……之前Unit 4first [fɜːst] 第一second ['sekənd] 第二third [θɜːd] 第三fourth [ˈfɔːˈtiːn] 第四fifth [fɪfθ] 第五sixth [sɪksθ] 第六twelfth [twelfθ] 第十二twentieth ['twentiːɪθ] 第二十twenty-first [ˌtwentɪ'fɜːst] 第二十一twenty-third 第二十三special ['speʃəl] 特殊的;特别的fool [fuːl] 蠢人;傻瓜kitten 小猫diary ['daɪəri] 日记still [stɪl] 仍然;依旧;还是noise [nɔɪz] 声音;噪音fur [fɜː] 浓密的;软毛open ['əʊpən] 开着的walk [wɔːk] 行走Unit 5 mine [maɪn] 我的yours [jʊəz] 你(们)的his [hɪz] 他的hers [hɜːz] 她的theirs [ðeəz] 他(她、它)们的ours ['aʊəz] 我们的climbing (正在)攀爬eating 吃(eat的-ing形式)playing (正在)玩耍jumping (正在)跳drinking (正在)喝sleeping (正在)睡觉each [iːtʃ] 每一;各个other ['ʌðə] 其他each other [iːtʃ//'ʌðə] 相互excited [ɪk'saɪtɪd] 兴奋的;激动的like [laɪk] 像`````那样Unit 6doing moring exercise 做早操having…class 上……课reading a book (正在)看书listening to music 正在听音乐keep [kiːp] 保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声讲话turn [tɜːn] 顺序take turns [ˌteɪk'tɜːnz] 按顺序来bamboo [bæm'buː] 竹子its [ɪts] 它的;他的;她的show [ʃəʊ] 给人看;指引anything ['enɪˌθɪŋ] 任何事物else [els] 另外;其他exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən] 展览say [seɪ] 说;讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach [tiːtʃ] 教sure [ʃʊə] 当然Canadian [kə'neɪdɪən] 加拿大的Spanish [ˈspænɪʃ] 西班牙的六年级上册Unit 1science ['saɪəns] 科学museum [mjuː'zɪəm] 博物馆post office 邮局bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔː] 书店cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] 电影院hospital [ˈhɒspɪtl] 医院crossing ['krɔːsɪŋ] 十字路口turn [tɜːn] 转弯 left [left] 左straight [streɪt] 笔直的right [raɪt] 右ask [ɑːsk] 问sir [sɜː] 先生interesting ['ɪntərɪstɪŋ] 有趣的Italian [ɪ'tæljən] 意大利的restaurant [ˈrestərɒnt] 餐馆pizza ['piːtsə] 比萨饼street [striːt] 大街;街道get [get] 到达GPS 全球(卫星)定位系统gave [geɪv] 提供;交给(give 的过去时)feature [fiːtʃə] 特点follow [ˈfɒləʊ] 跟着far [fɑː] 较远的tell [tel] 告诉Unit 2on foot 步行by [baɪ] 乘bus [bʌs] 公共汽车plane [pleɪn] 飞机taxi ['tæksi] 出租汽车ship [ʃɪp] 船subway ['sʌbweɪ] 地铁train [treɪn] 火车slow [sləʊ] 慢的down [daʊn] 减少;降低slow down 慢下来stop [stɒp] 停下Mrs ['mɪsɪz] 夫人early ['ɜːli] 早到的helmet ['helmɪt] 头盔must [mʌst] 必须wear [weə] 戴attention [əˈtenʃ(ə)n] 注意pay attention to 注意traffic ['træfɪk] 交通traffic lights 交通信号灯Munich 慕尼黑(德国城市)Germany ['dʒɜːməni] 德国Alaska [əˈlæskə] 阿拉斯加州(美国州名)sled 雪橇fast [fɑːst] 快的ferry [ˈferi] 轮渡Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛Scotland [ˈskɒtlənd] 苏格兰Unit 3visit ['vɪzɪt] 拜访film [fɪlm] 电影see a film 看电影trip [trɪp] 旅行take a trip 去旅行supermarket ['sjuːpəˌmɑːkɪt] 超市 evening ['iːvnɪŋ] 晚上;傍晚tonight [tə'naɪt] 在今晚tomorrow [tə'mɔːrəʊ] 明天next week 下周dictionary ['dɪkʃəneri] 词典comic [ˈkɒmɪk] 滑稽的comic book 连环画册word [wɜːd] 单词word book 单词书postcard ['pəʊstˌkɑːd] 明信片lesson ['lesn] 课space [speɪs] 太空travel ['trævl] 旅行half [hɑːf] 一半price [praɪs] 价格Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节together [tə'geðə] 一起get together 聚会mooncake [muːnkeɪk] 月饼poem [ˈpəʊɪm] 诗moon [muːn] 月亮Unit 4studies 学习puzzle [ˈpʌz(ə)l] 谜hiking [haɪkɪn] 远足pen pal 笔友hobby [ˈhɒbi] 业余爱好jasmine 茉莉idea [aɪ'dɪə] 想法;主意Canberra 堪培拉;澳大利亚首都amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ] 令人惊奇的shall [ʃæl] 表示征求意见goal [gəʊl] 射门join [dʒɔɪn] 加入club [klʌb] 俱乐部share [ʃeə] 分享Unit 5factory ['fæktəri] 工厂worker ['wɜːkə] 工人postman ['pəʊstmən] 邮递员businessman ['bɪznɪsmæn] 商人police office 警察fisherman [ˈfɪʃəmən] 渔民scientist ['saɪəntɪst] 科学家pilot [ˈpaɪlət] 飞行员coach [kəʊtʃ] 教练country ['kʌntri] 国家head teacher [hed] 校长sea [siː] 大海stay [steɪ] 保持university [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsɪti] 大学gym [dʒɪm] 体育馆if [ɪf] 如果reporter [rɪˈpɔːtə] 记者use [juːz] 使用type [taɪp] 打字quickly ['kwɪkli] 迅速的secretary [ˈsekrətri] 秘书Unit 6angry ['æŋgri] 生气的afraid [ə'freɪd] 害怕sad [sæd] 难过的worried ['wʌrɪd] 担心的;发愁的happy ['hæpi] 高兴的see a doctor 看病wear [weə] 穿more [mɔː] 更多的deep [diːp] 深的breath [breθ] 呼吸take a deep breath 深呼吸count [kaʊnt] 数数count to ten 数到十chase [tʃeɪs] 追赶mice [maɪs] 老鼠(mouse的复数)bad [bæd] 邪恶的;坏的hurt [hɜːt] 受伤ill [ɪl] 有病;不舒服wrong [rɔːŋ] 有毛病should [ʃʊd] 应该feel [fiːl] 觉得;感到well [wel] 健康;身体好sit [sɪt] 坐grass [grɑːs] 草坪hear [hɪə] 听见ant [ænt] 蚂蚁worry ['wʌri] 担心;担忧stuck 陷住;无法移动mud [mʌd] 泥pull [pʊl] 拉;拽everyone ['evrɪwʌn] 每人六年级下册Unit 1younger [ˈjʌŋɡə] 更年轻的(young)older 更年长的(old)taller 更高的(tall)shorter 更矮的;更短的longer 更长的(long)thinner 更瘦的(thin)heavier 更重的(heavy)bigger 更大的(big)smaller 更小的(small)stronger 更强壮的(strong)dinosaur ['daɪnəsɔː] 恐龙hall [hɔːl] 大厅metre ['miːtə] 米than [ðæn] 比both [bəʊθ] 两个都kilogram [ˈkɪləɡræm] 千克;公斤countryside ['kʌntrɪ'saɪd] 乡村lower 更低的(low)shadow [ˈʃædəʊ] 阴影;影子smarter 更聪明的(smart)become [bɪ'kʌm] 变成Unit 2cleaned 打扫(clean的过去式)stayed 停留;呆(stay)washed 洗(wash)watched 看(watch)had [hæd] 患病;得病(have)had a cold 感冒slept 睡觉(sleep)read [riːd] 读(read)saw [sɔː] 看见(see)last [lɑːst] 最近的;上一个的yesterday ['jestədi] 昨天before [bɪ'fɔː] 在……之前drank [drɪŋk] 喝(drink)show [ʃəʊ] 演出magazine [ˌmægə'ziːn] 杂志better ['betə] 更好的(well;good)faster 更快的(fast)hotel [həʊ'tel] 旅馆fixed 修理(fix)broken ['brəʊkən] 破损的lamp [læmp] 台灯loud [laʊd] 大声的;喧闹的enjoy [ɪn'dʒɔɪ] 喜爱Unit 3went [went] 去(go)camp [kæmp] 野营went camping 野营fish [fɪʃ] 钓鱼went fishing 去钓鱼rode [rəʊd] 骑hurt [hɜːt] 受伤(hurt)ate [eɪt] 吃(eat)took [teɪk] 拍照(take)took pictures 照相bought [bɔːt] 买(buy)gift [ɡɪft] 礼物fell [fel] 摔倒(fall)off [ˈɒf] 落下Labour Day [ˈleɪbə] 劳动节mule 骡子Turpan 吐鲁番could [kʊd] 能(can)till [tɪl] 直到beach [biːtʃ] 沙滩basket ['bɑːskɪt] 篮;框part [pɑːt] 角色licked 舔(lick)laughed 笑(laugh)Unit 4dining hall 饭厅grass [grɑːs] 草坪gym [dʒɪm] 体育馆ago [ə'gəʊ] 以前cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] 骑自行车运动go cycling 去骑自行车ice-skate 滑冰badminton [ˈbædmɪntən] 羽毛球运动star [stɑː] 星easy ['iːzi] 容易的look up ['lʊkʌp] 查阅Internet ['ɪntəˌnet] 互联网different ['dɪfərənt] 不同的active ['æktɪv] 积极的;活跃的race [reɪs] 赛跑nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] 没有什么thought [θɔːt] 想(think)felt [felt] 感觉(feel)cheetah ['tʃiːtə] 猎豹trip [trɪp] 绊倒woke [wəʊk] 醒(wake)dream [driːm] 梦。

五年级上册单词默写模板姓名Unit 11.英国:2.澳大利亚:3.新西兰:4.喂:5.喂:6.我:7.是:8.我是:9.法国:10.德国:11.俄罗斯:12.哪里:13.是:14.你;你们:15.从:16.城市:17.道路:18.街道:19.什么:20.是:21.你的你们的:22.名字:23.什么是美国:26.加拿大 21.聪明的:2.安静的:3.漂亮的:4.她的:5.他的:6.眼睛:7.鼻子:8.头发:9.聪明的:10.可爱的:11.可爱的:12.活泼的:13.多大年龄:14.他:15.她:16.漂亮的:17.英俊的:18.那个:19.男人:20.女人:Unit 31.作家:2.歌手歌唱家:3.舞蹈演员:4.这;这个:5.家庭家族:6.父亲:7.母亲:8.爱:9.工人:10.演员:11.女演员:12.一个:13.一个:14.父母亲:15.警察:16.女警察:17.记者:18.谁:19.叔父:20.婶母:21.警察:22.男服务员:23.女服务员:24.裁缝:25.农民:Unit 41.电影院:2.银行:3.宾馆:4.工作:5.学习:6.中国中央电视台:7.医院:8.购物中心:9.在……里面:10.在……上面:11.在饭馆图书馆:16.(外)祖父:17.(外)祖母:18.司机:Unit 51.书包:2.活动手册:3.词典:4.放,放置:5.尺子:6.蜡笔:7.是的:8.鱼:9.母鸡:10.鹅:11.动物:12.奶牛:13.马:14.大象:15.不;不是的:16.不:17.不是:18.太阳帽:19.照相机:20.它:21.时间:22.谁的:23.雨伞:24.扇子;风扇: Unit 6 1.椰子:2.西柚:3.哈密瓜:4.水果:5.果汁:6.牛奶:7.水:8.西瓜:9.樱桃:10.草莓:11.杨桃:12.桃:13.食物:14.苗条:15.龙眼桂圆:16.荔枝:17.这些:18.那些:19.他们:20.谢谢:21.他们是:Unit 1我来自美国。

〔烧水、倒水用的〕 (深而圆的)锅
pan 平底锅
read r ea d
read r ea d
p ea s ea t ea m ea t
soft drink 软饮料 〔尤指汽水〕 不带酒精的饮料
hard drink 酒类饮料
kick —— k i ck
kick ——kicking k i ck
He’s kicking a ball.
__ick stick 枝条 pick 捡 trick 恶作剧
fly —— fly
fly ——flying fly He's flying a kite.
选词填空: flying reading drinking kicking
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2017年10月21日 至2018年6月24日
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三年级~五年级学过的国家英语—CHINA、Chinese、Chinese,Beijing2.美国—USA, American, English, Washionton3.英国—the United Kingdom, Englishman, English, London 4.日本—Japan,Japanese, Japanese, Tokyo5.意大利—Italy, Italian,Italian, Rome6.法国—France, Frenchman, French, Paris7.西班牙—Spain,Spaniard,Spanish, Madrid8.葡萄牙—Portugal,Portuguese,Portuguese,Lisbon9.德国—Germany,German, German, Berlin10.丹麦—Denmark,Denmark, Danish,Copenhagen11.荷兰—the Netherlands,Dutch, Dutch, Amsterdam12.澳大利亚—Australia,Australian,English, Canberra13.新西兰—New Zealand,New Zealanders,English,Wellington14.泰国—Thailand,Thailands, Thai,Bangkok15.印度—India,Indians, Hindi,New Delhi16.韩国—South Korea,Koreans, Korean,Seoul17.马来西亚—Malaysia,Malaysian, Malay,Kuala Lumpur18.菲律宾—the Philippines,The Philippines, Filipino,Manila 19.印度尼西亚—Indonesia,Indonesia, Indonesian,Jakarta—Singapore,Singapores, Singapore language(新加坡官方语言也是英语,很多人说中文),Singapore City21.毛里求斯 Mauritius Port Louis(路易港)22.尼日利亚 Nigeria Abuja(阿布贾)23.摩洛哥 Morocco Rabat(拉巴特)24.塞拉利昂 Sierra leone Freetown(弗里敦)25.马里 Mali Bamako(巴马科)26.阿尔吉利亚 Algeria Algiers27.厄立特里亚 Eritrea Asmara(阿斯马拉)28.几内亚 Guinea Conakry(科纳克里)29.刚果(金) Democratic republic of congo Kinshasa(金沙萨)30.马拉维 Malawi31.马绍尔群岛 Marshall lslands32.密克罗尼西亚联邦 Micronesia Palikir(帕利基尔)33.新西兰 New Zealand Wellington(惠灵顿)34.萨摩亚 Samoa Apia(阿皮亚)35.图瓦卢 Tuvalu36.汤加Tonga lslands Nuku’a lofa(努库阿洛法)37.所罗门群岛 Solomon38.斐济群岛 Republic of the fiji lslands Suva(苏瓦)39.瑙鲁 Nauru 不设首都40.澳大利亚 Australia Canberra(堪培拉)41.库克群岛 Cook lslands Avarua(阿瓦鲁阿)42.基里巴斯 Kiribati43.瓦努阿图 Vanuatu Port Vila(维拉港)44.帕劳 Palau45.巴布亚新几内亚 Papua new guinea Port Moresby(莫尔斯比港)。

PRACTICE 2Vocabulary (20 marks)Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in thebrackets provided. (20*1=20 marks)( ) 1. Put on your __________. The sun is shiningbrightly.A. capB. hatC. umbrellaD. helmet( ) 2. The puppy is hiding in its ____________.A. burrowB. kennelC. hutchD. hut()3. The ___________ of thunder frightened the children.A. rumblingB. cryingC. shoutingD. screaming()4. Don't __________ your teacher as she is busy.A. disturbB. attractC. helpD. assist( ) 5. Donald took a __________ to school.A. busB. lorryC. truckD. train()6. She was really __________ to have survived the crash.A. sillyB. luckyC. foolishD. silly()7. This pen is too __________. I cannot afford it.A. cheapB. expensiveC. tinyD. huge( ) 8. The elephant has two white ____________.A. trunksB. tusksC. sticksD. wands( ) 9. Some people believe in the existence of flying___________.A. saucersB. platesC. bowlsD. trays( ) 10. Lily enjoys ___________.A. papersB. beadsC. cardsD. chess( ) 11. It is dangerous to cycle on a _________ road.A. quietB. busyC. vacantD. big( ) 12. Stop building __________ in the air, Shela!A. bungalowsB. flatsC. castlesD. squatters( ) 13. Father bought me a ___________ that speaksMandarin.A. sparrowB. nestlingC. parrotD. swallow( ) 14. Pauline struts like a ___________.A. pigletB. leopardC. monkeyD. peacock( ) 15. Larry won a __________ in the swimming meet.A. cupB. trophyC. kettleD. bottle( ) 16. The sky is getting __________. It may rain soon.A. fairB. darkC. clearD. foggy( ) 17. The rabbits __________ in the ground.A. burrowB. driftC. swimD. pull( ) 18. Water becomes ice when __________.A. frozenB. meltedC. boiledD. hot( ) 19. The snake __________ to the music of the flute.A. changedB. leapedC. ranD. swayed( ) 20. A/An _________ measures the temperature of objects.A. ovenB. flaskC. thermometerD. tropicalGrammar(30 marks)Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)21.Minah has ( order, orders, ordered ) a plate of noodles.22.The handbag was ( find, finds, found ) under the table.23.'Wayangs' are operas ( perform, performs, performed ) on stage in open fields.24.The cat ( catch, catches, caught ) the rat which ran too slowly.25.Bees ( live, lives, living ) together in colonies.26.The birds ( on, at, into ) the branches are chirping merrily.27.This is Kaiming's first ( offend, offended, offence ).28.Rodney has ( drink, drank, druck ) all the milk in the bottle.29.Veloo has a large collection ( on, of, in ) stamps.30.Mother was ( please, pleases, pleased ) with Deliang's progress.31.I need ( any, many, some ) thread to make a doll.32.He has ( improve, improves, improved ) in his English over thepast months.33.It ( pained, pain, paining ) Charles to see Ken suffering.34.( Why, How, What ) is Justin grinning?Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end eachsentence with a full-stop. (8*2 = marks)35. enjoyed show The children the watching interesting___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________36. have one the You can pen blue either the or red______________________________________________________________________37. her looks in Rant lovely gown new____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________38. is at Kelly jokes laughing Jasmine's____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________39. are their parents gate The boys meeting at the school____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________40. is bird a the graceful swan____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________41. the too are hands big my gloves for____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________42. whistles is he Tom happy when______________________________________________________________________Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.closer enjoyedferociousgrowlgetpanicssurewaitingbeautifullyuncomfortable Catherine is standing outside a (43) __________ decorated house. She is(44)__________ for the owner to (45) __________ the keys. She feels (46)__________ with only a gate separating her from the (47) _________ dog. She has (48) ________ asking people for donations for the aged. She is not so (49)_________ now. The dog is moving (50) __________ to the unlocked gate. He gives a fierce (51) _________. Catherine (52)___________ and takes to her heels.Comprehension MCQ (10 marks)Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and writeits number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.Last Sunday, Lindy and her family went to the East Coast Park. They went there early in the morning as Mr Lim wanted to have a morning jog. The family jogged for one hour before they proceeded to do their favourite activity.They liked to cycle and enjoyed the breeze. While they cycled, they chatted and admired the beautiful scenery. After that, Lindy pestered her parents to skate with her. Eventually, Mr and Mrs Lim agreed reluctantly. They did not like that activity as they felt they were too old for it. They skated for an hour and felt tired and hungry. As they had not eaten pizza for a long time, they had their meal at the nearby pizza restaurant.( ) 53. Lindy and her family went to the East Coast Park early in the morning as ___________.A. it was a SundayB. it was less crowded in the early morningC. Mr Lim wanted to have a jogD. Lindy wanted to roller-blade()54. ___________ is their favourite activity.A. JoggingB. CyclingC. EatingD. Skating()55. Mr and Mrs Lim are ___________.A. friendsB. neighboursC. Lindy's grandparentsD. Lindy's parents()56. Lindy's parents did not like to skate because ___________.A. they did not know how to do itB. it was not funC. they thought the sport was not for people their ageD. it was a tiring sport()57. They had lunch at the pizza resturant because ___________.A. they were hungryB. they were tiredC. it was lunch timeD. they had not eaten pizza for a long timeComprehension OE (10 marks)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.Hai Raya Puasa is a Muslim festival. It is celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. During the fasting period, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. They break their fast daily by praying in the evening. The Muslims will buy various kinds of goodies for the children a weekfor feasting together with their Muslim friends and relatives. This shows clearly their working spirit ('gotong royong').Their specialties such as 'satay' and 'ketupat' are very popular among non-Muslims too. The Muslims attend mosque services in their new clothes on Hari Raya. Visting relatives and friends is another customary practive. The Muslims also invite their friends of other races to their homes where many delicacies are served on this special occasion.58. What is the purpose of Hari Raya Puasa?___________________________________________________________ ____________59.How do the Muslims break their fast every day?___________________________________________________________ ____________60. What do Muslims do a week or two before the festival?___________________________________________________________ ____________61.What is the meaning of 'gotong royong'?___________________________________________________________ ____________62.Give another customary practice besides visitations on the day ofHari Raya.___________________________________________________________ ____________Guided Writing(20 marks)Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the wordsand phrases in the box.Mother's Daylovely cards bakery movie treat pocket money favourite cake pleased___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________ANSWERSPrimary 2 EnglishPractice 21.A 5.A 9.A 13.C 17.A2.B 6.B 10.D 14.D 18.A3.A 7.B 11.B 15.B 19.D4.A 8.B 12.C 16.B 20.C21.ordered 28.drunk 22.found29.of23.performed30.pleased24.caught31.some25.live32.improve26.on33.pained27.offence34.Why35.The children enjoyed watching the interesting show.36.You can have either the blue pen or the red one.37.Rani looks lovely in her new gown.38.Kelly is laughing at Jasmine's jokes.39.The boys are meeting their parents at the school gate.40.The swan is a graceful bird.41.The gloves are too big for my hands.42.Tom whistles when he is happy.43. beautifully 48. enjoyed 44. waiting49. sure45. get50. closer46. uncomfortable51. growl47. ferocious52. panics53. C54. B55. D56. C57. D58.Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated to mark the end of the month of fasting.59.They break their fast daily by praying in the evening.60.They buy different types of goodies for the children.61.It means the spirit of working together.62.The Muslims attend mosque services in their new clothes.。

green pepper[ɡri:n 'pepə ][园艺]青椒
kiwifruit['ki:wi:fru:t ]n.奇异果,猕猴桃
one[wʌn]pron.一(个,只. .
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Unit 1cat monkey duck dog panda bear pig rabbit bird mouseUnit 2bag book pen pencil glue scissors eraser sharpener rulerpencil-boxUnit 3nose eye face mouth head ear neck arm hand leg knee footUnit 4doll ball kite balloon car bus bike taxi train ship plane boatUnit 5red blue green yellow purple brown white black pink orange greyUnit 6hamburger hot dog Coke cake egg orange pear apple banana milk juice water noodles rice chicken三年级下册英语单词Unit 1school classroom storybook water bottle marker crayonChinese book English book desk chairUnit 2one two three six seven eight nine ten four five eleven twelveUnit 3father(dad) mother(mum) brother sister daughter son grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma) uncle auntUnit 4mango bread candy doughnut coffee fruit grapes honey ice cream jamUnit 5kangaroo lion mosquito nest owl parrot quail rooster elephant tigerUnit 6skirt T-shirt uniform vest watch box yacht zip zebra coat sweaterUnit 1China America England Singapore Canadafriends boy girl student driverteacher farmer doctor nurse postmanUnit 2class grade one two three four thirteen fourteen five six fifteen sixteen seven eight seventeen eighteen nine ten nineteen twentyUnit 3pineapple lemon apple pear watermelon kiwifruit orange banana potato tomato carrot cucumber eggplant green pepperUnit 4fine nice kite warm cool panda hot cold water sunny cloudy windy skirt rainy snowy shirtUnit 5cap hat T-shirt dress blouse jacket raincoatsweater jeans trousers vest socks shoesUnit 6big small long tall short fat thin new happy四年级下册英语单词Unit 1home bed bedroom computer desk chair living room armchair sofa TV ball balloon kitchen table sandwich cake hamburger floor mug cup wall window picture clockUnit 2get up brush(your)teeth wash(your)face have(your)breakfast egg milk maths class Chinese English lunch French fries pizza hot dog Coke dinner p ork beef rice chicken put away watch TV go to bed pen pencilUnit 3twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-fivetwenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine eleven twelve thirty forty fifty student teacher music art PE class maths subject science listen do speak sing play actUnit 4week day Sunday today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday sports Friday Saturday weekend park theme parkUnit 5picnic sausage chocolate bread juice drawing painting singing reading dancing jogging exercising swimming roller skating skateboarding skating notebook exercise book shopping ruler pencil-boxUnit 6zoo the Great Wall park giraffe goose geese swan duck peacock craneturkey neck leg teacups merry-go-round roller coaster bumper car car bike cable car coach fruit water五年级上册英语单词Unit 1Britain Australia New Zealand friend I am I’m=I am road street what is what’s=what is your my name my name’s=my name is grade you in clever quiet pretty her his eye nose mouthUnit 2smart active shy funny how old are he she he’s=he is she’s=she is Japan France Germany where from China piano book we like shopping paintingUnit 3tailor taxi driver writer actress actor this father mother brother sister singer dancer dentist dad mumdoctor nurse a fireman policewoman waitress waiterwho who’s=who is farmer policemanUnit 4bus conductor reporter vet bus driver son daughterhotel hospital bank hi hello they grandfather grandmothersend letter newspaper interview people grow wheat vegetable teach love help kind beautifulUnit 5it schoolbag activity book dictionary eraser sharpener yesno not isn’t=is not seal whal e hippo dolphin that cat dog bear umbrella mirror belt mop coat jacket jeans shoesUnit 6camera video camera sun visor scarf TV box watchpicture knife fork spoon plate pudding soup cupmug pizza ice cream these puppet drum candleface paint paper chain doll五年级下册英语单词Unit 1a horse foal cow calf monkey goat kid sheep lamb rabbit bird cub joey lion tiger elephant mouseUnit 2hen chick duckling geese gosling rooster those kittenpuppy piglet the baby pig jump through ring rideclimb ladder animal can want walk runUnit 3school classroom library borrow make thing welcome to our experiment listening observe speaking have week please great club violin listen draw paint sing dance manyUnit 4there corner project work study plant printing on paper speak read write football basketball volleyballhockey rugby exercise any game for boy girl friend trip trip forest social work tree flower lesson very interestingUnit 5comb toothbrush toothpaste soap towel sure here buy tape CD VCD walkman fifty-five sixty radio seventy recorder eighty shorts swimming trunks sandals sports shoes much how much ninety hundredUnit6fever stomachache headache toothache cough problem concert ill bad cold thank elbow hurt open lower head move face ear arm hand foot get-well card grapefruit cherry strawberry some grape六年级上Unit1:Carefully ask question actively don’t = do not make noise eatShould shouldn’t=should not go early mess make a mess room keep clean set home go home too late look look out mustWait respect and them good take good care of young children keep off grass mustn’t = must not cross now spit ground litterUnit2go to school at morning in the morning AM=in the morningPM=in the afternoon get up get home cinema go to the cinemaGo out evening in the evening stay up late usually officeBegin meet other scientist always meal often sometimes seldom never afternoon in the afternoonUnit3Hobby collect toy stamp paper card tale tennis football basketball grandpa enjoy farming fishing tool flower raising I’ll = I will first then get paint house cut yellow green blue redUnit4Will come party October second third fourth fifth sixthSeventh eighth ninth tenth birthday jelly biscuit would shape triangle square round rectangle get chocolate wouldI’d= I would a cup of tea glass a glass of a piece of wishBlow blow outUnit5January month year February March April May June JulyAugust September November DecemberUnit6Spring season seed land fly fly kites go camping hotSummer rainy beach look for shell sandcastle feed snow sweep play with snow pick snowman autumn winter六年级下册英语单词Unit 1was holiday wonderful were during exciting fantastic yesterday last shop bookshop bookstore about museumat home born when age date birth time place grandmaUnit 2about tell ago fast live million slowly meat learn talk man Peking Man cave use clothes fur stone kill fire cook wall on Tree Planting Day sunny Mother’s Day plant dig hole waterUnit 3near in front of building restaurant between post office hairdresser next to supermarket across right left straight along turn bank hotel nice excuse me city library take shopping centre food stall on foot subway by busUnit 4ship train we’re=we are vis it the Great Wall the Ming Tombs palace the Summer Palace the Forbidden City Peking Opera London map world Big Ben Tower Bridge TorontoCN Tower Niagara Falls Sydney Sydney Opera House DisneylandUnit 5waste too cut down energy clear hunt river lake more dirty save cotton turn off light wild rubbish leave throw plastic everywhere clean paper keep try protect platypus African koala gorilla fastUint 6a lot textbook radio programme around reference us me internet study toy photo take photos famous be together pair group an each other polite。