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The approach that is taken is often determined by discipinary preference and the type of thesis that is being written.
A discussion with your supervisor will assist you in arriving at the option best suited to the research you are reporting.
The advantages of haing a combined chapter : ?it can avoid restating the results when you discuss them. ?it is much easier for the reader to follow the development of the thesis.
Frequently Asked Questions
2Biblioteka Baidu
In this chapter,we will be considering the discussion of results as a separate chapter from the presentation of results and conclusion chapters.
The approach taken in this chapter can be easily adapted to the choice you make.
If you decide to combine your presentation of results with your discussion of those results,you will most likely devide your results into meaningful sections (e.g. according to research questions/hypotheses,thematic or methodological foci) and present your discussion of each section of results immediately after each section or part section of results that has been presented.The same approach would apply if you decided to combine your discussion of results and your conclusion.
The essential difference between reporting a result and discussing the result is that the former is fact-driven while the latter is opiniondriven.However,your opinions are not whatever you have thought about but they should be based on either existing theories or previous studies or common sense.Therefore,in discussion,references are indispensable.
The chapter will again conclude with a discussion of some key lingustic features of discussion chapters,some answers to frequently asked questons,further activities and suggestions for further reading.
Some theses combine their presentation and discussion of results or findings in a single chapter.In contrast,some theses combine the discussion of results and conclusion in one chapter.
Chapter 7 Discussion of Results
Introduction The Functions of a Thesis Discussion of Results Sample Analysis of a Masters Thesis Discussion of Results
What is meant by discussing a result? When you discuss a result,you should go beyond the result and express your own opinions about the result,i.e.your personal speculation on the reasons for a result,your judgement on its significance,implications,and the possible direction for future research,etc.
Considering now the discussion of results as a single chapter,we begin with a consideraton of the purpose and functions of the chapter before looking at a range of move and sub-move options that might be considered.